Transformers documentation
- pipeline(),它是封装所有其他pipelines的最强大的对象。
- 针对特定任务pipelines,适用于音频、计算机视觉、自然语言处理和多模态任务。
>>> pipe = pipeline("text-classification")
>>> pipe("This restaurant is awesome")
[{'label': 'POSITIVE', 'score': 0.9998743534088135}]
如果您想使用 hub 上的特定模型,可以忽略任务,如果hub上的模型已经定义了该任务:
>>> pipe = pipeline(model="FacebookAI/roberta-large-mnli")
>>> pipe("This restaurant is awesome")
[{'label': 'NEUTRAL', 'score': 0.7313136458396912}]
>>> pipe = pipeline("text-classification")
>>> pipe(["This restaurant is awesome", "This restaurant is awful"])
[{'label': 'POSITIVE', 'score': 0.9998743534088135},
{'label': 'NEGATIVE', 'score': 0.9996669292449951}]
为了遍历整个数据集,建议直接使用 dataset
import datasets
from transformers import pipeline
from transformers.pipelines.pt_utils import KeyDataset
from import tqdm
pipe = pipeline("automatic-speech-recognition", model="facebook/wav2vec2-base-960h", device=0)
dataset = datasets.load_dataset("superb", name="asr", split="test")
# KeyDataset (only *pt*) will simply return the item in the dict returned by the dataset item
# as we're not interested in the *target* part of the dataset. For sentence pair use KeyPairDataset
for out in tqdm(pipe(KeyDataset(dataset, "file"))):
# {"text": ....}
# ....
from transformers import pipeline
pipe = pipeline("text-classification")
def data():
while True:
# This could come from a dataset, a database, a queue or HTTP request
# in a server
# Caveat: because this is iterative, you cannot use `num_workers > 1` variable
# to use multiple threads to preprocess data. You can still have 1 thread that
# does the preprocessing while the main runs the big inference
yield "This is a test"
for out in pipe(data()):
# {"text": ....}
# ....
< source >( task: str = None model: typing.Union[str, ForwardRef('PreTrainedModel'), ForwardRef('TFPreTrainedModel'), NoneType] = None config: typing.Union[str, transformers.configuration_utils.PretrainedConfig, NoneType] = None tokenizer: typing.Union[str, transformers.tokenization_utils.PreTrainedTokenizer, ForwardRef('PreTrainedTokenizerFast'), NoneType] = None feature_extractor: typing.Union[str, ForwardRef('SequenceFeatureExtractor'), NoneType] = None image_processor: typing.Union[str, transformers.image_processing_utils.BaseImageProcessor, NoneType] = None processor: typing.Union[str, transformers.processing_utils.ProcessorMixin, NoneType] = None framework: typing.Optional[str] = None revision: typing.Optional[str] = None use_fast: bool = True token: typing.Union[str, bool, NoneType] = None device: typing.Union[int, str, ForwardRef('torch.device'), NoneType] = None device_map = None torch_dtype = None trust_remote_code: typing.Optional[bool] = None model_kwargs: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any] = None pipeline_class: typing.Optional[typing.Any] = None **kwargs ) → Pipeline
- task (
) — The task defining which pipeline will be returned. Currently accepted tasks are:"audio-classification"
: will return a AudioClassificationPipeline."automatic-speech-recognition"
: will return a AutomaticSpeechRecognitionPipeline."depth-estimation"
: will return a DepthEstimationPipeline."document-question-answering"
: will return a DocumentQuestionAnsweringPipeline."feature-extraction"
: will return a FeatureExtractionPipeline."fill-mask"
: will return a FillMaskPipeline:."image-classification"
: will return a ImageClassificationPipeline."image-feature-extraction"
: will return an ImageFeatureExtractionPipeline."image-segmentation"
: will return a ImageSegmentationPipeline."image-text-to-text"
: will return a ImageTextToTextPipeline."image-to-image"
: will return a ImageToImagePipeline."image-to-text"
: will return a ImageToTextPipeline."mask-generation"
: will return a MaskGenerationPipeline."object-detection"
: will return a ObjectDetectionPipeline."question-answering"
: will return a QuestionAnsweringPipeline."summarization"
: will return a SummarizationPipeline."table-question-answering"
: will return a TableQuestionAnsweringPipeline."text2text-generation"
: will return a Text2TextGenerationPipeline."text-classification"
available): will return a TextClassificationPipeline."text-generation"
: will return a TextGenerationPipeline:."text-to-audio"
available): will return a TextToAudioPipeline:."token-classification"
available): will return a TokenClassificationPipeline."translation"
: will return a TranslationPipeline."translation_xx_to_yy"
: will return a TranslationPipeline."video-classification"
: will return a VideoClassificationPipeline."visual-question-answering"
: will return a VisualQuestionAnsweringPipeline."zero-shot-classification"
: will return a ZeroShotClassificationPipeline."zero-shot-image-classification"
: will return a ZeroShotImageClassificationPipeline."zero-shot-audio-classification"
: will return a ZeroShotAudioClassificationPipeline."zero-shot-object-detection"
: will return a ZeroShotObjectDetectionPipeline.
- model (
or PreTrainedModel or TFPreTrainedModel, optional) — The model that will be used by the pipeline to make predictions. This can be a model identifier or an actual instance of a pretrained model inheriting from PreTrainedModel (for PyTorch) or TFPreTrainedModel (for TensorFlow).If not provided, the default for the
will be loaded. - config (
or PretrainedConfig, optional) — The configuration that will be used by the pipeline to instantiate the model. This can be a model identifier or an actual pretrained model configuration inheriting from PretrainedConfig.If not provided, the default configuration file for the requested model will be used. That means that if
is given, its default configuration will be used. However, ifmodel
is not supplied, thistask
’s default model’s config is used instead. - tokenizer (
or PreTrainedTokenizer, optional) — The tokenizer that will be used by the pipeline to encode data for the model. This can be a model identifier or an actual pretrained tokenizer inheriting from PreTrainedTokenizer.If not provided, the default tokenizer for the given
will be loaded (if it is a string). Ifmodel
is not specified or not a string, then the default tokenizer forconfig
is loaded (if it is a string). However, ifconfig
is also not given or not a string, then the default tokenizer for the giventask
will be loaded. - feature_extractor (
, optional) — The feature extractor that will be used by the pipeline to encode data for the model. This can be a model identifier or an actual pretrained feature extractor inheriting fromPreTrainedFeatureExtractor
.Feature extractors are used for non-NLP models, such as Speech or Vision models as well as multi-modal models. Multi-modal models will also require a tokenizer to be passed.
If not provided, the default feature extractor for the given
will be loaded (if it is a string). Ifmodel
is not specified or not a string, then the default feature extractor forconfig
is loaded (if it is a string). However, ifconfig
is also not given or not a string, then the default feature extractor for the giventask
will be loaded. - image_processor (
or BaseImageProcessor, optional) — The image processor that will be used by the pipeline to preprocess images for the model. This can be a model identifier or an actual image processor inheriting from BaseImageProcessor.Image processors are used for Vision models and multi-modal models that require image inputs. Multi-modal models will also require a tokenizer to be passed.
If not provided, the default image processor for the given
will be loaded (if it is a string). Ifmodel
is not specified or not a string, then the default image processor forconfig
is loaded (if it is a string). - processor (
or ProcessorMixin, optional) — The processor that will be used by the pipeline to preprocess data for the model. This can be a model identifier or an actual processor inheriting from ProcessorMixin.Processors are used for multi-modal models that require multi-modal inputs, for example, a model that requires both text and image inputs.
If not provided, the default processor for the given
will be loaded (if it is a string). Ifmodel
is not specified or not a string, then the default processor forconfig
is loaded (if it is a string). - framework (
, optional) — The framework to use, either"pt"
for PyTorch or"tf"
for TensorFlow. The specified framework must be installed.If no framework is specified, will default to the one currently installed. If no framework is specified and both frameworks are installed, will default to the framework of the
, or to PyTorch if no model is provided. - revision (
, optional, defaults to"main"
) — When passing a task name or a string model identifier: The specific model version to use. It can be a branch name, a tag name, or a commit id, since we use a git-based system for storing models and other artifacts on, sorevision
can be any identifier allowed by git. - use_fast (
, optional, defaults toTrue
) — Whether or not to use a Fast tokenizer if possible (a PreTrainedTokenizerFast). - use_auth_token (
or bool, optional) — The token to use as HTTP bearer authorization for remote files. IfTrue
, will use the token generated when runninghuggingface-cli login
(stored in~/.huggingface
). - device (
) — Defines the device (e.g.,"cpu"
, or a GPU ordinal rank like1
) on which this pipeline will be allocated. - device_map (
orDict[str, Union[int, str, torch.device]
, optional) — Sent directly asmodel_kwargs
(just a simpler shortcut). Whenaccelerate
library is present, setdevice_map="auto"
to compute the most optimizeddevice_map
automatically (see here for more information).Do not use
at the same time as they will conflict - torch_dtype (
, optional) — Sent directly asmodel_kwargs
(just a simpler shortcut) to use the available precision for this model (torch.float16
, … or"auto"
). - trust_remote_code (
, optional, defaults toFalse
) — Whether or not to allow for custom code defined on the Hub in their own modeling, configuration, tokenization or even pipeline files. This option should only be set toTrue
for repositories you trust and in which you have read the code, as it will execute code present on the Hub on your local machine. - model_kwargs (
Dict[str, Any]
, optional) — Additional dictionary of keyword arguments passed along to the model’sfrom_pretrained(..., **model_kwargs)
function. - kwargs (
Dict[str, Any]
, optional) — Additional keyword arguments passed along to the specific pipeline init (see the documentation for the corresponding pipeline class for possible values).
A suitable pipeline for the task.
Utility factory method to build a Pipeline.
A pipeline consists of:
- One or more components for pre-processing model inputs, such as a tokenizer, image_processor, feature_extractor, or processor.
- A model that generates predictions from the inputs.
- Optional post-processing steps to refine the model’s output, which can also be handled by processors.
>>> from transformers import pipeline, AutoModelForTokenClassification, AutoTokenizer
>>> # Sentiment analysis pipeline
>>> analyzer = pipeline("sentiment-analysis")
>>> # Question answering pipeline, specifying the checkpoint identifier
>>> oracle = pipeline(
... "question-answering", model="distilbert/distilbert-base-cased-distilled-squad", tokenizer="google-bert/bert-base-cased"
... )
>>> # Named entity recognition pipeline, passing in a specific model and tokenizer
>>> model = AutoModelForTokenClassification.from_pretrained("dbmdz/bert-large-cased-finetuned-conll03-english")
>>> tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("google-bert/bert-base-cased")
>>> recognizer = pipeline("ner", model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer)
Pipeline batching
所有pipeline都可以使用批处理。这将在pipeline使用其流处理功能时起作用(即传递列表或 Dataset
或 generator
from transformers import pipeline
from transformers.pipelines.pt_utils import KeyDataset
import datasets
dataset = datasets.load_dataset("imdb", name="plain_text", split="unsupervised")
pipe = pipeline("text-classification", device=0)
for out in pipe(KeyDataset(dataset, "text"), batch_size=8, truncation="only_first"):
# [{'label': 'POSITIVE', 'score': 0.9998743534088135}]
# Exactly the same output as before, but the content are passed
# as batches to the model
from transformers import pipeline
from import Dataset
from import tqdm
pipe = pipeline("text-classification", device=0)
class MyDataset(Dataset):
def __len__(self):
return 5000
def __getitem__(self, i):
return "This is a test"
dataset = MyDataset()
for batch_size in [1, 8, 64, 256]:
print("-" * 30)
print(f"Streaming batch_size={batch_size}")
for out in tqdm(pipe(dataset, batch_size=batch_size), total=len(dataset)):
# On GTX 970
Streaming no batching
100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 5000/5000 [00:26<00:00, 187.52it/s]
Streaming batch_size=8
100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 5000/5000 [00:04<00:00, 1205.95it/s]
Streaming batch_size=64
100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 5000/5000 [00:02<00:00, 2478.24it/s]
Streaming batch_size=256
100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 5000/5000 [00:01<00:00, 2554.43it/s]
(diminishing returns, saturated the GPU)
class MyDataset(Dataset):
def __len__(self):
return 5000
def __getitem__(self, i):
if i % 64 == 0:
n = 100
n = 1
return "This is a test" * n
与其他句子相比,这是一个非常长的句子。在这种情况下,整个批次将需要400个tokens的长度,因此整个批次将是 [64, 400] 而不是 [64, 4],从而导致较大的减速。更糟糕的是,在更大的批次上,程序会崩溃。
Streaming no batching
100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 1000/1000 [00:05<00:00, 183.69it/s]
Streaming batch_size=8
100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 1000/1000 [00:03<00:00, 265.74it/s]
Streaming batch_size=64
100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 1000/1000 [00:26<00:00, 37.80it/s]
Streaming batch_size=256
0%| | 0/1000 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/nicolas/src/transformers/", line 42, in <module>
for out in tqdm(pipe(dataset, batch_size=256), total=len(dataset)):
q = q / math.sqrt(dim_per_head) # (bs, n_heads, q_length, dim_per_head)
RuntimeError: CUDA out of memory. Tried to allocate 376.00 MiB (GPU 0; 3.95 GiB total capacity; 1.72 GiB already allocated; 354.88 MiB free; 2.46 GiB reserved in total by PyTorch)
- 使用硬件测量负载性能。测量、测量、再测量。真实的数字是唯一的方法。
- 如果受到延迟的限制(进行推理的实时产品),不要进行批处理。
- 如果使用CPU,不要进行批处理。
- 如果您在GPU上处理的是吞吐量(您希望在大量静态数据上运行模型),则:
- 如果对序列长度的大小没有概念(“自然”数据),默认情况下不要进行批处理,进行测试并尝试逐渐添加,添加OOM检查以在失败时恢复(如果您不能控制序列长度,它将在某些时候失败)。
- 如果您的序列长度非常规律,那么批处理更有可能非常有趣,进行测试并推动它,直到出现OOM。
- GPU越大,批处理越有可能变得更有趣
- 一旦启用批处理,确保能够很好地处理OOM。
Pipeline chunk batching
和 question-answering
在某种意义上稍微特殊,因为单个输入可能会导致模型的多次前向传递。在正常情况下,这将导致 batch_size
为了规避这个问题,这两个pipeline都有点特殊,它们是 ChunkPipeline
而不是常规的 Pipeline
preprocessed = pipe.preprocess(inputs) model_outputs = pipe.forward(preprocessed) outputs = pipe.postprocess(model_outputs)
all_model_outputs = []
for preprocessed in pipe.preprocess(inputs):
model_outputs = pipe.forward(preprocessed)
outputs = pipe.postprocess(all_model_outputs)
这是一个简化的视图,因为Pipeline可以自动处理批次!这意味着您不必担心您的输入实际上会触发多少次前向传递,您可以独立于输入优化 batch_size
请随时为您手头的任务创建一个issue,Pipeline的目标是易于使用并支持大多数情况,因此 transformers
- 继承您选择的pipeline
class MyPipeline(TextClassificationPipeline):
def postprocess():
# Your code goes here
scores = scores * 100
# And here
my_pipeline = MyPipeline(model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer, ...)
# or if you use *pipeline* function, then:
my_pipeline = pipeline(model="xxxx", pipeline_class=MyPipeline)
class transformers.AudioClassificationPipeline
< source >( *args **kwargs )
- model (PreTrainedModel or TFPreTrainedModel) — The model that will be used by the pipeline to make predictions. This needs to be a model inheriting from PreTrainedModel for PyTorch and TFPreTrainedModel for TensorFlow.
- feature_extractor (SequenceFeatureExtractor) — The feature extractor that will be used by the pipeline to encode data for the model. This object inherits from SequenceFeatureExtractor.
- modelcard (
, optional) — Model card attributed to the model for this pipeline. - framework (
, optional) — The framework to use, either"pt"
for PyTorch or"tf"
for TensorFlow. The specified framework must be installed.If no framework is specified, will default to the one currently installed. If no framework is specified and both frameworks are installed, will default to the framework of the
, or to PyTorch if no model is provided. - task (
, defaults to""
) — A task-identifier for the pipeline. - num_workers (
, optional, defaults to 8) — When the pipeline will use DataLoader (when passing a dataset, on GPU for a Pytorch model), the number of workers to be used. - batch_size (
, optional, defaults to 1) — When the pipeline will use DataLoader (when passing a dataset, on GPU for a Pytorch model), the size of the batch to use, for inference this is not always beneficial, please read Batching with pipelines . - args_parser (ArgumentHandler, optional) — Reference to the object in charge of parsing supplied pipeline parameters.
- device (
, optional, defaults to -1) — Device ordinal for CPU/GPU supports. Setting this to -1 will leverage CPU, a positive will run the model on the associated CUDA device id. You can pass nativetorch.device
or astr
too - torch_dtype (
, optional) — Sent directly asmodel_kwargs
(just a simpler shortcut) to use the available precision for this model (torch.float16
, … or"auto"
) - binary_output (
, optional, defaults toFalse
) — Flag indicating if the output the pipeline should happen in a serialized format (i.e., pickle) or as the raw output data e.g. text.
Audio classification pipeline using any AutoModelForAudioClassification
. This pipeline predicts the class of a
raw waveform or an audio file. In case of an audio file, ffmpeg should be installed to support multiple audio
>>> from transformers import pipeline
>>> classifier = pipeline(model="superb/wav2vec2-base-superb-ks")
>>> classifier("")
[{'score': 0.997, 'label': '_unknown_'}, {'score': 0.002, 'label': 'left'}, {'score': 0.0, 'label': 'yes'}, {'score': 0.0, 'label': 'down'}, {'score': 0.0, 'label': 'stop'}]
Learn more about the basics of using a pipeline in the pipeline tutorial
This pipeline can currently be loaded from pipeline() using the following task identifier:
See the list of available models on
< source >( inputs: typing.Union[numpy.ndarray, bytes, str] **kwargs ) → A list of dict
with the following keys
- inputs (
) — The inputs is either :str
that is the filename of the audio file, the file will be read at the correct sampling rate to get the waveform using ffmpeg. This requires ffmpeg to be installed on the system.bytes
it is supposed to be the content of an audio file and is interpreted by ffmpeg in the same way.- (
of shape (n, ) of typenp.float32
) Raw audio at the correct sampling rate (no further check will be done) dict
form can be used to pass raw audio sampled at arbitrarysampling_rate
and let this pipeline do the resampling. The dict must be either be in the format{"sampling_rate": int, "raw": np.array}
, or{"sampling_rate": int, "array": np.array}
, where the key"raw"
is used to denote the raw audio waveform.
- top_k (
, optional, defaults to None) — The number of top labels that will be returned by the pipeline. If the provided number isNone
or higher than the number of labels available in the model configuration, it will default to the number of labels. - function_to_apply(
, optional, defaults to “softmax”) — The function to apply to the model output. By default, the pipeline will apply the softmax function to the output of the model. Valid options: [“softmax”, “sigmoid”, “none”]. Note that passing Python’s built-inNone
will default to “softmax”, so you need to pass the string “none” to disable any post-processing.
A list of dict
with the following keys
- label (
) — The label predicted. - score (
) — The corresponding probability.
