[ "Q:\n\nJavascript code breaks when data has null\n\nI am using the following code which works great but totally stops working when \"thsub\" is null and does not continue reading the rest of the data and just returns a TypeError saying \"thsub in null\"\nHere is the code:\nvar data = {\n \"cars\": [{\n \"id\": \"1\",\n \"name\": \"name 1\",\n \"thsub\": [{\n \"id\": \"11\",\n \"name\": \"sub 1\",\n \"stats\": {\n \"items\": 5,\n },\n \"ions\": null\n }, {\n \"id\": \"22\",\n \"name\": \"sub 2\",\n \"stats\": {\n \"items\": 5,\n },\n \"translations\": null\n }],\n \"image\": null\n },\n\n {\n \"id\": \"2\",\n \"name\": \"name 2\",\n \"thsub\": null, //this will break the code\n \"image\": null\n }\n ]\n}\n\nvar thCount = [];\n\nfor (var l = 0, m = data.cars.length; l < m; l++) {\n thCount[l] = 0;\n for (var i = 0, j = data.cars[l].thsub.length; i < j; i++) {\n if (data.cars[l].thsub[i].stats) {\n thCount[l]+=data.cars[l].thsub[i].stats.items;\n }\n }\n}\n\nconsole.log(thCount);\n\nHow can I fix this?", "\n\nA:\n\nIt breaks because you're referencing thsub's length property. ", "As null has no properties, and cannot, this will throw an error. ", "This can, in this situation and every other situation where you're using null, easily be worked around by adding some sort of conditional that will either break your loop or avoid executing the code.", "\nHere's a simple example:\nfor (var l = 0, m = data.cars.length; l < m; l++) {\n if (data.cars[l].thsub) {\n for (var i = 0, j = data.cars[l].thsub.length; i < j; i++) {\n if (data.cars[l].thsub[i].stats) {\n thCount[l]+=data.cars[l].thsub[i].stats.items;\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\nNote the added data.cars[l].thsub -- if this value is null, the condition will evaluate to false, and the exception-causing code will never execute.", "\n\nA:\n\nYour loop is checking the length attribute of thsub. ", "If thsub is null, then your code is attempting to check an attribute (length) of a null object, which will always break your code.. Try adding a check for the thsub object itself before checking the length:\nfor (var l = 0, m = data.cars.length; l < m; l++) {\n thCount[l] = 0;\n if (data.cars[l].thsub) {\n for (var i = 0, j = data.cars[l].thsub.length; i < j; i++) {\n if (data.cars[l].thsub[i].stats) {\n thCount[l]+=data.cars[l].thsub[i].stats.items;\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\nWorking sample:\nhttps://jsfiddle.net/mspinks/bwmwntay/5/\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.001884055556729436, 0.002479199320077896, 0.009293776005506516, 0.0008443796541541815, 0.0011201280867680907, 0.0009607533575035632, 0.002905345056205988 ]
[ "Q:\n\nWhat's wrong with my Html 5 Javascript Canvas Game code? ", "I'm a beginner\n\nI'm a beginner. ", "I tried to copy code on to Notepad++ and run it on Chrome. ", "It failed to run (not show anything). ", "Please help. ", "I don't know what's wrong with it.", "\nMy code below is a basic game missile roket boss. ", "I was tying to make a game for the first time following a book tutorial. ", "But my first game couldn't even run anything. ", "Nothing was drawn on the canvas. ", "Would it be the src of the image? ", "I'm using Windows10. ", "Could it be the OS or the antivirus? ", "I'm using McAfee.", "\n\n<!", "DOCTYPE HTML>\r\n<html>\r\n<head><meta charset=\"utf-8\"><title>Game Loop</title></head>\r\n<body>\r\n<canvas id=\"myCanvas\" width=\"480\" height=\"320\"></canvas>\r\n<script type=\"text/javascript\">\r\n var fps=50; //specify framerate per second\r\n var timing=0;\r\n var ctxP=document.getElementById('myCanvas').getContext('2d');\r\n var imgBg1 = new Image();\r\n var imgBg2 = new Image();\r\n var imgBg3 = new Image();\r\n var imgRocket = new Image();\r\n var imgBoss = new Image();\r\n \r\n // Enemy 1 and 2\r\n var imgEnemy = new Image();\r\n var enemyPos1 = {x:Math.random()*320,y:0};\r\n var enemyPos2 = {x:Math.random()*320,y:-100};\r\n var enemy1 = new drawEnemy(0.01,1,enemyPos1.x,enemyPos1.y,50,50);\r\n var enemy2 = new drawEnemy(0.05,2,enemyPos2.x,enemyPos2.y,50,50);\r\n var keyframeObject=2;\r\n var count=0;\r\n var delay=10;\r\n var posBossX=170;\r\n var rocketPos = {x:220,y:220};\r\n var keyframeRocket=1;\r\n setInerval{Update,1000/fps}; //function to call for Update function \r\n var imgMissile = new Image(); //Create Missile Variable\r\n var missilePos={enable:false,keyframeObject:1,x:0,y:0};\r\n //Variable to draw missle \r\n //keyframe 1 and initial at (0,0)\r\n function Update(){\r\n window.addEventListener('click',clickReporter,false);\r\n //Call function clickReporter when the mouse is clicked\r\n document.addEventListener('keydown',checkKeyDown,false);\r\n //Call function clickReporter when the key is down\r\n document.addEventListener('keyup',checkKeyUp,false);\r\n //Call function clickReporter when the key is up\r\n timing+=0.2;\r\n drawBg(timing);\r\n drawRocket(keyframeRocket,rocketPos.x,rocketPos.y);\r\n //call for function to draw Rocket1\r\n drawBoss(posBossX,0);\r\n enemyPos1.y++;\r\n enemy1.setY(enemyPos1.y);\r\n enemy1.draw();\r\n enemyPos2.y++;\r\n enemy2.setY(enemyPos2.y);\r\n enemy2.draw();\r\n \r\n//write function here\r\nfunction drawBg(timing){\r\n imgBg1.src='images/bg1.png'; //to load bg\r\n imgBg2.src='images/bg2.png';\r\n imgBg3.src='images/bg3.png';\r\n ctxP.drawImage(imgBg1,0,320-timing/2,480,320,0,0,480,320);\r\n ctxP.drawImage(imgBg2,0,320-timing,480,320,0,0,480,320);\r\n ctxP.drawImage(imgBg3,0,320-timing*1.5,480,320,0,0,480,320);\r\n}\r\nfunction drawRocket(keyframe,posX,posY){\r\n imgRocket.src='images/rocket.png'; //to load rocket.png\r\n ctxP.drawImage(imgRocket,((keyframe-1)*100),0,100,100,posX,posY,50,50);\r\n}\r\nfunction drawBoss(posX,posY){\r\n imgBoss.src='images/boss.png'; //to load boss.png\r\n ctxP.drawImage(imgBoss,posX,posY);\r\n}\r\nfunction drawEnemy1(keyframe,row,posX,posY){\r\n imgEnemy1.src='images/enemy.png';\r\n ctxP.drawImage(imgEnemy1,((keyframe-1)*50),((row-1)*50),50,50,posX,posY,50,50);\r\n}\r\nfunction drawEnemy2(keyframe,row,posX,posY){\r\n imgEnemy2.src='images/enemy.png';\r\n ctxP.drawImage(imgEnemy2,((keyframe-1)*50),((row-1)*50),50,50,posX,posY,50,50);\r\n}\r\nfunction drawEnemy(delay,row,posX,posY,desWidth,desHeight){\r\n this.delay=delay;\r\n this.count=0;\r\n this.enable=true;\r\n this.keyframe=1;\r\n this.row=row;\r\n this.posX=posX;\r\n this.posY=posY;\r\n this.desWidth=desWidth;\r\n this.desHeight=desHeight;\r\n drawEnemy.prototype.setX=function(posX){\r\n this.posX=posX;\r\n }\r\n drawEnemy.prototype.setY=function(posY){\r\n this.posY=posY;\r\n }\r\n drawEnemy.prototype.enable=function(enable){\r\n this.enable=enable;\r\n }\r\n drawEnemy.prototype.draw=function(){\r\n this.count+=this.delay;\r\n if(this.count>=1){\r\n if(this.keyframe==1){\r\n this.keyframe=2;\r\n }else{\r\n this.keyframe=1;\r\n }\r\n if(this.count>=1){this.count=0;}\r\n }\r\n imgEnemy.src = 'images/enemy.png';\r\n ctwP.drawImage(imgEnemy.(this.keyframe-1)*50,(this.row-1)*50,50,50,\r\n this.posX,this.posY,this.desWidth,this.desHeight);\r\n }\r\n}\r\nfunction checkKeyDown(e){\r\n var key = e.keyCode;\r\n if(key == 87){ \r\n rocketPos.y=rocketPos.y-5;\r\n }//if press w reduce y by 5\r\n if(key=83){ \r\n rocketPos.y=rocketPos.y+5;\r\n }//if press s add y by 5\r\n if(key==65){ \r\n rocketPos.x=rocketPos.x-5;\r\n }//if press A reduce x by 5\r\n if(key=68){ \r\n rocketPos.x=rocketPos.x+5;\r\n }//if press D add x by 5\r\n if(key=88){ \r\n missilePos.enable=true; //if press X, status is enable, true\r\n missilePos.x=rocketPos.x;//origin point Missile at rocket\r\n missilePos.y=rocketPos.y;\r\n }\r\n}\r\nfunction checkKeyUp(e){\r\n var key = e.keyCode;\r\n //alert(key);\r\n if(key==65){\r\n keyframeRocket=1;//make keyframe 1 (front) when release A\r\n }\r\n if(key==68){\r\n keyframeRocket=1; //make keyframe 1 (front) when release D\r\n }\r\n}\r\nfunction drawMissile(keyframe.posX,posY){\r\n imgMissile.src= 'images/missile.png'; //load missle.png\r\n ctxP.drawImage(imgMissile,{(keyframe-1)*25},0,25,25,posX,posY,25,25); // Missile.png has two keyframes and size by 25\r\n}\r\nfunction clickReporter(e){\r\n positionX=e.pageX; // possitionX for cursor position on X\r\n possisiontY=e.pageY; // possitionY for cursor position on Y\r\n alert(\"X=\"+possitionX+\",Y=\"+positionY);\r\n}\r\n</script>\r\n</body>\r\n</html> \n\nA:\n\nThere were a lot of syntax errors. ", "I've fixed them all. ", "Now you just have to create the folder named images and put all the images in it:\n<!", "DOCTYPE HTML>\n<html>\n<head><meta charset=\"utf-8\"><title>Game Loop</title></head>\n<body>\n<canvas id=\"myCanvas\" width=\"480\" height=\"320\"></canvas>\n<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n var fps=50; //specify framerate per second\n var timing=0;\n var ctxP=document.getElementById('myCanvas').getContext('2d');\n var imgBg1 = new Image();\n var imgBg2 = new Image();\n var imgBg3 = new Image();\n var imgRocket = new Image();\n var imgBoss = new Image();\n\n // Enemy 1 and 2\n var imgEnemy = new Image();\n var enemyPos1 = {x:Math.random()*320,y:0};\n var enemyPos2 = {x:Math.random()*320,y:-100};\n var enemy1 = new drawEnemy(0.01,1,enemyPos1.x,enemyPos1.y,50,50);\n var enemy2 = new drawEnemy(0.05,2,enemyPos2.x,enemyPos2.y,50,50);\n var keyframeObject=2;\n var count=0;\n var delay=10;\n var posBossX=170;\n var rocketPos = {x:220,y:220};\n var keyframeRocket=1;\n setInterval(Update,1000/fps); //function to call for Update function \n var imgMissile = new Image(); //Create Missile Variable\n var missilePos={enable:false,keyframeObject:1,x:0,y:0};\n //Variable to draw missle \n //keyframe 1 and initial at (0,0)\n function Update(){\n window.addEventListener('click',clickReporter,false);\n //Call function clickReporter when the mouse is clicked\n document.addEventListener('keydown',checkKeyDown,false);\n //Call function clickReporter when the key is down\n document.addEventListener('keyup',checkKeyUp,false);\n //Call function clickReporter when the key is up\n timing+=0.2;\n drawBg(timing);\n drawRocket(keyframeRocket,rocketPos.x,rocketPos.y);\n //call for function to draw Rocket1\n drawBoss(posBossX,0);\n enemyPos1.y++;\n enemy1.setY(enemyPos1.y);\n enemy1.draw();\n enemyPos2.y++;\n enemy2.setY(enemyPos2.y);\n enemy2.draw();\n }\n\n//write function here\nfunction drawBg(timing){\n imgBg1.src='images/bg1.png'; //to load bg\n imgBg2.src='images/bg2.png';\n imgBg3.src='images/bg3.png';\n ctxP.drawImage(imgBg1,0,320-timing/2,480,320,0,0,480,320);\n ctxP.drawImage(imgBg2,0,320-timing,480,320,0,0,480,320);\n ctxP.drawImage(imgBg3,0,320-timing*1.5,480,320,0,0,480,320);\n}\nfunction drawRocket(keyframe,posX,posY){\n imgRocket.src='images/rocket.png'; //to load rocket.png\n ctxP.drawImage(imgRocket,((keyframe-1)*100),0,100,100,posX,posY,50,50);\n}\nfunction drawBoss(posX,posY){\n imgBoss.src='images/boss.png'; //to load boss.png\n ctxP.drawImage(imgBoss,posX,posY);\n}\nfunction drawEnemy1(keyframe,row,posX,posY){\n imgEnemy1.src='images/enemy.png';\n ctxP.drawImage(imgEnemy1,((keyframe-1)*50),((row-1)*50),50,50,posX,posY,50,50);\n}\nfunction drawEnemy2(keyframe,row,posX,posY){\n imgEnemy2.src='images/enemy.png';\n ctxP.drawImage(imgEnemy2,((keyframe-1)*50),((row-1)*50),50,50,posX,posY,50,50);\n}\nfunction drawEnemy(delay,row,posX,posY,desWidth,desHeight){\n this.delay=delay;\n this.count=0;\n this.enable=true;\n this.keyframe=1;\n this.row=row;\n this.posX=posX;\n this.posY=posY;\n this.desWidth=desWidth;\n this.desHeight=desHeight;\n drawEnemy.prototype.setX=function(posX){\n this.posX=posX;\n }\n drawEnemy.prototype.setY=function(posY){\n this.posY=posY;\n }\n drawEnemy.prototype.enable=function(enable){\n this.enable=enable;\n }\n drawEnemy.prototype.draw=function(){\n this.count+=this.delay;\n if(this.count>=1){\n if(this.keyframe==1){\n this.keyframe=2;\n }else{\n this.keyframe=1;\n }\n if(this.count>=1){this.count=0;}\n }\n imgEnemy.src = 'images/enemy.png';\n ctwP.drawImage(imgEnemy,(this.keyframe-1)*50,(this.row-1)*50,50,50,\n this.posX,this.posY,this.desWidth,this.desHeight);\n }\n}\nfunction checkKeyDown(e){\n var key = e.keyCode;\n if(key == 87){ \n rocketPos.y=rocketPos.y-5;\n }//if press w reduce y by 5\n if(key=83){ \n rocketPos.y=rocketPos.y+5;\n }//if press s add y by 5\n if(key==65){ \n rocketPos.x=rocketPos.x-5;\n }//if press A reduce x by 5\n if(key=68){ \n rocketPos.x=rocketPos.x+5;\n }//if press D add x by 5\n if(key=88){ \n missilePos.enable=true; //if press X, status is enable, true\n missilePos.x=rocketPos.x;//origin point Missile at rocket\n missilePos.y=rocketPos.y;\n }\n}\nfunction checkKeyUp(e){\n var key = e.keyCode;\n //alert(key);\n if(key==65){\n keyframeRocket=1;//make keyframe 1 (front) when release A\n }\n if(key==68){\n keyframeRocket=1; //make keyframe 1 (front) when release D\n }\n}\nfunction drawMissile(keyframe,posX,posY){\n imgMissile.src= 'images/missile.png'; //load missle.png\n ctxP.drawImage(imgMissile,(keyframe-1)*25,0,25,25,posX,posY,25,25); // Missile.png has two keyframes and size by 25\n}\nfunction clickReporter(e){\n positionX=e.pageX; // possitionX for cursor position on X\n possisiontY=e.pageY; // possitionY for cursor position on Y\n alert(\"X=\"+possitionX+\",Y=\"+positionY);\n}\n\n</script>\n</body>\n</html> \n\n" ]
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[ 0.0007981486851349473, 0.0013628470478579402, 0.0007008310640230775, 0.0008285822696052492, 0.0005561879952438176, 0.0009090442908927798, 0.002484823577105999, 0.0005780807114206254, 0.0009916939307004213, 0.0008679317543283105, 0.0007374678971245885, 0.0007099119247868657, 0.0009124490316025913, 0.0009970634710043669, 0.006595523562282324, 0.003218775149434805, 0.0006988761015236378, 0.0008812555461190641, 0.0028589186258614063 ]
[ "On Jan. 8, 2014, a fire broke out in the cabin of a U.S. Navy MH-53E helicopter flying low over the Atlantic Ocean off the Virginia coast.", "\n\nThe five crew members became disoriented in the billowing black smoke, according to the Navy’s official investigation. ", "The 16-ton, three-engine helicopter, equipped to detect undersea mines, plummeted into the sea.", "\n\nThree people died, including 25-year-old Petty Officer Brian Collins. ", "Jason Paladino, a childhood friend and journalism student, attended Collins’s funeral. “", "It hit me hard,” Paladino told The Daily Beast. “", "I thought it was just a tragic loss. ", "Then at his funeral I met people he served with and I realized there was more to the story.”", "\n\nNow Paladino, 28, has produced a documentary revealing the danger he claimed the H-53 helicopter poses to passengers and crew, as well as what he characterized as the military’s efforts to downplay that danger. ", "Who Killed Lt. ", "Van Dorn, named for Wes Van Dorn, the pilot who died flying Collins’s MH-53E, is playing at film festivals and special events across the country.", "\n\nThe MH-53E is a version of what arguably is the Navy and Marine Corps’ most crash-prone major helicopter type. ", "Dozens of accidents involving the Navy’s MH-53E Sea Dragon minesweeper and the Marines’ CH-53E Super Stallion transport have killed 132 crew and passengers since the type first flew in 1974.", "\n\nSince the 2014 MH-53E crash, five additional CH-53Es have suffered serious accidents—“Class A incidents,” in military parlance—killing 19 people.", "\n\nStill, the Marine Corps insists the helicopter is reasonably safe. “", "The Super Stallion is a proven airframe that has been put into service over the years in the most challenging environments and mission sets possible,” Capt. ", "Christopher Harrison, a Marine spokesperson, told The Daily Beast. “", "It has a Class A mishap rate on par with other Marine Corps aviation platforms, and it is a vital asset to our assault support operations.”", "\n\nHarrison said that flying can be dangerous, that “there will always be inherent risk.”", "\n\nPaladino countered that many of the H-53E crashes—and the related deaths—would have been preventable with adequate maintenance and training. ", "But the military prioritized spending money on expensive new aircraft such as F-35 stealth fighters and V-22 tiltrotors.", "\n\nDeprived of money and attention, less glamorous aircraft types such as the H-53E began to break down. ", "The Marine Corps, for one, does not dispute that the H-53E force has suffered a sharp decline in the condition of its aircraft—although it blames the stress of wartime flying rather than any organizational neglect. “", "Sixteen years’ combat operations have stressed the limited number of these aging airframes,” the Marines' annual aviation report for 2018 states.", "\n\nOn average in 2018, fewer than half of the Marines’ 143 CH-53Es have been in flyable condition at any given time, according to the aviation report. ", "Generally speaking, the Defense Department wants 75 percent of its aircraft to be flight-ready.", "\n\nThe Navy’s 29 MH-53Es are even less reliable, with only a “few” ready to fly on a given day, according to an investigation by The Virginian-Pilot newspaper. ", "The Marines’ goal is, by 2020, to cut in half the number of unflyable helicopters.", "\n\nBut even as the military worked to fix the helicopters, it silenced any service members, including Van Dorn, who dared to question maintenance procedures and spending priorities. “", "In our experience making the film, we found the Navy and Marine Corps respond with hostility to questions about mishaps and known safety issues,” Paladino told The Daily Beast.", "\n\n“There have been cases where enlisted personnel have told us that our stories spurred change that wouldn't have happened otherwise.”", "\n\nIn Van Dorn’s case, that suppression arguably cost him his life. ", "He knew it might as he complained to his wife about the amount of time he spent badgering his squadron-mates over what he viewed as inadequate maintenance procedures. “", "I want to get flying, but I also need to fix maintenance so I don't die while flying,” he told his wife, according to The Virginian-Pilot.", "\n\nThe Navy concluded that chafed wiring contributed to the fire that caused Van Dorn’s MH-53E to crash. ", "But at the time of the accident, rules didn’t require routine inspections to check the wiring, investigators explained in their report.", "\n\nThe H-53E design itself isn’t at fault, Paladino explained. “", "I don’t think we are arguing that it is too dangerous to use.” ", "Rather, people failed the helicopter—and each other.", "\n\n“The film shows that known safety issues were ignored, resulting in the unnecessary deaths of people serving our country. ", "It shows that people who raised concerns about safety were ignored or worse, forced out of the Navy. ", "And it shows that the helicopters were neglected at the same time the Department of Defense was spending big on fancy new toys.”", "\n\n“Aviation is dangerous, we accept that,” Paladino said. “", "But at a certain point it’s helpful to ask, ‘Why?’ ", "I hope this film gets the message across that many of those killed on the 53E died unnecessarily, after multiple warning signs were ignored. ", "This is the human cost of a twisted priority system.”" ]
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[ 0.0011435874039307237, 0.0070466650649905205, 0.0014791319845244288, 0.01312453206628561, 0.0006601850618608296, 0.0010310328798368573, 0.000801137532107532, 0.000579049636144191, 0.0006267724675126374, 0.26889461278915405, 0.0007279653800651431, 0.0015237332554534078, 0.0010722143342718482, 0.0036921424325555563, 0.0005728413234464824, 0.0006483272300101817, 0.0006726133869960904, 0.0006885588518343866, 0.0006278887740336359, 0.0007075910689309239, 0.0010009687393903732, 0.001432271208614111, 0.0005869496962986887, 0.0005453436751849949, 0.0006149790715426207, 0.0006283251568675041, 0.000836546125356108, 0.0011398172937333584, 0.0006680985097773373, 0.0006924439803697169, 0.0005657103611156344, 0.009428475052118301, 0.0007604089914821088, 0.002702750265598297, 0.0013632389018312097, 0.0005769141134805977, 0.0006715785712003708, 0.0007297929259948432, 0.0009937454015016556, 0.0010582649847492576, 0.0008420094382017851, 0.0006963215419091284, 0.0006941999308764935, 0.0005886735743843019, 0.0008724274230189621, 0.0018783495761454105 ]
[ "Q:\n\nWPF ControlTemplate vs UserControl\n\nI've recently made an UserControl, which took quite a long time, because I had to work with custom Dependency Properties and so on...\nAnyways, it was just a bunch of 3 controls: TextBox, Popup with Hierarchical Tree.", "\nNow I realized I could probably write a ControlTemplate only. ", "Hence what is the benefit of using UserControl?", "\n\nA:\n\nThere are three cases to consider here: UserControl, ControlTemplate, and custom Control. (", "I'm guessing a DataTemplate needs no explanation)\nA custom Control is something you provide when you create base functionality of a new UI component. ", "There are various pros and cons for this, but for example, if you want custom selection behaviour of an ItemsControl, you could best do it by subclassing Selector or MultiSelector (the wpftoolkit DataGrid does this). ", "Also, if you want an object which would contain a new DependencyProperty, you will in most cases derive from Control.", "\nThe wpf principle contained here is the \"lookless\" control paradigm, or \"be sure to expect someone templating your Control, or at least make it behave nicely in your own template scenario\". ", "Custom Controls are usually created with reusability in mind, often as parts of framework dlls.", "\nA ControlTemplate is essentially a description of a replacement visual tree, and can be set either explicitly on FrameworkElements, or as a part of a Style. ", "This is the option you should aim at when your goal is primarily to make an application and be done with it. ", "You can do almost anything with a ControlTemplate visually, if you are able to get the bindings and triggers (and the possible containing Style itself) right. ", "All this can be declared as a resource an reused, to give your application a common \"theme\".", "\nA UserControl is a self-contained composite control, with parts individually editable in the designer, and is best used if you need to see your components and manage them in the designer. ", "A ControlTemplate, on the other hand, will not expose its components for manipulation in the designer (although it will be visible). ", "You usually create a UserControl for a Customer details page, or a Product display browser, or any case where you don't want to create a full-blown Control, but want detailed view with full designer support.", "\nA special case here is if you use the MVVM pattern. ", "Many great MVVM implementations use UserControls as Views, and ControlTemplates and Styles as resources used by those views. ", "MVVM practice also minimizes the need for a custom Control, and has many other benefits.", "\n(For more information on MVVM, among many others, Google for Josh Smith, Sacha Barber and Karl Shifflett's fantastic articles)\n\nA:\n\nIf you are adding your own dependency properties, then you will need your own class upon which to define them.", "\nAs you want to apply a template to the class, this custom class will have to derive from Control (as UserControl does).", "\nThe main benefit of writing your own Control-derived class is that it can have its template redefined for other usage scenarios, either by you within the app, or by other users of the type.", "\nThere is very little overhead in using the UserControl class. ", " In fact, if you look at it in Reflector.", "NET, you'll see that it hardly has any code. ", " Primarily, UserControl just redefines the metadata on some existing dependency properties (such as making the default value of FocusableProperty false.)", "\nUnless you need to redefine the template of the control immediately, you can leave it as a UserControl for now and change it later if needed.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.0006755621288903058, 0.0006305068964138627, 0.0012582826893776655, 0.0005728859105147421, 0.0006655154866166413, 0.0007007832755334675, 0.0009462882298976183, 0.0007090484723448753, 0.0005738181644119322, 0.0006308736046776175, 0.0006048362120054662, 0.0005957283428870142, 0.000563342880923301, 0.0006286842981353402, 0.0006147528765723109, 0.0006935478886589408, 0.0005996879190206528, 0.0006543651106767356, 0.0005843969993293285, 0.0006921035819686949, 0.0006477219867520034, 0.0007243396248668432, 0.000919820973649621, 0.0006449103238992393, 0.0009074320551007986, 0.0007126659620553255, 0.0006891082739457488, 0.001995444530621171 ]
[ "Reversible myeloneuropathy of nitrous oxide abuse: serial electrophysiological studies.", "\nDetailed electrophysiological studies were performed in 4 patients with myeloneuropathy induced by abuse of nitrous oxide for 1 to 4 years. ", "All presented with paresthesias, weakness, and Lhermitte's phenomena, and exhibited signs of sensorimotor polyneuropathy, ataxia, and arreflexia. ", "Two had subnormal serum vitamin B12 levels. ", "Baseline electrophysiologic testing revealed reduced motor unit potentials, prolonged F wave latencies, absent H reflexes, denervation potentials, and delays in motor and sensory conduction. ", "Three had peripheral and nuchal delay after median nerve stimulation. ", "All were reevaluated after 3 to 12 months' abstinence and treatment with vitamin B12, and all showed substantial clinical improvement. ", "Parallel improvement in electrophysiologic findings occurred, but residual minor conduction delays, loss of H reflexes, electromyographic evidence of denervation, or abnormalities of posterior tibial SEP were noted. ", "These findings confirm the reversibility of myeloneuropathy of nitrous oxide abuse and describe the profile of electrophysiologic recovery in subjects who abstain from further neurotoxic exposure." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.0022829887457191944, 0.0021272951271384954, 0.0031716590747237206, 0.0006642269436269999, 0.0006295251660048962, 0.0010254336521029472, 0.000692272384185344, 0.0007846677908673882, 0.0017221695743501186 ]
[ "The early benefits of Laparoscopic Sacrocolpopexy.", "\nProspective evaluation of the 6 months functional and clinical outcome of 27 patients treated with Laparoscopic Sacrocolpopexy (LSC). ", "Pelvic organ prolapse was assessed by Baden-Walker system along with a validated quality of life questionnaire preoperatively and at 6 months postoperatively to assess vaginal, urinary, bowel and sexual symptoms. ", "At a mean 6 months follow-up, 96% of the symptomatic women had successful vaginal vault support with no recurrence of prolapse symptoms. ", "Successful anatomical outcome (any prolapse ≤ stage 1) was found in 89%. ", "Regarding the urinary functional symptoms, significant improvement was reported in the voiding function, painful symptoms and the relevant quality of life. ", "Stress urinary incontinence resolved in 67% without concomitant continence surgery; 4% from the stress incontinence was de novo. ", "Bowel symptoms were common, both pre- and postoperatively; 40% from the postoperative bowel symptoms was de novo. ", "Sexually active women reported significant improvement in sexual function; there was one case of de novo dyspareunia. ", "LSC is an effective treatment for vault prolapse as soon as in the 6-months follow-up. ", "The outcome for anterior and posterior support is less predictable. ", "The pelvic organ vaginal, urinary and sexual functional symptoms improve. ", "The effects on bowel function are less clear. ", "Long-term prospective studies are required to establish the duration of the benefits." ]
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[ 0.000785655400250107, 0.0005795658798888326, 0.0080482866615057, 0.0052348594181239605, 0.0005614383262582123, 0.0009579521720297635, 0.000994875910691917, 0.005096246488392353, 0.08750897645950317, 0.0006240814691409469, 0.0005995244719088078, 0.11653607338666916, 0.004789156373590231, 0.0005303287762217224 ]
[ "Add to Registry\n\nEloquence CollectionCrafted with such elegance that it needs no explanation, the Eloquence Collection captures the essence of 19th-century elegance. ", "Inspired by the grand Chateau de Versailles and the furniture of King Louis XV & King Louis XVI, Eloquence re-styles the original pieces to suit everyday use. ", "The Eloquence collection boasts Old World glamour and features thoughtfully re-envisioned furniture with decorative carvings, glamorous gilding and distressed finishes." ]
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[ 0.0008600405999459326, 0.0006220138166099787, 0.00072626699693501 ]
[ "// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0\n/*\n * Copyright (C) 2005-2006 by Texas Instruments\n */\n\n#ifndef __MUSB_HDRDF_H__\n#define __MUSB_HDRDF_H__\n\n/*\n * DaVinci-specific definitions\n */\n\n/* Integrated highspeed/otg PHY */\n#define USBPHY_CTL_PADDR\t0x01c40034\n#define USBPHY_DATAPOL\t\tBIT(11)\t/* (dm355) switch D+/D- */\n#define USBPHY_PHYCLKGD\t\tBIT(8)\n#define USBPHY_SESNDEN\t\tBIT(7)\t/* v(sess_end) comparator */\n#define USBPHY_VBDTCTEN\t\tBIT(6)\t/* v(bus) comparator */\n#define USBPHY_VBUSSENS\t\tBIT(5)\t/* (dm355,ro) is vbus > 0.5V */\n#define USBPHY_PHYPLLON\t\tBIT(4)\t/* override pll suspend */\n#define USBPHY_CLKO1SEL\t\tBIT(3)\n#define USBPHY_OSCPDWN\t\tBIT(2)\n#define USBPHY_OTGPDWN\t\tBIT(1)\n#define USBPHY_PHYPDWN\t\tBIT(0)\n\n#define DM355_DEEPSLEEP_PADDR\t0x01c40048\n#define DRVVBUS_FORCE\t\tBIT(2)\n#define DRVVBUS_OVERRIDE\tBIT(1)\n\n/* For now include usb OTG module registers here */\n#define DAVINCI_USB_VERSION_REG\t\t0x00\n#define DAVINCI_USB_CTRL_REG\t\t0x04\n#define DAVINCI_USB_STAT_REG\t\t0x08\n#define DAVINCI_RNDIS_REG\t\t0x10\n#define DAVINCI_AUTOREQ_REG\t\t0x14\n#define DAVINCI_USB_INT_SOURCE_REG\t0x20\n#define DAVINCI_USB_INT_SET_REG\t\t0x24\n#define DAVINCI_USB_INT_SRC_CLR_REG\t0x28\n#define DAVINCI_USB_INT_MASK_REG\t0x2c\n#define DAVINCI_USB_INT_MASK_SET_REG\t0x30\n#define DAVINCI_USB_INT_MASK_CLR_REG\t0x34\n#define DAVINCI_USB_INT_SRC_MASKED_REG\t0x38\n#define DAVINCI_USB_EOI_REG\t\t0x3c\n#define DAVINCI_USB_EOI_INTVEC\t\t0x40\n\n/* BEGIN CPPI-generic (?) */", "\n\n/* CPPI related registers */\n#define DAVINCI_TXCPPI_CTRL_REG\t\t0x80\n#define DAVINCI_TXCPPI_TEAR_REG\t\t0x84\n#define DAVINCI_CPPI_EOI_REG\t\t0x88\n#define DAVINCI_CPPI_INTVEC_REG\t\t0x8c\n#define DAVINCI_TXCPPI_MASKED_REG\t0x90\n#define DAVINCI_TXCPPI_RAW_REG\t\t0x94\n#define DAVINCI_TXCPPI_INTENAB_REG\t0x98\n#define DAVINCI_TXCPPI_INTCLR_REG\t0x9c\n\n#define DAVINCI_RXCPPI_CTRL_REG\t\t0xC0\n#define DAVINCI_RXCPPI_MASKED_REG\t0xD0\n#define DAVINCI_RXCPPI_RAW_REG\t\t0xD4\n#define DAVINCI_RXCPPI_INTENAB_REG\t0xD8\n#define DAVINCI_RXCPPI_INTCLR_REG\t0xDC\n\n#define DAVINCI_RXCPPI_BUFCNT0_REG\t0xE0\n#define DAVINCI_RXCPPI_BUFCNT1_REG\t0xE4\n#define DAVINCI_RXCPPI_BUFCNT2_REG\t0xE8\n#define DAVINCI_RXCPPI_BUFCNT3_REG\t0xEC\n\n/* CPPI state RAM entries */\n#define DAVINCI_CPPI_STATERAM_BASE_OFFSET 0x100\n\n#define DAVINCI_TXCPPI_STATERAM_OFFSET(chnum) \\\n\t(DAVINCI_CPPI_STATERAM_BASE_OFFSET + ((chnum) * 0x40))\n#define DAVINCI_RXCPPI_STATERAM_OFFSET(chnum) \\\n\t(DAVINCI_CPPI_STATERAM_BASE_OFFSET + 0x20 + ((chnum) * 0x40))\n\n/* CPPI masks */\n#define DAVINCI_DMA_CTRL_ENABLE\t\t1\n#define DAVINCI_DMA_CTRL_DISABLE\t0\n\n#define DAVINCI_DMA_ALL_CHANNELS_ENABLE\t0xF\n#define DAVINCI_DMA_ALL_CHANNELS_DISABLE 0xF\n\n/* END CPPI-generic (?) */", "\n\n#define DAVINCI_USB_TX_ENDPTS_MASK\t0x1f\t\t/* ep0 + 4 tx */\n#define DAVINCI_USB_RX_ENDPTS_MASK\t0x1e\t\t/* 4 rx */\n\n#define DAVINCI_USB_USBINT_SHIFT\t16\n#define DAVINCI_USB_TXINT_SHIFT\t\t0\n#define DAVINCI_USB_RXINT_SHIFT\t\t8\n\n#define DAVINCI_INTR_DRVVBUS\t\t0x0100\n\n#define DAVINCI_USB_USBINT_MASK\t\t0x01ff0000\t/* 8 Mentor, DRVVBUS */\n#define DAVINCI_USB_TXINT_MASK \\\n\t(DAVINCI_USB_TX_ENDPTS_MASK << DAVINCI_USB_TXINT_SHIFT)\n#define DAVINCI_USB_RXINT_MASK \\\n\t(DAVINCI_USB_RX_ENDPTS_MASK << DAVINCI_USB_RXINT_SHIFT)\n\n#define DAVINCI_BASE_OFFSET\t\t0x400\n\n#endif\t/* __MUSB_HDRDF_H__ */\n" ]
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[ 0.001477858517318964, 0.001872657216154039, 0.001121440320275724 ]
[ "LaGuardia New Music Ensemble\n\nThe LaGuardia New Music Ensemble is an ever-changing composition collective at New York's LaGuardia School for Music and Art. ", "It is notable for being the incubator of multiple industry professionals and one of the foremost popular music composition seminars in the country. ", "The ensemble is best known for its collaborations with the NPR program Radiolab.", "\n\nThe ensemble was founded in 1997 as the \"New Music Singers\" by pianist and teacher Bobby Apostle. ", "The seminar itself is loosely structured, offering students the opportunity to collaborate individually and present their compositions with open critique. ", "While originally focused on jazz improvisation, the course has strongly shifted over time to reflect current musical trends. ", "The ensemble currently admits twenty-five composers, musicians, and producers each year, releases two commercial recordings and typically performs three to four shows.", "\n\nNotable members\n\nSince its 1997 incarnation, the collective has included over three hundred members, many of which have become industry professionals. ", "A few of its notable members include the following:\nPia Toscano, finalist on American Idol.", "\nDan Romer, composer known for the score to Beasts of the Southern Wild.", "\nBridget Kelly, New York based R&B musician.", "\nAzealia Banks, pop singer.", "\nWynter Gordon, pop songwriter and performer.", "\nRachel Zevita, contestant on Season 10 of American Idol.", "\nQaasim Middleton, guitarist for The Naked Brothers Band.", "\nMarcus Gilmore, prodigal jazz drummer and member of pianist Vijay Iyer's trio.", "\nAdam O'Farrill, jazz trumpet player and son of pianist Arturo O'Farrill.", "\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Music education in the United States\nCategory:1997 establishments in New York (state)\nCategory:Musical groups established in 1997" ]
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[ 0.0006356533267535269, 0.0006426995969377458, 0.0005811115843243897, 0.0005866356659680605, 0.0005282182828523219, 0.0005280544282868505, 0.0005702010239474475, 0.0005652870167978108, 0.000642237311694771, 0.0008576824329793453, 0.0007979596848599613, 0.0010233382927253842, 0.0007759915315546095, 0.0008313487633131444, 0.000814072962384671, 0.000655371171887964, 0.0007941981893964112, 0.0005519831320270896 ]
[ "Okian Warrior writes: New Hampshire based RR Auction is selling the EKG of Neil Armstrong's heartbeat taken when he stepped onto the moon, among manyotheritems of space and aviation historical interest. \"", "It was really slow on the way down, while Aldrin's was racing\" described Gerald Schaber, geologist, who had the task of monitoring Armstrong's heartbeat during the final famous moments of the Apollo 11 landing.", "\n\nWikicollecting notes that Armstrong's EKG previously went for a cool $12,500 at an auction in April of 2004." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.0006233330350369215, 0.0006326630827970803, 0.0005899621173739433 ]
[ "I’ve tried out quite a few variations on the Windows 8 theme just lately – touchscreen notebooks mainly – but I’ve been dabbling with Boot Camp and virtual machine incarnations on the desktop too but without the finger friendliness. ", "So trying out Lenovo’s business-centric ThinkPad Tablet 2 seemed like it would be an easy transition.", "\n\nLenovo's ThinkPad Tablet 2: the stylus is made by Wacom and doesn't rely on batteries\n\nIt runs a very capable dual-core Cloverview Intel Atom Z2760 1.8GHz processor and a 32-bit version of Windows 8 Pro. ", "There’s 2GB of LPDD2 RAM on board this model with 64GB of e-MMC Flash storage. ", "Its 10.1in IPS screen is responsive, crisp and bright, but not dazzling. ", "At 1366 x 768 pixels, this screen real estate scale helps when it comes to precision tapping.", "\n\nThese things all seem to fit together nicely enough, yet for all the proclamations I’ve made about Windows 8 needing a touchscreen to be useable, this time I find what I really miss is a keyboard. ", "Now, this doesn’t have to be a problem if you buy the OB47270 Bluetooth keyboard stand, which is the more elegant and costly option at £103.", "\n\nLenovo's own Bluetooth keyboard stand accessory offers a hybrid option\n\nThe ThinkPad Tablet 2 is Bluetooth 4.0 savvy as well as being equipped with a full-size USB port enabling peripheral alternatives. ", "Still, this is a tablet and naturally features a virtual keyboard, but you also get a slim, pressure sensitive Wacom-based stylus that slots into the tablet body. ", "More on this later.", "\n\nIn the hand the ThinkPad Tablet 2’s rubberised back and edges feel friendly enough and at 600g it’s not too heavy either. ", "It measures up at 263 x 164 x 10mm and certainly doesn’t come across as bulky. ", "One thing that is a bit odd though is the back casing doesn’t appear solid; press on it and it dips in slightly and then pops out again on release. ", "You’d assume is would be glued or form part of some solid framework, but it feels more akin to skin around the body – like an iPad cover – and behaves like a blister.", "\n\nPlastic covers conceal card interfacing and a USB port\n\nThe Lenovo ThinkPad Tablet 2 is slightly asymmetrical with its curved left edge that not only houses the pen and micro USB charging port, but under a plastic cover – that will challenge those with hewn fingernails – is the full size USB 2.0 port. ", "Another fingernail challenge along the top edge, is the cover for both the Micro SD expansion and a full size Sim card. ", "Not all models have the latter, though.", "\n\nIn landscape mode, beneath the Windows button, the base has an accessory docking interface and a handy mini HDMI port. ", "Lenovo’s trademark understated dress sense does require conscious effort to find the audio mic/headphone port, the charging input and to discover what all the edge buttons do. ", "The recessed power button always involved a bit of a grope to find it and I’d frequently press the orientation lock instead of the adjacent volume up/down keys.", "\n\nLenovo Settings provides easy access to common functions\n\nApart from the inclusion of a Nitro Pro trial with its modest 270MB footprint, on the whole, Lenovo avoids the usual temptation to pack out this tablet PC with bloatware. ", "Its more sober approach involves the Companion app tile that adorns the Modern interface, that takes you to a select sweet shop where you can learn about some of the installed items and can choose others to download. ", "If you’re missing the Start Menu, then you’ll find Lenovo’s QuickLaunch substitute here." ]
