@@5111441 <p> Teo Bear comments on the deplorable failure of our officials and media to either vet or purge Obama . While the election is not all about a referendum on Obama 's eligibility , the number of voters so mobilized may make a critical difference . <p> November 5 , 2012 <p> It is time to leave Obama bin Laden 's questionable claim to being a natural born citizen in the hands of America 's body politic . Long ago I knew it would end back here , a few weeks before the election , we would be telling you that Obama is not a constitutionally qualified natural born citizen under Article II , Section 1 , clause 5 . I knew this because the courts , the press and elected officials have been evading this issue for over 4 years now . However , this election we are prepared and have had the time to make this known to a majority of America . <p> I can say with absolute certainty that the definition of a natural born citizen last used by the Supreme Court of the United States demonstrates that Obama does not qualify under it , @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ reached to change the national common law of the United States which is a natural born citizen is the child of citizens born under the protection of their parents citizenship . <p> After trying for over four years to get someone to look at the evidence and rule on Obama to no avail , what makes anyone think that another four years will produce better results . He was n't legal 4 years ago and he wo n't be legal 4 years from now yet we have a Congress and a SCOTUS and every Federal Judge in America that is willing to sell their soul to the devil and break their oath of office just to keep the usurper in power . Justice in America is dead and our Constitution is a worthless piece of paper until we install people in power
@@5111541 <h> The History of Drugs in America <p> So , you 've had it with drugs and wish racing was like it used to be -- just hay , oats , and water . Well , we hate to disillusion anyone , but America was never the way it used to be . <p> From its very beginning , racing in America has been plagued by drugs , most of them a great deal more potent than the ones that have received all the headlines the past several years . <p> All the inconsistencies in drug policy that we 're experiencing now are nothing new to the sport . With race-day medication rules about to go through a major change , it is a good time to go back and look at its roots . <p> The innocence of the 1960s was rudely disrupted in 1968 , about the same time America was experiencing its own drug renaissance . We can still see the large , bold-faced headlines in a major New York tabloid -- " Derby Winner Drugged . " <p> That was the day a relatively unknown analgesic called phenylbutazone , marketed under the name Butazolidan , @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ . It also would become the first of many inconsistencies when dealing with medication . <p> On May 4 , 1968 , Dancer 's Image finished first in the Kentucky Derby , defeating Calumet Farm 's Forward Pass . Two days later , chemist Kenneth Smith reported to Churchill Downs stewards that the post-race urine sample taken from the winner had come up positive for Butazolidan . <p> On May 7 , Churchill Downs officials announced the findings , and following three days of hearings , Dancer 's Image was disqualified , and the redistribution of the purse money was ordered . The colt 's owner , Peter Fuller , appealed the ruling in late 1968 , but it was upheld by the Kentucky State Racing Commission . Fuller then appealed to Franklin Circuit Court , and Judge Henry Meigs ruled in Fuller 's favor , holding that there was no substantial evidence to prove the presence of Butazolidan . <p> The Kentucky Racing Commission , under pressure from Calumet owner Mrs. Eugene Markey , appealed the decision to the Kentucky Court of Appeals , who ruled in favor of @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ that year , after being refused a petition for a rehearing , Fuller reluctantly gave up his appeal to have the purse money reinstated . One year later , Fuller lost his final battle when the court denied his appeal to have Dancer 's Image recognized at the official winner of the Derby . <p> After five years of court battles and $250,000 in legal fees , Fuller finally gave up the fight . Less than a year later , in March , 1974 , the Kentucky Racing Commission legalized Butazolidan . <p> By April , 1975 , Butazolidan , which was first synthesized in a Swiss laboratory in 1946 and eventually produced by the Jensen-Salsbery Laboratories in Kansas City in 1957 , and the diuretic , furosemide ( known by its trade name Lasix ) were legal in 12 states . On April 14 of 1975 , the Eastern edition of the Daily Racing Form began listing the names of all horses at Gulfstream Park who were racing on " Bute " and Lasix . A few days later , Keystone and Pimlico were added when those drugs became @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ to actually allow the controlled use of medication was California . In Oct. 1970 , with Butazolidan legal only in Nebraska and Colorado , a three-man board adopted a measure that permitted the use of Bute up to , but not including the day on which a horse was to race , specifying that the use must be approved by the state veterinarian and also must be shown on the required daily veterinarian 's list . <p> As the use of Bute and Lasix became more prominent , statistical reports regarding size of fields , breakdowns , and form reversals increased , but proved inconclusive . Three major reports by the Veterinary-Chemist Advisory Committee to the racing organization NASRC ( National Association of State Racing Commissioners ) and the California and Colorado racing boards all came to the conclusion that a controlled medication program does not affect the normal breakdown rate of horses . In 1976 , the California board received the approval of the American Humane Society . <p> But that did n't stop the outcries from the Society of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals , which claimed @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ a claim that would also apply to Lasix . <p> Bute and Lasix also took the blame for an increase in breakdowns . Veteran jockey Herb Hinojosa was quoted in the Horseman 's Journal of June , 1978 as saying , " The horses are taking a dive . They evidently have no feeling when they break down . Right now the important thing seems to be filling the races and not ask questions . " <p> Nick Jemas , managing director of the Jockeys ' Guild , was quoted in that same issue , commenting , " From the reports I 've been getting , more horses seem to be breaking down with shattering-type injuries than ever before . " Jemas , however , was of the belief that it was a mistake to blame Butazolidan and Lasix when the real offenders were much stronger drugs , such as methodone , xylocaine , reserpine , dilaudid , and the main culprit , Sublimaze . <p> Sold to humans as Fentanyl , Sublimaze was a low-dosage , high therapeutic-effect drug of the narcotic-analgesic group . It was described as a @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Maylin , associate professor of toxicology at Cornell University and head of its drug testing program , described Sublimaze as a drug that gave a horse such a sense of well-being , stating " they do n't know they have legs on them . " <p> Finally , in 1979 , a test for Sublimaze was discovered . But soon after , a new drug surfaced called Stadol . After only a few months on the market , Stadol was detected in the horse Quill Prince , who had finished first at Aqueduct . That led to a 45-day suspension of the horse 's trainer Pete Ferriola . More new drugs continued to appear for which there was no test . <p> On May , 13 , 1979 , racing took a major blow , in much the same manner it has this year , when " 60 Minutes " aired a segment that painted a frightening picture of drug abuse in America , which included films of spills at various tracks . Although the show was criticized by racing officials as being sensationalistic journalism , it made a powerful @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ by tearing the show 's statistics to shreds . The segment had Americans believing that 80% of the horses racing in this country did so with the benefit of harsh drugs . However , it neglected to report that in 1978 there were 135,000 horse races in America , involving more than 1.2 million starters . Statistics from the NASCRC showed that were only 303 cases of major medication violations , which averaged out to one violation for every 3,960 starters . <p> A major breakthrough in drug prevention came in July , 1979 when Finger Lakes Racetrack in upstate New York introduced pre-race testing , which began daily at 7:30 a.m. when a state appointed veterinarian accompanied by an identifier went through the stable area extracting blood samples from horses entered to race that day . Just 10 days after its initial use , the first horse , a 5-year-old gelding named Refican , was detected as having a foreign substance in his blood and was ordered scratched by the stewards . <p> Despite the tumultuous decade from Dancer 's Image to the " 60 Minutes " segment , @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ years past . Back then , it was racing 's dirty little secret and brought out a number of unsavory , but Runyonesque , characters . <p> Before the advent of saliva testing in the 1930s , drug incidents went pretty much unnoticed or were ignored . It was because of this malaise and ignorance that few reports of drug-related incidents could be found . A well-known English authority once claimed that Americans started the practice of doping and eventually brought it across the Atlantic , where many Englishmen picked it up . <p> Americans , however , claimed that drugs actually originated in England and France . This was substantiated by Professor J.B. Robertson , who stated in the Sporting Chronicle that both sedative drugs and stimulants were given to racehorses as far back as the time of James I. He also stated that in 1750 , the leaves of the cocoa plant reached Europe from Peru and were administered to racehorses as a stimulant , along with cocaine , one of its alkaloids , and caffeine . This occurrence was in practice before the coming of the Americans @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ after that date . <p> Drugs first showed up in America just about that time and were sold openly under the euphemistic name of " Speed Sustaining Elixir . " The elixir was publicly advertised in several turf publications under that name , and very often the salesman would administer it himself and direct the treatment of the horse . The one thing that remained a secret , even to the salesman , was the ingredients . All everyone knew was that it came from " across the water " and that it had proved effective in England and France before being imported to the States . The creator of the formula supposedly was a French chemist who first tried it out in his native land before passing it on to the English . After the elixir reached America , there were numerous incidents of horses " going loco " from the drug or its many imitations , and it soon became known as the " dope evil . " <p> Through the years , the doping of horses became more systematized and scientific , and racing officials admitted that @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ human use of alcohol . <p> By 1930 , one of the more popular drugs to administer to horses was heroin . Although lethal in large doses , horses were able to tolerate it due to its addictive qualities . The use of heroin on the backstretch lured a number of unsavory characters , mainly