Classify the sequence(s) given as inputs. See the AutomaticSpeechRecognitionPipeline documentation for more information.
class transformers.AutomaticSpeechRecognitionPipeline
< source >( model: PreTrainedModel feature_extractor: typing.Union[ForwardRef('SequenceFeatureExtractor'), str] = None tokenizer: typing.Optional[transformers.tokenization_utils.PreTrainedTokenizer] = None decoder: typing.Union[ForwardRef('BeamSearchDecoderCTC'), str, NoneType] = None device: typing.Union[int, ForwardRef('torch.device')] = None torch_dtype: typing.Union[str, ForwardRef('torch.dtype'), NoneType] = None **kwargs )
- model (PreTrainedModel or TFPreTrainedModel) — The model that will be used by the pipeline to make predictions. This needs to be a model inheriting from PreTrainedModel for PyTorch and TFPreTrainedModel for TensorFlow.
- feature_extractor (SequenceFeatureExtractor) — The feature extractor that will be used by the pipeline to encode waveform for the model.
- tokenizer (PreTrainedTokenizer) — The tokenizer that will be used by the pipeline to encode data for the model. This object inherits from PreTrainedTokenizer.
- decoder (
, optional) — PyCTCDecode’s BeamSearchDecoderCTC can be passed for language model boosted decoding. SeeWav2Vec2ProcessorWithLM
for more information. - chunk_length_s (
, optional, defaults to 0) — The input length for in each chunk. Ifchunk_length_s = 0
then chunking is disabled (default).For more information on how to effectively use
, please have a look at the ASR chunking blog post. - stride_length_s (
, optional, defaults tochunk_length_s / 6
) — The length of stride on the left and right of each chunk. Used only withchunk_length_s > 0
. This enables the model to see more context and infer letters better than without this context but the pipeline discards the stride bits at the end to make the final reconstitution as perfect as possible.For more information on how to effectively use
, please have a look at the ASR chunking blog post. - framework (
, optional) — The framework to use, either"pt"
for PyTorch or"tf"
for TensorFlow. The specified framework must be installed. If no framework is specified, will default to the one currently installed. If no framework is specified and both frameworks are installed, will default to the framework of themodel
, or to PyTorch if no model is provided. - device (Union[
], optional) — Device ordinal for CPU/GPU supports. Setting this toNone
will leverage CPU, a positive will run the model on the associated CUDA device id. - torch_dtype (Union[
], optional) — The data-type (dtype) of the computation. Setting this toNone
will use float32 precision. Set totorch.float16
to use half-precision in the respective dtypes.
Pipeline that aims at extracting spoken text contained within some audio.
The input can be either a raw waveform or a audio file. In case of the audio file, ffmpeg should be installed for to support multiple audio formats
>>> from transformers import pipeline
>>> transcriber = pipeline(model="openai/whisper-base")
>>> transcriber("")
{'text': ' He hoped there would be stew for dinner, turnips and carrots and bruised potatoes and fat mutton pieces to be ladled out in thick, peppered flour-fatten sauce.'}
Learn more about the basics of using a pipeline in the pipeline tutorial
< source >( inputs: typing.Union[numpy.ndarray, bytes, str] **kwargs ) → Dict
- inputs (
) — The inputs is either :str
that is either the filename of a local audio file, or a public URL address to download the audio file. The file will be read at the correct sampling rate to get the waveform using ffmpeg. This requires ffmpeg to be installed on the system.bytes
it is supposed to be the content of an audio file and is interpreted by ffmpeg in the same way.- (
of shape (n, ) of typenp.float32
) Raw audio at the correct sampling rate (no further check will be done) dict
form can be used to pass raw audio sampled at arbitrarysampling_rate
and let this pipeline do the resampling. The dict must be in the format{"sampling_rate": int, "raw": np.array}
with optionally a"stride": (left: int, right: int)
than can ask the pipeline to treat the firstleft
samples and lastright
samples to be ignored in decoding (but used at inference to provide more context to the model). Only usestride
with CTC models.
- return_timestamps (optional,
) — Only available for pure CTC models (Wav2Vec2, HuBERT, etc) and the Whisper model. Not available for other sequence-to-sequence models.For CTC models, timestamps can take one of two formats:
: the pipeline will return timestamps along the text for every character in the text. For instance, if you get[{"text": "h", "timestamp": (0.5, 0.6)}, {"text": "i", "timestamp": (0.7, 0.9)}]
, then it means the model predicts that the letter “h” was spoken after0.5
and before0.6
: the pipeline will return timestamps along the text for every word in the text. For instance, if you get[{"text": "hi ", "timestamp": (0.5, 0.9)}, {"text": "there", "timestamp": (1.0, 1.5)}]
, then it means the model predicts that the word “hi” was spoken after0.5
and before0.9
For the Whisper model, timestamps can take one of two formats:
: same as above for word-level CTC timestamps. Word-level timestamps are predicted through the dynamic-time warping (DTW) algorithm, an approximation to word-level timestamps by inspecting the cross-attention weights.True
: the pipeline will return timestamps along the text for segments of words in the text. For instance, if you get[{"text": " Hi there!", "timestamp": (0.5, 1.5)}]
, then it means the model predicts that the segment “Hi there!” was spoken after0.5
and before1.5
seconds. Note that a segment of text refers to a sequence of one or more words, rather than individual words as with word-level timestamps.
- generate_kwargs (
, optional) — The dictionary of ad-hoc parametrization ofgenerate_config
to be used for the generation call. For a complete overview of generate, check the following guide.
A dictionary with the following keys:
- text (
): The recognized text. - chunks (optional(,
) When usingreturn_timestamps
, thechunks
will become a list containing all the various text chunks identified by the model, e.g.*[{"text": "hi ", "timestamp": (0.5, 0.9)}, {"text": "there", "timestamp": (1.0, 1.5)}]
. The original full text can roughly be recovered by doing"".join(chunk["text"] for chunk in output["chunks"])
Transcribe the audio sequence(s) given as inputs to text. See the AutomaticSpeechRecognitionPipeline documentation for more information.
class transformers.TextToAudioPipeline
< source >( *args vocoder = None sampling_rate = None **kwargs )
Text-to-audio generation pipeline using any AutoModelForTextToWaveform
or AutoModelForTextToSpectrogram
. This
pipeline generates an audio file from an input text and optional other conditional inputs.
>>> from transformers import pipeline
>>> pipe = pipeline(model="suno/bark-small")
>>> output = pipe("Hey it's HuggingFace on the phone!")
>>> audio = output["audio"]
>>> sampling_rate = output["sampling_rate"]
Learn more about the basics of using a pipeline in the pipeline tutorial
You can specify parameters passed to the model by using TextToAudioPipeline.__call__.forward_params
>>> from transformers import pipeline
>>> music_generator = pipeline(task="text-to-audio", model="facebook/musicgen-small", framework="pt")
>>> # diversify the music generation by adding randomness with a high temperature and set a maximum music length
>>> generate_kwargs = {
... "do_sample": True,
... "temperature": 0.7,
... "max_new_tokens": 35,
... }
>>> outputs = music_generator("Techno music with high melodic riffs", generate_kwargs=generate_kwargs)
This pipeline can currently be loaded from pipeline() using the following task identifiers: "text-to-speech"
See the list of available models on
< source >( text_inputs: typing.Union[str, typing.List[str]] **forward_params ) → A dict
or a list of dict
- text_inputs (
) — The text(s) to generate. - forward_params (
, optional) — Parameters passed to the model generation/forward method.forward_params
are always passed to the underlying model. - generate_kwargs (
, optional) — The dictionary of ad-hoc parametrization ofgenerate_config
to be used for the generation call. For a complete overview of generate, check the following guide.generate_kwargs
are only passed to the underlying model if the latter is a generative model.
A dict
or a list of dict
The dictionaries have two keys:
- audio (
of shape(nb_channels, audio_length)
) — The generated audio waveform. - sampling_rate (
) — The sampling rate of the generated audio waveform.
Generates speech/audio from the inputs. See the TextToAudioPipeline documentation for more information.
class transformers.ZeroShotAudioClassificationPipeline
< source >( **kwargs )
- model (PreTrainedModel or TFPreTrainedModel) — The model that will be used by the pipeline to make predictions. This needs to be a model inheriting from PreTrainedModel for PyTorch and TFPreTrainedModel for TensorFlow.
- tokenizer (PreTrainedTokenizer) — The tokenizer that will be used by the pipeline to encode data for the model. This object inherits from PreTrainedTokenizer.
- feature_extractor (SequenceFeatureExtractor) — The feature extractor that will be used by the pipeline to encode data for the model. This object inherits from SequenceFeatureExtractor.
- modelcard (
, optional) — Model card attributed to the model for this pipeline. - framework (
, optional) — The framework to use, either"pt"
for PyTorch or"tf"
for TensorFlow. The specified framework must be installed.If no framework is specified, will default to the one currently installed. If no framework is specified and both frameworks are installed, will default to the framework of the
, or to PyTorch if no model is provided. - task (
, defaults to""
) — A task-identifier for the pipeline. - num_workers (
, optional, defaults to 8) — When the pipeline will use DataLoader (when passing a dataset, on GPU for a Pytorch model), the number of workers to be used. - batch_size (
, optional, defaults to 1) — When the pipeline will use DataLoader (when passing a dataset, on GPU for a Pytorch model), the size of the batch to use, for inference this is not always beneficial, please read Batching with pipelines . - args_parser (ArgumentHandler, optional) — Reference to the object in charge of parsing supplied pipeline parameters.
- device (
, optional, defaults to -1) — Device ordinal for CPU/GPU supports. Setting this to -1 will leverage CPU, a positive will run the model on the associated CUDA device id. You can pass nativetorch.device
or astr
too - torch_dtype (
, optional) — Sent directly asmodel_kwargs
(just a simpler shortcut) to use the available precision for this model (torch.float16
, … or"auto"
) - binary_output (
, optional, defaults toFalse
) — Flag indicating if the output the pipeline should happen in a serialized format (i.e., pickle) or as the raw output data e.g. text.
Zero shot audio classification pipeline using ClapModel
. This pipeline predicts the class of an audio when you
provide an audio and a set of candidate_labels
The default hypothesis_template
is : "This is a sound of {}."
. Make sure you update it for your usage.
>>> from transformers import pipeline
>>> from datasets import load_dataset
>>> dataset = load_dataset("ashraq/esc50")
>>> audio = next(iter(dataset["train"]["audio"]))["array"]
>>> classifier = pipeline(task="zero-shot-audio-classification", model="laion/clap-htsat-unfused")
>>> classifier(audio, candidate_labels=["Sound of a dog", "Sound of vaccum cleaner"])
[{'score': 0.9996, 'label': 'Sound of a dog'}, {'score': 0.0004, 'label': 'Sound of vaccum cleaner'}]
Learn more about the basics of using a pipeline in the pipeline tutorial This audio
classification pipeline can currently be loaded from pipeline() using the following task identifier:
. See the list of available models on
< source >( audios: typing.Union[numpy.ndarray, bytes, str] **kwargs )
- audios (
) — The pipeline handles three types of inputs:- A string containing a http link pointing to an audio
- A string containing a local path to an audio
- An audio loaded in numpy
- candidate_labels (
) — The candidate labels for this audio. They will be formatted using hypothesis_template. - hypothesis_template (
, optional, defaults to"This is a sound of {}"
) — The format used in conjunction with candidate_labels to attempt the audio classification by replacing the placeholder with the candidate_labels. Pass ”{}” if candidate_labels are already formatted.
Assign labels to the audio(s) passed as inputs.
class transformers.DepthEstimationPipeline
< source >( *args **kwargs )
- model (PreTrainedModel or TFPreTrainedModel) — The model that will be used by the pipeline to make predictions. This needs to be a model inheriting from PreTrainedModel for PyTorch and TFPreTrainedModel for TensorFlow.
- image_processor (BaseImageProcessor) — The image processor that will be used by the pipeline to encode data for the model. This object inherits from BaseImageProcessor.
- modelcard (
, optional) — Model card attributed to the model for this pipeline. - framework (
, optional) — The framework to use, either"pt"
for PyTorch or"tf"
for TensorFlow. The specified framework must be installed.If no framework is specified, will default to the one currently installed. If no framework is specified and both frameworks are installed, will default to the framework of the
, or to PyTorch if no model is provided. - task (
, defaults to""
) — A task-identifier for the pipeline. - num_workers (
, optional, defaults to 8) — When the pipeline will use DataLoader (when passing a dataset, on GPU for a Pytorch model), the number of workers to be used. - batch_size (
, optional, defaults to 1) — When the pipeline will use DataLoader (when passing a dataset, on GPU for a Pytorch model), the size of the batch to use, for inference this is not always beneficial, please read Batching with pipelines . - args_parser (ArgumentHandler, optional) — Reference to the object in charge of parsing supplied pipeline parameters.
- device (
, optional, defaults to -1) — Device ordinal for CPU/GPU supports. Setting this to -1 will leverage CPU, a positive will run the model on the associated CUDA device id. You can pass nativetorch.device
or astr
too - torch_dtype (
, optional) — Sent directly asmodel_kwargs
(just a simpler shortcut) to use the available precision for this model (torch.float16
, … or"auto"
) - binary_output (
, optional, defaults toFalse
) — Flag indicating if the output the pipeline should happen in a serialized format (i.e., pickle) or as the raw output data e.g. text.
Depth estimation pipeline using any AutoModelForDepthEstimation
. This pipeline predicts the depth of an image.
>>> from transformers import pipeline
>>> depth_estimator = pipeline(task="depth-estimation", model="LiheYoung/depth-anything-base-hf")
>>> output = depth_estimator("")
>>> # This is a tensor with the values being the depth expressed in meters for each pixel
>>> output["predicted_depth"].shape
torch.Size([1, 384, 384])
Learn more about the basics of using a pipeline in the pipeline tutorial
This depth estimation pipeline can currently be loaded from pipeline() using the following task identifier:
See the list of available models on
< source >( inputs: typing.Union[str, typing.List[str], ForwardRef('Image.Image'), typing.List[ForwardRef('Image.Image')]] = None **kwargs )
- inputs (
) — The pipeline handles three types of images:- A string containing a http link pointing to an image
- A string containing a local path to an image
- An image loaded in PIL directly
The pipeline accepts either a single image or a batch of images, which must then be passed as a string. Images in a batch must all be in the same format: all as http links, all as local paths, or all as PIL images.
- parameters (
, optional) — A dictionary of argument names to parameter values, to control pipeline behaviour. The only parameter available right now istimeout
, which is the length of time, in seconds, that the pipeline should wait before giving up on trying to download an image. - timeout (
, optional, defaults to None) — The maximum time in seconds to wait for fetching images from the web. If None, no timeout is set and the call may block forever.
Predict the depth(s) of the image(s) passed as inputs.
class transformers.ImageClassificationPipeline
< source >( *args **kwargs )
- model (PreTrainedModel or TFPreTrainedModel) — The model that will be used by the pipeline to make predictions. This needs to be a model inheriting from PreTrainedModel for PyTorch and TFPreTrainedModel for TensorFlow.
- image_processor (BaseImageProcessor) — The image processor that will be used by the pipeline to encode data for the model. This object inherits from BaseImageProcessor.
- modelcard (
, optional) — Model card attributed to the model for this pipeline. - framework (
, optional) — The framework to use, either"pt"
for PyTorch or"tf"
for TensorFlow. The specified framework must be installed.If no framework is specified, will default to the one currently installed. If no framework is specified and both frameworks are installed, will default to the framework of the
, or to PyTorch if no model is provided. - task (
, defaults to""
) — A task-identifier for the pipeline. - num_workers (
, optional, defaults to 8) — When the pipeline will use DataLoader (when passing a dataset, on GPU for a Pytorch model), the number of workers to be used. - batch_size (
, optional, defaults to 1) — When the pipeline will use DataLoader (when passing a dataset, on GPU for a Pytorch model), the size of the batch to use, for inference this is not always beneficial, please read Batching with pipelines . - args_parser (ArgumentHandler, optional) — Reference to the object in charge of parsing supplied pipeline parameters.
- device (
, optional, defaults to -1) — Device ordinal for CPU/GPU supports. Setting this to -1 will leverage CPU, a positive will run the model on the associated CUDA device id. You can pass nativetorch.device
or astr
too - torch_dtype (
, optional) — Sent directly asmodel_kwargs
(just a simpler shortcut) to use the available precision for this model (torch.float16
, … or"auto"
) - binary_output (
, optional, defaults toFalse
) — Flag indicating if the output the pipeline should happen in a serialized format (i.e., pickle) or as the raw output data e.g. text. - function_to_apply (
, optional, defaults to"default"
) — The function to apply to the model outputs in order to retrieve the scores. Accepts four different values:"default"
: if the model has a single label, will apply the sigmoid function on the output. If the model has several labels, will apply the softmax function on the output."sigmoid"
: Applies the sigmoid function on the output."softmax"
: Applies the softmax function on the output."none"
: Does not apply any function on the output.
Image classification pipeline using any AutoModelForImageClassification
. This pipeline predicts the class of an
>>> from transformers import pipeline
>>> classifier = pipeline(model="microsoft/beit-base-patch16-224-pt22k-ft22k")
>>> classifier("")
[{'score': 0.442, 'label': 'macaw'}, {'score': 0.088, 'label': 'popinjay'}, {'score': 0.075, 'label': 'parrot'}, {'score': 0.073, 'label': 'parodist, lampooner'}, {'score': 0.046, 'label': 'poll, poll_parrot'}]
Learn more about the basics of using a pipeline in the pipeline tutorial
This image classification pipeline can currently be loaded from pipeline() using the following task identifier:
See the list of available models on
< source >( inputs: typing.Union[str, typing.List[str], ForwardRef('Image.Image'), typing.List[ForwardRef('Image.Image')]] = None **kwargs )
- inputs (
) — The pipeline handles three types of images:- A string containing a http link pointing to an image
- A string containing a local path to an image
- An image loaded in PIL directly
The pipeline accepts either a single image or a batch of images, which must then be passed as a string. Images in a batch must all be in the same format: all as http links, all as local paths, or all as PIL images.
- function_to_apply (
, optional, defaults to"default"
) — The function to apply to the model outputs in order to retrieve the scores. Accepts four different values:If this argument is not specified, then it will apply the following functions according to the number of labels:
- If the model has a single label, will apply the sigmoid function on the output.
- If the model has several labels, will apply the softmax function on the output.
Possible values are:
: Applies the sigmoid function on the output."softmax"
: Applies the softmax function on the output."none"
: Does not apply any function on the output.
- top_k (
, optional, defaults to 5) — The number of top labels that will be returned by the pipeline. If the provided number is higher than the number of labels available in the model configuration, it will default to the number of labels. - timeout (
, optional, defaults to None) — The maximum time in seconds to wait for fetching images from the web. If None, no timeout is set and the call may block forever.
Assign labels to the image(s) passed as inputs.
class transformers.ImageSegmentationPipeline
< source >( *args **kwargs )
- model (PreTrainedModel or TFPreTrainedModel) — The model that will be used by the pipeline to make predictions. This needs to be a model inheriting from PreTrainedModel for PyTorch and TFPreTrainedModel for TensorFlow.
