AutoTrain documentation

DreamBooth Parameters

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DreamBooth Parameters

  --batch-size BATCH_SIZE
                        Training batch size to use
  --seed SEED           Random seed for reproducibility
  --epochs EPOCHS       Number of training epochs
  --gradient_accumulation GRADIENT_ACCUMULATION
                        Gradient accumulation steps
                        Disable gradient checkpointing
  --lr LR               Learning rate
  --tokenizer TOKENIZER
                        Tokenizer to use for training
  --class-image-path CLASS_IMAGE_PATH
                        Path to the class images
  --prompt PROMPT       Instance prompt
  --prior-preservation  With prior preservation
  --prior-loss-weight PRIOR_LOSS_WEIGHT
                        Prior loss weight
  --resolution RESOLUTION
  --center-crop         Center crop
  --train-text-encoder  Train text encoder
  --sample-batch-size SAMPLE_BATCH_SIZE
                        Sample batch size
  --num-steps NUM_STEPS
                        Max train steps
  --checkpointing-steps CHECKPOINTING_STEPS
                        Checkpointing steps
  --resume-from-checkpoint RESUME_FROM_CHECKPOINT
                        Resume from checkpoint
  --scale-lr            Scale learning rate
  --scheduler SCHEDULER
                        Learning rate scheduler
  --warmup-steps WARMUP_STEPS
                        Learning rate warmup steps
  --num-cycles NUM_CYCLES
                        Learning rate num cycles
  --lr-power LR_POWER   Learning rate power
  --dataloader-num-workers DATALOADER_NUM_WORKERS
                        Dataloader num workers
  --use-8bit-adam       Use 8bit adam
  --adam-beta1 ADAM_BETA1
                        Adam beta 1
  --adam-beta2 ADAM_BETA2
                        Adam beta 2
  --adam-weight-decay ADAM_WEIGHT_DECAY
                        Adam weight decay
  --adam-epsilon ADAM_EPSILON
                        Adam epsilon
  --max-grad-norm MAX_GRAD_NORM
                        Max grad norm
  --allow-tf32          Allow TF32
  --prior-generation-precision PRIOR_GENERATION_PRECISION
                        Prior generation precision
  --local-rank LOCAL_RANK
                        Local rank
  --xformers            Enable xformers memory efficient attention
                        Pre compute text embeddings
  --tokenizer-max-length TOKENIZER_MAX_LENGTH
                        Tokenizer max length
                        Text encoder use attention mask
  --rank RANK           Rank
  --xl                  XL
  --mixed-precision MIXED_PRECISION
                        mixed precision, fp16, bf16, none
  --validation-prompt VALIDATION_PROMPT
                        Validation prompt
  --num-validation-images NUM_VALIDATION_IMAGES
                        Number of validation images
  --validation-epochs VALIDATION_EPOCHS
                        Validation epochs
  --checkpoints-total-limit CHECKPOINTS_TOTAL_LIMIT
                        Checkpoints total limit
  --validation-images VALIDATION_IMAGES
                        Validation images
  --logging             Logging using tensorboard
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