2 values
hypothesis: Greece and Macedonia are in dispute over name. premise: Greece objects to the neighbouring Skopje government using the name Macedonia, saying it implies claims on a Greek province of the same name.
hypothesis: Kanchenjunga is 8586 meters high. premise: Out of the seven expeditions who were permitted to climb the 8586-meter high Mt. Kanchenjunga, only one climber from the United States succeeded.
hypothesis: A gorilla escaped from his cage in a zoo in Germany. premise: A male gorilla escaped from his cage in the Berlin zoo and sent terrified visitors running for cover, the zoo said yesterday.
hypothesis: Movil Access appoints Gustavo Guzman as CFO. premise: Movil Access, a Grupo Salinas company, announced today that Gustavo Guzman will appoint Jose Luis Riera as company CFO of Grupo Iusacell.
hypothesis: Investigators discovered that a series of illicit arrests of were often followed by disappearances or murders and were preceded by torture. premise: The source added that the investigation proved that the bases of the genocide crime "were completed with a series of illegal arrests followed in some cases with assassinations or cases of disappearances and were preceded, according to information attached to the file, by cases of torture."
hypothesis: The Hutu and Tutsi groups fought in Rwanda. premise: Witnesses of genocide attacks on minority Tutsis in Rwanda are being singled out for execution by extremist Hutus in refugee camps in southwest Rwanda, a U.N. spokesman said in Kigali, the capital.
hypothesis: Ruslana was born in Ukraine. premise: First becoming famous in her native Ukraine in the 1990s, long-haired self-described "Amazon" Ruslana gained international recognition for winning the 2004 Eurovision Song Contest with her song "Wild Dances," inspired by the musical traditions of the Hutsul people of the Ukrainian Carpathian Mountains. In the five years since, Ruslana has decided to use her name and public status to represent a number of worthy causes, including human trafficking, renewable energy, and even the basic concept of democratic process, becoming a public face of Ukraine's Orange Revolution and later serving in Parliament.
hypothesis: The record for the longest stay in space, by a human, is 438 days. premise: The longest stay in space was 438 days by Valeri Polyakov.
hypothesis: Clark is a relative of Jones'. premise: The car which crashed against the mail-box belonged to James Clark, 68, an acquaintance of James Jones' family.
hypothesis: Alfredo Cristiani visits Mexico on June 7. premise: Cauhtemoc Cardenas said during a news conference on 7 June that the visit to Mexico by Salvadoran president Alfredo Cristiani is a visit by "a repressive ruler who oppresses a large sector of his people."
hypothesis: US officials are concerned by the political vacuum and fear that it is feeding sectarian tensions, correspondents say. premise: Shiite and Kurdish political leaders continued talks, on Monday, on forming a new government, saying they expected a full cabinet to be announced within a day or two.
hypothesis: Kathleen Sebelius comes from Pennsylvania. premise: WASHINGTON — The Senate confirmed the nomination of Kathleen Sebelius as secretary of health and human services on Tuesday, allowing President Obama to fill the last vacancy in his cabinet with a seasoned politician who will take charge of the fight against swine flu. The vote was 65 to 31. Among the nine Republicans who voted for Ms. Sebelius was Senator Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania, who announced on Tuesday that he was becoming a Democrat. Besides directing federal efforts against swine flu, Ms. Sebelius will lead the administration's campaign for universal health insurance.
hypothesis: Alfred Nobel is the inventor of dynamite. premise: A British Dynamite Company (Ardeer, Scotland, UK) is founded. In 1877 the company name was changed to Nobel's Explosives Company.
hypothesis: The merger of Japanese Banks creates the world's biggest bank. premise: The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd. raised $19.07 billion Friday after pricing its initial public offering at HK$3.07 (39 cents), the top end of its indicative price range, to become the world's biggest ever IPO.
hypothesis: Barack Obama is the first black candidate to become the president of the United States. premise: Barack Obama made history on 4 November 2008 when he defeated Republican rival John McCain to become the first black president of the United States. He had already broken new ground in his White House campaign, as the first black candidate to become the presidential choice of either major US party. To many people, Mr Obama seemed to come from nowhere. Although he had served in the Illinois state senate for eight years, it was only in 2004 that he shot to national prominence, with a speech that stirred the Democratic National Convention.