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[ 0.0007424028008244932, 0.0006886284099891782, 0.0007783118053339422, 0.0008658383158035576, 0.0009846963221207261, 0.0005868303123861551, 0.000602245912887156, 0.0007317927666008472, 0.000713978661224246, 0.0007711598300375044, 0.000611005409155041, 0.0006803533178754151, 0.0007373828557319939, 0.0007983296527527273, 0.01589420810341835, 0.0007902951329015195, 0.0007090282160788774, 0.0006409803754650056, 0.0006887298659421504, 0.0006989996763877571, 0.0006282730610109866, 0.000668773427605629, 0.0005612567183561623, 0.0009410353959538043 ]
[ "Comparative study of the toxic effects of Chrysaora quinquecirrha (Cnidaria: Scyphozoa) and Chironex fleckeri (Cnidaria: Cubozoa) venoms using cell-based assays.", "\nThe venoms of jellyfish cause toxic effects in diverse biological systems that can trigger local and systemic reactions. ", "In this study, the cytotoxic and cytolytic effects of Chrysaora quinquecirrha and Chironex fleckeri venoms were assessed and compared using three in vitro assays. ", "Venoms from both species were cytotoxic to fish gill cells and rat cardiomyocytes, and cytolytic in sheep erythrocytes. ", "Both venoms decreased cell viability in a concentration-dependent manner; however, the greatest difference in venom potencies was observed in the fish gill cell line, wherein C. fleckeri was 12.2- (P = 0.0005) and 35.7-fold (P < 0.0001) more potently cytotoxic than C. quinquecirrha venom with 30 min and 120 min cell exposure periods, respectively. ", "Gill cells and rat cardiomyocytes exposed to venoms showed morphological changes characterised by cell shrinkage, clumping and detachment. ", "The cytotoxic effects of venoms may be caused by a group of toxic proteins that have been previously identified in C. fleckeri and other cubozoan jellyfish species. ", "In this study, proteins homologous to CfTX-1 and CfTX-2 toxins from C. fleckeri and CqTX-A toxin from Chironex yamaguchii were identified in C. quinquecirrha venom using tandem mass spectrometry. ", "The presence and relative abundance of these proteins may explain the differences in venom potency between cubozoan and scyphozoan jellyfish and may reflect their importance in the action of venoms." ]
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[ 0.0006873993552289903, 0.0013215710641816258, 0.0006414097151719034, 0.005380166694521904, 0.0008500908734276891, 0.0018304475815966725, 0.0009610503329895437, 0.0007216810481622815, 0.0006677579367533326 ]
[ "Finlay Macdonald (editor)\n\nFinlay Macdonald (born 1961) is a New Zealand journalist, editor, publisher and broadcaster. ", "He is best known for editing the New Zealand Listener (1998–2003). ", "Macdonald lives in Auckland with his partner, media executive Carol Hirschfeld. ", "They have two children, Will and Rosa. ", "His father was the late journalist Iain Macdonald.", "\n\nCareer \nMacdonald began his career as a junior reporter for the NZ Listener, later becoming a senior writer, before leaving to pursue a freelance career, during which time he researched and wrote television documentaries and was for two years a regular scriptwriter for TVNZ’s long-running drama series Shortland Street.", "\n\nFrom 1996–1997 Macdonald was a senior writer for Metro magazine, before returning to the Listener as deputy editor under then-editor Paul Little. ", "When Little left, Macdonald was appointed editor, and hired Steve Braunias from Metro as deputy editor.", "\n\nMacdonald has said that highlights of editing the Listener included driving its coverage of the 9/11 terror attacks and New Zealand’s response to the subsequent \"War on Terror\", and launching the magazine’s first website.", " \n\nNotable writers he commissioned to contribute to the Listener included C.K Stead (an obituary of New Zealand writer Janet Frame), Michael King, Alexander Cockburn and Christopher Hitchens (on the death of Princess Diana).", "\n\nBetween 2004–2006 he was a commissioning editor for Penguin Books New Zealand. ", "  During this time, Macdonald encouraged former New Zealand Prime Minister David Lange to write his memoir, David Lange: My Life. ", "The book’s publication coincided with the death of Lange in 2006, and remains a best-seller.", "\n\nFrom 2006–2010 Macdonald wrote a weekly column for the Sunday Star-Times (which he has compared to writing a Listener editorial); and was also the paper's literary editor.", "\n\nMore recently he has written for North & South magazine, The Spinoff, Radio New Zealand and Newsroom. ", "In 2013 he authored The Life and Art of Lynley Dodd an illustrated retrospective of the New Zealand children’s author’s work. ", "From 2015–2017 he was the New Zealand publisher for HarperCollins where he specialised in non-fiction works, including New Zealand musician Dave McArtney’s memoir Gutter Black, Flying Nun Records founder Roger Shepherd’s memoir In Love With These Times, and the celebrated New Zealand writer James McNeish’s final book, Breaking Ranks.", "\n\nMacdonald has worked as a documentary producer/reporter or presenter for television series The Good Word (TVNZ 7); Talk Talk (TVNZ 7); NewsBites (Maori Television Service) and The Book Show (TVNZ). ", " As host and moderator he launched the first seasons of the Auckland Museum LATE series of debates and lectures, has been a regular chair at the annual Auckland Writers Festival, and has hosted the University of Auckland’s Bright Lights event for distinguished alumni since 2013.", "\n\nEducation \n 1984 Bachelor of Arts (majoring in politics) University of Auckland\n Diploma of Journalism Wellington Polytechnic.", "\n\nAwards \n 2006 Qantas Media Awards Columnist of the Year\n 1994 Nuffield Press Fellow, Wolfson College, University of Cambridge\n\nReferences \n\nCategory:New Zealand journalists\nCategory:New Zealand writers\nCategory:1961 births\nCategory:New Zealand publishers (people)\nCategory:New Zealand broadcasters\nCategory:Living people" ]
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[ 0.0007107008132152259, 0.0006657965714111924, 0.000683293619658798, 0.0011414847103878856, 0.0007449459517374635, 0.0007135334890335798, 0.0006665349355898798, 0.0006951479590497911, 0.0006307049188762903, 0.0005884632118977606, 0.0006602082867175341, 0.0006595379090867937, 0.0006203280063346028, 0.0006217630580067635, 0.0006264878902584314, 0.0007332119275815785, 0.0006823240546509624, 0.0006159659824334085, 0.0005996013060212135, 0.0006141010671854019, 0.0005822007078677416 ]
[ "The choice of arterial access for percutaneous coronary intervention and its impact on outcome: An expert opinion perspective.", "\nThe prevention of major bleeding during percutaneous coronary intervention is one of the most widely discussed and often controversial topics within interventional cardiology. ", "The choice of arterial access should be considered a mechanism for bleeding avoidance, and various strategies have been proposed to prevent or lower major bleeding and vascular complications with varying levels of strength. ", "Herein, we review the current literature on arterial access as a bleeding avoidance strategy during percutaneous coronary intervention and its impact on outcome and provide a consensus opinion based on the strength of the evidence supporting various techniques." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.0005444905837066472, 0.0007336784619837999, 0.0005878062220290303, 0.000546180410310626 ]
[ "Magnesium glycinate\n\nMagnesium glycinate, also known as magnesium diglycinate or magnesium bisglycinate, is the magnesium salt of glycine (one magnesium and two glycine molecules), and is sold as a dietary supplement. ", "It contains 14.1% elemental magnesium by mass. ", "Accordingly, 100 mg of magnesium is contained in 709 mg of magnesium glycinate.", "\n\nUses\nMagnesium glycinate has been studied with applicability to patients with a bowel resection or pregnancy-induced leg cramps.", "\n\nSee also\n Magnesium (pharmaceutical preparation)\n Magnesium deficiency (medicine)\n Magnesium in biology\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Magnesium compounds\nCategory:Glycinates" ]
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[ "Greased piping\n\nGrease from French fries, hot wings and other oily foods is clogging Seattle's drainpipes.", "\n\nConsuming too many greasy foods is obviously bad for your health, but it turns out food grease can also wreak havoc on the environment by clogging up sewer pipes, according to a recent Seattle PI story.", "\n\nThe Seattle Public Utilities found that each month the equivalent of seven large swimming pools of grease make their way down Seattle’s drains, causing about 30 percent of Seattle’s sewer backups.", "\n\nOnce fats, oils and greases, or FOGs, make it into the pipes, they eventually glob into a hard substance that can block pipes and cause stinky bubbles to foam up in your sink drain. ", "But the problem isn’t just in Seattle. ", "Many cities also have similar issues, especially ones with old pipes or meat-eating residents.", "\n\nThe obvious culprits are restaurants that wash a lot of greasy dishes. ", "To help cut down on the greasy issue, the city of Seattle is now requiring that all restaurants install grease traps to minimize the amount of muck that makes it into the drain. ", "But since some Seattle restaurants opened before this requirement went into effect, only about 1,000 out of 2,600 food service places have these devices, according to the article.", "\n\nResidential homes are another common source of the grease, especially when people put food items like sour cream, bacon bits and even ice cream down the garbage disposal, which wreaks havoc on the pipes. ", "In fact, more than half of Seattle’s clogged pipes are found in residential neighborhoods, pollution prevention coordinator Julie Howell told the PI.", "\n\n\"One thing that has been a real surprise in this industry — one thing people have learned over time is that there is much bigger residential component than people might think,\" she said.", "\n\nThough a little bit of food grease down the drain seems harmless enough, scraping that gunk out of the pipes can actually be quite costly, around $1,500 a pop, which is why Seattle is trying to educate people about the issue. ", "In addition to putting up informational posters, the utility agency’s Web site also has a ton of tips on how to keep grease from clogging the drain.", "\n\nOf course, one fast and easy way to cut the grease is to simply not eat greasy foods in the first place, which is both better for the environment and your health. ", "But for those days when you absolutely must indulge with greasy foods, be sure to scrape the food grease off of your plates and pans and toss it into a throwaway container. ", "This may seem wasteful, but it’s better than mucking up your pipes or your compost bin with grease, which this MNN article warns about.", "\n\nSome restaurants have begun giving their food grease to local manufacturers that convert the grease into biofuel or even soap, such as the high-end hand soap company, Further, according to this MNN report. ", "If all else fails and your drain is already clogged, trying using an eco-friendly drain cleaner like Earth Enzymes or CLR, which is great for busting up heavy-duty messes." ]
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[ "Toldbodens Beer\n\nClient:\n\nRestaurant Julian\n\nDate\n\nMar 30, 2012\n\nCategory\n\nGraphic Design, Identity\n\nAbout This Project\n\nToldbodens annual beer, is made in collaboration with Thy Pilsner.", "\nIn 2011 the design was made in collaboration with The Danish Society for Nature Conservation 100 year anniversary.", "\nThe 2012 version is a harbour classic pilsner, both design are inspired from classic northern european royal beer labels.[separator type=’dotted’ color=’3f2a17′ thickness=’1′ up=’6′ down=’8′]" ]
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[ "import React, { PureComponent } from 'react';\nimport { formatMessage } from 'umi/locale';\nimport { Layout, message } from 'antd';\nimport Animate from 'rc-animate';\nimport { connect } from 'dva';\nimport router from 'umi/router';\nimport GlobalHeader from '@/components/GlobalHeader';\nimport TopNavHeader from '@/components/TopNavHeader';\nimport styles from './Header.less';\nimport Authorized from '@/utils/Authorized';\n\nconst { Header } = Layout;\n\nclass HeaderView extends PureComponent {\n state = {\n visible: true,\n };\n\n static getDerivedStateFromProps(props, state) {\n if (!", "props.autoHideHeader && !", "state.visible) {\n return {\n visible: true,\n };\n }\n return null;\n }\n\n componentDidMount() {\n document.addEventListener('scroll', this.handScroll, { passive: true });\n }\n\n componentWillUnmount() {\n document.removeEventListener('scroll', this.handScroll);\n }\n\n getHeadWidth = () => {\n const { isMobile, collapsed, setting } = this.props;\n const { fixedHeader, layout } = setting;\n if (isMobile || !", "fixedHeader || layout === 'topmenu') {\n return '100%';\n }\n return collapsed ? '", "calc(100% - 80px)' : 'calc(100% - 256px)';\n };\n\n handleNoticeClear = type => {\n message.success(`${formatMessage({ id: 'component.noticeIcon.cleared' })} ${type}`);\n const { dispatch } = this.props;\n dispatch({\n type: 'global/clearNotices',\n payload: type,\n });\n };\n\n handleMenuClick = ({ key }) => {\n const { dispatch } = this.props;\n if (key === 'userCenter') {\n router.push('/account/center');\n return;\n }\n if (key === 'triggerError') {\n router.push('/exception/trigger');\n return;\n }\n if (key === 'userinfo') {\n router.push('/account/settings/base');\n return;\n }\n if (key === 'logout') {\n dispatch({\n type: 'login/logout',\n });\n }\n };\n\n handleNoticeVisibleChange = visible => {\n if (visible) {\n const { dispatch } = this.props;\n dispatch({\n type: 'global/fetchNotices',\n });\n }\n };\n\n handScroll = () => {\n const { autoHideHeader } = this.props;\n const { visible } = this.state;\n if (!", "autoHideHeader) {\n return;\n }\n const scrollTop = document.body.scrollTop + document.documentElement.scrollTop;\n if (!", "this.ticking) {\n requestAnimationFrame(() => {\n if (this.oldScrollTop > scrollTop) {\n this.setState({\n visible: true,\n });\n this.scrollTop = scrollTop;\n return;\n }\n if (scrollTop > 300 && visible) {\n this.setState({\n visible: false,\n });\n }\n if (scrollTop < 300 && !", "visible) {\n this.setState({\n visible: true,\n });\n }\n this.oldScrollTop = scrollTop;\n this.ticking = false;\n });\n }\n this.ticking = false;\n };\n\n render() {\n const { isMobile, handleMenuCollapse, setting } = this.props;\n const { navTheme, layout, fixedHeader } = setting;\n const { visible } = this.state;\n const isTop = layout === 'topmenu';\n const width = this.getHeadWidth();\n const HeaderDom = visible ? (", "\n <Header style={{ padding: 0, width }} className={fixedHeader ? ", "styles.fixedHeader : ''}>\n {isTop && !", "isMobile ? (", "\n <TopNavHeader\n theme={navTheme}\n mode=\"horizontal\"\n Authorized={Authorized}\n onCollapse={handleMenuCollapse}\n onNoticeClear={this.handleNoticeClear}\n onMenuClick={this.handleMenuClick}\n onNoticeVisibleChange={this.handleNoticeVisibleChange}\n {...this.props}\n />\n ) : (\n <GlobalHeader\n onCollapse={handleMenuCollapse}\n onNoticeClear={this.handleNoticeClear}\n onMenuClick={this.handleMenuClick}\n onNoticeVisibleChange={this.handleNoticeVisibleChange}\n {...this.props}\n />\n )}\n </Header>\n ) : null;\n return (\n <Animate component=\"\" transitionName=\"fade\">\n {HeaderDom}\n </Animate>\n );\n }\n}\n\nexport default connect(({ user, global, setting, loading }) => ({\n currentUser: user.currentUser,\n collapsed: global.collapsed,\n fetchingNotices: loading.effects['global/fetchNotices'],\n notices: global.notices,\n setting,\n}))(HeaderView);\n" ]
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[ "The Mummy Returns (2001) (BluRay) - The Mummy All Series\n\nMovie name : The Mummy Returns (2001) (BluRay)Category name : The Mummy All SeriesStars : Brendan Fraser, Rachel Weisz, John Hannah, Genre : Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Description : The mummified body of Imhotep is shipped to a museum in London, where he once again wakes and begins his campaign of rage and terror.", "Length : 130 MinsTotal views : 24850" ]
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[ "ESPN College GameDay's information man Chris Fallica and analyst Kirk Herbstreit confirmed on Thursday that the network's Saturday morning show would be at the Battle at Bristol on Sept. 10.", "\n\nBecause of the magnitude of the game between Tennessee and Virginia Tech, it was expected that the show would broadcast from Bristol Motor Speedway - but the pair officially confirmed it on a Facebook live chat with fans on Thursday.", "\n\nFallica said the GameDay crew would be at LSU-Wisconsin at Lambeu Field in Green Bay for the opening Saturday, then head to USC-Alabama, Ole Miss-Florida State, spend two days at home and then head to Bristol for Virginia Tech-Tennessee.", "\n\nThe folks at the Speedway said they expected the show to be broadcast from there back in June, but they were still waiting for official confirmation.", "\n\nNow, they have it.", "\n\nOther games on the schedule that weekend that GameDay could have considered include TCU vs. Arkansas, Pittsburgh vs. Penn State, BYU at Utah, Kentucky at Florida and Virginia at Oregon.", "\n\nTennessee hasn’t played at a College GameDay location since Sept. 25, 2012, when the crew was in Knoxville for the Vols’ 37-20 loss to SEC Eastern Division rival Florida in Neyand Stadium.", "\n\nThe Battle at Bristol is scheduled for a primetime telecast on ABC - a company in the ESPN family of networks." ]
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[ "Ridgewood Station\n\nRidgewood Station may refer to:\nRidgewood (NJT station), in New Jersey\nRidgewood Station, California, former name of Ridge, California" ]
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[ "/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */\n/*\n * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.", "\n *\n * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public\n * License, v. 2.0. ", "If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this\n * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.\n *\n * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:\n *\n * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more\n * contributor license agreements. ", "See the NOTICE file distributed\n * with this work for additional information regarding copyright\n * ownership. ", "The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache\n * License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\"); you may not use this file\n * except in compliance with the License. ", "You may obtain a copy of\n * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .", "\n */\n#ifndef __com_sun_star_rendering_PanoseStrokeVariation_idl__\n#define __com_sun_star_rendering_PanoseStrokeVariation_idl__\n\nmodule com { module sun { module star { module rendering {\n\nconstants PanoseStrokeVariation\n{\n const byte ANYTHING=0;\n const byte NO_FIT=1;\n const byte GRADUAL_DIAGONAL=2;\n const byte GRADUAL_TRANSITIONAL=3;\n const byte GRADUAL_VERTICAL=4;\n const byte GRADUAL_HORIZONTAL=5;\n const byte RAPID_VERTICAL=6;\n const byte RAPID_HORIZONTAL=7;\n const byte INSTANT_VERTICAL=8;\n};\n\n}; }; }; };\n\n#endif\n\n/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */\n" ]
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[ "// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format\n// Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All rights reserved.", "\n// http://code.google.com/p/protobuf/\n//\n// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without\n// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are\n// met:\n//\n// * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright\n// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.", "\n// * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above\n// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer\n// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the\n// distribution.", "\n// * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its\n// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from\n// this software without specific prior written permission.", "\n//\n// THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS\n// \"AS IS\" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT\n// LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR\n// A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. ", "IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT\n// OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL,\n// SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT\n// LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE,\n// DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY\n// THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT\n// (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE\n// OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.", "\n\n// Author: kenton@google.com (Kenton Varda)\n// Based on original Protocol Buffers design by\n// Sanjay Ghemawat, Jeff Dean, and others.", "\n\n#include <google/protobuf/reflection_ops.h>\n#include <google/protobuf/descriptor.h>\n#include <google/protobuf/unknown_field_set.h>\n#include <google/protobuf/stubs/strutil.h>\n\nnamespace google {\nnamespace protobuf {\nnamespace internal {\n\nvoid ReflectionOps::Copy(const Message& from, Message* to) {\n if (&from == to) return;\n Clear(to);\n Merge(from, to);\n}\n\nvoid ReflectionOps::Merge(const Message& from, Message* to) {\n GOOGLE_CHECK_NE(&from, to);\n\n const Descriptor* descriptor = from.", "GetDescriptor();\n GOOGLE_CHECK_EQ(to->GetDescriptor(), descriptor)\n << \"Tried to merge messages of different types.\";", "\n\n const Reflection* from_reflection = from.", "GetReflection();\n const Reflection* to_reflection = to->GetReflection();\n\n vector<const FieldDescriptor*> fields;\n from_reflection->ListFields(from, &fields);\n for (int i = 0; i < fields.size(); i++) {\n const FieldDescriptor* field = fields[i];\n\n if (field->is_repeated()) {\n int count = from_reflection->FieldSize(from, field);\n for (int j = 0; j < count; j++) {\n switch (field->cpp_type()) {\n#define HANDLE_TYPE(CPPTYPE, METHOD) \\\n case FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_##CPPTYPE: \\\n to_reflection->Add##METHOD(to, field, \\\n from_reflection->GetRepeated##METHOD(from, field, j)); \\\n break;\n\n HANDLE_TYPE(INT32 , Int32 );\n HANDLE_TYPE(INT64 , Int64 );\n HANDLE_TYPE(UINT32, UInt32);\n HANDLE_TYPE(UINT64, UInt64);\n HANDLE_TYPE(FLOAT , Float );\n HANDLE_TYPE(DOUBLE, Double);\n HANDLE_TYPE(BOOL , Bool );\n HANDLE_TYPE(STRING, String);\n HANDLE_TYPE(ENUM , Enum );\n#undef HANDLE_TYPE\n\n case FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_MESSAGE:\n to_reflection->AddMessage(to, field)->MergeFrom(\n from_reflection->GetRepeatedMessage(from, field, j));\n break;\n }\n }\n } else {\n switch (field->cpp_type()) {\n#define HANDLE_TYPE(CPPTYPE, METHOD) \\\n case FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_##CPPTYPE: \\\n to_reflection->Set##METHOD(to, field, \\\n from_reflection->Get##METHOD(from, field)); \\\n break;\n\n HANDLE_TYPE(INT32 , Int32 );\n HANDLE_TYPE(INT64 , Int64 );\n HANDLE_TYPE(UINT32, UInt32);\n HANDLE_TYPE(UINT64, UInt64);\n HANDLE_TYPE(FLOAT , Float );\n HANDLE_TYPE(DOUBLE, Double);\n HANDLE_TYPE(BOOL , Bool );\n HANDLE_TYPE(STRING, String);\n HANDLE_TYPE(ENUM , Enum );\n#undef HANDLE_TYPE\n\n case FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_MESSAGE:\n to_reflection->MutableMessage(to, field)->MergeFrom(\n from_reflection->GetMessage(from, field));\n break;\n }\n }\n }\n\n to_reflection->MutableUnknownFields(to)->MergeFrom(\n from_reflection->GetUnknownFields(from));\n}\n\nvoid ReflectionOps::Clear(Message* message) {\n const Reflection* reflection = message->GetReflection();\n\n vector<const FieldDescriptor*> fields;\n reflection->ListFields(*message, &fields);\n for (int i = 0; i < fields.size(); i++) {\n reflection->ClearField(message, fields[i]);\n }\n\n reflection->MutableUnknownFields(message)->Clear();\n}\n\nbool ReflectionOps::IsInitialized(const Message& message) {\n const Descriptor* descriptor = message.", "GetDescriptor();\n const Reflection* reflection = message.", "GetReflection();\n\n // Check required fields of this message.", "\n for (int i = 0; i < descriptor->field_count(); i++) {\n if (descriptor->field(i)->is_required()) {\n if (!", "reflection->HasField(message, descriptor->field(i))) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n }\n\n // Check that sub-messages are initialized.", "\n vector<const FieldDescriptor*> fields;\n reflection->ListFields(message, &fields);\n for (int i = 0; i < fields.size(); i++) {\n const FieldDescriptor* field = fields[i];\n if (field->cpp_type() == FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_MESSAGE) {\n if (field->is_repeated()) {\n int size = reflection->FieldSize(message, field);\n\n for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {\n if (!", "reflection->GetRepeatedMessage(message, field, i)\n .IsInitialized()) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n } else {\n if (!", "reflection->GetMessage(message, field).IsInitialized()) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n return true;\n}\n\nvoid ReflectionOps::DiscardUnknownFields(Message* message) {\n const Reflection* reflection = message->GetReflection();\n\n reflection->MutableUnknownFields(message)->Clear();\n\n vector<const FieldDescriptor*> fields;\n reflection->ListFields(*message, &fields);\n for (int i = 0; i < fields.size(); i++) {\n const FieldDescriptor* field = fields[i];\n if (field->cpp_type() == FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_MESSAGE) {\n if (field->is_repeated()) {\n int size = reflection->FieldSize(*message, field);\n for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {\n reflection->MutableRepeatedMessage(message, field, i)\n ->DiscardUnknownFields();\n }\n } else {\n reflection->MutableMessage(message, field)->DiscardUnknownFields();\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\nstatic string SubMessagePrefix(const string& prefix,\n const FieldDescriptor* field,\n int index) {\n string result(prefix);\n if (field->is_extension()) {\n result.append(\"(\");\n result.append(field->full_name());\n result.append(\")\");\n } else {\n result.append(field->name());\n }\n if (index !", "= -1) {\n result.append(\"[\");\n result.append(SimpleItoa(index));\n result.append(\"]\");\n }\n result.append(\".\");", "\n return result;\n}\n\nvoid ReflectionOps::FindInitializationErrors(\n const Message& message,\n const string& prefix,\n vector<string>* errors) {\n const Descriptor* descriptor = message.", "GetDescriptor();\n const Reflection* reflection = message.", "GetReflection();\n\n // Check required fields of this message.", "\n for (int i = 0; i < descriptor->field_count(); i++) {\n if (descriptor->field(i)->is_required()) {\n if (!", "reflection->HasField(message, descriptor->field(i))) {\n errors->push_back(prefix + descriptor->field(i)->name());\n }\n }\n }\n\n // Check sub-messages.", "\n vector<const FieldDescriptor*> fields;\n reflection->ListFields(message, &fields);\n for (int i = 0; i < fields.size(); i++) {\n const FieldDescriptor* field = fields[i];\n if (field->cpp_type() == FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_MESSAGE) {\n\n if (field->is_repeated()) {\n int size = reflection->FieldSize(message, field);\n\n for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {\n const Message& sub_message =\n reflection->GetRepeatedMessage(message, field, i);\n FindInitializationErrors(sub_message,\n SubMessagePrefix(prefix, field, i),\n errors);\n }\n } else {\n const Message& sub_message = reflection->GetMessage(message, field);\n FindInitializationErrors(sub_message,\n SubMessagePrefix(prefix, field, -1),\n errors);\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n} // namespace internal\n} // namespace protobuf\n} // namespace google\n" ]
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[ "Current Comics\n\nDeprecated Comics\n\nNOTE: These comics are out of date and have innaccuracies to Creative Commons current license offerings. ", "Please help us update these comics and/or create new ones to replace the following comics.", "\n\n\"A Spectrum of Rights\" is a comic which focuses on showing where Creative Commons fits into the rights landscape.", "\n\nCreate your own!", "\n\nHelp out the movement by creating your comics which explain Creative Commons!", "\n\nPlanned Comics\n\nThere will be updated comics to ship on the OLPC as a licensing activity. ", "Right now, Creative Commons staff are developing simple comics which can be used to show anyone (but focused on children) how the concepts of Creative Commons, licensing, copyright and public domain work." ]
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[ "A man has been arrested after cannabis herb with a street value of €60,000 was seized in Cork.", "\n\nGardaí discovered the drugs during a planned raid on a house at Ballycotten in Midleton at around 3.30pm yesterday.", "\n\nThe man in his 40s was arrested and is currently being detained at Midleton garda station under Section 4 of the Criminal Justice Act." ]
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[ "A Bahá’í family of Hindu background, who became Bahá’í fairly recently, were studying Book 2 and wanted to carry out an act of service in support of the intensive program of growth in their cluster. ", "They sat down and made a list of friends that they could go and visit to share some themes about the Faith. ", "The names were of individuals they had invited to devotional meetings and who had shown some interest. ", "Before undertaking the visits, the family came together and prayed for divine assistance. ", "Out of the three families they visited, one family—the husband, wife, and son—were very attracted to the beauty of the teachings and had many questions. ", "They discussed the themes of “The Covenant of God” and “God and His Manifestations.” ", "Since the family they were visiting was also of Indian background, they took with them pictures of the Lotus Temple in India.", "\n\nOn the next visit, the Bahá’ís invited some other believers to join them in the home visit. ", "The entire family, including the 14-year-old son, became Bahá’í. ", "The parents have joined a Book 1 course and the son is in a youth class. ", "Now that the consolidation phase of the intensive program of growth has begun, the family studying Book 2 is making another home visit to this newly enrolled family and sharing additional spiritual themes with them.", "\n\nThe following accounts about two intensive programs of growth are examples of when home visits were used as part of the consolidation phase after a teaching campaign. ", "In this approach the friends shared the deepening themes presented in Book 2 with new believers, who often were then inspired to join an institute course.", "\n\nREFERENCES; REFLECTIONS ON GROWTH\n\nNumber 14, October 2006\n\nCourtesy: http://ruhibooks.blogspot.com" ]
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[ "By Dr David Whitehouse\n\nBBC News Online science editor\n\n\n\nRice was on the menu for ancient man\n\nTheir age challenges the accepted view that rice cultivation originated in China about 12,000 years ago.", "\n\nThe rice is genetically different from the modern food crop, which will allow researchers to trace its evolution.", "\n\nToday's rice is the primary food for over half the world's population, with 576,280,000 tonnes produced in 2002.", "\n\nRice is especially important in Asia, where it is responsible for almost a third of all calorific intake.", "\n\nTracer of evolution\n\nThe oldest known rice was discovered by Lee Yung-jo and Woo Jong-yoon of Chungbuk National University in South Korea.", "\n\nThe rice DNA will aid evolution study\n\nRadioactive dating of the 59 grains of carbonised rice has pushed back the date for the earliest known cultivation of the plant.", "\n\nDNA analysis shows the early rice sample to be different from the modern intensively farmed varieties, thereby offering scientists the opportunity to study the evolution of one of the world's principal food sources.", "\n\nThe region in central Korea where the grains were found is one of the most important sites for understanding the development of Stone Age man in Asia." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nWas it Harry's blood in Voldemort's body alone that allowed him to come back after dying in the forest, or the enchantment that it contained\n\nIn Deathly Hallows, Dumbledore says:\n\nHe took your blood and rebuilt his living body with it! ", "Your blood in his veins, Harry, Lily’s protection inside both of you! ", "He tethered you to life while he lives!", "\n\nSo was it the fact that Voldemort used Harry's blood in Goblet of Fire that tethered Harry, or something about Lily's enchantment made it so Harry could use this connection to come back?", "\nFor example, if Lily's enchantment no longer was active and disappeared, would the blood connection alone be enough to bring Harry back? ", "Or is it something about her enchantment that allowed him to use the connection to go back into his body and live? ", "Is it because Lily's enchantment exists on Earth that Harry can come back, and the blood is just the host for the enchantment? ", "So is it the blood, or the charm that it carries?", "\nDoes Lily's enchantment have that capability? ", "If it is because the blood, how is the enchantment relevant. ", "Dumbledore makes it sound like the charm does have something to do with his ability to return. ", " Dumbledore made it confusing IMO by mentioning both, and not explaining how they correspond.", "\n\nA:\n\nThe enchantment it contained\n\n“He took your blood believing it would strengthen him. ", "He took into\n his body a tiny part of the enchantment your mother laid upon you when\n she died for you. ", "His body keeps her sacrifice alive, and while that\n enchantment survives, so do you and so does Voldemort’s one last hope\n for himself.”", "\n—Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows\n\nTo address your points in order:\n\nIf Lily's enchantment no longer was active, would the blood connection keep Harry alive? ", "\nNo. ", "Without that, Voldemort has only taken taken someone's blood into himself, nothing more. ", "Recall that the spell requires blood of the enemy:\n\n“B-blood of the enemy . . . ", "forcibly taken . . . ", "you will . . . ", "resurrect your foe.”", "\nHarry could do nothing to prevent it, he was tied too tightly. . . .", "\n Squinting down, struggling hopelessly at the ropes binding him, he saw\n the shining silver dagger shaking in Wormtail’s remaining hand. ", "He\n felt its point penetrate the crook of his right arm and blood seeping\n down the sleeve of his torn robes. ", "Wormtail, still panting with pain,\n fumbled in his pocket for a glass vial and held it to Harry’s cut, so\n that a dribble of blood fell into it.", "\n—Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire\n\nWe know that the potion is ancient magic:\n\n“I knew that to achieve this — it is an old piece of Dark Magic, the\n potion that revived me tonight — I would need three powerful\n ingredients.", "\n—Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire\n\nGiven that the potion requires the maker to have their enemy's blood at their disposal, and that one of the first things a Dark Wizard might do upon returning from the dead is to attempt to kill their enemy, this makes it very unlikely that the potion normally will preserve the life of the one whose blood was used to create it. ", "\nThis is supported by Dumbledore's words, indicating that Voldemort \"took into his body a tiny part of the enchantment,\" and \"while that\nenchantment survives, so do you.\"", "\nIs it because Lily's enchantment exists on Earth?", "\nNot entirely. ", "The enchantment existed within Harry still, and that alone would not have stopped Voldemort (as evidenced by the mention of the blood). ", "It is basically because Lily's spell existed somewhere besides within Harry. ", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Generally speaking, shooting targets are objects in various forms and shapes that are used for pistol, rifle, shotgun and other shooting sports, as well as in darts, target archery, crossbow shooting and other non-firearm related sports. ", "The center is often called the bullseye. ", "Targets can for instance be made of paper, rubber or steel. ", "There are also electronic targets that electronically can provide the shooter with precise feedback of the shot placement. ", "Civilian targets are usually made of paper or a plastic corflute, sometimes with a canvas or hessian back on the larger long-range types. ", "Most competitive targets are a solid black circle on a white background. ", "The black circle may have scoring rings. ", "Targets of other shapes may also be used, like for use with pistol (hand gun) target shooting. ", "Reactive targets, or targets that move when struck, allow shooters to easily identify bullet strikes. ", "This allows shooters to improve their skills by quickly being able to compare their aiming point and where the actual bullet impacted the target. ", "Other target types include a metal plate that is knocked over by the bullet such as in the air rifle sport of field target or handgun discipline of IPSC, and stationary metal plates of scaled animal outlines on which bullet strikes mark as well as those that mark the paint which is painted over again after scoring.", "\nA shooting range, firing range or gun range is a specialized facility designed for firearms qualifications, training or practice. ", "Indoor shooting ranges typically have paper targets that are attached on a retrieval system that can be moved back and forth in the range for longer and shorter practice, and for retrieval, inspection and replacement of the target.", "\nA shooting gallery, on the other hand, is a recreational shooting facility with very low-powered guns, often located within amusement parks, arcades, carnivals or fairgrounds that provide games and entertainments for the visiting crowd. ", "Shooting galleries typically have reactive targets that spin or provide immediate feedback to the shooter of a hit or miss. ", "This immediate feedback is not only beneficial to teaching accuracy but is also entertaining to the shooter. ", "However, these entertaining reactive targets are designed for the low-powered guns of shooting galleries and thus cannot be used in shooting ranges or outside with real weapons or firearms. ", "As such, there is clearly a need to provide a reactive shooting target that can be used in shooting ranges or outside with real weapons to provide immediate feedback of accuracy that is also fun and entertaining to use.", "\nThe instant disclosure may be designed to address certain aspects of the needs and/or problems discussed above by providing a self-healing reactive shooting target." ]
