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797b709 verified
license: apache-2.0
- text-generation
- en
- de
- sci-fi
pretty_name: Gutenberg Sci-Fi Book Dataset
# Gutenberg Sci-Fi Book Dataset
This dataset contains information about science fiction books. It’s designed for training AI models, research, or any other purpose related to natural language processing.
## Data Format
The dataset is provided in CSV format. Each record represents a book and includes the following fields:
ID: A unique identifier for the book.
Title: The title of the book.
Author: The author(s) of the book.
Text: The text content of the book (e.g., summary, excerpt, or full text).
## Data Source
The books in this dataset are sourced from Project Gutenberg, a digital library offering a vast collection of free eBooks. Project Gutenberg focuses on works that are in the public domain, which means they are no longer under copyright protection. As a result, you can freely use, distribute, and analyze these texts without any legal restrictions.