hypothesis: Ebola Epidemic breaks out in Zaire. premise: Ebola haemorrhagic fever is a fatal disease caused by a new virus which has no known cure. When a new epidemic was detected in Zaire in the spring of 1995, it was widely perceived as a threat to the West. Public attention was intense.
hypothesis: Rick Dinon is the senior vice president of 20th Century Insurance Co. premise: 20th Century spokesman Rick Dinon said that between the time it applied for the rate increase and changed its mind, the estimated quake losses had ballooned by several hundred million dollars.
hypothesis: 100 or more people lost their lives in a ferry sinking. premise: A wooden steamer of 293 ft sank on 10/13/1902, 13.5 miles North by Northwest of Fairport Harbor, Ohio. The lives of ten of the 19 persons on board were lost in the wreck.
hypothesis: File-sharing service, Grokster, is in talks to be acquired by Mashboxx, which is attempting to establish a legal peer-to-peer music company. premise: The latest file-sharing service trying to go legit in a bid to avoid an expensive and dragged-out court battle is Grokster Ltd., according to a report published in The Wall Street Journal on Monday.
hypothesis: Wilson was awarded the Pulitzer Prize. premise: During that time, Wilson received the best-play Tony Award for "Fences," plus best-play Tony nominations for six of his other plays, the Pulitzer Prize for both "Fences" and "The Piano Lesson," and (a record) seven New York Drama Critics' Circle prizes.
hypothesis: The Islamic Resistance Movement is also known as the Militant Islamic Palestinian Organization. premise: It is also an acronym that stands for Islamic Resistance Movement, a militant Islamist Palestinian organization that opposes the existence of the state of Israel and favors the creation of an Islamic state in Palestine.
hypothesis: DOH stands for Department of Hurricanes. premise: Unlike the three subtypes, Zaire, Sudan and Ivory Coast, which can cause hemorrhagic symptoms, Reston does not. There has been no evidence that Reston can cause significant illness in humans. When Reston was previously found in monkeys, few animal handlers were infected but only one had very mild symptoms, the DOH's official website announced. In January 1997, the Philippines Department of Environment and Natural Resources ordered the immediate slaughter of some 600 monkeys in Ferlite, a breeding farm in Laguna, to prevent an outbreak of Reston ebolavirus.
hypothesis: Martin works for the Ochsner Foundation Hospital. premise: Martin was taken to New Orleans Ochsner Foundation Hospital, where nurse Jinny Resor said he was treated for dehydration.
hypothesis: Mahmoud Abbas has claimed victory in the Palestinian presidential elections, and has dedicated his win to Yasser Arafat, who died in November 2004. premise: Interim Palestinian leader, Mahmoud Abbas, has won a landslide victory in Sunday's presidential election and will succeed the late Yasser Arafat.
hypothesis: 483Lu suffers from the H5N1 virus. premise: A new strain of Avian Flu or Bird Flu has been discovered in China and has also infected some humans. The virus also "spreads fast" and has covered a "big geographic region" according to Chinese health officials. It is not known how dangerous the new virus is and whether it is stronger or deadlier than the current H5N1 virus. Despite being detected in humans, no evidence has turned up to suggest that the virus can be spread easily from human to human.
hypothesis: The gunman is described as a white male in his 30s with a medium build, shoulder-length blonde hair and an unkempt appearance. premise: Investigators described the gunman as white, about 30 years old, of medium build with shoulder-length, wavy blond hair and as having a "scruffy" or "grunge" appearance.
hypothesis: Sumner died at Farnham. premise: In 1869 Sumner resigned his see, but continued to live at the official residence at Farnham until his death on the 15th of August 1874.
hypothesis: Baltic Countries join the EU. premise: Sida does not take any new decisions on support to projects in the Baltic states.
hypothesis: The US Declaration of Independence is located in Independence Hall. premise: Among the fascinating sites in the city are Independence Hall where the Declaration of Independence was signed, and one of America's principal symbols of freedom, The Liberty Bell, located in Congress Hall.
hypothesis: Termini is the owner of Ellicott Lofts. premise: Termini purchased and developed several buildings and areas including the Ellicott Lofts on Ellicott Street in Buffalo, which opened in 2003, The Oak School Lofts which used to be a Buffalo Alternative School, and 'IS' Lofts on Oak Street in Buffalo. Eva Hassett, Vice President of Savarino Construction, and Karl Frizlen an architect from The Frizlen Group and designer of the hotel commented on the development proposal. Hassett said, "We've been thinking about it and trying to put it together for the last few months, and it was made public a couple of weeks ago."
