mbart-ht2a-c /
Marian Krotil
- cs
- cs
- abstractive summarization
- mbart-cc25
- Czech
license: apache-2.0
- private CNC dataset news-based
- rouge
- rougeraw
# mBART fine-tuned model for Czech abstractive summarization (HT2A-C)
This model is a fine-tuned checkpoint of [facebook/mbart-large-cc25]( on the Czech news dataset to produce Czech abstractive summaries.
## Task
The model deals with the task ``Headline + Text to Abstract`` (HT2A) which consists in generating a multi-sentence summary considered as an abstract from a Czech news text.
## Dataset
The model has been trained on the private CNC dataset provided by Czech News Center. The dataset includes 3/4M Czech news-based documents consisting of a Headline, Abstract, and Full-text sections. Truncation and padding were set to 512 tokens for the encoder and 128 for the decoder.
## Training
The model has been trained on 1x NVIDIA Tesla A100 40GB for 60 hours. During training, the model has seen 3712K documents corresponding to roughly 5.5 epochs.
# Use
Assuming you are using the provided Summarizer.ipynb file.
def summ_config():
cfg = OrderedDict([
# summarization model - checkpoint from website
("model_name", "krotima1/mbart-ht2a-c"),
("inference_cfg", OrderedDict([
("num_beams", 4),
("top_k", 40),
("top_p", 0.92),
("do_sample", True),
("temperature", 0.89),
("repetition_penalty", 1.2),
("no_repeat_ngram_size", None),
("early_stopping", True),
("max_length", 128),
("min_length", 10),
#texts to summarize
"Input your Czech text",
return cfg
cfg = summ_config()
#load model
model = AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM.from_pretrained(cfg["model_name"])
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(cfg["model_name"])
# init summarizer
summarize = Summarizer(model, tokenizer, cfg["inference_cfg"])