2 values
chími núkviit-hi!
translate from karuk to english
Let's go to sleep!
Let's go to sleep!
translate from english to karuk
chími núkviit-hi!
fâat yáxa?
translate from karuk to english
[What's that?]
[What's that?]
translate from english to karuk
fâat yáxa?
chími kviit-hi!
translate from karuk to english
Go to sleep!
Go to sleep!
translate from english to karuk
chími kviit-hi!
yáv pa'ikxáram.
translate from karuk to english
Good night.
Good night.
translate from english to karuk
yáv pa'ikxáram.
ni'áapunma koovúra.
translate from karuk to english
But I learned.
But I learned.
translate from english to karuk
ni'áapunma koovúra.
fâat kumá'ii pananítaat káru panani'áka tá kuniyâaram, fâat kumá'ii?
translate from karuk to english
Why did they take my father and mother away?
Why did they take my father and mother away?
translate from english to karuk
fâat kumá'ii pananítaat káru panani'áka tá kuniyâaram, fâat kumá'ii?
páy kóo paxánthiip, páy yítha kóo paxánthiip káan u'íihya." fâat kumá'ii peexráratih? naa ník ôok páy níkrii."
translate from karuk to english
There's an oak tree, there's an oak tree standing there. "What are you crying for? I'm here with you."
There's an oak tree, there's an oak tree standing there. "What are you crying for? I'm here with you."
translate from english to karuk
páy kóo paxánthiip, páy yítha kóo paxánthiip káan u'íihya." fâat kumá'ii peexráratih? naa ník ôok páy níkrii."
tupishyáavpa tá kóo tá kun'ípak.
translate from karuk to english
In wintertime they all came back.
In wintertime they all came back.
translate from english to karuk
tupishyáavpa tá kóo tá kun'ípak.
nanikîit neekshúpiheet.
translate from karuk to english
My grandmother taught me.
My grandmother taught me.
translate from english to karuk
nanikîit neekshúpiheet.
koovúra ni'áapunma fâat nikyâatih.tupishyáavpa vúra uum táay panani'áhup.koovúra yáv.
translate from karuk to english
I learned everything, I can make anything. In wintertime I had a lot of wood. Everything was good.
I learned everything, I can make anything. In wintertime I had a lot of wood. Everything was good.
translate from english to karuk
koovúra ni'áapunma fâat nikyâatih.tupishyáavpa vúra uum táay panani'áhup.koovúra yáv.
uknîi kaan kun'áraarahiti itráhyar mu'túnviiv avansamúrax.mah'íitnihach tá kun'ivyíihrupuk, tá kun'ákunvanva.ikxúrar tá kunpavyíhuk koovúra ichámahich pamukunpúufich.
translate from karuk to english
Uknii. They lived there. His ten children were just boys. Early in the morning they go out hunting. In the evening they all return one by one with their deer.
Uknii. They lived there. His ten children were just boys. Early in the morning they go out hunting. In the evening they all return one by one with their deer.
translate from english to karuk
uknîi kaan kun'áraarahiti itráhyar mu'túnviiv avansamúrax.mah'íitnihach tá kun'ivyíihrupuk, tá kun'ákunvanva.ikxúrar tá kunpavyíhuk koovúra ichámahich pamukunpúufich.
xas muyiimúsich káru ník u'áraarahiti, áxak yeeripáxvuhsa kaan kun'iin.
translate from karuk to english
And (others) lived close by. Two girls lived there.
And (others) lived close by. Two girls lived there.
translate from english to karuk
xas muyiimúsich káru ník u'áraarahiti, áxak yeeripáxvuhsa kaan kun'iin.
xas pa'ávansa mukun'ikrívraam váshihkam usúruruprinahiti vaa kaan kunthanfúrukvuti papúufich.úum papihnîichich vúra kich itíhaan iinâak úkrii, áah ukyâatih.káru umnîishti pakun'áveesh pakunpavyíihukahaak.
translate from karuk to english
Now there was a hole in the back of the boys' house, they dragged the deer in there. Their old man always sat inside, tending the fire. Also he was doing the cooking so they should find their meal ready when they came home.
Now there was a hole in the back of the boys' house, they dragged the deer in there. Their old man always sat inside, tending the fire. Also he was doing the cooking so they should find their meal ready when they came home.
translate from english to karuk
xas pa'ávansa mukun'ikrívraam váshihkam usúruruprinahiti vaa kaan kunthanfúrukvuti papúufich.úum papihnîichich vúra kich itíhaan iinâak úkrii, áah ukyâatih.káru umnîishti pakun'áveesh pakunpavyíihukahaak.
kári xas payeeripáxvuhsa kin'ipêer."chi váa kúuk kiik'uumi, kíri váa káan ku'iin, kíri vaa mikun'ávan íf pufich'iykáraansas."xas kun'iyâaram, kaan kun'uum.
translate from karuk to english
Well, then, people told the girls, "Go over there to live! That's where we want you to live! You had better marry those boys, they are such good hunters!" So they went and they got there.
Well, then, people told the girls, "Go over there to live! That's where we want you to live! You had better marry those boys, they are such good hunters!" So they went and they got there.
translate from english to karuk
kári xas payeeripáxvuhsa kin'ipêer."chi váa kúuk kiik'uumi, kíri váa káan ku'iin, kíri vaa mikun'ávan íf pufich'iykáraansas."xas kun'iyâaram, kaan kun'uum.
papihnîich pácheech úkrii.xas tá ikxúrar axmay mâaka úxak.káruma tá íp kunpikyaarat paxuun.itráhyar pa'asípiitsa káru vaa kóohoo imvarámpiitsa káru itráhyar síkih.koovúra paxuun ávahkam pa'imváram mûuk tá kunpithxupva.
translate from karuk to english
The old man was sitting alone. And when evening came suddenly there was a noise at the back of the house. Already they had cooked the acorn mush. There were ten new bowls, and also ten new plates, and also ten spoons. And each bowl was covered with its plate.
The old man was sitting alone. And when evening came suddenly there was a noise at the back of the house. Already they had cooked the acorn mush. There were ten new bowls, and also ten new plates, and also ten spoons. And each bowl was covered with its plate.
translate from english to karuk
papihnîich pácheech úkrii.xas tá ikxúrar axmay mâaka úxak.káruma tá íp kunpikyaarat paxuun.itráhyar pa'asípiitsa káru vaa kóohoo imvarámpiitsa káru itráhyar síkih.koovúra paxuun ávahkam pa'imváram mûuk tá kunpithxupva.
xas papúufich tá kunthathyúrufurukva ma' kûukam.xas upíip, " chími kiik'íchunvi, sípnuukan kiik'iruváramnihi."xas yítha upíip, "fâat kumá'ii panu'íchunveesh?"xas yítha upíip, "xâatik nu'íchunva."
translate from karuk to english
Then they dragged in the deer through the hole in the wall at the back of the house. But (the old man) had said, "You had better hide! Get into the storage basket, quick!" And one of the girls asked, "What for do we have to hide?" But the other said, "Yes, we had better hide!"