hypothesis: Missouri's population is 2.8 million. premise: While the total population for Missouri increased by 2.8 percent, the Hispanic population shows a 24.9 percent increase between 2000 and 2004.
hypothesis: Warsaw remained Poland's capital after the war. premise: On Feb. 1, 1945, the Polish government made Warsaw its capital, and an office for urban reconstruction was set up.
hypothesis: Steps are being taken to stop the smuggling of aliens. premise: INS predicts that the smuggling will continue to increase and that alien smuggling organizations will become more sophisticated, organized, and complex.
hypothesis: The climbing community supports AFCA. premise: AFCA has received tremendous support from the climbing community around the world, Tanya Weaver, executive director of the AFCA, said. "We think the challenge of climbing to the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro is an appropriate symbol for the uphill battle HIV/AIDS children face." This viral event is not just limited to climbing. The AFCA invites anyone and everyone to climb, hike, bike, or run for whatever distance to raise money for the children. Corporations are encouraged to either sponsor, match donations, or organize a team of their own. Non-participants of the fundraiser can go the AFCA's website for the program and sponsor one of the climbers for the Climb Up Kilimanjaro part of the program. The AFCA's assistance in HIV/AIDS stricken countries does not go unnoticed. Children who have received care from hospitals funded by the organization have sent letters of appreciation, which can be viewed on their website.
hypothesis: Mike Tyson bit Holyfield's ear in 1990. premise: Tyson, who served three years in jail for rape in the 1990s and who bit off part of Evander Holyfield's ear during a 1997 fight, still thinks he can be heavyweight champion again.
hypothesis: The Pribilof Islands are located in the Bering Sea. premise: Two midsummer cruises aboard Clipper Adventure Cruises' 140-passenger World Discoverer (July 8 and Aug. 9) will take you to the wind-swept cliffs of the Pribilof Islands in the Bering Sea, where cartoon-faced horned and tufted puffins stare.
hypothesis: The Salvadoran Armed Forces Soldiers murdered three Salvadoran citizens. premise: The human rights promotion and protection secretariat of the FMLN strongly condemns the massacre of five Spanish-born Jesuit priests, and three Salvadoran citizens, carried out by the Salvadoran Armed Forces Soldiers.
hypothesis: Uma Thurman is engaged to Arpad Busson. premise: The 38-year-old actress recently appeared in a court case against Jack Jordan, a man who was found guilty of stalking her. The friend added: "Everyone is so happy for Uma after what she went through with that stalker. Arki is a guy who can take care of her. "Uma is hoping this time, it's really love. Everyone wants the best for her. And Arki is a really sweet guy." Uma was previously married to actor Gary Oldman, while Arpad has two children with Australian supermodel Elle Macpherson.
hypothesis: Fireworks may cause serious injuries. premise: Fiona North, Ophthalmic Adviser with the SHSSB added: Eye injuries caused by fireworks are extremely serious and can permanently damage eyesight. I would urge those who are co-ordinating efficient firework displays to use appropriate eye protection.
hypothesis: Airbus plans a design engineering centre. premise: Airbus could site a design engineering centre in the Midlands region of the UK to take advantage of the availability of skilled engineering staff following the demise of MG Rover, the collapsed UK carmaker.
hypothesis: Disease, starvation, and overcrowding caused thousands to perish before deportations to the Nazi death camps, especially to Treblinka, began in late 1941. premise: Jews were confined to the Jewish part of town called a ghetto, and many people there starved to death.
hypothesis: The NATO has 16 members. premise: Foreign Ministers of the 16 NATO member countries met early this morning with their Russian counterpart, Yevgeny Primakov, in Berlin in a bid to improve NATO-Russia relations.
hypothesis: Germany is concerned about the effect of the court investigations on domestic economic and political affairs. premise: The VW chief has been under intense pressure from the Bonn government and colleagues in German industry to seek conciliation following his outspoken statements last, which were widely seen as damaging Germany's reputation.