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[ "Hundreds of innocent people could be behind bars for rape and other serious offences because of the failure to disclose crucial evidence, legal experts have said.", "\n\nThe warning came after the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) was forced to drop 47 serious sex assault cases in just six weeks after a review found key material had not been shared with the defence.", "\n\nThe review was ordered in January this year after a string of rape cases collapsed at the last minute due to failures by the police and prosecutors to hand over evidence that could have proved a defendant's innocence.", "\n\nLiam Allan, 22, a student who was accused of six counts of rape was cleared by a judge in December, after it emerged that his accuser had bombarded friends with hundreds of messages setting out her rape fantasies." ]
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[ "Selasa, 13 Maret 2012\n\nDoes reality TV star, Evelyn Lozada know that her co-star, Royce Reed, likes her fiancée, Chad Ochocinco Johnson. ", "Not to increase Lozada's paranoia, after years of dating cheating athletes, but it is true. ", "However, Lozada herself has liked and slept with several professional athletes, so she shouldn't be surprised that other women like her own.", "\n\nRoyce Reed\n\nReed has a child for professional athlete, Dwight Howard of the NBA's Orlando Magic. ", "The two have had a number of court confrontations over their child, as Howard objects to his son being in the limelight so early, which is understandable - and make no mistake, \"Basketball Wives\" is a circus." ]
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[ "This is an R21 application intended to test the hypothesis that bisphenol A diglycidyl ether (BADGE) acts as an obesogen, in vivo through a pathway that is independent of PPAR3. ", "Prenatal and early postnatal events such as maternal nutrition, drug, and chemical exposure are received, remembered, and then manifested in health consequences later in life. ", "The obesity epidemic costs more than $147 billion annually in the US, primarily by increasing health care costs. ", "Emerging evidence supports an important role for environmental factors in obesity. ", "Among these is exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals. ", "Our preliminary results demonstrate that BADGE induces adipogenesis in both mouse and human multipotent mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) through a pathway that appears not to involve a key adipogenic gene - the peroxisome proliferator activated receptor gamma (PPAR3). ", "We wish to test the hypothesis that BADGE acts as an obesogen, in vivo. ", "Two specific aims are proposed to test this hypothesis: 1) Does BADGE exposure predispose mice to increased adipogenesis and obesity and if so, does it alter lineage allocation in the MSC compartment? ", "2) What molecular pathway does BADGE act through to influence adipogenesis and obesity? ", "The proposed work will facilitate rapid progress in understanding whether the high volume chemical, BADGE, acts as an obesogen, in vivo, at environmentally relevant doses and will provide insights into how endocrine disrupting chemicals influence adipogenesis and obesity." ]
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[ "Sergei Ivanov (footballer, born 1964)\n\nSergei Ivanovich Ivanov (; born 22 March 1964) is a former Russian football player and referee.", "\n\nExternal links\n \n\nCategory:1964 births\nCategory:Living people\nCategory:Soviet footballers\nCategory:FC SKA Rostov-on-Don players\nCategory:FC Rostov players\nCategory:FC APK Morozovsk players\nCategory:Navbahor Namangan players\nCategory:Russian footballers\nCategory:Russian expatriate footballers\nCategory:Expatriate footballers in Uzbekistan\nCategory:FC Lada Togliatti players\nCategory:Russian Premier League players\nCategory:Russian football referees\nCategory:Place of birth missing (living people)\nCategory:Association football defenders" ]
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[ "Fluctuation theorems and entropy production with odd-parity variables.", "\nWe show that the total entropy production in stochastic processes with odd-parity variables (under time reversal) is separated into three parts, only two of which satisfy the integral fluctuation theorems in general. ", "One is the usual excess contribution that can appear only transiently and is called nonadiabatic. ", "Another one is attributed solely to the breakage of detailed balance. ", "The last part that does not satisfy the fluctuation theorem comes from the steady-state distribution asymmetry for odd-parity variables that is activated in a nontransient manner. ", "The latter two parts combine together as the housekeeping (adiabatic) contribution, whose positivity is not guaranteed except when the excess contribution completely vanishes. ", "Our finding reveals that the equilibrium requires the steady-state distribution symmetry for odd-parity variables independently, in addition to the usual detailed balance." ]
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[ "Month: November 2016\n\nThe 2017 Season Passes are on sale now! ", "Save $50 normal price and pick up the radical present for the shredder in your family! ", "Winters are tough for action sports participants and the Fort Wayne Indoors heated facility keeps old man winter at bay!", "\n\nThe past holiday weekend at the park was filled a bunch of rad folks who came out on Saturday to support the young and old bucks as we presented our 1st Skateboard contest of this 2017 season, “Skatesgiving” sponsored by national brands, Creature Skateboards & Independent Trucks!", "\n\nThe day began at 2pm with the beginner class taking the course directly at 3:30pm event emcee was Matt Hanes who kept everyone entertained through-out the day. ", "We hosted 3 classes and everyone who entered skated extremely well. ", "The vibe was amazing all day long, inside we were cranking out tunes by Metallica, Pantera, and even some Black Sabbath during the contest!", "\n\n25 folks entered in total and Frank Gray from the Journal Gazette showed up to report the action in Sundays newspaper, Logan Atkinson made the front page of the Metro section. ", "Thanks for the support Frank and the Journal! ", "Click here to view the write up!", "\n\nThe Indoor opens its doors to the action sports public this Saturday for the 2016/2017 Season. ", "We have been working very hard to rebuild the ENTIRE PARK to ensure that you have a safe, and close place to Skate/Ride this winter! ", "We have revamped the entire facility and can’t wait for everyone to come check out the new layout!", "\n\nDoors Open at 1:30pm\n\nBMX ONLY 2-6pm\n\nSKATE ONLY 6-10pm\n\nHelmets Required if riding BMX and all Under 18 Years of Age.", "\n\nEVERYONE MUST FILL OUT A NEW WAIVER. ", "UNDER 18 PARENTS MUST FILL OUT WAIVER!" ]
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[ "fileFormatVersion: 2\nguid: 5c0ff59da8ad6f44e99e685a3cb5c627\nTextScriptImporter:\n userData: \n" ]
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[ "My article below appears on several wedding and divorce websites on the internet.", "Should I get a Prenup, and When?", "\nToday, I received a phone call from a client wanting a prenuptial agreement. ", "His fiancee drafted a prenup, and gave it to him. ", "He wants changes. ", "His wedding is on Saturday. \"", "It's too late,\" I told him.", "\n\nCalifornia Family Code section 1615 (c)(2) clearly states that \"It shall be deemed that a premarital agreement was not executed voluntarily unless the court finds in writing or on the record all of the following: THE PARTY AGAINST WHOM ENFORCEMENT IS SOUGHT HAD NOT LESS THAN SEVEN (7) CALENDAR DAYS BETWEEN TIME THE PARTY WAS FIRST PRESENTED WITH THE AGREEMENT AND ADVISED TO SEEK INDEPENDENT LEGAL COUNSEL AND THE TIME THE AGREEMENT WAS SIGNED.", "\n\nObviously, this can be interpreted in several ways. ", "I tend to be very protective of my clients, so my policy is that the FINAL AGREEMENT must be presented and accepted as final by all parties, then a waiting period of 7 days, AND THEN signatures. ", "The signature may even occur on the date of the wedding, but to be safe, I recommend one week. ", "This means, you should leave yourself AT LEAST two (2) weeks prior to the wedding to have a finalized agreement.", "\n\nTHIS MEANS you need to hire an attorney AT LEAST 4 -6 weeks prior to your wedding, so the planning, drafting, and negotiating can take place.", "\n\nIf you are planning a wedding, you need to make your premarital agreement part of the process. ", "It is THE TO-DO on your list of to-do's.", "\n\nI turned down the prospective client. ", "I told him that the prenup is no good. ", "Beware of attorneys out there who will draft a prenup 5 days prior to the wedding. ", "You may as well do it yourself on a piece of toilet paper, and then flush it.", "\n\nIf you want to learn more about premarital agreements, please read my highly-informative ARTICLE.", "\n\nKelly Chang Rickert founded the Law Offices of Kelly Chang, A Professional Law Corporation. ", "Mrs. Rickert is a California State Bar Certified Family Law Specialist. ", "Her firms specialize in Divorce and Family Law, and handles all areas of Divorce, Annulment, Spousal Support, Child Support; Modification, Child Custody and Visitation, Prenuptial and Postnuptial Agreements, Adoptions, Property Division; Restraining Orders; and Family Law Mediation.", "\n\nThe information you obtain at this site is not, nor is it intended to be, legal advice. ", "No attorney-client relationship will be established through any contact through this website, including the completion of our Client Intake Form. ", "You should consult an attorney for individual advice regarding your own situation.", "\n\nCopyright . ", "Law Offices of Kelly Chang, A Professional Law Corporation. ", "All rights reserved." ]
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[ "As a Public Agenda Partner, you will be recognized as follows:\n\nExclusive invitations to meet with our Board of Directors and senior staff to learn about our latest work on education, health care and other issues, and to gain your input on future projects\n\nExclusive invitations to special issues webinars\n\nInvitations for you and a guest to exclusive Public Agenda events concerning research findings and featuring distinguished presenters and guests\n\nPlease join the Public Agenda Partners today with your annual gift of $1,000, or support us with any size gift that you are able to make. ", "Many choose to honor us by including Public Agenda in their estate plans.", "\n\nPublic Agenda is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. ", "All donations are tax-deductible as permitted by law. ", "Please click here to view our latest IRS form 990.", "\nThank you for your partnership with Public Agenda!" ]
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[ 0.0004932952579110861, 0.0005175972473807633, 0.0007276955293491483, 0.0008062384440563619, 0.0005758181214332581, 0.0005491639603860676 ]
[ "President Trump has signed a memorandum directing the Department of Education to forgive all federal student loan debt owed by veterans who are \"completely and permanently\" disabled.", "\n\nThe policy change will eliminate \"hundreds of millions of dollars\" of student loan debt, Mr. Trump said in announcing the memo at a speech to the American Veterans 75th National Convention in Louisville, Kentucky. ", "The memo Mr. Trump signed on stage Wednesday directs Education Secretary Betsy DeVos and Veterans Affairs Secretary Robert Wilkie to create an expedited process to make sure those veterans have their debt discharged with minimal burdens, according to the White House.", "\n\n\"I'm proud to announce that I am taking executive action to ensure that our wounded warriors are not saddled with mountains of student debt,\" Mr. Trump told the convention before signing the memo. \"", "In a few moments I will sign a memorandum directing the Department of Education to eliminate every penny of federal student loan debt owed by American veterans who are completely and permanently disabled.\"", "\n\nPresident Trump sign a presidential memorandum at the American Veterans 75th National Convention in Louisville, Kentucky, on August 21, 2019. ", "Mandel Ngan / AFP/Getty Images\n\nDisabled veterans can already apply for loan forgiveness, but the White House calls the process onerous.", "\n\nGet Breaking News Delivered to Your Inbox\n\nDuring his speech to the veterans group, the president also joked that he wouldn't bring up his campaign slogan because the event wasn't a campaign event — before bringing up his campaign slogan.", "\n\n\"I will not say 'keep America great,' but we're going to keep America great,\" Mr. Trump said." ]
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[ "A subset of skin-expressed microRNAs with possible roles in goat and sheep hair growth based on expression profiling of mammalian microRNAs.", "\nThe microRNAs (miRNAs) are an extensive class of small noncoding RNAs (18-25 nucleotides) with probable roles in the regulation of gene expression. ", "Due to the fact that miRNAs are conserved in closely related eukaryotes and some are also conserved across a larger evolutionary distance, their potential functions in mammalian development are under active study. ", "In order to identify mammalian miRNAs that might function in hair growth, we characterized the expression of 159 miRNAs in adult body side skin and ear skin from goat and sheep using microarray analysis. ", "Of these, 19 miRNAs were specifically expressed or greatly enriched in body side skin in goats and sheep. ", "This suggests hair growth-specific functions for miRNAs. ", "Of the coexpressed 105 miRNAs, the degree of correlation within species is higher than interspecies. ", "Nine of the expressed miRNAs were detected exclusively in the goat body side skin area where more cashmere was grown than coat hair; mmu-miR-720 and mmu-miR-199b were expressed primarily in goat skin. ", "The identification of 105 of skin-expressed miRNAs whose expression behavior is conserved in goats and sheep differentiating hair follicles implicates these miRNAs have functions in mammalian hair follicles growth and development. ", "We demonstrate that miRNAs previously associated with hair follicles in the mouse are also expressed in the adult skin of goats and sheep. ", "In addition, 69 more conserved miRNAs cross-species were discerned in the study. ", "Of them, the let-7, mir-17, mir-30, mir-15, and mir-8 gene families were expressed in high frequency. ", "These results reveal critical roles of them in skin and hair follicle development and function." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nProper way to get swift dictionary item index\n\nI have dictionary in my app written in Swift\nvar cities: [String: String] = [\"\":\"not specified\", \"ny\":\"New York\", \"la\":\"Los Angeles\", \"sf\":\"San Francisco\"]\n\nI use this dictionary to build pickerView. ", "When user selects one of this items - city code is saving to device memory.", "\nWhen user opens app next time I want pickerView to show saved city. ", "How should i do it? ", "\n\nA:\n\nYou can find the index of a key in a dictionary with higher-order functions:\nlet desiredKey = \"ny\"\nlet pos = x.enumerate().filter { (pair: (index: Int, element: (String, String))) -> Bool in\n return pair.element.0 == desiredKey\n}.map { (pair: (index: Int, element: (String, String))) -> Int in\n return pair.index\n}\n\npos is an Optional(Int) containing the position of \"ny\" in the current iteration order of the dictionary.", "\nStore the value of the key somewhere (say, in user defaults), then retrieve it, get the index of the key-value pair using the code above, and pass to selectedRowInComponent: of your picker view.", "\nNote: The problem with using a dictionary alone as a backing for your picker is that the order is not specified explicitly. ", "Adding or removing keys may change the order of existing keys. ", "In addition, existing keys may not end up in places that you want them to be - for example, your \"\" - \"not specified\" pair may end up in the middle of the picker.", "\nTo fix this problem, keep a separate array of city keys in the proper order that you wish to follow. ", "Use this array to decide the picker row in which a city is to be displayed, and look up the actual city using the dictionary.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Abo Akademi University\n" ]
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[ "package org.domeos.framework.shiro.realm;\n\nimport org.apache.shiro.realm.ldap.", "JndiLdapContextFactory;\nimport org.apache.shiro.realm.ldap.", "LdapContextFactory;\nimport org.apache.shiro.util.", "StringUtils;\nimport org.domeos.framework.api.biz.global.", "GlobalBiz;\nimport org.domeos.framework.api.model.global.", "LdapInfo;\nimport org.slf4j.", "Logger;\nimport org.slf4j.", "LoggerFactory;\nimport org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.", "Autowired;\nimport org.springframework.stereotype.", "Component;\n\nimport javax.naming.", "AuthenticationException;\nimport javax.naming.", "NamingException;\nimport javax.naming.ldap.", "Control;\nimport javax.naming.ldap.", "InitialLdapContext;\nimport javax.naming.ldap.", "LdapContext;\nimport java.util.", "HashMap;\nimport java.util.", "Hashtable;\nimport java.util.", "Map;\n\n/**\n * Created by feiliu206363 on 2015/12/29.", "\n */\n@Component(\"ldapContextFactory\")\npublic class NewLdapContextFactory implements LdapContextFactory {\n\n protected static final String SUN_CONNECTION_POOLING_PROPERTY = \"com.sun.jndi.ldap.connect.pool\";\n protected static final String DEFAULT_CONTEXT_FACTORY_CLASS_NAME = \"com.sun.jndi.ldap.", "LdapCtxFactory\";\n protected static final String SIMPLE_AUTHENTICATION_MECHANISM_NAME = \"simple\";\n protected static final String DEFAULT_REFERRAL = \"follow\";\n\n private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(JndiLdapContextFactory.class);\n private Map<String, Object> environment = new HashMap<>();\n private String systemUsername;\n private String systemPassword;\n private boolean poolingEnabled;\n\n @Autowired\n private GlobalBiz globalBiz;\n\n public GlobalBiz getGlobalBiz() {\n return globalBiz;\n }\n\n public void setGlobalBiz(GlobalBiz globalBiz) {\n this.globalBiz = globalBiz;\n }\n\n public NewLdapContextFactory() {\n this.setContextFactoryClassName(\"com.sun.jndi.ldap.", "LdapCtxFactory\");\n this.setReferral(\"follow\");\n this.poolingEnabled = true;\n }\n\n public void setAuthenticationMechanism(String authenticationMechanism) {\n this.setEnvironmentProperty(\"java.naming.security.authentication\", authenticationMechanism);\n }\n\n public String getAuthenticationMechanism() {\n return (String) this.getEnvironmentProperty(\"java.naming.security.authentication\");\n }\n\n public void setContextFactoryClassName(String contextFactoryClassName) {\n this.setEnvironmentProperty(\"java.naming.factory.initial\", contextFactoryClassName);\n }\n\n public String getContextFactoryClassName() {\n return (String) this.getEnvironmentProperty(\"java.naming.factory.initial\");\n }\n\n public Map<String, Object> getEnvironment() {\n return this.environment;\n }\n\n public void setEnvironment(Map<String, Object> env) {\n this.environment = env;\n }\n\n private Object getEnvironmentProperty(String name) {\n return this.environment.get(name);\n }\n\n private void setEnvironmentProperty(String name, String value) {\n if (StringUtils.hasText(value)) {\n this.environment.put(name, value);\n } else {\n this.environment.remove(name);\n }\n }\n\n public boolean isPoolingEnabled() {\n return this.poolingEnabled;\n }\n\n public void setPoolingEnabled(boolean poolingEnabled) {\n this.poolingEnabled = poolingEnabled;\n }\n\n public void setReferral(String referral) {\n this.setEnvironmentProperty(\"java.naming.referral\", referral);\n }\n\n public String getReferral() {\n return (String) this.getEnvironmentProperty(\"java.naming.referral\");\n }\n\n public void setUrl(String url) {\n this.setEnvironmentProperty(\"java.naming.provider.url\", url);\n }\n\n public String getUrl() {\n return (String) this.getEnvironmentProperty(\"java.naming.provider.url\");\n }\n\n public void setSystemPassword(String systemPassword) {\n this.systemPassword = systemPassword;\n }\n\n public String getSystemPassword() {\n return this.systemPassword;\n }\n\n public void setSystemUsername(String systemUsername) {\n this.systemUsername = systemUsername;\n }\n\n public String getSystemUsername() {\n return this.systemUsername;\n }\n\n public LdapContext getSystemLdapContext() throws NamingException {\n return this.getLdapContext((Object) this.getSystemUsername(), (Object) this.getSystemPassword());\n }\n\n /**\n * @deprecated\n */\n @Deprecated\n public LdapContext getLdapContext(String username, String password) throws NamingException {\n return this.getLdapContext((Object) username, (Object) password);\n }\n\n protected boolean isPoolingConnections(Object principal) {\n return this.isPoolingEnabled() && principal !", "= null && principal.equals(this.getSystemUsername());\n }\n\n public LdapContext getLdapContext(Object principal, Object credentials) throws NamingException, IllegalStateException {\n String url = this.getUrl();\n if (url == null) {\n throw new IllegalStateException(\"An LDAP URL must be specified of the form ldap://<hostname>:<port>\");\n } else {\n Hashtable<String, Object> env = new Hashtable<>(this.environment);\n String authcMech = this.getAuthenticationMechanism();\n if (authcMech == null && (principal !", "= null || credentials !", "= null)) {\n env.put(\"java.naming.security.authentication\", \"simple\");\n }\n\n if (principal !", "= null) {\n env.put(\"java.naming.security.principal\", principal);\n }\n\n if (credentials !", "= null) {\n env.put(\"java.naming.security.credentials\", credentials);\n }\n\n boolean pooling = this.isPoolingConnections(principal);\n if (pooling) {\n env.put(\"com.sun.jndi.ldap.connect.pool\", \"true\");\n }\n\n if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {\n logger.debug(\"Initializing LDAP context using URL [{}] and principal [{}] with pooling {}\", url, principal, pooling ? \"", "enabled\" : \"disabled\");\n }\n\n this.validateAuthenticationInfo(env);\n return this.createLdapContext(env);\n }\n }\n\n protected LdapContext createLdapContext(Hashtable env) throws NamingException {\n return new InitialLdapContext(env, (Control[]) null);\n }\n\n protected void validateAuthenticationInfo(Hashtable<String, Object> environment) throws AuthenticationException {\n if (\"simple\".equals(environment.get(\"java.naming.security.authentication\")) &&\n environment.get(\"java.naming.security.principal\") !", "= null &&\n StringUtils.hasText(String.valueOf(environment.get(\"java.naming.security.principal\")))) {\n Object credentials = environment.get(\"java.naming.security.credentials\");\n if (credentials == null ||\n credentials instanceof byte[] && ((byte[]) ((byte[]) credentials)).length <= 0 ||\n credentials instanceof char[] && ((char[]) ((char[]) credentials)).length <= 0 ||\n String.class.isInstance(credentials) && !", "StringUtils.hasText(String.valueOf(credentials))) {\n throw new AuthenticationException(\"LDAP Simple authentication requires both a principal and credentials.\");", "\n }\n }\n }\n\n public void setLdapInfo() throws Exception {\n LdapInfo ldapInfo = globalBiz.getLdapInfo();\n if (ldapInfo !", "= null) {\n this.setUrl(ldapInfo.getServer());\n } else {\n throw new Exception(\"no ldap info\");\n }\n }\n}\n" ]
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[ "Across Japan, tucked down quiet alleyways or occupying the corner shops at busy intersections, you’ll see tachinomiya. ", "Often translated a “standing bar,” there are two very distinct types of tachinomiya: licensed restaurants and small, privately owned liquor shops (sakeya no tachinomi).", "\n\nThe origin of the latter tachinomi can be traced to the Edo Period (1603-1868), when sake shops started offering customers a quick tipple from square wooden measuring cups known as masu.", "\n\nThese shops evolved into modern liquor stores during the Meiji Era (1868-1912) when they started selling beer, wine and spirits such as whisky, and installed makeshift counters, often made by balancing a slab of wood on stacks of empty beer crates.", "\n\nDifferent regions have their own names for these shops. ", "In Tohoku they are called mokkiri and in eastern Japan they are known as tachikyū. ", "But, in recent years kaku-uchi, the type of tachinomi that originated in Kitakyushu and spread to Tokyo during the industrial revolution, has become the catch-all term used to describe these shops.", "\n\nSome are well over 100 years old: Matsugawa Saketen in Kyoto has been owned by the same family since the beginning of the Meiji Era; in Osaka, there is an old liquor shop named Shibacho that has been in the same spot for 152 years; and in Tokyo, you can drink at Suzuden, which dates back to 1853.", "\n\nAfter World War II, thousands of unlicensed tachinomiya started appearing across the country. ", "In 1949, the government reclassified tachinomiya as restaurants in order to collect taxes. ", "Liquor shops with standing bars were not licensed to cook food on the premises, but canned food and snacks such as dried squid were permitted to be served.", "\n\nOwners also found loopholes to get around the rules, especially in Osaka. ", "Food is brought in from outside, and nowadays it is easily heated up in the microwave. ", "Chairs are still prohibited, but mismatched stools are kept scattered about just in case an elderly customer with a “bad leg” needs to sit down for a minute.", "\n\nKaai Tomi is a blogger, illustrator and columnist from Osaka who has spent over a decade documenting over 1,000 bars and restaurants in Japan. ", "Tomi estimates that she has been to around 100 kaku-uchi since she started her blog in 2006.", "\n\n“The main thing is the atmosphere,” she says. “", "A kaku-uchi is an old and simple bar that doesn’t pretend to be anything more. ", "Most of their customers are the same. ", "They enjoy drinking and don’t put on airs. ", "It’s a really peaceful atmosphere.”", "\n\nImanaka Saketen\n\nImanaka Saketen, established in 1928, is the quintessential Osaka kaku-uchi. ", "Located in a shopping arcade on the other side of Shonben Yokocho in Juso, paper lanterns hang from the ceiling near a vintage Nikka Whisky sign.", "\n\nThe crowd is mixed. ", "Younger men and women drink at small tables alongside a man in his early 60s with a pencil moustache wearing a red fedora, gold horn-rimmed glasses and a long-sleeved blue Hawaiian shirt talking to a woman dressed in a leopard-print blouse, purple tights and a red sash belt.", "\n\nI make my way to the counter and squeeze in between a septuagenarian and a younger man who reminds me of tough-guy actor Bunta Sugawara. ", "Two hours later, I call for the check: a large bottle of beer (¥330), katsuo tataki (skipjack sashimi; ¥300), aji furai (fried horse mackerel; ¥160), a hard-boiled egg (¥70), Tokyo korokke, which turn out to be American-style tater tots (¥80) and a glass of the liquor shōchū (¥210) for my new friend Sugawara. ", "A feast for only ¥1,150.", "\n\nKasetaniya\n\nEvery day at around 4:30 p.m., with the exception of Sunday and national holidays, Seinosuke Kasetani, 94, and his wife Toshiko, 83, can be seen on the streets of Naniwa Ward in Osaka, preparing to open their liquor shop, Kasetaniya Saketen. ", "It has been in the neighborhood since 1956 on the corner of a quiet street less than 200 meters from JR Namba Station.", "\n\nA large bottle of beer from the refrigerator is only ¥450. ", "Try some of the homemade dishes that Toshiko has prepared, all ¥120 to ¥300. ", "My favorite is the hamburger, spaghetti, broccoli and tomato combination with exactly one French fry (¥300).", "\n\nThese days Kasetaniya only gets five or six customers a night. ", "Most of the regulars from the shop’s heyday are no longer around and younger people prefer the trendier restaurants and bars found in Dotonbori, the nightlife capital of Osaka.", "\n\nBut the Kasetanis continue to run their shop well into their golden years because it gives them tremendous satisfaction. ", "Seinosuke, who was born in 1924, says working hard keeps him young and fit.", "\n\n“I plan to keep on working, even when I’m 100 years old,” he says with a smile.", "\n\nSenbikiya\n\nSenbikiya is a kaku-uchi-style izakaya tavern located near Ebisucho Station specializing in gourmet food at tachinomi prices. ", "It’s a short walk away from Den Den Town, Osaka’s version of Akihabara.", "\n\nHiromi Kobayashi, a gregarious chef in his late 40s with a multicolored mohawk, converted his parents’ rice shop into an izakaya by building a wooden counter from a 300-year-old cedar from Nara Prefecture.", "\n\nSenbikiya has adopted the self-service policy from kaku-uchi; customers take their own drinks from from the refrigerator, including bottles of Sapporo Red Star (¥460), which pair well with the food.", "\n\nIts name translates to “Shop of 1,000 Fish” and one of the most popular dishes is clams with spinach cooked in garlic and chili with a side of horse mackerel sashimi. ", "This is expertly prepared food at prices that rival the cheapest tachinomiya.", "\n\nSenbikiya also keeps a selection of costumes, wigs and props on hand for customers who feel like giving an impromptu cosplay performance. ", "It is not unusual to see regulars of all ages dressed up as anime characters or wearing plastic elephant-shaped watering cans as hats.", "\n\nImanaka Saketen: Juso-Higashi 2-6-11, Yodogawa-ku, Osaka 532-0023; 06-6301-3361; open daily from 10 a.m.; nearest station Juso\n\nKasetaniya: Inari 1-6-1, Naniwa-ku, Osaka 556-0023; 06-6562-0602; open Mon.-Fri. ", "4:30-9 p.m., Sat. ", "4:30-8 p.m.; nearest station JR Namba\n\nSenbikiya: Nihonbashi 5-16-5-104, Naniwa-ku, Osaka 556-0005; 06-6632-4514; open Mon.-Sat. ", "5-10:30 p.m.; nearest station Ebisucho\n\nIn line with COVID-19 guidelines, the government is strongly requesting that residents and visitors exercise caution if they choose to visit bars, restaurants, music venues and other public spaces." ]
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[ "Vandivier\n\nVandivier is a surname. ", "Notable people with the surname include:\n\nFuzzy Vandivier (1903–83), American basketball player\nNorman Francis Vandivier (1916–42), American naval aviator\nRick Vandivier (born 1954), American jazz guitarist and composer\n\nSee also\nVandiver (disambiguation)\nUSS Vandivier (DER-540), John C. Butler-class destroyer escort of the United States Navy" ]
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[ "import random\n\nfrom pyrival.factors import *\n\n\ndef test_pollard_rho():\n for _ in range(1000):\n n = random.randint(2, 10000)\n assert n % pollard_rho(n) == 0\n\n\ndef test_prime_factors(prime_set):\n for _ in range(1000):\n n = random.randint(1, 10000)\n for f, e in prime_factors(n).items():\n assert f in prime_set\n assert n % (f**e) == 0\n n //= f**e\n assert n == 1\n\n\ndef test_distinct_factors():\n for _ in range(1000):\n n = random.randint(1, 10000)\n factors = set(distinct_factors(n))\n for i in range(1, n + 1):\n assert (n % i == 0) == (i in factors)\n\n\ndef test_all_factors():\n for _ in range(1000):\n n = random.randint(1, 10000)\n factors = all_factors(n)\n assert factors == sorted(factors)\n factors = set(factors)\n for i in range(1, n + 1):\n assert (n % i == 0) == (i in factors)\n" ]
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[ "Betovo\n\nBetovo () is a rural locality (a village) in Bryansky District, Bryansk Oblast, Russia. ", "The population was 556 as of 2013. ", "There are 6 streets.", "\n\nReferences \n\nCategory:Rural localities in Bryansk Oblast" ]
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[ "Nickelodeon went off the air today in solidarity with the National School Walkout.", "\n\nThe network, which is known for shows like Power Rangers: Super Ninja Steel, Spongebob Squarepants, The Thundermans, and the upcoming Kids Choice Awards, went off the air for 17 minutes today. ", "Each minute represents 1 of the students killed in the Parkland school shooting and coincides with the National School Walkout happening across the country.", "\n\n\"When Nickelodeon has more moral courage than your Congressman...\"\n\nWhen Nickelodeon has more moral courage than your Congressman... pic.twitter.com/3vfdr42YNK — Dan Ward (@DanWardVA07) March 14, 2018\n\nNickelodeon was one of several Viacom networks that went off the air in honor of the students lost, which also includes BET, VH1, MTV, and Comedy Central. ", "Viacom released a statement on the matter, where it also revealed that students will be taking over MTV's social media accounts in conjunction with the walkout (via Vanity Fair).", "\n\n“At 10 A.M. on Wednesday, March 14, all Viacom networks and platforms will suspend regularly scheduled programming for 17 minutes. ", "This pause will coincide with the National School Walkout, a tribute to the 17 lives lost in the Parkland shooting, and to all young victims of gun violence. ", "Students across the country will take over MTV’s social media accounts during the walkout.”", "\n\nVice-chair of Viacom's board Shari Redstone is also donating $500,00 to March for Our Lives, and MTV and Comedy Central will also be changing their logos to orange, which represents gun-violence awareness. ", "In addition, MTV has set up a website in connection with March For Our Lives, and BET is giving grants to youth activists with ideas on how to lessen gun violence. ", "CMT is also appealing to the country music world in regards to gun safety.", "\n\nThe National School Walkout was organized by the Women's March, and around 185,000 people across the country took part in it, alongside around 3,100 schools. ", "The walkout is meant as a symbol to Congress about their inaction when it comes to gun violence that is becoming more prevalent in schools.", "\n\nThe walkout also extended to Washington DC, where crowds met in front of the White House and Capitol Hill." ]
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[ "AcuteJungle66 has been dabbling with tech ever since he tried improving the tape deck of his Commodore 64 back in the '80s. ", "Tech and Gaming have both been interests of his for several decades, he holds a Bachelor of Science with First Class Honours in Cyber Security and Networks from Glasgow Caledonian University. ", "As a proud Military Veteran who spent much of his life on 3 different continents, he is quite content being back home in Scotland; where he enjoys a much 'quieter' life these days." ]
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[ "Statherin levels in saliva of patients with precancerous and cancerous lesions of the oral cavity: a preliminary report.", "\nThe aim of this study was to measure concentration of human salivary statherin in patients with oral cavity pathologies and salivary gland diseases. ", "Levels of statherin were analysed with High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) in following groups of subjects: group A: 24 patients with neoplastic diseases of salivary glands, group B: 13 patients with inflammatory lesions of salivary glands, group C: 13 patients with precancerous and cancerous lesions of the oral cavity excluding salivary gland tumors, group D: 20 healthy volunteers (control group). ", "Our preliminary data indicated a sensible reduction of the statherin level in the saliva of patients with precancerous and cancerous lesions of the oral cavity (group C) compared with the healthy subjects (group D). ", "The statherin levels are not significantly reduced either in the inflammatory (group B) or in the salivary glands tumours (group A), compared with the healthy subjects (group D). ", "Statherin could play a protective effect in oral cavity in association with its other functions." ]
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[ "import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';\nimport { faWallet } from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons';\n\n\n@Component({\n selector: 'rtl-wallet',\n templateUrl: './wallet.component.html',\n styleUrls: ['./wallet.component.scss']\n})\nexport class WalletComponent implements OnInit {\n public faWallet = faWallet;\n\n constructor() {}\n\n ngOnInit() {}\n\n}\n" ]
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[ "[Development of new vaccines].", "\nRecent and important advances in the fields of immunology, genomics, functional genomics, immunogenetics, immunogenomics, bioinformatics, microbiology, genetic engineering, systems biology, synthetic biochemistry, proteomics, metabolomics and nanotechnology, among others, have led to new approaches in the development of vaccines. ", "The better identification of ideal epitopes, the strengthening of the immune response due to new adjuvants, and the search of new routes of vaccine administration, are good examples of advances that are already a reality and that will favour the development of more vaccines, their use in indicated population groups, or its production at a lower cost. ", "There are currently more than 130 vaccines are under development against the more wished (malaria or HIV), difficult to get (CMV or RSV), severe re-emerging (Dengue or Ebola), increasing importance (Chagas disease or Leishmania), and nosocomial emerging (Clostridium difficile or Staphylococcus aureus) infectious diseases." ]
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[ "Flantrowo\n\nFlantrowo () is a village in the administrative district of Gmina Janowiec Wielkopolski, within Żnin County, Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship, in north-central Poland.", "\n\nReferences\n\nFlantrowo" ]
