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2.505 | 2 | 0.671 | KOMUNIKÉ | 2.505 | 0.671 | COMMUNIQUÉ | middle | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | audit_r | COMMUNIQUÉ |
1.068192 | 2 | 1.673 | Zpráva byla sepsána v češtině, angličtině a polštině a podepsána předsedy nejvyšších kontrolních institucí České republiky a Polska. | 27.773 | 0.064346 | The report has been drawn up in Czech, English and Polish and signed by the Presidents of supreme audit institutions of the Czech Republic and Poland. | last | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | audit_r | The report has been drawn up in Czech, English and Polish and signed by the Presidents of supreme audit institutions of the Czech Republic and Poland. |
3.338182 | 12 | 2.669 | Čína tvrdí, že se do žádné války nepouštěla a nepronikla do cizí země | 36.72 | 0.242636 | China Says It Didn't Fight Any War Nor Invaded Foreign Land | first | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | china | China Says It Didn't Fight Any War Nor Invaded Foreign Land |
5.1588 | 12 | 3.545 | Čína v pátek prohlásila, že „nerozpoutala žádnou válku ani konflikt“, a že „nezabrala ani metr“ cizí země, jakékoliv zmínce o válce s Indií v roce 1962 se při tom vyhýbá. | 154.764 | 0.118167 | China on Friday said it has not provoked a "single war or conflict" or "invaded a single square" of foreign land, skirting any reference to the 1962 war with India. | middle | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | china | China on Friday said it has not provoked a "single war or conflict" or "invaded a single square" of foreign land, skirting any reference to the 1962 war with India. |
9.26925 | 12 | 3.431 | „Čína se vždy za každou cenu snažila řešit teritoriální spory jak na pevnině, tak na moři mírovou cestou – jednáním a dohodou,“ psalo se v oficiálním zprávě, které vyšlo čtyři dny před oslavami k příležitosti 70. výročí vládnoucí Komunistické strany Číny (CPC), ke kterým došlo 1. října. | 444.924 | 0.071479 | "China has always been dedicated to resolving territorial and maritime delimitation disputes through negotiation and consultation," stated an official white paper released, four days ahead of the country set to celebrate its 70th anniversary of the leadership of the ruling Communist Party of China (CPC) on October 1. | middle | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | china | "China has always been dedicated to resolving territorial and maritime delimitation disputes through negotiation and consultation," stated an official white paper released, four days ahead of the country set to celebrate its 70th anniversary of the leadership of the ruling Communist Party of China (CPC) on October 1. |
2.736073 | 12 | 9.816 | „Čína chrání světový mír prostřednictvím skutečných činů. Za posledních 70 let Čína nerozpoutala jedinou válku nebo konflikt, a nezabrala jediný metr cizí země,“ stálo ve zprávě s titulkem: „Čína a svět v nové éře“. | 112.179 | 0.239415 | "China safeguards world peace through real actions. Over the past 70 years, China has not provoked a single war or conflict, nor invaded a single square of foreign land," the paper titled "China and the World in the New Era" said. | middle | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | china | "China safeguards world peace through real actions. Over the past 70 years, China has not provoked a single war or conflict, nor invaded a single square of foreign land," the paper titled "China and the World in the New Era" said. |
6.792765 | 12 | 10.646 | Zpráva z Bílé knihy zdůrazňovala „poklidný vzestup“ Komunistické strany Číny, o kruté válce s Indií v roce 1962 a širokém pásmu půdy obzvláště v oblasti Aksai Chin, které Čína okupuje, se už však nezmiňovala. | 230.954 | 0.313118 | The white paper, while highlighting the CPS's "peaceful rise" made no reference of the bloody 1962 war with India and the vast tracts of land, especially in the Aksai Chin area, occupied by China. | middle | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | china | The white paper, while highlighting the CPS's "peaceful rise" made no reference of the bloody 1962 war with India and the vast tracts of land, especially in the Aksai Chin area, occupied by China. |
5.673115 | 12 | 10.703 | Spor na čínsko-indických hranicích, která zahrnuje 3 488 km dlouhou Linii aktuální kontroly (LAC) však doposud není vyřešen. Čína také tvrdí, že Arunachal Pradesh je součástí jižního Tibetu, o který soupeří s Indií. | 147.501 | 0.411654 | The Sino-India border dispute involving 3,488-km-long Line of Actual Control (LAC) remained unresolved. China also claims Arunachal Pradesh as part of South Tibet, which India contests. | middle | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | china | The Sino-India border dispute involving 3,488-km-long Line of Actual Control (LAC) remained unresolved. China also claims Arunachal Pradesh as part of South Tibet, which India contests. |
3.604 | 12 | 9.978 | Mezi těmito dvěma zeměmi a jejich zástupci proběhlo již jednadvacet jednání, které měly za úkol pohraniční spor vyřešit. | 61.268 | 0.586941 | So far, the two countries held 21 rounds of Special Representatives talks to resolve the border dispute. | middle | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | china | So far, the two countries held 21 rounds of Special Representatives talks to resolve the border dispute. |
7.507348 | 12 | 28.976 | Kromě války v roce 1962 se Indie s Čínou v Doklamu v roce 2017 nacházely ve vojensky patové situaci – Čínská osvobozenecká lidová armáda (PLA) se tehdy pokoušela vystavět cestu poblíž indické úžiny Chicken Neck, která hraničí se severovýchodními státy v oblasti, kterou obsadil Bhútán. | 345.338 | 0.629913 | Besides the 1962 war, India and China had a major military standoff at Doklam in 2017 when the People's Liberation Army (PLA) tried to lay a road close to India"s narrow Chicken Neck corridor connecting with the North-Eastern states in an area also claimed by Bhutan. | middle | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | china | Besides the 1962 war, India and China had a major military standoff at Doklam in 2017 when the People's Liberation Army (PLA) tried to lay a road close to India"s narrow Chicken Neck corridor connecting with the North-Eastern states in an area also claimed by Bhutan. |
1.873 | 12 | 5.743 | Nakonec došlo k diplomatickému vyřešení této záležitosti a vojska obou zemí se stáhla. | 24.349 | 0.441769 | It was finally diplomatically resolved after which both sides pulled back their troops. | middle | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | china | It was finally diplomatically resolved after which both sides pulled back their troops. |
5.759133 | 12 | 4.249 | Čína měla také nemalý konflikt s Vietnamem, a to v roce 1979. Čína si nárokuje svrchovanost nad celým Jihočínským mořem. Vietnam, Malajsie, Filipíny, Brunej a Tchaj-wan si jej nárokují zpět. | 172.774 | 0.141633 | China also had a major military conflict with Vietnam in 1979. China claims sovereignty over all of South China Sea. Vietnam, Malaysia, the Philippines, Brunei and Taiwan have counter claims. | middle | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | china | China also had a major military conflict with Vietnam in 1979. China claims sovereignty over all of South China Sea. Vietnam, Malaysia, the Philippines, Brunei and Taiwan have counter claims. |