Then they dragged in the deer through the hole in the wall at the back of the house. But (the old man) had said, "You had better hide! Get into the storage basket, quick!" And one of the girls asked, "What for do we have to hide?" But the other said, "Yes, we had better hide!"
translate from english to karuk
xas papúufich tá kunthathyúrufurukva ma' kûukam.xas upíip, " chími kiik'íchunvi, sípnuukan kiik'iruváramnihi."xas yítha upíip, "fâat kumá'ii panu'íchunveesh?"xas yítha upíip, "xâatik nu'íchunva."
xas kunpavyíihfuruk, xas kun'ipêer, "chu pihnîich pay miváfish."xas upíip, "pûuhara, ávansa kípa ûum vúup ucháfichtih."xas upakúriihva "súnunuk á-ni-nak ki-yánee náa puváfish navishtantihara,vúup kich kípa nicháfichtih."
translate from karuk to english
And then (the ten young men) came in, and they said, "Here, old man, here is your liver!" But he answered, "No indeed! Men always chew the neck!" And he started singing, "In secret...Tra-la-la...I don't like liver. The neck is what I want to chew!"
And then (the ten young men) came in, and they said, "Here, old man, here is your liver!" But he answered, "No indeed! Men always chew the neck!" And he started singing, "In secret...Tra-la-la...I don't like liver. The neck is what I want to chew!"
translate from english to karuk
xas kunpavyíihfuruk, xas kun'ipêer, "chu pihnîich pay miváfish."xas upíip, "pûuhara, ávansa kípa ûum vúup ucháfichtih."xas upakúriihva "súnunuk á-ni-nak ki-yánee náa puváfish navishtantihara,vúup kich kípa nicháfichtih."
xas upíip, "pihnîich tharampukayaa'íshara ikyâaheen."xas upíip, "páy xas íp napakyâat."xas yítha pamuxuunak ífuni umah.xas upíip, "pihnîich ifunihaxarah'íshara pami'ífunih."xas upíip, "vup'áfiv tákurukrivan hitíhaan íp napáknitsurunat."káruma vúra nik pufuhíishtihap.xas pakunpámvaar kun'ivyíihrupuk.ikmaháchrahaam kúuk kunpavyíihma.xas kun'ikviit-hinaaha.
translate from karuk to english
(One of the boys) said, "Old man, that's awfully good mush you fixed today!" And he answered, "Oh! I just had luck with it, that's all!" Then one of the boys found a hair in his mush. And he said, "Old man! What long hair you have!" And the old man answered, "I pulled if off out of the back of my neck where the hair is so curly, you know." But they didn't believe a word of it. And when they got through eating they went out. They went out to the sweathouse. Then they went to sleep.
(One of the boys) said, "Old man, that's awfully good mush you fixed today!" And he answered, "Oh! I just had luck with it, that's all!" Then one of the boys found a hair in his mush. And he said, "Old man! What long hair you have!" And the old man answered, "I pulled if off out of the back of my neck where the hair is so curly, you know." But they didn't believe a word of it. And when they got through eating they went out. They went out to the sweathouse. Then they went to sleep.
translate from english to karuk
xas upíip, "pihnîich tharampukayaa'íshara ikyâaheen."xas upíip, "páy xas íp napakyâat."xas yítha pamuxuunak ífuni umah.xas upíip, "pihnîich ifunihaxarah'íshara pami'ífunih."xas upíip, "vup'áfiv tákurukrivan hitíhaan íp napáknitsurunat."káruma vúra nik pufuhíishtihap.xas pakunpámvaar kun'ivyíihrupuk.ikmaháchrahaam kúuk kunpavyíihma.xas kun'ikviit-hinaaha.
xas papihníich upíip, "chími kiikpiruvôonishuki."xas kunpiruvôonishuk.xas yítha upíip, "hûut kumá'ii patá kin'íchunva?xáyfaat ik kúkuum nu'íchunva."aayâach papihníich tóo píip, "kúkuum mah'íitnihach ku'íchunveesh pachími kunpávyiihfurukheeshhaak."xas mah'íitnihach kun'iruvôonsip, xas kun'ímnish xuun.tá kuntharámpuk.
translate from karuk to english
Then the old man said to the girls, "Come out now!" And they came out. Then one of them said, "What for did you hide us? We won't hide again!" Because the old man had said, "You must hide again tomorrow morning before they come into the house." Early the next morning, they got up and cooked the acorn mush. They cooked the acorn mush.
Then the old man said to the girls, "Come out now!" And they came out. Then one of them said, "What for did you hide us? We won't hide again!" Because the old man had said, "You must hide again tomorrow morning before they come into the house." Early the next morning, they got up and cooked the acorn mush. They cooked the acorn mush.
translate from english to karuk
xas papihníich upíip, "chími kiikpiruvôonishuki."xas kunpiruvôonishuk.xas yítha upíip, "hûut kumá'ii patá kin'íchunva?xáyfaat ik kúkuum nu'íchunva."aayâach papihníich tóo píip, "kúkuum mah'íitnihach ku'íchunveesh pachími kunpávyiihfurukheeshhaak."xas mah'íitnihach kun'iruvôonsip, xas kun'ímnish xuun.tá kuntharámpuk.
xas kunpávyiihfuruk koovúra tá kári pakun'áveesh.xas kun'ipêer, "papihníich íp nik nuxusat tharampukayaa'íshara."púxay vúra chuuphítihara.xas pakunpámvaar kun'ákunvanva.xas pa'asiktávaansa káru áhup tá kuntúrar.kusripán'ahup kuntúrish.kári xás kúkuum tá ikxúrar kun'imníshaheen.
translate from karuk to english
Then all (the boys) came into the house all ready to eat. Then one of them said, "Old man, we have been thinking about what a good cook you are!" But he never answered anything. And when they got through eating they went out to hunt. Then the women went out to fetch firewood. They brought in madrone wood. And then again in the afternoon they cooked.
Then all (the boys) came into the house all ready to eat. Then one of them said, "Old man, we have been thinking about what a good cook you are!" But he never answered anything. And when they got through eating they went out to hunt. Then the women went out to fetch firewood. They brought in madrone wood. And then again in the afternoon they cooked.
translate from english to karuk
xas kunpávyiihfuruk koovúra tá kári pakun'áveesh.xas kun'ipêer, "papihníich íp nik nuxusat tharampukayaa'íshara."púxay vúra chuuphítihara.xas pakunpámvaar kun'ákunvanva.xas pa'asiktávaansa káru áhup tá kuntúrar.kusripán'ahup kuntúrish.kári xás kúkuum tá ikxúrar kun'imníshaheen.
káru kuntharámpuk.axmay ma'kúkam úxak.xas vaa káan kunthathyúrufurukva pamukunpúufich itráhyar, xas kun'av.kunpámvaar, kun'ivyíihrupuk, ikmaháchraam tá kun'ásivanva.kúkuum mah'íitnihach tá kun'ákunvanva patá kunpámvaar.
translate from karuk to english
They cooked. Suddenly there was a noise at the back of the house. They dragged in their deer into the house and then the ten young men ate. When they got through eating, they went outdoors, they went to their sweathouse to sleep. And again in the early morning they went forth to hunt when they got through eating.
