Diffusers documentation
Activation functions
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Activation functions
Customized activation functions for supporting various models in π€ Diffusers.
class diffusers.models.activations.GELU
< source >( dim_in: intdim_out: intapproximate: str = 'none'bias: bool = True )
GELU activation function with tanh approximation support with approximate="tanh"
class diffusers.models.activations.GEGLU
< source >( dim_in: intdim_out: intbias: bool = True )
A variant of the gated linear unit activation function.
class diffusers.models.activations.ApproximateGELU
< source >( dim_in: intdim_out: intbias: bool = True )
The approximate form of the Gaussian Error Linear Unit (GELU). For more details, see section 2 of this paper.