- image_processor (BaseImageProcessor) — The image processor that will be used by the pipeline to encode data for the model. This object inherits from BaseImageProcessor.
- modelcard (
, optional) — Model card attributed to the model for this pipeline. - framework (
, optional) — The framework to use, either"pt"
for PyTorch or"tf"
for TensorFlow. The specified framework must be installed.If no framework is specified, will default to the one currently installed. If no framework is specified and both frameworks are installed, will default to the framework of the
, or to PyTorch if no model is provided. - task (
, defaults to""
) — A task-identifier for the pipeline. - num_workers (
, optional, defaults to 8) — When the pipeline will use DataLoader (when passing a dataset, on GPU for a Pytorch model), the number of workers to be used. - batch_size (
, optional, defaults to 1) — When the pipeline will use DataLoader (when passing a dataset, on GPU for a Pytorch model), the size of the batch to use, for inference this is not always beneficial, please read Batching with pipelines . - args_parser (ArgumentHandler, optional) — Reference to the object in charge of parsing supplied pipeline parameters.
- device (
, optional, defaults to -1) — Device ordinal for CPU/GPU supports. Setting this to -1 will leverage CPU, a positive will run the model on the associated CUDA device id. You can pass nativetorch.device
or astr
too - torch_dtype (
, optional) — Sent directly asmodel_kwargs
(just a simpler shortcut) to use the available precision for this model (torch.float16
, … or"auto"
) - binary_output (
, optional, defaults toFalse
) — Flag indicating if the output the pipeline should happen in a serialized format (i.e., pickle) or as the raw output data e.g. text.
Image segmentation pipeline using any AutoModelForXXXSegmentation
. This pipeline predicts masks of objects and
their classes.
>>> from transformers import pipeline
>>> segmenter = pipeline(model="facebook/detr-resnet-50-panoptic")
>>> segments = segmenter("")
>>> len(segments)
>>> segments[0]["label"]
>>> segments[1]["label"]
>>> type(segments[0]["mask"]) # This is a black and white mask showing where is the bird on the original image.
<class 'PIL.Image.Image'>
>>> segments[0]["mask"].size
(768, 512)
This image segmentation pipeline can currently be loaded from pipeline() using the following task identifier:
See the list of available models on
< source >( inputs = None **kwargs )
- inputs (
) — The pipeline handles three types of images:- A string containing an HTTP(S) link pointing to an image
- A string containing a local path to an image
- An image loaded in PIL directly
The pipeline accepts either a single image or a batch of images. Images in a batch must all be in the same format: all as HTTP(S) links, all as local paths, or all as PIL images.
- subtask (
, optional) — Segmentation task to be performed, choose [semantic
] depending on model capabilities. If not set, the pipeline will attempt tp resolve in the following order:panoptic
. - threshold (
, optional, defaults to 0.9) — Probability threshold to filter out predicted masks. - mask_threshold (
, optional, defaults to 0.5) — Threshold to use when turning the predicted masks into binary values. - overlap_mask_area_threshold (
, optional, defaults to 0.5) — Mask overlap threshold to eliminate small, disconnected segments. - timeout (
, optional, defaults to None) — The maximum time in seconds to wait for fetching images from the web. If None, no timeout is set and the call may block forever.
Perform segmentation (detect masks & classes) in the image(s) passed as inputs.
class transformers.ImageToImagePipeline
< source >( *args **kwargs )
- model (PreTrainedModel or TFPreTrainedModel) — The model that will be used by the pipeline to make predictions. This needs to be a model inheriting from PreTrainedModel for PyTorch and TFPreTrainedModel for TensorFlow.
- image_processor (BaseImageProcessor) — The image processor that will be used by the pipeline to encode data for the model. This object inherits from BaseImageProcessor.
- modelcard (
, optional) — Model card attributed to the model for this pipeline. - framework (
, optional) — The framework to use, either"pt"
for PyTorch or"tf"
for TensorFlow. The specified framework must be installed.If no framework is specified, will default to the one currently installed. If no framework is specified and both frameworks are installed, will default to the framework of the
, or to PyTorch if no model is provided. - task (
, defaults to""
) — A task-identifier for the pipeline. - num_workers (
, optional, defaults to 8) — When the pipeline will use DataLoader (when passing a dataset, on GPU for a Pytorch model), the number of workers to be used. - batch_size (
, optional, defaults to 1) — When the pipeline will use DataLoader (when passing a dataset, on GPU for a Pytorch model), the size of the batch to use, for inference this is not always beneficial, please read Batching with pipelines . - args_parser (ArgumentHandler, optional) — Reference to the object in charge of parsing supplied pipeline parameters.
- device (
, optional, defaults to -1) — Device ordinal for CPU/GPU supports. Setting this to -1 will leverage CPU, a positive will run the model on the associated CUDA device id. You can pass nativetorch.device
or astr
too - torch_dtype (
, optional) — Sent directly asmodel_kwargs
(just a simpler shortcut) to use the available precision for this model (torch.float16
, … or"auto"
) - binary_output (
, optional, defaults toFalse
) — Flag indicating if the output the pipeline should happen in a serialized format (i.e., pickle) or as the raw output data e.g. text.
Image to Image pipeline using any AutoModelForImageToImage
. This pipeline generates an image based on a previous
image input.
>>> from PIL import Image
>>> import requests
>>> from transformers import pipeline
>>> upscaler = pipeline("image-to-image", model="caidas/swin2SR-classical-sr-x2-64")
>>> img ="", stream=True).raw)
>>> img = img.resize((64, 64))
>>> upscaled_img = upscaler(img)
>>> img.size
(64, 64)
>>> upscaled_img.size
(144, 144)
This image to image pipeline can currently be loaded from pipeline() using the following task identifier:
See the list of available models on
< source >( images: typing.Union[str, typing.List[str], ForwardRef('Image.Image'), typing.List[ForwardRef('Image.Image')]] **kwargs )
- images (
) — The pipeline handles three types of images:- A string containing a http link pointing to an image
- A string containing a local path to an image
- An image loaded in PIL directly
The pipeline accepts either a single image or a batch of images, which must then be passed as a string. Images in a batch must all be in the same format: all as http links, all as local paths, or all as PIL images.
- timeout (
, optional, defaults to None) — The maximum time in seconds to wait for fetching images from the web. If None, no timeout is used and the call may block forever.
Transform the image(s) passed as inputs.
class transformers.ObjectDetectionPipeline
< source >( *args **kwargs )
- model (PreTrainedModel or TFPreTrainedModel) — The model that will be used by the pipeline to make predictions. This needs to be a model inheriting from PreTrainedModel for PyTorch and TFPreTrainedModel for TensorFlow.
- image_processor (BaseImageProcessor) — The image processor that will be used by the pipeline to encode data for the model. This object inherits from BaseImageProcessor.
- modelcard (
, optional) — Model card attributed to the model for this pipeline. - framework (
, optional) — The framework to use, either"pt"
for PyTorch or"tf"
for TensorFlow. The specified framework must be installed.If no framework is specified, will default to the one currently installed. If no framework is specified and both frameworks are installed, will default to the framework of the
, or to PyTorch if no model is provided. - task (
, defaults to""
) — A task-identifier for the pipeline. - num_workers (
, optional, defaults to 8) — When the pipeline will use DataLoader (when passing a dataset, on GPU for a Pytorch model), the number of workers to be used. - batch_size (
, optional, defaults to 1) — When the pipeline will use DataLoader (when passing a dataset, on GPU for a Pytorch model), the size of the batch to use, for inference this is not always beneficial, please read Batching with pipelines . - args_parser (ArgumentHandler, optional) — Reference to the object in charge of parsing supplied pipeline parameters.
- device (
, optional, defaults to -1) — Device ordinal for CPU/GPU supports. Setting this to -1 will leverage CPU, a positive will run the model on the associated CUDA device id. You can pass nativetorch.device
or astr
too - torch_dtype (
, optional) — Sent directly asmodel_kwargs
(just a simpler shortcut) to use the available precision for this model (torch.float16
, … or"auto"
) - binary_output (
, optional, defaults toFalse
) — Flag indicating if the output the pipeline should happen in a serialized format (i.e., pickle) or as the raw output data e.g. text.
Object detection pipeline using any AutoModelForObjectDetection
. This pipeline predicts bounding boxes of objects
and their classes.
>>> from transformers import pipeline
>>> detector = pipeline(model="facebook/detr-resnet-50")
>>> detector("")
[{'score': 0.997, 'label': 'bird', 'box': {'xmin': 69, 'ymin': 171, 'xmax': 396, 'ymax': 507}}, {'score': 0.999, 'label': 'bird', 'box': {'xmin': 398, 'ymin': 105, 'xmax': 767, 'ymax': 507}}]
>>> # x, y are expressed relative to the top left hand corner.
Learn more about the basics of using a pipeline in the pipeline tutorial
This object detection pipeline can currently be loaded from pipeline() using the following task identifier:
See the list of available models on
< source >( *args **kwargs )
- inputs (
) — The pipeline handles three types of images:- A string containing an HTTP(S) link pointing to an image
- A string containing a local path to an image
- An image loaded in PIL directly
The pipeline accepts either a single image or a batch of images. Images in a batch must all be in the same format: all as HTTP(S) links, all as local paths, or all as PIL images.
- threshold (
, optional, defaults to 0.5) — The probability necessary to make a prediction. - timeout (
, optional, defaults to None) — The maximum time in seconds to wait for fetching images from the web. If None, no timeout is set and the call may block forever.
Detect objects (bounding boxes & classes) in the image(s) passed as inputs.
class transformers.VideoClassificationPipeline
< source >( *args **kwargs )
- model (PreTrainedModel or TFPreTrainedModel) — The model that will be used by the pipeline to make predictions. This needs to be a model inheriting from PreTrainedModel for PyTorch and TFPreTrainedModel for TensorFlow.
- image_processor (BaseImageProcessor) — The image processor that will be used by the pipeline to encode data for the model. This object inherits from BaseImageProcessor.
- modelcard (
, optional) — Model card attributed to the model for this pipeline. - framework (
, optional) — The framework to use, either"pt"
for PyTorch or"tf"
for TensorFlow. The specified framework must be installed.If no framework is specified, will default to the one currently installed. If no framework is specified and both frameworks are installed, will default to the framework of the
, or to PyTorch if no model is provided. - task (
, defaults to""
) — A task-identifier for the pipeline. - num_workers (
, optional, defaults to 8) — When the pipeline will use DataLoader (when passing a dataset, on GPU for a Pytorch model), the number of workers to be used. - batch_size (
, optional, defaults to 1) — When the pipeline will use DataLoader (when passing a dataset, on GPU for a Pytorch model), the size of the batch to use, for inference this is not always beneficial, please read Batching with pipelines . - args_parser (ArgumentHandler, optional) — Reference to the object in charge of parsing supplied pipeline parameters.
- device (
, optional, defaults to -1) — Device ordinal for CPU/GPU supports. Setting this to -1 will leverage CPU, a positive will run the model on the associated CUDA device id. You can pass nativetorch.device
or astr
too - torch_dtype (
, optional) — Sent directly asmodel_kwargs
(just a simpler shortcut) to use the available precision for this model (torch.float16
, … or"auto"
) - binary_output (
, optional, defaults toFalse
) — Flag indicating if the output the pipeline should happen in a serialized format (i.e., pickle) or as the raw output data e.g. text.
Video classification pipeline using any AutoModelForVideoClassification
. This pipeline predicts the class of a
This video classification pipeline can currently be loaded from pipeline() using the following task identifier:
See the list of available models on
< source >( inputs: typing.Union[str, typing.List[str]] = None **kwargs )
- inputs (
) — The pipeline handles three types of videos:- A string containing a http link pointing to a video
- A string containing a local path to a video
The pipeline accepts either a single video or a batch of videos, which must then be passed as a string. Videos in a batch must all be in the same format: all as http links or all as local paths.
- top_k (
, optional, defaults to 5) — The number of top labels that will be returned by the pipeline. If the provided number is higher than the number of labels available in the model configuration, it will default to the number of labels. - num_frames (
, optional, defaults toself.model.config.num_frames
) — The number of frames sampled from the video to run the classification on. If not provided, will default to the number of frames specified in the model configuration. - frame_sampling_rate (
, optional, defaults to 1) — The sampling rate used to select frames from the video. If not provided, will default to 1, i.e. every frame will be used. - function_to_apply(
, optional, defaults to “softmax”) — The function to apply to the model output. By default, the pipeline will apply the softmax function to the output of the model. Valid options: [“softmax”, “sigmoid”, “none”]. Note that passing Python’s built-inNone
will default to “softmax”, so you need to pass the string “none” to disable any post-processing.
Assign labels to the video(s) passed as inputs.
class transformers.ZeroShotImageClassificationPipeline
< source >( **kwargs )
- model (PreTrainedModel or TFPreTrainedModel) — The model that will be used by the pipeline to make predictions. This needs to be a model inheriting from PreTrainedModel for PyTorch and TFPreTrainedModel for TensorFlow.
- image_processor (BaseImageProcessor) — The image processor that will be used by the pipeline to encode data for the model. This object inherits from BaseImageProcessor.
- modelcard (
, optional) — Model card attributed to the model for this pipeline. - framework (
, optional) — The framework to use, either"pt"
for PyTorch or"tf"
for TensorFlow. The specified framework must be installed.If no framework is specified, will default to the one currently installed. If no framework is specified and both frameworks are installed, will default to the framework of the
, or to PyTorch if no model is provided. - task (
, defaults to""
) — A task-identifier for the pipeline. - num_workers (
, optional, defaults to 8) — When the pipeline will use DataLoader (when passing a dataset, on GPU for a Pytorch model), the number of workers to be used. - batch_size (
, optional, defaults to 1) — When the pipeline will use DataLoader (when passing a dataset, on GPU for a Pytorch model), the size of the batch to use, for inference this is not always beneficial, please read Batching with pipelines . - args_parser (ArgumentHandler, optional) — Reference to the object in charge of parsing supplied pipeline parameters.
- device (
, optional, defaults to -1) — Device ordinal for CPU/GPU supports. Setting this to -1 will leverage CPU, a positive will run the model on the associated CUDA device id. You can pass nativetorch.device
or astr
too - torch_dtype (
, optional) — Sent directly asmodel_kwargs
(just a simpler shortcut) to use the available precision for this model (torch.float16
, … or"auto"
) - binary_output (
, optional, defaults toFalse
) — Flag indicating if the output the pipeline should happen in a serialized format (i.e., pickle) or as the raw output data e.g. text.
Zero shot image classification pipeline using CLIPModel
. This pipeline predicts the class of an image when you
provide an image and a set of candidate_labels
>>> from transformers import pipeline
>>> classifier = pipeline(model="google/siglip-so400m-patch14-384")
>>> classifier(
... "",
... candidate_labels=["animals", "humans", "landscape"],
... )
[{'score': 0.965, 'label': 'animals'}, {'score': 0.03, 'label': 'humans'}, {'score': 0.005, 'label': 'landscape'}]
>>> classifier(
... "",
... candidate_labels=["black and white", "photorealist", "painting"],
... )
[{'score': 0.996, 'label': 'black and white'}, {'score': 0.003, 'label': 'photorealist'}, {'score': 0.0, 'label': 'painting'}]
Learn more about the basics of using a pipeline in the pipeline tutorial
This image classification pipeline can currently be loaded from pipeline() using the following task identifier:
See the list of available models on
< source >( image: typing.Union[str, typing.List[str], ForwardRef('Image'), typing.List[ForwardRef('Image')]] = None **kwargs )
- image (
) — The pipeline handles three types of images:- A string containing a http link pointing to an image
- A string containing a local path to an image
- An image loaded in PIL directly
- candidate_labels (
) — The candidate labels for this image. They will be formatted using hypothesis_template. - hypothesis_template (
, optional, defaults to"This is a photo of {}"
) — The format used in conjunction with candidate_labels to attempt the image classification by replacing the placeholder with the candidate_labels. Pass ”{}” if candidate_labels are already formatted. - timeout (
, optional, defaults to None) — The maximum time in seconds to wait for fetching images from the web. If None, no timeout is set and the call may block forever.
Assign labels to the image(s) passed as inputs.
class transformers.ZeroShotObjectDetectionPipeline
< source >( **kwargs )
- model (PreTrainedModel or TFPreTrainedModel) — The model that will be used by the pipeline to make predictions. This needs to be a model inheriting from PreTrainedModel for PyTorch and TFPreTrainedModel for TensorFlow.
- image_processor (BaseImageProcessor) — The image processor that will be used by the pipeline to encode data for the model. This object inherits from BaseImageProcessor.
- modelcard (
, optional) — Model card attributed to the model for this pipeline. - framework (
, optional) — The framework to use, either"pt"
for PyTorch or"tf"
for TensorFlow. The specified framework must be installed.If no framework is specified, will default to the one currently installed. If no framework is specified and both frameworks are installed, will default to the framework of the
, or to PyTorch if no model is provided. - task (
, defaults to""
) — A task-identifier for the pipeline. - num_workers (
, optional, defaults to 8) — When the pipeline will use DataLoader (when passing a dataset, on GPU for a Pytorch model), the number of workers to be used. - batch_size (
, optional, defaults to 1) — When the pipeline will use DataLoader (when passing a dataset, on GPU for a Pytorch model), the size of the batch to use, for inference this is not always beneficial, please read Batching with pipelines . - args_parser (ArgumentHandler, optional) — Reference to the object in charge of parsing supplied pipeline parameters.
- device (
, optional, defaults to -1) — Device ordinal for CPU/GPU supports. Setting this to -1 will leverage CPU, a positive will run the model on the associated CUDA device id. You can pass nativetorch.device
or astr
too - torch_dtype (
, optional) — Sent directly asmodel_kwargs
(just a simpler shortcut) to use the available precision for this model (torch.float16
, … or"auto"
) - binary_output (
, optional, defaults toFalse
) — Flag indicating if the output the pipeline should happen in a serialized format (i.e., pickle) or as the raw output data e.g. text.
Zero shot object detection pipeline using OwlViTForObjectDetection
. This pipeline predicts bounding boxes of
objects when you provide an image and a set of candidate_labels
>>> from transformers import pipeline
>>> detector = pipeline(model="google/owlvit-base-patch32", task="zero-shot-object-detection")
>>> detector(
... "",
... candidate_labels=["cat", "couch"],
... )
[{'score': 0.287, 'label': 'cat', 'box': {'xmin': 324, 'ymin': 20, 'xmax': 640, 'ymax': 373}}, {'score': 0.254, 'label': 'cat', 'box': {'xmin': 1, 'ymin': 55, 'xmax': 315, 'ymax': 472}}, {'score': 0.121, 'label': 'couch', 'box': {'xmin': 4, 'ymin': 0, 'xmax': 642, 'ymax': 476}}]
>>> detector(
... "",
... candidate_labels=["head", "bird"],
... )
[{'score': 0.119, 'label': 'bird', 'box': {'xmin': 71, 'ymin': 170, 'xmax': 410, 'ymax': 508}}]
Learn more about the basics of using a pipeline in the pipeline tutorial
This object detection pipeline can currently be loaded from pipeline() using the following task identifier:
See the list of available models on
< source >( image: typing.Union[str, ForwardRef('Image.Image'), typing.List[typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]]] candidate_labels: typing.Union[str, typing.List[str]] = None **kwargs )
- image (
orList[Dict[str, Any]]
) — The pipeline handles three types of images:- A string containing an http url pointing to an image
- A string containing a local path to an image
- An image loaded in PIL directly
You can use this parameter to send directly a list of images, or a dataset or a generator like so:
Detect objects (bounding boxes & classes) in the image(s) passed as inputs.
class transformers.FillMaskPipeline
< source >( model: typing.Union[ForwardRef('PreTrainedModel'), ForwardRef('TFPreTrainedModel')] tokenizer: typing.Optional[transformers.tokenization_utils.PreTrainedTokenizer] = None feature_extractor: typing.Optional[ForwardRef('SequenceFeatureExtractor')] = None image_processor: typing.Optional[transformers.image_processing_utils.BaseImageProcessor] = None processor: typing.Optional[transformers.processing_utils.ProcessorMixin] = None modelcard: typing.Optional[transformers.modelcard.ModelCard] = None framework: typing.Optional[str] = None task: str = '' args_parser: ArgumentHandler = None device: typing.Union[int, ForwardRef('torch.device')] = None torch_dtype: typing.Union[str, ForwardRef('torch.dtype'), NoneType] = None binary_output: bool = False **kwargs )
- model (PreTrainedModel or TFPreTrainedModel) — The model that will be used by the pipeline to make predictions. This needs to be a model inheriting from PreTrainedModel for PyTorch and TFPreTrainedModel for TensorFlow.
- tokenizer (PreTrainedTokenizer) — The tokenizer that will be used by the pipeline to encode data for the model. This object inherits from PreTrainedTokenizer.
- modelcard (
, optional) — Model card attributed to the model for this pipeline. - framework (
, optional) — The framework to use, either"pt"
for PyTorch or"tf"
for TensorFlow. The specified framework must be installed.If no framework is specified, will default to the one currently installed. If no framework is specified and both frameworks are installed, will default to the framework of the
, or to PyTorch if no model is provided. - task (
, defaults to""
) — A task-identifier for the pipeline. - num_workers (
, optional, defaults to 8) — When the pipeline will use DataLoader (when passing a dataset, on GPU for a Pytorch model), the number of workers to be used. - batch_size (
, optional, defaults to 1) — When the pipeline will use DataLoader (when passing a dataset, on GPU for a Pytorch model), the size of the batch to use, for inference this is not always beneficial, please read Batching with pipelines . - args_parser (ArgumentHandler, optional) — Reference to the object in charge of parsing supplied pipeline parameters.
- device (
, optional, defaults to -1) — Device ordinal for CPU/GPU supports. Setting this to -1 will leverage CPU, a positive will run the model on the associated CUDA device id. You can pass nativetorch.device
or astr
too - torch_dtype (
, optional) — Sent directly asmodel_kwargs
(just a simpler shortcut) to use the available precision for this model (torch.float16
, … or"auto"
) - binary_output (
, optional, defaults toFalse
) — Flag indicating if the output the pipeline should happen in a serialized format (i.e., pickle) or as the raw output data e.g. text. - top_k (
, optional, defaults to 5) — The number of predictions to return. - targets (
, optional) — When passed, the model will limit the scores to the passed targets instead of looking up in the whole vocab. If the provided targets are not in the model vocab, they will be tokenized and the first resulting token will be used (with a warning, and that might be slower). - tokenizer_kwargs (
, optional) — Additional dictionary of keyword arguments passed along to the tokenizer.
Masked language modeling prediction pipeline using any ModelWithLMHead
. See the masked language modeling
examples for more information.
>>> from transformers import pipeline
>>> fill_masker = pipeline(model="google-bert/bert-base-uncased")
>>> fill_masker("This is a simple [MASK].")
[{'score': 0.042, 'token': 3291, 'token_str': 'problem', 'sequence': 'this is a simple problem.'}, {'score': 0.031, 'token': 3160, 'token_str': 'question', 'sequence': 'this is a simple question.'}, {'score': 0.03, 'token': 8522, 'token_str': 'equation', 'sequence': 'this is a simple equation.'}, {'score': 0.027, 'token': 2028, 'token_str': 'one', 'sequence': 'this is a simple one.'}, {'score': 0.024, 'token': 3627, 'token_str': 'rule', 'sequence': 'this is a simple rule.'}]
Learn more about the basics of using a pipeline in the pipeline tutorial
This mask filling pipeline can currently be loaded from pipeline() using the following task identifier:
The models that this pipeline can use are models that have been trained with a masked language modeling objective, which includes the bi-directional models in the library. See the up-to-date list of available models on
This pipeline only works for inputs with exactly one token masked. Experimental: We added support for multiple masks. The returned values are raw model output, and correspond to disjoint probabilities where one might expect joint probabilities (See discussion).
This pipeline now supports tokenizer_kwargs. For example try:
>>> from transformers import pipeline
>>> fill_masker = pipeline(model="google-bert/bert-base-uncased")
>>> tokenizer_kwargs = {"truncation": True}
>>> fill_masker(
... "This is a simple [MASK]. " + "...with a large amount of repeated text appended. " * 100,
... tokenizer_kwargs=tokenizer_kwargs,
... )
< source >( inputs **kwargs ) → A list or a list of list of dict
- inputs (
) — One or several texts (or one list of prompts) with masked tokens. - targets (
, optional) — When passed, the model will limit the scores to the passed targets instead of looking up in the whole vocab. If the provided targets are not in the model vocab, they will be tokenized and the first resulting token will be used (with a warning, and that might be slower). - top_k (
, optional) — When passed, overrides the number of predictions to return.
A list or a list of list of dict
Each result comes as list of dictionaries with the following keys:
- sequence (
) — The corresponding input with the mask token prediction. - score (
) — The corresponding probability. - token (
) — The predicted token id (to replace the masked one). - token_str (
) — The predicted token (to replace the masked one).
Fill the masked token in the text(s) given as inputs.
class transformers.TokenClassificationPipeline
< source >( args_parser = <transformers.pipelines.token_classification.TokenClassificationArgumentHandler object at 0x7fa23676a650> *args **kwargs )
- model (PreTrainedModel or TFPreTrainedModel) — The model that will be used by the pipeline to make predictions. This needs to be a model inheriting from PreTrainedModel for PyTorch and TFPreTrainedModel for TensorFlow.
- tokenizer (PreTrainedTokenizer) — The tokenizer that will be used by the pipeline to encode data for the model. This object inherits from PreTrainedTokenizer.
- modelcard (
, optional) — Model card attributed to the model for this pipeline. - framework (
, optional) — The framework to use, either"pt"
for PyTorch or"tf"
for TensorFlow. The specified framework must be installed.If no framework is specified, will default to the one currently installed. If no framework is specified and both frameworks are installed, will default to the framework of the
, or to PyTorch if no model is provided. - task (
, defaults to""
) — A task-identifier for the pipeline. - num_workers (
, optional, defaults to 8) — When the pipeline will use DataLoader (when passing a dataset, on GPU for a Pytorch model), the number of workers to be used. - batch_size (
, optional, defaults to 1) — When the pipeline will use DataLoader (when passing a dataset, on GPU for a Pytorch model), the size of the batch to use, for inference this is not always beneficial, please read Batching with pipelines . - args_parser (ArgumentHandler, optional) — Reference to the object in charge of parsing supplied pipeline parameters.
- device (
, optional, defaults to -1) — Device ordinal for CPU/GPU supports. Setting this to -1 will leverage CPU, a positive will run the model on the associated CUDA device id. You can pass nativetorch.device
or astr
too - torch_dtype (
, optional) — Sent directly asmodel_kwargs
(just a simpler shortcut) to use the available precision for this model (torch.float16
, … or"auto"
) - binary_output (
, optional, defaults toFalse
) — Flag indicating if the output the pipeline should happen in a serialized format (i.e., pickle) or as the raw output data e.g. text. - ignore_labels (
, defaults to["O"]
) — A list of labels to ignore. - grouped_entities (
, optional, defaults toFalse
) — DEPRECATED, useaggregation_strategy
instead. Whether or not to group the tokens corresponding to the same entity together in the predictions or not. - stride (
, optional) — If stride is provided, the pipeline is applied on all the text. The text is split into chunks of size model_max_length. Works only with fast tokenizers andaggregation_strategy
different fromNONE
. The value of this argument defines the number of overlapping tokens between chunks. In other words, the model will shift forward bytokenizer.model_max_length - stride
tokens each step. - aggregation_strategy (
, optional, defaults to"none"
) — The strategy to fuse (or not) tokens based on the model prediction.- “none” : Will simply not do any aggregation and simply return raw results from the model
- “simple” : Will attempt to group entities following the default schema. (A, B-TAG), (B, I-TAG), (C, I-TAG), (D, B-TAG2) (E, B-TAG2) will end up being [{“word”: ABC, “entity”: “TAG”}, {“word”: “D”, “entity”: “TAG2”}, {“word”: “E”, “entity”: “TAG2”}] Notice that two consecutive B tags will end up as different entities. On word based languages, we might end up splitting words undesirably : Imagine Microsoft being tagged as [{“word”: “Micro”, “entity”: “ENTERPRISE”}, {“word”: “soft”, “entity”: “NAME”}]. Look for FIRST, MAX, AVERAGE for ways to mitigate that and disambiguate words (on languages that support that meaning, which is basically tokens separated by a space). These mitigations will only work on real words, “New york” might still be tagged with two different entities.
- “first” : (works only on word based models) Will use the
strategy except that words, cannot end up with different tags. Words will simply use the tag of the first token of the word when there is ambiguity. - “average” : (works only on word based models) Will use the
strategy except that words, cannot end up with different tags. scores will be averaged first across tokens, and then the maximum label is applied. - “max” : (works only on word based models) Will use the
strategy except that words, cannot end up with different tags. Word entity will simply be the token with the maximum score.
Named Entity Recognition pipeline using any ModelForTokenClassification
. See the named entity recognition
examples for more information.
>>> from transformers import pipeline
>>> token_classifier = pipeline(model="Jean-Baptiste/camembert-ner", aggregation_strategy="simple")
>>> sentence = "Je m'appelle jean-baptiste et je vis à montréal"
>>> tokens = token_classifier(sentence)
>>> tokens
[{'entity_group': 'PER', 'score': 0.9931, 'word': 'jean-baptiste', 'start': 12, 'end': 26}, {'entity_group': 'LOC', 'score': 0.998, 'word': 'montréal', 'start': 38, 'end': 47}]
>>> token = tokens[0]
>>> # Start and end provide an easy way to highlight words in the original text.
>>> sentence[token["start"] : token["end"]]
' jean-baptiste'
>>> # Some models use the same idea to do part of speech.
>>> syntaxer = pipeline(model="vblagoje/bert-english-uncased-finetuned-pos", aggregation_strategy="simple")
>>> syntaxer("My name is Sarah and I live in London")
[{'entity_group': 'PRON', 'score': 0.999, 'word': 'my', 'start': 0, 'end': 2}, {'entity_group': 'NOUN', 'score': 0.997, 'word': 'name', 'start': 3, 'end': 7}, {'entity_group': 'AUX', 'score': 0.994, 'word': 'is', 'start': 8, 'end': 10}, {'entity_group': 'PROPN', 'score': 0.999, 'word': 'sarah', 'start': 11, 'end': 16}, {'entity_group': 'CCONJ', 'score': 0.999, 'word': 'and', 'start': 17, 'end': 20}, {'entity_group': 'PRON', 'score': 0.999, 'word': 'i', 'start': 21, 'end': 22}, {'entity_group': 'VERB', 'score': 0.998, 'word': 'live', 'start': 23, 'end': 27}, {'entity_group': 'ADP', 'score': 0.999, 'word': 'in', 'start': 28, 'end': 30}, {'entity_group': 'PROPN', 'score': 0.999, 'word': 'london', 'start': 31, 'end': 37}]
Learn more about the basics of using a pipeline in the pipeline tutorial
This token recognition pipeline can currently be loaded from pipeline() using the following task identifier:
(for predicting the classes of tokens in a sequence: person, organisation, location or miscellaneous).
The models that this pipeline can use are models that have been fine-tuned on a token classification task. See the up-to-date list of available models on
< source >( entities: typing.List[dict] aggregation_strategy: AggregationStrategy )
Override tokens from a given word that disagree to force agreement on word boundaries.
Example: micro|soft| com|pany| B-ENT I-NAME I-ENT I-ENT will be rewritten with first strategy as microsoft| company| B-ENT I-ENT
< source >( sentence: str input_ids: ndarray scores: ndarray offset_mapping: typing.Optional[typing.List[typing.Tuple[int, int]]] special_tokens_mask: ndarray aggregation_strategy: AggregationStrategy )
Fuse various numpy arrays into dicts with all the information needed for aggregation
< source >( entities: typing.List[dict] )
Find and group together the adjacent tokens with the same entity predicted.
< source >( entities: typing.List[dict] )
Group together the adjacent tokens with the same entity predicted.
See TokenClassificationPipeline for all details.
class transformers.QuestionAnsweringPipeline
< source >( model: typing.Union[ForwardRef('PreTrainedModel'), ForwardRef('TFPreTrainedModel')] tokenizer: PreTrainedTokenizer modelcard: typing.Optional[transformers.modelcard.ModelCard] = None framework: typing.Optional[str] = None task: str = '' **kwargs )
- model (PreTrainedModel or TFPreTrainedModel) — The model that will be used by the pipeline to make predictions. This needs to be a model inheriting from PreTrainedModel for PyTorch and TFPreTrainedModel for TensorFlow.
- tokenizer (PreTrainedTokenizer) — The tokenizer that will be used by the pipeline to encode data for the model. This object inherits from PreTrainedTokenizer.
- modelcard (
, optional) — Model card attributed to the model for this pipeline. - framework (
, optional) — The framework to use, either"pt"
for PyTorch or"tf"
for TensorFlow. The specified framework must be installed.If no framework is specified, will default to the one currently installed. If no framework is specified and both frameworks are installed, will default to the framework of the
, or to PyTorch if no model is provided. - task (
, defaults to""
) — A task-identifier for the pipeline. - num_workers (
, optional, defaults to 8) — When the pipeline will use DataLoader (when passing a dataset, on GPU for a Pytorch model), the number of workers to be used. - batch_size (
, optional, defaults to 1) — When the pipeline will use DataLoader (when passing a dataset, on GPU for a Pytorch model), the size of the batch to use, for inference this is not always beneficial, please read Batching with pipelines . - args_parser (ArgumentHandler, optional) — Reference to the object in charge of parsing supplied pipeline parameters.
- device (
, optional, defaults to -1) — Device ordinal for CPU/GPU supports. Setting this to -1 will leverage CPU, a positive will run the model on the associated CUDA device id. You can pass nativetorch.device
or astr
too - torch_dtype (
, optional) — Sent directly asmodel_kwargs
(just a simpler shortcut) to use the available precision for this model (torch.float16
, … or"auto"
) - binary_output (
, optional, defaults toFalse
) — Flag indicating if the output the pipeline should happen in a serialized format (i.e., pickle) or as the raw output data e.g. text.
Question Answering pipeline using any ModelForQuestionAnswering
. See the question answering
examples for more information.
>>> from transformers import pipeline
>>> oracle = pipeline(model="deepset/roberta-base-squad2")
>>> oracle(question="Where do I live?", context="My name is Wolfgang and I live in Berlin")
{'score': 0.9191, 'start': 34, 'end': 40, 'answer': 'Berlin'}
Learn more about the basics of using a pipeline in the pipeline tutorial
This question answering pipeline can currently be loaded from pipeline() using the following task identifier:
The models that this pipeline can use are models that have been fine-tuned on a question answering task. See the up-to-date list of available models on
< source >( *args **kwargs ) → A dict
or a list of dict
- question (
) — One or several question(s) (must be used in conjunction with thecontext
argument). - context (
) — One or several context(s) associated with the question(s) (must be used in conjunction with thequestion
argument). - top_k (
, optional, defaults to 1) — The number of answers to return (will be chosen by order of likelihood). Note that we return less than top_k answers if there are not enough options available within the context. - doc_stride (
, optional, defaults to 128) — If the context is too long to fit with the question for the model, it will be split in several chunks with some overlap. This argument controls the size of that overlap. - max_answer_len (
, optional, defaults to 15) — The maximum length of predicted answers (e.g., only answers with a shorter length are considered). - max_seq_len (
, optional, defaults to 384) — The maximum length of the total sentence (context + question) in tokens of each chunk passed to the model. The context will be split in several chunks (usingdoc_stride
as overlap) if needed. - max_question_len (
, optional, defaults to 64) — The maximum length of the question after tokenization. It will be truncated if needed. - handle_impossible_answer (
, optional, defaults toFalse
) — Whether or not we accept impossible as an answer. - align_to_words (
, optional, defaults toTrue
) — Attempts to align the answer to real words. Improves quality on space separated languages. Might hurt on non-space-separated languages (like Japanese or Chinese)
A dict
or a list of dict
Each result comes as a dictionary with the following keys:
- score (
) — The probability associated to the answer. - start (
) — The character start index of the answer (in the tokenized version of the input). - end (
) — The character end index of the answer (in the tokenized version of the input). - answer (
) — The answer to the question.
Answer the question(s) given as inputs by using the context(s).
< source >( question: typing.Union[str, typing.List[str]] context: typing.Union[str, typing.List[str]] ) → One or a list of SquadExample
QuestionAnsweringPipeline leverages the SquadExample
internally. This helper method encapsulate all the
logic for converting question(s) and context(s) to SquadExample
We currently support extractive question answering.
< source >( text: str start: int end: int ) → Dictionary like `{‘answer’
When decoding from token probabilities, this method maps token indexes to actual word in the initial context.
class transformers.SummarizationPipeline
< source >( *args **kwargs )
- model (PreTrainedModel or TFPreTrainedModel) — The model that will be used by the pipeline to make predictions. This needs to be a model inheriting from PreTrainedModel for PyTorch and TFPreTrainedModel for TensorFlow.
- tokenizer (PreTrainedTokenizer) — The tokenizer that will be used by the pipeline to encode data for the model. This object inherits from PreTrainedTokenizer.
- modelcard (
, optional) — Model card attributed to the model for this pipeline. - framework (
, optional) — The framework to use, either"pt"
for PyTorch or"tf"
for TensorFlow. The specified framework must be installed.If no framework is specified, will default to the one currently installed. If no framework is specified and both frameworks are installed, will default to the framework of the
, or to PyTorch if no model is provided. - task (
, defaults to""
) — A task-identifier for the pipeline. - num_workers (
, optional, defaults to 8) — When the pipeline will use DataLoader (when passing a dataset, on GPU for a Pytorch model), the number of workers to be used. - batch_size (
, optional, defaults to 1) — When the pipeline will use DataLoader (when passing a dataset, on GPU for a Pytorch model), the size of the batch to use, for inference this is not always beneficial, please read Batching with pipelines . - args_parser (ArgumentHandler, optional) — Reference to the object in charge of parsing supplied pipeline parameters.
