PonyXL_Notes_Backup / PonyXL.ps1
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6.72 kB
param (
[string]$rentryUrl = "https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff"
function Get-RemoteFileSize {
param (
try {
$ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -Method Head
$ProgressPreference = 'Continue'
$fileSize = [int]$response.Headers['Content-Length']
return $fileSize;
} catch {
Write-Error "Failed to retrieve file size. $_"
function Create-Entry {
param (
[string] $comment,
return [pscustomobject]@{Name=$name;Url=$url;Size=$size;Status=$status;Comment=$comment;Selected=0}
#The path to the history file
$historyFile = Join-Path $outputFilePath "_history.txt"
# Initialize an empty dictionary for tracking the history
$historyDict = @{}
if (Test-Path $historyFile -PathType Leaf) {
# Read the file line by line and populate the dictionary
Get-Content -Path $historyFile | ForEach-Object {
# Split the line into key and value based on whitespace
$lineParts = $_ -split '\s+'
# Ensure there are at least two parts on the line
if ($lineParts.Length -ge 2) {
$key = $lineParts[0]
#$index = $_.IndexOf($lineParts[1])
#$comment = $_.Substring($index + $lineParts[1].Length).Trim()
#$value = @($lineParts[1], $comment)
# Add an entry to the dictionary
$historyDict[$key] = $lineParts[1]
Write-Host "Getting details about the Loras"
# Define a regular expression pattern to match URLs within <a> HTML elements ending with "safetensors"
$downloadLinkPattern = '<a [^>]*href=["'']?(https?://(?:www\.)?[^\s]+safetensors\b[^"''\s>]*)[^>]*>([^<]*)</a>([^<]*)'
# Download the content of the rentry.org page
$pageContent = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $rentryUrl
# Find all matches using the regular expression pattern
$matches = $pageContent | Select-String -Pattern $downloadLinkPattern -AllMatches | ForEach-Object { $_.Matches }
# Initialize an empty list for tracking the available loras, each entry is a tuple with name, url, file size, integer indicating status (0 is new, 1 is updated), and integer indicating if user wants to download
$availableLoras = @()
# Process each match and extract download link, the first string inside <a> element, and the HTML content after </a>
foreach ($match in $matches) {
$url = $match.Groups[1].Value
$htmlAfterA = $match.Groups[3].Value
# Trim the string and split it into two variables
$trimmedString = $htmlAfterA.Trim()
$firstWord = $trimmedString.Split(' ', 2)[0]
$remainingText = $trimmedString.Split(' ', 2)[1]
$outputFileWithPath = Join-Path "$outputFilePath" "ponyxl_$firstWord.safetensors"
$comment = if($remainingText -ne $null) { $remainingText.Trim() } else { "" }
if($historyDict[$firstWord] -eq $null -or -Not (Test-Path $outputFileWithPath -PathType Leaf)) {
$fileSize = Get-RemoteFileSize -url $url
#We don't have the lora yet, add it to the list of options
$availableLoras += Create-Entry -name $firstWord -url $url -size $fileSize -comment $comment -status 0
} elseif(-Not ($historyDict[$firstWord] -eq $url)) {
#The Lora was updated
$fileSize = Get-RemoteFileSize -url $url
$availableLoras += Create-Entry -name $firstWord -url $url -size $fileSize -comment $comment -status 1
if($availableLoras.Count -eq 0) {
Write-Host "There are no available updates based on your history file."
Do {
Write-Host "Below are the available LoRAs, asterisk indicates a LoRA is queued."
$index = 1
foreach ($availableLora in $availableLoras) {
$name = $availableLora.Name
$queued = if ($availableLora.Selected -eq 1) { "(*)" } else { "" }
$size = $availableLora.Size / 1048576
$status = if ($availableLora.Status -eq 0) { "New" } else { "Updated" }
$size = $size.ToString("F2")
Write-Host "[$index]) $queued $name - $status ($size MB)"
Write-Host "Enter a number to toggle queued status, a to queue all, or c to continue to download the queued LoRAs."
$input = Read-Host "Command"
if($input -eq "a") {
foreach ($availableLora in $availableLoras) {
$availableLora.Selected = 1
} elseif($input -ne "c") {
$parsedInt = -1
$success = [int]::TryParse($input, [ref]$parsedInt)
if($success) {
$availableLoras[$parsedInt - 1].Selected = ($availableLoras[$parsedInt - 1].Selected + 1) % 2
} while($input -ne "c")
if (-not (Test-Path $outputFilePath -PathType Container)) {
# If the folder doesn't exist, create it
New-Item -Path $outputFilePath -ItemType Directory
#Download the selected LoRAs
$downloadedLoras = 0
foreach ($availableLora in $availableLoras) {
if($availableLora.Selected -eq 1) {
try {
$name = $availableLora.Name
$url = $availableLora.Url.Trim()
$comment = $availableLora.Comment
$outputFileWithPath = Join-Path $outputFilePath "ponyxl_$name.safetensors"
#if the file already exists, rename the old one before downloading the new one
if (Test-Path $outputFileWithPath) {
$counter = 1
$newName = "ponyxl_$($name)_old_$counter.safetensors"
$newPath = Join-Path $outputFilePath $newName
while (Test-Path $newPath) {
$newName = "ponyxl_$($name)_old_$counter.safetensors"
$newPath = Join-Path $outputFilePath $newName
Rename-Item -LiteralPath $outputFileWithPath -NewName $newName
Write-Host "Renamed old $name LoRA to: $newName"
Write-Host "Downloading lora $name with url $url"
Invoke-WebRequest $url -OutFile $outputFileWithPath
$historyDict[$name] = $url
if ($comment -ne $null -and $comment -ne "") {
$commentFileWithPath = Join-Path "$outputFilePath" "ponyxl_$name.txt"
# Clear the existing content of the output text file
if (Test-Path $commentFileWithPath -PathType Leaf) {
Clear-Content -Path $commentFileWithPath
# Write the new string to the text file
Add-Content -Path $commentFileWithPath -Value $comment
} catch {
Write-Host "Error downloading lora $name, skipping, error was $_"
if (Test-Path $historyFile -PathType Leaf) {
# Clear the existing content of the history file
Clear-Content -Path $historyFile
#Write the new history
foreach ($entry in $historyDict.GetEnumerator()) {
$entryString = "{0} {1}" -f $entry.Key, $entry.Value
Add-Content -Path $historyFile -Value $entryString
Write-Host "Downloaded $downloadedLoras LoRAs."
Write-Host "Wrote the most recent urls for each model to _history.txt."