They cooked. Suddenly there was a noise at the back of the house. They dragged in their deer into the house and then the ten young men ate. When they got through eating, they went outdoors, they went to their sweathouse to sleep. And again in the early morning they went forth to hunt when they got through eating.
translate from english to karuk
káru kuntharámpuk.axmay ma'kúkam úxak.xas vaa káan kunthathyúrufurukva pamukunpúufich itráhyar, xas kun'av.kunpámvaar, kun'ivyíihrupuk, ikmaháchraam tá kun'ásivanva.kúkuum mah'íitnihach tá kun'ákunvanva patá kunpámvaar.
xas yítha upíip, "náama tá niyêeripha chími piyâarami."xas yítha upíip, "pûuhara, yaayâach papihníich núpeen tá nupiyâaram."xas kun'ipêer, "tá nupiyâaram."xas upíip, "xáyfaat, ôok vúra kíik'iini."xas kunpíip, "chémi."
translate from karuk to english
Then one day, one of the girls said, "Listen, I am going through puberty, let's go home!" But the other said, "No, it is better to tell the old man before we go." So they went and said to him, "We are going home." But he said, "Don't do that! Stay right here!" So they said, "All right!"
Then one day, one of the girls said, "Listen, I am going through puberty, let's go home!" But the other said, "No, it is better to tell the old man before we go." So they went and said to him, "We are going home." But he said, "Don't do that! Stay right here!" So they said, "All right!"
translate from english to karuk
xas yítha upíip, "náama tá niyêeripha chími piyâarami."xas yítha upíip, "pûuhara, yaayâach papihníich núpeen tá nupiyâaram."xas kun'ipêer, "tá nupiyâaram."xas upíip, "xáyfaat, ôok vúra kíik'iini."xas kunpíip, "chémi."
xas ikxúrar kunpavyíhuk pa'avansa.xas papihnîich upíip, "chími nu'íhukvunaa.káruma tuyêeripha payêeripaxvuh."xas kunpíip, "hôoy if."xas upíip, "vúra nu'íhukvunaavish."xas kunpíip, "nuu nusêeyti pávaa kookapákurih."xas upíip, "minik naa ni'ítaptih."xas kunpíip, "chími man."
translate from karuk to english
Then in the evening the boys came home. Then the old man said, "Let's have a puberty dance! Now that girl is going through puberty." And they said, "Nonsense!" Then he said, "Indeed! We will have to dance!" Then they said, "We don't know that kind of song!" And he said, "I know it!" Then they said, "All right!"
Then in the evening the boys came home. Then the old man said, "Let's have a puberty dance! Now that girl is going through puberty." And they said, "Nonsense!" Then he said, "Indeed! We will have to dance!" Then they said, "We don't know that kind of song!" And he said, "I know it!" Then they said, "All right!"
translate from english to karuk
xas ikxúrar kunpavyíhuk pa'avansa.xas papihnîich upíip, "chími nu'íhukvunaa.káruma tuyêeripha payêeripaxvuh."xas kunpíip, "hôoy if."xas upíip, "vúra nu'íhukvunaavish."xas kunpíip, "nuu nusêeyti pávaa kookapákurih."xas upíip, "minik naa ni'ítaptih."xas kunpíip, "chími man."
xas îikam kích vúra pakuntátuyshur.xas áhkaam kun'íkyav.xas kun'íkyâasip pa'íhukvunaa.xas papihnîich upíip, "naa ník panipakurîihveesh."xas upákurih "yíiv vúra nuthyuruveesh."
translate from karuk to english
Then they swept the outside platform nicely. And they built a big fire. Then they started to dance. Then the old man said, "I will sing the song." And he sang, "We will drag her a long ways."
Then they swept the outside platform nicely. And they built a big fire. Then they started to dance. Then the old man said, "I will sing the song." And he sang, "We will drag her a long ways."
translate from english to karuk
xas îikam kích vúra pakuntátuyshur.xas áhkaam kun'íkyav.xas kun'íkyâasip pa'íhukvunaa.xas papihnîich upíip, "naa ník panipakurîihveesh."xas upákurih "yíiv vúra nuthyuruveesh."
chavúra páy nanu'ávahkam kun'ithyúruva.xas páy nanu'ávahkam áachipak tá kun'ithyuruva.
translate from karuk to english
Indeed they dragged her up into the sky. And right up into the middle of the sky they dragged him along, too.
Indeed they dragged her up into the sky. And right up into the middle of the sky they dragged him along, too.
translate from english to karuk
chavúra páy nanu'ávahkam kun'ithyúruva.xas páy nanu'ávahkam áachipak tá kun'ithyuruva.
ník upíti papihnîich,tá nimyáhumar, chími âapun."
translate from karuk to english
And the old man was saying, "I am tired, let me down!"
And the old man was saying, "I am tired, let me down!"
translate from english to karuk
ník upíti papihnîich,tá nimyáhumar, chími âapun."
púxay fuhíshtihap.aayâach kun'ixviphûunishti íp pa'úthvoonhitihat va'íhuk, tá kun'ithyúruvarak, pamútraax kich kun'áaphutih.xas papihnîich xas upíip,tá nimyáhumar, chími âapun."
translate from karuk to english
But they didn't mind him. That was because they were mad at him because he had wanted to dance. They they dragged him down, they were just carrying him (by) the arms". And the old man kept saying, "I am tired, let me down!"
But they didn't mind him. That was because they were mad at him because he had wanted to dance. They they dragged him down, they were just carrying him (by) the arms". And the old man kept saying, "I am tired, let me down!"
translate from english to karuk
púxay fuhíshtihap.aayâach kun'ixviphûunishti íp pa'úthvoonhitihat va'íhuk, tá kun'ithyúruvarak, pamútraax kich kun'áaphutih.xas papihnîich xas upíip,tá nimyáhumar, chími âapun."
xas kunpákurih,yíiv vúra nuthyuruveesh, chími âapun, tá nimyáhumar, chími âapun, tá nichnahirúvuukva, chími âapun, tá nithurirúvuukva, chími âapun."
translate from karuk to english
Then they sang, "We will drag you far away. Let me down, I am tired! Let me down, I am defecating all over myself, let me down, please! I am urinating all over myself, let me down!"