- device (
, optional, defaults to -1) — Device ordinal for CPU/GPU supports. Setting this to -1 will leverage CPU, a positive will run the model on the associated CUDA device id. You can pass nativetorch.device
or astr
too - torch_dtype (
, optional) — Sent directly asmodel_kwargs
(just a simpler shortcut) to use the available precision for this model (torch.float16
, … or"auto"
) - binary_output (
, optional, defaults toFalse
) — Flag indicating if the output the pipeline should happen in a serialized format (i.e., pickle) or as the raw output data e.g. text.
Summarize news articles and other documents.
This summarizing pipeline can currently be loaded from pipeline() using the following task identifier:
The models that this pipeline can use are models that have been fine-tuned on a summarization task, which is currently, ’bart-large-cnn’, ’google-t5/t5-small’, ’google-t5/t5-base’, ’google-t5/t5-large’, ’google-t5/t5-3b’, ’google-t5/t5-11b’. See the up-to-date list of available models on For a list of available parameters, see the following documentation
# use bart in pytorch
summarizer = pipeline("summarization")
summarizer("An apple a day, keeps the doctor away", min_length=5, max_length=20)
# use t5 in tf
summarizer = pipeline("summarization", model="google-t5/t5-base", tokenizer="google-t5/t5-base", framework="tf")
summarizer("An apple a day, keeps the doctor away", min_length=5, max_length=20)
< source >( *args **kwargs ) → A list or a list of list of dict
- documents (str or
) — One or several articles (or one list of articles) to summarize. - return_text (
, optional, defaults toTrue
) — Whether or not to include the decoded texts in the outputs - return_tensors (
, optional, defaults toFalse
) — Whether or not to include the tensors of predictions (as token indices) in the outputs. - clean_up_tokenization_spaces (
, optional, defaults toFalse
) — Whether or not to clean up the potential extra spaces in the text output. - generate_kwargs — Additional keyword arguments to pass along to the generate method of the model (see the generate method corresponding to your framework here).
A list or a list of list of dict
Each result comes as a dictionary with the following keys:
- summary_text (
, present whenreturn_text=True
) — The summary of the corresponding input. - summary_token_ids (
, present whenreturn_tensors=True
) — The token ids of the summary.
Summarize the text(s) given as inputs.
class transformers.TableQuestionAnsweringPipeline
< source >( args_parser = <transformers.pipelines.table_question_answering.TableQuestionAnsweringArgumentHandler object at 0x7fa2367011e0> *args **kwargs )
- model (PreTrainedModel or TFPreTrainedModel) — The model that will be used by the pipeline to make predictions. This needs to be a model inheriting from PreTrainedModel for PyTorch and TFPreTrainedModel for TensorFlow.
- tokenizer (PreTrainedTokenizer) — The tokenizer that will be used by the pipeline to encode data for the model. This object inherits from PreTrainedTokenizer.
- modelcard (
, optional) — Model card attributed to the model for this pipeline. - framework (
, optional) — The framework to use, either"pt"
for PyTorch or"tf"
for TensorFlow. The specified framework must be installed.If no framework is specified, will default to the one currently installed. If no framework is specified and both frameworks are installed, will default to the framework of the
, or to PyTorch if no model is provided. - task (
, defaults to""
) — A task-identifier for the pipeline. - num_workers (
, optional, defaults to 8) — When the pipeline will use DataLoader (when passing a dataset, on GPU for a Pytorch model), the number of workers to be used. - batch_size (
, optional, defaults to 1) — When the pipeline will use DataLoader (when passing a dataset, on GPU for a Pytorch model), the size of the batch to use, for inference this is not always beneficial, please read Batching with pipelines . - args_parser (ArgumentHandler, optional) — Reference to the object in charge of parsing supplied pipeline parameters.
- device (
, optional, defaults to -1) — Device ordinal for CPU/GPU supports. Setting this to -1 will leverage CPU, a positive will run the model on the associated CUDA device id. You can pass nativetorch.device
or astr
too - torch_dtype (
, optional) — Sent directly asmodel_kwargs
(just a simpler shortcut) to use the available precision for this model (torch.float16
, … or"auto"
) - binary_output (
, optional, defaults toFalse
) — Flag indicating if the output the pipeline should happen in a serialized format (i.e., pickle) or as the raw output data e.g. text.
Table Question Answering pipeline using a ModelForTableQuestionAnswering
. This pipeline is only available in
>>> from transformers import pipeline
>>> oracle = pipeline(model="google/tapas-base-finetuned-wtq")
>>> table = {
... "Repository": ["Transformers", "Datasets", "Tokenizers"],
... "Stars": ["36542", "4512", "3934"],
... "Contributors": ["651", "77", "34"],
... "Programming language": ["Python", "Python", "Rust, Python and NodeJS"],
... }
>>> oracle(query="How many stars does the transformers repository have?", table=table)
{'answer': 'AVERAGE > 36542', 'coordinates': [(0, 1)], 'cells': ['36542'], 'aggregator': 'AVERAGE'}
Learn more about the basics of using a pipeline in the pipeline tutorial
This tabular question answering pipeline can currently be loaded from pipeline() using the following task
identifier: "table-question-answering"
The models that this pipeline can use are models that have been fine-tuned on a tabular question answering task. See the up-to-date list of available models on
< source >( *args **kwargs ) → A dictionary or a list of dictionaries containing results
- table (
) — Pandas DataFrame or dictionary that will be converted to a DataFrame containing all the table values. See above for an example of dictionary. - query (
) — Query or list of queries that will be sent to the model alongside the table. - sequential (
, optional, defaults toFalse
) — Whether to do inference sequentially or as a batch. Batching is faster, but models like SQA require the inference to be done sequentially to extract relations within sequences, given their conversational nature. - padding (
or PaddingStrategy, optional, defaults toFalse
) — Activates and controls padding. Accepts the following values:True
: Pad to the longest sequence in the batch (or no padding if only a single sequence if provided).'max_length'
: Pad to a maximum length specified with the argumentmax_length
or to the maximum acceptable input length for the model if that argument is not provided.False
(default): No padding (i.e., can output a batch with sequences of different lengths).
- truncation (
, optional, defaults toFalse
) — Activates and controls truncation. Accepts the following values:True
: Truncate to a maximum length specified with the argumentmax_length
or to the maximum acceptable input length for the model if that argument is not provided. This will truncate row by row, removing rows from the table.False
(default): No truncation (i.e., can output batch with sequence lengths greater than the model maximum admissible input size).
A dictionary or a list of dictionaries containing results
Each result is a dictionary with the following keys:
- answer (
) — The answer of the query given the table. If there is an aggregator, the answer will be preceded byAGGREGATOR >
. - coordinates (
List[Tuple[int, int]]
) — Coordinates of the cells of the answers. - cells (
) — List of strings made up of the answer cell values. - aggregator (
) — If the model has an aggregator, this returns the aggregator.
Answers queries according to a table. The pipeline accepts several types of inputs which are detailed below:
pipeline(table, query)
pipeline(table, [query])
pipeline(table=table, query=query)
pipeline(table=table, query=[query])
pipeline({"table": table, "query": query})
pipeline({"table": table, "query": [query]})
pipeline([{"table": table, "query": query}, {"table": table, "query": query}])
The table
argument should be a dict or a DataFrame built from that dict, containing the whole table:
data = {
"actors": ["brad pitt", "leonardo di caprio", "george clooney"],
"age": ["56", "45", "59"],
"number of movies": ["87", "53", "69"],
"date of birth": ["7 february 1967", "10 june 1996", "28 november 1967"],
This dictionary can be passed in as such, or can be converted to a pandas DataFrame:
class transformers.TextClassificationPipeline
< source >( **kwargs )
- model (PreTrainedModel or TFPreTrainedModel) — The model that will be used by the pipeline to make predictions. This needs to be a model inheriting from PreTrainedModel for PyTorch and TFPreTrainedModel for TensorFlow.
- tokenizer (PreTrainedTokenizer) — The tokenizer that will be used by the pipeline to encode data for the model. This object inherits from PreTrainedTokenizer.
- modelcard (
, optional) — Model card attributed to the model for this pipeline. - framework (
, optional) — The framework to use, either"pt"
for PyTorch or"tf"
for TensorFlow. The specified framework must be installed.If no framework is specified, will default to the one currently installed. If no framework is specified and both frameworks are installed, will default to the framework of the
, or to PyTorch if no model is provided. - task (
, defaults to""
) — A task-identifier for the pipeline. - num_workers (
, optional, defaults to 8) — When the pipeline will use DataLoader (when passing a dataset, on GPU for a Pytorch model), the number of workers to be used. - batch_size (
, optional, defaults to 1) — When the pipeline will use DataLoader (when passing a dataset, on GPU for a Pytorch model), the size of the batch to use, for inference this is not always beneficial, please read Batching with pipelines . - args_parser (ArgumentHandler, optional) — Reference to the object in charge of parsing supplied pipeline parameters.
- device (
, optional, defaults to -1) — Device ordinal for CPU/GPU supports. Setting this to -1 will leverage CPU, a positive will run the model on the associated CUDA device id. You can pass nativetorch.device
or astr
too - torch_dtype (
, optional) — Sent directly asmodel_kwargs
(just a simpler shortcut) to use the available precision for this model (torch.float16
, … or"auto"
) - binary_output (
, optional, defaults toFalse
) — Flag indicating if the output the pipeline should happen in a serialized format (i.e., pickle) or as the raw output data e.g. text. - return_all_scores (
, optional, defaults toFalse
) — Whether to return all prediction scores or just the one of the predicted class. - function_to_apply (
, optional, defaults to"default"
) — The function to apply to the model outputs in order to retrieve the scores. Accepts four different values:"default"
: if the model has a single label, will apply the sigmoid function on the output. If the model has several labels, will apply the softmax function on the output. In case of regression tasks, will not apply any function on the output."sigmoid"
: Applies the sigmoid function on the output."softmax"
: Applies the softmax function on the output."none"
: Does not apply any function on the output.
Text classification pipeline using any ModelForSequenceClassification
. See the sequence classification
examples for more information.
>>> from transformers import pipeline
>>> classifier = pipeline(model="distilbert/distilbert-base-uncased-finetuned-sst-2-english")
>>> classifier("This movie is disgustingly good !")
[{'label': 'POSITIVE', 'score': 1.0}]
>>> classifier("Director tried too much.")
[{'label': 'NEGATIVE', 'score': 0.996}]
Learn more about the basics of using a pipeline in the pipeline tutorial
This text classification pipeline can currently be loaded from pipeline() using the following task identifier:
(for classifying sequences according to positive or negative sentiments).
If multiple classification labels are available (model.config.num_labels >= 2
), the pipeline will run a softmax
over the results. If there is a single label, the pipeline will run a sigmoid over the result. In case of regression
tasks (model.config.problem_type == "regression"
), will not apply any function on the output.
The models that this pipeline can use are models that have been fine-tuned on a sequence classification task. See the up-to-date list of available models on
< source >( inputs **kwargs ) → A list or a list of list of dict
- inputs (
, orList[Dict[str]]
) — One or several texts to classify. In order to use text pairs for your classification, you can send a dictionary containing{"text", "text_pair"}
keys, or a list of those. - top_k (
, optional, defaults to1
) — How many results to return. - function_to_apply (
, optional, defaults to"default"
) — The function to apply to the model outputs in order to retrieve the scores. Accepts four different values:If this argument is not specified, then it will apply the following functions according to the number of labels:
- If problem type is regression, will not apply any function on the output.
- If the model has a single label, will apply the sigmoid function on the output.
- If the model has several labels, will apply the softmax function on the output.
Possible values are:
: Applies the sigmoid function on the output."softmax"
: Applies the softmax function on the output."none"
: Does not apply any function on the output.
A list or a list of list of dict
Each result comes as list of dictionaries with the following keys:
- label (
) — The label predicted. - score (
) — The corresponding probability.
If top_k
is used, one such dictionary is returned per label.
Classify the text(s) given as inputs.
class transformers.TextGenerationPipeline
< source >( *args **kwargs )
- model (PreTrainedModel or TFPreTrainedModel) — The model that will be used by the pipeline to make predictions. This needs to be a model inheriting from PreTrainedModel for PyTorch and TFPreTrainedModel for TensorFlow.
- tokenizer (PreTrainedTokenizer) — The tokenizer that will be used by the pipeline to encode data for the model. This object inherits from PreTrainedTokenizer.
- modelcard (
, optional) — Model card attributed to the model for this pipeline. - framework (
, optional) — The framework to use, either"pt"
for PyTorch or"tf"
for TensorFlow. The specified framework must be installed.If no framework is specified, will default to the one currently installed. If no framework is specified and both frameworks are installed, will default to the framework of the
, or to PyTorch if no model is provided. - task (
, defaults to""
) — A task-identifier for the pipeline. - num_workers (
, optional, defaults to 8) — When the pipeline will use DataLoader (when passing a dataset, on GPU for a Pytorch model), the number of workers to be used. - batch_size (
, optional, defaults to 1) — When the pipeline will use DataLoader (when passing a dataset, on GPU for a Pytorch model), the size of the batch to use, for inference this is not always beneficial, please read Batching with pipelines . - args_parser (ArgumentHandler, optional) — Reference to the object in charge of parsing supplied pipeline parameters.
- device (
, optional, defaults to -1) — Device ordinal for CPU/GPU supports. Setting this to -1 will leverage CPU, a positive will run the model on the associated CUDA device id. You can pass nativetorch.device
or astr
too - torch_dtype (
, optional) — Sent directly asmodel_kwargs
(just a simpler shortcut) to use the available precision for this model (torch.float16
, … or"auto"
) - binary_output (
, optional, defaults toFalse
) — Flag indicating if the output the pipeline should happen in a serialized format (i.e., pickle) or as the raw output data e.g. text.
Language generation pipeline using any ModelWithLMHead
. This pipeline predicts the words that will follow a
specified text prompt. When the underlying model is a conversational model, it can also accept one or more chats,
in which case the pipeline will operate in chat mode and will continue the chat(s) by adding its response(s).
Each chat takes the form of a list of dicts, where each dict contains “role” and “content” keys.
>>> from transformers import pipeline
>>> generator = pipeline(model="openai-community/gpt2")
>>> generator("I can't believe you did such a ", do_sample=False)
[{'generated_text': "I can't believe you did such a icky thing to me. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I"}]
>>> # These parameters will return suggestions, and only the newly created text making it easier for prompting suggestions.
>>> outputs = generator("My tart needs some", num_return_sequences=4, return_full_text=False)
>>> from transformers import pipeline
>>> generator = pipeline(model="HuggingFaceH4/zephyr-7b-beta")
>>> # Zephyr-beta is a conversational model, so let's pass it a chat instead of a single string
>>> generator([{"role": "user", "content": "What is the capital of France? Answer in one word."}], do_sample=False, max_new_tokens=2)
[{'generated_text': [{'role': 'user', 'content': 'What is the capital of France? Answer in one word.'}, {'role': 'assistant', 'content': 'Paris'}]}]
Learn more about the basics of using a pipeline in the pipeline tutorial. You can pass text generation parameters to this pipeline to control stopping criteria, decoding strategy, and more. Learn more about text generation parameters in Text generation strategies and Text generation.
This language generation pipeline can currently be loaded from pipeline() using the following task identifier:
The models that this pipeline can use are models that have been trained with an autoregressive language modeling objective. See the list of available text completion models and the list of conversational models on [].
< source >( text_inputs **kwargs ) → A list or a list of lists of dict
- text_inputs (
, List[Dict[str, str]], orList[List[Dict[str, str]]]
) — One or several prompts (or one list of prompts) to complete. If strings or a list of string are passed, this pipeline will continue each prompt. Alternatively, a “chat”, in the form of a list of dicts with “role” and “content” keys, can be passed, or a list of such chats. When chats are passed, the model’s chat template will be used to format them before passing them to the model. - return_tensors (
, optional, defaults toFalse
) — Returns the tensors of predictions (as token indices) in the outputs. If set toTrue
, the decoded text is not returned. - return_text (
, optional) — Returns the decoded texts in the outputs. - return_full_text (
, optional, defaults toTrue
) — If set toFalse
only added text is returned, otherwise the full text is returned. Cannot be specified at the same time asreturn_text
. - clean_up_tokenization_spaces (
, optional, defaults toTrue
) — Whether or not to clean up the potential extra spaces in the text output. - continue_final_message(
, optional) — This indicates that you want the model to continue the last message in the input chat rather than starting a new one, allowing you to “prefill” its response. By default this isTrue
when the final message in the input chat has theassistant
role andFalse
otherwise, but you can manually override that behaviour by setting this flag. - prefix (
, optional) — Prefix added to prompt. - handle_long_generation (
, optional) — By default, this pipelines does not handle long generation (ones that exceed in one form or the other the model maximum length). There is no perfect way to adress this (more info : This provides common strategies to work around that problem depending on your use case.None
: default strategy where nothing in particular happens"hole"
: Truncates left of input, and leaves a gap wide enough to let generation happen (might truncate a lot of the prompt and not suitable when generation exceed the model capacity)
- generate_kwargs (
, optional) — Additional keyword arguments to pass along to the generate method of the model (see the generate method corresponding to your framework here).
A list or a list of lists of dict
Returns one of the following dictionaries (cannot return a combination
of both generated_text
and generated_token_ids
- generated_text (
, present whenreturn_text=True
) — The generated text. - generated_token_ids (
, present whenreturn_tensors=True
) — The token ids of the generated text.
Complete the prompt(s) given as inputs.
class transformers.Text2TextGenerationPipeline
< source >( *args **kwargs )
- model (PreTrainedModel or TFPreTrainedModel) — The model that will be used by the pipeline to make predictions. This needs to be a model inheriting from PreTrainedModel for PyTorch and TFPreTrainedModel for TensorFlow.
- tokenizer (PreTrainedTokenizer) — The tokenizer that will be used by the pipeline to encode data for the model. This object inherits from PreTrainedTokenizer.
- modelcard (
, optional) — Model card attributed to the model for this pipeline. - framework (
, optional) — The framework to use, either"pt"
for PyTorch or"tf"
for TensorFlow. The specified framework must be installed.If no framework is specified, will default to the one currently installed. If no framework is specified and both frameworks are installed, will default to the framework of the
, or to PyTorch if no model is provided. - task (
, defaults to""
) — A task-identifier for the pipeline. - num_workers (
, optional, defaults to 8) — When the pipeline will use DataLoader (when passing a dataset, on GPU for a Pytorch model), the number of workers to be used. - batch_size (
, optional, defaults to 1) — When the pipeline will use DataLoader (when passing a dataset, on GPU for a Pytorch model), the size of the batch to use, for inference this is not always beneficial, please read Batching with pipelines . - args_parser (ArgumentHandler, optional) — Reference to the object in charge of parsing supplied pipeline parameters.
- device (
, optional, defaults to -1) — Device ordinal for CPU/GPU supports. Setting this to -1 will leverage CPU, a positive will run the model on the associated CUDA device id. You can pass nativetorch.device
or astr
too - torch_dtype (
, optional) — Sent directly asmodel_kwargs
(just a simpler shortcut) to use the available precision for this model (torch.float16
, … or"auto"
) - binary_output (
, optional, defaults toFalse
) — Flag indicating if the output the pipeline should happen in a serialized format (i.e., pickle) or as the raw output data e.g. text.
