2 values
hypothesis: Dick Cheney is the former Vice President. premise: WASHINGTON - On the mornings he is in town, Dick Cheney wakes up at 6, climbs into his black sport utility vehicle and drives himself to a Starbucks near his McLean, Va., home. He returns with a pair of grande skim lattes — decaf for him, regular for his wife, Lynne — and settles into work in the sun-drenched office above his garage, penning his memoir in longhand on yellow legal pads. It is the kind of scene that Americans have come to expect from their elder statesmen: a quiet, unassuming return to private life after giving up power. Except, that is, for the quiet and unassuming part.
hypothesis: The Spanish daily is set in Madrid. premise: According to the Spanish daily, this type of bacterium is prevalent in hospitals throughout the world, but the incidence of infection in Madrid hospitals is lower than the Spanish average. The head of the Neonatal Unit at 12 de Octubre Hospital, Carmen Pay's, explained that the bacterium is very adaptable "and keeps on learning". The father of the dead baby, an Ecuadorian named Angel Marcelo, was quoted as saying that the progress of the baby had at first been "tremendous", and that he had even been taken off the respirator, but that a few days later he began to cough up blood, dying soon afterwards.
hypothesis: The team studies hibernating mammals in Germany. premise: The German-based team say their study is the only report of prolonged hibernation in a tropical mammal.
hypothesis: David Shankbone is an employee of The New York Times. premise: In the early Olympic games, athletes used to run a mile and then recite a poem. The first poet-in-residence of an English football team, Ian McMillan, remarked that football chants are like huge tribal poems. Generally, though, sport and poetry have never seemed natural companions in human enterprise. Until the New York Mets baseball team suffered in 2007 arguably the worst collapse in Major League Baseball history. To describe the anguish fans felt, The New York Times turned to a poet, Frank Messina. "Nothing was really representing the fan's point of view," Messina told Wikinews reporter David Shankbone in an interview. "There's a lot of hurting people out there who can't express what happened."
hypothesis: Three parties form a Dutch coalition government. premise: His (or her) mandate is always to form a coalition based on a majority in the Dutch Parliament and a general agreement on policy ('regeerakkoord'). During a formation parties barter, letting go of some goals to achieve others.
hypothesis: Nizar HAMDOON, Iraqi ambassador to the United Nations, announced that thousands of people could be killed or wounded due to the aerial bombardment of Iraq. premise: Iraq's representative to the United Nations, Nizar Hamdoun, announced today, Sunday, that thousands of people were killed or injured during the four days of air bombardment against Iraq.
hypothesis: Phil Wittmann works for Tom Benson. premise: A force majeure is an act of God, said attorney Phil Wittmann, who represents the New Orleans Saints and owner Tom Benson's local interests.
hypothesis: Walter Murray works with Akmal. premise: Akmal's colleague, Walter Murray of the Gulf Intelligence Monitor agreed, saying it would be foolish for the group to alienate potential supporters in the West and endanger the fruits of years of lobbying western governments with such attacks. Murray felt the bombers were more likely "...loose cannons..." in Iran's military or intelligence services. According to Iranian top national security official Ali Agha Mohammadi, "[t]he terrorists of Ahvaz infiltrated Iran from the region of Basra" in southern Iraq." He added that "[t]hese terrorists have been trained under the umbrella of the Americans in Iraq."
hypothesis: Language skills are a means of social integration. premise: It would create an underclass of illiterate and impoverished residents, deprived of basic skills, including English-language skills, necessary for the integration of immigrant children into our society and our work force.
hypothesis: US Steel may invest in strip casting. premise: US Steel could even have a technical advantage over Nucor since one new method of steel making it is considering, thin strip casting, may produce higher quality steel than the Nucor thin slab technique.
hypothesis: Nuclear Power Plant of Sosnovyi Bor suffers an emergency shut down. premise: The accident in the Ukrainian nuclear power plant at Chernobyl on April 26, 1986 brought along great harm for many people. There were immediate damages and consequential burdens for human beings, the environment and the economy over long distances.