addicts hoping to get a fix . One such character was " Railroad Red , " who would go from to barn , serving as a guinea pig to test the purity of the heroin before it was given to the horses . For years , trainers used Railroad Red 's services . Red eventually got tired of the routine and decided to go straight . He locked himself in a barn loft for three days and went " cold turkey . " Although he never touched the stuff again , he turned to liquor as a substitute and became a drunk . <p> On Aug. 13 , 1931 at Saratoga , an incident took place that would have a profound effect on the sport . A Rancocas Stable horse named Ladana was given a @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Burnt Hills Handicap , for which she was going to be favored . A stablehand confessed to the act , but the trainer was held " absolutely responsible " for the care and safety of the horse and he was banned from entering any horses for the remainder of the meet . That decision gave birth to the absolute insurer rule , which holds a trainer responsible for everything that occurs in his barn . <p> By 1933 , drug incidents in America had escalated to new heights , but a new era was about to begin in the field of drug testing . In early 1934 , the first big breakthrough came at a meeting of the NASRC when Joseph E. Widener , builder of Hialeah and a leading figure in New York racing , offered to send Florida Racing Commission chemist Charles E. Morgan and veterinarian J. Garland Catlett to France to make a detailed study of the saliva testing that was being used in that country . <p> A modified version of the French testing procedures had already proved successful in Florida that winter , resulting in @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ every winner was tested , Morgan only took samples of horses who showed by their actions the possible use of stimulants . On May 8 of that year , the NASRC passed the resolution endorsing the use of the saliva test . Morgan and Dr. Catlett then returned to France later that year , bringing back newer drug testing methods , including a more reliable test for detecting the presence of cocaine . <p> From 1935 to 1936 , trainer suspensions dropped from 82 to 23 . During the winter of 1937-38 , Dr. Catlett began testing the urine of greyhounds to further enhance drug testing procedures . His testing proved successful and he presented his findings to the New York State Racing Commission . They were so impressed with the findings they provided the funding to continue the experiment on horses . <p> After extensive research and experimenting on horses , who were administered drugs and then observed and clocked on the track in the morning , it was determined that the saliva tests detected the presence of drugs in all cases administered orally , but was less successful @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ test , however , not only detected the presence of drugs in both methods of administration , but also in cases where the dosage was as minute as one-tenth of a grain . <p> The one drawback to the urine testing was that the sample was not as easily attained as it was in the saliva test . Normally , horses will pass urine from a few minutes to an hour after cooling out , but in one instance at Hialeah , in which a horse won and paid $196 , the assistant was forced to wait in the stall until 9 o'clock that night . There was another case in which an inspector had to wait over nine hours for the horse to urinate . <p> In 1941 , the urine test made national headlines when it uncovered a number of caffeine positives at Hollywood Park . It was n't the positives themselves that created the uproar as much as the owners of the horses involved , the most notable being MGM head Louis B. Mayer , Harry L. Warner , and William Leavitt Brann . On June 14 @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ 11 owners of nine individual racing stables to a hearing to investigate the rash of caffeine positives . A month later , the commission suspended five trainers and cleared all owners . <p> It was later discovered that the " guilty " parties actually were the grooms , who had refused to wait hours for their horse to urinate . To quicken the proceedings they urinated in the cups themselves , thus making the source of the caffeine , not a pill or hypodermic , but a coffee pot in the track kitchen . <p> Over the years , new names cropped up , such as clenbuterol and Erythropoietin ( more commonly known as EPO ) . The latter is a synthetic hormone that increases the number of oxygen-carrying red blood cells . This drug was determined to be performance enhancing and also proved fatal in some instances . Clenbuterol is a decongestant and bronchodilator that makes breathing easier and helps build muscle mass . Earlier this year , the California board began discussions to prohibit the drug from appearing in post-race tests . Currently , clenbuterol is permitted to @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ nanograms in urine and 25 picograms of blood . <p> Major changes are in store in racing , with the Breeders ' Cup voting to ban the use of Lasix for 2-year-olds competing in the 2012 event and ban all race-day drugs in 2013 . <p> To demonstrate how little things have changed , in 1981 , Illinois announced it was banning drugs . Dave Feldman , president of the Chicago HBPA ( Horsemen 's Benevolent and Protective Association ) issued a statement , saying , " It was the worst decision I have ever heard of a racing board making . Horses become cheap because they have problems . Bute and Lasix help alleviate some of these problems . Without such medication , there will be countless sore horses trying to race at Illinois tracks , particularly late in the season . This will be chaos for horse players . " <p> As long as horses race and new drugs infiltrate the market , there are going to medication controversies . The drug-testing procedures have improved significantly over the years , but need to be consistent throughout the country @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ are being produced in second and third generation form . <p> Racing is not only a sport , employing thousands upon thousands of people and generating huge sums of revenue , it also is a business . It is not easy separating morality from practicality , thus making it difficult for racing jurisdictions searching for the correct solution . Although economics is a major part of racing , the decision makers must realize that beyond the morass of conflicting motivations , such as attendance , mutuel handle , political gain , and financial solvency , is the Thoroughbred , without whom all else in meaningless . <h> 69 Comments : <p> Very informative . I was just wondering how the horses that competed in the east and midwest in the last few days will recover from their efforts - especially in view of the fact that virtually all of the horses are administered Salix . It amazes me that more horses do n't collapse in this heat . <p> Bill Two 01 Jul 2012 9:18 PM <p> good job steve " ole boy " . all of that needed to @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ , I gather that some newer fans think that drug testing at the tracks is a new procedure . wrong wrong wrong . drug testing was around , when i came into the game in the 50s . <p> in 1965 when quarter horse racing was still in its infantcy , i attended the quarter horse convention , &; listened to a vet , speak , that was from the univ . of colorada. i am un sure of the spelling of his " german " name , but it was pronounced " beerhouse " . he stated at that time , that he had the ability to tell when a trainer changed well water on a horse . his testing proceeder was that good , that far back . he explained that it was merely the question of " how much money do i want to spend on which test " . <p> having said all that , with todays advanced testing ability , there is nothing that you give a horse , either i.v . or orally that cant be tested period . if the lab cares to @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ get away with it . <p> considering the small percentage of bad tests , the whole thing has been blown out of perportion. what else do you want . you have the horse in the test barn , you catch the sample . it yours to test anyway you want to test it . what else can you ask for . go test it until " your little hearts content " . <p> i am conveniced that most of the heat is created by animal activists groups ( &other; groups of unknowing people ) who have bombarded the press with propaganda . until it has all out of wack . <p> the infortmation is out there to prove that a small percentage of racehorses are ever drugged . the hecklers just do nt want to hear the truth . <p> also can someone enlighten me , on the deal about , " cobra venom " . when &; where did this come into the debate . i keep pretty close tabs on the industry , but i flat missed that . i never heard of its use until i started @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ the opposition will not rest until they have ruined the sport that i have loved all my life . and they are doing it with propaganda . thats the same way that " castro " took over cuba . remember . <p> enough said . " an ole railbird " . <p> an ole railbird 01 Jul 2012 9:36 PM <p> This was excellent Steve . A really good overview of the subject , including the history behind it . O.k. , I am going to make some of my fellow posters mad here , but I think Salix should be allowed . It is there to treat a problem ( bleeding ) and not used as a performance enhancer . There is a difference . If we start talking cobra venom , steroids , EPA , etc. , then clearly they should be banned . I think the recent NYT 's article was a hack job . Disappointing coming from someone like Joe Drape , who I thought better of . But not surprising coming from the NYT 's . The Times has never let the truth get in @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ the arguments against Salix and in my opinion the good outweighs the bad . But the powers that be will succumb to pressure from the outside media , just like Chief Justice John Roberts did last Thursday , and ban it . <p> Paula Higgins 01 Jul 2012 10:43 PM <p> Very nice job of re-capping this subject , Steve . It is certainly good to have some perspective and realize the issue just did n't jump up last week , or last month , or last year . It is a problem that has evolved over time . <p> To me , besides the more advanced testing techniques , the thing that makes it different today than " back then " is , 95-98% of horses race on lasix .... that in and of itself condemns that practice , because any sane person understands that that many horses do n't actually " need " it . ( As attested to by the rest of the racing world ) And , the main problem with administering it to only those horses that actually need it , those that do n't @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ over those that do . The weight loss alone can account for some of the " performance enhancing " qualities attributed to the drug . It is a catch-22 for any trainer or owner . Horses coming to the U.S. from overseas to race in our races routinely put their horses on lasix for this very reason . Then , they go back home and race without it ! <p> What we do n't know , and what is scary about now , is how horses that have been on lasix for a generation will fare with going " cold turkey " so to speak . Since all drugs have side effects , we do n't know what effect removing the drug may have . Which is why I support the phased out approach recommended by the RCI and the Jockey Club . <p> Deltalady 01 Jul 2012 10:56 PM <p> Well , Steve , nice history lesson , and while I doubt it , I hope that it , for one , puts