hypothesis: Springsteen introduced some of the 12 new songs off his latest release, "Devils andDust", which was recorded without the E Street Band. premise: Springsteen performed 27 songs Monday night, including most of the 12 new songs from his latest release, "Devils and Dust", which was recorded without the E Street Band.
hypothesis: Arlan and Sarah Calderon are Japanese. premise: A teenager in Japan whose parents are being deported to the Philippines has decided to stay in Tokyo with her aunt. After the family lost a three-year battle to remain in Japan, Noriko Calderon, 13, had to choose whether to stay in Japan or go with her parents. She said an emotional goodbye to them at Tokyo's main airport. Filipinos Arlan and Sarah Calderon used fake passports to enter Japan in the early 1990s, and their daughter was born and raised in the country.
hypothesis: Citizens of the 25 EU nations are punished by their governments for everything. premise: Protest votes as citizens of the 25 EU nations punished their governments for everything from high unemployment to involvement in Iraq.
hypothesis: Titan is the fifteenth of Saturn's known satellites. premise: These new results from Cassini may be the first evidence of gases originating either from the surface or possibly from the interior of Enceladus, said Dr. Michele Dougherty, principal investigator for the Cassini magnetometer and professor at Imperial College in London. Scientists have suspected Enceladus as geologically active and a possible source of Saturn's icy E ring. Enceladus is the most reflective object in the solar system, reflecting about 90 percent of the sunlight that hits it.
hypothesis: Aerosmith are a rock band. premise: Rock stars Aerosmith are to hold a free concert in Hawaii to placate angry fans who brought a legal case against them. The Walk This Way hitmakers cancelled a sold-out show in Maui two years ago, leaving hundreds of fans out of pocket. They filed a class action case, which claimed the band had pulled out in favour of a bigger gig in Chicago and a private show for car dealers in Oahu. Lawyers for the would-be concert-goers said Aerosmith had now agreed to put on a new show, and would pay all expenses.
hypothesis: The Chernobyl disaster had repercussions outside the ex-USSR. premise: Busby countered, telling The Iconoclast, the point is that material from Chernobyl which is 1,800 miles to the east of Great Britain traveled to Great Britain and contaminated Wales, Scotland, and various parts of the United Kingdom. And they might as well have said that it was equally unfeasible for it to travel that distance in the opposite direction to the general flow of the wind, but we have examined computer Models of wind directions over the period of the Gulf War and its quite clear the material from Iraq could have come through the United Kingdom because of the particular types of depressions and anticyclone systems that were there.
hypothesis: The UK retailer Zavvi has called in administrators during Christmas. premise: During the weekend of Sunday 28 December the 75 year old children's clothes retailer, Adams Childrenswear called in administrators PricewaterhouseCoopers. Adams had previously been placed in administration with PricewaterhouseCoopers in 2006, but was rescued by Northern Irish businessman John Shannon in February 2007. A large rebranding followed in 2008, after 42 stores were closed. Adams has outlets worldwide in places such as Saudi Arabia, and also makes clothing under the Mini Mode brand for Boots. At the time of the 2008 administration there were 260 stores in the UK and 116 outlets overseas, employing around 2000 people. Adams is reported to owe around £20 million to Mr Shannon and £10 million to Burdale.
hypothesis: 20-30 percent of people infected with HIV live in Africa. premise: In Africa today, the majority of infected people acquire HIV by the time they are in their 20s or 30s and, on average, die within ten years.
hypothesis: The headquarters of the National Cancer Institute are in Seattle. premise: Now, President Barack Obama, discussing his plans for health care, has vowed to find "a cure" for cancer in our time and said that, as part of the economic stimulus package, he would increase federal money for cancer research by a third for the next two years. Cancer has always been an expensive priority. Since the war on cancer began, the National Cancer Institute, the federal government's main cancer research entity, with 4,000 employees, has alone spent $105 billion. And other government agencies, universities, drug companies and philanthropies have chipped in uncounted billions more.
hypothesis: Yoko Ono was John Lennon's wife. premise: Yoko Ono, widow of murdered Beatles star John Lennon, has plastered the small German town of Langenhagen with backsides.
hypothesis: The cost of the consumer of the United States fell in June. premise: U.S. consumer spending dived in June.
hypothesis: Foreign oil reserves will be made available to the U.S. in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. premise: The 26-member International Energy Agency said, Friday, that member countries would release oil to help relieve the U.S. fuel crisis caused by Hurricane Katrina.