hypothesis: White House ignored the threat of attack premise: The White House failed to act on the domestic threat from al Qaeda prior to September 11, 2001.
hypothesis: Begum was not able to feed herself. premise: Begum, who had to borrow to buy bamboo to make stools, received 25 cents a day from moneylenders. After giving them stools to pay off her debt, she was left with 2 cents a day, barely enough to feed herself.
hypothesis: 237 days is the record for the longest stay in space by a human. premise: The longest mission to Salyut 7 was also a record-breaker, lasting 237 days (nearly eight months) in space.
hypothesis: It could lead to thousands of job losses. premise: It could mean to leave in the street to thousands of workers.
hypothesis: Muslims pray at the mosque. premise: Then the most important part of the day begins as Muslims go to the mosque, their special place of worship.
hypothesis: Slovenia has 2 million inhabitants. premise: In other words, with its 2 million inhabitants, Slovenia has only 5.5 thousand professional soldiers.
hypothesis: The Sears Tower has 110 stories. premise: The twin buildings are 88 stories each, compared with the Sears Tower's 110 stories.
hypothesis: The Senate is the least productive. premise: Forty-five percent of the bills examined were bipartisan, and 85 percent of the reviewed bills had Republican lead sponsors. 8221; Small business owners are disappointed by the Republican track record, particularly the lack of productivity in the Senate.
hypothesis: AT&T blames a court decision that will cause higher prices. premise: AT&T Corp. says it will stop selling traditional local and long-distance residential service in seven states, blaming its move on a court decision that it says will result in higher prices for its use of regional networks.
hypothesis: The Dayton Peace Treaty was formulated to end the war in Bosnia. premise: The Dayton Peace Accords for Bosnia and Herzegovina was the first major peace agreement adopted after the Beijing conference, in December 1995.
hypothesis: Qatar is located in Shahaniya. premise: The main race track in Qatar is located in Shahaniya, on the Dukhan Road.
hypothesis: Matthew Cornish was killed in Iraq. premise: The father of a British soldier who was killed in Iraq yesterday has paid tribute to his son. 29 year-old Corporal Matthew Cornish, who was married with two young children, sustained injuries after a mortar attack on a base in Basra. He was rushed to hospital, but he later died. He was the first soldier to be killed in an attack on a UK military compound in Iraq. "I'm proud of him as a soldier and as a son. He did the Army proud," 60 year-old Robin Cornish said of his son, the one hundred and fifteenth British soldier to be killed in Iraq since operations began in 2003.
hypothesis: Acid attacks are carried out on women premise: Acid attacks on women are carried out across Asia, with reports of such incidents from Burma, Cambodia, India and Pakistan.
hypothesis: 58% of Americans are unsatisfied with Clinton's job performance. premise: Nevertheless, 58 percent of Americans expressed their satisfaction with the President's job performance. 44 percent supported Nixon at the very beginning of the investigation into Watergate.
hypothesis: Nuclear waste transport delayed in Germany. premise: Anti-nuclear protesters on Wednesday delayed the progress of a shipment of radioactive waste toward a dump in northern Germany. The train stopped for the fourth time since crossing into Germany as it neared the northern town of Lueneburg.
hypothesis: Pibul was the minister in Bangkok. premise: The plan was never drawn up on paper, but discussed verbally, particularly between Prime Minister Pibul and the British Minister in Bangkok.
hypothesis: In the May 2005 general election Conservatives got 33 seats. premise: In the May 2005 general election Michael Howard failed to unseat the Labour Government, although the Conservatives did gain 33 seats, playing the most significant role in reducing Labour's majority from 167 to 66.
hypothesis: Television footage showed several levels of the multi-level supermarket covered in soot, including the lower level parking garage. premise: Witnesses told police a gas canister exploded to start the fire in a multilevel building which houses the Ycua Bolanos supermarket, a food court and a parking garage, causing the bottom floor to collapse.