Then they sang, "We will drag you far away. Let me down, I am tired! Let me down, I am defecating all over myself, let me down, please! I am urinating all over myself, let me down!"
translate from english to karuk
xas kunpákurih,yíiv vúra nuthyuruveesh, chími âapun, tá nimyáhumar, chími âapun, tá nichnahirúvuukva, chími âapun, tá nithurirúvuukva, chími âapun."
xas papihnîich xas upíip,pahûutva kóo yaas'ára u'íinahaak vaa vúra kóo itíhan kuméekxaram nanitúnviiv vaa pay'ôok kun'írunaatiheesh.yaas'ára îin kinmáahtiheesh."xas úum asáxvuh papihnîich.káru pa'axíitichas uum ataynamtunvêech kunpárihish.kupánakanach.
translate from karuk to english
Then the old man said, As long as people live, every night my children will pass right here. And the people who live will see them." Then the old man (changed himself into) a turtle. And the children turned into the Pleiades. That is all.
Then the old man said, As long as people live, every night my children will pass right here. And the people who live will see them." Then the old man (changed himself into) a turtle. And the children turned into the Pleiades. That is all.
translate from english to karuk
xas papihnîich xas upíip,pahûutva kóo yaas'ára u'íinahaak vaa vúra kóo itíhan kuméekxaram nanitúnviiv vaa pay'ôok kun'írunaatiheesh.yaas'ára îin kinmáahtiheesh."xas úum asáxvuh papihnîich.káru pa'axíitichas uum ataynamtunvêech kunpárihish.kupánakanach.
uknîi ataháreesh vúra uyíkihiti uum vúra mahnûuvanach.kári xás kachakâach kunpikyâarat.sunyíthih kun'íshavsiprimtih.kári xás xúus u'úum.kári xás upíip, " púxay vúra na'aráriihkanhivatheeshara! púxay vúra húunxayheeshara!"kári xás upíip, " xanpuchíniishveenach kiikpíkaan!"kári xás xúus kun'úum.kári xás u'aráriihkanha.kunpíip, " miník xúus tá nu'uum."kári xás tóo pvúrayva, miník tu'aráriihkanha.xás kári kúkuum úpkuuhpa.kári xás kunpíip, " chími kúkuum kiikpíkaan kachakâach."kári xás kúkuum xúus u'úum.sunyíthih kun'íshavsiprimti sunyithih'ásar.kári xás xúus u'úum.kári xás upíip, " púxay vúra húunxayheeshara, chími akâay kích kiikpíkaan!"kári xás kunpíip, " chími kúkuum vura kiikpíkaan xanpuchíniishveenach!"kári xás kunpikyâar.kári xás tu'áhoo.kári xás xúus u'úum.kári xás kachakâach âapun upikrîish.kári xás xanpuchíniishveenach uum vúra umasmáahvutih.kári xás kachakâach âapun u'piiri uum tupikrîish.kári xás xanpuchíniishveenach"hárivari vavéeniichva," umásmaahvutih.kári xás upíip, " náa vúra naapmán'anamahachhitih!"kári xás kachakâach upíip, " ããx fatamakêesh kich ára upêereesh!"xás xanpuchíniishveenach upíip, " kachakâach mu'ápuroon úpsiinvutih!"kári xás upíip, " kach-kach-kach-kach," xás áak chanchaaksúrak u'árihrupuk.hínupa yee u'apunkôoti pamahnûuvanach.kári xás hinupáy uvíshtaanti sunyithih'ásar.vaa kúth poo'apúnkoo mahnûuvanach.uum táay musunyithih'ásar ushavsiprinahi.vaa kumá'ii poo'apunkôotih.kupánakanach.
translate from karuk to english
uknîi. Chipmunk was sick all the time. So they went to fetch Bluejay. They always paid him with chestnuts. So he was treating him. Then he said, "I cannot cure him! I can't do any more for him!" Then he said, "Go and fetch Hummingbird!" Then Bluejay and Hummingbird were treating him together. He got well. They said "We treated him quite hard." Now he was up and around, he was getting well nicely. Then he got sick again. So they said, "You had better go and fetch Bluejay again." Again he treated him. They paid him with chestnuts, a panful of chestnuts. So he treated him. Then he said, "I cannot do any more for him, you better fetch someone else!" They said, "You had better call Hummingbird again!" Then they fetched him. He came. He treated him. Then Bluejay sat down. Now that fellow Hummingbird was dancing the medicine dance. But Bluejay was still sitting there. Then Hummingbird (sang,) "Some time ago it was done by trickery," as he was dancing. Then he said, "My mouth is small!" Then Bluejay said, "Indeed! Maybe he will say something!" Then Hummingbird said, "Bluejay does not know his medicine!" Then he said, "katch-katch-katch-katch," and up through the smokehole he flew out of the house. That one kept poisoning Chipmunk. Because he liked chestnut mush. Therefore he poisoned Chipmunk. He was paid much chestnut mush for treating him. Therefore he poisoned him. That is all.
uknîi. Chipmunk was sick all the time. So they went to fetch Bluejay. They always paid him with chestnuts. So he was treating him. Then he said, "I cannot cure him! I can't do any more for him!" Then he said, "Go and fetch Hummingbird!" Then Bluejay and Hummingbird were treating him together. He got well. They said "We treated him quite hard." Now he was up and around, he was getting well nicely. Then he got sick again. So they said, "You had better go and fetch Bluejay again." Again he treated him. They paid him with chestnuts, a panful of chestnuts. So he treated him. Then he said, "I cannot do any more for him, you better fetch someone else!" They said, "You had better call Hummingbird again!" Then they fetched him. He came. He treated him. Then Bluejay sat down. Now that fellow Hummingbird was dancing the medicine dance. But Bluejay was still sitting there. Then Hummingbird (sang,) "Some time ago it was done by trickery," as he was dancing. Then he said, "My mouth is small!" Then Bluejay said, "Indeed! Maybe he will say something!" Then Hummingbird said, "Bluejay does not know his medicine!" Then he said, "katch-katch-katch-katch," and up through the smokehole he flew out of the house. That one kept poisoning Chipmunk. Because he liked chestnut mush. Therefore he poisoned Chipmunk. He was paid much chestnut mush for treating him. Therefore he poisoned him. That is all.
translate from english to karuk
uknîi ataháreesh vúra uyíkihiti uum vúra mahnûuvanach.kári xás kachakâach kunpikyâarat.sunyíthih kun'íshavsiprimtih.kári xás xúus u'úum.kári xás upíip, " púxay vúra na'aráriihkanhivatheeshara! púxay vúra húunxayheeshara!"kári xás upíip, " xanpuchíniishveenach kiikpíkaan!"kári xás xúus kun'úum.kári xás u'aráriihkanha.kunpíip, " miník xúus tá nu'uum."kári xás tóo pvúrayva, miník tu'aráriihkanha.xás kári kúkuum úpkuuhpa.kári xás kunpíip, " chími kúkuum kiikpíkaan kachakâach."kári xás kúkuum xúus u'úum.sunyíthih kun'íshavsiprimti sunyithih'ásar.kári xás xúus u'úum.kári xás upíip, " púxay vúra húunxayheeshara, chími akâay kích kiikpíkaan!"kári xás kunpíip, " chími kúkuum vura kiikpíkaan xanpuchíniishveenach!"kári xás kunpikyâar.kári xás tu'áhoo.kári xás xúus u'úum.kári xás kachakâach âapun upikrîish.kári xás xanpuchíniishveenach uum vúra umasmáahvutih.kári xás kachakâach âapun u'piiri uum tupikrîish.kári xás xanpuchíniishveenach"hárivari vavéeniichva," umásmaahvutih.kári xás upíip, " náa vúra naapmán'anamahachhitih!"kári xás kachakâach upíip, " ããx fatamakêesh kich ára upêereesh!"xás xanpuchíniishveenach upíip, " kachakâach mu'ápuroon úpsiinvutih!"kári xás upíip, " kach-kach-kach-kach," xás áak chanchaaksúrak u'árihrupuk.hínupa yee u'apunkôoti pamahnûuvanach.kári xás hinupáy uvíshtaanti sunyithih'ásar.vaa kúth poo'apúnkoo mahnûuvanach.uum táay musunyithih'ásar ushavsiprinahi.vaa kumá'ii poo'apunkôotih.kupánakanach.
yée ôok pámit ni'ákunvarat.kári xás máruk ikúkak nivátaroovutih.chí 'axmay u'árihrishuk nixúti " vinusuná'anamahich."yánava pihnêefich'anamahich.ta'ítam ni’áharamaheen.sáruk niyvúrunih xás áavkam ni'áapish xás máruk upikvíripraa.xáyva nipáhariithun.kári xás xuskáamhara mûuk nitátararish.kári xás axvâak ni'axaychákish xás pûuvishak nisaanámnih.xás máruk nipíthváraa.kári xás kaan níkrii xára.xas sâam ni'árihfak.xas chí'axmay uxrúunha xas nixús " pakéevriikshahan xas vúra hôoyvarihva vúra."yánava ikuk káan utháaniv.u'ahváraahitih.yánava váa kaan su pa'úxruunhitih.kári xas kúuk ni'úum.yánava su hôoyvarihva xas áhup nikrúkukaa.ipshûunkinichhiruva pa'áhup.xas máruk níkfuukraa kaan xas taskaraxárah nivúpaksip.xas pasáruk nipitfákutih víri kúna su upárihkaa pihneefích'anamahich.kári xás ni'ûufak pataskaná'anamahich kaan ni'íipma.yánava pananipihneefích'anamahich tóo psírheen íp pani'íithvutihat.kári xás patáaskar su' nikrúkukaa.súva su’ kuníxruunhitih.xás ipan patáaskar nitáxaxar.xás xára chavúra apsíik nitápuchrishuk.xás pûuvishak nisaanámni.xás kúkuum vura xára níhmachiichva.xás kúkuum xáyva yítha nitápuchrishuk.ta’itam kúkuum pûuvishak nisaanámniheen.kúkuum vura pâanpay yítha nitápuchrishuk.kári xás kúkuum pûuvishak nisaanámni.kári xas kárivarih sú' kuníxruunhitih.káruma vúra tá neekvúrish káru vúra tá naxuniháyaachha xás panani'akunvarasímsiim mûuk nipárupkurih.chavúra pâanpay tá nipáruprin.yánava sú' kári kunimtaránamhitih.púyava kári xas kúkuum kêechich vúra nipárupkurih.chavúra pâanpay vúra vaa kóo tah pavaa káan nithyúrurupukeesh.xás ta'itam kúkuum pûuvishak nisaanámniheen kúkuum vúra yítha nithyúrurupukyánava kári vúra sú kári xas vaa kúna nithyúrurupuk táma ikrívki papihnêefichtunvêechas
translate from karuk to english
Not long ago I was out hunting. I was in the hills, walking along on a log. Suddenly something ran out. At first I thought it was a little bear cub. But it turned out to be a coyote pup. I started after him. I followed him down hill at a run. I headed him off and he ran back up hill. I was lucky enough to catch up with him. I held him down with my gun. Then I grabbed him by the head and shoved him into a sack. I packed him back up the hill to that log. There I sat down and waited a while. I was just starting down again. I heard a growl. I thought it must be the mother, but I didn't know where the sound came from. Then I saw the log lying there. The log was hollow. And the growling came from inside. Then I went to the log. I poked a stick in. But it was too short. I climbed up on the hill and there I cut a long pole. I looked back just in time to see a coyote pup running back into the log. I took my little pole and climbed down. And found the little pup I'd been packing had got away already. I stuck my pole into the hole. I could hear them growling. Then I split the end of the pole. After poking around a good while, I caught one by the leg and twisted him out of the hole. I put him in the sack. I put him in the sack. Then I tried quite a while. I had the luck to catch another and twist him through the hole. I put him in the sack too. Later I twisted out a third one. And put him in the sack. The rest were growling inside. But I was getting tired and I was hungry besides. I took my hunting knife and began chiselling. Finally I made a hole through. And I could see more pups inside. Good. I kept on and made the hole large enough. After a while it was big enough that I could pull one out. I put him in the sack with the rest. Then I dragged out another one. And there was one more still inside. Then I pulled out that one too. There they were, six little coyotes!
Not long ago I was out hunting. I was in the hills, walking along on a log. Suddenly something ran out. At first I thought it was a little bear cub. But it turned out to be a coyote pup. I started after him. I followed him down hill at a run. I headed him off and he ran back up hill. I was lucky enough to catch up with him. I held him down with my gun. Then I grabbed him by the head and shoved him into a sack. I packed him back up the hill to that log. There I sat down and waited a while. I was just starting down again. I heard a growl. I thought it must be the mother, but I didn't know where the sound came from. Then I saw the log lying there. The log was hollow. And the growling came from inside. Then I went to the log. I poked a stick in. But it was too short. I climbed up on the hill and there I cut a long pole. I looked back just in time to see a coyote pup running back into the log. I took my little pole and climbed down. And found the little pup I'd been packing had got away already. I stuck my pole into the hole. I could hear them growling. Then I split the end of the pole. After poking around a good while, I caught one by the leg and twisted him out of the hole. I put him in the sack. I put him in the sack. Then I tried quite a while. I had the luck to catch another and twist him through the hole. I put him in the sack too. Later I twisted out a third one. And put him in the sack. The rest were growling inside. But I was getting tired and I was hungry besides. I took my hunting knife and began chiselling. Finally I made a hole through. And I could see more pups inside. Good. I kept on and made the hole large enough. After a while it was big enough that I could pull one out. I put him in the sack with the rest. Then I dragged out another one. And there was one more still inside. Then I pulled out that one too. There they were, six little coyotes!
translate from english to karuk
yée ôok pámit ni'ákunvarat.kári xás máruk ikúkak nivátaroovutih.chí 'axmay u'árihrishuk nixúti " vinusuná'anamahich."yánava pihnêefich'anamahich.ta'ítam ni’áharamaheen.sáruk niyvúrunih xás áavkam ni'áapish xás máruk upikvíripraa.xáyva nipáhariithun.kári xás xuskáamhara mûuk nitátararish.kári xás axvâak ni'axaychákish xás pûuvishak nisaanámnih.xás máruk nipíthváraa.kári xás kaan níkrii xára.xas sâam ni'árihfak.xas chí'axmay uxrúunha xas nixús " pakéevriikshahan xas vúra hôoyvarihva vúra."yánava ikuk káan utháaniv.u'ahváraahitih.yánava váa kaan su pa'úxruunhitih.kári xas kúuk ni'úum.yánava su hôoyvarihva xas áhup nikrúkukaa.ipshûunkinichhiruva pa'áhup.xas máruk níkfuukraa kaan xas taskaraxárah nivúpaksip.xas pasáruk nipitfákutih víri kúna su upárihkaa pihneefích'anamahich.kári xás ni'ûufak pataskaná'anamahich kaan ni'íipma.yánava pananipihneefích'anamahich tóo psírheen íp pani'íithvutihat.kári xás patáaskar su' nikrúkukaa.súva su’ kuníxruunhitih.xás ipan patáaskar nitáxaxar.xás xára chavúra apsíik nitápuchrishuk.xás pûuvishak nisaanámni.xás kúkuum vura xára níhmachiichva.xás kúkuum xáyva yítha nitápuchrishuk.ta’itam kúkuum pûuvishak nisaanámniheen.kúkuum vura pâanpay yítha nitápuchrishuk.kári xás kúkuum pûuvishak nisaanámni.kári xas kárivarih sú' kuníxruunhitih.káruma vúra tá neekvúrish káru vúra tá naxuniháyaachha xás panani'akunvarasímsiim mûuk nipárupkurih.chavúra pâanpay tá nipáruprin.yánava sú' kári kunimtaránamhitih.púyava kári xas kúkuum kêechich vúra nipárupkurih.chavúra pâanpay vúra vaa kóo tah pavaa káan nithyúrurupukeesh.xás ta'itam kúkuum pûuvishak nisaanámniheen kúkuum vúra yítha nithyúrurupukyánava kári vúra sú kári xas vaa kúna nithyúrurupuk táma ikrívki papihnêefichtunvêechas
itha'ithvákaam u'árihishtée kxúrar xas ni'ípak.kári xás iinâak xás niknúpishrih.kári xás itha'îirish vúra kunihmáravarayva.xás ahup'ásipak sú' nimáhyaan.chavúra axaksúpaa kaan sú' kun'áraarahitih.nixus " áavahar vúra niyêeshriihveesh."chímiva púxay vúraxay kaneekvárishap.kári xás ta'ítam áhup mûuk axvâak nipakóonaaheen.kári xás pamukunaxvâa kich kaneekvárish.itnoopámahich ník kana'êeh xás váa káru vúra pa'íshpuk púvaxay kana'êehap káruma chímiheesh ithakûusrah véenik mit paniykáranaat.
translate from karuk to english
It made a big load. It was late evening when I got back. Then I dumped them out inside the house. And they ran around all over the floor. I put them in a big wooden box. And kept them there two days. I thought I might be able to sell them alive. But it turned out that I couldn't. Finally I clubbed them on the head with a stick. Then they bought just the heads from me. They would scarcely give me five dollars apiece for them. And even that money they haven't paid me yet, and it's almost a month since I killed them.
It made a big load. It was late evening when I got back. Then I dumped them out inside the house. And they ran around all over the floor. I put them in a big wooden box. And kept them there two days. I thought I might be able to sell them alive. But it turned out that I couldn't. Finally I clubbed them on the head with a stick. Then they bought just the heads from me. They would scarcely give me five dollars apiece for them. And even that money they haven't paid me yet, and it's almost a month since I killed them.
translate from english to karuk
itha'ithvákaam u'árihishtée kxúrar xas ni'ípak.kári xás iinâak xás niknúpishrih.kári xás itha'îirish vúra kunihmáravarayva.xás ahup'ásipak sú' nimáhyaan.chavúra axaksúpaa kaan sú' kun'áraarahitih.nixus " áavahar vúra niyêeshriihveesh."chímiva púxay vúraxay kaneekvárishap.kári xás ta'ítam áhup mûuk axvâak nipakóonaaheen.kári xás pamukunaxvâa kich kaneekvárish.itnoopámahich ník kana'êeh xás váa káru vúra pa'íshpuk púvaxay kana'êehap káruma chímiheesh ithakûusrah véenik mit paniykáranaat.
ithâan mit masúruk saamváruk níshxaaytihat.xas kaan nimáhat pi'êep va'irípraam.xas pishyávpiish vaa kaan nikvêeshrihar.simsimmúruk ni'ávikva.xás kári niktamkúrihva.yanava uspúkahiti kaan.xas kari íripar nipsárar.kari xás ni'íripkurih matée kumayaayaach.cháavura satáranak ni'íripishri.kâan xas kêechas péeshpuk cháavura áxxak nimma.kuyrakinívkihámmahich kuníthvoohiti.karu kâakum kumatupichas-háyaachas xakinivki'itráhyar chávura nimma koovura.
translate from karuk to english
Once I went up the creek, fishing with hook and line. There I saw an old mine. The next autumn I went back and camped there. I took a pan with me. And [I] started right in panning. I found there was gold there. Then I went after a pick. The farther down I dug the better luck I had. Finally I got down to bed-rock. And right there I found two big gold nuggets. They were worth eight dollars apiece. Then there were a lot of smaller ones, so that in the end I had seventy dollars in all.