Pipeline for text to text generation using seq2seq models.
>>> from transformers import pipeline
>>> generator = pipeline(model="mrm8488/t5-base-finetuned-question-generation-ap")
>>> generator(
... "answer: Manuel context: Manuel has created RuPERTa-base with the support of HF-Transformers and Google"
... )
[{'generated_text': 'question: Who created the RuPERTa-base?'}]
Learn more about the basics of using a pipeline in the pipeline tutorial. You can pass text generation parameters to this pipeline to control stopping criteria, decoding strategy, and more. Learn more about text generation parameters in Text generation strategies and Text generation.
This Text2TextGenerationPipeline pipeline can currently be loaded from pipeline() using the following task
identifier: "text2text-generation"
The models that this pipeline can use are models that have been fine-tuned on a translation task. See the up-to-date list of available models on For a list of available parameters, see the following documentation
text2text_generator = pipeline("text2text-generation")
text2text_generator("question: What is 42 ? context: 42 is the answer to life, the universe and everything")
< source >( *args **kwargs ) → A list or a list of list of dict
- args (
) — Input text for the encoder. - return_tensors (
, optional, defaults toFalse
) — Whether or not to include the tensors of predictions (as token indices) in the outputs. - return_text (
, optional, defaults toTrue
) — Whether or not to include the decoded texts in the outputs. - clean_up_tokenization_spaces (
, optional, defaults toFalse
) — Whether or not to clean up the potential extra spaces in the text output. - truncation (
, optional, defaults toTruncationStrategy.DO_NOT_TRUNCATE
) — The truncation strategy for the tokenization within the pipeline.TruncationStrategy.DO_NOT_TRUNCATE
(default) will never truncate, but it is sometimes desirable to truncate the input to fit the model’s max_length instead of throwing an error down the line. - generate_kwargs — Additional keyword arguments to pass along to the generate method of the model (see the generate method corresponding to your framework here).
A list or a list of list of dict
Each result comes as a dictionary with the following keys:
- generated_text (
, present whenreturn_text=True
) — The generated text. - generated_token_ids (
, present whenreturn_tensors=True
) — The token ids of the generated text.
Generate the output text(s) using text(s) given as inputs.
Checks whether there might be something wrong with given input with regard to the model.
class transformers.TokenClassificationPipeline
< source >( args_parser = <transformers.pipelines.token_classification.TokenClassificationArgumentHandler object at 0x7fa23676a650> *args **kwargs )
- model (PreTrainedModel or TFPreTrainedModel) — The model that will be used by the pipeline to make predictions. This needs to be a model inheriting from PreTrainedModel for PyTorch and TFPreTrainedModel for TensorFlow.
- tokenizer (PreTrainedTokenizer) — The tokenizer that will be used by the pipeline to encode data for the model. This object inherits from PreTrainedTokenizer.
- modelcard (
, optional) — Model card attributed to the model for this pipeline. - framework (
, optional) — The framework to use, either"pt"
for PyTorch or"tf"
for TensorFlow. The specified framework must be installed.If no framework is specified, will default to the one currently installed. If no framework is specified and both frameworks are installed, will default to the framework of the
, or to PyTorch if no model is provided. - task (
, defaults to""
) — A task-identifier for the pipeline. - num_workers (
, optional, defaults to 8) — When the pipeline will use DataLoader (when passing a dataset, on GPU for a Pytorch model), the number of workers to be used. - batch_size (
, optional, defaults to 1) — When the pipeline will use DataLoader (when passing a dataset, on GPU for a Pytorch model), the size of the batch to use, for inference this is not always beneficial, please read Batching with pipelines . - args_parser (ArgumentHandler, optional) — Reference to the object in charge of parsing supplied pipeline parameters.
- device (
, optional, defaults to -1) — Device ordinal for CPU/GPU supports. Setting this to -1 will leverage CPU, a positive will run the model on the associated CUDA device id. You can pass nativetorch.device
or astr
too - torch_dtype (
, optional) — Sent directly asmodel_kwargs
(just a simpler shortcut) to use the available precision for this model (torch.float16
, … or"auto"
) - binary_output (
, optional, defaults toFalse
) — Flag indicating if the output the pipeline should happen in a serialized format (i.e., pickle) or as the raw output data e.g. text. - ignore_labels (
, defaults to["O"]
) — A list of labels to ignore. - grouped_entities (
, optional, defaults toFalse
) — DEPRECATED, useaggregation_strategy
instead. Whether or not to group the tokens corresponding to the same entity together in the predictions or not. - stride (
, optional) — If stride is provided, the pipeline is applied on all the text. The text is split into chunks of size model_max_length. Works only with fast tokenizers andaggregation_strategy
different fromNONE
. The value of this argument defines the number of overlapping tokens between chunks. In other words, the model will shift forward bytokenizer.model_max_length - stride
tokens each step. - aggregation_strategy (
, optional, defaults to"none"
) — The strategy to fuse (or not) tokens based on the model prediction.- “none” : Will simply not do any aggregation and simply return raw results from the model
- “simple” : Will attempt to group entities following the default schema. (A, B-TAG), (B, I-TAG), (C, I-TAG), (D, B-TAG2) (E, B-TAG2) will end up being [{“word”: ABC, “entity”: “TAG”}, {“word”: “D”, “entity”: “TAG2”}, {“word”: “E”, “entity”: “TAG2”}] Notice that two consecutive B tags will end up as different entities. On word based languages, we might end up splitting words undesirably : Imagine Microsoft being tagged as [{“word”: “Micro”, “entity”: “ENTERPRISE”}, {“word”: “soft”, “entity”: “NAME”}]. Look for FIRST, MAX, AVERAGE for ways to mitigate that and disambiguate words (on languages that support that meaning, which is basically tokens separated by a space). These mitigations will only work on real words, “New york” might still be tagged with two different entities.
- “first” : (works only on word based models) Will use the
strategy except that words, cannot end up with different tags. Words will simply use the tag of the first token of the word when there is ambiguity. - “average” : (works only on word based models) Will use the
strategy except that words, cannot end up with different tags. scores will be averaged first across tokens, and then the maximum label is applied. - “max” : (works only on word based models) Will use the
strategy except that words, cannot end up with different tags. Word entity will simply be the token with the maximum score.
Named Entity Recognition pipeline using any ModelForTokenClassification
. See the named entity recognition
examples for more information.
>>> from transformers import pipeline
>>> token_classifier = pipeline(model="Jean-Baptiste/camembert-ner", aggregation_strategy="simple")
>>> sentence = "Je m'appelle jean-baptiste et je vis à montréal"
>>> tokens = token_classifier(sentence)
>>> tokens
[{'entity_group': 'PER', 'score': 0.9931, 'word': 'jean-baptiste', 'start': 12, 'end': 26}, {'entity_group': 'LOC', 'score': 0.998, 'word': 'montréal', 'start': 38, 'end': 47}]
>>> token = tokens[0]
>>> # Start and end provide an easy way to highlight words in the original text.
>>> sentence[token["start"] : token["end"]]
' jean-baptiste'
>>> # Some models use the same idea to do part of speech.
>>> syntaxer = pipeline(model="vblagoje/bert-english-uncased-finetuned-pos", aggregation_strategy="simple")
>>> syntaxer("My name is Sarah and I live in London")
[{'entity_group': 'PRON', 'score': 0.999, 'word': 'my', 'start': 0, 'end': 2}, {'entity_group': 'NOUN', 'score': 0.997, 'word': 'name', 'start': 3, 'end': 7}, {'entity_group': 'AUX', 'score': 0.994, 'word': 'is', 'start': 8, 'end': 10}, {'entity_group': 'PROPN', 'score': 0.999, 'word': 'sarah', 'start': 11, 'end': 16}, {'entity_group': 'CCONJ', 'score': 0.999, 'word': 'and', 'start': 17, 'end': 20}, {'entity_group': 'PRON', 'score': 0.999, 'word': 'i', 'start': 21, 'end': 22}, {'entity_group': 'VERB', 'score': 0.998, 'word': 'live', 'start': 23, 'end': 27}, {'entity_group': 'ADP', 'score': 0.999, 'word': 'in', 'start': 28, 'end': 30}, {'entity_group': 'PROPN', 'score': 0.999, 'word': 'london', 'start': 31, 'end': 37}]
Learn more about the basics of using a pipeline in the pipeline tutorial
This token recognition pipeline can currently be loaded from pipeline() using the following task identifier:
(for predicting the classes of tokens in a sequence: person, organisation, location or miscellaneous).
The models that this pipeline can use are models that have been fine-tuned on a token classification task. See the up-to-date list of available models on
< source >( inputs: typing.Union[str, typing.List[str]] **kwargs ) → A list or a list of list of dict
A list or a list of list of dict
Each result comes as a list of dictionaries (one for each token in the corresponding input, or each entity if this pipeline was instantiated with an aggregation_strategy) with the following keys:
- word (
) — The token/word classified. This is obtained by decoding the selected tokens. If you want to have the exact string in the original sentence, usestart
. - score (
) — The corresponding probability forentity
. - entity (
) — The entity predicted for that token/word (it is named entity_group when aggregation_strategy is not"none"
. - index (
, only present whenaggregation_strategy="none"
) — The index of the corresponding token in the sentence. - start (
, optional) — The index of the start of the corresponding entity in the sentence. Only exists if the offsets are available within the tokenizer - end (
, optional) — The index of the end of the corresponding entity in the sentence. Only exists if the offsets are available within the tokenizer
Classify each token of the text(s) given as inputs.
< source >( entities: typing.List[dict] aggregation_strategy: AggregationStrategy )
Override tokens from a given word that disagree to force agreement on word boundaries.
Example: micro|soft| com|pany| B-ENT I-NAME I-ENT I-ENT will be rewritten with first strategy as microsoft| company| B-ENT I-ENT
< source >( sentence: str input_ids: ndarray scores: ndarray offset_mapping: typing.Optional[typing.List[typing.Tuple[int, int]]] special_tokens_mask: ndarray aggregation_strategy: AggregationStrategy )
Fuse various numpy arrays into dicts with all the information needed for aggregation
< source >( entities: typing.List[dict] )
Find and group together the adjacent tokens with the same entity predicted.
< source >( entities: typing.List[dict] )
Group together the adjacent tokens with the same entity predicted.
class transformers.TranslationPipeline
< source >( *args **kwargs )
- model (PreTrainedModel or TFPreTrainedModel) — The model that will be used by the pipeline to make predictions. This needs to be a model inheriting from PreTrainedModel for PyTorch and TFPreTrainedModel for TensorFlow.
- tokenizer (PreTrainedTokenizer) — The tokenizer that will be used by the pipeline to encode data for the model. This object inherits from PreTrainedTokenizer.
- modelcard (
, optional) — Model card attributed to the model for this pipeline. - framework (
, optional) — The framework to use, either"pt"
for PyTorch or"tf"
for TensorFlow. The specified framework must be installed.If no framework is specified, will default to the one currently installed. If no framework is specified and both frameworks are installed, will default to the framework of the
, or to PyTorch if no model is provided. - task (
, defaults to""
) — A task-identifier for the pipeline. - num_workers (
, optional, defaults to 8) — When the pipeline will use DataLoader (when passing a dataset, on GPU for a Pytorch model), the number of workers to be used. - batch_size (
, optional, defaults to 1) — When the pipeline will use DataLoader (when passing a dataset, on GPU for a Pytorch model), the size of the batch to use, for inference this is not always beneficial, please read Batching with pipelines . - args_parser (ArgumentHandler, optional) — Reference to the object in charge of parsing supplied pipeline parameters.
- device (
, optional, defaults to -1) — Device ordinal for CPU/GPU supports. Setting this to -1 will leverage CPU, a positive will run the model on the associated CUDA device id. You can pass nativetorch.device
or astr
too - torch_dtype (
, optional) — Sent directly asmodel_kwargs
(just a simpler shortcut) to use the available precision for this model (torch.float16
, … or"auto"
) - binary_output (
, optional, defaults toFalse
) — Flag indicating if the output the pipeline should happen in a serialized format (i.e., pickle) or as the raw output data e.g. text.
Translates from one language to another.
This translation pipeline can currently be loaded from pipeline() using the following task identifier:
The models that this pipeline can use are models that have been fine-tuned on a translation task. See the up-to-date list of available models on For a list of available parameters, see the following documentation
< source >( *args **kwargs ) → A list or a list of list of dict
- args (
) — Texts to be translated. - return_tensors (
, optional, defaults toFalse
) — Whether or not to include the tensors of predictions (as token indices) in the outputs. - return_text (
, optional, defaults toTrue
) — Whether or not to include the decoded texts in the outputs. - clean_up_tokenization_spaces (
, optional, defaults toFalse
) — Whether or not to clean up the potential extra spaces in the text output. - src_lang (
, optional) — The language of the input. Might be required for multilingual models. Will not have any effect for single pair translation models - tgt_lang (
, optional) — The language of the desired output. Might be required for multilingual models. Will not have any effect for single pair translation models - generate_kwargs — Additional keyword arguments to pass along to the generate method of the model (see the generate method corresponding to your framework here).
A list or a list of list of dict
Each result comes as a dictionary with the following keys:
- translation_text (
, present whenreturn_text=True
) — The translation. - translation_token_ids (
, present whenreturn_tensors=True
) — The token ids of the translation.
Translate the text(s) given as inputs.
class transformers.ZeroShotClassificationPipeline
< source >( args_parser = <transformers.pipelines.zero_shot_classification.ZeroShotClassificationArgumentHandler object at 0x7fa23676bc10> *args **kwargs )
- model (PreTrainedModel or TFPreTrainedModel) — The model that will be used by the pipeline to make predictions. This needs to be a model inheriting from PreTrainedModel for PyTorch and TFPreTrainedModel for TensorFlow.
- tokenizer (PreTrainedTokenizer) — The tokenizer that will be used by the pipeline to encode data for the model. This object inherits from PreTrainedTokenizer.
- modelcard (
, optional) — Model card attributed to the model for this pipeline. - framework (
, optional) — The framework to use, either"pt"
for PyTorch or"tf"
for TensorFlow. The specified framework must be installed.If no framework is specified, will default to the one currently installed. If no framework is specified and both frameworks are installed, will default to the framework of the
, or to PyTorch if no model is provided. - task (
, defaults to""
) — A task-identifier for the pipeline. - num_workers (
, optional, defaults to 8) — When the pipeline will use DataLoader (when passing a dataset, on GPU for a Pytorch model), the number of workers to be used. - batch_size (
, optional, defaults to 1) — When the pipeline will use DataLoader (when passing a dataset, on GPU for a Pytorch model), the size of the batch to use, for inference this is not always beneficial, please read Batching with pipelines . - args_parser (ArgumentHandler, optional) — Reference to the object in charge of parsing supplied pipeline parameters.
- device (
, optional, defaults to -1) — Device ordinal for CPU/GPU supports. Setting this to -1 will leverage CPU, a positive will run the model on the associated CUDA device id. You can pass nativetorch.device
or astr
too - torch_dtype (
, optional) — Sent directly asmodel_kwargs
(just a simpler shortcut) to use the available precision for this model (torch.float16
, … or"auto"
) - binary_output (
, optional, defaults toFalse
) — Flag indicating if the output the pipeline should happen in a serialized format (i.e., pickle) or as the raw output data e.g. text.
NLI-based zero-shot classification pipeline using a ModelForSequenceClassification
trained on NLI (natural
language inference) tasks. Equivalent of text-classification
pipelines, but these models don’t require a
hardcoded number of potential classes, they can be chosen at runtime. It usually means it’s slower but it is
much more flexible.
Any combination of sequences and labels can be passed and each combination will be posed as a premise/hypothesis pair and passed to the pretrained model. Then, the logit for entailment is taken as the logit for the candidate label being valid. Any NLI model can be used, but the id of the entailment label must be included in the model config’s :attr:~transformers.PretrainedConfig.label2id.
>>> from transformers import pipeline
>>> oracle = pipeline(model="facebook/bart-large-mnli")
>>> oracle(
... "I have a problem with my iphone that needs to be resolved asap!!",
... candidate_labels=["urgent", "not urgent", "phone", "tablet", "computer"],
... )
{'sequence': 'I have a problem with my iphone that needs to be resolved asap!!', 'labels': ['urgent', 'phone', 'computer', 'not urgent', 'tablet'], 'scores': [0.504, 0.479, 0.013, 0.003, 0.002]}
>>> oracle(
... "I have a problem with my iphone that needs to be resolved asap!!",
... candidate_labels=["english", "german"],
... )
{'sequence': 'I have a problem with my iphone that needs to be resolved asap!!', 'labels': ['english', 'german'], 'scores': [0.814, 0.186]}
Learn more about the basics of using a pipeline in the pipeline tutorial
This NLI pipeline can currently be loaded from pipeline() using the following task identifier:
The models that this pipeline can use are models that have been fine-tuned on an NLI task. See the up-to-date list of available models on
< source >( sequences: typing.Union[str, typing.List[str]] *args **kwargs ) → A dict
or a list of dict
- sequences (
) — The sequence(s) to classify, will be truncated if the model input is too large. - candidate_labels (
) — The set of possible class labels to classify each sequence into. Can be a single label, a string of comma-separated labels, or a list of labels. - hypothesis_template (
, optional, defaults to"This example is {}."
) — The template used to turn each label into an NLI-style hypothesis. This template must include a {} or similar syntax for the candidate label to be inserted into the template. For example, the default template is"This example is {}."
With the candidate label"sports"
, this would be fed into the model like"<cls> sequence to classify <sep> This example is sports . <sep>"
. The default template works well in many cases, but it may be worthwhile to experiment with different templates depending on the task setting. - multi_label (
, optional, defaults toFalse
) — Whether or not multiple candidate labels can be true. IfFalse
, the scores are normalized such that the sum of the label likelihoods for each sequence is 1. IfTrue
, the labels are considered independent and probabilities are normalized for each candidate by doing a softmax of the entailment score vs. the contradiction score.
A dict
or a list of dict
Each result comes as a dictionary with the following keys:
- sequence (
) — The sequence for which this is the output. - labels (
) — The labels sorted by order of likelihood. - scores (
) — The probabilities for each of the labels.
Classify the sequence(s) given as inputs. See the ZeroShotClassificationPipeline documentation for more information.
class transformers.DocumentQuestionAnsweringPipeline
< source >( *args **kwargs )
- model (PreTrainedModel or TFPreTrainedModel) — The model that will be used by the pipeline to make predictions. This needs to be a model inheriting from PreTrainedModel for PyTorch and TFPreTrainedModel for TensorFlow.
- tokenizer (PreTrainedTokenizer) — The tokenizer that will be used by the pipeline to encode data for the model. This object inherits from PreTrainedTokenizer.
- image_processor (BaseImageProcessor) — The image processor that will be used by the pipeline to encode data for the model. This object inherits from BaseImageProcessor.