hypothesis: There are 1,100 pandas in the wild, in China. premise: Today's best estimate of giant panda numbers in the wild is about 1,100 individuals living in up to 32 separate populations mostly in China's Sichuan Province, but also in Shaanxi and Gansu provinces.
hypothesis: Iran hands over al Qaeda members. premise: Iran is said to give up al Qaeda members.
hypothesis: Jean Charles de Menezes is related to Alex Pereira. premise: Speaking of Jean Charles de Menezes, who was chased by armed officers into the station and shot five times at close range, his cousin, Alex Pereira, hinted today that his family would sue Scotland Yard over the killing.
hypothesis: Pibul was a field marshal. premise: Dr. Pridi was forced into exile, and Field Marshal Pibul again assumed power.
hypothesis: translator kidnapped in Iraq premise: Two Turkish engineers and an Afghan translator kidnapped in December were freed Friday.
hypothesis: Thousands of Shias have marched in the southern Iraqi city of Basra to back the new constitution. premise: Thousands of Shiite Muslims rallied Friday, in the southern city of Basra, to show support for Iraq's new constitution and the Shiite-dominated government.
hypothesis: Carrie Prejean is Miss California. premise: And although Carrie Prejean may not go down in history as having the worst pageant answer in history (that dishonor may go to 2007's Miss South Carolina Teen USA), her answer might have been worded a bit more eloquently. She answered: "I think it's great that Americans are able to choose one or the other. We live in a land that you can choose same-sex marriage or opposite marriage and, you know what, in my country and my family I think that I believe that a marriage should be between a man and a woman. No offense to anyone out there but that's how I was raised and that's how I think it should be between a man and a woman." .
hypothesis: Mrs Hobday departs London. premise: Unfortunately, a visit from Mrs Hobday, causes Mr Browne to leave for London.
hypothesis: A case of rabies was confirmed. premise: Drew Walker, NHS Tayside's public health director, said: "It is important to stress that this is not a confirmed case of rabies."
hypothesis: Three Vienna nurses are under suspicion for killing patients. premise: Three nurses in one of Vienna's oldest hospitals have been arrested on suspicion of killing 35 patients.
hypothesis: La Camorra is a mine. premise: Access to the underground workings at the La Camorra mine is via a ramp from the surface, excavated at a -15% grade and connecting numerous levels.
hypothesis: Polio is under control in the world. premise: A massive polio immunization drive is under way in more than 20 nations of West and Central Africa, but in Cote d'Ivoire violence has forced a postponement of the vaccination campaign, the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) announced November 18.
hypothesis: In 2007 about 4,315,000 children were born in the United States. premise: (Washington, D.C.) - More babies were born in the United States last year than ever before, according to preliminary data, but it's not another baby boom just yet. About 4,315,000 children were born in 2007, about 15,000 more births than the peak time of the baby boom in 1957, said Stephanie Ventura, a demographer at the National Center for Health Statistics, which compiled the data from provisional birth certificate registrations at state health departments. "According to our provisional data, we had the highest number of births ever reported in 2007," she said.
hypothesis: Cyanide is used in the production of pharmaceuticals. premise: Hydrogen cyanide is used in manufacturing chemicals such as tryptophan and other amino acids.
hypothesis: The riots in Greece started on December 6. premise: Tension and battles between Greek police and anarchist demonstrators took place in the centre of Athens, Greece, during the anti-war demonstration of the 4th European Social Forum which is taking place in the Greek capital, from 4 to 7 of May 2006. The march of the approximately 1,000 anarchists ended with clashes between groups of anarchists and police. Riot police used tear gas, while a branch of a Greek bank, a fast-food store and around 50 shop windows in central Athens were damaged.
hypothesis: Gazprom detains the Uzbek pipeline monopoly. premise: Russia's natural gas monopoly Gazprom has also shown interest in acquiring a sizable stake in the Uzbek pipeline monopoly.
hypothesis: The Big Bang is the primordial explosion from which the universe was created. premise: According to Naeye, the newfangled telescopes will be able to peer so far back in space and, thus, time that they "will see the first galaxies assembling a few hundred million years after the Big Bang."