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[ "[The complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) as differentiation from psychogenic disturbances].", "\nIn the course of recent years, after the conception of dystrophic disturbances of the extremities had been reassessed, the CRPS has been making increasing demands on medical treatment and assessment in all insurance classes. ", "There is common agreement that the syndrome can also be triggered by minor trauma. ", "A decisive factor for the expert opinion is first of all the presentation of definite proof that there is actually a dystrophic disturbance present on the affected extremities. ", "The patients concerned frequently suffer from a co-morbidity with accompanying psychological disturbances. ", "For a lot of patients, primary organic effects caused by the injury can be excluded, whereas psychogenically determined symptoms can be found. ", "This leads to significant consequences for the medical assessment under the insurance aspect in the individual case. ", "The differential diagnosis may turn out to be difficult and in individual cases will require the use of the entire available technical diagnostics equipment and the involvement of psychological expert opinions." ]
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[ "You need to install Adobe Flash to continue:\n\nMay the special power-ups be your aid along the way! ", "In this game you will be racing against the computer in randomly generated mazes, and your goal is to reach the yellow food before the computer does. ", "At each level of the game you will control a red lad" ]
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[ "10 Oct 2004\n\nI finished my last blog entry with’In my next blog entry, look for dead chickens, premature optimisation, and awkward calling styles.’ ", "Well its about time I dug into that. ", "As usual, this isn’t a reviewed paper or anything formal, so please do give me any feedback – good or bad.", "Jdub gave me a things he’d like to see in this, so I think he should share some of the blame🙂. ", "One of the specific things he asked for was ABI and API compatible migration tips for the points I make here.", "\n\nI’ve attempted here to document the things that were confusing, annoying, problematic or otherwise as I learnt the VFS api.", "\n\n<h2>A Dead Chicken</h2>\n\nA dead chicken (not waving a dead chicken which is futile activity) is a repeated piece of program code that one has to insert to make a program work,particularly one that the system should know to do for you.", "Not quite the same, but not unrelated isRusty’s interface level number 1 – the compiler won’t let you get it wrong.", "The use of a dead chicken is a guarantee you can never reach that level of interface ease of use.", "\n\nThe most obvious dead chicken (and perhaps the only..) in Gnome VFS (link in my last blog entry) is these three functions:\n\nVFS is able to tell when init should be called. (", "In any entry point, it can check at extremely low cost, and the number of entry points is limited),\n\nVFS is able to have shutdown called just-in-time. (", "It could hook into the C at_exit, or I’m told there is a similar thing in Glib/GTK).", "\n\nVFS users do not care if VFS has been initialised or not. (", "If someone is extending VFS, VFS is initialised before they are called. ", "If they are not extending VFS, they just want to be able to use it.)", "\n\nWhy should such a trivial thing matter? ", "Its unneeded complexity. ", "There are approximately 50 entry points into VFS (I haven’t done a careful analysis, thus the handwaving… forgive me. ", "I suspect the actual number of entry points that can be called cold is much lower.)If we move gnome_vfs_init() from user programs into each of those entry points, and there are only 50 user programs using VFS, then the total amount of code doesn’t change. ", "Jdub gave mea rough estimate of 1000’s of gnome programs – a clear saving in overall code, in the number of things programmers have to do – and thus everything gets a little simpler.", "\n\n<h4>API ABI Transition</h4>\n\nMove the body of gnome_vfs_init to gnome_vfs_private_init, and so on for initialized and shutdown. ", "Call the private functions from the public ones.", "\n\nAt every public entry point to VFS, call gnome_vfs_private_init. (", "gnome_vfs_read is not an entry point, because gnome_vfs_open must be called first).", "\n\nNow make gnome_vfs_init etc do nothing, just returning TRUE or nothing as appropriate.", "\n\nUpdate the documentation document that gnome_vfs_init etc should not be called any longer,\n\nAt the next API break, remove the prototypes from the VFS headers.", "\n\nAt the next ABI break, remove the symbols from your library completely,</ul>\n\n<h2>Premature Optimisation</h2>\n\nPremature optimisation – the root of all evil. ", "I’ve since changed my mind about the bits I was going to accuse of being prematurely optimised.. rather I think they are part of the awkward calling style problem…\n\n<h2>Callling style</h2>\n\nFrom an API perspective, VFS suffers from a quite awkard calling style – by this I mean both the method signatures in some cases, and the names of methods in others….I haven’t done an audit of VFS, which would be needed to make a comprehensive statement – this list is thus incomplete.", "\n\n, In the former call, the first parameter is an out-via-pointer parameter, in the second, the last parameter is an out-via-pointer parameter.", "Admitedly having the handle first is consistency of another form and also very important. ", "What would be better would be to be consistent in both fashions…<h4>API ABI Transition</h4>\n\nFigure out what the new api should look like. ", "The function names will need to change to allow API compatability.", "\n\nWrite the new API’s functions by moving code from the old ones, and have them call the new functions.", "\n\nAt the next API break remove the prototypes from the old functions from the headers.", "\n\nHere we have three VFS api’s. ", "The first takes a handle, and has no postfix to the method name. ", "The second takes a string representation of a URI,and also has no postfix. ", "The third takes a handle and has a postfix to the method name. ", "This sort of inconsistency makes it much harder for folk to remember an API.A better way for this particular example would be\n\nNote that there is no reason you cannot have gnome_vfs_read_text_uri – yes there is missing context, but for a ‘just read a file’ interface, thats what I often end up writing within my applications. ", "Because its useful!<h4>API ABI Transition</h4>\n\nThis is probably looking somewhat familiar by now.. from here on in I’ll skip the last two lines of this as being identical across the board…\n\nFigure out the function names you would like, that will be more consistent.", "\n\nMove all the code into new functions with those names, leaving the old ones to call the new ones.", "\n\nAt the next API break remove the prototypes from the old functions from the headers.", "\n\nAt the next ABI break remove the symbols from the library.", "\n\n<h3>Returning data to pointers</h3>\n\nReturning data to pointers is ugly.", "What! ", "Heresy!Compare these two snippets of code:\n\nThe former returns the gnome vfs specific error code immediately, at the cost of making the user always have a error-managing variable around. ", "The later hides the details of gnome_vfs_error descriptions until they are needed. ", "This allows the common requirement of returning data to be used in normalC fashion – as the return value on the stack – rather than as an out variab\nle, which are intrinsically less visible to someone reading the code. ", "An additional benefit of setting errno is its a ‘downlevel’ indicator of errors, that reduces the work required to provide at least minimal error detection for folk working with vfs.<h4>API ABI Transition</h4>\n\nSet errno internally in all the functions whos behaviour you wish to change. ", "Document this as an extra feature of the current API (it should be forwards compatible)\n\nIn either the object or in TLS store the last result (different trade offs, I’d lean heavily to in the object, or even both), and provide a call to access that vfs error code.", "\n\nImplement the new api that requires querying for the error.. and make the old api call the new one to do its work.", "\n\n<h3>A stream interface</h3>\n\nA streaming interface is a separate concept from being able to read or write from a VFS Handle. ", "A streaming object is an object that can be passed to any streaming interface and still do the right thing.", "It is probably possible (depending on the GObject smarts – which I don’t know enough to make assertions on) to have a VFS handle pun as a stream handle – but its probably not a good thing. ", "An advantage of a separate streaming interface is you can have multiple streams open on a single object at once.", "That said, it may be that VFS handles represent a single stream already… and thus are best kept that way. ", "The primay thing though is to have stream calls as an interface that any appropriate object can implement,so that generic stream routines can be used to access all objects that deal with the outside world. ", "I.e. disk<->pixbuffer, textbuffer<->disk, disk<->xml etc.", "This probably needs some prepatory work to get right – but wouldn’t this be nice (note that the abort_if_error calls are intended as a replacement for exceptions, having the methods themselves abort would be a better interface, but trickier to make flexible in C):\n\nOf note here – I’m using a consistent error detection method across all calls,<h4>API ABI Transition</h4>\n\nDefine the methods required to present on all streams. (", "I.e. read, write and close might be all)\n\nDo whatever GObject stuff is required to make an Interface that can be implemented by such different obejcts.", "\n\nif GObject allows, add that interface to the existing VFS objects,\n\n…if they don’t, create a new object type that is a full GObject, and implements the stream interface, and have the current VFS objects hold a reference to the new object, so you don’tduplicate code.", "\n\nIf a new object type was needed, provide api calls to construct these objects.", "\n\n<h3>Directory interface</h3>\n\nThe VFS directory support is a little strange. ", "The first thing that is strange is that their appears to be no async interface to directories. ", "As I’d expect the entire core to be written async,with sync operations a veneer layered on top (as that is a lot easier than two implementations, and easier than putting async facilities around a sync core)… it stood out,\n\nSecondly, the visit interface is somewhat confused. ", "Typical visitor interfaces treat the thing being visited as a Composite. ", "That is, that there is no difference between part of a tree and the whole tree. ", "Secondly. ", "the visitee is called back with a different method for eachtype of object in the tree. ", "I.e. visit_file and visit_directory. ", "This can be done in C as well, typically by a struct with function pointers, or, and probably simpler in the long run, by a GObject interface.", "\n\nThe beauty of a full visitor interface is the ease for doing custom traversals. ", "As a strawman, suppose we define four classes for visiting – file, directory (extends file), volume (extends directory), link (extends file)\n\nOur base visitor would do a no-op on all of the visit calls. ", "If it returns False, visiting stop. ", "To do a following-links visit, we could just overide the the visit-link method, and have it resolve the link and call …visit on the target.", "\n\nThats a trivial example of course – but the point is to reduce the number of hard-coded permutations, and increase the number of dynamic variations we can trivially do. ", "I’m running out of steam here, so I’m going to skip reading up on the GObject stuff enough to propose a specific interface.", "\n\n<h3>Wrapup</h3>\n\nSo what does all of this boil down too ? ", "Gnome has language bindings to python, perl, c++, C# and many more languages. ", "I’ll wager that most if not all of those languagesare much more programmer efficient than C, for reasons discussed elsewhere. ", "There are many lessons on program architecture in those languages, and no reason for the C users of the GNOME libriaries not to benefit.", "Every improvement in the design of the core will also reduce the amount of work the language bindings need to do to provide clean interfaces in their idiom. (", "Because a clean interface is almost infinitely adaptable, trivially)" ]
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[ "// This is brl/bseg/bapl/examples/bapl_make_pyramids.cxx\n//:\n// \\file\n\n#include <sstream>\n#include <iostream>\n#ifdef _MSC_VER\n# include \"vcl_msvc_warnings.h\"\n#endif\n#include \"vul/vul_arg.h\"\n#include \"vil/vil_load.h\"\n#include \"vil/vil_new.h\"\n#include \"vil/vil_save.h\"\n#include \"vil/vil_convert.h\"\n#include <bapl/bapl_lowe_pyramid_set.h>\n\n\nint main( int argc, char* argv[] )\n{\n vul_arg<std::string> in_path(\"-i\",\"Input image\");\n vul_arg<std::string> out_path(\"-o\",\"Output Directory\");\n vul_arg_parse(argc, argv);\n\n if (!", "in_path.set())\n vul_arg_display_usage_and_exit();\n\n vil_image_view<vxl_byte> image = vil_convert_to_grey_using_rgb_weighting (vil_load(in_path().c_str()));\n if (image.ni()==0)\n {\n std::cerr<<\"Failed to load image.\\n\";\n return 1;\n }\n\n std::cout << \"Constructing Pyramids ...\";\n\n\n vil_image_resource_sptr image_sptr = vil_new_image_resource_of_view(image);\n bapl_lowe_pyramid_set pyramid_set(image_sptr);\n\n // Save images\n vil_image_view<vxl_byte> temp;\n for (int lvl=0; lvl<pyramid_set.num_octaves(); ++lvl){\n for (int octsz=0; octsz<pyramid_set.octave_size(); ++octsz){\n std::stringstream name_gauss, name_dog, name_grad_oreint, name_grad_mag;\n name_gauss << out_path() << \"/gauss\"<<lvl<<'_'<<octsz<<\".jpg\";\n name_dog << out_path() << \"/dog\"<<lvl<<'_'<<octsz<<\".jpg\";\n name_grad_oreint << out_path() << \"/orient\"<<lvl<<'_'<<octsz<<\".jpg\";\n name_grad_mag << out_path() << \"/mag\"<<lvl<<'_'<<octsz<<\".jpg\";\n\n vil_convert_stretch_range(pyramid_set.gauss_pyramid(lvl,octsz),temp);\n vil_save(temp, name_gauss.str().c_str());\n vil_convert_stretch_range(pyramid_set.dog_pyramid(lvl,octsz),temp);\n vil_save(temp, name_dog.str().c_str() );\n vil_convert_stretch_range(pyramid_set.grad_orient_pyramid(lvl,octsz),temp);\n vil_save(temp, name_grad_oreint.str().c_str());\n vil_convert_stretch_range(pyramid_set.grad_mag_pyramid(lvl,octsz),temp);\n vil_save(temp, name_grad_mag.str().c_str() );\n }\n }\n\n std::cout << \" done!\" ", "<<std::endl;\n return 0;\n}\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
[ 0.001462110667489469, 0.0017354944720864296, 0.005176013335585594 ]
[ "Q:\n\nFiles are getting deleted from the SD card\n\nI have developed a Service which will start when I receive the \"ON_BOOTUP_COMPLETED\" intent,\nin \"onCreate\" of my Service I wrote the logic to create a text file in SD card of the device.", "\nBelow is the logic I have used to do so:\n File abc = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory()+\"\\abc.txt\");\n if(!abc .exists())\n abc.createNewFile();\n abcwriter = new FileWriter(abc);\n\nI am using \"abcwriter\" in other methods to write some content in to text file.", "\nSo far it is working fine.", "\nBut when rebooted the device, I observed that \"abc.txt\" file is creating again.", "\nbut I put a check before creating file \"if(!abc .exists())\". ", " But still new file is created.", "\nI suspect that when I rebooted the device my files are deleted. ", "Is this the android behaviour..??", "\nIf it is please help me what I can do to make sure my files not created again. ", "\n\nA:\n\nYou have to use the constructor below and pass true as the second parameter if you want to append to the file. ", "Otherwise it will just get overwritten each time your code runs (when you reboot).Also get rid of the createNewFile() call, you don't need it since the writer will create it.", "\nFileWriter(File file, boolean append) \n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.0007132129394449294, 0.0008118822006508708, 0.0006461645243689418, 0.000598295999225229, 0.0006117097800597548, 0.0006364222499541938, 0.0007907471153885126, 0.0019461624324321747, 0.0005847750580869615, 0.0006765791331417859, 0.0009401699644513428, 0.0008763331570662558 ]
[ "/*\nCopyright The Kubernetes Authors.", "\n\nLicensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\nyou may not use this file except in compliance with the License.", "\nYou may obtain a copy of the License at\n\n http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n\nUnless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\ndistributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\nWITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.", "\nSee the License for the specific language governing permissions and\nlimitations under the License.", "\n*/\n\n// Code generated by informer-gen. ", "DO NOT EDIT.", "\n\npackage v1beta1\n\nimport (\n\tinternalinterfaces \"k8s.io/client-go/informers/internalinterfaces\"\n)\n\n// Interface provides access to all the informers in this group version.", "\ntype Interface interface {\n\t// CronJobs returns a CronJobInformer.", "\n\tCronJobs() CronJobInformer\n}\n\ntype version struct {\n\tfactory internalinterfaces.", "SharedInformerFactory\n\tnamespace string\n\ttweakListOptions internalinterfaces.", "TweakListOptionsFunc\n}\n\n// New returns a new Interface.", "\nfunc New(f internalinterfaces.", "SharedInformerFactory, namespace string, tweakListOptions internalinterfaces.", "TweakListOptionsFunc) Interface {\n\treturn &version{factory: f, namespace: namespace, tweakListOptions: tweakListOptions}\n}\n\n// CronJobs returns a CronJobInformer.", "\nfunc (v *version) CronJobs() CronJobInformer {\n\treturn &cronJobInformer{factory: v.factory, namespace: v.namespace, tweakListOptions: v.tweakListOptions}\n}\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
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[ "Introduction\n============\n\nAsthma is a chronic inflammatory disease characterized by reversible airflow obstruction and bronchospasm \\[[@bib1]\\]. ", "Asthma affects an estimated 300 million people worldwide, with 250 000 annual deaths attributed to the disease \\[[@bib2]\\]. ", "In the US, asthma affects about 1 in 12 people (8%) and causes more than \\$50 billion in medical cost \\[[@bib3]\\]. ", "Inhaled glucocorticoids are the most common and effective treatment for asthma. ", "In particular, the combination of glucocorticoids (anti-inflammatories) and β~2~-adrenergic receptor agonists (bronchial dilators) has achieved great success in preventing and controlling asthma attacks \\[[@bib4]\\]. ", "However, glucocorticoid inhalation for the treatment of asthma still encounters two major issues. ", "First, in severe disease cases, some patients respond poorly to inhaled glucocorticoids \\[[@bib5]\\]. ", "Second, long-term use or high dose use of inhaled glucocorticoids causes many unwanted side effects, such as diabetes and bone loss, even though delivery by inhalation has fewer side effects than systemic administration \\[[@bib6], [@bib7]\\].", "\n\nGlucocorticoids act through direct binding to the glucocorticoid receptor (GR), a ligand-regulated transcription factor of the nuclear receptor family. ", "GR has two transcriptional activities, activation (transactivation) and repression (transrepression). ", "Generally, the beneficial effects of glucocorticoids are primarily mediated by GR's activity in transrepressing major inflammation pathways such as the NF-κB and AP-1 pathways \\[[@bib8]\\]; in contrast, the unwanted side effects are mostly mediated by GR's transactivation of anabolic (for example, gluconeogenic) and osteoclast pathways \\[[@bib9], [@bib10]\\]. ", "However, the boundaries between transactivation/unwanted and transrepression/beneficial effects are sometimes blurred in certain circumstance. ", "For example, GR-mediated inductions of *GILZ* and *MKP1* genes have been shown to contribute to the anti-inflammation activity of glucocorticoids \\[[@bib11], [@bib12]\\]. ", "Clinical studies also show that many side effects of glucocorticoids are associated with a high dose use of glucocorticoids. ", "For instance, a threshold pattern of hypertension and glaucoma was observed when prednisone was prescribed at more than 7.5 mg per day \\[[@bib13]\\]. ", "Normally, the side effects associated with high-dose glucocorticoids mainly come from two sources: one is the off-target activation of related steroid hormone receptors, such as the mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) \\[[@bib14]\\]; the other is the transactivation activity of GR. ", "Numerous observations suggest that genes induced by GR generally require a higher glucocorticoid dose than genes repressed by GR \\[[@bib15; @bib16; @bib17]\\]. ", "For example, the IC50 of fluticasone propionate (FP) to inhibit granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor release is 1.8×10^−11^ [M]{.smallcaps}, while its EC50 for the induction of the β2-adrenergic receptor is 1.1×10^−9^ [M]{.smallcaps} in A549 cells \\[[@bib17]\\]. ", "These observations suggest a dosage window at which glucocorticoids can induce the beneficial transrepression activity without evoking the unwanted transactivation activity of GR.", "\n\nTo minimize systemic effects, glucocorticoids for asthma treatment are delivered by inhalation at a very low dose (50--100 μg) relative to that of oral glucocorticoids (5--10 mg) \\[[@bib6], [@bib18]\\]. ", "This requires highly potent glucocorticoids that can deliver much greater local (lung bronchi) efficacy than ones with low potency, to quickly and maximally suppress the inflammation response in the lungs to prevent an asthma attack. ", "Thus, the most successful glucocorticoids for asthma treatment are those with a high potency \\[[@bib4]\\], such as FP, fluticasone furoate (FF) and mometasone furoate (MF). ", "Particularly, FF has enhanced GR-binding affinity and has been shown to have improved efficacy in certain cases of moderate and severe asthma \\[[@bib19; @bib20; @bib21]\\].", "\n\nOur previous structure work on the ligand-bound GR ligand-binding domain (LBD) revealed key determinants of glucocorticoid potency \\[[@bib22]\\]. ", "A structural comparison of the cortisol-bound GR LBD with the dexamethasone (DEX)-bound GR LBD \\[[@bib23]\\] revealed that a C1−C2 double bond in the steroid A ring stabilizes the hydrogen network of the 3-ketone group of the ring with key residues (R611 and Q570) of the GR ligand-binding pocket (LBP) \\[[@bib22]\\]. ", "Further, our MF-bound GR LBD structure unveiled a key mechanism to robustly boost glucocorticoid potency through complete occupancy of a hydrophobic cavity in the GR LBP by the lipophilic C-17α furoate ester group of MF \\[[@bib22]\\]. ", "Applying this structural insight, we have converted a low potency glucocorticoid into the potent compound VSG22, which has a dramatically increased potency and efficacy relative to the parental compound \\[[@bib22]\\]. ", "Further modification of VSG22 based on additional structural insight gained from the structures of the cortisol- and DEX-bound GR LBD allowed us to generate a highly potent glucocorticoid, VSGC12, which has ideal properties for asthma treatments reported in this paper.", "\n\nResults\n=======\n\nStructure-based design of the high affinity glucocorticoid VSGC12\n-----------------------------------------------------------------\n\nThe MF-bound GR LBD structure revealed a key to improving glucocorticoid potency via introducing a furoate ester at the C-17α position of the steroid D ring. ", "Applying this principle, we were able to create the highly potent VSG22, which has a more than 1 000-fold increase in potency relative to the original backbone VSG24. ", "Further comparison of the DEX-bound GR LBD structure with the cortisol-bound GR LBD structure revealed that the F atom at the C-9 position and the methyl group at the C-16 position also contribute to the affinity by increasing the binding surface in the LBP of GR \\[[@bib22]\\]. ", "Incorporating these modifications, as well as an F atom at the C-6 position, to VSG22 created a novel glucocorticoid, VSGC12 ([Figure 1a](#fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "We used cell-based reporter systems to examine the potency of VSGC12 for both induction (MMTV-Luc) and repression (AP-1-luc and NF-κB-Luc) in AD293 cells, a well-established cell line for glucocorticoid-mediated reporter assays \\[[@bib22], [@bib24]\\]. ", "We first compared the activity of VSGC12 with VSG22, the backbone of VSGC12 and then compared VSGC12 with DEX, a gold standard glucocorticoid, and with FF, the most potent reported glucocorticoid \\[[@bib25]\\]. ", "In the MMTV reporter assay, VSGC12 showed an increased potency relative to VSG22, and an activity lower than, yet still close to, FF ([Figure 1b](#fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}, left panel). ", "The induction EC~50~ for DEX, VSG22, VSGC12 and FF were 14.4, 0.74, 0.51 and 0.38 n[M]{.smallcaps}, respectively. ", "In the AP-1 reporter assay, VSGC12 also showed higher potency than VSG22, but lower one than FF ([Figure 1b](#fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}, right panel). ", "The repression IC~50~ for DEX, VSG22, VSGC12 and FF were 0.62, 0.04, 0.02 and 0.01 n[M]{.smallcaps}, respectively, consistent with the general observation that induction requires a higher dose than repression. ", "Similar results were obtained using the NF-κB as reporter, which yielded IC~50~ values for DEX, VSG22, VSGC12 and FF of 1.08, 0.10, 0.08 and 0.04 n[M]{.smallcaps}, respectively ([Supplementary Figure S1](#xob1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}). ", "MR and progesterone receptor (PR) are the closest orthologs of GR in the steroid hormone family and their activations by glucocorticoids at high dose are the major glucocorticoid off-target effects \\[[@bib14], [@bib26]\\]. ", "We examined the off-target activity of VSGC12 at the saturation concentration of 1 μ[M]{.smallcaps}, in comparison with the clinically most used inhaled glucocorticoids FP, FF and MF. ", "The data showed that VSGC12 has a higher MR activity than VSG22 and FP, but a lower activity than MF and a similar activity (difference not statistically significant) as FF ([Figure 1c](#fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}, left panel). ", "For PR activity, VSGC12 showed a higher activity than VSG22, but a lower activity than MF, FF and FP ([Figure 1c](#fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}, right panel). ", "In an *in vitro* binding assay, VSGC12 has a higher binding affinity for exogenously expressed GR than DEX, but a lower affinity than FF and VSG22 ([Figure 1d](#fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "A cytokine inhibition experiment in lung cancer A549 cells, a human lung epithelial cell line that has been generally used to evaluate the ability of glucocorticoids to inhibit the secretion of secondary inflammatory cytokines on primary pro-inflammatory cytokine stimulation \\[[@bib27]\\], showed that VSGC12 has higher potency than VSG22, but a lower potency than FF, in inhibiting the release of IL-6 ([Figure 1e](#fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}), similar to what we found in the reporter assays.", "\n\nVSGC12 has a strong anti-inflammation activity in mouse macrophage cells\n------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nGlucocorticoids are the most effective anti-inflammation agent because they repress almost all major inflammation signals. ", "Macrophage cells have a key role in the initiation of the inflammation response and are also a main target of glucocorticoids for their anti-inflammation activity \\[[@bib28]\\]. ", "To examine the overall anti-inflammation activity of VSGC12, we used RAW264.7 cells, a mouse macrophage cell line, to profile the global gene expression pattern in response to VSGC12, VSG22, DEX and FF. ", "We used LPS to elicit the inflammation and then treated with various glucocorticoids to investigate their anti-inflammation activity. ", "Aligned with DEX, from most downregulated genes to most upregulated genes, VSGC12, VSG22 and FF followed the overall same trend as DEX, with the exception of some different signatures ([Figure 2a](#fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Venn diagrams for induction and repression show that VSGC12-, FF- and DEX-regulated genes highly overlap. ", "Of a total of 710 genes repressed by DEX more than twofold, about half (352) were also repressed both by VSGC12 and FF ([Figure 2b](#fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}); similarly about half of the genes induced by DEX (574) were also induced by both VSGC12 and FF. ", "A pathway analysis of common genes regulated by VSGC12, VSG22, FF and DEX shows that the two most repressed pathways are the MAPK signaling pathway (Kegg pathway \\# mmu04010) and cytokine−cytokine receptor interaction pathway (Kegg pathway \\# mmu04060) ([Supplementary Table S1](#xob5){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}), consistent with the anti-inflammation activity of these steroid compounds. ", "Especially, the pro-inflammatory cytokines of the cytokine−cytokine receptor interaction network are triggers of inflammation response, and their inhibition is the key for anti-inflammation treatment \\[[@bib29]\\]. ", "A close look at the inhibition activity of these pro-inflammatory cytokines, normalized to DEX ([Figure 2c](#fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}, black column), shows that VSGC12, VSG22 and FF have much stronger inhibition activity than DEX ([Figure 2c](#fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "In particular, VSGC12 showed strong repression for the four key pro-inflammatory cytokines, IL-1β, IL-6, TNFα and IL-33. ", "We validated these results by quantitative PCR, which showed that VSGC12 has a much higher repression activity on IL-1β, IL-6 and IL-33 than FF and DEX ([Figure 2d](#fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}), consistent with the microarray data, suggesting that VSGC12 may have a highly enhanced anti-inflammation activity *in vivo*.", "\n\nVSGC12 outperforms FF in a murine asthma model\n----------------------------------------------\n\nFF has an enhanced GR-binding affinity compared with other clinically used inhaled glucocorticoids \\[[@bib25], [@bib30]\\]. ", "It is considered to be the most potent glucocorticoids for asthma treatment based on its improved anti-inflammation activity in both animal models and clinical studies \\[[@bib19], [@bib20], [@bib25], [@bib31], [@bib32]\\]. ", "It outperformed FP, the best-selling asthma drug (Advair, GSK) in certain categories, such as better respiratory cell protection \\[[@bib31]\\] and longer lung retention \\[[@bib30], [@bib33]\\], and in certain circumstance it showed an improved treatment effect in patients with moderate and severe disease \\[[@bib20], [@bib21]\\]. ", "Generally, owning to its high potency, a FF dose of 100 μg once a day delivers the same treatment effect as 250--500 μg FP twice a day for the treatment of asthma \\[[@bib20], [@bib32], [@bib34]\\].", "\n\nWe first examined the efficacy of our candidate compounds (VSG22 and VSGC12) in a mouse ovalbumin (OVA)-induced acute asthma model in comparison with DEX, the standard glucocorticoid. ", "We chose Balb/c mice, the most commonly used mice for allergic asthma model, to do the study \\[[@bib35]\\]. ", "For easy handling in rodents, we delivered the treatment by conventional intraperitoneal (i.p.) ", "method. ", "At a relative high dose (1 mg kg^--1^), our preliminary data showed that neither VSG22 nor DEX can effectively repress the airway hyper-responsiveness (AHR), a critical indicator of asthma in the mouse model; on the other hand, VSGC12 robustly repressed AHR to the basal level ([Supplementary Figure S2](#xob2){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}). ", "We therefore decided to only focus on VSGC12. ", "In a further comparison to FF, the leading clinical compound for asthma treatment, both VSGC12 and FF delivered a maximal repression activity to strongly suppress the AHR to the basal level at the dose of 1 mg kg^--1^, largely surpassing DEX ([Figure 3a](#fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Since differentiated immune cells (macrophage, eosinophils, lymphocytes and phagocytic monocytes) are the indicators of lung inflammation, we examined these cells in the lungs of mice in response to different treatments. ", "Similar to AHR, both VSGC12 and FF strongly repressed the infiltration of immune responsive cells into the lungs (total and differential cell count), while DEX had only a mild effect ([Figure 3b](#fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "A close look at the treatment effects of VSGC12 and FF showed that VSGC12 actually outperformed FF in many aspects of the phenotype such as eosinophils, lymphocytes, phagocytic monocytes count ([Figure 3b](#fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"}) and histology ([Figure 3d](#fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "VSGC12 also showed better improvement indicators of lung function than FF, including total differentiated cell count and OVA-inducted serum IgE level ([Figure 3c](#fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"}), but these differences were not statistically significant. ", "Of particular interest is the histology score, which was reduced on VSGC12 treatment to almost zero for hematoxylin and eosin staining and to 0.25 for periodic acid--Schiff (PAS) staining. ", "In contrast, FF treatment yielded only a moderate score (0.83 for hematoxylin and eosin stain and 1.5 for PAS stain; [Figure 3d](#fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"}), indicating that VSGC12 has the ability to completely repress inflammation close to the basal level in the lungs.", "\n\nVSGC12 displays a highly improved potency in repressing asthma symptoms in a mouse asthma model\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nThe stronger anti-inflammation activity delivered by VSGC12 at a relatively high dose indicated that VSGC12 may have a higher potency than FF in the mouse asthma model. ", "To test this hypothesis, we decreased the dose to 0.25 mg kg^--1^. At this dose, VSGC12 still delivered a maximal repression activity (\\>95%) on AHR ([Figure 4a](#fig4){ref-type=\"fig\"}), while FF lost most repression activity (\\<35%). ", "Further decreasing the VSGC12 dose to 0.125 mg kg^--1^ still resulted in over 70% repression activity; and even at 0.0625 mg kg^--1^, VSGC12 retained 50% repression activity ([Figure 4c and e](#fig4){ref-type=\"fig\"}), while FF at 0.125 mg kg^--1^ had \\<28% repression activity. ", "Similar results were also seen in the lung inflammation (total differential cell count) in which 0.25 mg kg^--1^ VSGC12 delivered a maximal repression and 0.125 mg kg^--1^ VSGC12 still delivered an effective repression ([Figure 4b and d](#fig4){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "In the histology evaluation, 0.25 mg kg^--1^ VSGC12 showed a much lower score than 0.25 mg kg^--1^ FF in both hematoxylin and eosin and PAS staining ([Supplementary Figure S3a](#xob3){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}). ", "At even lower doses (0.125 or 0.0625 mg kg^--1^), the differences between VSGC12 and FF on histology were not significant ([Supplementary Figure S3c](#xob3){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}). ", "For unknown reason, the OVA-IgE levels of VSGC12 and FF at lower doses (0.25, 0.125, 0.0625 mg kg^--1^) were unexpectedly higher than the vehicle control ([Supplementary Figure S3b and S3d](#xob3){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}). ", "A replot of AHR repression of all dose of VSGC12 and FF at the maximal challenge of acetylcholine (4 mg kg^--1^), indicated that the minimal dose for VSGC12 to maximally repress the inflammation is 0.25 mg kg^--1^, and the minimal dose for VSGC12 to effectively repress AHR is 0.0625 mg kg^--1^, while the effective FF dose to maximally repress the inflammation is 1 mg kg^--1^ ([Figure 4e](#fig4){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Similar results were also obtained by the total differentiated cells count ([Figure 4f](#fig4){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "These data indicate that VSGC12 is more effective at low dose than FF in the mouse asthma model, which makes VSGC12 highly valuable for a potential clinical investigation.", "\n\nVSGC12 has fewer side effects than FF at the effective dose for asthma treatment\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nThe dosage difference between induction and repression (induction needs a higher concentration than repression), together with the fact that most off-target side effects (for example, MR activation) can only be induced at a high dose of glucocorticoids, suggests the possibility of developing a highly potent glucocorticoid that can be used at a low dose to effectively repress inflammation without evoking the unwanted side effects. ", "To test this hypothesis, we measured the major side effects (growth inhibition, insulin resistance and bone loss) of VSGC12 at a low dose in mouse models. ", "We chose DBA/1 mice to do the side effects study based on the fact that not only the glucocorticoid-induced insulin resistance can be easily developed in this strain \\[[@bib36]\\], but also the glucocorticoid caused bone loss is readily to be generated in this strain \\[[@bib37]\\]. ", "Judging from the lung function AHR data, the most critical data for asthma, the minimal dose to maximally repress (maximal effective dose) lung inflammation was 0.25 mg kg^--1^ for VSGC12, and 1 mg kg^--1^ for FF ([Figure 4e](#fig4){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "We therefore mainly compared the side effects of VSGC12 with FF at the maximal effective dose (0.25 mg kg^--1^ VSGC12 vs 1 mg kg^--1^ FF). ", "As the minimal dose for VSGC12 to effectively repress AHR (\\>50%) is 0.0625 mg kg^--1^, we also examined the side effect of VSGC12 at this minimal effective dose (0.0625 mg kg^--1^). ", "In addition, we also chose 2.5 mg kg^--1^ DEX as a positive control for measuring glucocorticoid side effects based on reported data \\[[@bib38]\\].", "\n\nTwo weeks daily i.p. ", "injection of 1 mg kg^--1^ of FF caused a significant growth inhibition in 7-week-old mice, suggesting that this high dose is toxic