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4bdda11 verified
license: apache-2.0
- ifmain/text-moderation-410K
- en
- accuracy
pipeline_tag: text-classification
# ModerationBERT-ML-En
**ModerationBERT-ML-En** is a moderation model based on `bert-base-multilingual-cased`. This model is designed to perform text moderation tasks, specifically categorizing text into 18 different categories. It currently works only with English text.
[Check out the new version of the model! Even more accurate and better!](
## Dataset
The model was trained and fine-tuned using the [text-moderation-410K]( dataset. This dataset contains a wide variety of text samples labeled with different moderation categories.
## Model Description
ModerationBERT-ML-En uses the BERT architecture to classify text into the following categories:
- harassment
- harassment_threatening
- hate
- hate_threatening
- self_harm
- self_harm_instructions
- self_harm_intent
- sexual
- sexual_minors
- violence
- violence_graphic
- self-harm
- sexual/minors
- hate/threatening
- violence/graphic
- self-harm/intent
- self-harm/instructions
- harassment/threatening
## Training and Fine-Tuning
The model was trained using a 95% subset of the dataset for training and a 5% subset for evaluation. The training was performed in two stages:
1. **Initial Training**: The classifier layer was trained with frozen BERT layers.
2. **Fine-Tuning**: The top two layers of the BERT model were unfrozen and the entire model was fine-tuned.
## Installation
To use ModerationBERT-ML-En, you will need to install the `transformers` library from Hugging Face and `torch`.
pip install transformers torch
## Usage
Here is an example of how to use ModerationBERT-ML-En to predict the moderation categories for a given text:
import json
import torch
from transformers import BertTokenizer, BertForSequenceClassification
# Load the tokenizer and model
model_name = "ifmain/ModerationBERT-ML-En"
tokenizer = BertTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name)
model = BertForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(model_name, num_labels=18)
# Device configuration
device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu')
def predict(text, model, tokenizer):
encoding = tokenizer.encode_plus(
input_ids = encoding['input_ids'].to(device)
attention_mask = encoding['attention_mask'].to(device)
with torch.no_grad():
outputs = model(input_ids, attention_mask=attention_mask)
predictions = torch.sigmoid(outputs.logits) # Convert logits to probabilities
return predictions
# Example usage
new_text = "Fuck off stuped trash"
predictions = predict(new_text, model, tokenizer)
# Define the categories
categories = ['harassment', 'harassment_threatening', 'hate', 'hate_threatening',
'self_harm', 'self_harm_instructions', 'self_harm_intent', 'sexual',
'sexual_minors', 'violence', 'violence_graphic', 'self-harm',
'sexual/minors', 'hate/threatening', 'violence/graphic',
'self-harm/intent', 'self-harm/instructions', 'harassment/threatening']
# Convert predictions to a dictionary
category_scores = {categories[i]: predictions[0][i].item() for i in range(len(categories))}
output = {
"text": new_text,
"category_scores": category_scores
# Print the result as a JSON with indentation
print(json.dumps(output, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False))
"text": "Fuck off stuped trash",
"category_scores": {
"harassment": 0.9272650480270386,
"harassment_threatening": 0.0013139015063643456,
"hate": 0.011709265410900116,
"hate_threatening": 1.1083522622357123e-05,
"self_harm": 0.00039102151640690863,
"self_harm_instructions": 0.0002464024000801146,
"self_harm_intent": 0.00031603744719177485,
"sexual": 0.020730027928948402,
"sexual_minors": 0.00018848323088604957,
"violence": 0.008375612087547779,
"violence_graphic": 2.8763401132891886e-05,
"self-harm": 0.00043840022408403456,
"sexual/minors": 0.00018241720681544393,
"hate/threatening": 1.1130881830467843e-05,
"violence/graphic": 2.7211604901822284e-05,
"self-harm/intent": 0.00026327319210395217,
"self-harm/instructions": 0.00023905260604806244,
"harassment/threatening": 0.0012845908058807254
## Notes
- This model is currently configured to work only with English text.
- Future updates may include support for additional languages.