ilos-vigil's picture
Add evaluation results on the indonli config and test_expert split of indonli (#1)
language: id
license: mit
- indonli
- MoritzLaurer/multilingual-NLI-26lang-2mil7
pipeline_tag: zero-shot-classification
- text: Saya suka makan kentang goreng.
candidate_labels: positif, netral, negatif
hypothesis_template: Kalimat ini mengandung tema {}.
multi_class: false
example_title: Sentiment
- text: Apple umumkan harga iPhone 14.
candidate_labels: teknologi, olahraga, kuliner, bisnis
hypothesis_template: Kalimat ini mengandung tema {}.
multi_class: true
example_title: News
- name: ilos-vigil/bigbird-small-indonesian-nli
- task:
type: natural-language-inference
name: Natural Language Inference
name: indonli
type: indonli
config: indonli
split: test_expert
- type: accuracy
value: 0.5385388739946381
name: Accuracy
verified: true
verifyToken: eyJhbGciOiJFZERTQSIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJoYXNoIjoiNWRhZDkxNmI2NzE3MzRlYmNlMWFjZDVmNWUwYmMwN2IxYzNjMWE4YzY4NWI3NDZkYTMzY2NjN2MyZGQ5YzEwZSIsInZlcnNpb24iOjF9.AgizskHeXOzs0v93DNojNoqR_-1bQsYBokL8jcfelFm-zt-r5YXt89WXBDLLg4oKv-Roj8sLhUwe7ei0Mf1-Ag
- type: f1
value: 0.530444188199697
name: F1 Macro
verified: true
- type: f1
value: 0.5385388739946381
name: F1 Micro
verified: true
verifyToken: eyJhbGciOiJFZERTQSIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJoYXNoIjoiM2MxMGUyZmJhZTYzN2M4NDlkMTZmMzllOGVhMjRiODhkMGVkMGMxMjY2NDBkZWM3ZWY2ZjhmZTNmYWU5ZjEzMyIsInZlcnNpb24iOjF9.f0HQlPRx4VFnOOHsrvMKFni8g1B1OJfheOyADsf47GnrvCcW_dakDgBy5c_yy4TehQYRa6ToYGHnuQnemvhnBg
- type: f1
value: 0.5299257731385174
name: F1 Weighted
verified: true
verifyToken: eyJhbGciOiJFZERTQSIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJoYXNoIjoiNTgzZjJkZWU0NDgyMGU5MDFmNzk2OWY1OWY4MzA2NTE3MDAxN2Y2MWExODJkYjdlN2I1YzgzYjljNjdkMTc1YiIsInZlcnNpb24iOjF9.lWB7MZlAiDjskKM-lx-XtLxTQYuWLz3QjyseDuZe_AxtyOKt2GZkP2NDOZxEWketHjRiTCQfBUvSfzFId-FCAg
- type: precision
value: 0.5592571894118881
name: Precision Macro
verified: true
verifyToken: eyJhbGciOiJFZERTQSIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJoYXNoIjoiZDQxYTFlNTNjNDAwMWIxYmJlMzRkN2U5OWY1NWNjN2YyYTE2NzRjNjM3ZWNhMzM4NjFhYWM4MzJkYjY3MzU0YSIsInZlcnNpb24iOjF9.6OI4_M1wLX1Z1BztKUfZ-382F3coCeJjarsWc-J04TKpsFCddLjuF5ZDuBFmokpz4goRgx-FlH-5jCAsFkzkBg
- type: precision
value: 0.5385388739946381
name: Precision Micro
verified: true
verifyToken: eyJhbGciOiJFZERTQSIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJoYXNoIjoiNzRmY2I4YTAzMTRkMjFjNTE1NTEwZDlmZGQ4NDUyYTAxY2JhOTliMDRhNWY3OGY4OWRlNTlkNzcxODc0MDMwYyIsInZlcnNpb24iOjF9.X7ekS-JYOXH5eNmSfKQ_no1rNAbuQ3C0pNYvorPVfcna6RU8n6O6FNQor0AWvatAWdefJG6H3J7_GoC6M5zECw
- type: precision
value: 0.5586108016541553
name: Precision Weighted
verified: true
verifyToken: eyJhbGciOiJFZERTQSIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJoYXNoIjoiMjUwNjMxYjEwMTEzNzAwNzQwZDQwMTRmZDM2ZDk0ZDc3YTUxOTQzNDE5ZWI2NWI4MmJmODAxYTlmN2E0Nzk2MCIsInZlcnNpb24iOjF9.nAO1wRFHMtm5kem9VhuuRg54fpvA2uzwEutjzsnZoyemUHbI2U_1TK_dDmR4bmpPjVnCZt5sF-jEq4oZIaIbDQ
- type: recall
value: 0.5385813032215204
name: Recall Macro
verified: true
