Simulate documentation


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Three types of Sensor are provided in Simulate:

  • Camera sensors - for RGB observations
  • State sensors - For measurements of positions & rotations
  • Raycast sensors - for depth measurements.

class simulate.Camera

< >

( width: int = 256 height: int = 256 camera_type: str = 'perspective' znear: float = 0.3 yfov: typing.Union[float, numpy.ndarray, NoneType] = 60 aspect_ratio: typing.Optional[float] = None zfar: typing.Optional[float] = None xmag: typing.Optional[float] = None ymag: typing.Optional[float] = None name: typing.Optional[str] = None sensor_tag: str = 'CameraSensor' position: typing.Optional[typing.List[float]] = None rotation: typing.Optional[typing.List[float]] = None scaling: typing.Union[float, typing.List[float], NoneType] = None is_actor: bool = False parent: typing.Optional[ForwardRef('Asset')] = None children: typing.Optional[typing.List[ForwardRef('Asset')]] = None )


  • width (int, optional, defaults to 256) — The width of the Camera. Default: 256
  • height (int, optional, defaults to 256) — The height of the Camera. Default: 256
  • camera_type (str, optional, defaults to perspective) — The type of camera. Can be one of: [ “perspective”, “orthographic” ]
  • znear (float, optional, defaults to 0.3) — The near clipping plane of the Camera.
  • yfov (float or np.ndarray, optional, defaults to 60) — The vertical field of view of the Camera in degrees.
  • aspect_ratio (float, optional, defaults to None) — The aspect ratio of the Camera if needed
  • zfar (float, optional, defaults to None) — The far clipping plane of the Camera.
  • xmag (float, optional, defaults to None) — The x magnification of the Camera.
  • ymag (float, optional, defaults to None) — The y magnification of the Camera.
  • name (str, optional, defaults to None) — The name of the Camera.
  • sensor_tag (str, optional, defaults to CameraSensor) — The tag of the Camera.
  • position (List[float], optional, defaults to [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) — The position of the Camera.
  • rotation (List[float], optional, defaults to [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) — The rotation of the Camera.
  • scaling (float or List[float], optional, defaults to 1.0) — The scaling of the Camera.
  • is_actor (bool, optional, defaults to False) — Whether the Camera is an actor.
  • parent (Asset, optional, defaults to None) — The parent of the Camera.
  • children (List[Asset], optional, defaults to None) — The children of the Camera.

A Camera asset. This Camera is located at the origin by default and has no rotation.


< >

( with_children: bool = True **kwargs: typing.Any )


  • with_children (bool, optional, defaults to True) — Whether to copy the children of the Camera.

Make a copy of the Camera with copy of the children attached to the copy.

class simulate.StateSensor

< >

( target_entity: typing.Optional[typing.Any] = None reference_entity: typing.Optional[typing.Any] = None properties: typing.Union[str, typing.List[str], NoneType] = None sensor_tag: str = 'StateSensor' name: dataclasses.InitVar[typing.Optional[str]] = None position: dataclasses.InitVar[typing.Optional[typing.List[float]]] = <property object at 0x7f9e74ddcef0> rotation: dataclasses.InitVar[typing.Optional[typing.List[float]]] = <property object at 0x7f9e74ddcd60> scaling: dataclasses.InitVar[typing.Union[float, typing.List[float], NoneType]] = <property object at 0x7f9e74ddcdb0> transformation_matrix: dataclasses.InitVar[typing.Optional[typing.List[float]]] = <property object at 0x7f9e74ddce00> parent: dataclasses.InitVar[typing.Optional[ForwardRef('Asset')]] = None children: dataclasses.InitVar[typing.Optional[typing.List[ForwardRef('Asset')]]] = None created_from_file: dataclasses.InitVar[typing.Optional[str]] = None )


