Accelerate documentation

Megatron-LM utilities

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Megatron-LM utilities


class accelerate.utils.MegatronLMPlugin

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( tp_degree: int = None pp_degree: int = None num_micro_batches: int = None gradient_clipping: float = None sequence_parallelism: bool = None recompute_activations: bool = None use_distributed_optimizer: bool = None pipeline_model_parallel_split_rank: int = None num_layers_per_virtual_pipeline_stage: int = None is_train_batch_min: str = True train_iters: int = None train_samples: int = None weight_decay_incr_style: str = 'constant' start_weight_decay: float = None end_weight_decay: float = None lr_decay_style: str = 'linear' lr_decay_iters: int = None lr_decay_samples: int = None lr_warmup_iters: int = None lr_warmup_samples: int = None lr_warmup_fraction: float = None min_lr: float = 0 consumed_samples: List = None no_wd_decay_cond: Optional = None scale_lr_cond: Optional = None lr_mult: float = 1.0 megatron_dataset_flag: bool = False seq_length: int = None encoder_seq_length: int = None decoder_seq_length: int = None tensorboard_dir: str = None set_all_logging_options: bool = False eval_iters: int = 100 eval_interval: int = 1000 return_logits: bool = False custom_train_step_class: Optional = None custom_train_step_kwargs: Optional = None custom_model_provider_function: Optional = None custom_prepare_model_function: Optional = None custom_megatron_datasets_provider_function: Optional = None custom_get_batch_function: Optional = None custom_loss_function: Optional = None other_megatron_args: Optional = None )


  • tp_degree (int, defaults to None) — Tensor parallelism degree.
  • pp_degree (int, defaults to None) — Pipeline parallelism degree.
  • num_micro_batches (int, defaults to None) — Number of micro-batches.
  • gradient_clipping (float, defaults to None) — Gradient clipping value based on global L2 Norm (0 to disable).
  • sequence_parallelism (bool, defaults to None) — Enable sequence parallelism.
  • recompute_activations (bool, defaults to None) — Enable selective activation recomputation.
  • use_distributed_optimizr (bool, defaults to None) — Enable distributed optimizer.
  • pipeline_model_parallel_split_rank (int, defaults to None) — Rank where encoder and decoder should be split.
  • num_layers_per_virtual_pipeline_stage (int, defaults to None) — Number of layers per virtual pipeline stage.
  • is_train_batch_min (str, defaults to True) — If both tran & eval dataloaders are specified, this will decide the micro_batch_size.
  • train_iters (int, defaults to None) — Total number of samples to train over all training runs. Note that either train-iters or train-samples should be provided when using MegatronLMDummyScheduler.
  • train_samples (int, defaults to None) — Total number of samples to train over all training runs. Note that either train-iters or train-samples should be provided when using MegatronLMDummyScheduler.
  • weight_decay_incr_style (str, defaults to 'constant') — Weight decay increment function. choices=[“constant”, “linear”, “cosine”].
  • start_weight_decay (float, defaults to None) — Initial weight decay coefficient for L2 regularization.
  • end_weight_decay (float, defaults to None) — End of run weight decay coefficient for L2 regularization.
  • lr_decay_style (str, defaults to 'linear') — Learning rate decay function. choices=[‘constant’, ‘linear’, ‘cosine’].
  • lr_decay_iters (int, defaults to None) — Number of iterations for learning rate decay. If None defaults to train_iters.
  • lr_decay_samples (int, defaults to None) — Number of samples for learning rate decay. If None defaults to train_samples.
  • lr_warmup_iters (int, defaults to None) — Number of iterations to linearly warmup learning rate over.
  • lr_warmup_samples (int, defaults to None) — Number of samples to linearly warmup learning rate over.
  • lr_warmup_fraction (float, defaults to None) — Fraction of lr-warmup-(iters/samples) to linearly warmup learning rate over.
  • min_lr (float, defaults to 0) — Minumum value for learning rate. The scheduler clip values below this threshold.
  • consumed_samples (List, defaults to None) — Number of samples consumed in the same order as the dataloaders to accelerator.prepare call.
  • no_wd_decay_cond (Optional, defaults to None) — Condition to disable weight decay.
  • scale_lr_cond (Optional, defaults to None) — Condition to scale learning rate.
  • lr_mult (float, defaults to 1.0) — Learning rate multiplier.
  • megatron_dataset_flag (bool, defaults to False) — Whether the format of dataset follows Megatron-LM Indexed/Cached/MemoryMapped format.
  • seq_length (int, defaults to None) — Maximum sequence length to process.
  • encoder_seq_length (int, defaults to None) — Maximum sequence length to process for the encoder.
  • decoder_seq_length (int, defaults to None) — Maximum sequence length to process for the decoder.
  • tensorboard_dir (str, defaults to None) — Path to save tensorboard logs.
  • set_all_logging_options (bool, defaults to False) — Whether to set all logging options.
  • eval_iters (int, defaults to 100) — Number of iterations to run for evaluation validation/test for.
  • eval_interval (int, defaults to 1000) — Interval between running evaluation on validation set.
  • return_logits (bool, defaults to False) — Whether to return logits from the model.
  • custom_train_step_class (Optional, defaults to None) — Custom train step class.
  • custom_train_step_kwargs (Optional, defaults to None) — Custom train step kwargs.
  • custom_model_provider_function (Optional, defaults to None) — Custom model provider function.
  • custom_prepare_model_function (Optional, defaults to None) — Custom prepare model function.
  • custom_megatron_datasets_provider_function (Optional, defaults to None) — Custom megatron train_valid_test datasets provider function.
  • custom_get_batch_function (Optional, defaults to None) — Custom get batch function.
  • custom_loss_function (Optional, defaults to None) — Custom loss function.
  • other_megatron_args (Optional, defaults to None) — Other Megatron-LM arguments. Please refer Megatron-LM.

Plugin for Megatron-LM to enable tensor, pipeline, sequence and data parallelism. Also to enable selective activation recomputation and optimized fused kernels.


class accelerate.utils.MegatronLMDummyScheduler

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( optimizer total_num_steps = None warmup_num_steps = 0 **kwargs )


  • optimizer (torch.optim.optimizer.Optimizer) — The optimizer to wrap.
  • total_num_steps (int) — Total number of steps.
  • warmup_num_steps (int) — Number of steps for warmup.
  • **kwargs (additional keyword arguments, optional) — Other arguments.

Dummy scheduler presents model parameters or param groups, this is primarily used to follow conventional training loop when scheduler config is specified in the deepspeed config file.


class accelerate.utils.MegatronLMDummyDataLoader

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( **dataset_kwargs )

Dummy dataloader presents model parameters or param groups, this is primarily used to follow conventional training


class accelerate.utils.AbstractTrainStep

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( name )

Abstract class for batching, forward pass and loss handler.


class accelerate.utils.GPTTrainStep

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( accelerator args )


  • args (argparse.Namespace) — Megatron-LM arguments.

GPT train step class.


class accelerate.utils.BertTrainStep

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( accelerator args )


  • args (argparse.Namespace) — Megatron-LM arguments.

Bert train step class.


class accelerate.utils.T5TrainStep

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( accelerator args )


  • args (argparse.Namespace) — Megatron-LM arguments.

T5 train step class.



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( losses )


  • losses (List[Tensor]) — List of losses to average across data parallel group.

Average losses across data parallel group.

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