hypothesis: Weapons of Mass Destruction Found in Iraq. premise: No Weapons of Mass Destruction Found in Iraq Yet.
hypothesis: Does A Tiger Have A Necktie was produced in London. premise: Loraine besides participating in Broadway's Dreamgirls, also participated in the Off-Broadway production of "Does A Tiger Have A Necktie". In 1999, Loraine went to London, United Kingdom. There she participated in the production of "RENT" where she was cast as "Mimi" the understudy.
hypothesis: In 2002 near Stuttgart a boy shot 16 people. premise: WINNENDEN, Germany ―A teenage gunman killed 15 people, most of them female, on Wednesday in a rampage that began at a school near Stuttgart in southern Germany and ended in a nearby town, where he then killed himself after the police wounded him. The attack left Germany, which tightened tough gun controls after a similar attack at a school seven years ago, struggling to understand the carnage that had again befallen it, a country with relatively little violent crime. In 2002, a gunman killed 16 people before killing himself at a school in Erfurt, in eastern Germany.
hypothesis: Abu Zubaydah belongs to al-Qaida. premise: He said those three detainees are Khalid Sheikh Mohammed - one of the architects of the September 11th attacks on New York and Washington, Abu Zubaydah - who is believed to have been a top al-Qaida strategist, and Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri - who is believed to have played a key role in the bombing of the USS Cole. All three are being held at the U.S. detention facility at Guantanamo Bay. Hayden said waterboarding was used against the three detainees nearly five years ago because of circumstances at the time, including the belief that additional attacks against the United States were imminent. Hayden defended the CIA's use of extreme interrogation techniques as lawful, and urged lawmakers not to impose restrictions on such methods. Congress is considering legislation that would restrict the CIA to using only the interrogation techniques authorized by the U.S. Army's field manual, which does not include waterboarding.
hypothesis: Maulana Sufi Muhammad is the chief of Tehrik Nifaz Shariat-e-Muhammadi. premise: ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — The uneasy truce between the Pakistani government and Taliban militants in the Swat Valley appeared increasingly fragile on Monday as government forces attacked militants in a neighboring district for a second day, causing the main negotiator for the Taliban to break off talks. Maulana Sufi Muhammad, the pro-Taliban cleric who has been negotiating peace talks between the government and the Taliban in Swat, halted talks on Monday to protest the military operation in the Lower Dir district west of Swat, his spokesman said.
hypothesis: Capital punishment is a deterrent to crime. premise: Capital punishment is a catalyst for more crime.
hypothesis: A spelling reform was approved in all German speaking countries. premise: The original spelling reform of 1996, which was meant to harmonize the spelling rules across the German-speaking countries, turned out to be a major embarrassment if not outright failure.
hypothesis: Drug legalization has benefits. premise: This paper describes American alcohol use, the temperance movement, Prohibition, and the War on Drugs and explains how legalizing drugs would reduce crime and public health problems.
hypothesis: Aldrich Hazen Ames is married to Rosario Casas Ames. premise: For the case of Aldrich Hazen (Rick) Ames , and his Colombian-born wife , Maria del Rosario Casas Ames arrested by the FBI on charges that they were Russian spies , is so rich in mysteries , puzzles , riddles and contradictions that the answers may never be untangled even as the CIA's counterintell.
hypothesis: Flooding in Europe causes major economic losses. premise: Floods are one of Europe's most widespread disasters. Major flooding has occurred nearly every year somewhere on our continent during the last few decades.
hypothesis: Readers of online encyclopedias can edit the contents. premise: Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales has been accused of editing pages in the encyclopedia in return for a donation to the Wikimedia Foundation. In an article published Tuesday, the Sydney Morning Herald reported that former Novell computer scientist Jeff Merkey alleged Wales had made edits to his article on his behalf, in exchange for a donation to the Wikimedia Foundation. The news hit the website Slashdot later Tuesday, where the incident was dubbed "DonorGate".
hypothesis: Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani is the president. premise: Iran will hold the first runoff presidential election in its history, between President Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani and Tehran's hard-line mayor, election officials said Saturday.
