ebbanimer's picture
Update README.md (#4)
97a0061 verified
pipeline_tag: text-classification
base_model: vinai/bertweet-base
- text: "Added a new feature for user input"
- text: "Major refactor, moved several classes and removed old code"
- text: "Fixed a bug"
- text: "Completed the README and updated docs"
- text: "I like turtles"
Model for classifying git commit messages. This model is based on `vinai/bertweet-base` and fine-tuned.
Git commit messages are categorized into the following categories:
1. Adaptive - Adaptive activities are functional activities and involve making modifications
to the software to ensure it remains compatible with new environments. Examples of these are
feature additions and test cases.
2. Perfective - Perfective activities encompass modifications aimed at improving the software's
overall quality, structure, and efficiency, such as refactoring, renaming, cleaning up
redundant segments, and improving algorithms and performance.
3. Corrective - Corrective activities address and correct software problems such as bugs,
defects, errors, and faults that negatively impact the system.
4. Administrative - Administrative activities include working on documentation such as
README.md files, javadocs, or commenting the code.
5. Other - This activity includes Git operations such as merges and pull requests. It also includes
vague and unspecified tasks.