2 values
hypothesis: The dispute between Albania and the UK about the Corfu incident lasted a long time. premise: At a low-key ceremony, Albanian and British officials agreed to bury all outstanding differences caused by the 'Corfu Channel incident'.
hypothesis: Polio is under control in the world. premise: Polio is no longer a serious health problem for people living in the developed nations, such as the United States, Germany, or France.
hypothesis: Babylon surrendered to Cyrus without going to battle. premise: Cyrus captured Babylon without a battle, and remedied the evils done by previous Assyrian and Babylonian rulers by sending prisoners in Babylonia back to their original homelands and aiding in the restoration of temples of the gods of various nations.
hypothesis: NATO has 16 members. premise: The expulsion of Albanians, which has distracted NATO with a parallel relief operation, has only served to harden the resolve of NATO's 19 members, who are now willing to approve attacks on more sensitive targets, like Milosevic's homes and Yugoslavia's state-run television.
hypothesis: Nicholas Cage is married to Alice Kim Cage. premise: Nicholas Cage's wife, Alice Kim Cage, gave birth Monday, to a boy, Kal-el Coppola Cage, in New York City, said Cage's Los Angeles-based publicist, Annett Wolf. No other details were available.
hypothesis: Arnold Schwarzenegger was elected Governor of California. premise: On Tuesday, October 7, 2003, Arnold Schwarzenegger was elected Governor of California.
hypothesis: The World Health Organization is based in Turkey. premise: The situation is being monitored by the World Health Organization but says "it is too early to know whether the virus is changing in ways that would signal the start of a human flu pandemic," says Maria Cheng a spokeswoman for the WHO. "It's one isolate from a single virus from Turkey. The sample suggests the virus might be more inclined to bind to human cells rather than animal cells, but there's no evidence that it's becoming more infectious. If we started to see a lot more samples from Turkey with this mutation and saw the virus changing, we'd be more concerned."
hypothesis: 42 people killed in Karachi bomb attack. premise: Two bombs planted near an Islamic school in Pakistan killed eight people and injured 42 others yesterday in the latest outbreak of violence gripping the southern port of Karachi.
hypothesis: Mars is called the red planet. premise: The Red Planet is thought to have no magnetic field. It has the greenhouse effect which raises the temperature about 5 degrees. It has a very thin atmosphere consisting of 95.3% carbon dioxide, 2.7% nitrogen, 1.6% argon, 0.15% oxygen, and 0.03% water.
hypothesis: The ban on ivory trade has been effective in protecting the elephant from extinction. premise: As a result, the elephant has been brought back from the brink of extinction, thanks to the ban on international trade in ivory and other elephant products.
hypothesis: Chuck Yeager broke the sound barrier in 1947. premise: This was, after all, Chuck Yeager, a guy with all the right stuff, the biggest top gun of them all, whose post-World War II exploits in the topsy-turvy world of supersonic air travel helped pave the way for space exploration.
hypothesis: 7000 days is the record for the longest stay in space by a human. premise: Cosmonaut Valery Polyakov set the record for the longest continuous amount of time spent in space, a staggering 438 days, between 1994 and 1995. He orbited the Earth 7000 times, witnessing 7000 sunrises and 7000 sunsets.
hypothesis: Dr. Kevorkian assisted Janet Adkins to use his suicide device. premise: A doctor from Michigan helped an Oregon woman with Alzheimer's disease commit suicide.
hypothesis: Mike Tyson bit Evander Holyfield's ear on June 28, 1997. premise: On June 28, 1997, in what would become known as the bite fight, Mike Tyson bit Evander Holyfield's ear, purportedly in retaliation for Holyfield headbutting him.
hypothesis: Prudhoe Bay is situated in North Slope. premise: The United States government has filed a civil lawsuit against BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc. (BPXA) alleging that the company "violated federal clean air and water laws" by "illegally discharging" more than 200,000 gallons crude oil during two oil spills in 2006 on Alaska's North Slope in Prudhoe Bay. BPXA previously pleaded guilty to one count of criminal negligence in illegally discharging the oil and paid US$20 million in damages. As a result of the plea, the lawsuit was filed saying that they "failed" to prepare for such a disaster by implementing "certain [sic] spill prevention measures" as the law requires.
hypothesis: The moon was first touched by mankind in 1969. premise: The recovery of the capsule, which carried astronaut Virgil "Gus" Grissom on a brief suborbital flight on July 21, 1961, took place on the 30th anniversary of mankind's first moon landing.
hypothesis: Mark Allen is appointed as chief operating officer. premise: Mark Allen, the company's president and chief operating officer, will become the new CEO.
hypothesis: Ecuador is now allies with Colombia and Venezuela. premise: Tens of thousands of Colombians and Venezuelans attended a free concert Sunday, held on a bridge linking the two countries. It was organized by Grammy-winning rock artist Juanes to celebrate the end of the diplomatic crisis between Colombia, Venezuela, and Ecuador, and to further improve peaceful relations within the region. The "Peace Without Borders" concert was staged atop the Simón Bolívar bridge, which connects the Colombian town of Cúcuta with the Venezuelan town of San Antonio del Táchira. "It would have been much more practical and simple to do it in a city," Juanes told the Miami Herald, "but the border is a symbol of peace between all countries. And this message is for everyone, all the countries in Latin America and the U.S. as well."
hypothesis: James Spader won best actor for "Boston Legal." premise: Tony Shalhoub won best actor in a comedy for "Monk", and James Spader won best actor in a drama for "Boston Legal."
hypothesis: James Spader won best actor for "Boston Legal." premise: British actor, Hugh Laurie, had been favourite to win best drama actor for "House", but lost out to "Boston Legal"'s James Spader.
hypothesis: Tom Online revenues have risen by 38.5%. premise: Tom Online revenues for the three months ended June 30, 2005 were US$42.78 mn, an increase of 38.5% over the same period in 2004.
hypothesis: There is a territorial waters dispute. premise: Indonesia says the oil blocks are within its borders, as does Malaysia, which has also sent warships to the area, claiming that its waters and airspace have been violated.
hypothesis: The first free elections in Iraq were held in January 2005. premise: February 4, 2005, Iraq. With more than two-thirds of the 3.3 million votes counted in the Iraqi legislative election , the United Iraqi Alliance has a considerable lead over interim Iraqi Prime Minister Iyad Allawi's Iraqi List which trails with approximately 17% of the current tally.
hypothesis: The current name of Ceylon is Sri Lanka. premise: It is an independence movement among the Tamil peoples of northern Sri Lanka -- the ancient land of Ceylon independent from Britain in 1948 and took the name Sri Lanka, a Sinhalese word, in 1972.
hypothesis: The state attorney general claimed that the archdiocese engaged in a coverup. premise: The resignation came amid recent allegations by Massachusetts' attorney general that the Boston archdiocese engaged in "an elaborate scheme" to keep quiet the issue of child sexual abuse by priests.
hypothesis: Goosen shot a 69 and has a three-shot lead. premise: Goosen shot a 69 on Saturday, one of only two sub-par rounds on the day, to grab a three-shot lead through 54 holes at Pinehurst No. 2.
hypothesis: Plants are grown in substances other than soil. premise: Hydroponics is the growth of plants in a substance other than soil with water.
hypothesis: Barclays Bank is one of the UK tabloid newspapers. premise: Sunday Express, a tabloid newspaper from the UK reported an anonymous source claiming to be an insider to merger talks between Wells Fargo Bank and Barclays Bank. The rumoured merger would be a radical break in the kinds of mergers Wells Fargo has done and has said it will continue to do (it is assumed that Wells with the higher market capitalization would be the buyer). Wells Fargo has previously shown no desire to engage in retail banking outside the United States, and has only expanded internationally in its Consumer Finance business and with certain business services.
hypothesis: English is the primary language of the Philippines. premise: The Philippines has developed into a natural hub for U.S. contact center support with the use of English as the second national language and primary language of business.
hypothesis: Intel would raise the clock speed of the company's flagship Pentium 4 processor to 4 GHz. premise: Intel has decided to push back the launch date for its 4-GHz Pentium 4 desktop processor to the first quarter of 2005.
hypothesis: AZT is an AIDS treatment. premise: The county Board of Supervisors accepted more than $700,000 in state grants Tuesday to extend a program that provides the controversial drug azidothymidine -- AZT -- to low-income residents with AIDS or AIDS-related illnesses.
hypothesis: She recently left her camp, vowing to come back, to visit her mother who has just had a stroke. premise: She flew to Los Angeles last week, after her 74-year-old mother had a stroke, but is expected to return to Texas in a few days.
hypothesis: Pepfar is committed to fighting AIDS. premise: Dr. Eric Goosby, a pioneer in the fight against AIDS, is President Obama's choice to run the American effort to combat the disease globally, the White House announced Monday. The President's Emergency Plan For AIDS Relief, known as Pepfar, was championed by President George W. Bush. It is expected to spend $48 billion over the next five years and is credited with markedly reducing the disease's death rate. Its prevention policy has been controversial because of its emphasis on socially conservative methods. With a new administration and a Democratic majority in the House, organizations seeking prevention choices beyond abstinence and fidelity — including a renewed commitment to distributing condoms — are eager to try to rewrite the guidelines.
hypothesis: Peru debates border region with Ecuador. premise: Ecuador has received short shrift in U.S. policy debates. Yet in recent years, significant public debate has taken place in Ecuador on the joint U.S./Colombian initiative and its effects on Ecuador and its citizens.
hypothesis: The Pharos Lighthouse was located in Alexandria. premise: The Pharos, a monumental lighthouse built around 280 BC and standing 330 ft high, lit the entrance to Alexandria harbour for centuries, but archeologists have never been able to identify positively any remains.
hypothesis: Budapest was once popularly known as the "Queen of the Danube." premise: Once called the "Queen of the Danube," Budapest has long been the focal point of the nation and a lively cultural centre.
hypothesis: Roughan has nine children. premise: Mr Roughan claims that children from the age of nine and up are drinking late at night. "You don't know what the hell's going to happen." Mr Nant has apologised to the affected, inconvenienced residents. New Zealand Post state they are going to continue to monitor the situation, however and also have on-going discussion with the local council and police "to make sure we're abreast of any developments in the area." The gang violence/activity New Zealand Post are referring to is, on the previous Thursday the Armed Offenders Squad was called out where they raided three homes following a shooting, eight people were arrested, and a large number of firearms were seized.
hypothesis: Libya's leader Colonel Muammar Qaddafi arrived in Tunisia at the invitation of President Zine El Abidine Bin Ali. premise: The Tunisian Foreign Ministry announced that Libyan leader Colonel Moammar Al Kaddafy arrived in Tunis this morning, Monday, for a "brotherly and recreational" visit, at the invitation of Tunisian President Zine El Abidine Bin Ali.
hypothesis: Obesity is medically treated. premise: Obesity is medically accepted to be a disease in its own right.
hypothesis: Muriel Drinkwater was killed in 1946. premise: She was finally found at 10.35am the next day by PC David Lloyd George. Something had caught his eye in the undergrowth - her blue school coat or the deep red of the gloves that she had been wearing - and he stepped off the forestry track. Muriel Drinkwater was lying on her back, one arm outstretched by her side, the other slightly raised but with the gloved hand limp. Her eyes were open, but there was no doubt that she was dead. She was just a few weeks short of her 13th birthday. The constable blew sharply on his whistle. The year was 1946, when murder was supposedly less commonplace than now. The killing of Muriel Drinkwater was to make headlines for months and would vex Detective Chief Inspector William "Bulldog" Chapman, the Scotland Yard detective who led the inquiry, until his death nine years later.
hypothesis: The name of George H.W. Bush's wife is Barbara. premise: Bush and his wife, Laura, departed the White House on Thursday afternoon to spend four days at the wooded presidential retreat of rustic cabins in the Maryland mountains. Along with the first lady's mother, Jenna Welch, the weekend gathering includes the president's parents, former President George H.W. Bush and his wife, Barbara; his sister Doro Koch and her husband, Bobby; and his brother, Marvin, and his wife, Margaret.
hypothesis: Louisville is in Kentucky. premise: G & H Restaurant Specialties has not released a statement regarding the violations, but the corporate offices in Louisville, Kentucky for KFC said, "our franchisee has finalized a plan for some structural repairs... The units will be temporarily closed while these building maintenance issues are addressed. [They will be] re-opened as soon as the repairs are complete." The health department also gave violations out to the East Delevan store for failing to maintain a clean floor throughout the restaurant and for not stopping food from becoming contaminated. Several rat traps were also found inside the storage cooler and around the kitchen area, but the establishment was "not free of rodents," said Commissioner of the Erie County Health Department, Dr. Anthony Billittier.
hypothesis: Fiona Mayo works in Fairfield. premise: The two-day postal delivery suspension placed on three streets in Hamilton, New Zealand has been lifted by New Zealand Post and the posties are back to work delivering mail. The suspension of deliveries applied to Tennyson Road, Dryden Road, and Emerson Place, which are located in Fairfield. New Zealand Post came to the decision on Friday to put the ban in place because of recent gang violence/conflict. Along with the New Zealand Police, New Zealand Post reviewed the current situation, and also drove along the streets, they came to the conclusion that the situation has now "cooled down," according to New Zealand Post spokesperson, Fiona Mayo and postal delivery general manger, Matthew Nant. The residents on those streets came out to greet the postie, who was accompanied by business leader Brendon Coker, as she delivered the residents mail. Martha Rollo, Tennyson Road resident for 13-years, said that she was thrilled that her mail was once again being delivered after the "senseless" gang violence had temporarily stopped post.
hypothesis: Maglev is commercially used. premise: They, too, have not produced a practical, commercially acceptable maglev.
hypothesis: Mohamed al-Sumaidaie is related by blood to the United Nations. premise: Mohamed al-Sumaidaie, Iraq's ambassador to the United Nations, accused U.S. marines of murdering his cousin's 21-year-old son, Mohammed Sumaidaie, who was studying engineering at the University of Technology in Baghdad. "All indications point to a killing of an unarmed innocent civilian - a cold-blooded murder," said Sumaidaie. "The Marines were smiling at each other as they were leaving.".
hypothesis: John Traynor is an executive of Microsoft. premise: After the press conference, I met up with a Microsoft guy, John Traynor: senior director of segment marketing for the mobile devices division.
hypothesis: Robots are used to find missing victims. premise: Most people are familiar with the idea of St. Bernards or other dogs taking part in rescue and recovery efforts. Robots might also take part in search and rescue missions.
hypothesis: Mr Green tries to take over Marks & Spencer. premise: Mr Green, Marks & Spencer's new owner, has made a lot of money by taking over underperforming businesses.
hypothesis: Drug legalization has benefits. premise: Lastly, the author uses the precedent of marijuana legalization in other countries as evidence that legalization does not solve any social problems, but instead creates them.
hypothesis: Mike Tyson bit Holyfield's ear in 1997. premise: Like the corporate logos, the ear is a representation, in mouth-watering chocolate, a delicious reminder of the infamous boxing incident in 1997, when an enraged Mike Tyson bit Holyfield's ear.
hypothesis: Madonna has three children. premise: (CNN) -- Malawians are rallying behind Madonna as she awaits a ruling Friday on whether she can adopt a girl from the southern African nation. The pop star, who has three children, adopted a son from Malawi in 2006. She is seeking to adopt Chifundo "Mercy" James, 4. "Ninety-nine percent of the people calling in are saying, 'let her take the baby,' " said Marilyn Segula, a presenter at Capital FM, which broadcasts in at least five cities, including the capital, Lilongwe.
hypothesis: Lucky Dube was a reggae star. premise: An attempted carjacking Thursday evening in Johannesburg has left famous South African reggae star Lucky Dube dead. He was dropping his children off in the suburb of Rosettenville when he was attacked. Police said that three gunshots were fired through the car window, injuring Dube. His children were out of the car at the time. An injured Dube then attempted to drive his car away from the area, but hit a tree soon after. He died at the scene. The police suspect that three people were responsible for the attack.
hypothesis: The "skunk" cannabis is used to treat mental health problems. premise: Skunk is a specific type of cannabis and is so-called because it has a very strong smell, but these days it has become the generic term for stronger forms of the drug. It is regarded as stronger because it contains much higher levels of the active ingredient in cannabis, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). It also contains much lower levels of cannabidiol (CBD), which is an anti-psychotic substance that can moderate the effect of THC on the mental health of users.
hypothesis: 100 tents had been washed away. premise: Heavy rain flooded parts of the site, with dozens of tents lost under water, while lightning strikes affected the stages and knocked out power lines.
hypothesis: The Heads of state expressed their deep concern at the fast and continuing degradation of the environment, including extensive destruction of forests, in the South Asian region. premise: The Heads of state reiterated their deep concern for the serious threat that the rising trend in drug abuse poses for society and the lives and future of children and youth, and for the destabilizing effects that illegal use, production, trafficking and distribution of narcotic drugs psychotropic substances and drug-related offences have for the affected countries of the South Asian region.
hypothesis: Toshiba produces notebook computers. premise: Toshiba, the world's third-largest notebook computer maker behind Dell Inc. and Hewlett-Packard Co., said the PC would be introduced in Japan in early 2006.
hypothesis: Two worshippers were killed in Afghanistan. premise: Violence over the last week killed 23 people, two worshippers dragged from a mosque and shot, underlining the challenges of bringing stability and strengthening Afghanistan's fledgling democracy.
hypothesis: bee stings can be fatal premise: Wasp and bee stings can be life threatening if you are allergic to the venom.
hypothesis: Political and labor leaders were killed by patriotic union leftist militants. premise: According to an Israeli official, the murders of Galan, a high-ranking police officer, and a judge last week were probably carried out by an Israeli mercenary paid by the Medellin cartel - the world's most powerful drug-trafficking mafia - which has set up paramilitary squads accused of hundreds of individual murders and massacres against political and labor leaders, as well as peasants and patriotic union leftist militants in different parts of the country.
hypothesis: Drug legalization has benefits. premise: Some other objections to legalization point to the greater dangers of family violence, reckless driving, or reckless operation of subways and so on.
hypothesis: Italian royal family returns home. premise: The son of Italy's last king returned to his homeland Monday, ending more than a half-century of exile. Victor Emmanuel and his family landed at a military airport in Rome in a private plane and headed immediately for an audience with Pope John Paul II.
hypothesis: George Bush is the president of the European Commission. premise: Romano Prodi will meet the US President George Bush in his capacity as president of the European commission.
hypothesis: The biggest art theft in US history was the theft of a dozen works from Boston's Gardner Museum. premise: Art experts said on Monday, that there was an astounding haul from Boston's Gardner Museum -- possibly the biggest art theft in US history.
hypothesis: Sylvia Costas is the wife of Andy Sipowicz. premise: Prior to that, Andy Sipowicz began to date Assistant District Attorney Sylvia Costas. They got married in 1995 and had a son Theo in 1996.
hypothesis: Tropical Storm Arthur is approaching the US coast. premise: Tropical Storm Arthur is projected to weaken tonight, but it will likely regain strength after entering the Bay of Campeche on Sunday.The 2008 Atlantic hurricane season got off to an early start today when a tropical storm formed off the coast of Belize, one day before the season officially begins. Tropical Storm Arthur formed Saturday afternoon and quickly made landfall at the Yucatan Peninsula, near the border between Belize and Mexico. Both countries issued a tropical storm warning for the peninsula's eastern coastline. In the Mexican state of Quintana Roo, ports were closed to small boats, water sports were banned, and those living in coastal areas were encouraged to take precautions.
hypothesis: Sohan Dosova is 130 years old. premise: Do you remember Tsar Nikolai's era? When the Red Army came and when Vladimir Lenin died? Well I do. So take a guess how old I am. Meet Sohan Dosova - the newly found treasure of Kazakhstan. She is 130 years old, at least she is according to her documents. The Soviet passport issued in the early 1980s states that Sohan Dosova was born in the Karaganda region on 27 March 1879. Now after a new national census in Kazakhstan, she has been "rediscovered".
hypothesis: Abedelaziz Bouteflika won the Algerian presidential election. premise: According to official results, Abedelaziz Bouteflika, the 72-year-old president of Algeria, has been reelected to a third term as the country's leader in a landslide. Yazid Zerhouni, the Algerian Interior Minister, stated that Bouteflika obtained 90.24% of the vote in the election, which was held on Thursday. Voter turnout was 74%, with some of the opposition parties boycotting the election amidst allegations of election fraud. Zerhouni said at a news conference that the voter turnout was "exceptional", but insisted that the figures had not been manipulated, saying that anyone with evidence of fraud should take it to election officials. Bouteflika's critics assert that the victory was a foregone conclusion — his opponents were not well known, and his campaign was well-funded. They continued to express outrage over a constitutional amendment adopted last November, which allowed Bouteflika to run for a third five-year term.
hypothesis: EuroDisney is located in this magical kingdom. premise: At eurodisney, once upon a time is now in this magical kingdom where childhood fantasies and make-believe come to life.
hypothesis: Said Elnaffar is an employee of the United Arab Emirates University. premise: Zakaria Maamar, associate professor at the College of Information Technology at Zayed University, UAE, told Science and Development Network (SciDev.Net) that, "This initiative is another boost to the research and development activities that are carried out in the UAE. It will definitely provide researchers with the appropriate funds to sustain such activities and promote best practices in the community." Said Elnaffar, assistant professor at the college of information technology at the United Arab Emirates University, told SciDev.Net that, with this initiative, the UAE is taking the lead and setting a good example by building a strong development infrastructure founded on knowledge discovery and research.
hypothesis: Miguel Soler Rodriguez and Martha Luz Lopez were killed by two employees of Bogota's daily El Espectador. premise: The Extraditables have claimed responsibility for the murder of two employees of Bogota's daily El Espectador perpetrated today in Medellin, where two other El Espectator people, Miguel Soler Rodriguez and Martha Luz Lopez, were killed today in separate attacks carried out by gunmen.
hypothesis: Men's Shop is owned by Butler. premise: No, we don't get any business from beach traffic, said Butler, whose Men's Shop is located in a small strip mall behind Krispy Kreme on Palmetto.
hypothesis: Nicole won the Eurovision Song Contest. premise: It has been nearly 27 years since Nicole, then a high school student from the Saarland in extreme western Germany, sang a heartfelt plea for world peace on the stage at the Eurovision Song Contest held in Harrogate, North Yorkshire in the United Kingdom. That simple message was wrapped with success; she became the first German in Contest history to take home the grand prize. The song was a brainchild of her former record producer, Ralph Siegel, and would be their greatest achievement in their nearly three-decade partnership.
hypothesis: El-Nashar was arrested in Egypt. premise: El-Nashar was detained July 14 in Cairo after Britain notified Egyptian authorities that it suspected he may have had links to some of the attackers.
hypothesis: Lucinda Creighton is the leader of a parliamentary party. premise: Lucinda Creighton has claimed that people resent her as being "overambitious" and "in too much of a hurry" to climb the political ladder. The outspoken Fine Gael deputy was speaking after a heated exchange with Enda Kenny led to her walking out of a parliamentary party meeting last week. Creighton, who at 29 is already acknowledged as a potential future leader of Fine Gael, slammed detractors who see her rapid success in a "negative" light -- and believes her friend and colleague Leo Varadkar has suffered the same fate. Speaking in the run up to the Fine Gael Ard Fheis, Ms Creighton also rejected suggestions which surfaced last week that she is seen as a 'loose cannon' within the party. "I certainly don't regard myself as a loose cannon. I'm absolutely part of the Fine Gael team," she said.
hypothesis: South Korea continues to send troops. premise: South Korea's deputy foreign minister says his country won't change its plan to send three-thousand soldiers to Iraq, despite the kidnapping of a South Korean man there.
hypothesis: Saddam Hussein flees to the U.S. premise: Saddam Hussein accepted an 11th-hour offer to flee into exile weeks ahead of the U.S.-led 2003 invasion, but Arab League officials scuttled the proposal, officials in this Gulf state claimed.
hypothesis: The World Bank is criticized for its activities. premise: World Bank programs have been heavily criticized for many years for resulting in poverty.
hypothesis: Malacañang is the president of the Melo Commission. premise: Activist groups in the Philippines led by Bagong Alyansang Makabayan (New Patriotic Alliance) or Bayan are set to submit "cabinet level documents" as evidence to international bodies purportedly showing that the office of the President, Malacañang sanctioned the series of extrajudicial killings in the country. The evidence is to be presented to the Permanent People's Tribunal and the United Nations Special Rapporteurs, which is scheduled to visit the country this year. In a press statement, Bayan expressed disappointment with the report of the Melo Commission saying that "the report merely tells us what we already know, and that the report stops short of finding the roots of the extra-judicial killings."
hypothesis: Scientology is against psychiatry. premise: In an interview on a television show called the No Drug Show, hosted by Larry Byrnes, the Church of Scientology blamed both the September 11, 2001 attacks in the United States and the attack on Pearl Harbor on psychiatrists and the drugs they prescribe their patients. Scientology considers psychiatry to be barbaric and a violation of human rights. The video was posted on the video sharing website YouTube, but was later removed "due to a copyright claim by Axiom 10 Productions, Inc." Mark Bunker of XenuTV questioned why Axiom 10 would utilize the Digital Millenium Copyright Act to remove the video from YouTube, as it was promoting their ideology about psychiatrists. It was later re-added to another site called
hypothesis: Michael Mukasey is the U.S. Attorney General. premise: On Friday, Michael Mukasey was confirmed by the United States Senate as the next Attorney General, succeeding Alberto Gonzales. Mukasey took the oath of office with his family attending in a private ceremony that was administered by Assistant Attorney General Lee Lofthus. The nomination of Mukasey, by President George W. Bush, hit a rough spot over the issue of interrogations, in particular about waterboarding. "This man has been a judge for 18 years," said Senator Dianne Feinstein, who along with Senator Chuck Schumer provided the essential votes to pass Mukasey through the Senate Judiciary Committee. "Maybe he likes to consider the facts before he makes a decision."
hypothesis: USA Today is a subsidiary of "The Observer." premise: At the time, neither "USA Today" nor "The Observer" was able to verify which of the sixty-plus candidates it was.
hypothesis: The ban on ivory trade has been effective in protecting the elephant from extinction. premise: Definitely do not lift the ban on ivory, it will drive the species to near extinction again. Elephant numbers should be controlled but what has ivory got to do with it? It is a barbaric trade and should be banned permanently.
hypothesis: Southwest Airlines operates in New Orleans. premise: Southwest Airlines on Thursday said rebuilding service at New Orleans was its number one priority as it unveiled its 58th consecutive quarterly profit and enhanced fuel hedges to extend its competitive advantage over rivals.
hypothesis: Gansas' attorneys have said that rule was not communicated to ferry staff. premise: Prosecutors were still expected to unseal an 11-count manslaughter indictment against the ferry's captain, Michael Gansas.
hypothesis: Loki Torrent was sued for manslaughter. premise: The lawsuit did not initially mention the site's operator, Edward Webber; instead, the suit was filed against a set of people named "John Doe" to be identified at a later point. Loki Torrent's popularity had increased dramatically in recent days after the prominent BitTorrent site shut down in a preemptive move to avoid a lawsuit.