- modelcard (
, optional) — Model card attributed to the model for this pipeline. - framework (
, optional) — The framework to use, either"pt"
for PyTorch or"tf"
for TensorFlow. The specified framework must be installed.If no framework is specified, will default to the one currently installed. If no framework is specified and both frameworks are installed, will default to the framework of the
, or to PyTorch if no model is provided. - task (
, defaults to""
) — A task-identifier for the pipeline. - num_workers (
, optional, defaults to 8) — When the pipeline will use DataLoader (when passing a dataset, on GPU for a Pytorch model), the number of workers to be used. - batch_size (
, optional, defaults to 1) — When the pipeline will use DataLoader (when passing a dataset, on GPU for a Pytorch model), the size of the batch to use, for inference this is not always beneficial, please read Batching with pipelines . - args_parser (ArgumentHandler, optional) — Reference to the object in charge of parsing supplied pipeline parameters.
- device (
, optional, defaults to -1) — Device ordinal for CPU/GPU supports. Setting this to -1 will leverage CPU, a positive will run the model on the associated CUDA device id. You can pass nativetorch.device
or astr
too - torch_dtype (
, optional) — Sent directly asmodel_kwargs
(just a simpler shortcut) to use the available precision for this model (torch.float16
, … or"auto"
) - binary_output (
, optional, defaults toFalse
) — Flag indicating if the output the pipeline should happen in a serialized format (i.e., pickle) or as the raw output data e.g. text.
Document Question Answering pipeline using any AutoModelForDocumentQuestionAnswering
. The inputs/outputs are
similar to the (extractive) question answering pipeline; however, the pipeline takes an image (and optional OCR’d
words/boxes) as input instead of text context.
>>> from transformers import pipeline
>>> document_qa = pipeline(model="impira/layoutlm-document-qa")
>>> document_qa(
... image="",
... question="What is the invoice number?",
... )
[{'score': 0.425, 'answer': 'us-001', 'start': 16, 'end': 16}]
Learn more about the basics of using a pipeline in the pipeline tutorial
This document question answering pipeline can currently be loaded from pipeline() using the following task
identifier: "document-question-answering"
The models that this pipeline can use are models that have been fine-tuned on a document question answering task. See the up-to-date list of available models on
< source >( image: typing.Union[ForwardRef('Image.Image'), str] question: typing.Optional[str] = None word_boxes: typing.Tuple[str, typing.List[float]] = None **kwargs ) → A dict
or a list of dict
- image (
) — The pipeline handles three types of images:- A string containing a http link pointing to an image
- A string containing a local path to an image
- An image loaded in PIL directly
The pipeline accepts either a single image or a batch of images. If given a single image, it can be broadcasted to multiple questions.
- question (
) — A question to ask of the document. - word_boxes (
List[str, Tuple[float, float, float, float]]
, optional) — A list of words and bounding boxes (normalized 0->1000). If you provide this optional input, then the pipeline will use these words and boxes instead of running OCR on the image to derive them for models that need them (e.g. LayoutLM). This allows you to reuse OCR’d results across many invocations of the pipeline without having to re-run it each time. - top_k (
, optional, defaults to 1) — The number of answers to return (will be chosen by order of likelihood). Note that we return less than top_k answers if there are not enough options available within the context. - doc_stride (
, optional, defaults to 128) — If the words in the document are too long to fit with the question for the model, it will be split in several chunks with some overlap. This argument controls the size of that overlap. - max_answer_len (
, optional, defaults to 15) — The maximum length of predicted answers (e.g., only answers with a shorter length are considered). - max_seq_len (
, optional, defaults to 384) — The maximum length of the total sentence (context + question) in tokens of each chunk passed to the model. The context will be split in several chunks (usingdoc_stride
as overlap) if needed. - max_question_len (
, optional, defaults to 64) — The maximum length of the question after tokenization. It will be truncated if needed. - handle_impossible_answer (
, optional, defaults toFalse
) — Whether or not we accept impossible as an answer. - lang (
, optional) — Language to use while running OCR. Defaults to english. - tesseract_config (
, optional) — Additional flags to pass to tesseract while running OCR. - timeout (
, optional, defaults to None) — The maximum time in seconds to wait for fetching images from the web. If None, no timeout is set and the call may block forever.
A dict
or a list of dict
Each result comes as a dictionary with the following keys:
- score (
) — The probability associated to the answer. - start (
) — The start word index of the answer (in the OCR’d version of the input or providedword_boxes
). - end (
) — The end word index of the answer (in the OCR’d version of the input or providedword_boxes
). - answer (
) — The answer to the question. - words (
) — The index of each word/box pair that is in the answer
Answer the question(s) given as inputs by using the document(s). A document is defined as an image and an
optional list of (word, box) tuples which represent the text in the document. If the word_boxes
are not
provided, it will use the Tesseract OCR engine (if available) to extract the words and boxes automatically for
LayoutLM-like models which require them as input. For Donut, no OCR is run.
You can invoke the pipeline several ways:
pipeline(image=image, question=question)
pipeline(image=image, question=question, word_boxes=word_boxes)
pipeline([{"image": image, "question": question}])
pipeline([{"image": image, "question": question, "word_boxes": word_boxes}])
class transformers.FeatureExtractionPipeline
< source >( model: typing.Union[ForwardRef('PreTrainedModel'), ForwardRef('TFPreTrainedModel')] tokenizer: typing.Optional[transformers.tokenization_utils.PreTrainedTokenizer] = None feature_extractor: typing.Optional[ForwardRef('SequenceFeatureExtractor')] = None image_processor: typing.Optional[transformers.image_processing_utils.BaseImageProcessor] = None processor: typing.Optional[transformers.processing_utils.ProcessorMixin] = None modelcard: typing.Optional[transformers.modelcard.ModelCard] = None framework: typing.Optional[str] = None task: str = '' args_parser: ArgumentHandler = None device: typing.Union[int, ForwardRef('torch.device')] = None torch_dtype: typing.Union[str, ForwardRef('torch.dtype'), NoneType] = None binary_output: bool = False **kwargs )
- model (PreTrainedModel or TFPreTrainedModel) — The model that will be used by the pipeline to make predictions. This needs to be a model inheriting from PreTrainedModel for PyTorch and TFPreTrainedModel for TensorFlow.
- tokenizer (PreTrainedTokenizer) — The tokenizer that will be used by the pipeline to encode data for the model. This object inherits from PreTrainedTokenizer.
- modelcard (
, optional) — Model card attributed to the model for this pipeline. - framework (
, optional) — The framework to use, either"pt"
for PyTorch or"tf"
for TensorFlow. The specified framework must be installed.If no framework is specified, will default to the one currently installed. If no framework is specified and both frameworks are installed, will default to the framework of the
, or to PyTorch if no model is provided. - task (
, defaults to""
) — A task-identifier for the pipeline. - num_workers (
, optional, defaults to 8) — When the pipeline will use DataLoader (when passing a dataset, on GPU for a Pytorch model), the number of workers to be used. - batch_size (
, optional, defaults to 1) — When the pipeline will use DataLoader (when passing a dataset, on GPU for a Pytorch model), the size of the batch to use, for inference this is not always beneficial, please read Batching with pipelines . - args_parser (ArgumentHandler, optional) — Reference to the object in charge of parsing supplied pipeline parameters.
- device (
, optional, defaults to -1) — Device ordinal for CPU/GPU supports. Setting this to -1 will leverage CPU, a positive will run the model on the associated CUDA device id. You can pass nativetorch.device
or astr
too - torch_dtype (
, optional) — Sent directly asmodel_kwargs
(just a simpler shortcut) to use the available precision for this model (torch.float16
, … or"auto"
) - tokenize_kwargs (
, optional) — Additional dictionary of keyword arguments passed along to the tokenizer. - return_tensors (
, optional) — IfTrue
, returns a tensor according to the specified framework, otherwise returns a list.
Feature extraction pipeline uses no model head. This pipeline extracts the hidden states from the base transformer, which can be used as features in downstream tasks.
>>> from transformers import pipeline
>>> extractor = pipeline(model="google-bert/bert-base-uncased", task="feature-extraction")
>>> result = extractor("This is a simple test.", return_tensors=True)
>>> result.shape # This is a tensor of shape [1, sequence_length, hidden_dimension] representing the input string.
torch.Size([1, 8, 768])
Learn more about the basics of using a pipeline in the pipeline tutorial
This feature extraction pipeline can currently be loaded from pipeline() using the task identifier:
All models may be used for this pipeline. See a list of all models, including community-contributed models on
< source >( *args **kwargs ) → A nested list of float
Extract the features of the input(s).
class transformers.ImageFeatureExtractionPipeline
< source >( model: typing.Union[ForwardRef('PreTrainedModel'), ForwardRef('TFPreTrainedModel')] tokenizer: typing.Optional[transformers.tokenization_utils.PreTrainedTokenizer] = None feature_extractor: typing.Optional[ForwardRef('SequenceFeatureExtractor')] = None image_processor: typing.Optional[transformers.image_processing_utils.BaseImageProcessor] = None processor: typing.Optional[transformers.processing_utils.ProcessorMixin] = None modelcard: typing.Optional[transformers.modelcard.ModelCard] = None framework: typing.Optional[str] = None task: str = '' args_parser: ArgumentHandler = None device: typing.Union[int, ForwardRef('torch.device')] = None torch_dtype: typing.Union[str, ForwardRef('torch.dtype'), NoneType] = None binary_output: bool = False **kwargs )
- model (PreTrainedModel or TFPreTrainedModel) — The model that will be used by the pipeline to make predictions. This needs to be a model inheriting from PreTrainedModel for PyTorch and TFPreTrainedModel for TensorFlow.
- image_processor (BaseImageProcessor) — The image processor that will be used by the pipeline to encode data for the model. This object inherits from BaseImageProcessor.
- modelcard (
, optional) — Model card attributed to the model for this pipeline. - framework (
, optional) — The framework to use, either"pt"
for PyTorch or"tf"
for TensorFlow. The specified framework must be installed.If no framework is specified, will default to the one currently installed. If no framework is specified and both frameworks are installed, will default to the framework of the
, or to PyTorch if no model is provided. - task (
, defaults to""
) — A task-identifier for the pipeline. - num_workers (
, optional, defaults to 8) — When the pipeline will use DataLoader (when passing a dataset, on GPU for a Pytorch model), the number of workers to be used. - batch_size (
, optional, defaults to 1) — When the pipeline will use DataLoader (when passing a dataset, on GPU for a Pytorch model), the size of the batch to use, for inference this is not always beneficial, please read Batching with pipelines . - args_parser (ArgumentHandler, optional) — Reference to the object in charge of parsing supplied pipeline parameters.
- device (
, optional, defaults to -1) — Device ordinal for CPU/GPU supports. Setting this to -1 will leverage CPU, a positive will run the model on the associated CUDA device id. You can pass nativetorch.device
or astr
too - torch_dtype (
, optional) — Sent directly asmodel_kwargs
(just a simpler shortcut) to use the available precision for this model (torch.float16
, … or"auto"
) - binary_output (
, optional, defaults toFalse
) — Flag indicating if the output the pipeline should happen in a serialized format (i.e., pickle) or as the raw output data e.g. text. - image_processor_kwargs (
, optional) — Additional dictionary of keyword arguments passed along to the image processor e.g. {“size”: {“height”: 100, “width”: 100}} - pool (
, optional, defaults toFalse
) — Whether or not to return the pooled output. IfFalse
, the model will return the raw hidden states.
Image feature extraction pipeline uses no model head. This pipeline extracts the hidden states from the base transformer, which can be used as features in downstream tasks.
>>> from transformers import pipeline
>>> extractor = pipeline(model="google/vit-base-patch16-224", task="image-feature-extraction")
>>> result = extractor("", return_tensors=True)
>>> result.shape # This is a tensor of shape [1, sequence_lenth, hidden_dimension] representing the input image.
torch.Size([1, 197, 768])
Learn more about the basics of using a pipeline in the pipeline tutorial
This image feature extraction pipeline can currently be loaded from pipeline() using the task identifier:
All vision models may be used for this pipeline. See a list of all models, including community-contributed models on
< source >( *args **kwargs ) → A nested list of float
- images (
) — The pipeline handles three types of images:- A string containing a http link pointing to an image
- A string containing a local path to an image
- An image loaded in PIL directly
The pipeline accepts either a single image or a batch of images, which must then be passed as a string. Images in a batch must all be in the same format: all as http links, all as local paths, or all as PIL images.
- timeout (
, optional, defaults to None) — The maximum time in seconds to wait for fetching images from the web. If None, no timeout is used and the call may block forever.
A nested list of float
The features computed by the model.
Extract the features of the input(s).
class transformers.ImageToTextPipeline
< source >( *args **kwargs )
- model (PreTrainedModel or TFPreTrainedModel) — The model that will be used by the pipeline to make predictions. This needs to be a model inheriting from PreTrainedModel for PyTorch and TFPreTrainedModel for TensorFlow.
- tokenizer (PreTrainedTokenizer) — The tokenizer that will be used by the pipeline to encode data for the model. This object inherits from PreTrainedTokenizer.
- image_processor (BaseImageProcessor) — The image processor that will be used by the pipeline to encode data for the model. This object inherits from BaseImageProcessor.
- modelcard (
, optional) — Model card attributed to the model for this pipeline. - framework (
, optional) — The framework to use, either"pt"
for PyTorch or"tf"
for TensorFlow. The specified framework must be installed.If no framework is specified, will default to the one currently installed. If no framework is specified and both frameworks are installed, will default to the framework of the
, or to PyTorch if no model is provided. - task (
, defaults to""
) — A task-identifier for the pipeline. - num_workers (
, optional, defaults to 8) — When the pipeline will use DataLoader (when passing a dataset, on GPU for a Pytorch model), the number of workers to be used. - batch_size (
, optional, defaults to 1) — When the pipeline will use DataLoader (when passing a dataset, on GPU for a Pytorch model), the size of the batch to use, for inference this is not always beneficial, please read Batching with pipelines . - args_parser (ArgumentHandler, optional) — Reference to the object in charge of parsing supplied pipeline parameters.
- device (
, optional, defaults to -1) — Device ordinal for CPU/GPU supports. Setting this to -1 will leverage CPU, a positive will run the model on the associated CUDA device id. You can pass nativetorch.device
or astr
too - torch_dtype (
, optional) — Sent directly asmodel_kwargs
(just a simpler shortcut) to use the available precision for this model (torch.float16
, … or"auto"
) - binary_output (
, optional, defaults toFalse
) — Flag indicating if the output the pipeline should happen in a serialized format (i.e., pickle) or as the raw output data e.g. text.
Image To Text pipeline using a AutoModelForVision2Seq
. This pipeline predicts a caption for a given image.
>>> from transformers import pipeline
>>> captioner = pipeline(model="ydshieh/vit-gpt2-coco-en")
>>> captioner("")
[{'generated_text': 'two birds are standing next to each other '}]
Learn more about the basics of using a pipeline in the pipeline tutorial
This image to text pipeline can currently be loaded from pipeline() using the following task identifier: “image-to-text”.
See the list of available models on
< source >( inputs: typing.Union[str, typing.List[str], ForwardRef('Image.Image'), typing.List[ForwardRef('Image.Image')]] = None **kwargs ) → A list or a list of list of dict
- inputs (
) — The pipeline handles three types of images:- A string containing a HTTP(s) link pointing to an image
- A string containing a local path to an image
- An image loaded in PIL directly
The pipeline accepts either a single image or a batch of images.
- max_new_tokens (
, optional) — The amount of maximum tokens to generate. By default it will usegenerate
default. - generate_kwargs (
, optional) — Pass it to send all of these arguments directly togenerate
allowing full control of this function. - timeout (
, optional, defaults to None) — The maximum time in seconds to wait for fetching images from the web. If None, no timeout is set and the call may block forever.
A list or a list of list of dict
Each result comes as a dictionary with the following key:
- generated_text (
) — The generated text.
Assign labels to the image(s) passed as inputs.
class transformers.ImageTextToTextPipeline
< source >( *args **kwargs )
- model (PreTrainedModel or TFPreTrainedModel) — The model that will be used by the pipeline to make predictions. This needs to be a model inheriting from PreTrainedModel for PyTorch and TFPreTrainedModel for TensorFlow.
- processor (ProcessorMixin) —
The processor that will be used by the pipeline to encode data for the model. This object inherits from
ProcessorMixin. Processor is a composite object that might contain
, andimage_processor
. - modelcard (
, optional) — Model card attributed to the model for this pipeline. - framework (
, optional) — The framework to use, either"pt"
for PyTorch or"tf"
for TensorFlow. The specified framework must be installed.If no framework is specified, will default to the one currently installed. If no framework is specified and both frameworks are installed, will default to the framework of the
, or to PyTorch if no model is provided. - task (
, defaults to""
) — A task-identifier for the pipeline. - num_workers (
, optional, defaults to 8) — When the pipeline will use DataLoader (when passing a dataset, on GPU for a Pytorch model), the number of workers to be used. - batch_size (
, optional, defaults to 1) — When the pipeline will use DataLoader (when passing a dataset, on GPU for a Pytorch model), the size of the batch to use, for inference this is not always beneficial, please read Batching with pipelines . - args_parser (ArgumentHandler, optional) — Reference to the object in charge of parsing supplied pipeline parameters.
- device (
, optional, defaults to -1) — Device ordinal for CPU/GPU supports. Setting this to -1 will leverage CPU, a positive will run the model on the associated CUDA device id. You can pass nativetorch.device
or astr
too - torch_dtype (
, optional) — Sent directly asmodel_kwargs
(just a simpler shortcut) to use the available precision for this model (torch.float16
, … or"auto"
) - binary_output (
, optional, defaults toFalse
) — Flag indicating if the output the pipeline should happen in a serialized format (i.e., pickle) or as the raw output data e.g. text.
Image-text-to-text pipeline using an AutoModelForImageTextToText
. This pipeline generates text given an image and text.
When the underlying model is a conversational model, it can also accept one or more chats,
in which case the pipeline will operate in chat mode and will continue the chat(s) by adding its response(s).
Each chat takes the form of a list of dicts, where each dict contains “role” and “content” keys.
>>> from transformers import pipeline
>>> pipe = pipeline(task="image-text-to-text", model="Salesforce/blip-image-captioning-base")
>>> pipe("", text="A photo of")
[{'generated_text': 'a photo of two birds'}]
>>> from transformers import pipeline
>>> pipe = pipeline("image-text-to-text", model="llava-hf/llava-interleave-qwen-0.5b-hf")
>>> messages = [
>>> {
>>> "role": "user",
>>> "content": [
>>> {
>>> "type": "image",
>>> "url": "",
>>> },
>>> {"type": "text", "text": "Describe this image."},
>>> ],
>>> },
>>> {
>>> "role": "assistant",
>>> "content": [
>>> {"type": "text", "text": "There is a dog and"},
>>> ],
>>> },
>>> ]
>>> pipe(text=messages, max_new_tokens=20, return_full_text=False)
[{'input_text': [{'role': 'user',
'content': [{'type': 'image',
'url': ''},
{'type': 'text', 'text': 'Describe this image.'}]},
{'role': 'assistant',
'content': [{'type': 'text', 'text': 'There is a dog and'}]}],
'generated_text': ' a person in the image. The dog is sitting on the sand, and the person is sitting on'}]
Learn more about the basics of using a pipeline in the pipeline tutorial
This image-text to text pipeline can currently be loaded from pipeline() using the following task identifier: “image-text-to-text”.