to rest the notion that drugs are the prime reason why horses today have far fewer @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ 'm relatively sure it was n't your intent , this little piece also was somewhat empowering to those , such as I , who support the continued use of race-day furosemide which is a therapeutic for EIPH , and today a non-masker . The focus , rather than on furosemide , should be directed to the best possible testing practices together with far more rigorous pre-race soundness protocols . The truly difficult issue would then relate to what level of unsoundness is deemed " acceptable " . This inevitably might lead to a pandora 's box ( or slippery slope ) scenario , but perhaps that would be as it should . <p> sceptre 01 Jul 2012 11:05 PM <p> Great history . What is your response to the broad population of constituents who believe furosemide helps the horse rather than hurts the industry ? I do n't agree a bit and want racing au natural . I believe racing will survice without Maggi Moss . Again , great article . Please take a position . <p> jlmagee 01 Jul 2012 11:07 PM <p> Fascinating read ! The last paragraph @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Thank you . <p> opsherr 01 Jul 2012 11:29 PM <p> History was equivalent to " Do n't ask ; do n't tell " and current use of Bute and Lasix is just destroying both public confidence and the breed . How about taking a position ? <p> jlmagee 01 Jul 2012 11:50 PM <p> Steve : <p> I do not know the law on this subject . So I went on line and came up with this AP report from March 30 , 2007 : <p> " BALLSTON SPA , N.Y . -- Five horsemen were indicted Friday on charges they tried to fix races by injecting harness horses with substances designed to deaden pain or improve performance " . <p> The law seems to be in place in NY , so instead of just suspending and fining the violators , why do n't we also try them like crack dealers and send them to jail ? <p> JerseyBoy 02 Jul 2012 6:38 AM <p> Is it possible that widespread use of the NSAID bute is why we have the huge expansion of horses using Lasix since the 1980s @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ them are gastric sores ( like aspirin , leading to the recent rash of horses with gastric ulcers ? ) , internal bleeding , and high blood pressure . The latter two could contribute to bleeding in the lungs . Why is all the emphasis on Lasix with no talk of routine bute use ? It would seem that sore horses taking bute would be more likely to suffer breakdowns . <p> Pedigree Ann 02 Jul 2012 7:54 AM <p> I agree with jlmagee . <p> How can lasix not be seen as a performance enhancer when 2yr olds making their 1st start are on it ? It 's not therapeutic if the horses do n't need it . If you need to draw water up and out of their systems for them to not bleed , you have bigger problems . <p> I 'm in the NO camp for race day meds . You want to train on Bute and Salix , fine but you 're not running on it . It 's a shame NY gave in years back and allowed the Salix . It was always fun @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ it , and then see the horse 's run just fine without . <p> Retro 02 Jul 2012 8:36 AM <p> Great article Steve . Finally someone writes the truth . <p> To all of those who want " au natural " as someone posted above I say dream on . You obviously have no clue about horses to say such a statement . If you cared about horses as you claim you would n't want them to be in pain as all athletes sometimes get sore . <p> If you had a headache would you want it to be illegal to take aspirin ? Most medications that horses take are safe and beneficial . I do n't agree with performance enhancing drugs but medications that help the horse should stay legal . This ignorance of what is best for a horse blows my mind . Tell your favorite football players to play " au natural " and see what they tell you . <p> SophieK 02 Jul 2012 8:44 AM <p> Try this . No one will do it because there are people with too much power and too @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ <p> For any class 1 or 2 drug violation . The trainer ( frst violation ) is given 60 days and he/she MUST provide the name of the vet/vet clinic or individual who provided the drug . The person/vet providing the drug ca n't enter the grounds of a race track for 2 yrs ( including all partners in the clinic ) . If the trainer does not divulge his source he gets a 2 yr ban from all race tracks and the horse and horse owner who has the positive gets a 2 yr ban from all tracks . <p> Owners will see their costs go down . <p> If Lasix is to be continued it must be administered by the state vet . This should help control the additional help which is given with the Lasix . Everbody denies this but Lasix is not the only drug in the syringe . <p> It 's all about winning to some and the idea it 's about the horse is horse apples to these parties . The level playing field is for everone else , not these individuals . <p> @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ people who are against the use of ther. meds. on race day , have their way &; they are elimiated on the evidence that has been presented . <p> i shall weep for democracy . <p> " an ole railbird " . <p> an ole railbird 02 Jul 2012 9:37 AM <p> Steve , thank you for the history lesson . <p> I remember reading about someone asking Man O'War 's trainer if he ' milkshaked ' Man O'War and the trainer replied something to the effect of ' Heck , no ! He 's enough to handle without it . ' Only I think the language was a little stronger . <p> I do n't think Bute &; Lasix are the real issues . Training methods are and the drugs are used to make up for it . Horses used to being exercised regularly and vigorously will get used to it - the muscles , tendons and ligaments will strengthen . Horses might get sore , but it will get worked out not covered over . Also , lung capacity will increase and the need for lasix should dramatically @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ up for 22+/- hours a day and then expect them to perform at their best with no consequences . The drugs are to minimize the consequences . <p> As for the comment someone made about Lasix not being a performance enhancer - why do people get interested in a European horse coming over here and running on Lasix for the first time ? <p> Karen in Indiana 02 Jul 2012 9:40 AM <p> There are two kinds of horses : horses that have bled during a race and horses that have not yet bled but will bleed during a race . Lasix substantially reduces both risks to the horse and can prevent the onset of damage to the lungs . That is why caring owners and trainers give Lasix to two year olds . Period . <p> tiresias 02 Jul 2012 9:44 AM <p> As usual a very informative and interesting article Steve . <p> I 'm a breeder , owner and trainer ( of my own horses ) in Argentina . <p> I feed just oats , hay and water and my horses receive and additional help pasturing in @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ fanatic " naturalist " with very good results at racing . <p> But when in race day I convert from " naturalist " to " madicatist " . All my horses run with furo and bute . Why ? . Because if not I 'm giving a lot of advantages to the other participants . Salix means five lenghts , buta masks pain and the horses continue to run . This are clear facts . The United States and Argentina are today the only " islands " jursdictions that allow both on race days and this policy is doing a very bad service to our industries . <p> I do n't dispute the benefits of Salix to bleeders . But 99% of horses run on Salix . We do have a population of 99% bleeders ? Not at all . Racing is not anymore " provincial " , nowadays is global sport with many new important and growing markets . In the global arena American and Argentinian horses are now considered as second class and just a few people want to risk buying a horse that will need to run @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ opinion should be banned for all races of 2 and 3 years old horses for a commercial reason . We need to accept to be part of the world , not to a county . <p> Buta is even worse , masking pain it put in risk horses and jockeys . It should be banned in all races , we need to protect horses , jockeys and the sport . <p> Meanwhile , I will continue to use Salix and Bute against all my convictions . <p> Edgardo Iriarte 02 Jul 2012 10:53 AM <p> Very thought provoking article , it makes one wonder about some of the legendary greats like Man O ' War . That thought is very short lived for me because I would never let myself believe it . You have to have heroes in this game , it gives the sport meaning . I believe that the original formula for the soft drink coke had the drug cocaine in it , so it 's not surprising about early drug use being overlooked in horse racing . I guess it makes me think of Phar Lap @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ happened to the great Aussie horse ? I see it like this , if the drug is harmful to the horse , I 'm against it , period . If it 's therapeutic , has no adverse affects , legalize it across the board . It 's only unfair if some horses are allowed to use it and others are not . I 'm not an expert on the subject , there 's too much I do n't know , but I do think we are breeding our horses to break down . Too bad I do n't have any answers for that dilemma . <p> ksweatman9 02 Jul 2012 10:57 AM <p> I enjoyed the history lesson . When I came into the sport in my mid-teens in New England in the early 1950s old timers in the barns at the tracks still referred to Man O'War as a " hophead " . <p> Three years ago The Blood-Horse announced the release of the South African research report on lasix with this headline . " Study Shows Furosemide Has Beneficial Effects " . The article begins : " A @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ American Veterinary Medical Association shows that furosemide does more than enhance performance in Thoroughbred racehorses ; " <p> There it is , stated in black and white in this very publication , in conjunction with the oft-cited , poster-boy study for the efficacy of furosemide : lasix enhances performance in Thoroughbred raceshorses . <p> On the flip side of the furosemide question , why are n't there any professional studies that examine what other effects regular , long-term or excessive use of lasix can induce in horses , especially young horses with still developing skeletal systems . <p> What sense does it make to use lasix for a supposedly humane reason if that very use has other equally deleterious effects on the horse ? Absent valid research I have to wonder : is the medicine perhaps worse than the touted cure ? <p> Face it , too many trainers today take an assembly line , magic cure-all , one size fits all approach to training . A cautious , informed and caring trainer , willing to take the time , knows how to take an individual therapeutic approach to eliminate @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ <p> Patuxet 02 Jul 2012 11:27 AM <p> Hello Steve , I sent an article about 1 hr ago , and I have not seen it displayed , it 's just as nice as yours , however if it 's not displayed , then I do believe that there is no free expression regarding Lasix/Salix , no one owns the rights on these drug issues , and although some owners are high powered lawyers , this does not give them the ok to support illegal drug uses , they are all looking for the prize ! ! ! good is good , and bad is bad ! ! <p> enough already ! ! ! ! ! <p> Dennis 02 Jul 2012 11:32 AM <p> Steve the thing is ... if you do not use these illegal drugs , then guess what , you will never win any race ! ! this is the new way to win races in America .. the Vets drug them , and the