for young mice. ", "Generally, inhalation method for asthma treatment has much less systemic exposure than i.p. ", "injection, therefore it is unlikely that inhalation of FF will have such dramatic growth inhibition on asthma patients. ", "However, clinical report did suggest that there is some association between a lower growth rate and a high dose use of inhaled glucocorticoids in children \\<17 years old \\[[@bib39]\\]. ", "VSGC12 at 0.25 mg kg^--1^ showed similar growth inhibition as FF, however, VSGC12 at its minimal effective dose of 0.0625 mg kg^--1^ did not cause a significant growth inhibition ([Figure 5a](#fig5){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Another major side effect of glucocorticoids is diabetes, and insulin resistance is the key mechanism of glucocorticoid-induced diabetes \\[[@bib40]\\]. ", "Daily injection of 1 mg kg^--1^ FF for 7 days caused hyper-insulin resistance in an insulin-tolerance test. ", "Although VSGC12 at 0.25 mg kg^--1^ still caused insulin resistance, the resistance was much less severe than for FF, and at 0.0625 mg kg^--1^, VSGC12 no longer induced insulin resistance ([Figure 5b](#fig5){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Since glucocorticoid-induced insulin resistance is generally associated with an increase of endogenous insulin \\[[@bib36]\\], we determined the plasma insulin level of mice treated with various doses of VSGC12 and FF. ", "Consistent with the insulin-tolerance test data, 1 mg kg^--1^ FF caused a dramatic increase of the endogenous insulin level, while 0.25 mg kg^--1^ VSGC12 caused a moderate increase, and 0.0625 mg kg^--1^ VSGC12 did not significantly increase the endogenous insulin level ([Figure 5c](#fig5){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\nGenerally, lymphoid organ atrophy is considered to be the side effect of glucocorticoid \\[[@bib41]\\], however, it is also accepted that the apoptosis of lymphoid cells may contribute to anti-inflammation activity of glucocorticoid. ", "Although the mechanism of glucocorticoid-induced apoptosis in lymphoid cells is not entirely understood, it has been suggested that the transactivation activity of GR had a role in this process \\[[@bib42]\\]. ", "We examined the effects of these compounds on atrophy of the spleen. ", "Treatment with 1 mg kg^--1^ of FF caused a dramatic shrinkage of the spleen, while 0.25 mg kg^--1^ of VSGC12 caused a less severe atrophy and 0.0625 mg kg^--1^ of VSGC12 caused only a mild change in spleen size ([Figure 5d](#fig5){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "One of the most common side effects of glucocorticoids is bone loss. ", "We used μCT scanning to examine the bone density of femur bones of mice treated with different steroids. ", "The data showed that 1 mg kg^--1^ FF caused a dramatic decrease of the cortical bone thickness, while 0.25 mg kg^--1^ VSGC12 only caused a mild decrease, and 0.0625 mg kg^--1^ did not cause a significant decrease compared with vehicle treatment ([Figure 5e](#fig5){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Consistent with these data, 1 mg kg^--1^ FF caused a dramatic decrease of bone strength in terms of stiffness, while VSGC12 at both 0.25 mg kg^--1^ and 0.0625 mg kg^--1^ no longer caused damage to bone strength ([Figure 5f](#fig5){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Taken together, at the maximal effective dose, VSGC12 shows a better side effect profile than FF on insulin response and bone loss, and at the minimal effective dose, VSGC12 shows fewer side effects in all categories we analyzed (growth inhibition, insulin resistance, spleen atrophy and bone loss) than the gold standard DEX. ", "This, together with its highly enhanced therapeutic effects in the mouse asthma model, suggests that VSGC12 has significant promise for its development into a better treatment for asthma patients.", "\n\nDiscussion\n==========\n\nInhaled glucocorticoids are the cornerstone of asthma therapy. ", "Most asthma symptoms can be well controlled in a majority of patients by inhaled glucocorticoids, or combinations of an inhaled glucocorticoid and a β~2~-adrenergic receptor agonist. ", "However, 5--10% of asthma patients respond poorly or are basically non-responsive to the currently available glucocorticoid treatment; usually these patients have severe or very severe disease \\[[@bib5]\\]. ", "Although patients with uncontrolled asthma are a minority of the total asthmatic population, they constitute most disability and mortality of all asthma patients and use a large portion of economic resources and health-care services, including emergency visits and hospitalizations \\[[@bib43]\\]. ", "Even though treatment with protein agents (for example, antibody-based therapy) may be the answer to uncontrolled asthma in the future \\[[@bib44]\\], highly potent glucocorticoids such as FF have been shown to improve the lung function of a subset of patients with uncontrolled asthma \\[[@bib20]\\]. ", "Especially, the combination of FF with vilanterol, a long-acting β2-adrenergic receptor agonist, has been shown to improve the treatment adherence in certain patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease \\[[@bib32]\\], a much more severe certain disease than asthma, suggesting that developing a highly potent glucocorticoid may be an important approach to combat uncontrolled asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.", "\n\nVSGC12 had been designed and developed based on our knowledge of the structural basis of glucocorticoid potency. ", "Our previous structural study of glucocorticoid potency revealed three keys to improve glucocorticoid potency \\[[@bib22]\\]. ", "First, the stable hydrogen network interaction between the steroid A ring and the key residues of the LBP of the GR LBD; second, the full occupancy of the hydrophobic cavity via a lipophilic furoate ester at the C-17α position of the steroid D ring; third, the fine-tuning role of modifications at the C-6, C-9 and C-16 positions to precisely positioning the ligand in the LBP of GR. ", "Applying these principles, we have generated the highly potent VSGC12. ", "Although our *in vitro* binding assays with exogenously expressed GR shows that VSGC12 has lower binding affinity than FF ([Figure 1d](#fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}), our reporter assay and cytokine inhibition assay demonstrate that the potency of VSGC12 in cells is close to that of FF ([Figure 1b and e](#fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}), and, most importantly, superior in *in vivo* animal studies. ", "In the mouse asthma model, VSGC12 outperformed the current leading glucocorticoid FF in many aspects, suggesting that VSGC12 has an enhanced potency in the lung bronchi and thus holds significant promise for the treatment of asthma patients.", "\n\nLike all corticosteroid treatments in inflammatory diseases, a major concern of inhaled glucocorticoids is their unwanted side effects caused by prolonged or high dose use. ", "These side effects hamper further use of glucocorticoids in many chronic inflammatory diseases like asthma and arthritis. ", "The concept of dissociated glucocorticoids that deliver the beneficial anti-inflammation activity but not the unwanted side effects might be the ultimate answer to those problems in the future. ", "Up till now, limited progress has been made in developing novel dissociated glucocorticoids that are both fully dissociated and highly potent. ", "Also, it has been reported that certain GR-induced genes (that is, *GILZ* and *MKP1*) actually contribute the anti-inflammation activity of GR \\[[@bib11], [@bib12]\\], suggesting that even the completely dissociated glucocorticoids may still compromise certain beneficial activity of GR. ", "Our cell-based reporter assays agree with the general observation that gene induction by GR requires a higher dose than gene repression by GR ([Figure 1b](#fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"} and [Supplementary Figure S1](#xob1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}). ", "These observations suggest the existence of a dosage window between transactivation and transrepression, which may provide an alternative way to minimize the side effect through the development of a highly potent glucocorticoid that delivers an effective treatment at a dose that is too low to induce many major side effects. ", "This strategy may be particularly effective for asthma treatment as the inhalation method provides an additional buffer to minimize the exposure of glucocorticoid to major side effect organs such as liver, bone and muscles.", "\n\nIn supporting this hypothesis, VSGC12 delivered a maximal anti-inflammation activity at one quarter the dose of FF (0.25 mg kg^--1^ vs 1 mg kg^--1^), and showed reduced harmful effects relative to FF in certain aspects such as insulin response and bone loss. ", "Although lack of 0.5 mg kg^--1^ dose of FF, judging from the AHR activity decay rate of VSGC12 of equal activity (0.25 mg kg^--1^, 95% repression equal 1 mg kg^--1^ FF) in [Figure 4e](#fig4){ref-type=\"fig\"}, it is unlikely that 0.5 mg kg^--1^ FF will retain full repression activity, thereby, we feel fair to compare 0.25 mg kg^--1^ VSGC12 with 1 mg kg^--1^ FF. ", "An interesting observation in our mouse study of glucocorticoid-induced insulin resistance is that the degree of resistance (glucose level) is nicely correlated with the increased endogenous insulin level. ", "One general hypothesis for this is that high dose of glucocorticoid decreases the sensitivity of insulin and pushes the body to secrete more insulin to control the blood glucose level, continuous injection of high dose of glucocorticoids forces this vicious cycle and eventually leads the collapse of insulin response and becomes diabetic \\[[@bib40]\\]. ", "On further decreasing the dose, VSGC12 still retained a number of treatment effects against asthma symptoms without causing significant side effects compared with the DEX standard ([Figure 4e](#fig4){ref-type=\"fig\"} and [Figure 5](#fig5){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "These properties make VSGC12 a promising candidate for asthma treatment.", "\n\nIn summary, we have developed the highly potent glucocorticoid VSGC12 for asthma treatment based on our structural study of glucocorticoid potency. ", "VSGC12 outperformed the leading clinical compound FF in both efficacy and potency in many aspects of asthma in a mouse model and showed a reduced side effect profile compared with FF at the effective dose. ", "These results suggest that VSGC12 is a strong drug candidate for asthma treatment.", "\n\nMaterials and Methods\n=====================\n\nCell based reporter assay\n-------------------------\n\nSimilar to previous reports \\[[@bib22], [@bib24]\\], for induction 100 ng pHHLuc (MMTV-Luc) plasmid, 0.1 ng pRShGR together with 5 ng phRGtkRenilla were transfected by X-tremeGENE 9 (Roche) into AD293 cells per well in 24-well plate. ", "For transrepression, 10 ng AP-1-Luc or 10ng pNF-κB-luc, 100 ng pRShGR and 5 ng phRGtkRenilla were transfected into AD293 cells per well. ", "We used the same transfection protocol for the MR and PR assays, except of the use of 0.1 ng MR or PR plasmid to substitute GR. ", "One day after transfection, for induction, cells were directly treated by steroids for 16 h; for repression, cells were treated with either PMA at 0.6 ng ml^--1^ (for AP-1 reporter) or TNFα at 2 ng ml^--1^ (for NF-κB reporter), together with various steroids. ", "Cells were collected by addition of 1× Passive Lysis Buffer (Promega, Madison, WI, USA), and luciferase activity was assayed by the Dual-Glo Luciferase system (Promega). ", "Data were plotted as firefly luciferase activity normalized to Renilla luciferase activity in Relative Luciferase Units.", "\n\n*In vitro* GR ligand-binding assay\n----------------------------------\n\nThe *in vitro* GR binding assay is similar to the one described previously \\[[@bib22]\\]. ", "Basically, \\[^3^H\\]-Dex at 15 n[M]{.smallcaps} was incubated with 5% GR cytosol plus 20 m[M]{.smallcaps} sodium molybdate in TAPS buffer (pH 8.8) and the indicated concentrations of unlabeled competitors. ", "Data were plotted as a standard competition curve by GraphPad Prism 5.", "\n\nCytokine inhibition assay\n-------------------------\n\nA549 cells into 24-well plates were split at 40 000 cells/well. ", "After 1 day growth, cells were treated with various steroids 1 h before overnight induction of inflammation by 2 ng ml^--1^ TNFα according to literature \\[[@bib27]\\]. ", "Sixteen hours after treatment, cell culture supernatants were subjected to anti-IL-6 Elisa (R&D Quantikine Elisa Human IL-6 Kit) according to the manual.", "\n\nTotal RNA extraction and quantitative PCR\n-----------------------------------------\n\nMouse macrophage RAW264.7 cells were grown in 6-well plates to reach 80% confluence. ", "The cells were pretreated with different steroids at 100 n[M]{.smallcaps} 1 h before overnight induction of inflammation by 1 μg ml^--1^ LPS. ", "Total RNA was isolated using a Qiagen mini RNA extraction kit (Valencia, CA, USA). ", "Complementary DNA was synthesized from total RNA with an Invitrogen Superscript cDNA synthesis kit (Carlsbad, CA, USA). ", "Target genes were quantified with a Power SYBR Green Real-Time PCR kit (Carlsbad, CA, USA) (ABI) in a StepOnePlus real-time PCR instrument (Applied Biosystems, Carlsbad, CA, USA). ", "In every case, GAPDH (glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase) was used as an internal control and data were analyzed by the ΔΔCt method. ", "The specificity of target primers was tested both in a dissociation (melting) curve ([Supplementary Figure S4](#xob4){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}) and against a water control. ", "Primer sequence information is included in [Supplementary Figure S4](#xob4){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"}.", "\n\nMicroarray analysis of gene expression\n--------------------------------------\n\nRAW264.7 cells were treated with designated steroids at 100 n[M]{.smallcaps} 1 h before overnight LPS stimulation of inflammation. ", "Each treatment was duplicated. ", "The following day, RNA samples were isolated using a Qiagen mini RNA extraction kit and applied to the Agilent Whole Mouse Genome 8x60K gene expression platform. ", "Data were analyzed by the limma package \\[[@bib45]\\] in R program. ", "Heat maps were generated by the HeatMap 2 package. ", "Pathway analysis was done via DAVID Bioinformatics Resources 6.7 (NIAID) and Venn diagrams were generated by BioVenn \\[[@bib46]\\].", "\n\nAnimal studies\n--------------\n\nAll animal studies were approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee of Van Andel Institute and University of California, San Francisco, and were performed in accordance with the ethical guidelines of the Animal Welfare Act.", "\n\nOVA-induce mouse asthma model\n-----------------------------\n\nAs described before \\[[@bib47], [@bib48]\\], 7--9-week-old female Balb/c mice (Taconic) were sensitized on days 0, 7 and 14 by i.p. ", "injection of 50 μg OVA/1 mg alum in a total of 200 μl saline. ", "Control mice received an equal volume of alum only. ", "Mice were lightly anesthetized by isoflurane inhalation and challenged with intranasal OVA (100 μg in 30 μl saline) or saline on days 21--23, and were i.p. ", "injected with different steroids. ", "Twenty-four hours after the last challenge and treatment, pulmonary resistance was measured in response to a range of concentrations of intravenous acetylcholine using the forced oscillation technique with the FlexiVent system (SCIREQ) as previously described \\[[@bib48]\\]. ", "Serum samples were analyzed for OVA-specific IgE using an ELISA (BD Biosciences, clone R35-118). ", "Total and differential cell counts were determined by hemocytometer and by light microscopic evaluation of more than 300 cells per slide as previously described \\[[@bib48]\\]. ", "After lavage, lungs were inflated with 10% buffered formalin to 25 cm H~2~O and transferred to 10% buffered formalin. ", "Sections (5 μm) were stained with H&E for semi-quantitative assessment of inflammation and PAS for evaluation of mucus production. ", "To quantify inflammation, H&E-stained lung sections were de-identified for blinding and scored for peribronchial and perivascular inflammatory cell infiltration: grade 0, no infiltration; grade 1, \\<25% of examined area; grade 2, 25--50%; grade 3, 51--75%; and grade 4, \\>75%. ", "To quantify goblet cell hyperplasia, PAS stained lung sections were de-identified for blinding and scored for the percentage of PAS positive cells among airway epithelial cells: grade 0: none; grade 1 \\<25% of airway epithelial cells; grade 2, 25--50%; grade 3, 51--75%; and grade 4, \\>75%.", "\n\nInsulin-tolerance test\n----------------------\n\nDBA/1 mice (Taconic) were weighted just before the experiment. ", "After 4 h fasting, mice were i.p. ", "injected with 0.75 U kg^--1^ of insulin (Huamlin R). ", "Blood samples were taken from the tail at time 0 (before insulin injection), 15, 30, 45, 60, 90 and 120 min after injection. ", "Plasma glucose levels were measured using an AlphaTrak glucose meter. ", "All data were plotted as percent of glucose level at time 0. ", "Endogenous insulin levels were measured using the Ultra Sensitive Mouse Insulin ELISA kit (Crystal Chem, Downers Groove, IL, USA).", "\n\nBone density and biomechanics testing\n-------------------------------------\n\nFemur bones were collected and scanned by μCT (Skyscan 1172 uCT) for quantification of trabecular and cortical bone parameters. ", "The thresholds for μCT quantification of trabecular and cortical bone parameters were set at 80--100 and 100--110, respectively. ", "μCT analyses of cortical bone parameters were performed on 100-μCT slices (1 mm total) from the middle shaft of femurs; trabecular parameters were assessed in 100-μCT slices (1 mm total) immediately below the distal growth plate of the femur. ", "Following uCT scans, the femurs were individually tested on a TestResources 570 Force Transducer. ", "Bones were thawed in PBS before being tested, to ensure no brittleness was due to freezing. ", "Using a four-point bending apparatus, with an upper length of 3.5 mm and lower length of 7.3 mm, the bones had a force applied to them until breaking. ", "Data points were collected at a frequency of 50 Hz and a deflection rate of 0.005 mm s^--1^.\n\nStatistical analysis\n--------------------\n\nAll mouse data were expressed as means±s.e.m. (*", "n*≥5 samples). ", "Reporter assays, binding assays and real-time PCR data were expressed as means±s.d. ", "of triplicate samples (*n*≥3). ", "Data were analyzed by two-tailed, unpaired *t*-tests with GraphPad Prism 5 or Excel software.", "\n\nAccession codes\n===============\n\nThe microarray data are processed for submission to the National Center for Biotechnology Information Gene Expression Omnibus database (Access number: GSE73733).", "\n\nWe thank the Vivarium and Transgenic Core of Van Andel Institute for help and assistance of animal studies. ", "This study was supported by NIDDK/NIH fund (DK066202 and DK071662), American Asthma Foundation fund (2010), Proof of Concept Innovation Award, Amway (China), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC 91217311 and NSFC 81502909) and the Van Andel Research Institute.", "\n\n([**Supplementary information**](#xob1){ref-type=\"supplementary-material\"} is linked to the online version of the paper on the *Cell Discovery* website.)", "\n\nThe authors declare no conflict of interest.", "\n\n###### \n\nClick here for additional data file.", "\n\n###### \n\nClick here for additional data file.", "\n\n###### \n\nClick here for additional data file.", "\n\n###### \n\nClick here for additional data file.", "\n\n###### \n\nClick here for additional data file.", "\n\n![", "VSGC12 is a highly potent glucocorticoid. (**", "a**) Chemical structure of VSGC12. (**", "b**) VSGC12 has potency higher than VSG22, but lower than FF, in reporter assays in AD293 cells. ", "Left panel, MMTV induction reporter assay; right panel, AP-1 repression reporter assay. ", "RLU, relative luciferase units. (**", "c**) An examination of off-target effects in MR and PR reporter assays. ", "Steroid concentration: 1 μ[M]{.smallcaps}. ", "Data were plotted as percent of that at 1 μ[M]{.smallcaps} native ligands (corticosterone for MR, progesterone for PR). ", "\\**P*\\<0.05; \\*\\**P*\\<0.01; \\*\\*\\**P*\\<0.001, n.s., ", "not significant; *n*=3. (**", "d**). ", "An *in vitro* H^3^-Dex competition binding assay for examining ligand-binding affinity to GR. ", "Radioactive ligand H^3^-DEX: 15 n[M]{.smallcaps}. ", "The IC~50~ for DEX, VSG22, VSGC12 and FF are 13.4, 4.1, 6.1 and 2.7  n[M]{.smallcaps}, respectively. (**", "e**) A cytokine inhibition assay for testing the ability of candidate ligands to suppress cytokine IL-6 release from A549 cells. ", "The IC~50~ for DEX, VSG22, VSGC12 and FF are 0.80, 0.07, 0.05 and 0.03 n[M]{.smallcaps}, respectively.](celldisc201535-f1){#fig1}\n\n![", "Gene expression profile of VSGC12. (**", "a**) A microarray gene expression analysis of VSGC12, VSG22, FF and DEX in mouse macrophage RAW264.7 cells on the induction of an inflammation response. ", "Inflammation was induced by 1 μg ml^--1^ LPS at a steroid hormone concentration of 100 n[M]{.smallcaps}. ", "Data were plotted as relative expression level to vehicle (DMSO), and aligned to the gene expression pattern seen upon DEX treatment, from most downregulated to most upregulated genes. (**", "b**) Venn diagrams of genes induced or repressed more than twofold in RAW264.7 cells. (**", "c**) Gene expression profile of pro-inflammatory cytokines in RAW264.7 cells. ", "Data were normalized to DEX as 0. (**", "d**) A validation of gene expression in RAW264.7 cells by quantitative PCR. ", "Error bars indicate s.d., *", "n*=3, statistics analysis is based on ΔΔCt, \\**P*\\<0.05; \\*\\**P*\\<0.01, n.s., ", "not significant.](celldisc201535-f2){#fig2}\n\n![", "Examination of the efficacy of VSGC12 in a mouse OVA-induced asthma model. (**", "a**) Lung function (AHR) of BALB/c mice with different treatment. ", "RL, resistance of lung, cm H~2~O.s/ml. ", "ACH, acetylcholine. (**", "b**) Differentiated cells count. ", "Macro, macrophage; Eos, eosinophils; LC, lymphocytes; PMN, phagocytic monocytes. (**", "c**) OVA-specific IgE. OD, arbitrary unit=(OD~405~--OD~540~)×dilution factor. (**", "d**) Histology score, left panel, hematoxylin and eosin (HE) staining; right panel, PAS staining. ", "Error bars indicate s.e.m., ", "each group *n*=10. ", "\\**P*\\<0.05; \\*\\**P*\\<0.01; \\*\\*\\**P*\\<0.001; n.s., ", "not significant.](celldisc201535-f3){#fig3}\n\n![", "Examination of the potency of VSGC12 in a mouse OVA-induced asthma model. (**", "a**) Lung function of BALB/c mice treated with 0.25 mg kg^--1^ VSGC12, or FF. (**", "b**) Differential cells count in the lungs of mice treated with 0.25 mg kg^--1^ VSGC12 or FF. (**", "c**) Lung function of BALB/c mice treated with the indicated amounts of VSGC12 or FF. (**", "d**) Differential cell count in the lungs of mice treated with the indicated amounts of VSGC12 or FF. (**", "e**) A side-by-side comparison of the repression activities of various doses of VSGC12 and FF on AHR. ", "Data were plotted as percent of repression at the maximal ACH challenge of 4 mg kg^--1^, with vehicle control (OVA+DMSO) as 0 and saline as 100. (**", "f**) A side-by-side comparison of the repression activity of VSGC12 and FF at various doses on total differential cell count. ", "Data were plotted as percent of repression between saline (100) and OVA+DMSO (0). ", "Error bars indicate s.e.m., ", "each group *n*=8. ", "\\**P*\\<0.05; \\*\\**P*\\<0.01; \\*\\*\\**P*\\<0.001.](celldisc201535-f4){#fig4}\n\n![", "Examination of side effects of VSGC12 and FF at the effective dose. (**", "a**) Body weight of DBA/1 mice treated with the indicated daily dose of steroids for 2 weeks. ", "Mice body weight was measured at day 0, 7 and 14. (**", "b**) Insulin-tolerance test of mice treated with the indicated daily doses of steroids for 7 days. ", "Glucose level was measured at day 7 at various time points before and after insulin injection. ", "Data were plotted as percent of the glucose level of time 0. (**", "c**) Plasma insulin levels of mice treated with the indicated daily doses of steroid for 7 days. (**", "d**) Spleen size and weight for mice treated with the indicated daily doses of steroid for 2 weeks. (**", "e**) Cortical bone thickness of femurs of mice treated with the indicated daily doses of steroid for 2 weeks. (**", "f**) Bone stiffness of femurs of mice treated with the indicated daily doses of steroid for 2 weeks. ", "Mouse strain: DBA/1. ", "Each treatment *n*=5, error bars indicate s.e.m., ", "\\**P*\\<0.05; \\*\\**P*\\<0.01; \\*\\*\\**P*\\<0.001.](celldisc201535-f5){#fig5}\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Central" }
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0.000580746156629175, 0.0009275383199565113, 0.0006248924182727933, 0.0009075613343156874, 0.0005860455567017198, 0.0006285817362368107, 0.0009521205211058259, 0.001087570795789361, 0.0010848406236618757, 0.6494207978248596, 0.0006332744960673153, 0.000815799692645669, 0.015737125650048256 ]
[ "Q:\n\nHow to check if an element in array exists in Java\n\nIf I have an int array structured like this:\nprivate int[][] map = new int[400][400];\n\nAnd I try to retrieve\nmap[100][200]\n\nAnd that element isn't initialized, will i get a compiler/runtime error or will it return null? ", "And is there any function to check if a given element/index exists/has been set?", "\n\nA:\n\nAs your array declaration is of a primitive type you won't get any compiler or runtime errors - the default value of 0 will be returned.", "\nIf your array had been an array of Objects, then the array would hold null for any element not specifically assigned.", "\n\nA:\n\nI won't return null because int is a primitive type. ", "It will return the default int value, which is 0.", "\nThere is no way of knowing if any element has been set, short of keeping a separate boolean array.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.0007035103044472635, 0.0008024161797948182, 0.0008682104526087642, 0.0009505688212811947, 0.0035701661836355925, 0.0009289056179113686, 0.0006839672569185495, 0.001995444530621171 ]
[ "Q:\n\nTextmate Javascript Validate Syntax Command\n\nI spend a lot of time in TextMate 2 writing PHP and a lesser amount writing Javascript.", "\nI've always found the Validate Syntax command in Textmate very useful as a final quick sanity check before saving. ", "I was wondering today if there were a way to do something similar for Javascript and I think I've found a solution in acorn:\nhttps://github.com/ternjs/acorn\nRunning something along these lines:\nacorn --silent <file-here>; echo $?", "\n\nReturns either a 0 if it's valid or a 1 if it's not. ", "If not it also returns an error with the line where the syntax error occurs:\nUnexpected token (50:1)\n1\n\nSeems like it's almost perfect for use in a simple Validate Syntax command.", "\nBut that's where I ran into a brick wall of ignorance. ", "I'm not sure how to get from there to an actual command in TextMate and looking at the PHP example and a few others left me no further along partly because I've got almost no Ruby experience and it appears to that's how commands are usually written in TextMate.", "\nAnyone with more experience writing TextMate commands care to take a pass at it?", "\n\nBased on Graham's suggestion and additional help here's a working command:\n#!", "/usr/bin/env bash\n#Write scope of JS to a temp file\necho \"$(</dev/stdin)\" > ${TMPDIR}acorn-validation.js;\n#Capture output of acorn syntax check (Note that acorn sends the output to STDERR thus the 2>&1)\nACORN_OUTPUT=$( (acorn --silent ${TMPDIR}acorn-validation.js) 2>&1 );\n\necho 'Running syntax check with acorn...';\n\nif [[ \"\" == $ACORN_OUTPUT ]]; then\n echo 'No syntax errors detected';\nfi\n\nif [[ \"\" !", "= $ACORN_OUTPUT ]]; then\n #Find the line/column value\n LINE=$(echo $ACORN_OUTPUT | grep -oE '([0-9]+:[0-9]+)';);\n echo '';\n echo 'Syntax error on '${LINE};\n echo ${ACORN_OUTPUT/($LINE)/};\n #Send cursor to the place where the error occured\n LINE=(${LINE//:/ });\n open \"txmt://open/?url=file://${TM_FILEPATH}&line=${LINE[0]}&column=${LINE[1]}\";\nfi\n\nMake sure Input is set to Scope and Output is set to Show in Tool Tip.", "\n\nA:\n\nInstall Acorn globally:\nnpm install -g acorn\n\nFind out where acorn been installed:\nwhich acorn\n\nMine said (because I use nvm):\n~/.nvm/versions/node/v6.2.2/bin/acorn\n\nAdd that bin folder to your TextMate Path, use a colon to delineate:\n\nSo my PATH is:\n$PATH:/opt/local/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/texbin:/usr/local/bin:$HOME/.nvm/versions/node/v6.2.2/bin:$HOME/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.3.3/bin\n\nNow open the bundle editor:\nCreate a bundle, or open an existing, and press cmd+n to create a new file, select \"command\" from the dropdown.", "\nPaste this into the command, cmd+s to save.", "\nUpdate: This command has been brought from proof of concept to functional by (OP) Jamie Poitra, so check the question for his script.", "\n#!", "/usr/bin/env bash\nacorn ${TM_FILE}\n\nAll set.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.0006559269968420267, 0.0006677095661871135, 0.0006078479345887899, 0.0009352739434689283, 0.0006242379313334823, 0.11098785698413849, 0.0005987549666315317, 0.0007253249641507864, 0.0007791421958245337, 0.0009752495680004358, 0.0009708793368190527, 0.0007537485216744244, 0.0026446343399584293, 0.0005725127412006259, 0.01251957006752491, 0.0008588425116613507, 0.001995444530621171 ]
[ "Asymphorodes hemileucus\n\nAsymphorodes hemileucus is a moth of the family Agonoxenidae. ", "It was described by John Frederick Gates Clarke in 1986. ", "It is found in French Polynesia.", "\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Moths described in 1986\nCategory:Agonoxeninae\nCategory:Moths of Oceania" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
[ 0.008802982978522778, 0.0006157919415272772, 0.0006679017678834498, 0.000566359143704176 ]
[ "Sifuvirtide screens rigid membrane surfaces. ", "establishment of a correlation between efficacy and membrane domain selectivity among HIV fusion inhibitor peptides.", "\nSifuvirtide, a 36 amino acid negatively charged peptide, is a novel and promising HIV fusion inhibitor, presently in clinical trials. ", "Because of the aromatic amino acid residues of the peptide, its behavior in aqueous solution and the interaction with lipid-membrane model systems (large unilammelar vesicles) were studied by using mainly fluorescence spectroscopy techniques (both steady-state and time-resolved). ", "No significant aggregation of the peptide was observed with aqueous solution. ", "Various biological and nonbiological lipid-membrane compositions were analyzed, and atomic force microscopy was used to visualize phase separation in several of those mixtures. ", "Results showed no significant interaction of the peptide, neither with zwitterionic fluid lipid membranes (liquid-disordered phase), nor with cholesterol-rich membranes (liquid-ordered phase). ", "However, significant partitioning was observed with the positively charged lipid models (K(p) = (2.2 +/- 0.3) x 10(3)), serving as a positive control. ", "Fluorescence quenching using Förster resonance acrylamide and lipophilic probes was carried out to study the location of the peptide in the membrane models. ", "In the gel-phase DPPC (1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine) membrane model, an adsorption of the peptide at the surface of these membranes was observed and confirmed by using Förster resonance energy-transfer experiments. ", "These results indicate a targeting of the peptide to gel-phase domains relatively to liquid-disordered or liquid-ordered phase domains. ", "This larger affinity and selectivity toward the more rigid areas of the membranes, where most of the receptors are found, or to viral membrane, may help explain the improved clinical efficiency of sifuvirtide, by providing a local increased concentration of the peptide at the fusion site." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.0007557616918347776, 0.0006485456833615899, 0.0009262069943360984, 0.000616184959653765, 0.0005602911114692688, 0.0005513298092409968, 0.0006622185464948416, 0.0006471391534432769, 0.0006263081450015306, 0.0006418667617253959, 0.0005926563171669841, 0.0005470082396641374 ]
[ "A formylated hexapeptide ligand mimics the ability of Wnt-5a to impair migration of human breast epithelial cells.", "\nLoss of Wnt-5a protein expression is associated with shorter recurrence-free survival in breast carcinoma patients and increased motility in mammary cell lines. ", "Based on sequence analysis of Wnt-5a, we identified 14 peptide fragments and investigated their ability to mimic the effects of Wnt-5a on mammary cell adhesion and migration. ", "Two of these peptides significantly increased adhesion and impaired migration in the non-tumorigenic HB2 breast epithelial cell line and in the MDA-MB-468 breast cancer cell line, both of which show little endogenous expression of the Wnt-5a protein. ", "We removed two amino acids at a time from the N terminus of the shorter of these two peptides to identify the shortest peptide that still inhibited migration. ", "The influence on tumor cell adhesion was gradually lost and was no longer detectable when only six amino acids remained. ", "However, formylation of the N-terminal methionine of this hexapeptide restored its effect on adhesion and reduced tumor cell motility via a Frizzled-5 receptor-dependent mechanism, even at a low pH such as encountered in breast tumor tissue. ", "This formylated hexapeptide ligand induced a rapid cytosolic calcium signal, whereas it did not affect the cellular levels of unphosphorylated beta-catenin or active JNK. ", "The novel formyl-Met-Asp-Gly-Cys-Glu-Leu peptide ligand is not only a valuable experimental tool but has also a potential role in antimetastatic treatment of the 50% of human breast cancer patients that have reduced endogenous Wnt-5a protein expression." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.0010560634545981884, 0.001971428282558918, 0.0007187324808910489, 0.0007235827506519854, 0.0005508841131813824, 0.000661770929582417, 0.0009624907979741693, 0.0009758505620993674, 0.0008301842608489096 ]
[ "Hormonal modulation of the heat shock response: insights from fish with divergent cortisol stress responses.", "\nAcute temperature stress in animals results in increases in heat shock proteins (HSPs) and stress hormones. ", "There is evidence that stress hormones influence the magnitude of the heat shock response; however, their role is equivocal. ", "To determine whether and how stress hormones may affect the heat shock response, we capitalized on two lines of rainbow trout specifically bred for their high (HR) and low (LR) cortisol response to stress. ", "We predicted that LR fish, with a low cortisol but high catecholamine response to stress, would induce higher levels of HSPs after acute heat stress than HR trout. ", "We found that HR fish have significantly higher increases in both catecholamines and cortisol compared with LR fish, and LR fish had no appreciable stress hormone response to heat shock. ", "This unexpected finding prevented further interpretation of the hormonal modulation of the heat shock response but provided insight into stress-coping styles and environmental stress. ", "HR fish also had a significantly greater and faster heat shock response and less oxidative protein damage than LR fish. ", "Despite these clear differences in the physiological and cellular responses to heat shock, there were no differences in the thermal tolerance of HR and LR fish. ", "Our results support the hypothesis that responsiveness to environmental change underpins the physiological differences in stress-coping styles. ", "Here, we demonstrate that the heat shock response is a distinguishing feature of the HR and LR lines and suggest that it may have been coselected with the hormonal responses to stress." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.0007072061416693032, 0.0005841149250045419, 0.0006050904630683362, 0.0007299684803001583, 0.002414955757558346, 0.001023935154080391, 0.0005671334802173078, 0.0037520418409258127, 0.0006504091434180737, 0.000572975433897227, 0.0006079330341890454 ]
[ "The present invention generally relates to woodworking planes.", "\nWoodworking planes have long been used to smooth the wood surface of a work piece. ", "Such planes work when a woodworker pushes or pulls the plane across the wood surface. ", "This allows a sharp blade of the plane to engage the wood surface and shear off a thin layer of wood, thereby smoothing the wood surface. ", "The plane usually includes a plane body or blade holder, and a plane blade slightly protruding through an opening in the bottom surface of the plane body.", "\nThe plane blade may occasionally need to be adjusted, either longitudinally to control a cutting or planing depth, or angularly to adjust an angle of the blade relative to a bottom surface of the plane body (the cutting edge is typically maintained desirably along a line that is parallel to the bottom surface of the plane). ", "The present invention provides a plane with an improved construction for enabling longitudinal and/or lateral adjustment of the plane blade." ]