- type: recall
value: 0.5385388739946381
name: Recall Micro
verified: true
verifyToken: eyJhbGciOiJFZERTQSIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJoYXNoIjoiODZkMmNjZWY4ZDYyYjU3NjQ2ZGNhZjkyNTQyOTg2ZjNmNDgwNDYxYmU2ZDA5M2EwOWRlMjMyYmI4MGU3MGMxNCIsInZlcnNpb24iOjF9.BfMB4_MZ-SYj1YbTES8pqgKNQkNnevSOjAwUqdoL6wsNpsKKWxPHmq0Kt9XufxHoQoyTkGvPfxh-0jEe3B1nBg
- type: recall
value: 0.5385388739946381
name: Recall Weighted
verified: true
verifyToken: eyJhbGciOiJFZERTQSIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJoYXNoIjoiYmE3Yjg3OTVhMjdlMDk1YWFjMWIwNjMyZTA2Yzc3MjBlNjI1YWY5MzE0MjNkMDNiMmU5ZmIxYWExNmViYWE1NSIsInZlcnNpb24iOjF9.S9Bo-wq3wikFS-FqMQerxahu87PJyYx141G5PCWDtOs2wH1nf4texnJYWfHeVCJKZcKmS2RWn5XOjjJ9RoNJAA
- type: loss
value: 1.062397837638855
name: loss
verified: true
verifyToken: eyJhbGciOiJFZERTQSIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJoYXNoIjoiOTFmNDI0ZmQ2YmNlZjJlZTdmZTYwOGVkMjdjMjJkMDIzNzhlOWFiNWQzNjFiMmU5NTdiM2Y1YjYxMjU4ZjQ2ZSIsInZlcnNpb24iOjF9.15RsFRkFpbarlU1L8UyV0o0_5WCveO_mT9CdO0UYwvQsOVjScheJ8fOqHBAC-C-CMTlfFNsmMhNrU_np8c_ZCQ
# Indonesian small BigBird model NLI
## Source Code
Source code to create this model and perform benchmark is available at [](
## Model Description
This model is based on [bigbird-small-indonesian]( and was finetuned on 2 datasets. It is intended to be used for zero-shot text classification.
## How to use
> Inference for ZSC (Zero Shot Classification) task
>>> pipe = pipeline(
... task='zero-shot-classification',
... model='./tmp/checkpoint-28832'
... )
>>> pipe(
... sequences='Fakta nomor 7 akan membuat ada terkejut',
... candidate_labels=['clickbait', 'bukan clickbait'],
... hypothesis_template='Judul video ini {}.',
... multi_label=False
... )
'sequence': 'Fakta nomor 7 akan membuat ada terkejut',
'labels': ['clickbait', 'bukan clickbait'],
'scores': [0.6102734804153442, 0.38972654938697815]
>>> pipe(
... sequences='Samsung tuntut balik Apple dengan alasan hak paten teknologi.',
... candidate_labels=['teknologi', 'olahraga', 'bisnis', 'politik', 'kesehatan', 'kuliner'],
... hypothesis_template='Kategori berita ini adalah {}.',
... multi_label=True
... )
'sequence': 'Samsung tuntut balik Apple dengan alasan hak paten teknologi.',
'labels': ['politik', 'teknologi', 'kesehatan', 'bisnis', 'olahraga', 'kuliner'],
'scores': [0.7390161752700806, 0.6657379269599915, 0.4459509551525116, 0.38407933712005615, 0.3679264783859253, 0.14181996881961823]
> Inference for NLI (Natural Language Inference) task
>>> pipe = pipeline(
... task='text-classification',
... model='./tmp/checkpoint-28832',
... return_all_scores=True
... )
>>> pipe({
... 'text': 'Nasi adalah makanan pokok.', # Premise
... 'text_pair': 'Saya mau makan nasi goreng.' # Hypothesis
... })
{'label': 'entailment', 'score': 0.25495028495788574},
{'label': 'neutral', 'score': 0.40920916199684143},
{'label': 'contradiction', 'score': 0.33584052324295044}
>>> pipe({
... 'text': 'Python sering digunakan untuk web development dan AI research.',
... 'text_pair': 'AI research biasanya tidak menggunakan bahasa pemrograman Python.'