hypothesis: Oil prices this Tuesday surged to an all-time high in New York, at 42 dollars a barrel, 1.92 dollars a barrel more than last Friday. premise: Oil prices this Tuesday rose sharply in New York and London reaching a record 42,33 US dollars per barrel, 2.45 US dollars more than last Friday.
hypothesis: Giulio Andreotti is a prime minister. premise: Six time prime minister Giulio Andreotti is just one of the many casualties stemming from these investigations and subsequent trials.
hypothesis: The ban on ivory trade has been effective in protecting the elephant from extinction. premise: A report by the AfricanElephant Specialist Group, which is responsible for monitoring the conservation of the elephants,concludes that elephant poaching has increased despite the 1989 international ban on ivory trading
hypothesis: A Sioux ghost shirt was returned by a Scottish museum. premise: Accompanied by Sioux prayers and the keening of Scottish bagpipes, a plain cotton shirt was returned to South Dakota this past summer.
hypothesis: Petroleum will be explored in the South Atlantic. premise: A joint venture led by Australia's Global Petroleum Ltd. said, yesterday, it had won the right to explore for oil and gas in the inhospitable waters south and east of the Falkland Islands.
hypothesis: 18 states have provisions that permit women who quit their jobs because of domestic violence to collect unemployment insurance. premise: Only 18 states, including Massachusetts, have specific provisions that allow women who quit their jobs due to domestic violence to qualify for UI.
hypothesis: The House quickly passes bills addressing the priorities of entrepreneurs. premise: While the House has been extremely active in passing bills addressing the key priorities of entrepreneurs, most of the legislation has hit a brick wall over in the Senate.
hypothesis: Brian Goodell won three gold medals in the 1979 Pan American Games. premise: When comparing Michele Granger and Brian Goodell, Brian has to be the clear winner. In 1976, while still a student at Mission Viejo High, Brian won two Olympic gold medals at Montreal, breaking his own world records in both the 400- and 1,500-meter freestyle events. He went on to win three gold medals in he 1979 Pan American Games.
hypothesis: Zarubezhneft trades in oil. premise: Some large Russian oil companies, including Lukoil, Zarubezhneft, the state-owned oil company, and Alpha Eco, the trader, were implicated by the report.
hypothesis: Crude oil costs $63. premise: Prices hit their lowest levels in five weeks Friday, with light, sweet crude for October closing at $63 on the New York Mercantile Exchange, the lowest settlement price since Aug. 5.
hypothesis: Robert Waltrip works for the Bush family. premise: SCI, Houston's largest funeral services company, was headed by Robert Waltrip--a close associate of the Bush family.
hypothesis: Duane Hanson was born in Minnesota. premise: Sculptures by Duane Hanson is an exhibition of lifelike people sculptures created by this Minnesota born artist.
hypothesis: Ross Perot ran for president in 1992. premise: In the very same room in fall, 1992, George Bush prepped to debate Clinton and Ross Perot in practice sessions with Chief of Staff John H. Sununu.
hypothesis: The Israeli army carried out a widespread operation in Jenin. premise: The Israeli army forces carried out, on Saturday, a widespread military operation into the West Bank town of Jenin and its refugee camp, local Palestinian sources said.
hypothesis: Budapest consists of two principal parts that were merged in 1873. premise: Budapest consists of two parts, Buda and Pest, which are situated on opposite sides of the river and connected by a series of bridges.
hypothesis: Zoe died in a boating accident. premise: Though fearful of a forthcoming performance evaluation by her boss, Zoe must unravel the life of a man just found dead of a heart attack, who was supposed to have died three years earlier in a boating accident.
hypothesis: Steven Jenkins was shot by a friend. premise: The fatal shooting of Steven Charles Jenkins, a terminally ill AIDS patient, by his friend Philip Lee Saylor at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center has again focused attention on the problems of death and dying in our society.
