Tokenizers documentation

Added Tokens

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Added Tokens



class tokenizers.AddedToken

( content single_word = False lstrip = False rstrip = False normalized = True )


  • content (str) — The content of the token
  • single_word (bool, defaults to False) — Defines whether this token should only match single words. If True, this token will never match inside of a word. For example the token ing would match on tokenizing if this option is False, but not if it is True. The notion of ”inside of a word” is defined by the word boundaries pattern in regular expressions (ie. the token should start and end with word boundaries).
  • lstrip (bool, defaults to False) — Defines whether this token should strip all potential whitespaces on its left side. If True, this token will greedily match any whitespace on its left. For example if we try to match the token [MASK] with lstrip=True, in the text "I saw a [MASK]", we would match on " [MASK]". (Note the space on the left).
  • rstrip (bool, defaults to False) — Defines whether this token should strip all potential whitespaces on its right side. If True, this token will greedily match any whitespace on its right. It works just like lstrip but on the right.
  • normalized (bool, defaults to True with —meth:~tokenizers.Tokenizer.add_tokens and False with add_special_tokens()): Defines whether this token should match against the normalized version of the input text. For example, with the added token "yesterday", and a normalizer in charge of lowercasing the text, the token could be extract from the input "I saw a lion Yesterday".

Represents a token that can be be added to a Tokenizer. It can have special options that defines the way it should behave.

property content

Get the content of this AddedToken

property lstrip

Get the value of the lstrip option

property normalized

Get the value of the normalized option

property rstrip

Get the value of the rstrip option

property single_word

Get the value of the single_word option