Agents Course documentation
Small Quiz (ungraded)
Small Quiz (ungraded)
It’s time to test your understanding of the Code Agents, Tool Calling Agents, and Tools sections. This quiz is optional and not graded.
Q1: What is the key difference between creating a tool with the @tool decorator versus creating a subclass of Tool in smolagents?
Which statement best describes the distinction between these two approaches for defining tools?
Q2: How does a CodeAgent handle multi-step tasks using the ReAct (Reason + Act) approach?
Which statement correctly describes how the CodeAgent executes a series of steps to solve a task?
Q3: Which of the following is a primary advantage of sharing a tool on the Hugging Face Hub?
Select the best reason why a developer might upload and share their custom tool.
Q4: ToolCallingAgent differs from CodeAgent in how it executes actions. Which statement is correct?
Choose the option that accurately describes how ToolCallingAgent works.
Q5: What is included in the smolagents default toolbox, and why might you use it?
Which statement best captures the purpose and contents of the default toolbox in smolagents?
Congratulations on completing this quiz! 🎉 If any questions gave you trouble, revisit the Code Agents, Tool Calling Agents, or Tools sections to strengthen your understanding. If you aced it, you’re well on your way to building robust smolagents applications!
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