hypothesis: Mark Hacking was booked into the Salt Lake County Jail on Monday. premise: Hacking reported his wife missing on July 19, a Monday.
hypothesis: A case of rabies was confirmed. premise: Public health and animal health officials from the Departments of Health and Community Services and Forest Resources and Agrifoods today confirmed a rabies case involving a red fox in western Newfoundland.
hypothesis: Bill Clinton belongs to the Democratic Party. premise: He has borrowed a clutch of bright ideas from Bill Clinton's favorite think-tank, the Democratic Leadership Council, and endorsed Medicare reforms suggested by one of the Democratic Party's brightest luminaries, Louisiana's John Breaux.
hypothesis: J.J. Hardy has a contract with the Milwaukee Brewers. premise: While local cab drivers had compliments, not everyone appreciated the company. The Chicago Cubs decided to cancel their booking after hearing about the con, and J.J. Hardy of the Milwaukee Brewers reported being kept up by fans on Wednesday night. The Brewers lost their game the following day. The convention closed with next year's date ―June 26-29 ―along with the announcement of a guest: Disney animator Floyd Norman. The event's theme will be "It's a Jungle Out There!".
hypothesis: Candidates are entertaining voters in their homes. premise: The Damascus public have been welcomed into the election candidate's private homes or to specially erected tents where voters have been enjoying food, drink and entertainment, particularly in the home of the wealthy candidate, Adnan Mullah, where dozens of supporters and friends have been invited to dinner every evening.
hypothesis: Mohammad Khalifa's father-in-law is Osama Bin Laden. premise: The brother-in-law of Mohammad Oreibi al-Khalifa, the new chief judge in the genocide trial of Saddam Hussein, has been shot dead, police sources say.
hypothesis: Baltic Countries join the EU. premise: The agreement also stated a period of transition for the Baltic countries to last until December 31, 1999. This was a much shorter period than that which was assigned to the Central European countries (their transition periods were declared to be 10 years). Estonia declined the transition period, Latvia received a transition period of four years, and Lithuania received a transition period of six years.
hypothesis: The Gulf War was fought in 1991. premise: Oil prices, notoriously vulnerable to political events, spiked as high as $40 a barrel during the Gulf War in 1991.
hypothesis: Allan Chapman is employed at the River Forecast Centre. premise: But these are only first hazards. "If the rain continues at the same magnitude and according to the forecast, then some of the rivers could reach flood stage either later [Tuesday] or Wednesday morning," said Allan Chapman, a hydrologist with the River Forecast Centre in Victoria.
hypothesis: Cyprus was divided in 1974. premise: Since 1974, Cyprus has been divided, de facto, into the government-controlled southern two-thirds of the island and the Turkish-Cypriot northern one-third.
hypothesis: An official source in the American Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that Russia called the United States "for consultation" because of the bombings on Iraq . premise: The American State Department announced that Russia recalled her ambassador to the United States "for consultation" due to the bombing operations on Iraq.
hypothesis: Eight people planted two bombs near an Islamic school in Pakistan. premise: Two bombs planted near an Islamic school in Pakistan killed eight people and injured 42 others yesterday in the latest outbreak of violence gripping the southern port of Karachi.
hypothesis: The Philippine Stock Exchange Composite Index dropped. premise: The Philippine Stock Exchange Composite Index rose 0.1 percent to 1573.65.
hypothesis: Arnold Schwarzenegger is Austrian. premise: California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger (R) on Friday signed five bills into law that allow California to receive more than $17.5 billion in federal economic stimulus aid, but the funding will not be enough for the state to avoid $3 billion in tax increases and cuts to services to balance its budget, the San Francisco Chronicle reports. The legislation changes eligibility reporting requirements for children enrolled in Medi-Cal and allows more people to qualify for unemployment insurance and extends the benefit by 20 weeks. Medi-Cal is the state's Medicaid program.
hypothesis: The Ebro Delta is used for farming. premise: The Ebro Delta (delta de l'Ebro) is the largest humid zone in Catalonia. It is the second most important natural aquatic habitat in Spain after the Doana National Park. The Delta is of international importance for its plant species and its fauna.