hypothesis: Houston is George Zamka's hometown. premise: Welcome home, Discovery, after a great mission to bring the International Space Station to full power, said an astronaut, George Zamka, radioing from the mission control center in Houston, Texas. NASA tested an experimental tile under the Discovery's left wing during its approach for landing. The tile was almost eight centimetres thick, and had a bump in it, intended to disturb the otherwise smooth airflow over the shuttle's wing, thus exposing it to high amounts of heat. Engineers installed the tile in order to measure the excess heat that was generated on downstream tiles. A military airplane monitored the heat with an infrared camera. The findings will be used to help determine better designs for future shuttles.
hypothesis: Anousheh Ansari paid to go in space. premise: United States astronaut Sunita Williams, currently on board the International Space Station, has today broken the record for the longest unbroken space flight by a woman. At 5:47 a.m. UTC Williams passed the previous record of 188 days and four hours set by Shannon Lucid in 1996. This is not the only record Williams has broken. Earlier this year she set a record of 29 hours and 17 minutes for time spent by a woman on space walks.
hypothesis: The causes of the outbreak were searched for by a team from the U.S. CDC. premise: A team from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control boarded the ship when it docked in St. Maarten to oversee the cleaning operation and try to determine what caused the outbreak, Carnival said.
hypothesis: The US Congress may re-establish luxury taxes. premise: There are suppositions that the US Democratic Congress may re-establish the luxury taxes, which were already once introduced in the 1990s. The suppositions resulted in the National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors commissioning a report on various tax issues. Material goods such as jewelry, watches, expensive furs, jet planes, boats, yachts, and luxury cars had already been subjected to additional taxes back in 1990. After 3 years these taxes were repealed, though the luxury automobiles tax was still active for the next 13 years.
hypothesis: Deutsche Telekom sold T-Mobile USA. premise: Earlier this year, Kai-Uwe Ricke, chief executive of Deutsche Telekom, floated the possibility that T-Mobile USA might be sold.
hypothesis: Pfizer is the world's largest drug company. premise: Pfizer has reached a broad agreement to pay millions of dollars to Nigeria's Kano state to settle a criminal case alleging that the drug company illegally tested an experimental drug on gravely ill children during a 1996 meningitis epidemic. The details remain private, but sources close to the negotiations said the total payments -- including those to the children, their families, the government and the government's attorneys -- would be about $75 million under the current settlement terms. Other details, including how the money will be distributed, are to be worked out within weeks.
hypothesis: People experienced adverse effects while taking aspirin. premise: For such patients, regular aspirin use significantly decreased the risk for fatal and nonfatal strokes or heart attacks.
hypothesis: The FDA provided a list of states in which the pills have been sold. premise: The FDA would not say in which states the pills had been sold, but instead recommended that customers determine whether products they bought are being recalled by checking the store list on the FDA Web site, and the batch list. The batch numbers appear on the container's label.
hypothesis: The members of the Gulf Cooperation Council are: Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Oman, Bahrain. premise: Qatar and Oman are members of the Gulf Cooperation Council, GCC, which also groups Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).
hypothesis: Britain's Export Credit Guarantee Department underwrites loans to Argentina. premise: Argentina's campaign to re-establish itself as a trustworthy trading partner was boosted yesterday with the underwriting of a Dollars 9.5m buyer credit by Britain's Export Credit Guarantee Department.
hypothesis: The acquisition of the Klaipeda Tobacco company is the biggest investment in the Baltic states. premise: The deal marks the second foray into Lithuania by Philip Morris which in April beat British American Tobacco to acquire the Klaipeda Tobacco company for Dollars 40m - the biggest western investment in the Baltic states so far.
hypothesis: Allen introduced a new technique of creating realistic scenery. premise: Allen was renowned for his skill at scratch-building and creating scenery, and he pioneered the technique of weathering his models to make them look old and more realistic.
hypothesis: Hugh assisted Mustang. premise: Hugh was also very supportive of Mustang's plan to become Fuhrer, doing whatever he can to, as he put it, to "help him from the bottom to the top."
hypothesis: Cyanide is used in gold mining. premise: Gold mining operations in California and Nevada use cyanide to extract the precious metal.
hypothesis: Victor Emmanuel III was king of Italy from 1900 to 1946. premise: Victor Emmanuel III, 1869-1947, king of Italy (1900-1946), emperor of Ethiopia (1936-43), king of Albania (1939-43), son and successor of Humbert I.
hypothesis: The Renminbi Yuan is the currency used in China. premise: The currency used in China is the Renminbi Yuan.