TinyLLama-v0-5M-F16-llamafile / llamafile-creation.sh
mofosyne's picture
test new proposed outfile naming convention changes to llama.cpp conversion script
# Pull both model folder, llamafile (for the engine) and llama.cpp (for the conversion script)
echo == Prep Enviroment ==
git submodule update --init
echo == Build and prep the llamafile engine execuable ==
pushd llamafile
make -j8
# This is where each executables is located for reference purpose for now as of 2024-04-05
# and was determined by running `sudo make install PREFIX=/usr/local`
# ./o/llamafile/zipalign --> /usr/local/bin/zipalign
# ./o/llama.cpp/main/main --> /usr/local/bin/llamafile
# ./o/llama.cpp/imatrix/imatrix --> /usr/local/bin/llamafile-imatrix
# ./o/llama.cpp/quantize/quantize --> /usr/local/bin/llamafile-quantize
# ./build/llamafile-convert --> /usr/local/bin/llamafile-convert
# ./o/llama.cpp/perplexity/perplexity --> /usr/local/bin/llamafile-perplexity
# ./o/llama.cpp/llava/llava-quantize --> /usr/local/bin/llava-quantize
echo == What is our llamafile name going to be? ==
OUTFILE=$(./llama.cpp/convert-hf-to-gguf.py ${MODEL_DIR} --metadata ${METADATA_FILE} --outtype f16 --get-outfile)
echo We will be aiming to generate $OUTFILE.llamafile
echo == Convert from safetensor to gguf ==
./llama.cpp/convert-hf-to-gguf.py ${MODEL_DIR} --metadata ${METADATA_FILE} --outtype f16 --verbose
mv ${MODEL_DIR}/${OUTFILE}.gguf ${OUTFILE}.gguf
echo == Generating Llamafile ==
cp ./llamafile/o/llama.cpp/main/main ${OUTFILE}.llamafile
# Create an .args file with settings defaults
cat >.args <<EOF
# zip align engine, gguf and default args
./llamafile/o/llamafile/zipalign -j0 ${OUTFILE}.llamafile ${OUTFILE}.gguf .args
echo == Test Output ==
./${OUTFILE}.llamafile --cli -p "hello world the gruff man said"