5.48398 | 12 | 1.903 | „Čína dospěla ke kompletnímu vyřešení pohraničních sporů s dvanácti z celkových čtrnácti sousedních zemí a vytyčila čínsko-vietnamskou hranici na moři v zálivu Beibu,“ psalo se ve zprávě z Bílé knihy, která také poznamenává, že od reformy a otevření v roce 1978 země zredukovala své ozbrojené síly „o více než čtyři miliony“. | 279.683 | 0.037314 | "China has achieved full resolution of land border delimitation problems with 12 of its 14 neighbouring countries, and delineated the China-Vietnam maritime boundary in the Beibu Gulf," the white paper said, noting that since reform and opening up in 1978, the country has cut its armed forces "by over four million." | middle | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | china | "China has achieved full resolution of land border delimitation problems with 12 of its 14 neighbouring countries, and delineated the China-Vietnam maritime boundary in the Beibu Gulf," the white paper said, noting that since reform and opening up in 1978, the country has cut its armed forces "by over four million." |
4.5304 | 12 | 6.294 | Dvoumilionová čínská armáda však i přesto zůstává světově největší. | 45.304 | 0.6294 | The two-million strong Chinese military still remain the world's largest. | last | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | china | The two-million strong Chinese military still remain the world's largest. |
7.323 | 11 | 21.973 | Proč deník The Times zveřejnil podrobnosti o totožnosti oznamovatele | 65.907 | 2.441444 | Why The Times Published Details of the Whistle-Blower's Identity | first | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | whistle | Why The Times Published Details of the Whistle-Blower's Identity |
6.495769 | 11 | 13.301 | Ve čtvrtek zveřejnil deník The Times exkluzivní podrobné údaje o totožnosti oznamovatele, jehož tvrzení vedlo tento týden demokraty k zahájení vyšetřování s cílem odvolat prezidenta Trumpa z funkce. (V článku se uvádí, že oznamovatelem je důstojník Ústřední zpravodajské služby, který byl dříve pracovně přidělen do Bílého domu a měl odborné znalosti o Ukrajině). | 337.78 | 0.255788 | On Thursday, The Times published exclusive details about the identity of the whistle-blower whose claims led Democrats to begin an impeachment inquiry against President Trump this week. (The article reported that the whistle-blower is a C.I.A. officer who was previously detailed to work at the White House and had expertise on Ukraine.) | middle | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | whistle | On Thursday, The Times published exclusive details about the identity of the whistle-blower whose claims led Democrats to begin an impeachment inquiry against President Trump this week. (The article reported that the whistle-blower is a C.I.A. officer who was previously detailed to work at the White House and had expertise on Ukraine.) |
6.472868 | 11 | 26.388 | Mnoho čtenářů včetně těch, kteří pracují v oblasti národní bezpečnosti a pro zpravodajské služby, kritizovalo rozhodnutí The Times zveřejnit tyto podrobnosti a tvrdilo, že by to mohlo ohrozit život této osoby a mohlo by to být výrazně demotivující pro případné oznamovatele. | 245.969 | 0.694421 | Many readers, including some who work in national security and intelligence, have criticized The Times's decision to publish the details, saying it potentially put the person's life in danger and may have a chilling effect on would-be whistle-blowers. | middle | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | whistle | Many readers, including some who work in national security and intelligence, have criticized The Times's decision to publish the details, saying it potentially put the person's life in danger and may have a chilling effect on would-be whistle-blowers. |
4.770091 | 11 | 37.26 | Podělili jsme se o jejich obavy s Deanem Baquetem, vedoucím redaktorem The Times, který na ně reagoval v rámci diskuze s čtenářským střediskem: | 104.942 | 1.693636 | We took their concerns to Dean Baquet, The Times's executive editor, who responded to them in a discussion with the Reader Center: | middle | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | whistle | We took their concerns to Dean Baquet, The Times's executive editor, who responded to them in a discussion with the Reader Center: |
6.794289 | 11 | 5.229 | Prezident a někteří z jeho podporovatelů zpochybnili důvěryhodnost oznamovatele, který předložil informace, které měly vliv na toto přelomové řízení o odvolání prezidenta z funkce. Samotný prezident se o akci oznamovatele vyjádřil o jako o „politickém hackerství“. | 258.183 | 0.137605 | The president and some of his supporters have attacked the credibility of the whistle-blower, who has presented information that has touched off a landmark impeachment proceeding. The president himself has called the whistle-blower's account a "political hack job." | middle | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | whistle | The president and some of his supporters have attacked the credibility of the whistle-blower, who has presented information that has touched off a landmark impeachment proceeding. The president himself has called the whistle-blower's account a "political hack job." |
3.992033 | 11 | 36.578 | Rozhodli jsme se zveřejnit informace o oznamovateli v omezeném rozsahu včetně skutečnosti, že pracuje pro nepolitickou organizaci a že jeho stížnost vychází z důvěrné znalosti a pochopení Bílého domu, protože jsme chtěli čtenářům poskytnout informace, na základě kterých by si mohli udělat vlastní názor na to, zda je či není důvěryhodný. | 239.522 | 0.609633 | We decided to publish limited information about the whistle-blower - including the fact that he works for a nonpolitical agency and that his complaint is based on an intimate knowledge and understanding of the White House - because we wanted to provide information to readers that allows them to make their own judgments about whether or not he is credible. | last | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | whistle | We decided to publish limited information about the whistle-blower - including the fact that he works for a nonpolitical agency and that his complaint is based on an intimate knowledge and understanding of the White House - because we wanted to provide information to readers that allows them to make their own judgments about whether or not he is credible. |
6.52 | 1 | 3.827 | ÚVOD | 6.52 | 3.827 | INTRODUCTION | first | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | audit_i | INTRODUCTION |
15.625324 | 1 | 104.294 | Rozvíjející se společenství obyvatel Evropy je hnací silou přeshraniční spolupráce jako součástí širší územní spolupráce, která existuje již více než 20 let. | 531.261 | 3.067471 | The developing union of people of Europe is the driving force behind the cross-border cooperation as a part of broader territorial cooperation that has been with us for more than 20 years by now. | middle | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | audit_i | The developing union of people of Europe is the driving force behind the cross-border cooperation as a part of broader territorial cooperation that has been with us for more than 20 years by now. |