hypothesis: Amid growing concern among congressional Republicans about the huge cost of the planned reconstruction effort, Bush said the federal government could foot the bill without resorting to a tax increase. premise: One day after pledging to undertake one of history's largest reconstruction efforts, President Bush served notice yesterday, that rebuilding the hurricane-ravaged Gulf Coast will require spending cuts elsewhere in the federal budget
hypothesis: BOVESPA is an NGO. premise: There is a growing sense of urgency to deal with the country's social issues, and a large number of professional NGOs can meet BOVESPA's standards of transparency and accountability.
hypothesis: Mercedes-Benz is a German car manufacturer. premise: Mercedes-Benz is another German luxury-car manufacturer, but its M-Class sport-utility vehicle is assembled in Alabama and the new G-Class is from Austria.
hypothesis: Soyuz spacecraft were built by Russia. premise: A Russian Soyuz spacecraft docked with the International Space Station, after a two-day flight from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan.
hypothesis: Aged just 14, Moog built his first electronic instrument, a theremin. premise: Moog built his first electronic instrument - a theremin - at the age of 14 and made the MiniMoog, 'the first compact, easy-to-use synthesiser', in 1970.
hypothesis: Yahoo's technology will still be used. premise: Microsoft's (MSFT) own search engine will permanently replace the Yahoo (YHOO) search technology that has been used on Microsoft's MSN website.
hypothesis: Demetrios Pandermalis is the president of the organization for the construction of the new Acropolis Museum. premise: The president of the organization for the construction of the new Acropolis Museum, professor Dimitrios Pandermalis, announced that the Museum will be ready to operate as an exhibition center for archaeological treasures in 2007. In response to this statement, the Greek government re-issued demands regarding the subject of the Parthenon Marbles' restoration to Greece from the United Kingdom. After visiting the construction site, Greek Culture Minister George Voulgarakis reiterated yesterday that the new Athens museum would be ready to receive visitors by the end of next year.
hypothesis: The Civil War: A Narrative is a book written by Shelby Foote. premise: Shelby Foote, author of the acclaimed three volume history of the American Civil War, The Civil War: A Narrative, died in Memphis on June 27 at age 88. Foote also wrote historical fiction, including Follow Me Down and Shiloh. He may be best known for his appearance in filmmaker Ken Burns' PBS documentary, The Civil War. The Modern Library ranked Foote's The Civil War: A Narrative as number 15 on its list of 100 best non-fiction books. He was commissioned to write a short history of the Civil War by Random House and spent more than 20 years on the work eventually producing the three volumes.
hypothesis: Heemeyer had installed television cameras connected to three monitors so he could see where he was going. premise: Heemeyer equipped an old bulldozer with three television cameras and monitors so he could see to steer.
hypothesis: Dick Cheney is Vice President of the Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. premise: In an interview this week, the president said that Vice President Dick Cheney and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld will be a valued part of his administration until his presidency comes to an end.
hypothesis: Dietary intake of magnesium prevents osteoporosis. premise: There is growing evidence that magnesium may be an important factor in the qualitative changes of the bone matrix that determine bone fragility.
hypothesis: Dutch bank ABN AMRO bids for Bank Antonveneta. premise: The Bank of Italy, the ultimate arbiter of Italian banking mergers, has been engulfed by scandal since police wire taps revealed Fazio and his wife advised a local banker in a bid for bank Antonveneta against Dutch bank ABN AMRO.
hypothesis: Angie Zapata has been killed with a fire extinguisher. premise: DENVER — Angie Zapata was a tall woman with striking black hair and eyes who would attract the attention of men, even those who knew she was biologically male. But prosecutors say when Allen Andrade found out, he beat her to death with a fire extinguisher. Her sister discovered her battered body under a blanket in her Greeley apartment last July. Andrade, 32, of Thorton, is scheduled to go on trial Tuesday on charges including first-degree murder and a bias-motivated crime, which could add three years to his prison sentence if convicted.
hypothesis: Food and Drug Administration forbids human cloning without prior permission. premise: Food and Drug Administration, which regulates human experiments, says its regulations forbid human cloning without prior agency permission, and it has launched an investigation into whether Clonaid illegally performed any work on U.S. soil.
hypothesis: There are seven continents. premise: The answer to the number one question, "how many continents are there?", is seven.