  • target_entity (Asset or str, optional, defaults to None) — Reference or name of the target Asset in the scene.
  • reference_entity (Asset or str, optional, defaults to None) — Reference or name of the reference Asset in the scene. If no reference is provided we use the world as a reference.
  • properties (str or List[str], optional, defaults to ["distance"]) — List of properties to extract from the sensor. Allowed properties are: [ “position”, “position.x”, “position.y”, “position.z”, “velocity”, “velocity.x”, “velocity.y”, “velocity.z”, “rotation”, “rotation.x”, “rotation.y”, “rotation.z”, “angular_velocity”, “angular_velocity.x”, “angular_velocity.y”, “angular_velocity.z”, “distance” ]
  • sensor_tag (str, optional, defaults to "StateSensor") — Type of sensor. Allowed values are: “position”, “velocity”, “rotation”, “angular_velocity”, “distance”.
  • name (str, optional, defaults to None) — Name of the sensor.
  • position (List[float], optional, defaults to [0, 0, 0]) — Position of the sensor in the scene.
  • rotation (List[float], optional, defaults to [0, 0, 0]) — Rotation of the sensor in the scene.
  • scaling (List[float], optional, defaults to [1, 1, 1]) — Scaling of the sensor in the scene.
  • transformation_matrix (List[float], optional, defaults to None) — Transformation matrix of the sensor in the scene.
  • parent (Asset, optional, defaults to None) — Parent of the sensor in the scene.
  • children (List[Asset], optional, defaults to None) — Children of the sensor in the scene.
  • created_from_file (str, optional, defaults to None) — The path to the file from which the sensor was created.

A State sensor: pointer to two assets whose positions/rotations are used to compute an observation

class simulate.RaycastSensor

< >

( n_horizontal_rays: int = 1 n_vertical_rays: int = 1 horizontal_fov: float = 0.0 vertical_fov: float = 0.0 ray_length: float = 100.0 sensor_tag: str = 'RaycastSensor' name: dataclasses.InitVar[typing.Optional[str]] = None position: dataclasses.InitVar[typing.Optional[typing.List[float]]] = <property object at 0x7f9e74dcf630> rotation: dataclasses.InitVar[typing.Optional[typing.List[float]]] = <property object at 0x7f9e74dcf900> scaling: dataclasses.InitVar[typing.Union[float, typing.List[float], NoneType]] = <property object at 0x7f9e74dcf720> transformation_matrix: dataclasses.InitVar[typing.Optional[typing.List[float]]] = <property object at 0x7f9e74dcf6d0> parent: dataclasses.InitVar[typing.Optional[ForwardRef('Asset')]] = None children: dataclasses.InitVar[typing.Optional[typing.List[ForwardRef('Asset')]]] = None created_from_file: dataclasses.InitVar[typing.Optional[str]] = None )


  • n_horizontal_rays (int, optional, defaults to 1) — The number of horizontal rays to cast.
  • n_vertical_rays (int, optional, defaults to 1) — The number of vertical rays to cast.
  • horizontal_fov (float, optional, defaults to 0.0) — The horizontal field of view of the sensor.
  • vertical_fov (float, optional, defaults to 0.0) — The vertical field of view of the sensor.
  • ray_length (float, optional, defaults to 100.0) — The length of the ray to cast.
  • sensor_tag (str, optional, defaults to "RaycastSensor") — The tag of the sensor.
  • name (str, optional, defaults to None) — The name of the sensor.
  • position (List[float], optional, defaults to None) — The position of the sensor in the scene.
  • rotation (List[float], optional, defaults to None) — The rotation of the sensor in the scene.
  • scaling (List[float], optional, defaults to None) — The scaling of the sensor in the scene.
  • transformation_matrix (List[float], optional, defaults to None) — The transformation matrix of the sensor in the scene.
  • parent (Asset, optional, defaults to None) — The parent of the sensor.
  • children (List[Asset], optional, defaults to None) — The children of the sensor.
  • created_from_file (str, optional, defaults to None) — The path to the file from which the sensor was created.

A Raycast sensor: cast a ray to get an observation.