Simulate documentation

Using πŸ€— Simulate to learn Agent behaviors with Stable-Baselines3

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Using πŸ€— Simulate to learn Agent behaviors with Stable-Baselines3

We provide several example RL integrations with the Stable-Baselines3 (LINK) library. To install this dependancy use pip install simulate[sb3].


  • Learning to navigate in a simple T-Maze
  • Collecting objects
  • Navigating in procedurally generated mazes
  • Physical interaction with movable objects
  • Reward functions based on line of sight observation of objects.

Learning to navigate in a simple T-Maze


Objective: Navigate to a spherical object in a simple T-Maze. Upon object collection, the environment resets.

Actors: An EgoCentric Camera Actor (LINK) equipped with a monocular camera.

Observation space:

  • An RGB camera of shape (3, 40, 40) (C, H, W) in uint8 format.

Action space:

  • A discrete action space with 3 possible actions
  • Turn left 10 degrees
  • Turn right 10 degrees
  • Move forward

Reward function:

  • A dense reward based on improvement in best euclidean distance to the object
  • A sparse reward of +1 when the object is collected
  • A timeout penaly of -1 if the agent does not reach the object in 200 time-steps

Parallel: 4 independent instances of the same environment configuration.

Collecting objects


Objective: Collect all 20 objects in a large square room.

Actors: An EgoCentric Camera Actor (LINK) equipped with a monocular camera.

Observation space:

  • An RGB camera of shape (3, 40, 40) (C, H, W) in uint8 format.

Action space:

  • A discrete action space with 3 possible actions
  • Turn left 10 degrees
  • Turn right 10 degrees
  • Move forward

Reward function:

  • A sparse reward of +1 when an object is collected
  • A timeout penaly of -1 if the agent does not reach the object in 500 time-steps

Parallel: 4 independent instances of the same environment configuration.

Navigating in procedurally generated mazes


Objective: Navigate to an object in a 3D maze, when the object is collected the environment resets.

Actors: An EgoCentric Camera Actor (LINK) equipped with a monocular camera

Observation space:

  • An RGB camera of shape (3, 40, 40) (C, H, W) in uint8 format.

Action space:

  • A discrete action space with 3 possible actions
  • Turn left 10 degrees
  • Turn right 10 degrees
  • Move forward

Reward function:

  • A sparse reward of +1 when the object is reached
  • A timeout penaly of -1 if the agent does not reach the object in 500 time-steps

Parallel: 4 independent instances of randomly generated environment configurations.

Physical interaction with movable objects


Objective: Push boxes in a room near to each other.

Actors: An EgoCentric Camera Actor (LINK) equipped with a monocular camera

Observation space:

  • An RGB camera of shape (3, 40, 40) (C, H, W) in uint8 format.

Action space:

  • A discrete action space with 3 possible actions
  • Turn left 10 degrees
  • Turn right 10 degrees
  • Move forward

Reward function:

  • A reward for moving the red and yellow boxes close to eachother
  • A reward for moving the green and white boxes close to eachother
  • A timeout penaly of -1 if the agent does not reach the object in 100 time-steps

Parallel: 16 independent instances of the same environment configuration.

Reward functions based on line of sight observation of objects.


Objective: Move the agent so the box is within the agents its field of view

Actors: An EgoCentric Camera Actor (LINK) equipped with a monocular camera

Observation space:

  • An RGB camera of shape (3, 40, 40) (C, H, W) in uint8 format.

Action space:

  • A discrete action space with 3 possible actions
  • Turn left 10 degrees
  • Turn right 10 degrees
  • Move forward

Reward function:

  • A sparse reward for moving the box within a 60 degree fov cone in front of the agent.
  • A timeout penaly of -1 if the agent does not reach the object in 100 time-steps

Parallel: 4 independent instances of the same environment configuration.