See the list of available models on
< source >( images: typing.Union[str, typing.List[str], typing.List[typing.List[str]], ForwardRef('Image.Image'), typing.List[ForwardRef('Image.Image')], typing.List[typing.List[ForwardRef('Image.Image')]], NoneType] = None text: typing.Union[str, typing.List[str], typing.List[dict], NoneType] = None **kwargs ) → A list or a list of list of dict
- images (
,PIL.Image or
List[PIL.Image]`) — The pipeline handles three types of images:- A string containing a HTTP(s) link pointing to an image
- A string containing a local path to an image
- An image loaded in PIL directly
The pipeline accepts either a single image or a batch of images.
- text (str, List[str],
List[Dict[str, Union[str, PIL.Image]]]
) — The text to be used for generation. If a list of strings is passed, the length of the list should be the same as the number of images. Text can also follow the chat format: a list of dictionaries where each dictionary represents a message in a conversation. Each dictionary should have two keys: ‘role’ and ‘content’. ‘role’ should be one of ‘user’, ‘system’ or ‘assistant’. ‘content’ should be a list of dictionary containing the text of the message and the type of the message. The type of the message can be either ‘text’ or ‘image’. If the type is ‘image’, no text is needed. - return_tensors (
, optional, defaults toFalse
) — Returns the tensors of predictions (as token indices) in the outputs. If set toTrue
, the decoded text is not returned. - return_text (
, optional) — Returns the decoded texts in the outputs. - return_full_text (
, optional, defaults toTrue
) — If set toFalse
only added text is returned, otherwise the full text is returned. Cannot be specified at the same time asreturn_text
. - continue_final_message(
, optional) — This indicates that you want the model to continue the last message in the input chat rather than starting a new one, allowing you to “prefill” its response. By default this isTrue
when the final message in the input chat has theassistant
role andFalse
otherwise, but you can manually override that behaviour by setting this flag.
A list or a list of list of dict
Each result comes as a dictionary with the following key (cannot return a combination
of both generated_text
and generated_token_ids
- generated_text (
, present whenreturn_text=True
) — The generated text. - generated_token_ids (
, present whenreturn_tensors=True
) — The token ids of the generated text. - input_text (
) — The input text.
Generate a text given text and the image(s) passed as inputs.
class transformers.MaskGenerationPipeline
< source >( **kwargs )
- model (PreTrainedModel or TFPreTrainedModel) — The model that will be used by the pipeline to make predictions. This needs to be a model inheriting from PreTrainedModel for PyTorch and TFPreTrainedModel for TensorFlow.
- image_processor (BaseImageProcessor) — The image processor that will be used by the pipeline to encode data for the model. This object inherits from BaseImageProcessor.
- modelcard (
, optional) — Model card attributed to the model for this pipeline. - framework (
, optional) — The framework to use, either"pt"
for PyTorch or"tf"
for TensorFlow. The specified framework must be installed.If no framework is specified, will default to the one currently installed. If no framework is specified and both frameworks are installed, will default to the framework of the
, or to PyTorch if no model is provided. - task (
, defaults to""
) — A task-identifier for the pipeline. - num_workers (
, optional, defaults to 8) — When the pipeline will use DataLoader (when passing a dataset, on GPU for a Pytorch model), the number of workers to be used. - batch_size (
, optional, defaults to 1) — When the pipeline will use DataLoader (when passing a dataset, on GPU for a Pytorch model), the size of the batch to use, for inference this is not always beneficial, please read Batching with pipelines . - args_parser (ArgumentHandler, optional) — Reference to the object in charge of parsing supplied pipeline parameters.
- device (
, optional, defaults to -1) — Device ordinal for CPU/GPU supports. Setting this to -1 will leverage CPU, a positive will run the model on the associated CUDA device id. You can pass nativetorch.device
or astr
too - torch_dtype (
, optional) — Sent directly asmodel_kwargs
(just a simpler shortcut) to use the available precision for this model (torch.float16
, … or"auto"
) - binary_output (
, optional, defaults toFalse
) — Flag indicating if the output the pipeline should happen in a serialized format (i.e., pickle) or as the raw output data e.g. text. - points_per_batch (optional, int, default to 64) — Sets the number of points run simultaneously by the model. Higher numbers may be faster but use more GPU memory.
- output_bboxes_mask (
, optional, default toFalse
) — Whether or not to output the bounding box predictions. - output_rle_masks (
, optional, default toFalse
) — Whether or not to output the masks inRLE
Automatic mask generation for images using SamForMaskGeneration
. This pipeline predicts binary masks for an
image, given an image. It is a ChunkPipeline
because you can seperate the points in a mini-batch in order to
avoid OOM issues. Use the points_per_batch
argument to control the number of points that will be processed at the
same time. Default is 64
The pipeline works in 3 steps:
: A grid of 1024 points evenly separated is generated along with bounding boxes and point labels. For more details on how the points and bounding boxes are created, check the_generate_crop_boxes
function. The image is also preprocessed using theimage_processor
. This functionyields
a minibatch ofpoints_per_batch
: feeds the outputs ofpreprocess
to the model. The image embedding is computed only once. Calls bothself.model.get_image_embeddings
and makes sure that the gradients are not computed, and the tensors and models are on the same device.postprocess
: The most important part of the automatic mask generation happens here. Three steps are induced:- image_processor.postprocess_masks (run on each minibatch loop): takes in the raw output masks, resizes them according to the image size, and transforms there to binary masks.
- image_processor.filter_masks (on each minibatch loop): uses both
. Also applies a variety of filters based on non maximum suppression to remove bad masks. - image_processor.postprocess_masks_for_amg applies the NSM on the mask to only keep relevant ones.
>>> from transformers import pipeline
>>> generator = pipeline(model="facebook/sam-vit-base", task="mask-generation")
>>> outputs = generator(
... "",
... )
>>> outputs = generator(
... "", points_per_batch=128
... )
Learn more about the basics of using a pipeline in the pipeline tutorial
This segmentation pipeline can currently be loaded from pipeline() using the following task identifier:
See the list of available models on
< source >( image *args num_workers = None batch_size = None **kwargs ) → Dict
- inputs (
) — Image or list of images. - mask_threshold (
, optional, defaults to 0.0) — Threshold to use when turning the predicted masks into binary values. - pred_iou_thresh (
, optional, defaults to 0.88) — A filtering threshold in[0,1]
applied on the model’s predicted mask quality. - stability_score_thresh (
, optional, defaults to 0.95) — A filtering threshold in[0,1]
, using the stability of the mask under changes to the cutoff used to binarize the model’s mask predictions. - stability_score_offset (
, optional, defaults to 1) — The amount to shift the cutoff when calculated the stability score. - crops_nms_thresh (
, optional, defaults to 0.7) — The box IoU cutoff used by non-maximal suppression to filter duplicate masks. - crops_n_layers (
, optional, defaults to 0) — Ifcrops_n_layers>0
, mask prediction will be run again on crops of the image. Sets the number of layers to run, where each layer has 2**i_layer number of image crops. - crop_overlap_ratio (
, optional, defaults to512 / 1500
) — Sets the degree to which crops overlap. In the first crop layer, crops will overlap by this fraction of the image length. Later layers with more crops scale down this overlap. - crop_n_points_downscale_factor (
, optional, defaults to1
) — The number of points-per-side sampled in layer n is scaled down by crop_n_points_downscale_factor**n. - timeout (
, optional, defaults to None) — The maximum time in seconds to wait for fetching images from the web. If None, no timeout is set and the call may block forever.
A dictionary with the following keys:
- mask (
) — A binary mask of the detected object as a PIL Image of shape(width, height)
of the original image. Returns a mask filled with zeros if no object is found. - score (optional
) — Optionally, when the model is capable of estimating a confidence of the “object” described by the label and the mask.
Generates binary segmentation masks
class transformers.VisualQuestionAnsweringPipeline
< source >( *args **kwargs )
- model (PreTrainedModel or TFPreTrainedModel) — The model that will be used by the pipeline to make predictions. This needs to be a model inheriting from PreTrainedModel for PyTorch and TFPreTrainedModel for TensorFlow.
- tokenizer (PreTrainedTokenizer) — The tokenizer that will be used by the pipeline to encode data for the model. This object inherits from PreTrainedTokenizer.
- image_processor (BaseImageProcessor) — The image processor that will be used by the pipeline to encode data for the model. This object inherits from BaseImageProcessor.
- modelcard (
, optional) — Model card attributed to the model for this pipeline. - framework (
, optional) — The framework to use, either"pt"
for PyTorch or"tf"
for TensorFlow. The specified framework must be installed.If no framework is specified, will default to the one currently installed. If no framework is specified and both frameworks are installed, will default to the framework of the
, or to PyTorch if no model is provided. - task (
, defaults to""
) — A task-identifier for the pipeline. - num_workers (
, optional, defaults to 8) — When the pipeline will use DataLoader (when passing a dataset, on GPU for a Pytorch model), the number of workers to be used. - batch_size (
, optional, defaults to 1) — When the pipeline will use DataLoader (when passing a dataset, on GPU for a Pytorch model), the size of the batch to use, for inference this is not always beneficial, please read Batching with pipelines . - args_parser (ArgumentHandler, optional) — Reference to the object in charge of parsing supplied pipeline parameters.
- device (
, optional, defaults to -1) — Device ordinal for CPU/GPU supports. Setting this to -1 will leverage CPU, a positive will run the model on the associated CUDA device id. You can pass nativetorch.device
or astr
too - torch_dtype (
, optional) — Sent directly asmodel_kwargs
(just a simpler shortcut) to use the available precision for this model (torch.float16
, … or"auto"
) - binary_output (
, optional, defaults toFalse
) — Flag indicating if the output the pipeline should happen in a serialized format (i.e., pickle) or as the raw output data e.g. text.
Visual Question Answering pipeline using a AutoModelForVisualQuestionAnswering
. This pipeline is currently only
available in PyTorch.
>>> from transformers import pipeline
>>> oracle = pipeline(model="dandelin/vilt-b32-finetuned-vqa")
>>> image_url = ""
>>> oracle(question="What is she wearing ?", image=image_url)
[{'score': 0.948, 'answer': 'hat'}, {'score': 0.009, 'answer': 'fedora'}, {'score': 0.003, 'answer': 'clothes'}, {'score': 0.003, 'answer': 'sun hat'}, {'score': 0.002, 'answer': 'nothing'}]
>>> oracle(question="What is she wearing ?", image=image_url, top_k=1)
[{'score': 0.948, 'answer': 'hat'}]
>>> oracle(question="Is this a person ?", image=image_url, top_k=1)
[{'score': 0.993, 'answer': 'yes'}]
>>> oracle(question="Is this a man ?", image=image_url, top_k=1)
[{'score': 0.996, 'answer': 'no'}]
Learn more about the basics of using a pipeline in the pipeline tutorial
This visual question answering pipeline can currently be loaded from pipeline() using the following task
identifiers: "visual-question-answering", "vqa"
The models that this pipeline can use are models that have been fine-tuned on a visual question answering task. See the up-to-date list of available models on
< source >( image: typing.Union[ForwardRef('Image.Image'), str, typing.List[ForwardRef('Image.Image')], typing.List[str], ForwardRef('KeyDataset')] question: typing.Union[str, typing.List[str]] = None **kwargs ) → A dictionary or a list of dictionaries containing the result. The dictionaries contain the following keys
- image (
) — The pipeline handles three types of images:- A string containing a http link pointing to an image
- A string containing a local path to an image
- An image loaded in PIL directly
The pipeline accepts either a single image or a batch of images. If given a single image, it can be broadcasted to multiple questions. For dataset: the passed in dataset must be of type
A dictionary or a list of dictionaries containing the result. The dictionaries contain the following keys
- label (
) — The label identified by the model. - score (
) — The score attributed by the model for that label.
Answers open-ended questions about images. The pipeline accepts several types of inputs which are detailed below:
pipeline(image=image, question=question)
pipeline({"image": image, "question": question})
pipeline([{"image": image, "question": question}])
pipeline([{"image": image, "question": question}, {"image": image, "question": question}])
Parent class: Pipeline
class transformers.Pipeline
< source >( model: typing.Union[ForwardRef('PreTrainedModel'), ForwardRef('TFPreTrainedModel')] tokenizer: typing.Optional[transformers.tokenization_utils.PreTrainedTokenizer] = None feature_extractor: typing.Optional[ForwardRef('SequenceFeatureExtractor')] = None image_processor: typing.Optional[transformers.image_processing_utils.BaseImageProcessor] = None processor: typing.Optional[transformers.processing_utils.ProcessorMixin] = None modelcard: typing.Optional[transformers.modelcard.ModelCard] = None framework: typing.Optional[str] = None task: str = '' args_parser: ArgumentHandler = None device: typing.Union[int, ForwardRef('torch.device')] = None torch_dtype: typing.Union[str, ForwardRef('torch.dtype'), NoneType] = None binary_output: bool = False **kwargs )
- model (PreTrainedModel or TFPreTrainedModel) — The model that will be used by the pipeline to make predictions. This needs to be a model inheriting from PreTrainedModel for PyTorch and TFPreTrainedModel for TensorFlow.
- tokenizer (PreTrainedTokenizer) — The tokenizer that will be used by the pipeline to encode data for the model. This object inherits from PreTrainedTokenizer.
- feature_extractor (SequenceFeatureExtractor) — The feature extractor that will be used by the pipeline to encode data for the model. This object inherits from SequenceFeatureExtractor.
- image_processor (BaseImageProcessor) — The image processor that will be used by the pipeline to encode data for the model. This object inherits from BaseImageProcessor.
- processor (ProcessorMixin) —
The processor that will be used by the pipeline to encode data for the model. This object inherits from
ProcessorMixin. Processor is a composite object that might contain
, andimage_processor
. - modelcard (
, optional) — Model card attributed to the model for this pipeline. - framework (
, optional) — The framework to use, either"pt"
for PyTorch or"tf"
for TensorFlow. The specified framework must be installed.If no framework is specified, will default to the one currently installed. If no framework is specified and both frameworks are installed, will default to the framework of the
, or to PyTorch if no model is provided. - task (
, defaults to""
) — A task-identifier for the pipeline. - num_workers (
, optional, defaults to 8) — When the pipeline will use DataLoader (when passing a dataset, on GPU for a Pytorch model), the number of workers to be used. - batch_size (
, optional, defaults to 1) — When the pipeline will use DataLoader (when passing a dataset, on GPU for a Pytorch model), the size of the batch to use, for inference this is not always beneficial, please read Batching with pipelines . - args_parser (ArgumentHandler, optional) — Reference to the object in charge of parsing supplied pipeline parameters.
- device (
, optional, defaults to -1) — Device ordinal for CPU/GPU supports. Setting this to -1 will leverage CPU, a positive will run the model on the associated CUDA device id. You can pass nativetorch.device
or astr
too - torch_dtype (
, optional) — Sent directly asmodel_kwargs
(just a simpler shortcut) to use the available precision for this model (torch.float16
, … or"auto"
) - binary_output (
, optional, defaults toFalse
) — Flag indicating if the output the pipeline should happen in a serialized format (i.e., pickle) or as the raw output data e.g. text.
The Pipeline class is the class from which all pipelines inherit. Refer to this class for methods shared across different pipelines.
Base class implementing pipelined operations. Pipeline workflow is defined as a sequence of the following operations:
Input -> Tokenization -> Model Inference -> Post-Processing (task dependent) -> Output
Pipeline supports running on CPU or GPU through the device argument (see below).
Some pipeline, like for instance FeatureExtractionPipeline ('feature-extraction'
) output large tensor object
as nested-lists. In order to avoid dumping such large structure as textual data we provide the binary_output
constructor argument. If set to True
, the output will be stored in the pickle format.
< source >( supported_models: typing.Union[typing.List[str], dict] )
Check if the model class is in supported by the pipeline.
Context Manager allowing tensor allocation on the user-specified device in framework agnostic way.
< source >( **inputs ) → Dict[str, torch.Tensor]
Ensure PyTorch tensors are on the specified device.
Postprocess will receive the raw outputs of the _forward
method, generally tensors, and reformat them into
something more friendly. Generally it will output a list or a dict or results (containing just strings and
Scikit / Keras interface to transformers’ pipelines. This method will forward to call().
Preprocess will take the input_
of a specific pipeline and return a dictionary of everything necessary for
to run properly. It should contain at least one tensor, but might have arbitrary other items.
< source >( repo_id: str use_temp_dir: typing.Optional[bool] = None commit_message: typing.Optional[str] = None private: typing.Optional[bool] = None token: typing.Union[bool, str, NoneType] = None max_shard_size: typing.Union[int, str, NoneType] = '5GB' create_pr: bool = False safe_serialization: bool = True revision: str = None commit_description: str = None tags: typing.Optional[typing.List[str]] = None **deprecated_kwargs )
- repo_id (
) — The name of the repository you want to push your pipe to. It should contain your organization name when pushing to a given organization. - use_temp_dir (
, optional) — Whether or not to use a temporary directory to store the files saved before they are pushed to the Hub. Will default toTrue
if there is no directory named likerepo_id
otherwise. - commit_message (
, optional) — Message to commit while pushing. Will default to"Upload pipe"
. - private (
, optional) — Whether to make the repo private. IfNone
(default), the repo will be public unless the organization’s default is private. This value is ignored if the repo already exists. - token (
, optional) — The token to use as HTTP bearer authorization for remote files. IfTrue
, will use the token generated when runninghuggingface-cli login
(stored in~/.huggingface
). Will default toTrue
is not specified. - max_shard_size (
, optional, defaults to"5GB"
) — Only applicable for models. The maximum size for a checkpoint before being sharded. Checkpoints shard will then be each of size lower than this size. If expressed as a string, needs to be digits followed by a unit (like"5MB"
). We default it to"5GB"
so that users can easily load models on free-tier Google Colab instances without any CPU OOM issues. - create_pr (
, optional, defaults toFalse
) — Whether or not to create a PR with the uploaded files or directly commit. - safe_serialization (
, optional, defaults toTrue
) — Whether or not to convert the model weights in safetensors format for safer serialization. - revision (
, optional) — Branch to push the uploaded files to. - commit_description (
, optional) — The description of the commit that will be created - tags (
, optional) — List of tags to push on the Hub.
Upload the pipeline file to the 🤗 Model Hub.
from transformers import pipeline
pipe = pipeline("google-bert/bert-base-cased")
# Push the pipe to your namespace with the name "my-finetuned-bert".
# Push the pipe to an organization with the name "my-finetuned-bert".
< source >( save_directory: typing.Union[str, os.PathLike] safe_serialization: bool = True **kwargs )
- save_directory (
) — A path to the directory where to saved. It will be created if it doesn’t exist. - safe_serialization (
) — Whether to save the model usingsafetensors
or the traditional way for PyTorch or Tensorflow. - kwargs (
Dict[str, Any]
, optional) — Additional key word arguments passed along to the push_to_hub() method.
Save the pipeline’s model and tokenizer.
Scikit / Keras interface to transformers’ pipelines. This method will forward to call().