hypothesis: Plants are grown in water or in substances other than soil. premise: A few growers place charcoal in the bottom of containers to absorb excess salts and maintain sweet soil, if plants are grown more than a few months.
hypothesis: Israel has 1.5m Jewish inhabitants. premise: For one, Israel can comfortably subtract Gaza's 1.5m inhabitants from its demographic nightmare, maintaining, for a while longer perhaps, the Jewish majority.
hypothesis: Vitamin E can prevent heart disease. premise: If you have rheumatic heart disease, high blood pressure, or diabetes, or take digitalis drugs, vitamin E can be harmful.
hypothesis: Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia teamed up with Fighters and Lovers. premise: A recently created Danish clothing company is selling on the internet T-shirts in order to support the clandestine radio station of the Colombian guerrilla group Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) and the graphical workshop of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). In fact the money will be used by these groups to carry on their terrorist activities. FARC activities include kidnappings, masacres, bombs, extortions and the drug trade. Fighters and Lovers is selling the T-shirts at 170 DKK (US$27.6), from which 35 DKK (US$5.7) are to be destinated to support both armed groups.
hypothesis: Tom Cruise is married to Katie Holmes. premise: Morton's book was published January 15, and hit number one on's Top Sellers list on January 18. Yesterday, the book hit the number one spot on The New York Times Best Sellers list. The book is not for sale in Britain or Ireland, and the New York Post has reported that British tourists to the United States are buying copies of the book to bring back home. Morton makes some controversial assertions in the book, including that Cruise is second in command at the Church of Scientology, and that Scientology was the cause of Cruise and Nicole Kidman's separation.
hypothesis: McDonald's Corp., the world's largest restaurant chain, led the advance after the company reported earnings that exceeded estimates. premise: McDonald's said overall global sales at its restaurants climbed 6.2% in June, 6.3% in the second quarter and 7.1% for the year to date.
hypothesis: Three scholars shared a Nobel Prize for their studies about the game theory. premise: Winning Team John C. Harsanyi, John F. Nash and Reinhard Selten were jointly awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics. The three professors were singled out for their unique contributions to game theory, derived from studies of games such as poker or chess, in which players have to think ahead and devise a strategy based on expected countermoves from opponents.
hypothesis: The train accelerates to 430 kilometers per hour. premise: The high-speed train, scheduled for a trial run on Tuesday, is able to reach a maximum speed of up to 430 kilometers per hour, or 119 meters per second.
hypothesis: 23% of the atmosphere is made up by oxygen. premise: Around 50 million years ago, in contrast, oxygen levels in the atmosphere measured 23 percent--2 percent higher than today.
hypothesis: Anna Politkovskaya was murdered. premise: President Vladimir Putin vowed Monday to track down the killers of Anna Politkovskaya, while her colleagues at Novaya Gazeta pledged to continue her work despite dangers.
hypothesis: CNN reported that officials at the Pentagon said that President Clinton is obligated to stop the shelling on Iraq . premise: The American television network "CNN" reported that officials at the American Defense Department (The Pentagon) will recommend halting the bombing on Iraq to President Bill Clinton this evening, Saturday.
hypothesis: Hector Oqueli Colindres is a citizen of Mexico. premise: Mexico City (Mexico), 12 Jan 90 (DPA) -Salvadoran Social Democratic politician Hector Oqueli Colindres was kidnapped today in Guatemala city, along with Guatemalan Social Democratic leader Gilda Flores, his party, in Mexico City, reported.
hypothesis: China, Chad, Libya and Eritrea sell arms to Sudan. premise: China has been, and continues to be, a major supplier of light weapons to the government of Sudan and many of the neighbouring states, said Ernst Jan Hogendoorn, one of four U.N. experts on an panel which recommended 17 players in the Darfur conflict be sanctioned for obstructing peace. The panel's report found Sudan's neighbours Chad, Libya and Eritrea had supplied weapons to Darfur and that most of the small arms and ammunition in the region were Chinese. "Chinese arms and ammunition are relatively cheap compared to other suppliers -- some also argue that China asks fewer questions," said Hogendoorn.