owners act like their Horses are superior , only hay , . oats and water , drugs is the new winning angle @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ <p> Dennis 02 Jul 2012 11:35 AM <p> My concern with Salix is that it dehydrates horses and it will be interesting to see how long it takes the horses that ran this weekend in the stifling heat and humidity to make it back to the races . I think the prolific use of this drug accounts in large part for how infrequently horses race these days . I can not imagine a horse like Citation or Carry Back running as often as they did with Salix . <p> Bill Two 02 Jul 2012 11:38 AM <p> I found Edgardo Iraiarte 's post 02 Jul 2012 10:53 quite compelling . In a perfect world I 'd say ban all raceday medication but I wonder if the picture being painted of the racing world beyond the shores of Argentina and the USA is really a perfect one . It 'd be interesting to hear from others in Europe , South Africa , Australia and Asia . <p> Ranagulzion 02 Jul 2012 12:34 PM <p> Thank you so much for enlightening those in the dark . I grew up on the backside @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ in 1977 . I was determined to become a top trainer and had the skills do do so , but got disgusted watching sublimaze hopped horses win over and over . Tap them , block them and hop them .... that was the tradition back then and I would have no part of it . <p> So , I decided to sell my only horse and go to Europe to see what " drug-free " racing was like . There , I learned that trainers give " vitamin " mixtures with a hypodermic in the stable yard before going over to race . Their solution to EIPH with no lasix was to bleed the horse a liter or so to reduce blood volume before a race . No idea if it worked or not . <p> What should be of concern to racing officials now is just what kind of " remedies " will be utilized to prevent bleeding if Lasix were to be banned . Lasix is a very safe and effective medication which is used to treat a problem which is not going to go away . Most @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ very creative in finding " remedies . " Let 's hope that whatever replaces Lasix is as beneficial to the horse as Lasix and not as harsh as bleeding them in the stall before a race . Remember the law of unintended consequences ... <p> tenmd 02 Jul 2012 12:38 PM <p> Steve : <p> Your timing could not have been better . <p> From Europe , comes this report in today 's Racing Post : <p> " CORINE BARANDE-BARBE has vigorously denied any wrongdoing after revealing that Cirrus Des Aigles has tested positive for a " massive " dose of a banned anti-inflammatory drug . <p> The case relates to a routine test carried out after the three-time Group 1 winner finished second to Golden Lilac in last month 's Prix d'Ispahan . " <p> JerseyBoy 02 Jul 2012 12:47 PM <p> Oh dear poor sophie K and tiersas ... America stands alone in the global racing jurisdicutions with its tolerance of drugs both performance enhancing or not . You are not ground breaking or ahead of the game but seen as dinosaurs who are crippling the breed . @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Question . If a horse bleeds so much it needs medication to race without serious damage to itself than surely that horse should not be racing . That is why you so called horsemen oppose the ban , all your unfit horses would not be able to race , it is a financial not ethical argument . Funny how the top racehorses in the world are all racing WITHOUT drugs . Frankel , Black Caviar etc are all drug free on race days <p> Dooquila 02 Jul 2012 12:49 PM <p> Jersey Boy , in a case like Cirrus des Aigles , I tend to believe the trainer , because I cant imagine the trainer of a horse of this caliber being dumb enough to give him a " massive " dose of any prohibited drug . When a major horse has a massive drug in his system my first inclination is to think that horse was gotten to or the test was totally screwed up . Maybe I 'm being naive , but I cant imagine anyone being that stupid . <p> Steve Haskin 02 Jul 2012 1:12 PM @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ with this background on drugs and race horses . It is the first such attempt that I have seen . <p> Above everything else , I do not want the federal government involved . The industry has enough problems without the feds doing their usual FUBAR--and they would . <p> I was n't aware that horses can race with bute . I would be against anything that would mask pain . It would be sad to see a horse miss an important race , but it would be sadder to see the horse take a step and break its leg and having to be euthanized . <p> OTOH , when the veterinary field tells you that eventually all racers will bleed , I have to start thinking that Salix probably is n't so bad . <p> It is also sad by human medical industry people that if men live long enough they will all face prostate cancer . <p> I myself deal with brething issues so I can emphathize with horses when it comes to working while you bleed in your lungs . <p> If anyone has n't listened to @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Talk Back here at Bloodhorse . In the second half of the ' debate ' , the vet noted that in Europe the horses train using Lasix but that they do not use it on race day . <p> He also indicated he had been sent drugs that the Euros use . <p> And he makes great points about how the horses there are housed and trained vs how it is done here in the States . <p> Thanks again . <p> rowdee 02 Jul 2012 2:15 PM <p> Jan 31 , 1955 article in TIME magazine . <p> Pages 92-94 , 97-104 . Copy and paste into your browser . <p> Begins with the " swamp fever epidemic of 1947 ... which killed about 80 horses " Spread in part by unsterilized needles being shared . <p> The racing public was ' sold ' on the use of race day medications by ' the powers that be ' stating horses would be better off , which meant they would race longer ( age wise ) and more often , which would result in fuller fields . It was a @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ have proven otherwise . How can we go from a few rare horses running on medications to ALL horses running on medications with in a relatively short period of time ( decade or so ) ? First , as an racehorse owner , I know it does nt take anything to get your horse put on those medications , which means the justification of having a horse on medications is seriously flawed . Yes we have testing practices that allow us to ' see ' into the lungs and identified that many horses bled .. but whats was normal and what really constitutes a bleeder has been diluted because science says almost all horses bled now .... huh ? Anyone see a problem with this ? Think a study needs to be done on wild mustangs first to determine normal as they are one of the few ' breeds ' not affected by mans business , medication and breeding practices/intervention . The fact that EVERY European horse that has no need ( G1 stakes winners in form or they wouldnt be making the trip ) nor ever used race day @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ for the Breeders Cup races speaks volumes . Certainly some are using during training but its not used as the crutch there as it is here . Second , the stigmatization that used to be associated with a ' bleeder ' does nt exists anymore , nobody seems to care . Horses are bleeding through salix/lasix and as more continue to do so and it will happen , what comes next ? True ' bleeders ' largely are nt identified which means this trait is now passed indiscriminately in the bred . I know there are those that believe and have been led to believe that this condition is not inheritable , think again , Barletts Childers aka Bleeding Childers did nt get that name for nothing , via Herrod also know as a bleeder , from which 99% of the American TB sire line comes . Pedigree is NOT the only reason it occurs but certainly certain lines are PREDISPOSED to the condition that breeders no longer worry about due to the use of salix . Studies have been conducted and released substantiating the theory the US breeders chose @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Just because the hereditary link has yet to be identified does nt mean it does nt exist . Additionally , as the name implies , exercise , or the changes in the way the US conditions and ' stresses ' todays racehorse also plays a part . As has been pointed out here in recent months , training methods and racing has changed drastically in the last few decades . Stress , done correctly , ' forces ' the body to adapt and become stronger ... a good example is the studies done on bone remodeling .. which makes sounder horses . Common sense says that the more conditioned an athlete is the less prone to injury ... how many times do you see todays horses actually ' worked ' at the distances they will be raced at ( baring some sprinters ) or race as a prep for another race ? And what I mean by race is within a week to 10 days . No one wants to ' stress ' the animals today in fear of leaving the ' race ' on the training track ... contradicting @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ and conditioning practices . They also have less ' breeding for sales ' and more breed to race ' programs ' . Other countries appear to have fuller fields and seem to be doing just fine without race day medications . Just a quick look at the latest BH results of 18 listed Eng G1 races shows average field size of 14 horses . Other than the Kentucky Derby , how many G1 races in the US outside the TC and BC have we seen full fields ? Anyone who watches TVG and watches the races in Europe and Australia can clearly see they appear to be doing just fine without race day medication . Good horses still win . Occasionally they throw a clunker which is hello ... normal ... everyone/thing has an off day . Now I know that the number of starts and probably the numbers of starters has also declined in other countries as here and probably has other similar reasons as the US minus medication but most wouldnt know that watching the TV . Arguments about whats best for the horse and that the US @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ medications need only turn on the TV and watch these races with good size fields to see that the crutch appears illogical . Instead we need to be breeding and conditioning a better racehorse without medication which in the long run will be better for the bred . Sorry for those that are more into the instant gratification of todays practices/society . Pop a pill and youll be ' ripped ' too ... really ? As a KY resident and racehorse owner/trainer , I fully support the ban on race day medication and would love to see racing take it one step further and state no horse can enter the breeding shed until they are 5YO . Think you would see major changes in the overall management and soundness of our horses , which in the long run IS a better business practice . <p> marapace 02 Jul 2012 3:17 PM <p> Steve , <p> You really did your in-depth research that must have taken a lot of time . Well done ! <p> If drugging occurred as far as the late 1700s I guess nothing will ever change and @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ A lot of black ink and paper can be saved now and the BS can end by everyone in the industry . <p> Going forward , the racing enthusiasts and bettors should not be heartbroken over death on the track and the black screen , or their betting losses What a sad , sad world this has become . Innocent animals are sacrificed for human entertainment and glory , ego , and monetary greed . <p> Personally , I 'm sick and tired of hearing ' ... for the good of the horse .... ' No one truly does anything for the good of the horse , except maybe John Sheriff 