banc-trawsgrifiadau-bangor / translations.tsv
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8d6b7347cae6092930aa9b436045e33d.mp3 fel oedden ni odd yym <anadlu> odd pob pennod yn troi mewn i Ben-Hur rywfaint ag yn yy, odd hi'n eitha anodd as we were um <breath> every episode turned into Ben-Hur, somewhat, and was er, it was quite difficult
ce526eaf61557b8e3eb53eb1a2f55076.mp3 pan ddechreuon ni'r podlediad yma y bwriad odd i ga'l un pennod bob bythefnos <anadlu> ond yy, wrth i ni fynd ymlaen when we started this podcast the intention was to have one episode every two weeks <breath> but er, as we go on
cf95ddb500d01bd37aef8d856fe9a775.mp3 Fel canlyniad o'ch adborth chi a'r *Twitter*. So ma'n bwysig iawn 'ych bo' chi'n ein dilyn ni. Yy, 'dyn ni nawr As a result of your feedback on *Twitter*. So it's very important that you follow us. Er, we are now
11eca222dbd167dae484e4dc3deafe15.mp3 A... <twtian> <anadlu>... dwi wedi dyfeisio deiet arbenig iawn yy maen mae t'mo' mae <chwerthin> mae'n And... <tutt> <breathe>... I've invented a very special diet er it's it, you know, it <laughter> it's
c7cf10e87f077ad009bc64320e25704f.mp3 golygu'r holl beth heb torri gormod allan so 'dyn ni'n yy, yn hytrach na torri llwyth o bethau allan <anadlu> 'dyn ni jyst yn torri'r holl edit the whole thing without cutting too much out so we're er, rather than cutting out loads of stuff <breathe> we just cut every
a507832c47a8e364ff9739abb5fb10e8.mp3 ma' 'na gyfrifoldeb arnyn ni i ddweud dydi hwn ddim yn gweithio i bawb <chwerthin> a ma'n raid i chi fod yn gyfrifol it's our responsibility to say this doesn't work for everyone <laughter> and you have to be responsible
dc848591b630f98e9290088e4b6f69a3.mp3 Ie, so, do's dim gwestai efo ni yr wythnos yma <anadlu> ond yy fe fydd gennyn ni westai mewn wythnos so Yes, so, there's no guest with us this week <breathe> but er we will have a guest in a week so
39c2c12aca9c44ef35e303c6b686f2b8.mp3 beth mewn hanner ac yn roi'r, <clirio gwddf> m-, ac rhoi mwy o benodau i chi mewn fformat mwy treuliadwy? thing in half and gives the, <clears throat> m-, and gives you more chapters in a more digestible format?
8d2bf62ca88c4fbfaa12ec7efc6aeb69.mp3 yy, es i ar y *scales* <chwerthin> a ca'l sioc. <chwerthin> *Actually* do'dd o ddim yn sioc achos er, I went on the scales <laughter> and had a shock. <laughter> Actually it wasn't a shock because
c6f99f34ac148a0c73160f2701194544.mp3 A chofiwch i ddilyn ne' tanysgrifio ar ba bynnag gwasanaeth 'dych chi'n ein dilyn ni arni. And remember to follow or subscribe on whichever service you follow us on.
546e1798d8aff95580154b2f5c671220.mp3 So dyma ni, diolch yn fawr i chi am wrando yy chwech pennod a 'dyn ni dal yma. So here we are, thank you very much for listening er six episodes and we're still here.
66fa963d0353bc3b5aa5ca6fa32f3a3b.mp3 a o'n i am *lockdown lockdown* yfe? O'n i'n bwyta *fried egg sarnies sausage sarnies* bo- bron bob bore. and I was for lockdown lockdown isn't it? I was eating fried egg sarnies sausage sarnies al- almost every morning.
9e5fbd46bf65d30551fc0e27b8493daa.mp3 So. S- so y deiet fi wedi creu fy hunan y y yr enw arno fe yw'r So. S- so that I have created myself the the the name of it is the
ca2127a05d35cf9aa05fb2fb66164667.mp3 *obviously*, ond, i wneud hynny, mae isie i ti wybod faint o *calories* ti'n bwyta yn y lle cynta reit? obviously, but, to do that, you need to know how many calories you eat in the first place right?
d0fe1420fad2e6958945447163305cbf.mp3 achos <chwerthin> dwi hefyd yn stopio yfed cwrw a gwin. A because <laughter> I'm also stopping drinking beer and wine. And
8e9433aaa1523ee7eca049b1b08c0f23.mp3 Ie. Gan bo' ni'n, t'mod, gan bo' ni'n lle dda am iechyd meddwl a siarad am iechyd meddwl dwi me'wl... Ie. ...mae'n bwysig i fi t'mod... *Yeah man*. Yes. Because we are, you know, because we are in a good place for mental health and talking about mental health I think... Yes.'s important to me you know... Yeah man.
51af9451ef4f1ebc18cfe0eb47eb5274.mp3 yy mewnbwn i... Wel. ...i'r deiet yma. Wel na- nath hi yy... Heblaw am heblaw am dweud wrthyt ti i beidio wneud e. <chwerthin> Er, input to... Well. this diet. Well no- she er... Except for except for telling you not to do it. <laughter>
376ad237575673fdbc1007c7bf4f711f.mp3 so so ie fi fi isie colli stôn ma' deudde- deuddeg stôn, jyst falle o dan deuddeg stôn. so so yes I I want to lose a stone there's twe- twelve stone, maybe just under twelve stone.
caeccfd9777542042621cbc5f819c203.mp3 a ma hwn yn swnio my- mor mor *like basic* on' ma' ma' mor wir. and this sounds ve- very very like basic but it's it’s so true.
216e0f3c4bb60a2e1346aab0d36ef4ea.mp3 Achos o'n i eisie colli pwys... Ie. ...a t'mod ffordd dda o o codi arian. Because I wanted to lose weight... Yes. ...and you know a good way to raise money.
444233752ba396f3122c01b0e9a21c54.mp3 mae'n yy edrych yn *fine* i fi so sai'n gwbod beth sy'n mlan 'na... <chwerthin> ...ond mae'n ond mae'n mae'n prynu bwyd arbenig a mae'n it er looks fine to me so I don't know what's going on there... <laughter>...but it's but it's it's buying special food and it's
20dc3269d7f80c513803bb88d98df964.mp3 Dechre *lockdown* nethon ni ga'l dyn gwin so odden ni'n ca'l *delivery* unwaith y mis, o gwin, When lockdown started we got a wine man so we got a delivery once a month, of wine,
392d6986d548c350b5769e3bc191b6b2.mp3 achos o'n i odd ni 'di ca'l llond bol gwario wyth punt y dydd yn *Tescos* ar botel o win so man a man i fi because we were we were getting fed up spending eight pounds a day in Tesco's on a bottle of wine so I might as well
6569309140d47e0a40eba27d1b052e43.mp3 ...a a mae mae mae ma' ma' ma' *speedo season* bron wedi cyrraedd reit, so ...and and speedo season has has has has has has almost arrived right, so
fcebd1c5672ac065e6b1bf1ce5cf24be.mp3 Yym... Ie ti ddim ti ddim isie embarasio dy ferched gormod jys- jyst y maint... Um... Yes you don't you don't want to embarrass your girls too much jus- just the amount...
f64e059e25fd2e33470a210384455dff.mp3 Dyn ni newid y pethe y ffordd 'dyn ni'n neud pethe gwmpas fama. *Ringing in the changes*. Yym. We are changing the things the way we do things around here. Ringing in the changes. Um.
0dd0202975097d263e1da7ad876a0973.mp3 jys yfed fodca a *slim line tonics* o nawr mlaen. Oce. A dim bara. just drink vodka and slim line tonics from now on. Okay. And no bread.
79ed6c9a0b4d805f06eea4ba3e18fc4a.mp3 talu wyth punt y dydd yn ca'l gwin da. Ie. Yym, a, odden ni'n ca'l *take aways* pay eight pounds a day and get good wine. Yes. Um, and, we got take aways
0e72690ea35760ccafa925ba09dfe9b0.mp3 dros y mis oherwydd o'n i 'di stopio yfed nes i colli *stone*. Mewn mis. Ie. over the month because I stopped drinking I lost a stone. In a month. Yes.
acfdd816a98b72fe1950aea0b12a7a98.mp3 tywydd gwlyb. Felly, ma' nw'n yy ar ben 'u digon yng Nghymru, fel allwch chi ddychmygu, <anadlu> yym a ma' nw'n dueddol o ddatblygu yn ystod y Gwanwyn a'r Haf. Nawr ma' nw'n effeithio ar bob math wet weather. So, they are er incredibly happy in Wales, as you can imagine, <breath> um and they tend to develop during the Spring and Summer. Now they affect all sorts
de830cb9df5c66b1ab0061d55e11349f.mp3 mae e wedi bod yn gwthio yn barod i ddod mas. Felly mae hen bryd i hwn fyn' mewn i'r tir erbyn hyn, a, jyst gwthiwch y gwreiddie gymyn' a gallwch chi i'w ryddhau n'w o wilod y potyn. it has already been pushing to come out. So it's high time for this to go into the ground by now, and, just push the roots as much as you can to free it from the bottom of the pot.
8d25a02c6287b3b191645a514ef04b46.mp3 Ac yn amal mae'n arwydd fod y planhigyn dan *stress*, bo' falle diffyg maith yn y pridd bo' dim digon o fwyd, <anadlu> dim digon o ddyfrio hefyd yn gallu bod yn broblem. <anadlu> And it is often a sign that the plant is under stress, that there may be a lack of nutrients in the soil that there is not enough food, <breathe> not enough watering can also be a problem. <breathe>
e6bf5def649696550cacf0dc2f4315eb.mp3 wastad gwrthbwynt, ma' wastad rwbeth arall sy'n mynd i neud yn wech, achos ma' shwd gymyn' o blanigion 'yn ni'n tyfu yn yr ardd yn dibynnu ar amode tyfu <anadlu> hollol wahanol. always a counterpoint, there's always something else that's going to do better, because there's so many plants that we grow in the garden that depend on completely different growing <breathe> conditions.
1f0d8d099c1bde135ac98676a3e21a58.mp3 fela, ond 'dych chi ddim wedi cleisio hwn o gwbwl, a neith hwnna olygu wedyn bod 'i'n storio'n arbennig o dda am fisoedd lawer, yn y sied yn barod i fwydo ni trwy gydol y gaea. like that, but you haven't bruised this at all, and that will then mean that it will store very well for many months, in the shed ready to feed us throughout the winter.
2d0797a8b9b9529f0080d7d0bf33979d.mp3 Ond mae'n bleser, chi'n do' lan yr ardd a mae'n croesawu chi wrth bo' chi'n do' mewn a, <anadlu> ie, un o'r pethe nethon ni arbrofi 'da a wi wir, wir yn falch gyda'r canlyniad. But it's a pleasure, you come up the garden and it welcomes you as you come in and, <breathe> yes, one of the things we experimented with and I’m truly, truly pleased with the result.
c59ccb036ce19cab6429b49409a8ba67.mp3 Dylwn i bwysleisio, <anadlu> bod y ran fwya o heintie ffwngaidd yn yf- yn aros o fewn 'u teuluoedd n'w, ma' nw'n ffeithio <anadlu> ar yr un teulu. Felly, ma' llwydni gwlanog ne' I should emphasize, <breathe> that most fungal infections aff- stay within their families, they affect <breathe> the same family. So, there's downy mildew or
fe97376462e6aa820af8a2e5d0f5f7ca.mp3 gadel digon o amser i rain flodeuo, <anadlu> er bo' n'w ychydig yn hwyrach leni, yn amlwg, ond <anadlu> mae e jys llawn gwenyn a fi wrth 'ym modd yn gweld n'w a <anadlu> ch'mod? leave enough time for these to bloom, <breath> although they are a little later this year, obviously, but <breath> it's just full of bees and I love seeing them and <breath> you know?
ceed9ae6b027c1f73c7787af6644fa58.mp3 datblygu yn ystod yr wythnose dwetha, a hefyd, wrth gwrs, a gwenyn a fi'n credu, <anadlu> allai ala pynawn cyfan nawr jys yn gwylio nw'n glanio llawn sachau o baich, <anadlu> development during the last few weeks, and also, of course, and bees and I believe, <breath> I could spend an entire afternoon now just watching them land, sacks full of pollen, <breath>
0fa21b92326a2e8bbccd56f41432c4fc.mp3 o'r ardd. <anadlu> Hefyd, chi 'mod, gofalwch am eich planhigion, sicirhewch bo' chi 'di dyfio nw'n gywir, yn 'u bwydo nw'n gywir. Achos planhigion gwan <anadlu> dan *stress*, from the garden. <breathe> Also, you know, take care of your plants, make sure you’ve watered them correctly, fed them correctly. Because weak plants <breathe> under stress,
869639eb9dd826ae1c39001b53895bf5.mp3 ma'r nosweithie o'r 'na a'r rhew yn gallu dala ni mas, ch'mo', 'llu chi gafel ar 'yn egin blanhigion ni, <anadlu> a chreu yym pob math o brobleme'n gynnar yn y tymor. Felly, those cold evenings and the frost can catch us out, you know, so can grasp our budding plants, <breathe> and create um all kinds of problems early in the season. Therefore,
952a0966f1880c754c8c6d86310735d5.mp3 Os nag o's *Comefry* gyda chi yn yr ardd pach a becso, achos gellech chi ddefnyddio Dant y Llew, mae'n gwneud gywir yr un peth. Ac nawr dwi myn' i osod cwpan o'r cwrteth yma If you don't have Comfrey in the garden don’t fret, because you could use Dandelion, it does exactly the same thing. And now I'm going to place a cup of this fertilizer
3f2d0558baf36bef93cbaff269eddf29.mp3 llond potyn o egin blanhigion ifanc yn sydyn iawn. Felly, <anadlu> yr yy peth gore i neud yw sicrhau bod ein glanweithdra ni fel garddwyr yy o safon uchel, bo' ni'n golchi'n a pot full of young plant shoots very quickly. Therefore, <breathe> the er best thing to do is to ensure that our hygiene as gardeners er is of a high standard, that we wash
4af678df0a08dc4750f5353e9d82709c.mp3 ma'r sbotie bach porffor a du ar y dail yn amal... Yym a m- hefyd beth 'yn ni'n gwel' yw bod y dail yn cwmpo. Wi'm yn gwbo chi 'di sylweddoli bydd y dail yn cwympo, <anadlu> the small purple and black spots are often on the leaves... Um and m- also what we see is that the leaves are falling. I don’t know you realize the leaves will fall, <breath>
0fd784b5b9b66a2045c36bca34db904d.mp3 hwna a dod â fe nôl a mlan. Llanw fe reit lan i'r top. Byddai'n dawmsgil ano fe wedyn, <anadlu> i wasgu fe lawr fel bod dim a'r yn genol e, achos bydd hwnna jys yn arafu'r that and bring it back and forth. Fill it right up to the top. I would tread on it then, <breathe> to press it down so that there is no air in its middle, because that will just slow down the
27aeb8dfcb23802729242fb1093a265a.mp3 Os o'ch chi 'di hoffi'r fideo 'ma, plîs rowch bawd i fyny iddo fe a thanysgrifiwch hefyd, a gobitho achwn ni rannu mwy o gynnwys gyda chi yn y dyfodol agos. Hwyl am y tro. If you liked this video, please give it a thumbs up and subscribe too, and hopefully we can share more content with you in the near future. Bye for now.
e57b0762258bc408ae0dc6d890fe9297.mp3 i sicirhau bo' 'na ddigonedd o awyru o amgylch y planhigion newydd yn datblygu. <anadlu> Bo' ni'n dyfrio oddi tano. Ma' hwn yn bwysig iawn. Yn hytrach na bo' ni'n dyfrio to ensure there is plenty of ventilation around the new developing plants. <breathe> That we water underneath it. This is very important. Instead of us watering
36b016eb95c3b6c01ef9beeeb594be4f.mp3 i neud yn siŵr bod yr a'r yn cylchredeg o gwmpas y planhigion, <anadlu> achos ma' hwnna'n un o'r pethe gwitha allwn ni neud, yw i blannu llwyth o blanhigion yn dyn wrth to make sure that the air circulates around the plants, <breathe> because that's one of the worst things we can do, is to plant a load of plants close to
a2de75361e94d5c7fd59511b8f8117ad.mp3 yw i hau hanner pacyn o hade bob tro. Cadw hanner am yn ôl, felly, os 'ych chi'n colli yr hanner cynta, <anadlu> ma' cyfle 'to 'dych chi <anadlu> i hau'r un planhigion is to sow half a pack of seed each time. Keep half back, so if you miss the first half, <breathe> you have another chance again <breathe> to sow the same plants
4cc1d1bf9a83982cbfac6a64ccf12b91.mp3 hyd yn o'd os yw pethe yn yr ardd gyda chi fel y pys, er enghrefft, <anadlu> falle bo' chi 'di plannu nw'n rhy agos at 'i gilydd, felly <anadlu> dyw e ddim yn ddrwg o even if you have something in the garden like the peas, for example, <breath> maybe you planted them too close to each other, so <breath> it's not bad at
e7bbe443664a127ffb60d3aed020842d.mp3 *rose blackspot*. Nawr, <anadlu> fel garddwyr, 'yn ni gyd yn gyfarwydd â gweld hwn a ma' teulu rosod yn deulu anferth iawn. Felly, mae'n gyffredin dros ben. <anadlu> rose blackspot. Now, <breath> as gardeners, we are all used to seeing this and the rose family is a very large family. So, it is extremely common. <breathe>
9d1353ac18a8f2c654d800432daee21b.mp3 Helo, bawb. Shwd y'ch chi? A chroeso nôl i'r ardd. A o'n i meddwl gan bod 'i'n fis Mehefin, ma'r tywydd wedi gwella o'r diwedd, elen i chi ar daith sionc jyst rownd Hello, everyone. How are you? And welcome back to the garden. And I was thinking since it's June, the weather has finally improved, I would take you on a quick trip just round
5542770faf42f70ea02f0866367b1d7f.mp3 A peth gore am gennin, achos bo' nw'n teulu'r aliwm, <anadlu> yw bo' nhw'n atal pryfyn y moron rhag gwbo bod y moron yna, a gai gnwd o moron yn ystod y Hydref hefyd. And the best thing about leeks, because they are in the allium family, <breathe> is that they prevent the carrot fly from knowing that the carrots are there, and I get a crop of carrots during the Autumn too.
b422c93deaf6fd66f63b9642fc1f73fb.mp3 ac wedi llwyddo i greu hade neu ffrwythe i a- i a- i ail-genhedlu fel bod y planhigyn yn gallu creu planhigion newydd i'r dyfodol. Os 'yn ni'n gweld bo' 'na brobleme and has managed to create seeds or fruit to re- to re- to reproduce so that the plant can create new plants for the future. If we see that there is a problem
c2d08c9d324434847d1da26d8e4df61a.mp3 di bo' yn tyfu n'w mewn potie, yn y tŷ gwydyr. Ma' n'w wastad wedi eiddfedu'n hwy. <anadlu> Felly fi'n gobeithio, o blannu nw'n syth mewn i'r pridd, bydden nw'n ca'l has been growing them in pots, in the greenhouse. They have always matured more. <breathe> So I hope, by planting them straight into the soil, they will get
43ffc6869ff61a2929426b4830ad3c8a.mp3 blanhigion a ma'r gwely cennin dan 'i sang â phlanhigion ar hyn o bryd. <anadlu> Felly, ma' 'da fi peth sbâr ar ôl fan hyn, <anadlu> a ma'r ffordd dwi yn garddio, plants and the leek bed is packed with plants at the moment. <breathe> So, I've got some spare left here, <breathe> and the way I garden,
2b4d477544be0627c9fe9b8e45b21cc9.mp3 Fel rwy'n siŵr bo' chi wedi sylweddoli, ma' nifer o'r heintie sy'n effeithio ar ein planhigion ni yn seiliedig ar bo' 'na awyru da o amgylch y planhigion. <anadlu> As I'm sure you've realised, many of the infections that affect our plants are based on that there is good ventilation around the plants. <breathe>
030f4346c568f0472f770b21e50ca356.mp3 o'u amgylch n'w i gwmpo mewn gyda'r glaw, neu pan 'ych chi'n dyfrio, <anadlu> a ma' hwnna'n sicirhau gewch chi sdem gwyn hir, <anadlu> jyst yn gywir ar gyfer cawl. around them to fall in with the rain, or when you water, <breathe> and that ensures you get a long white stem, <breathe> just right for soup.
2049bbdd8daa6855ed71aef43867ec68.mp3 Fel garddwr wi wrth fy modd yn tyfu pob math o fwyd 'yn hunen fan hyn, a mae'n dysgu ni shwt i fwyta'n dymhorol, pa fath o gnyde allwn ni ddefnyddio pryd yn ystod As a gardener I love growing all kinds of food myself here, and it teaches us how to eat seasonally, what kind of crop can we use during
1f35f99dde59edadf94977136d99b160.mp3 mewn un clwstwr, ond dwi'n awyddus i ehangu faint ohonyn n'w sy gyda fi yn yr ardd, bo' nw'n gellu tyfu yn y border yma i gyd. Felly, un ffordd dda o wneud hynny in one cluster, but I'm keen to expand how many of them I have in the garden, that they can all grow in this border. So, one good way to do that
434a3a6bb0b5948fedc443550f4e187e.mp3 Ac am bo' fi'n defnyddio'r system dim palu, y cyfan odd rhaid i fi neud odd gosod haenen bach o gompos ano fe, a chwyni fe chydig. A nes i troi fe droso'n syth, And because I use the no-dig system, all I had to do was put a small layer of compost on it, and weed it a bit. And I turned it over straight away,
263f65163d881ba591dd5457d26bb44f.mp3 yym bod 'na brinder dŵr neu gormodedd o ddŵr, <anadlu> a hefyd sicirhau falle bod yr amode tyfu ddim mor llaith a chynes ag y gallan n'w fod, felly, <anadlu> um that there is a drought or an excess of water, <breathe> and also make sure perhaps that the growing conditions are not as moist and warm as they could be, therefore, <breathe>
8815d5ea169431e9068b22e7fbcb3c89.mp3 pan ma' ni'n gweld bo' 'na rwbeth yn anghyffredin, ar ein planhigion ni ne' ma' 'na rwbeth yn effeithio arnyn n'w, dyw hwn ddim yn swydd i'r rhestyr *to do*. when we see that something is unusual, with our plants or there is something affecting them, this is not a job for the to do list.
f9c196f959eba97ffb328bcd10f349d5.mp3 ond fel welwch chi yn 'ych hun, ma'r ffaith bod y llwydni wedi effeithio, ne'r pydredd lwyd wedi effeithio ar un yym mefus fan hyn, ddim wedi effeithio ar y but as you can see for yourself, the fact that the mould has affected, or the grey rot has affected one of the um strawberries here, has not affected the
8eb695f5152cde6e7ed08ea5996a33b7.mp3 Ond mae'n dod mewn tywydd gwlyb sydd itha o'r a mae'n achosi cwymp a dadfeiliad yn y dail a'r coese. Felly, ma'r stem yn cwmpo, ma'r dail yn cwmpo, <anadlu> But it comes in wet weather which is fairly cold the and it causes leaf drop and decay in the leaves and the stem. So, the stem collapses, the leaves fall, <breathe>
9ab3aafaa30f8836df71ad4d40074598.mp3 Wel, fi wedi cynaeafu'r winwns, a fi wrth 'ym modd gyda'r cnwd fi wedi ca'l a fi wedi paratoi'r gwely 'ma nawr yn barod i blannu bresych fan hyn. <anadlu> Well, I've harvested the onions, and I'm delighted with the crop I've had and I've prepared the bed now ready to plant cabbage here. <breathe>
c0651df752b06db1083e9a3b29a1eed8.mp3 Ma rai' fi gyfadde fi'n bles iawn gyda'r cnwd winwns leni. Dyma rhai nes i blannu nôl yn yr Hydref llynedd. A fel allwch chi weld, mae coese n'w gyd wedi I must confess I am very pleased with the onion crop this year. These are some I planted back in Autumn last year. And as you can see, their stems have all
25953ea0ae744241eb2cb99c7b0a49f7.mp3 Wedyn rowch haenen bach o gompos am 'u penne n'w, a'u gosod mewn man bach cysgodol yn yr ardd neu yn y tŷ gwydyr, ac ymhen rhyw bythownos, bydden n'w wedi Then put a small layer of compost over their heads, and place them in a small shaded area in the garden or in the greenhouse, and in about two weeks, they will have
fbce9d0396d7339cb2e5f3b75e904973.mp3 beth 'ych chi'n gweld ar y sleid, <anadlu> ond yym, mae'n gael ei achosi fanycha gan bridd yy sy wedi heintio, a ma' hynny achos, falle, bo' ni ddim 'di what you see on the slide, <breathe> but um, it is mostly caused by soil er that is infected, and that's because, maybe, we haven’t
3ef04909ab2f444017c1f25b5d3550a7.mp3 Felly'n gynta fi myn' i hau'r bresyll Sieineaidd fel sy 'da fi fan hyn, a fi myn' i neud yn siŵr bo' fi'n gwasgaru n'w yn hygydradd o amgylch y *tray*, So first I'm going to sow the Chinese cabbage as we have here, and I'm going to make sure that I spread them evenly around the tray,
6412c92fba34b23de85d27cce86ce8e5.mp3 mae bresyllt Awstria neu *Austrian tree cabbage*, <anadlu> a be' sy'n dda am hwn 'na gyd ni'n gorffo neud <anadlu> yw cynaeafu'r dail allanol fel hyn, is Austrian cabbage or Austrian tree cabbage, <breath> and what's good about this all we have to do <breath> is to harvest the outer leaves like this,
2ef2c797b0f7bd0261ef7523bc155e40.mp3 Fe sylwch chi bo' fi wedi plannu'r pys o flan fframyn o ffyn bambŵ, a wedi neud 'na'n fwriadol, <anadlu> achos ma' angen cefnogeth ar y blanhigion pys You'll notice that I've planted the peas in front of a frame of bamboo sticks, and done that deliberately, <breathe> because the pea plants need support
f321a9c9830e29c4367b25eb476367b1.mp3 gwasanaethe sy'n darparu compost gwyrdd i chi'n lleol. <anadlu> A be' chi siŵr fo' yn gofyn, beth ma' fe 'di neud yn plannu dou gor-bwmpen wrth ymyl 'i gilydd, â nw'n planhigion mor barus? Wel, <anadlu> services that provide you with green compost locally. <breathe> And you're sure to be asking, what has he done? Planting two courgettes next to each other, with them being such greedy plants? Well, <breath>
4b91915c54fa9410da75d473e651e734.mp3 yym, y tomatos, fel o'n i'n dweud, ddim wedi egino, <anadlu> mae'n golygu bo' llai o domatos 'da fi, ond ni wedi ca'l Gwanwyn mor braf, sych, a heulog, <anadlu> ma'r blode fel y tiwlips um, the tomatoes, as I was saying, haven't sprouted, <breathe> it means I have fewer tomatoes, but we haven't had such a nice, dry, and sunny Spring, <breathe> flowers such as the tulip
7e2bfda393159050d74a8358ee8f82d7.mp3 chi'n gallu hefyd defnyddio polysteiryn. Yym, yn amlwg, gyda pholysteiryn, ma'r pot yn myn' i fod yn ysgafnach o lawer. Felly, os 'ych chi, <anadlu> yym, ddim yn gallu codi pwyse, you can also use polystyrene. Um, obviously, with polystyrene, the pot is going to be to be much lighter. So, if you, <breath> um, can't lift a weight,
5a181f499c60c895d4e745fe49891dae.mp3 dwi'n gweld bod y canlyniade yn well. Ma'r dyfrio'n iawn. Do's dim hentie ar y planhigion, a do's dim probleme maith chwaith. Felly <anadlu> ma'r negeseuon yma ni'n clywed yn amal I see that the results are better. The watering is fine. There's no disease on the plants, and there are no nutritional problems either. So, <breathe> these messages we often hear
1dd28f483aaa87d5fed06cbef4bf9431.mp3 pan dwi'n teimlo'n isel, pan ma' gorbryder yn 'ym mhoeni, pan dwi'n teimlo'n itha am, <anadlu> am 'yn ngwaith i neu pethe sydd gyda fi i wneud, <anadlu> neu bywyd yn gyffredinol. when I feel depressed, when anxiety bothers me, when I feel quite about, <breathe> about my work or things I have to do, <breathe> or life in general.
951b615427c7b436030b8e05f008cc03.mp3 yr adeg hon o'r flwyddyn, yn trawsblannu yn hau hade, ac yn potio pethe mlan, <anadlu> ac os chi'n cofio nôl i'r Hydref llynedd, o'n i'n sôn am gwneud toriade gyda'r *Pelygonium*, at this time of year, transplanting, sowing seeds, and potting things on, <breathe> and if you cast your mind back to Autumn last year, I was talking about taking cuttings of the Pelygonium,
5b94027ea4ff1d8456d47d595d0a739e.mp3 o ran cadwreth, a diogelu'r planhigion, a garddio mewn modd sy'n amgylcheddol gyfeillgar, wel ma' 'di ysbrydoli fi, yn sicir, <anadlu> a byddwn i'n annog pawb i ymweld â'r ardd in terms of conservation, and protecting the plants, and gardening in an environmentally friendly way, well its certainly inspired me <breathe> and I would encourage everyone to visit the garden
9a34095e87a8ec5c91524d869131c65d.mp3 ...ydw i, a chroeso i'r ardd. Ac yn ein fideo ni heddi, ni myn' i edrych ar sut i blannu potie planhigion blode haf, a cychwyn mis Mehefin yw'r adeg berffeth i ni wneud hynny, ...I am, and welcome to the garden. And in our video today, we're going to look at how to plant pots of summer flowering plants, and the beginning of June is the perfect time for us to do that,
2bac8d512f09b8b7fe0c4c85910eaaa2.mp3 Fel chi 'lly gweld gyda'r rosyn yma fan hyn, <anadlu> mae e wedi tyfu'n itha tyn at 'i gilydd, ac felly, <anadlu> ma' peryg bydd y brige yma sy'n croesi 'i gilydd <anadlu> As you can see with this rose here, <breath> it has grown quite close together, and therefore, <breath> there’s a risk of the branches that cross each other <breathe>
6b979e42d0eef68af41d222f0b2ced8d.mp3 Felly, mae e r- ryw falens ch'mod, ma' ma' natur yn reoli chi efo'r ardd, ond chi'n gachu reoli fel chi'n ymateb i natur, a ma' 'na pethe gadarnhaol i gymryd wrth y ffaith So, it is so- some balance, you know, nature controls you with the garden, but you can control how you respond to nature, and there's something positive to take from the fact
fe9cb764a4ecc125cf31a19173f8bb9d.mp3 <cerddoriaeth> Fi 'di ca'l modd i fyw yn Llynllyll Owen, yn gweld y mawnogydd 'ma gyd a'r natur sy'n galw'r lle ma'n gatre, a fi'n credu, fel garddwr, ma'n bwysig iawn bo' <music> I’ve been able to live in Llynllyll Owen, seeing all these peat bogs and the nature that calls this place home, and I believe, as a gardener, that it's very important that
b8bde91a25fd36cbc2bd6a0848808b82.mp3 <anadlu> Un peth arall ellwch chi wneud, a dwi digwydd bod yn arbrofi gyda hwn eleni <anadlu> yw i osod gorchudd o wlân o amgylch y planhigyn, achos yn ôl pob tebyg, dyw <breath> One other thing you can do, and I happen to be experimenting with this this year <breath> is to put a covering of wool around the plant, because apparently, it
fd3b6f8c8a2a5b6d27677415031aac75.mp3 Y rai fwya cyfarwydd i ni yw'r siswrn tocio, a ma' rhain yn gwlly tocio y ran fwya o blanhigion. <anadlu> Wedyn, ma' gyda ni'r gwella. Ni'n defnyddio'r gwella i dorri The ones we are most familiar with are the secateurs, and these can prune most plants. <breathe> Then, we have the shears. We use the shears to cut
6678d9b8dde15d2d071ade151e58e7ae.mp3 Fel welwch hi fan hyn, dwi'n plannu colfen fale yn y berllan, mewn man le dwi'n gwbod na fydd hi'n effeithio ar dyfiant planhigion eraill, <anadlu> a hefyd, mewn man As you can see here, I'm planting an apple tree in the orchard, in a place where I know it won't affect the growth of other plants, <breathe> and also, in a place
b3bff255473d619dc1f29239e4e18e81.mp3 Felly, gadewch i ni chwalu'r chwedle o ran defnyddio mawn yn yr ardd. Un o'r resyme ma' pobol yn defnyddio mawn yw ma' nw'n meddwl bod e'n dala'r lleithder yn well. So, let's dispel the myths in respect of using peat in the garden. One of the reasons people use peat is that they think it’s better at holding the moisture.
e09bfe717f8857b00829986b23360a24.mp3 Helo bawb, a chroeso i'r ardd, a mae'n noson berffeth i fyn' mas i mwynhau'r ardd heno. Yn y fideo hwn, rwy am rannu ychydig wybodeth gyda chi ar sut i blannu hade. Hello everyone, and welcome to the garden, and it's a perfect night to go out to enjoy the garden tonight. In this video, I want to share some information regarding how to plant seeds with you.
d671bcfd32fd9d605683d9efe9e779de.mp3 A m- i fi ma' hwnna yn 'i hunan yn neu' fi dimlo'n wel ac yn fwy cadarnhaol. <anadlu> Un beth arall fi wneud yw creu cynllun o'r ardd. Nawr ma'r ardd 'da ni yn yy And tha- for me that in itself makes me feel better and more positive. <breathe> One more thing I have to do is create a plan of the garden. Now the garden we have in er
4c290373fa493a55d24c2edbd04d91b1.mp3 wedi rannu mewn i gwelye llysie, <anadlu> a, yn amlwg, nes i fi wbod beth fy' fi'n plannu ym mle a phryd. A ma'n adeg cyffrous o'r flwyddyn, achos fi'n ca'l cyfle have divided into vegetable beds, <breathe> and, obviously, until I know what I'm planting where and when. And it's an exciting time of the year, because I get the chance
25c3fe658fda881708df0f5adcf45ec0.mp3 un bant ar ôl chi neud e. A chi'n timlo fel waw! Gyda'r amser 'na odd 'da fi bore 'ma fi 'di llwyddo i neu deg peth wi 'di bod yn dodi *off* ers wythnose. <anadlu> one off after you do it. And you feel like wow! With the time that I had this morning I managed to do about ten things that I've been putting off for a week. <breathe>
d51962b001df3baa18a027ee31ce54d5.mp3 Un o'r pethe dwi'n hoffi gwneud ydi cyfaill blannu neu *companion planting*, <anadlu> sydd fan hyn dwi'n plannu Melyn Mair Ffrenig yn erbyn y ffa dringo, <anadlu> One of the things I like to do is companion planting, <breathe> that is here I plant French Marigolds near the climbing beans, <breathe>
3a5ae21f70362a8251591af744a6833e.mp3 A dwi meddwl, un o'r pethae pwysica licen i bwysleisio yw mae'n gerddi ni yna ym mha bynnag ffordd 'yn ni'n dymuno defnyddio n'w. Dwi'n cael blas ar dyfu llysie And I think one of the most important things to emphasize is that our gardens are there in whatever way we wish to use them. I enjoy growing vegetables
6a6092e8408992b7753f352ac485d6f8.mp3 ond gan bwyll bach. Ma' rai' fi gyfadde, do's dim cweit digon o wmff ynddi i hwfftu'r dail ar hyd yr ardd. Felly, wi'n ame mai cyfuniad o'r ddou bydd gyda fi. but slow down. I must admit, it doesn’t quite have enough oomph to huff the leaves all over the garden. So, I think I'll have a combination of both.
519aa76a67bea93a7594b0f8acff1a76.mp3 nesa, <anadlu> ond beth wi'n gallu reoli yw'n ymateb i natur, <anadlu> a a fel 'yf fi'n teimlo achos y sefyllfa 'na. <anadlu> Felly, er enghrefft, nawr bod y next, <breathe> but what I can control is my response to nature, <breathe> and and how I feel because of that situation. <breathe> So, for example, now that the
7c083f555a8809b48da44f052629a40f.mp3 y *Geranium* mewn yng nghanol y pot yn barod. Peidwch â ôl mwy o gompost ar y pwynt yma, achos ma' angen i ni blannu planhigion eryll. <anadlu> Nawr yn syth the Geranium in the middle of the pot already. Don't grab any more compost at this point, because we need to plant other plants. <breathe> Now straight
7f9d6716947c33d8742090d8ac3ad526.mp3 er bo' fi ddim yn defnyddio mawn yn y compos, ma' popeth yn hollol ddi fawn, <anadlu> dyw e ddim 'di effeithio dim ar y tyfiant. <anadlu> A gweud y gwir, although I don't use peat in the compost, everything is completely peat-free, <breathe> it has not affected the growth. <breathe> To tell the truth,
3c1ebdb73af937dcef838656cc047c80.mp3 A fel chi 'llu gweld, ma' fe gywir yr un peth a defnyddio compost amal-bwrpas. On' yn wahanol i compos amal-bwrpas, ni'n gwbod bod hwn ddim yn effeithio And as you can see, it's exactly the same as using multi-purpose compost. But unlike multi- purpose compost, we know that this does not affect
e6037a8465c22c640350714e9798f646.mp3 i docio tyfiant llynedd i gyd, yr hen ddeiliach 'ma i gyd fan hyn, <anadlu> i lawr i goron y planhigyn. <cerddoriaeth> Ewch gyda'r siswrn, a thorrwch yr to trim all last year's growth, all the old foliage here, <breathe> down to the crown of the plant. <music> Take the scissors, and cut the
1166f47d58eccbe7baddcccdb0fa2f85.mp3 un peth arall fi wrth y modd yy pan fi meddwl am arddio yw, <anadlu> do's dim angen i chi fod yn feister ar eich crefft chi. Fel gerddwyr, ni wastad yn one other thing I love er when I think about gardening is, <breathe> you don't need to be a master of your craft. As gardeners, we always
1a1f4a8061e42bdd0d5c888714e00f56.mp3 potie, planhigion sydd angen bwyd, llawer o nitrogen, dwi'n hoffi defnyddio'r compos gwyrdd yma, <anadlu> achos ma' hwn llawn nitrogen ac yn gryfach. pots, plants that need food, lots of nitrogen, I like to use this green compost, <breathe> because this is full of nitrogen and stronger.
8a7fbe0d314a33fb36d12fa69a2851aa.mp3 Ar ôl i ni ddefnyddio'r siswrn tocio, mae'n syniad da i sychu fe gyda di-heintydd cyn defnyddio fe a'r blanhigyn arall, i neud yn siŵr bo' ni ddim yn After we've used the secateurs, it's a good idea to wipe it down with disinfectant before using it with another plant, to make sure we don't
11e78a7214b05d0c0aa5fcadc64ed068.mp3 cyn bod e'n llifo mewn i afonydd. Felly, <anadlu> mantes arall i'r mawnogydd yma yw bo' nw'n storfa dŵr ac yn arafu llif y dŵr i lawr y tir. <anadlu> before it flows into rivers. So, <breath> another advantage of these peat bogs is that they are water storers and slow down the flow of water down the land. <breathe>
06e9bd408b4ae2ae3f36c9d512531e9a.mp3 felly, bydda i'n symud ryw dreian o'r planhigyn oddi arno fe <anadlu> ac yn torri unryw beth sydd wedi difrodi, neu sydd yn tyfu ar draws 'i gilydd. therefore, I will remove about a third of the plant <breathe> and cut anything that is damaged, or that grow across each other.
5a52468a32c5134947cf9e403c963b1e.mp3 wedi marw. Felly, y peth cynta sydd angen i ni wneud yw i grafu yr hen ddail o 'ma i gymennu'r border. <cerddoriaeth> Yn defnyddio'ch dwylo, crafwch has died. So, the first thing we need to do is to scrape the old leaves from here to tidy the border. <music> Using your hands, scrape
d9f803d9e4ff03e9a13219994367e454.mp3 ac wedyn 'u rhannu n'w yn dwy neu dair rhan. Ac ma' mis Mawrth a mis Ebrill yn adeg berffeth i wneud hyn. <cerddoriaeth> Fel welwch chi, ma'r bylbie and then divide them into two or three parts. And March and April are perfect times to do this. <music> As you can see, the bulbs
7dd6f3df7748aa08f41678ad882b87d1.mp3 y gwir plaen amdani yw dwi isie gweld pa un fydd cryfa, ac wedyn bydda i'n chwynnu i'r un lleia, gwana o 'na <anadlu> a gadel i'r un fwya gwydyn the plain truth is that I want to see which one will be stronger, and then I will weed the smaller, weaker one from there <breathe> and leave the stronger one
8aee29f1a4564bfde7a61f9050d2ea1d.mp3 A fel garddwr allai ond a dweud gymint o ysbrydolieth ma'r ardd wedi bod i fi yn barod, a wi ffili aros i weld y cychod gwenyn, y tŷ gwydyr mawr And as a gardener I can only say how much of an inspiration the garden has been for me already, and I can't wait to see the beehives, the big glass house
1af63ac76eb648ea6993421eb2063a97.mp3 ond ar ôl i ni wneud hynny, a tapo fe lawr ychydig yn y pot, <anadlu> ma' angen ni ychwanegu dŵr ar ben talcen y pridd cyn bo' ni'n hau'r hade. but after we do that, and tap it down a little in the pot, <breathe> we need to add water on top of the soil before we sow the seeds.
16cd2fc9d0d172cf3f6ecb83aa6d77ba.mp3 Wel, fel allwch chi weld, ma' digonedd o waith 'dy fi ar hyn o bryd yn tirweddu neu landsgêpo'r ardd, achos ma' gyllunie mowr gyda ni ar gyfer Well, as you can see, I have a lot of work at the moment landscaping the garden, because we've got big plans for
2119ec933bb9824718ac327f9906a096.mp3 Wel, wi 'di ca'l diwrnod wrth fy modd, yn llewyrchus iawn hefy yn yr ardd yn cymoni yn barod at y Gaea, a do's dim un diferyn o betrol wedi dod Well, I’ve had a wonderful day, very productive also in the garden tidying ready for the Winter, and not a single drop of petrol has come
d736f12931ae912708be4525f13d927e.mp3 gymint o blanhigion sy'n tyfu yn yr ardd, bydden i ddim o reidrwydd yn meddwl allwn i wneud te mas ohonyn n'w. Pethe 'yn ni'n ystyried yn chwyn. so many plants growing in the garden, I wouldn't necessarily think I could make tea out of them. Things we consider weeds.
fa750165ba27ae64e65d6b3c4411066e.mp3 Nawr, bydden i ddim yn defnyddio'r compos gwyrdd i hau hade, achos ma' fe'n gallu bo' bach yn gryf, ac yn gallu golygu bod yr egin bach 'na Now, I wouldn't use the green compost to sow seed, because it can be a little strong, and can mean that those little shoots
4b30cd43b1d8f739525e851ace40f69d.mp3 ma'n bwysig bo' ni fel garddwyr yn ystyried fel 'yn ni'n effeithio ar y blaned 'dyn ni ran ohoni, a fel achwch chi weld yn yr ardd fan hyn it is important that we as gardeners consider how we affect the planet we are a part of, and as you can see in the garden here
0db16b282a85dad66af3ad2025b71c54.mp3 fel y gwelwch chi, mae'n gyfle gwych ar hyn o bryd i ni blannu'r *Lavatera* ond cofiwch, allwch chi dyfu pa bynnag blanhigyn 'ych chi moyn. as you can see, it's a great opportunity at the moment for us to plant the Lavatera but remember, you can grow whatever plant you like.
1dfabaad21b3083333879e86d5762307.mp3 iawn i ga'l en rong, mae'n iawn i drial a trial 'to, <anadlu> a dyna beth yw garddio. Dyna beth dwi 'di neud ers ugen mlynedd yw <anadlu> ok to get it wrong, it's ok to try and try again, <breathe> and that's what gardening is. That's what I've been doing for twenty years is <breathe>
cd9208294e62559109171bdef626090c.mp3 Fi wastad 'di timlo fel bo' garddio'n gymuned, chi 'mod mae'n gymuned o bobol sy jyst mor garedig gyda'i gilydd, pobol sydd yn <anadlu> I always feel like gardening is a community, you know it's a community of people who are just so kind to each other, people who <breathe>
e1aedd55c0f673d407d49cec90d54c9f.mp3 Felly, er mwyn i ni allu garddio mewn modd sydd yn gyfeillgar i'r natur a'r amgylchedd, mae'n bwysig i ni geisio osgoi defnyddio mawn. Therefore, in order for us to be able to garden in a way that is friendly to nature and the environment, it is important that we try to avoid using peat.
d9b2829b447a0218e870bc43b0688110.mp3 ac wedyn yn ar- yn ara deg, gadewch i'r blanhigyn gwmpo yn eich dwylo chi, a fel chi 'llu gweld, ma'r gwreiddie wedi datblygu'n dda. and then slo- slowly, let the plant fall into your hands, and as you can see, the roots have developed well.
9808fe3b83fd2e4960ad486ee27edc2a.mp3 o ddilyn y cyngor dwi 'di roi yn y fideo hwn heddiw y byddwch chi'n gellu mynd ati i arddio hefyd mewn modd sy'n gyfeillgar i natur. by following the advice I’ve given in this video today you too will be able to start gardening in a way that is friendly to nature.
02243ee8d5077ed4f3cf62d12fc827f7.mp3 o gompos ddylen ni ddefnyddio? A ma' 'na sawl math amgen o gompos erbyn hyn gallwch chi ddefnyddio, on' ma' 'na ddoi ffefryn 'da fi. of compost we should use? And there are now several alternative types of compost you can use, but I have two favourites.
6a9272653dd82427cf2a770e19a02235.mp3 'da ni neud yn yr ardd, a ma'n myn' i gymryd lot o amser. <anadlu> Ond wir i chi do's 'im angen i fe fod fela. <anadlu> Os 'yn ni'n what we do in the garden, and it's going to take a lot of time. <breathe> But honestly it doesn't need to be like that. <breathe> If we
90288d2aa6d62298d68c3fd6d74593b7.mp3 Felly, ma' dod i adnabod ac wneud ychydig o ymchwil mewn i'r planhigion 'ych chi'n 'u dyfu yn hollbwysig wrth weithredu'ch cynllun. Therefore, getting to know the plants you grow and conducting a little research into them is crucial when implementing your plan.
d4b649f37e51b3cdc7951860aa4ca53e.mp3 dangos, <anadlu> bod 'na therapi yn y pridd hefyd a bod y pridd fel, fel jys rhwbeth naturiol yn neud ni dimlo'n eitha heddychlon. show, <breathe> that there is therapy in the soil as well and that the soil is like, like just something that naturally makes us feel quite peaceful.
e9f86e6de40ba5cd69e38eaa8b5edb1a.mp3 ...ond â diolch i ti o wilod calon i ti am y daith o amgylch yr ardd heddi, i ddysgu mwy am y gwaith pwysig iawn 'ych chi'n neud, ...but with thanks to you from the bottom of my heart for the trip around the garden today, to learn more about the very important work you do,
48a97a6d6cbc8a01def97c4c0f00f36c.mp3 On' yn bwysicach oll, ma'n bwysig bo' ni'n mwynhau'r broses, ac yn gyllunio'r gerddi allwn ni fyw, a bod yn hapus gyda n'w hefyd. But most importantly, it's important that we enjoy the process, and design the gardens we can live with, and be happy with them too.
1ae74d2f49350cba11f670c521ea9bb8.mp3 Er mwyn diogelu n'w rhag y rhew, a'u cadw n'w ddan do. <cerddoriaeth> Wel, erbyn hyn, ma' n'w wedi hen syrffedi â'r potie bach 'ma, To protect them from the frost, and keep them under cover. <music> Well, by now, they've had enough of these little pots,
a5475e11bba7347287cc893aa220a31d.mp3 wedyn. Felly, ma'n bwysig bod yn ymwybodol o'r ddau wahanol fath o gompos sydd ar ga'l cyn mynd ati i ddefnyddio n'w yn yr ardd. then. Therefore, it is important to be aware of the two different types of compost available before you start using them in the garden.
670905b5b04ff09e518cd3f5509bc32b.mp3 Mae jyst... yn pwysleisio, mewn ffordd, pa mor bwysig yw e bo' ni'n diogelu ein bioamrywieth ni ar gyfer cenedlaethe'r dyfodol, It just... emphasizes, in a way, how important it is that we protect our biodiversity for future generations,
6705371c48ed5e341011a7704dd4cd13.mp3 ac yn cyflymu'r broses 'na o'r blanhigion yn pydru. Felly, dwi am arbrofi eleni yn defnyddio'r gwellt llin fel tomwellt yn lle. and speeds up that process of the plants rotting. So, I want to experiment this year using flax as mulch instead.
5ee28c350010ba5ac2859eafd25c2117.mp3 ch'mo' be'? Ma' nw'n bwysig iawn i'r ardd hefyd, achos ma' malwod yn 'u hunen <anadlu> yn dda iawn i gompostio hen blanhigion. you know what? They are also very important for the garden, because snails themselves <breathe> are very good at composting old plants.
d29a2d5f0ea52c6e59899d059feaee78.mp3 ac yn barod i osod n'w ar dalcen y pridd, a wi wrth fy modd ar y cam hwn, achos dyma pryd 'ych chi'n gweld yr had yn fach iawn, and ready to place it on top of the soil, and I love this stage, because this is when you see the seed at its smallest,
82da6e31c0c00f94f3f8ff2ad5ca9c2e.mp3 neu os 'na ran wlyb o'r ardd, ac ma' adnabod y pethe hyn yn galluogi ni wbod pa fath o blanhigion allwn ni dyfu yn ein gerddi. or if there is a wet part of the garden, and recognizing these things enables us to know what kind of plants we can grow in our gardens.
3eb1b86da8c2af0a6dcc9eaaae02ddde.mp3 a bod eich gardd chi falle yn fwy gwyllt neu, <anadlu> yn fwy naturiol, neu hyd yn o'd bod jyst gyda chi rywle chi allu iste, and that your garden is perhaps more wild or, <breathe> more natural, or even that you just have somewhere you can sit,
26facfb80c0e42526f41b149629476e0.mp3 nifer y Lili Wen Fach o amgylch y berllan. <cerddoriaeth> Nid yw'r Lili Wen Fach neu *Alysia* yn blanhigion gynhennid i Gymru. the number of Little White Lilies around the orchard. <music> The White Lily or Alysia plants are not indigenous to Wales.
56bbca3076990adc44b6c6ac5acae74d.mp3 yn rwto'n erbyn ei gilydd ac yn creu sefyllfa le gall heintie ddatblygu ar y rosyn, felly mae'n syniad <anadlu> i ni dorri are rubbing each other and creating a situation where an infection can develop on the rose, so it's an idea <breath> for us to cut
4d4051d323d40d082d185df6016bc160.mp3 Enghrefft arall 'da fi fan hyn yw defnyddio rhwydi ar draws y pys er mwyn atal yr adar rag bwyta'r pys pan wy'n 'u hau n'w. Another example I have here is using nets across the peas to prevent the birds from eating the peas when I sow them.
190ea26cb7cc4b45f7393cb1c796ffd9.mp3 digonedd o amser i fwynhau yn yr ardd yn ystod yr wythnose sydd i ddod, ond tan y tro nesa, hwyl am y tro. <cerddoriaeth> plenty of time to enjoy in the garden during the coming weeks, but until next time, bye for now. <music>
5f8d690063e6a67c3cee61567c22274c.mp3 pam 'yn ni'n plannu planhigion, ma' angen lle i wreiddie'r planhigion hynny dyfu, <anadlu> ond hefyd gadewch tua modfedd when we plant plants, the roots of those plants need space to grow, <breathe> but also leave about an inch
a0263c0f3b8988e36149e4925eb4121e.mp3 Ond erbyn hyn, ma' n'w i gweld ym mhob man, ac yn amal byddwch chi'n 'u gweld n'w yn crwydro ar hyd cloddie cefen gwlad. But now, you can see them everywhere, and you'll often see them wandering along countryside hedgerows.
ac3368ac1d1b1cdc25249224e434df12.mp3 Cofiwch i beidio bod ofn, a roi cynnig arni, achos mae tocio yn hynod o bwysig <anadlu> i'n planhigion ni yn yr ardd. Remember not to be afraid, and try it, because pruning is extremely important <breathe> for our plants in the garden.
c17014df50fd35b8a8c743ac12082438.mp3 Un peth hoffwn i bwysleisio yw bod e'n iawn i addasu'r cynllun a pheidio â glynu'n rhy gaeth i'r cynllun gwreiddiol. One thing I would like to emphasize is that it is okay to adapt the plan and not stick too closely to the original plan.
abd4c3eb6bf2853466bdab79eddd743d.mp3 yn wir, achos edrychwch ar y canlyniade s'da fi fan 'yn, do's dim problem o gwbwl 'da fi, os unryw beth, ma' popeth indeed, because look at the results I have here, I’ve no problems at all, if anything, everything has
ee84678c53f76af44f209457f2759c31.mp3 Fel dwi'n gwneud. <anadlu> Ond wrth greu compost, ma' 'na ychydig o reole ma' raid i ni feddwl amdanyn n'w, <anadlu> As I do. <breathe> But when creating compost, there's a few rules we have to think about, <breathe>
878bb6905e32f350853a0375d198456f.mp3 Dath o's yr hen beiriant petrol i ben dan gwmwl. O'n i ffili dechre 'i, odd y fasged yn clogo lan llawn porfa, ond The old petrol engine’s life ended under a cloud. I couldn’t start it, the basket clogged up full of grass, but
28f46788325dac676e9d4c09b6cc0555.mp3 Ac wedyn haenyn bach dene o gompost ar dalcen y pridd. Yym. Ceisiwch sicirhau bo' dim gormod o lympie yn y pridd. And then a thin layer of compost on the top of the soil. Um. Try to make sure there aren’t too many lumps in the soil.
77138bd977aa4b38c8fa030c092088a8.mp3 ond hefyd sydd yn golygu bod ni'n hapus ac yn gallu tyfu cnydau yn ein gerddi ni, <anadlu> heb fawr o drafferth. but which also means that we are happy and able to grow crops in our gardens, <breathe> without much trouble.
b747417e1020222ad7b720d8a72542b9.mp3 gymaint yn well, a dwi'n timlo'n well fel garddwr hefyd, yn gwbo bo' fi ddim yn effeithio'n andwyol ar y blaned. so much better, and I feel better as a gardener too, knowing that I'm not adversely affecting the planet.
030e6736f8d44901d0873184d7dab0c8.mp3 yn mynd i'r pridd, ac yn gwbod bod hwn yn mynd i droi'n blanhigyn sy myn' i oleuo ryw gornel bach o'r ardd i chi goes into the soil, and know that this is going to turn into a plant that will light up some small corner of the garden for you
1f2ef15574754c0751c7478c2c6d8754.mp3 sied, yn tyfu'n dal ac yn gallu cuddio gole'r haul. <anadlu> Ac felly mae'n bwysig plannu n'w mewn man yn yr ardd shed, grows tall and can hide the sunlight. <breathe> And so it is important to plant them somewhere in the garden
78f1e02f68549a540f881a396a8beeb5.mp3 yn yr hidlydd te fel hyn, ac wedyn dŵr berw am 'i ben e, fel bod e'n ystwytho, ne' fel 'yn ni'n lico gweud yn... in the tea filter like this, and then pour boiling water over it, so that it can soak, or as we like to say in...
100a38462bdb0f96939a0d2e5b5356ca.mp3 hedfan yy *simulated airplane* a neud yy *mental arithmetic* ar yr un pryd. fly a er simulated airplane and do er mental arithmetic at the same time.
8d707a8a06f23039019cdb438c36e44c.mp3 o pwy sy'n bwysig i fi ond <anadlu> 'na'r tro cynta nes i deall fy mod i'n pwysig i pobol eraill. of who is important to me but <breathe> that's the first time I understood that I am important to other people.
fbd683839d6b344483933d45f090b021.mp3 Mae'n profiad ofnadwy rili <anadlu> achos do's dim byd yy metal gallu mynd i mewn, o'n i methu gwisgo'n sbectol. It's a terrible experience really <breathe> I couldn't wear my glasses because nothing er metal can go in.
b66123688956dcfb248bd7e5e9d988b3.mp3 Trwy fy ngyrfa dwi wastod wedi trio dychmygu beth mae'n timlo fel i ca'l *amputation* achos dwi 'di neud y lawdriniaeth ar pobol eraill. Throughout my career I have always tried to imagine what it feels like to have an amputation because I've performed the operation on other people.
9d868ac80206170de3bf389919b0f0df.mp3 a dechreuodd pethe gwella yn fuan t'od ar ôl cwpwl o wythnose odd fy ngherdded yng ngwella odd yy y poen yn yy yn lleihau. and things started to improve soon you know after a couple of weeks my walking improved er the pain was er was decreasing.
2880f9b50e8fdadd02c0f789c6cf7480.mp3 odd rhaid fi roi coes i fewn. *The European Space Agency cares for your dreams*. Odd y *criteria* yn eitha penodol. I had to put a leg in. The European Space Agency cares for your dreams. The criteria were quite specific.
9a1f5738652ed61e3c3445c79bdff748.mp3 Ma'n timlo fel dyw fy lwc ddim yn rhy grêt ar y foment yw e? *Yeah, it's a real pain this is*. It feels like my luck isn't too great at the moment isn't it? Yeah, it's a real pain this is.
65b509a1b2b0a21d4b03776d116fa6c1.mp3 Tra bod nw'n neud y lawdrinieth yna nes i colli lot o croen o o gwaelod fy nhraed hefyd so odd dim gobaith mawr i fi gallu cerdded <anadlu> so While they were performing that operation I lost a lot of skin from from the bottom of my feet too so there was not a great likelihood of me being able to walk <breathe> so
9e0b1f98a4346d0510328669fab80382.mp3 ma' ma' raid fi roi hosane ychwanegol i mewn i'r *prosetic* i helpu cadw fy nghoes yn <anadlu> yn yym yn ffitio i fewn yn yn iawn. Yes, I have to put an extra sock into the prosthetic to help keep my leg <breathe> um with with fitting in properly.
71e23c696ef16ac674c2a8994060e073.mp3 Ond am y ffaith bo' fi'n istedd yma heb coes <chwerthin> efo'r coes plastic. <chwerthin> But for the fact that I'm sitting here without a leg <laughter> with the plastic leg. <laughter>
17a7f93b357fc1851e6ac335f884af76.mp3 Och o o wel yym dwi newydd 'di ca'l yr i-bost yym a wel o'n i'n fath o dishgwl e rili. Och, o o well um I've just got the e-mail um and well, I was kind of expecting it really.
a6d0906ce04380d7b6bbe9241341e8a9.mp3 Yym ma'r tywydd yn itha ofnadwy. Rhyw blip arall ar fy nhaeth i'r gofod. O wel! Um the weather is fairly terrible. Another blip on my journey to space. Oh well!
33ee465779260388f0c180d8c6f1dcca.mp3 falle mae'n rwbeth galla i cymryd i'r gofod efo fi os ma fy ngaish yn llwyddiannus. maybe it's something I can take into space with me if my quest is successful.
21a64ceb1b49c4543c514a8c54add017.mp3 pobol sy 'di ca'l *amputation* gallu jyst byw yn weddol normal so <anadlu> ma' ma' ma' fy holl fath o *world view* 'di newid ynglŷn â *amputations*. people who have had an amputation can just live fairly normally so <breathe> my whole kind of world view has has has not changed regarding amputations.
4a499a3a0629ab2f649a218c650d73c3.mp3 O'n i'n disgwyl dod gartre a ca'l rwydwaith o *physiotherapists* ac ati i fod yna, ond I expected to come home and have a network of physiotherapists and so forth to be there, but
754d473691383fdb0a5ffc62d3b8490f.mp3 *astronaut* a nes i cyrraedd y *last twenty seven kin' of*. Ie. *Mission completed*. astronaut and I reached the last twenty seven kind of. Yes. Mission completed.
1886dfa5eebaba96d7ba100a0585f11a.mp3 <anadlu> Dyn- dyna'r fath o *mindset* odd 'da fi. Ond unweth ges i fy nghoese nath popeth newid dros nos. <breathe> Tha- that's the kind of mindset I had. But as soon as I got my legs everything changed overnight.
88030d985d84c9a34887c434ee877397.mp3 Gethon ni diwrnod reit brysur ddoe. Nethon ni *carotid endarterectomy* a cwpwl o *amputations*. *Who's next?* We had a pretty busy day yesterday. We did a carotid endarterectomy and a couple of amputations. Who's next?
53724d16a24356213d62b319479c902e.mp3 So ma' 'na *artery* o- yy weddol mawr jyst yy jyst yn fyma so ma' mae'n mae'n gweudu eitha lot so So there's an artery th- er quite big just er just here so there it's it's bleeding quite a lot so
5bd102afa10d79b079409bdef35b5989.mp3 Dwi 'di teithio nawr o Bryste i Amsterdam, Amsterdam i Paris. I've travelled now from Bristol to Amsterdam, Amsterdam to Paris.
15bb0e2eb20045ce782a9439bb5674af.mp3 O'r diwedd dwi dwi ar y *flight* i Hamburg yn istedd ar y ar yr awyren <chwerthin> Finally I'm I'm on the flight to Hamburg, sitting on the on the plane <laughter>
8f50683731cbc63e89c14f950dbca86b.mp3 A nid yn y ffyrdd o'n i'n disgwyl. Dwi 'di teithio dros fy wlad siarad mewn *conferences* a nôl yn gweithio fel llawfeddyg. And not in the ways I expected. I've travelled across my country speaking at conferences and back working as a surgeon.
743918ad234f70115396a9f271a4b444.mp3 pan o'n i'n sâl yn <anadlu> ar ôl ca'l yr *amputations* ond <anadlu> ie na ma' jyst *incredible* rili. Ie *prosetics are great*. <chwerthin> when I was sick <breath> after having the amputations but <breath> yes no it's just incredible really. Yes prosthetics are great. <laughter>
2d517aea60209f4559fd366bb7b71c16.mp3 Odd rhaid ca'l anabledd islawr pen-glin a rhai' bo' fi siarad ail iaith so hei Cymraeg. You had to have a disability below the knee and I had to be able to speak a second language so hey Welsh.
3acb10ea3d156fb95c09ed511f48e4d4.mp3 Odd darn o'r *athrosglerosis* yma 'di teithio i fyny yr ymennydd. A piece of this atherosclerosis had travelled up the brain.
b9609a80059b00311580ef4f5cb24f51.mp3 i ch'od yy i arwyddio'r *consent form* odd hwnna'n rywbeth eitha, ie do's dim geirie 'da fi disgrifio beth to you know er to sign the consent form that was something quite, yes I have no words to describe what
727d1b5010dd861f3fecf0377e9078e8.mp3 wel cawn ni weld cawn ni weld beth sy mynd i digwydd fory yym. *Fingers crossed ey?* well we'll see we'll see what's going to happen tomorrow um. Fingers crossed eh?
2e031849cc45d350962113699ba41f4b.mp3 Odd un o fy athrawon yn ysgol gynradd yn galw fi'r yy *proffesori* bach <anadlu> a achos odd gen i diddordeb mawr mewn peirianneg a One of my teachers at primary school used to call me the er little professorie <breath> and because I had a great interest in engineering and
3aa1aabdf7bcc17b070d4c89c830dfdf.mp3 o- odd fy yy fy mab odd e bach yn pryderus. *What if his leg fell off when 'e was in space? <chwerthin> my er my son wa- was a little worried. What if his leg fell off when 'e was in space? <laughter>
0208c7d1d13b00ad0405059aae28ec95.mp3 A es i gwely nos Lun a y peth nesa dwi'n cofio 'i <anadlu> y'w dino ar yy yr *intensive care* ar y ar y dy' Mawrth. I went to bed on Monday night and the next thing I remember was <breathe> waking on er the intensive care on the on the Tuesday.
227d0c30e33f31f01a7009d0105d582d.mp3 <anadlu> So ma' jyst yn cymryd cwpwl o o came jyst suddo i fewn i'r *socet*. Iawn. 'Dyn ni <breathe> So it just takes a couple of of seconds to just sink into the socket. OK. We are
dc6f91b544662ac4e052755e7feff13b.mp3 Dwi 'di ffeindio fy fy *limit* fi gallu dweud nawr wnes i cais ar fod yn I have found my my limit I can say now I attempted to be a
aafa8c5735660f70f69d0ad52ea4f44f.mp3 ... y prifathro dod i fewn a a a galw ni i gyd i mewn i'r neuadd i gwylio'r gwennol ofod ... the headmaster came in and and and called us all into the hall to watch the space shuttle
e0e6e1f2d405e66cbdb00951b74089dd.mp3 o'n i'n ti- ffindo fe mor... rhaid odd... O' rai' neud gymaint o pethe ar yr un amser. Fedrai I fe- found it so... it must have... You had to do so many things at the same time. I could
c9c88348ad5b65f9cff7d0e1467f2889.mp3 a a'r y a'r adeg hynny es i i'r i'r yym i'r theatr a nes i colli bysedd 'yn nhraed ar y ddau ochor. and on the the and at that time I went to the to the theatre and I lost my toes on both sides.
ffb7baf956e0e1ab704dada2e46f3048.mp3 <anadlu> bod popeth 'di newid ond heb newid. Dau tri. <breathe> that everything has changed but not changed. Two three.
b963b507037fbc2c2b4aca335686ca7d.mp3 ar ôl ca'l o'r *amputations* nath un o'r lawfeddygon ca'l *chat* bach efo fi am newid fy nghyrfa. after having the amputations one of the surgeons had a little chat with me about changing my career.
6339d9dc9e7de468e0718b4d370afa15.mp3 Ma'r blôc tew sy byth yn neud unrywbeth ddiddorol yn <anadlu> ca'l tsiawns i mynd i'r gofod falle. The fat bloke who never does anything interesting <breathe> might get a chance to go into space.
347a053a7e7e84e0bfa7c28ec03ddf63.mp3 ...odd yy y lle le nes i gweld y gwennol ofod yn yym mynd i fynnu i'r gofod am y tro cynta. ...was er the place where I saw the space shuttle going up into space for the first time.
51900727462a5cf5f005d715bc2d5dd4.mp3 ma'r coese a'r a'r llaw yn enwedig a law dde odd y problemydd i ddechre os ma' hynny'n dal i witho so *fingers crossed*. the legs and the and the hand especially the right hand was the problem to start if that still works so fingers crossed.
e4c317d03f108d4a3706a16671c92adf.mp3 trefnu *flights* eryll. Ma' 'na siawns byddai gallu teithio i Amsterdam falle arrange other flights. There's a chance that it would be possible to travel to Amsterdam perhaps
b80d80c9bba954a6f8d81a996fdf937a.mp3 Be' sy'n dda am y *regional block* yw ma'r claf yn osgoi ca'l *general anesthetic* so 'dyn n'w 'im yn timlo'n sâl. What's good about the regional block is that the patient avoids having a general anaesthetic so they don't feel sick.
41560800407fec9afec7239bc1160f6d.mp3 O'n i'n dechre meddwl falle byddai byth myn' nôl at yy i gwaith. O'n i'n dechre meddwl byddai byth gallu I was beginning to think that maybe I would never go back to er to work. I was beginning to think that I would never be able
bd362467d5fe47b61db98af4db73fceb.mp3 Dyna beth dwi'n delio efo pob dydd so odd gen i syniad bod pethe'n difrifol iawn. That's what I deal with every day so I had an idea that things were very serious.
712e1db418ddbc43a8d54b913abb3233.mp3 So hwn yw'r cynhadledd yy mwya yy y flwyddyn yn yy yn byd lawfeddygion fasgiwlar. So this is the er biggest er conference of the year in er in the world of vascular surgeons.
c32683a45e3b6236081d82ea0094b459.mp3 wi dwi'n siŵr 'di helpu fi i fod yn lawfeddyg I I'm sure has helped me to be a surgeon
1cc4eaed5074c715a2fca725054a4a26.mp3 Wel, dwi fod teithio i'r Almaen fory er mwyn neud profion ar gyfer yym Well, I'm meant to be travelling to Germany tomorrow in order to do tests for um
9b2f92495c861d71ce25940927aaf51f.mp3 dod â teledu i fewn i'r neuadd. O ie? Nath e jyst troi'r teledu mlan a nath e dweutho ni bod hwn yn yym bring a television into the hall. Oh yeah? He just turned on the TV and told us that this is um
b54835475be53855d5c38907039eaf9d.mp3 So diolch byth dwi dal y gallu mynd so yym ie ffîw yym. So thank goodness I'm still able to go so um yes phew um.
daff9c1b333525922e4c765f7c732e43.mp3 'Dyn ni'n iwsio yym tiwb plastic i parhau yr gwaed yn mynd i fyny i'r ymennydd tra bo' ni'n neud y lawdrieth. We use a plastic tube to maintain the blood supply going up to the brain while we do the operation.
86272e92536a12e21fb4f6f61e55f008.mp3 wrth siarad am y y pêl dro'd dros y penwthnos siwr iawn 'da fi. Oce? So mae yn fater o nabod y cyd-destun, nabod y person 'ych chi'n siarad gyda n'w, when talking about the football over the weekend I'm sure. okay? So it's a matter of knowing the context, knowing the person you're talking to,
fd9f5b93671a5f7ca00c3e65120ef1a7.mp3 tacteg byw yw Cymra'g safonol Cymraeg proffesiynol a fel ma' Bob yy Bob Morris Jones yn ei nodi, ma' raid i ni derbyn hyn. a live tactic in standard Welsh professional Welsh and as Bob er Bob Morris Jones points out, we have to accept this.
7f3536dea6f13fd51e0bf8f86e2a3d38.mp3 yn fan 'yn. *This is the man whom er she loves him*. Os ni'n cyfieithu fe yn llythrennol i'r Sysneg. Oce? So os o's gyda ni *whom* neu *who's* here. This is the man whom er she loves him. If we translate it literally into English. Okay? So if we have whom or who's
4bd2089b8c14fd00fd0de60e12795ec7.mp3 o flaen prifysgol. Y brifysgol. Da iawn. Gwych. Unrhyw yy enwau benywaidd unigol eraill? in front of a university. The university. Very good. Great. Any er other singular female nouns?
0534999b08a29ec62608a1bdf2bd5b17.mp3 adferfol. Newn ni ganolbwyntio ar y ddau math yna o gymal am y tro gan dyna sy'n dueddol o cod- o godi yn yr arholiad. adverbial. We will focus on those two types of clauses for now as that is what tends to co- to come up in the exam.
e1eeb03e379b86e204a64ac7256a0708.mp3 So pan rydyn ni'n cyfeirio nôl at rwbeth yn y prif gymal, fel arfer yy ma' isie ni defnyddio yr ragenw yym So when we refer back to something in the main clause, usually er we need to use the pronoun um
d6be2649a99d59c8817d53fbecbd290d.mp3 Enwau wrth gwrs ma' 'na amryw o bosibiliade gyda enwau, enwe priod, enwe llefydd yym sawl posib on'd o's e? Nouns of course there are several possibilities with nouns, proper nouns, names of places, there are many possibilities, aren't there?
393f5974928f994e7d291806b433376e.mp3 yr yr yy y patrwm yma'n llawn on'd yfe? Eu bod nw'n. Nawr falle pan rydych chi'n siarad Cymraeg yn anffurfiol the the er the pattern is full isn't it? That they are. Now maybe when you speak Welsh informally
7c38247bd67f948749fb09116cb39cf7.mp3 yr athrawon cymryd yn ganiataol bod dysgwyr yn gwbod y geirie yma yn gwbod beth ma' nw'n neud beth yw jobs n'w. So the teachers assume that learners know this vocabulary know what they do what their jobs are. So
1247b72092fe488d6f41794bb750621b.mp3 Hynny yw pam bod yr athrawon yn yr ysgol yn mynnu mod i'n dysgu ramadeg ac yn drilio ac yn ymarfer ac yn y blaen. That is why the teachers at school insist that I learn grammar and drill and practice and so on.
f31ce2b1f08aefe9bed7ca804d898b71.mp3 Argraff dda. So chwiliwch am yr am y cliwie bach yma. Odi yr fannod yn sbarduno treiglad? Os felly Good impression. So look for these for these little clues. Does the clause trigger a mutation? If so
e50d9b838d8acfdef29ac0cf573b4c67.mp3 dod ymlaen yn y byd, yn y gymdeithas Gymraeg, ac i sicirhau swyddi yy yn y yn y gweithle gynyddol ddwyieithog. get ahead in the world, in Welsh society, and to secure jobs er in the in the increasingly bilingual workplace.
4a5cc84355eaa660fbbd01ef4017a09d.mp3 fyddwn ni'n gweud mewn Cymraeg yy yy mewn Sysneg cywir, oce? A ry'n ni'n gallu ffurfio cymalau enwol mewn sawl ffordd. we would do in Welsh er er in correct English, ok? And we can form noun clauses in many ways.
9b35eae46c8d8bc324d095e35272e459.mp3 na jyst beth yw enw y ferf, mae'n dweud pryd, fel arfer, on'd yfe? Yy amser gorffennol amser dyfodol ag yn y blaen. than just what the name of the verb is, it says when, usually, doesn't it? Er past tense future and so forth.
198ce61049120c290fba46abe98e4e13.mp3 yy gramadeg yw yr adnodde'r canllawie yn benodol canllawie *ask Doctor Gramadeg* canllawie dwyieithog er gramadeg is the resource the guide specifically the guide "ask Doctor Gramadeg" a bilingual guide
cb8bf26d1bc69a10be972e80849403ab.mp3 yn cysylltu geirie eryll on'd yfe? So hoffet ti hwn neu hon? Hoffet ti hwn a hon? connects other words isn't it? So would you like this or this? Would you like this and this?
02555df509b5ad9117ddc79fa7184408.mp3 yy ymarferol fel hon beth penderfynes i neud oedd cadw'r sesiwn yy rithiol yma yn fyrrach, o'n i creu er practical like this what I decided to do was to keep this er virtual session shorter, I created
6446b5f2cc3e756acbf6a9699b7823ec.mp3 Cymryd y *cogs* yn troi tra fo' pawb yn meddwl. Popeth yn iawn. Falle newch chi yy rannu ambell i enghraifft yy yn y I take it the cogs are turning while everyone is thinking. That's alright. Maybe you can er share a few examples er in the
47d2b8eaec727f871514dd5c667162bc.mp3 yy wedi trafod heddi yy ymhellach. So newn ni rannu hynny gyda chi ar ôl y sesiwn y prynawn yma. On' yn ogystal â'r er have discussed er further today. So we will share that with you after the session this afternoon. But as well as the
fc3808d0122b0d22719696927fe429c1.mp3 yy ansoddeiriol neu cymal perthynol, dibynnu beth yw beth yw term mae 'ych athrawes neu athro yn 'i ffafrio. er adjectival or relative clause, depending on what what term your teacher prefers.
c0408605dbe73b9340119d5bbdfbd816.mp3 At yr arddodiaid 'te. Unryw yym arddodiad i'w ca'l yn fan hyn? Eto croeso i chi rannu yn y *chat*. To the prepositions then. Is there a um preposition to be found here? Again you are welcome to share in the chat.
4dc0b0f178d318d565893359cddb65a0.mp3 rhanne, on'd yfe? Reit dyna ferf, dyna'r enw. Ac wrth i ni ddod i ddeall y termau yma, a swyddogaeth parts, isn't it? Right that's a verb, that's the noun. And as we come to understand these terms, and function
d030781d615fb7da4da77b1f686b9e80.mp3 jobs bach y geirie yma, ni'n deall sut ma' dadansoddi y y brawddegau, a sut ma' dadansoddi iaith yn well. little jobs of these words here, we understand how to analyse the the sentences, and how to analyse language better.
76368860a1272e012b9e1ba010471db7.mp3 ...ia berfenw yy da iawn am am am hynny ie. <anadlu> Odi, berfenw yw yy ymgeisio. ...yes verbnoun er very good for for for that yes. <breathe> Yes, ymgeisio is a verbnoun.
a6f87016a2c085a3bd6756ce23370599.mp3 yy o ran adnodde pellach i helpu chi ar ben y ffordd, i baratoi ar gyfer yr arholiad. <anadlu> er in terms of further resources to help you along the way, to prepare for the exam. <breathe>
01d4e1c411c8141cb9bcfbf78e84094d.mp3 Sgwrsio a chanu, creu a chrio, cadw tŷ di do. Felly o's 'na ryw enghreifftie o gyferbyniad Chatting and singing, creating and crying, keeping a roofless house. So are there some examples of contrast
11eb3ddc562e486a12b839a15e2b22fb.mp3 ma' 'na sawl agwedd ar ei gwaith hi fel bardd, felly ma' hi'n fardd aml weddog ma' 'na sawl gwedd ar 'i gwaith hi fel bardd felly. There are many aspects to her work as a poet, so she is a multi-faceted poet, there are many aspects to her work as a poet therefore.
fdb16c9afd5fc36afb359b881766a5b2.mp3 <anadlu> Yym ac os edrychwch chi fan 'yn 'yn ni gweld y merched yma, yr hyn sy'n taro chi falle yn y llun <anadlu> yw'r ffens yn y cefndir ynde a ma' sôn am y ffens yn y gerdd yndoes? <breathe> Um and if you look here we see these girls, what strikes you perhaps in the picture <breathe> is the fence in the background isn't it, and the fence is mentioned in the poem isn't it?
6091e17fa77a2f916db63d429d8a48bd.mp3 <anadlu> A un peth defnyddiol dwi'n ffeindio wrth ddod at gerdd ne' at unryw destun llenyddol <anadlu> yw chwilio am densiwn. <breathe> And one useful thing I find when approaching a poem or any literary text <breathe> is to look for tension.
ef27a0d474c942b478cc34b151f9c29b.mp3 <anadlu> Felly os symudwn ni mlan yym ma' 'na yym ddarn arall gen i lle gallwn ni chwilio am am gyferbyniad am ddau beth sydd yn <breathe> So if we move on um I have um another piece where we can look for for contrast for two things that are
2dd3c770b8563d7f28bfd79562f2368f.mp3 yn Greenham. <twtian> Felly diolch yy am ddangos y gerdd yna <anadlu> a dyma cwpl o lunie i chi nawr o'r in Greenham. <tutt> So thanks er for showing that poem <breathe> and here's a couple of pictures for you now from the
6fee9ff2fcc143c2d6862783ed62a469.mp3 <anadlu> Ac ma' 'na air o gyngor fan hyn gan ddyn o'r enw John Pecks sy 'di sgwennu llyfyr am *How to Study a Poet*. A yr hyn mae e'n ddweud yw hyn, <breathe> And there's a word of advice here from a man called John Pecks who wrote a book about How to Study a Poet. And what he says is this,
b7e28eebddf5e6eb2673503f71042e2d.mp3 sgarmesoedd ganol nos, eiddo yn sarn. Cychwyn eto fory, mwy'n cyrraedd, codi calon. skirmishes in the middle of the night, property destroyed. Start again tomorrow, more arriving, cheer up.
77e6dd6d57c5c6f5b3cd852d35d8f6ac.mp3 wrth drafod pwnc dwys <anadlu> yn ystod adeg difrifol a phryderus. Ie, dwi'n cytuno'n llwyr <anadlu> yym y chwaerolieth when discussing an intense subject <breath> during a serious and anxious time. Yes, I totally agree <breath> about the sisterhood
89394f9541e770a3e2a752feae9a7a9e.mp3 yr arfe, a'r menywod. Y ffin lythrennol a gweledol hefyd rhwng rhyfel a heddwch rhwng grym a thynerwch. the weapons, and the women. The literal and also visual border between war and peace between force and tenderness.
b234354d953e35b17a3b4a20ce5f8d7b.mp3 hawliau merched, heddwch, a rhyfel, a gorthrwm ar sail hil. Yym felly os dyw hwnna'n helpu chi women's rights, peace, and war, and racial oppression. Um so if that helps you
a4830bf10c0319b5c80c1ecfa2f9556d.mp3 <anadlu> Yym felly os newch chi os gwelwch yn dda 'te chwilio am enghrefft o densiwn yn y pennill cynta 'ma, ac wedyn nodi yr enghraifft yn y blwch sgwrs. <breathe> So if you could please look for an example of tension in the first stanza, and then note the example in the chat box.
a2dddc184303c1d571ab580ac0ebfa02.mp3 Gair neu ddau yn dweud cerdd am beth yw 'i. Felly beth yw'r geirie allweddol, beth yw'r pethe sy wir yn codi yn fan hyn? A word or two saying what the poem is about. So what are the key words, what are the things that really arise here?
9e06974962d36f94c7fa860571228457.mp3 Ac i fi ma'r elfen heddychol yna, a'r gwarchod, cadw'r ddynolieth yma cadw'r pethe da mewn bywyd yym And for me that peaceful element, and the act of protecting, keeping this humanity, keeping the good things in life um
7245752eb84b01840eff1a640368af12.mp3 os 'ych chi'n meddwl mae Sul y Mame ma'r bobol 'ma'n eu dreulio yn Greenahm <anadlu> hynny yw falle bo' n'w ddim gyda'u plant ar yr achlysur yma. if you think it's Mother's Day that these people are spending in Greenham <breathe> that means they may not be with their children on this occasion.
f743875cd4c1aa8aa0a99fb2cf4e292a.mp3 <anadlu> Ac felly ma' 'na ryw wahanieth rôl yndoes mo'r ma'r dynion a'r heddlu'n dod i gynrychioli grym a phŵer <anadlu> a'r <breathe> And so there is a certain difference in role because the men and the police come to represent force and power <breathe> and the
535a205c1715fb03bef81cb536429591.mp3 <anadlu> yym ond mae'n mae'n wirioneddol erchyll hefyd yym hynny yw y- yr hyn odd e'n ceisio gyfleu oedd dinistyr rhyfel. <breathe> um but it's it's really horrible too um that is tha- that which he was trying to convey was the destruction of war.
af1b528f88d87bacdfac39a83d6e63e9.mp3 <twtian> Felly ma' 'na anobaith yna hefyd dwi'n credu, a a ma'r cyferbynnu'r gwahanol emosiyne 'ma wir yn dod â naws <tutt> So there's despair there too I believe, and and the contrast of these different emotions really brings a feeling
0a5af0f67558a9709c66af85f63961e0.mp3 oedd 'i rhif hi pan gath hi 'i gwneud yn garcharor. Yym felly fe fuodd hi yn y carchar am gyfnod a hynny oherwydd iddi fod protestio was her number when she was made a prisoner. Um so she was in prison for a while and that was because she protested
6bdc96bfb0ed24725e0bab64d7ebb845.mp3 O dyma ni, ni'n cael rhain yn dod trwodd yma. Gwych, ie, chwaerolieth. Felly wrth gwrs ma'r merched sydd yma ynde yn Oh here we are, we've got these coming through here. Great, yes, sisterhood. So of course the women that are here isn't it are
5981c80340bb1e066aae66fd3d588b7d.mp3 <twtian> Gwych ma' 'na yym sylw 'di dod trwyddo fan hyn, diolch yn fawr iawn am y sylw yma. <anadlu> Yym felly bod y chwaerolieth <tutt> Great a um comment has come through here, thank you very much for this comment. <breathe> Um so the sisterhood is
44e47d2b08ac364aad3553a1739c4fef.mp3 Ac yn... Agwedd arall wedyn ar ei gwaith hi fel bardd yw ei llais hi fel mam. Hynny yw mae'n canu yn amal fel mam yn ei gwaith hi. And in... Another aspect of her work as a poet then is her voice as a mother. That is, she often writes as a mother in her work.
4388bf50259f31f3e877d5b64baa11a9.mp3 trwy fynd yna i brotestio am heddychieth ma' nw'n gobeithio am ddyfodol gwell i'w plant n'w felly <anadlu> by going there to protest for peace they hope for a better future for their children so <breathe>
fdae6088e213d7d5e8bf1d3dd67b5a88.mp3 yn chwarae â thân, yn creu anheddau o brennau a blancedi. playing with fire, creating dwellings from wood and blankets.
06a70d9ad8ba48cb64a04c669077bb44.mp3 yy y llun yma gan Picasso, ma' cerdd Menna hefyd dwi'n credu yn ddarn o gelfyddyd er this picture by Picasso, I believe Menna's poem is also a piece of art
69de843273a07ef8394944b4ec205f88.mp3 *road trip* o gwmpas Iwerddon ond ar ar ar ei feic. A wedyn ma'r collage sydd yn rhan o cefndir y darn o waith yma yn dod o llyfyr lloffion road trip around Ireland but on on on his bike. And then the collage that is part of the background of this piece of work comes from a scrapbook
00a0b43f8dea295ddcf26f571a335c7b.mp3 dych ch'mo' pregethu wel yn wrthi'n gweiddi o'r *pulpit* dach ch'mo' fath ag oedden n'w <anadlu> yym g- trio bron iawn codio ofn arnon ni e's dalwm 'lly <anadlu> hmm a you're you know preaching well shouting from the pulpit you know like they used to <breathe> um g- try to almost scare us in the past <breathe> hmm and
57367162c49ff04e60597a25ed85e4a4.mp3 yn yy yr ardal lle dwi'n don. <chwerthin> <aneglur> dwi licio roid chydig bach o hiwmor ar ôl symudiad a r'w, ella ryw deimlad o'r in er the area where I come. <laughter> <indistinct> I like a to insert a bit of humor after a movement and some, maybe some feeling of the
88ae343d03edecc6ac27a8ff430b4365.mp3 Fi'n licio'r gath hyn mae'n gymeriad! <anadlu> O ia dwi'n defnyddio llygaid yym pobol i gneud n'w. Dwi'm yn gw'o yy yym I like this cat he's a character! <breathe> Oh yes I use people's um eyes to make them. I don't know er um
77dc449c562c4f1ec3160a4bddfd5882.mp3 foddi'r cwm ne' rwbath a mae'n mynd ar 'i beic i ddeud wrth bobol. <anadlu> Dw'm yn g'od dwi jyst yn creu stori o gwmpas ffoto weithia'. <anadlu> Ac yym flood the valley or something and he goes on his bike to tell people. <breathe> I don't know I just create a story around a photo sometimes. <breathe> And um
585f9d9f0213a4174e300aecaede0f0e.mp3 efo ryw deimlad mwy cyfoes iddo fo a wedyn yym jyst portread o'n ffrind dwi jys yn licio gneud petha that has a more contemporary feel to it and then um just a portrait of my friend I just like to do things
349ca6f9493aa9fa6ba9455a4141fd68.mp3 Ac yy ma'r clawr y llyfyr yma yn mynd i fod yym <twtian> yn ng- yy glawr ar llyfyr sy'n mynd i ga'l 'i alw'n And um the cover of this book is going to be um <tutt> the cov- er cover of a book that is going to be called
af8b5d11ed112d8cebfa813c8d884b01.mp3 ie o'n i o'n i jyst am ddeud bod <anadlu> d- ar ôl ca'l yym arddangosfeydd hefo'r yym <twtian> darna'r ffotograffa yes I I just wanted to say that <breath> d- after having um exhibitions with um <tutt> pieces of the photographs
b77ee843882817b71df311ed28278f6b.mp3 <anadlu> wedyn, ia, dwi methu taflu dim byd, fel dach chi'n gweld. <chwerthin> Fel... Wedyn ma'r ardd <breathe> then, yes, I can't throw anything, as you can see. <laughter> Like... Then there's the garden
ab8ac7c1d283976cfd9ce4361e0d79b3.mp3 dw'mbo chydig o <anadlu> o hiwmor ac y jyst yn dangos bywyd bob dydd heddiw yy yn fama ac yym wedyn dwi licio I don't know a bit of <breathe> of humor and the just showing everyday life today er here and um then I like
e42da292b537be1dd1eb080059aa8b15.mp3 yym hardd ag yn y blaen sydd yym yr yn 'yn trefi ni. <anadlu> Yym wedyn dwi'm yn g'o' jyst yy dwi 'di neud portread o o merch i fan hyn. um beautiful and so forth that are in the in our towns. <breathe> Um then I don't know just er I've made a portrait of of my daughter here.
2de0cfd412135e98b0cf5f7065d92c44.mp3 fel ti'n gweld ma'r dwi'n gweithio efo darn o bren i gychwyn arni, <anadlu> ac dwi 'di adeiladu'r ffigwr allan i fod yn tri dŷ. as you can see the I work with a piece of wood to start with, <breathe> and I have built the figure out to be three houses.
576f5094cbfea9ab2236d041352705e0.mp3 A hen hen ddillad yy hen ffedoga on' dwi yn licio *fabrics* mwy *vintage*. Hmm. <twtian> Fel 'a. And old, old clothes er old aprons, but I do like fabrics that are more vintage. Hmm. <tutt> Like that.
dc4c53dde10a60404762d4b208bee84d.mp3 Ac yy dyna fersiwn arall. Gesh i ryw <anadlu> gyfnod hir iawn o neud yym sgidia' carbod. <chwerthin> And er there's another version. I had a <breathe> very long period of making um cardboard shoes. <laughter>
29b4ddeed8d1b9559ddafc76560f9fea.mp3 Ma' fe, o waw. <anadlu> Wedyn yy 'na fo dwi jys dwi mewn ryw *phase* ŵan Here it is, oh wow. <breathe> Then er there it is I'm just I'm in some kind of phase now
0116008c5846e7bd32d9ddbf45c88d86.mp3 yym a gath ei arddangos yn y Steddfod pan odd 'i'n ochra' Bodedan. M-hm. Ia. um that was exhibited in the Steddfod when it was around Bodedan. M-hm. Yes.
509ed307d615db6a3ea7a266a5adedde.mp3 Ieir. <chwerthin> Ond yy i d- cychwyn ŵan efo cathod 'ma yn ddiweddar ond cŵn o'n i'n arfar neud lot... Chickens. <laughter> But I st- started now recently with cats, but it's dogs that I used to do a lot...
f57deeed47f05811e89248b20fd27950.mp3 dyma'r llynia' ma' nw'n cymryd lot o amser i i gneud a dwi ella bo' fi mynd y fwy ara deg, deud y gwir. <chwerthin> I gneud y gwaith. here are the pictures they take a lot of time to to make and I perhaps I'm getting a bit slower, to tell the truth. <laughter> To do the work.
a7cfe041c668e5d71f530f1b81239813.mp3 ma' 'na jys rwbath yym am yr <anadlu> y ffotograff yn y cefndir yn y y llun yma yym there's just something um about the <breathe> the photograph in the background in the the picture here um
51953a8f72f4ae168239da6d688e1c12.mp3 lunia Ganarfon y' fama <anadlu> fel ma' llawer o bobol yn gwbod yym dych ch'mo' ma' 'na pictures of Caernarfon here <breathe> as many people know um you know there are
11feb893bea6c9385ebca2868d213aff.mp3 sef cartre Hedd Wyn. <anadlu> Yym llawar iawn o w- o weithdai celf efo oedolion which is the home of Hedd Wyn. <breathe> Um there are a lot of of art w- workshops with adults
b5b6c7f9403b25a0a5b5c888d25c2b90.mp3 Dwi'n yn gwbo' dwi me'wl wrth i fi fynd yn hŷn dwi ychydig bach mwy beirniadol o mi fy hun. Hmm. <twtian> Ac yym. I know I think as I get older I am a little bit more critical of myself. Hmm. <tutt> And um.
4441c5aac5ef48644cc5c6deff86e490.mp3 raid fi drio gneud yym portread o o'i o'i gi fo'n rhedag os fedrai on' ma'n beth reit anodd i neud. <anadlu> I must try to make a um portrait of of his of his dog running if I can but it's quite a difficult thing to do. <breathe>
024680f449756c04250708279115851c.mp3 fel fatha bod sy- yy jyst yn sylwi ar y rhan gwaelod yr adeilada' yr holl siopa' 'di cau, ond like sort of that no- er just notice the bottom part of the building where all the shops are closed, but
3b1e7585cbc395c5d0319ea3bdb415bf.mp3 dwy fil <anadlu> ac o'n na ryw broject gin ysgolion Caerdydd ar y pryd, lle oddan n'w two thousand <breathe> and there was some project run by schools in Cardiff at the time, where they
7264351f224ffb3c4264fe896560af2b.mp3 deff- yy d- odd ddim yn mynd efo'i gilydd ond o'n i'n weld o reit ddigri ac yym nesh i fe'wl o nâi neud portread o'n i fel defi- er d- nothing was going with anything but I thought that it was quite funny and um i thought I'll make a portrait of us like
ce7d5cf55bae7b2a313fd99ac4fc6279.mp3 ryw olygfa fach o Ganarfon jyst yym 'di seilio ar y bag papur 'ma nesh i ffindio a deud y gwir. <anadlu> some small scene from Caernarfon just um based on this paper bag that I found to tell the truth. <breathe>
fa9505b6ca2eb44d6265ea0306689f1b.mp3 gallu uniaethu efo n'w rywsut. <anadlu> Yy mi na- dwi'n me'wl ma' rei o'i ffotograffa gora' fo oedd pan odd o'n cofnodi can identify with them somehow. <breathe> Er I wi- I think that some of his best photographs were when he was recording
03c00aa28a23588b4ef54392a3b23f44.mp3 Yym ia, ti isie fi ddechra siarad rŵan? Yy jyst siarad dros y gwaith nawr 'te nawr t'mod yym ie. Wedyn... Ia yym Um yes, do you want me to start talking now? Er just go over the works now then now you know um yes. Then... Yes um
63cf446397fb6e96b441f7ed952f6138.mp3 dipyn o dlodi a siopa' wedi cae ac yn y blaen yn nhre Cynarfon, <anadlu> a wedyn yym <twtian> a bit of poverty and shops that have closed down and so on in the town of Caernarfon, <breathe> and then um <tutt>
e9ac2e46cc8835c838f0eced3cb68dba.mp3 yym ryw fath o greadigrwydd ffordd o'n nw'n gosod 'u petha eu llestri ag yn y blaen ar y dreselu. um some kind of creativity the way that they placed their things and their dishes and so on on their dressers.
f902fc7a3779d321cecd948730556e63.mp3 petha mor wahanol i sud ma' n'w mewn yr ysgolion rŵan. Hmm. Yy yym wedyn yy dych ch'mo' yn 'i things were so different to how they are in the schools now. Hmm. Er um then er you know in their
1be609250435ebd14cea621559aa86bc.mp3 *designs* iddyn n'w yndoes? Dyluniada a wedyn <anadlu> yy dresal o'r canolbarth oedd yym yn Nhŷ'r Wyn designs for them aren't there? Designes and then <breathe> the dresser from the midlands that was um in Tŷ'r Wyn
2ed68167473b8eb80f764bda5be43d42.mp3 ma' 'na ffrind i mi sy'n ffotograffydd sy wedi bod yn yym dechra tynnu llunia' ona fi yn y stiwdio, 'edyn dach chi'n gweld there's a friend of mine who is a photographer who has been um started to take pictures of me in the studio, then do you see
a1450d3d9b2f6640055f0b2ccd03397f.mp3 neud yym clawr llyfyr. Wedyn yym ma' hynny'n ddiddorol weithie dwi'n mwynhau gweithio i briff. make um a book cover. Then um that's interesting sometimes I enjoy working to a brief.
a555756eae90e5cdeeafd19d64cec74d.mp3 darna wai- chydig o ddarna waith a wedyn oddan nw'n prynnu n'w <anadlu> a wedyn odd ddarna waith 'ma wedyn <anadlu> yn ca'l 'u arddangos pieces of wo- a few pieces of work and then they were buying them <breath> and then those pieces of work then <breath> were being exhibited
533cfd9d14fc78257a377c9f3bc1f8bd.mp3 ffotograffiaeth Jeff Charles. <anadlu> Dwi'n gwbod bod Jeff Charles yn teithio Cymru'n tynnu ffotos. photography by Jeff Charles. <breathe> I know that Jeff Charles is traveling around Wales taking photos.
7e94d21a4f3987ad12317677314da6e7.mp3 dw'm yn gobod jyst 'di lot o bobol ddim isio n'w, a ma' n'w jyst yn mynd i sgip a mynd i bin a wedyn <anadlu> dwi jyst yn me'wl wel ma' n'w I don't know just a lot of people don't want them, and they just go to the skip and go to the bin and then <breathe> I just think well they are
cbded226ba2503f96ce1bacbede485f3.mp3 Itha hŷn <aneglur> 'lly ma' pobl yn rhoid 'u 'u hen ffedoga a pethe felly. <anadlu> O ia, so quite older <unclear> so people put their their old aprons and things like that. <breathe> Oh yeah, so
255ad3616740c0a283f83a39a3d322f1.mp3 ddefnyddio n'w a trio gneud celf hefo n'w, a wedyn ma'n annog ryw fath o sgwrs ac yym use them and try to make art with them, and then it encourages some kind of conversation and um
a5f44fceca93c3a2188a0a4fd58f1203.mp3 yy go iawn yy y bobol 'lly'n ddiddorol ofnadwy, 'di ma'r jys neud y celf 'ma 'di agor lot o ddrysau i fi. er yes really er the people are terribly interesting, yes just making this art has opened a lot of doors for me.
794f74520fffe9a3a7f87a28e9de7199.mp3 bambŵ a fallu'n tyfu'n yr ardd a dwi jyst yym dach wmbo defnyddio hwnna fyd. <chwerthin> bamboo and so forth growing in the garden and I just um you know use that too. <laughter>
816105cb9131038c0071822ebfeb5168.mp3 Wedyn yy. <anadlu> O, ma' hwn yn gomisiwn i rywun Then er. <breathe> Oh, this is a commission for someone
71b4925f42349f71d2f49a6a271676c2.mp3 Yy ie ma' jys yn cyfleu bywyd bob dydd. A wedyn ma' hwn, o, dw'm yn gwbo withie dwi jys yn ffendio Er yes, it's just conveying everyday life. And then there's this, oh, I don't know sometimes I just find
7fd09149196bb14ba6e90eee10332a34.mp3 wedyn yy o ie we- ma' hwn yn yym <anadlu> darn reit fychan y fan 'yn. Ag yy d-... then er oh yes the- this is um <breathe> quite a small piece here. And er d-...
e888512425009a9964aad37e79a38263.mp3 Cathod dwi dechra neu' cathod y ddiweddar. <chwerthin> <anadlu> Yym so dw'm yn gwbod be' dwi be' dwi licio neud... Cats I've started doing cats recently. <laughter> <breathe> Um so I don't know what I what I like to do...
fcab4240e8655c0b0723d6f542acbae8.mp3 ci oth rw hanna'r milgi hannar rwbath a ma' rhedag yn y ffordd mwya od do'n ni methu gneud y ci rhedag. <chwerthin> a dog that was half greyhound half something and it runs in the most odd way we couldn't make the dog run. <laughter>
ea48c80b1345fc549911a91dab620fba.mp3 petha yn y sgraps o bapur dwi'n ga'l gin bobol <anadlu> yym a a mae 'i'n yym something in the scraps of paper I get from people <breathe> um and and it is um
f37de58eafc880ca7f91026656b84630.mp3 'na fo jyst yy dresal arall ag yym <twtian> <anadlu> that's it just er another dresser and um <tutt> <breathe>
d7cdfaa19032f38b987b66aa81c536b7.mp3 y llwybyr, yy 'dach chi'n gallu gweld y cymylau. <chwerthin> ma' 'na <anadlu> lawer o gymylau. <anadlu> the path, er you can see the clouds. <laughter> there's <breathe> many clouds. <breathe>
8c7d30d733763da2809c0955b83920fe.mp3 A wedyn, 'dach chi'n medru gwylio efo isdeitla. Triwch. <cerddoriaeth> And then, you can watch with subtitles. Try it. <music>
21d8dfb03c7b8ceefca8d3d25666d0a9.mp3 Dach chi isio dod i weld be' sy 'na, <anadlu> ar y traeth ym Mhwllheli? <anadlu> Dewch. Do you want to come and see what's there, <breath> on the beach in Pwllheli? <breathe> Come on.
7c6dbf72f2cabdce68305b69a32c335c.mp3 efo ci ar y traeth, basech chi efallai yn cael cosb o fil o bunnoedd. with a dog on the beach, you might be fined a thousand pounds.
84a96de8b46dcd6ce673844849a8a27d.mp3 Fel arfer, pan 'dach chi'n cau y *Brakeout Rooms*, mae gan bawb un munud i ddod yn ôl i'r grŵp mawr. Os 'dach chi isio rheoli yr amser yma, cliciwch *Options*. Normally, when you close the Brakeout Rooms, everyone has one minute to come back to the big group. If you want to manage this time, click Options.
fa9e2b63989dc2467e68a18b1313a6a1.mp3 Mae opsiynau eryll yma hefyd. Fel, bwrdd gwyn, a, rhannu sgrin. There are other options here too. Like, whiteboard, and, screen sharing.
913ef3592b36729f74ed37aaf24f6312.mp3 felly, dwi ddim yn mynd i gasglu mwyar duon heddiw. <anadlu> Dwi ddim yn mynd i'r gasglu mwyar duon, yym, wel, rŵan, achos, <anadlu> yym, so, I'm not going to pick blackberries today. <breathe> I'm not going to pick blackberries, um, well, now, because, <breathe> um,
c61c3cd9c011fa0fc20888793c4f7dce.mp3 ffordd osgoi 'di agor, a dydi o byth. Dydi'r ffordd osgoi dal ddim 'di agor, <twtian> ella tro nesa. bypass has opened, and it never does. The bypass still hasn't opened, <tutt> perhaps next time.
1b18fa453ab29d7553f410fbbaa8085d.mp3 Casgla geirfa. Sgwenna n'w lawr mewn llyfryn. Hwn ydi dy lyfr pwysica di, pan ti'n dysgu iaith, achos ma' hwn yn bersonol i chdi. Collect vocabulary. Write them down in a booklet. This is your most important book, when you are learning a language, because this is personal to you.
be0ce7c1157499f943bd762e6a0d1af2.mp3 Beth 'sgan *Quizlet* ei gynnig? Cardia fflach, grêt i adolygu geirfa a testio 'ych hun. Ydach chi'n medru dweud y gair What does Quizlet offer? Flash card, great for revising vocabulary and testing yourself. Can you say the word?
83c49b9f1cf54625f82528443001ce07.mp3 A ma' 'na fynwent o amgylch yr eglwys, a ma' 'na lawer o forwyr a chapteiniaid Nefyn, a'r ardal leol, yym, wedi ca'l 'u claddu yma. And there is a cemetery around the church, and many sailors and captains from Nefyn, and the local area, um, have been buried here.
c2ecd4c7df4e2873e57d0b7bc9bd0a22.mp3 ella bod y blodyn yma yn debyg i'r botymau ar y crys. Felly, Botwm Crys ydi enw'r blodyn bach gwyn yma. maybe this flower is similar to the buttons on the shirt. Therefore, the name of this little white flower is Button Shirt.
5bf5358b9f2930736dff4f821f24c5f1.mp3 Ydi hi'n bwrw glaw? Nac ydi, dydi hi ddim yn bwrw glaw heddiw. Dydi hi ddim yn bwrw glaw heddiw. Is it raining? No, it's not raining today. It's not raining today.
9cc3da62361294586a9b0df1cb5a782f.mp3 Mae hi'n wyrdd iawn yn y Gwanwyn, mae hi'n wyrdd iawn. It's very green in the Spring, it's very green.
db6539bfb143fab73b850b3ea70f4b91.mp3 neu ar y drws, ond weithiau dydyn n'w ddim. Weithiau mae n'w ar y ffenest neu ar y drws . or on the door, but sometimes they are not. Sometimes they are on the window or on the door.
e6b40c8cf3e9e9114aa9a7297626be7f.mp3 Yn amlwg, dwi yn mynd yn rhy ara i'r car yna. Yn amlwg, dwi'n mynd yn rhy ara i'r car yna, achos ma'r car ynna newydd 'ym mhasio i. Obviously, I'm going too slow for that car. Obviously, I'm going too slow for that car, because that car just passed me.
df2232701e8c857ed6953c30d10f2bf2.mp3 Dim llawer mwy. Wel a deud y gwir, ella fod o'n llai, yym, dwi'n meddwl bod yr hediad o Lerpwl i Amsterdam yn yn llai na awr, a deud y gwir. <anadlu> Yym ers Not much more. Well to tell the truth, it could be less, um, I think the flight from Liverpool to Amsterdam is less than an hour, to tell the truth. <breathe> Um since
953da29c1c5da771ba197247cbe18d74.mp3 Mae 'na lawer o arwyddion yn dweud wrthoch chi i beidio gwneud rhwbeth, fel yr arwydd yma ar y traeth ym Mhwllheli. There are many signs telling you not to do something, like this sign on the beach in Pwllheli.
f5419a5dbcd6f9e0ba2a229378026e22.mp3 Neu ti ddim yn dallt y cyd-destun. 'Sgyn ti'm syniad be' 'di cyd-destun y sgwrs. Neu ti jyst ddim yn dallt be' sy'n mynd ymlaen, a wedyn mae'n anodd iawn canolbwyntio, a, a trio dallt Or you don't understand the context. You've no idea what the context of the conversation is. Or you just don't understand what's going on, and then it's very difficult to concentrate, and, and try to understand
a45a832b8aa6411804784634de315960.mp3 wedi ffindio rwbeth clyfar arall 'dach chi'n gallu gwneud efo *Quizlet*, ysgrifennwch y sylwadau neu syniadau o dan y fideo. A pob lwc efo'r dysgu! have found another clever thing you can do with Quizlet, write the comments or ideas below the video. And good luck with the learning!
6b973200117dc5c0c390aaf085933549.mp3 Ma' hi'n bnawn dydd Sadwrn. Felly, mae, mae 'na lot mwy o dwristiaid o gwmpas rŵan, achos mae'r Haf yn dod, a mae 'na lot mwy o ymwelwyr yn dod i It's Saturday afternoon. So, there, there are a lot more tourists around now, because Summer is coming, and there are a lot more visitors coming to
402e09a4f741ba55b365e38b52236b7f.mp3 Ma' 'na lot o ddefaid yn y cae yma. A mae 'na wartheg yn y cae yna. Ma' 'na wartheg duon yn y cae yna. Ma' 'na lot o There are a lot of sheep in this field. And there are cows in that field. There are black cows in that field. There's a lot of
9a06e507752189f771c585a073cc5c48.mp3 Clychau'r Gog neu Bwtsias y Gog, <anadlu> yym bloda glas biws ydyn n'w, <anadlu> yy bloda glas, biws ydyn n'w a, Bluebells or Bluebells, <breathe> um they are blueish purple flowers, <breathe> er they are the blueish purple flowers and,
7d6b5c1549dc0ff510b3f0f38dc885e9.mp3 Tasech chi'n cyrraedd harbwr Pwllheli, ag yn mynd, neu, yn cerdded o'r harbwr i'r dref, If you were to arrive at Pwllheli harbour, and go, or walk from the harbor to the town,
697e4572d398752efddc34d59d104718.mp3 os ydi'r tŷ wedi cael ei werthu, wel, mae rhywun newydd wedi prynu'r tŷ. if the house has been sold, well, someone new has bought the house.
c54eb17ad23fed66f04448e944a46327.mp3 Ydi hi'n braf? Ydi hi'n braf? Neu, ydi hi'n bwrw glaw? Is it nice? Is it nice? Or, is it raining?
abb215005d19c79c8da6776a7593b237.mp3 teithio a wrth deithio hefyd. <anadlu> A gwrandwch yn ofalus, achos dwi ddim yn deud roedd rhaid i mi. Dwi'n dweud odd raid i mi. traveling and while traveling too. <breathe> And listen carefully, because I'm not saying roedd rhaid i mi. I say odd raid i mi.
de5d8470099c78dd86fa47953b1381ca.mp3 Ia, felly, dwi'n meddwl mai Afon Cegin ydi enw'r afon. <cerddoriaeth> Yes, so, I think the name of the river is Afon Cegin. <music>
dce3ff8daedfe5f008ffe4d1d6e59f99.mp3 wyntog iawn yma. Ma'r coed yn symud, ma'r, ma'r gwellt i gyd yn mynd. Ma'r gwellt i gyd yn ysgwyd, ma'r planhigion i gyd yn ysgwyd. very windy here. The trees are moving, the, the grass is all going. All the grass is shaking, all the plants are shaking.
6d7667592afea47ad6a17e30cc4a40f5.mp3 Be' 'dach chi'n neud? Be' 'dach chi'n licio neud pan 'dach chi'n dreifio? <twtian> 'Dach chi licio gwrando'r ar y radio? 'Ta 'dach chi'n licio dreifio mewn tawelwch? What are you doing? What do you like to do when you drive? <tutt> 'Do you like listening to the radio? Or do you like to drive in silence?
e04e1a6884b5cc594170c30c8c037965.mp3 Hwyl! <cerddoriaeth> Goodbye! <music>
1aea827a1529d04cfa6d4564baac6a00.mp3 a dwi isio canolbwyntio fa' 'ma ar gwrando ar sŵn, yn hytrach na gwrando i ddeall. Achos mae dy menydd di a dy glustia di angan arfar efo sŵn yr iaith and I want to focus here on listening to noise, rather than listening to understand. Because your brain, and your ears, need to be familiar with the sound of the language
789a2b7776a1b02e4381d8118c43eb78.mp3 gweld ar, ar y sgrin, <anadlu> ond mae 'na lot fawr o floda, yym, sydd heb agor yn fan hyn. see on, on the screen, <breathe> but there's very many flowers, um, that haven't opened here.
dfcbe8d7f67a98fa8c364395fc548462.mp3 Helo. Dyma fideo bach i gyflwyno chi i *Cahoot*, i ddangos i chi sut i greu *Cahoot* a sud i chwara *Cahoot*. Yy, mae *Cahoot* yn, yy, raglen Hello. Here is a small video to introduce you to Cahoot, to show you how to create Cahoot and how to play Cahoot. Er, Cahoot is, er, a program
1b4adf841ae717b5cc03b79078223e7f.mp3 mynd i fyny'r allt, <anadlu> ydi yn munud, <anadlu> gai redag yr holl ffordd, <anadlu> i lawr. <anadlu> go up the hill, <breathe> yes, in a minute, <breathe> I'll get to run all the way, <breathe> down. <breathe>
76ea43336f135b40a484a9a6b2ca3945.mp3 ia, os 'dach chi'n byw mewn cymuned lle mae pobol yn siarad Cymraeg a Saesneg, <anadlu> wel, 'dach chi'n mynd i glywed lot o bobol yn cymysgu yes, if you live in a community where people speak Welsh and English, <breathe> well, you're going to hear a lot of people mixing
ceac1674deaa4a50a6b6dca60567e805.mp3 Sgennoch chi styd trwyn? <chwerthin> Ma' gen i yy glustlysa, o na, dwi dim yn gwisgo n'w heddiw. <anadlu> Dwi ddim yn gwisgo n'w Do you have a nose stud? <laughs> I have er earings, oh no, I'm not wearing them today. <breathe> I'm not wearing them
a854d69d11642b31519ddc7ad2f6e5a5.mp3 Pnawn 'ma. <anadlu> Be' amdanoch chi, pa eiria' 'dach chi wedi glywed, neu pa eiria' 'dach chi wedi weld, yy ydan ni'n defnyddio yn Gymraeg, sy yn This afternoon. <breathe> What about you, what words have you heard, or what words have you seen, er that we use in Welsh, which
0511a6e16ad49fd82ae11a1ac7158e27.mp3 yn anffodus, mae'r ceir tu blaen i mi dal yn mynd tri deg. <anadlu> Mae'r geir tu blaen i mi dal yn mynd tri deg. unfortunately, the cars in front of me are still doing thirty. <breathe> The cars in front of me are still doing thirty.
a81c619983f82e8bf7c66425ea41a887.mp3 a bag bach, bach. Ar y dechra, i ddechrau'r daith odd raid i mi fwcio yym, tocyn. <anadlu> Nesh i fwcio tocyn trên. and a small, small bag. At the beginning, to start the trip I had to book um a ticket. <breathe> I booked a train ticket.
ec43940b84974ac7b5bb294b44ae8c0f.mp3 Dwi'n clywed y glaw. Yn y goeden. Y glaw ar y dail. Yn y goedan. I hear the rain. In the tree. The rain on the leaves. In the tree.
709e8dfbfc1e98e4eb27a09fc318958d.mp3 Mae Amgueddfa Forwrol Llŷn mewn hen eglwys yn Nefyn, <anadlu> Eglwys Santes Fair. The Llŷn Maritime Museum is in an old church in Nefyn, <breathe> Saint Mary's Church.
c12bd6098409764859a81351b8a3581c.mp3 'sgidia cerdded. Achos, wel achos dwi'n mynd i gerdded ar y llwybyr, a dim ar y lôn. walking shoes. Because, well because I'm going to walk on the path, and not on the road.
c52bede88d3db060a7feffce17a54a4e.mp3 Dwi'n croesi y groesffordd. Dwi'n croesi y groesffordd. I'm crossing the intersection. I'm crossing the intersection.
16fb81c8fd48b9001336a5dd264ccb67.mp3 tan bump. <twtian> O ddydd llun i ddydd Gwener, hanner awr wedi saith tan bump. until five <tutt> From Monday to Friday, half past seven to five.
153b390bf48d97c85a2e978ae556845a.mp3 Dach chi wedi ca'l 'ych dysgu i ddeud gyrru? 'Ta 'dach chi 'di clywed pobol, ella, 'dach chi 'di clywed pobol yn deud dreifio? Have you been taught to say gyrru? Or have you heard people, perhaps, have you heard people say dreifio?
1981a08a04212978e243652ceea5eb4a.mp3 Ma' 'na lawer o flodau pinc. Mae hi'n Wanwyn ar hyn o bryd. Ar hyn o bryd, mae hi'n Wanwyn. There are lots of pink flowers. It is Spring at the moment. Right now, it's Spring.
0f9d5b25a5ac5e388abe12dd6d3f7150.mp3 Dwi, dwi angen dwy law i wneud hyn. Felly, <anadlu> hwyl am y tro, tan tro nesa! I, I need two hands to do this. So, <breath> bye for now, until next time!
a12e1993e9dc90891b1efffae6c6cd41.mp3 ffantastig. Mae'r olygfa yma heddiw yn ffantastig. 'Dach chi ddim yn gallu gweld yr olygfa, <anadlu> achos 'dach chi'n edrych <anadlu> tu ôl i mi, fantastic. The view here today is fantastic. You can't see the view, <breath> because you're looking <breath> behind me,
67f05a797559076fd41e89d59d680fb5.mp3 Wel, ie, ma', so ma' dreifio yn dod o *to drive*, wrth gwrs. Iwsio, dwi ddim yn defnyddio iwsio, ond 'dach chi'n gallu clywed pobol yn defnyddio iwsio. Well, yes, so dreifio comes from to drive, of course. Iwsio, I don't use iwsio, but you can hear people using iwsio.
a71c21c760a8d7300e01e6932be7a260.mp3 Bydd y postmon yn dod erbyn un ar ddeg i nôl y llythyra'. The postman will come by eleven to collect the letters.
2f7bd4c9710fc33d196c449e04c10f94.mp3 Gawn ni weld rŵan. <anadlu> Gawn ni weld rŵan. <anadlu> Dyna n'w. <anadlu> 'Dach chi'n gweld n'w? We'll see now. <breathe> We'll see now. <breathe> That's them. <breathe> Do you see them?
f65ec27534e80e736292c31b7c89bc3e.mp3 O, mae 'na, <chwerthin> ma' 'na fwy o beli troed yn fan 'na. Yy, hen fwr' bach. Oh, there's, <laughter> there's more footballs over there. Er, a little old table.
1ea597b9a3d045570c51ca2eeb8e1e8c.mp3 oedd yr allt, ond dydi o ddim. Dydi o ddim yn deud, ar yr arwydd, pa mor serth ydi'r allt. <anadlu> the hill was, but it doesn't. It doesn't say, on the sign, how steep the hill is. <breathe>
56c745a9b8cd3c6d1c2c1232be6fdf46.mp3 nesh i ddechra meddwl pa eiria' eryll 'dan ni'n ddefnyddio yn Gymraeg, ond sy'n dod o'r Saesneg. I've just started thinking what other words we use in Welsh, but which come from English.
0c46ef76c6653bf0e6e41eb03fd9c7d5.mp3 I nofio yn y môr am ddeg o'r gloch yn y nos. Oe- roedd y dŵr mor neis. To swim in the sea at ten o'clock at night. Th- the sea water was nice.
b35ec09142e899368bf31dace4d09b98.mp3 mi fydda i'n dangos yr olygfa i chi. <anadlu> <chwerthin> Ar ôl troi'r gornel, I'll show you the view. <breathe> <laughter> After turning the corner,
999e3c68e9373a5894ce459b15f77ba2.mp3 Fedri di ffindio geirfa yn rhywla, mewn erthygla, mewn llyfra, wrth ddarllen, wrth wrando, ar y teledu, ella bo' ti ar gwrs iaith. You can find vocabulary anywhere, in articles, in books, while reading, while listening, on television, maybe you're on a language course.
944885e8b8ca21af0ba9c35efa975de3.mp3 Mae hi braidd yn oer ar hyn o bryd. Dwi'n dwi'n' gwisgo cot. <anadlu> Dwi'n gwisgo cot gynnes achos <anadlu> mae hi It's a bit cold at the moment. I'm wearing a coat. <breath> I'm wearing a warm coat because <breath> it is
cc47651db34e6b8ccc61fd3cb1653ba9.mp3 cyn teithio, odd raid i mi brynu tocyn i fynd ar y trên, ag yn y blaen. Felly gwrandwch ar y fideo yma, a sylwch ar pryd before travelling, I had to buy a ticket to go on the train, and so forth. So listen to this video, and notice when
7e4debd22ec2699cba8384b5414300aa.mp3 Yym, ysgrifennwch, sgwennwch o dan, o dan y fideo, os 'dach chi'n gallu meddwl am un, yym, neu cysylltwch. <cerddoriaeth> Iawn, Um, write, write under, under the video, if you can think of one, um, or get in touch. <music> OK,
eab993187ca2a481c1c156f61f56a191.mp3 Gwrando ar y radio pan ti'n gneud brecwast yn bora, rho radio mlaen yn yr iaith wt ti'n ddysgu. Rho *see dee* ymlaen yn y car pan ti'n mynd i'r gwaith. Yym. Listen to the radio when you make breakfast in the morning, put the radio on in the language you are learning. Play a CD in the car when you go to work. Um.
ce94863b56fe025a5c91bce57693f0db.mp3 ma' nhw'n deud fydd hi'n braf. Ma' nhw'n deud fydd hi'n bwrw ar ôl pump heddiw. <anadlu> they say it will be nice. They say it will rain after five today. <breathe>
7f5b012af5edc7ba2e1436a7b879b76f.mp3 un peth dwi yn licio am yr Haf yn dod i ben, ydi, <anadlu> yy, mwyar duon one thing i like about Summer coming to an end is, <breath> er, blackberries
beb8b5e856976eb52665e22f2566116e.mp3 dewch. <cerddoriaeth> come. <music>
4e45866a3af30ad612e02b9d56177938.mp3 hwylio, pysgota, hanes y môr, llongau pysgotwyr a morwyr yr ardal. sailing, fishing, maritime history, fishermen's ships and sailors of the area.
0bf9d9d17cafbb82beef3a99e91d1816.mp3 odd o yn ddiddorol dros ben. Oh, a dwi 'di gweld petha hyfryd. Dwi 'di gweld petha hyfryd. it was very interesting. Oh, and I've seen beautiful things. I've seen beautiful things.
a27c402668f22c7a972c458b5d432e5b.mp3 Mae hi'n bore dydd Sul, heddiw, <anadlu> a 'dan ni am fynd am dro i'r amgueddfa forwrol yn Nefyn, It's Sunday morning, today, <breathe> and we intend to go for a stroll to the maritime museum in Nefyn,
0d50313e47f8727881e4161850dae6eb.mp3 Pan 'dach chi'n gweld arwydd efo wch yn y dref 'dach chi'n gwbod mai gorchymyn ydi o. When you see a sign with an wch in it in town you know it's an order.
77c746b30c061f94403e1c3518803881.mp3 dwi wedi medru dangos lot o flodau i chi. Dwi 'di dangos, 'dach chi'n cofio? <anadlu> 'Dach chi'n cofio y floda i gyd? I have been able to show you a lot of flowers. I've shown you, do you remember? <breathe> Do you remember all the flowers?
438df177400faf6a18ac69d99a83842a.mp3 Tasech chi'n cyrraedd harbwr Pwllheli, ag yn mynd neu yn cerdded o'r harbwr i'r dref, If you were to arrive at Pwllheli harbour, and went or walked from the harbor to the town,
ca9dabde930d44130001c52d104168d6.mp3 A ddechreuwch lenwi y termau i mewn. Efallai mewn un iaith, a'i gyfieithu i'r iaith arall. And start filling in the terms. Maybe in one language, and translate it into the other language.
d2de06dc712c4745b6347904b5bb21c8.mp3 Ag os ti yn gwrando ar sgwrs ar y radio, a ti'n dallt deg gair mewn sgwrs hanner awr, wel, ffantastig, llwyddiant. Ti 'di dallt deg gair. As if you listen to a conversation on the radio, and you understand ten words in a half-hour conversation, well, fantastic, success. You've understood ten words.
53b1bf1b2722c68118dcc16b9df43295.mp3 ...yym, fyddwch chi yn dod at y gylch fan yma, a os 'dach chi hefyd fel fi, yn cyffrous iawn i'r, you will come to a circle here, and if you are like me as well, very excited for the
a3f0e3a9c889c1d0e9e0f9145d12f2f0.mp3 Nesh i Googlo fo, a mae'r stryd fawr, ym Mangor yn un pwynt dau chwech pump cilometr. I Googled it, and the main street in Bangor is one point two six five kilometers.
9afe3598206667fd506d334fae23af61.mp3 be' ydi iaith os ydi hi ddim yn cael 'i siarad? Dyma ddeg peth dwi 'di meddwl amdanyn n'w sy 'di helpu fi, yn y gorffennol, i siarad mwy pan dwi'n dysgu iaith. what is language if it is not spoken? Here are ten things I've thought about that have helped me, in the past, to speak more when I'm learning a language.
944d8fb786cfd3039365b7f62ffefd70.mp3 Yym, 'nai ddangos un peth arall i chi, a wedyn dwi'n mynd adra i gael brecwast. <chwerthin> <anadlu> Dwi'n mynd adra i gael brecwast. Um, I'll show you one more thing, and then I'm going home to have breakfast. <laughter> <breathe> I'm going home to have breakfast.
ce32d29a6ab7c44906b7778bdaedf061.mp3 Yy, 'swn i'n deud dydi o ddim yn saff iawn, i ddringo, i fyny, Yes, I'd say it's not very safe, to climb, up,
cc579e0325f20ff576fb96b5808503da.mp3 pan 'dan ni pobol Cymraeg yn yy yn siarad, 'dan ni ddim rili'n deud roedd rhaid i mi. <anadlu> So pan dwi'n siarad, dwi'n deud odd raid i mi. when us Welsh people er speak, we don't really say roedd rhaid i mi. <breathe> So when I speak, I say odd raid i mi.
a3ce74a8ac070cd6436bb4a4357e1533.mp3 o'r cloddia'. Ma' 'na lot o adar yn dod allan o'r, o'r cloddia. Yym. Diolch from the hedges. There's a lot of birds coming out of the, of the hedges. Um. Thanks
8a0d7808c042057eee4599bf619120cf.mp3 Bore da bawb. Wel, dwi'n mynd am dro eto heddiw. Dwi'n mynd am dro eto heddiw. Good morning everyone. Well, I'm going for a walk again today. I'm going for a walk again today.
56681a9a4e6b1c3bbc6ccbb99b103b70.mp3 Pan o'n i'n, dwi ddim yn cofio faint oed o'n i. Dwi ddim yn cofio faint oed o'n i, ond dwi 'di cysgu un noson, When I was, I don't remember how old I was. I don't remember how old I was, but I've slept one night,
db6d19b0ce855de7a8740fe303debd73.mp3 yma, hefyd dwy lityr yn costio dwy bunt, tri deg naw. here, also two liters cost two pounds, thirty nine.
e3a8591b207de58bf342c0de71544e4a.mp3 'dan ni'n gweld Caergybi. Yy, ma' Caergybi'n edrych fatha ynys bach yn y niwl yn fan 'na. we see Holyhead. Er, Holyhead looks like a small island in the fog over there.
81a99a613f191e7c91705b59b873e238.mp3 Wel, dyma ddarn o gragan. Dyma ddarn o gragan. Well, here is a piece of a shell. Here is a piece of shell.
38692033be0fda9dae9a16d41fdd0f1a.mp3 un ai hwn neu hwnna yn fan 'na ydi'r gwyliwr. <sniffian> Yym, dwi'n meddwl mai hwn ydi o, achos, <anadlu> mae o'n graig sy'n edrych, the watcher it's either this or that there. <sniff> Um, I think this is it, because, <breathe> it's a rock that looks,
79c216750a90fd870a830802ae767cbc.mp3 a dim ar y lôn, a ella bydd hi'n fwdlyd. Ella bydd hi'n fwdlyd, felly, and not on the lane, and perhaps it will be muddy. Perhaps it will be muddy, so,
2654778aee70cc2d0bd2d69a2d2f56d6.mp3 Nesh i wisgo ffrog. Nesh i wisgo ffrog ddoe. <twtian> A hefyd, yym, I wore a dress. I wore a dress yesterday. <tutt> And also, um,
0ba57925e3b45330cf61405b93994cb2.mp3 Un peth pwysig pan ti 'di symud i mewn i ardal newydd ydi ffindio pobol lleol. Ffindia grŵp lle ma' 'na bobol lleol yn, yn cyfarfod. One important thing when you move into a new area is finding local people. Find a group where local people meet.
1f1efaf6b03849ace1030f21e37238ff.mp3 pwy yn y byd odd honna, ond gesh i ymarfar, a ma' n'w yn gwerthfawrogi pan ti'n trio siarad yr iaith 'na, dim otsh be' ti'n ddeud. <anadlu> who on earth was that, but I got to practice, and they appreciate when you try to speak that language, no matter what you say. <breathe>
27fb861fbf1e88c6fc62eb338984c8a4.mp3 A ma' 'na lot o floda yn y gwrychoedd hefyd, ma' 'na lot o floda gwyllt yn y gwrychoedd. Wel, mae hi'n wyntog iawn yma hefyd. Ma' hi'n And there's a lot of flowers in the hedges too, there's a lot of wild flowers in the hedges. Well, it's very windy here too. It's
59e08ac441b4eb011b770f00559cf462.mp3 O, na. O na. Ma' 'na lot o, ma' 'na l- ma' 'na ddefaid ar y lôn. O diar. O na. Ma' ma'r ffermwr efo'n n'w. Oh, no. Oh no. There's not a lot of, there's sheep on the lane. Oh dear. Oh no. The the farmer is with them.
39bd0664edee0198109d6b0380f559d0.mp3 Blodyn melyn. <anadlu> A, dwi'n gweld, dwi'n gweld, <anadlu> dwi'n gweld bloda pinc. A yellow flower. <breathe> And, I see, I see, <breathe> I see pink flowers.
2c0f48d15477c386f0b920f13887b82c.mp3 Rhyw Ferched y Wawr, yn ryw grŵp darllan, grŵp chwaraeon, grŵp cerdded, rwbath lle ma' 'na bobol o dy gwmpas di'n mynd i fod yn siarad yr iaith. Some Merched y Wawr, in some reading group, sports group, walking group, something where there are people around you who are going to be speaking the language.
098c695bfbf5e36a79faaa57d0acd486.mp3 Ewch i *Google*, a chwilio am *Quizlet dot com*. Go to Google, and search for Quizlet dot com.
b2dc772830b6457f56cdf9c6fe912edc.mp3 Mae pobl yn mynd a'u cŵn am dro yma hefyd, o, ma' 'na bont neis yma. <anadlu> 'Dach chi gweld y bont? W! People take their dogs for a walk here too, oh, there's a nice bridge here. <breathe> Do you see the bridge? Ooh!
2ff8030491184d2dcefc9a49322e7887.mp3 y bydd hi yn bwrw glaw heno. <anadlu> Dwi'n meddwl y bydd hi <anadlu> yn bwrw glaw heno. that it will rain tonight. <breath> I think it will <breath> rain tonight.
5a9c63c2010f8a74f15feff1b4b93d31.mp3 Yy, mae 'na un graig yn y pellter yn fan 'na. Ond, does 'na ddim. Does 'na ddim creigia yma. Yn yr Ha, roedd 'na Er, there is one cliff in the distance over there. but, there are no. There are no cliffs here. In the Summer, there was
db2c08f2c81ba337be0a2a52ad343094.mp3 ne' siarad efo'r ci ne'r gath. Ma'n ymarfar gwych! <cerddoriaeth> or talk to the dog or the cat. It's great practice! <music>
4e43e3a22cd262d3409f61eaa3ae4aa1.mp3 Ffarm. Ffarm. 'Dach chi'n gweld, ffarm? A, cae. Farm. Farm. Do you see, a farm? And, a field.
92f5c5686e4d0a7ceecb0a82a9b950a1.mp3 A, 'dach chi'n medru deud Bwtsias y Gog. Dwi'n deud Bwtsias y Gog. Dwi'n meddwl, <anadlu> achos bod mam yn deud Bwtsias y Gog. <chwerthin> And, you can say Bwtsias y Gog. I say Bwtsias y Gog. I think, <breathe> because my mother says Bwtsias y Gog. <laughter>
63069f2140a47f894ee87128de7b80af.mp3 *context* na'm byd ond dwi cofio hi'n deud o ti'n meddwl bo' chdi rhy dda i fynd i Brifysgol Bangor. Waw. Ia ma' hynna 'di rili sticio 'fo fi fatha context or anything but I remember her saying "oh you think you're too good to go to Bangor University". Wow. Yes, that's really stuck with me like
bca0f3e592f436feb94e59d39b0daa69.mp3 y y perffeithrwydd 'ma y *perception* 'ma yym 'dan ni 'di stryglo dal i stryglo ond yn herio rŵan 'de 'dan ni'n dysgu herio a dysgu delio mewn ffyrdd this this perfection, this perception um we have struggled, still struggling, but challenging now, isn't it we are learning to challenge and learn to deal in ways
6f88257a4acb7a470f68e45421c877e1.mp3 fel hyn a deud bod o'n iawn i ddim teimlo yn iawn neu ddim yn teimlo'n ansicr ma' hynna ma' mor yym *common* dydi ma' mo- ma'n digwydd ma'n digwydd drw'r adag. like this and say that it's okay to not feel okay or not feel insecure that's it's so um common isn't it? It's s- it happens, it happens all the time.
0d4f7c21c37536c53b04e89f2ecdf6aa.mp3 *unconditional self acceptance* 'de bo' chdi yn derbyn dy hun heb unrhyw rwystra o bod bod o'n iawn i deimlo'n ansicir unconditional self acceptance isn't it that you accept yourself without any obstacles of that that it 's okay to feel unsure
b7108ebe9294596b3f72a0d503290a8e.mp3 Di wnna'n air? Mae o bendant. Mae o'n air rŵan. <chwerthin> Yym ia so dydyn n'w'm yn gor'o' teimlo hynny ond hefyd bod nhw yn ca'l yr Is that a word ? It definitely is. It's a word now. <laughter> Um, yes so they don't have to feel that but also that they get the
1c68e9f9df7f580c805d6be18e183b6e.mp3 pa mor sbesial ydi'r *chats* 'ma <chwerthin> dwi'mbo ma'r... Oh. ...weithia' ti jyst angan y gofod 'na rywsid i fatha atgoffa dy hun how special are these chats <laughter> I know the... Oh. ...sometimes you just need that space somehow to sort of remind yourself
da1aba0fb71aa21b1ded6ba59020eb1a.mp3 Be' 's dwi'n colli'n job? Be' os dwi methu talu rent? Be' os dwi'n colli'n nhŷ? Be' os dwi'n digartra? A ma'r sbiral 'ma yn jyst mynd a mynd a mynd a mynd What if I lose my job? What if I can't pay rent? What if I lose my house? What if I'm homeless? And this spiral just keeps going and going and going and going
a7a68fd32ba89c168142a0a4eb056d01.mp3 ma'r pryder 'na'n dechra byblo dwi'n meddwl be' 'di'r *worst case scenario* be' fysa'r peth gweitha. Ac yn amal ma' nhw'n betha mor that anxiety starts to bubble I think what's the worst case scenario what would be the worst thing. And often they are things that are so
f0798a7f20a11de31893dab1fdccc2dc.mp3 *productive* ac yn deud hynna mewn dyfyniada *productive*... Ia. mwyn teimlo'r hunan werth 'na ag o'n i'n ffeindio weithia' mi fysa 'na ddyddia' lle productive and says that in quotation marks productive... Yes. order to feel the self-worth and i found sometimes there would be days where
b93ad7268b72459e7e6a84fa1ac1bab3.mp3 A i fi mi odd hynny yn rhan o'r hunanofal ar y pryd meddwl dwi'n gw- dwi'n cofio teimlo fatha dwi rili isio ca'l y mwya o'r profiad. And for me that was part of the self-care at the time I think I kno- I remember feeling like I really want to get the most out of the experience.
1aba43fc26e3ff6eff20d8f1eefe9d08.mp3 Ond hefyd wrth i mi weithio yn *freelance* a deud ia ella o'n ni'n deud ia i gymaint a betha. O ia na'i na'i neud hyn na'i neud hyn na'i neud hyn eto But also as I worked as a freelancer and said yes, perhaps I was saying yes to so many things. Oh yes, I'll I'll do this I'll do this I'll do this again
673a4bf85d8a34b31f1a7b06cd310cde.mp3 Mi odd o wbath gwhanol doedd oedd o'n cor ne theatr neu tîm neu t'o' odd o'n <chwerthin> bob math o betha doedd? It was something different wasn't it it was a choir or theatre or team or you know it was <laughter> all sorts of things wasn't it?
c2d24ddfc08fe46e7d90f258ce6381aa.mp3 betha sydd yn effeithio ni ond 'dan ni 'di 'dan ni 'di dod yn gryfach do fatha yn gallu weld a fatha eidentiffaio ...for things that affect us but we have we have bocome stronger yes we have sort of can see and sort of identify
f1c17db8b30b638b5a06aec1dc001d55.mp3 ...yn y Gymraeg bod 'na ddim lot o betha allan yna i bobol Cymraeg yn enwedig dwi'n meddwl fyny yn y gogledd lle 'dan ni. the Welsh language that there is not much out there for Welsh people, especially I think up in the north where we are.
b3b8c7e1a16787f2add4727101257183.mp3 <chwerthin> a ma'n hawdd iawn cymharu ma'r cymharu 'na mor *self destructive tho*... Yndi. ...achos ma' pawb hefo'u *strygl* a tydi neb yn mynd <laughter> and it's very easy to compare that comparison is so self destructive tho... Yes. ...because everyone has their struggle and no one goes
ad83a78441dfbaba4d631ef7d446e454.mp3 *Gosh* yn union yndi ma' grando dw i'n dal yn atgoffa fy hun o hyn yn ddyddiol ma' gwrando ar aelod o'r teulu ne' ffrind Gosh that's right yes listening, I still remind myself of this daily, listening to a family member or friend does
72d359e14aef0bedb9ff160244efb733.mp3 be' o'ch chi'n ddeud yn fana amdan *fixer* neu *rescuer* ma' hynny'n rili commyn yn lot o bobol ydi yr teimlad 'na o isio what were you saying there about a fixer or a rescuer that's really common in a lot of people that feeling of wanting
fd2bf1abc7316063f8f57f8aab198285.mp3 pam ddim rhannu efo ni unrhyw *tips* sydd gennych chi fysan ni yn rili diolchgar achos ma' cwsg fel dwi'n deud *it's a work in progress* ar y funud. why don't you share any tips you have with us we would be very grateful because sleep, as I say it's a work in progress at the moment.
80c05bc135cb628115f2f683c889eb2a.mp3 rhwng pobol chdi a pobol *toxic* fatha ella torri fyny efo ffrind neu mown efo perthynas sy ddim yn neu' chdi'n hapus. between your people and toxic people sort of perhaps break up with a friend or in with a relationship that doesn't make you happy.
4225503f083a5336606d60feaa9f7e06.mp3 'Dan ni 'dan ni ddim yma i ddeu 'th bobol be' i neud neu t'o' sut i fynd ati i ddelio 'fo petha 'dan ni'n jyst yn rhannau profiada' ni felly We're we're not here to tell people what to do or you know how to deal with things, we 're just sharing our experience so
cc12543e1e6490ef7293941c6d889d40.mp3 i bobol eryll pan ti yna i chdi dy hun yn gynta a rhoi dy hun gofalu am dy hun yn gynta 'de so ma'r mae o'n air for other people when you are there for yourself first and put yourself take care of yourself first isn't it so it's it is a word
02cebbad9a5257aee7a9b029c463de2f.mp3 bod yn *teenager*. Ma' mynd i'r ysgol yn ei hun yym enwedig ar y funud yr y blwyddyn dwitha 'ma dwi'n dwi'n rili teimlo dros pobol ifanc 'de. being a teenager. Going to school is in itself, um especially at the moment this this last year I I really feel for young people isn't it.
e9686ea4d4c815a447974476e2e9798c.mp3 Union, a ma' jyst deud fatha gynna dwi cofio oddan ni sôn am y *self-care* 'ma do'ddan cyn mynd yn fyw p- fel petai ar y podlediad a o'n i'n deud Exactly, and just saying as per earlier I remember us talking about this self-care weren't we before going live i- as it were on the podcast and I was saying
ec54c22319284730a51e57c068bf306e.mp3 ... <chwerthin> *actually* yr *opposite*. A stwff n'w ydi hynna 'de ma' nw'n prod- projectio pwy bynnag sy'n deud pwy bynnag sy'n deud y petha 'ma ... <laughter> actually the opposite. And that's their stuff isn't it they are proj- projecting whoever is saying whoever is saying these things
7c9fbf31efd8b06c09e8ea1ec5a9cbb1.mp3 ...mae o'n *height-* mae o yn ei *heightened state* dydyi? So 'dan ni mwy *likely* i fod yn fwy poenus yn yr yn y *low battery mode* 'na.'s a height- it's a heightened state isn't it? So we are more likely to be more painful in that in that low battery mode.
0c83d593758212d5ca2a7d27fc24e456.mp3 sbio nôl rwan fatha odden ni wastad yn brysur dydan? Wastad yn gneud rwbath odd yn timlo fatha bob nos ar ôl ysgol. looking back now like we were always busy weren't we? Always doing something every night after school, it felt like.
a2bdb9f025b50dcf2c4f93b332e5169d.mp3 fod yn mynd allan ac yn gneud rwbath neu'n gneud gweld ffrind neu yn <chwerthin> llnau y tŷ o top i waelod odd raid iddi fi gneud rwbath be going out and doing something or doing seeing a friend or <laughter> cleaning the house from top to bottom I had to do something
daaa3af407367d5c2ee5a28f67055867.mp3 yn yr holl *context* dim jyst y petha 'dan ni 'rili isio neud withia ma' ma' ma' cymyd egni dydi a cwsg... Mmm m-hm. ...yn bersonol in the whole context it's not just the things we really want to do sometimes it it it takes energy doesn't it and sleep... Mmm m-hm. ...personally
1d1aab4809817514677ce1de8917a15c.mp3 Ia so yn y flwyddyn dwitha dwi fod yn dysgu i fod yn ocê efo gneud dim byd a dysgu pwysigrwydd gwneud dim byd. Yes so in the last year I've been learning to be okay with doing nothing and learning the importance of doing nothing.
3620273f6632405a3e6641d7957d1434.mp3 *So't of thing*. Odd o fela... Ia. ...dyna odd *mindset* fi. Ia enwedig os gynna chdi fatha *tick box to do list* yn ystod y dydd... Sort of a thing. It was like that... Yes. ...that was my mindset. Yes especially if you have a sort of tick box to do list during the day...
834afa42c87f18da211dbffeb83c5bf4.mp3 Mhm a mae'n iawn deud hynna mae'n iawn cyfadda dydi'm *even* cyfadda ma' jyst yn ma' jyst yn b- derbyn bo' chdi ar *low* batri. Mhm and it's okay to say that it's okay to admit it's not even admitting it's just it's just b- accepting that you're on low battery.
064bcae421e438089dd32ff6ec8110a7.mp3 ...Yr iaith a bod yn fi hefo' fy iechyd meddwl i rŵan ti gwbo ma' huna'n *high high up* a dwi'n tueddol i feddwl fel 'na 'wan dwi'n meddwl ocê ...The language and being me with my mental health now you know that's high high up and I tend to think like that now I think ok
3f82f7f28798453810e3f51df3c99386.mp3 ...pobol <chwerthin> ydan ni. Mae'n anodd cofio fatha pam ydan ni'n byw mewn bywyd hmm t- ma'n anodd cofio mai pobol ydan ni. <chwerthin> ...we are <laughter> people. It's hard to remember why we live a life hmm t- it's hard to remember that we are people. <laughter>
53351885f8137d4023d55a7780f21dfc.mp3 gneud hynny pan ma' pethau'n iawn pan ti'n teimlo'n ocê... Ie. ...mae o wedyn bron yn ail natur i neud hynny pan dydi petha' ddim yn ocê. do that when things are fine when you feel ok... Yes.'s then almost second nature to do that when things are not ok.
a81f09733200b625c4278061d8a169f7.mp3 siarad a ddim yn siŵr iawn ella lle odd o'n mynd i fynd ond odd o'n nath o nath o lifo do a ma' jyst yn fel ti'n deud talk and perhaps not really sure where it was going to go but it was it did it did flow yes and it's just like you say
9c96ad5e7fa1d523f16b972d8e1086b5.mp3 o'n i fatha be'? <chwerthin> Deda ar ôl fatha noson allan ne' rwbath ag ella pedair awr pump awr o gwsg a wedyn ...and I was kind of what? <laughter> Say after a night out or something and perhaps four hours five hours of sleep and then
3311506fb0b242d29b4623eb859bf8ec.mp3 sefyllfaoedd a neud o'n well i fel o'n i deud gynna' bron bod o'n hunanol i neud i n'w 'u hunan deimlo'n well 'de? situations and make it better for as I was saying earlier it's almost selfish to make themselves feel better right?
52388d982e48cd1ebfc40f33189061f7.mp3 *oh my God* ma' 'na peth ofnadwy yn mynd ymlaen, a fel ti deud ma' angan jys *so't of* stopio, cymyd cam yn ôl, cymyd anadl. oh my God there's a terrible thing going on, and like you say you need to just sort of stop, take a step back, take a breath.
87e878c0973fb428e3b39655f273c46d.mp3 ...petha. A mi 'dan ni fel pobol yr un peth ydan? 'Dan ni'n mynd yn *grumpy* ne'n snapio ar bobol achos... Ia. ...fod yr capasiti 'na ... things. And we as people are all the same aren't we? When we get grumpy or snap at people because... Yeah. ...the capacity is there
9c2a82c0101d00dfede7ff92b6727a81.mp3 enwe- e- er enghraifft y *pandemic* ia deu' os ma' rywun yn deu' bo' nw'n bo' nw'n stryglo a wedyn ma'r "daw eto haul ar fryn" yn dod fewn anyway e- for example the pandemic yes say if someone says that they that they are struggling and then "things will get better" comes in
8a54dac9d41b51c4fc4fa24ff8192e7b.mp3 Swn i'n deud ella jyst yn yr dau neu ella y y dau flwyddyn dwitha mae siŵr 'de? 'Dan ni 'di *sort of* cychwyn fel hyn. I'd say perhaps just in the two or maybe the the last two years I'm sure isn't it? We have sort of started like this.
497db3357ff1c6aee5c0ebed9ce5ec14.mp3 yn rŵan heddiw ie ond be' dwi me'wl gobaith fi 'n bersonol am hyn y podlediad yma ydi is now today yes but what I think my personall hope for this this podcast is
3286b7237a9899d3704af1c4bb22144d.mp3 bod *intentions* pobol 'dyn n'w'm yn mynd i drio fod yn yn *toxic* pan ma' nw'n deud y petha 'ma felly ma' jyst ca'l y *diagnosis* yr un pryd that people's intentions they aren't going to try to to be toxic when they say these things so just getting the diagnosis at the same time
a34d69bb4282a56b6c4972661ca46015.mp3 ...ond dyna 'dan ni ddim am neud yn y benod yma dydan ni ddim am gor esbonio pam 'dan ni 'di bod i ffwr' am gyn hirad neu ...but that's what we don't want to do in this episode, we don't want to over explain why we've been away for so long or
d8ee8c2d4eaa1312595b9db62defd702.mp3 ma' dod i ddall dy hun fatha *well and truly* 'da a dwi dal fatha ma'r siwrna yn un hir a a *complicated* o yndi ma' jyst... coming to understand yourself like well and truly with and I still like the journey is a long one and and complicated oh yes it's just...
29ddf30e9dbf43a08d7bfed5cd13879f.mp3 Ma' honna mor mor bwysig bod yn ffeind a gared- a a a bod yn garedig hefo dy hun. Dwi dal yn stryglo It's so so important to be thoughtful and kin- and and and to be kind to yourself. I'm still struggling
4bc14b9fd2666709ad6146eca27ff2da.mp3 A <chwerthin> blwyddyn blydi *intense* a dw- dwi'n cofio 'di dod allan o hynny a jist... And <laughter> a bloody intense year and I I remember you coming out of that and just...
fe9832058d86e89124e0670146135984.mp3 hefo oedolion a phlant dwi 'di neud gweithdai drama a chwedleua so dwi'n st- yn dweud storis hefyd chwedleuo. <anadlu> with adults and children I'v done drama and storytelling workshops so I st- tell stories as well storytelling. <breathe>
6ef7b3c4347060a4c18ae1bcb30fe119.mp3 bwysig gallu os dach chi'n timlo'n saff yn timlo'n gyffyrddus i challengeio hynny i t'o' important to be able to if you feel safe feel comfortable to challenge that to you know
e3e39c838379e398ba773be567ba5855.mp3 mae o'n iawn bo' fi methu fficsio petha mae o'n iawn bo' fi methu datrys y broblem 'ma a bod o'n ddigon bo' fi jyst yma ac yn gwrando. it's okay that I can't fix things it's okay that I can't solve this problem and that it's enough that I'm just here and listening.
30feb3b6b59ef60c3d1aab8cf8609ddc.mp3 fel ti'n deud mae o'n growndio chdi yn y foment ond hefyd mae o'n siarad i'r *inner child* bach 'ma sgynno ni gyd dydi dyna dwi licio amdan petha fela. as you say it grounds you in the moment but it also speaks to the little inner child that we all have it's not that's what I like about such things.
cdcfd71440671b0e96cfdfd746df2ced.mp3 ella os dach chi'n gwrando dach chi'n teimlo'r un peth dach chi'n un o'r pobol 'ma sy'n licio jympio fewn a fficsio petha, jyst triwch cymryd cam yn ôl perhaps if you listen you feel the same you're one of those people who likes to jump in and fix things, just try taking a step back
c2c1515527a439208a7a1d5471c5f608.mp3 Eto ma' hynny'n fath o *self-care* 'di dwi me'wl dyna ma' pobol yn anghofio weithia' ydi dydi hunanofal ddim amdan Again that's a type of self-care it is I think that that's what people forget sometimes that self-care isn't about
0b87cde5994b011315a9439f88ca80d8.mp3 Ia ag odd hi'n ia nath hi ddeud o mi wt ti'n gneud allan bo' chdi i- i- ia bo' chdi rhy dda i Frifysgol Bangor ag o'n i fatha Yes, and she was yes she said "oh you 're making out that you ye- ye- yes that you're too good for Bangor University" and I was like
41e6d341239b149a55eda4cb2372cf4f.mp3 emosiynol ac anodd dod i'r *conclusion* 'na bo' ni angan brêc 'lly a fel dwi 'di deitho chdi o'r blaen mi o' 'na chydig o pryder emotional and difficult to come to that conclusion that we need a brake and as I've told you before there was a bit of anxiety
b56b1a185a2289cfcdf47ea405569fe6.mp3 refflectio perthynas ni yn sut 'dyn ni'n trin powb sy'n grando a dwi'n gwbod ma'r ddwy onyn ni'n euog o hyn yn y gorffennol reflecting our relationship in how we treat everyone who listens and I know we've both been guilty of this in the past
d9c5ed7e51dfaac9f1817db76ae0b961.mp3 O yndi yndi dyna pam ma' lot pobol yn stryglo efo *positive affirmations* achos ma' nw'n teimlo mor ddieithr i be' 'dan ni'n Oh yes yes that's why a lot of people struggle with positive affirmations because they feel so alien to what we
72a22f5a00ecd0c405fd526459e33b03.mp3 ma' hynna'n iawn ond fel ti'n deud os ti 'di blino yn feddyliol a bod dy iechyd meddwl di yn syffro wel mae o'n iawn i ddeud hynna wrth ffrind achos that's fine but as you say if you're mentally tired and your mental health is suffering well it's fine to say that to a friend because
13318e70438c5804edfe5fa844b2f551.mp3 dwi me'wl o' o'n sioc i'r ddwy onyn ni doedd bo' 'na bobol yn gweld gwerth yn 'yn syniad bach ni. I think it it was a shock to both of us wasn't it that people saw value in our little idea.
dbdc519613cc973e2afc8fcc14454ca4.mp3 wedi ca'l therapi mi odd hynny yn ran o'r o'r *training* i fod yn *therapist* o' rhaid i chdi ga'l dau ddeg awr dwi me'wl. have had therapy that was part of the of the training to be a therapist you had to have twenty hours I think.
550e2fcf75597409b992109e414cb49d.mp3 i'r llall t'o' pam bod 'na distawrwydd neu pam 'dan ni heb atab strêt awe ne' beth bynna a fel 'dan ni di deud to the other you know why is there silence or why don't we answer straight away or whatever and as we have said
a5ac712d4223060ab174bf1041f674d6.mp3 Ie yn union er bo' ni'n mynd trwddo fo i gyd efo'n gilydd dydan ni'm 'di ca'l yr un profiada a ma' hynny mor bwysig dwi'n meddwl. Yes exactly even though we've gone through it all together we've not had the same experiences and that's so important I think.
1dff7038be3292f4c0cf06fd0acea352.mp3 y gwaith dwi'n gneud yn gallu bod yn straen weithia t'mo' yy mae'n waith calad... Ia. ...gwrando ar y pobol a the work I do can be stressful sometimes you know er it's hard work... Yes. Listen to the people and
92faf00aa8c936141e2b3c5f7e730a43.mp3 Ia. A ma'. Bysse'n... Yy hefo hyn i gyd hefyd o ran *toxic positivity* dwi'n meddwl am cenhedlaeth ni o ran tecstio. Yes. And it. I'd... Er with all this also in terms of toxic positivity I think about our generation in terms of texting.
3c7130815374666b4724a2465b0d3035.mp3 Yr un un peth. Yr un peth mae o yn drawma. Ma' hynny yn lleihau yr capasiti i The exact same thing. The same thing it's a trauma. That reduces the capacity to
a2ae453cd5e25d1b3b162d9e33b897f1.mp3 'Dan ni i gyd yn stryglo 'dan ni gyd efo petha 'dan ni mynd trw' a 'to os fedrwn i ddelio efo hynny We're all struggling we all have things we're going through and again if we can deal with it
75f5afa266f3fa2fea4ae56d7cbacdf2.mp3 y sefyllfa 'fyd dydi? Deutha os ti 'di dwi'm yn gwbo mynd trw trawma neu trw *pandemic* ella. Winc winc. the situation as well isn't it? Say if you have I don't know gone through trauma or through a pandemic perhaps. Wink wink.
039ed09a45f667cdf4291ada214e7e0f.mp3 cytastryffaisio dwi'n ofnadwy o euog am hynny. 'S ma' rwbath yn digwydd ma' brên fi strêt awe catastrophizing I'm terribly guilty of that. If something happens, straight away my brain
8f61091b48ca8867c679c2beb9028ff1.mp3 bach yn isal neu dwi'n teimlo yn rhy pryderus am hyn a ma'n nhw'n trio r- yy trio offro'r *solutions* 'ma i gyd. a bit low or I feel too worried about this and they try r- er try to offer all these solutions.
a3ce90a445bbb15d55918d60c81013b5.mp3 i gymryd ar petha pobol eryll ar y funud. A bod o'n iawn i rannu hynny efo ffrindia. <anadlu> be dwi licio gneud weithia' to take on other people's things at the moment. And that it's okay to share that with friends. <breathe> What I like to do sometimes
bda3a5f024bf2f30f57c1615df82f4f1.mp3 sydd yn sydd yn ca- cadw chdi fynd a yym so ma' ia ma'r platfform yma felly which which kee- keeps you going and um so this platform then
af608d68a530de7d81714be294dd3f53.mp3 Yr *perfectionist* 'na dyde? Y *perfectionist*. Ia. Ond be' dwi 'di ffeindio ydi os dwi jyst yn mynd at y biano rŵan That perfectionist isn't it? The perfectionist. Yes. But what I find is if I just go to the piano now
efb7ca2f3169fdb2093e64d3ffe86049.mp3 Dwi'n meddwl be' sy'n bwysig bod ni'n cyfeirio at hefyd ydi weithia' ma' pobol isio *advice* dydi? I think what is important that we also refer to is sometimes people want advice don't they?
47c06140a1dff71ff8f1246b877aa6e2.mp3 lle 'dan ni'n sôn am gofal i mi pan dwi'n meddwl am gofal dwi'n meddwl am gofalu dros rhywun arall ne' gofalu am rywun. where we talk about care for me when I think about care I think about caring for someone else or caring for someone.
071cfdcd4baad6105bc70257458cb712.mp3 dal i isio dilyn y daith mawr 'ma. Ma' yr faint o bobol sy'n dilyn ni ar *Instagram* wedi mynd fyny rywsud. still wanting to follow this big journey. The amount of people who follow us on Instagram has gone up somehow.
097990d1d076e4d8ec95e52b7d4d6d95.mp3 Ia yn union a dwi meddwl bod o mor pwerus i atgoffa pobol bod gwrando yn ddigon. Yes exactly and I think it is so powerful to remind people that listening is enough.
338035451d7ff20d3ff708cfdc2eb24f.mp3 yn *trigger* dydi? Blydi *hell* yndi. So ia a jyst ffeindio ffyrdd i... Sydd yn helpu is a trigger isn't it? Bloody hell yes it is. So yeah and just find ways to... Which help
d51388626738e09f12c9b985cb6ef466.mp3 dwitha dwi me'wl amdan yr *so't of* batri hunanofal odd mi odd batri fi ar *so't of* teimlo odd o'n lleihau ag yn lleihau. last I'm thinking about the sort of self-care battery my battery was was sort of felt that it was getting smaller and smaller.
b67fcae17a758ba03395b02102ce5d1e.mp3' hynna mor *self destructive* heb sylweddoli bo' t'od ma'r ma'r *good vibes only* 'na, ydi mae o'n swnio'n bositif. ...that's so self destructive without realizing that you know that, that good vibes only, yes it sounds positive.
5906cd77933d8a48cff112b70d8b5a8c.mp3 a pwerus i allu cynnig i rywun jyst y cyfla i siarad yn agorad i <anadlu> and powerful to be able to offer someone just the opportunity to speak openly to <breathe>
c364f6a1d9743def29412d7bb20d90c7.mp3 Dwi 'di fatha yn 'ym mhen dwi 'di meddwl bod p- cadw'n brysur yn diffinio fi fel person da person... I've sort of in my head I've thought that bu- keeping busy defines me as a good person a person...
944aee973b69a6af74e52ae6e298095d.mp3 Ma'r sgwrs yn agor drw ddeud *I hear you* dwi'r un peth tisio siarad amdan y peth ac ella fydd y person arall ddim isio siarad... The conversation opens by saying I hear you, I'm the same, do you want to talk about it and maybe the other person won't want to talk...
d1325bfba29492d2def14864e5fdcde1.mp3 Dwi me'wl ma' pobol yn gweld *boundaries* fatha bo' rywun yn roid wal i fyny ond be' ydi *boundaries* go iawn ydi I think people see boundaries like someone is putting a wall up but what real boundaries are are
ec873f013ad36eeb93d24d77bc3f5dbe.mp3 ella d- derbyn bod *obsessive compulsive disorder* yna fi so o'n i'n ella chwech ne' saith dwi dwi'm yn siŵr ond perhaps a- accept that I have obsessive compulsive disorder so I was perhaps six or seven I'm I'm not sure but
a7b8f94a17179f512a00dbea45270c86.mp3 be' sy 'di digwydd yn ysod yr wsnos ma' jyst ista 'na a prosesu a peidio teimlo'n euog a ma'n dod yn well achos dw i'n ymarfer... Ia. what's been going on during this week just sitting there and processing and not feeling guilty and it's getting better because I'm practicing... Yes.
cb97516ab55ee90553300928b8501923.mp3 t'mo' ella ella neith pobol uniaethu 'fo be' 'dyn ni'n sôn am ella mi' neith rhai o'r petha 'dan ni'n ddeud t'o' you know perhaps perhaps people will identify with what we're talking about perhaps some of the things we say you know
b39f50225a3b386ec5d66108b76dba91.mp3 tolereitio betha dydi? Ma' 'na syniad yn y byd therapi neith hyn... Ella by' bobol yn *bored* 'da hyn ond dwi'n ffindio fo reit diddorol. tolerating things isn't it? There's an idea in the therapy world that this will...Perhaps people will be bored by this but I find it quite interesting.
9049c560ae521f8faa26abcad096f656.mp3 A pwysigrwydd gwrando 'de gwrando ar bobol dim gymryd yn ganiataol bo' chdi'n da'll be' ma' n'w 'di mynd trwyddo fo. And the importance of listening isn't it listening to people, not taking it for granted that you know what they have gone through.
3d9a34c4dcdfa39f55e2eefdb4918837.mp3 agwadd pobol wedi newid tag at 'u iechyd meddwl. Oes ma' 'na dal stigma a mi gei di bobol sy'n dŵad ag yn meddwl <anadlu> people's attitude to their mental health has changed. Yes, there's still a stigma and you'll find people who come and think <breathe>
4519c12c36dea2190ce4d973fe05b009.mp3 yn ddigon 'di o'm otsh be' dw i'n meddwl ma' pobol ella'n feddwl pa ella *perception* ydi hynny is enough it doesn't matter what I think other people perhaps think what perception that is maybe
afddbe517f241222523f0dfdeb2c3b0f.mp3 De'd ŵan ti'n mynd at ffrind a t'isio sôn amdan pa mor shit ydi hynny bo' di colli dy job ne' beth bynnag a ma' nhw'n troi rownd a deud Say now you go to a friend and want to talk about how shit it is that you lost your job or whatever and they turn around and say
b82a6ef2c78eefea0c49c0771d707e55.mp3 derbyn... Hmm. ...bod y *short term discomfort* 'na *horrible* ac yn boenus on' bo' chi'n derbyn hynny hefo accept... Hmm. ...that the short term discomfort is horrible and painful only if you accept that with
612deb73bde20aa80777298f2ca09108.mp3 fy mywyd i heb heb 'or'o' sgrolio a ma' sgrolio mor naturiol rywsut achos 'dan ni 'di neud o am be'? Dros deg mlynadd so... my life without without having to scroll and scrolling is so natural somehow because we have done it for what? Over ten years so...
0e13e4a0d9072ad9cfd85abc8246294b.mp3 Ond os ti'n matha dadbacio fo ma' ma'n niweidiol dydi achos ma' neu' chdi deimlo fedri di ddim But if you sort of unpack it it's it's harmful isn't it because it makes you feel that you can't
3011f5f6c9027ffa9526aedd1349f40c.mp3 dydi o'm yn normal 'di o'm yn naturiol 'dan ni gyd yn teimlo bob math o deimlada a ma' hynny'n ran o fod yn bod dynol. it's not normal, it's not natural, we all feel all kinds of feelings and that's part of being a human being.
b0e15204c49f326ab94e6c57f4b52551.mp3 mae sgyrsia' anffurfiol fydd rhain ond yym ond oherwydd 'u bod yn anffurfiol these will be informal conversations but um but only because they are informal
0d4d3dd3aaf6efad4f09003023b01416.mp3 dwi ddim yn *even* cofio meddwl bod o'n broblam ar y pryd ond os odd 'na bobol eryll yn pigo fyny arno fo ma' raid ma' raid o'n i'n deud o trw'r amsar. I don't even remember thinking that it was a problem at the time, but if other people were picking up on it, I must have, I must have been saying it all the time.
c16ef237f0f62ea3894c4e94132eaec4.mp3 A stigma 'dy hynny 'de a *denial*. T'o' teimlo fatha na fedra'm byd bod y' rong achos And that's a stigma isn't it and denial. You know feeling like nothing can be wrong because
26d997b4063bac62d3d56b2750c63b95.mp3 Ma' gweld y patryma 'na sy'n *so't of* ail adrodd ma' n'w fatha bo' nw'n cylchdroi dydi? Y prysurdeb. Seeing those patterns that sort of repeat it's like they rotate, isn't it? The hustle and bustle.
3bb7e8d961cf2d851084b7fae80780c9.mp3 cymryd ar lot o betha deud ia i bob dim isio plesio powb a wedyn yn take on a lot of things saying yes to everything wanting to please everyone and then