luodian's picture
license: mit

1S-Lab, Nanyang Technological University  2Microsoft Research, Redmond

This weight is for initilizing training for Otter-MPT1B.

It's directly converted from openflamingo/OpenFlamingo-3B-vitl-mpt1b-langinstruct.

You can load and try this model using

model = OtterForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained("luodian/OTTER-MPT7B-Init", device_map="sequential")
model.text_tokenizer.padding_side = "left"
tokenizer = model.text_tokenizer
image_processor = transformers.CLIPImageProcessor()

You can also start training Otter via the commands

python -m accelerate.commands.launch --config_file=./pipeline/accelerate_configs/accelerate_config_fsdp.yaml \
pipeline/train/ \
--pretrained_model_name_or_path=luodian/OTTER-MPT1B-RPJama-Init \
--mimicit_path=/data/azure_storage/otter/mimicit/xx/xx_instructions.json \
--images_path=/data/azure_storage/otter/mimicit/xx/xx.json \
--batch_size=4 --num_epochs=1 --report_to_wandb \
--wandb_entity=ntu-slab \
--external_save_dir=/data/bli/checkpoints \
--save_hf_model \
--run_name=OTTER-MPT1B \
--wandb_project=OTTER-MPT1B \
--workers=4 \
--lr_scheduler=cosine \
--learning_rate=1e-5 \

If you wish to init a video instruction tuning, you should add

"max_num_frames": 128

to config.json inside the folder.

Leave us a message if you have any error or question. You can follow Otter code (see training section) to further tune your model on top of it.