's team and Ann and Jerry Moss . <p> Everything in this industry is a Sham , except for the horses ! <p> Stellar Jayne 02 Jul 2012 3:46 PM <p> Sigh ...... as a former owner and trainer of a public stable I was active when bute and Lasix became legal . Horses had to be scoped and blood had to present in the trachea in order to be on the permitted medication list for Lasix . We @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ a doubt in my mind that much of it is true . I once had a trainer tell me that his brother , also a trainer , was using a potent pain killer and had n't I heard of it . Well , no , I certainly had n't and would n't have known how to obtain it if I were so inclined . BUT - it certainly cleared up why this guy 's horses were running lights out and mine were lucky to be second and third . To trot out some tired metaphors : There 's nothing new under the sun , and : Follow the money - whether it be sports , banking , charities , or what have you . <p> Let 's get one thing straight-The consequences of EIPH are harmful to the horse . Almost all racehorses running on U.S. dirt tracks ( and many on turf ) experience EIPH-greatest during actual racing conditions . It has been conclusively shown that Furosemide is the most efficacious treatment for reducing the incidence and degree of EIPH . Those who do n't agree with any of @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Now , while furosemide has diuretic properties , it has others as well which aid in the minimization of EIPH . Can it also be shown that administration of furosemide can enhance performance ? Let 's assume the answer is yes . Is this sufficient reason for the withholding of race-day Salix ? I 'd say that from an ethical perspective the answer is no . On what 's been stated thus far , who would disagree , and why ? Well , what 's left ? Some have raised the issue of furosemide 's potential deliterious side-effects . Let 's hear some specific proof ( not speculation ) , and the degrees to which it may be harmful--weighing this against the harmful effects of EIPH . Some argue that furosemide has been shown to be not necessary in foreign jurisdictions . Firstly , the fact that it has been banned ( on race-day ) is not a proof that furosemide would not bbe efficacious for their runners as well . Also , studies have indicated that turf , particularly softer turf , creates less impact , and that impact @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ also do n't know what , if any , substitute ( perhaps undetected ) substances are administered to those horses . And , what of the argument that race-day Salix administration is harmful to Racing-i.e. the public perception argument ? Should such perception be bowed to no matter the weight of scientific evidence to the contrary ? And , if a choice must be made , which should take precedence , the horse or the horse business ? <p> sceptre 02 Jul 2012 4:58 PM <p> This is a good historical perspective , Steve . You are not only able to write literature-like prose , but can articulate facts and details in an investigative manner as well . <p> My concern with the furor over raceday medications is that much of it seems to be driven by public perception/opinion , rather than science and logic . Since the O'Neill CHRB ruling on TCO2 overages , there has been a lot of " conversation " on various blog sites that is absolutely appalling . The comments reveal that many people have no idea of the differences among the therapeutic agents used @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ , harmful , and completely unnecessary ever . They even think TCO2 is a " drug " given to horses instead of a lab value measurement common to all humans and animals . <p> Lasix should not be banned without careful consideration given to the Hinchcliffe , Morley , and Guthrie efficacy study published in July , 2009 , as it was a " landmark " study and a good example of controlled , clinical research . Why it took so many years to research and confirm the effectiveness of a widely used medication in the thoroughbred industry is beyond me , but more studies need to be done to replicate and expand upon those findings . The efficacy should be reconfirmed and balanced against negative side effects for the sake of the horses . Weighing the positive against the negative is the basis for prescribing all medications in actual practice . ( As Paula noted above . ) There is probably still time to carefully and accurately evaluate the furosemide issue , but the initial work might better have been done a couple of decades ago . <p> Ranagulzion----Did @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Foster Northrop last week ? He was asked about other countries ' practices and his reply was quite interesting . <p> Karen in Texas 02 Jul 2012 5:26 PM <p> I am a great admirer of John Shirreffs , but to say that he is the only trainer who cares about his horses is pretty ridiculous . He uses lasix on most of his horses , just like everyone else . Training horses is certainly not an easy way to make a living . Most trainers love horses and are trying to do their best by them . People on some of these blogs are so cynical and negative . You have to wonder why they call themselves racing fans . <p> c/rock 02 Jul 2012 5:35 PM <p> What a great article . I really like " old rail bird " and " retro 's " comments . Right on ! <p> Pat Lee 02 Jul 2012 6:02 PM <p> why does n't n.y.r.a. bring back the 6 hr. retention barn for every race , every horse ? <p> most race day drugs have to be administered 4-6 hours @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ when they had it . certain trainers went from 25% to under 10% and then back to 25% with the end of the retention.now every juicer in the u.s is racing in n.y and it 's not just about the purses . <p> also every track should have a lasix barn , where every horse must be 4 hrs. before it 's race and stay there until race time . only a track vet would be allowed to administer the lasix . <p> the dopers get away with it because the tracks , in their hunger for horses , allow it . <p> palaceplace 02 Jul 2012 9:07 PM <p> Some interesting comments , and the thing I love about all of them , pro or con Salix , is that it is clear we all love the horses . John Shirreffs is strongly pro-Salix . I think that says it all . If John Shirreffs thinks it is beneficial , than it is . This is a man who never puts a foot wrong when it comes to the care of his horses . I do not believe the @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ have to weigh the risk/benefit ratio . It is the same in human medicine . You can rehydrate a horse but how do you stop them from bleeding ? I wonder if Zenyatta was a bleeder ? Something tells me she might have been . Would we really have wanted to miss her historic 3 years of racing ? I do n't think so . Bute is another story . NSAID 'S are a really mixed bag and can cause serious problems in animals . For example , my elderly arthritic schnauzer was put on a COX II NSAID . He ended up in the Vet . emergency clinic last Sunday for the whole day due to severe side effects . I would imagine very short term use is relatively safe for horses but the operating principle should be , let the horse recover and do n't run them sore . I believe the vast majority of trainers care about their horses , as do their owners . Let them decide whether they use Salix or not . <p> Paula Higgins 02 Jul 2012 10:28 PM <p> I believe that @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ , so there <p> is no reason for me to get worked up over this subject . <p> This is an attempt at parody because cynicism is not the only sin I know . <p> If you disagree with me , offer your proof . I do not need to prove my assertions . They are true because I made them . It is a proper stance . I embrace it . He who asserts should not have the burden of proof . <p> When I say that racing on turf reduces the incidence of EIPH , it is true . <p> When I say that nearly all horses running on dirt , experience EIPH while racing , it is also true . <p> However , reducing racing on dirt should not be pursued as a solution . Just give them Lasix . Running on dirt might be an element of the problem , but for the welfare of the horses , it must be protected . That is ethical and as I said cynicism is not the only sin I know . ( This is not original . Forgive @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ AM <p> The business side is the dominant one in the US and the drug use on the animal for financial gain.After so many decades of drugs used in racing thoroughbreds the drugs have become part of the breed here passed from one generation to the next.One difference here from Europe is the main surface that most of the races are run is dirt as opposed to turf , which I would venture to guess makes the animals a lot more sore than running on the more forgiving turf.I think there are too many races run in this country from a viewpoint of the bettor.I also think that too many animals are bred that shouldnt be racing at all.Greed is the prevalent motivator for the majority of the owners IMO , and I do nt listen to the talk.This years Derby and Preakness winner IHA was asked by Bob Costas what part of his decision to retire IHA was business , his reply absolutely none.A few weeks later he was sold to the highset bidder.I know what I thought when I heard his reply before he even sold him to @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ <p> Do human athletes also suffer from EIPH ? Those elite runners may be suffering from the same thing , no ? Maybe they should run on Salix/Lasix also . Maybe a coach or a sports trainer can chime in on this . If it is beneficial to horses could it be beneficial to human athletes ? <p> Footlick 03 Jul 2012 10:26 AM <p> Im shocked with people wanted to continue lasix . <p> As an MD i administer this medication in humans and no one understand the side effects of this drug . <p> I think the electrolyte abnormalities in horses has never studied but i 'm sure that the horses that down need to be tested for this kind of abnormalities . <p> The racing offices should start testing horses before the race not only for drugs but for electrolyte abnormalities too . <p> Not to play down trainers but they have no clue about this topic . I 'm an owner and see my trainers how ignorant they are on this topic . They give IV fluids and lasix before the race and do n't know @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ They give dextrose 5% or Normal saline 0.9% or whatever they have not knowing what they treat . <p> Lasix before the race , racing itself and Dextrose 5 % before and after the race brings sodium and potassium very low and the horse will take time to recover . <p> Racing needs a study about this things before allowing it to happened . Giving medication to horses causes many problems that are paid by the owners at the very end . <p> This if frustrating because an ignorant trainer makes the decision which at the ends costs the horse ant the owner . <p> Arian Haxhillari M.D <p> and horse owner . <p> Arian Haxhillari 03 Jul 2012 11:14 AM <p> Footlick---I 've never heard of humans having bleeding/hemorrhage within the lungs in the absence of some other disease process . However , since humans are two-legged , upright beings , they ( we ) would be less prone to develop such a condition as EIPH because of our very different anatomical structure . Horses are 4-legged , obviously , and their chest and abdominal organs are arranged horizontally @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ of their trunk contains the heart , lungs ; the back portion contains the intestines suspended by ligaments . In between is the diaphragm . When galloping there is a back-and-forth motion that