[ "Copyright (c) 2011 Debuggable Limited <felix@debuggable.com>\n\nPermission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy\nof this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to deal\nin the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights\nto use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell\ncopies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is\nfurnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:\n\nThe above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in\nall copies or substantial portions of the Software.", "\n\nTHE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR\nIMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,\nFITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. ", "IN NO EVENT SHALL THE\nAUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER\nLIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,\nOUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN\nTHE SOFTWARE.", "\n" ]
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[ "// This optional code is used to register a service worker.", "\n// register() is not called by default.", "\n\n// This lets the app load faster on subsequent visits in production, and gives\n// it offline capabilities. ", "However, it also means that developers (and users)\n// will only see deployed updates on subsequent visits to a page, after all the\n// existing tabs open on the page have been closed, since previously cached\n// resources are updated in the background.", "\n\n// To learn more about the benefits of this model and instructions on how to\n// opt-in, read https://bit.ly/CRA-PWA\n\nconst isLocalhost = Boolean(\n window.location.hostname === 'localhost' ||\n // [::1] is the IPv6 localhost address.", "\n window.location.hostname === '[::1]' ||\n // are considered localhost for IPv4.", "\n window.location.hostname.match(\n /^127(?:\\.(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)){3}$/\n )\n);\n\nexport function register(config) {\n if (process.env.", "NODE_ENV === 'production' && 'serviceWorker' in navigator) {\n // The URL constructor is available in all browsers that support SW.", "\n const publicUrl = new URL(process.env.", "PUBLIC_URL, window.location.href);\n if (publicUrl.origin !", "== window.location.origin) {\n // Our service worker won't work if PUBLIC_URL is on a different origin\n // from what our page is served on. ", "This might happen if a CDN is used to\n // serve assets; see https://github.com/facebook/create-react-app/issues/2374\n return;\n }\n\n window.addEventListener('load', () => {\n const swUrl = `${process.env.", "PUBLIC_URL}/service-worker.js`;\n\n if (isLocalhost) {\n // This is running on localhost. ", "Let's check if a service worker still exists or not.", "\n checkValidServiceWorker(swUrl, config);\n\n // Add some additional logging to localhost, pointing developers to the\n // service worker/PWA documentation.", "\n navigator.serviceWorker.ready.then(() => {\n console.log(\n 'This web app is being served cache-first by a service ' +\n 'worker. ", "To learn more, visit https://bit.ly/CRA-PWA'\n );\n });\n } else {\n // Is not localhost. ", "Just register service worker\n registerValidSW(swUrl, config);\n }\n });\n }\n}\n\nfunction registerValidSW(swUrl, config) {\n navigator.serviceWorker\n .register(swUrl)\n .then(registration => {\n registration.onupdatefound = () => {\n const installingWorker = registration.installing;\n if (installingWorker == null) {\n return;\n }\n installingWorker.onstatechange = () => {\n if (installingWorker.state === 'installed') {\n if (navigator.serviceWorker.controller) {\n // At this point, the updated precached content has been fetched,\n // but the previous service worker will still serve the older\n // content until all client tabs are closed.", "\n console.log(\n 'New content is available and will be used when all ' +\n 'tabs for this page are closed. ", "See https://bit.ly/CRA-PWA.'", "\n );\n\n // Execute callback\n if (config && config.onUpdate) {\n config.onUpdate(registration);\n }\n } else {\n // At this point, everything has been precached.", "\n // It's the perfect time to display a\n // \"Content is cached for offline use.\" ", "message.", "\n console.log('Content is cached for offline use.');", "\n\n // Execute callback\n if (config && config.onSuccess) {\n config.onSuccess(registration);\n }\n }\n }\n };\n };\n })\n .catch(error => {\n console.error('Error during service worker registration:', error);\n });\n}\n\nfunction checkValidServiceWorker(swUrl, config) {\n // Check if the service worker can be found. ", "If it can't reload the page.", "\n fetch(swUrl, {\n headers: { 'Service-Worker': 'script' },\n })\n .then(response => {\n // Ensure service worker exists, and that we really are getting a JS file.", "\n const contentType = response.headers.get('content-type');\n if (\n response.status === 404 ||\n (contentType !", "= null && contentType.indexOf('javascript') === -1)\n ) {\n // No service worker found. ", "Probably a different app. ", "Reload the page.", "\n navigator.serviceWorker.ready.then(registration => {\n registration.unregister().then(() => {\n window.location.reload();\n });\n });\n } else {\n // Service worker found. ", "Proceed as normal.", "\n registerValidSW(swUrl, config);\n }\n })\n .catch(() => {\n console.log(\n 'No internet connection found. ", "App is running in offline mode.'", "\n );\n });\n}\n\nexport function unregister() {\n if ('serviceWorker' in navigator) {\n navigator.serviceWorker.ready\n .then(registration => {\n registration.unregister();\n })\n .catch(error => {\n console.error(error.message);\n });\n }\n}\n" ]
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[ "In the week or so since it became known that Eileen Collins would appear at the Republican National Convention on Wednesday night, the space community has buzzed with questions and concerns. ", "A brilliant astronaut and the first woman to command a space shuttle, Collins has a sterling reputation among the flight directors, astronauts, and engineers at NASA who worked with her. ", "Why would she jump into the political fray, many asked? ", "And for Donald Trump, of all people?", "\n\nI felt the answer was pretty simple. ", "Like a lot of astronauts, Collins comes from a military background (she's a colonel in the US Air Force) and is therefore more likely to be conservative politically. ", "Perhaps she had discussions with the Trump people, and they endorsed her view that NASA should return to the Moon before going to Mars. ", "In any case, it's not like she's the first former astronaut to take on politics (Hello, John Glenn and Harrison Schmitt).", "\n\nSo on a night when Ted Cruz stole the show at the convention for political observers, the four-minute speech given by Collins garnered the most interest among the space industry. ", "Her remarks were largely a fairly standard call to restore some glory to America's space program, and she touched on how it has been unacceptable to rely on Russia for transport to the International Space Program for the last five years. ", "America can, and must, do better than that, Collins said.", "\n\n\"Nations that lead on the frontier lead in the world, and we need that visionary leadership again, leadership that will inspire the next generation of explorers to have that same passion,\" Collins said. \"", "We need leadership that will make america's space program first again. ", "Yes. ", "And we need leadership that will make America great again.\"", "\n\nPolitically there was some question as to whether Collins was supposed to explicitly endorse Trump at the end of her speech, which she did not. ", "But what most interested—and ultimately disappointed—me was Collins' time-worn, Cold War-era perception about NASA and what really makes America's efforts in space great in the 21st century.", "\n\nIn some respects NASA has never been better. ", "Its Solar System exploration program, multiple rovers on Mars, new mission to Jupiter, and recent flyby of Pluto are things the rest of the world cannot begin to match. ", "The same goes for the agency's astrophysics and Earth observing programs.", "\n\nIt is also absolutely true that the space agency has relied on Russia for transportation to the station since 2011, and NASA does indeed face lots of questions about the viability of its human spaceflight program. ", "NASA has adopted a big-budget, big-rocket approach that focuses on Mars as its ultimate destination. ", "But the space agency presently lacks the funding to execute this plan, and a Trump administration would need to pump a lot of money into a government program some have criticized as a \"socialist plan\" for space exploration.", "\n\nIt does not seem likely that the future of US spaceflight lies in trying to recreate the Apollo moment that culminated 47 years ago with the Apollo 11 Moon landing. ", "That was a phenomenal achievement, but the Cold War is over, and we are never again going to spend 5 percent of the nation's budget on spaceflight to promote American exceptionalism. ", "Moreover, we live in a multipolar world. ", "NASA's most meaningful achievements today are accomplished with the help of international partners. ", "NASA leads, certainly, but it is stronger with other nations at its side.", "\n\nWhy leave commercial spaceflight out of the picture?", "\n\nHere's what Collins really missed on Wednesday night, however. ", "Yes, NASA relies on Russia. ", "But within a couple of years, the country will have not one, but two commercial vehicles providing rides to the space station from US soil, manufactured by SpaceX and Boeing. ", "Despite the bleak picture Collins painted on stage in Cleveland, there is an incredible vibrancy in the US launch industry that the rest of the world is scrambling to catch up to. ", "NASA isn't driving this push to build modern, low-cost rockets—all-American capitalism is.", "\n\nProbably the most exciting spaceflight development of the last decade or so has been the successful pursuit of reusable rockets by SpaceX and Blue Origin. ", "This low-cost rocketry is what will ultimately make America greater in space. ", "Successful entrepreneurs like Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos have invested billions of their own dollars into aerospace, and their vision isn't to choose a few of the best and brightest like Collins to send on missions into space. ", "By lowering launch costs, they want to put thousands, and eventually millions, of people into orbit and beyond. ", "Musk wants to send them to Mars. ", "Bezos wants to move manufacturing and resource extraction off the planet Earth.", "\n\nIt is not clear either will succeed, but preliminary tests of their hardware show that the two tech billionaires are building launch systems and spacecraft on par with or better than NASA's—and at a fraction of the cost. ", "To their credit, some at NASA realize the important role private space will play in the future. ", "The agency has nurtured the commercial crew program to replace the space shuttle, and it has increasingly positioned the station as a way for companies to test business models in orbit.", "\n\nBut the public needs to recognize this as well, which is why I was disappointed by Collins and her pining for the Apollo era on such a big stage. ", "The reality is that the best way to \"lead on the frontier\" in the 21st century is not through flags and footprints, but rather by sending people into space to stay, in a sustainable way, with the eventual aim of making space profitable. ", "One would hope that Donald J. Trump, if he is elected president, would recognize such capitalism when he sees it." ]
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[ "Month: September 2016\n\nIt’s Fall, the leaves are changing colors & the temperature is dropping. ", "It’s the time of year when people start to get into the feely-good, cozy mood and their feely-good, cozy clothes. ", "It’s the time of year when families get together to catch up on what’s new around food…. ", "Fall, food, & family…three of my… Continue reading Food-Lovin’: Thanksgiving Smorgasbord Soup\n\nMan, does it feel good to be back. ", "This summer has been a whirlwind. ", "I ended the 2015-2016 school year with the joy, pride, and honor of watching the students I started out teaching graduate from high school. ", "From there, I spent a few weeks getting caught up on things around my home, and then… Continue reading Missing the Power of Prayer\n\nSearch for:\n\nFollow Blog via Email\n\nEnter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email." ]
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[ 0.0007147261057980359, 0.0006461013690568507, 0.0006876168772578239, 0.0010605857241898775, 0.001144713256508112, 0.0006691919988952577, 0.0005850683082826436 ]
[ "Some 350 striking miners and their families have had enough.", "\n\nThey’ve blockaded the entrance to the Goderich salt mine, not allowing replacement workers to enter.", "\n\nThe blockade, made up of people, trucks and wooden pallets, will remain until the company agrees to return to the bargaining table, says local union president Gary Lynch.", "\n\nThe blockade is peaceful, although OPP are on scene watching over the situation.", "\n\nThe miners have been on strike since April 27.", "\n\nUnifor alleges the company has been flying in replacement workers from New Brunswick to break the strike while demanding concessions that include mandatory overtime, reduced benefits, and a weakening of contracting-out provisions.", "\n\nIn a letter to the community on June 28, Compass Minerals said it has used contractors to produce salt to fill long-term orders, and had little choice to do so in a competitive market.", "\n\nThe company also said it had modernized its production process \"to reduce the ebbs and flows of production that leads to layoffs and recalls\" and finding shifts that allow for continuous production.", "\n\nCompass Minerals said it presented an offer on April 27 to address all outstanding issues, with wage increases and benefit improvements, to avoid a strike, but Unifor's bargaining committee \"abruptly left negotiations and took their members out on strike.\"", "\n\n\"Crossing a picket line is shameful behaviour that cannot be tolerated,\" said Unifor national president Jerry Dias in a statement, adding \"no job is worth stealing food from another worker's family.\"", "\n\nCompass Ministers says at 549 metres under Lake Huron, the underground salt mine is the largest in the world." ]
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[ "Background\n==========\n\nMycorrhiza is the term used to denote the root-associated symbiosis between fungus and plant where resources otherwise unattainable or very costly (chiefly carbohydrates and mineral nutrients, respectively) are exchanged. ", "Whereas the identification of the plant partner of the symbiosis often is comparatively straightforward, the identity of the fungal component is typically much more elusive, largely so due to the dearth of information obtainable from the root samples of the plant (Figure [1](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "The traditional approaches to identification of mycorrhizae include studies based on light microscopy, isozyme assays, mating behaviour experiments, and somatic compatibility tests. ", "However, all of these are associated with drawbacks such as low to moderate precision, high time consumption, or the requirement that the fungus be isolated and grown in culture, which is impossible for many mycorrhizal fungi \\[[@B1]-[@B4]\\]. ", "Alternatively, it is sometimes possible to establish a hyphal connection between the fungal mycelium of the root tips and nearby fungal fruiting-bodies \\[[@B5]\\]; traditional fungal taxonomy rests to a large extent on the morphology of fruiting-bodies or other spore producing structures, and there is abundant literature information available for many groups of fungi. ", "The factors triggering the formation of fruiting-bodies of mycorrhizal fungi are, however, poorly understood. ", "This is reflected in the large number of root-associated fungi for which fruiting-bodies have never been found, suggesting that any attempt to characterize the below-ground mycoflora through collection and identification of above-ground fruiting-bodies is likely to give a skewed and incomplete picture \\[[@B6]-[@B8]\\].", "\n\n![**", "The fly agaric: a common mycorrhizal fungus.**a) Fruiting-bodies of the ectomycorrhizal fly agaric *(Amanita muscaria)*. ", "b) Root-tip mycelia of the *Amanita*type.](1471-2105-6-178-1){#F1}\n\nThe advent of PCR-based methodologies has in many ways revolutionized the field of mycorrhizal research by providing a means by which, at least in theory, every fungus could be identified to species level. ", "It has also served to highlight further the patchiness in our understanding of mycorrhizal fungi; DNA-based studies of mycorrhizal fungi typically contain a considerable proportion of sequences that lack identified matches in public sequence repositories such as GenBank and UNITE \\[[@B9]\\], and that hence cannot be identified to species or even genus level \\[[@B10]-[@B13]\\]. ", "The prerequisite of most journals that all sequences used in a publication be made public in GenBank naturally leads authors to submit such unidentified sequences under names like \\\"Fungus: Environmental sample\\\", \\\"Unidentified mycorrhizal basidiomycete\\\", \\\"Uncultured root-tip fungus\\\", and *\\\"Cortinarius*sp.\\\". ", "Thus, even if an unidentified mycorrhizal sequence turns out to have one or more identical (or nearly so) matches in GenBank, the unidentified nature of the latter still precludes identification to species level.", "\n\nAs more and more sequences from well-identified fruiting-bodies are submitted to and accumulate in GenBank, one can expect some of the new sequences to hint and even resolve the identity of previously unmatched sequences. ", "Any such relation is likely to impart important information to the studies that employed the unidentified sequences in question. ", "Yet there is no generic mechanism on GenBank to alert the sequences\\' authors -- or anyone else who might be interested -- of these new matches. ", "In addition, many sequence authors are inefficient in keeping the annotations of their submitted sequences up-to-date, even when new taxonomic progress and knowledge have been attained. ", "As a result, important information goes by undetected, and obsolete annotations remain and are propagated through the databases and literature via subsequent BLAST runs \\[[@B14]\\]. ", "The present study introduces *emerencia*, a Perl script package to facilitate the keeping track of the identity of insufficiently identified GenBank sequences over time. ", "A web-service demonstrating *emerencia*<http://emerencia.math.chalmers.se> for mycorrhizal fungi and the nuclear *ITS*region is presented; *emerencia*is also available on an open source-basis and can be downloaded from the web page for local installation with any gene and organism group as targets.", "\n\nImplementation\n==============\n\nThe web-service provided at <http://emerencia.math.chalmers.se> is set to monitor the identity of fungal *ITS*sequences whose taxonomic annotations are poorly resolved. ", "The *ITS*region offers three sub-loci of very different conservation levels *(ITS1-*very variable; *5.8S-*very conserved; *ITS2-*semi-conserved \\[[@B15]\\]) and is as such the prevalent region of choice when fungi are to be identified \\[[@B16],[@B17],[@B3]\\].", "\n\nThe main script of the *emerencia*package is written in Perl \\[[@B18]\\] and runs in a UNIX environment. ", "On a regular basis, the script is evoked and connects to GenBank through BioPerl routines \\[[@B19]\\] to retrieve all fungal *ITS*sequences deposited since the last update using the query phrase\n\n((\\\"Fungi\\\" \\[Organism\\] AND (200 \\[SLEN\\] : 3000 \\[SLEN\\])) AND (((ITS1 \\[titl\\] OR ITS2 \\[titl\\]) OR 5.8S \\[titl\\]) OR \\\"internal transcribed spacer\\\" \\[titl\\] OR \\\"internal transcribed spacers\\\" \\[titl\\]))\n\nFor each downloaded sequence, the GenBank format annotation is parsed to determine whether the sequence should be regarded as fully identified (i.e., identified to species level) or insufficiently identified (i.e., identified only to phylum Fungi (e.g., \\\"Unidentified fungus\\\"), identified to ordinal level (e.g., *\\\"Thelephorales*sp.\\\"), or identified to generic level (e.g., *\\\"Amanita*sp.\\\")). ", "The criteria for this decision can be found in full detail at <http://emerencia.math.chalmers.se/criteria.html>; for example, a sequence is regarded as insufficiently identified if its species annotation (GenBank format reference: SOURCE) contains words like \\\"unidentified\\\", \\\"uncultured\\\", \\\"sp.\\\", \\\"mycorrhizal isolate\\\", or \\\"unknown\\\" (this section of the script was repeatedly fine-tuned to minimize the number of false positives and negatives). ", "All new sequences are appended to one of two tables of a local MySQL database \\[[@B20]\\] such that one table holds the identified sequences and the other the insufficiently identified ones. ", "The structure of the database is provided at <http://emerencia.math.chalmers.se/criteria.html>. ", "Local BLAST search indices \\[[@B21]\\] are computed to allow for similarity searches in both tables.", "\n\nTwo sets of local BLAST searches are then run using default settings:\n\n**1.**all insufficiently identified sequences are BLAST:ed against all identified sequences\n\n**2.**all insufficiently identified sequences are BLAST:ed against all insufficiently identified sequences.", "\n\nFor the first BLAST run (**1**), details of the best BLAST match are inspected. ", "If, for any insufficiently identified sequence, the best BLAST match to the table of identified sequences is found to have changed (i.e., a change in the accession number of the best BLAST match in combination with an improved E-value or identical E-value and an improved score) -- or if the unidentified sequence lacks any previous significant match -- details of the new best BLAST match (accession number, date, and BLAST score and E-value) are appended to the entry of the insufficiently identified sequence. ", "Similarly, for the second BLAST run (**2**), the best non-self match of each insufficiently identified sequence to the table of insufficiently identified sequences is noted and saved. ", "To retain a BLAST history, the former best BLAST match of each insufficiently identified sequence is also kept. ", "The end product of the main script of *emerencia*is, thus, two updated, mutually exclusive MySQL tables -- one with identified fungal *ITS*sequences and one with insufficiently identified *ITS*sequences, and both with cross-linked indices on best and former best BLAST matches in each table.", "\n\nThe web-service enables visitors to interact with the database in a number of ways. ", "Four major search categories are provided (Table [1](#T1){ref-type=\"table\"}):\n\n###### \n\nFunctions of the *emerencia*web-service. ", "Functions of the *emerencia*web-service at <http://emerencia.math.chalmers.se>; some examples and an informal walkthrough are also given at this address. ", "The output of the functions features relayed hyperlinks to GenBank, Google, and Tree of Life for quick retrieval of additional information; where applicable, insufficiently identified sequences are also hyperlinked to the SEARCH FOR INSUFFICIENTLY IDENTIFIED SEQUENCE BY ACCESSION NUMBER function for a more detailed description of the sequence and its matches.", "\n\n --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n SEARCH FOR INSUFFICIENTLY IDENTIFIED SEQUENCE BY ACCESSION NUMBER For any given accession number of an insufficiently identified sequence, this function shows the present and previous best BLAST matches from the table of identified sequences together with match scores and relevant annotation. ", "A Clustal W multiple alignment \\[34\\] of the sequences is generated and shown as an important aid in interpreting the BLAST match values. ", "In addition, all the above is shown for the present and previous best BLAST matches in the table of insufficiently identified sequences. ", "This function requires that the accession number provided by the user be present in the table of insufficiently identified sequences.", "\n CHECK SPECIFIC PUBLICATION FOR INSUFFICIENTLY IDENTIFIED SEQUENCES AND THEIR IDENTITY This function retrieves all insufficiently identified sequences stemming from the user-specified publication and shows the present best identified BLAST match (and some additional information) for those sequences. ", "The function expects 5--10 distinct key words from the title / author /journal fields of the publication and requires that at least one insufficiently identified sequence was released together with the publication in question.", "\n SEARCH FOR INSUFFICIENTLY IDENTIFIED SEQUENCES MATCHING ACCESSION NUMBER OF IDENTIFIED TAXA For any given accession number in the table of identified sequences, this function retrieves and details all entries in the table of insufficiently identified sequences for which this accession number represents the best BLAST match. ", "It requires that the specified accession number be present in the table of identified sequences and will proceed only if that accession number indeed constitutes the best BLAST match of at least one insufficiently identified sequence.", "\n SEARCH FOR INSUFFICIENTLY IDENTIFIED SEQUENCES BY KEY WORD This function lets the user query the species annotation field of the table of insufficiently identified sequences using 2--5 key words, and displays all insufficiently identified sequences matching the key words. ", "For those sequences, the best BLAST match to the table of identified sequences will be shown together with some additional information.", "\n --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n• SEARCH FOR INSUFFICIENTLY IDENTIFIED SEQUENCE BY ACCESSION NUMBER\n\n• CHECK SPECIFIC PUBLICATION FOR INSUFFICIENTLY IDENTIFIED SEQUENCES AND THEIR IDENTITY\n\n• SEARCH FOR INSUFFICIENTLY IDENTIFIED SEQUENCES MATCHING ACCESSION NUMBER OF IDENTIFIED TAXA\n\n• SEARCH FOR INSUFFICIENTLY IDENTIFIED SEQUENCES BY KEY WORD\n\nThe different search functions produce output pages that are extensively hyperlinked to facilitate further queries against the web-service itself as well as external information resources such as GenBank and the Tree of Life project \\[[@B22]\\]. ", "Apart from querying the database through a web browser and bookmarking or saving the results, users can subscribe to accession numbers of insufficiently identified sequences. ", "This enables immediate notification by e-mail when the best BLAST matches of those sequences change.", "\n\nThe web-service is hosted on a MacOS X server running the Apache web server \\[[@B23]\\]. ", "The databases are queried using dedicated CGI scripts written in Perl; parts of the source code of the galaxieEST and *mor*packages \\[[@B24],[@B17]\\] were used for this purpose. ", "The extensively annotated source code of the *emerencia*core is freely available at the web-service. ", "Local installation and additional technical aspects are described in the documentation.", "\n\nResults and Discussion\n======================\n\nThe last decade has seen a dramatic improvement of our understanding of mycorrhizal diversity, largely due to the advent of fast and comparatively cheap PCR-based methods. ", "The discovery of new, previously unsequenced mycorrhizal fungi poses something of a taxonomic problem, particularly when fruiting-bodies and other distinguishing characteristics are absent. ", "Many of these sequences are submitted *ad tempus*as \\\"environmental samples\\\". ", "Unfortunately, the absence of generic mechanisms -- and the apparent lack of motivation of the authors of the sequences -- to refine the identity of these sequences as more information is amassed force other researchers to put in a great deal of effort (typically countless manual BLAST runs) in order to make sense of the sequences and the relation of their own sequences to those. ", "With more than a handful of sequences to monitor, the task quickly becomes unreasonably time-consuming. ", "The authors present a prototype software package to minimize the amount of work needd to stay updated on the identity of such insufficiently identified sequences. ", "The web-service provided allows users to subscribe to accession numbers (sequences) with automatic email notification upon identity changes; alternatively, the same -- and additional -- information can be obtained through the search functions of the web-service. ", "Furthermore, to install *emerencia*locally and modify it to run with other organism and gene groups should not pose any problem to anyone with a reasonable experience of UNIX-type environments. ", "Such a local installation can stretch from a private, shell window-only tool to a public, user-oriented web-service such as the one presented here. ", "For a local installation, parameters such as how often the script should be started, the BLAST settings, and what information to store locally, can be set as seen fit.", "\n\nAs of May 2005, *emerencia*has fetched about 29000 identified and 7500 insufficiently identified *ITS*sequences (Table [2](#T2){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "The identified sequences belong to some 8000 distinct species, which corresponds to approximately 0.5% of the estimated 1.5 million extant species of fungi \\[[@B25]\\]. ", "While the number of fungal sequences in GenBank is expected to increase drastically over the next few years, it will take a long time before all gaps are filled \\[[@B26]\\], leaving taxon sampling a tangible problem for *emerencia*as well as for other tools used for sequence identification. ", "In addition, the poor state of many taxonomic annotations in GenBank and other databases \\[[@B27],[@B28]\\] complicates the above percentage estimates and poses a challenge to users of *emerencia*. ", "As with other identification tools, it is crucial that the results obtained be viewed and used as guidance for further studies rather than accepted as true and final; *emerencia*is a tool to refine iteratively the identity of insufficiently identified sequences in public databases and to promote the flow of information pertaining to those sequences. ", "It is not intended -- and should never be used -- as a shortcut to unequivocally correct species names and annotations.", "\n\n###### \n\nA brief summary of the sequence data underlying the *emerencia*web service at <http://emerencia.math.chalmers.se> as of May 2005. ", "The threshold BLAST E-values for \\\"good\\\" and \\\"poor\\\" matches were arbitrarily set to 0.0 and 1e-100, respectively. ", "Graphical illustrations showing the population of the database over time and additional aspects of *emerencia*are generated automatically on a monthly basis and are available at the above address.", "\n\n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------\n NUMBER OF INSUFFICIENTLY IDENTIFIED SEQUENCES 7528 (21 % of total)\n NUMBER OF IDENTIFIED SEQUENCES 28959 (79% of total)\n NUMBER OF INSUFFICIENTLY IDENTIFIED SEQUENCES WITH GOOD MATCHES (E-VALUE = 0.0) 4791 (64 % of the insufficiently identified sequences)\n NUMBER OF INSUFFICIENTLY IDENTIFIED SEQUENCES WITH POOR MATCHES (E-VALUE \\>1E-100) 1135 (15 % of the insufficiently identified sequences)\n TOTAL NUMBER OF SEQUENCES LAST UPDATED BEFORE 1995-01-01 180 (0.5%)\n TOTAL NUMBER OF SEQUENCES LAST UPDATED BEFORE 2000-01-01 3651 (10 %)\n TOTAL NUMBER OF SEQUENCES LAST UPDATED BEFORE 2005-01-01 31858 (87%)\n NUMBER OF INSUFFICIENTLY IDENTIFIED SEQUENCES LAST UPDATED BEFORE 2000-01-01 264 (3.5 % of the insufficiently identified sequences)\n NUMBER OF INSUFFICIENTLY IDENTIFIED SEQUENCES LAST UPDATED BEFORE 2000-01-01 AND WITH POOR MATCHES (E-VALUE \\> 1E-100) 17 (0.2 % of the insufficiently identified sequences)\n NUMBER OF IDENTIFIED SEQUENCES HAVING AT LEAST ONE INSUFFICIENTLY IDENTIFIED COUNTERPART AS IDENTIFIED BY BLAST 2981 (10 % of the identified sequences)\n NUMBER OF IDENTIFIED SEQUENCES WITHOUT INSUFFICIENTLY IDENTIFIED COUNTERPARTS 25978 (90 % of the identified sequences)\n ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------\n\nAs with BLAST searches in general, several factors impede the interpretation of the result. ", "The aforementioned problem with taxonomic annotations in GenBank calls, in itself, for subsequent hands-on verification of the results. ", "Furthermore, BLAST explores -- and tries to expand -- local regions of sequence similarity, and it takes manual inspection of the BLAST results to find out whether the entire, or only a portion of, the query sequence was successfully matched to anything in the database. ", "A match to only a part of the target sequence (such as the very conserved *5.8S*sub-locus of the *ITS*region) is, for identification purposes, tantamount to no match at all \\[[@B16]\\]. ", "It is also important to keep in mind that BLAST provides a measure of similarity, but similarity does not in turn provide a sound measure of relatedness \\[[@B29],[@B30]\\]. ", "Finally, it is notoriously difficult to tell an identified sequence apart from an insufficiently identified one on an automated basis; indeed, the present set-up is likely to yield a small proportion of false positives as well as false negatives (presently less than 0.1%). ", "Such problems would largely have been avoided had there been an accepted standard for annotation of unidentified -- and identified -- sequences.", "\n\n*emerencia*bears some resemblance to tools like Sequence Alerting System \\[[@B31]\\], Swiss-Shop \\[[@B32]\\], and ReHab \\[[@B33]\\], but a number of features set *emerencia*apart from these. *", "emerencia*is primarily a taxonomic utility designed to add an integrative aspect to GenBank data; its automated separation of identified and insufficiently identified sequences paves the way for researchers seeking reliable identification of species rather than merely the best possible match scores. *", "emerencia*can be installed locally or accessed over the Internet; in the latter case, the user will need nothing but a web browser. ", "The data structure of *emerencia*allows many types of interesting questions to be asked; for instance, insufficiently identified sequences and their present best identified matches can be listed publication-wise, or all insufficiently identified sequences that constitute the best BLAST match of some given identified sequence can be listed (essentially amounting to a BLAST run in reverse) (Table [1](#T1){ref-type=\"table\"}). *", "emerencia*is tailored for variable nucleotide sequences, whereas proteins represent the target for Swiss-Shop and ReHab. ", "Finally, the e-mail subscription utility provides a convenient way for users to stay taxonomically updated on select insufficiently identified sequences with a minimum of effort.", "\n\nConclusion\n==========\n\nInsufficiently identified sequences generally add little to the studies in which they are included, and it is important to estimate their identity as correctly as possible. ", "The magnitude of this manual task increases with the number of sequences, but this process can fortunately be automated. ", "However, in spite of computational advances, the taxonomic process itself lies beyond automation, alluding to the importance of both good species knowledge and the inherent need to always approach hypothesized identifications in a critical way.", "\n\nAvailability and requirements\n=============================\n\n**Project name:***emerencia*\n\n**Project home page:**<http://emerencia.math.chalmers.se>\n\n**Operating system(s):**Primarily UNIX type platforms\n\n**Programming language:**PERL, SQL\n\n**Other requirements:**BLAST, Apache httpd, BioPerl, Clustal W (optional)\n\n**License:**GNU GPL version 2\n\n**Any restrictions to use by non-academics:**None other than those imposed by GNU GPL version 2\n\nList of abbreviations\n=====================\n\nBLAST -- Basic Local Alignment Search Tool\n\n*ITS-*Internal Transcribed Spacers\n\nSQL -- Structured Query Language\n\nAuthors\\' contributions\n=======================\n\nAll authors contributed to the structure and functions of *emerencia*. ", "RHN and EK wrote most parts of the *emerencia*core, the CGI scripts, and the database handlers. ", "MR was responsible for the mycological part, including literature comparison, integrity testing, and data verification. ", "KHL contributed with advice on fungal taxonomy and systematics. ", "All authors drafted the manuscript and approved the final version.", "\n\nAcknowledgements\n================\n\nTom Bruns, University of California at Berkeley, is acknowledged for initiating the project. ", "The photos of Figure [1](#F1){ref-type=\"fig\"} were kindly provided by Leif & Anita Stridvall and Ellen Larsson, respectively. ", "Anders Sjögren is acknowledged for valuable advice on technical matters. ", "The manuscript benefited from helpful comments by Brandon Matheny and Manfred Binder. ", "Financial support to RHN from the Lars Hierta Foundation and from the Helge Ax: son Johnson Foundation are gratefully acknowledged. *", "emerencia*was created using only freely available software <http://www.gnu.org>.", "\n" ]
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[ "/*\n * Core driver for the CC770 and AN82527 CAN controllers\n *\n * Copyright (C) 2009, 2011 Wolfgang Grandegger <wg@grandegger.com>\n *\n * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify\n * it under the terms of the version 2 of the GNU General Public License\n * as published by the Free Software Foundation\n *\n * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ", "See the\n * GNU General Public License for more details.", "\n */\n\n#ifndef CC770_DEV_H\n#define CC770_DEV_H\n\n#include <linux/can/dev.h>\n\nstruct cc770_msgobj {\n\tu8 ctrl0;\n\tu8 ctrl1;\n\tu8 id[4];\n\tu8 config;\n\tu8 data[8];\n\tu8 dontuse;\t\t/* padding */\n} __packed;\n\nstruct cc770_regs {\n\tunion {\n\t\tstruct cc770_msgobj msgobj[16]; /* Message object 1..15 */\n\t\tstruct {\n\t\t\tu8 control;\t\t/* Control Register */\n\t\t\tu8 status;\t\t/* Status Register */\n\t\t\tu8 cpu_interface;\t/* CPU Interface Register */\n\t\t\tu8 dontuse1;\n\t\t\tu8 high_speed_read[2];\t/* High Speed Read */\n\t\t\tu8 global_mask_std[2];\t/* Standard Global Mask */\n\t\t\tu8 global_mask_ext[4];\t/* Extended Global Mask */\n\t\t\tu8 msg15_mask[4];\t/* Message 15 Mask */\n\t\t\tu8 dontuse2[15];\n\t\t\tu8 clkout;\t\t/* Clock Out Register */\n\t\t\tu8 dontuse3[15];\n\t\t\tu8 bus_config;\t\t/* Bus Configuration Register */\n\t\t\tu8 dontuse4[15];\n\t\t\tu8 bit_timing_0;\t/* Bit Timing Register byte 0 */\n\t\t\tu8 dontuse5[15];\n\t\t\tu8 bit_timing_1;\t/* Bit Timing Register byte 1 */\n\t\t\tu8 dontuse6[15];\n\t\t\tu8 interrupt;\t\t/* Interrupt Register */\n\t\t\tu8 dontuse7[15];\n\t\t\tu8 rx_error_counter;\t/* Receive Error Counter */\n\t\t\tu8 dontuse8[15];\n\t\t\tu8 tx_error_counter;\t/* Transmit Error Counter */\n\t\t\tu8 dontuse9[31];\n\t\t\tu8 p1_conf;\n\t\t\tu8 dontuse10[15];\n\t\t\tu8 p2_conf;\n\t\t\tu8 dontuse11[15];\n\t\t\tu8 p1_in;\n\t\t\tu8 dontuse12[15];\n\t\t\tu8 p2_in;\n\t\t\tu8 dontuse13[15];\n\t\t\tu8 p1_out;\n\t\t\tu8 dontuse14[15];\n\t\t\tu8 p2_out;\n\t\t\tu8 dontuse15[15];\n\t\t\tu8 serial_reset_addr;\n\t\t};\n\t};\n} __packed;\n\n/* Control Register (0x00) */\n#define CTRL_INI\t0x01\t/* Initialization */\n#define CTRL_IE\t\t0x02\t/* Interrupt Enable */\n#define CTRL_SIE\t0x04\t/* Status Interrupt Enable */\n#define CTRL_EIE\t0x08\t/* Error Interrupt Enable */\n#define CTRL_EAF\t0x20\t/* Enable additional functions */\n#define CTRL_CCE\t0x40\t/* Change Configuration Enable */\n\n/* Status Register (0x01) */\n#define STAT_LEC_STUFF\t0x01\t/* Stuff error */\n#define STAT_LEC_FORM\t0x02\t/* Form error */\n#define STAT_LEC_ACK\t0x03\t/* Acknowledgement error */\n#define STAT_LEC_BIT1\t0x04\t/* Bit1 error */\n#define STAT_LEC_BIT0\t0x05\t/* Bit0 error */\n#define STAT_LEC_CRC\t0x06\t/* CRC error */\n#define STAT_LEC_MASK\t0x07\t/* Last Error Code mask */\n#define STAT_TXOK\t0x08\t/* Transmit Message Successfully */\n#define STAT_RXOK\t0x10\t/* Receive Message Successfully */\n#define STAT_WAKE\t0x20\t/* Wake Up Status */\n#define STAT_WARN\t0x40\t/* Warning Status */\n#define STAT_BOFF\t0x80\t/* Bus Off Status */\n\n/*\n * CPU Interface Register (0x02)\n * Clock Out Register (0x1f)\n * Bus Configuration Register (0x2f)\n *\n * see include/linux/can/platform/cc770.h\n */\n\n/* Message Control Register 0 (Base Address + 0x0) */\n#define INTPND_RES\t0x01\t/* No Interrupt pending */\n#define INTPND_SET\t0x02\t/* Interrupt pending */\n#define INTPND_UNC\t0x03\n#define RXIE_RES\t0x04\t/* Receive Interrupt Disable */\n#define RXIE_SET\t0x08\t/* Receive Interrupt Enable */\n#define RXIE_UNC\t0x0c\n#define TXIE_RES\t0x10\t/* Transmit Interrupt Disable */\n#define TXIE_SET\t0x20\t/* Transmit Interrupt Enable */\n#define TXIE_UNC\t0x30\n#define MSGVAL_RES\t0x40\t/* Message Invalid */\n#define MSGVAL_SET\t0x80\t/* Message Valid */\n#define MSGVAL_UNC\t0xc0\n\n/* Message Control Register 1 (Base Address + 0x01) */\n#define NEWDAT_RES\t0x01\t/* No New Data */\n#define NEWDAT_SET\t0x02\t/* New Data */\n#define NEWDAT_UNC\t0x03\n#define MSGLST_RES\t0x04\t/* No Message Lost */\n#define MSGLST_SET\t0x08\t/* Message Lost */\n#define MSGLST_UNC\t0x0c\n#define CPUUPD_RES\t0x04\t/* No CPU Updating */\n#define CPUUPD_SET\t0x08\t/* CPU Updating */\n#define CPUUPD_UNC\t0x0c\n#define TXRQST_RES\t0x10\t/* No Transmission Request */\n#define TXRQST_SET\t0x20\t/* Transmission Request */\n#define TXRQST_UNC\t0x30\n#define RMTPND_RES\t0x40\t/* No Remote Request Pending */\n#define RMTPND_SET\t0x80\t/* Remote Request Pending */\n#define RMTPND_UNC\t0xc0\n\n/* Message Configuration Register (Base Address + 0x06) */\n#define MSGCFG_XTD\t0x04\t/* Extended Identifier */\n#define MSGCFG_DIR\t0x08\t/* Direction is Transmit */\n\n#define MSGOBJ_FIRST\t1\n#define MSGOBJ_LAST\t15\n\n#define CC770_IO_SIZE\t0x100\n#define CC770_MAX_IRQ\t20\t/* max. ", "number of interrupts handled in ISR */\n#define CC770_MAX_MSG\t4\t/* max. ", "number of messages handled in ISR */\n\n#define CC770_ECHO_SKB_MAX\t1\n\n#define cc770_read_reg(priv, member)\t\t\t\t\t\\\n\tpriv->read_reg(priv, offsetof(struct cc770_regs, member))\n\n#define cc770_write_reg(priv, member, value)\t\t\t\t\\\n\tpriv->write_reg(priv, offsetof(struct cc770_regs, member), value)\n\n/*\n * Message objects and flags used by this driver\n */\n#define CC770_OBJ_FLAG_RX\t0x01\n#define CC770_OBJ_FLAG_RTR\t0x02\n#define CC770_OBJ_FLAG_EFF\t0x04\n\nenum {\n\tCC770_OBJ_RX0 = 0,\t/* for receiving normal messages */\n\tCC770_OBJ_RX1,\t\t/* for receiving normal messages */\n\tCC770_OBJ_RX_RTR0,\t/* for receiving remote transmission requests */\n\tCC770_OBJ_RX_RTR1,\t/* for receiving remote transmission requests */\n\tCC770_OBJ_TX,\t\t/* for sending messages */\n\tCC770_OBJ_MAX\n};\n\n#define obj2msgobj(o)\t(MSGOBJ_LAST - (o)) /* message object 11..15 */\n\n/*\n * CC770 private data structure\n */\nstruct cc770_priv {\n\tstruct can_priv can;\t/* must be the first member */\n\tstruct sk_buff *echo_skb;\n\n\t/* the lower-layer is responsible for appropriate locking */\n\tu8 (*read_reg)(const struct cc770_priv *priv, int reg);\n\tvoid (*write_reg)(const struct cc770_priv *priv, int reg, u8 val);\n\tvoid (*pre_irq)(const struct cc770_priv *priv);\n\tvoid (*post_irq)(const struct cc770_priv *priv);\n\n\tvoid *priv;\t\t/* for board-specific data */\n\tstruct net_device *dev;\n\n\tvoid __iomem *reg_base;\t /* ioremap'ed address to registers */\n\tunsigned long irq_flags; /* for request_irq() */\n\n\tunsigned char obj_flags[CC770_OBJ_MAX];\n\tu8 control_normal_mode;\t/* Control register for normal mode */\n\tu8 cpu_interface;\t/* CPU interface register */\n\tu8 clkout;\t\t/* Clock out register */\n\tu8 bus_config;\t\t/* Bus conffiguration register */\n};\n\nstruct net_device *alloc_cc770dev(int sizeof_priv);\nvoid free_cc770dev(struct net_device *dev);\nint register_cc770dev(struct net_device *dev);\nvoid unregister_cc770dev(struct net_device *dev);\n\n#endif /* CC770_DEV_H */\n" ]
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[ 0.0006763889105059206, 0.0005785230896435678, 0.008047444745898247, 0.0007528206915594637, 0.0024377284571528435 ]
[ "Ep. #", "1, Introducing Steve and David\n\nIn this first episode, Steve and David discuss the origins of the term DX, they share their thoughts on what makes a great developer experience, and they talk about some of the challenges they face when designing developer facing products.", "\n\nRead more about DX from Steve in a great post published yesterday titled Let’s Talk About Developer Experience (DX) Design. ", "Steve dives further into the unique challenges that make DX different from UX.", "\n\nYou can follow the show on twitter @dontmakemecode and email Stephen and David at dmmc@heavybit.com to suggest a topic or guest for the show." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
[ 0.0009287727880291641, 0.000541204703040421, 0.0005535724340006709, 0.0008570333011448383, 0.0006525263888761401 ]
[ "Lion Nathan National Foods revenues down 11%\n\nLion Nathan National Foods announced its results for the quarter ended 31 December 2010, with tough results across the board.", "\n\nRevenues for National Foods and Lion Nathan Australia were both down 11%, to $729.8 and $430.2 respectively. ", "White milk volumes declined 11% for National Foods, and Lion Nathan’s 4% higher per-litre price was also knocked out by lower volumes. ", "Only Lion Nathan New Zealand delivered increased revenue, up 9% at NZ$204.7 million.", "\n\n“Rising interest rates and power costs, increased saving and the ongoing economic uncertainty have impacted consumer spending in the FMCG and retail sectors in both Australia and New Zealand. ", "Conditions in the December quarter were particularly challenging. ", "For LNNF, this flowed into early 2011 where circumstances were compounded by two external shocks, the earthquake in Christchurch and floods in Queensland,” said LNNF CEO Rob Murray.", "\n\nNational Foods cited difficult conditions for juice and dairy processors and farmers, as well as discounting on private label and control brands by major retailers, which it says threatens to further dilute the profit pool available to players in the supply chain.", "\n\n“NF is still a long way from achieving an acceptable return on invested capital and faces some considerable headwinds. ", "NF is experiencing significant margin pressures in both dairy and juice,” said a release from the company. “", "In the current year, National Foods return on invested capital is now expected to be well below an acceptable level.”", "\n\nDespite the bleak outlook, National Foods said the company is making “good progress” in integrating the former Dairy Farmers business, and cited Dare Iced Coffee and South Cape cheeses as good performers.", "\n\n“Dare Iced Coffee again performed well and is growing into a national brand, while the South Cape cheese brand has responded well to increased marketing and sales focus,” the company said.", "\n\nThe group’s beverage arm, Lion Nathan, cited a harsher Queensland market and the floods for a fall in overall market share, with the state representing the company’s highest share market.", "\n\nBeers XXXX and James Squire performed well, but a packaging fault on select batches of key brand Boag’s, sparking a recall, made an impact on volumes for the quarter.", "\n\nLion Nathan New Zealand’s 9% revenue increase was assisted by new wine brands acquired from Pernod Ricard, in particular the Lindauer trademark.", "\n\nWhile the quarter saw a decline in beer volumes, particularly on packaged beer, the company said this was broadly in line with the decline in the total beer market. ", "Spirits volumes increased by 5%, while ready-to-drink volumes reduced 3%." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.0006158503820188344, 0.0006098269368521869, 0.0007543700630776584, 0.0005935661611147225, 0.000559523468837142, 0.0005716774030588567, 0.0006749310996383429, 0.0006164357764646411, 0.0007376098656095564, 0.0005453010671772063, 0.0005707167438231409, 0.0005805665859952569, 0.0006246646516956389, 0.0005654858541674912, 0.0006905091577209532, 0.0006299386732280254, 0.000629084010142833, 0.0005647804937325418 ]
[ "Q:\n\nNumerical Analysis: Bisection -- Accuracy\n\nSuppose we have a computer program that estimates the root of an equation $f(x) = 0 $ by bisection.", "\nGiven that its truncation error $\\leq$ a & rounding error for evaluating $f(x)$ is $\\leq$ b \n(for a given range of x), what is the estimated accuracy of the root? ", "\nI am told that the Taylor expansion of $f(x)$ would be useful but I don't know how to proceed.", "\nThanks for any help!", "\n\nA:\n\nHint: At the point $x$ where you think $f(x)=0,$ you only really know that $|f(x)| \\lt a+b.$ Then how far off from the real root can you be? ", " You might think about the cases $f(x)=x$ and $f(x)=x^4$, which have rather different behavior.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.0006455553811974823, 0.000852746597956866, 0.0006037208950147033, 0.000578228966332972, 0.006684002932161093, 0.0006528880912810564, 0.001995444530621171 ]
[ "Andrew Keen​\n\nMEET ANDREW KEEN\n\nThe Internet is not the solution. ", "Rather, it is the all-consuming question of the first half of the 21st century – one Andrew Keen is committed to analyzing and answering.", "\n\nOne of the world’s most influential thinkers on 21st century business, technology and media, Keen is renowned for his controversial commentary on the digital revolution and its impact on culture and the economy. “", "If you don’t think your company is vulnerable to the digital revolution, then your company is dead,” says Keen. ", "He is the author of three books, including “Cult of the Amateur” (Doubleday, August 2007) and “Digital Vertigo” (St. Martin’s Griffin, April 2013). ", "His latest, internationally acclaimed “The Internet is Not the Answer” (Atlantic Monthly Press, January 2015), is hailed an “enormously useful primer for those of us concerned that online life isn’t as shiny as our digital avatars would like us to believe.”", "\n\nNeither dogmatic advocate nor hardened cynic, Keen identifies the good and the bad of technology, and explains its significance with both a human and historical perspective. ", "Sharp and witty, he is an acclaimed international speaker, respected for coupling hard-hitting, provocative perspectives with concrete solutions. ", "Named one of the “100 Most Connected Men” in 2015 by GQ magazine, Keen is the executive director of the Silicon Valley innovation salon FutureCast, host of the popular Internet chat show “Keen On” and a columnist for CNN. ", "He has appeared on many television and radio shows, including the Colbert Report, Today Show, Fox News, NPR’s Weekend Edition and BBC Newsnight. ", "His writings and commentary have also been featured in the Los Angeles Times, Wall Street Journal, Fast Company and Forbes, among many other major media.​Keen is a senior fellow at CALinnovates, an organization advocating for California’s consumers of technology and innovation. ", "A 20-plus year veteran of the technology industry, he has significant experience as an Internet entrepreneur and Silicon Valley executive. ", "He founded Audiocafe.com, a pioneer Internet music business, in 1995. ", "Keen continues to be an active advisor and investor in promising start-up companies.", "\n\nSPEAKING TOPICS\n\nWhy the Internet (Currently) is Not the AnswerThe Internet has ushered in one of the greatest shifts in society since the Industrial Revolution, and over the last 20 years, continues to contribute to the world in many positive ways. ", "But as a society, says Andrew Keen, we’re less aware of the Internet’s deeply negative effects on our psychology, economy and culture. ", "Keen navigates through the tech world – warts and all – and investigates what we can do to make sure the choices we make about the reconfiguring of our society do not lead to unpleasant and unforeseen aftershocks. ", "Drawing from his latest book, he offers a historical and contemporary analysis of the Internet, and explains how it can – and indeed must – be the answer in our increasingly networked society.", "\n\nThe AI Revolution: Be Afraid, Very AfraidThey are coming to an office near you: job-gobbling robots that can do your work better and more cheaply than you can. ", "In fact, 21st century machine intelligence may well be the greatest challenge to the human species in its history, argues Andrew Keen. ", "How did we get to a point in which many fear robots are on the verge of becoming more intelligent than human-beings? ", "Keen explores the current state and forecasts the future of artificial intelligence (AI), laying out the long-term economic implications of smart machines, particularly on human jobs. ", "In this age of connectivity – that on the surface promises the democratization of fame, power and wealth – Keen suggests how we must protect our value and keep the AI revolution from extending the inequality gap even further.", "\n\nThe Driverless Car: Implications of the Crisis of AuthorityThe more experts on “leadership,” the fewer leaders we have to steer us through the manifold crises of the early 21st century, argues Andrew Keen. ", "The world is drifting in very dangerous waters – from a structurally flawed EU to a morally compromised global financial system to the refugee crisis in the Mediterranean to the endless civil wars in the Middle East to the threat of artificial intelligence and biotech – and the bigger the problems, the weaker our leaders. ", "Explains Keen, we are now facing the specter of effective authoritarian leaders – from Vladimir Putin to Marine Le Pen – who are effectively stepping into the void left by ineffective political leadership in the west.", "\n\nARE YOU A SPEAKER\n\nSTAY CONNECTED\n\nSimply Life Speakers Bureau is a corporate consulting and talent acquisition firm built to assist corporate clients looking to hire celebrity speakers. ", "Simply Life Speakers Bureau does not identify as the exclusive agent representing ​any talent who appears on this website, nor does it claim to be their publicist, attorney, literary agent, manager, etc. ", "Any written materials associated with celebrity talent that appears on this website is provided to assist ​corporate clients in the process of booking a celebrity talent and is not intended to indicate representation ​of said talent or their obtain-ability for opportunities." ]
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[ "[Cells secreting hydrogen ions into the renal tubules].", "\nThe ultrastructure of the epithelial cells of the renal tubules and of parietal cells of the stomach in intact rats was compared with that in animals with acute metabolic acidosis and animals kept on dry food. ", "The studies were conducted on white male rats weighing 120-150 g. Acute metabolic acidosis was induced by a single intraperitoneal injection of 1 ml of a 1% solution of ammonium chloride. ", "Pieces of the tissue for electron microscopy were fixed with OsO4 and poured with araldit and epon-812. ", "The studies conducted revealed the ultrastructural similarity between the dark cells of the distal gyrous tubule and collecting tubes with parietal cells of the stomach. ", "This similarity was seen from the one-type distribution of mitochondria of the smooth-walled vesicules and appearance in acidosis of intracellular and intercellular tubules. ", "Such cells were not revealed in the proximal tubules, however, consideration of the results obtained and the literature data makes it possible to suggest that all cells of the proximal part of the nephron secret H+-ions, this being one of their functions. ", "In the distal gyrous tubules and in the collecting tube this function is realized by specialized dark cells." ]
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[ "The Bug Boys\n\nFriends\n\nFriday, February 02, 2007\n\nWhy We Mourn Barbaro\n\nFor those of you that are fans of sports in general, and not just horse racing, this is fantastic. ", "It's an op-ed piece from the New York Times, and it makes it point well:\n\nWhy We Mourn BarbaroBy JEFF NEUMANPublished: February 1, 2007HE never talked about himself in the third person.", "He didn’t trash-talk, taunt or hang on the rim.", "Down the stretch of the Kentucky Derby, he didn’t turn and point at Bluegrass Cat, and he didn’t somersault over the finish line. ", "After crossing the line, he didn’t pull out a Sharpie and autograph his saddle for his business manager.", "He never referred to his handlers as “my supporting cast.", "”He never tried to renegotiate his contract. ", "He never turned down an eight-figure offer by saying, “I’ve got a family to feed, man.", "”His only tattoo was discreetly hidden.", "He did no commercials for cellphone plans, credit cards, fast food chains or time shares.", "He never had his agent issue a statement in which he apologized “if anybody took my actions the wrong way.", "”He never appeared before a Congressional committee and lied about his steroid use.", "He never dated Paris Hilton.", "He was never involved in an altercation with a belligerent fan outside a club at 4 in the morning. ", "He was never arrested for drunken driving. ", "He did not own an unregistered handgun.", "He never claimed he’d been disrespected. ", "He never left his competitors in the dust and then said, ”I didn’t have my A game.” ", "He did not attribute his victories to the glory of his personal Savior.", "Isiah Thomas never tried to trade for him.", "He was never a presenter at the ESPYs.", "He never claimed he was misquoted in his autobiography. ", "He never confessed to a double murder in the subjunctive tense.", "He trained, ate and slept. ", "He ran his races, gave his best effort, accepted plaudits graciously, went back to his stall and prepared to do it again the next time out.", "He never fathered multiple offspring out of wedlock. ", "Alas.", "\n\nThank you Mr. Neuman for pointing out some of the greatness in our sport." ]
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[ "UPDATE: The Hollywood Reporter tells us that Aubrey Peeples (Nashville) has landed her first major film role as Jem in the forthcoming Jem and the Holograms movie. ", "Additionally, Stefanie Scott (Disney's A.N.T. Farm) has been cast as Jem's sister Kimber, while Aurora Perrineau (Pretty Little Liars) and Kayley Kiyoko (The Fosters) will play other Hologram band members, Shana and Aja, respectively.", "\n\nAnd here's our first tease of them in their respective roles:\n\nCatch up on Jem and the Holograms with our original story on the movie below.", "\n\nRocking '80s cartoon icon Jem is getting her own live-action movie thanks to producer Jason Blum (Sinister, Paranormal Activity) and director Jon M. Chu (G.I. Joe: Retaliation), but that's not the real news here. ", "According to the video that announced this project, which came out of left field, Blum and company want to crowd-source the making of the movie about a teenage girl who becomes a singing sensation and then embarks on a scavenger hunt (the '80s were weird).", "\n\nNo, this isn't another Kickstarter project for a preexisting, already popular product. ", "They're not looking for the money to make this happen. ", "What they're looking for is inspiration.", "\n\nThe minds behind the movie want to essentially get fans involved from the ground up to help cast the movie, create the songs, and even have a hand in what Jem's costumes will look like. ", "Basically, if you have any ideas for the film, post them to various social media sites using the hashtag #JemTheMovie and their team will be on the lookout, and your ideas - or yourself, if you're an actor - may end up in the movie.", "\n\nThere seems to be a pretty nebulous structure to all of this, though thanks to the \"upload it, we'll find it eventually, maybe we'll use it\" system, so who knows if they'll actually end up using any of these fan submissions. ", "Whether fans truly will influence the movie or not isn't really the point, though. ", "This is actually a clever way to create a social campaign for a movie long before it ever even comes out. ", "The best thing about crowd-sourcing isn't the money it can raise, it's the fan base it can build. ", "Jem obviously already has a fan base, so this is just the cheapest way to put it on their radar while also introducing it to the tech-savvy generation. ", "It's yet another forward-thinking business model from Jason Blum.", "\n\nHowever, this isn't the only creative crowd-sourcing plan currently going on online. ", "TentSquare , from producer Andrew van den Houten (All Cheerleaders Die, Funeral Kings) is also experimenting with crowd-sourcing the creative side of filmmaking, only they're doing it in a much more structured and direct way. ", "Users vote on various aspects of the process, from script to cinematographer, and then once the community puts all the pieces into place, the pros actually make it all happen.", "\n\nWill either of these things result in amazing movies? ", "It's obviously too early to tell, but both of them arriving back-to-back does show that producers are trying to find ways to integrate social media into the production process. ", "Now we just have to wait and see if it pays off for them.", "\n\nMORE FROM AROUND THE WEB:" ]
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[ "Videos of a man being dragged off a full US domestic flight provoked a social media outcry.", "\n\nThe head of United Airlines has apologised for the incident.", "\n\nSo could you be bumped off a flight?" ]
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[ "1. ", "Field of the Invention\nThe invention relates to a scribing apparatus for a liquid crystal display that occupies little space and enhances productivity, a substrate cutting apparatus equipped with the scribing apparatus, and a substrate cutting method using the substrate cutting apparatus.", "\n2. ", "Discussion of the Related Art\nLCD devices display a desired image by individually supplying image data signals according to liquid crystal cells arranged in a matrix array, thereby controlling respective light transmittances of the liquid crystal cells.", "\nThe manufacture of such LCD devices utilizes a large-area mother substrate on which thin film transistor (TFT) array substrates are formed. ", "Another large-area mother substrate, on which color filter (C/F) substrates are formed, is used. ", "In order to achieve an improvement in throughput, the mother substrates are joined together to simultaneously form multiple of liquid crystal panels. ", "Then, it is necessary to perform a process to cut the joined mother substrates into unit liquid crystal panels.", "\nThe liquid crystal panel cutting process generally includes a scribing process to form a crack to a desired depth in a surface of a mother substrate by using a scribing wheel made of a diamond material having a hardness higher than that of the mother substrate, which is made of, for example, glass. ", "A breaking process applies a mechanical force to the mother substrate, thereby cutting the mother substrate.", "\nFIG. ", "1 shows a sectional view illustrating a related art LCD device. ", "This LCD device is manufactured in accordance with the following method. ", "For simplicity, the following description will be given only in conjunction with one pixel region.", "\nFIG. ", "1 shows a gate electrode 11 made of a conductive material such as metal that is initially formed on a first transparent substrate 10 at a predetermined region. ", "A gate insulating film 12 made of a silicon nitride (SiNx) or silicon oxide (SiO2) is then formed over the entire upper surface of the first substrate 10 including the gate electrode 11.", "\nThereafter, an active layer 13 made of amorphous silicon is formed on the gate insulating film 12 at a region corresponding to the gate electrode 11. ", "An ohmic contact layer 14 is formed on the active layer 13 at regions corresponding to respective lateral edge portions of the active layer 13. ", "The ohmic contact layer 14 is formed from doped amorphous silicon.", "\nSource and drain electrodes 15 and 16 are made of a conductive material such as metal and are subsequently formed on the ohmic contact layer 14. ", "The gate electrode 11 together with the source and drain electrodes 15 and 16 constitute a thin film transistor T.\nAlthough not shown, the gate electrode 11 connects to a gate line, and the source electrode 15 connects to a data line. ", "The gate line and data line cross each other and define a pixel region.", "\nA protective film 17 is then formed over the entire upper surface of the first substrate 10 including the source and drain electrodes 15 and 16. ", "The protective film 17 is made from silicon nitride, silicon oxide, or an organic insulating material. ", "The protective film 17 has a contact hole 18 that exposes a predetermined portion of the surface of the drain electrode 16.", "\nThereafter, a pixel electrode 19 made of a transparent conductive material is formed on the protective film 17 at the pixel region. ", "The pixel electrode 19 connects to the drain electrode 16 via the contact hole 18.", "\nA first orientation film 20 is then formed over the entire upper surface of the first substrate 10 including the pixel electrode 19. ", "The first orientation film 20 is made of, for example, polyimide, and has a surface on which the molecules of the first orientation film 20 orient in a predetermined direction.", "\nA second transparent substrate 31 is arranged over the first substrate 10 while being vertically spaced apart from the first substrate 10 by a predetermined distance.", "\nA black matrix 32 is formed on a lower surface of the second substrate 31 at a region corresponding to the thin film transistor T of the first substrate 10. ", "Although not shown, the black matrix 32 also covers a region other than the pixel electrode 19.", "\nA color filter 33 is then formed on the second substrate 31 beneath the black matrix 32. ", "Color filters are usually arranged in the form of repeated filter patterns of red (R), green (G), and blue (B), each of which corresponds to one pixel region.", "\nA common electrode 34 made of a transparent conductive material is subsequently formed on the second substrate 31 beneath the color filter 33. ", "A second orientation film 35 is then formed on the second substrate 31 beneath the common electrode 34. ", "The second orientation film 35 is made of, for example, polyimide, and has a surface on which the molecules of the second orientation film 35 orient in a predetermined direction.", "\nThe first orientation film 20 and the second orientation film 35A seal a liquid crystal layer 40 between them.", "\nManufacturing the above-described LCD device uses an array substrate fabrication process involving the formation of thin film transistors and pixel electrodes on a substrate to fabricate an array substrate, a color filter substrate fabrication process involving formation of color filters and a common electrode on another substrate to fabricate a color filter substrate, a liquid crystal panel fabrication process involving arrangement of the fabricated substrates, injection and sealing of a liquid crystal material, and attachment of polarizing plates to fabricate a liquid crystal panel.", "\nFIG. ", "2 shows a flow chart illustrating a related art LCD manufacturing method.", "\nFIG. ", "2 shows that in this method, a thin film transistor (TFT) array substrate including TFTs, and a color filter substrate including color filters are first prepared (S1).", "\nThe TFT array substrate is fabricated by repeatedly performing processes of depositing a thin film and pattering the deposited thin film. ", "In this case, the number of masks used for patterning of thin films in the fabrication of the TFT array substrate corresponds to the number of processes used in the fabrication of the TFT array substrate. ", "Currently, research is underway to reduce the number of masks to thus reduce the manufacturing costs.", "\nThe color filter substrate is fabricated by sequentially forming a black matrix for preventing light from leaking through a region other than pixel regions, R, G, and B color filters, and the common electrode. ", "The color filters may be formed using a dyeing method, a printing method, a pigment dispersion method, an electro-deposition method, or the like. ", "Currently, the pigment dispersion method finds wide use.", "\nAfterwards, an orientation film is formed over each substrate to determine the initial alignment direction of the liquid crystal molecules (S2).", "\nCoating a polymer thin film, and treating the surface of the polymer thin film such that the molecules of the polymer thin film on the treated surface orient in a predetermined direction form the orientation film. ", "Generally, polyimide-based organic materials are used for the orientation film. ", "For the orientation method, a rubbing method is generally used.", "\nIn the rubbing method, the orientation film is rubbed in a predetermined direction using a rubbing cloth. ", "This rubbing method is suitable for mass production because of the ease of the orientation treatment. ", "Also, the rubbing method advantageously achieves stable orientation and easy control of the pretilt angle.", "\nAn optical orientation method has recently been developed and practically used that achieves orientation using polarized beams.", "\nNext, a seal pattern is formed at one of the two substrates (S3). ", "The seal pattern is arranged around the region where the image is to be displayed. ", "The seal pattern has a port for injection of a liquid crystal material, and the seal pattern prevents the injected liquid crystal material from leaking.", "\nThe seal pattern is made by forming a thermosetting resin layer having a predetermined pattern. ", "A screen printing method uses a screen mask. ", "A seal dispenser method using a dispenser may be used.", "\nThe screen printing method, which has process convenience, is mainly used. ", "However, the screen printing method also has drawbacks in that poor quality product may be produced because the screen mask may come into contact with the orientation film. ", "Furthermore, the screen mask cannot easily cope with increasing substrate sizes. ", "For this reason, there is a gradual substitution of a seal dispenser method for the screen printing method.", "\nSubsequently, spacers of a predetermined size are sprayed on one of the either TFT array substrate or the color filter substrate to maintain an accurate and uniform space between the two substrates (S4).", "\nThe methods for spraying spacers include a wet spray method where spacer material is sprayed while being mixed with alcohol, and a dry spray method where spacer material is sprayed undiluted. ", "For the dry spray method, there includes an electrostatic spray method using static electricity, and an ionic spray method using pressurized gas. ", "Since LCDs are easily damaged by static electricity, the ionic spray method is mainly used.", "\nThereafter, the two substrates of the LCD, i.e., the TFT array substrate and color filter substrate, are arranged such that the seal pattern becomes interposed between the substrates. ", "In this state, the seal pattern is cured under pressure to join the substrates (S5). ", "In this case, the orientation films of the substrates face each other, and the pixel electrodes and color filters have a one-to-one correspondence.", "\nNext, the joined substrates are cut into single liquid crystal panels (S6).", "\nMultiple liquid crystal panels, each of which will become one LCD device, are generally formed on one substrate sheet and are then separated into individual panels in order enhance manufacturing efficiency and reduce manufacturing costs.", "\nThe liquid crystal panel cutting process includes a scribing process to form a crack in a surface of each substrate using a scribing wheel made of a diamond material having a hardness higher than that of the substrate. ", "The substrate can be made of, for example, glass. ", "Then, a breaking process positions a breaking bar at a portion of the substrate where the crack is formed and applies a predetermined pressure to the breaking bar, thereby cutting the substrate in the direction along which the crack extends.", "\nSubsequently, a liquid crystal material is injected between the two substrates of each liquid crystal panel (S7). ", "A vacuum injection method that utilizes a pressure difference between the interior and exterior of the liquid crystal panel is mainly used to inject the liquid crystal material. ", "Micro air bubbles may be present in the liquid crystal material injected into the interior of the liquid crystal panel, and bubbles may thus be present in the interior of the liquid crystal panel, thereby causing the liquid crystal panel to have poor quality. ", "In order to prevent such a problem, it is accordingly necessary to perform a de-bubbling process in which the liquid crystal is maintained under a vacuum for a prolonged time to remove bubbles by outgassing.", "\nAfter the liquid crystal injection is complete, the injection port is sealed to prevent the liquid crystal from leaking out through the injection port. ", "Coating an ultraviolet-setting resin over the injection port, and irradiating ultraviolet light at the coated resin to thereby set the coated resin achieve sealing the injection port.", "\nNext, polarizing plates are attached to the outer surfaces of the liquid crystal panel, and driving circuits are then connected to the liquid crystal panel. ", "Thus, an LCD device is completely manufactured (S8).", "\nFIGS. ", "3A to 3F illustrate sequential steps of a related art process for cutting a mother substrate for separating the mother substrate into unit liquid crystal panels, using a related art substrate cutting apparatus, through sectional views and plan views.", "\nThe process for cutting a joined mother substrate (scribing and breaking processes) is usually carried out by using a substrate cutting apparatus. ", "In FIGS. ", "3A to 3F, a mother substrate (1,000 mm×1,200 mm) is illustrated on which six 18.1″ liquid crystal panels are arranged.", "\nIn the cutting process, a joined mother substrate 52 is first loaded on a table 51 included in a loader, as shown in FIG. ", "3A.\nThe joined mother substrate 52 includes a TFT substrate 52a and a color filter (C/F) substrate 52b. ", "\nIn FIG. ", "3A, the upper figure shows a sectional view illustrating the mother substrate 52 loaded on the table 51, and the lower figure is a plan view illustrating the mother substrate 52 on the table 51 when viewed from the top.", "\nFIG. ", "3B shows that the mother substrate 52 is then inverted so that the TFT substrate 52a of the mother substrate 52 faces upward.", "\nThen, a wheel 53 is aligned along a selected separation line on the TFT substrate 52a. ", "The wheel 53 is made of a diamond material having a hardness higher than that of the material of the substrate, for example, glass. ", "The wheel 53 is then moved along the separation line while rotating to form a crack having a predetermined depth and extending in a long or short-axis direction (indicated by arrows in the drawing). ", "This operation is repeated until cracks corresponding to all separation lines on the TFT substrate 52a are formed.", "\nThereafter, the mother substrate 52 is inverted such that the C/F substrate 52b of the mother substrate 52 faces upward, as shown in FIG. ", "3C. A breaking bar 54 is then arranged on the C/F substrate 52b. ", "\nSubsequently, a predetermined pressure is applied by the breaking bar 54, thereby completely opening the cracks. ", "As a result, the TFT substrate 52a cuts along the cracks, so that the TFT substrate 52a separates into unit liquid crystal panels.", "\nNext, the wheel 53 is aligned with a selected separation line on the C/F substrate 52b, as shown in FIG. ", "3D.\nThe wheel 53 is then moved along the separation line while rotating to form a crack having a predetermined depth and extending in a long or short-axis direction (indicated by arrows in the drawing). ", "This operation is repeated until cracks corresponding to all separation lines on the C/F substrate 52b are formed.", "\nThereafter, the mother substrate 52 is then inverted such that the TFT substrate 52a of the mother substrate 52 faces upward, as shown in FIG. ", "3E. The breaking bar 54 is then arranged on the TFT substrate 52a of the inverted mother substrate 52. ", "A predetermined pressure is then applied to the breaking bar 54 to thereby cause the C/F substrate 52b to separate into the unit liquid crystal panels.", "\nAs shown in FIG. ", "3F, separated pieces of the mother substrate corresponding to respective unit liquid crystal panels are then unloaded. ", "That is, the separated substrate pieces are simultaneously lifted from the table 51 by using a suction cup assembly (not shown). ", "The substrate pieces are then fed to a station for subsequent processing.", "\nFIG. ", "4 illustrates the arrangement of scribing and breaking devices included in the conventional substrate cutting apparatus.", "\nFIG. ", "4 shows the related art substrate cutting apparatus that includes a loader 70 for receiving a mother substrate, where the mother substrate includes a TFT substrate 60 and a C/F substrate 65 joined together. ", "The mother substrate is loaded while being seated on the loader 70. ", "A first scriber 71 forms cracks in the mother substrate seated on the loader 70 along separation lines on the TFT substrate 60 of the mother substrate. ", "A first breaker 72 applies a force to the cracks formed by the first scriber 71 at the side of the mother substrate opposite to the TFT substrate 60, thereby cutting the TFT substrate 60. ", "The substrate cutting apparatus also includes a second scriber 73 for forming cracks in the mother substrate seated on the loader 70 along separation lines on the C/F substrate 65 of the mother substrate. ", "A second breaker 74 applies a force to the cracks formed by the second scriber 73 at the side of the mother substrate opposite to the C/F substrate 65, thereby cutting the C/F substrate 65 to completely separate the mother substrate into substrate pieces corresponding to unit liquid crystal panels. ", "The substrate cutting apparatus further includes a suction cup assembly 75 for simultaneously lifting and feeding the separated substrate pieces, a separation table 76 for separating the separated substrate pieces from the suction cup assembly 75, and an unloader 77 for transferring the separated substrate pieces from the separation table 76 to a station for subsequent processing.", "\nThe suction cup assembly 75 moves between the second breaker 74 and the separation table 76 to feed the substrate pieces, i.e., the unit liquid crystal panels, completely separated by the second breaker 74 to the separation table 76. ", "The substrate cutting apparatus further includes conveying rollers 78 and a robot 79 to feed the mother substrate to a desired station during the scribing and breaking processes.", "\nHowever, the above-described related art substrate cutting apparatus and method have numerous problems.", "\nThat is, the recent trend of LCD devices is to provide a larger display, so that it is necessary to use scribing and breaking devices adapted to an increased size for the processing of larger substrates. ", "As a result, these large scale scribing and breaking devices must occupy a large part of a clean room. ", "To this end, scribing and breaking processes for cutting of TFT and C/F substrates are respectively carried out at different locations. ", "As a result, excessive space is required and the productivity degrades." ]
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[ "5 Cheats\n\nEasy Money\n\nIf you are tired of running out of money, play as the Ferengi and set up trade routes with every race you come in contact with.", "\n\nSubmitted by:IGN_Cheats\n\nCheat Codes\n\nStart the game with the command line TREK.EXE -MUDD. (", "Note the space before the dash (-)). ", "While playing, press any of the following keys:\n\nF9 -- 100% research points distributed between current projects\n\nF10 -- 10,000 additional credits\n\nF11 -- Reveal full map\n\nSubmitted by:IGN_Cheats\n\nIncrease percentage in the build menu\n\nFirst use the Trek.exe -Mudd code then in the main game right click click\nthe button at the top left the one with microchip then click the management\nthe one where you manage how many percent you devote on the research then\npress F9-F10 at the same time you will notive that the research percentage\ngo up and if it goes to the 100 just click turn then you will learn that\nresearch.", "\n\nSubmitted by:IGN_Cheats\n\nDiplomacy Trick\n\nThis isn't a cheat as it is so much a trick to get other races to join you\nall at once. ", "It places you massively in debt, so make sure you have\nnothing important to do for the next ten turns or so. ", "Save up a wad of\ncredits and offer each minor race the maximum you can give to get their\nnext level of diplomacy, i.e. friendship-affiliation-membership. ", "You end\nup getting just about everyone you asked, assuming you had about 3000 to\nstart with, and the money you get from the trade routes or the new minor\nrace system from a new member will make the deficet in your empire worth it.", "\n\nThis isn't a cheat as it is so much a trick to get other races to join you\nall at once. ", "It places you massively in debt, so make sure you have\nnothing important to do for the next ten turns or so. ", "Save up a wad of\ncredits and offer each minor race the maximum you can give to get their\nnext level of diplomacy, i.e. friendship-affiliation-membership. ", "You end\nup getting just about everyone you asked, assuming you had about 3000 to\nstart with, and the money you get from the trade routes or the new minor\nrace system from a new member will make the deficet in your empire worth it.", "\n\nSubmitted by:IGN_Cheats\n\nView different Slides\n\nTo use these codes, you must start the game with these command lines (Note the space before the dash (-)).", "\n\nTREK.EXE -bones (View the slides that appear when you form an alliance)\n\nTREK.EXE -gorn (View the slides that appear when you lose the game)\n\nTREK.EXE -kirk (View the slides that appear when you annihilate a planet)\n\nTREK.EXE -picard (View the slides that appear when you achieve domination over the\ngalaxy)" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.007882651872932911, 0.001038394053466618, 0.0006140170735307038, 0.000777594221290201, 0.0017488376470282674, 0.011536835692822933, 0.0006345813162624836, 0.0014705985086038709, 0.0065584685653448105, 0.011536835692822933, 0.0006345813162624836, 0.0014705985086038709, 0.0006623479421250522, 0.001763834967277944 ]
[ "Influence of Nasal Tear Osmolarity on Ocular Symptoms Related to Dry Eye Disease.", "\nTo investigate relationships between local tear osmolarity and tear film characteristics and dry eye disease (DED) symptoms. ", "Prospective, cross-sectional, observational study. ", "Nasal and temporal tear osmolarity were measured in subjects with DED. ", "The difference between nasal and temporal tears (OSM difference) was then calculated. ", "Ocular symptoms were evaluated and tear break-up time (TBUT), corneal fluorescein staining score (CFSS), eyelid hyperemia, and tear production were measured. ", "Correlations between DED symptoms and nasal tear osmolarity, temporal tear osmolarity, OSM difference, and tear film characteristics were evaluated using Pearson correlation analyses. ", "Subjects were divided into 3 groups based on OSM difference: the temporal group had a temporal osmolarity > nasal osmolarity, the nasal group had a temporal osmolarity < nasal osmolarity, and the equal group had an OSM difference < 10 mOsm/L. Forty-eight eyes of 48 subjects were included. ", "Eleven eyes were in the temporal group, 17 eyes were in the equal group, and 20 eyes were in the nasal group. ", "Temporal osmolarity, nasal osmolarity, and OSM difference were not correlated with TBUT, CFSS, lid hyperemia, or tear production. ", "Nasal tear osmolarity was correlated with cold sensitivity frequency (r = 0.298, P = .040), foreign body sensation severity (r = 0.293, P = .043), and light sensitivity severity (r = 0.293, P = .043). ", "Additionally, OSM difference was correlated with daily symptom frequency (r = 0.339, P = .019). ", "Nasal tear osmolarity and OSM difference play an important role in DED symptoms. ", "Lid hyperemia, TBUT, CFSS, and tear secretion volume are not significantly affected by tear osmolarity. ", "It is important to measure both nasal and temporal tear osmolarity when evaluating patients with DED." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.0031566505786031485, 0.0008125164895318449, 0.000611383409705013, 0.0016737577971071005, 0.0011104631703346968, 0.0009365722653456032, 0.0008286474039778113, 0.0010824507335200906, 0.0012986863730475307, 0.0009410461061634123, 0.0009525302448309958, 0.00069267931394279, 0.002354754600673914, 0.0008448737789876759, 0.000978938420303166 ]
[ "// The MIT License (MIT)\n//\n// Copyright (c) 2017 Saoud Rizwan <hello@saoudmr.com>\n//\n// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy\n// of this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to deal\n// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights\n// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell\n// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is\n// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:\n//\n// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in\n// all copies or substantial portions of the Software.", "\n//\n// THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR\n// IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,\n// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. ", "IN NO EVENT SHALL THE\n// AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER\n// LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM,\n// OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN\n// THE SOFTWARE.", "\n\n#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>\n\n//! ", "Project version number for Disk.", "\nFOUNDATION_EXPORT double DiskVersionNumber;\n\n//! ", "Project version string for Disk.", "\nFOUNDATION_EXPORT const unsigned char DiskVersionString[];\n\n\n" ]
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[ 0.0005951832281425595, 0.0007320605800487101, 0.000748653372284025, 0.0012327395379543304, 0.0007519444916397333, 0.00114743213634938, 0.0007505313260480762, 0.0012104252818971872 ]
[ "The writing had been on the wall for George Lopez 's late-night show on TBS. ", "There was speculation that TBS was planning to cancel the show last year, but Conan O'Brien insisted on Lopez sticking around so he is not perceived as the guy who got Lopez fired. ", "So Lopez Tonight got a stay of execution but now the show, originally developed by Telepictures as a syndicated talk show, has come to an end after a two-season run. ", "There have been rumors that TBS had tried to make the show broader and less ethnic. ", "For one reason or another, both late-night shows with minority hosts, Lopez Tonight and Bet's The Mo'Nique Show , bit the dust within the past 2 weeks. ", "Here is the official statement from TBS: \"TBS has reached the difficult decision not to order a third season of Lopez Tonight . ", "Thursday will be the final episode of the show." ]
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[ 0.0007643761346116662, 0.0007597643416374922, 0.0007170935859903693, 0.0006283422117121518, 0.0013326958287507296, 0.0006100978935137391, 0.005191519856452942 ]
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", "to beat such a terrifying candidate, we must each personally engage and share the reasons why we are voting against trump with everyone we know.", "\n\nacn will be featured on nbc's celebrity apprentice with donald trump on march 27, 2011. ", "acn business opportunity is one the most dyanmic professional network marketing opportunities in the home-based business / work from home market today. ", "partner with acn senior vice president, shane douglas, a network marketing professional who is a top income earner throughout the landscape of multi-level marketing / mlm.", "\n\nacn will be featured on nbc's celebrity apprentice with donald trump on march 27, 2011. ", "acn business opportunity is one the most dyanmic professional network marketing opportunities in the home-based business / work from home market today. ", "partner with acn senior vice president, shane douglas, a network marketing professional who is a top income earner throughout the landscape of multi-level marketing / mlm.", "\n\nanybody but trump - trump loves to hate! ", "his racial overtones and inflammatory comments against women, blacks, latinos, and others are not to be tolerated. 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", "facts, figures, and tidbits about the general election, primaries, caucuses, delegate selection plan, state and national political conventions, and candidates.", "\n\nduring the presidential debates, donald trump has revealed himself to be quite happy using a loophole called \"the timeline paradox\", wherein the candidate will make statements that may or may not be true on other timelines, but not this one.", "\n\nstrategic voting 2015 canadian federal election | don’t make a statement, make a difference\n\nfind out how to vote strategically in the canadian federal election to support progressive candidate in your district. ", "vote strategically and prevent vote splitting. ", "make a real change by electing a strong progressive government in canada.", "\n\nstill not sure what candidate you are going to support during for the 2012 for the democratic primary ballot? ", "23 year democrat candidate for president u.s.a. 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", "opencampaign is a political social network that matches individuals and politicians by local and national issues. ", "opencampaign is the evolution of politics in the 21st century that draws voters and politicians into a virtual town hall to create, discuss and highlight important issues. ", "who should i vote for 2016. ", "who should i vote for. ", "gary johnson, donald trump, hillary clinton, jill stein, darrel castle, 3rd party candidate 2016, third party candidate 2016\n\ndonald trump will rebuild our military and make american respected again in the world, beat isis and radical islam, stop the scourge of illegal immigration by fixing our borders and build a wall that mexico will pay for, repeal and replace obamacare, end the circle of lobbyists and special interests that are sucking us dry\n\npoliticade is a left-leaning alternative to mainstream media. 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[ "San Francisco's Alex Smith (left) and Seattle's Matt Flynn both received three-year contracts in the offseason.", "\n\nOne team was the toast of the NFL last season, rising out of a decade-long slumber and landing on the doorstep of the biggest stage in American sports. ", "The other spent the second half of 2011, even while in the middle of franchise overhaul, as one of the league's most dangerous teams, beating the Baltimore Ravens, and blowing out the Philadelphia Eagles and Chicago Bears.", "\n\nBut most interesting is that months after an optimism-pumping fall, in a quarterback-driven league, neither the San Francisco 49ers nor the Seattle Seahawks have a definitive answer going forward at the game's most important position.", "\n\nYes, the Niners have Alex Smith, who led the club to a 13-3 mark last fall. ", "And sure, Seattle signed Matt Flynn, the biggest quarterbacking name on the market outside of that fella who used to play for the Indianapolis Colts.", "\n\nBut facts are facts. ", "Both Seattle and San Francisco made runs at Peyton Manning. ", "Both clubs have drafted a quarterback outside the first round, but inside the first 75 picks in the past two years.", "\n\nAnd for the rest of the story, let's take a cue from \"All the President's Men\" and follow the money on Smith and Flynn, both of whom signed three-year deals in March. ", "Here's a look ...\n\n• 2012: $5 million base salary (fully guaranteed); $3 million roster bonus; $1.25 million in likely-to-be-earned incentives; $1.75 million in unlikely incentives.• 2013: $7.5 million base salary ($1 million guaranteed); $1 million roster bonus; $1.25 million in likely-to-be-earned incentives; $1.75 million in unlikely incentives.• 2014: $7.5 million base salary; $1.25 million in likely-to-be-earned incentives; $1.75 million in unlikely incentives.", "\n\nWhat it means: Smith was guaranteed $9 million upon signing ($10.5 million with injury guarantees), but this could well be a deal that runs a year and is worth only that much. ", "The 2013 roster bonus is due in March, and if Smith is on the roster on April 1 of next year, his $7.5 million base salary will be guaranteed. ", "If they cut him before the roster bonus comes due, they only owe him the $1 million guarantee. ", "So, at least from a practical standpoint, the Niners will have to make a decision next March if Smith will be the starter for 2013.", "\n\nWhat it means: Flynn's guarantee is similar to Smith's -- at $10 million -- but the structure is different. ", "Where Smith's deal forces the club to declare intentions after Year 1, Flynn's deal gives him two years to develop, which makes sense since he's new in Seattle and Smith isn't in San Francisco. ", "If the Seahawks cut Flynn next spring, the cap hit would be $6 million, whereas the hit would be $7.25 million to have him on the roster. ", "That makes the deal almost like a two-year pact with a third-year option.", "\n\n* * *\n\nFrom a team standpoint, there's clarity in the Niners' intention to make Smith their starter in 2012 and decide where things go in the future from there. ", "There's more murkiness as to where Flynn fits in for Seattle.", "\n\nThough Flynn was a big name on the market, Seattle's financial commitment to its first two quarterbacks isn't much different now from where it was last fall. ", "In 2011, Tarvaris Jackson and Charlie Whitehurst pulled in about $8 million, where the club will sink between $9 million and $10 million on Jackson and Flynn this year. ", "Flynn was initially looking for a deal in the neighborhood of what Matt Cassel got in Kansas City, but the Seahawks' message is clear through the finances: A starting job isn't promised.", "\n\nJeremiah: Strongest QB division?", "\n\nThe balance of QB power has shifted to the NFC.", "\nDaniel Jeremiah offers a quarterback power rankings by division.", "\nMore ...\n\nAnd that is central to Pete Carroll's \"Always Compete\" philosophy, as is rookie Russell Wilson's entrance into the fray last weekend. ", "Wilson's performance at rookie minicamp was enough to buy him that shot, which is about as much as a first-year guy can accomplish this early. ", "People in the building will remind you, too, that Carroll, going back to USC and his propensity there for playing freshman, won't shy away from counting on a kid like Wilson. ", "Carroll proved that last year in replacing Brandon Stokley with undrafted rookie Doug Baldwin.", "\n\nIn San Francisco, they have a developmental player at the position, too. ", "Colin Kaepernick was taken just four picks outside the first round in 2011 and one pick behind Andy Dalton, who led the Bengals to the playoffs as a Day 1 starter.", "\n\nThe jury is still out on Kaepernick, with some questions having surrounded his instincts for the position. ", "Conversely, the Niners were comfortable enough with him to take a hard-line approach in the Smith negotiations in March, a tact that could've led to Kaepernick ascending to the top spot of the depth chart for a Super Bowl contender.", "\n\nWhere does that leave us? ", "Two \"competitive piece\" veterans and a promising young player fighting for time in Seattle, and a starter playing to keep his job with a young player fighting to prove he's the answer long-term in San Francisco.", "\n\nAnd around those guys are two nicely rebuilt clubs with plenty to be excited about in 2012.", "\n\nMaybe that dynamic won't make either of these teams the surest bet to be visiting the Superdome in February. ", "But it sure will be interesting to follow." ]
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[ "With an increase in the data processing properties of portable devices, more information can be stored in them, which may also be confidential or otherwise such information that must not be revealed to an outsider. ", "The carrying of portable devices will, however, increase the risk that the portable device is lost or stolen, wherein an attempt must be made to protect the information stored in it with an encryption method. ", "For portable devices, it is typically possible to determine a password which the user must enter in the device when the device is turned on before the device can be used normally. ", "However, such a protection is relatively easy to pass, because the passwords that are used are normally relatively short, typically having a length of less than ten characters. ", "On the other hand, even if no attempt were made to find out the password, the information contained in the device can be accessed for example by transferring the storage medium, such as a hard disk, into another device. ", "If the information contained in the storage medium is not in encrypted format, the information stored in the storage medium can be easily found out.", "\nIt is known that information needed by the user or the device can be encrypted with one key, the encrypted information can be stored in the memory of the device, and it can be decrypted with another key. ", "In asymmetric encryption, the key used in encryption is different from the key used in decryption. ", "Correspondingly, in symmetric encryption, the key used in encryption is the same as the key used in decryption. ", "In asymmetric encryption, these keys are normally called a public key and a private key. ", "The public key is intended for encryption and the private key is intended for decryption. ", "Although the public key may be commonly known, on the basis of the same it is normally not possible to easily determine the encryption key corresponding to the public key, wherein it is very difficult for an outsider to find out information encrypted with this public key. ", "One example of a system based on the use of such a public key and a private key is the PGP system (Pretty Good Privacy), in which the user encrypts the information to be transmitted with the public key of the receiver, and the receiver will then open the encrypted information with his/her private key. ", "However, there are considerable drawbacks in the systems of prior art. ", "The key strings required by sufficiently secure systems are so long that even their storage in a safe way causes considerable costs. ", "If the key string is too short, it will be relatively easy to break it up with modern data processing equipment. ", "In other words, the private key can be defined on the basis of the content and the public key (known content attack). ", "This problem is particularly significant in portable data processing and communicating devices, in which the limited processing capacity also prevents the use of long keys.", "\nThe U.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "6,169,890 discloses a method and device in which, after the user has been identified, it is possible to use a key stored in a SIM (Subscriber Identity Module) card for user identification in a communication network. ", "The system is intended to be used for example in payment transactions, wherein the user performs payment transactions in his/her terminal which is arranged to communicate with a terminal of the payment system by means of the mobile communication network. ", "Thus, the user enters his/her PIN (Personal Identity Number) code in the mobile station, and the user of the mobile station is identified on the basis of the code. ", "The system comprises a database in which the mobile phone numbers of the users authorized to use the system have been stored. ", "Thus, when the user contacts such a system, it is checked from the database on the basis of the number of the caller, whether the user is authorized to use the service. ", "One drawback of such a system is that the PIN code used in the identification of the user is relatively short, typically four characters long, wherein it is relatively easy to find it out by means of methods known at present. ", "When the length of the key is increased, the amount of memory required in the SIM card for storing the PIN code should be increased as well, which considerably raises the manufacturing costs of the SIM card. ", "On the other hand, the act of storing the private key to such a memory which can be examined from outside the device, may present a significant safety risk, because when the device is lost or when it otherwise ends up in the hands of outsiders, the encrypted information may be found out on the basis of the encryption key stored in the device." ]
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[ "Fruit waxing\n\nFruit waxing is the process of covering fruits (and, in some cases, vegetables) with artificial waxing material. ", "Natural wax is removed first, usually by washing. ", "Waxing materials may be either natural or petroleum-based. ", "Potentially allergenic proteins (peanut, soy, dairy, wheat) may be combined with shellac.", "\n\nThe primary reasons for waxing are to prevent water loss (making up for the removal in washing of the natural waxes in fruits that have them, particularly citrus but also, for example, apples) and thus retard shrinkage and spoilage, and to improve appearance. ", "Dyes may be added to further enhance appearance, and sometimes fungicides. ", "Fruits were waxed to cause fermentation as early as the 12th or the 13th century; commercial producers began waxing citrus to extend shelf life in the 1920s and 1930s. ", "Aesthetics (consumer preference for shiny fruit) has since become the main reason. ", "In addition to fruit, some vegetables can usefully be waxed, such as cassava. ", "A distinction may be made between storage wax, pack-out wax (for immediate sale), and high-shine wax (for optimum attractiveness).", "\n\nProduce that is often waxed \nA number of sources list the following as produce which may be waxed before shipping to stores:\n\napples\n\n avocados\n bell and hot peppers\n cantaloupes\n cucumbers\n eggplant\n grapefruit\n lemons\n limes\n mangoes\n melons\n nectarines\n oranges\n papayas\n parsnips\n passion fruit\n peaches\n pears\n pineapple\n plums\n pumpkins\n rutabaga\n squash\n sweet potatoes\n tangarines\n tomatoes\n turnips\n yucca\n\nMaterials \nThe materials used to wax produce depend to some extent on regulations in the country of production and/or export. ", "Both natural waxes (carnauba, shellac, or resin) and petroleum-based waxes (usually proprietary formulae) are used, and often more than one wax is combined to create the desired properties for the fruit or vegetable being treated. ", "Wax may be applied in a volatile petroleum-based solvent but is now more commonly applied via a water-based emulsion. ", "Blended paraffin waxes applied as an oil or paste are often used on vegetables.", "\n\nSee also\n Food coating\n Glazing agent\n\nReferences\n\nFurther reading\n V. Thirupathi, S. Sasikala and Z. John Kennedy. \"", "Preservation of fruits and vegetables by wax coating\". ", "Science Tech Entrepreneur August 2006. ", "Online at scribd.com.", "\n Barbara Ritter, Jörg Schulte, Erhard Schulte and Hans-Peter Thier. \"", "Detection of coating waxes on apples by differential scanning calorimetry\". ", "European Food Research and Technology 212.5 (2000) 603–07 (pdf)\n\nCategory:Food preservation" ]
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[ "Donald Trump. ", "REUTERS/Carlo Allegri Hillary Clinton's campaign is hurling a familiar accusation at Donald Trump.", "\n\nNearly two weeks after the GOP presidential candidate alleged that Clinton was running a \"pay-to-play\" scheme during her time in the US State Department, the Clinton campaign is now ripping Trump for the same thing.", "\n\nThe new development comes after The Washington Post reported that the Donald J. Trump Foundation paid a fine to the IRS over an illegal $25,000 contribution that the charity made to a group tied to Pam Bondi, the Florida attorney general and a Trump supporter.", "\n\n\"Donald Trump has been falsely attacking the charity run by President Clinton when it is Trump's own Foundation that has been caught in an actual pay-to-play scandal,\" Jennifer Palmieri, Clinton's communications director, said in a statement posted on the campaign's website.", "\n\nAccording to The Post's report, the Trump Foundation's contribution was made in 2013, just as Bondi was looking into allegations of fraud brought against Trump University — the real-estate mogul's embattled entrepreneurship business — in Florida.", "\n\nThe publication noted that Bondi later decided not to pursue charges against that organization.", "\n\nFor its part, the Trump Foundation has denied any wrongdoing over its $25,000 donation.", "\n\n\"It was just an honest mistake,\" Jeffrey McConney, a senior vice president at the Trump Organization, told The Post on Thursday. \"", "It wasn't done intentionally to hide a political donation, it was just an error.\"", "\n\nClinton's campaign seemed unconvinced, saying, \"Donald Trump has no standing whatsoever to question the Clinton Foundation, which works to make AIDS and malaria drugs more accessible, when it's been proven he uses his own foundation to launder illegal campaign donations.\"", "\n\nLast month, the Trump campaign accused the Clinton Foundation of granting its donors privileged access to Mrs. Clinton while she served as secretary of state." ]
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[ "The protective effect of specific medium additives with respect to bubble rupture.", "\nA significant degree of cell damage is observed during suspension cell culture with air sparging. ", "Protective agents can be added to the culture medium to protect the cells from damage. ", "It has been observed that cells tend to adhere to air-medium interfaces and cell damage is mainly due to this cell-bubble interaction; protective additives have been found to prevent this cell adhesion to the bubble surfaces. ", "In this article, it is demonstrated that the interfacial tension between the air and medium is related to the effectiveness of the protective additives to prevent adhesion of cells to this interface. ", "Five different types of additives (Pluronic F-68, Methocels, dextran, Polyvinyl alcohol, and polyethylene glycols) were studied in an effort to determine their protective characteristics. ", "Liquid-vapor interfacial tensions of the culture medium, with and without the additives, were measured by two different techniques (maximum bubble pressure method and Wilhelmy plate method). ", "In addition, visualization techniques showed that in the presence of certain protective additives cells do not adhere to the bubble surface. ", "Results obtained from these experiments indicate that the additives which rapidly lower the liquid-vapor interfacial tension of the culture medium also prevent adhesion of cells to the bubble surface. ", "Experiments have also been conducted to determine the number of cells killed due to bubble rupture, and it was observed that this number is related to the amount of cells adhering to the bubble surface." ]
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[ "The proposed research can be divided into the following categories: 1) Basic design of the new total artificial heart (TAH) has proven to be satisfactory, but further improvements in the fabrication technique using either copolymer of silicone rubber and polyurethane or segmented polyurethane, will be done. ", "Main improvements are focused on elimination of number of connections in assembly of the prosthetic device. ", "2) Durability test of the new heart will be performed 24 hours a day as soon as an extra control-driving unit becomes available on loan. ", "3) Performance test will be performed mainly in vivo experiments in relation to a mild exercise on a treadmill. ", "4) Major emphasis in pathophysiological studies will be given to studies on anemia, body fluid balance, and difference in response to exercise between the natural heart and TAH. ", "Calorimetry and cardiovascular drug tests will be performed. ", "Bibliographic references: Honda, T., Kito, Y., Gibson, W. H., Nemoto, T., Cockrell, J. V., and Akutsu, T.: One 25-day survivor with total artificial heart. ", "J. Thor. ", "Cardiov. ", "Surg. ", "69:92, 1975. ", "Honda, T., Kito, Y., Gibson, W. H., and Akutsu, T.: Akutsu total artificial heart; Part 2: Animal experiment and problems. ", "Heart, 7:102, 1975 (Japan)." ]
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[ "A general view of the Bedouin village of Khan Al-Ahmar in the West Bank on Wednesday. ", "Photo by Debbie Hill/UPI | License Photo\n\nPalestinian children stand near a hut in the Khan Al-Ahmar encampment in the central West Bank on Wednesday. ", "The Israeli Civil Administration distributed demolition orders this week to the village, located in Area C, which is under full Israeli civil and military control. ", "Khan Al-Ahmar is surrounded by Israeli settlements outside of Jerusalem in the Judean Desert. ", "Photo by Debbie Hill/UPI | License Photo\n\nPalestinian Bedouin children study in a school made of tires and mud in the village of Khan Al-Ahmar in the West Bank on Wednesday. ", "Photo by Debbie Hill/UPI | License Photo\n\nA Palestinian Bedouin boy stands by a poster that reads, \"Welcome To Palestine,\" in his school in the village of Khan Al-Ahmar in the West Bank on Wednesday. ", "Photo by Debbie Hill/UPI | License Photo\n\nA Palestinian Bedouin man sits in the Khan Al-Ahmar encampment in the central West Bank on Wednesday. ", "The Israeli Civil Administration distributed demolition orders this week to the village, located in Area C, which is under full Israeli civil and military control. ", "Khan Al-Ahmar is surrounded by Israeli settlements outside of Jerusalem in the Judean Desert. ", "Photo by Debbie Hill/UPI | License Photo\n\nA Palestinian woman feeds animals in the Khan Al-Ahmar encampment in the central West Bank on Wednesday. ", "The Israeli Civil Administration distributed demolition orders this week to the village, located in Area C, which is under full Israeli civil and military control. ", "Khan Al-Ahmar is surrounded by Israeli settlements outside of Jerusalem in the Judean Desert. ", "Photo by Debbie Hill/UPI | License Photo\n\nPalestinian Bedouin stand in a school in the Khan Al-Ahmar encampment in the central West Bank on Wednesday. ", "The Israeli Civil Administration distributed demolition orders this week to the village, located in Area C, which is under full Israeli civil and military control. ", "Khan Al-Ahmar is surrounded by Israeli settlements outside of Jerusalem in the Judean Desert. ", "Photo by Debbie Hill/UPI | License Photo\n\nA Palestinian girl walks in the Khan Al-Ahmar encampment in the central West Bank on Wednesday. ", "The Israeli Civil Administration distributed demolition orders this week to the village, located in Area C, which is under full Israeli civil and military control. ", "Khan Al-Ahmar is surrounded by Israeli settlements outside of Jerusalem in the Judean Desert. ", "Photo by Debbie Hill/UPI | License Photo\n\nSheep are seen in the Khan Al-Ahmar encampment in the central West Bank on Wednesday. ", "The Israeli Civil Administration distributed demolition orders this week to the village, located in Area C, which is under full Israeli civil and military control. ", "Khan Al-Ahmar is surrounded by Israeli settlements outside of Jerusalem in the Judean Desert. ", "Photo by Debbie Hill/UPI | License Photo\n\nPalestinian Bedouin children are seen in the Khan Al-Ahmar encampment in the central West Bank on Wednesday. ", "The Israeli Civil Administration distributed demolition orders this week to the village, located in Area C, which is under full Israeli civil and military control. ", "Khan Al-Ahmar is surrounded by Israeli settlements outside of Jerusalem in the Judean Desert. ", "Photo by Debbie Hill/UPI | License Photo\n\nPalestinian Bedouin children walk home from school in the Khan Al-Ahmar encampment in the central West Bank on Wednesday. ", "The Israeli Civil Administration distributed demolition orders this week to the village, located in Area C, which is under full Israeli civil and military control. ", "Khan Al-Ahmar is surrounded by Israeli settlements outside of Jerusalem in the Judean Desert. ", "Photo by Debbie Hill/UPI | License Photo\n\nA Palestinian girl stands near a hut in the Khan Al-Ahmar encampment in the central West Bank on Wednesday. ", "The Israeli Civil Administration distributed demolition orders this week to the village, located in Area C, which is under full Israeli civil and military control. ", "Khan Al-Ahmar is surrounded by Israeli settlements outside of Jerusalem in the Judean Desert. ", "Photo by Debbie Hill/UPI | License Photo\n\nFeb. 22 (UPI) -- Israel's government this week issued demolition orders for a Palestinian encampment near Jerusalem, giving residents just a few days to evacuate their homes.", "\n\nIsrael Defense Forces raided the settlement and imposed a military closure on dozens of structures in the Bedouin village of Khan al-Ahmar on Sunday -- including tents, huts and a school.", "\n\n\nIsraeli forces stormed the village and even surrounded the 8-year-old school, the only one serving the Bedouin community in the area, preventing teachers and students from entering.", "\n\nPalestinian Education Minister Sabri Saydam called the raid on the school a \"systematic and abusive procedure.\"", "\n\nRELATED Israeli soldier who killed Palestinian attacker sentenced to 18 months\n\nAbout 40 Palestinian-owned homes in the central West Bank community are targeted for demolition. ", "Several other structures in the village were torn down by the IDF last month.", "\n\nStructures in the village were given \"construction termination warrants\" and villagers will have a chance to present their case during a hearing Thursday, The Times of Israel reported.", "\n\nThe area, Palestinian property that's flanked by numerous residential settlements, has been sought by Israel for years. ", "In 2014, the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs identified Khan al-Ahmar as one of 46 settlements in the area that's at risk of forced relocation by Israel.", "\n\nIsraeli officials maintain that the village was built illegally in the hotly disputed E1 Corridor, which physically links East Jerusalem and the Maale Adumim settlement.", "\n\nIn the past, such raids and orders followed by hearings have been precursors for demolition, The Times reported.", "\n\nThe Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories, the policy liaison between Palestinian Gaza and West Bank territories and the Israeli government, did not initially give a definitive date to begin demolishing structures in Khan al-Ahmar. ", "Witnesses said the residents were given until Thursday to leave.", "\n\nTel Aviv has wanted to demolish the encampment for years but has resisted due to U.S. and Western pressure. ", "The Israeli government attempted in 2012 to move the Palestinian residents there to a new settlement, but they refused.", "\n\nIsraeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has previously supported demolition of the Khan al-Ahmar school, and the Israeli Supreme Court last year asked the government for further information regarding its plans. ", "Officials have yet to furnish the information, though, some say due to opposition in the international community.", "\n\nRELATED No damage from rockets shot from Sinai Peninsula into Israel\n\nSome experts say Israel may now be ramping up settlement activity out of confidence that new U.S. President Donald Trump will support it. ", "The notion that Tel Aviv would go forward with demolitions without the backing of its greatest ally, they say, simply wouldn't make any sense.", "\n\n\"For eight years, there was tension and friction with the Obama administration. ", "If we now start to fight with the Trump administration ... people will really start to think that the leadership in the state of Israel is a bunch of nutcases,\" Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman told Israel Radio on Monday.", "\n\nWhile addressing the Israeli-Palestinian conflict last week, Trump said during a White House visit with Netanyahu that Israel should suspend settlement construction. ", "That request has led the Israeli PM to postpone building a new village for residents of Amona, which was evacuated by the IDF last month.", "\n\n\"The most important thing is to reach understandings with the U.S. on all issues,\" Liberman said." ]
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[ "Energy suppliers, business groups and consumers have joined in an unlikely coalition to warn that a failure to provide climate policy certainty would cost all Australians and lead to higher costs.", "\n\nEighteen organisations as diverse as the Business Council of Australia, the Australian Conservation Foundation, the Australian Aluminium Council, Energy Networks Australia and St Vincent de Paul called on the Turnbull government to ensure energy markets remained reliable and affordable during decarbonisation.", "\n\n“All sides of politics and all levels of government share responsibility for the current state of our energy systems – and for taking action with the energy industry and its customers to improve it,” the statement said. “", "A collective failure to act would come at a cost to all Australians.”", "\n\nOne week after the energy minister, Josh Frydenberg, ruled out an emissions intensity scheme due to pressure from the backbench, the joint statement calls on the Turnbull government to assess all policy options during its 2017 climate policy review.", "\n\n“The status quo of policy uncertainty, lack of coordination and unreformed markets is increasing costs, undermining investment and worsening reliability risks,” the joint statement said.", "\n\n\n\n“This impacts all Australians, including vulnerable low-income households, workers, regional communities and trade-exposed industries.”", "\n\nConsensus is building outside the government for a no-holds barred review of climate policy to move the country on from Tony Abbott’s climate policy of Direct Action.", "\n\n“Energy has been a source of advantage for our industries and prosperity for our household,” the statement says.", "\n\n“It should become so again even as Australian governments, businesses and communities deliver our national contribution to the global net zero emissions goal of the Paris climate agreement.", "\n\n“Much depends on the success of two closely connected policy processes. ", "The 2017 climate change review should assess all policy options and provide advice to government.”", "\n\nThe joint statement comes on the eve of an energy ministers meeting in Melbourne on Wednesday – the final meeting for the year.", "\n\n\n\nWhile the Frydenberg last week said an emissions intensity scheme for the electricity sector was under consideration, he subsequently backtracked after pushback from Tony Abbott, defence industry minister Christopher Pyne, backbench environment committee chair Craig Kelly and Cory Bernardi.", "\n\nThe prime minister backed in his energy minister, suggesting the Coalition would not increase a carbon tax or emissions trading scheme – support for which led him to lose the Liberal leadership in 2009 to Tony Abbott.", "\n\n\n\nBut later in the week, a report by Australia’s chief scientist, Alan Finkel said that investment in the electricity sector had stalled because of “policy instability and uncertainty”.", "\n\n\n\nFinkel warned that current federal climate policy would not allow Australia to meet its emissions reduction targets under the Paris agreement.", "\n\nThe chief scientist will update the energy ministers’ meeting on Wednesday.", "\n\n“An update from Australia’s chief scientist Dr Alan Finkel will provide ministers with an insight into some of the challenges and possible solutions he has gained on his recent work on the issues of energy security,” Frydenberg said.", "\n\n“Ministers will also discuss the outcomes of two reviews designed to streamline the approval process for new interconnectors and to ensure consumers aren’t paying more than necessary for their network costs as a result of the limited merits review process.”", "\n\nThe signatories to the statement said Finkel’s preliminary report correctly noted that many of the technological, economic and consumer trends transforming our energy systems were irreversible.", "\n\n“Policy and market designs need to evolve if investors are to deliver the energy services Australians require at a price they can afford,” the statement says.", "\n\n“A raft of reforms are needed to encourage and support flexibility throughout the system.”", "\n\nBut Frydenberg said Australians expected access to reliable and affordable electricity.", "\n\n“We are working through Coag to ensure the lights stay on and that power prices remain low,” he said. “", "This task, however, is being made more difficult by states putting in place unrealistic renewable energy targets which will inevitably put energy security at risk and drive up power prices.”", "\n\nThe federal Coalition has been critical of South Australia’s renewable energy targets after the statewide blackouts.", "\n\nLast week, the South Australian premier Jay Weatherill said the states could go it alone on a carbon trading scheme if the federal government failed to show leadership.", "\n\nThe signatories to the statement are: the Australian Aluminium Council, the Australian Conservation Foundation, the Australian Council of Social Services, the Australian Council of Trade Unions, the Australian Energy Council, The Australian Industry Group, the Australian Steel Institute, the Business Council of Australia, the Cement Industry Federation, the Clean Energy Council, Energy Consumers Australia, the Energy Efficiency Council, Energy Networks Australia, Energy Users Association of Australia, the Investor Group on Climate Change, the St Vincent de Paul Society National Council, The Climate Institute and the World Wildlife Fund Australia." ]
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[ "Three classes of genes mutated in colorectal cancers with chromosomal instability.", "\nAlthough most colorectal cancers are chromosomally unstable, the basis for this instability has not been defined. ", "To determine whether genes shown to cause chromosomal instability in model systems were mutated in colorectal cancers, we identified their human homologues and determined their sequence in a panel of colorectal cancers. ", "We found 19 somatic mutations in five genes representing three distinct instability pathways. ", "Seven mutations were found in MRE11, whose product is involved in double-strand break repair. ", "Four mutations were found among hZw10, hZwilch/FLJ10036, and hRod/KNTC, whose products bind to one another in a complex that localizes to kinetochores and controls chromosome segregation. ", "Eight mutations were found in Ding, a previously uncharacterized gene with sequence similarity to the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Pds1, whose product is essential for proper chromosome disjunction. ", "This analysis buttresses the evidence that chromosomal instability has a genetic basis and provides clues to the mechanistic basis of instability in cancers." ]
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[ "Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti is taking to Twitter to try and boost Hillary Clinton’s campaign for president.", "\n\nGarcetti posted a video on his personal Twitter account Tuesday night, urging volunteers to help Clinton at the Nevada caucuses on Feb. 20. ", "Garcetti will travel to the state the next two weekends to help Clinton, he announced on Twitter.", "\n\n“Let’s make the right president elected, an idealist who can get the job done and rebuild the America we need to see,” Garcetti says in the video.", "\n\nGarcetti, who endorsed Clinton for president last fall, is also planning to help host a fundraiser for her in Los Angeles on Feb. 22, his political consultant Bill Carrick said Wednesday. ", "The event will be held at a private residence in Hancock Park.", "\n\nGarcetti’s Twitter message came the same day Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders trounced Clinton in the New Hampshire primary, beating her by double digits.", "\n\nWhile Garcetti is supporting the former secretary of state in this year’s presidential race, he supported Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential run, endorsing the then-Illinois senator over Clinton." ]
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[ "If this is your first visit, be sure to\ncheck out the FAQ by clicking the\nlink above. ", "You may have to register\nbefore you can post: click the register link above to proceed. ", "To start viewing messages,\nselect the forum that you want to visit from the selection below.", "\n\nPBS Great American Read\n\nPBS has been hosting a series highlighting what they've determined to be America's most loved books. ", "Regardless of the method, it is an interesting list of all variety of styles, periods, and subjects. ", "I enjoyed browsing the list to see how many I've read and have added a couple to my wish list. ", "I believe there is some voting and there has been some life changing commentaries by ordinary and famous people on video feature I've seen.http://www.pbs.org/the-great-american-read/books/#/\n\nI love this kind of list.. it gives me a way to pick books to read. ", "Years ago, in 2000, when Random House came out with the best novels of the 20th century, I embarked on a mission to get through the list. ", "I never did (seems I barely left the dock--I still have only read 16 on that list), but I did read several classics I had missed over the years.", "\n\nThanks, Roger, I have a list to explore, with a number to read again. ", "Life has been so busy of late that I have neglected my reading.", "\n\nOriginally Posted by Rogar\n\nPBS has been hosting a series highlighting what they've determined to be America's most loved books. ", "Regardless of the method, it is an interesting list of all variety of styles, periods, and subjects. ", "I enjoyed browsing the list to see how many I've read and have added a couple to my wish list. ", "I believe there is some voting and there has been some life changing commentaries by ordinary and famous people on video feature I've seen.http://www.pbs.org/the-great-american-read/books/#/\n\nGandhi: Happiness is when what you think, what you say and what you do are in harmony ." ]
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[ "1920 All-Pacific Coast football team\n\nThe 1920 All-Pacific Coast football team consists of American football players chosen by various organizations for All-Pacific Coast teams for the 1920 college football season.", "\n\nAll-Pacific Coast selections\n\nQuarterback\n Charles F. Erb, California (AS-1)\n Bill Steers, Oregon (ODJ-1)\n\nHalfbacks\n Pesky Sprott, California (AS-1, ODJ-1)\n Crip Toomey, California (AS-1)\n Dink Templeton, Stanford (ODJ-1)\n\nFullback\n Jesse B. Morrison, California (AS-1)\n Lloyd Gillis, Washington State (ODJ-1)\n\nEnds\n Robert A. Berkey, California (AS-1)\n Harold Muller, California (AS-1, ODJ-1)\n Martin Howard, Oregon (ODJ-1)\n\nTackles\n Stanley Barnes, California (AS-1)\n Dan McMillan, California (AS-1)\n E. Leslie, Oregon (ODJ-1)\n Fred Hamilton, Washington State (ODJ-1)\n\nGuards\n Olin C. Majors, California (AS-1, ODJ-1)\n Lee D. Cranmer, California (AS-1)\n Carl Mautz, Oregon (ODJ-1)\n\nCenters\n George H. Latham, California (AS-1)\n Earl Dunlap, Washington State (ODJ-1)\n\nKey\n\nAS = Andy Smith, head coach of California, picking all 11 first-team players from his own squad\n\nODJ = Oregon Daily Journal\n\nSee also\n1920 College Football All-America Team\n\nReferences\n\nAll-Pacific Coast Football Team\nCategory:All-Pacific Coast football teams\nCategory:All-Pac-12 Conference football teams" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nProduct serial number generation when product is selected MVC4\n\nI want to create an auto generated serial number when the user selects the product ID from the drop down box.", "\nSo for instances when the User selects Product ID \"1\" it will produce the serial number \"SN/2015/01\". ", "\nIve seen people using SQL Functions but i would prefer not.", "\nAny suggestions? ", "i could use selectedIndex to get the value from the drop down box but rest im sort of stuck on making clean.", "\n\nA:\n\nstring.", "Format(\"SN/{0}/{1}\", DateTime.", "Now.", "Year, selectedProductId)\n\nIf you want to get \"01\" out of 1, then you can use .ToString(\"D2\") method. ", "More formatting of numbers are given here\n\n" ]
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[ "Enhanced alcohol electrocatalysis with the introduction of magnetic composites into nickel electrocatalysts.", "\nThe addition of a magnetic composite membrane to a traditional nickel electrocatalyst was employed to increase the methanol and n-butanol electrocatalysis in alkaline media." ]
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[ "Comic Chapters\n\nPages\n\nChapter 4, page 18\n\nYou know what page this is? ", "It’s the ONE HUNDRETH PAGE of Grassblades!", "\n\nMy little baby comic is all grown up! *", "wipes proud tear*\n\nTo celebrate the 100th page – AND to celebrate that I just reached 3000 readers on Tapastic, I’ve made a special celebratory desktop wallpaper for you all! ", "It’s available in 1280×1024 and in 1900×1200!" ]
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[ "Last updated on .From the section Football\n\nFormer Middlesbrough manager Gareth Southgate has been named England Under-21 boss on a three-year contract.", "\n\nThe ex-England defender replaces Stuart Pearce, who left in June following a disappointing European Championship.", "\n\nSouthgate was previously the Football Association head of elite development, leaving the post in July 2012.", "\n\n\"I'm extremely excited about the prospect of working with the best and brightest young players in the country,\" the 42-year-old said.", "\n\nSouthgate made 57 appearances for England during a career in which he played for Crystal Palace, Aston Villa and Middlesbrough.", "\n\nGareth Southgate factfile Born: 03/09/1970 in Watford\n\nPlayed for Crystal Palace, Aston Villa and Middlesbrough before retiring in 2006\n\nCapped 57 times for England\n\nMissed crucial penalty in shoot-out that led to England's Euro 96 semi-final defeat by Germany\n\nManager of Middlesbrough between 2006 and 2009\n\nJoined the Football Association in January 2011 as head of elite development\n\nLeft the post in July 2012 and has been a TV pundit since.", "\n\nHe featured at Euro 96, missing the crucial penalty in the semi-final defeat by Germany at Wembley, the 1998 World Cup and the European Championship in 2000.", "\n\n\"I'm a proud Englishman and playing for my country was the pinnacle of my playing career,\" said Southgate, who managed Middlesbrough from June 2006 to October 2009.", "\n\n\"Since retiring as a player I have gained a lot of knowledge and experience of the game both here and abroad, and I'm eager to play my part in preparing players to compete at the highest level.", "\n\n\"Whenever any team steps onto the pitch for England, being successful is of huge importance, but it is also about developing a clear style of play that can allow our talented young players to flourish.\"", "\n\nSouthgate was part of England's coaching staff at the Under-20 World Cup in 2011 and has been working as a pundit for ITV.", "\n\nHe will report to the FA's director of elite development Dan Ashworth and will oversee the coaches with responsibility for the under-16s through to the under-20s.", "\n\nAshworth said: \"Gareth shares our belief that now is an important moment for English football. ", "It is the time for change and his ideas and experience will be crucial to the direction we wish to take the development teams in the future.\"", "\n\nSouthgate's first game in charge will be the 2015 European Championship qualifier against Moldova on Thursday, 5 September at Reading's Madejski Stadium before his team face Finland away four days later.", "\n\nEngland manager Roy Hodgson took charge of the last under-21 game, a 6-0 defeat of Scotland at Bramall Lane." ]
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[ "Studies on the structural properties of lipocortin-1 and the regulation of its synthesis by steroids.", "\nLipocortin-1 protein synthesis in resting monocytes is under the control of glucocorticoid steroids. ", "This induction occurs at reasonable dexamethasone concentrations, may require concomitant synthesis of transcriptional factors, appears to be cell type specific, and has been observed only in primary tissues in our hands. ", "Variability in the magnitude of the induction suggests that the regulation is complex, involving either additional factors or particular differentiation states. ", "In addition to the induction of intracellular lipocortin-1, steroids cause the appearance of labelled lipocortin-1 on the outer surface of the cells. ", "Whether cell breakage can account for this effect is unclear. ", "Considerable microheterogeneity was found in preparations of recombinant-lipocortin-1. ", "Aspects of N-terminal post-translational processing, N-terminal proteolysis, conformational states and the existence of an air-denatured form lacking alpha-helical structure contributed to this heterogeneity. ", "We believe that these aspects are responsible for the variable biological potency of different preparations. ", "It remains unclear whether this protein actually plays a physiological role in the regulation of the inflammatory response or achieves its effects through membrane binding and subsequent non-physiological perturbation of the cells." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nWhy is my view slow when I have indexed the columns?", "\n\nIn SQL Server I have put a clustered index on a view to eliminate the inefficiency of a join using LIKE statements:\n CREATE VIEW KeywordCount WITH SCHEMABINDING\n AS\n SELECT \n K.ID AS KeywordID\n ,COUNT_BIG(*) AS KeywordCount\n FROM dbo.", "Grants G\n INNER JOIN dbo.", "GrantStatuses GS2 ON GS2.ID = G.StatusID AND GS2.Status NOT IN ('Pre-Submission', 'Awaiting Signatory Approval', 'Modifying', 'Closed')\n INNER JOIN dbo.", "Keywords K\n ON G.Keywords LIKE '%' + K.Word + '%' --It's one of the grant's keywords\n OR G.Title LIKE '%' + K.Word + '%' --Word appears in the title\n OR Replace(G.Title, '-', ' ') LIKE '%' + Replace(K.Word, '-', ' ') + '%' --Word with hyphens replaced appears in the title\n OR G.Synopsis LIKE '%' + K.Word + '%' --Word appears in the Synopsis\n OR Replace(G.Synopsis, '-', ' ') LIKE '%' + Replace(K.Word, '-', ' ')+ '%' --Word with hyphens replaced appears in the synopsis\n GROUP BY K.ID\n GO\n\n CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX IX_KeywordCount \n ON dbo.", "KeywordCount (KeywordID)\n GO\n\nThen I added another index on the KeywordCount column:\n CREATE INDEX IX_KeywordCount_Count \n ON dbo.", "KeywordCount (KeywordCount)\n GO\n\nSo why does the following query take 7 minutes to run? ", "Shouldn't the index give me much better performance?", "\n SELECT TOP 10 * FROM KeywordCount ORDER BY KeywordCount DESC\n\nEDIT\nThanks everyone, but I know that LIKE statements and REPLACE will make this view inefficient. ", "That's why I added the clustered index. ", "I thought that putting a clustered index onto the view would materialize the data into a table so that the database would not have to do the joins. ", "The query plan does say that it is doing the joins. ", "Why is that? ", "\n\nA:\n\nI found the solution in this article: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc917715.aspx\nSELECT TOP 10 * FROM KeywordCount WITH (NOEXPAND) ORDER BY KeywordCount DESC\n\nFor some reason the query plan wasn't using the index, but I added the WITH (NOEXPAND) hint and my query ran instantly - many thanks to Quassnoi for pointing out the correct thing to do.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.0007084672688506544, 0.0008319157641381025, 0.0008079739054664969, 0.0006208946579135954, 0.0009623451041989028, 0.0007454497390426695, 0.0008328242693096399, 0.0007376682478934526, 0.00067281344672665, 0.0006071453099139035, 0.000570582109503448, 0.0005768203409388661, 0.0008889548480510712, 0.0005643987096846104, 0.001995444530621171 ]
[ "Dating with a purpose theology of the body\n\nThat’s pure religion to James (and to God) but there’s more to it than that.", "\n\nOne has to keep oneself unstained from the world and the “world” surely means the sins of the world and living in a sinful lifestyle.", "\n\nIn Romans , Paul begins to point us to the future: I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.", "\n\nOur trials here are real—sometimes so real and overwhelming they seem beyond our endurance, so we feel like Job and regret our birth.", "\n\nJames central point may have been that people can talk all they want about saying they’re a Christian but if they have no works to show it, then they are only hearers of the law and not doers and that person’s faith is dead. ", "If there are no deeds or good works that come as a result of faith, then that is not real faith. ", "Talk about one of the most difficult members of the human body to control!", "\n\nThe tongue wins the prize for being the most unruly, unwholesome, filthy, degrading, and destructive of all physical members of the body (James 3:6).", "\n\nJames compares the tongue to a tiny rudder directing a huge ship and shows how much damage this little member can bring (James 1:3) and “ James wrote this letter in a time of great sorrow for the Jewish Christians.", "\n\nCons: If the date goes horribly, there are no assurances you won't bump into her when you're buying milk a few days later. ", "If you actively pursue a date on Hinge, discretion mustn't be an issue – your friends are bound to find out.", "\n\nIt’s a great idea to stop communicating with anyone who pressures you for personal guidance (or efforts in any way to trick you into giving it). ", "and a few people go to much with this and just out right lie.", "\n\nPUBLIC NOTICE reference to NC/SC Boundrary Clarification Effective January 1st, 2017 Boundary Clarification between NC and SC The Register of Deeds (ROD) records land titles, liens and other documents pertaining to property transactions in Cherokee County." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.000757881673052907, 0.030017761513590813, 0.0006750491447746754, 0.0016669052420184016, 0.0011680473107844591, 0.0007349579245783389, 0.0028534620068967342, 0.18435125052928925, 0.003555617993697524, 0.0029918968211859465, 0.0011609868379309773, 0.0005627195932902396, 0.017519600689411163, 0.0005910840700380504 ]
[ "Q:\n\nCould the Voyager spacecraft be spin-stabilized to keep their high gain antennas pointing towards the Sun (and therefore Earth)?", "\n\nA suggestion has been made that the Voyagers may run out of propellant and so may not be able to maintain pointing near the Earth for communications.", "\nAccording to @BowlOfRed's answer:\n\nAlthough the craft can be turned if necessary, the voyager probes are not intentionally rotating. ", " They use small thrusters that try to zero out any rotations.", "\nThese thrusters aren't infinitely precise, nor are the instruments that drive them. ", " So there is some error in the firing that means the probe has a (small) residual rotation. ", " Instead of having a perfectly fixed direction, it will slowly drift away from the intended attitude over time. ", " When the residual rotation moves the platform too far from the antenna pointing at earth, the thrusters fire to to return the alignment.", "\n\nWith what little remains of the Voyagers' cold gas thruster propellant, could the spacecraft be given a slight rotation in order to approximately stabilize one axis of their attitude?", "\n\nA:\n\nThere is enough hydrazine to last beyond the end of the mission, about 25% of total tank volume is still available. ", "From Descanso volume 4, you can see enough hydrazine for attitude control is available to last until 2040/2048: \n\nAs in all communications around the end of life for Voyager operations, this lifetime estimate considers the mission to end when there's no longer enough power to run any of the science instruments and/or the transmitter and keep the spacecraft alive. ", "\n\nThe mission objective of the VIM is to obtain useful interplanetary, and possibly interstellar, fields, particles, and waves (FPW) science data until year 2020 and beyond when the spacecraft's ability to generate adequate electrical power for continued science instrument operation will come to an end.", "\n\nI have found no references to spin stabilization as an option for Voyager operations: because of the above, the Voyager team never had to consider spin stabilization. ", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.0006226635887287557, 0.0006487190839834511, 0.000657747033983469, 0.0012477623531594872, 0.0007979463553056121, 0.0006656854529865086, 0.0006488547660410404, 0.0008804762037470937, 0.0007159948581829667, 0.0007566801505163312, 0.00060387107077986, 0.0005890566390007734, 0.0005606872146017849, 0.001995444530621171 ]
[ "[Long-term follow up of acute and chronic pancreatitis during insulin and peptide C secretion and carbohydrate tolerance].", "\nThe aim of the study was to evaluate the function of pancreatic the B-cell and carbohydrate tolerance after and during pancreatitis. ", "Forty patients (30 men and 10 women) in mean age 41.6 +/- 11.6 years (mean +/- SD) were studied. ", "Analysis of the results was performed in four groups: 1) normal controls, 2) patients after biliary acute pancreatitis (AP) in anamnesis, 3) patients with chronic pancreatitis (ChP) and normal carbohydrate tolerance and 4) patients with chronic pancreatitis and impaired of glucose tolerance (ChP + IGT, WHO classification). ", "Pancreatitic B-cell activity was evaluated by the measurement insulin (IRI) and C-peptide (CP) serum concentrations in fasting state and after 75 g oral glucose and after intravenous glucagon injection (1 mg). ", "Hepatic insulin extraction was estimated from of the serum IRI/CP molar ratio. ", "This study demonstrated impaired function of the pancreatic B-cell in groups after acute pancreatitis and with chronic pancreatitis at normal levels of glycaemia. ", "A progressive reduction of stimulated serum IRI and CP concentrations in groups (2), (3) and (4) was observed. ", "In those groups the increase of serum IRI/CP ratio was found. ", "Impaired function of the B-cell after pancreatitis is a frequent complication and to improve metabolic control a mechanism of hepatic insulin clearance reduction is involved." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.0008779441122896969, 0.00099527882412076, 0.0006029029609635472, 0.0008088910253718495, 0.0007281142170540988, 0.0005570838111452758, 0.0012722584651783109, 0.0005617638234980404, 0.0005633101100102067, 0.0009270827868022025 ]
[ "Purification of chicken IgY by binding capture using elastin-like polypeptide-tagged immunoglobulin-binding domain of streptococcal protein G.\nChicken egg yolk immunoglobulin (IgY) is a superior alternative to mammalian immunoglobulin, but its practical application is limited due to the complex purification procedure. ", "In this study, the C2 domain of streptococcal protein G (SPG) with the binding affinity for chicken IgY was expressed in E. coli as an elastin-like polypeptide (ELP) fusion protein, and purified to a high purity by inverse transition cycling (ITC). ", "Binding experiments showed that chicken IgY could bind to and eluted off the ELP-C2 fusion protein in pH-, temperature- and/or time-dependent manners. ", "By using the ELP-C2 protein, a simple chicken IgY purification method was developed, and its purification performance was compared with that of ammonium sulfate precipitation and ethanol fractionation. ", "Quantitative SDS-PAGE analysis showed that the ELP-C2 binding capture method provided a chicken IgY purity of 96.3% and a recovery of 64%, both of which were significantly higher than that of the two traditional methods The ELP-C2 binding capture method could be accomplished within 3h, in contrast to 30.3h for ammonium sulfate precipitation or 4.3h for ethanol fractionation. ", "These data suggest that the ELP-C2 binding capture was a simple, efficient and cost-effective method for purification of chicken IgY." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.0017505751457065344, 0.0008015568018890917, 0.0014602927258238196, 0.000628723471891135, 0.0006397829274646938, 0.0009871732909232378 ]
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[ 0.0014877021312713623, 0.0016783415339887142, 0.0006761359982192516, 0.0016993846511468291, 0.0008751824498176575, 0.09479177743196487, 0.010585445910692215, 0.012857760302722454, 0.0007842503255233169, 0.07227358967065811, 0.09166298806667328, 0.0006858772248961031, 0.0013341677840799093, 0.0005653454572893679, 0.0006595338345505297, 0.004335217177867889, 0.0007172644836828113, 0.0160907544195652, 0.0005942632560618222, 0.0018700126092880964, 0.007017142605036497, 0.0007670537452213466, 0.0007584278355352581, 0.0009302070247940719, 0.007029649801552296, 0.0005791500443592668, 0.0006475266418419778, 0.002565647242590785, 0.00275579490698874, 0.0013002470368519425, 0.001156458631157875, 0.0009264426771551371, 0.0011976264650002122, 0.06712696701288223, 0.016522280871868134, 0.007721930276602507, 0.0006764821009710431, 0.000736055604647845, 0.012055573053658009, 0.013569250702857971, 0.0007469666306860745, 0.006881586741656065, 0.0013065185630694032, 0.0010781330056488514, 0.009546969085931778, 0.0007104933029040694 ]
[ "Tag Archives: Mary Tomas Gallery\n\nWhen you own a gallery on Dragon Street, you don’t necessarily show your own artwork as a feature exhibition. ", "Generally the rule of thumb is to present artist in the space, so that you have a collection of works that differ but remain cohesive. ", "As two gallery owners on Dragon Street ponder this concept, they decided the best thing to do was to collaborate on an art show which feature them as artist. ", "The Cohn Drennan Contemporary’s owner Cathy Drennan and Mary Tomás owner of the Mary Tomás Gallery have collaborated together to create a show which features each owners works as painters. ", "Continue reading →\n\nJR Richardson, president of Oak Cliff Cellars, held a reception Sunday to celebrate his third year of having his wines available in the Dallas area. ", "The gathering was held at the Mary Tomas Gallery on Dragon Street in the Design District and was catered by Bridge Bistro owned by Kay Agnew.", "\n\nAgnew, a good friend of Richardson, was on hand as well as a few area somms that enjoy the Oak Cliff Cellar wines such as Michael Flynn from the Mansion on Turtle Creek. ", "Continue reading →" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.0007147646392695606, 0.0006047465722076595, 0.0005449106101877987, 0.0006696650525555015, 0.00056759751169011, 0.0006547606317326427, 0.0006162108620628715, 0.0007260324200615287 ]
[ "Q:\n\nC# 7.2 In Keyword Performance\n\nI am trying to test how much performant (Or not) the \"in\" keyword added to C# is. ", "The in keyword should be able to pass a readonly reference to a value type into a method, instead of first copying the value then passing it in. ", "\nBy bypassing this copy, in should be faster, but in my tests it doesn't seem any faster at all. ", "\nI am using BenchMarkDotNet to benchmark my code. ", "The code looks like : \npublic struct Input\n{\n public decimal Number1 { get; set; }\n public decimal Number2 { get; set; }\n}\n\npublic class InBenchmarking\n{\n const int loops = 50000000;\n Input inputInstance;\n\n public InBenchmarking()\n {\n inputInstance = new Input\n {\n };\n }\n\n [Benchmark]\n public decimal DoSomethingRefLoop()\n {\n decimal result = 0M;\n for (int i = 0; i < loops; i++)\n {\n result = DoSomethingRef(ref inputInstance);\n }\n return result;\n }\n\n [Benchmark]\n public decimal DoSomethingInLoop()\n {\n decimal result = 0M;\n for (int i = 0; i < loops; i++)\n {\n result = DoSomethingIn(inputInstance);\n }\n return result;\n }\n\n [Benchmark(Baseline = true)]\n public decimal DoSomethingLoop()\n {\n decimal result = 0M;\n for (int i = 0; i < loops; i++)\n {\n result = DoSomething(inputInstance);\n }\n return result;\n }\n\n public decimal DoSomething(Input input)\n {\n return input.", "Number1;\n }\n\n public decimal DoSomethingIn(in Input input)\n {\n return input.", "Number1;\n }\n\n public decimal DoSomethingRef(ref Input input)\n {\n return input.", "Number1;\n }\n}\n\nAs you can see, I'm including a loop to use the \"ref\" keyword which also passes by reference, but is not readonly. ", "This does seem to be faster. ", "\nThe results of this test are : \n Method | Mean | Error | StdDev | Scaled | ScaledSD |\n------------------- |---------:|----------:|----------:|-------:|---------:|\n DoSomethingRefLoop | 20.15 ms | 0.3967 ms | 0.6058 ms | 0.41 | 0.03 |\n DoSomethingInLoop | 48.88 ms | 0.9756 ms | 2.5529 ms | 0.98 | 0.08 |\n DoSomethingLoop | 49.84 ms | 1.0872 ms | 3.1367 ms | 1.00 | 0.00 |\n\nSo using \"in\" doesn't seem to be faster at all. ", "I feel like it's possible that something is being optimized in a way I don't anticipate and that's accounting for the performance difference. ", "I have tried increasing the size of the struct up to 16 decimal fields, but again, it didn't make a difference between in and by value. ", "\nHow can I structure my benchmark test to truly see the difference between in, ref, and passing by value?", "\n\nA:\n\nThe issue is that you're using a non-readonly struct, so the compiler is creating a defensive copy of the input argument within the DoSomethingIn method.", "\nThis happens because you're using the getter method of the Number1 property, and the compiler isn't sure whether the struct state will change because of that (and since the argument is passed as a readonly reference, that wouldn't be valid).", "\nIf you edit your struct like this:\npublic readonly struct Input\n{\n public decimal Number1 { get; }\n public decimal Number2 { get; }\n}\n\nand run the benchmark again, you'll get the same performance with the in method as with the ref method, as was your original assumption.", "\nNOTE: the readonly struct modifier isn't mandatory, you can solve this problem by exposing the fields directly as well, like this:\npublic struct Input\n{\n public decimal Number1;\n public decimal Number2;\n}\n\nThe point is that, as stated here, that:\n\nThe compiler cannot know if any member method modifies the state of the struct. ", "To ensure that the object is not modified, the compiler creates a copy and calls member references using that copy. ", "Any modifications are to that defensive copy. ", "\n\nEDIT #2: to further clarify why the readonly struct modifier would be needed (as again, in is the same as ref readonly), here's another paragraph from the docs:\n\n[...] Other times, you may want to create an immutable struct. ", "Then you can always pass by readonly reference. ", "That practice removes the defensive copies that take place when you access methods of a struct used as an in parameter.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.0006525888456963003, 0.0005992156802676618, 0.0006518572336062789, 0.000641146267298609, 0.002182395663112402, 0.0007725812611170113, 0.0008345000678673387, 0.0006308354204520583, 0.0006506821955554187, 0.0010058594634756446, 0.0005784337408840656, 0.0006257288623601198, 0.0005906301666982472, 0.001521801925264299, 0.0010262801079079509, 0.0011438744841143489, 0.0007335393456742167, 0.0006513644475489855, 0.0008053708006627858, 0.0006105085485614836, 0.0005842983955517411, 0.0007936095935292542, 0.001995444530621171 ]
[ "Announcing Jetpack SDK 0.5\n\nThe Jetpack team is excited to announce the launch of Jetpack SDK 0.5. ", "This latest release offers more APIs for you to build add-ons with. ", "For instance, one of the new APIs enables you to access tab information and control tab-related actions, e.g. opening/closing tabs.", "\n\nThe new APIs in Jetpack SDK are:\n\nTabs API – Provides easy access to tabs and tab-related events.", "\n\nRequest API – Lets you easily make network requests.", "\n\nLoad/unload reasons – Add-ons can now find out when they are being loaded for the first time after being installed or enabled and unloaded because they are being uninstalled or disabled.", "\n\nLocalization API – Provides simple localization functionality. ", "It makes it possible to retrieve localized versions of the strings in your code. ", "And it doesn’t require you to solicit localizations from localizers or bundle localizations with your code, as the module retrieves them automatically from a web service based on the strings your code is using.", "\n\nSelection API – Provides a means to get and set current text/HTML selections as well as observe new selections.", "\n\nAnd in case you have not been following the latest Jetpack developments, we also launched Page Worker, Widget, Simple Storage and Private Browsing APIs in previous releases. ", "A complete list of APIs can be found in the core library reference.", "\n\nIf you’re new to the Jetpack project, it aims to make it easy to build Firefox add-ons using common Web technologies like HTML, JavaScript, and CSS; and with this latest release, building Firefox add-ons has never been easier!", "\n\nOne response\n\nWhy is there no documentation for ‘window-utils’, ‘xul-app’, ‘xpcom’, ‘errors’ or ‘cuddlefish’ in the core library? ", "I don’t really want to have to piece together bits of sample code from everywhere just to learn how to use the API. ", "Plus, aren’t the videos on the home page out of date now?", "\n\nI do want to code my own extensions, but the current state of the project is stopping me from achieving this easily." ]
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[ 0.0005909919855184853, 0.0007159481756389141, 0.0006024985341355205, 0.0006401549326255918, 0.0006104681524448097, 0.0010831109248101711, 0.0005867352010682225, 0.0006282278336584568, 0.0006775115034542978, 0.0005730095435865223, 0.0005631705280393362, 0.0005668281810358167, 0.0007579658413305879, 0.0008530005579814315, 0.0006175051676109433, 0.0008511299965903163, 0.000715472677256912 ]
[ "I would love to do more crafty things, but honestly, I don’t have the drive to get the materials and teach myself. ", "I’m lazy and I need to be taught and pushed otherwise I just won’t do things. ", "At least I’m self-aware ey!", "\n\nEnter Cult Milk – the perfect way for me to get craftier! ", "Cult Milk is “on a mission to provide an affordable creative workshop for anyone needing a midweek creative pick-me-up”. ", "They offer workshops on everything from nipple tassels to life drawing to lino printing.", "\n\nI went to the Beginners Macrame Workshop and honestly, it was so much better than I expected! ", "Not that I was expecting it to be bad – more that I was expecting me to be bad at Macrame. ", "More on that later. ", "I went along with a pal but there were lots of people there alone. ", "It was a super friendly group and I’d definitely feel comfortable going along alone in the future.", "\n\nWe learned how to do the basic knots in Macrame – the twist and the flat. ", "The twist was easy because it’s a repetitive pattern. ", "The flat… I found it SO much harder because you have to alternate which way you knot, and I kept forgetting which way I had already done it. ", "Oops.", "\n\nAmy, who runs Cult Milk, taught us how to add beads, create different styles and how to finish our plant hangers. ", "I literally can’t believe I made this…\n\nSorry, but how good does that look?! ", "Who knew a Macrame novice could make something that actually looks good! ", "Learning how to do it was at our own pace and in our own style – if you wanted to be handheld or left alone, that’s how you do it. ", "I needed a bit of help at the beginning but by the end, I felt like I could crack on alone. ", "I genuinely think after this I would start Macrame-ing (is that how you say it? ", "Macrame-ing?) ", "at home. ", "It’s sooo relaxing. ", "You can’t really focus on anything else, so my brain felt very calm and it was a great way to unwind. ", "10/10 would Macrame again.", "\n\nThe workshop cost £10 and included all the materials, plus a drinks discount for the venue. ", "Well worth the money in my opinion! ", "Amy was a wonderful teacher and everyone in the group was friendly and chatty. ", "An excellent way to spend an evening." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nAndroid: Transformer tablet keyboard registering two Enter key inputs\n\nI'm doing a quick log statement in the MainActivity and getting two Enter key presses logged whenever the physical Enter key is pressed on the ASUS Transformer tablet physical keyboard. ", "The key is not being held down.", "\npublic boolean dispatchKeyEvent(KeyEvent event) is the method being called when this occurs, twice each time.", "\nAny ideas?", "\n\nA:\n\none is for onKeyDown and one is for OnKeyUp. ", "so it will be having two call for every action. ", "as you mentioned the key is not being held so it will log twice\n\n" ]
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[ 0.0007002425263635814, 0.000755542772822082, 0.0009369913605041802, 0.0007957352208904922, 0.00233142520301044, 0.0007278443081304431, 0.0007436146261170506 ]
[ "André Coindre\n\nFather André Coindre was born on 26 February 1787 in Lyon, France and died on 30 May 1826 in Blois, France. ", "Coindre died by falling out a window. ", "Following André' s death, his brother, Francois Coindre, ran the organization that André originally founded Called the Brothers Of The Sacred Heart.", "\n\nFather André Coindre was founder of the Fratres a Sacratissimo Corde Iesu (Brothers of the Sacred Heart), a Roman Catholic religious order primarily devoted to high school and elementary school education; the brotherhood is also a missionary society.", "\n\nThe Brothers of the Sacred Heart named a boarding school Coindre Hall in honor of the order's founder. ", " The school operated in Huntington, New York, from 1939 to 1971.", "\nhe was the founder of the Brothers of The Sacred Heart, who re-founded St Columba's College in St Albans.", "\n\nExternal links\nBrothers of the Sacred Heart\nBrothers of the Sacred Heart Foundation\nCoindre Hall School Memorial Page\n\nCategory:1787 births\nCategory:1826 deaths\nCategory:Founders of Catholic religious communities\nCategory:French Roman Catholic priests\nCategory:People from Lyon\nCategory:19th-century Roman Catholic priests" ]
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[ "Ward atmosphere changes during restructuring of an alcoholism treatment center. ", "A quasi-experimental study.", "\nAt an Alcoholism Treatment Center which was under restructuring, the Ward Atmosphere Scale (WAS) was used to study the effect of changes on the climate of two wards. ", "Before implementation, after the first phase of changes one year later, and after the second phase changes a year later, patients (n1 = 19, n2 = 16, n3 = 23) and staff members (n1 = 21, n2 = 24, n3 = 25) filled out WAS forms. ", "The patients were divided into two groups according to a quasi-experimental design. ", "In a Short-term intensive inpatient unit all of the restructuring was implemented, whereas only some were in a Half-way house. ", "The Short-term intensive patients reported significant improvements between the second and the third assessment (p less than .05) and between the first and the third year (p less than .02), but not from the first to the second year. ", "The Half-way house patients showed no significant improvements. ", "The patients altogether reported significant improvements in six subvariables of the eight hypothesized. ", "The total WAS score of the staff increased significantly each year (p less than .01), and there was a clear improvement between the first and third assessment (p less than .001). ", "The staff reported significant improvements from the first to the third assessment in seven subvariables of the eight hypothesized." ]
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[ 0.0006442683516070247, 0.0007511391886509955, 0.000578335311729461, 0.0006082190666347742, 0.0005729374825023115, 0.0006249547004699707, 0.0005660812021233141, 0.0007596723735332489, 0.0006268617580644786, 0.0005613184766843915, 0.0005808142595924437 ]
[ "Tree-growth analyses to estimate tree species' drought tolerance.", "\nClimate change is challenging forestry management and practices. ", "Among other things, tree species with the ability to cope with more extreme climate conditions have to be identified. ", "However, while environmental factors may severely limit tree growth or even cause tree death, assessing a tree species' potential for surviving future aggravated environmental conditions is rather demanding. ", "The aim of this study was to find a tree-ring-based method suitable for identifying very drought-tolerant species, particularly potential substitute species for Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) in Valais. ", "In this inner-Alpine valley, Scots pine used to be the dominating species for dry forests, but today it suffers from high drought-induced mortality. ", "We investigate the growth response of two native tree species, Scots pine and European larch (Larix decidua Mill.), ", "and two non-native species, black pine (Pinus nigra Arnold) and Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii Mirb. ", "var. ", "menziesii), to drought. ", "This involved analysing how the radial increment of these species responded to increasing water shortage (abandonment of irrigation) and to increasingly frequent drought years. ", "Black pine and Douglas fir are able to cope with drought better than Scots pine and larch, as they show relatively high radial growth even after irrigation has been stopped and a plastic growth response to drought years. ", "European larch does not seem to be able to cope with these dry conditions as it lacks the ability to recover from drought years. ", "The analysis of trees' short-term response to extreme climate events seems to be the most promising and suitable method for detecting how tolerant a tree species is towards drought. ", "However, combining all the methods used in this study provides a complete picture of how water shortage could limit species." ]
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[ 0.0005556679097935557, 0.0006005492759868503, 0.0005647059297189116, 0.0006670465227216482, 0.0006296973442658782, 0.0008881074609234929, 0.0005650777602568269, 0.0013331343652680516, 0.0008100797422230244, 0.0008863182156346738, 0.0005968362675048411, 0.0006859700661152601, 0.0009089706582017243, 0.0005768543924205005, 0.0006188983097672462 ]
[ "Investors just did something they’ve never done before: plowed a record $43.3 billion this week into stock funds, led by technology shares.", "\n\nContinue Reading Below\n\nBofA Merrill Lynch Global Research, which tracks the fund flows, also notes that for the first time since 2013 stock flows are outpacing bonds. ", "If the momentum continues, stocks may attract $717 billion in new money for the year.", "\n\n“If there was a driving factor, without a doubt, it is bond yields peaking,” Michael Hartnett, chief investment strategist at BofA Merrill Lynch Global Research, told FOX Business. ", "The yield on the 10-year Treasury note is sitting at 2.85%, and if it maintains that level or drops lower, Hartnett said, that’s a win for stocks. “", "There is no real alternative,” he said.", "\n\nAs Wall Street buyers came out, President Donald Trump named Larry Kudlow, the supply-side, conservative economist, as his National Economic Council director, replacing former Goldman Sachs executive Gary Cohn.", "\n\nThe early buzz around Kudlow is bullish. ", "The former adviser to President Ronald Reagan is known to favor small government and low taxes. ", "There is already speculation he will help orchestrate more tax cuts. ", "Trump hinted as much earlier this week.", "\n\n“We’re actually going for a phase two, which will help, in addition to the middle class, will help companies, and it’s going to be something, I think, very special,” Trump said during a roundtable at a Boeing facility in St. Louis on Wednesday.", "\n\nFOX Business reports phase two may include making some of the new tax cuts permanent and bringing the 21% corporate tax rate even lower.", "\n\nThe surge in stock buying this week is also notable because it signals investors may be taking advantage of the sell-off that began in late January that began in late January. ", "In February, the Dow Jones Industrial Average saw two of its biggest point drops in history. ", "On Feb. 9, it fell 1,175 points and then entered correction territory with a 1,032-point decline on Thursday that same week.", "\n\nThe Dow, which briefly crossed back above the 25,000 level on Friday before pulling back, is still about 1,200 points away from regaining the January high.", "\n\nWhile it is impossible to predict the duration of a correction, our partners at the WSJ Markets Data Group note the last five corrections for the S&P 500, the broadest measure of stocks, have lasted an average of 37 trading days. ", "We are 26 days into the current one that began Feb. 8.", "\n\nTiming Corrections Since inception, the average correction has lasted 51 trading days Since 1950, the average correction has lasted 61 trading days Since 1980, the average correction has lasted 44 trading days The last five corrections have lasted an average of 37 trading days\n\nSource: WSJ Markets Data Group\n\nNext week the equity markets could see more choppiness as the Federal Reserve holds its two-day meeting, with a decision on interest rates announced Wednesday at 2pm ET. ", "Fed Chairman Jerome Powell will also make his first debut in front of reporters leading the Fed’s press conference where he will take questions.", "\n\nPolicymakers have indicated they’ll raise interest rates three times this year with one of those expected next week according to the CME Fed Watch tool." ]
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[ "SIBU: Coffeeshop owners here have joined those in the peninsula in calling for a reverse on the smoking ban on all open-air eateries from Jan 1.", "\n\nFederation of Sarawak Coffee Shop and Restaurant Association vice-president Hii Hung Yii said their members feared the ban would badly affect business.", "\n\nSince Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said it was okay for leaders to backtrack from their initial promises as even angels make mistakes, “we want the federal government to stop the move”, Hii said.", "\n\n“The Prime Minister had said it was okay to make a U-turn as nobody is perfect, we hope he will reverse this decision,” he said during a press conference yesterday.", "\n\nDr Mahathir was responding to several reports, one of which is the suspension of the National Higher Education Fund Corporation loan instalment scheme that was supposed to take effect on Jan 1.", "\n\nHii said the people had elected Pakatan Harapan in GE14 hoping the country would get better and not worse.", "\n\n“But it is making it difficult for us with this ban on smoking. ", "We are already facing a hard time and with new policies, it will be worse for us,” he said.", "\n\nHii said Health Minister Datuk Seri Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad, who initiated the move, should visit coffee shops and try to understand their point of view.", "\n\nHii said the RM2,500 fine for not complying with the new law was a double blow to the operators.", "\n\nHe said the RM10,000 fine for those caught smoking at prohibited areas was also too high and most would not be able to pay it." ]
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[ "Next story in Wireless\n\nBARCELONA, Spain — Calling Dick Tracy. ", "The day is coming when your TV will not only fit in the palm of your hand but will allow you to watch the programs you want when you want — from anywhere your cell phone will receive a signal. ", "And a huge number of companies at this year's 3GSM World Congress trade show want that day to come very, very soon.", "\n\nIn fact, they're all but betting the bank on it. ", "They may not agree on exactly when the technology will be embraced (or how, or which one) but they’re all sure that watching television on your cell phone will be the next driving force in the wireless industry.", "\n\nThe 3GSM show is all about current and future international cellular phone standards. ", "GSM (for phone calls), GPRS (for data) are considered second generation and 2.5 generation standards. ", "The faster data EDGE is called 2.75G. The new, very fast HSDPA is being termed by some experts a 3.5G standard.", "\n\nHSDPA, which stands for High-Speed Downlink Packet Access, is just beginning to deploy, but it's already in a fight with other next-generation standards such as CDMA2000, UMTS/W-CDMA and EV-DO, which are based on the favorite U.S. cell phone standard CDMA.", "\n\nHSDPA is currently being rolled out in Europe and it’s on the verge of being deployed in North America. ", "Cingular is promising the new high-speed service to be up and running in their top 100 U.S. markets by the end of 2006. ", "Rogers Wireless of Canada has also announced their plans for HSDPA rollout this year. ", "EV-DO, which stands for Evolution-Data Optimized, has been available in the United States for a little more than a year. ", "Verizon Wireless and Sprint are its main proponents.", "\n\nThe faster the connection the better the multimedia capabilities — and that means better looking wireless video for cell phones. ", "So, it’s no surprise that there have been a slew of announcements at 3GSM this year concerning cell phone video. ", "Just a few to ponder:\n\nMobiTV and IPWireless announced they’re developing solutions for cellular operators to migrate subscribers to TDtv — a system which allows an infinite number of customers to watch the same channel or use the same network space.", "\n\nInterVideo showed off its latest handset software running on advanced processors that includes live TV streaming on mobile phones and GPS devices.", "\n\nPacketVideo showcased live broadcast TV — including the first public demonstration of Texas Instrument’s Hollywood mobile DTV single-chip processors.", "\n\nIPWireless also announced that Sprint will be the first operator globally to test the next generation of mobile broadband technology. ", "The testing will be part of the ongoing UMTS TD-CDMA trial in the Washington, D.C area.", "\n\nOf course, none of this comes easily. ", "At the moment there are a number of different standards being proposed to get mobile video into your hand. ", "That’s why handset maker Samsung is hedging its bets.", "\n\nHere at 3GSM, Samsung has introduced seven new handsets with mobile-TV functionality. ", "The devices are compatible with four different mobile TV broadcasting systems: the Nokia-backed DVB-H standard, Qualcomm’s MediaFLO, and both the terrestrial and satellite-delivered variants of DMB (already in use in Korea).", "\n\nNokia's impressive TV system\nThis is the second time I’ve been able to watch Nokia’s mobile TV system via their special new cellular handset. ", "I’m happy to report that once again I’ve come away from the experience very, very impressed.", "\n\nThe N92 is Nokia’s first-ever mobile TV device dedicated to viewing and storing mobile broadcast content, as well as accessing interactive services. ", "In addition to being a cell phone, the N92 is truly a portable multimedia center. ", "Nokia calls the capability “watch and record TV on the go.”", "\n\nIt has an impressive 2.8-inch, QVGA (320 by 240 pixels) screen. ", "There are 4-way media keys on the device which handle the built-in FM stereo radio, TV, video and music functions. ", "The handset also sports stereo speakers, MP3/AAC/WMA music file support, 802.11g Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and a 2 megapixel camera.", "\n\nThe N92 is also a cell phone. ", "The device operates on the GSM/EDGE 900/1800/1900 MHz bands as well as the WCDMA 2100 MHz band. ", "The battery allows for up to four hours of talk or watch time before needing recharging.", "\n\nI particularly love the fact that the Nokia has an electronic programming guide — similar to what you might have on your home cable/satellite system. ", "Can’t wait for the day when I program my home TV to record one show while I’m recording/watching something else on my cell phone.", "\n\nNokia\n\nNokia 7710 is another example of how cell phones will take on different shapes.", "\n\nThe phones being displayed here at 3GSM are not futuristic, science-fiction-based pipe dreams. ", "These phones are for real. ", "They are what multimedia devices will look like in the near future. ", "The N92 is slated for release later this year. ", "Mobile TV handsets may not take the exact same shape or form factor as current phones (see the photo of the Nokia 7710 for another example of this), but a number of future cell phone designs will be able to do a lot more than make/receive calls.", "\n\nIn original testing in Nokia homeland of Finland, the video service was offered for 5 euros ($6) per month for all the video you wanted to watch. ", "I hope it’s offered at similar prices by the time it gets to the United States. ", "It’s fun to test these hot, new cellular features but I’m not sure how much I would pay for the experience. ", "How many users would be willing to pay exorbitant video fees — fees that might rival your monthly cable bill? ", "That’s something cellular carriers must consider.", "\n\nUntil these new features are ready for use in the United States, I’ll stick with my current cell phone video solution. ", "I’ve been playing with the soon-to-be-released\nSlingbox player software for Windows Mobile 5.0 smart phones\n. ", "I have to tell you, being able to watch local hometown news, weather and sports highlights on your cell phone when you’re thousands of miles from home is very, very addictive.", "\n\nThe FTC reminded us Monday what many a parent knows all too well: Not all kids' apps are safe, especially where privacy is concerned. ", "So, as a parent of two small children in a house full of tablets, what do I do to keep them safe? ", "Here are my guidelines." ]
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[ "Robots suck at getting around, and humans do too. ", "Flying is fast, but energy expensive; driving is efficient, but slow. ", "So a group of researchers at MIT decided they should just build a robot that does both — which could be the first step toward refining the concept of flying cars.", "\n\nOn Monday, a team of researchers at MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory showed off a groundbreaking demonstration of a system of tiny drones that can both fly and drive around a model track. ", "Using an algorithm, the little machine can determine when the best choice is to fly — or drive. ", "The research, still in its infancy, could have huge repercussions on flying cars down the road (and the demonstration is pretty adorable as well).", "\n\nRight now, the eight small quadcopter drones can currently fly 90 meters or drive 252 meters, according to simulations. ", "While the weight of the wheels reduced the length of the battery life, researchers say the benefits of having two travel modes outweighs the cost.", "\n\nBut the real innovation isn’t purely physical. ", "The researchers have also developed a system that helps the drones decide when it’s best to drive and when it’s best to fly. ", "This is based on battery life and the circumstances ahead of the drone’s path. ", "The researchers have trained the drones to fly over obstacles that would block them from moving on the ground, and then land and drive to get close to their destinations.", "\n\nSee also: Dubai Wants to Have Flying Taxis in the Sky by July\n\nThese drone simulations build off previous research on robotic collaboration. ", "In 2016, other MIT researchers debuted a decentralized communication system for teams of robot drones. ", "This initial research showed that the communication between robots could be significantly reduced without causing more collisions.", "\n\nThough the technology is currently confined to small drones, in the future it could be applied to flying cars, to allow passengers to move from place to place in the most efficient way. ", "Flying cars are on the tip of everyone’s tongues, but the early innovations have faced numerous challenges, including issues of design, legality, and cost. ", "Companies like Uber are already investing in a system of short-hop aircraft that could fly over obstacles in the same way as the drones, but the missing step is designing a vehicle that works as well as a ground vehicle as it does in the air, or vice versa (Uber’s plan involves a vehicle switch from a traditional car to a small aircraft). ", "Still, the MIT demonstration shows that a true dual-use vehicle could be programmed for maximum efficiency." ]
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[ "In-111 DTPA Ommayagrams in leptomeningeal carcinomatosis.", "\nRadionuclide Ommayagrams in 25 patients with leptomeningeal carcinomatosis were performed after injection of 0.5 mCl of In-111 DTPA into Ommaya shunt reservoirs to evaluate cerebrospinal fluid-shunt communication, detect the blockage of the cerebrospinal fluid pathway, evaluate the cerebrospinal fluid flow pattern, and predict the distribution of the chemotherapeutics. ", "All results were correlated with MRI evaluations of the brain and spine, as well as clinical findings. ", "Radionuclide Ommayagrams were found to be 73% sensitive and 100% specific in the evaluation of cerebrospinal fluid space disease. ", "MRI of the spine and head was found to be 100% sensitive, but 86% specific for obstructive cerebrospinal fluid space disease." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nOpinions/headers for splitting an application into front-end/back-end (not user/admin, but ui/logic)\n\nI am building a new web application and playing around with the architecture and would like some opinions about splitting UI and business logic and running them on separate servers.", "\nThis means that if someone requests a page, the front end will itself request the data from a back-end server and then not actually perform any calculations/logic but just use the data to populate a template and then respond with that.", "\n\nBack-End: Java + JAX-WS\nFront-End: Kohana 3.1 (PHP)\nData Interchange Format: JSON\n\nAdvantages:\n\nclear separation of logic and UI\nability to choose language/framework best suited for either end\npossibility to add logic/UI servers depending on which one is the bottleneck in case of performance issues\npossibility to make the API publicly available without any extra work (pseudo-internal requests will go to the same API as requests from third-part applications)\nability to change (if need be) the framework/language of either side without having to edit the other\nability to specify different server hardware according to the needs of the logic/UI application\nbetter security (if API private) (??)", "\n\nDisadvantages:\n\nlatency (??)", "\nmore servers\n\nSo what do you think? ", "Is this a good idea? ", "I haven't been able to find much information so far but my guess is that many big sites do it this way, right? ", "How will performance be affected (I am thinking of running it on EC2)? ", "What are further advantages/disadvantages? ", "Any thoughts on the languages/frameworks choices?", "\n\nA:\n\nA similar architectural pattern is often employed, though generally the UI part is often moved to the client. ", "So you have a backend that responds with JSON, a quick http server with full-blown caching (and that can use html5 app caching as well) and a rich javascript client which requests the JSON from the backend and builds the UI.", "\nMore on this pattern: http://www.metaskills.net/2008/05/24/the-ajax-head-design-pattern/\nThe main negative of the approach is that is generally more work in the beginning - if you don't need an external API then using a simpler architecture will be easier to program.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "KSAO (FM)\n\nKSAO (93.9 FM) is an American radio station licensed to serve the community of San Angelo, Texas. ", "The station's broadcast license is held by Houston Christian Broadcasters, Inc.\n\nKSAO broadcasts a Christian radio format to the San Angelo, Texas area. ", "The station's programming is simulcast on sister station KCCE (formerly KCRN, 1340 AM) licensed to San Angelo, Texas.", "\n\nThe station was assigned the call sign \"KCRN-FM\" by the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) on September 9, 1991.", "\n\nStarting on March 19, 2014, KCRN-FM dropped its local origination programming to simulcast from Dallas-based sister station KCBI, now rebranded as KCBI Radio Network. ", "The stations are positioning as \"encouraging music & words of hope for Central and West Texas and Southern Oklahoma\". ", "It is possible that the Wichita Falls area might join in the simulcast as KSYE changed its callsign to KCBK.", "\n\nEffective September 7, 2018, KCRN-FM, sister station KCRN, and translator K232FG were sold by First Dallas Media to Houston Christian Broadcasters for $205,000. ", "The station changed its call sign to KSAO the same day.", "\n\nReferences\n\nExternal links\n\nSAO (FM)\nCategory:Christian radio stations in the United States\nCategory:Radio stations established in 1965\nCategory:1965 establishments in Texas" ]
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[ "It felt jarring to her, Ms. James said: “I was like, ‘Wow that makes me feel like it’s in the South a long time ago. ", "So there is a fine line there, being able to reclaim something versus not having that thing be positioned properly.”", "\n\nFor her part, Margaret Kleveland is looking at the “Little House” series with a new perspective. “", "Rereading it through a new lens I totally understood that it was problematic,” she said.", "\n\n“What we take from it is more of a visual library,” said Katherine Kleveland, whose children are named Wilder, Shepard and Prairie.", "\n\n“I mean … can I wear this in public? ", "I look like I’m about to go milk a cow?” ", "my friend texted with the photo of her up to here in the pinafore. ", "Indeed, she looked like a waifish version of Kirsten Larson, the 1860s pioneer American Girl Doll. ", "However, I also liked it. ", "Was yes to both a possible answer?", "\n\nWhen I sent back my own fitting photo she replied, “I can’t tell if I love it or if it’s your ‘Big Love’ Halloween costume,” followed by a still of Chloë Sevigny from the HBO show about Mormon fundamentalists, wearing almost the identical ensemble, down to the ruffled collar and oxen tongue pink color.", "\n\nI know she’s right. ", "But I’m definitely going to wear it again." ]
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[ "An application typically using object states encoding is static analysis of variables in compilers. ", "In this step of static analysis, the compiler validates the code flow by detecting the impossible variable states or transitions in each branch of the code. ", "One other application is inventory management of physical objects such as containers on which are attached Rfids able to record the container's id and states.", "\nObjects states are well represented by a collection of Boolean properties such as a given local variable which can be deemed valued to null, or not, initialized, or not, etc., ", "at a given point in time. ", "Similarly, a container may have different states depending if it is in a warehouse, on board a truck, on board a train, on board a ship, etc. ", "During the life of objects, events drive predictable changes in objects states, called states transitions, that programs must track. ", "Transitions on those states are coded by use of Boolean arithmetic with the usual operands (and, or, not) to implement truth tables. ", "Truth tables typically give, for a given operation, and the entry states of one to many objects, the expected states of the objects after the transition has occurred. ", "Coming back to the example of a variable in a program, when a local variable that is not initialized is assigned a value, it becomes initialized: in other terms, its ‘initialized’ Boolean property changes from false to true; similarly, with the example of container, when a container is unloaded from a truck into a warehouse, its ‘on board truck’ property becomes false and its ‘in warehouse’ property becomes true. ", "The use of Boolean variables is efficient for the storage of states and the computation of states transitions because the underlying technology (memory, buses and processors) uses bits sets, usually grouped by words that comprise 32, 64 or 128 bits, at the very heart of computing and storage systems. ", "Moreover, it implements efficient Boolean operations on those sets.", "\nWhen the number of objects for which the states must be tracked and computed becomes very large, one encoding technique that is eventually efficient both in terms of space and time is to use a set of large bitfields (each set typically comprised of an array of words), each bitfield coding one of the Boolean properties, and each object being associated to a specific rank within the bitfields. ", "Using the bitwise operators of the used programming language to operate Boolean transformation one word at a time, states transformations can be operated for objects sets instead of demanding for a per object computation. ", "For example, if we take 8 bit long bitfields and associate the lower order bit to object 1, the following bitfield encodes a given Boolean property as being true for object 1, false for object 2, true for object 3, false for others: “0000 0101”\nThere is a potentially big issue with this approach though. ", "It is very weak at detecting impossible states, that is, states that the objects cannot reach. ", "Taking an obvious example, a variable cannot simultaneously be initialized and not initialized, or a container cannot be at the same time on board a train and on board a ship (whereas it could be on board a truck and on board a ship). ", "If the programmer initially chooses to code the ‘initialized’ and ‘uninitialized’ properties into two separate Boolean variables, the fact that those properties are always linked by a negation may go unnoticed for a while. ", "If this remains unnoticed, the encoding will consume one more property than needed per object, resulting into space waste and superfluous calculations. ", "This example is obvious but less obvious examples abound when the state variables number grows. ", "For example, in the container case, ‘on board train’ and ‘on board ship’ are negatively correlated, whereas ‘on board truck’ and ‘on board ship’ are not.", "\nThere is also a considerable amount of prior art work related to the optimization of Boolean multi-variate transformations. ", "For an example, see ‘Two-level logic optimization’, Coudert et al., ", "2001 (in IKLUWER INTERNATIONAL SERIES IN ENGINEERING AND COMPUTER SCIENCE SERIES) ([Coudert 2001]). ", "Their main focus is on providing ways to produce near optimal Boolean logic for use in dedicated hardware circuitry. ", "An elaboration of these is very useful in any multi-variate Boolean transformation. ", "These do not fulfill the needs exposed above by themselves though, since they only tackle the reduction of the time needed to implement given truth tables. ", "They do not address the reduction of the number of considered variables. ", "When applied to the initial problem of optimizing object states and transitions, this prior art would deliver a gain in computation time but not in space.", "\nHence, there is a need for a solution that enables programmers to define states and transitions according to the desired semantics and still implement them in an efficient way in terms of space for encoding them.", "\nA first step in space optimization for encoding object states and transitions has been observed at least in Eclipse, an open source project on the web site http://www.eclipse.org, and more particularly in the class: org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.flow.", "UnconditionalFlowInfo for the 3.1 version of the product. ", "This implementation uses natural Boolean sets to encode the states of numerous objects in a relatively efficient manner by using bitfield encoding. ", "This implementation adds new functions to the compiler, and drives the number of Boolean properties up, raising concerns about a degradation of performances on time and space. ", "An ad hoc approach enabled the development team to identify some of the unneeded combinations and to re-encode the states by coordinating some Boolean pairs (that is, for example, the meaning of the first bit depends on the value of the second bit).", "\nThis proved error prone, gave no warranty regarding optimality of the resulting encoding, and is very inflexible (the addition of a new state variable breaks the encoding). ", "As a consequence, in order to save space and to keep complexity under control, developers cut back on functionalities. ", "In conclusion, bitfield encoding is part of the solution but it is not sufficient for saving space with an important number of objects." ]
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[ "Irish and European Union flags are pictured outside the European Commission headquarters in Brussels, Belgium, February 23, 2017. ", "REUTERS/Francois Lenoir\n\nLONDON (Reuters) - Irish officials have been told to expect new proposals imminently from Britain on how it plans to avoid a post-Brexit hard border, The Times newspaper reported on Wednesday, citing unidentified sources.", "\n\nIrish officials were promised concrete details on what alternative plans the British government has beyond the so-called backstop plan that, if implemented, could effectively isolate the Northern Ireland economy from mainland Britain.", "\n\nBoth Britain and the European Union say they do not want to go back to border checks between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland." ]
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[ "12 Tips About Managing Client Expectations You Can’t Afford to Miss\n\nWorking with a new client is always stressful. ", "You each have to get to know each other and find out what the expectations are early on. ", "For clients that are overbearing and a bit on the needy side, it can prove to be a strenuous relationship that is fraught with problems from the very start. ", "Getting these issues in check early on is important to salvaging the relationship and ensuring that you are able to work together for the long haul. ", "That’s why we asked 12 entrepreneurs from Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC) the following:\n\n“How can businesses effectively manage client expectations early in a relationship?”", "\n\nManaging New Client Expectations\n\nHere’s what YEC community members had to say:\n\n1. ", "Set Clear Deliverables\n\n“Send your client a highly detailed list of deliverables that contain realistic deadlines for each line item. ", "Review these deliverables with your client one by one and answer any questions they may have prior to moving forward with the project. ", "This will ensure that both you and your client are on the same page and share the same expectations.” ", "~ Duran Inci, Optimum7\n\n2. ", "Be Authentic\n\n“There’s too much fluff in most business proposals. ", "People love to overpromise, so be authentic, talk to the client about what you are willing to do for them, what you hope to achieve from the relationship and be transparent about the challenges and obstacles involved. ", "An honest assessment of the potential (and challenges) of the relationship is more effective and sets realistic expectations.” ", "~ Shawn Schulze, Names.org\n\n3. ", "Establish Regular Communication\n\n“Start with good ways to communicate and reach out to each other on a regular basis to stay on top of expectations and perspectives about how the relationship is going. ", "That means asking clients how they want to communicate and how often. ", "Using the channel they like is a great way to start it.” ", "~ Angela Ruth, Calendar\n\n4. ", "Personally Get to Know Them\n\n“Personally getting to know the client and showing you’re a real human can really help you develop a strong business relationship. ", "Understanding their values, goals, struggles and interests as a person can help you figure out how to work with them, what expectations to set and easily knock down any boundaries early on. ", "This will transfer over to your business relationship and lead to success.” ", "~ Solomon Thimothy, OneIMS\n\n5. ", "Always Sign a Contract\n\n“Drafting a contract prints in detail what the expectations are of the client and the business supplying the service. ", "Having such details in writing eliminates any miscommunication and makes it easier for both parties to understand the terms of the agreement.” ", "~ Kate Hancock, OC Facial Care Center\n\n6. ", "Set Realistic Expectations\n\n“Expectations must be outlined accurately in the beginning, and then both parties need to deliver on them. ", "The best way to manage or exceed expectations is to make sure they are grounded in reality. ", "These discussions need to be had early on. ", "If a client expects something that is impossible, you are setting them up for disappointment.” ", "~ Blair Thomas, eMerchantBroker\n\n7. ", "Be Transparent\n\n“Over time, you’ll develop a list of reasons why your client relationships go wrong. ", "Now, we make it a habit of sharing some of those stories transparently to illustrate how and why we might fail. ", "That way, prospects understand that they have a role in achieving our common goals, and that shared understanding helps lay the groundwork for an honest, transparent relationship going forward.” ", "~ Peter Kozodoy, GEM Advertising\n\n8. ", "Be Honest\n\n“It’s really important to be clear with clients about what they are going to receive. ", "This is something that can be done when you review the signing contract. ", "A clear itemized list reviewed over the phone will provide a great deal of clarity. ", "The most important thing is to be honest from the beginning.” ", "~ Nicole Munoz, Start Ranking Now\n\n9. ", "Ask the Client About Specific Goals\n\n“Expectation setting is critical. ", "It starts with asking the client what they’re hoping to achieve and really driving at specifics. ", "Ask them what success looks like and exhaust that line of discussion. ", "Expectation setting can also be enhanced by in-person visits where you can develop a closer connection and have a more meaningful dialogue with the client.” ", "~ Douglas Baldasare, ChargeItSpot\n\n10. ", "Think Like the Customer\n\n“Although the client will tell you what they expect, they may not share everything because they are uncomfortable explaining it or they forget. ", "That’s why you need to think like the client and realize what it feels like to be them. ", "That can help you better manage expectations because you see more of what they want and why.” ", "~ Cynthia Johnson, Bell + Ivy\n\n11. ", "Don’t Be Afraid to Walk\n\nAway\n“Be upfront and super clear about the deliverables and make sure the client or partner understands this prior to the engagement. ", "Clients can become unruly and lose sight of the original deal. ", "Some businesses are happy they got a deal done and they’ll let the client bully them. ", "Don’t be afraid to check them. ", "They chose you for a reason and if that reason is forgotten, don’t be afraid to walk away.” ", "~ Philip Michael, New York Equity Group (NYEG)\n\n12. ", "Have a Client Kick-Off Meeting\n\n“Start your business relationship by organizing a client kick-off meeting. ", "This way, both the client and the team can set clear expectations on what the deliverables are and when to expect them.” ", "~ Derek Broman, Discount Enterprises LLC deguns.net\n\nThe Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC) is an invite-only organization comprised of the world's most promising young entrepreneurs. ", "In partnership with Citi, YEC recently launched StartupCollective, a free virtual mentorship program that helps millions of entrepreneurs start and grow businesses.", "\n\nSubscribe\n\nSponsor Spotlight\n\nWould You Take My Survey Please?Inquiring minds like Ginger Kitty want to know. ", "What excites small business owners like you and their employees when it comes to energy? ", "Is it saving the environment? ", "Is it cost savings? ", "Do tell!", "\nYes, I’ll Take It! ", ">>\n\nAbout Small Business Trends\n\nFounded in 2003, Small Business Trends is an award-winning online publication for small business owners, entrepreneurs and the people who interact with them. ", "It is one of the most popular independent small business publications on the web.", "\n\nTogether with hundreds of expert contributors, Small Business Trends brings you the news, advice and resources you need. \"", "Small business success... delivered daily.\"" ]
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[ "[Osteocalcin in infants with rickets].", "\nInfants afflicted with rickets demonstrate a reduction in the blood content of vitamin K-dependent protein, osteocalcin, most pronounced in disease of medium gravity, in its calcipenic and phosphopenic varieties. ", "It has been established that there is an inverse correlation between osteocalcin content and the level of parathyroid hormone and a direct correlation between osteocalcin content and the concentration of total and ionized calcium and calcitonin in the blood. ", "It is suggested that measurement of blood osteocalcin in children may serve a diagnostic marker of metabolic disorders and mineralization of osseous tissue." ]
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[ "Modern computing devices typically have multiple and differing types of internal memory components, which are required to support different end applications. ", "These memory components and their associated characteristics are some of the crucial metrics by which a computing device's performance can be measured. ", "Modern computing devices are usually further capable of functioning with add-on memory components through various built in communications channels, such as a PCI bus, a Firewire port, a USB port, or a specialized Multi-Media Card (MMC) port. ", "All of these internal and add-on memory components consist of either volatile or non-volatile memory, or some combination thereof. ", "Nand Flash and Nor Flash are common types of non-volatile memory. ", "Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM) and Static Random Access Memory (SRAM) are types of volatile memory. ", "Memory type may be classified based on performance and density. ", "High performance memories such as SRAM are larger, more costly to implement, and dissipate more power. ", "Higher density memories, such as DRAM, are more cost effective, but typically have worse performance measured by access time for single elements and by the bandwidth, or rate of transfer of the memory contents to the processing elements which require the data or instructions contained in the memory system.", "\nThese associated tradeoffs are especially critical when these modern memory systems are implemented in mobile devices, such as Laptop PCs, cellular phones, PDAs, or any other variety of ultra-portable personal computing devices. ", "In such devices, the additional considerations of power consumption and form factor make it critical that the memory resources be optimally configured and utilized. ", "Fortunately, increasing levels of computer product integration have made it possible to package multiple memory types into a single complete memory system package, with features that significantly improve memory data-transfer and associated processing speeds.", "\nOne particular application where such integrated packaging is useful is in cache memory systems. ", "Most modern computing systems have integrated caching systems comprising both a Level 1 and a Level 2 SRAM cache. ", "Typically, a processor uses the cache to reduce the average time to access similar data from memory. ", "The SRAM cache is a low-capacity, fast memory type, which stores copies of frequently accessed data from main memory locations.", "\nWhen a processor attempts to read or write from or to a main memory location, it first checks the cache memory location to see if a previously stored copy of similar data is available. ", "The processor does this by comparing the data address memory location with the cache to see if there is a cache hit (data exists in cache). ", "If the processor does not find the data in cache, a cache miss occurs and the processor must run at a much slower data retrieval rate as it is required to access data from a slower main-memory location, such as a hard-disc or Flash memory. ", "It would be advantageous to increase the cache hit in some way as to reduce the need for accessing the slowest memory type to find frequently accessed data.", "\nFurther still, most modern add-on cache memory systems include Flash memory and RAM memory wherein the Flash control occurs off-circuit at the external computing device's processor. ", "This type of system is inefficient, because transfer between the Flash and RAM memory must be facilitated by routing data from the add-on memory system's Flash, across an external processor bus to the external computing device processor, and back across the external processor bus to the add-on memory system's RAM." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nSharedPreferences Click Checkbox And Hiding Button\n\nI have two activities, ActivityA and ActivityB. ActivityA has a Checkbox, ActivityB has a Button. ", "When I click the Checkbox in ActivityA, I want the Button in ActivityB to be invisible. ", "I want it to be visible when I lift the tick. ", "And most importantly I want to save it with SharedPreferences. ", "So I want to exit the program and re-enter the last process I do. ", "Could someone please help me? ", "Thanks in advance.", "\n\nA:\n\nactivity_a.xml\n<?", "xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?", ">\n<LinearLayout\n xmlns:android=\"http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android\"\n xmlns:app=\"http://schemas.android.com/apk/res-auto\"\n xmlns:tools=\"http://schemas.android.com/tools\"\n android:layout_width=\"match_parent\"\n android:layout_height=\"match_parent\"\n tools:context=\".", "MainActivity\"\n android:orientation=\"vertical\">\n\n <CheckBox\n android:id=\"@+id/chk\"\n android:layout_width=\"match_parent\"\n android:layout_height=\"wrap_content\"\n android:gravity=\"center\"\n android:textColor=\"#FF5722\"\n android:textStyle=\"bold\"\n android:textSize=\"18sp\"\n android:layout_margin=\"25dp\"\n android:text=\"Show Button\"/>\n\n <android.support.v7.widget.", "AppCompatButton\n android:id=\"@+id/btn\"\n android:layout_width=\"150dp\"\n android:layout_height=\"wrap_content\"\n android:layout_gravity=\"center\"\n android:gravity=\"center\"\n android:background=\"#000\"\n android:textSize=\"14sp\"\n android:textColor=\"#fff\"\n android:textAllCaps=\"false\"\n android:text=\"Next Screen\"/>\n\n</LinearLayout>\n\nIn Activity A :you can acheive using sharedpreference.", "\nStep 1 : put below code in your A activity and yes btn is used for checking next screen button is hidden or not\n SharedPreferences sharedPreferences = getSharedPreferences(\"ButtonPrefs\", MODE_PRIVATE);\n @SuppressLint(\"CommitPrefEdits\") final SharedPreferences.", "Editor editor=sharedPreferences.edit();\n chk=findViewById(R.id.chk);\n btn=findViewById(R.id.btn);\n\n chk.setOnCheckedChangeListener(new CompoundButton.", "OnCheckedChangeListener() {\n @Override\n public void onCheckedChanged(CompoundButton buttonView, boolean isChecked)\n {\n if(isChecked)\n {\n editor.putBoolean(\"isShow\",false);\n editor.apply();\n }\n else\n {\n editor.putBoolean(\"isShow\",true);\n editor.apply();\n }\n\n }\n });\n\n btn.setOnClickListener(new View.", "OnClickListener()\n {\n @Override\n public void onClick(View v)\n {\n Intent intent=new Intent(MainActivity.this,Main2Activity.class);\n startActivity(intent);\n\n }\n });\n\nactivity_b.xml\n<?", "xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?", ">\n<LinearLayout xmlns:android=\"http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android\"\n xmlns:tools=\"http://schemas.android.com/tools\"\n android:layout_width=\"match_parent\"\n android:layout_height=\"match_parent\"\n tools:context=\".", "Main2Activity\"\n android:orientation=\"vertical\">\n\n <android.support.v7.widget.", "AppCompatButton\n android:layout_margin=\"50dp\"\n android:id=\"@+id/btnshoworhide\"\n android:layout_width=\"150dp\"\n android:layout_height=\"wrap_content\"\n android:layout_gravity=\"center\"\n android:gravity=\"center\"\n android:background=\"#000\"\n android:visibility=\"gone\"\n android:textSize=\"14sp\"\n android:textColor=\"#fff\"\n android:textAllCaps=\"false\"\n android:text=\"show me or not\"/>\n\n</LinearLayout>\n\nStep 1 : put below code in your B activity\nboolean showornot;\n btnshoworhide=findViewById(R.id.btnshoworhide);\n SharedPreferences sharedPreferences = getSharedPreferences(\"ButtonPrefs\", MODE_PRIVATE);\n showornot=sharedPreferences.getBoolean(\"isShow\",false);\n if(!showornot)\n {\n btnshoworhide.setVisibility(View.", "GONE);\n }\n else\n {\n btnshoworhide.setVisibility(View.", "VISIBLE);\n }\n\nIts Easy && Nice \nI run this code successfully ;) \n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.0007466648239642382, 0.0007414267747662961, 0.0016024147626012564, 0.0006448599742725492, 0.0007938675116747618, 0.0006471070810221136, 0.0005687244120053947, 0.0006738461670465767, 0.0006190649583004415, 0.000680038589052856, 0.0006585681112483144, 0.0007061124197207391, 0.0009066961938515306, 0.000903142208699137, 0.0012110209790989757, 0.0008132994989864528, 0.0006190649583004415, 0.0006860243156552315, 0.000653692171908915, 0.0012923225294798613, 0.0012873526429757476, 0.0007403969066217542 ]
[ "using System;\nusing System.", "Collections.", "Generic;\nusing System.", "Linq;\nusing System.", "Text;\nusing System.", "Threading.", "Tasks;\n\nnamespace Chapter8Basis\n{\n class Program\n {\n static void Main(string[] args)\n {\n }\n }\n}\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
[ 0.0010321233421564102, 0.0008056002552621067, 0.0007576470379717648, 0.0008255469729192555, 0.0007333407993428409, 0.0009957521688193083, 0.0008835280896164477 ]
[ "[Evaluation of pharmaceutical assistance in public primary care in Brasilia, Brazil].", "\nPharmaceutical assistance is essential in health care and a right of citizens according to Brazilian law and drug policies. ", "The study purpose was to evaluate aspects of pharmaceutical assistance in public primary health care. ", "A cross-sectional study using WHO drug indicators was carried out in Brasilia in 2001. ", "From a random sample of 15 out of 62 centers thirty exiting patients per center were interviewed. ", "Only 18.7% of the patients fully understood the prescription, 56.3% could read it, 61.2% of the prescribed drugs were actually dispensed, and mean duration of pharmaceutical dispensing was 53.2 seconds. ", "Each visit lasted on average 9.4 minutes. ", "Of prescribed and non-dispensed drugs, 85.3% and 60.6% were on the local essential drug list (EDL) respectively. ", "On average 83.2% of 40 essential drugs were in stock, and only two centers had a pharmacist in charge of the pharmacy. ", "The mean number of drugs per prescription was 2.3, 85.3% of prescribed drugs were on the EDL, 73.2% were prescribed using the generic denomination, 26.4% included antibiotics and 7.5% were injectables. ", "The most prescribed groups were: cardiovascular drugs (26.8%), anti-infective drugs (13.1%), analgesics (8.9%), anti-asthmatic drugs (5.8%), anti-diabetic drugs (5.3%), psychoactive drugs (3.7%), and combination drugs (2.7%). ", "Essential drugs were only moderately available almost 30 years after the first Brazilian EDL was formulated. ", "While physician use of essential drugs and generic names was fairly high, efficiency was impaired by the poor quality of pharmaceutical care, resulting in very low patient understanding and insufficient guarantee of supply, particularly for chronic diseases." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.0005490247276611626, 0.0005474095814861357, 0.0005493333446793258, 0.0005444963462650776, 0.0005892203189432621, 0.0006970797549001873, 0.0006013052770867944, 0.0006215560715645552, 0.0008629329386167228, 0.0006998932803981006, 0.0007606843719258904, 0.0005991143407300115, 0.0008312611607834697 ]
[ "Musings on work, HR and the like by Gemma Dale\n\nMain menu\n\nPost navigation\n\nWhat Shaped Me\n\nRecently, Tony Jackson wrote a blog post titled ‘what shaped me’. ", "He invited others to contribute to the theme. ", "I reflected on the subject, and I found myself returning to one example of what shaped my views on the role and responsibilities of HR.", "\n\nSo here goes.", "\n\nOnce upon a lifetime ago, I’m in my first ever proper HR job. ", "Previously, I’d worked in recruitment. ", "I’ve got my CPP as it was then, and am just starting my next level of CIPD study. ", "It would be an understatement to call me inexperienced.", "\n\nWe have an applicant for a Warehouse Operative vacancy. ", "The work is in a huge warehouse, that also has a small outside Yard. ", "Most of the Warehouse Operatives work indoors, but there also is a small team outside. ", "Occasionally the Operatives rotate around inside and outside work, but not much. ", "The applicant declares a disability that gets worse when working in cold temperatures, and tells me that he wouldn’t be able to work outside in the Winter. ", "Could he still apply he asked me? ", "The hope in his voice built in. ", "Out of work for a while, he thought his age and his medical condition were deterring potential employers. ", "He still had plenty to give, he told me, if someone would just give him a chance.", "\n\nI didn’t hesitate. ", "It was a reasonable adjustment after all. ", "He came in for interview, he got the job. ", "I think I made a note on his application form about his medical condition. ", "I can’t honestly remember if I checked the adjustment issue with the management team. ", "It seemed so straightforward, so uncontentious. ", "For a few months of the year, he couldn’t work outside when there wasn’t that much work outside anyway. ", "And several hundred other people available who could do it instead. ", "It just never crossed my naïve mind that it would be an issue.", "\n\nUntil a few months later when there was a cold snap and he said he couldn’t go outside and uttered the words ‘HR said it was ok’.", "\n\nHR got her arse kicked. ", "The Operations Manager was practically foaming at the mouth. ", "He made a formal complaint about me to my manager. ", "I had over stepped the mark. ", "Who did I think I was? ", "It was his job to make these decisions not some girl in the office. ", "The guy had got to go. ", "He didn’t have time to organise work around what people liked and disliked and inconvenient medical conditions. ", "He wanted him dismissed. ", "Got rid of.", "\n\nMy refuge was to quote the law. ", "The Disability Discrimination Act as it then was. ", "That really didn’t help matters all that much. ", "My manager supported me, to a point. ", "He confirmed that I was right, technically at least. ", "I stood my ground and I argued and I reasoned. ", "I waved case law around, and average tribunal compensation award figures. ", "And in the end, the guy kept his job. ", "We continued to make that small reasonable adjustment, and it had no operational impact whatsoever. ", "My relationship with this particular manager however, never recovered. ", "I simply became one of ‘those’ HR people. ", "Who in his mind quoted law and policy and stopped him doing what he wanted to do. ", "I’m not usually that sort of HR person. ", "But right then, for that issue, it was a reputation I could live with just fine.", "\n\nWhat was it about this incident that shaped me professionally? ", "It was my first ever experience of casual discrimination. ", "I wish I could say it had been my last, but I can’t. ", "On a practical level it made me realise that the reasonable adjustment wasn’t a HR decision and I should have communicated a heck of a lot better. ", "Not to mention the fact that quoting legislation at people doesn’t resolve issues. ", "It made me acutely aware of the balancing act that HR faces; more so perhaps than any other function ever has to.", "\n\nFinally, this incident also made me realise that as a HR professional, there is a time that you need to stand up and be counted, and fight for someone who cannot fight for themselves, even if there are consequences to you. ", "Because if we don’t, who will?" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.0006588264950551093, 0.0005364064709283412, 0.0005281747435219586, 0.0009759518434293568, 0.001095171319320798, 0.0005818295758217573, 0.0006903917528688908, 0.0011941230623051524, 0.0005662619951181114, 0.0009669297724030912, 0.0005568306078203022, 0.0006142766214907169, 0.0011144966119900346, 0.0007986731943674386, 0.0007475401507690549, 0.0011005977867171168, 0.0006288849981501698, 0.000685516803059727, 0.0006060485611669719, 0.0006881651934236288, 0.0005965743912383914, 0.0005523762665688992, 0.0007960912771522999, 0.0006530981627292931, 0.0006023664609529078, 0.0008520862902514637, 0.0007745029870420694, 0.8090266585350037, 0.04127247631549835, 0.0008698073797859251, 0.0012621779460459948, 0.0018463305896148086, 0.004932877607643604, 0.004286400508135557, 0.0008757493342272937, 0.0016040075570344925, 0.0037808911874890327, 0.0008029385935515165, 0.0009206320391967893, 0.0010147903813049197, 0.0005977650871500373, 0.0006098862504586577, 0.000730810803361237, 0.0005584966856986284, 0.0021050150971859694, 0.0005584048922173679, 0.000620294944383204, 0.0008340822532773018, 0.0008357585757039487, 0.0014796602772548795, 0.0006603489746339619, 0.0006655601901002228, 0.00074393255636096, 0.001003024517558515, 0.0005347247351892292, 0.0006834219093434513, 0.0006431355723179877, 0.002216333756223321, 0.0010471686255186796 ]
[ "Controllable preparation of Nano-MgO and investigation of its bactericidal properties.", "\nSamples of nano-MgO with varying particle sizes were prepared by four different methods using Mg(NO3)2.6H2O, Na2CO3, urea and ammonia as raw materials and characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), low temperature N2 adsorption-desorption measurements and FT-IR spectroscopy. ", "Bactericidal experiments with Bacillus subtilis var. ", "niger and Staphylococcus aureus were carried out using as-synthesized nano-MgO samples and the bactericidal mechanism was also investigated. ", "The results showed that the bactericidal efficacy of nano-MgO increases with decreasing particle size. ", "The bactericidal efficacy of the samples was compared with that of TiO2, a common photoactive bactericidal material. ", "The nano-MgO has better bactericidal activity, both when used directly and as an additive in an interior wall paint. ", "Furthermore, nano-MgO is active even in the absence of irradiation." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.0006267010467126966, 0.0006405083113349974, 0.001138575840741396, 0.0006442081648856401, 0.0009536812431178987, 0.0006987742381170392, 0.0008541742572560906, 0.0006833418156020343 ]
[ "Generality of Psychopathy Checklist-Revised factors over prisoners and substance-dependent patients.", "\nThe Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R; R. D. Hare, 1991) is an often-used device for assessment of adult antisociality. ", "This research examined generalizability by replicating the 2-factor model for a sample of 326 male prisoners and assessing its congruence and relative reliability and specificity among 620 substance-dependent patients. ", "Generality was assessed also across addiction subtypes (opioid, cocaine, and alcohol), age, gender, and ethnicity. ", "The 2-factor model was found inappropriate for the substance-dependent samples, whereas a unidimensional model represented by the PCL-R total score was found generalizable across prison and substance-dependent samples." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.0007866585510782897, 0.001195280347019434, 0.0006081475294195116, 0.0008813515887595713, 0.0006186270620673895 ]
[ "Q:\n\nWhy IPv6 showing on whatismyip.com?", "\n\nI use Tor Browser on Whonix. ", "Why I see IPv6 (something like 3221:23f9:c:67h:0:0:0:3) on whatismyip.com?", "\nIs that website can see my MAC Address?", "\n\nA:\n\nAs indicated on the IPv6 roadmap of the Tor project, tor has had support for exit nodes contacting destinations over IPv6 since 2.4.8-alpha. ", "The closest stable release I could find that followed is 2.4.19 from the end of 2013. ", "I don't know exactly which nodes need to support it for a connection to be established over IPv6, but by now, every node in your chain should have at least that version. ", "So all you're seeing is your exit node contacting whatismyip.com over IPv6, and whatismyip answering with the exit node's IPv6 address (the address format seems to confirm this is a manually chosen address as it ends in 0:0:0:3).", "\nIf you still have the exact IP, you can check it was indeed an exit node on that day using exonerator.", "\nBy the way, IPv6 implementations do not necessarily leak the MAC address by default thanks to RFC4941, which, in addition to a MAC address based IP, assigns a randomly chosen temporary address on every interface, which changes regularly and is used by default for outgoing connections. ", "On Linux this can be controlled using net.ipv6.conf.all.use_tempaddr\nnet.ipv6.conf.default.use_tempaddr. ", "Many distributions don't enable it by default, saying it can cause problems for unaware users, and I'm having trouble finding out what the default value is for whonix, but as a privacy oriented distro, I would hope it is activated... Of course, manually assigned IPv6 addresses also don't have to leak the Mac address.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.0008107944158837199, 0.0014575640670955181, 0.0007560944650322199, 0.0008193837711587548, 0.0006019736174494028, 0.000554994388949126, 0.0006045391201041639, 0.0008330802083946764, 0.0009527308284305036, 0.0005879286909475923, 0.0013540262589231133, 0.0007005846127867699, 0.001995444530621171 ]
[ "Lewis Peak\n\nLewis Peak can refer to\n\n Lewis Peak (Alaska), a peak in the Alaska Range\n Lewis Peak (Montana), a peak in Central Montana\n Lewis Peak (Nevada), a peak in the Shoshone Range of Nevada, near Mount Lewis\n Lewis Peak (New Mexico), a peak in the Guadalupe Mountains of New Mexico\n Lewis Peak (Utah), a peak in the Wasatch Range of Utah\n Lewis Peak (Virginia), a peak in the Shenandoah Mountains of Virginia\n Lewis Peak (Blue Mountains) in the Blue Mountains of Washington\n Lewis Peak (Cascade Range) in the Cascade Range of Washington\n Lewis Peaks in Graham Land, Antarctica\n Dave Lewis Peak in Idaho" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
[ 0.000622569234110415 ]
[ "Ethnic variation in drinking, drug use, and sexual behavior among adolescents in Hawaii.", "\nThis study examined ethnic differences in substance use and sexual behavior and whether drinking and drug use constitute risk factors for unsafe sexual practices among Native Hawaiian (NH), Caucasian, and Asian/Pacific Islander (API) high school students in Hawaii. ", "A secondary data analysis of the Youth Risk Behavior Survey (1997 and 1999) using a representative sample of 2,657 students in 9-12 grades was performed. ", "Chi-square tests for bivariate associations and multivariate regression analyses were conducted to identify predictors. ", "NHs were more sexually active, initiated sex earlier, and tended to have multiple partners. ", "Alcohol lifetime use was higher in NH, Caucasians, and males. ", "NHs were more likely to initiate drinking by age 12 and engage more in episodic drinking. ", "Non-episodic or episodic drinkers and students who use drugs were at risk to engage in sexual activity, have multiple partners, and use alcohol/drugs during sex. ", "Risk was two times higher for substance use during sex if drinking was initiated at age 10 or younger compared to 15 years or older. ", "Compared to abstainers, the risk doubled for lifetime multiple partners if drinking was initiated at ages 13-14. ", "Overall, females were more sexually active. ", "Because drinking was associated with sexual initiation and risky behavior, adverse effects of alcohol must be addressed in programs targeting underage drinking, thus helping youth delay or minimize sexual activity and prevent other associated problems. ", "Intervention efforts should enhance life skills that endorse abstinence from alcohol and drug use." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.005817275494337082, 0.0022473360877484083, 0.0005813827738165855, 0.000619481666944921, 0.30073443055152893, 0.0011920381803065538, 0.018209584057331085, 0.07252179831266403, 0.008196030743420124, 0.00099165178835392, 0.30212274193763733, 0.005154096987098455, 0.00443896884098649 ]
[ "Ask HN: Are you satisfied with your work? - ", "serb348\n======\njetti\nDay job? ", "No. ", "Side business? ", "Yes (especially once I start making money!)", "\n\nMy job now is giving me no skills that I would want in the future. ", "I didn't\nrealize what the job was when I joined because they kind of switched what I\nwas going to be doing. ", "Because of that, I'm stuck with ETL stuff when I don't\nwant to do ETL at all. ", "I don't want to leave because I only spent 10 months at\nmy last job and don't want to look like a job hopper. ", "Plus I may have a gig\ncoming down the line to join a startup my old boss has started.", "\n\n------\nstephancoral\nMy job is essentially meaningless and does nothing for the world and the code\nI write is absolutely garbage because I don't care enough and no one cares\nenough to critique it or write it themselves.", "\n\nBut I get paid 160k/yr so it's not so bad\n\n~~~\neecks\nWhat do you actually do? (", "If you don't mind describing it)\n\n~~~\nstephancoral\nI maintain an internal legacy PHP and Perl (yes, both) web app from the early\n2000s for a large corp.", "\n\n------\nhxnjxn\nI am. ", "My coworkers are great and that helps a ton.", "\n\n------\nrurban\nLove it\n\n------\nmrwnmonm\nnot very much, seems like leading nowhere\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
[ 0.000696777191478759, 0.0011973087675869465, 0.0013785817427560687, 0.0008973531075753272, 0.0006668113055638969, 0.0014490230241790414, 0.0006723070400767028, 0.0009990542894229293, 0.0012754532508552074, 0.0007649605395272374, 0.08328143507242203, 0.00571757648140192, 0.000611265713814646, 0.009343540295958519, 0.020241089165210724, 0.0023562111891806126 ]
[ " TEXAS COURT OF APPEALS, THIRD DISTRICT, AT AUSTIN\n\n\n NO. ", "03-08-00009-CV\n\n\n\n Katherine Garcia Lucero, Individually and on Behalf of All Others Similarly Situated,\n Appellant\n\n v.\n\n National Western Life Insurance Company, Appellee\n\n\n FROM THE DISTRICT COURT OF TRAVIS COUNTY, 345TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT\n NO. ", "D-1-GN-00-00704, HONORABLE ORLINDA NARANJO, JUDGE PRESIDING\n\n\n\n MEMORANDUM OPINION\n\n\n The parties to this appeal have filed a joint motion requesting that the cause be\n\nremanded to the district court for an agreed dismissal with prejudice, pursuant to a settlement\n\nagreement. ", "See Tex. ", "R. App. ", "P. 42.1(a)(2)(B). ", "We set aside the trial court’s judgment without\n\nregard to the merits and remand the case to the trial court for rendition of judgment in accordance\n\nwith the parties’ agreement.", "\n\n\n\n __________________________________________\n\n Diane Henson, Justice\n\nBefore Justices Patterson, Puryear and Henson\n\nVacated and Remanded\n\nFiled: March 14, 2008\n\f" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "FreeLaw" }
[ 0.00077436538413167, 0.0007068470004014671, 0.0006363422144204378, 0.0007498146733269095, 0.0009975661523640156, 0.0007138769724406302, 0.0005765120149590075, 0.000883332802914083 ]
[ "The far right has something useful to say about Zionism\n(02/25/10...)\nby Jay Knott\nHere is a savage deconstruction of the hypocrisy of Zionism by a conservative academic:\nhttp://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/authors/Pert-Birthright.html\nThe Jewish organization Hillel has been instrumental in inciting hordes of...\n\nZionists, Why do they Hate Us?", "\n(02/25/10)\nby Colony14\nInterestingly enough I found the answer HERE:\nhttp://majorityrights.com/index.php/webog/comments/reich_and_rangel_reveal_the_new_anti_white_anti_middle_class_agenda/\nWhen you get to this above link, LOOK on the LEFT column for...\n\nUN Anti-Racism\n(02/25/10)\nby Colony14\nWell, we know full well it's not about Anti-Racism against Whites! ", "After all look at the amounts of land the UN has the NGO's with massive amounts of US Gov Grant monies to trick people into \"reparations\" \"riparian\" \"wetlands\"...\n\nMore Censorship at Indymedia\n(02/18/10)\nby Jay Knott\nPrevious posts on this page have pointed to Indymedia censorship policies. ", "As I said in The Mass Psychology of Anti-Fascism,\n\"Anti-fascists attempt to police all opponents of anti-fascism, not just fascists. ", "Anti-fascists are in...\n\nAnti-Hate Task Force Remembers Dresden 1945\n(02/16/10...)\nby Jay Knott\nAnti-fascists are not merely opposed to fascism, they believe that the crimes carried out by fascist regimes are worse than those of others.", "\nThe Facebook group set up by the Anti-Hate Task Force at the University of...\n\nPlease stop deleting my posts and editing my comments\n(01/23/10)\nby HarryHaller\nDaily Emerald - Jan 22\nASUO to determine its stance on Pacifica\nASUO Senate will decide whether or not to ask the group to leave in next week's resolution\nhttp://www.dailyemerald.com/asuo-to-determine-its-sta...\n\nPlease stop lying\n(01/22/10...)\nby Jay Knott\nPicture: feminists 'confront' a Pacifica speaker, who triesto calm things down by saying \"you're not ugly\"\nNaturally, these professional victims claimed he was advocating rape. ", "None of the women in the photo, apart from the...\n\nThis post was changed because someone requested that we not mention names. ", "We listen. ", "It will be a fine day when our political opponents are as principled as we are.", "\n\nDo you feel comfortable invading Poland?", "\nby Jay Knott:\nA more recent comment in the Student Insurgent says of Pacifica Forum \"members have invited neo-nazis and targeted groups are made to feel insecure. ", "Their presence contributed to the environment where a someone felt comfortable...\n\nReply to a Facebook Anti-Pacifica Student\nby Jay Knott:\nThere is no point in replying on the Facebook anti-Pacifica page, because it will get deleted by The Valley Girl Whose Name We Must Not Mention Because She Feels Threatened.", "\nOne of her fellow People Against the Pacifica Forum...\n\nOregon Daily Emerald - Jan 21, 2010\n(01/21/10...)\nby HarryHaller\nOfficials: No Forum in EMU for rest of year\nhttp://www.dailyemerald.com\nThe Pacifica Forum will not meet in the EMU for the rest of the 2009-10 school year, University officials declared at the ASUO Senate The Pacifica...\n\n\"White Power !\" ", "guy\n(01/21/10)\nby HarryHaller\nHarry Haller posted someone's picture saying \"can anybody identify him?\" - ", "this site is not like Facebook - you cannot use it to spy on people ... Who is this guy ? ", "Not a Pacifica Forum member.", "Can anybody identify him ?...", "\n\nHarry Haller's Records (For Madmen Only)...\n(01/20/10)\nby HarryHaller\nWed Jan 20 2010 02:03\nIt's a bit ironic that this \"Black Tea Society\" feels comfortable lecturing people on \"fascist action,\" given that their tactics of disruption are disturbingly similar to the tactics of the Sturmabteilungen...\n\nHate group Disrupted -- CNN iReport\n(01/19/10)\nby Argo\niReport http://www.ireport.com/docs/DOC-395567\nPacifica Forum, labeled a hate organization, by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), is a community forum on the University of Oregon campus. ", "Their meetings this week...\n\nReply to D regarding MLK Forum Accusations\n(01/18/10...)\nby dawn\nUpdate, February 11: apparently, Dawn's pleas failed to move the valley girl organizing the protests against freedom on campus. ", "She explains why: 'I confront people when they say things like \"thats so gay\"...'. ", "Political...\n\nReply to Michael WIlliams of the Eugene AHTF\n(01/18/10)\nby dawn\nPacifica Forum has started to attract some attention: http://pacificaforum.org/posts/57. ", "I have been a participant (not 'member' - we don't have members) for many years.", "\nWilliams has acted as DisInformation Central for the...\n\nBrief reply to Argo of the 'Anti' Hate Task Force\n(01/18/10...)\nby Jay Knott\nThe Pacifica Forum has shown its dedication to free speech in several ways, and in the face of considerable opposition. ", "Whereas we are not allowed to post on the Facebook page you link to, nor on Indymedia, we have allowed...\n\nUofO students and community members against the Pacifica Forum\n(01/18/10...)\nby Argo\nI just read this comment directly off of Pacifica's website: \"By this time, Facebook had been employed to spread disinformation about the Forum, and hundreds turned out to protest. ", "As the main speaker, Billy Rojas, persevered,...\n\nA salute to departing nazis\n(01/18/10)\nby Argo\nhttp://www.facebook.com/notes/michael-williams/a-salute-to-departing-nazis/258002655797#\nLast Friday What kind of people applaud a man like that? ", "And how can I scrape the scales from my eyes to see that in the deepest...\n\nAn evening to remember\n(01/10/10...)\nby Jay Knott\nOn 8th January 2010, the Forum held a meeting entitled 'Everything you wanted to know about Pacifica Forum but were afraid to ask'. ", "The aim was to defend the Forum against the allegation that it is a Nazi front, and stand up..." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.008110042661428452, 0.011413118802011013, 0.0007259507547132671, 0.005893732886761427, 0.05204642191529274, 0.017869673669338226, 0.0007060731295496225, 0.0006828128825873137, 0.0012572496198117733, 0.02725531905889511, 0.011855299584567547, 0.0007028619875200093, 0.0007871178677305579, 0.000646792643237859, 0.002254635561257601, 0.0007370006642304361, 0.0009660384384915233, 0.0037360680289566517, 0.0006357072270475328, 0.26742124557495117, 0.0006504339398816228, 0.0005658770678564906, 0.0008114378433674574, 0.000809909135568887, 0.0018097535939887166, 0.0006264520925469697, 0.009644240140914917 ]
[ "Molecular identification and characterization of two new Lepidoptera chemoreceptors belonging to the Drosophila melanogaster OR83b family.", "\nIn insect antennae, olfaction depends on olfactory receptors (ORs) that function through heterodimerization with an unusually highly conserved partner orthologue to the Drosophila melanogaster DOR83b. ", "Here, we report the identification of two cDNAs encoding new DOR83b orthologues that represent the first members, although nonconventional, of the OR families of two noctuid crop pests, the cotton leafworm Spodoptera littoralis and the cabbage armyworm Mamestra brassicae. ", "They both displayed high protein sequence conservation with previously identified DOR83b orthologues. ", "Transcripts were abundantly detected in adult chemosensory organs as well as in fifth instar larvae heads. ", "In adult antennae, the expression patterns of both genes revealed common features with other members of the OR83b subfamily: they appeared to be expressed at the bases of numerous olfactory sensilla belonging to different functional categories, suggesting that both receptors may be co-expressed with yet unidentified conventional ORs. ", "Bioinformatic analyses predicted the occurrence of seven transmembrane domains and an unusual topology with intracellular N-termini and extracellular C-termini, extending to Lepidoptera the hypothesis of an inverted topology for DOR83b orthologues, demonstrated to date only in D. melanogaster." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.0008437534561380744, 0.0008662281325086951, 0.0007451663841493428, 0.0005754231242462993, 0.0013654694193974137, 0.0006040596053935587, 0.0007020122138783336 ]
[ "Q:\n\nParsing XML escape sequences with MATLAB's xmlread()\n\nMATLAB's (v2103a) xmlread() function fails when it encounters international escape sequences such as &ntilde;. ", "Does anyone have a clean work around?", "\nFor example when parsing an XML file with the following XML snippet:\n<Cell><Data ss:Type=\"String\">Perdidas - A&ntilde;o0 (euros)</Data></Cell>\n\nxmlread() fails with the following error:\n[Fatal Error] resultados.xml:236:50: The entity \"ntilde\" was referenced, but not declared.", "\n\nA:\n\nMatlab's tools for dealing with DTDs are incomplete. ", "Notably, if you read in an XML file using xmlread with an included DTD, and then use xmlwrite to save it back out, all of the DTD content will be stripped out (entity substitutions are performed, so you can still parse and read in the new file without errors). ", "There's no simple and truly robust way of just inserting a DTD – this XML where everything is strict and one ought to be very careful when reading and writing from the files. ", "\nHowever, using some old code, I've hacked together a non-robust solution that may work in simple cases as long as you check the output. ", "You can download the M-file and an example XML file here. ", "The xmlentity function adds DTD entities to an XML file by reading in the contents, performing some crude parsing, and writing out the new data.", "\nI used the following 'example.xml' XML file (from here), edited to include some HTML entities:\n<?", "xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?", ">\n<AddressBook>\n <Entry>\n <Name>Frie&ntilde;dly J.&nbsp;Mathworker</Name>\n <PhoneNumber>(508) 647-7000</PhoneNumber>\n <Address hasZip=\"no\" type=\"work\">3 Apple Hill Dr, Natick MA</Address>\n </Entry>\n</AddressBook>\n\nCalling xmlread('example.html') on this file returns an error like the one you're seeing because it's not valid XML. ", "To fix this, the two entities that are used (lists of others can be found here) are defined and my xmlentity function is called:\nentities = {'nbsp','&#160;';\n 'ntilde','&#241;'};\ndomNode = xmlentity(entities,'example.xml','example2.xml')\n\nThis produces the following XML file in 'example2.xml':\n<?", "xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?", ">\n<!", "DOCTYPE AddressBook\n[\n <!", "ENTITY nbsp \"&#160;\">\n <!", "ENTITY ntilde \"&#241;\">\n]>\n<AddressBook>\n <Entry>\n <Name>Frie&ntilde;dly J.&nbsp;Mathworker</Name>\n <PhoneNumber>(508) 647-7000</PhoneNumber>\n <Address hasZip=\"no\" type=\"work\">3 Apple Hill Dr, Natick MA</Address>\n </Entry>\n</AddressBook>\n\nAdditionally\ndomNode.getElementsByTagName('Name').item(0).getTextContent\n\nreturns 'Frieñdly J. Mathworker'. ", "See the help in xmlentity for further details and caveats.", "\nThere are many other ways to deal with this and my code could probably be adapted to use some of them. ", "External DTDs are convenient as they allow you to use one file to declare all of your entities and then you just need to indicate the URI of this file in a simple DTD (and set the XML file to not be standalone). ", "XSLT/Schema is another option. ", "It's much more complicated, but has many more features. ", "Matlab has better support for it too, but it still takes work.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.0006831008940935135, 0.001098702778108418, 0.000795117870438844, 0.000791611906606704, 0.0006326332222670317, 0.0005988051998429, 0.0005818029749207199, 0.0005751774879172444, 0.000649554596748203, 0.0005793565651401877, 0.0006190649583004415, 0.0007599243544973433, 0.0006650706636719406, 0.0006190649583004415, 0.006172851659357548, 0.000818602682556957, 0.0008063912973739207, 0.0007764343172311783, 0.0005693253478966653, 0.0006263150717131793, 0.0005894151981920004, 0.000745846307836473, 0.0005975546082481742, 0.0006020350265316665, 0.001995444530621171 ]
[ "Q:\n\nHypothesis testing a Poisson mean using a normal approximation by forming a test statistic\n\nOne of my study materials claims that when you need to do a hypothesis test for a poisson mean $\\lambda$, if the statistics table does not have the value for the hypothesized $\\lambda$ value, then a hypothesis test should be carried out by calculating a test statistic $Z$ where\n$$Z=\\frac{\\hat\\lambda-\\lambda_0}{\\hat\\lambda/n}$$\n$\\hat\\lambda$ is the point estimate for the mean from a sample of size $n$, and \n$\\lambda_0$ is the hypothesised mean.", "\nThen, reject/fail to reject $H_0$ accordingly.", "\nCould someone please confirm both the test statistic and the approach, as I have found few to no sources that agrees/disagrees with this. ", "\nEDIT: Some weeks back I did suspect that the denominator should have a square root, as suggested by @gung in the comments. ", "The study material I used came from this site.", "\n\nA:\n\nI'm not sure what that is. ", " I wonder if there is a typo, or an error in the formula. ", " \nYou can test if a parameter estimate, estimated by maximum likelihood, differs from a null value by performing a Wald test. ", " Wald tests follow from the assumption that the maximum likelihood estimate would be distributed as a standard normal 'at infinity'. ", " If your $N$ is sufficiently large, you could use it. ", " Here are two forms of the Wald test:\n\\begin{align}\nz &= \\frac{\\hat\\theta - \\theta_0}{\\sqrt{\\frac{{\\rm Var}(\\hat\\theta)}{N}}} \\\\[10pt]\n\\chi^2 &= \\frac{(\\hat\\theta - \\theta_0)^2}{\\frac{{\\rm Var}(\\hat\\theta)}{N}}\n\\end{align}\nNote that the second version is just the square of the first. ", " Your formula looks like the top one, with the square root of the denominator missing. ", " (Remember that for the Poisson distribution, $\\lambda$ is both the mean and the variance.) ", "The result is that the denominator will be too small and the standard deviation of the values will be too large for a standard normal. ", " Note that in the quickie simulation below (coded in R) using the square root yields values that range over a sensible interval, but omitting it makes they range over a huge interval. ", " Other than that, the resulting values are normally distributed either way: \nlibrary(car) # we'll use this package\nset.seed(514) # this makes the example exactly reproducible\nz.vect = vector(length=10000) # these will store the results of the simulation\nZ.vect = vector(length=10000)\nfor(i in 1:10000){ # we'll do this 10k times\n N = 500 # there will be N=500 on each iteration\n l = 5 # the null value of lambda is 5\n x = rpois(N, lambda=l) # the true lambda is 5 (ie, the null is true)\n m = mean(x) # here we estimate the mean / lambda\n z.vect[i] = (m-l)/sqrt(m/N) # these are the two formulae\n Z.vect[i] = (m-l)/ (m/N)\n}\nsd(z.vect) # the SD matches a standard normal\n# [1] 1.001831\nsd(Z.vect) # the SD is way too large for a standard normal\n# [1] 10.02672\nwindows(height=4,width=7)\n layout(matrix(1:2, nrow=1))\n qqPlot(z.vect, main=\"With square root\")\n qqPlot(Z.vect, main=\"Without square root\")\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.001085332129150629, 0.0014775277813896537, 0.0005224478663876653, 0.0010215089423581958, 0.0005461166729219258, 0.0007327047060243785, 0.0006606218521483243, 0.0006767558516003191, 0.0005956420791335404, 0.08018350601196289, 0.003090755781158805, 0.0008766053942963481, 0.0006297613144852221, 0.0010765873594209552, 0.0005872882320545614, 0.0009476105333305895 ]
[ "//===- PDBSymbolFunc.cpp - --------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//\n//\n// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure\n//\n// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source\n// License. ", "See LICENSE.TXT for details.", "\n//\n//===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//\n\n#include \"llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/PDBSymbolFunc.h\"\n\n#include \"llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/ConcreteSymbolEnumerator.h\"\n#include \"llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/IPDBEnumChildren.h\"\n#include \"llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/IPDBSession.h\"\n#include \"llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/PDBSymDumper.h\"\n#include \"llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/PDBSymbolData.h\"\n#include \"llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/PDBSymbolTypeFunctionSig.h\"\n#include \"llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/PDBSymbolTypeUDT.h\"\n#include \"llvm/DebugInfo/PDB/PDBTypes.h\"\n\n#include <unordered_set>\n#include <utility>\n#include <vector>\n\nusing namespace llvm;\nusing namespace llvm::pdb;\n\nnamespace {\nclass FunctionArgEnumerator : public IPDBEnumChildren<PDBSymbolData> {\npublic:\n typedef ConcreteSymbolEnumerator<PDBSymbolData> ArgEnumeratorType;\n\n FunctionArgEnumerator(const IPDBSession &PDBSession,\n const PDBSymbolFunc &PDBFunc)\n : Session(PDBSession), Func(PDBFunc) {\n // Arguments can appear multiple times if they have live range\n // information, so we only take the first occurrence.", "\n std::unordered_set<std::string> SeenNames;\n auto DataChildren = Func.findAllChildren<PDBSymbolData>();\n while (auto Child = DataChildren->getNext()) {\n if (Child->getDataKind() == PDB_DataKind::Param) {\n std::string Name = Child->getName();\n if (SeenNames.find(Name) !", "= SeenNames.end())\n continue;\n Args.push_back(std::move(Child));\n SeenNames.insert(Name);\n }\n }\n reset();\n }\n\n uint32_t getChildCount() const override { return Args.size(); }\n\n std::unique_ptr<PDBSymbolData>\n getChildAtIndex(uint32_t Index) const override {\n if (Index >= Args.size())\n return nullptr;\n\n return Session.getConcreteSymbolById<PDBSymbolData>(\n Args[Index]->getSymIndexId());\n }\n\n std::unique_ptr<PDBSymbolData> getNext() override {\n if (CurIter == Args.end())\n return nullptr;\n const auto &Result = **CurIter;\n ++CurIter;\n return Session.getConcreteSymbolById<PDBSymbolData>(Result.getSymIndexId());\n }\n\n void reset() override { CurIter = Args.empty() ? ", "Args.end() : Args.begin(); }\n\n FunctionArgEnumerator *clone() const override {\n return new FunctionArgEnumerator(Session, Func);\n }\n\nprivate:\n typedef std::vector<std::unique_ptr<PDBSymbolData>> ArgListType;\n const IPDBSession &Session;\n const PDBSymbolFunc &Func;\n ArgListType Args;\n ArgListType::const_iterator CurIter;\n};\n}\n\nPDBSymbolFunc::PDBSymbolFunc(const IPDBSession &PDBSession,\n std::unique_ptr<IPDBRawSymbol> Symbol)\n : PDBSymbol(PDBSession, std::move(Symbol)) {\n assert(RawSymbol->getSymTag() == PDB_SymType::Function);\n}\n\nstd::unique_ptr<IPDBEnumChildren<PDBSymbolData>>\nPDBSymbolFunc::getArguments() const {\n return llvm::make_unique<FunctionArgEnumerator>(Session, *this);\n}\n\nvoid PDBSymbolFunc::dump(PDBSymDumper &Dumper) const { Dumper.dump(*this); }\n\nbool PDBSymbolFunc::isDestructor() const {\n std::string Name = getName();\n if (Name.empty())\n return false;\n if (Name[0] == '~')\n return true;\n if (Name == \"__vecDelDtor\")\n return true;\n return false;\n}\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
[ 0.0009478023857809603, 0.0005750851123593748, 0.0011664745397865772, 0.0026311983820050955, 0.012115608900785446, 0.02596445381641388 ]
[ "Q:\n\nTwo subgroups of order $2$ gives a subgroup of order $4$\n\nWhy is it the case that abelian group that contains a pair of cyclic subgroups of order 2 must contain a subgroup of order 4?", "\n\nA:\n\nLet the pair be $\\{e,a\\}$ and $\\{e,b\\}$. Then $\\{e,a,b,ab\\}$ is the order $4$ subgroup you want. ", "It is a subgroup because $G$ is abelian and $bab=abb=ae=a$ and $aba=b$ similarly.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.0008555736276321113, 0.004059844650328159, 0.0012415756937116385, 0.001995444530621171 ]
[ "We profile six everyday heroes who have made a difference in the lives of strangers. ", "Their heartwarming deeds are celebrated in the ongoing Good Man Good Deeds Good Rice campaign, a collaboration between Chinese evening daily Lianhe Wanbao and Tong Seng Produce, which will donate 500kg of its SongHe rice and 60 litres of canola oil each to charities of their choice.", "\n\nMr Jalil, who served as a police officer during his national service days, asked the man for his identity card but the man gave a blank look.", "\n\nHe rummaged through the plastic bag that the man had and finally found his IC with his address on it. ", "The elderly man was more than 3km away from his home in Bukit Batok.", "\n\nMr Jalil wanted to send the man home on his bike but halfway through the journey, the man insisted on walking home. ", "He then flagged a taxi for him.", "\n\nMr Jalil later uploaded the encounter on Facebook and his post was shared on Stomp. ", "He was then contacted by the Alzheimer's Disease Association, who said that Mr Jalil had saved the man.", "\n\nIn response, Mr Jalil said: \"He was walking along the PIE, an accident could have happened at any time.\"", "\n\nMr Jalil had once offered tissues to a girl who vomited on his shoe in a bus.", "\n\nHe said: \"Many passengers were looking at her weirdly, some even changed seats. ", "It was sad.\"", "\n\nHowever, he believes that Singaporeans are ultimately kind.", "\n\n\"A lot of people care too much about what other people think.", "\n\n\"But kindness is from our hearts. ", "If we want to help people, we should do it without fearing what other people think.\"", "\n\nMr Jalil's choice of charity is the Sree Narayana Mission Home, founded in 1948. ", "It provides services for dementia patients with a Dementia Go To Point located in its nursing home to help those with the disease who have gotten lost." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.0005477525410242379, 0.0006387410685420036, 0.0008213912951759994, 0.0013247743481770158, 0.0006547609227709472, 0.0008732146234251559, 0.0023236179258674383, 0.0012717465870082378, 0.0006360862753354013, 0.0007241001003421843, 0.06649112701416016, 0.0005804332904517651, 0.0009203811059705913, 0.0007775659905746579, 0.0023622619919478893, 0.0006554514402523637, 0.0007269438938237727, 0.0005942542338743806, 0.0007186962175182998 ]
[ "Organization, conservation and expression of the Evx1/Evx1as locus\n\nThe Evx1 locus is located 50 kb downstream of the HoxA gene cluster on chromosome 6 (Fig. ", "1a). ", "Evx1 and Evx1as are developmentally regulated, displaying peak and concordant expression during gastrulation5. ", "They are both also highly expressed in vivo in the pre-somitic mesoderm (PSM)32. ", "Whole mount in situ hybridization (WISH) of E7.5 and E9.5 embryos demonstrates the Evx1 and Evx1as are co-expressed in the primitive streak during gastrulation (Fig. ", "1c). ", "At E7.5, both Evx1 and Evx1as are expressed at the posterior-proximal side of the embryo, which is the location of the primitive streak. ", "At E9.5, both transcripts localize to the tail bud, which contains the embryological remnants of the primitive streak. ", "Thus, Evx1 and Evx1as are co-expressed during gastrulation.", "\n\nLike many lncRNA-coding gene pairs30, Evx1 and Evx1as are expressed from opposite DNA strands in a sense-antisense configuration (Fig. ", "1a). ", "Interestingly, there are two other lncRNAs within the distal end of the HoxA cluster, Hox11as and HOTTIP25, which are expressed in an antisense direction with respect to Hox11 and Hox13 coding genes, respectively (Fig. ", "1a). ", "Evx1as is expressed as at least two different isoforms according to EST and depostied cDNA data; the second exon overlaps with the start of Evx1 by ~70 bp and the first exon resides in the first intron of Evx1 (Fig. ", "1a). ", "We confirmed only 1% of the Evx1as transcript contains the first exon in D4 EBs (Supplementary Figure 1A). ", "EVX1 is highly conserved throughout the protein coding sequence, whereas Evx1as displays notable conservation at the promoter (Fig. ", "1a), like many lncRNAs33. ", "The human EVX1-EVX1AS locus is syntenic with the murine locus. ", "EVX1AS has two conserved promoters (intronic or bidirectional), but is also expressed from one additional promoter, located 3′ of EVX1 (Fig. ", "1b).", "\n\nEVX1 regulates anterior-posterior patterning during gastrulation\n\nIn order to study the function of EVX1 and Evx1as, we used EB differentiation as a model for early in vivo mouse embryonic development. ", "Day 4 EBs grown in serum or serum free media (SFM) with recombinant BMP4 display a very similar transcriptional program to embryos undergoing gastrulation7. ", "Evx1 and Evx1as were most highly expressed when differentiated under BMP4 and WNT3A conditions (Fig. ", "1d), which suggests that they might be either downstream targets of the BMP4 and WNT3A signalling pathways or that BMP4 and WNT3A enhance the generation of posterior mesoderm cell types, wherein the Evx1 locus is expressed. ", "Evx1 and Evx1as were expressed at a much lower level in EBs grown in SFM with Activin A, which is an anterior/dorsal mesoderm inducing factor34. ", "Our results are consistent with expression of human EVX1 in these same growth factors10. ", "Evx1 and Evx1as display a similar expression pattern to Mixl1 (Fig. ", "1d), a related homeodomain transcription factor which is also expressed in nascent posterior mesoderm12. ", "Expression of pan-mesoderm genes such as Brachyury (T) and Sp5 was similar in BMP4, WNT3A and Activin A, while expression of anterior markers Cer1 and Sox17 was significantly higher in WNT3A and Activin A (Fig. ", "1d).", "\n\nWe generated EVX1 ‘knockout’ cell lines using CRISPR-Cas9 gene micro-editing of the homeodomain coding region in exon 2, thus leaving Evx1as unperturbed (Fig. ", "3a). ", "Two independent compound heterozygous Evx1 gene edited clones were selected based on our previously described NGS screening strategy35. ", "Both clones have small frameshift mutations in both alleles (Fig. ", "2a), which are predicted to result in a premature stop codons within 20 bps of the deletion site. ", "Thus, no functional DNA-binding domain of EVX1 could be generated by either of these clones. ", "We refer to these CRISPR-edited lines as ‘EVX1-Δfs’ from here on. ", "EVX1-Δfs lines and W9.5 controls were differentiated in serum to D4 under suspension culture conditions to identify a potential regulatory role for EVX1 during gastrulation. ", "EVX1-Δfs D4 EBs appeared phenotypically normal, and indistinguishable from the wildtype controls (Supplementary Figure 1B). ", "However, qPCR analysis revealed that both EVX1-Δfs clones display differences in expression of key anterior and posterior patterning markers, including Mixl1 and Cer1 (Supplementary Figure 1C). ", "There were no significant differences between the two clones, therefore only one was used for subsequent analyses (Clone 14) (Supplementary Figure 1C).", "\n\nFigure 2: EVX1 is required to regulate anterior-posterior patterning during gastrulation. (", "a) Visualization of CRISPR-induced mutations in two independent mESC clones (clone 6 and 14) using Integrated Genome Viewer (IGV). ", "The peptide sequence of EVX1 is shown. ", "Red and blue indicate different read strands. (", "b) Scatterplot of average counts of DEGs from mRNAseq comparing 3 replicates of WT and EVX1-Δfs Day 4 EBs. ", "Known markers and regulators of tissue specification are shown in red. ", "RPM = Reads per million reads.(c) Heatmap of counts for differentially expressed genes corresponding to particular Gene Ontology (GO) terms in (d). ", "Each category is hierarchically clustered. ", "Each value is normalized to its mean expression across all samples. ", "Red indicates higher than average expression, blue indicates lower than average expression. (", "d) GO analysis (DAVID) of DEGs shows the biological processes disrupted in the EVX1-Δfs D4 EBs. ", "Red line indicates an adjusted p-value of 0.05. (", "e,f) Expression profiling of EVX1-Δfs in SFM supplemented with (e) Activin A (10 ng/ul) or (f) WNT3A (20 ng/ul). ", "Expression of each gene in each sample was first normalized to Hprt then normalized to WT expression. ", "4 biological replicates were performed. *", "Indicates a p-value < 0.05, **indicates a p-value < 0.01, ***indicates a p-value < 0.001 when compared to WT. ", "All error bars indicate SEM. ", "Full size image\n\nFigure 3: Evx1as does not have a function independent of EVX1. (", "a) Schematic of the strategy for dissecting the Evx1/Evx1as locus modified from USCS Genome Browser. ", "The three different deletions performed are shown on the diagram. ", "Wiggle tracks of WT, EVX1-Δfs and Del#3 mRNAseq from D4 EBs are shown. ", "Corresponding qPCR primers pairs are shown in the same colour. ", "The location of the Evx1 deletion is indicated by the arrow. ", "Del = deletion, T1 = transcript 1, T2 = transcript 2. (", "b) Expression profiling of EVX1-Δfs and Del#3. ", "Expression of each gene in each sample was first normalized to Hprt then normalized to WT expression. ", "4 biological replicates were performed. ", "Error bars show SEM. *", "Indicates a p-value < 0.05, **indicates a p-value < 0.01, when compared to WT. ", "No significant differences were found when comparing EVX1-Δfs and Del#3. ", "N.D = not detected. ", "<10 = less than 10% of WT. (", "c) Scatter plot of average mRNAseq counts from three replicates comparing EVX1-Δfs and Del #3 D4 EBs. ", "Evx1 and Evx1as are shown in red. ", "A value of 1 was added to all RPM values to improve visualization. ", "R2 was obtained from Pearson Correlation. ", "RPM = Reads per million reads. ", "Full size image\n\nTo determine whether EVX1 has a global role in anterior-posterior patterning, mRNA-seq was performed on three biological replicates of W9.5 and EVX1-Δfs EBs differentiated for 4 days in serum without LIF (see Methods). ", "Using DESeq2, we identified 802 differentially expressed genes (DEGs). ", "In the absence of functional EVX1, 282 genes were upregulated and 520 genes were downregulated (Fig. ", "2b). ", "The upregulated genes included many which are preferentially expressed in anterior visceral endoderm and/or anterior mesendoderm (e.g. Sox17, Cer1, and Foxa2). ", "Many of the down regulated genes are normally expressed in posterior mesoderm (e.g. Mixl1, Mesp1, Wnt5a and Fgf3) (Fig. ", "2b). ", "This suggests there is an imbalance in cellular composition of EVX1-Δfs EBs with loss of posterior cell types and relative expansion of anterior cell types (both mesoderm and endoderm).", "\n\nUsing Gene Ontology (GO) we found the most highly significantly enriched cell biological process terms among the DEGs were: blood vessel development (35) and morphogenesis (28), pattern specification (38), regulation of the cell cycle (29), gastrulation (16) or formation of primary germ layer (12), cell differentiation (25), cell motion (37) and WNT signalling (20) (Fig. ", "2d). ", "We undertook hierarchical clustering of the genes within each of the GO Ontology categories (Fig. ", "2c). ", "Each category contains genes down-regulated (blue) or up-regulated (red) in EVX1-Δfs cells. ", "Within the blood vessel development, patterning and gastrulation categories, there is down-regulation of many ligands, receptors, signalling molecules and transcription factors which are implicated in posterior patterning of mesoderm. ", "These include Bmp4, Wnt2, Fgf10, Kdr (Flk1), Cxcr4, Cited1, Cited2, Cdx2, Hand1, Mixl1, Hes1, Tbx3, Tbx6, Mesp1, Eomes, Snai1 and others. ", "There is also upregulation of a smaller set of key patterning genes which are normally expressed in the AVE, anterior mesendoderm or epiblast. ", "These include Sox17, Nanog, Atm, Zic3, and Foxa2. ", "We also found many genes in the WNT signalling pathway are downregulated in EVX1-Δfs EBs, including Wnt3, Wnt2, Wnt5a, Wnt5b, Lef1, Pitx2, Dvl2, Lrp5 and others. ", "On the other hand, WNT pathway antagonists such as Cer1, Cfc1/cripto and Sfrp1 are upregulated. ", "Interestingly, Evx1 is downregulated in WNT3A KO embryos36, demonstrating that there is a mutual dependence (direct or indirect) between WNT signalling and EVX1. ", "There were no significant changes in expression of any members of the HoxA cluster under these differentiation conditions. ", "Full lists of differentially expressed genes are provided in Supplementary Table 2.", "\n\nPreviously EVX1 has been shown to directly repress GSC in human ESCs under Activin A growth conditions10. ", "Gsc was not upregulated in either EVX1-Δfs clone by qPCR or RNAseq under serum differentiation conditions (Supplemental Table 2, Supplementary Figure 1C). ", "To ensure that the lack of Gsc upregulation was not due to differences in the differentiation conditions used, we differentiated EVX1-Δfs and W9.5 EBs in SFM with Activin A. We did not find significant upregulation of Gsc (Fig. ", "2e). ", "Importantly, the A-P gene expression defect in EVX1-Δfs persisted in Activin A. Defective expression of Mixl1 and T remained, and additional significant reduction in expression of the pan mesoderm marker Sp5 was also present in EVX1-Δfs EBs (Fig. ", "2e). ", "The upregulation of AVE and endoderm markers Cer1 and Sox17 was less dramatic in Activin A, presumably because selective expansion of AVE and anterior tissues dilutes the differences in anterior gene expression between wildtype and EVX1-Δfs EBs (Fig. ", "2f).", "\n\nFrom this RNAseq data, it was unclear whether EVX1 exerts its A-P patterning function by directly regulating BMP4 and/or WNT signalling pathways or whether changes in Bmp4/Wnt expression are an indirect result of changes in cellular composition within the EVX1-Δfs EBs. ", "BMP4 and WNT direct EB differentiation towards posterior cell types37, so the aberrant transcriptome in EVX1-Δfs EBs may be primarily due to downregulation of these factors. ", "To address this possibility, we attempted to rescue EVX1-Δfs EBs by culture in SFM with exogenous recombinant WNT3A (20 ng/ml) or BMP4 (10 ng/ml). ", "Under WNT3A conditions, we observed no rescue of Mixl1 gene expression; i.e. it remained significantly down regulated (Fig. ", "2f). ", "Likewise there was no reversal of the up-regulation of Cer1, suggesting the A-P patterning defect was not rescued by WNT3A (Fig. ", "2f). ", "Similar results were found for EBs grown in BMP4 (Supplementary Figure 1D). ", "Thus, downregulation of Bmp4 and Wnt genes (Wnt3, Wnt5a and Wnt5b) is likely to be an indirect result of changes in cellular composition of EVX1-Δfs EBs and not due to direct regulation of these factors by EVX1. ", "This data also shows EVX1 is required for appropriate transcriptional responses and differentiation downstream of BMP4 and WNT signalling pathways. ", "This function appears to be conserved in humans, as β-catenin, the major effector of WNT signalling, has been shown to bind to regulatory regions in the EVX1 promoter in differentiated hESCs11. ", "Together, these results confirm EVX1 plays a key role in A-P patterning of nascent mesoderm and endoderm and is essential for regulating the posteriorizing effects of WNTs and BMP4.", "\n\nCRISPR/Cas9 mediated removal of the Evx1/Evx1as locus results in an identical D-V pattering defect as EVX1-Δfs\n\nBidirectional/antisense transcription from highly expressed, developmentally regulated genes is a common phenomenon in the mammalian genome30. ", "However the functional significance and possible mechanisms of action of such antisense lncRNAs remain topics of debate38,39. ", "The Evx1 locus contains a stable, highly expressed antisense lncRNA associated with Evx1, so it is an ideal locus to study. ", "Visual inspection of RNAseq data from D4 EBs suggests that the majority of the Evx1as transcript is expressed as Evx1as T2 (Fig. ", "3a). ", "We further validated this by qPCR using primers to distinguish between the different isoforms of Evx1as. ", "Only 1% of the total transcript derived from the overlapping intronic promoter (Supplementary Figure 1A).", "\n\nWe initially used RNAi, delivered via shRNA containing lentiviral vectors40 to attempt stable knockdown of Evx1as without disturbing the genomic locus (Supplementary Figure 2A) (see Methods). ", "Such an approach has been successful for some lncRNAs but challenging for others41,42. ", "In some cases RNAi has obtained different and more severe phenotypes than constitutive deletions, which may be due to off target or toxicity effects in some cases or due to compensatory events in others43,44. ", "We generated stable clones targeting Evx1as using three independent shRNAs (Supplementary Figure 2A). ", "Unfortunately, none of the clones from any of the three siRNAs displayed knockdown of Evx1as to <50% of WT levels, so we could not make concrete conclusions about the potential function of Evx1as from these experiments. ", "There were no significant changes in expression of key mesoderm genes such as Brachyury, Mixl1, or Evx1 itself (data not shown).", "\n\nGenetic deletion or mutation remains the gold standard to demonstrate the requirement of a gene’s function43. ", "We therefore performed 3 different CRISPR-Cas9 mediated manipulations of the Evx1/Evx1as locus (Fig. ", "3a). ", "The first manipulation ‘Del#1’ removed the entire first intronic promoter of Evx1as, which is specific to isoform Evx1as T1 (1% of total transcript) and conserved (Fig. ", "1a). ", "Removal of this promoter, which generates a small proportion of Evx1as RNA, did not affect expression of Evx1as or Evx1 (data not shown). ‘", "Del#2’ removed the shared promoter region between Evx1 and Evx1as. ", "This deletion removed 220 bps centred around the beginning of Evx1 and Evx1as transcription, based on ESTs and RNAseq data. ", "This deletion resulted in a dramatic loss of Evx1 reducing the transcript to ~16% of WT levels (Supplementary Figure 2B). ", "However this deletion only decreased Evx1as to ~46% of WT levels. ", "This result may be explained by a more malleable transcriptional start site and/or weaker constraints on transcriptional regulation at the lncRNA promoter. ", "As expected, ‘Del#2’ displayed reduction of Mixl1 and significant upregulation of Cer1, supporting the results from the EVX1-Δfs RNAseq data (Supplemental Figure 2B).", "\n\nSince Evx1as was still expressed at 46% of WT in ‘Del#2’, we could not draw any definitive conclusions about its potential function. ", "Therefore, we generated a large ~2.6 kb deletion (‘Del#3’) that removed the promoters from both versions of the transcript (to prevent the possibility of isoform switching between the two alternative promoters), as well as the second/third exon (Fig. ", "3a). ", "Successful deletion was validated by PCR and later by RNAseq (Fig. ", "3a, Supplementary Figure 2C). ", "This deletion resulted in almost complete ablation of Evx1 by qRT-PCR (Fig. ", "3b). ", "Since the Evx1as qPCR primers sit inside the deletion site (Fig. ", "3a), primers were designed for the last exon of the transcript to detect any residual expression. ", "Approximately 15% of WT levels of expression of the last exon of Evx1as remained in the ‘Del#3’ D4 EBs (Supplementary Figure 2D).", "\n\nTo determine whether Evx1as has any function independent of EVX1, we performed a direct comparison between the transcriptome of EVX1-Δfs and the Evx1as/Evx1 double KO (‘Del#3’). ", "We reasoned that if Evx1as has an independent function from EVX1, then differences should be observed between the two transcriptomes, regardless of whether it functions in transcriptional or post-transcriptional regulation. ", "Transcriptional differences, if present, could be either due to direct transcriptional regulation by Evx1as or an indirect consequence of Evx1as regulating post-transcriptional pathways.", "\n\nNo significant differences were observed by qPCR between the two lines for a number of gastrulation and A-P patterning genes (Fig. ", "3b). ", "Both the EVX1-Δfs and Evx1/Evx1as Δ2.6 kb (‘Del#3’) EBs displayed significantly different expression of Mixl1, T and Cer1 relative to WT EBs (Fig. ", "3b). ", "To determine whether there was any trans function for Evx1as RNA independent of the function of EVX1, we searched for differences genome-wide by mRNAseq. ", "Remarkably, differential gene expression analysis identified only 3 DEGs, two of which were Evx1 and Evx1as, themselves. ", "In the Evx1/Evx1as double KO (‘Del#3’), Evx1 and Evx1as are dramatically reduced to 1% and 4% of EVX1-Δfs (in which Evx1 and Evx1as are expressed the same as WT under serum conditions). ", "The other DEG (Grb10) has no reported role during gastrulation and is unlikely to be of any biological significance. ", "The lack of differences is reflected in the very high correlation observed between the two samples (R2 = 0.9925, Pearson) (Fig. ", "3c). ", "We therefore conclude that Evx1as does not have function independent of EVX1, and therefore is unlikely to function in trans. ", "This does not rule out a potential function for Evx1as in the regulation of Evx1 in cis (see Discussion)." ]
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[ "[Expression of GFP gene in mouse early embryo produced by sperm-mediated gene transfer].", "\nThe efficiency of the exogenous DNA transfecting mouse sperm was studied by the DIG end labeled and immunohistochemistry technology. ", "The results suggested that: the efficiency of transfecting positive rate of individual mouse sperm was distinct difference (P < 0.01), and the average rate was 13%. ", "The acrosomal reaction was evaluated using the technology of Coomassie brilliant blue stained, and the appropriate in vitro fertilization (IVF) medium TYH was elected. ", "Mouse sperms were transferred with GFP gene in vitro, and the mature oocytes were fertilized using IVF, and then the zygotes were cultured in vitro. ", "The embryos were observed using the fluorescence microscopy, and the transgenic rate was 4.7%. ", "The results suggested that sperm mediated gene transfer (SMGT) was an effective and feasible method." ]
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[ "if you love bigbang, id love to know why? ", "everyone has there own reasons, besides the obvious ones. ", "of course we all know they are amazingly talented and attractive. ", "but its their goofy personalities that made me fall in love with them as people. ", "besides the music." ]
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[ "Michelle de Bruin\n\nMichelle de Bruin (born 1967) is a sculptor and artist, working primarily in stone. ", "She has been based in the Scottish Borders since 1993.", "\n\nBiography\nMichelle de Bruin studied at the Lincoln School of Art, and subsequently at the Glasgow School of Art, graduating from the Sculpture Department of the School of Fine Art in 1990.", "\n\nWork\nHer early public work is featured in Sculpture in Glasgow - An Illustrated Handbook, Public Sculpture of Glasgow (Public Sculpture of Britain) and in the website \"Glasgow- City of Sculpture\".", "\n\nShe began her professional life working in the realm of public art, but became disillusioned with this, and struck out on her own. ", "Her personal work centres around misinformation, and to this end she has created a \"Broom Cupboard\" of taxonomic misfits from the animal world.", "\n\n\"The particular focus of my work is in indeterminacy (from a philosophical and semiotic point of view) and areas where material evidence, language and narrative become confused or contradictory.\"", "\n\nAwards\nde Bruin has been the recipient of the JD Fergusson award, which allowed her to travel to Italy and on to Washington DC work with the paleobiologists in the Smithsonian, where she began work on recreating some of the creatures from the Burgess Shale in stone.", "\nShe has also received a Scottish Crafts Council development award to concentrate on building her skill sets, and was the 2013 winner of the Inches Carr Craft Award.", "\n\nde Bruin has exhibited widely, twice at the Royal Scottish Academy in Edinburgh, Perth and Kinross Art Gallery to the Gymnasium Gallery in Berwick upon Tweed. ", "She has work in private collections, in the permanent collections of the JD Fergusson Trust and Perth Museums and Art Galleries .", "\n\nIn her professional lettercutting and stonecarving capacity, de Bruin has worked on conservation projects across Scotland, such as the Fisherman's Monument in Dunbar, the £33 Million restoration of McEwan Hall in Edinburgh, and once appeared on Time Team where she was commissioned to carve an Anglo-Saxon throne extrapolated from a small found fragment, which is now permanently on display in Bamburgh Castle. ", "Her memorials are to be seen throughout the Scottish Borders and Northern England.", "\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:1967 births\nCategory:Living people\nCategory:21st-century women artists\nCategory:Stone carvers\nCategory:Alumni of the Glasgow School of Art\nCategory:People from Wokingham" ]
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[ "Production and partial characterization of uric acid degrading enzyme from new source Saccharopolyspora sp. ", "PNR11.", "\nThe strain PNR11 was isolated from gut of termite during the screening for uric acid degrading actinomyces. ", "This strain was able to produce an intracellular uricase when cultured in fermentation medium containing uric acid as nitrogen source. ", "Base on its morphological characters and 16S rDNA sequence analysis, this strain belong to the genus Saccharopolyspora. ", "This is the first report ofuricase produced from the genus Saccharopolyspora. ", "The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of different factors on uricase production by new source of Saccharopolyspora. ", "Saccharopolyspora sp. ", "PNR11 was cultured in production medium in order to determine the best cultivation period. ", "The result showed that the time period required for maximum enzyme production was 24 h on a rotary shaker operating at 180 rpm. ", "Optimized composition of the production medium consisted of 1% yeast extract, 1% maltose, 0.1% K2HPO4, 0.05% MgSO4 7H2O, 0.05% NaCl and 1% uric acid. ", "The optimum pH and temperature for uricase production in the optimized medium were pH 7.0 and 30 degrees C, respectively. ", "When the strain was cultured at optimized condition, the uricase activity reached to 216 mU mL(-1) in confidential level of 95%. ", "The crude enzyme had an optimum temperature of uricase was 37 degrees C and it was stable up to 30 degrees C at pH 8.5. ", "The optimum pH ofuricase was 8.5 and was stable in range of pH 7.0-10.0 at 4 degrees C. This strain might be considered as a candidate source for uricase production in the further studies. ", "Present finding could be fulfill the information ofuricase produce from actinomycetes." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nPulled noodle dough: how can you realign the gluten after a failed attempt to pull?", "\n\nI've seen many videos regarding how to knead the pulled noodle dough. ", "The one recipe I used for this is:\nFor hand pulled noodles you need:\n\nBread flour (wet gluten 29-30%, protein 11%-12%)\n45% added water 1%\nsodium carbonate (soda ash)\n0.2% sodium chloride (salt)\n\nsourced from here. ", "\nI believe I've done the kneading right because the dough is smooth and elastic. ", "I can pull & twist it a few times. ", "Then I made a mistake and the dough broke and then it failed. ", "After a few attempts to re-knead the dough using fold and knead techniques, it seems the gluten structure is messy. ", "I can see the dough is rough. ", "Seems like it's too alkaline or something. ", "\nAnyway, the question is can I fix the dough? ", "because no matter how long I kneaded it, it seems not to realign (the dough is coarse and lacks the plasticity and flexibility, and tears easily if you tried to pull it, revealing the gluten mess). ", "\nCan anyone make any suggestion or recommendation from experience?", "\n\nA:\n\nI'm new to the site and I wish I could make this a comment, not an answer, but I don't know how. ", "\nHand pulled noodles use cake flour with less gluten and baking soda to reduce the gluten even further. ", "\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ze2SphqrWyg&feature=g-hist\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nBSTSKY_DQs&feature=g-hist\nIf you are hand kneading, it's unlikely you are over-kneading because the dough will become very hard. ", "The issue is very likely the soda ash overreacting with the wheat. ", "But if you did over-knead, there is nothing you can do to save it \nIf you did break, there is no way of fixing it. ", "Maybe to save the dough, change the strategy: Add eggs and more flour and make egg pasta. ", "I have over-kneaded egg pasta many times in my KitchenAid mixer and it still turns out alright.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "The Maf transcription factors: regulators of differentiation.", "\nSince the identification of the v-maf oncogene in an avian tumor virus, the Maf protein family has grown rapidly, forming a unique subclass of basic-leucine zipper transcription (bZIP) factors. ", "Maf family members appear to play important roles in the regulation of differentiation." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nImportError when running dev_appserver.py from pycharm\n\nI'm using the latest version of pycharm 2018.2, on Windows.", "\nI've also updated the Google Cloud Sdk to the latest versions too.", "\nWhen I use the built in App Engine run configuration in Pycharm:\n\n I get an import error ImportError: cannot import name _common appearing in the run window:\n\"C:\\Program Files\\JetBrains\\PyCharm 2018.1.1\\bin\\runnerw.exe\" C:\\Code\\my- \n project\\env\\Scripts\\python.exe \"C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Cloud \n SDK/google-cloud-sdk/bin/dev_appserver.py\" --port 8484 app.yaml tasks.yaml \n longtasks.yaml --log_level=debug Traceback (most recent call last):\n File \"C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Cloud SDK/google-cloud- \n sdk/bin/dev_appserver.py\", line 12, in <module>\n from bootstrapping import bootstrapping\n File \"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Google\\Cloud SDK\\google-cloud- \n sdk\\bin\\bootstrapping\\bootstrapping.py\", line 24, in <module>\n from . ", "import setup # pylint:disable=g-import-not-at-top\n File \"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Google\\Cloud SDK\\google-cloud- \n sdk\\bin\\bootstrapping\\setup.py\", line 55, in <module>\n from googlecloudsdk.core import properties\n File \"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Google\\Cloud SDK\\google-cloud- \n sdk\\lib\\googlecloudsdk\\core\\properties.py\", line 36, in <module>\n from googlecloudsdk.core.util import times\n File \"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Google\\Cloud SDK\\google-cloud- \n sdk\\lib\\googlecloudsdk\\core\\util\\times.py\", line 55, in <module>\n from dateutil.tz import _common as tz_common\n ImportError: cannot import name _common\n\n Process finished with exit code 1\n\nThe dateutil.tz package is located in C:\\Python27\\Lib\\site-packages and I have a dateutil package in the project I'm running. ", "I don't know whether that has something to do with the issue. ", "I've tried changing the default python interpreter which also did not work. ", "I've tried running Pycharm as administrator which also had no effect. ", "Both the debug and non-debug run commands result in this issue.", "\nIf I run the command to start up dev_appserver.py directly in the terminal (with or without virtual environment python), it works correctly e.g. \"C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Cloud SDK/google-cloud-sdk/bin/dev_appserver.py\" --port 8484 app.yaml tasks.yaml longtasks.yaml\nAlso, if I run the command that pycharm is running (except for the runnerw part), then it works correctly (from command line) too:\nC:\\Code\\project>C:\\Code\\project\\env\\Scripts\\python.exe \"C:/Program Files \n(x86)/Google/Cloud SDK/google-cloud-sdk/bin/dev_appserver.py\" --port 8484 \n app.yaml tasks.yaml longtasks.yaml --log_level=debug\n INFO 2018-07-29 08:11:15,566 devappserver2.py:178] Skipping SDK update \n check.", "\n INFO 2018-07-29 08:11:17,726 api_server.py:274] Starting API server at: \n http://localhost:59886\n INFO 2018-07-29 08:11:18,259 dispatcher.py:270] Starting module \n \"default\" running at: http://localhost:8484\n INFO 2018-07-29 08:11:18,519 dispatcher.py:270] Starting module \"tasks\" \n running at: http://localhost:8485\n INFO 2018-07-29 08:11:18,815 dispatcher.py:270] Starting module \n\"longtasks\" running at: http://localhost:8486\nINFO 2018-07-29 08:11:18,822 admin_server.py:152] Starting admin server \nat: http://localhost:8000\n\nIt's also worth noting that I can run other GAE projects in Pycharm and they do run (which leads me to think it's something to do with my configuration of this project). ", "\n\nA:\n\nThis is a bug in 2018.2.4 of PyCharm Pro. ", " I had the same issue, and rolled back to 2018.1.5 and it worked fine.", "\nThe problem is that 2018.2.4 is loading the cloud-sdk appengine flexible environment classes instead of the standard environment classes.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.0007691162754781544, 0.0006007619667798281, 0.0013736722758039832, 0.0009694511536508799, 0.0007346004713326693, 0.0006676758639514446, 0.0012529846280813217, 0.0007420781184919178, 0.0009864146122708917, 0.0007300391444005072, 0.0010011070407927036, 0.0006282535614445806, 0.0012878659181296825, 0.001995444530621171 ]
[ "[Advances in the diagnosis and treatment of Alagille syndrome].", "\nAlagille syndrome (ALGS), also known as arteriohepatic dysplasia, is an autosomal dominant disease with multisystem involvement. ", "In this disease, the Notch signalling pathway is impaired due to mutation in JAG1 (ALGS type 1) or NOTCH2 (ALGS type 2) gene, affecting multiple organs or systems such as liver, heart, eyes, vertebrate and face. ", "The main clinical features of ALGS include chronic cholestasis, congenital heart disease, mild vertebral segmentation abnormalities, characteristic face, postcorneal embryotoxon and poor kidney development. ", "This article reviews the recent advances in the pathogenesis, clinical presentations, diagnosis and treatment of this syndrome." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.0006342200795188546, 0.0020519003737717867, 0.0008564603049308062, 0.0019816698040813208, 0.0005789966671727598 ]
[ "Inhibition of vitellogenin gene induction by 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin is mediated by aryl hydrocarbon receptor 2 (AHR2) in zebrafish (Danio rerio).", "\nVitellogenins are hepatically derived yolk-protein precursors required for oogenesis in all oviparous teleosts. ", "Altered gene-regulation of vitellogenesis by environmental contaminants can have profound effects on reproductive success, and ultimately population sustainability. ", "To better understand chemical effects on vitellogenin gene regulation, we tested the hypothesis that activation of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor 2 (AHR2) by dioxin inhibits the estrogen receptor pathway regulation of 3 vitellogenin genes (vtg1-3) in vivo, using zebrafish (Danio rerio) as a model teleost. ", "Using an embryo-larval bioassay, embryos were either treated with 1000 pptr (parts-per-trillion, pg/mL) 17α-ethynylestradiol (EE2) alone from 6h post fertilization (hpf) to 4 days post fertilization (dpf), or pre-treated with dioxin (4-5 hpf) prior to EE2. ", "Pre-treatment with 400 pptr 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (2,3,7,8-TCDD) or 1,2,3,7,8-pentachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin inhibited the EE2 induction of vtg1, vtg2 and vtg3 by >95% (p≤0.05). ", "In comparison, a splice-blocking AHR2 morpholino used to down-regulate ahr2 expression significantly reduced the inhibition of vtg1, vtg2 and vtg3 by 400 pptr 2,3,7,8-TCDD (20.7-27.4% rescue). ", "These studies demonstrate that 2,3,7,8-TCDD directly inhibits the vitellogenin pathway in vivo through activation of the AHR2. ", "This work provides evidence for AHR2 dependent cross-talk inhibition of vitellogenin genes and offers insight into anti-estrogenic reproductive effects observed in oviparous species exposed to AHR agonist contaminants." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.0006881816661916673, 0.009473440237343311, 0.0007163422997109592, 0.0006511987303383648, 0.0006972777773626149, 0.000791844620835036, 0.0009654564200900495, 0.0007004758226685226, 0.000741295691113919 ]
[ "Mount Edred\n\nMount Edred () is a prominent ice-covered mountain, high, which stands inland from George VI Sound, lies about north of Galileo Cliffs, and marks the southern limit of the Douglas Range on Alexander Island, Antarctica. ", "It was first photographed from the air on November 23, 1935 by Lincoln Ellsworth and mapped from these photos by W.L.G. Joerg. ", "Its east side was roughly surveyed in 1936 by the British Graham Land Expedition and resurveyed in 1949 by the Falkland Islands Dependencies Survey (FIDS). ", "It was named by the FIDS for Edred, a Saxon king of England in the 10th century. ", "The west face of the mountain was mapped from air photos taken by the Ronne Antarctic Research Expedition, 1947–48, by D. Searle of the FIDS in 1960. ", "Mount Edred is the ninth highest peak of Alexander Island, succeeded by Mount Calais and proceeded by Mount Spivey.", "\n\nSee also \n Mount Ethelwulf\n Mount Ethelred\n Mount Athelstan\n\nFurther reading \n\n• Damien Gildea, Antarctic Peninsula - Mountaineering in Antarctica: Travel Guide\n\nExternal links \n\n Mount Edred on USGS website\n Mount Edred on AADC website\n Mount Edred on SCAR website\n Mount Edred on peakbagger website\n Mount Edred on peakery website\n Mount Edred updated long term weather forecast\n\nReferences \n\nCategory:Mountains of Alexander Island" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
[ 0.0007811397663317621, 0.0006044814945198596, 0.0005565875908359885, 0.0008278688765130937, 0.000610693299677223, 0.0007589126471430063, 0.0006940960302017629 ]
[ "1. ", "Field of the Invention\nThe invention concerns an electroluminescent device (hereinafter referred to as an EL device) used, for example, in light emitting-type segment and matrix displays of meters or in displays of various types of computer terminals.", "\n2. ", "Description of Related Art\nIn the past, EL devices that utilize the phenomenon of light emission when electric fields are applied to fluorescent materials like zinc sulfide (ZnS) have been widely noted as a component for light emitting-type, flat panel displays. ", "FIG. ", "3 is a diagram that shows a cross-sectional structure of a conventional EL device 10. ", "The EL device 10 is formed by sequentially laminating on top of an insulating glass base 1 a first electrode 2 made up of an optically transparent ITO film, a primary insulating layer 3 made up of tantalum pentoxide (Ta.sub.2 O.sub.5) or the like, a light emitting layer 4, a second insulating layer 5 and a second electrode layer 6 made up of ITO film.", "\nThe ITO films 2,6 are transparent conductive films made by doping indium oxide (In.sub.2 O.sub.3) with tin (Sn). ", "This composition has been widely used as in the past as a transparent electrode because of its low electrical resistance. ", "The light from light emitting layer 4 varies with, for example, the type of additive added to the zinc sulfide (ZnS) used therein. ", "For example, a yellowish-green colored light is emitted if terbium (Tb) is added as a light emitting center, a reddish-orange light when samarium (Sm) is added, a bluish light when thulium (Tm) is added and a bluish-green colored light is emitted if cerium (Ce) is added to strontium sulfide (SrS) as the light emitting center.", "\nFor the EL device 10 having the above structure, the use of zinc sulfide (ZnS) or zinc selenide (ZnSe) added to terbium (Tb), or equivalently, other sulfur or selenium compounds as the component material of a light emitting layer 4 for increasing the brightness of light emissions using electronic beam (EB) deposition, sputtering or the like has been investigated. ", "In recent times, investigations using CVD (Chemical Vapor Deposition) have also been performed.", "\nExamples of the CVD method include those based on halogen element gas transportation and those that vaporize halide compounds at high temperatures and transport them to the reaction chamber or the like. ", "However, for the methods described above, because of high vaporization temperatures, difficulties in controlling vapor amounts and likely changes in the ratio of II and VIB-group gases supplied to the reaction chamber with the material of the light emitting center, light emitting layers of high quality cannot be developed consistently.", "\nThe Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition (MOCVD) method that uses organic metals, e.g. dipivaloylmethanate compounds, has been gaining notice as a solution to this problem. ", "In general, the MOCVD method follows a methodology wherein an organic metal in liquid form is bubbled with hydrogen (H.sub.2) to contain the organic metal inside the hydrogen and then supplied to the reaction chamber. ", "However, rare earth elements and organic metals of the alkaline earth metal elements are generally fine solid particles at normal temperatures and have melting points of 150.degree. ", "C. and above. ", "Accordingly, the supply method for the source gas material employs a technique wherein a source material container filled with rare earth elements and organic metals of the alkaline earth metal elements is first heated in a heating oven, after which a transport gas (carrier gas), e.g., H.sub.2 or the like is introduced and then vaporized organic metal contained inside the hydrogen (H.sub.2) is transported to the reaction chamber.", "\nHowever, if the organic metal is solid, then decomposition or the like of the source material due to the heat occurs and thus, large amounts of source material gas cannot be obtained because of sublimation. ", "Accordingly, as was noted in the 1991 MRS Symposium Proceedings Vol. ", "222 pp. ", "315-322, when a solid organic metal is used as a source material during the formation of the host substance of the light emitting layer, it has been reported that if the temperature applied to the source material surpasses a certain level, the source material begins to decompose, its characteristics change and thus, the speed of the formation of the light emitting layer is said to vary widely. ", "In addition, the speed of the formation of the light emitting layer is a problem because, as calculated in the above paper, a long period of time unsuitable for production is needed to form a film of the light emitting layer which has a practical thickness. ", "Accordingly, even if the source material is heated to derive large amounts of sublimated gas of the organic metal that is the source material, only very small amounts of source material can be derived because source materials decompose even before a practical amount of gas can be obtained, and thus, achieving practical film formation speed is not possible." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
[ 0.0009391900966875255, 0.0005891784676350653, 0.001185585861094296, 0.0005864771665073931, 0.0008292015991173685, 0.0006766385049559176, 0.0008095417870208621, 0.0008211357635445893, 0.0006314016645774245, 0.0006050777737982571, 0.000711675442289561, 0.0006198891205713153, 0.0005640318850055337, 0.0006303206318989396, 0.0005716580781154335, 0.0006555013824254274, 0.0005983444862067699, 0.0005779292550869286, 0.0007682347786612809, 0.0005819147336296737, 0.0006733454065397382, 0.0006377052050083876, 0.000917529861908406, 0.0005507436580955982, 0.000615772558376193, 0.0006940276362001896 ]
[ "A significant number of transcervical procedures are performed annually worldwide, including in vitro fertilization (IVF), endometrial biopsies, insertion or removal of intrauterine devices (IUDs), and saline infusion sonography. ", "Currently, many transcervical procedures are performed without visualization of the cervix or are performed with abdominal ultrasound guidance. ", "Transabdominal ultrasound guidance can provide inadequate visualization of the cervical canal and uterine cavity. ", "The visualization can be poor due to the position of the bowel between the skin and the uterus, and can be worsened if the patient is obese, or has a deep retroverted and retroflexed positioning of the uterus. ", "Transabdominal ultrasound guidance also often requires a full, uncomfortable bladder for optimal visualization of the cervical canal and uterine cavity. ", "This approach can require two people: one person to hold the abdominal ultrasound probe in the best orientation for cervical canal and uterine cavity visualization, and another to perform the procedure." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
[ 0.0007874208968132734, 0.0006820503040216863, 0.0012828746112063527, 0.0017083121929317713, 0.0007712494698353112, 0.0005684032803401351 ]
[ "Q:\n\nOverlay d3 paths onto Google Maps?", "\n\nI'm trying to overlay a map onto Google Maps using d3.geo and GeoJson. ", "I've managed to force d3 to use the Google Map's projection for drawing the paths, which was surprisingly easy. ", "Here's what I have so far:\nhttp://www.caudillweb.com/temp/d3_choropleth.html\nThis works well as I zoom in and out:\n\nBut when I pan, the SVG overlay moves too, and since its size is fixed, the shapes get truncated:\n\nHas anyone gotten something like this to work? ", "Any ideas where I could go from here? ", "The above example is a single self-contained HTML file if anyone wants to play with it.", "\n\nA:\n\nIn this example the width and height of the svg are set to 8000 x 8000, which seemed to be OK up to about zoom level 9-10. ", "The top and left are set to -4000 x -4000 to center it. ", "Finally, the projection is shifted/offset so that it draws in the center of the svg:\nEnlarge and center the svg:\n.SvgOverlay svg {\n position: absolute;\n top: -4000px;\n left: -4000px;\n width: 8000px;\n height: 8000px; \n}\n\nOffset the projection:\nreturn [pixelCoordinates.x + 4000, pixelCoordinates.y + 4000];\n\nA:\n\nOne option is to set the initial map size to something very large, say, 1000 x 1000 pixels or larger. ", "This will force the SVG overlay to render within the viewable area (which seems to be the constraint with Firefox). ", "I realize that this may screw with the design of your site, so you might want to consider wrapping the map with a div to hide the overflow.", "\n#map-wrap {\n width: 500px;\n height: 500px;\n overflow: hidden;\n}\n\n#map {\n width: 1000px; /* just big enough to show the whole thing at zoom #6 */\n height: 1000px;\n}\n\nOnce the map renders, you can re-size the map to the desired size of 500 x 500 and re-center the map. ", "This can be done in the bounds_changed event:\ngoogle.maps.event.addListener(map, 'bounds_changed', function() {\n $map.css({ height: '500px', width: '500px' }); // back to desired dims\n google.maps.event.trigger(map, 'resize'); // trigger a 'refresh'\n map.setCenter(new google.maps.", "LatLng(-18.2, 35.1)); // re-center map\n google.maps.event.clearListeners(map, 'bounds_changed'); // don't do this again\n});\n\nHere is a working example (Tested in Firefox and Chrome). ", "\nSome caveats:\n\nThe farther you want to allow people to zoom in, the larger you will need to render the initial \"temporary\" map. ", "For instance, if you want to allow for zoom level 7, you may need to make the initial map 2000 x 2000 to compensate. ", "Obviously there are performance concerns when rendering a map that big. ", "As disperse pointed out, it may be wise to restrict the zoom levels.", "\nDue to the last-minute re-sizing, there will be a flicker as the map readjusts. ", "You may want to consider hiding/showing the map using jQuery, or perhaps placing a white overlay on top of everything until the map has finished re-sizing.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.0008121549617499113, 0.000651805370580405, 0.0007457080646418035, 0.0006545372307300568, 0.0007577090873382986, 0.000665880914311856, 0.0005707034724764526, 0.0006256367778405547, 0.0007334529655054212, 0.0008812059531919658, 0.0008966723107732832, 0.0006952767726033926, 0.0006870397482998669, 0.0006620891508646309, 0.000583027780521661, 0.0005799681530334055, 0.0005983268492855132, 0.0005345214158296585, 0.0006083014304749668, 0.0005938963149674237, 0.001995444530621171 ]
[ "Monico Alloys has specialized from its inception in the scrap metal industry in the collection and preparation of superalloy scrap for recycling. ", "Scrap metal trading is based on trust so whether you are buying or selling High Temperature Scrap alloys please contact us for prompt and reliable evaluations.", "\n\nSince Monico Alloys is a specialist in scrap metal trading, we offer a wide variety of commercially pure specialty metals, such as:" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.0006193364388309419, 0.0005451181204989552, 0.0005569924833253026 ]