Once I went up the creek, fishing with hook and line. There I saw an old mine. The next autumn I went back and camped there. I took a pan with me. And [I] started right in panning. I found there was gold there. Then I went after a pick. The farther down I dug the better luck I had. Finally I got down to bed-rock. And right there I found two big gold nuggets. They were worth eight dollars apiece. Then there were a lot of smaller ones, so that in the end I had seventy dollars in all.
translate from english to karuk
ithâan mit masúruk saamváruk níshxaaytihat.xas kaan nimáhat pi'êep va'irípraam.xas pishyávpiish vaa kaan nikvêeshrihar.simsimmúruk ni'ávikva.xás kári niktamkúrihva.yanava uspúkahiti kaan.xas kari íripar nipsárar.kari xás ni'íripkurih matée kumayaayaach.cháavura satáranak ni'íripishri.kâan xas kêechas péeshpuk cháavura áxxak nimma.kuyrakinívkihámmahich kuníthvoohiti.karu kâakum kumatupichas-háyaachas xakinivki'itráhyar chávura nimma koovura.
viriva payváaheem vura kári kaan nipiktamkurihvankôoti.kári vura nixúti kúkuum vura ikhich nimáhis táay hôoyvurava vaa kâan.
translate from karuk to english
Even now I go back and pan at that place. I still think maybe I'll make a find again somewhere right there.
Even now I go back and pan at that place. I still think maybe I'll make a find again somewhere right there.
translate from english to karuk
viriva payváaheem vura kári kaan nipiktamkurihvankôoti.kári vura nixúti kúkuum vura ikhich nimáhis táay hôoyvurava vaa kâan.
papishyavpîish mit ni'ákunvarat.xás masúruk saamváruk nikvêesh.imáankam xás mah'íitnihach xás ni'ákunvarat.kári xás máruk káan xás nimáahrav ta'ítam nithíravaheen.chímiva piríshriik su' nipthíramkaa.káan xás u'árihship sáruk ukvíripunih.ta'ítam ni'áharamaheen.saamvároo ithyárukirukam súva as úxaakti itharípriik vúra hôoyvarihva.chavúra kári xás nimah.viri kúna vúra ithyárukirukam kumavîitkir chími ukfúkuvravish.ta'ítam ni'aaksúraheen.kári xás sâam upishkáakfak káruma vúra yiiv.púxay vúraxay naxútihara káan ukyíimeesh.ta'ítam kúkuum ni'aaksúraheen chímiva súrukam, kúna nipásip tama uskákavraa.kári xás kúuk ni'uum.yíthukam yánava sáruk tukvíripuniheen.kári xás máruk níkfuukraa, chavúra máruk ípan nikfúkuvraa.káan xás ikhúripaak ni'árihripaa.purafátaak vúra pamukunfíthih.kári xás ikrírihak nivápathuk.káan xás yánava nanisâam uhyárih.ta'ítam ni'akuníihkaheen.mâa vúrava sâam súva vúrava papírish úxaaktih.kári xás kúuk ni'uum.yánava káan utháaniv kêeshichas vêeshur.káan nik nishripíhpih.kári xás ta'ítam nitatnúsaheen.kári xás vúup kúna nivúsur.ta'ítam nithvásipreeheen.viri ûum vúra ni'á'ha.púxay vúra xay hûut koo neethvávara, táma âapun.kári xás pâanpay xás kúkuum nipithvásip.matêe kumamáathkich.kári xás nixus "chími kánishfin", ta'ítam nishfíraheen.kári xás pa'ishmúnaxich íithva nikyâaheen.kári xás nithvásip.unuhyâachhiruva kúma u'árihishrih pananí'iithva víri natakníihshurootih.fátaak xás tá nikyívish.xayvéekva kúkuum nipíkfuuksip.achavúra pâanpay niyrúhunih.mâa vúrava sáruk papírish kich uváyvaayhitih.kári xás nikvíripunih.yánava sáruk xás pírishak uthantákikva.
translate from karuk to english
Last fall I went on a hunting trip. I made camp up the creek. Next morning early I went hunting. Up the hill there I tracked (a deer), and I followed the tracks. As it happened, I tracked him into a patch of brush. There he jumped up and he ran down the hill. I ran after him. On the other side of the creek I could hear the noise of rocks somewhere in a fir thicket. Finally I saw him. He was about to climb over the ridge on the other side of the creek. I took a shot at him. Then he gave a jump down, but it was very far away. I didn't think it (my shot) reached him there. I shot under, and he jumped over the ridge. Then I went in that direction. I saw that he had run downhill on the other side. Then I climbed uphill and finally I climbed over the hill top. Then I went along the ridge. No tracks anywhere. Then I went around to the steep side. There he was, standing below me. So I shot at him. A little downhill I heard a noise in the brush. I went toward it. There he lay, a big buck. I tugged at it So then I gutted him. Then, in addition, I cut off his neck. So I packed it on my back. I could scarcely get up. I could hardly pack it any distance at all, before (I had to put it) down again. Then, after a while, I packed it on my back again and rose. Later, it became heavier. Then I thought I should skin him soon, so I skinned him. Then I made a pack of only meat. Then I packed it. My pack was becoming too round, so it kept rolling off me. I fell down somewhere. By luck, I once again get up on my feet. Finally I rolled it down. Only the brush was moving. Then I ran down. I found that it had got stuck in the brush down there.
Last fall I went on a hunting trip. I made camp up the creek. Next morning early I went hunting. Up the hill there I tracked (a deer), and I followed the tracks. As it happened, I tracked him into a patch of brush. There he jumped up and he ran down the hill. I ran after him. On the other side of the creek I could hear the noise of rocks somewhere in a fir thicket. Finally I saw him. He was about to climb over the ridge on the other side of the creek. I took a shot at him. Then he gave a jump down, but it was very far away. I didn't think it (my shot) reached him there. I shot under, and he jumped over the ridge. Then I went in that direction. I saw that he had run downhill on the other side. Then I climbed uphill and finally I climbed over the hill top. Then I went along the ridge. No tracks anywhere. Then I went around to the steep side. There he was, standing below me. So I shot at him. A little downhill I heard a noise in the brush. I went toward it. There he lay, a big buck. I tugged at it So then I gutted him. Then, in addition, I cut off his neck. So I packed it on my back. I could scarcely get up. I could hardly pack it any distance at all, before (I had to put it) down again. Then, after a while, I packed it on my back again and rose. Later, it became heavier. Then I thought I should skin him soon, so I skinned him. Then I made a pack of only meat. Then I packed it. My pack was becoming too round, so it kept rolling off me. I fell down somewhere. By luck, I once again get up on my feet. Finally I rolled it down. Only the brush was moving. Then I ran down. I found that it had got stuck in the brush down there.
