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.\" generated with Ronn-NG/v0.9.1
.TH "GIT\-LFS\-TRACK" "1" "May 2022" ""
\fBgit\-lfs\-track\fR \- View or add Git LFS paths to Git attributes
\fBgit lfs track\fR [options] [\fIpattern\fR\|\.\|\.\|\.]
Start tracking the given patterns(s) through Git LFS\. The \fIpattern\fR argument is written to \.gitattributes\. If no paths are provided, simply list the currently\-tracked paths\.
The gitattributes documentation \fIhttps://git\-scm\.com/docs/gitattributes\fR states that patterns use the gitignore pattern rules \fIhttps://git\-scm\.com/docs/gitignore\fR to match paths\. This means that patterns which contain asterisk (\fB*\fR), question mark (\fB?\fR), and the bracket characters (\fB[\fR and \fB]\fR) are treated specially; to disable this behavior and treat them literally instead, use \fB\-\-filename\fR or escape the character with a backslash\.
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\fB\-\-verbose\fR \fB\-v\fR: If enabled, have \fBgit lfs track\fR log files which it will touch\. Disabled by default\.
.IP "\[ci]" 4
\fB\-\-dry\-run\fR \fB\-d\fR: If enabled, have \fBgit lfs track\fR log all actions it would normally take (adding entries to \.gitattributes, touching files on disk, etc) without performing any mutative operations to the disk\.
\fBgit lfs track \-\-dry\-run [files]\fR also implicitly mocks the behavior of passing the \fB\-\-verbose\fR, and will log in greater detail what it is doing\.
Disabled by default\.
.IP "\[ci]" 4
\fB\-\-filename\fR Treat the arguments as literal filenames, not as patterns\. Any special glob characters in the filename will be escaped when writing the \fB\.gitattributes\fR file\.
.IP "\[ci]" 4
\fB\-\-lockable\fR \fB\-l\fR Make the paths \'lockable\', meaning they should be locked to edit them, and will be made read\-only in the working copy when not locked\.
.IP "\[ci]" 4
\fB\-\-not\-lockable\fR Remove the lockable flag from the paths so they are no longer read\-only unless locked\.
.IP "\[ci]" 4
\fB\-\-no\-excluded\fR Do not list patterns that are excluded in the output; only list patterns that are tracked\.
.IP "\[ci]" 4
\fB\-\-no\-modify\-attrs\fR Makes matched entries stat\-dirty so that Git can re\-index files you wish to convert to LFS\. Does not modify any \fB\.gitattributes\fR file(s)\.
.IP "" 0
List the patterns that Git LFS is currently tracking:
Configure Git LFS to track GIF files:
Configure Git LFS to track PSD files and make them read\-only unless locked:
Configure Git LFS to track the file named \fBproject [1]\.psd\fR:
git\-lfs\-untrack(1), git\-lfs\-install(1), gitattributes(5), gitignore(5)\.
Part of the git\-lfs(1) suite\.