Datasets documentation


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Metrics are important for evaluating a model’s predictions. In the tutorial, you learned how to compute a metric over an entire evaluation set. You have also seen how to load a metric.

This guide will show you how to:

  • Add predictions and references.
  • Compute metrics using different methods.
  • Write your own metric loading script.

Add predictions and references

When you want to add model predictions and references to a Metric instance, you have two options:

Use Metric.add_batch() by passing it your model predictions, and the references the model predictions should be evaluated against:

>>> import datasets
>>> metric = datasets.load_metric('my_metric')
>>> for model_input, gold_references in evaluation_dataset:
...     model_predictions = model(model_inputs)
...     metric.add_batch(predictions=model_predictions, references=gold_references)
>>> final_score = metric.compute()

Metrics accepts various input formats (Python lists, NumPy arrays, PyTorch tensors, etc.) and converts them to an appropriate format for storage and computation.

Compute scores

The most straightforward way to calculate a metric is to call Metric.compute(). But some metrics have additional arguments that allow you to modify the metrics behavior.

Let’s load the SacreBLEU metric, and compute it with a different smoothing method.

  1. Load the SacreBLEU metric:
>>> import datasets
>>> metric = datasets.load_metric('sacrebleu')
  1. Inspect the different argument methods for computing the metric:
>>> print(metric.inputs_description)
Produces BLEU scores along with its sufficient statistics
from a source against one or more references.

    predictions: The system stream (a sequence of segments).
    references: A list of one or more reference streams (each a sequence of segments).
    smooth_method: The smoothing method to use. (Default: 'exp').
    smooth_value: The smoothing value. Only valid for 'floor' and 'add-k'. (Defaults: floor: 0.1, add-k: 1).
    tokenize: Tokenization method to use for BLEU. If not provided, defaults to 'zh' for Chinese, 'ja-mecab' for Japanese and '13a' (mteval) otherwise.
    lowercase: Lowercase the data. If True, enables case-insensitivity. (Default: False).
    force: Insist that your tokenized input is actually detokenized.
  1. Compute the metric with the floor method, and a different smooth_value:
>>> score = metric.compute(smooth_method="floor", smooth_value=0.2)

Custom metric loading script

Write a metric loading script to use your own custom metric (or one that is not on the Hub). Then you can load it as usual with load_metric().

To help you get started, open the SQuAD metric loading script and follow along.

Get jump started with our metric loading script template!

Add metric attributes

Start by adding some information about your metric in Metric._info(). The most important attributes you should specify are:

  1. MetricInfo.description provides a brief description about your metric.

  2. MetricInfo.citation contains a BibTex citation for the metric.

  3. MetricInfo.inputs_description describes the expected inputs and outputs. It may also provide an example usage of the metric.

  4. MetricInfo.features defines the name and type of the predictions and references.

After you’ve filled out all these fields in the template, it should look like the following example from the SQuAD metric script:

class Squad(datasets.Metric):
    def _info(self):
        return datasets.MetricInfo(
                    "predictions": {"id": datasets.Value("string"), "prediction_text": datasets.Value("string")},
                    "references": {
                        "id": datasets.Value("string"),
                        "answers": datasets.features.Sequence(
                                "text": datasets.Value("string"),
                                "answer_start": datasets.Value("int32"),

Download metric files

If your metric needs to download, or retrieve local files, you will need to use the Metric._download_and_prepare() method. For this example, let’s examine the BLEURT metric loading script.

  1. Provide a dictionary of URLs that point to the metric files:
    "bleurt-tiny-128": "",
    "bleurt-tiny-512": "",
    "bleurt-base-128": "",
    "bleurt-base-512": "",
    "bleurt-large-128": "",
    "bleurt-large-512": "",

If the files are stored locally, provide a dictionary of path(s) instead of URLs.

  1. Metric._download_and_prepare() will take the URLs and download the metric files specified:
def _download_and_prepare(self, dl_manager):

    # check that config name specifies a valid BLEURT model
    if self.config_name == "default":
            "Using default BLEURT-Base checkpoint for sequence maximum length 128. "
            "You can use a bigger model for better results with e.g.: datasets.load_metric('bleurt', 'bleurt-large-512')."
        self.config_name = "bleurt-base-128"
    if self.config_name not in CHECKPOINT_URLS.keys():
        raise KeyError(
            f"{self.config_name} model not found. You should supply the name of a model checkpoint for bleurt in {CHECKPOINT_URLS.keys()}"

    # download the model checkpoint specified by self.config_name and set up the scorer
    model_path = dl_manager.download_and_extract(CHECKPOINT_URLS[self.config_name])
    self.scorer = score.BleurtScorer(os.path.join(model_path, self.config_name))

Compute score

DatasetBuilder._compute provides the actual instructions for how to compute a metric given the predictions and references. Now let’s take a look at the GLUE metric loading script.

  1. Provide the functions for DatasetBuilder._compute to calculate your metric:
def simple_accuracy(preds, labels):
    return (preds == labels).mean().item()

def acc_and_f1(preds, labels):
    acc = simple_accuracy(preds, labels)
    f1 = f1_score(y_true=labels, y_pred=preds).item()
    return {
        "accuracy": acc,
        "f1": f1,

def pearson_and_spearman(preds, labels):
    pearson_corr = pearsonr(preds, labels)[0].item()
    spearman_corr = spearmanr(preds, labels)[0].item()
    return {
        "pearson": pearson_corr,
        "spearmanr": spearman_corr,
  1. Create DatasetBuilder._compute with instructions for what metric to calculate for each configuration:
def _compute(self, predictions, references):
    if self.config_name == "cola":
        return {"matthews_correlation": matthews_corrcoef(references, predictions)}
    elif self.config_name == "stsb":
        return pearson_and_spearman(predictions, references)
    elif self.config_name in ["mrpc", "qqp"]:
        return acc_and_f1(predictions, references)
    elif self.config_name in ["sst2", "mnli", "mnli_mismatched", "mnli_matched", "qnli", "rte", "wnli", "hans"]:
        return {"accuracy": simple_accuracy(predictions, references)}
        raise KeyError(
            "You should supply a configuration name selected in "
            '["sst2", "mnli", "mnli_mismatched", "mnli_matched", '
            '"cola", "stsb", "mrpc", "qqp", "qnli", "rte", "wnli", "hans"]'


Once you’re finished writing your metric loading script, try to load it locally:

>>> from datasets import load_metric
>>> metric = load_metric('PATH/TO/MY/')