nagisa_stopwords /
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license: mit
  - stopwords
pretty_name: stopwords
  - n<1K
  - ja

Japanese stopwords for nagisa

This is a stopword list of frequently used words in the Japanese language, created according to the tokenization rules of the Japanese text analysis library, nagisa.

This list is constructed by extracting the top 100 most commonly used words from the CC-100 dataset and Wikipedia.

To access this list of words, simply run the provided program code below.

Please install Huggingface datasets library.

$ pip install datasets

After installing the library, please run the following code next.

from datasets import load_dataset

dataset = load_dataset("taishi-i/nagisa_stopwords")

# the top 100 most commonly used words
words = dataset["nagisa_stopwords"]["words"]

# the part-of-speech list for the top 100 most commonly used words
postags = dataset["nagisa_stopwords"]["postags"]