16.375444 | 1 | 71.72 | Nechme toto společenství pronést úvodní slovo této společné zprávy nejvyšších kontrolních institucí dvou sousedících států: | 294.758 | 3.984444 | Let it provide itself the introduction into this joint report of supreme audit institutions of two close countries: | middle | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | audit_i | Let it provide itself the introduction into this joint report of supreme audit institutions of two close countries: |
9.120462 | 1 | 11.438 | „Okolo 185 miliónů občanů EU, tedy 37 % populace, žije v pohraničních oblastech. | 118.566 | 0.879846 | “185 million EU citizens, or 37% of the population, live in border areas. | middle | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | audit_i | “185 million EU citizens, or 37% of the population, live in border areas. |
17.788429 | 1 | 42.742 | Tyto okrajové oblasti jsou obvykle málo rozvinuté a přehlížené, důvodem je často jejich temná historie. | 249.038 | 3.053 | These are often peripheral, underdeveloped or marginalised areas- sometimes the borders are historical scars. | middle | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | audit_i | These are often peripheral, underdeveloped or marginalised areas- sometimes the borders are historical scars. |
19.367077 | 1 | 41.037 | Hlavním cílem přeshraniční spolupráce je zamezit tomu, aby byly hranice vnímány jako administrativní, právní a fyzická bariéra a vyřešit problémy týkající se nevyužitého potenciálu těchto oblastí. | 503.544 | 1.578346 | The main aim of cross-border cooperation is to reduce the effect of borders as administrative, legal and physical barriers, tackle common problems and exploit untapped potential. | middle | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | audit_i | The main aim of cross-border cooperation is to reduce the effect of borders as administrative, legal and physical barriers, tackle common problems and exploit untapped potential. |
9.78604 | 1 | 37.451 | Programy pokrývají různé pohraniční regiony: některé programy se zabývají přímořskými oblastmi, další se pak zaměřují na vnitrozemské hranice v rámci EU nebo na hranice sdílené s kandidátskými státy. | 244.651 | 1.49804 | The programmes cover a variety of border regions: some work with maritime areas, others with internal EU land borders or borders shared with candidate countries. | middle | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | audit_i | The programmes cover a variety of border regions: some work with maritime areas, others with internal EU land borders or borders shared with candidate countries. |
9.026882 | 1 | 22.841 | Většina programů je bilaterálních, s výjimkou některých, které zahrnují více než dva sousední státy (např. Jihobaltský program). | 153.457 | 1.343588 | Most programmes are bilateral, but some consist of more than two neighbouring countries (e.g. South Baltic programme). | middle | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | audit_i | Most programmes are bilateral, but some consist of more than two neighbouring countries (e.g. South Baltic programme). |
10.69528 | 1 | 78.568 | Doba trvání programů je sedm let. V tomto období je z rozpočtu EU na tyto programy vyčleněno celkem 5,7 mld. eur. | 267.382 | 3.14272 | The programmes last for seven years. It should be noted that there is EUR 5.7 billion in total earmarked for all programmes in this period. | middle | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | audit_i | The programmes last for seven years. It should be noted that there is EUR 5.7 billion in total earmarked for all programmes in this period. |
13.484962 | 1 | 65.088 | „Mezi činnosti programu patří: Stavby a přestavby přeshraničních silnic, cyklostezek a mostů, Investování do přeshraničních systémů nakládání s odpadem, zdravotnických a výzkumných zařízení, protipovodňových opatření, atd., Společná správa přírodních lokalit a turistických atrakcí, Rozvoj společných služeb pro místní obyvatelstvo, Poradenství v oblasti nezaměstnanosti, a nakonec Vytváření tematických sítí a klastrů pro inovace. | 701.218 | 1.251692 | “The programme activities include: Repairing and (re)building cross-border roads, cycle paths or bridges; Investing in cross-border waste systems, medical equipment, research centres, anti-flood measures, and so on; Managing jointly natural or tourism sites; Developing common services for the local population; Advising on employment issues; and Creating thematic networks and clusters for innovation. | middle | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | audit_i | “The programme activities include: Repairing and (re)building cross-border roads, cycle paths or bridges; Investing in cross-border waste systems, medical equipment, research centres, anti-flood measures, and so on; Managing jointly natural or tourism sites; Developing common services for the local population; Advising on employment issues; and Creating thematic networks and clusters for innovation. |
13.247784 | 1 | 142.885 | Finanční podpora projektů je udělena pod podmínkou, že organizace z obou stran hranice, mezi které patří např. regionální úřady, univerzity či malé a střední podniky, se spojí za účelem realizace projektů, které vycházejí z potřeb hraničního regionu. | 490.168 | 3.861757 | The funding is granted on condition that organisations from both sides of the border, such as regional authorities, universities and small and medium enterprises, come together to implement projects based on the needs of the border region. | middle | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | audit_i | The funding is granted on condition that organisations from both sides of the border, such as regional authorities, universities and small and medium enterprises, come together to implement projects based on the needs of the border region. |
32.839286 | 1 | 34.878 | Představitelé spolupracujících regionů, důležitých ministerstev a dalších místních partnerů se pravidelně scházejí a rozhodují o tom, který projekt bude podpořen. | 689.625 | 1.660857 | Representatives of cooperating regions, thematic ministries and other local partners meet regularly and decide which projects are going to be supported. | middle | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | audit_i | Representatives of cooperating regions, thematic ministries and other local partners meet regularly and decide which projects are going to be supported. |
6.882176 | 1 | 33.236 | Tento neobvyklý systém by měl vést k udržitelné spolupráci, která bude pokračovat i poté, co bude program ukončen. | 116.997 | 1.955059 | This unique structure is supposed to lead to sustainable collaboration that continues long after the programme ends. | middle | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | audit_i | This unique structure is supposed to lead to sustainable collaboration that continues long after the programme ends. |