causes the intestines to swing like a pendulum and hit the diaphragm , which then pushes forward squeezing the lungs against the chest wall . The tiny alveoli air spaces within the lungs , which allow oxygen to perfuse into the bloodstream ( and CO2 to be exhaled ) contain capillary beds to accomplish this ; these tiny capillaries are ruptured with the repeated impact of the forward surging intestines . As the capillaries rupture , the bleeding ensues . Rising blood pressure contributes to the problem . Lasix removes fluids and reduces blood pressure in both humans and horses ( and other mammals ) , but humans run in an upright position , unlike equines . I do not advocate the use of Lasix in horses , really , but believe the answer lies in further medical research . <p> Karen in Texas 03 Jul 2012 12:02 PM <p> am i wrong in believing that nose @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ ? ? i do nt guess i ever researched it . but i always believed it was so . <p> " an ole railbird " <p> an ole railbird 03 Jul 2012 12:15 PM <p> JerseyBoy : <p> Very cute , but as usual , it misses the mark , and you miss the point . <p> Everything I cited had been previously documented . No " proof " was required on my part-it was , and is there for all to see . And that 's the whole point- Where is the proof/evidence to refute it ? Instead of merely offering opinions , how about doing some reading and research ? Perhaps then you might provide us with something constructive . <p> sceptre 03 Jul 2012 2:23 PM <p> Thank you for such an informative article , Steve . You could re-write the phone book and I 'd love to read it ... truly . <p> Giving an athlete pain-masking drugs is a double-edged sword . Yes , you do n't want them to suffer . How can that be wrong ? However , the pain is nature 's @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ like sitting on a ticking time bomb and flies in the face of all common sense . <p> Giving an athlete drugs like furosemide is interesting to me . A diuretic is meant to reduce fluid volume . My mom , who has very bad arthritic knees , takes it ( for another condition ) and she notices that her knee pain is doubled . That is because the fluid in the joints/cartilage is reduced and the knee bones are rubbing without that cushion . Is it not possible this could also be the case with horses ? I wonder if there are studies out there on this ... and that 's why you mostly see horses run on BOTH bute and salix . You may be helping the pulmonary bleeding - but I wonder if the cure is worse for the animal ! <p> I think regulation on a national level is critical . Perhaps stricter requirements could be put into place on determining of a horse needs certain drugs . We need to push towards the goal of improving racing 's image while we are improving the health @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ bettors/fans ... then who is left to care if the horses are sound ? Racing will have flatlined . <p> Charmed 03 Jul 2012 3:27 PM <p> In reference to the comment about Man O ' War being a " hophead " , IF that were the case , he lived to be 30 years old , good health , no break downs , the greatest sire of all time , hard to believe a drugged up horse came away so well . No adverse affects , not one . Gee , looks like Man O ' War could be the poster pony for why horses should use opiates . I 'm not implying anyone is a liar , but I 'll never be convinced that Big Red 's greatness came by way of drugs . Perhaps the " old timers " in the barns were hitting the bottle a bit too much . <p> ksweatman9 03 Jul 2012 9:35 PM <p> Great article Steve ! From what I have read on the history of racing , drugs have always been used and in my opinion things are MUCH better @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ cheat in all things so I do n't know that already illegal medications will ever go away . I am strongly of the opinion that Bute should NOT be allowed on race day . If a horse is sore give it Bute and take it out of training until it is better then resume when it no longer needs it . As for Lasix , I would rather see a horse have it than have the horse bleed . However I think it should be known that the horse is a bleeder before administration - do n't just give it to EVERY horse regardless . And I do not agree that it is " performance enhancing " except for the fact that if a horse normally bleeds and with the medication he does not bleed - then of course his performance will be better ! ! ! That is a given and does not fall under " performance enhancing " in the traditional sense in my opinion . <p> Racingfan 03 Jul 2012 9:47 PM <p> Thanks for a great piece .... I remember how queazy some folks were becoming @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ considered a Triple Crown winner with his non-win , win in Ky ? My guess is that the powers and players were relieved that Stage Door Johnny ran to the rescue <p> sysonby 03 Jul 2012 11:38 PM <p> Great article , Steve , as always ! I am in total agreement with " marapace . " I am a life-long lover and owner of Thoroughbreds . I employ mine for hunters and jumpers . ALL of the horses that I have owned have been fresh off the racetrack . To say that Bute or Lasix/Salix should be used as human athletes would use aspirin/inhaler/ etc. is redicilous ! Human athletes have the " choice " to compete and the " choice " to use or not use medications . How many times have we seem human athletes compete with or too soon after an injury ? Furthering damaging themselves and/or performing poorly due to pain and restrictions from the initial injury . Medications should not be allowed , end of story . Train better and harder and you will have better TB 's ! Furthermore , and I know @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ horses should n't be racing ... at all ! When they 're two the " breaking " should begin . There is so much evidence that their muscles and bones are n't close to being fully developed . They may not break down , however , more times than not you 're going to have a TB come off the track with leg problems . End rant ! <p> egill 04 Jul 2012 12:38 AM <p> bute has been around since 1957 . <p> in that length of time , there should have been something invented , that would work better than bute <p> i think that , the very fact that nothing else has been invented , to improve on , ( bute ) , speaks loud that it is working to the vets satifaction . <p> i contend that there is more harm in feeding treats loaded with sugar &; other sweetners , is more harmiful to horses , than being given bute , for areasonable amount of time . <p> i have resqued 2 different horses from so called , " resque farms " , that had @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ sugar diets. we should quit flogging this dead horse , ( bute &; lasix ) &; go on to more important things that havent had the research done on them .. it either needs to be proven , that bute &lasix; is harmful or the subject needs to be dropped . right now , YOU HAVENT PROVEN A THING . get over it &; lets gone to something more construtive . <p> have a nice day , " an ole railbird " <p> an ole railbird 04 Jul 2012 8:23 AM <p> So because horse racing has long been accustomed to a culture of hopping and secrecy--and the proportions of animals racing in this way is not here discussed--it legitimates the practice ? Just test better ? <p> So what that horses have been hopped in the past ? People will continue to find performance enhancers . There has to be strenous efforts to secure a level playing field in a sport . Sure people will try loading the dice , but to just throw our hands up to such behavior or treat it as a fun and sentimental part @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ having this debate about drugs that we administer to support equine health , which is not the column discusses . <p> Horse racing will survive by finding people willing to take an interest in it , whether as investors/sportsmen , professionals , or fans and punters . To try to entice all of these people into the sport we have to deal with the fact that many who are not yet interested in the sport will have an opinion about it that is shaped first and foremost by perceptions of cruelty . Lots of folks think horse racing is cruel to begin with . Try winning an argument with a non-initiate that starts with the notion that in order to race a horse humanely , you have to drug it . The argument confirms rather than refutes the notion that the sport is a cruel practice . Wow , that looks like success . <p> Passenger 04 Jul 2012 11:39 AM <p> Hey chums time for rehab for the US and the drug use , <p> CHIEF PICAWINNA 04 Jul 2012 12:00 PM <p> Would it be possible to hire @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ ? That old bird has a ton of sense and experience . <p> Pat Lee 04 Jul 2012 2:56 PM <p> I rather like " an old railbird " , too , Pat Lee . <p> Karen in Texas 04 Jul 2012 4:24 PM <p> Agree completely with marapace and egill . As long as there has been racing there have been owners and/or trainers who cheat .... be it with caffeine , cocaine , milkshakes , sponging , bute , salix/lasix , cobroxin , frog toxins or whatever the newest drug of choice is called . People cheat . Honorable people are responsible for keeping the dishonorable ones from cheating . The only way to do that is to test before and after a race , during training , while the horse is sleeping , eating , peeing , bathing , being hotwalked and groomed , and standing in the stall doing nothing . Racing has found ways to cheat since forever ; racing will continue to make excuses for cheating until racing is banned forever . And who will be pleased by that ? Not me , certainly @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Keeneland or Saratoga . But that 's what 's coming , folks . The perception , if not the actuality , of honesty MUST be presented by racing and the only way to do that is by banning drugs . And to the poster who said something like " if the horse has a headache he should be allowed an aspirin , just as a person would " --- it 's NOT the same thing and it 's disingenuous to say it is . Get a grip . Horses are not drugged to make a headache go away ; horses are drugged to make ' em run faster and not know that they hurt . <p> Again , cheers to Steve , cheers and very safe trips to the horses ( ALL of ' em ) , and the people are gon na have to find their own . <p> Needler in Virginia 04 Jul 2012 6:02 PM <p> STELLAR JAYNE <p> Pretty much agree with your comment . I , too am tired of the overused phrase " for the good of the horse " when many do n't @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ are a very rare breed . <p> Mike Relva 05 Jul 2012 10:35 AM <p> is there a support group for " complusive bloggers " . i find it harder , every day to leave this blog &; go tend to my business . i may soon be seeking a " bloggers animous " . <p> i want to shoot a couple of theorys down . there are so many misconceptions about bleeding , that it is hard for even experinced horseman to understand . &; that is to say that , most people who havent hand " hands on experince " , simply , cant wrap their " animal loving minds " around what really occurs , when a horse bleeds . <p> you will go a long ways to find a nonfit horse that bleeds. a horse that not fit rarely has the strength , to excert himself enough to force the capularys in the lungs to rupture .. therefor the theory of more training without lasix , is actully reverse to being an answer to elimanating bleeding . <p> before scoping &; lasix , we ran lots @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ when in fact they were choking on their on blood . but few ever coughed up enough blood to give away the secret that they bled . <p> i offer this