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[ "Egypt to try 19 Americans in case straining ties\n\nHAMZA HENDAWI\nAssociated PressPublished: February 5, 2012 3:24PM\n\nCAIRO (AP) -- Ignoring a U.S. threat to cut off aid, Egypt on Sunday referred 19 Americans and 24 other employees of nonprofit groups to trial before a criminal court on accusations they illegally used foreign funds to foment unrest in the country.", "\n\nEgypt's military rulers had already deeply strained ties with Washington with their crackdown on U.S.-funded groups promoting democracy and human rights and accused of stirring up violence in the aftermath of the uprising a year ago that ousted Hosni Mubarak. ", "The decision to send 43 workers from the various groups to trials marks a sharp escalation in the dispute.", "\n\nEgypt and the United States have been close allies for more than three decades, but the campaign against the organizations has angered Washington, and jeopardized the $1.5 billion in aid Egypt is set to receive from the U.S. this year.", "\n\nOn Saturday, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton warned Egypt that failure to resolve the dispute may lead to the loss of American aid. ", "The Egyptian minister, Mohammed Amr, responded Sunday by saying the government cannot interfere in the work of the judiciary.", "\n\n\"We are doing our best to contain this but ... we cannot actually exercise any influence on the investigating judges right now when it comes to the investigation,\" Amr told reporters at a security conference in Munich, Germany. ", "A few hours later, word of the referral to trials came.", "\n\nThe Egyptian investigation into the work of nonprofit groups in the country is closely linked to the political turmoil that has engulfed the nation since the ouster of Mubarak, a close U.S. ally who ruled Egypt for nearly 30 years.", "\n\nEgypt's military rulers have been under fire by liberal and secular groups for bungling what was supposed to be a transition to democracy after Mubarak's ouster. ", "The ruling generals who took power after the uprising, led by a man who was Mubarak's defense minister for 20 years, have tried to deflect the criticism by claiming \"foreign hands\" are behind protests against their rule and frequently depict the protesters as receiving funds from abroad in a plot to destabilize the country.", "\n\nThose allegations have cost the youth activists that spearheaded Mubarak's ouster support among a wider public that is sensitive to allegations of foreign meddling and which sees a conspiracy to destabilize Egypt in nearly every move by a foreign nation.", "\n\nEgypt has just been plunged into a new cycle of violence with 12 killed in four days of clashes. ", "The clashes were sparked by anger at the authorities inability to prevent a riot after a soccer match last week left 74 people dead.", "\n\nInternational Cooperation Minister Faiza Aboul Naga, a remnant of the Mubarak regime who retained her post after his ouster, is leading the crackdown on nonprofit groups. ", "On Sunday, she vowed to pursue the issue to the very end. ", "The investigation into the funding issue, she claimed, has uncovered \"plots aimed at striking at Egypt's stability.\"", "\n\nEgyptian security officials said that among the Americans sent to trial is Sam LaHood, the head of the Egypt office of the Washington-based International Republican Institute and the son of U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood. ", "Five Serbs, two Germans and three non-Egyptian Arab nationals are also targeted.", "\n\nLahood's group called the decision \"politically motivated\" and said it \"reflects escalating attacks against international and Egyptian democracy organizations.\" ", "The IRI statement from Washington said the campaign was being carried out \"in part by Mubarak-era holdovers.\"", "\n\nAll 43 have been banned from leaving the country. ", "A date has yet to be set for the start of the trial.", "\n\n\"Governments have the right to regulate (nonprofits) but not to micromanage them and impede their activities and decisions,\" Joe Stork, deputy Middle East director at Human Rights Watch, said in a statement Sunday. ", "He urged Egypt's newly elected parliament to pass a law guaranteeing the rights of civil society groups.", "\n\nSunday's decision to refer the 43 to trial raises questions about the Egyptian military's motive to allow the issue to escalate so much that the valuable $1.3 billion it gets annually be placed in jeopardy. ", "Washington also is set to give Egypt $250 million in economic aid this year.", "\n\nThe U.S. assistance has allowed the Egyptian military to replace its relatively antiquated Soviet-era weaponry with modern and sophisticated arms, ranging from fighter-bombers and transport aircraft to tanks and personnel carriers. ", "The aid is closely but informally linked to Egypt's continued adherence to its 1979 peace treaty with Israel, Washington's closest Middle East ally.", "\n\nAlready, Egyptian authorities are preventing at least six Americans -- including LaHood -- and four Europeans from leaving the country, citing a probe opened last month when heavily armed security forces raided the offices of 17 pro-democracy and rights groups. ", "Egyptian officials have defended the raid as part of a legitimate investigation into the groups' work and funding.", "\n\n\"The ruling military council is searching for scapegoats to cover up its successive failures, the disastrous ones, since it took power on Feb. 11 (2011),\" said prominent rights activist Bahy Eddin Hassan. \"", "It has managed to stain the reputation of everybody to come out at the only party to be trusted in the eyes of ordinary Egyptians.\"", "\n\nLaws requiring local and foreign civil society groups to register with the government have long been a source of contention, with rights activists accusing authorities of using legal provisions to go after groups critical of their policies. ", "Offenders can be sentenced to prison if convicted.", "\n\nForeign civil society groups must receive permission to legally operate in Egypt by registering with the ministries of foreign affairs and international cooperation.", "\n\nLegally, the Social Solidarity Ministry must approve any foreign funds funneled to local or foreign civil society groups in Egypt.", "\n\nAlso Sunday, security officials said Mubarak, 83, would shortly be moved to a prison for the first time since his arrest last April. ", "Mubarak has since his arrest been kept in custody in a hospital at the Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheikh and later at an army's medical facility east of Cairo.", "\n\nMubarak is on trial on charges of complicity in the killing of hundreds of protesters during the 18-day uprising that forced him to step down.", "\n\nThe officials also said that around 50 former regime insiders held at Tora would be dispersed to five different jails in the greater Cairo area within the next 48 hours. ", "They include Mubarak's two sons, businessman Alaa and one-time heir apparent Gamal, two former prime ministers and the former speakers of parliament's two chambers.", "\n\nThe decision to move Mubarak and spread the regime officials appeared to be a concession by the military to pro-reform activists who complain that the ruling generals led by Mubarak's defense minister for 20 years were treating the ousted leader with reverence and turning a blind eye to former regime officials clustered in Tora to use supporters to undermine security." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nhow to use gulp with azure function Nodejs\n\nUse gulp with azure function. ", "Is it possible to use gulp for all azure functionApp?", "\nprocess.env.", "NODE_CONFIG_DIR = `${process.cwd()}/config/env`;\n\nimport gulp from 'gulp';\nimport requireDir from 'require-dir';\n\nrequireDir('./lib/tasks');\n\ngulp.task('default', ['update-project', 'run-webpack'], () => {\n gulp.src('host.json')\n .pipe(gulp.dest('.deploy/'));\n\n const devBuild = process.env.", "NODE_ENV !", "== 'production';\n\n if (devBuild) {\n gulp.src('local.settings.json')\n .pipe(gulp.dest('.deploy/'));\n }`enter code here`\n});\n\nA:\n\nIt seems that the code with gulp you post comes from the GitHub Gisp jordanyaker/gulpfile.babel.js. ", "\nIf you want to integrate it with Azure Functions and make it run on Azure Functions, I think it's impossible, and Azure Functions is not designed for doing the streaming build operations, and there are not enough resources like time for building and persistent storage.", "\nIf you just want to help building your Azure Function automatically by gulp at the develepment stage and deploy a function to Azure after built, I recommended that you can try to use Azure DevOps to do it. ", "Please refer to the offical docuemnts as below to know how to.", "\n\nBuild, test, and deploy JavaScript and Node.js apps\nContinuous delivery by using Azure DevOps for Azure Functions\nGulp task\nAzure Function App task\n\n" ]
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[ "Separation anxiety in dogs. ", "The function of homeostasis in its development and treatment.", "\nThe model discussed here should help to provide an understanding of the range of stimuli that each dog needs for the maintenance of emotional homeostasis and the interplay between these stimuli and events in the dog's [table: see text] environment. ", "In turn, this should aid in diagnosis and the setting of appropriate treatment plans." ]
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[ "Ask Behance\n\nLoading...\n\n1 minute overview\n\nLoading...\n\nFrequently Asked Questions\n\nLoading...\n\nLogging Into your Behance Account:\n\nIf you have a login questions - please contact Behance support directly.", "Behance is transitioning all logins to Adobe IDs this Spring 2014. ", "If you signed up for Behance post April 10, 2014, your Behance login matches your Adobe ID exactly. ", "If you signed up before this and are having trouble logging in, visitthis sectionfor more help, orcontact Behance support.", "Please do not comment on this forum with login questions, as we're able to provide much faster, one-on-one support elsewhere." ]
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[ "Life Express\n\nLife Express is a 2004 Hong Kong-Taiwanese action drama film directed by and co-starring Blackie Ko in his final film appearance before his death in 2003. ", "The film also stars Richie Jen and Ruby Lin\n\nSynopsis\nThe film revolves around a little boy who has leukemia and is waiting for a marrow transplant. ", "While back in Taiwan, it concentrates on the story of a doctor, Kao Chi-yuen (Richie Jen) and a nurse, Suen Yan-yan (Ruby Lin), who is his girlfriend. ", "Chi-yuen is a young doctor who stands for justice and does the best he can to help his patients.", "\n\nThey cannot find a willing bone marrow donor. ", "They seek help from a prisoner, Ng Sung-yung (Blackie Ko). ", "Ng is convinced to become a bone marrow donor for the little boy. ", "The marrow must be transferred from Taiwan to Beijing in 24 hours, but an earthquake causes a power cut and also damages a bridge on the way to the airport. ", "The car has to fly across the gap.", "\n\nLuckily, they make it in time for the airplane. ", "At the airport, Yan-yan accepts Chi-yuen's marriage proposal. ", "The transplant operation is successful.", "\n\nCast\nRichie Jen as Kao Chi-yuen doctor\nRuby Lin as Suen Yan-yan. ", "a social Worker\nBlacky Ko as Ng Sung-yung, a prisoner and bone marrow donor\nJiang Shan as Kuen\nGao Shu-guang as Dr. Lee Chu\nShi Yao as Yin-yin's mother\nLiu Ci-hang as Luk-fai\nDu Wei as Chan Kin-kao\nAlan Ke as Bone marrow donor\nMan Ying as Ng's mother\nMorris Rong as Injured man\nYan Manqiu as Mrs. Chan\nTsai Chen-nam as Ng's cellmate\nNiu Ben as Luk-fai's grandfather\nChu Chung-heng as Bon\n\nExternal links\nYesasia US version DVD\n \n \n\nCategory:Hong Kong films\nCategory:Taiwanese films\nCategory:2004 films\nCategory:2000s action drama films\nCategory:Hong Kong action films\nCategory:Hong Kong drama films\nCategory:Medical-themed films\nCategory:Cantonese-language films\nCategory:Films set in Taiwan\nCategory:Films set in Beijing\nCategory:Films shot in Taiwan\nCategory:Films shot in Beijing" ]
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[ "The present invention is related to a semiconductor device, and more specifically, is directed to a technique capable of being effectively applied to a semiconductor device having a trench-gate structure.", "\nWhile power transistors are employed in power amplifier circuits, power supply circuits, converters, power protective circuits and the like, since these power transistors may handle high power, both high breakdown voltages and high currents are required. ", "In the case that MISFETs (Metal Insulator Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistors) are used, high-current requirements may be satisfied by increasing channel widths of these MISFETs.", "\nThen, in order to avoid that occupied areas of semiconductor chips are increased by widening such channel widths, for example, mesh-gate structures are employed. ", "In these mesh-gate structures, the gates are arranged in a lattice (grid) shape so as to increase channel widths per unit chip area. ", "FETs having such mesh-gate structures are described in, for instance, “SEMICONDUCTOR HANDBOOK” of Pages 429–430 published by OHM-sha Ltd., in 1981.", "\nConventionally, among these power FETs, such power FETs having planar structures have been employed, since the manufacturing steps thereof are simple and oxide films which constitute gate insulating films can be readily formed. ", "However, when cell sizes are made small in order to lower resistance values of planar FETs, depletion layers of cells located adjacent to each other will extend to contact with each other, so that no current may flow. ", "As a result, even when these planar FETs are tried to be made in very fine manners, resistance values thereof could not be lowered. ", "This is referred to as the “JFET effect.” ", "As a consequence, there is a limitation in lowering resistance values of these planar FETs by being made in very fine manners.", "\nAccordingly, under such a reason that integration degrees of semiconductor cells can be furthermore improved, and in addition, a reason that ON-resistance values can be reduced, such FETs having trench-gate structures without the so-called JFET effect could be conceived. ", "A trench-gate structure is defined as follows: That is, while a conductive layer which will constitute a gate is formed via an insulating film in a trench which is elongated on a major surface of a semiconductor substrate, a deep layer portion of this major surface is employed as a drain region, a surface layer portion of the major surface is employed as a source region, and also a semiconductor layer between the drain region and the source region is used as a channel forming region. ", "This sort of MISFET having the trench-gate structure is disclosed in, for instance, JP-A-8-23092.", "\nAlso, Inventors of the present invention could invent the technique capable of preventing the source offset by making the upper surface of the gate conductor layer of the trench-gate structure higher than the major surface of the semiconductor substrate. ", "This technique is opened in JP-A-12-277531. ", "Also, as to FETs having planar structures, JP-A-9-246550 discloses the technique capable of forming the very fine trench in such a manner that the side wall spacer formed on the gate electrode on the substrate is employed so as to exceed the processing limitations." ]
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[ "1. ", "Field of Invention\nThis invention relates to non-contact ultrasonic thickness measurement of sputtering targets bonded to a backing plate using immersion bubbler technique and data acquisition over-sampling.", "\n2. ", "Description of Related Art\nIn the fabrication of integrated circuits and other electronic, opto-electronic, microwave, and MEM devices, multiple deposition and etch processes are performed in sequence to fabricate the desired electronic structures or devices. ", "The current trend in fabrication has been to improve the performance and reliability of devices with simultaneous reduction in manufacturing cost. ", "The ultimate goal is to fabricate devices in a way that combines improved performance (speed and capacity), with improved cost efficiency of manufacturing process. ", "Manufacturing cost can be kept under control in a number of ways, particularly by reducing the cost of consumables used in the process. ", "One of such consumables is a sputtering target. ", "The cost of the sputtering target can be reduced substantially by replacing the part of expensive target material which is not a part of the sputter erosion process, with less expensive commercially available “backing” material. ", "The “backing” material, in addition to cost reduction, provides improved mechanical, thermal, and even electrical properties of the target. ", "This becomes of particular importance for targets made of mechanically soft materials. ", "These targets can be deformed by thermo-mechanical stresses applied to the target during sputter-related heat load cycling. ", "In contrast, a backing plate made of “backing” material provides extra mechanical stiffness and improved thermal conductance.", "\nBacking material can be attached to the target in a number of ways. ", "However, only three techniques, namely, mechanical, diffusion, or solder bonding, are of practical interest for target-to-backing plate joining. ", "All three techniques require high or elevated pressure and high or elevated temperature to complete the bonding process. ", "The drawback of these techniques is the significant difficulty in maintaining the pre-designed shape of the bond interface, for example, the flatness for planar targets. ", "In many cases, when different target and “backing” materials are used, mismatches in thermal expansion coefficients of the different materials causes the bond interface to deflect from an originally predefined shape. ", "The mechanical flattening which usually follows the bonding process is thus not always capable of flattening the bond interface to a satisfactory level. ", "Therefore, in many cases only a partial correction of deflection of bonded interface is achieved that results in target thickness variations all over the target after sputter surface machining. ", "The thickness variations, in turn, require close monitoring and measuring. ", "Failure to determine the target minimum thickness may result in catastrophic performance of the target when the target sputters through the bond interface into the backing plate, causing contamination in sputtered films.", "\nAttempts to use designing means to change the shape of pre-bonded surfaces to compensate for bonding-related deflection has shown mixed results. ", "On the other hand, modeling, for example, by using finite element analyses, does not provide a satisfactory prediction for bond interface deflection due to many uncontrolled variables, which are typically not accounted for during analysis.", "\nTherefore, there remains a need to measure the actual thickness of the target between front surface and the bonded interface. ", "The conventional technique for thickness measurements of bonded assemblies is the ultrasonic NDT. ", "A number of portable and stationary thickness measurement instruments or gauges are available from many NDT equipment manufacturers. ", "The typical ultrasonic thickness gauge comprises an ultrasonic piezoelectric transducer electrically connected to an electronic block comprising, in turn, a pulser, a receiver, and a signal processor, which are controlled by the gauge's internal microcontroller.", "\nThe transducer, when excited by a short electric pulse from the pulser, generates a burst of high frequency mechanical vibrations or sound waves. ", "This sound burst or pulse propagates through the specimen if the specimen is ultrasonically coupled to the transducer. ", "The sound pulse, when it reaches the bond interface, bounces back to the transducer in the form of an echo. ", "The transducer converts the echo back into an electric signal. ", "The electric signal is processed by the gauge, which calculates the thickness of the specimen. ", "When the thickness is calculated it is displayed and transferred to the remote controller if the gauge is equipped with a serial, USB, or other type of port.", "\nTypical ultrasonic thickness gauges operate in the “Pulse/Echo” mode, by timing precisely the reflection of the echo bounced back at normal incidence from the reflecting surface such as the bond interface. ", "If the gauge is calibrated to the speed of sound in the test material then the thickness is determined by an internal calculation performed by the gauge processor using the following relationship [Ref. ", "1]:Thickness=V(t−t0)/2where: V—the velocity of sound in the material, t—the measured transit time of sound pulse, t0—the zero offset factor (to correct for transducer internal delay, cable delay, and other fixed delays). ", " \nA typical gauge can measure thickness in three modes. ", "Mode 1 is used with contact transducers when the transducer is directly coupled to the surface of the specimen. ", "In this mode, the transit time is measured between a main bang MB pulse and a first returning echo. ", "This method is simplest and it is frequently used for manual thickness measurements when the specimen is relatively thick, and only a few thickness data points are required to collect. ", "Modes 2 and 3 are used with delay line, or immersion, transducers for the specimens of any, but preferably small or moderate, thickness when improved measurement accuracy is required. ", "In Mode 2, the transit time is measured between the front surface and the first backwall (or bond interface) echoes, while in Mode 3 the transit time is usually measured between two consecutive echoes following the front surface echo. ", "It is important to know that Mode 2 is preferred for materials with a higher sound attenuation, such as copper, cobalt, tantalum, or WTi while Mode 3 (which is most accurate among all three modes) is preferred for low attenuated materials such as aluminum, titanium, or tungsten.", "\nImplementation of Modes 1, 2, or 3, when the transducer (with or without delay line) is directly coupled to a target surface, is limited to scratch resistant materials, since only a droplet of water can be used for target coupling. ", "As seen frequently in practice, a thin layer of water does not provide an adequate protection for target surface, particularly of soft materials such as aluminum or copper, from scratching. ", "Another drawback of direct contact coupling is that manual operation depends on operator hands-on experience. ", "A still further drawback of direct contact coupling is the occasional difficulty in finding a region of the target with a minimal thickness. ", "However, the direct contact coupling has one important advantage, namely, compactness and mobility, that makes it a preferred technique for use in-situ when the part remains attached to the chuck of the machining tool. ", "This simplifies testing and reduces the overall test time.", "\nNon-contact immersion Modes 2 and 3 are designed to overcome limitations of contact methods providing non-scratching, accurate, and automated methods of testing. ", "Immersion thickness testing can be done in two ways. ", "It can be done by submerging the entire target assembly and the transducer into a tank with de-ionized (DI) water where a stationary column of coupling water between target and transducer is formed. ", "The advantage of this technique is the ability of using conventional C-Scan technology and equipment. ", "The disadvantage of this technique is the relatively high cost since several steps are required to complete the test. ", "Steps include removing the target from machining tool and placing it into a C-Scan tank for testing, then replacing the target back to the machining tool to complete machining. ", "After-test machining is also required, at least as a refinishing measure, to remove the hydro-oxidation caused by extended exposure of the target surface to the water. ", "Aluminum and copper-made targets are among of most susceptible to hydro-oxidation.", "\nThe other way of using immersion testing is a bubbler technique. ", "The bubbler technique may provide a definite advantage for target thickness measurement compared to all previously discussed methods. ", "The sound beam, in this case, propagates through a column of flowing water, which impinges into the target surface. ", "As a result, the water exposure and subsequently hydro-oxidation can be minimized drastically by reducing the size of the water contact area and exposure time. ", "This can be achieved by decreasing the diameter of the water contact area and by bringing this area into a continuous moving contact all over the target surface. ", "However, there is a limitation frequently imposed by conventional bubbler techniques. ", "The limitation is a lack of spatial resolution. ", "Conventional conveyor-based bubbler techniques, for example, used in metal rolling mills and etc., ", "acquire thickness data at certain spaced intervals usually pre-defined by conveyor speed and data acquisition rate. ", "For high conveyor speed applications a plurality of positions from where the thickness data are sampled, can be separated be lengthy intervals that pose a danger of missing the positions with a critical minimum thickness. ", "This is absolutely not acceptable for sputtering target applications. ", "The region of a target with a minimum thickness should always be detected since the minimum thickness is among the most critically controlled target geometrical parameters, which governs pass/fail criterion of the target. ", "Conventional bubbler techniques have another drawback, which may interfere with test remote operation. ", "This additional drawback is the possibility of interruption in the data acquisition process due to occasional discontinuity in the water flow, especially for small bubbler apertures when a chain of air bubbles is formed in the water supply stream.", "\nTherefore, there is still a need in the art for precision, low cost, non-contact, automated, ultrasonic target thickness measurement technique performed in-situ inside a machining tool." ]
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[ "// Copyright 2018-2020 Authors of Cilium\n//\n// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.", "\n// You may obtain a copy of the License at\n//\n// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n//\n// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n// distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.", "\n// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n// limitations under the License.", "\n\npackage logger\n\nimport (\n\t\"net\"\n\n\t\"github.com/cilium/cilium/pkg/fqdn/restore\"\n\t\"github.com/cilium/cilium/pkg/identity\"\n\t\"github.com/cilium/cilium/pkg/proxy/accesslog\"\n)\n\n// EndpointInfoSource returns information about an endpoint being proxied.", "\n// The read lock must be held when calling any method.", "\ntype EndpointInfoSource interface {\n\tGetID() uint64\n\tGetIPv4Address() string\n\tGetIPv6Address() string\n\tGetIdentityLocked() identity.", "NumericIdentity\n\tGetLabels() []string\n\tGetLabelsSHA() string\n\tHasSidecarProxy() bool\n\t// ConntrackName assumes that the caller has *not* acquired any mutexes\n\t// that may be associated with this EndpointInfoSource. ", "It is (unfortunately)\n\t// up to the caller to know when to use this vs. ConntrackNameLocked, which\n\t// assumes that the caller has acquired any needed mutexes of the\n\t// implementation.", "\n\tConntrackName() string\n\tConntrackNameLocked() string\n\tGetNamedPortLocked(ingress bool, name string, proto uint8) uint16\n\tGetProxyInfoByFields() (uint64, string, string, []string, string, uint64, error)\n}\n\n// getEndpointInfo returns a consistent snapshot of the given source.", "\n// The source's read lock must not be held.", "\nfunc getEndpointInfo(source EndpointInfoSource) *accesslog.", "EndpointInfo {\n\n\tid, ipv4, ipv6, labels, labelsSHA256, identity, _ := source.", "GetProxyInfoByFields()\n\treturn &accesslog.", "EndpointInfo{\n\t\tID: id,\n\t\tIPv4: ipv4,\n\t\tIPv6: ipv6,\n\t\tLabels: labels,\n\t\tLabelsSHA256: labelsSHA256,\n\t\tIdentity: identity,\n\t}\n}\n\n// EndpointUpdater returns information about an endpoint being proxied and\n// is called back to update the endpoint when proxy events occur.", "\n// This is a subset of `Endpoint`.", "\ntype EndpointUpdater interface {\n\tEndpointInfoSource\n\n\t// OnProxyPolicyUpdate is called when the proxy acknowledges that it\n\t// has applied a policy.", "\n\tOnProxyPolicyUpdate(policyRevision uint64)\n\n\t// UpdateProxyStatistics updates the Endpoint's proxy statistics to account\n\t// for a new observed flow with the given characteristics.", "\n\tUpdateProxyStatistics(l4Protocol string, port uint16, ingress, request bool, verdict accesslog.", "FlowVerdict)\n\n\t// OnDNSPolicyUpdateLocked is called when the Endpoint's DNS policy has been updated.", "\n\t// 'rules' is a fresh copy of the DNS rules passed to the callee.", "\n\tOnDNSPolicyUpdateLocked(rules restore.", "DNSRules)\n}\n\n// EndpointInfoRegistry provides endpoint information lookup by endpoint IP\n// address.", "\ntype EndpointInfoRegistry interface {\n\t// FillEndpointIdentityByID resolves the labels of the specified identity\n\t// if known locally and fills in the following info member fields:\n\t// - info.", "Identity\n\t// - info.", "Labels\n\t// - info.", "LabelsSHA256\n\t// Returns true if found, false if not found.", "\n\tFillEndpointIdentityByID(id identity.", "NumericIdentity, info *accesslog.", "EndpointInfo) bool\n\n\t// FillEndpointIdentityByIP resolves the labels of the endpoint with the\n\t// specified IP if known locally and fills in the following info member\n\t// fields:\n\t// - info.", "ID\n\t// - info.", "Identity\n\t// - info.", "Labels\n\t// - info.", "LabelsSHA256\n\t// Returns true if found, false if not found.", "\n\tFillEndpointIdentityByIP(ip net.", "IP, info *accesslog.", "EndpointInfo) bool\n}\n" ]
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[ "\n184 F.Supp. ", "907 (1960)\nM. DE MATTEO CONSTRUCTION CO.", "\nv.\nMAINE TURNPIKE AUTHORITY.", "\nCiv. ", "No. ", "5-46.", "\nUnited States District Court D. Maine, S. D.\nJune 29, 1960.", "\n*908 Alton A. Lessard, Lewiston, Me., ", "Herman Snyder, Richmond I. Bailen, Boston, Mass., for plaintiff.", "\nH. Warren Paine, Vincent L. McKusick, Portland, Me., ", "Edward F. Merrill, Skowhegan, Me., ", "George D. Varney, Portsmouth, N. H., for defendant.", "\nGIGNOUX, District Judge.", "\nThis matter comes before the Court upon defendant's motion for summary judgment in its favor upon the claim set forth in the original complaint and upon plaintiff's motion for summary judgment in its favor upon the additional claim set forth in an amendment to the complaint. ", "Fed.", "R.Civ.", "P. 56, 28 U.S.C.A.\nThe action involves Contract No. ", "210, by which plaintiff agreed to perform the grading and drainage construction along a ten-mile stretch of the Maine Turnpike from near Mile 87 in the Town of Webster to near Mile 96 in the Town of Litchfield. ", "In its complaint, which was filed May 11, 1957, plaintiff claims $1,087,900 damages for breach of contract, alleging that Howard, Needles, Tammen & Bergendoff, *909 the Engineer named in the Contract to supervise its performance, in violation of the Specifications, refused to let plaintiff use certain material removed in the course of excavation within the Turnpike right-of-way or available in immediately adjacent borrow pits in forming the embankment of the Turnpike, but rather required plaintiff to waste such material, even though suitable for such use under the Specifications, and to haul in its place substitute borrow from much greater distances—all at substantial extra cost to plaintiff. ", "Defendant has set up certain defenses of law to this claim, which are the basis of its summary judgment motion.", "\nIn its amendment to the complaint, which was filed on November 27, 1959, plaintiff has added to its original claim a claim for a balance of $207,584.53, which has admittedly been earned under the Contract, but is being withheld by defendant as a \"retent\" until all claims, including the main claim involved in the instant action, have been settled. ", "Plaintiff also claims interest on this amount from the date this action was instituted. ", "Plaintiff's contention that this retent is past due and owing to it at this time is the basis of its summary judgment motion.", "\nThe Court will consider the two motions separately in the order of their filing.", "\n\nI. Defendant's Motion for Summary Judgment\nA somewhat detailed recital of the allegations of the complaint and the relevant provisions of the Contract are essential to an understanding of the issues presented by defendant's motion for summary judgment.", "\nContract No. ", "210 was a unit-price contract, by which plaintiff was required, among other things, to do the necessary excavation and to haul, place and compact the materials required for embankments and roadbeds at unit prices bid by it. ", "For every yard of earth which plaintiff took from the right-of-way and either placed in the roadbed and compacted or hauled outside the right-of-way and wasted, plaintiff was to be paid 48¢ per cubic yard; for every yard of earth which plaintiff was required to dig from borrow pits to be furnished by defendant outside the right-of-way, and which plaintiff hauled to and placed in the roadbed and compacted, plaintiff was to be paid 58¢ per cubic yard, plus an additional \"overhaul\" of 7¢ per cubic yard mile if plaintiff was required to haul more than certain minimum distances.", "\nThe Contract was executed in April, 1954, and its performance extended through the 1954 construction season and into 1955. ", "The Final Estimate prepared by the Engineer on or about December 4, 1956 showed a total amount due plaintiff for its work under the Contract of approximately $2,100,000, all of which the parties have agreed has been paid to plaintiff except for the above-mentioned balance or retent.", "\nThe Contract, which incorporates the Specifications, is voluminous, but plaintiff's claim is based primarily upon the provisions of Article 4X.2 of the Specifications, which specified the materials to be used in the embankment construction, and in substance called for Select Subbase[1] from the finished grade of the pavement down to a point generally three feet below, known as Template Grade. ", "In the area from Template Grade down to twenty-five feet below finished grade, Article 4X.2 provided that the Contractor might use any stable material (except rock for the first two feet) which could be properly compacted by the methods and to the extent therein described.[2] The Contract also permitted *910 the use of so-called \"Random Materials\", which were defined in Article 4X.2D as follows:\n\"Random Materials shall be considered as a mixture in any reasonable proportion of any or all materials permitted to be used in the embankment, including the materials herein classified, in such quantities that it cannot be classified otherwise.\"", "\nThe complaint alleges that during the summer of 1954 there occurred an extraordinary and abnormal amount of rainfall, culminating in hurricanes in the latter part of the summer, and that as a result the materials to be used for the embankment became moist and presented problems of compaction. ", "However, it is alleged as a matter of fact that the Random Materials intended for use by plaintiff were entirely capable of compaction in the manner and to the extent provided in the Specifications. ", "Nevertheless, the complaint alleges, in violation of the Contract and the Specifications, the Engineer refused to permit the use of such Random Materials in the area between Template Grade and a horizontal plane twenty-five feet below the finished grade as specifically provided for in Article 4X.2, and instead, despite the protests of plaintiff, required plaintiff to furnish, haul, place and compact Select Subbase material in that area. ", "It is charged that as a result, plaintiff was severely damaged by being forced to waste immediately available material and to excavate and haul material which could be obtained only at a considerable distance from the job and was therefore more expensive to it.", "\nDefendant's motion for summary judgment raises two principal defenses of law, which are independent defenses and either of which, defendant contends, entitles it to judgment in its favor as a matter of law upon plaintiff's claim for breach of contract. ", "Briefly stated, defendant's first defense is that the decision of the Engineer as to the suitability of the Random Materials offered for use by plaintiff was a factual determination upon a question which the parties had by their contract committed to the Engineer, and as to which under the law of the State of Maine, which both parties concede to be applicable here, the Engineer's determination was final and binding upon the parties. ", "Defendant's second defense is that, even if the Engineer's determination were not binding, the work for which plaintiff now seeks extra compensation was either \"Work\" within the Contract for which the unit prices, which plaintiff admittedly has received, were its full compensation, or it was \"Extra Work\" as defined in the Contract, for which plaintiff has waived any claim to extra compensation because of its admitted failure to comply with the \"Extra Work\" provisions of the Contract.", "\nIn support of its first defense of law defendant relies principally upon the specific provision in Article 4X.2 of the Specifications which reads as follows:\n\"The suitability of materials with respect to classification, stability and compactibility will be determined by the Engineer.\"", "\nDefendant also relies upon the first paragraph of Article 1.30 of the Specifications which deals generally with the authority of the Engineer:\n\"The work shall be done under the supervision of the Engineer to the fulfillment of the Contract requirements. ", "The Engineer shall decide any and all questions which may arise as to the quality or acceptability of materials furnished and work performed, and as to the manner of performance and rate of progress of the work. ", "He shall decide all questions which may arise as to the interpretation of the Plans and Specifications, and all questions as to the satisfactory and acceptable fulfillment of the terms of the Contract on the part of the Contractor. ", "The Engineer shall determine the amount and quantity of the several kinds of work performed and materials furnished under the Contract and his decision shall be final. ", "The *911 Engineer is not authorized to increase the obligation of the Authority to the Contractor, except as specifically set forth in the Specifications.\"", "\nUpon the basis of the above-quoted language from Article 4X.2 and Article 1.30,[3] defendant argues that the decision of the Engineer as to the unsuitability of the Random Materials offered by plaintiff was made pursuant to the authority expressly granted to the Engineer by the parties to the Contract and is final and absolutely binding upon plaintiff in this action.", "\nPlaintiff meets defendant's first defense of law by arguing first of all that a reading of the entire Contract indicates clearly that the decisions of the Engineer with respect to suitability of materials were in no sense intended to be final. ", "In this respect, plaintiff points first to the following provision of Article 1.30, which follows immediately after the above-quoted paragraph:\n\"The decision of the Authority shall control in the final interpretation of the Contract. ", "If the Contractor considers himself aggrieved by such an interpreting decision, he may require the dispute to be finally and conclusively settled by the decision of arbitrators, the Authority and the Contractor each choosing one out of three persons to be named by the other and a third being selected by the two so chosen. ", "By the decision of these arbitrators, or by that of the majority of them, both parties of this agreement shall be finally bound.\"", "\nPlaintiff argues from the foregoing that since defendant was given final authority to interpret the Contract, subject to arbitration,[4] a decision of the Engineer cannot be final under any circumstances. ", "But the Court cannot agree that the Engineer, in making a determination of unsuitability of materials offered by plaintiff, was interpreting the Contract in any sense of the word. ", "If the Engineer in fact made a determination that a particular quantity of material did not conform to the standards of stability and compactibility set forth in Article 4X.2, no question of interpretation of the Contract was involved.", "\nPlaintiff next points to the fact that the language from the first paragraph of Article 1.30, set out above, upon which defendant relies, gives finality in terms to the decisions of the Engineer with respect to the amount and quantity of work performed and materials furnished, but leaves out the words \"and his decision shall be final\" with respect to the Engineer's determinations as to the quality or acceptability of materials and work. ", "From this omission, plaintiff urges that, by negative implication, the Engineer's decisions as to quality and acceptibility were not to be final.", "\nThe difficulty with this argument is that it does not take into account the well-recognized canon of construction that the specific controls the general. ", "Since Article 4X.2 deals specifically with the suitability of materials with respect to their classification, stability and compactibility under the standards prescribed in that Article, the Court must primarily rely upon the proper interpretation of the language of Article 4X.2. ", "Although Article 4X.2 does not contain express language of finality either, the authority therein given to the Engineer to make determinations as to suitability of materials would be meaningless if it were not final. ", "In construction *912 contracts of this magnitude someone has to be given authority in the field to make decisions such as the one here involved in order to prevent work stoppages over disputes. ", "The necessity of giving the Engineer final authority in this area is also readily apparent when it is realized that otherwise a tribunal, such as this Court, would have to decide years later, when the material was long since scattered and likely underground, whether it was stable and compactible at the particular time in issue. ", "Recognizing that the Contract should be construed as a whole so as to give meaning to every provision, and also that ambiguities should be resolved against the party (the defendant) who drafted the instrument, the Court must nevertheless hold that the Engineer here was not only to make the determinations as to the suitability of materials, but that such determinations by the Engineer were to be final.", "\nThe Maine court has recognized the pertinency of these observations in a long series of cases. ", "Hanscom v. North Anson Mfg. ", "Co., 1921, 120 Me. ", "220, 113 A. 179; Burton v. Mayo, 1909, 106 Me. ", "195, 76 A. 486; Bailey v. Blanchard, 1873, 62 Me. ", "168; Berry v. Reed, 1866, 53 Me. ", "487; Robinson v. Fiske, 1845, 25 Me. ", "401. ", "These cases involve the appointment of a surveyor by the parties to a logging contract to determine the quantity and quality of logs delivered under the contract. ", "They point out that the only object of having such a survey made is to determine finally and conclusively the factual questions involved, and they stand for the proposition that the findings of the surveyor are binding on both parties in the absence of fraud or mathematical mistake. ", "The Maine law is thus summarized in the Bailey case (62 Me. ", "at page 174):\n\"The position that * * * [the surveyor's] scale should be set aside upon evidence of error in count or estimate * * * cannot be maintained. ", "He was the scaler agreed upon by the parties. ", "Mere mistakes of his are not to be revised here upon the strength of testimony equally liable to mistake. ", "So far as he went under the contract, his doings are conclusive upon the parties in the absence of fraud.\" (", "Emphasis added.)", "\nIn the Bailey, Berry and Robinson cases, there appear to have been no words of finality in the contract, and yet evidence to impeach the surveyor's findings as erroneous was held inadmissible on the ground that his findings were conclusive upon the parties. ", "In the Berry case, the court stated (53 Me. ", "at page 491):\n\"It is conceded that Palmer, who surveyed the logs and made out his survey bills indicating the quality of each of the particular qualities, was agreed upon by the parties to perform this service. ", "What was the use or object of such an agreement, unless his decision, in the absence of fraud, was to bind the parties?\" (", "Emphasis added.)", "\nSo here, the Court must ask: What possible use or object could there be for the agreement in Article 4X.2 of the present Contract that the Engineer should determine the \"suitability of materials with respect to classification, stability and compactibility\" \"unless his decision, in the absence of fraud, was to bind the parties?\" ", "As the Maine court further noted in the Berry case (53 Me. ", "at page 491):\n\"The word `survey' means something more in the language of the lumber trade than a mere view and measurement. ", "It includes a determination of the quality as well as the quantity of the timber or lumber surveyed; plainly not a conclusive determination, unless the parties agree upon the individual who shall make it; but when they do thus agree, in the absence of fraud and of stipulations to the contrary, it must be understood to mean that the judgment of the individual agreed upon shall bind the parties as to those matters embraced in the survey.\" (", "Emphasis added.)", "\nThe Maine court has also recognized the binding effect of the determinations *913 of an engineer to whom the parties have committed decisions with respect to quality or sufficiency of materials in a construction contract. ", "Kerr v. State of Maine, 1928, 127 Me. ", "142, 142 A. 197. ", "And in Jacques v. Otto Nelson Company, 1920, 119 Me. ", "388, 111 A. 515, the court thus summarized the law with respect to the conclusive effect of a similar provision with respect to decisions of an architect under a building contract (119 Me. ", "at page 392, 111 A. at page 516):\n\"It is familiar law that where a building contract makes the architect an arbitrator between the parties to decide practical questions of performance that may arise during the progress of building, his decision, within the limits of the matters committed to him, is binding so long as he does not act unreasonably, capriciously, arbitrarily, wilfully or fraudulently.\"", "\nThe law in Maine appears to be the same as the law elsewhere. ", "3 Corbin on Contracts § 652 (1951).", "\nIn concluding that the Engineer's factual determination as to the suitability of materials under this Contract is final and binding upon the parties under normal circumstances, the Court has taken due account of plaintiff's argument that the Engineer was not actually appointed by the parties, but was employed by the defendant in the first instance and was thrust upon plaintiff, which had no real choice in the matter. ", "This argument is wholly lacking in merit. ", "The Engineer was agreed upon as arbiter by two large corporations, which were free in law to do what they wished. ", "That an engineer may act in other respects as the agent of one party and may be employed by one party does not of itself disqualify him from acting as an independent arbiter or umpire if the parties so agree. ", "See United States v. Moorman, 1950, 338 U.S. 457, 70 S.Ct. ", "288, 94 L.Ed. ", "256; Southern New England R. Corp. v. Marsch, 1 Cir., ", "1931, 45 F.2d 766; Kerr v. State of Maine, 1928, 127 Me. ", "142, 142 A. 197; 3 Corbin on Contracts § 652 (1951).", "\nPlaintiff's second basic argument in opposition to defendant's first defense of law is based upon the provisions of Article 7.2 of the Specifications, which reads as follows:\n\"Materials in Borrow pits will be provided by the Authority at no cost to the Contractor.", "\n\"The suitability of materials from borrow with respect to classification for various purposes will be determined by the Engineer in accordance with Article 4X.2 hereof and the Contractor shall make use of these various materials in accordance with the directions of the Engineer.\" (", "Emphasis supplied.)", "\nPlaintiff's position is that under the allegations of its complaint it should be permitted to show that the Engineer did not in fact make any determination as to the suitability of the materials offered by plaintiff, but rather disregarded entirely its power and duty to do so and summarily ordered plaintiff to use Select Subbase, even though the Random Materials offered by plaintiff met the standards of stability and compactibility prescribed in Article 4X.2.", "\nA summary judgment under Fed.", "R.Civ.", "P. 56 may be entered if, but only if, the pleadings, depositions, admissions and affidavits, if any, on file show that there is no genuine issue as to any material fact and that the moving party is entitled to the judgment he seeks as a matter of law. ", "Fed.", "R.Civ.", "P. 56(c). ", "And it is well settled that to warrant entry of summary judgment for a defendant, the facts alleged or admitted by the plaintiff should disclose defendant's right to a judgment \"with such clarity as to leave no room for controversy, and they should show affirmatively that the plaintiff would not be entitled to recover under any discernible circumstances.\" ", "Traylor v. Black, Sivalls & Bryson, Inc., 8 Cir., ", "1951, 189 F.2d 213, 216. ", "See also, e. g., Landy v. Silverman, 1 Cir., ", "1951, 189 F.2d 80; Peckham v. Ronrico Corp., 1 Cir., ", "1948, 171 F.2d 653. ", "So tested, defendant's first defense of law, in the posture presented by this *914 summary judgment motion, must fail for the following reason.", "\nThe rule of finality as set forth in the Maine logging and building contract cases admits of one extremely important exception, other than those involving fraud or mathematical mistake. ", "Thus in Burton v. Mayo, 1909, 106 Me. ", "195, at pages 198-199, 76 A. 486, at page 488, the Maine court stated:\n\"The case of Chase v. Bradley, 17 Maine, 89, cited by the defendant, is clearly distinguishable from the case at bar. ", "In that case it was agreed that the timber should be scaled according to the usual Kennebec survey by a person to be appointed, etc. ", "This provision clearly had reference to a special method as definite as that of a specified kind of a scaler's rule. ", "For instance, it is a matter of common knowledge that the method employed at one time in the Kennebec survey was so widely at variance with that which prevailed in the Penobscot survey that the difference in the results of the two scales was nearly 25 per cent. ", "In such a case it would be obviously unjust to permit a scaler to adopt the Penobscot survey, instead of the Kennebec in violation of the express stipulation in the agreement of the parties.\"", "\nSimilarly, it was said in Bailey v. Blanchard, 1873, 62 Me. ", "168, 174:\n\"So far as he went under the contract, his doings are conclusive upon the parties in the absence of fraud.\" (", "Emphasis supplied.)", "\nAnd in Kerr v. State of Maine, 1928, 127 Me. ", "142, at pages 145-146, 142 A. 197, at page 199, the court stated:\n\"The law writes into a provision of such nature that the engineer must exercise his honest, judgment.\"", "\nThese statements are in accord with the generally recognized principle that an arbiter may exercise only those powers given him in the contract and must exercise them according to the ground rules set forth in the contract, and if he does not follow those ground rules or if he exercises powers other than those given him, his decision is binding on no one. ", "See Todd Dry Dock Engineering & Repair Corp. v. New York, 2 Cir., ", "1931, 54 F.2d 490, 492; Southern New England R. Corp. v. Marsch, 1 Cir., ", "1931, 45 F.2d 766; Thomas & Driscoll v. United States, 1896, 32 Ct.", "Cl. ", "41, 62; Jacques v. Otto Nelson Company, 1920, 119 Me. ", "388, 111 A. 515; 3 Corbin on Contracts § 652 (1951). ", "An arbiter's decision must be within \"his sphere of competence.\" ", "See Mange v. Unicorn Press, Inc., D.C.S.D.N.Y.1955, 129 F. Supp. ", "727, 729.", "\nDefendant argues that whether or not the Engineer disregarded the Specifications in the present case is immaterial because the Engineer also had a power under Article 1.64[5] to alter the Specifications, and such a power would sustain its action here. ", "Assuming doubtfully that it did have a power which would allow it to order plaintiff to use Select Subbase even though this allegedly increased plaintiff's expenses by over a million dollars, see United States v. McMullen, 1912, 222 U.S. 460, 472, 32 S. Ct. ", "128, 56 L.Ed. ", "269; Bates & Rogers Constr. ", "Co. v. Board of Commissioners, D.C.N.D.Ohio 1920, 274 F. 659, 666, there is no suggestion in this record that the Engineer purported to do so. ", "See Todd Dry Dock Engineering & Repair Corp. v. New York, supra.", "\nThe application of these principles to the present case compels the conclusion that defendant's motion for summary judgment cannot be sustained upon the basis of its first defense. ", "As has been previously indicated, the Court agrees *915 that if the Engineer made a factual determination that the Random Materials offered by plaintiff were unsuitable because not stable or not compactible by the methods and to the extent prescribed in the Specifications, its decision, even though erroneous, was final and conclusive, and defendant has a complete defense to this action. ", "But if the Engineer exceeded the powers given it in the Contract or disregarded the ground rules specified in the Contract, its decision was not final and could not be binding and conclusive upon the parties in this action. ", "Under the law of the State of Maine, which this Court must apply, plaintiff will be entitled at the trial to prove, if it can, such a state of facts in support of the claim for breach of contract asserted by it in its complaint. ", "The factual issue thus tendered cannot be determined by the Court upon this motion for summary judgment.", "\nDefendant's second defense of law, which it asserts as an alternative basis for the granting of its summary judgment motion, is that, even if the Engineer improperly ordered plaintiff to do work which it was not required to do under the Contract, the work for which plaintiff now seeks extra compensation was either \"Work\" within the Contract, for which the unit prices were its full compensation, or it was \"Extra Work\" as defined in the Contract, for which plaintiff has waived any claim to extra compensation because of its failure to comply with the \"Extra Work\" provisions of the Contract. ", "Moreover, defendant argues, under Article 1.30 of the Specifications, the Engineer had no authority in any event to increase the obligation of defendant.", "\nIn support of its second defense, defendant points first to the fact that Contract No. ", "210 was a unit-price contract, by which the parties agreed that a certain sum of money per unit of work was the exclusive compensation which the Contractor was to receive for work done under the Contract. ", "Thus the Proposal, which is incorporated as part of the Contract, provides in pertinent part:\n\"The undersigned hereby declare * * * that they will contract to carry out and complete the work as specified and delineated at the price per unit of measure for each scheduled item of work stated in the Schedule of Prices following.\"", "\nAnd Article 1.67 of the Specifications provides in pertinent part:\n\"The Contractor shall accept the compensation as provided in the Contract in full payment for furnishing all materials, labor, tools, equipment, and other costs including all taxes, unless otherwise provided for; and for performing all Work contemplated and embraced under the Contract; * * *\"\nDefendant's principal contention is that the work here involved was \"Work\", which as used in the Contract is a term of art, and is defined in Article 1.3 as follows:\n\"Work: All structures, equipment, plant, labor, materials and other facilities and all other things necessary or proper for or incidental to the construction and/or things shown on the Plans and/or required by the Specifications or involved in carrying out their intent.\"", "\nSince plaintiff has admittedly received payment (with the exception of the retent) in accordance with the Schedule of Prices for all Work done by it under the Contract, and the work here involved was included at its unit prices, defendant argues that under the above-quoted Contract provisions, plaintiff has received the agreed compensation for such work.[6]\n*916 On the other hand, defendant continues, if plaintiff was required by the Engineer to do work not within the Contract and not provided for in the Schedule of Prices, then the work was necessarily \"Extra Work\", which is also a term of art, and is defined in Article 1.3 as follows:\n\"Extra Work: Any work required by the Engineer which in his judgment is in addition to that required by the Plans and Specifications when the Contract was awarded and differs in character from the items of Work contained in the Schedule of Prices of the Proposal.\" (", "Emphasis supplied.)", "\nBecause plaintiff admittedly did not take any of the steps required by the Contract to obtain payment for Extra Work, defendant argues that plaintiff is now barred from receiving extra compensation therefor.[7]\nIn short, defendant's position is that the Engineer's order here required plaintiff to perform either \"Work\", as defined in the Contract, for which the unit prices were plaintiff's sole compensation, or \"Extra Work\", as also defined in the Contract, for which plaintiff has waived compensation by not taking the required steps. ", "The terms \"Work\" and \"Extra Work\" are, defendant argues, mutually exclusive and all-inclusive. ", "Defendant thus attempts to impale plaintiff on the horns of a dilemma.", "\nOne horn is quickly disposed of. ", "The parties agree, as is indeed apparent from its definition, that the work required of plaintiff was not \"Extra Work\". ", "The Contract definition of \"Extra Work\" embraces only work required by the Engineer which in his judgment is not only \"in addition to\" that required by the Plans and Specifications, but also \"differs in character\" from the items of Work contained in the Schedule of Prices. ", "While it is clear that if plaintiff's claim is correct, the work required of it was \"in addition to\" that required by the Plans and Specifications, both parties agree that it was not work which \"differs in character\" from the items of Work contained in the Schedule of Prices.[8] Defendant may complain bitterly of the loss of protection of the salutary[9] \"Extra Work\" provisions in the Contract, but it simply drew the definition of \"Extra Work\" too narrowly.", "\nDefendant argues strenuously nevertheless that the work here involved falls within the Contract definition of \"Work\", for which plaintiff agreed to accept the unit prices in full payment. ", "The Court, however, cannot agree. ", "The only portion of plaintiff's claim which survives defendant's first defense is that plaintiff is entitled to damages for work it was required by the Engineer to do in violation of the Contract and the Specifications. ", "No reasonable construction of *917 the Contract provisions upon which defendant relies justifies the conclusion that plaintiff agreed to accept the unit prices for work it was required to do entirely outside of the Contract and in violation thereof. ", "Thus, the Contract definition of \"Work\" embraces only the items therein mentioned insofar as they are \"necessary or proper for or incidental to the construction and/or things shown on the Plans and/or required by the Specifications or involved in carrying out their intent.\" (", "Emphasis supplied.) ", "Similarly, in the above-quoted portion of the Proposal, plaintiff agreed to accept the unit prices for the work \"as specified and delineated,\" and in Article 1.67 of the Specifications, also set out above, plaintiff agreed to accept the compensation provided in the Contract in full payment \"for performing all Work contemplated and embraced under the Contract.\" ", "While the first clause of Article 1.67 provides that the Contractor shall accept the compensation provided in the Contract in full payment \"for furnishing all * * * labor\", this clause cannot be read in vacuo. ", "It must be made to fit with the other provisions of the Contract, and this can only be done if it is interpreted as including only labor contemplated and embraced under the Contract. ", "Any ambiguity, of course, must be resolved against defendant, who drafted the Contract. ", "Bar Harbor & Union River Power Co. v. Foundation Co., 1930, 129 Me. ", "81, 85, 149 A. 801.", "\nThe Court must therefore conclude that insofar as the Engineer ordered plaintiff to do work not required by the Specifications, such work did not fall within the Contract definition of \"Work\", and plaintiff did not agree to accept the unit prices.", "\nAs a final argument, which defendant conceives to be part of its second defense, defendant points to the clear language of Article 1.30 of the Specifications which provides:\n\"The Engineer is not authorized to increase the obligation of the Authority to the Contractor, except as specifically set forth in these Specifications.", "\"[10]\nIn this defense, defendant apparently misconceives the theory of plaintiff's cause of action as set forth in the complaint. ", "Insofar as it survives defendant's first defense, it is a claim for breach of contract resulting from action of the Engineer in violation of the Specifications. ", "Upon first principles, it is based upon an alleged breach of defendant's implied promise to permit plaintiff to complete the work according to the Specifications without interference from defendant or its representatives. ", "See United States v. Barlow, 1902, 184 U.S. 123, 22 S.Ct. ", "468, 46 L.Ed. ", "463; United States v. Smith, 1876, 94 U.S. 214, 24 L.Ed. ", "115; Bay City v. Frazier, 6 Cir., ", "1935, 77 F.2d 570, 572; Ryder Building Co. v. Albany, 1919, 187 App.", "Div. ", "868, 176 N.Y.S. 456. ", "Cf. ", "Kerr v. State of Maine, 1928, 127 Me. ", "142, 142 A. 197. ", "See Restatement, Contracts § 315 (1932). ", "It is supported by a long line of cases, the leading one being Borough Constr. ", "Co. v. New York, 1910, 200 N.Y. 149, 93 N.E. 480, which hold that when the person in charge of construction work for the owner orders the contractor to do something above and beyond that which is required of it in the contract, the contractor may under protest do the work ordered and sue the owner for reasonable compensation for the work.[11] City and County of San Francisco v. Transbay Constr. ", "Co., 9 Cir., ", "134 F.2d 468, certiorari denied, 1943, 320 U.S. 749, 64 S.Ct. ", "52, 88 L.Ed. ", "445 (applying California law); Bay City v. Frazier, supra; Todd Dry Dock Engineering & Repair Corp. v. New York, 2 Cir., ", "1931, 54 F.2d 490 (L. Hand, J., applying New York law); American Pipe & Constr. ", "Co. v. Westchester County, 2 Cir., ", "1923, 292 F. 941, 955; Byson v. Los Angeles, 1957, 149 Cal.", "App.2d 469, 308 P.2d 765; Borough Constr. ", "Co. v. New York, supra; Gearty v. New York, 1902, 171 N.Y. 61, 63 N.E. 804; Heating Maintenance *918 Corp. v. New York, Ct.", "Cl.1954, 206 Misc. ", "605, 134 N.Y.S.2d 71; Lentilhon v. New York, 1905, 102 App.", "Div. ", "548, 92 N.Y.S. 897, affirmed per curiam, 1906, 185 N.Y. 549, 77 N.E. 1190; 17 C.J.S. Contracts § 510. ", "See Callahan Constr. ", "Co. v. United States, 1940, 91 Ct.", "Cl. ", "538, 635; Thomas & Driscoll v. United States, 1896, 32 Ct.", "Cl. ", "41, 62. ", "Compare 17 C.J.S. Contracts § 371. ", "In San Francisco v. Transbay Constr. ", "Co., supra, the Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit thus explained the principle involved (134 F.2d at page 473):\n\"The doctrine of these cases is that a contractor who is ordered by representatives of a municipality to furnish materials or do work which the former believes are not called for by his contract, may under protest do as directed and subsequently recover damages if he is able to show that the requirement imposed on him was not fairly within his contract. (", "Footnote omitted.) ", "Under such circumstances the contractor may treat the insistence of the municipality as a breach and recover damages based upon the reasonable value of the extra work or materials. ", "These cases are not authority for the proposition that if the contractor chooses to continue, the contract is to be regarded as rescinded or abrogated. ", "The recovery in quantum meruit goes only to the work performed in excess of that called for by the agreement. ", "These decisions represent an enlightened development of the law of contracts.\" (", "Emphasis supplied.)[12]\nWhile it is perfectly clear, as defendant points out, that Article 1.30 limited the authority of the Engineer, as defendant's agent, to change the basic contractual arrangements, plaintiff's claim is not based upon purported modification of the Contract by the Engineer, but, in accordance with the above principles, is based upon an alleged breach of the Contract by the Engineer. ", "Compare Leventhal v. Lazarovitch, 1928, 127 Me. ", "222, 142 A. 781. ", "And no reasonable interpretation of the language from Article 1.30 upon which defendant relies permits a construction which would give it the effect of insulating defendant from liability for damages for breach of contract, even though occasioned by action of the Engineer, rather than by action of defendant itself. ", "The entire tenor of the Contract indicates that in the supervision of its performance the Engineer was to act throughout as the representative of defendant. ", "City of Wheeling v. John F. Casey Co., 4 Cir., ", "74 F.2d 794, 795-796, certiorari denied, 1935, 296 U. S. 593, 56 S.Ct. ", "106, 80 L.Ed. ", "420. ", "Thus, the Engineer prepared the Plans and Specifications for defendant, and the Engineer was paid by defendant. ", "And the first sentence of Article 1.30, the very article upon which defendant relies, provides:\n\"The work shall be done under the supervision of the Engineer to the fulfillment of the Contract requirements.\"", "\n*919 Furthermore, personal liability of the Engineer is expressly negatived by Article 1.53 of the Specifications, which provides:\n\"In carrying out the provisions of this Contract or in exercising any power or authority granted them by their position there shall be no liability upon the members of the Authority, the Engineer, or their authorized representatives or assistants, either personally or as officials of the Authority, it being understood that in such matters they act as agents and representatives of the Authority.\" (", "Emphasis supplied.)", "\nThe only conclusion to be drawn from a reading of the entire Contract is that, while the Engineer had no authority to bind defendant by modifications of the Contract, there was no intention to absolve defendant from liability for acts of the Engineer in supervising performance of the Contract, a function which defendant expressly delegated to the Engineer.", "\nFor the foregoing reasons, defendant's motion for summary judgment must be denied.", "\n\nII. ", "Plaintiff's Motion for Summary Judgment\nPlaintiff's motion for summary judgment in its favor upon the claim set forth in the amendment to the complaint must also be denied.", "\nBy its motion, plaintiff seeks the Court's judgment directing immediate payment to it by defendant of the balance or retent of $207,584.53, admittedly earned by it and remaining unpaid under the Contract, together with interest thereon from the date this action was instituted.", "\nArticle 1.69 of the Contract explicitly provides, among other things, that before the Contractor is entitled to final payment under the Contract, the Contractor shall furnish to the Authority a sworn affidavit to the effect that all bills for salaries and wages due or for materials furnished have been paid. ", "The record presently before this Court contains no allegation or admission that plaintiff has furnished such an affidavit, which is clearly a condition precedent to plaintiff's right to receive payment, both of the principal amount of the retent and of the interest thereon which it now seeks. ", "Although the incompleteness of the record in this respect may have been an oversight by counsel, an issue as to a material fact is presented, which the Court cannot resolve upon this motion. ", "Fed.", "R.Civ.", "P. 56(c).", "\nIn accordance with the foregoing opinion, defendant's motion for summary judgment in its favor upon the claim set forth in the complaint, and plaintiff's motion for summary judgment in its favor upon the claim set forth in the amendment to the complaint, are both hereby denied.", "\nNOTES\n[1] Select Subbase is defined in Article 4X.2F as follows:\n\n\"Select Subbase shall consist of grandular material to be placed on embankment and in cuts above Template Grade and it may be composed of well graded sand, PRA Group A-3 soil, gravel, or any combination thereof such that one hundred per cent passes the four-inch sieve and not more than ten per cent passes the No. ", "200 mesh sieve.\"", "\n[2] Article 4X.3 specifies in detail methods of compaction, and the necessary degree of compaction.", "\n[3] Defendant also cites in support of its position the following language from Article 1.3 of the Specifications:\n\n\"In order to avoid cumbersome and confusing repetition of expression in the Specifications, whenever it is provided that anything is, or is to be done, if, or as, or when, or where, * * * `suitable', `unsuitable', * * * it should be taken to mean and intended * * * `suitable', `unsuitable', * * * by or to the Engineer * * *.\"", "\n[4] The amended complaint alleges, and the amended answer admits, that arbitration of the present controversy was requested by plaintiff on September 21, 1956, and rejected by defendant on January 14, 1957.", "\n[5] \"Subject to the provisions of Article 1.30 entitled `Authority of Engineer', the Engineer shall have the power, not only to alter the Plans and Specifications and to vary, increase and diminish the character, quantity and quality of, or to countermand, any Work now or hereafter required but also to require the performance of Extra Work. * * *\" ", "The \"Extra Work\" provisions are discussed below.", "\n[6] As defendant points out, the fact that the Engineer would not let plaintiff use the materials it had at or adjacent to the job, but rather required plaintiff to excavate and haul materials from distant borrow pits increased the quantity of certain of the more expensive items of \"Work\", particularly \"Borrow\" and \"Overhaul\", and thus the total cost to defendant. ", "That plaintiff has received more money under the Contract than it would have if it had been allowed to use the materials it wanted to use would, of course, mitigate any damages plaintiff might be entitled to recover in this action.", "\n[7] Article 1.65 and Article 1.66 of the Specifications provided, in substance, that the Contractor could obtain compensation for Extra Work only if: (1) it had a written Extra Work Order approved in writing by the Authority; or (2) it had complied with the specific requirements of the Contract requiring written notice to the Authority, within forty-eight hours, and the furnishing of time slips and memoranda showing the extra costs involved. ", "Article 1.66 recited that the purpose of these provisions was to afford the Authority the opportunity of verifying the Contractor's claim at the time, to cancel promptly any such order if it so wished, and to afford the Engineer the opportunity of keeping an accurate record of the costs involved. ", "Article 1.66 also expressly provided that the failure of the Contractor to furnish such notice, time slips and memoranda \"* * * shall be deemed to be a conclusive and binding determination on his part that the direction, order or requirement of the Engineer does not involve the performance of Extra Work, and shall be deemed to be a waiver by the Contractor of all claims for additional compensation or damages by reason thereof.\"", "\n[8] The Schedule of Prices included the items \"Borrow\" and \"Overhaul\", which as defined in the Contract embraced excavation in borrow pits and hauling from borrow pits to the Turnpike right-of-way—work of the character for which plaintiff seeks to recover damages.", "\n[9] See 9 Am.", "Jur. ", "Building and Construction Contracts § 21; 43 Am.", "Jur. ", "Public Works and Contracts §§ 117, 118.", "\n[10] The exception in evidently a reference to the \"Extra Work\" provisions of the Contract.", "\n[11] The order must be arguably pursuant to the contract. ", "Borough Constr. ", "Co. v. New York, supra.", "\n[12] One court has said that this doctrine definitely does not rest in quantum meruit. ", "Todd Dry Dock Engineering & Repair Corp. v. New York, supra. ", "Another court has implied that it does. ", "San Francisco v. Transbay Constr. ", "Co., supra. ", "See also Lentilhon v. New York, supra. ", "The courts in these cases all insist, however, that the action is for breach of contract, apparently of the implied promise not to hinder the contractor's performance. ", "See Bay City v. Frazier, supra; American Pipe & Constr. ", "Co. v. Westchester County, supra.", "\n\nIn Kerr v. State of Maine, supra, the Maine court recognizes that hindrance of performance may result in breach of contract (127 Me. ", "at page 149, 142 A. at page 201) as well as the doctrine that \"unreasonable superintendence\" may give rise to liability (127 Me. ", "at page 148, 142 A. 197). ", "Compare United States v. Barlow, supra (\"unwarrantable super-intendence\"). ", "See also Dionne v. West Paris Building Association, 1927, 126 Me. ", "454, 139 A. 497; Libby v. Deake, 1903, 97 Me. ", "377, 54 A. 856; 17 C.J.S. Contracts § 371(d). ", "The Maine court thus seems to have implicitly recognized the Borough Contruction doctrine.", "\n" ]
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[ "List of listed buildings in Irvine, North Ayrshire\n\nThis is a list of listed buildings in the parish of Irvine in North Ayrshire, Scotland.", "\n\nList \n\n|}\n\nKey\n\nSee also \n List of listed buildings in North Ayrshire\n\nNotes\n\nReferences\n All entries, addresses and coordinates are based on data from Historic Scotland. ", "This data falls under the Open Government Licence\n\nIrvine\nCategory:Irvine, North Ayrshire" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nMaking an Elastic Object Unity3D\n\nI have two balls (A and B) in my scene, they have some movements when playing. ", "I want to link them by a cylinder, so the top of the cylinder should stick to ball A and the bottom should stick to ball B. And when the balls move the cylinder should move and scale up and down depending on the distance between the balls, so it give an elastic effect.", "\nI made the script bellow and it's working, but the only issue I have is that when a ball move faster, the cylinder didn't follow it at the same speed, so the ball reach the destination then the cylinder after few frames.", "\nCylinder Script:\npublic Transform ball1;\npublic Transform ball2;\nVector3 scale0;\nVector3 scale;\n\n void Start()\n {\n scale0 = transform.localScale;\n }\n\n void Update()\n {\n var pA = ball1.position;\n var pB = ball2.position;\n\n transform.position = (pA + pB) / 2;\n transform.", "LookAt(pB); \n\n scale = scale0;\n scale.z = scale0.z * Vector3.Distance(pA, pB) * 2;\n transform.localScale = scale;\n }\n\nBall A Script:\nGameObject ActualBase;\nGameObject NextBase;\nfloat Speed = 20;\n\nvoid Update () {\n\n if (Input.", "GetMouseButtonDown(0))\n {\n StopAllCoroutines();\n StartCoroutine(Move());\n }\n }\n\npublic IEnumerator MoveCylinder()\n {\n Vector3 Ball1Destination = new Vector3(NextBase.transform.position.x, transform.position.y, NextBase.transform.position.z);\n while (Vector3.Distance(transform.localPosition, Ball1Destination) > 0)\n {\n float currentMovementTime = Time.deltaTime;\n transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(transform.position, Ball1Destination, currentMovementTime * Speed);\n yield return null;\n }\n}\n\nA:\n\nThis is due to script execution order. ", "If you change anything with Update(), an Update() on another script might, or might not 'see' the change for the current frame. ", "One way to manage this is to manually change ScriptExectutionOrder in the player settings, but its very messy.", "\nA slightly less messy way is to use a lesser known callback called LateUpdate (which is guaranteed to run later than other updates, essentially). ", "\nEasy to overuse but useful\n\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nWhat is the HTC account you sync on the One X?", "\n\nI just got my HTC One X and was just going through the registration process of the HTC Account in the 'Accounts & Sync' settings, when someone asked me to show them something. ", "Without thinking I pressed back and now when I try and register again, I'm told I can't as it exists.", "\nI'd like to know, is there a matching web service for this which I can use to get my password back? ", "What account is it? ", "I had assumed it was for HTCSense.com but it doesn't seem to be.", "\nAnyone have any idea's please? ", "Otherwise I'll just have to try and login to it repeatedly which I'd like to avoid.", "\n\nA:\n\nI have rebooted my phone and when I tried again it let me register. ", "The account is linked to htcsense.com which seems odd as there is a message there saying that it's closing down its services!", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Chris Smalling also hobbled off in the second half after a week that had seen midfielder Michael Carrick ruled out until next season.", "\n\nBut Van Gaal, who has had to juggle his options this term due to a spate of fitness concerns, delivered positive updates on all three after the 2-1 triumph which effectively secured United's top-four spot in the Premier League.", "\n\n\"[Shaw] had an elbow in his face and he had a bloody nose,\" Van Gaal explained. \"", "He was dizzy, so -out of precaution - we took him off.", "\n\n\"He went to hospital but I have a message he will fly with us back so I'm not thinking it's very bad.", "\n\n\"Rooney had a dead leg, that's why I had to change him.", "\n\n\"[Smalling] was stumbling and I don't think he played his best match so that's why I changed. ", "He had cramp, you could see it because he was pulling at his toes.\"" ]
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[ "Matt Vant Leven\n\nMatt Vant Leven (born 23 October 1987) is a New Zealand rugby union footballer who plays as a loose forward for Waikato in the ITM Cup.", "\n\nHe made his Super Rugby debut for the in 2011 and to date has played 3 games at that level. ", "His impressive ITM Cup performances have seen him named in the team's Wider Training Squad for the 2013 Super Rugby season.", "\n\nMatt Vant Leven will play for Kobelco Steelers in the 2014-'15 season of the Japanese top tier championship, Top League.", "\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\nMatt Vant Leven itsrugby.co.uk Player Statistics\n\nCategory:Living people\nCategory:1987 births\nCategory:New Zealand rugby union players\nCategory:Chiefs (rugby union) players\nCategory:Waikato Rugby Union players\nCategory:Rugby union number eights\nCategory:Rugby union players from Rotorua\nCategory:People educated at Rotorua Boys' High School\nCategory:New Zealand expatriate rugby union players\nCategory:New Zealand expatriate sportspeople in Japan\nCategory:Expatriate rugby union players in Japan\nCategory:Kobelco Steelers players" ]
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[ "1998 NCAA Division I Men's Swimming and Diving Championships\n\nThe 1998 NCAA Division I Men's Swimming and Diving Championships were contested in March 1998 at the James E. Martin Aquatics Center at Auburn University in Auburn, Alabama at the 75th annual NCAA-sanctioned swim meet to determine the team and individual national champions of Division I men's collegiate swimming and diving in the United States.", "\n\nStanford topped the team standings for the eighth time, finishing 104.5 points ahead of hosts and defending champions Auburn.", "\n\nTeam standings\nNote: Top 10 only\n(H) = Hosts\n(DC) = Defending champions\nFull results\n\nSee also\nList of college swimming and diving teams\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:NCAA Division I Men's Swimming and Diving Championships\nNCAA Division I Swimming And Diving Championships\nNCAA Division I Swimming And Diving Championships" ]
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[ "Functional outcome in a patient with an acute quadriparesis secondary to systemic sclerosis: a case report.", "\nScleroderma or systemic sclerosis (SSc) is a relatively uncommon disease. ", "Although well-known for many years, research on appropriate physical therapy during all stages of myositis due to scleroderma is limited. ", "We report the functional outcome in a patient with an acute quadriparesis secondary to diffuse SSc associated with extensive myositis. ", "This 35-year-old black woman progressed to almost complete functional recovery in the course of 16 days of acute rehabilitation with combined physical therapy including resistive exercises. ", "This case strongly suggests that a patient with diffuse SSc and associated myositis can undergo aggressive physical therapy in a monitored environment with good functional improvement and no worsening of the myositis." ]
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[ "Relationship between awareness of disability and occupational performance during the first year after a stroke.", "\nThis study examined the relationship between awareness of disability and occupational performance in a group of elderly persons during the year after stroke. ", "Data on awareness of disability and occupational performance (i.e., activities of daily living [ADL] motor and process ability) were collected 1, 3, 6, and 12 months after stroke. ", "A mixed-linear-effects model was implemented to examine the relationship between awareness of disability and ADL motor and process ability over time. ", "Increased awareness of disability was related to improvements in occupational performance (ADL motor and process ability). ", "The 2 relationships were different, with a positive linear relationship between awareness of disability and ADL motor ability, and a stronger, positive, nonlinear relationship between awareness of disability and ADL process ability. ", "Clients' awareness of disability and their ability to perform occupations should be assessed several times during a rehabilitation process so that interventions can be adjusted to match each client's potential to benefit from them." ]
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[ "Seriously\n\nWhen religious liberty demands cease to be legitimate\n\nI think most Americans, even non-religious Americans, are on board with the idea of religious liberty — in the abstract. ", "But like so many of the things we hold dear, what sounds great in theory becomes deeply complicated when the “rights” we cling to individually begin to conflict.", "\n\nAll of us have been watching news reports of contentious legal claims unfolding almost every day across America. ", "From North Carolina to Mississippi and lots of other places in between, the stories vary in theme from contraception mandates to wedding cakes to who gets to use the bathroom where.", "\n\nSo perhaps religious liberty was on my mind a few weeks ago — in the abstract, of course — when I found myself traveling from Germany to New York. ", "I boarded a huge airliner with hundreds of other people and settled in for an eight-hour trans-Atlantic flight. ", "Exhausted after a long week, before I got on the plane I stood in line at the customer service desk and purchased an upgrade to a special seat in premium economy. ", "It was more money than I wanted to spend, but at least I had a little more room to stretch my legs, and the seat was on the bulkhead!", "\n\nAs I found my seat I began to notice that almost all my fellow passengers were men, all dressed alike, obviously part of a very observant religious group. ", "The man sitting next to me, in fact, was a member of the group. ", "I said hello and began settling in for the flight. ", "But just as I’d begun buckling my seat belt, my seat partner signaled for the flight attendant and explained to him that I would need to be moved to another seat; his religious freedom, he said, was violated by my presence, as his religion does not allow him to sit next to a woman who is not his wife.", "\n\nI had so many thoughts in that moment.", "\n\nOver the course of the flight several other issues came up in the cabin, each resulting in loud disagreements about religious freedom; they were issues related to other folks and their seatmates, food that didn’t meet religious standards, and the need to deal with solely male flight attendants. ", "The end result was a noisy, contentious, and anxiety-ridden eight hours. ", "Definitely not worth the upgrade fee, let me tell you.", "\n\nIt was such a strange turnabout, a moment when the abstract suddenly became painfully personal. ", "I could see the leader of the religious group just a few seats over, and I wanted to go talk to him and say something like, “Listen, I get it. ", "I’m a person of faith too, and I understand that it can be really difficult to hold beliefs that are counter to the culture around you. ", "But trying to force everybody around you to conform to your view of the world is just as bad as the rest of the world trying to force you to conform to it.”", "\n\nReligious freedom is just that: freedom. ", "Note that we don’t call it “religious comfort.” ", "In other words, yes, government should protect my right to practice my religion, but it’s not society’s obligation to make that practice easy or carefree. ", "If your faith prevents you from sitting on an airplane next to a woman who isn’t your wife, then move to another seat. ", "If your faith tells you you can’t go to the same bathroom with some people, then figure out how to order your life so that you use the bathroom in a place that seems appropriate for you. ", "If your faith tells you you can’t sell wedding cakes to certain people, don’t go into the business of selling wedding cakes.", "\n\nI’m a Baptist; I’m all for religious liberty. ", "Many of my religious forebears have died to defend it, in fact. ", "But the behavior I saw on the plane last week was not a legitimate demand for religious liberty, and neither are laws dictating where people can use the bathroom and whom I can refuse to serve in my business. ", "All of those claims, in fact, make a mockery of the sacrifice of so many by twisting the ideals of religious liberty and using them to discriminate against others.", "\n\nFaith requires sacrifice. ", "And, frankly, if our faith causes us to feel so much conviction about the issues confronting us, then perhaps we should find a way to manage the inconvenience of making that sacrifice instead of trampling the rights of others.", "\n\nSeriously.", "\n\nAmy Butler is senior minister of The Riverside Church in New York City.", "\n\nPermanent link to this article: http://levantium.com/2016/04/20/seriously-2/\n\n1 comment\n\nMike Nunn on April 20, 2016 at 6:15 pm\n\nI can state that without a doubt I would have a big issue with that dirty rotten SOB. ", "He should have moved elsewhere. ", "If the airline made her move, they should have refunded her ticket price. ", "I am sick and tired of those who claim religious exceptions.", "\n\nOther Blogs\n\nBint Rhoda's Kitchen\nI am bint Rhoda, the daughter of Rhoda. ", "I grew up in a village near Jerusalem, I am a follower of Christ, a lover of books, mother of two little ones. ", "I am passionate about filling up our bodies and hearts with good things.", "\n\nGaza Mom\nLaila El-Haddad is a Palestinian journalist, writer, blogger, and media activist based between Gaza and the United States, who writes principally for the al-Jazeera English website and the Guardian Unlimited.", "\n\nLoonwatch.com\nA blogzine to monitor and expose the web’s plethora of anti-Muslim loons, wackos, and conspiracy theorists.", "\n\nRight Web\nA program of the Institute for Policy Studies (IPS) that assesses the work of organizations and individuals who promote militarist U.S. foreign and defense policies, with a special focus on the “war on terror.”", "\n\nShip of Fools\nFor people who prefer their religion disorganized — helps Christians be self-critical and honest about the failings of Christianity, to make sense of the Christian faith in today’s complex world.", "\n\nThe Immanent Frame\nPublishes interdisciplinary perspectives on secularism, religion, and the public sphere." ]
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[ "On Fox News this morning, Steve Doocy, reflecting on Newt Gingrich’s remarks in last night’s debate, said the disgraced former House Speaker “was brilliant” when “talking about out-of-control judges and the courts.”", "\n\nI saw the same comments. “", "Brilliant” wasn’t the adjective that came to mind.", "\n\nMegyn Kelly noted in her question to Gingrich that he’s proposed congressional subpoenas for judges who issue rulings that Republicans don’t like, as well as judicial impeachments and the prospect of eliminating courts the right finds offensive. ", "Kelly reminded Gingrich that two conservative former attorneys general have characterized his approach as “dangerous,” “outrageous,” and “totally irresponsible.” ", "He responded:\n\n“[T]he courts have become grotesquely dictatorial, far too powerful, and I think, frankly, arrogant in their misreading of the American people. […] “", "I taught a short course in this at the University of Georgia Law School. ", "I testified in front of sitting Supreme Court justices at Georgetown Law School. ", "And I warned them: You keep attacking the core base of American exceptionalism, and you are going to find an uprising against you which will rebalance the judiciary.”", "\n\nGingrich added he’s “prepared to take on the judiciary” unless federal courts started issuing rulings that he agreed with. ", "He went on to say he understands these issues “better than lawyers,” because he’s “a historian.”", "\n\nLet’s note a few relevant angles here. ", "First, it’s time to stop characterizing positions such as these as “conservative.” ", "Gingrich doesn’t want to conserve anything; he’s eyeing a radical revolution of the separation of powers and the American branches of government, stripping the judiciary of its power as an independent branch.", "\n\nSecond, Gingrich is a lousy historian. ", "Real scholars tend to consider Gingrich’s crusade against the courts as a crackpot agenda.", "\n\nAnd third, it was odd to see Ron Paul, of all people stand up last night as a voice of reason.", "\n\n“Well, the Congress can get rid of these courts. ", "If a judge misbehaves and is unethical and gets into trouble, the proper procedure is impeachment. ", "But to subpoena judges before the Congress, I’d really question that. ", "And if you get too careless about abolishing courts, that could open up a can of worms. ", "Because there could be retaliation. ", "So it should be a more serious — yes we get very frustrated with this, but the whole thing is, if you just say, ‘Well we’re going to — OK there are 10 courts, let’s get rid of three this year because they ruled a way we didn’t like.’ “", "That to me is, I think opening up a can of worms for us and it would lead to trouble. ", "But I really, really question this idea that the Congress could subpoena judges and bring them before us. ", "That’s a real affront to the separation of the powers.”", "\n\nYes, Ron Paul was the sensible one on the stage last night when it comes to the courts. ", "Great." ]
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[ "Michael Power (Australian politician)\n\nMichael Power (died 1880) was an alderman and mayor of Toowoomba, Queensland. ", " He was mayor in 1871 and alderman from 1869–1870 and 1872-1873.", "\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:1880 deaths\nCategory:Mayors of Toowoomba\nCategory:Australian city councillors\nCategory:Year of birth missing" ]
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[ "Kjøllefjord Church\n\nKjøllefjord Church () is a parish church of the Church of Norway in Lebesby Municipality in Troms og Finnmark county, Norway. ", "It is located in the village of Kjøllefjord. ", "It is one of the churches in the Lebesby parish which is part of the Hammerfest prosti (deanery) in the Diocese of Nord-Hålogaland. ", "The white, stone church was built in a long church style in 1951 on the basis of designs by architect Finn Bryn (1890-1975). ", "The church seats about 300 people.", "\n\nThis was the first church which was rebuilt in Finnmark county after the end in the Occupation of Norway by Nazi Germany when the retreating German army had destroyed much of the infrastructure in Finnmark. ", "The funding for the church was from the Kingdom of Denmark which gave it as a gift to help with the rebuilding after World War II.", "\n\nSee also\nList of churches in Finnmark\nLiberation of Finnmark\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Lebesby\nCategory:Churches in Finnmark\nCategory:Stone churches in Norway\nCategory:20th-century Church of Norway church buildings\nCategory:Churches completed in 1951\nCategory:1951 establishments in Norway" ]
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[ "A precious fragment of the shroud of Edward the Confessor and ancient royal manuscripts will be laid on the high altar at Westminster Abbey during a service to celebrate the 750th anniversary of the gothic church.", "\n\nThe abbey was consecrated on 13 October 1269 after Henry III rebuilt a basilica constructed on the same site by St Edward, the Anglo-Saxon king and the first English saint to be canonised by Rome.", "\n\nThe Queen and the Duchess of Cornwall will attend the anniversary event on Tuesday where some of the abbey’s most beloved treasures will be on show. ", "King Edgar’s grant of land in 960 enabling the establishment of the very first Benedictine monastery where the abbey now stands will be placed on the altar. ", "The 14th-century Litlyngton Missal will be opened alongside it.", "\n\nTwo elaborate 13th-century manuscripts signed by Henry III are on public show for the first time in the abbey’s galleries. ", "In tightly written ink script on vellum (calf skin) and with impressive wax seals on silk cords, they reveal Henry’s wish to be buried in his new church alongside Edward, whom he venerated. ", "They also reveal his pawning of gold, precious stones and jewels when he ran into financial difficulty during the extravagant rebuilding.", "\n\nFacebook Twitter Pinterest A 1267 inventory of Edward the Confessor’s shrine listed the huge amount of gold, precious stones and jewels taken from the shrine to be pawned by a cash-strapped Henry III. ", "Photograph: Dean and Chapter of Westminster\n\nFor centuries, Westminster Abbey has been at the centre of national life, and it has been described as Britain’s Valhalla, after the burial hall of Norse mythology.", "\n\nThe Very Rev Dr John Hall, the dean of Westminster, said: “I don’t think there is anywhere in this country that has precisely this link with our nation’s history.”", "\n\nSovereigns have been crowned, married and buried here. ", "Countless heads of state have laid wreathes on the grave of the Unknown Warrior. ", "Some of the country’s leading figures are interred or commemorated within its walls, including Geoffrey Chaucer, Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin and Charles Dickens.", "\n\nOn visiting in 2011 when he was US president, Barack Obama exclaimed: “Here you have the history not only of England and Great Britain but of the Commonwealth and the whole of the English-speaking world.”", "\n\nThe site’s exact history is still a mystery. ", "Monks may have founded a small community here as early as 604. ", "When the Confessor chose the spot to establish his palace, which eventually would become the Palace of Westminster, he built a new monastic church. ", "His Romanesque basilica is depicted in the Bayeux tapestry.", "\n\nHenry III, a devotee of Edward, began the creation of the abbey as it is known today. ", "The famous west towers would not be added until 1745.", "\n\n“Westminster Abbey was here before anything else,” said Hall. “", "We were two miles south-west of London and on a remote damp little island, Thorney Island, just surrounded by tributaries of the Thames and the Thames itself. ", "Now we have the Palace of Westminster, the supreme court, the government offices in Whitehall. ", "So now the centre of government is around here and the abbey is very much part of that particular community.”", "\n\nFacebook Twitter Pinterest The coronation chair at Westminster Abbey. ", "Photograph: Dean and Chapter of Westminster\n\nLinks with royalty and parliament go back centuries. ", "With two exceptions, every English and, subsequently, British monarch has been crowned here since William the Conqueror in 1066.", "\n\n“The Confessor and the Conqueror were the first sovereigns to associate themselves closely with the abbey, and they also made Westminster their place of residence and the seat of government, hereby connecting church and state in a bond that has lasted and evolved across the subsequent millennium,” writes the historian and president of the British Academy, Sir David Cannadine, in Westminster Abbey: a Church in History, published to mark the 750th anniversary.", "\n\nIt survived Henry VIII’s dissolution by becoming a cathedral. ", "Mary I re-established it as a monastery. ", "Elizabeth 1 established it as a royal peculiar – answerable to the sovereign and outside the jurisdiction of the Church of England – and named it the Collegiate Church of St Peter, Westminster.", "\n\nIts status as a royal peculiar means other faiths can pray there. ", "It is for all faiths and none. ", "In recent years its services have marked the anniversaries of the Srebrenica massacre, of Kristallnacht, of the liberation of Auschwitz, of the death of Martin Luther King. ", "Its annual Commonwealth Day service is invariably attended by the Queen.", "\n\nIts fame has been fanned by televised ceremonies including the wedding of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and the extraordinary funeral of Diana, Princess of Wales. ", "It attracts 2 million tourists and worshippers a year.", "\n\n“It has been a house of prayer and devotion for much more than a millennium. ", "It is a building of outstanding architectural significance and an unrivalled national mausoleum,” said Cannadine. “", "It’s close and lengthy relations with the parliaments of governments of this country are unequalled by any other church in any other nation.”" ]
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[ " IN THE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS\n FOR THE FIFTH CIRCUIT\n\n\n\n No. ", "97-60429\n Summary Calendar\n\n\n\nJERRY D. GRAVES,\n\n Plaintiff-Appellant,\n\nversus\n\nSTEVE SIMS; CURTIS L. BANKS,\n\n Defendants-Appellees.", "\n\n - - - - - - - - - -\n Appeal from the United States District Court\n for the Northern District of Mississippi\n USDC No. ", "4:96-CV-256-D\n - - - - - - - - - -\n January 16, 1998\nBefore WISDOM, DUHÉ, and BARKSDALE, Circuit Judges:\n\nPER CURIAM:*\n\n Jerry D. Graves, a Mississippi prisoner, appeals the\n\ndistrict court’s dismissal of his complaint and imposition of a\n\nsanction barring him from filing future appeals in forma pauperis\n\n(IFP) under 28 U.S.C. § 1915(g). ", " Graves argues that the prison\n\nofficials deprived him of his radio in violation of his due\n\nprocess and equal protection rights. ", " The complaint Graves filed\n\nin the district court involves the same cause of action and the\n\nsame parties as a prior state-court lawsuit filed by Graves which\n\n *\n Pursuant to 5TH CIR. ", "R. 47.5, the court has determined\nthat this opinion should not be published and is not precedent\nexcept under the limited circumstances set forth in 5TH CIR.", "\nR. 47.5.4.", "\n\f No. ", "97-60429\n -2-\n\nwas resolved against him on the merits in a court of competent\n\njurisdiction. ", " His complaint is barred by principles of res\n\njudicata. ", " Russell v. SunAmerica Securities, Inc., 962 F.2d 1169,\n\n1172 (5th Cir. ", "1992).", "\n\n The district court did not err in imposing a sanction under\n\n§ 1915(g). ", " This is the third suit filed by Graves that the\n\ndistrict court has dismissed for failure to state a claim.", "\n\n The judgment is AFFIRMED.", "\n\f" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nSQL - find a table row with the highest number being less than a specified number\n\nHow can I efficiently find 1 table row that has the highest number in a column that is less than a specified (query) value?", "\nUPDATE: based on the answer of @Gordon Linoff, then finding 1 table row should be the statement below? ", "Is this the most efficient way? ", "\nselect * from table1 where colname1 in \n ( select max( colname1) from table1 where colname1 < 528188000 )\n\n@Eric - mostly I am not lazy, at this late I hour maybe I was a bit lazy for a second ;-)\n\nA:\n\nYour approach is good and efficient. ", "Especially, if there exists an index on table1(colname1). ", "It should be =, though, instead of IN, because your subquery cannot return multiple rows.", "\nselect * from table1 where colname1 =\n ( select max(colname1) from table1 where colname1 < 528188000 )\n\nYou say that you are looking for one row. ", "So you consider it guaranteed that colname1 values are unique in the table (maybe because there exists a unique constraint on that column). ", "If so, it may be more efficient to tell the DBMS that you are looking for exactly one row. ", "In standard SQL:\nselect *\nfrom table1\nwhere colname1 < 528188000\norder by colname1 desc\nfetch first row only;\n\nYour DBMS may use another syntax. ", "In SQL Server it's TOP(1); in MySQL it's LIMIT 1.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "---\nabstract: 'In this paper we propose the Augmented-UCB (AugUCB) algorithm for a fixed-budget version of the thresholding bandit problem (TBP), where the objective is to identify a set of arms whose quality is above a threshold. ", "A key feature of AugUCB is that it uses both mean and variance estimates to eliminate arms that have been sufficiently explored; to the best of our knowledge this is the first algorithm to employ such an approach for the considered TBP. ", "Theoretically, we obtain an upper bound on the loss (probability of mis-classification) incurred by AugUCB. ", "Although UCBEV in literature provides a better guarantee, it is important to emphasize that UCBEV has access to problem complexity (whose computation requires arms’ mean and variances), and hence is not realistic in practice; this is in contrast to AugUCB whose implementation does not require any such complexity inputs. ", "We conduct extensive simulation experiments to validate the performance of AugUCB. ", "Through our simulation work, we establish that AugUCB, owing to its utilization of variance estimates, performs significantly better than the state-of-the-art APT, CSAR and other non variance-based algorithms.'", "\nauthor:\n- |\n Subhojyoti Mukherjee${}^1$, K. P. Naveen${}^2$, Nandan Sudarsanam${}^3$, Balaraman Ravindran${}^1$\\\n ${}^1$Department of Computer Science & Engineering,\\\n ${}^2$Department of Electrical Engineering, ${}^3$Department of Management Studies,\\\n Indian Institute of Technology Madras\nbibliography:\n- 'ijcai17.bib'\ntitle: Thresholding Bandits with Augmented UCB\n---\n\nIntroduction {#intro}\n============\n\nRelated Work {#prevRes}\n------------\n\nOur Contribution {#contribution}\n----------------\n\nAugmented-UCB Algorithm {#algorithm}\n=======================\n\nTheoretical Results {#results}\n===================\n\nNumerical Experiments {#expt}\n=====================\n\nConclusion\n==========\n" ]
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[ "[Prepapillary arterial loop and retinal arterial branch occlusion].", "\nPreretinal arterial loops are congenital vascular anomalies that originate from a main branch of the central retinal artery on the optic disc. ", "These arterial loops are usually unilateral and asymptomatic, but they can be associated with retinal artery branch occlusion. ", "We report one case of inferior temporal retinal artery occlusion in a patient with preretinal arterial loops. ", "Two different mechanisms are thought to be the cause of occlusion: twisting of the loop or thrombosis." ]
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[ 0.0006239949725568295, 0.0008075070800259709, 0.001159894629381597, 0.0007078537601046264, 0.0029795803129673004 ]
[ "The basis of the apparatus of the present invention is to provide a new vehicle or an attachment for a vehicle to convert it to a new vehicle, typically for occupation by a single occupant or player, although there may be two or more players in modified forms of the vehicle, and the vehicle is equipped in order to receive a playing ball or equivalent member such as a puck, to hold the ball, and to propel it from the vehicle. ", "In some respects therefore the game can be compared to a game such as football or hockey except that the player's skills are transferred through a vehicle which in turn is equipped for receipt and propelling of the ball. ", "The vehicle preferably is motorised, but it may be manually driven.", "\nIt is already known from U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "3,820,790 and German Patent Document DE-A-1578628 to provide a vehicle for the playing of a soccer like game, wherein the vehicle has a carrier member by which the ball is held and by which the ball can be propelled by reciprocation of the carrier member. ", "Such a vehicle is however limited in that it requires the ball to be propelled from the carrier in the same direction in which it is received in the carrier, which limits its utility.", "\nThe U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "3,264,782 describes on the other hand a toy steam train into the tender of which balls are loaded, and from the funnel of which the balls can be propelled upwards, like puffs of steam, and a child playing with the toy can try to catch the balls. ", "The device of U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "5,335,917 is somewhat similar in that a motorised bucket has an opening in its wall and balls are loaded into the top of the bucket, and are propelled out of the opening.", "\nAs in some of the prior arrangements indicated above, it is envisaged in the present invention that in one form of play of the game, there will be several motorised vehicles of the type to which the invention relates, controllable by respective players, and the vehicles will be arranged in teams, the respective teams playing on the playing field or pitch, provided with goals or goal areas or point scoring systems so that the objective of the game is to propel the ball into the goal or goal area, so that teams can score goals during periods of play, and, similar to soccer and hockey, and the winning team is the team which scores the more goals. ", "Players will be required to exercise considerable skill in using the vehicles.", "\nIt is envisaged that in any one team there may be two types of vehicle, one for use by a player who will be designated to operate similar to a goal keeper, and a second type of which there may be several for use by the respective outfield players." ]
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[ 0.0007172176265157759, 0.0007164262933656573, 0.0006173691945150495, 0.0006587087409570813, 0.0013785817427560687, 0.000593897479120642, 0.0006840699352324009, 0.0008440498495474458, 0.0013785817427560687, 0.0009828301845118403, 0.0007326474878937006, 0.0013785817427560687, 0.0012895702384412289, 0.0006027636118233204, 0.000607077032327652, 0.0006447231862694025 ]
[ "java.lang.", "NoSuchMethodException: com.sun.deploy.cache.", "CachedJarFile.getSigners() at java.lang.", "Class.getDeclaredMethod(Unknown Source) at com.tullib.ui.main.", "JarSignersHardLinker.callNoArgMethod(JarSignersHardLinker.java:96) at com.tullib.ui.main.", "JarSignersHardLinker.makeHardSignersRef(JarSignersHardLinker.java:45) at com.tullib.ui.main.", "JarSignersHardLinker$1.run(JarSignersHardLinker.java:262) at java.lang.", "Thread.run(Unknown Source)" ]
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[ "@keyframes bounceInRight {\r\n from,\r\n 60%,\r\n 75%,\r\n 90%,\r\n to {\r\n animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.215, 0.61, 0.355, 1);\r\n }\r\n\r\n from {\r\n opacity: 0;\r\n transform: translate3d(3000px, 0, 0);\r\n }\r\n\r\n 60% {\r\n opacity: 1;\r\n transform: translate3d(-25px, 0, 0);\r\n }\r\n\r\n 75% {\r\n transform: translate3d(10px, 0, 0);\r\n }\r\n\r\n 90% {\r\n transform: translate3d(-5px, 0, 0);\r\n }\r\n\r\n to {\r\n transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0);\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n.bounceInRight {\r\n animation-name: bounceInRight;\r\n}\r\n" ]
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[ "Characterization of specifically oxidized apolipoproteins in mildly oxidized high density lipoprotein.", "\nAtherosclerosis is a state of heightened oxidative stress. ", "Oxidized LDL is present in atherosclerotic lesions and used as marker for coronary artery disease, although in human lesions lipids associated with HDL are as oxidized as those of LDL. ", "Here we investigated specific changes occurring to apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I) and apoA-II, as isolated HDL and human plasma undergo mild, chemically induced oxidation, or autoxidation. ", "During such oxidation, Met residues in apoA-I and apoA-II become selectively and consecutively oxidized to their respective Met sulfoxide (MetO) forms that can be separated by HPLC. ", "Placing plasma at -20 degrees C prevents autoxidation, whereas metal chelators and butylated hydroxytoluene offer partial protection. ", "Independent of the oxidation conditions, apoA-I and apoA-II (dimer) with two MetO residues accumulate as relatively stable oxidation products. ", "Compared to controls, serum samples from subjects with the endothelial cell nitric oxide synthase a/b genotype that is associated with increased coronary artery disease contain increased concentrations of apoA-I with two MetO residues. ", "Our results show that during the early stages, oxidation of HDL gives rise to specifically oxidized forms of apoA-I and apoA-II, some of which may be useful markers of in vivo HDL oxidation, and hence potentially atherosclerosis." ]
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[ 0.000997668830677867, 0.0010992801981046796, 0.000987089122645557, 0.0006389673217199743, 0.0006909038056619465, 0.001016533118672669, 0.000594373675994575, 0.0006592535646632314, 0.0005839743535034359 ]
[ "IT became official again this week: We are awful at passwords.", "\n\nYear after year, studies show that many people still rely on passwords that are so weak that even a 5-year-old could crack them. ", "According to a study released this week by SplashData, a developer of password management software, consumers continue making the riskiest choices with passwords by consistently using overly simple ones.", "\n\nThe highly unimaginative “123456” and “starwars,” for instance, were among the most commonly used passwords of 2015, SplashData said.", "\n\nNow for a confession: I am no better than the rest of you. ", "The password management app Dashlane recently ran a security audit of all my passwords — and what it found was ugly. ", "It revealed that out of my 70 passwords, I had reused the same one 46 times. ", "Twenty-five of the passwords were flagged as being particularly weak, or easy for a hacker to crack.", "\n\nIn my shame and embarrassment, I put together a guide of best practices for passwords and tested some tools that would help manage them. ", "Here’s what it boils down to: To have the safest passwords protecting your digital life, each password should be unique and complex. ", "But since memorizing 70 unique and complex passwords is nearly impossible, we also need password manager programs to keep track of them all." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nCentOS 6.4 - Trying to lose link, but can't\n\nI am trying to test out active/active LACP bonding between CentOS 6.4 and Arista. ", "One of the tests I'm doing is to shut down an interface on the host and see what happens.", "\nOn the switch:\n\nLink failure counter is incremented\nNo more LACP pdu's come in. (", "causing the port-channel to go down).", "\nInterface status still shows connected.", "\n\nFrom the host I have tried (with the same results) to shut the port like so:\n\nifdown em3\nip link set em3 down\n\nI haven't tried ifconfig yet, and do not have access to try it at the moment.", "\nThe end result is that an \"ifdown\" on the interface causes the host to become unavailable on the network for about 20 seconds. ", " On the other hand, if I shutdown the port from the switch, downtime is under 1 second.", "\nDetails:\n# cat /etc/redhat-release\nCentOS release 6.4 (Final)\n\n# uname -a\nLinux hostnameRemoved 2.6.32-358.23.2.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Oct 16 18:37:12 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux\n\nDell R720xd (latest firmware including the nic)\n# lspci |grep Broadcom | head -1\n01:00.0 Ethernet controller: Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme BCM5720 Gigabit Ethernet PCIe\n\n# ethtool -i em3\ndriver: tg3\nversion: 3.124\nfirmware-version: FFV7.10.18 bc 5720-v1.34\nbus-info: 0000:02:00.0\nsupports-statistics: yes\nsupports-test: yes\nsupports-eeprom-access: yes\nsupports-register-dump: yes\nsupports-priv-flags: no\n\nA:\n\nDon't test bonding link failure with commands, pull the cable.", "\nIf you read ifdown, it actually unenslaves an interface from a bond before setting it down. ", "This does nothing to test bonding failover under the conditions you want to survive a failover, this just tests the bonding driver's ability to have its active slave changed.", "\nYou're lucky enough that your NICs consider PHY to be down when the switchport is shut, hence the working fast failover when you shut the switchport.", "\nNot all NICs work like this, some actually need their electrical connection to the switch to be broken, so you can shut the switchport but the NIC doesn't consider the link as failed enough to fail over a bond.", "\nBonding with miimon is high availability against physical link failure. ", "The way to test against physical link failure is to physically fail the link, no other way.", "\nPull the cable.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "FC Gorodeya\n\nFC Gorodeya (, FK Garadzeya) is a Belarusian football club based in Haradzeya, Nesvizh Raion, Minsk Voblast.", "\n\nHistory \nThe team was founded in 2004 as futsal club. ", "They played in Minsk Oblast championship and later in Belarusian futsal championship and Cup.", "\n\nIn 2007, they debuted in the Minsk Oblast football championship as well as Belarusian Cup. ", "In 2008, they joined Belarusian Second League, and after winning the 2010 season, the team made its debut in the First League in 2011.", "\n\nIn 2015, Gorodeya will make its debut in the Belarusian Premier League.", "\n\nCurrent squad \nAs of February 2020\n\nExternal links \nOfficial Website \nUnofficial Website \n\nGorodeya\nCategory:Sport in Minsk Region\nCategory:2004 establishments in Belarus\nCategory:Association football clubs established in 2004" ]
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