r/personalfinance TITLE: Looking to leave the security of my college job - and I have two job offers. Advice? POST: I'll try to keep this pretty clean cut, and thanks In advance for your time. I've been working the same job out of high school and through my A.A. degree for the past three years. Tourism minimum wage nonsense. I absolutely hate it, recently graduated, and started looking for greener pastures. Unfortunately, thanks to living in a Major tourist hotspot, the only jobs that I can get without experience would be in Hospitality (which I hate) or in Sales. Taking the latter has yielded two results. 1) An entirely commissioned based Insurance Sales position where you go out and meet with prospective clients who've requested information on life/mortgage/unfortunate circumstance insurance. Agents make their own hours and leads are provided by the company (BBB Accredited, small self made company employing 200 employees throughout the states). Agents start at a 70% retainer, and the most common sale is a $1000 package. Flexible hours means I can put my current shitty job on a backburner with part time hours as a safety net. Company rates a 4.5 on glassdoor out of 50 reviews, seemingly legit. 2) Working for a popular auto insurance company at $14.71 an hour. After taxes I expect to be bringing home perhaps a cool $2000 a month. WAAAY better than my meager $1100 a month. And I'd assume that there's awesome perks on reduced auto insurance or what have you. But the commute to the local office is one hour away, they expect full availability and working holidays - which I've also grown to HATE thanks to Tourism. I'd also have to ditch my current job for this one completely, no safety net if I go this route. TL;DR:
r/personalfinance TITLE: Refinancing student loans with cash income. POST: My girlfriend graduated about a year ago with a BS in Kinesiology. She plans pursue CNA certification and ultimately RN as well. Unfortunately, starting this coming August her total student loan monthly payment will be ~1500. Before she can quit her current job and pursue the CNA/RN plan she needs to refinance the loans she has. She is making $12 hourly as a full time nanny M-F as well as working retail/service industry jobs on the weekends. Additionally (assuming I am understanding this correctly), as soon as she can start pursuing the CNA/RN plan she will also be able to defer the loan payments. Heres the issue: Every refinancing option she has looked into will not accept the nannying money as "income." Are there any other options for "legitimizing" that money? Any other payment options she should look into? TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: My girlfriend is a bombshell, has a great degree a great job and i am stuck in juco doing awful, working for 11 an hour. what do? POST: We are both 23, been together for 6 years. When i say bombshell imean, shes a (no bias), nine out of ten. I am a 6 or 7, definetly a 6 soon, I am balding. I dont know if thats relevant or accurate. I felt like it was. She went away to college, I didnt. I had jealousy or trust issues throughout some of the first 2 years of college, But nothing serious. It usually resulted in me pouting over the phone, haha lame. I got over it and we made our semi long distance relationship work. She graduated last year got a great job right away. She is making 50k+ a year never had to take out a student loan and is living at home. I tried to get into a nursing program for 2 years but failed. became a Certified Nursing Assistant. I have worked in homecare for the last 3 years basically paying off the debt i built up while at school. I have no savings and still 2k debt. I am having a lot of anxiety about a lot of stuff, and I just dont know if its normal or how to deal with it. I worry alot that I am the "joke of the office" at her work place. Not only that, but I feel like I couldnt possibly compare to the men she works with! As far as school and job and money goes. I havent shown an ounce of jealousy or a lack of confidence. But I can tell you I feel like shit! I worry so much that something is going on, or I will lose her because I am derping around in community colleges and army veteran's homes. Basically my question is, are my feelings of insecurity rational? What should I do about it, if anything? Also on a side note, she has tons of guys commenting on pictures on instagram and twitter and fb and what not, telling her how pretty she is, and blah blah. it makes my blood boil! Why?! Is that normal? thank you all. This might be the most annoying post ever. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: Convincing my girlfriend to stay with me after cheating POST: I recently found out that my girlfriend of almost 2 years (we're both 20) has been cheating on me. After I confronted her, she said she felt terrible and was going to tell me eventually. Now she isn't sure she can stay in our relationship because she feels so guilty. The thing is, and I have told her this, I am not hugely bothered. I would have preferred it if she was upfront about not being satisfied and wanting other men, but I just want her to be happy. I really care about her and I thought we could be together forever (and maybe still can). She can't seem to accept this, however, and thinks we need to break up. I suggested that we just have a more open relationship with her being completely allowed to have other men if she wants, but she didn't accept that either. I realise it sounds like I'm just being naive and she's just using this as an excuse to leave me without feeling bad about it, but that's really not the impression I have at all. I guess maybe you have to know her, but that's not the kind of person she is at all. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: Me [26F] with my sexual tension friend[27M] of eight years, just sexted while his girlfriend[19F] is on a work holiday. Is this cheating? POST: I've always been attracted to my friend. he also is attracted to me. My SO is fine with me flirting. His GF is possessive and doesn't like him talking to girls. She's on work holiday for two more weeks though which is why he gets to text me. --- We sexted for 5 hours including topless photos. He ended the convo with a very hot few line before class. He and I agreed to not speak of the matter in our social circles since his girlfriend is psycho. It was so hot and i want to do more of it. I just want to know if this is cheating as it is only text and image. Thank you. TL;DR:
r/self TITLE: What can I do to an annoying roommate who obsessively checks her youtube stats? Need troll help. POST: Background info: I'm so close to moving out; I've really had it with my selfish, ignorant, vain and unapologetically lazy roommate. Her one joy (besides staring at her own face for hours on end) is checking the youtube statistics on seven of her (likely inaccurate) 'historical' slideshow-style videos that she has posted months ago (I haven't really watched them). She takes much pride in recounting how many views/likes she has and reads out all the comments to me without fail. It all sounds pretty harmless but she always gets her back up and becomes super defensive if I am anything less than ecstatic or if I question their historical accuracy. But because she's been to England, where I haven't, this *MUST* mean she is much more knowledgeable about its culture, history and landmarks. To her and the handful of people that have commented on her videos, her videos are full of information and worthy of much admiration. I may come off as mean and petty, but this is coming from a person who has been told that she doesn't need to wash the bathroom because "I use it more than she does". I have lived with her for six months and she hasn't cleaned it once. Plus there's so much other annoying crap I have to deal with (HLN on 24/7?!?!) I really just want to mess with her, and hitting her on her youtube channel sounds like it'll be a fairly satisfying blow. She takes so much pride in these videos and not a single person can get away without first watching her 'Tower of London' video. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: I'm [20/f] and my boyfriend is [21/m], we've been dating for a little over a year and my two best friends say he's gay and I'm a cover? POST: My boyfriend has said he's straight but when my friends found out how he and his best friend Alex (who ia bisexual) acted with each other, they told me he was gay or at least bisexual and I was just a cover story. Alex seems to always be trying to touch him, and seems to smack his butt a lot. My boyfriend just laughs it off and never seems to tell him to stop. Once they went to a sex shop and a woman working there thought they were togrther, Alex smacked his butt and my boyfriend kind of just went along with it. Another story is once they got drunk, my boyfriend said he woke up sore and had a moment of "did we do anything?" But immediately decided that no, they didnt. My boyfrend also seems to drop everything for him while for me he barely talks to me because he's busy with school, and it's like he cant even text me whenever Alex visits only to laugh and tell me how he smacked his butt or something along those lines. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: My friend (19F) told my mom I'm an alcoholic (20F) POST: So recently my college organization had a Mom's Weekend where all of the Mom's came to the college and spent a weekend with us. I was a little concerned about my friend because she is extremely anxious and depressed, but she's on medicine, and just recently got back together with her very abusive ex boyfriend. She had been acting off for the past few weeks. She had been being very hateful to all of our friends, and accusing me and another friend of being alcoholics. Her calling us alcoholics is extremely unfounded. I only drink in social situations, and when my boyfriend cooks dinner once a week, we will split a bottle of wine. We all just thought she was exaggerating because she doesn't drink at all, while we will drink every weekend or so. Cutting to the chase, My mom and I went to dinner with her and her mom. My mom and I both ordered a margarita with our dinner, and that is when things got out of hand. She started talking about how whenever my boyfriend and I have our wine nights that we have two bottles each, which I denied. She told my mom that whenever we move into our apartment next semester that there will be a liquor cabinet with a lock that only she will have a key to. She told my mom that I drink almost every day of the week, which is not true at all. She also referenced to my mom's margarita saying "I know where she gets it from now." The situation was so shocking, and thankfully my mother didn't believe a word she said. Normally, I would just cut the friendship off, but this is extremely out of character for her. I'm worried that she has stopped taking her medicine, or something volatile might be going on with her boyfriend. I don't know how to approach her about this, because she hasn't spoken to me or our mutual friends since this took place. Could this be a cry for help, or could it be her showing her true colors? TL;DR:
r/Advice TITLE: Dick ex boyfriend regrets his actions. Does he apologize? POST: I was dating a girl a year back and I abused her pretty bad. I'd prefer not to go into too many details, but this is roughly what went down. I never physically hurt her, but I mentally abused the crap out of her. In hindsight the Doctor and psychiatrists I'm seeing now say that I was psychotic. I would force her to do things for me and demanded to be treated like a King. If she wouldn't listen to me I would cut myself and send her pictures of it and threaten that I would kill myself. I was overworked and sleep deprived but that is in no way an excuse for my actions. When she finally broke up with me I did some pretty bad stuff as well but that's a story for a different time. I've learned from my mistakes and promised myself that I would never let anyone go through what I let that girl go through. I'm in anti depressants and the occasional spliff helps me think rationally. I know she will never forgive me, and I don't deserve forgiveness but I want to apologize to her. Now here's my issue. I don't know what the right thing is to do. Should I let the universe take care of things and assume she grew stronger from it (looking for a silver lining) or should I try to write her (she lives pretty far away) to at least TRY to apologize? TL;DR:
r/Advice TITLE: Need Advice About A Raise POST: So let me start off by saying that I have been with the company I'm working for, for about 8 years. I started there at 17 and have been working there while finishing college(yes I know I'm almost 25 but I took a year or two off to work). I love this job, though stressful at times, and the people I work with! I have a great set of bosses and even though it's part time, minimum wage, I've turned down other jobs because I really do love this place. Now to the advice part. With the new year came a mandatory increase from the state to up minimum wage. With this increase I soon learned that other employees, whom I work in the same department with, got raises on top of that. The part I'm struggling with is out of everyone I have been there the longest, work the most hours, and I'm typically the guy they call on when they need help. The two employees (that I know of at the moment) that got raises have been there for maybe 2 years. One of them is still unsure of how to do his job, so when I work with him I typically pull double duty. The other is scheduled 5 days a week and of those days only works 2 to 3 of them and works no weekends. So I'm stuck wondering why I was passed up for a raise and I'm contemplating going to my boss and asking for one, something I have brought up in the past. So here's where I need help: A. How do I ask for this raise? B. What should I do if she tells me no? C. Why was I passed up? TL;DR:
r/Advice TITLE: How would you talk loved ones (ie. parents) out of their 'alternative' healing (ie. homoeopathy) ideas without insulting them, or causing them to shut you out of their health problems? POST: My mum goes to see a homoeopath almost every week, which I don't really have a problem with as she seems to get some kind of benefit from it one way or the other. My real problem is that I'm worried she's starting to get a little too sucked into the alternative medicine philosophy and ideas. For example she's started talking about how Dr's are "Pumping our bodies full of goodness-knows-what"; and "I can see why people aren't vaccinating their kids". I want to try and talk her away from these kinds of ideas without insulting her, or her outlook on life. I'm a little worried that trying to discuss it might push her away to the point that she would no longer tell me about medical issues or who she's seen for what problem. I'd like to present her with the facts about homoeopathy, to show how ineffective it is at a medicinal level (I fully accept it's effect as a placebo) in a way that doesn't seem like an attack on her, and the kind of life she likes to lead. So if anyone has any ideas on this front I'd love to her them. TL;DR:
r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by screenshotting a man with a huge carrot POST: I'll set the scene, I work for a Financial firm in England. I occupy a fairly low role assisting the management accountants (stay with me here) I've been working here for about 3 months now so I've got it figured how much work I actually have to do in a day to get by, which Is usually about 5 of the 8 in total, therefore I spend my mornings on reddit and afternoons doing work. Today was no different, don't hang me but I just discovered r/photoshopbattles and was having a good ol' chuckle at a photoshopped image of a man with a huge carrot (hue). Later on in the afternoon I had to do a presentation on some testing I've been doing, which involves taking some screenshots. More context, dual-screen setup allows me (because of the angles) to get away with anything on my smaller screen, hence the reddit spamming. So I rush through about 10 slides, only need to talk for 15 mins so should be fine. All is going well until slide 6, a full page screenshot of the man with the massive carrot - cue me attempting to pull off a smooth carrots and incentives metaphor to which the room was having none of and now I've got an extra meeting after work today :/ I must add that I hold nothing against that man and his massive carrot, that shit will forever be funny. Will keep you updated if anyone cares. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: My parents (M+F 40's) are trying to run my (M 20) life and it's damaging my relationship with my girlfriend (20 F) POST: Shortly after I introduced my girlfriend to my parents, my parents have only caused strain on our relationship. They do this by constantly planning over our pre-arranged plans in spite of them knowing about it, constantly criticizing me over how I conduct my relationship (apparently it's "too serious" because we like to spend time indoors watching Netflix as opposed to ONLY seeing each other outside), and otherwise trying to control everything they can. But this control doesn't limit itself to my relationship, it spills into virtually every aspect of my life. My parents try to pick my friends, what I should do with them and where and how. I find this extremely frustrating, especially their efforts to "integrate" me into the Croatian community by constantly harassing me into going to parties and then making me feel guilty for not going if I don't go. It's not as though I don't like my own community, I go to events held by them. But my parents expect this to be 90% of my social life, and only spending time with non-Croats very occasionally. I'm quite nationalistic myself and I think they're too obsessed with such desires. I've tried to talk to them about the degree of influence they try to exert over me, but every time is either met with dismissal or cursing. I'm at the end of my rope and I feel like I must either submit to the Orwellian control of my parents or lose them entirely. Also happy New Year TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: Me [17/M] was broken up with about seven months ago by [17/F] who realized she was a lesbian. POST: Alrighty, well I've been meaning to do this for a good while now, never really had the guts to spit it out or say anything about it because I've been living a lie with myself for these past months. To basically put it bluntly my Gf of two years broke up with me because she realized she was a lesbian. She was acting funny for a few months but I initially shrugged it off because teenager stuff? I dunno.. We're still friends as we speak but throughout these months I've failed to move on. I've been on several dates but I never pursued any of them further due to the fact I really couldn't see anything with the person I was with. I have no idea what to do now and I just want to move on but I can't, every person I'm with I always stop with because I can't find any attraction in them. I then tried time, because obviously setting myself up in pointless dates wasen't helping but I couldn't stop feeling this emptiness every day. It's still with me now and I just want to move on. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: In a very confusing point in a relationship [22M] [22F] of 4 years. Are you in a very long term relationship that you came very close to or did break from at one point? What changed in the relationship for you that made it right? or do you regret not going through with your decision? POST: In a very confusing point in a 4 year relationship, and im not sure if i should go through with a breakup before it carries on for many more years and inevitably breaks again; or if i got through this giant speedbump the relationship will eventually get much much more fulfilling so im curious if others have been in very similar situations with a relationship thats continued on for many years after that rough phase, and even gotten better, or if its gotten worse TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: I[19/F] saw my work friend [19/F] boyfriend[20/M] get physical with another girl when I was out at a club? POST: Hi! Throwaway, but I was out at a nightclub on Friday night and I had seen this person, a ginger boy and a girl with long black hair, my friend resembled her, and I almost mistook the girl for her and went to walk over and say hello, but I took a detour when I seen that it wasn't her. We'll call my friend Valerie, and I spoke to my friends who I was out with and said "I wonder if they're friends, can you keep an eye on him?" Which they did, when I went to the toilet I came back and my friends(2 of them) had told me that boy had gotten physical with the other girl and was touching her bum etc, and then surely enough I had seen him do it as well, I have met the boy once before, and he didn't seem to recognize me. I looked at his twitter to see if it was him or not, and it was, I asked my two friends to confirm it because I was a little tipsy and they weren't. But they said it was definitely him and I looked at it sober and it was certainly him. I'm just wondering do I tell her? It sounds minor.. But if I was Valerie, I would like to know something like that! He's cheated on her before, and my intentions are to tell her about this, I'm just wondering if I'm doing the right thing? TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: I [22F] need help figuring out my fwb's intentions [26M] towards our relationship! POST: Hi guys, I'm having a little trouble interpreting my friend with benefit's intentions towards me. To cut the story short: we met on Tinder and have been seeing each other for two months now. I go around to his house every week to have some dirty fun and everything is just awesome. We usually watch a movie (at his house) or go for dinner after, and we have a lot of common interests. We lend each other books, text each other every few days, that sort of thing. For the past three weeks he's been overseas for work and our texting frequency has increased dramatically. We text everyday and have both admitted that we have crushes on each other. I've been thinking that he wants a relationship with me, but there's just one thing that throws me off completely: I tell him about the other guys I go on dates with and he doesn't mind it at all. However, he has also asked me to sleep with him exclusively and it makes him jealous when I sleep over at another guy's place. I asked him to elaborate further and he said that he didn't like the idea of me cuddling or being physically intimate with somebody else. We have discussed the future of our arrangement and are both of the opinion that we're not averse to anything else that might happen between us (i.e. a relationship). We have also talked about meeting each other's group of friends, which to me definitely crosses the boundaries of just being fuck buddies. So my question is: are we on our way to becoming a couple? If yes, then why does he not seem to mind me going on dates with other guys? TL;DR:
r/AskReddit TITLE: Reddit, in which clever ways can I get access to my boyfriend's Facebook account without him knowing? POST: I am very upset as my boyfriend of almost 3 years (both 19) has been cheating on me multiple times. I've accepted all of his apologises because I actually did love him - and still does. After a long healthy period in our relationship there are now again many signs of him acting weird. Some of my trusted friends tell me he has been cheating on me again, and even a girl I vaguely know accidently told me she has been sleeping with him while we were together. I also once caught some of his ugly text messages to some girl.. I've had enough. I just want proof so I can end this. I'm ready to move on, but only when I'm 100 procent sure of my accusations. I am both and furious and upset as fuck guys. So detectives of Reddit, In which clever way can I check his Facebook chat logs, as I am almost certain he's currently chatting graphic stuff with some ugly bitch. * He's very careful about logging out when using my computer. * I know his email adress, but none of his passwords * I don't want him to know, so resetting password is probaly not a good idea. If shit gets serious, my friend talked about a key logger or something, but I don't want ot break the law or anything.. I guess. TL;DR:
r/pettyrevenge TITLE: Minecraft is serious business POST: Background: I'm part of a small server on Minecraft. It's just me, my friend (who we'll call Joe), and two of his friends. And then there's the server owner (we'll call him Dickbag). Now, if you couldn't tell by the name I gave him, he's a huge douche. Since I'm fairly new to the server he hasn't done a whole lot to me personally, but he's done a lot to piss off Joe, and the two hate each other (I can give some stories if you guys want, but I don't want this post to be too long). Recently, Dickbag decided, with no warning, that we should just completely start over on the server with a new map. This made me pretty mad, because I made a lot of progress on the old server, but I let it slide and we were all in creative mode to build the village/spawn on the new map. Then, Joe was cutting down some trees to make room for a church and Dickbag got pissed. Apparently Joe was supposed to build it somewhere else, but didn't know. After an argument, Joe was banned. I was fuming at that point, and after remembering all of the other things he did, I decided he needed to be brought to justice. Now the actual revenge: Everyone left and it was just me on the server in creative mode (if you don't play the game, it means that I have infinite resources/building materials and I can fly). The village they were working on was about half finished, but there was one thing that was finished. It was a giant flag, about 20x20 blocks big with a huge scorpion design in the middle. It was almost as big as the building it was built on. Dickbag was pretty proud of it, and admittedly it was pretty awesome. It was also made completely out of wool, which is flammable. I burned the fucker down. The only thing left was a few blocks of wool randomly hanging in the air and the flagpole. But I didn't stop there. I was in creative, I had infinite resources. Including TNT... TL;DR:
r/dating_advice TITLE: F[20] and I M[20] have hit it off well, but POST: I Have hit it off exceptionally well with this girl, she is everything I have been looking for in a SO; however two things are turning me away. The first is that she is always saying things about her ex. This isnt a problem normally for me, but instead of just saying them, she is comparing me to him. For example "Befree237, you're so funny, you're funnier than (ex) ever was" or "you're so much sweeter than (ex)." Which again isn't normally a problem, except she does it like every five minutes, and it kind of seems to me that she is trying to convince herself I'm better than him. I'm not saying I am, but why should she have to convince herself? The second thing is, she is always on her phone. Not like texting others, or talking on the phone, because I am not one of those people who think that all of your attention should be placed on me, but like 85% of our time together she is either on tumblr or twitter, which really bothers me. I'm not a hard fellow to please, I just want like thirty percent of her attention. I should add here that they were together for 5 years and broke up about three months ago, and they still talk all the time, and he calls her three nights a week. If I'm being irrational please let me know. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: I [27m] found some disturbing email from gf [24f] after leaving laptop on. I forgave try to move on, month later I found another disturbing email after snooping. POST: Gf of 3 months left her email open on my laptop after leaving my house. The email I found that she was selling herself with pictures of her semi naked with a guy in a picture couple of weeks back. From reading the email it seems she didn't go through it. I confronted her about it she broke down wrote me a ton of texts saying sorry but then she pushed me away, after two weeks of her pushing me away ignoring my texts and calls. We finally see each other again and got back. Month later: This past weekend we went out rented a hotel for a mini vacation. After she knocked out, I went into my car and found her tablet read her email and found yet another email with her selling herself and video of said dude spanking her during the two weeks she stop answering. I broke down for the rest of the weekend. I haven't comforted her on this cause I snooped and look for it. I really like her she treats me good, but seeing this stuff I just don't know I can't put the two together. I'm hurting, I'm trying my best to act correct around her. She tells me she loves me and wants to be with me. my mind telling me cut this and move on but my heart telling me to stay. I don't know what to do... TL;DR:
r/AskReddit TITLE: Why is it that in US politics so much emphasis is placed on the religion of the politicians? or that they must have a religion? POST: As a Englishman I've been trying to follow the bemusing spectacle of US politics in the run up to the election this year and following the voting on the republican candidate I was struck with how much religion was brought up and the ridiculous views they held. I.e. Rick Santorum a catholic who wanted (un)Intelligent design recognised as a competing scientific theory to evolution, rejection of climate change, opinions on homosexuality etc and Mitt Romney a fucking mormon (the religion where a man translated the book of mormon from golden plates that no one was allowed to see) who is a pro lifer, opposition of same sex marriages, opposition to funding stem cell research etc. How can these people be serious? they are meant to represent the public yet they hold such views as this in the 21st century? Maybe its the perspective I have being from England where politics is about where someone is going not where they are from and religion doesn't ever factor into it. Views about climate change scepticism, anti abortion, anti homosexuality just are not held here by politicians except maybe the BNP. For instance our deputy prime minister is an atheist and so are a lot of politicians but even then the ones who state they have a religion generally don't mention it, i.e. it is not important. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: Me [17 M] with my date last night [16 F] - how to not come on too strong? POST: Last night I went on a first date with a wonderful lady my friend had set me up with. We went on a double date that included bowling, frozen yogurt, and capped it off with watching movies at her house. We jived really well pretty much the whole night. We were starting to get fairly touchy when we were watching movies at her house, a lot of cuddling and we ended up kissing as well. Now in the recent past, I've gone on wonderful dates like this and left feeling very confident about the situation. However - I attemtped to follow up with no luck. I would come on too strong. I would plan for a second date very quickly, text too much, and generally kind of give off a clingy vibe after just one date. I'm really into this girl and I don't want to come on too strong again. Any advice on how to do this is grealty appreciated! Thank you. TL;DR:
r/AskReddit TITLE: Hey Reddit, what are your most useful tips for the best man speech? POST: My brother is getting married in a few months, and I am his best man. One thing you should know about this wedding is that it's in Brazil since my sister in law is from São Paulo, which means that about 90% of the guests will speak Portuguese, along with same basic English. The issue is that I don't speak a lick of Portuguese, and I don't want to give a speech that a majority of the guests won't understand. My brother informed me there will be a projector hooked up to a computer for cheesy pictures, etc., so I was thinking I could use that somehow and make something that everyone could relate to. (Flash?) TL;DR:
r/jobs TITLE: 2 years POST: I graduated from college just under two years ago, and in that time, I have had 2 actual in person interviews for a positions in my field. One was in a group interview setting to work 80 hour weeks for 36k, not bad, but not great; the other turned out to be for the chance to be the obnoxious person on the street trying to get you to donate to starving children for 10 dollars an hour. Which might be fine for some, but I find utterly reprehensible. I've also been offered two internships/fellowships, one for an unpaid internship in NYC, the other is a 500 dollar a month stipend in Boston. So in the meantime, I'm an older than average college graduate, continuing to work bottom feeding jobs, making just enough money to live with other people in their spare rooms while I try to figure out what to do next. I currently work full time at a small independent business who can afford to spend nearly a grand on new furniture for the business, which is more than I make in almost a month, even with tips. I am looking for shared housing or apartments, but my income is such, there's almost a negligible difference between whether I live with someone else or on my own. At this point, i'd almost take a leave/resign this position, if one of my friends back home needed a house sitter or had a free room available, just to work on my writing skills, other practice of skills that may one day...potentially...result in a job that pays more than nothing per hour. At this point, it's a daily internal battle not to say fuck it, drop everything (not that I own anything besides books, and a computer obviously), and just throw my dogs on my motorcycle and drive across the country and sleep under the stars, I guess. But that's basically because I've put about 60 percent of each paycheck for the last six months into savings, and tried to live like a pauper on my minuscule income; and my options at this point are: sign a lease or rent a room and spend about 50% plus of income on rent and bills, and use remaining savings for buying a new bed, etc. Or just saying fuck it, and finally, truly , not giving a fuck. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: 23M with my GF 27F dating for 6 months, hates my job/hobbies. POST: Not sure how to really explain this one but I need help and not sure who else to ask. Basically I'm a young network engineer who loves my job and works every day 7-4, afterwards I go cycling because I race and need to train.. GF doesn't like this very much and says I don't care about her or spend enough time with her because I cannot sleep over every night (I still live with my parents). I literally spend all my time with her outside of riding and working and she still complains to me all the time how she feels neglected and unloved.. not to mention I cook for her every night, clean her apartment for her while she sits around watching movies, and deal with her problems for her like they were my own. Someone please help me TL;DR:
r/legaladvice TITLE: (Washington USA) Denied for SSI, should I appeal? POST: Hello, /r/legaladvice! In October 2015, I had the beginning of a not-so-lovely manifestation of an auto-immune disorder, ankylosing spondylitis. At that point, I was employed full time as part of a government agency working with a homeless shelter; I was also (and still am) a full time college student through an online university (don't worry, it's accredited). The symptoms of my disorder that I experience are chronic unrelenting fatigue, chronic joint pain and stiffness, and thanks to the medication I take, I am also immunocompromised. Because this disease knocked me on my bum so hard, I was put on administrative leave from November until February, at which point I was asked to resign from my position. This decision was based on a doctor's note stating my likelihood of recovery to the point of being able to work full time was next to none. Rather than firing me, they asked me to resign. I did. Whether or not that was a good idea, I don't know. Since about December, I have been working on obtaining support from SSI, as I can't apply for SSDI (not enough work credits). Yesterday, I received a letter stating that I was denied disability based on the fact that I am receiving treatment for my disease, and I can still do unskilled labor. They called me "mobility impaired" because I now walk with a cane. I am not physically well enough to regularly leave my house, and being immunocompromised on top of the pain and fatigue is very stressful. Additionally, I'm only able to succeed in my schooling because of the online format. I do my work from bed. :( TL;DR:
r/BreakUps TITLE: [20M] My first relationship has come to an end. POST: So my first relationship ended yesterday. My gf[18] and I would have been going out for two years this August 4th, but apparently it wasn't meant to be. The first half was fantastic, what with young 'love' being as potent as it is. I do believe that at some point I truly did love her, and to some extent I still do care for her greatly. Seeing that this was my first relationship (and therefore, my first break up), I have no idea what to feel. Back in March, we took a one month break because we had some issues. I feel the same exact way I did then, except I can't seem to wrap my head around the fact that this is more or less permanent. The break up was more or less mutual, as we were both unhappy, but I can't help but think I really want her back. Am I just being emotional? Should I try to completely block her out? Do I go find a rebound girl and have a one thing fling? I'm seriously a maelstrom of conflicting emotions right now, and it is making it difficult to think straight. Part of me is enraged beyond anything I've known before because I feel cheated in the way she ended the relationship. Another bit is grieving for obvious reasons. I feel like I should be happy now that we are no longer seeing each other since I wasn't satisfied with our relationship, in addition to the other perks of being single (happy wallet, more time with friends, etc.), yet there is still this looming feeling that I want her back. It's like my heart says 'go get her', but my logical mind, in addition to everyone else in the world, says 'it's over.' TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: I [22M] get some strong anxiety when communication is lagging in a relationship. POST: This has been an ongoing issue that I want to try and mitigate, especially since I just started talking with someone [21F]. Whenever I am talking with a current or potential SO, my brain goes into overdrive when it takes a while for them to respond (Text Messaging, Phone Calls, Social Media, etc.) - especially if I can see they saw it but never responded. I automatically start thinking it is over and drawing conclusions that aren't warranted. I got out of a very abusive relationship [20F] a couple months ago where she convinced me that my anxiety was my issue and I needed to fix it. I went to see a school counselor about it and they told me that my anxiety was warranted based on her actions in the relationship. I'm trying to find out how to control some of these reactions. I want to get this addressed before I ruin any potential relationships. The person I am currently talking to [21F] is away on a trip currently and can only communicate when Internet is available. Social Media will tell me that they read it and I get knots in my stomach. I know she is in another country and is on a "vacation" but I still get worried. What should I do? TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: I [23F] can't stop getting angry at my longterm boyfriend [25 M] of 3 years, for no reason at all. POST: So I'm just looking to see if anything else has ever gone through this, or has advice. My boyfriend is the most amazing person, so funny and nice and thoughtful. But for some reason I get so angry with him for no reason; I've tried to figure out why I am getting so mad, or if he is subliminally doing something that makes me angry, but it often seems like there is no reason. So when he asks to talk about it, I honestly have no reason why. This happens 1-2 times a week. For context, I am not at all an angry person, we have lived together for a year, we hangout most nights after work, it is winter and we have been cooped up in our tiny apartment for a lot of the winter. I always feel horrible about it because he doesn't deserve me being angry towards him all the time. Anyways, has anyone ever experienced this, or has any suggestions on how to keep my cool? TL;DR:
r/dating_advice TITLE: [23M] - Is this normal? POST: So im just gonna come out and say it straight. Im 23 year old virgin, never been in a relationship - and it doesnt bother me at all. Which bothers me. While I do have faint memories of having crushes on girls when I was a young teenager, I havent had such feelings in like.. 6 to 7 years now. In the last 5 years I can only recall 1 girl ive been interested in. Long story short, I made a move, tried moving things forward, she didnt have the same feelings for me and I got over it. In a week. This was when I was starting to notice weird things. Many of my close friends, both male and female are starting to get into relationships and spend a lot of their time with their significant other, while im not. Im not depressed or a time-waster either. I work a lot, study a lot and even do volunteer work for the local community where I hold a rather high leading position. I love life and I am in general very happy, joking and very social. I love teaching rhetoric and doing presentations with new volunteers, making a difference in the local community. Naturally this brings me in contact with many people of both genders and not a single person has managed to catch my attention in a romantic way. Romance just doesnt interest me. Sex doesnt really either. I dont think much about sex and my sex-drive is probably really low. I was never really aroused by the girl I liked in a sexual way and rather wanted to spend time with her because she was good, interesting company. Is this normal? When my friends talk about girls, romance, relationships I just cant relate. It just doesnt interest me at all. Is it realistic that I just havent found "the one" yet? I am seriously starting to wonder if this is even possible. I cant even remeber how it feels to be "in love" anymore. So I turn to you Reddit. Is my situation normal or am I just a guy whos doomed to become a future work-aholic who doesnt have time for relationships, dating etc. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: I'm [24 F] having issues with my husband [32 M]. He's soliciting Craig's List hook-up ads. POST: My husband and I have been together for 6 years and recently married 3 months ago. A couple of months before we married, I found evidence of him cheating on his phone. I confronted him, he confessed. I forgave him and we still got married. He has a fetish of talking to women online and getting pictures. He claims to only use this as pornography, not a means in which to cheat. I discussed with him how this is offensive and hurtful to me after his past behavior, and he said he would stop. However, recently I have found on his phone where he has posted and responded to various ads on Craig's List which refer exclusively to real life sexual encounters. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: Is it okay that I (21F) want to give up on my appearance? Boyfriend (21M) doesn't seem to care. POST: I've been with BF a couple of years, we're both college students. I've never been a fashionista but I used to try. I'd wear makeup most days of the week, I'd wear jeans and blouses to class, etc. It just doesn't really feel important anymore. I had this weird epiphany where I realized I wasn't impressing anyone with all this effort. Boyfriend compliments me if I'm sick in bed, so why go through all this stuff? So I stopped dealing with my hair, stopped wearing fancy clothes, makeup, etc. I go to class in sweats with my hair in a ponytail. I don't really go anywhere so there isn't much of a need to dress up. Boyfriend really hasn't noticed. He says he wants me to be comfy and happy. I have a girlfriend that has been asking me if I'm okay lately, but I'm okay, honestly. It just felt like all this grooming and self-care stuff was just kinda silly. I still shower and brush my teeth and things. I don't work out or anything but it's not like I've gained a lot of weight since this started happening. Lately I've been feeling a bit guilty about this. Should I go back to putting effort into my appearance? TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: I'm [21/F] with my boyfriend [22/M] of a couple years, are graduating soon and not planning to stay together and I'm not sure if I should just end things now POST: So my boyfriend and I are both graduating from college in May and there is a bit of an unspoken agreement that we are not going to stay together after we graduate, but we decided to talk about it once we reach the bridge Recently, I have had feelings that maybe we should just break up now because it seems arbitrary to wait until May or whenever the other moves away for a job when we know its coming anyway. I have this weird feeling of being in limbo and am not sure if I just cut ties now while I am with friends and not in a completely different and new place. Lastly, I have also started to look at other men when I'm out with friends. I'm not sure if thats just cause I feel uncertain or a sign that I should just end it I was just hoping that maybe some people had been in similar boats and could shed some light. Thanks! TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: How can I[25m] handle my hesitant girl[28f] and get some commitment to our "dating" POST: Okay, so... short version. Some issues hit some key elements of my person when I was first dating her as I was out of practice. We've worked past them for the most part and things have been going pretty well, but she has been hesitant for a while and won't consider us a "couple" or bf/gf. This is fine to me, but because she's also hesitant she wants to be open to dating other people and not tied down. My problem is I can't handle this. It's a long distance relationship and she has started meeting with a guy (once this week and going to again more on the weekend). It's just friendly casual stuff so far but it kills me inside. It's been several months since we started dating and we pretty much play the role of bf/gf without the title. I don't care about the title but as I said I think I need her to not be dating other people. She knows I hate this, but she says it's normal while dating to be scoping the field. But in my opinion it's like she has one foot out the door, and in turn, I'm think only I'm half here. Is it right to ask her to stop seeing other people and focus on this? How normal is it to still be dating multiple people after so long? It seems silly to play everything based off a clock, but hasn't it been long enough to declare exclusivity? TL;DR:
r/jobs TITLE: HELP!! Strategic dilemma...need advice! POST: I have recently been in contact with a recruiter who says he has a nice job for me and has sent all relevant info to me including the COMPANY NAME! (not normal right?) Thus I really now want to bypass the recruiter and contact the company directly thus making hiring me more appealing as the company won't have to pay the ongoing recruiter fees if hired. I figure that this extremely immoral and may ruin whatever chances I have with the company if the recruiter finds out. But I really really like this potential job!! What should I do??? Added complications is that I already know the hr manager personally at said company from her previous role!! And It wouldn't seem out of the blue to contact her.... TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: Me [25F] with my fiancé [27M] of 4 years: is it possible to heal after infidelity? POST: Couple of things: - I have Bipolar 1 Disorder, I was diagnosed 6 years ago after a severe manic episode - About 4 years ago I moved to my current town, went into denial about my condition, got a different psychiatrist and psychologist, and was re-diagnosed with depression and anxiety - Also 4 years ago, I met my current fiancé, let's call him Jim - Life remained fairly unstable but not unmanageable: I was able to focus my attention on videogames most of the time, and it helped that I was getting the depression treated. I did not sleep with anyone but Jim during this time. - Roughly 2 months ago I had another very severe manic episode with auditory psychosis. I ran away from the home Jim and I shared, and I did many, many terrible things. I spent most of our savings, ruined my hair, did drugs and abused alcohol, endangered my own life, and worst of all, I slept with 2 people, a man and then a woman. Words cannot describe how remorseful I feel. Jim and I have since moved back in together; I've gotten diagnosed properly and I am now taking the right medication, and we put a safety net in place so that if I run away again, my funds will be frozen and my parents (who are definitely aware of my condition, considering my first manic episode occurred when I was still living with them) will be alerted and will be able to help Jim. But the damage is intense. Jim wakes up in the middle of the night and asks me to hold him, because he has nightmares about me running away again and everything falling apart like it did last time. I have nightmares about having another episode too and hurting him again. I feel terrible and I wish that I could help him, but I don't know how. TL;DR:
r/relationship_advice TITLE: Is it possible to want to breakup with someone you love? POST: My gf (22) and I (25) have been dating for a bit over a year now and while I'm still very much in love with her I feel like our relationship has become very draining. For the last 3 months she has been dealing with some emotional issues, from high anxiety to having to confront an issue in her past that has resurfaced. We've always been there for each other, she's helped me work through some things and I've done the same for her but it just seems that she's been having issues almost on a biweekly basis now. Its mostly very mundane things, yesterday she had an emotional breakdown because she broke her phone and was late to work. And although I love her to death our relationship has begun to resemble a therapist-patient relationship and I'm honestly tired of it. I'm not a therapist, I'm her boyfriend. I'm not against her coming to me when she has a problem but she has a problem ALL THE TIME now. She's been seeing a therapist once a week for about 4 months so theres not a lack resources available for her. Last night, in addition to the last few months, has me seriously reconsidering our relationship. We're both graduating college next month and it's very likely we'll end up in an LDR. I don't know if I can continue this long distance, let alone in the same city. The main issue though is that i don't think she'd be able to handle a breakup and I'm afraid to hurt her. Also, we work in the same office so I have that wonderful scenario to look forward to if we do breakup. Sorry for the rant. TL;DR:
r/AskReddit TITLE: ALL BY MYSEEELF. DON'T WANNA BE, ALL BY MYSELF, ANYMORE. Help. Me. POST: Dear Reddit, So today I realized all my friends are in a relationship. Except me. Never had a boyfriend. Ever. Honest to god I don't have a completely reasonable answer to why that is either; I don't consider myself unattractive, and have been told I'm not by male friends. I am a naturally social person, and have no problem making and keeping friends. So I have no idea what the deal is there..but anyway, I was listening to the radio earlier in the today while I'm having this "Why am I so alone" thought rampage and mother fucking Can't Help Falling In Love by Elvis came on. Fucking awesome. (love that song, but fear god it is not what I needed to hear then) Then to top this all off All By Myself by Celine Dion comes on. Took it as a sign and just accepted it and cried like a **bitch**. Needless to say I'm having one of my worst forever alone moments ever today and I need a pick me up here Reddit. What are your best I escaped being forever alone stories? I'm up for anything. Seriously. This fucking sucks. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: ME ( M25) lied to my SO(F26) about smoking weed. POST: When we started dating my girlfriend told me off the bat, that she didn't like me smoking. I continued to do it, and she knew. After about 3-4 months of dating, I tried to stop doing it so much. She wanted me to quit completely. I went from smoking everyday to about every two weeks. Then cut that. We are now on close to 11 months of being together. The handful of times that I have done it since I cut it out, I didn't tell her, in fear of disappointing her. Well that was 2x. I know I was wrong for lying(can't remember if this is proper spelling for this tense) and I was very apologetic. I understand it takes time to gain trust back. With that said, I gave her the code to my house to go get some things that she forgot. She went through my things and accused me of lying to her again, which I didn't. Can/ Should I be upset or mad that she went through my things without my knowledge? - Note I was being honest this time. I am a crappy boyfriend for lying, I know. TL;DR:
r/AskReddit TITLE: Reddit, I've got three days until I (most likely) never see a certain person again, how can I keep me on their minds, or ask the ever-so-hard-to-ask question? POST: Title is more "dramatic" than seems I admit, but mainly true. The dilemma is quite simple I guess, but really annoying to me, I've got about three days until I probably will not see a person that I truly like, for a long time. I know it obviously isn't the greatest place to ask, and I know there'll be obvious responses like "just fucking get over it" but I really want to be with this person. I see her twice out of the three days, once for two hours, and another for about three, but its during a sports training session with 4-5 other people so its hard to talk other than breaks and whatnot. It's not like I'm a complete stranger to her, we've known each other for about 5 months but I really can't break it to her that I like her. Typical shy guy thing I suppose.. but it really kills me when I try to sleep, the thought of it hanging over my head. I mean at this point, I'd be happy with just talking to her via text and whatnot but I've not asked her number. I know I've really messed up, I truly realize it but if anyone could help me out it'd mean the world to me. Also for anyone that is interested in "why", I'm moving out of the town I live in as I'm switching colleges, I'll visit time and time again and probably go to the classes but it'd be during vacations.. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: Me [36F] with my ex [41M] and current GF [30F] should I tell her about the messages? POST: Hello Reddit, I'm hoping you can help. I need some advice. A little background first. My ex (41m), let's call him Rob, split up about 6 months ago, we were together for 2 and half years. As far as I was concerned at the time it was amicable and one of those things.... However, it turned out that Rob had been seeing a close friend of mine (30f) for several months before we split, let's call her Sarah. I didn't find this out until a few months after we split. During this time Sarah continued to pretend to be my friend. When I found out I think it would be fair to say that their betrayal broke me. But I went no contact and got my life back together and am now in a really good place. Before I found out, Rob had been sending me all sorts in inappropriate messages that you shouldn't be sending when you're in relationship. I didn't tell Sarah because I needed to focus on my life and screw her, I wasn't going to do her any favours and I thought she'd just think I was a bitter ex anyway, she made her own bed she could lie in it! However, Rob has continued to try and contact me. His latest lots of messages are all about how he made a mistake, he doesn't love her and that he wants to get back with me. There are lots of messages. Needless to say that won't be happening! He even told me that he had finished with her but as far as I know they are still together, she's in love with him and they're planning a holiday together. So here's my question, do I screenshot the latest lot and send them to her? On one hand, it's none of my business and I don't want to be involved. I'm happy and I don't need the drama. On the other, I feel involved because he keeps contacting me and telling me lies. I was heartbroken when I found out how much he lied to me and no one deserves that, not even Sarah. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: [24M] just started seeing this [26F] right before a "guys trip" POST: So here's the facts -Been seeing each other for about 2 or 3 weeks (about 5 dates) -Both of us seem quite interested in each other. -Haven't been intimate.. yet. -I'm leaving in 4 weeks for 13 days on a guys trip. -If we keep going at this pace I feel like we'll end up dating each other. Which is not a bad thing. -I want to be single and do my own thing while I'm gone on this trip. Now I don't know how to approach this. My two thoughts are I keep her at a distance until I get back... or tell her that I'm not interested in having anything serious for a couple months and then try to rekindle things. She's pretty legit and I don't want to be a scumbag to her. I've been avoiding getting intimate with her because I don't want her to think that I've been seeing her just to have sex. It's too bad we didn't meet in 2 months from now. TL;DR:
r/AskReddit TITLE: Can you end up living happily ever after with someone you don't fall in love with early on in your relationship? POST: I don't mean love at first sight, but I've been dating my boyfriend for 6 months and I don't feel giddy around him, and I love being with him but I'm fine spending several days apart, even if neither of us have anything else going on. I love him, he's very stable, he's funny, we have a great time together, I think I could see myself spending the rest of my life with him and having kids. I'm in my 30s, I have had crazy infatuated love in my life, but this is different. Everyone I know that is married with kids or even newly dating is now and has always been giddy in love over their SO. Or are they all blowing smoke up my ass? I have a Facebook account but I won't be in a relationship with him (I mean, he doesn't insist and I refuse, I just said I'd prefer not to and that was the end). I never post pictures of us or status updates, only pictures others tag of us (which I'm happy to leave up). I don't have photos of him up at work and often people are surprised to learn I have a boyfriend because I never mention him. I don't go out of my way to avoid it, but for example, even if we spend all weekend together I describe my time off with "I" and not "we". I saw a movie, I went to dinner, I had an early night. Even if we're together the whole time. My gfs think I am not that into him. Maybe I'm not. He's so great and I really really like being with him, so I cannot think of a logical reason to break up with him, but do I save myself for crazy love and a person I can't stand spending seconds away from? TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: Me [26 M] with my girlfriend [26 F] 2.5 years, are thinking about getting married because otherwise she will have to go back to her country. POST: We've had a great relationship for 2.5 years. We have lived together for 1.5 years. We have been talking about getting married for a while, but I've always put off the topic. I love her a lot, but I feel like I'm too young. I feel so scared about getting married, and feel cornered. If I don't go through with it then she will maybe have to go home and her parents will have a horrible opinion of me most likely... possibly preventing us from staying together in a long distance relationship. She has been a great partner for the last 1.5 years and I don't want to lose her. If I was stuck here alone then I would become miserable. I've never made such a big decision. I can't really say... oh well we'll get married and if it doesn't work out then "oh well". It's a life long commitment and that scares me. Please help me Reddit! TL;DR:
r/AskReddit TITLE: This will sound incredibly insensitive..But do you think the rebuilding effort will help Japan pull out of their 20 year stagnation? POST: First, best wishes to all the people who had to suffer through this and will continue to suffer in the future. Hope they can rebuild at least some part of what they've lost. My reasoning is as follows: The massive rebuilding of Europe after World War II helped fuel the go-go years of the 1950s, both in Europe and in America, which benefited due to the [Marshall Plan] and exports to a growing Europe. Similarly, Japan will need to undertake a large scale rebuilding effort to rebuild their infrastructure following this quake. Unlike Haiti, which still needs millions in foreign aid and is incredibly dysfunctional, particularly when it comes to governance and planning, Japan is highly organized and could very well handle the entire recovery and rebuilding effort on their own if they wanted to. Of course, aid donations are always welcome (well usually..see the 1,500 doctors Cuba offered the US after Katrina), and certainly nobody wants to see a friend like Japan suffer, and in the immediate aftermath any and all aid is crucial. In the medium and long term though, I'd imagine that this rebuilding effort will require huge sums of money from the public and private sectors--spending on the terms that the Japanese people have been loathe to do over the past two decades, which as a result have resulted in deflation in some years (some savings accounts offered annual rates as low as 0.01%). Now people and companies will have to rebuild, something that will require *someone* to open their pocketbook. But essentially, Japan (presumably has enough money to handle all the rebuilding efforts themselves). Of course, I could be missing some major pieces here, and 1950s Europe is not the 20teens. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: Me [23 M] with my Girlfriend/Fiance [21 F] of 11 months Best friend for 4 years. Im fearing getting married. talked to her about it... POST: First off my girlfriend and i have an amazing relationship. its dating my best-friend and i love it. What little fights we have we joke about em later. about 6ish months into the relationship she keeps bring up daily that she wants to get married. I without thinking leaked to her that i planned on asking her on our 1yr anniversary, she just took off with it. Planning everything, colors /songs /dresses/ everything. Which made it real to me and freaks me out now. Im worried that we havent been together for long enough and that we might grow apart. Mostly because it has happend to me before in LTRs. I just wanted for us to push the wedding back one year. I brought it up with her and she freaked. that everything that she's been working on the wedding would have been for nothing, but its just getting moved back a year thats all. we havent bought anything or told alot of people yet. I dont even have a ring yet. Just plans and a maybe venue. Am i a selfish asshole for asking for more time dating before we hop into wedlock? Taking any advice... TL;DR:
r/offmychest TITLE: A certain reoccurring aspect in tech start up culture that really grind my gears. POST: Now I totally understand and get that not every start up is the same, some are definitely better than others and there are shortcomings in any industry. I don't want this to be read as a coverall for every start up but I am speaking from experience at a handful and a trend I've noticed. I just wanted to vent on something I specifically am not super crazy about that I've witnessed in the past years working at startups. I understand that with start ups a lot of people holding the reins are those who were dug in at giant companies for x amount of years and wish to use their funds to blaze their own paths. That's completely fine and I'm all for that kind of inventive spirit. With that trailblazing comes the premise of creating a newer age sort of work culture. My problem is when the priorities tend to be kinda out of whack and important stuff that is usually taken care of is put on the back burner for something less important. Specifically I'm getting at when these particular companies have things like extremely over the top expensive interior decorating, pricy luxuries, gratuitous complimentary services, etc but very shitty benefits and not the most appropriate salary for a particular position. I mean yeah it's neat being in a looser environment and being able to be pretty dressed down and not having to fuck with a big blackened soul faceless corporation, but I feel like it wouldn't be asking too much for things like proper health insurance coverage or a little more money. I feel like the important stuff could easily be covered in lieu of spending an assload on over the top things that just make for a pretty and exciting office. I could give two shits about a lounge filled with expensive gaming computers, just give me some better coverage so I can actually be a healthier and happier worker. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: Me (21) and this girl (19) I'm dating never text POST: Okay so I recently started dating this girl I met online for about a week and things have been going very smoothly we don't really text at all like only when we wanna make plans and talking with her in person is fine she said as of right now we are best friends that kiss. She has been honest with me about everything so far she said she doesn't know what she wants yet and she's still friends with her ex which kinda bothers me but there's nothing I can do about that they have known each other for years I'm new to her she introduced me to her mom and her mom liked me a lot but she introduced me as a friend but keep in mind we met on a dating app and we are dating Me and my ex for example dating for 8 months but I knew her for 5 years and she always wanted to text so I'm just confused I'm new to this only had one girlfriend before Hopefully this made sense haha thanks again for the help If you need more information feel free to ask in the comments TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: How do I [26/F] filter clowns from my life? POST: I recently broke up with my verbally abusive and cheating boyfriend of 2 years, and before him, I was with a sexually and emotionally abusive dick for 3 years. I know I clearly have a problem picking my partners but I just don't know why. I'm not a bad catch. I'm conventionally good-looking (former model and ballerina), I'm smart (uni scholarship and 1st class honours), and I have a successful career (editor for a top magazine). I'm always polite and nice to others and I would never intentionally be mean or hurtful to anyone. It has taken me two years of therapy to finally have enough self esteem to admit all these to myself and to feel entitled to my good qualities. My friends and family all tell me that my two ex-boyfriends were way beneath my league but I've always believed that success isn't the only measure of a man. True, I've always been better qualified and earned much more than the men I've dated, and I've been told that I'm the good-looking one in the relationship, but these things never bothered me because as long as I am loved, I don't mind anything else that society deems as "lacking" in a man. These relationships always start out well. I want my relationships to work so I'm always doing my best for them - maybe it's because I am Asian, and I've seen my mother been subservient to my father, so I do the same to my boyfriends. I cook, I clean and I handle all their paperwork for them. You'd think I would be appreciated for what I do for the men I love, but eventually they end up putting me down, being abusive, or in the case of my most recent ex, cheating on me with someone else who can't even match up to me in any way (she's overweight, unattractive and skanky). How do I filter these clowns from my life? After two failed relationships, I'm just so demoralized. Everyone's been telling me that I deserve someone better, but I don't know where I can meet a normal, well-adjusted person who isn't threatened by my looks and success and ends up trying to "put me in my proper place" beneath them. TL;DR:
r/jobs TITLE: Let go from my first real job out of college. Unsure of what to do next. POST: I'm 22 and I graduated with my B.A in English Education earlier this year in the spring. I originally wanted to be a teacher, but after going through my first semester of my teaching credential courses, I unfortunately discovered that my passion for teaching just wasn't there anymore. I was frustrated by the process, how poorly new teachers and students are evaluated, and so on. Prior to graduating, I had worked on-campus as a subject tutor for about two years. I think I was pretty lucky enough to land my first real job, a temp-to-hire job in September, working as an administrative assistant through a job agency. However, they decided to end my contract because of the days I had missed due to sickness. I deal with depression and I've been dealing with a lot of family issues, so I'm sure that contributed to how much I was affected by being sick. I basically ended up missing work for about a week, even though I had informed them of the issue. I'm completely at a loss for what I should do now. Of course, I'll keep applying to jobs and let my job agency help me out, but I just feel so much pressure right now from my parents to find a full-time job. It doesn't help that I don't even know what career I want to pursue anymore. Ideally, I would want to become involved in social media/marketing, but something along the lines of copywriting, editing, or technical writing would be great as well. I know a career is hard to find when I'm lost, but I just don't know what to do in terms of finding a job to support myself right now. TL;DR:
r/askwomenadvice TITLE: Help me make her day (night?) POST: So a girl I really like, and who I've come to the conclusion kinda likes me, is going to a party next Wednesday, the same I'm going to. I need all the advice I can get. I met her a few months ago and we've written a lot, but only about big things we both were at, like a party or exam. Whenever we write I tend to do good (that sounded dumb, but you get the idea) but whenever we're actually together things just go downhill. I'm not normally awkward around other persons, but this girl, man, I just don't wanna fuck anything up. We're mostly together at parties, but I never know what to say when I encounter her. She also seems kind of rejective whenever we're in person, probably because of my stupid behaviour, but not on text. The thing is; next year, two months from now, I'm going away for a whole year, and as selfish as it may sound; it wouldn't feel right without having kissing her at least once. But I can't even talk to her. She's also very shy. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: [M18] [F18] My girlfriend absolutely loves a bunch of guys from different bands, especially Pete Wentz. How do I stop feeling so insanely jealous about this? POST: Her room is completely plastered with pictures of guys from Fallout Boy, Pierce The Veil, and All Time Low. I wouldn't care so much if she wasn't talking about how amazing he is / all these bands are all the time. I know she's a complete music freak, and I trust her with everything, but I always feel like (despite what she says) I am going to be constantly compared to these guys. Also, we go to concerts a lot, and she sometimes goes to them alone, and I know it's stupid but I always worry that some day one of the members will be like "You wanna go?" or whatever with her, and she loves them so much she'll say yes, even though I trust her not to do it, and I am so certain she won't, I can't help but feel like she could / would. It's not that she's doing anything wrong, it's that I'm just too jealous about this. Anyone got any advice on getting rid of this stupidly high amount of jealousy? Thanks. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: My (34f) husband (50m) gets upset when I want to go out with friends. How often is too much? POST: He has never liked me going out with friends. When I want a night out he puts on a sour face and complains. I do not go out often-- maybe once a month or every two months. However, over the past month l've had various social happenings and I went out last week and the week before (the first to a movie with a friend and the second a dinner with a couple girlfriends). Tonight a friend suggested going out for a bite. I would love to go (rather than go home and watch tv all night with husband-- which is the only plan we would have) but my husband just berated me about how it's the THIRD time I'll be going out and he doesnt want to be a "babysitter" yet again (to our very independent teen who really doesnt need anyone watching her). How often is too often to go out with friends when in a relationship? Am I overdoing it? This isna regular occurrence for me, but the fight is one we've had again and again when i want a night to myself. (Oh, he's going out with friends tomorrow-- but said it's not the same because it will be all guys at someone's house playing cards-- whereas my outing is "fishy" because I'll be at a pub/restaurant in mixed company out in public) TL;DR:
r/travel TITLE: Looking to book a frugal 2 week trip out of country this summer for some adventure, first time solo. Would love some advice on a destination! POST: Hi there! I'm a 21 year old Seattle based lady looking to see something different this summer, I've requested 2 weeks off from work from July 15-26. My ticket budget is ~$1200 max, & I'm hoping to keep in country expenses under $400. I've travelled before, always with my family, to Mexico three times & Costa Rica once. We stayed in hotels but definitely in not very touristy areas, I am experienced in conversing in Spanish, asking for directions, eating locally, etc. I love Central America but would like to try somewhere new, especially because it is gonna be hot over there and I don't know if the Washingtonian in me can handle that! I love exploring nature (I'm an environmental science major) & historical places, but my true passion when travelling lies in absorbing foreign culture & taking a more adventurous path. Guided tours & resorts are the worst thing I can imagine on a vacation. My first thought is to go to Denmark, Copenhagen/Rosklide to be specific (though I'd be missing the music festival). I have an old exchange student friend over there who is willing to house me and show me around & he's told me everyone there speaks English, but I have been reading here that it is supposed to be very expensive & I'm not sure my budget can handle it. Plane tickets are running around $1200, round trip from Seattle. So to my main question, if Denmark turns out to be too expensive where would you recommend a solo female traveler looking to see some nature, history, & take in a culture visit? Thank you so much! :) TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: [Dating] My [16M] date [15F] paradoxically refuses to start a relationship as she does not want to risk hurting me later on because she loves me POST: So we've been talking daily for 2-3 months now, and on many occasions the topic of entering a relationship came up. However, she is not really sure about it - she says she loves me, but not in every way. From what I understand, she's kinda torn on the inside. She's already had a relationship before, that guy dumped her over whatsapp though, and it kinda hurt her ability to trust people. She told me multiple times she fully trusts me, yet she is unsure and does not want to start a relationship because she wants to avoid possibly hurting me later on. Now yesterday she brought it up again, saying she had thought about it and wants to keep it a friendship as her final decision. When we texted today, she told me how she can't stand seeing me as down as I am now I trust her in what she says, and I know she isn't acting TL;DR:
r/personalfinance TITLE: Should I buy a beater or fix my totaled beater? POST: So basically what happened was I got in an accident not too long ago that caused a decent amount of damage to my 97 Honda civic. The airbags went off, the windshield is spider-webbed, the passenger side window is blown out (it was off the track), minor scratches to the front bumper, and I'm decently sure that the axle is messed up because it makes this weird popping noise while turning. The engine didn't start after the crash, but I figured out it was just a fuse for the fuel pump that had been blown which I fixed. The engine starts like normal now, but the check engine light is still on. Basically my two options are to either fix the civic or try to find a car that runs without very many issues for about $800-1000. I know the repairs for the civic would be upwards of $1000, but my mom thinks I should just try to get it repaired. I am 17 and am going to start working in a week or two and I want to get back on my feet in terms of driving ASAP. Im going to be working at a sub shop for minimum wage. Im leaning more towards trying to get another car rather than fix the civic because I honestly don't want to mess with the axle seeing as I feel that it would be a bit of a process and the whole point of this is to get me driving as soon as possible again to lighten the load on the family. What do you guys is best for me to do in my situation? TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: I [23F] am starting to resent the person my older sister[30F] has become POST: Over the past 5 years I have noticed that my older sister has started changing- for the worse (in my opinion). Every family function is about her. If the conversation does not involve her or her accomplishments she seems to tune us out and plays with her phone. She never asks questions or seems interested in the things me and my younger sister do. Recently, the addition of her new boyfriend has been making it harder on our relationship as she seems to put him far before her family. An example would be that I came home to visit, the first time in 4 months, but instead of being able to hang out with me she had to go to her boyfriends cousins birthday party.. Perhaps she doesn't make time for my sister and I because this is her first boyfriend, but I am sure she would act the same if she wasn't dating him. Also she does things to attract attention to herself. During our trip over the holidays, she left family brunch to call her boyfriend and came back in the room to finish her conversation so people would be forced to ask about him, even though he had already been brought up in conversations before then. This seemed very rude and I felt slightly embarrassed for her as this seemed like such a desperate act for attention. Also, she treats me and my sister like her daughters. This becomes very embarrassing for us when we're at family functions because it's degrading and disrespectful, I am 23 not a child. I am not one to cut ties with someone so I find myself struggling to keep our relationship going. I'll text her every once in a while, but she only answers when it's regarding something of interest to her. When I come home, I ask questions about her life because I am genuinely interested but also polite. Maybe my life is boring compared to hers but it would be nice to feel like she cared. I want to explain this to her but am not sure how. I don't want us to become estranged or resent each other. How can I approach her about this issue? Sorry if I rambled or didn't include enough specific examples, I can answer questions if you have any! TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: My(33f) husband(44m) invited his drug addict friend over to our house without asking me if I was ok with it. They are outside talking, and have been for about 2 hours. How do I tell him this is not ok? POST: This guy has been friends with my husband for about 20 years. They lost contact for about 10 years of that and found each other via Facebook around 5 years ago. We were dating at the time and we would make trips to go see his friend and his wife. They seemed cool enough but I always felt uncomfortable with the amount of drugs they used. When we were around them, my husband(boyfriend at the time) would partake in coke or meth because that is what they had. I told him that I did not feel comfortable with that at all. I am the child of a crack addict so I am very sensitive to the drug subject. He would listen to my concerns and let me know it was just because it was there, but he would not become an addict or anything. We have not talked to him or his wife for about 3 years as our lives have gone in different directions. We have two young children and they were still living the single life. So a few weeks ago he gets a hold of my husband telling him that he is living in his car and he is receiving treatment for heroin addiction. I tell my husband that I am not comfortable with him coming to our house so they meet elsewhere. Tonight, there is a knock at the door and it is him. I am so fucking furious that my husband would think that this ok when I specifically told him that I am not ok with this. My husband is super sensitive right now as he just found out his daughter(from another marriage) is on heroin. I just want to have a constructive conversation with him when he comes in the please. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: One sided pleasure, okay or not? Overreacting? POST: I'm a 23 year old male that have been dating a girl (also 23) for 4 months, we have "been official" for three months. This girl was my first, she took my virginity. She lost her virginity at 16 and has had more than ten partners. I have no issues with that. For the first few weeks I was unable to orgasm due to nervousnes and unfamiliarity. This resolved itself. The last month or so she has been unable to reach orgasm, due to stress. She assures me that the sex is still good and that she has a psychological cap preventing her from coming. While I accept the possibility that she isn't happy with the sex, I do believe her. Well now two days in a row we have been in bed with me fingering her followed by her feeling "satisfied" (She certainly enjoyed it but didn't climax) and interrupting the cuddling, not returning the favour. Both times she barely touched me. It hurt me a lot and the second time I expressed my feelings to her. She claims that sometimes you give and sometimes you get, and that it is natural for one partner to please the other without expecting something in return. That it is okay sometimes to be selfish. This has worked well in her previous relationships and has felt natural. She said she wanted to focus on her to be able to relax completely to make it easier for her to come. I told her that it was the fact that she didn't explain this to me that bothered me, that my expectations were off and therefore I became hurt and disappointed. After thinking about it some more I think that is not the case though. I have been trying to wrap my head around the idea but I can't really see myself not taking offence when someone doesn't offer to return the favor. To me it feels like someone saying "I can't be bothered wasting energy on you". I have been very emotional lately due to stress over work and sickness (I have a middle ear inflammation and a cold). Am I overreacting? Is it normal in relationships to have one-sided sexual pleasure? TL;DR:
r/AskReddit TITLE: Reddit, I need help getting my deposit back! POST: Here is the situation from my perspective. I met with a landlord whom I've been conversing with for a month now. I was originally going to rent a 2BR from him with a friend of mine, who is now residing in a different town. I ultimately decided on a 1BR, but wouldn't be needing it until February (I went to talk to him during the beginning of the first week of January), after conversing with the landlord he ended the conversation with "You don't have to pay the deposit now, but it would help your chances of keeping the apartment until then." With that I decided I might as well just have him hold the money. I left town to return home for Christmas and New Years break, and come to learn my family is going through harder times than I was led to believe. I decided against renting the apartment due to the sole fact it'd be too much for my family to handle. At this point I'm thinking my deposit money should be fine I haven't signed any legal documents and have the receipt for my deposit. That and I had a verbal agreement that he would return my money if I were to decide against the apartment. I return to my college town, and come find that he completely changed his mind and assuming I'm just gonna let my money just become his money. I called him January 20th, telling him everything beforehand and over the phone he told me the situation with his manager that she thinks she's lost $300 worth of time when she could have rented out the apartment. He recited to me verbally that this isn't what he had told me. I assume I have to file small claims court now, but what should I know before hand? *I have not signed a lease, the only thing I have signed is the Application deposit. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: My [14F] mother [40F] is getting remarried to a man [42M] with 4 children [4F, 5M, 8M, 11M] I have 3 younger siblings [5M, 7M, 11M]. I want to help them in any way that I can, but this is so overwhelming. POST: I love my mom more than anything. My dad died 3 years ago, and since then life has been extremely difficult for us. My mom is a nurse, but she has had to get 2 other side jobs just to get by. I do a LOT of babysitting on the weekends, but I'm not old enough to have a real job yet. My mom met "Jake" 2 or so years ago and they became fast friends. Jakes wife died while giving birth to their youngest 4 years ago. My mom and Jake where at first just using each other for emotional support as well as childcare and play dates. one thing led to another, and they got engaged last month. Now we are in the process of trying to figure out where to live. All together there are going to be 10 of us in one house. Of course we will be sharing rooms, but there are going to be SO many issues that will come up with a household that size. My mom sat me down last night to talk about it. her and I have been having a few issues just because of my temper and normal mother daughter problems, and she just wanted to clear the air. She basically wanted to apologize to me because she knows things are going to get difficult in the next few months. Here's my question to you reddit! What can I do for my mom and stepdad to make this easier for everyone? I know I will be babysitting a lot and helping with homework and stuff, but is there anything else I can do? Has anyone been in a house with 8 children? How the hell did you cope? TL;DR:
r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by playing the trumpet POST: I'm cleaning up from this currently, decided to post it to TIFU, cause, I like it here. So I play the trumpet, been playing for 4 and a half years, I'd like to think I'm pretty good. So, in a trumpet, a lot of spit and water builds up from condensation. So me, being the smarty-pants I am, I want to see what happens if I play the Trumpet with a lot of water in it, it sounds kinda bubbly and stuff. I like the sound, so I decide to play some jazz. And when I play Jazz, I get **really** into it. Like, moving around, pretending to be Louis Armstrong moving my trumpet about. I'm having a good time, sounding jazzy and bubbly, which I like the sound of. So I'm playing Samba Royale when I move my trumpet up. Oh jesus, oh JESUS. oH FUCKING JESUS!! Water and spit mixed together came pouring out my trumpet from the mouthpiece like fucking niagra falls. So, I'm trying to put down my trumpet, with spit and water pouring into my mouth, eyes, nose and face. It sucks. It tastes like dog piss had a shit, and vomited it into cat piss. It sucks. Also, because I, being a smarty-pants again, want to breathe. I want to breathe **A LOT.** So I take a breath, and not only do I take in spitty-water, I breathe in that brass taste. And that, that mixed with the spitty-water, made me vomit. So, I vomit into my trumpet, all over my shirt, my nice jeans. I am dying here. I'm trying to clean up, I put a sign on my door saying "Do Not Come In". Yet, I forgot I had vomit on my clothes, so I have to clean it off the floor and door now. Fucking damn it. TL;DR:
r/AskReddit TITLE: [NSFW] What is your most embarrassing sex story involving your parents' or relatives hearing you. Here is mine: POST: My SO "Bob" and I were travelling with my parents and teenage brother in Banff Canada. We were all camping on the same site in two different tents. There was a particularly annoying family next door but we managed to ignore them. One night we noticed that our "neighbors" had left but we thought nothing of it. Later that evening Bob saw police lights and heard someone getting out of the cruiser. A Mountie approached our site and started yelling for someone to come out of the tents (This was around 11pm and the rest of my family were already asleep).Bob went out to talk to the Mountie who loudly proclaimed that we needed to keep our "love sounds" to a minimum. He said that our former neighbors complained about us and said that we were "disturbing their children". While it is true that we got our fap on, we were incredibly discreet because my parents and little brother were less than a cloth door away. Of course this embarrassed "Bob" and the rest of us. The next morning Bob and I awoke to a letter from my dad saying that he heard the whole thing and was sorry that we got accused of something we obviously didn't do. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: I [23 M] messed up big time with my girlfriend [23 F] through reddit messages POST: Before you come to tell me I'm the slime of the Earth, or that I don't deserve her, I know. Trust me, I know. She's 10,000 times the person that I'll ever be. I messed up bad this time, and don't think I can fix it. Long story short, last weekend I stumbled across /r/randomactsofblowjobs or whatever it is. I thought it was fun/funny, so I made a throwaway account and messaged two of the girls on there. Never expecting it to go anywhere, but I did it anyways. Come a couple days later I look and one of them did message me back. So I gave her my kik (which I haven't used in years) and told her to message me there. Being the idiot I am, I forgot my kik name was the same as my Instagram name. Go me, eh? So she found my gf on my Instagram, found her Facebook, and sent her screen shots of the messages on Reddit. I've claimed full responsibility for what I've done and tried to explain what my motive was, but I don't think things could ever end well. A bit about us, we've been dating for nearly a year (next week actually). So this comes at a horrible time. She's been my rock, my everything. Shes given me everything I could ever want or need before I even ask for it. I don't know why I would ever do something like this. I had no intentions of ever meeting anyone, and I even told her if she did message me on kik I would've probably messaged her for one day and then deleted the app. I don't need to be reminded what a horrible person I am, because I already know. I'm looking for advice on where to go next. What to do to try and salvage this. I've already told her I would seek out and go to couples therapy. I don't know what else to do. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: Should I [20M] risk my pride by sending this Valentine's card to a girl [20f]? POST: I've known this girl for about 5 months now. She is fascinating in the sense that she is the most beautiful girl I've ever seen, but also one of the shyest and most timid people I've ever come across, which is a strange combination. I've never asked a girl out on a date, or told a girl I'm interested in her, I've never even kissed a girl yet. In the past two years I've had plenty of interest from girls, they've told me to my face they like me, invited me on dates with them and one girl even invited me back to her bedroom.... and I've rejected all of them so far because I simply wasn't interested. This girl however is so timid, it's extremely hard for me to tell if she's interested in me at all, so I think its safe to assume she isn't especially since most of my friends think I would be punching above my weight. So I was thinking I could send this girl (let's call her Rose) a card on Valentine's day saying the following: 'Dear Rose, I just wanted you to know that I think you're a kind and genuine person and that you really are beautiful. I know you aren't interested in me, and I don't mind. I honestly just wanted to complement you. Regards, Me ' Would this be a good idea? Or not? I don't know if she'd find the card laughable, or a very weak attempt at expressing my interest in her. If I send her a message like that, I would probably greatly wound my pride but I would also get this off my chest and finally be able to move on. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: Things with my long term girlfriend (17) and I (17) have started to get rough because of my conservative parents. POST: So, lately my (conservative Christian) parents have been constricting me (closer atheist) from seeing my girlfriend, and it's been stressing us out a bit. She's been taking it out on me in small petty arguments, which I understand and haven't taken it too seriously. We've been together 10 months. Because of how little we get to see each other lately, obviously we try and make good use of the time we do get to see each other. This past Saturday she had promised me that we would hang out because she had been working a lot lately and was tired. So Monday comes around and we were going to hang out and were talking about it when all of a sudden, on a whim she ditches me for one of her friends. Completely blows me off. She knows that this would upset me and still goes. She tried to justify it by saying that I would do the same for one of my friends, which is complete bullshit. I always make sure to plan things out so that doesn't happen. Anyway, I told her that maybe we should take a break because the situation that I'm in at home is putting too much stress on her. Maybe I'm just venting, but advice is welcome. I really don't know what to do. TL;DR:
r/AskReddit TITLE: I've had a few crazy experiences in college, and I'm only a first year. Reddit, what college memory is the most crazy or vivid to you? POST: For me, my memory is the first party that I went to. I heard about it the day of, because I wasn't really in the loop about a lot of those things, but I ended up getting an admission ticket to a party that some friends were going to. The plan was that the friend who got me my ticket was going to be the DD, and he was going to be driving me in another girl's car. It was a James Bond themed party (people were to dress to the theme), so I was in my dorm later that night getting ready, all dressed up, when I got a knock on the door. My friend was standing next to the girl who's car was going to be used, and he told me that he fucked up and the car was overfilled by 3 seats. He couldn't give me a ride. So, naturally, I was sad, but I didn't make a big deal out of it. They left, and I went to the on campus convenience store to buy some snacks (I was thinking of smoking that night). Another friend who worked there asked why I was dressed up, and I told him my story. In short, he said that he knew what street the party was, and that it wasn't too long of a walk. At that point, I was a tad hesitant to go. I live on campus in the middle of buttfuck nowhere, and the streets leading to where the house was had literally no streetlights. But, my roommate was willing to go with, so he grabs 3 dollars (you can pay to enter), we grab our weed, and we start the supposed 10 minute walk to this unknown house on some random street. The walk took 35 minutes, and except for a couple lights here and there, the walk was pitch black, with segments covered in trees. I can still see the road, and remember how creepy it was. The party was in fact there, and we both got in and had a good time. I had some drinks for the first time, got crossed, and shared the story with other people at the party about how I had walked all the way there. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: Me [19F] wondering if I will ever find anyone like him again POST: Sorry if this is longer than it needs to be or structured weirdly. I'm really tired. Last summer I met a boy, Adam(22m). Adam made me feel things I haven't ever felt before. I have had boyfriends before him - I was actually in a 2 year relationship when I met him, and our relationship was all in all good and I was pretty happy. When I first met Adam, we instantly clicked. We had the same sense of humor, same interests and we agreed on nearly everything. We spent every day together for weeks. Every night we would stay up and just talk. Adam doesn't live in the same country as me, and the day before he was going back home, he held me all night and we stayed up all night talking about everything. We shared a kiss but I told him that while I had strong feelings for him, that kiss would be the first and only one. I dropped him off at the airport the next day and then went to see my boyfriend. All I wanted to do was cry. I felt like shit for cheating on him but I felt even worse when I realised that I would have done it all again and that I didn't want to be anywhere near my current boyfriend. I broke down in to tears and told him what had happened with Adam and how I felt for him. My boyfriend wanted to stay together, but a few weeks later I broke up with my boyfriend as I had lost all my feelings for my him and couldn't think about anyone except for Adam and everything with my boyfriend felt wrong. Now it's almost been a full year since and I am dating someone else. I like him. He's nice, he's funny, etc. But it doesn't feel the same way as it did with Adam. I compare all of my love interests to him without thinking about it - which is ridiculous, considering we weren't even together. I am no longer heartbroken about him being gone but I find myself missing him a lot still, when I never think of any other ex boyfriends that I liked a lot. Will these feelings ever go away? Will I be able to find someone new and forget about him? TL;DR:
r/jobs TITLE: Help me please to get a job. I will donate to DWB. POST: **Dear Redditers,** My life's a huge disappointing turd right now. In retroperspective it was a pretty stupid idea to get into a Berlin University to study psychology with my grades (which are really good, but not as perfect as they literally needed to be). So I'm waiting tables to make a living, which is actually fun but a terrible waste of time. I'm smart. The class I was in in Highschool was for "highly gifted" (>130 IQ) kids only. But now I sit here with nothing to do but to wait some tables and think about the ugly divorce my parents are going through. **My mind needs an occupation.** A few days ago, a friend showed me [Iversity] Some of you might already know the site. The idea behind it is to use the epic .pdf-graveyards of all universities to give everybody (well, everybody with an internet connection) the possibility to teach and join courses. I love it. Deepening my understanding of Milton, Terrorism and Renaissance Art really helped me through the last months. Now I saw: They're **hiring** so called **"ambassadors"**. I want that job right now more than anything else. You proof your qualitiy of convincing people to register [there]( Now it get's interesting. This is a competition. Where you can win money. * 1: 1000 € * 2: 500 € * 3: 250 € * 4-10: 50 € The money is split in 50% an amazon gift card and 50% cash. The **cash** will be my present to **Doctors without Borders**, because they are awesome. With roughly 100 new users I will have a good chance to get on the first three places. I don't care about the money, I just want that job. Please, help me. Thanks. TL;DR:
r/AskDocs TITLE: Abnormal spicy food digestion problems POST: I'll get into my normal routine first. I easily spend $30-50 a month on hot sauces. After my brother introduced me at a young age, I was hooked. Never had bathroom problems with painful diarrhea or or anything until I got to spicy pepper sauces and peppers like Habanero. Years later (I'm now 19), I have eaten sauces with ghost pepper extract, full ghost peppers, and the like. Now those came with painful bathroom experiences, like no other. But I enjoy them every now and then. I haven't had any VERY spicy things in aImost a year. I don't know. Just kinda dropped off of eating anything but my normal sauces. (Tabasco, franks, sir racha, Texas Pete etc) i put it on EVERYTHING. from eggs, to pizza, macaroni, steak. I have a bottle of hot sauce in my car even. It's bad. Everything. The only thing I probably won't eat it on, is cereal. And yes, I have tried. So yes. My body IS acclimated to hot things. But as of normal, I'm having really painful diarrhea that I've NEVER had before with the wimpiest of sauces I know of. For instance, Taco Bell. Their fire sauce. Almost as bad as habanero peppers. Papa johns buffalo chicken pizza sauce. Absolutely horrible. Medium salsa.. Again. Absolutely horrible. I've been eating hot things almost my whole life, and I'm just now having bad reactions to very simple and not hot sauces. It's worrying me. I thought Id ask you guys before having a doctor visit. It's gotten to the point to where I'm eating things without hot sauce. What could my problem be? (I ask this as I'm sitting on the toilet with a fan on me, because it is so hot. I had Tabasco today.) TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: SO has had many partners, not sure how to feel. POST: My SO (22m) and I (18f) have been together for 5 months now. When we first hung out he told me about how he slept with countless girls but I thought he was just showing off. He told me later he remembered sleeping with 16 or so girls. Finally I asked about his past sex life in more details. I learned that he would get black out drunk and wake up in weird houses. At that point I stopped asking. I know he spent many years traveling and would spend nights drinking in countries he had never been to before so I don't have any clue how many girls he's slept with. He always wears a condom and I'm making him get tested but I fell I secure. I'm his first real girlfriend, he says I'm the best he's ever had but I'm a introvert who doesn't drink, I don't party and I'm nothing exciting. He tells me not to worry, he is even moving cities to be closer to me. I still feel I secure and like I'm not good enough. Is there anyway I can feel better about my SOs past seed life or am I just over reacting? I've talked to him about it but he's sick of hearing about it, I have really bad depression and anxiety. He is so lovely to me, I don't want this coming between us. I know the past is the past. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: So I (17) broke up with my girlfriend (17). Am I wrong for thinking this? POST: I am seventeen years old, and she is seventeen. So a couple of days ago, I broke up with my girlfriend. You could say it was neutral. Basically about 2 weeks before, she changed somehow. She started acting very distant: would talk to others instead of me when we were together, she wouldn't talk much when we were alone, wouldn't hold my hand unless I held it first, stopped texting me as frequently, and she stopped saying that she loves me. It's was very odd and so sudden. I soon found out that she started reading a book and fell in love with one of the characters. She started setting unrealistic expectations for her life so she ended up getting bored with me. It was around this time that she started thinking she would break up with me. I didn't know this. This went in for two weeks with her not loving me but leading me on to think she does. To make it worse, it's around prom season, and we were planning on going to prom with eachother. She was planning on breaking up with me, yet she still sent me a picture of how she's going to do her hair for prom. Really? At this point I couldn't take the sadness she was making me feel, so I broke up with her. I didn't want to, but I had to because I wasn't going to spend money and go to prom with a girl that doesn't love me. I was completely destroyed by the break up. After the break up, I find out that she stopped finding me attractive and she wasn't feeling the excitement she used to feel. And this is why I'm asking this. Is it wrong to be mad with her for thinking that. How do you spend half a year with somebody, loving them to the end of the earth, and then break up with them since you don't find him attractive? I might be wrong, but that's such a superficial thing to think and do. She's not gonna be able to get married unless she changes her views on that. But am I wrong for being mad that she thought that? TL;DR:
r/dating_advice TITLE: I need advice on how to create a more frequent basis that I can spend time with this girl I like. POST: I am a sophomore in college, and the girl I like is a freshmen at the same college. We went to the same high school before, and we knew each other, but never really hung out. Now that we go to the same college, we actually see each other more often. We eat together every once in a while, and I really enjoy the conversations that we have. She's funny, smart, and beautiful. At least from my point of view we get along well. Even though this is the case, we really only ever spend time together if we happen to bump into each other. I don't know what I can do to find a semi-regular way to spend time with her. Ideally, by spending more time with her, we would get to know each other better, and I could eventually ask her on a date. I would just like to know some ways that I could set something in motion that got us to spend time together. On another note, if I were to start spending more time with her, asking her on a date would be another thing. I'm a pretty nervous / shy person, so asking her on a date will not be the easiest thing for me. Are there any ways that make "Hey, wanna go on a date?" sound less up front, but still get the message across? Thanks. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: My [21 M] roomate [21 M] broke up with his gf [20 F]. She wants him back after a rebound that only I know about. Need some advice. POST: My roommate broke it off with his gf of about a year last Saturday. It was rough on both of them as they both care deeply about each other but just have some huge differences. I'm good friends with his gf as well so I've been a mediator through this process. Saturday after the breakup I stopped by her room to grab a shirt of his. I knew she had been at a party too and I wanted to check on her to make sure she hadn't overdone it. When she opened the door she was half shielding the opening so I couldn't come in but I'm 6' and shes short so I very clearly saw a guy on her floor(clothed) lying in a beanbag. I figured they broke up its totally her call no issues there. My roommate woke up Sunday morning to a text from her begging to get back together and he's seriously considering it. I told him to give it a few days at least so the emotion from the breakup could wear off. My concern is whether its my place to tell him about what I saw Saturday night. They were broken up but I feel like it would surely impact his decision. Thanks for any help guys! TL;DR:
r/relationship_advice TITLE: What is wrong with me? (ie. I miss my mom) POST: Dear Reddit, Help! I am a recent college grad, living with distant relatives on the east coast. My mother and I have always been close, especially as she raised me as a single parent, and now I miss her dreadfully. When I was growing up we did everything as just the two of us: traveled to Europe, watched tons of movies, read the same books. Although when I was in college one year, she was halfway across the country, the rest of the time when I was studying, she was at most 4 hours away by train. Now again she is far. Like many recent grads, I am lucky to have any job at all, and that is the sort of job I have. But I consistently feel horrid! I miss my mother so badly, that though I call and talk to her maybe 2 to 3 times a day, I still find myself silently crying at work and randomly on the street, desperate to just spend time with her again. At my job, I don't get vacation/sick days because I just started. If I had the ability to take time off, I would pay any amount of money to fly home, if even for a few days. As it stands, however, that is not an option. I feel so ripped emotionally, that I feel that were the economy slightly better, I would quit my job, if only to visit my mother for 2 weeks before returning to the east coast to seek something else. She lives in a sprawled out town without job opportunities. I also don't know how to drive, so it would be hard for me to even find anything. I'm in my 20s. This total incapacity to function cannot be normal! What is wrong with me? How do I stop missing her less? Please help. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: [24M/23F] Having Trouble Moving On/Forgiving Myself POST: To make a long story short, I [24M] met a girl [23F] back in November and we hit it off really well. I guess it was what you would call a "whirlwind romance" as we were both really into each other but we lived in separate states so it complicated things and caused the whole thing to end just as quickly as it began. I tried to make it work way harder than I should have and that was the nail in the coffin for the whole thing. The end of it was not handled so well on my part- I didn't cry, I didn't blow up her phone or beg for another chance, but I did somewhat lose frame because honestly it was very disappointing. So it's 6 months later, and I'm still bummed about the whole thing. I've moved on to other women and still go out with friends and whatnot but she's always kinda in the back of my mind and I want it to stop. I feel a lot of guilt and shame for not being the man I know I am when we had our time together and the thought of her remembering me that way drives me insane. TL;DR:
r/AskReddit TITLE: What personal ghost stories does Reddit have? I'll start. POST: I've always been open to the possibility of ghosts and had really wanted to see one just to prove it to myself but what i consider a contact wasn't at all what I expected. I was at my girlfriend's house until about 3am a month ago and as I was leaving I had a super eerie feeling as I was turning out the lights. That freaked out feeling only intensified and I somehow knew someone (something?) was outside on the front porch. I walked to the door to peek outside and just before I looked, I had something similar to déjà vu and knew that an old man dressed all in black, with a black, wide-brimmed hat, translucent-white skin, a freakishly long nose, and black eyes was standing at the end of the porch staring at me. When I looked out the window, I didn't see anything or anyone. That freaked out feeling only started to subside after I took a deep breath and walked out the front door. The feeling didn't totally go away for over an hour and it was much more intense than any other frightened feeling I've had before. I haven't felt that sensation since, but I still can't help but to question whether it was all in my mind or not. How many people have had similar experiences? TL;DR:
r/dogs TITLE: Hiking with small dogs. POST: Here's my question. My friends and I do a lot of hiking and are starting to get into the winter backpacking scene, we want a dog to come with us and have fallen in love with this small Chihuhaha mix. He basically looks like a german shepherd puppy but is full grown. Our only concern is since he is so small, (8.4lbs) that he will not be able to hike or backpack with us. I have found like ruffwear winter dog gear and we would not take him without fleece jackets, reflective wear and boots but is it still too much for a little dog? We aren't like going snow camping since it doesn't snow much here and if he gets tired he's so little we can carry him. Does anyone here do that? TL;DR:
r/relationship_advice TITLE: (30/f) I kissed a girl and my SO (28/m) doesn't feel he can trust me anymore POST: background: so my SO and i have both been open in our past relationships but haven't yet actually explored the swinger scene as a couple. we have been together for 2.5 years and have an amazingly fulfilling partnership, sexually and emotionally. we were both on the same page about how we wanted to take the next step (finding a third participant in the bedroom), had actually agreed on first night rules and planned on hitting a local club this coming weekend. the issue: at dinner on saturday we discussed the idea again before heading to a local bar to meet up with friends. we had a lot to drink (just a fact, not an excuse) and were having a lot of fun dancing. i excused myself to the bathroom and as i walked out a female friend of ours kissed me. not the most chaste of kisses, but it definitely didn't go any further than VERY light kissing. well, her husband saw it and freaked out. the outcome: two days later and apologies have been made all around. her husband apologized to me for his reaction, i apologized to him for my part in it. she has apologized to me and to him. and i have apologized profusely to my SO. he maintains that while he isn't jealous of the fact that i kissed another woman, he is incredibly angry that i violated the rules we had for next weekend. no drinking and no playing with anyone else without express consent from him. i agree that something happened that shouldn't have, and i am definitely not proud of how it happened. i am completely in the wrong, i accept that. i have never violated his trust in any way and desperately need help with how i can start making this right again. TL;DR:
r/tifu TITLE: TIFU throwing bottled urination at unnamed homosapiens POST: Fuck me. I was on the bus and my friend really had to urinate so I gave him my Gatorade Bottle. He pissed in it like I figured he would. I sit on a horrible bus where the back is just a bunch of Ratchets and Douchebags who are the most annoying fucking people on the planet. They always throw their trash across the bus because, like I said, these kids are idiots. My Common Sense decided to sit the next 5 Minutes Out and I plotted that it was time to give them a taste of their own medicine. I threw the Gatorade bottle at the back of the bus. Because I was being a moron I didn't realize that that might get me in some deep shit. The kids in the back immediately realizes it's me and I know I'm screwed. They all start complaining and wondering what the hell just happened. There is this one Chick that sits in the back (Attention Whore, Very Emo and Ratchet) that walks up and tries to tell me how what I did was wrong or some shit I can't even remember what she said because of how little seriously I could take her. Then all the douchebags walk up and say they are gonna kick me and my friend's asses (They're quite up their own asses, only one kid touched me, I pushed him back and he said something stupid and walked away) and I just move up farther on the bus because obviously 1v like 6 isn't an easy fight and even without shit like that I'd still have to hear them bitch. I then get my friend to get my backpack and I give him a Dollar. I end up talking to the driver and I guess I get a Citation. (I don't blame her.) In the end though, I'm more mad at myself than anything. This has to be one of my biggest fuckups ever, I didn't even think about pissing off the Wiggers in the back, they will probably spread this shit to all the other wankstas in the School and I'll end up throned as the biggest dumbass in the school. Yaaayyy. ;~; I hope I don't get kicked off the bus. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: I [23M] feel like my best friend [23F] is beginning to spite me... POST: We've been hanging out for about 8 months, it started off great (cupcake stage), jokes, laughing and having a genuinely good time all the time. She visits me every day and if she doesn't make it to my place I will drive to hers. All smiles, all day. The friendship was awesome and i was extremely happy about it, then after the 6th month or so she has become bitter and is constantly complaining about Me and my downfalls. we had a small disagreement and she would cease talking to Me, stating "I didnt like that response so im not going to reply." This got under my skin really badly, so I tried to let it go. Within the week another disagreement led to another little fight, during which she had stated i was a "drama queen". This shook me up and i feel like i cant talk with her about my feelings for fear of seeming desperate or being a "drama queen". Now it happens everytime we hang out, she lashes at Me joking with her, when i look in her general direction for more than a second she snaps that I am "staring" and she will make constant comments about my diet on a daily basis (I am no health freak, its more about me eating 2 meals a day, as im not hungry at breakfast). I feel flustered most of the time we talk and i've found the friendship has become stale and full of anger. It seems that she always wants me to change, when i dont want her to change at all... We arent romantically involved, but i would like some advice to try to fix this. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: I've had a male best friend for over a decade, I'm way too attached, how do I let go? ( 24/M) (22/F) POST: As the title says, I've had a best friend for over ten years who is the opposite gender to me. I did used to have feelings for him, but given our circumstances (he now has had a serious girlfriend for a few years, and a baby girl) I still find myself increasingly attached to him. I know that I don't have any left over feelings for him, but I know I am far too attached. As soon as I get a text message, I hope it's from him. As soon as he asks me to do anything, I'm there. If he tells me a worry of his such as " Oh man, I don't know if I'm going to be able to pay rent this month" It just consumes my thoughts. How can I help him? Should I lend him money? that sort of thing. Many people in my life have told me that I am far too attached, and while I agree with them, I don't agree with them when they say I should cut him out completely. I love my best friend, I just need to let go a little bit. He never tells me I'm too attached, infact I think he likes that I'm right there all the time, and of course, why wouldn't you when you've got somebody right there to jump as soon as you speak? So Reddit, I need some internet friend advice, how do I let go? Has anyone been the sucker in this kind of friendship/ relationship? I need the cold hard truth. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: Me [M32] and gf [F28] back together, hard to deal with her sleeping with someone else while broken up. POST: Me and my ex got back together after about eight months. She was the one who broke up with me initially, because of various issues we were having, but during the summer she changed her mind and wanted to give it another try. I had issues committing to that again, despite having some feelings for her, so we had a stormy on and off thing going for ages. She got hurt many times over the summer and I was stupid for not simply breaking it off completely. A few weeks ago we got back together for real and I found out that she had had sex with another guy during the summer. She broke it off because of me, and had done it because she was hurt and wanted to get over me, but I have a hard time dealing with it. It hurts to think about her with someone else. * TL;DR:
r/AskReddit TITLE: Tech question: How to get my wifi to be on when I start up my computer? POST: Hi reddit, I have a quick tech question that I can't figure out. Recently, I got a virus and screwed up my computer. After fixing everything up, I realized that every time I start up my computer out of standby or hibernation, or turning it on from shut down, my wifi is auto set to off. I have to press the wifi on button every time I turn on my computer. It didn't do this before, but it started after the virus. I want my wifi to turn on when my computer turns on, but I dunno how. The computer is a Compaq Persario CQ60 418DX, laptop with Windows 7. I know, it sucks, but I'm a poor college kid. TL;DR:
r/AskReddit TITLE: Reddit i need your help. Might have just lost $7,000.. POST: Reddit i have a problem. My car was stolen around 4 months ago, I had insurance and was paid out $4250 which was great. The car had been having a few problems so figured I might save up a bit more and get a decent car. I went 3 months without a car, busing from A to B which was fine until my girlfriend started working and I needed a car to pick her up. So I started browsing more intensely, I went through 4 -5 different cars, test drove them, but nothing really stood out for me. Until i found the car that would turn into a nightmare.. My father accompanied me to view the car (as i had no transport) and I took the car for a test drive, it drove quite well and looked clean, I thought I'd found my new car. I went over the car looking at everything and it seemed fine, I talked with the seller and he said he'd had his mechanic go over the car and was told it was in good order. All it needed was a Cam-belt replacement which he told me cost around $400. I stupidly jumped into the sale. I visited my mechanic last week and was told the replacement Cam-belt would cost $1200 (inc seals, tensioner, water-pump etc..) I also had an engine flush, a radiator flush and a fuel filter replacement. I thought I'd be getting back a new car.. Just last night the car started overheating, Really overheating, I was at the gym and as I began reversing to get out of my park steam started flying out from under the bonnet. I had the car towed to my mechanic who told me it was a small hose and a simple fix, he fixed the hose for free but when we started the engine the main radiator hose bulged and superheated. My mechanic told me it could be due to particles of rust inside the cooling system blocking pipes or it could be a blown head gasket. Either way I am already out $1800 (I had an alarm installed on top of the Cam-belt change). I'm a student, i cant afford any more work, I just want this nightmare to end. TL;DR:
r/AskReddit TITLE: Should I cash a paycheck for a day I didn't work? POST: Some background: I've been working a retail job for the last two and a half months, and on Saturday put in my two weeks because I'm going to be moving to another city. My boss had been expecting me to stay at the very least through the Christmas season, but an opportunity appeared suddenly, and I jumped on it. When I came in today (payday), my boss handed me two paychecks and told me that I would not be needed for the full two weeks. I asked whether she wanted me to work today, and she told me that I could leave if I had other things to do (she had already shaken my hand and wished me luck, and seemed very final about it, so I took it as a hint to leave.) As I was leaving, I clocked out and told her to not worry about the fifteen minutes or so I had worked today, and she replied that it was fine and that she had paid me for a full day today. So essentially she had handed me a second paycheck for a day of work that she had not insisted I do. Here is my issue. This is not a kind woman; she's honestly a snake, and I've seen her go out of her way to make life miserable for people who have inconvenienced her on a number of occasions. I'm worried that she's going to somehow use the fact that I didn't work for this money to screw me over (accusing me of fraud or something, I don't even know). I don't know whether I should just cash this check and not worry about it, or call her up and tell her that I'm not comfortable being paid for time I didn't work. Any advice? Could this come back to haunt me? TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: [HELP]How do I ask a girl which I don't know to come with me to the prom POST: Okay, so, I'm 17 and I'm in my senior year of HS. In my country you cannot bring just anyone to the prom with you, it has to be a girl from your class. Even though the prom is next year in June, students are already making arangements. So considering my class has 25 males and 5 females the tradition is to go out with another class consisting of 25 females and 5 males. So here's the thing. Some guys from my class have already asked a few girls from the other class out to prom, and I really like this girl from the other class but have never talked to her or anything. How do I even start a conversation with her, I don't want to flert, I just want her to come with me to the prom, I don't want her to think I'm flirting with her cause I think she has a bf. I have added her on facebook today (Is this even the right move, do I start a convo on facebook or irl) and do not know what the fuck do I do. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: Me [16M] with my girlfriend [18F] of two years, had our "first time" together and couldn't finish. Now she is upset and feels she did something wrong. POST: So me and my girlfriend made love and it was our first time for both of us. We expected what most people say happens: the dude gets way too excited and finishes in less than a minute. What actually happened was the opposite. I went all slow in the beginning and let her adjust and then after ten minutes got to it. I was keeping myself calm and all, trying to hold off what I thought was the inevitable. Five or ten minutes later she orgasms but tells me to just keep going till I'm done (shes a pleaser and always cares more about me in these situations). So I go on for forty more minutes doing everything from small and quick to pounding. Now I enjoyed all this but I didn't even get close even after switching up positions and everything. Ultimately she just had to go and is now upset and thinks there is something wrong with her despite my reassurances. She is even mad at me even though it's not exactly my fault. It's making a problem with further intimacy and it's worse because it was our first time. Has this happened to anyone else? Is it common? Does it have anything to do with masturbation (I do it 2-3 times a week, but had done it the night before)? How can I reason with her? TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: Confessing [M24] to a long distance/time crush [F23] POST: So, I'll give this some context. I've known this person for about 5/6ish years. We were in college together and were in the same major together. Let's call her O. She ended up staying at our Alma mater for med school. I ended up a few hours away at graduate school. I was in a relationship with a mutual friend of ours for all of college. Let's call her J. That relationship ended about two years ago when we all graduated. I've felt like I had a crush on O for some time but just never acted on it. I mean, even when I was with J. That wasn't why we broke up or factored into that decision. Now, it's been two years since J and I ended our relationship and I feel like my feelings for O are not simply rebound. I want to tell her but I'm not sure if I should. I have been flirty with her and she has, I think, with me. I need advice on how to proceed Reddit. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: I'm (F26) the only girl my fiance (M26) has been with. I'm worried he'll want other women later on down the road POST: This is difficult. We're both 26 and have been together for almost two years. I'm the only girl he's ever been with. First kiss, first sexual experience, etc. I mean everything. I've been with several men, so I know what I like and my fiance is exactly what I want for the rest of my life. My friends think he'll want to experience other women later on down the road and this is what scares me. He claims that I'm more than enough for him but I can't help but be a little worried. Anyone have advice on how to handle this? I just don't want to lose him. TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: How do I [15F] stop my father [60sM] invalidating my opinion by saying I'm 'contradicting'? POST: Background: he has no job, very few friends, he spends all day inside watching TV and very rarely goes outside. He has always been very strongly opinionated and outspoken on political matters, and is in general a very negative and 'stuck in his ways' kind of person. An example is I can't remember a time he's ever told me he loved me, nor has he said anything nice about me for a very long time (years). His focus lately is the fact that much of my opinions are not the same as his, whereas he's really right wing, nationalistic, I'm quite accepting. Politics wouldn't be a problem if he there was anything else he would talk to me about. [If I try talking to him about anything besides politics he will flat out ignore what I'm saying or respond with a very bland answer, making the conversation unable to continue.] Whenever I try to contribute to any of his conversations, he tells me to stop contradicting him (basically making sure I either shut up or agree). I normally would not give a rat's ass about this, except he's now holding things against me for disagreeing with him -- not buying school and art supplies etc. (where I live school is still on) for "being rude and contradicting him". I have no other source of money except from him, how can I deflect his responses?  TL;DR:
r/AskReddit TITLE: Ladies of Reddit: Is it possible for a man to be too intimidating to flirt with him? POST: This has been fucking bothering me for weeks. I went to just chill with a few friends have a Bon fire, and just have fun. On the ride home we got into a conversation about wha women like in a guy. What bothered me was that all of the things the ladies in our group had said were all qualities I have. Upon realizng this I asked, "Then why aren't women attracted to me?" One of them then said "Plenty of women like you, it's just that you're really too intimidating to flirt with." I found this hard to believe because women have men wrapped around their fingers. With a few flirtatious gestures men will be on their knees begging for women. I just want to know, is it true that someone can be too intimidating to flirt with? TL;DR:
r/AskReddit TITLE: Been getting with women for the first time in my life lately, but can't physically seal the deal (NSFW?) POST: So I recently turned twenty-one and all throughout my life I have been self-conscious about myself. Finally, through the support of my friends, fraternity, and myself, I realized that I have to stop feeling sorry for myself and just be who I really am. As a result, I've been getting many dates with many different women, and very often going back to either my apartment or their apartment at which point things generally get heated up in either my or her bedroom. But after a while passes, the same problem occurs over and over again, I either can't get my man up or if it is, I can never finish, no matter how good it is or how hard I try to get it done, always making it end very awkwardly. I know this isn't a question people generally ask, but it's really frustrating to realize that she can't leave satisfied and neither can I. TL;DR:
r/AskReddit TITLE: What did I do to this download to make a 3 minute song into a 10 minute one? POST: I saw [this] reddit post, a cover of "Where Is My Mind." As I tend to do, I downloaded the song, though being on a random mac laptop away from my main computer I had to resort to using a [website] instead of the plugin I usually use. As it started downloading, it had already appeared in explorer. I double clicked it, and it opened in itunes, despite the download not having finished. Amazingly, despite being 2:47 on youtube, (and later on the finished download) it was 9:59 now. The main download finished without issue, and listens fine. There are three main strange things about the 10 minute one; it's not the exact same song, the long version is half the size of the short version, and it cuts out at random points. On the first issue; I've skipped to the same time points in the real song and the long song and they're not the same, they're at totally different parts in the song. I've skipped to 2:40 in the long song, where the outro is in the real song, and it's not the outro, it's just continuing. On the third issue; The further I skip into the song, the more likely it is to "end" a few seconds after where I skipped to. It's not the same "end" point no matter what, the endpoint depends on where I skipped to. So- what the hell did I do to this song? TL;DR:
r/AskReddit TITLE: Can anyone help me with my chronic weight loss? POST: Hey. I'm Male, 22 and until a month ago I ran 8 miles a day, off-road (trail-running) and did upper-body workouts every other day. I am vegetarian, although I only eat goat cheese and honey every few weeks, so I suppose I am almost Vegan. I had a super healthy diet with a few gallons of water daily, no processed food and I followed the O-Type diet religiously. I was 153 lbs steady and 5' 10" (177.5 cm for my lovely friends ~~across the pond~~ everywhere else.) A month ago the love of my life and I ended our relationship with joint cooperation, although I was still devastated. I lost my appetite and stopped exercising. For almost a month (Read: 24 days) my daily diet was been liquid, with 400 calories of pure fruit juice and maybe 300 calories of soy milk a day. I lost weight and I may have hit close to 120 lbs. During the last five days I started eating solid food such as fruit, rice and quinoa, and no matter what I have diarrhea or throw up. I'm not hungry at all, but I don't wanna die you guys. Medicine comes up as well. Daily, every morning, once at lunch and two times at dinner. I am a poor student with no living family or healthcare. Is this the end you guys? TL;DR:
r/loseit TITLE: So I've been working on losing weight since December, but since June I've been in a rut :( POST: Okay, so I was diagnosed back in December with GERD, and my doctor told me it would help to lose weight. I'm 5' 8" and, at the time, was around 175-180. So, kind of embarrassed that my doctor told me I needed to lose weight, I went along with her diet with great enthusiasm - no fats, no eating 2-3 hours before bed, no alcohol, etc. etc. So, by the end of the school year, I had gotten down to 150! It was awesome. However, over summer, I haven't had access to a gym, and my work schedule has been so crazy, I haven't been able to pick a good time to make myself run. I've stopped working out, and with that, I've stopped caring about what I eat or any other rules given to me by my doctor. *Thankfully*, I haven't gained anything back. However, I am now at a loss. School's about to start, so I know I'll get back at the gym (fingers crossed) but I can't figure out good things to eat or good snacks. I'm on foodstamps, but I get $195/mo so I'm pretty set with food (I'm 22 and live alone). Does anybody have tips as to how to maintain a workout schedule with an unstable work schedule? And good, healthy snacks or dinner ideas? Really anything in particular? TL;DR:
r/running TITLE: 80/20 Half Marathon Training POST: So, I'm trying out the half marathon training plan in Matt Fitzgerald's 80/20 book. I noticed that the training plan, other than the weekly long runs, is set up in minutes. This concerned me because when I'm running in zone 2, these runs would be very short in distance. I am definitely a back of the back runner. I would be ecstatic if I managed a 12-12:30 pace in a half marathon. So I emailed the author. He agreed that going simply by those times wouldn't work and suggested a conversion of a 10 minute mile. This seemed reasonable based on me looking at the first few weeks of the plan. As I am looking at it more closely now, my maintenance runs seem to cap at 4 Miles using that conversion. Does that seem low? It looks like they go speed run, recovery run, maintenance run, interval run, recovery run, long run. Is it that I am making up for the shortness of my other runs with the speedwork and the weekly mileage? I guess I just expected more mileage on individual days to feel more prepared outside my long runs. TL;DR:
r/AskReddit TITLE: What are my chances at success after College after having been caught cheating? POST: I am am undergraduate studying Biomedical Engineering, pre-med, and I want(ed) to become a doctor/anything medical related where I can help treat people and make a decent living. I was caught plagiarizing. The class is THE hardest undergraduate course of that engineering department (best accredited program in my state). I received an "F" in the course by the Honor Council and a "mark" on the transcript. I admitted guilt, and am retaking the course. The "Mark" can be removed 5 years after the trial. I am now reconsidering my career goals and want to become a physical assistant (PA), which requires a Masters Program. What are my chances of success applying to a Masters program (in anything, in fact)? What about applying to a job? I understand they do background checks, including transcripts. My overall GPA is above a 3 (out of 4.0 scale). Undoubtedly, the F will come up in interview questions and I will have to be honest (and will be.) What are my chances? TL;DR:
r/relationships TITLE: Me [22M] with my girlfriend [25F] dated 4.5 years, broke up, now considering moving 4 hours away to be with her. POST: My GF and I were together 4.5 years. I moved away after about 2.5 years to go to school and live in my dream city. after a year of long distance she moved to the city to live with me as was planned. after a year of living together we drifted apart. I'm fairly certain that was mainly due to the fact that she hated her job, and hated living downtown in a major city. We realized later on that she was probably depressed. So we drifted apart. Didn't spend time together, and fought a lot. In the end she was manipulating me a lot to get her way. The biggest one was she would threaten or break up with me so I would do what she wanted, after I caved we would just carry on. After a while I got sick of it. So when she did it next, I just didn't say anything, and found a place to rent, and just peaced the fuck out. She lost her shit for a while. And was in a bit of a mess, but I was fine. I guess I was riding the high of finally breaking loose. Fast forward about 3 months. I decide that I think I want to get back together. Get back in contact, and things go pretty well despite her having moved back to our hometown. So we talk for a while. Only bump was when I found out she slept some random guy one time, which pissed me off, but hey, she was single. And to be fair I slept with a handful of women as well. We spent most of Christmas together, which was actually pretty great. Very little conflict. We figured we would keep going slow and maybe get back together, and maybe I would even move back to my hometown. However, now she wants to be officially together. I reluctantly agreed, then in the same conversation she tells me she won't do long distance again. She says we can pretty much be together as long as I move back home. I don't know what to do. There's nothing keeping me where I am. But I'm afraid of moving back and it not working. What do I do. TL;DR: