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Reading is a personal life habit, which is determined by cultural literacy. Without the pursuit of knowledge or the hobby of culture, it is difficult to imagine that people can calm down and read. The habit of reading should be cultivated from an early age. Starting from the beginning, only the love and pursuit of cultural knowledge can make us accustomed to reading. The reading habits and hobbies of Chinese people cannot be solved by a youth reading festival. Therefore, reading is still based on usual habits.
The topic of the above is Reading habits.
Grain can be traded in the futures market before harvesting. If grain production is predicted to be insufficient, grain futures prices will rise; if grain harvests are predicted, grain futures prices will fall. This morning, meteorologists predicted that from tomorrow there will be much-needed rainfall in the grain-producing areas. Therefore, since sufficient moisture is very important to the survival of current grains, the price of grain futures today will fall sharply.
The statement 'A pathogen that has destroyed some cereal crops will spread more widely before the end of the growing season, agricultural experts announced today' weakens the above point of view most seriously.
From an economic perspective, there are two basic problems: one is the problem of incentive mechanism, and the other is the problem of coordination. In the final analysis, the system is used to solve these two problems. No matter what method you use, as long as you can solve it, it is a good system. Therefore, there is no standard system in the world. When people ignore these basic problems and simply apply certain concepts, problems will arise.
According to the above paragraph, the correct statement is "How to use economics principles to evaluate a system."
The ancient city of Beiting is the Tang Dynasty Beiting Duhu Mansion, Beiting Daduhu Mansion, and the governing place of Beiting Dao. Its scale is magnificent, ranking first in the northern foot of Tianshan Mountain and second in Xinjiang. After the vicissitudes of time, it has been transformed into the huge ruins of the legacy which can still vaguely glimpse the majestic atmosphere of the heavy battlements and deep trenches. This thousand-year-old city is also the seat of the important military and political institutions of the Tang Dynasty, the Han Navy and the Tingzhou government office, and has become a record of ancient history. It is an eternal symbol of the country. Its former site is in the border of Jimsar County, Changji Hui Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang, only 12 kilometers to the south from the county seat. It is a national key cultural relics protection unit.
Geographic location of Beiting's ancient city cannot be learned from this text.
Nowadays, people often complain that it is difficult for them to get enough sleep, and the quality of sleep is often poor. Some experts believe this has something to do with many products of modern technology, such as Changming street lamps, televisions, computers and mobile phones, where the light generated by artificial light sources and electronic devices disturbs sleep and makes it difficult for people to fall asleep.
The statement "At present, some people's sleep problems are probably not due to the short total sleep time, but because of some health problems caused by the use of computers and other devices" can best support the above conclusion.
A fundamental illusion in robotics is the belief that improvements in robots will liberate humanity from hazardous and demeaning work. Engineers are designing only those types of robots that can be properly maintained with the least expensive, least skilled human labor possible. Ttherefore, robots will not eliminate demeaning work -- only substitute one type of demeaning work for another.
The reasoning in the argument is most vulnerable to the criticism that it fails to address the possibility that the amount of demeaning work eliminated by robots might be significantly greater than the amount they create.
In the face of earthquakes, science is still promising. Through the study of seismic waves, it is found that seismic waves include P-waves and S-waves. The former propagates faster but has less destructive power, while the latter is the opposite. Therefore, through the seismic monitoring network, people monitor the P-waves of seismic waves with faster propagation speed and send signals to the monitoring center, The monitoring center can send an alarm to the public and key facilities by radio waves through the client. In other words, the earthquake alarm is a race between radio waves and seismic shear waves, which can warn people when the seismic shear waves have not yet arrived.
The scientific use of the time difference between two kinds of seismic waves can send out effective earthquake alarm is intended to explain that.
A two-year study beginning in 1977 found that, among 85-year-old people, those whose immune systems were weakest were twice as likely to die within two years as others in the study. The cause of their deaths, however, was more often heart disease, against which the immune system does not protect, than cancer or infections, which are attacked by the immune system.
The statement 'Those in the study who survived into the 1980s had, in 1976, strengthened their immune systems through drug therapy' would offer the best prospects for explaining deaths in which weakness of the immune system, though present, played no causal role.
Sociologist: The claim that there is a large number of violent crimes in our society is false, for this claim is based upon the large number of stories in newspapers about violent crimes. But since violent crimes are very rare occurrences, newspapers are likely to print stories about them.
The sociologist's argument is flawed because it presupposes the truth of the conclusion it is attempting to establish.
Experienced gardeners advise against planting snap peas after late April because peas do not develop properly in warm weather. This year, however, the weather was unusually cool into late June, and ttherefore the fact that these snap peas were planted in mid-May is unlikely to result in crop failure despite the experts' warnings.
The pattern of reasoning displayed above is most closely paralleled in the statement 'Since African violets do not thrive in direct sunlight, it is said that in this region these plants should be placed in windows facing north rather than south; however, since these south-facing windows are well shaded by evergreen trees, the African violets placed in them are likely to grow satisfactorily.'
Mobile payment is now rapidly gaining popularity in large and medium-sized cities such as Beijing and Shanghai. However, not all Chinese are familiar with this new method of payment and many elderly people are still used to traditional cash transactions. As a result, some experts assert that the rapid popularity of mobile payments will keep the elderly out of the consumer economy, thus affecting their quality of life in their later years.
The statement 'By 2030, the number of people over 60 in China will increase to 320 million and the quality of life of the elderly will further attract social attention' can best question the expert's assertion.
Only those with good logical thinking ability and physics major background can be qualified for this position.
If the above statement is true, Doctor Of physics Xiao Zhao cannot be qualified for this post.
In recent years, especially in the first tier cities, the proportion of buyers who buy first-hand new houses instead of second-hand houses has fallen. Some buyers believe that this is due to the rise of first-hand new house prices. As the basis for price rise, they use data to prove that even through inflation adjustment, the purchase price paid by first-hand new house buyers is much higher than the house price a few years ago
The relative increase in sales of second-hand houses may be explained by the decision of only a small share of all home buyers can best explain the lack of persuasion of the above-mentioned property buyers.
Many artists claim that art critics find it is easier to write about art that they dislike than to write about art that they like. Whether or not this hypothesis is correct, most art criticism is devoted to art works that fail to satisfy the critic. Hence it follows that most art criticism is devoted to works other than the greatest works of art.
The conclusion above is properly drawn if the assumption that all art critics find it difficult to discover art works that truly satisfy them is made.
Formal communication refers to the transmission and communication of information within the organizational system according to certain organizational principles. For example, correspondence between organizations, internal communication of documents, meetings, regular exchange of information between superiors and subordinates. In addition, the group organized visits, technical exchanges, market research and so on are also included.
Staff meeting is a formal communication channel.
Theories in certain scientific fields may be in flux today, but this unsettled state must be attributed to scientific progress, not to a lack of theoretical rigor. Several decades of scientific research have recently culminated in a wealth of new discoveries in these fields, and whenever many new facts come to light in a field, the ways in which that field organizes its knowledge inevitably need adjustment.
The argument proceeds by presenting the situation to be explained as part of a general pattern.
Export processing zones are a form of special economic zones. They are export-oriented special economic zones. They mainly use foreign capital, technology, and equipment, and take advantage of China's land, resources, labor and other advantages, and the products produced are mainly exported.
Shenzhen's Shekou Industrial Zone belongs to the export processing zone and adopts the method of processing supplied materials to cooperate with foreigners, and the products are sold abroad.
Property income refers to the income derived from movable property (such as bank deposits, securities, etc.) and real property (such as houses, vehicles, land, collectibles, etc.) owned by the family.
Patent income from the transfer of property use rights is not classified as property income according to the above definition.
For the United States meat industry, there is good news and bad news. The bad news is that over the last three years people in the United States have been eating less meat. The good news, is that during this same time period meat producers' profits have risen steadily.
The statement 'Countries that are unable to produce enough meat for their populations have become a new and lucrative market for United States meat producers' contributes most to a resolution of the apparent discrepancy above if it is true during the last three years.
Although early jazz music featured a great deal of improvisation, this improvisation did not stray too far from the rather simple, catchy melodies upon which it was based. So, however interesting it may be, later music featuring improvisation that strays far from the melody ought not to be classified as jazz.
The statement 'The later music featuring improvisation has much more in common with early jazz than with any other type of music' most weakens the argument.
If the majority of the residents of the apartment complex complain that their apartments are infested with ants, then the management of the complex will have to engage the services of an exterminator. But the majority of the residents of the complex indicate that their apartments are virtually free of ants. Ttherefore, the management of the complex will not have to engage the services of an exterminator.
The argument that 'Most employees will attend the company picnic if the entertainment committee is successful in getting a certain band to play at the picnic. But that band will be out of the country on the day of the picnic, so it is not true that most employees will attend' contains a flawed pattern of reasoning parallel to that contained in the argument above.
In daily life, some people save trouble when taking medicine. After putting the pills in their mouths, they do not drink water or just take a sip of water, and then swallow hard, thinking they have finished taking the medicine. Some people think that this way of taking medicine is not advisable.
The statement 'When taking the medicine, drinking too little water will make the tablets stay in the esophagus for a longer time and even cause side effects' best supports these people's views.
Fossilized teeth of an extinct species of herbivorous great ape have on them phytoliths, which are microscopic petrified remains of plants. Since only phytoliths from certain species of plants are found on the teeth, the apes' diet must have consisted only of those plants.
The argument assumes that none of the plant species that left phytoliths on the apes' teeth has since become extinct.
Computers with wireless internet access will also have antenna radiation, because the keyboard is essentially an antenna. Each key of the keyboard is covered with a vertical and horizontal grid, which itself forms an antenna, and each key is scanned by high-frequency electromagnetic at any time, which can emit a large number of electromagnetic waves. Usually, people only pay attention to blocking the electromagnetic waves in the chassis, but ignore the leakage of the electromagnetic waves of the keyboard to a great extent.
According to the above discussion, working in electromagnetic wave environment for a long time is easy to cause human injury cannot be deduced.
Sunk cost refers to the cost that cannot be changed by any decision made now or in the future because the decision made in the past has already occurred. From a rational point of view, sunk costs should not affect our decision-making. However, we often make a lot of irrational decision-making behaviors because we want to recover or avoid sunk costs. This is called the sunk cost effect.
According to the above definition, Xiao Ming lending his friend 10,000 yuan a year ago and deciding not to let his friend repay the money is not a sunk cost effect.
In recent years, people's living conditions are getting better and better, and the requirements for tourism ---are getting higher and higher. In the past, the way of tourism ---- has been gradually replaced by the way of in-depth experience and paying attention to culture and interaction. it is under this background that the development of the integration of culture and tourism --- has become a hot spot.
Quality, just looking at the flowers, came into being at the historic moment is the most appropriate option to fill in the underlined part.
Physician: In comparing our country with two other countries of roughly the same population size, I found that even though we face the same dietary, bacterial, and stress-related causes of ulcers as they do, prescriptions for ulcer medicines in all socioeconomic strata are much rarer here than in those two countries. It' s clear that we suffer significantly fewer ulcers, per capita, than they do.
The statement 'Several other countries not covered in the physician's comparisons have more prescriptions for ulcer medication than does the physician's country' most strengthens the physician's argument.
Merton, an American sociologist, divides social function into two levels: explicit function and latent function. Explicit function is the objective consequence conducive to the adjustment and adaptation of the system. This adaptation and adjustment is expected or expected and recognized by the participants in the system. Latent function is the objective consequence that has not been expected and recognized.
From remote mountainous areas, in order to get rid of poverty and let parents live a good life, he studied hard and worked hard from an early age. Within a few years, he became the person in charge of a large enterprise and made himself an example for parents in his hometown to educate their children does not contain a description of potential functions.
When talking about the history of human art, people tend to pay more attention to language, especially as a text. Because people used to think that vision is intuitive, concrete and perceptual, lack of profound and complex meaning. But from a historical point of view, people create and come into contact with images before they use and understand words. The history of the relationship between human beings and images is far longer than that between human beings and words in terms of time length. The expression and communication of images not only has a long history, but people often find that the experience and interpretation of visual art is as difficult as the grasp of spoken and written language, or even more complicated.
The human visual system is more fully developed than the language system is emphasized in this paragraph.
As a country's general election is approaching, international politics expert Researcher Chen predicts that the outcome of the election will be that Party A controls the government or Party B controls the government. If Party A wins control of the government, the country will have economic problems; if Party B wins control of the government, the country will fall into a military crisis.
Based on the above prediction of Researcher Chen, it can be concluded that the country will have economic problems, or it will fall into a military crisis.
Music appreciation does not only exist as a part of music acceptance, but also affects music creation and edges in the way of feedback. Its aesthetic judgment and aesthetic choice can often affect the aesthetic choice of composers and performers. Every serious musician can't help but listen to the information feedback of music appreciation to adjust and improve his artistic creation.
According to the above materials, it can be inferred that all musicians and composers pay attention to the feedback of music listeners.
The principle of visible light communication technology is very simple, light represents 1, light off represents 0, and the combination of light and off carries information. However, because the frequency of visible light is much higher than that of wireless network communication signals, its propagation is very linear, and a slight obstruction will cause communication interruption. Taking into account the development trend of technology and product practicability, visible light communication is not likely to replace wireless networks and be widely used in homes, but this does not mean that this technology has no practical value. This technology has exciting application prospects in broadcast-style public communications. Using visible light communication technology, LED signal lights can tell the driver that there is congestion going straight ahead, and it is recommended to turn right to take another road.
Visible light communication technology will make earth-shaking changes in the home network can be deduced from this text.
Critical thinking in Business, a core subject at the University of Sydney's business school, was taken by 1200 students in the final exam, but more than 400 failed, 80 percent of whom were Chinese students. The University of Sydney explained: Chinese students lack critical thinking and are not good at English.The student's representative L complained: The level of English for the students admitted by the school is recognized by the school, and the entrance examination required IELTS to be 7, and we have all reached this level.
Student representative L's complaint depends on the assumption that the school may have unfair discrimination in assessing the scores of Chinese students.
The giant-toothed shark, which became extinct 2.6 million years ago, is more than 15 meters long and has a powerful bite force, and its 3-meter-wide jaw can crush a car. However, a recent study shows that giant-toothed sharks prefer minke whales less than 5 meters long rather than larger baleen whales. However, due to climate change, the population of minke whales has plummeted. Based on this, the researchers believe that giant-toothed sharks became extinct due to lack of food.
The statement 'Large whales such as humpback whales and blue whales that lived at the same time as giant-toothed sharks have evolved' most weakens the above conclusion.
The similarity between modern chemistry and alchemy (alchemy) is to create new things at the molecular level, but it is actually the task of nuclear physicists to create new elements. They use some cyclotron accelerators to blast out new elements and fill them into the periodic table as the winning fruit of chemists. Classical alchemy actually had the idea of elements and atoms, but it did not have rational thinking. For example, the Europeans in the Middle Ages believed that light, heavy, dry and wet were the basic physical properties, dry but light was fire and dry and heavy was soil. What is wet and light is gas and what is wet and heavy is water. Therefore, any substance is the result of different proportions of the four basic elements: water, fire, earth, and air, which is obviously different from the current concept of the world. At the same time, the understanding of the nature of matter in other civilizations is also between mystery and reason.
The statement 'You can know all kinds of ideas about elements in the world' is most likely to be discussed next.
Until recently, anthropologists generally agreed that higher primates originated about 30 million years ago in the Al Fayyum region of Egypt. However, a 40-million-year-old fossilized fragment of a lower jawbone discovered in Burma (now called Myanmar) in 1978 was used to support the theory that the earliest higher primates originated in Burma. However, the claim is premature, for __.
The most logical completion of the paragraph above is 'several anthropologists, using different dating methods, independently confirmed the estimated age of the jawbone fragment.'
Adaptation refers to the action of the same stimulus on the sensory organ, causing a change in the sensory ability of the sensory organ to appropriate stimulation.
According to the above definition, when a part of the body is in pain, you will feel the pain subside by clenching your lips or clenching your fists does not fit the concept of adaptation.
On the surface of the aircraft carrier, the personnel at each station are dressed in colorful clothing, which is very different from the dress code of the same color on traditional warships. The colors of the helmets, vests and long-sleeved shirts worn by the staff are also different ;Purple represents fuel supply; red represents danger and safety control; green represents takeoff and landing and aircraft maintenance; blue represents transportation and gas supply guarantee; brown stands for locomotive maintenance, The appearance looks like a rainbow of seven colors on the deck.
The source of the text is Popular science books.
Citizens of Parktown are worried by the increased frequency of serious crimes committed by local teenagers. In response, the city government has instituted a series of measures designed to keep teenagers at home in the late evening. Even if the measures succeed in keeping teenagers at home, however, they are unlikely to affect the problem that concerns citizens, since most crimes committed by local teenagers take place between 3 p. m. and 6 p. m.
Teenagers are much less likely to commit serious crimes when they are at home than when they are not at home most substantially weakens the argument.
A batch of new products are not up to standard. After inspection, the reason is not due to the poor quality of raw materials or the design error of the products. From this we conclude that the sub-standard products are due to the low skill level of the workers.
The statement "The product does not meet the requirements, either because of the poor quality of raw materials, or because of product design errors, or because of the low level of skill of the workers" best supports the conclusion.
Wasps that reproduce by parasitism can inject just the right number of eggs into the eggs of various insects suitable for their offspring. If it injects too many eggs into the host's eggs, its larvae will die because they do not get enough space and nutrition in the competition with each other; if too few eggs are injected into the larvae, the excess nutrients in the host eggs will spoil, which in turn will lead to the death of the larvae.
In the mechanism of parasitic reproduction of wasps, wasps should have the ability to accurately distinguish the size of host eggs is correct, based on the information provided.
In the lower reaches of the Yellow River, the riverbed is about 10 meters higher than both sides of the river, so that it is also called aboveground river. This is due to the high sediment content of the Yellow River, slow water speed and continuous sediment deposition in the lower reaches of the Yellow River.
The place passing through the lower reaches of the Yellow River used to be relatively high-lying is the cause of the aboveground river.
Friendship is an important way to obtain happiness in life. According to the ancient Roman philosopher Cicero, Friendship only exists between good people, and friendship for life is the most difficult thing; another Spanish philosopher, George Santayana believes that friendship is almost always a combination of a part of one heart and a part of another, and people can only be partial friends.
If the above statement is true, then there will be no friendship between bad people.
An international paleontological research team recently reported that the True South Turtle, which lived in South Africa 280 million years ago, is the ancestor of modern turtles who survived large-scale species extinctions from Permian to Triassic. At that time, in order to avoid the harsh natural environment, they tried to dig down the hole, and in order to ensure that the digging movement of the forelimbs was strong enough, the body needed a stable support, which led to the widening of the ribs. It can be seen that turtles have shells to adapt to the environment, but not for protection, but to dig holes in the ground.
The tortoise shell evolved from the gradual widening of the turtle's ribs can be added as a prerequisite.
Anthropologist: Violence is an extreme form of aggression, and is distinct from the self-expression sufficient for survival under normal conditions. Human beings in certain situations react to unpleasant stimuli with violence -- but only because they are conditioned by their culture to react in this manner.
The self-expression required for survival is generally nonagressive cannot be logically inferred from the anthropologist's statements.
M City made public the work of issuing shares for the first time in more than 20 years, with a total of eight companies listed. To this end, a newspaper in M City investigated more than 5000 people on the issue of stock issuance. The results show that the non-investors in the public have a moderate evaluation of the offering prices of the eight companies, and the above people do not make an evaluation because they have no stock speculation experience. Obviously, more than 1/5 of investors think that the stock offering price is on the high side and that the low one is close to zero, but this should be regarded as more natural, and most people who buy things tend to think that things are expensive. Old investors also think that the price of new shares is on the high side.
The reasons why the old investors choose not to buy new shares can be inferred from the above words.
With a social contract, people lose their natural freedom and their absolute right to take whatever they are willing to take; through a social contract, they get civilized freedom and legal rights to the property they own. When weighing the pros and cons, if we want to avoid making mistakes, we must clearly distinguish what is natural freedom and what is civilized freedom-natural freedom is only controlled by the actual power of individuals, while civilized freedom is restricted by public will. After stepping into a civilized society, mankind has gained moral freedom, and this alone has made mankind its own master.
The statement 'The social contract gives people the freedom of civilization and restricts the freedom of nature' is correct based on the above text.
Product positioning in management refers to the determination of the function, quality, price, packaging, sales channels and service methods of a product (or service) in order to satisfy the target market.
The behavior 'Our service will be mainly through home maintenance to achieve' does not fall within the scope of product positioning in management science.
Mind refers to people's precipitation and storage of known things, through biological reaction (brain information processing) and the realization of a desire to need the sum of a kind of ability.
According to the above definition, mind is when Min has just learned to walk. When she saw the cat, she was so frightened that she cried and kept calling for her mother.
Self-control is not only about control oneself, but also includes the ability to eliminate interference from irrelevant stimuli and persist in completing related tasks (even tasks that one does not like). There are different views from various schools in academic circles on whether self-control is stable and unchangeable or can be consumed. Psychologists divided the experimental subjects into two groups and asked them to solve problems in the same field. One group could only eat radishes when solving problems, and the other group could also eat biscuits. As a result, the group that only ate radishes gave up earlier because they not only resisted the temptation of biscuits but also consumed self-control. From this, psychologists conclude that people's self-control is limited, and overuse of it will lead to a decrease.
The statement 'Biscuits and radishes have different effects in replenishing human body's energy' should be added as a prerequisite for the rationality of the above conclusion.
Although it is unwise to take a developmental view of an art like music -- as if Beethoven were an advance over Josquin, or Miles Davis an advance over Louis Armstrong -- there are ways in which it makes sense to talk about musical knowledge growing over time. We certainly know more about certain sounds than was known five centuries ago; that is, we understand how sounds that earlier composers avoided can be used effectively in musical compositions. For example, we now know how the interval of the third, which is considered dissonant, can be used in compositions to create consonant musical phrases.
The main conclusion of the argument is that our understanding of music can improve over the course of time.
The refraction of light is an optical phenomenon, which refers to the phenomenon of deflection of direction when light is shot in by one medium, another medium, or propagated in the same uneven medium.
The sun shines on the mirror, and the students will feel very glare when they shine on the student's face from the mirror is not a refraction of light according to the above definition.
The bylaws of the bank's credit card tipulate that all transactions conducted with a password are deemed to have been done by the cardholder himself. This means that as long as the password is used when the credit card is stolen, the bank regards it as the behavior of the cardholder and is not responsible for the loss. Therefore, in order to make your credit card more secure, you should not set a password.
When criminals forge a credit card with a password, they must find another way to obtain the password in order to successfully swipe it does not undermine the above conclusion.
People generally think that the thinking of scientists is based on strict logical reasoning, rather than Image thinking. However, research shows that Nobel Prize winners use image thinking methods more than ordinary scientists, because image thinking helps make a major scientific breakthroughs.
The above conclusion is based on the assumption that Nobel Prize winners have made major scientific breakthroughs.
Researchers at Temple University in the United States used computers to rank the determinants of future wealth among more than 2500 volunteers. These factors include age, occupation, education, race, gender, height, location, and the ability to delay immediate gratification (self-control). The results show that occupation and education are the most important factors for predicting high income, followed by geographical location and gender, followed by self-control, which is significantly more predictive of income than age, race, height and other factors. Researchers believe that attaching importance to the cultivation of children's self-control will help tap children's potential for making money in the future.
The most suitable title for this passage is People with strong self-control are richer.
As temperatures rise, so does the chance that tropical rainforests will be struck by lightning and start fires. However, current monitoring shows that although the American rainforest is hit by lightning more frequently, it does not cause more forest fires. The researchers believe that this may have something to do with the large increase in the number of vines in the rainforest in recent years.
Lightning strikes such a large-scale and extremely fast discharge, first destroying the external vines, and the trees in the middle are protected can best support the above conclusion.
In its coverage of a controversy regarding a proposal to build a new freeway, a television news program showed interviews with several people who would be affected by the proposed freeway. Of the interviews shown, those conducted with people against the new freeway outnumbered those conducted with people for it two to one. The television program is ttherefore biased against the proposed freeway.
Before the program aired, over twice as many people were against building the freeway than were in favor of it most seriously weakens the argument.
A stereotype is a fixed view of a certain group or thing in society formed through direct or indirect experience.
According to the above definition, stillness is not a stereotype.
The First Amendment prevents the government from violating a person' s right to free speech. But it does not protect government employees from disciplinary action for all statements they make in the course of their official duties. However, laws should protect them in cases in which employees bring to light information that advances the public interest in honest government and the rule of law.
A prominent plastic surgeon losing her license after an employee sues her for malpractice after she operates on him provides the best example for the argument above.
When the Meng / Guan team won the championship at the Athens Olympic Games, there were two more pairs of athletes and they reached the finish line almost at the same time. Before the Beijing Olympic Games, it was predicted that although the Meng / Guan team did not reach their best form, it was possible to win the gold medal.
One of the two couples not taking part in the Beijing Olympic Games does not improve the probability of Meng / Guan winning the championship in the Beijing Olympic Games.
Adults who drink coffee regularly are 2.5 times more likely to develop heart disease than those who drink less coffee, a study has found. It can be concluded that a substance in coffee can cause heart disease in people.
The option that coffee contains ingredients that enhance the vitality of the heart best weakens the above conclusions.
Editorial: A recently passed law limits freedom of speech in order to silence dissenters. It has been said that those who are ignorant of history will repeat its patterns. If this is true, then those responsible for passing the law must be ignorant of a great deal of history. Historically, silencing dissenters has tended to promote undemocratic policies and the establishment of authoritarian regimes.
The statement that 'certain freedoms might sometimes need to be limited in order to ensure the protection of certain other freedoms' is an example of an argument that the editorialist's reasoning fails to take into account.
According to Chinese philosophy, saints are not people who do not care about the affairs of the world, but also internal saints and outer kings. Inner saints are said in terms of the achievements of their self-cultivation, while outer kings are said in terms of their functions in society. However, saints do not necessarily have the opportunity to become leaders of practical politics. In terms of practical politics, he probably doesn't have a chance. The so-called inner saints and outer kings only means that a man with high spiritual achievements can be king according to reason and is the most suitable king. as for whether he has a chance to be king or not, that is another matter and has nothing to do with it.
A man of great self-cultivation must be fit to be a leader in practical politics is not in line with the meaning of the text.
Tiger is a cat and one of the most powerful predators on the land of Asia. Tiger has the longest canine teeth and the largest claw among cats. It integrates speed, strength and agility. The power of one swing of its forelimb can reach 1000 kg and the penetration depth of its claw can reach 11 cm. It is good at long jumping. The longest distance of one jump can reach 6 meters and is good at predation.
Cats are good at hunting can be inferred from the information given.
According to the 2012 Global cost of living Survey released recently by Mercer, one of the world's largest human resources service agencies, Tokyo is the city with the highest cost of living in the world; Hong Kong, China ranked 9th; and Shanghai and Beijing in mainland China ranked 16th and 17th respectively. New York is the city with the highest cost of living in the United States, but ranks 33rd in the world. Mercer announced the cost of living, especially referring to the cost of living of overseas personnel stationed by government agencies and multinational companies in various cities. this is not the same thing as the usual cost of living, confusing the two different cost of living is not only not conducive to scientific comparison, but also easy to lead to emotional tendencies.
The main content of this text is that the cost of living in Shanghai and Beijing is not higher than that in New York.
Sociologist: Research shows, contrary to popular opinion, that, all other things being equal, most people who have pets are less happy than most people who do not. Ttherefore, any person who wants to be as happy as possible would do well to consider not having a pet.
Most people who have pets feel happier because they have pets weakens the sociologist's argument.
The legislature of the Philippines voted recently to abolish the death penalty. In contrast, the death penalty remains legal in the United States. The difference in the legality of capital punishment demonstrates that the majority of American citizens believe in the death penalty, while the majority of Filipino citizens do not.
The legal standard used to determine whether a criminal should be sentenced to the death penalty in the United States is similar to the legal standard used in the Philippines before capital punishment was abolished there is an assumption upon which the above argument depends.
Carolyn: The artist Marc Quinn has displayed, behind a glass plate, biologically replicated fragments of Sir John Sulston' s DNA, calling it a conceptual portrait of Sulston. But to be a portrait, something must bear a recognizable resemblance to its subject. Arnold: I disagree. Quinn' s conceptual portrait is a maximally realistic portrait, for it holds actual instructions according to which Sulston was created.
The statement 'The object described by Quinn as a conceptual portrait of Sir John Sulston contains instructions according to which Sulston was created' provides most support for the claim that Carolyn and Arnold disagree over the object described by Quinn.
Illegal business crime: Refers to various scalping behaviors that disrupt market order and are serious in violation of state regulations, imposing state restrictions or prohibiting business operations.
Illegal business crime constitutes when a cosmetics wholesale and retail company was registered and established online by Yang in the Northeast, and has more than 10,000 registered members online who mostly place orders online, pay and pick up goods through bank transfer.
The frequent occurrence of violent injuries to doctors may have made many people feel powerless, but powerlessness does not mean that they are numb. According to the data released by the Supreme people's Procuratorate in March 2019, procuratorial organs prosecuted a total of 3202 people for crimes such as violent injury to doctors and gathering crowds to disturb doctors in 2018. Although the number has dropped by 29% compared with the same period last year, the absolute number is still not low. And this is only a case clearly brought into the judicial track. In this regard, of course, we can not exaggerate and magnify the conflict between doctors and patients, but in the governance side, we can not underestimate the probability of its occurrence. It is true that the professional environment of doctors and level of security doctors still need to be improved.
The contradiction between doctors and patients has been alleviated according to this passage.
The report on the results of an important experiment was controversial and the experiment was repeated under the guidance of a scientist, but did not get the same results as the original experiment; the scientist thus concluded that the initial experimental results were caused by the wrong method of measurement.
The hypothesis reasoned by the scientist is that repeated experiments do not lead to problematic results as in the original experiments due to the wrong method of measurement.
Kernland imposes a high tariff on the export of unprocessed cashew nuts in order to ensure that the nuts are sold to domestic processing plants. If the tariff were lifted and unprocessed cashews were sold at world market prices, more farmers could profit by growing cashews. However, since all the processing plants are in urban areas, removing the tariff would seriously hamper the government' s effort to reduce urban unemployment over the next five years.
Buying unprocessed cashews at lower than world market prices enables cashew processors in Kernland to sell processed nuts at competitive prices most seriously weakens the argument.
Although the geological record contains some hints of major meteor impacts preceding mass extinctions, there were many extinctions that did not follow any known major meteor impacts. Likewise, there are many records of major meteor impacts that do not seem to have been followed by mass extinctions. Thus the geological record suggests that there is no consistent causal link between major meteor impacts and mass extinctions.
The assumption that there could be a consistent causal link between major meteor impacts and mass extinctions even if not every major meteor impact has been followed by a mass extinction enables the argument's conclusion to be properly inferred.
Etiquette and music culture is a great creation of pre-Qin Confucianism, unfortunately, it has been experiencing the process of marginalization. Probably since the Han Dynasty, etiquette has been unilaterally interpreted by the ruling class as the dignity of hierarchical order, including the clothing, chariots, palaces and utensils of officials of different grades. The result of this misreading is that the Confucian thought of etiquette has lost its leading position in the way of governing the country, and has become increasingly marginalized, so that when people mention ancient etiquette, they immediately think of the strict royal ceremonies and civil and military officials who lie on the ground, but the original meaning of etiquette is increasingly forgotten by people.
The most accurate summary of the main point of this passage is that it describes the history of the marginalization of etiquette.
Pre-qin schools of thought and their exponents, Confucianism and Taoism are the two largest, and the Confucianism and Taoism are the two main lines of Chinese traditional culture. The analects of Confucius, Lao zi, respectively, is a major representative of Confucian and Taoist thought, the Confucian and Taoist thought source caught, it is easier to grasp the context of Chinese traditional culture, also can avoid the unilateral understanding of Chinese traditional culture, It is easy to compare Confucianism and Taoism.
The main idea of the text is that mastering the Analects of Confucius and Laozi will lay a good foundation for spreading Chinese culture.
Roller skating seems to be bad for people with sprained legs, foot ligaments and joints, but orthopaedic surgeons have found that roller skating is a rehabilitation measure for patients with joint and ligament diseases.
This kind of exercise is bad for the joints is correct.
The western Pacific is the most concentrated seamount system in the world. The Mariana Trench in the western Pacific is a plate subduction zone, and the submarine geological movement is very active. The material composition and genesis of seamount volcanic rocks are of great interest to Marine geologists. The warm pool and the North Equatorial Current in the Western Pacific have important effects on the climate of China, which are the focus of physical oceanography scientists. There is also the coral reef Delta with the highest Marine biodiversity in the world, which is a hot area for research on the origin and evolution of Marine organisms. Therefore, Marine scientists can carry out multi-disciplinary collaborative exploration and research on the hydrophysical, chemical and biogenic elements, topography and geomorphology, geological environment and biological ecology of seamounts here.
The importance of scientific research in the Western Pacific is mainly introduced in the passage.
Gas is needed for star formation. In clusters, clusters have long been considered unable to form new stars because large amounts of gas are dissipated in the early stages of cluster formation. Only collisions or coalescence between stars are possible to replenish burning material for older stars. Make them look younger than other stars. Stars formed by collision or merging are called blue discrete stars, and their names come from the evolution process that is quite different from that of most stars, which makes them dissociate from the evolution trajectory predicted by theory. Using the observed data, a research team studied the blue discrete stars in the young cluster NGC.2173 and observed an unusual group of blue discrete stars in this young cluster for the first time. It was found that the cluster contained blue discrete stars formed by sudden outbursts.
The main idea of this passage is that stars formed by collision or merging are called blue discrete stars.
An ancient Pavonian text describes how an army of one million enemies of Pavonia stopped to drink at a certain lake and drank the lake dry. Recently, archaeologists discovered that water-based life was suddenly absent just after the event was alleged by the text to have occurred. On the basis of reading the text and an account of the archaeological evidence, some students concluded that the events described really took place.
Taking evidence that a text has correctly described an effect to show that the text has correctly described the cause is a questionable technique used by the students to reach their conclusion.
A recent report on an environmental improvement program was criticized for focusing solely on pragmatic solutions to the large number of significant problems that plague the program instead of seriously trying to produce a coherent vision for the future of the program. In response the report' s authors granted that the critics had raised a valid point but explained that, to do anything at all, the program needed continued government funding, and that to get such funding the program first needed to regain a reputation for competence.
The basic position taken by the report's authors on the criticism leveled against the report is that giving the report a single focus is less desirable than the critics claim.
Court mediation refers to the activity in which the two parties voluntarily reach an agreement on civil rights and interests through equal consultation under the auspices of the judges of the people's court, so as to resolve the dispute.
Court mediation is the process where a judge helps reconcile couples by telling them right and wrong based on a request for divorce from one of the couples.
Ideology: a systematic idea formed on a certain socio-economic basis and representing the interests of a class or social group.
The statement 'Photographer Xiao Han released a group of photos of poor Tibetan primary school students studying hard on a well-known forum and called on everyone to donate money. Many people responded one after another, causing an uproar on the Internet' is ideological.
According to a psychological theory, if one wants to be happy, one must maintain a close relationship with the people around him, but the great painters in the world often spend their time alone, and they do not have close interpersonal relationships most of their time.Therefore, the above argument of this psychological theory is not valid.
An artist who has made great achievements cannot be unhappy is most likely to be assumed by the above argument.
Adobe is an ideal material for building in desert environments. It conducts heat very slowly. As a result, a house built of adobe retains the warmth of the desert sun during the cool evenings and then remains cool during the heat of the day, thereby helping to maintain a pleasant temperature. In contrast, houses built of other commonly used building materials, which conduct heat more rapidly, grow hot during the day and cold at night.
The main conclusion drawn in the argument above is that Adobe is an especially suitable material to use for building houses in desert environments.
Skepticism is a rhetorical method formed by flexible use of selective questions, which asks questions side by side with two or more questions, but does not require the reader to choose one of them, but makes the reader question. When the language is coherent, all doubts will be dispelled.
According to the above definition, the use of skeptical rhetoric can be seen in the statement: "How heavy is the water, how heavy is the mountain? The water surrounds the mountains and surrounds the city of Guilin... Is it a mountain city, is it a water city? All in green mountains and green waters..."
Alissa: If, as the mayor says, the city can no longer continue to fund both the children' s museum and local children' s television programming, then it should cease funding the television programming. The interactive character of the exhibits at the museum makes for a richer educational experience than watching television, which is largely passive. Greta: We should stop funding the museum, not the television programming, because, as the mayor has also pointed out, the museum reaches a much smaller audience.
On the basis of their statements, it can be inferred that Alissa and Greta disagree on whether the city will need to cease funding local children's television programming if it continues funding the children's museum.
It is wrong to say that foods with high content of refined sugar will not cause acquired diabetes, because foods with high content of refined sugar will lead to obesity, so obesity is an important cause of acquired diabetes.
It is wrong to say that inferior gasoline will not cause abnormal fuel consumption because inferior gasoline will cause very normal aging of engine valves, which in turn will cause abnormal fuel consumption. This option is most similar to the above argument.
It is a principle of economics that a nation can experience economic growth only when consumer confidence is balanced with a small amount of consumer skepticism.
Any nation in which the prevailing attitude of consumers is either exclusively confidence or exclusively skepticism will experience economic growth is an application of the economic principle above.
Expert: A group of researchers claims to have shown that for an antenna to work equally well at all frequencies, it must be symmetrical in shape and have what is known as a fractal structure. Yet the new antenna developed by these researchers, which satisfies both of these criteria, in fact works better at frequencies below 250 megahertz than at frequencies above 250 megahertz. Hence, their claim is incorrect.
The expert's argument is flawed because it interprets an assertion that certain conditions are necessary as asserting that those conditions are sufficient.
Because of his contribution to science popularization and science communication, Dr. Zheng Yongchun of the National Astronomical Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences recently won the Karl Sagan Award from the Planetary Science Branch of the American Astronomical Society, which is gratifying, but in the face of this news, many friends in the scientific community have asked: how are Chinese scientists doing in science popularization? Observation and reflection tell us that China's science popularization work is not doing much, but too little; not doing well, but not enough; not better than, but losing to its counterparts in the world, at least much worse than the developed countries.
The reality of Science Popularization in China is the option that the author is most likely to tell.
In 1995, two American scholars used a radio telescope with a diameter of 26 meters to look for unknown signals emitted from the depths of the vast universe. However, so far, no radio source with the characteristics of received signals has been found, and there are no special stars in the direction of these radio waves.
The sentence 'no radio source with the characteristics of received signals' means that it is not certain that the source of the radio wave has received the signal.
The influenza virus mutates so fast that even if the vaccine is updated every year, there is no guarantee that the vaccination will cover all the seasonal epidemic. Influenza vaccination does not guarantee a 100% protection against influenza, and may also lead to side effects such as low fever in vaccinated people. Therefore, there is no need to be vaccinated against influenza.
People who have recovered from the disease can gain a certain degree of immunity and will not be affected by the same flu virus again within 1 year does not effectively refute the above conclusion.
As the companion of oil, the generation conditions of natural gas are more diversified than that of oil. Oil can be generated in large quantities only when it reaches a certain burial depth, while natural gas can be generated from shallow to deep.Shallow ones may be only a few hundred meters deep and tens of thousands of meters deep. In terms of material sources, it is said that they are mainly organic matter of animals and plants in a water, while natural gas can be organic, organic matrix, and so on.At present, the vast majority of transfers in the geological scientific community are in favor of the organic theory that oil and natural gas are transformed from various organisms that died in ancient times.
Oil is buried deeper than natural gas cannot be known from this paragraph.
In a recent poll of chief executive officers (CEOs) of 125 large corporations, the overwhelming majority claimed that employee training and welfare is of the same high priority as customer satisfaction. So the popular belief that the top management of large corporations behaves indifferently to the needs and aspirations of employees is unfounded.
The argument is most vulnerable to criticism on the grounds that it presumes, without giving justification, that the CEOs' claims are reflected in actual practice.
Zoologist: Every domesticated large mammal species now in existence was domesticated thousands of years ago. Since those days, people undoubtedly tried innumerable times to domesticate each of the wild large mammal species that seemed worth domesticating. Clearly, ttherefore, most wild large mammal species in existence today either would be difficult to domesticate or would not be worth domesticating.
The zoologist's argument requires the assumption that it is not much easier today to domesticate wild large mammal species than it was in the past.
There are 7 heart disease patients E, F, G, H, I, J, K to be assigned to 4 doctors for treatment, they are Dr. Zhang, Dr. Li, Dr. Wang and Dr. Liu. Only one doctor can be responsible for each patient, and each doctor is responsible for the treatment of up to two patients. Among the patients, J and K are children, and the remaining 5 are adults; E, F, and J are male, and the remaining 4 are female. The following conditions must be met: (1) Dr. Zhang is only responsible for treating male patients. (2) Dr. Li can only be responsible for the treatment of 1 patient. (3) If a doctor is responsible for the treatment of a child, he must be responsible for the treatment of an adult of the same sex as the child.
According to the above, Dr. Wang treats at least one female patient is definitely true.
In a study, shoppers who shopped in a grocery store without a shopping list and bought only items that were on sale for half price or less spent far more money on a comparable number of items than did shoppers in the same store who used a list and bought no sale items.
The statement 'Usually, only the most expensive items go on sale in grocery stores' most helps to explain the apparent paradox in the study's results.
The content of Chinese traditional culture embodies the universal values of all mankind and it is full of modern meaning. These contents are not only national, but also belong to all mankind: both traditional and modern. When we spread these contents to the outside world in a form that is easy for the international community to understand, it is relatively easy to be recognized, which will help to enhance the international influence and affinity of Chinese culture and enhance China's soft power in the international community. At the same time, it also helps to shape the image of our country as civilized, friendly, open and inclusive all over the world.
The main content of this paragraph is the significance of carrying forward Chinese traditional culture.
In recent years, the speed of cross-border e-commerce has continued to develop at a high speed, but the proportion of import value-added tax and other taxes in the country's total tax revenue has continued to decline.The tax on imported goods decreased by nearly 200 billion yuan in 2015 compared with 2014. The tax on imported goods not only failed to grow synchronously with the development of cross-border e-commerce, but also decreased by a large margin.The new tax policy on cross-border e-commerce helps to integrate cross-border e-commerce with the general trade tax system, and also helps to form a normal growth mechanism for relevant taxes.
The introduction of a new tax policy for cross-border e-commerce will help increase tax revenue is intended to be explained in this passage.
As often now as in the past, newspaper journalists use direct or indirect quotation to report unsupported or false claims made by newsmakers. However, journalists are becoming less likely to openly challenge the veracity of such claims within their articles.
Journalists who challenge the veracity of claims are often criticized for failing their professional obligation to be objective does not help to explain the trend in journalism described above.