translate from english to karuk
papishyavpîish mit ni'ákunvarat.xás masúruk saamváruk nikvêesh.imáankam xás mah'íitnihach xás ni'ákunvarat.kári xás máruk káan xás nimáahrav ta'ítam nithíravaheen.chímiva piríshriik su' nipthíramkaa.káan xás u'árihship sáruk ukvíripunih.ta'ítam ni'áharamaheen.saamvároo ithyárukirukam súva as úxaakti itharípriik vúra hôoyvarihva.chavúra kári xás nimah.viri kúna vúra ithyárukirukam kumavîitkir chími ukfúkuvravish.ta'ítam ni'aaksúraheen.kári xás sâam upishkáakfak káruma vúra yiiv.púxay vúraxay naxútihara káan ukyíimeesh.ta'ítam kúkuum ni'aaksúraheen chímiva súrukam, kúna nipásip tama uskákavraa.kári xás kúuk ni'uum.yíthukam yánava sáruk tukvíripuniheen.kári xás máruk níkfuukraa, chavúra máruk ípan nikfúkuvraa.káan xás ikhúripaak ni'árihripaa.purafátaak vúra pamukunfíthih.kári xás ikrírihak nivápathuk.káan xás yánava nanisâam uhyárih.ta'ítam ni'akuníihkaheen.mâa vúrava sâam súva vúrava papírish úxaaktih.kári xás kúuk ni'uum.yánava káan utháaniv kêeshichas vêeshur.káan nik nishripíhpih.kári xás ta'ítam nitatnúsaheen.kári xás vúup kúna nivúsur.ta'ítam nithvásipreeheen.viri ûum vúra ni'á'ha.púxay vúra xay hûut koo neethvávara, táma âapun.kári xás pâanpay xás kúkuum nipithvásip.matêe kumamáathkich.kári xás nixus "chími kánishfin", ta'ítam nishfíraheen.kári xás pa'ishmúnaxich íithva nikyâaheen.kári xás nithvásip.unuhyâachhiruva kúma u'árihishrih pananí'iithva víri natakníihshurootih.fátaak xás tá nikyívish.xayvéekva kúkuum nipíkfuuksip.achavúra pâanpay niyrúhunih.mâa vúrava sáruk papírish kich uváyvaayhitih.kári xás nikvíripunih.yánava sáruk xás pírishak uthantákikva.
kári xás sáruk nithyúrunih.tá nithyúrunih, tá puna'íithvutihara.koova tá neekvúrish, chavúra kúkuum ni'iyruhunih, chímiva ípaha úkuyva.kári xás úsxax pananipûuvish.káan ni'uum, ta'ítam'íish ôokmas páy yítha utháaniv.chavúra víri ûumta nipifikfiip.kúkuum nipkíshap.kári xás ta'ítam kúkuum nipithyúrusipreeheen sáruk nipithyúrunih.sáruk ikveeshríhraam ni'íipma víri kúna vúra chimi ukxáramheesh.yée! víri íiv nipíivur kóova puxich nikvúrish.
translate from karuk to english
After that I just dragged it down the hill. I dragged it, I didn't try to pack it anymore. I was so tired finally I rolled it down again, but it hit a tree. Then my sack burst. When I got there, I had to pick up the pieces. The meat was lying all around. It was as much as I could do to get it all together again. Again I tied it up. Again I started to drag it. I dragged it down the hill. I got back to the camping place just as it was getting dark. I was so tired I was nearly dead.
After that I just dragged it down the hill. I dragged it, I didn't try to pack it anymore. I was so tired finally I rolled it down again, but it hit a tree. Then my sack burst. When I got there, I had to pick up the pieces. The meat was lying all around. It was as much as I could do to get it all together again. Again I tied it up. Again I started to drag it. I dragged it down the hill. I got back to the camping place just as it was getting dark. I was so tired I was nearly dead.
translate from english to karuk
kári xás sáruk nithyúrunih.tá nithyúrunih, tá puna'íithvutihara.koova tá neekvúrish, chavúra kúkuum ni'iyruhunih, chímiva ípaha úkuyva.kári xás úsxax pananipûuvish.káan ni'uum, ta'ítam'íish ôokmas páy yítha utháaniv.chavúra víri ûumta nipifikfiip.kúkuum nipkíshap.kári xás ta'ítam kúkuum nipithyúrusipreeheen sáruk nipithyúrunih.sáruk ikveeshríhraam ni'íipma víri kúna vúra chimi ukxáramheesh.yée! víri íiv nipíivur kóova puxich nikvúrish.
(Grace Davis)akâayva vaa urôovanik when I was packing, you know ..., vúra vaa káruk xás nimah.
translate from karuk to english
[talking about an unfinished basket] Somebody took it upriver when I was packing , you know, then I saw it upriver.
[talking about an unfinished basket] Somebody took it upriver when I was packing , you know, then I saw it upriver.
translate from english to karuk
(Grace Davis)akâayva vaa urôovanik when I was packing, you know ..., vúra vaa káruk xás nimah.
(Violet Super)I want it.
translate from karuk to english
translate from english to karuk
(Violet Super)I want it.
(Grace Davis)You want it?
translate from karuk to english
translate from english to karuk
(Grace Davis)You want it?
(Violet Super)Yeah.
translate from karuk to english
translate from english to karuk
(Violet Super)Yeah.
(Grace Davis)Well I can fix it, finish it up when I get back up hárivurava panipvâaram.
translate from karuk to english
Whenever I go back there.
Whenever I go back there.
translate from english to karuk
(Grace Davis)Well I can fix it, finish it up when I get back up hárivurava panipvâaram.
(Violet Super)Luke is growing out of his basket.
translate from karuk to english
translate from english to karuk
(Violet Super)Luke is growing out of his basket.
(Grace Davis)Oh yeah?
translate from karuk to english
translate from english to karuk
(Grace Davis)Oh yeah?
(Violet Super)tá vâaram he's growin' fast.
translate from karuk to english
He's already tall, he's growing fast.
He's already tall, he's growing fast.
translate from english to karuk
(Violet Super)tá vâaram he's growin' fast.
(Grace Davis)hûutvaheesh uum pee'íithvutihaak, peecapturehaak?
translate from karuk to english
How will you pack him, after you capture him?
How will you pack him, after you capture him?
translate from english to karuk
(Grace Davis)hûutvaheesh uum pee'íithvutihaak, peecapturehaak?
(Violet Super)voom... can you make one, like, that size?
translate from karuk to english
That one, can you make one, like, that size?
That one, can you make one, like, that size?
translate from english to karuk
(Violet Super)voom... can you make one, like, that size?
(Grace Davis)hûut ata vaa pasárip itâarahiva.
translate from karuk to english
You've gotta have the sticks.
You've gotta have the sticks.
translate from english to karuk
(Grace Davis)hûut ata vaa pasárip itâarahiva.
(Madeline Davis)araráhi ípum panuchúuphitiheesh.
translate from karuk to english
We're supposed to be talking Indian.
We're supposed to be talking Indian.
translate from english to karuk
(Madeline Davis)araráhi ípum panuchúuphitiheesh.
(Grace Davis)nixuti áta ishánaavish.
translate from karuk to english
I thought you might bring some [sticks] up.
I thought you might bring some [sticks] up.
translate from english to karuk
(Grace Davis)nixuti áta ishánaavish.
(Violet Super)Gotta be like telephone poles [referring to the sticks].
translate from karuk to english
translate from english to karuk
(Violet Super)Gotta be like telephone poles [referring to the sticks].