comparsiom. a range OR pasture fed horse . sans any grain in his diet . to a well kept grain fed horse . ( this is 1 of the examples , that our cowboy &; ranch type work teaches us. ) yyou can catch a range horse , out of the pasture , that has no condictioning at all . you can ride him to total exhaustion in a matter of 2 or 3 hours , then pull your saddle of him &turn; him aloose &; leave him alone . he will walk himself out &; in a matter of a few hours , you wont be able to tell that he has been ridden at all . BUT do that to a well cared for grain fed horse , and you will kill him in his tracks . the grain fed horse is so much stronger , that he will keep going past the danger point , before @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ the range fed horse wont have enough strength to hurt himself &; he will give out &; quit . <p> this is the same in compareing bleeders &; non bleeders. un fit horses , slow , lazy horses , seldom bleed . because they do nt put out the effort , to rupture any thing to make a bleeder . <p> our modern thorobred horse has become so domsticated &; atuned to his masters , that they will leave it all on the racetrack &; in turn will hurt themselves . <p> i do nt want to sound like a " know it all " . i do nt know it all &; thanks to these blogs , i can learn something new every day . but when i read an " assumption , that comes from a inexperinced commentor , i cant help it . i am compelled to partisipate in the discussion . <p> have a nice day . " an ole railbird " <p> an ole railbird 05 Jul 2012 11:49 AM <p> Thank you , egill and marapace . I also have been a TB owner @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ These sports are strenuous as well , but I have never had a horse perform with any drugs at all . Just as NSAIDS should not be used regularly in humans due to side effects , the same is true of horses . Temporary use to support a healing injury is fairly common , but regular use can contribute to liver damage . And none of my horses , despite the fact that all of them were OTTB 's , ever bled . <p> Thanks again , Steve , for the illuminating article . <p> Wrensflight 05 Jul 2012 1:44 PM <p> Here 's a link to another interesting account of horse drugging in the early twentieth century : colinsghost.org/ ... /h-g-bedwell-first-tr ... <p> H.G. Bedwell , also known as " Hard Guy " Bedwell is the focus of the article . Allegedly he dosed Sir Barton with cocaine on occasion . He admitted giving small doses of arsenic to his horses as he believed it produced a beneficial effect . Wow . <p> Bill Two 05 Jul 2012 3:56 PM <p> Hey Chums do nt hang out with the @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Jul 2012 5:04 PM <p> i wonder if our great racing writers are nt akin to the great baseball writers with regards to their myopia when viewing the sport the love and report on . <p> Michael J Arndt 05 Jul 2012 9:52 PM <p> Horses race all over the world without any race day medication . Here in the USA , we have used medications routinely for so long , the horses now depend on medication in order to run . <p> When horses develop their aches and pains , do we give them the time to rest and heal ? No ! We medicate them and run them anyway . It 's developed into a vicious cycle . <p> AS to bleeding , there is a concensus that part of the cause is the impact , and bleeding occurs more often in dirt horses than in turf runners ... which supports the impact theory . Again , horses race all over the world without any medication . How do they do it ? Why ca n't we ? There are veterinarians who believe that the bleeding is actually @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ a holistic approach might be more of an advantage than meds . <p> For those who believe it 's inhumane to race horses without medication , it 's my opinion that it 's more inhumane to send a horse out to race if he is not fit enough to do so . The mere fact that he can not do so without being medicated , tells me he is not fit to race . But no one seems to want to allow a horse the time he might need to heal and become fit . <p> For myself , I feel that race day meds are nothing more that a short cut for trainers . It has nothing to do with being humane , and everything to do with $$ . <p> It 's very sad to consider that in all the debate , we have lost the ethic of doing what is best for the horse ... we are crippling the breed , and shaming his Arabian , endurance-tested ancestor . <p> In America , the leading drug pushers are drug companies who bombard us every day with their @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ children , why not races horses ? My question is Why are we such failures that we need constant medication to survive ? <p> Slew 06 Jul 2012 10:21 AM <p> why is it that the industry is in such denial ! There 's a big problem and everyones afraid to do anything about it ! These things they bring up are light drugs compared to todays world and all the hard core drugs ! when they put some trainers in california in detention barns for viliations they go fro a 25% to a 5% and less once there cleared from the barn back to 25% or more ! ! ! ! Hello racing boards think you can figure this one out ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? The only winners in this business is the vets and the horses take the blunt of there destruction ! ! ! ! If you notice all the great trainers you guys talk about have owners with deep pockets and can afford what ever bill the vet sends him no questions asked ! <p> worring 07 Jul 2012 11:27 PM @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ day medication . Here in the USA , we have used medications routinely for so long , the horses now depend on medication in order to run . <p> For those who believe it 's inhumane to race horses without medication , it 's my opinion that it 's more inhumane to send a horse out to race if he is not fit enough to do so . The mere fact that he can not do so without being medicated , tells me he is not fit to race . But no one seems to want to allow a horse the time he might need to heal and become fit . <p> For myself , I feel that race day meds are nothing more than a short cut for trainers . It has nothing to do with being humane , and everything to do with $$ as in " time is money " . <p> It 's very sad to consider that in all the debate , we have lost the ethic of doing what is best for the horse ... we are crippling the breed , and shaming his @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ 7:48 PM <p> Dear Slew July 8 , 2012 : Well , at least you have
@@5111641 <h> Weird Al 's Influence on Me Over the Years <p> Me as a tween <p> When I was a child there was n't any music I really connected to , until I heard Weird Al for the first time . I saw him in the Dare to be stupid video on MTV . He instantly became my idol . He was n't a pop star . He did n't have rock star good looks . He was n't even singing about the normal love/break-up songs . He was making fun of MaDonna , a huge icon of the 1980s . This was amazing to me . You could be famous and funny for making fun of other people . My mind was blown . <p> English : " Weird Al " Yankovic performing live in concert during his 2010 Tour . <p> His Hawaiian shirts became the symbol I looked for . I craved anything Weird Al . I wanted to hear more music and see more videos . When they gave him his own show my ears almost vomited brain cheese . Unfortunately I grew up poor and did n't own my first Weird Al album unto @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ own ! ) . One of my goals in life became to own every Weird Al album ever made . I did n't realize he 'd be putting them out for the next ... forever.Thankfully my cousins got some of his albums over the years and I was able to listen to him that way . <p> When Weird Al came out with the song " Oh Ricky ! " my cousin , Jessa , and I used to come up with dance routines to it . I was taller and had a deeper voice , so I got to sing Ricky 's part . I remember practicing in her bedroom so we could put on a show for our parents . They thought we were crazy , but we were happy so it was ok . As I grew I added more albums and paraphernalia to my Weird Al collection . I have UHF on DVD and like to watch it with my BFF . ; D The last album I bought was Straight Back to Lynwood . I used to own almost his entire album collection at one @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ of mine felt the need to trash my stuff with no plans to replace it . *pouty face* <p> I 'm heartbroken not having Weird Al to listen to whenever I want . I have a newborn son that I want to introduce to the music that made me happy . <p> There is a once-in-a-lifetime chance that I *might* be able to go to see him in concert , something I 've waited my entire life for . Weird Al is coming to Rutland and playing at the famed Paramount Theatre in Rutland , VT in October . The theatre is , literally , 2 blocks from my house . If I can go see my idol in concert , it would make up for the years I 've gone without his music in my collection . So , I 'm hopeful . I really , really , REALLY want to go . <p> Even if I do n't get a chance to see my idol in my hometown , I 'll still be a fan . I 'll find a way to introduce my son to his music @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Weird Al 's Influence on Me Over the Years <p> Even if you cant get into the show , being so close you could walk down after the show since he does meet and greets at many of his shows . Not all of them , but he does them more often than not . Or even during the day , Ive seen Al coming out
@@5111741 <h> I 'm a bit of a mess . <p> You know those people who always look really put together and awesome every time you see them ? I am not one of them . <p> Here 's a rare photo of me looking put together . I still look put together because I am still in the process of getting ready and have not had time to mess myself up . <p> Secretly , I 've always wanted to be one of those girls . I know they exist , I 've worked in offices surrounded by them . I see them floating gracefully across train platforms in ridiculous shoes . I 'm just utterly unsure as to how these magical creatures ( I believe they are called ' proper girls ' , or at least that 's what I have always called them ) manage to move through the workday , the office , and indeed life itself looking so put-together and coiffed . For me it 's like observing some fascinating and utterly avant garde tribe , but instead of having lip-plates or large holes through their septums speared with wild boar tusks , they just @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ studied these women , but I 'm at a total loss to see how they manage to stay so flawless . <p> What I look like as of 30 seconds ago . <p> I think that my default state is scruffy . My hair is always frizzy , my nails are often ragged and no matter how much I scrub them , the dirt always sneaks back underneath . My clothes are always ripping or springing spontaneous holes , usually around the butt area and I only notice after I 've walked up large flights of stairs . My feet ... oh my feet . My feet are like leather -- I could probably walk across a boiling hot roadtop littered with razorblades and oystershells without feeling a thing . My makeup melts off my face ( when I can be bothered to wear it ) and I seem to attract dirt and stains like some kind of large , girl-shaped filth-magnet . <p> I start out with the best intentions and looking smashing . Then , as the day wears on I start to ... the only accurate descriptor @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ I know that in reality , these women devote a great deal of time to their visage , and truthfully -- that is not something I 'm willing to do . It 