10.785892 | 1 | 15.958 | Finanční podpora projektů je udělena pod podmínkou, že partneři z obou stran hranice budou spolupracovat způsobem, kdy splní alespoň dvě z následujících kritérií: společné financování, společný personál, společná příprava, společná realizace projektu. | 399.078 | 0.431297 | The funding is granted on condition that partners from both sides of the border work together and fulfil at least two of the following conditions: common financing, common staffing, common preparation and common implementation of the project.” | middle | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | audit_i | The funding is granted on condition that partners from both sides of the border work together and fulfil at least two of the following conditions: common financing, common staffing, common preparation and common implementation of the project.” |
6.529346 | 1 | 31.011 | V rámci spolupráce jsou úkoly a zodpovědnost za přípravu, realizaci, financování a kontrolu činnosti jasně definované a rovnoměrně rozdělené příslušným partnerům. | 169.763 | 1.192731 | Within the partnership framework, the tasks and responsibility for preparation, implementation, financing and control of project activities are clearly defined and distributed among the respective partners. | middle | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | audit_i | Within the partnership framework, the tasks and responsibility for preparation, implementation, financing and control of project activities are clearly defined and distributed among the respective partners. |
7.787176 | 1 | 79.353 | Hlavní body spolupráce jsou: společná volba vedoucího partnera, společná příprava projektu a žádostí, uzavření společné dohody o partnerství podepsané všemi partnery, převzetí plné zodpovědnosti za realizaci projektu vedoucím partnerem, příjem celkových plateb vedoucím partnerem, který provádí jejich následný převod příslušným partnerům. | 397.146 | 1.555941 | The following are main attributes: joint selection of leading partner; joint preparation of project and applications; making of joint agreement of partnership signed by all partners; overtaking of complete responsibility for project implementation by leading partner; total support payments received by leading partner who completes their transfer to respective project partners. | middle | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | audit_i | The following are main attributes: joint selection of leading partner; joint preparation of project and applications; making of joint agreement of partnership signed by all partners; overtaking of complete responsibility for project implementation by leading partner; total support payments received by leading partner who completes their transfer to respective project partners. |
10.579316 | 1 | 114.952 | Podpora je udělena způsobilým projektům realizovaným v regionech a vojvodstvích přilehlých ke společné hranici. | 201.007 | 6.050105 | The support can be granted to eligible projects implemented in the regions and voivodeships adjacent to the joint border. | last | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | audit_i | The support can be granted to eligible projects implemented in the regions and voivodeships adjacent to the joint border. |
894.439533 | 0 | 13,393.408 | Dodatek č. 1 ke Smlouvě o podnájmu bytu ze dne 13. května 2016 | 13,416.593 | 892.893867 | Supplement No. 1 to the agreement on the sublease the apartment, of 13th May 2016 | first | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | lease | Supplement No. 1 to the agreement on the sublease the apartment, of 13th May 2016 |
7.757075 | 0 | 55.449 | Níže uvedeného dne, měsíce a roku Marta Burešová, r. č.: 695604/3017, bytem: Radimova 8, Praha 6, 169 00, jako nájemkyně na straně jedné (dále jen „Nájemkyně“), a Karolína Černá, r. č.: 136205/891, bytem: Alfrédova 13, Praha 4, 142 00, jako podnájemkyně na straně druhé (dále jen „Podnájemkyně“), společně dále také jako „Smluvní strany“, uzavírají tento dodatek č. 1 ke Smlouvě o podnájmu bytu ze dne 13. května 2016 (dále jen „Dodatek č. 1“). | 721.408 | 0.596226 | On the day, month and year written below Marta Burešová, pers. no. 695604/3017 Address: Radimova 8, Prague 6, 169 00 as the tenant on the one hand (Hereinafter referred to as "the tenant") and Karolína Černá, pers. no. 136205/891 Address: Alfrédova 13, Praha 4, 142 00 As a lessee on the other (Hereinafter referred to as "the lessee") collectively also referred to as "the Contracting parties" have agreed on this Supplement No. 1 to the Agreement on the sublease the apartment, of 13th May 2016 (hereinafter referred to as the "Supplement No. 1") | middle | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | lease | On the day, month and year written below Marta Burešová, pers. no. 695604/3017 Address: Radimova 8, Prague 6, 169 00 as the tenant on the one hand (Hereinafter referred to as "the tenant") and Karolína Černá, pers. no. 136205/891 Address: Alfrédova 13, Praha 4, 142 00 As a lessee on the other (Hereinafter referred to as "the lessee") collectively also referred to as "the Contracting parties" have agreed on this Supplement No. 1 to the Agreement on the sublease the apartment, of 13th May 2016 (hereinafter referred to as the "Supplement No. 1") |
1.465 | 0 | 0.815 | I. | 1.465 | 0.815 | I. | middle | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | lease | I. |
7.981 | 0 | 5.312 | Úvodní ustanovení | 15.962 | 2.656 | Introductory Provisions | middle | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | lease | Introductory Provisions |
4.277413 | 0 | 53.476 | Dne 13. května 2016 Nájemkyně a Podnájemkyně uzavřely Smlouvu o podnájmu bytu, na jejímž základě Nájemkyně pronajala Podnájemkyni byt č. 4 (plocha 49 m²) o dispozici 1+1/L v přízemí bytového domu na adrese Praha 4, Alfrédova 13, PSČ 142 00, Kamýk (dále jen „předmětný byt“ a „Smlouva o podnájmu“), včetně vybavení uvedeného ve Smlouvě o podnájmu. | 320.806 | 0.713013 | On 13th May 2016, the tenant and the lessee closed the Agreement on the sublease of the apartment, under which the tenant let the lessee use the apartment No. 4 (area 49 m²) of size 1+1/L in the ground floor of the house in Prague 4, Alfrédova 13, Post Code: 142 00, Kamýk (hereinafter referred to as the “apartment in question” and “Sublease agreement”), including the equipment and amenities as specified in the Sublease agreement. | middle | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | lease | On 13th May 2016, the tenant and the lessee closed the Agreement on the sublease of the apartment, under which the tenant let the lessee use the apartment No. 4 (area 49 m²) of size 1+1/L in the ground floor of the house in Prague 4, Alfrédova 13, Post Code: 142 00, Kamýk (hereinafter referred to as the “apartment in question” and “Sublease agreement”), including the equipment and amenities as specified in the Sublease agreement. |
1.911333 | 0 | 4.282 | Vlastníkem předmětného bytu je bytové družstvo „Společenství vlastníků domu Alfrédova 13, Praha 4“, IČ: 123 45 678, se sídlem Praha 4, Alfrédova 13, PSČ 142 00 (dále jen „Bytové družstvo“). | 80.276 | 0.101952 | The owner of the flat in question is a housing cooperative "Team of Owners of House Alfrédova 13, Prague 4", ID: 123 45 678, with registered office at Prague 4, Alfrédova 13, postal code: 142 00 (hereinafter referred to as “Housing Cooperative”). | middle | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | lease | The owner of the flat in question is a housing cooperative "Team of Owners of House Alfrédova 13, Prague 4", ID: 123 45 678, with registered office at Prague 4, Alfrédova 13, postal code: 142 00 (hereinafter referred to as “Housing Cooperative”). |
9.363293 | 0 | 5.447 | Na základě prohlášení Nájemkyně ve Smlouvě o podnájmu vyjádřil manžel Nájemkyně (pan Martin Bureš, r. č.: 760305/3920) před podpisem Smlouvy o podnájmu bytu souhlas s jejím uzavřením. | 383.895 | 0.132854 | On the basis of the statement made by the tenant in the Sublease agreement, the tenant's husband (Mr. Martin Bureš, pers. no.: 760305/3920) expressed his agreement to the conclusion of the Sublease agreement for the apartment before signing the Sublease agreement. | middle | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | lease | On the basis of the statement made by the tenant in the Sublease agreement, the tenant's husband (Mr. Martin Bureš, pers. no.: 760305/3920) expressed his agreement to the conclusion of the Sublease agreement for the apartment before signing the Sublease agreement. |
1.729087 | 0 | 0.631 | Podpisem tohoto Dodatku č. 1 Nájemkyně dále prohlašuje, že její manžel také vyjádřil souhlas s tímto Dodatkem č. 1. | 39.769 | 0.027435 | By signing this Supplement No. 1, the tenant then declares that her husband has also given his consent to this Supplement No. 1. | middle | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | lease | By signing this Supplement No. 1, the tenant then declares that her husband has also given his consent to this Supplement No. 1. |
3.172341 | 0 | 4.895 | V článku III Smlouvy o podnájmu s názvem „Doba nájmu“ se Nájemkyně a Podnájemkyně dohodly, že předmětný byt bude Podnájemkyni pronajat na dobu určitou od 13. května 2016 do 31. prosince 2018. | 130.066 | 0.11939 | In Art. III of the Sublease agreement, entitled “Term of the Lease,” the tenant and the lessee agreed that the apartment in question would be rented to the tenant for a fixed period from 13th May 2016 to 31st December 2018. | middle | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | lease | In Art. III of the Sublease agreement, entitled “Term of the Lease,” the tenant and the lessee agreed that the apartment in question would be rented to the tenant for a fixed period from 13th May 2016 to 31st December 2018. |
7.816 | 0 | 5.742 | II. | 7.816 | 5.742 | II. | middle | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | lease | II. |
2.283167 | 0 | 5.407 | Předmět Dodatku č. 1 | 13.699 | 0.901167 | Subject of the Supplement No. 1 | middle | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | lease | Subject of the Supplement No. 1 |
2.20705 | 0 | 5.243 | Vzhledem k tomu, že obě Smluvní strany mají zájem na pokračování smluvního vztahu založeného Smlouvou o podnájmu, dohodly se na prodloužení doby nájmu o další dva roky, tj. Podnájemkyně je oprávněna užívat byt do 31. prosince 2020. | 88.282 | 0.131075 | Since both Contracting parties are interested in continuing the relationship established by the Sublease agreement, they have agreed to extend the lease for a further two years, i.e. the lessee is entitled to use the apartment until 31st December 2020. | middle | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | lease | Since both Contracting parties are interested in continuing the relationship established by the Sublease agreement, they have agreed to extend the lease for a further two years, i.e. the lessee is entitled to use the apartment until 31st December 2020. |
2.551667 | 0 | 3.755 | Ostatní ustanovení Smlouvy o podnájmu zůstávají nezměněna. | 22.965 | 0.417222 | The other provisions of the Sublease agreement remain unchanged. | middle | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | lease | The other provisions of the Sublease agreement remain unchanged. |
1.948 | 0 | 1.218 | III. | 1.948 | 1.218 | III. | middle | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | lease | III. |
7.106 | 0 | 7.475 | Závěrečná ustanovení | 14.212 | 3.7375 | Final Provisions | middle | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | lease | Final Provisions |
1.619688 | 0 | 3.856 | Tento Dodatek č. 1 nabývá účinnosti dnem podpisu oběma Smluvními stranami. | 25.915 | 0.241 | This Supplement No. 1 shall take effect on the date of signature by both Contracting parties. | middle | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | lease | This Supplement No. 1 shall take effect on the date of signature by both Contracting parties. |
2.389591 | 0 | 3.05 | Tento Dodatek č. 1 je vyhotoven a podepsán ve 2 (slovy: dvou) kopiích, z nichž každá má platnost originálu. | 52.571 | 0.138636 | This Supplement No. 1 is written and signed in 2 (in words: two) copies, each of which is valid for the original. | middle | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | lease | This Supplement No. 1 is written and signed in 2 (in words: two) copies, each of which is valid for the original. |
3.075778 | 0 | 2.863 | Každá ze Smluvních stran obdrží jednu kopii. | 27.682 | 0.318111 | Each of the Contracting parties shall receive one copy. | middle | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | lease | Each of the Contracting parties shall receive one copy. |
1.319543 | 0 | 3.749 | V případě, že jakékoli ustanovení tohoto Dodatku č. 1 je nebo se stane neplatným či neúčinným, nebude to mít vliv na platnost a účinnost ostatních ustanovení tohoto Dodatku č. 1. | 46.184 | 0.107114 | In the event that any provision of this Supplement No. 1 is or it becomes invalid or ineffective, this shall not affect the validity or effectiveness of the other provisions of this Supplement No. 1. | middle | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | lease | In the event that any provision of this Supplement No. 1 is or it becomes invalid or ineffective, this shall not affect the validity or effectiveness of the other provisions of this Supplement No. 1. |
1.886707 | 0 | 3.809 | V takovém případě se Smluvní strany zavazují nahradit neplatná nebo neúčinná ustanovení tohoto Dodatku č. 1 ustanoveními, která jsou platná a účinná a která nejvíce odpovídají účelu tohoto Dodatku č. 1. | 77.355 | 0.092902 | In such a case, the Contracting parties undertake to replace the invalid or ineffective provisions of this Supplement No. 1 by a provision which is valid and effective and which is most consistent with the purpose of this Supplement No. 1. | middle | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | lease | In such a case, the Contracting parties undertake to replace the invalid or ineffective provisions of this Supplement No. 1 by a provision which is valid and effective and which is most consistent with the purpose of this Supplement No. 1. |
2.5005 | 0 | 3.938 | Dodatek č. 1 je dvojjazyčný. | 15.003 | 0.656333 | The Supplement No. 1 is bilingual. | middle | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | lease | The Supplement No. 1 is bilingual. |
2.024091 | 0 | 2.776 | V případě rozporu je rozhodující česká verze. | 22.265 | 0.252364 | In the event of a dispute, the Czech version is decisive. | middle | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | lease | In the event of a dispute, the Czech version is decisive. |
2.107763 | 0 | 6.333 | Smluvní strany tohoto Dodatku č. 1 prohlašují, že si Dodatek č. 1 přečetly a souhlasí s jeho obsahem, a že Dodatek č. 1 byl uzavřen svobodně a vážně a nikoli v tísni ani za výrazně nepříznivých podmínek. | 80.095 | 0.166658 | The Contracting parties to this Supplement No. 1 declare that they have read the Supplement No. 1, agree with its contents and that the Supplement No. 1 was concluded freely, seriously, not in distress, under considerably unfavorable conditions. | middle | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | lease | The Contracting parties to this Supplement No. 1 declare that they have read the Supplement No. 1, agree with its contents and that the Supplement No. 1 was concluded freely, seriously, not in distress, under considerably unfavorable conditions. |
3.9294 | 0 | 3.581 | Na důkaz výše uvedeného obě Smluvní strany níže připojují svůj vlastnoruční podpis. | 58.941 | 0.238733 | In proof of these facts, both parties to this Agreement shall attach their handwritten signature. | middle | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | lease | In proof of these facts, both parties to this Agreement shall attach their handwritten signature. |
3.91625 | 0 | 0.607 | V Praze dne 31. prosince 2018. | 15.665 | 0.15175 | Prague, 31st December 2018. | middle | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | lease | Prague, 31st December 2018. |
1.874 | 0 | 0.551 | ..................... | 1.874 | 0.551 | ..................... | middle | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | lease | ..................... |
6.667 | 0 | 0.638 | Karolína Černá, Podnájemkyně | 20.001 | 0.212667 | Karolína Černá, Lessee | middle | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | lease | Karolína Černá, Lessee |
0 | 0 | 0 | ..................... | 0 | 0 | ..................... | middle | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | lease | ..................... |
4.144 | 0 | 1.005 | Marta Burešová, Nájemkyně | 12.432 | 0.335 | Marta Burešová, Tenant | last | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | lease | Marta Burešová, Tenant |
3.837944 | 13 | 2.392 | Letošní kousky z užšího výběru Turnerovy ceny budou k vidění v Margate již zítra. Hlavním tématem bude Brexit. | 69.083 | 0.132889 | This year's Turner Prize-shortlisted pieces will be on display in Margate from tomorrow, with Brexit on the agenda. | first | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | turner | This year's Turner Prize-shortlisted pieces will be on display in Margate from tomorrow, with Brexit on the agenda. |
3.495481 | 13 | 1.938 | Práce kolumbijského umělce Oscara Murilla „nárůst (sociální katarakty)“ zobrazuje lidi hledící do vod Severního moře, ale jejich výhled na vodu a evropský kontinent na druhém břehu je zakrytý tmavým plátnem. Co se skrývá za plátnem lze tušit jen z drobné mezery vyříznuté v plátně. | 188.756 | 0.035889 | Colombian artist Oscar Murillo's work "surge (social cataracts) " depicts people staring out to the North Sea, but with their view of the water and the European continent on the other side of it obscured by a dark canvas, with only a sliver of what lies beyond revealed through a slash in the canvas. | middle | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | turner | Colombian artist Oscar Murillo's work "surge (social cataracts) " depicts people staring out to the North Sea, but with their view of the water and the European continent on the other side of it obscured by a dark canvas, with only a sliver of what lies beyond revealed through a slash in the canvas. |
2.247545 | 13 | 12.099 | Toto dílo je jedním ze čtyř vybraných kandidátů na prestižní a často sporné výroční ceny za umění, založené v roce 1984 a udílené umělcům žijícím v Británii nebo umělcům britského původu žijícím v zahraničí. | 74.169 | 0.366636 | The work is one of four shortlisted entries to the prestigious and often contentious annual art prize, founded in 1984 and given to an artist residing in Britain or British-born but living elsewhere. | middle | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | turner | The work is one of four shortlisted entries to the prestigious and often contentious annual art prize, founded in 1984 and given to an artist residing in Britain or British-born but living elsewhere. |
1.553372 | 13 | 7.211 | Kurátorka Fiona Parry vysvětluje, že Murillovo dílo se zaměřuje na současnou politickou a socioekonomickou situaci ve Velké Británii. Skupina figurek z papírové drti představuje globalizovanou pracovní sílu, zatímco černé plátno je symbolem „temnoty současného okamžiku ve Velké Británii i na celém světě“. | 66.795 | 0.167698 | Curator Fiona Parry explains that Murillo's work focuses on the current political and socio-economic situation in the UK. The group of papier-mâché figures represent a globalised workforce, while the black cloth represents the "darkness of the contemporary moment in the UK and globally." | middle | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | turner | Curator Fiona Parry explains that Murillo's work focuses on the current political and socio-economic situation in the UK. The group of papier-mâché figures represent a globalised workforce, while the black cloth represents the "darkness of the contemporary moment in the UK and globally." |
1.317426 | 13 | 5.381 | K tomu dodává: „Myslím, že je to širší idea zablokování výhledu, pohledu zvenčí, pohledu kamkoli. A gesto blokování světla. Ale myslím, že stále existuje určitý záblesk naděje, existuje výřez v plátně a na obzoru vidíte moře.“ | 71.141 | 0.099648 | She added: "I think it's a broader idea of blocking the view, the outward-looking view, to anywhere really. And that gesture of blocking the light. But I guess there is still this sort of glimmer of hope, there is a slash in the canvas, and you can just see the sea on the horizon." | middle | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | turner | She added: "I think it's a broader idea of blocking the view, the outward-looking view, to anywhere really. And that gesture of blocking the light. But I guess there is still this sort of glimmer of hope, there is a slash in the canvas, and you can just see the sea on the horizon." |
2.590279 | 13 | 11.075 | Videoklip Helen Cammockové s názvem A Long Note (Dlouhá nota) mezitím zkoumá přehlíženou roli žen v hnutí za občanská práva v Derry/Londonderry v Severním Irsku, které vypuklo v roce 1968. Práce rovněž navazuje na širší globální třídní, rasové a genderové boje na konci 60. let. | 111.382 | 0.257558 | Helen Cammock's video piece A Long Note, meanwhile, examines the overlooked role of women in the civil rights movement in Derry/Londonderry, Northern Ireland that began in 1968. The work also connects to broader global class, race and gender struggles during the late 1960s. | middle | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | turner | Helen Cammock's video piece A Long Note, meanwhile, examines the overlooked role of women in the civil rights movement in Derry/Londonderry, Northern Ireland that began in 1968. The work also connects to broader global class, race and gender struggles during the late 1960s. |
1.615765 | 13 | 0.449 | Všechna díla budou vystavena v galerii Turner Contemporary v Margate od 28. září do 12. ledna 2020 a vítěz Turnerovy ceny za rok 2019 bude vyhlášen během slavnostním ceremoniálu 3. prosince. | 54.936 | 0.013206 | All works will be exhibited at Margate's Turner Contemporary gallery, from 28 September to 12 January 2020, and the winner of the Turner Prize 2019 will be announced at a ceremony on 3 December. | middle | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | turner | All works will be exhibited at Margate's Turner Contemporary gallery, from 28 September to 12 January 2020, and the winner of the Turner Prize 2019 will be announced at a ceremony on 3 December. |
6.44675 | 13 | 2.624 | Cena nese jméno JMW Turnera, slavného krajináře 19. století a v minulosti odstartovala kariéru budoucích hvězd, jako byl Grayson Perry, Damien Hirst a režisér snímku 12 let v řetězech Steve McQueen. | 154.722 | 0.109333 | Named after 19th-century landscape painter JMW Turner, the award made stars of Grayson Perry, Damien Hirst and 12 Years a Slave director Steve McQueen. | last | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | turner | Named after 19th-century landscape painter JMW Turner, the award made stars of Grayson Perry, Damien Hirst and 12 Years a Slave director Steve McQueen. |
2.898091 | 10 | 3.524 | Historicky první snímky, jak černá díra pohlcuje a trhá na kusy hvězdu | 31.879 | 0.320364 | Black hole swallowing and ripping apart star captured for first time | first | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | hole | Black hole swallowing and ripping apart star captured for first time |
3.335056 | 10 | 14.436 | Poprvé byla zachycena obrovská černá díra, jak do sebe stahuje hvězdu a trhá ji na kusy. | 60.031 | 0.802 | A gigantic black hole has been captured pulling in and ripping apart a star for the first time. | middle | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | hole | A gigantic black hole has been captured pulling in and ripping apart a star for the first time. |
3.538 | 10 | 0.185 | Výzkumníci v časopise Astrophysical Journal uvedli, že hvězda o přibližné velikosti našeho Slunce byla pozorována ve vzdálenosti 375 světelných let, jak se ohýbá a po spirále se hroutí přitahována gravitační silou obrovské černé díry. | 130.906 | 0.005 | The star, which was about the same size as our sun, was seen from 375 million light years away warping and spiralling into the gravitational pull of a supermassive black hole, researchers said in the Astrophysical Journal. | middle | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | hole | The star, which was about the same size as our sun, was seen from 375 million light years away warping and spiralling into the gravitational pull of a supermassive black hole, researchers said in the Astrophysical Journal. |
3.495706 | 10 | 10.043 | Poté byla hvězda vtažena do nicoty ve vzácné kosmické události, které astronomové říkají událost slapového narušení. | 59.427 | 0.590765 | It was then sucked into oblivion in a rare cosmic occurrence astronomers call a tidal disruption event. | middle | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | hole | It was then sucked into oblivion in a rare cosmic occurrence astronomers call a tidal disruption event. |
5.552348 | 10 | 26.645 | Dalekohled NASA pro vyhledávání planet s názvem TESS (satelit pro výzkum tranzitujících exoplanet) poprvé zachytil detailní časový průběh celé události. | 127.704 | 1.158478 | NASA's planet-searching telescope, the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite - TESS - captured the detailed timeline from beginning to end for the first time. | middle | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | hole | NASA's planet-searching telescope, the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite - TESS - captured the detailed timeline from beginning to end for the first time. |
32.618129 | 10 | 0.264 | Astronomové před zapojením TESS, pro detekci tohoto fenoménu použili celosvětovou sít dalekohledů, jejíž stálé pohledové zóny navržené k pátrání po vzdálených planetách zachytili začátek této dramatické události. | 1,011.162 | 0.008516 | Astronomers used a worldwide network of telescopes to detect the phenomenon before looking at TESS, whose permanent viewing zones designed to find distant planets, caught the beginning of the violent event. | middle | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | hole | Astronomers used a worldwide network of telescopes to detect the phenomenon before looking at TESS, whose permanent viewing zones designed to find distant planets, caught the beginning of the violent event. |
3.298632 | 10 | 2.847 | Thomas Holoien, astronom z Carnegieho institutu pro vědu, který výzkum vedl, řekl: „Ve skutečnosti šlo o kombinaci toho, že jsme dobří a že jsme měli štěstí, což je někdy to, co potřebujete, abyste vědu posunuli dál.“ | 125.348 | 0.074921 | Thomas Holoien, an astronomer for the Carnegie Institution for Science who led the research, said: "This was really a combination of both being good and being lucky, and sometimes that's what you need to push the science forward." | middle | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | hole | Thomas Holoien, an astronomer for the Carnegie Institution for Science who led the research, said: "This was really a combination of both being good and being lucky, and sometimes that's what you need to push the science forward." |
4.246704 | 10 | 6.141 | Hvězdy, které se dostanou příliš blízko k supermasivní černé díře, která se nachází ve středu většiny galaxií, včetně naší Mléčné dráhy, budou černou dírou pohlceny. | 114.661 | 0.227444 | Stars get sucked in when they venture too close to a supermassive black hole, which lives at the centre of most galaxies, including the Earth's Milky Way. | middle | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | hole | Stars get sucked in when they venture too close to a supermassive black hole, which lives at the centre of most galaxies, including the Earth's Milky Way. |
2.874028 | 10 | 26.746 | Impozantní gravitační síly černé díry hvězdu roztrhají na kusy, kdy část hvězdné hmoty bude vyvržena do vesmíru a zbytek skončí v černé díře, kdy se v okamžiku pohlcení utvoří disk horkého, světlého plynu. | 103.465 | 0.742944 | The black hole's impressive gravitational forces tear the star apart, with some of its material thrown into space and the rest into the black hole, forming a disc of hot, bright gas as it is swallowed. | middle | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | hole | The black hole's impressive gravitational forces tear the star apart, with some of its material thrown into space and the rest into the black hole, forming a disc of hot, bright gas as it is swallowed. |
