Ndamulelo Nemakhavhani
Update README.md
license: cc
  - ve
  - tn
  - sot
  - nso
  - perplexity
library_name: transformers
  - tshivenda
  - sotho
  - south africa
  - low-resource
  - bantu
  - xlm-roberta
  - text: Rabulasi wa <mask> u khou bvelela nga u lima
  - text: >-
      Vhana vhane vha kha ḓi bva u bebwa vha kha khombo ya u <mask> nga

Zabantu - Tshivenda & Sotho family

This is a variant of Zabantu pre-trained on a multilingual dataset of Tshivenda(ven) and Sotho family(Northern Sotho, Southern Sotho, Setswana) sentences on a transformer network with 170 million traininable parameters.

Usage Example(s)

from transformers import pipeline
# Initialize the pipeline for masked language model
unmasker = pipeline('fill-mask', model='dsfsi/zabantu-sot-ven-170m')

sample_sentences = ["Rabulasi wa <mask> u khou bvelela nga u lima",
                    "Vhana vhane vha kha ḓi bva u bebwa vha kha khombo ya u <mask> nga Listeriosis"]

# Perform the fill-mask task
results = unmasker(sentence)
# Display the results
for result in results:
    print(f"Predicted word: {result['token_str']} - Score: {result['score']}")
    print(f"Full sentence: {result['sequence']}\n")
    print("=" * 80)