mrm8488's picture
license: mit
  - multilingual
  - generated_from_trainer
  - xnli
  - xglue
  - accuracy
  - name: xlm-v-base-finetuned-xglue-xnli
      - task:
          name: Text Classification
          type: text-classification
          name: xglue
          type: xglue
          config: xnli
          split: >-
          args: xnli
          - name: Accuracy
            type: accuracy
            value: 0.7402677376171352

XLM-V (base) fine-tuned on XNLI

This model is a fine-tuned version of XLM-V (base) on the XNLI (XGLUE) dataset. It achieves the following results on the evaluation set:

  • Loss: 0.6511
  • Accuracy: 0.7403

Model description

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Intended uses & limitations

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Training and evaluation data

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Training procedure

Training hyperparameters

The following hyperparameters were used during training:

  • learning_rate: 2e-05
  • train_batch_size: 32
  • eval_batch_size: 32
  • seed: 42
  • optimizer: Adam with betas=(0.9,0.999) and epsilon=1e-08
  • lr_scheduler_type: linear
  • num_epochs: 2
  • mixed_precision_training: Native AMP

Training results

Training Loss Epoch Step Validation Loss Accuracy
1.0994 0.08 1000 1.0966 0.3697
1.0221 0.16 2000 1.0765 0.4560
0.8437 0.24 3000 0.8472 0.6179
0.6997 0.33 4000 0.7650 0.6804
0.6304 0.41 5000 0.7227 0.7007
0.5972 0.49 6000 0.7430 0.6977
0.5886 0.57 7000 0.7365 0.7066
0.5585 0.65 8000 0.6819 0.7223
0.5464 0.73 9000 0.7222 0.7046
0.5289 0.81 10000 0.7290 0.7054
0.5298 0.9 11000 0.6824 0.7221
0.5241 0.98 12000 0.6650 0.7268
0.4806 1.06 13000 0.6861 0.7308
0.4715 1.14 14000 0.6619 0.7304
0.4645 1.22 15000 0.6656 0.7284
0.4443 1.3 16000 0.7026 0.7270
0.4582 1.39 17000 0.7055 0.7225
0.4456 1.47 18000 0.6592 0.7361
0.44 1.55 19000 0.6816 0.7329
0.4419 1.63 20000 0.6772 0.7357
0.4403 1.71 21000 0.6745 0.7319
0.4348 1.79 22000 0.6678 0.7338
0.4355 1.87 23000 0.6614 0.7365
0.4295 1.96 24000 0.6511 0.7403

Framework versions

  • Transformers 4.26.0
  • Pytorch 1.13.1+cu116
  • Datasets 2.9.0
  • Tokenizers 0.13.2