nikitast's picture
Add multilingual to the language tag (#1)
- ru
- uk
- be
- kk
- az
- hy
- ka
- he
- en
- de
- multilingual
- language classification
- open_subtitles
- tatoeba
- oscar
# RoBERTa for Single Language Classification
## Training
RoBERTa fine-tuned on small parts of Open Subtitles, Oscar and Tatoeba datasets (~9k samples per language).
| data source | language |
| open_subtitles | ka, he, en, de |
| oscar | be, kk, az, hu |
| tatoeba | ru, uk |
## Validation
The metrics obtained from validation on the another part of dataset (~1k samples per language).
|11|weighted avg|0\.99|0\.99|0\.99|10000|