(It would be greatly appreciated if someone can point to me a clean source of Tokyo 7th Sisters assets. I don't really want to scrape Twitter or reverse the game API.) |
# Mask, Don't Negative Prompt: Dealing with undesirable parts of training images |
## Introduction |
Training images aren't always clean. Sometimes, when training for a given target, unrelated parts in images such as text, frames, or watermarks will also be learned by the model. |
There are several strategies that can be applied to this problem, each with shortcomings: |
1. **Cropping**: Leave out undesired parts. Modifies source composition, not applicable in some cases. |
2. **Inpainting**: Preprocess the data and replace undesirable parts with generated pixels. Requires a good inpainting prompt / model. |
3. **Negative Prompts**: Train as is and add negative prompts when generating new images. Requires the model to know how the undesirable parts map to the prompt. |
Another simple strategy is effective: |
4. **Masking**: Multiply the loss with a predefinfed mask. |
This method [is](https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/pull/6700) [not](https://github.com/csyxwei/ELITE) new, but the most popular LoRA training script has yet to have built-in support for it. |
## Experiment |
[60 images](https://huggingface.co/datasets/gustproof/sd-data/blob/main/serizawa-momoka.zip) with card text and decorations of [Serizwa Momoka from Tokyo 7th Sisters](https://t7s.game-info.wiki/d/%b6%dc%c2%f4%a5%e2%a5%e2%a5%ab) were used. |
[A masked LoRA](https://huggingface.co/gustproof/sd-models/blob/main/serizawa-momoka/checkpoints/srzwmmk-masked-v1.0-000050.safetensors) and [an plain unmasked LoRA](https://huggingface.co/gustproof/sd-models/blob/main/serizawa-momoka/checkpoints/srzwmmk-v1.0-000050.safetensors) were trained. |
For the masked version, [a mask](https://huggingface.co/gustproof/sd-models/resolve/main/posts/images/mask-original.webp) was drawn using image editing software over source images. Note that since the VAE has a 8x scaling factor, what seen by the model is the [8x8 pixelated version](https://huggingface.co/gustproof/sd-models/resolve/main/posts/images/mask.webp). Tags that do not describe the parts masked away were removed. |
## Results |
![xy compare](https://huggingface.co/gustproof/sd-models/resolve/main/posts/images/srmm.png) |
Masked version works 100% unlike negative prompts. |
## Future work |
* Auto generation of masks with segmantation models |