... })
{'label': 'entailment', 'score': 0.12508109211921692},
{'label': 'neutral', 'score': 0.22146646678447723},
{'label': 'contradiction', 'score': 0.653452455997467}
## Limitation and bias
This model inherit limitation/bias from it's parent model and 2 datasets used for fine-tuning. And just like most language model, this model is sensitive towards input change. Here's an example.
>>> from transformers import pipeline
>>> pipe = pipeline(
... task='zero-shot-classification',
... model='./tmp/checkpoint-28832'
... )
>>> text = 'Resep sate ayam enak dan mudah.'
>>> candidate_labels = ['kuliner', 'olahraga']
>>> pipe(
... sequences=text,
... candidate_labels=candidate_labels,
... hypothesis_template='Kategori judul artikel ini adalah {}.',
... multi_label=False
... )
'sequence': 'Resep sate ayam enak dan mudah.',
'labels': ['kuliner', 'olahraga'],
'scores': [0.7711364030838013, 0.22886358201503754]
>>> pipe(
... sequences=text,
... candidate_labels=candidate_labels,
... hypothesis_template='Kelas kalimat ini {}.',
... multi_label=False
... )
'sequence': 'Resep sate ayam enak dan mudah.',
'labels': ['kuliner', 'olahraga'],
'scores': [0.7043636441230774, 0.295636385679245]
>>> pipe(
... sequences=text,
... candidate_labels=candidate_labels,
... hypothesis_template='{}.',
... multi_label=False
... )
'sequence': 'Resep sate ayam enak dan mudah.',
'labels': ['kuliner', 'olahraga'],
'scores': [0.5986711382865906, 0.4013288915157318]
## Training, evaluation and testing data
This model was finetuned with [IndoNLI]( and [multilingual-NLI-26lang-2mil7]( Although `multilingual-NLI-26lang-2mil7` dataset is machine-translated, this dataset slightly improve result of NLI benchmark and extensively improve result of ZSC benchmark. Both evaluation and testing data is only based on IndoNLI dataset.
## Training Procedure
The model was finetuned on single RTX 3060 with 16 epoch/28832 steps with accumulated batch size 64. AdamW optimizer is used with LR 1e-4, weight decay 0.05, learning rate warmup for first 6% steps (1730 steps) and linear decay of the learning rate afterwards. Take note while model weight on epoch 9 has lowest loss/highest accuracy, it has slightly lower performance on ZSC benchmark. Additional information can be seen on Tensorboard training logs.
## Benchmark as NLI model
Both benchmark show result of 2 different model as additional comparison. Additional benchmark using IndoNLI dataset is available on it's paper [IndoNLI: A Natural Language Inference Dataset for Indonesian](
| Model | bigbird-small-indonesian-nli | xlm-roberta-large-xnli | mDeBERTa-v3-base-xnli-multilingual-nli-2mil7 |
| ------------------------------------------ | ---------------------------- | ---------------------- | -------------------------------------------- |
| Parameter | 30.6M | 559.9M | 278.8M |
| Multilingual | | V | V |
| Finetuned on IndoNLI | V | | V |
| Finetuned on multilingual-NLI-26lang-2mil7 | V | | |
| Test (Lay) | 0.6888 | 0.2226 | 0.8151 |
| Test (Expert) | 0.5734 | 0.3505 | 0.7775 |
## Benchmark as ZSC model
[Indonesian-Twitter-Emotion-Dataset]( is used to perform ZSC benchmark. This benchmark include 4 different parameter which affect performance of each model differently. Hypothesis template for this benchmark is `Kalimat ini mengekspresikan perasaan {}.` and `{}.`. Take note F1 score measurement only calculate label with highest probability.
| Model | Multi-label | Use template | F1 Score |
| -------------------------------------------- | ----------- | ------------ | ------------ |
| bigbird-small-indonesian-nli | V | V | 0.3574 |
| | V | | 0.3654 |
| | | V | 0.3985 |
| | | | _0.4160_ |
| xlm-roberta-large-xnli | V | V | _**0.6292**_ |
| | V | | 0.5596 |
| | | V | 0.5737 |
| | | | 0.5433 |
| mDeBERTa-v3-base-xnli-multilingual-nli-2mil7 | V | V | 0.5324 |
| | V | | _0.5499_ |
| | | V | 0.5269 |
| | | | 0.5228 |