hypothesis: Gerhardt Schroeder was accused of helping VW. premise: Mr David Herman, head of GM's local operations accused Mr Gerhardt Schroeder, prime Minister of Lower Saxony and a member of the VW supervisory board, of trying to use his political weight to influence the investigations by state prosecutors in Hesse into claims of industrial espionage against GM.
hypothesis: Garry Breitkreuz is a member of the Conservative Party. premise: Instead of action on crime, we got the federal long gun registry, which became a bloated bureaucratic nightmare to responsible hunters, farmers and rural Canadians. It cost taxpayers some CA$2 billion and it hasn't done a thing to reduce gun crime. said Harper. The Conservatives have provided amnesty for unregistered gun owners. At this time there is no legislation set before the House of Commons. Conservative Garry Breitkreuz from Saskatchewan tabled the bill killing the long-gun registry.
hypothesis: Lakers win the championship. premise: The Los Angeles Lakers rolled over the Indiana Pacers in Wednesday's the opening round game of the NBA championship series.
hypothesis: The official religion of Thailand is Theravada Buddhism. premise: The official religion is Theravada Buddhism, which is also practiced in neighboring Laos, Thailand, Burma and Sri Lanka.
hypothesis: Montezemolo is the president of Ferrari and Fiat. premise: LONDON (Reuters) - Ferrari president Luca di Montezemolo has presented the struggling Formula One champions with a penitent's hood while warning them not to become a laughing stock. "It would be a euphemism to say people here were very angry, but these same people are also very determined to react," the team quoted him as saying after a 2-1/2 hour crisis meeting in Maranello on Tuesday afternoon. "I brought with me a monk's hood to make everyone understand that we have to tackle this season with humility, and made the point that I don't want to find us on some sort of TV comedy video programme after each race," he added.
hypothesis: Humans existed 10,000 years ago. premise: About one million years ago, these people began to slowly leave Africa.
hypothesis: The Army Of National Liberation are supporters of Castro. premise: Bogota, 4 May 88 - The dissemination of a document questioning Colombia's oil policy, is reportedly the aim of the publicity stunt carried out by the pro-Castro Army Of National Liberation, which kidnapped several honorary consuls, newsmen, and political leaders.
hypothesis: The European country with the highest birth rate is Bosnia-Herzegovina. premise: The European-born groups with the highest labor force participation rates were from Bosnia and Herzegovina
hypothesis: Clonaid has cloned 13 babies. premise: Clonaid, which claims to have produced 13 cloned babies worldwide, told the Streats daily newspaper two Singaporean couples had signed deals agreeing to pay $200,000 to conceive children through cloning.
hypothesis: Guerrillas attacked government buildings. premise: Leftist guerrillas early Tuesday attacked a residential neighborhood in northern San Salvador where many government and military leaders have their homes.
hypothesis: In the Netherlands, people can legally have 32 grams of cannabis in their possession. premise: Between 1978 and 1982, 32 states acknowledged the medical benefits and attempted to make cannabis available, but possession remains a federal offence. Among the states where marijuana is legally used for medical purposes are California, Oregon, Washington, Alaska, Arizona, and Nevada.
hypothesis: Nancy Vine is in business with Donald and Dorothy LeGros. premise: Nancy Vine, who sells tickets at the Big Sky drive-in, seven nights a week, is a daughter of Donald and Dorothy LeGros - part of the extended family that operates the drive-in.
hypothesis: Dr James Anderson is an employee at the University of Reading. premise: On December 7, BBC News reported a story about Dr James Anderson, a teacher in the Computer Science department at the University of Reading in the United Kingdom. In the report it was stated that Anderson had "solved a very important problem" that was 1200 years old, the problem of division by zero. According to the BBC, Anderson had created a new number, that he had named "nullity", that lay outside of the real number line. Anderson terms this number a "transreal number", and denotes it with the Greek letter F. He had taught this number to pupils at Highdown School, in Emmer Green, Reading.