2.527265 | 10 | 1.076 | P. Holoien dodal: „Konkrétně se nám podařilo změřit rychlost, s jakou tento disk světlá poté, co světlat začne, a pozorovali jsme rovněž unikátní pokles v jeho teplotě a jasnosti. | 85.927 | 0.031647 | Mr Holoien added: "Specifically, we are able to measure the rate at which it gets brighter after it starts brightening, and we also observed a drop in its temperature and brightness that is unique." | last | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | hole | Mr Holoien added: "Specifically, we are able to measure the rate at which it gets brighter after it starts brightening, and we also observed a drop in its temperature and brightness that is unique." |
7.458833 | 14 | 21.351 | Pomocí CD si nainstalujte si ovladače k bezdrátovému USB modemu. | 89.506 | 1.77925 | Try installing the drivers of the USB wireless modem from the CD | first | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | leap | Try installing the drivers of the USB wireless modem from the CD |
6.371222 | 14 | 6.699 | Zkontrolujte si zablokované kontakty v nastavení účtu. | 57.341 | 0.744333 | Check the settings on your account for blocked contacts. | middle | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | leap | Check the settings on your account for blocked contacts. |
5.860864 | 14 | 18.247 | Zjistěte, zda jsou zapnuté ovladače pro bezdrátovou kartu a jestli máte v počítači připojené bezdrátové tlačítko. | 128.939 | 0.829409 | Try to see if the drivers for the wireless card are active, and if the wireless button on the computer is connected. | middle | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | leap | Try to see if the drivers for the wireless card are active, and if the wireless button on the computer is connected. |
3.541524 | 14 | 5.093 | Pokud si chcete program nainstalovat, vložte CD s programem nebo spusťte soubor s koncovkou „.exe“. Při instalaci postupujte podle uvedeného návodu. | 74.372 | 0.242524 | To install a program just insert the CD with the program or run the .Exe file and follow the installation steps. | middle | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | leap | To install a program just insert the CD with the program or run the .Exe file and follow the installation steps. |
2.6275 | 14 | 4.418 | Na stránce Gmailu se pokuste obnovit svůj účet. | 21.02 | 0.55225 | On the Gmail page, try recovering your account. | middle | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | leap | On the Gmail page, try recovering your account. |
1.983095 | 14 | 4.257 | Prověřte si, že je hra kompatibilní s Windows 8. Informaci najdete na balení hry nebo v návodu na použití. | 41.645 | 0.202714 | Make sure the game is compatible with Windows 8. Check on the box of the game or in the instruction manual. | middle | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | leap | Make sure the game is compatible with Windows 8. Check on the box of the game or in the instruction manual. |
5.956111 | 14 | 9.711 | Zaregistrovat se můžete na stránce zákaznické zóny Zon. | 53.605 | 1.079 | You can register in the Zon client's area page. | middle | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | leap | You can register in the Zon client's area page. |
2.767759 | 14 | 22.521 | K propojení portu WAN routeru a druhého konce modemu budete potřebovat síťový kabel. Poté obě zařízení vypněte a znovu připojte. | 80.265 | 0.776586 | You will need a network cable to connect it to the router's WAN port and at the other end of the modem. Then turn off both devices and reconnect. | middle | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | leap | You will need a network cable to connect it to the router's WAN port and at the other end of the modem. Then turn off both devices and reconnect. |
5.4072 | 14 | 15.688 | Nainstalujte si aplikaci prostřednictvím Obchodu Play. | 54.072 | 1.5688 | Try to access the Play Store and install the application. | middle | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | leap | Try to access the Play Store and install the application. |
5.690308 | 14 | 5.449 | Stiskněte klávesy Ctrl, Shift a Del, a poté si zvolte možnost „vymazat historii prohlížení“. | 73.974 | 0.419154 | Just press Ctrl + Shift + Del keys then select "clear browsing history". | middle | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | leap | Just press Ctrl + Shift + Del keys then select "clear browsing history". |
3.75025 | 14 | 5.924 | Windows poskytuje nástroj Malování ve výchozím nastavení. Můžete použít i bezplatné programy, jako jsou GIMP, nebo zpoplatněné profesionální programy, např. Photoshop. | 90.006 | 0.246833 | Windows provides Paint by default. You can also use free programs like GIMP, or professional programs such as Photoshop, for which you must pay. | last | 0 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 0 | src | leap | Windows provides Paint by default. You can also use free programs like GIMP, or professional programs such as Photoshop, for which you must pay. |
0.84 | 2 | 0.718 | ÚVOD | 0.84 | 0.718 | ÚVOD | first | 23.86 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 33.09 | m03 | audit_i | INTRODUCTION |
1.610696 | 2 | 4.724 | Rostoucí propojenost mezi evropskými občany je hnací silou přeshraniční spolupráce v rámci širší územní spolupráce, která probíhá již více než 20 let. | 37.046 | 0.205391 | Rozvojová unie občanů Evropy je hnací silou přeshraniční spolupráce v rámci širší územní spolupráce, která je s námi již více než 20 let. | middle | 23.86 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 33.09 | m03 | audit_i | The developing union of people of Europe is the driving force behind the cross-border cooperation as a part of broader territorial cooperation that has been with us for more than 20 years by now. |
8.094786 | 2 | 19.091 | Tato propojenost může posloužit jako úvod k této společné zprávě nejvyšších kontrolních institucí obou sousedních zemí: | 113.327 | 1.363643 | Nechť sama sebe zavede do této společné zprávy nejvyšších kontrolních institucí dvou blízkých zemí: | middle | 23.86 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 33.09 | m03 | audit_i | Let it provide itself the introduction into this joint report of supreme audit institutions of two close countries: |
0.766167 | 2 | 1.224 | „185 milionů občanů EU, tedy 37 % jejích obyvatel, žije v pohraničních oblastech. | 9.194 | 0.102 | „185 milionů občanů EU, neboli 37 % obyvatel, žije v pohraničních oblastech. | middle | 23.86 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 33.09 | m03 | audit_i | “185 million EU citizens, or 37% of the population, live in border areas. |
1.646467 | 2 | 0.974 | Tyto oblasti jsou často okrajové, málo rozvinuté nebo marginalizované – v některých případech představují historické jizvy na tváři své země. | 24.697 | 0.064933 | Jsou to často okrajové, málo rozvinuté nebo okrajové oblasti – někdy jsou hranice historickými jizvami. | middle | 23.86 | [
"error_category": -1,
"error_severity": -1
] | 33.09 | m03 | audit_i | These are often peripheral, underdeveloped or marginalised areas- sometimes the borders are historical scars. |