waifu-diffusion / README.md
Reimu Hakurei
redo readme
  - en
  - stable-diffusion
  - text-to-image
license: bigscience-bloom-rail-1.0
inference: false

waifu-diffusion - Diffusion for Weebs

waifu-diffusion is a latent text-to-image diffusion model that has been conditioned on high-quality anime images through Textual Inversion.

Prompt: touhou 1girl komeiji_koishi portrait

Model Description

The model originally used for fine-tuning is Stable Diffusion V1-4, which is a latent image diffusion model trained on LAION2B-en.

The current model has been fine-tuned with a learning rate of 5.0e-5 for 1 epoch on 56k Danbooru text-image pairs which all have an aesthetic rating greater than 6.0.

Training Data & Annotative Prompting

The data used for Textual Inversion has come from a random sample of 56k Danbooru images, which were filtered based on CLIP Aesthetic Scoring where only images with an aesthetic score greater than 6.0 were used.

Captions are Danbooru-style captions.

Downstream Uses

This model can be used for entertainment purposes and as a generative art assistant.

Example Code

import torch
from torch import autocast
from diffusers import StableDiffusionPipeline

model_id = "hakurei/waifu-diffusion"
device = "cuda"

pipe = StableDiffusionPipeline.from_pretrained(model_id, torch_dtype=torch.float16, revision='fp16')
pipe = pipe.to(device)

prompt = "touhou hakurei_reimu 1girl solo portrait"
with autocast("cuda"):
    image = pipe(prompt, guidance_scale=7.5)["sample"][0]  

Team Members and Acknowledgements

This project would not have been possible without the incredible work by the CompVis Researchers.