hypothesis: The Congress wants to boost the economy. premise: This is a major milestone on our road to recovery, and I want to thank the members of Congress who came together in common purpose to make it happen, Obama said in his weekly address. "I will sign this legislation into law shortly, and we'll begin making the immediate investments necessary to put people back to work doing the work America needs done. This historic step won't be the end of what we do to turn our economy around, but the beginning."
hypothesis: A glacial period occurred about 750 million to 600 million years ago. premise: The hullabaloo is over a glacial period dating to about 750 million to 600 million years ago.
hypothesis: Jyestadeva is the author of the Yuktibhasa. premise: Jyestadeva (1500-1610), was an astronomer of the Kerala school founded by Madhava of Sangamagrama and a student of Damodara. He is most known for writing the first calculus text, the Yuktibhasa . He also authored the Drk-karana on astronomical observations.
hypothesis: Italian royal family returns home. premise: The Italian parliament may approve a draft law allowing descendants of the exiled royal family to return home. The family was banished after the Second World War because of the King's collusion with the fascist regime, but moves were introduced this year to allow their return.
hypothesis: The merger of Japanese Banks creates the world's biggest bank. premise: UFJ Holdings Inc. said it wants to merge with Mitsubishi Tokyo Financial Group Inc., a combination that would surpass Citigroup Inc. as the world's biggest bank and accelerate Japan's attempts to clean up bad loans.
hypothesis: Great Britain continues to refuse to discuss sovereignty issues. premise: The exchanges resulted in greatly improved financial, oil, fisheries, and military issues, but Great Britain consistently refused to address the issue of sovereignty over the Falklands.
hypothesis: The official religion of Thailand is Theravada Buddhism. premise: Theravada Buddhism is the official religion of Thailand and is the religion of about 95% of its people. The government permits religious diversity, and other major religions are represented. Spirit worship and animism are widely practiced.
hypothesis: Christopher Hill is a relative of a top US negotiator. premise: With Washington hinting it might soften its tough stance to break the deadlock, top US negotiator, Christopher Hill, said the two sides needed to review the situation.
hypothesis: Trade secrets were stolen. premise: Some of the stolen trade secrets were seized from the defendants at the San Francisco International Airport (SFO) while they were attempting to fly to China.
hypothesis: Victor Emmanuel III was king of Italy from 1900 to 1946. premise: King Victor Emmanuel III of Italy reigned from 1900 to 1946.
hypothesis: The CIA abducted Osama Nasr in 2003. premise: Hassan Mustafa Osama Nasr, a Muslim cleric also known as Abu Omar was taken by a CIA-led team in Milan on 17 February, 2003 and allegedly transferred by vehicle to the Aviano Air Base near Venice, later by air to the Ramstein Air Base in Germany, and lastly sent to Egypt. He was released from prison on Sunday and says that he would like to return to Italy. He also said he has been tortured with electric shocks, beatings, rape threats and genital abuse, and that "I have been reduced to a wreck of a human being."
hypothesis: Five government officials were killed in the suicide bomber attack in Kandahar. premise: KANDAHAR, Afghanistan — Five suicide bombers stormed a government office in Kandahar on Wednesday morning, killing 13 people, including two provincial government officials, and wounding 14. One militant detonated a car bomb at the entrance gate of the provincial council office, as the others stormed the compound with assault rifles and hand grenades. Seven civilians and six police officers were killed in the 20-minute gun battle, which ended when two of the militants blew themselves up in the main hall, said the provincial police chief, Matiullah Qati.
hypothesis: Organic fertilizers are used as soil enhancers. premise: Organic fertilizer slowly enriches and feeds the soil. Fast acting synthetic fertilizers harm soil life.