's only the rare ones that manage to look amazing on a daily basis effortlessly , and that 's not something that can be taught or attained -- that 's just an innate thing . More often than not that smooth-skinned , shiny-haired , well-put-together type has spent a great deal of time and money to look that way . And when I think about it like that , it does n't seem as important . I would rather use that time and money for other stuff . To have adventures ! To write blogs and see friends and earn black-belts and make awesome food . For me , the time it would take to attempt to wrangle my messy , dishevelled self into a state of put-togethered-ness would mean I 'd have to sacrifice other things . And I 'm not willing to do that . <p> See , at this point in my life I was @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ to pluck my eyebrows . And I 'm cool with that . In fact , I kinda miss those eyebrows ... <p> I think the epic quest for aesthetic perfection and the pursuit of adventure and general awesomeness are two mutually exclusive paths . I 'm not saying that someone who spends time trying to look nice is wasting their time -- everyone wants to present a decidedly non-hideous picture of themselves to the world , and prettying yourself up can be a whole lot of fun ( especially if you are with friends and there is cider involved . ) But focusing too much on any one thing is unhealthy , and I kinda feel as if devotion to one 's exterior can sometimes lead to the neglect of one 's interior . Instead of spending all my time trying to look perfect , I 'd prefer instead to attempt to scrub up my personality and try to be the best person I can be . And that requires enough bloody time all on it 's own ... <p> It 's a natural thing to envy what you are @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ detail . It does n't help that we get bombarded with images of perfection in magazines and on billboards and parading across the telly . I guess it helps to realise that a day-to-day human being just ca n't compete with that , and nor should they have to . It 's not real and honestly , it 's not that important . It does n't matter how frizzy your hair is , how many humongous zits you have cultivating on your chin , how dirty your nails or how wrinkled ( and cat-fur-sprinkled ) your shirt is . If you are kind , fun , happy , friendly and have mad skills , then other **35;6729;TOOLONG people are going to notice that first , not the blackheads on your nose ( or the huge hole you just ripped in the seat of your jeans . ) <p> Are you oftentimes rumpled , ruffled , dishevelled and in disarray ? Do you envy people who are well-kept or have you accepted your imperfect state ? <p> Oh dear Molly , you sound just like me ! I try on occasion @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ does n't last . I seriously thought I was the only one who ends up with melted face when the makeup slips off 30seconds after it 's been put on ! <p> At last I am no longer alone in my scruffiness ! I 'd rather be comfortable and dazzle people with my wit and personality than be a super hot , supermodel any day <p> It 's not just you . Try and try as I might , I just ca n't keep my person neat and tidy . It just does n't happen . I 'm getting more and more comfortable with my lack of put-togetheredness , but it 's taken a while . ( I blame my oily face for the make-up slippage . Probably also my lack of care in putting it on in the first place . ) <p> Dude , I 'm a fucking mess . I never wear makeup , even though when I do , it 's like night and day and I *know how* to put it on . I just ca n't be bothered with the skin care routine that @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ occupation means it 's pointless to get dressed up . It 's not that it 's a constantly filthy job , but without fail , the one day I decide to wear slacks instead of jeans , or a pristine white tee shirt , is the one day some client surprises me with an issue that requires me getting on their floor and getting filthy . So I do n't bother . <p> Let me tell you a little story -- just yesterday , because business is really slow right now , I was sitting around doing very little in my tattiest jeans and a faded t-shirt . at 545pm , I get a call from someone asking if I can go tune a piano downtown *right then* . They needed it tuned for an event that started at 7pm , and were willing to accept whatever and pay whatever . So I said okay and high-tailed it . Turns out the " event " was a very upscale , formal political fundraiser taking place at the fucking St. Regis hotel . Even the cleaning staff was in formal attire @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ torn , faded jeans and a tee shirt , with my unbrushed hair in a ponytail . WIN . <p> Totally with you there in envying those who can look oh-so-perfect all the time . I barely wear any makeup . I wear clothes that are covered in cat hair and need to use the lint remover often ! Thanks to my cats , I also have threads hanging from some work pants . ( Sigh ) Y'know who I also envy : women who ' work out ' at the gym and hardly break a sweat ... their hair remains perfect even after a workout . Me ? I look like a hag after a workout . A sweaty hag . <p> " I think the epic quest for aesthetic perfection and the pursuit of adventure and general awesomeness are two mutually exclusive paths . " <p> As a former Trad-Goth-who-clubs I feel it is worse than that . I think the epic quest for aesthetic perfection and doing anything more than look decorative are two mutually exclusive paths . My predisposition toward overheating even at low temperatures killed @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ my wardrobe was killed by impracticality . I still have the time to Goth up but can not be bothered with the faff of changing to clean the bathroom or cook then changing back again . <p> Wow , I 'm totally a recovering Goth too ! I gave it up because at heart , I 'm just too much of a dag . I mostly gothed-up for the clubs too , and some of my fondest memories are of the hours my friends and I took getting ready . If I think my make-up melting problems are bad now , you should have seen us halfway through a night out at Vortex , circa 2004 . Oh , good times . Being a goth is pretty much the most impractical
@@5111841 <h> Tuesday , October 16 , 2012 <h> Do You Know How to " Pull the Pin ? " <p> We are having a jubilee at our church this week and it has been SO good . There is just nothing better than preachers that truly know God and know how to preach ! This morning one of them was preaching about so many times Christians struggle through things and get out of church and do the wrong things , because we have memorized scriptures , but we do n't know how to apply them . What good is it to quote , " Philippians 2:14 Do all things without murmurings and disputings , " but then we complain about the weather , about not having money , about the preacher or someone in the church , about our family members not doing what we want them to or treating us like we think we should be treated or how the things at work or church are run . The list could go on and on and on with this one . It does little good to recite it , when we ca n't get it in our heart @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ recite , " Ephesians 4:26 Be ye angry , and sin not : let not the sun go down upon your wrath " but we are angry all the time with someone , and not just at night , but we carry it on to the next day and some even hold grudges for years ! He said , " What good would a fire extinguisher do you when something caught fire , if you did n't know how to pull the switch ? " When we go through things in life or the daily things that make us mad or hurt us , and we do n't know how to ' pull the switch ' with scriptures , then it does us NO good . I not only want to recite the scriptures , but I want to know how to use them in my daily walk that others may see Christ in me and know that there IS a better way to live life ! God 's word is so powerful if we 'll just let it do it 's work . <h> 6 comments : <p> I @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ to be , but I can usually think of the first few words in a certain Scripture and I can look it up to finish . We are having a Missions Conference and I am learning that little is much when God is in it . <p> Amen , old saying show me your faith by your works ; James 2:18 Yea , a man may say , Thou hast faith , and I have works : shew me thy faith without thy works , and I will shew thee my faith by my works . Faith without works is dead , it is not enough to just say the words we memorize , but to feel them , to know them , and to put them into action . That is the key to being a Christian , not just a religious person sitting in church . It lasts forever , not just for a season , we are committed to Christ for life , not just when we are around some that love the lord , we are to be the
@@5111941 <p> It 's been more than 20 years since Guns N ' Roses franchise manager Axl Rose appeared in a live TV interview , having kept the audience waiting this long because someone threw a water bottle . But after all that time , Rose has finally agreed to come out and sit down in a historic-by-default talk on ABC 's Jimmy Kimmel Live , ending a decades-long silence that has only occasionally been broken by numerous print interviews , declarations from the stage , and long , windy blog posts about himself . Kimmel will welcome Rose to his show on October 24 , just before the latter kicks off his " Appetite For Democracy " residence in Las Vegas , which sounds about right . They will discuss the complicated , frustrated history of the band ,
@@5112041 <p> ST . PAUL - Let me get this straight : an anonymous blogger from the left wing site Daily Kos cobbles together snippets from newspapers , undated or misdated pictures , and other anecdotes and tidbits of information to produce a conspiracy theory that Sarah Palin is covering up the fact that her daughter , Bristol , is really the mother of Trig , the five month old baby born in April with Down 's Syndrome . <p> This ugly rumor - ripped straight from the headlines of Desperate Housewives - is then picked up , turned over , and promoted repeatedly by a " respectable " writer in the online version of one of America 's most venerated magazines . <p> The result is that an unfounded personal smear , which really should have no business existing outside of the bowels of the left wing Internet , becomes an overnight sensation among the political chattering class . <p> The sordid chronology of the last few days will get lost quickly as the mainstream media turns its attention to the dramatic announcement yesterday that Bristol Palin is five months pregnant . But make no mistake about it : @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ and integrity , and at least one journalist failed that test miserably . <p> While all the major media outlets shied away from repeating this crackpot theory , Andrew Sullivan of The Atlantic jumped into the fever swamp with both feet . Not only that , but he continues to demand that the Palins produce medical records to refute the rumor even after yesterday 's announcement about Bristol made it clear that she could not possibly be the mother . <p> Just a couple of weeks ago Sullivan latched on to and began promoting another rumor that bubbled up from the left wing blogs that John McCain had lifted his " cross in the dirt " story from Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn 's The Gulag Archipelago only to discover no such passage existed in the book . <p> Sullivan appears to want to justify his descent by arguing that trafficking in rumors is perfectly appropriate for his blog . He 's just asking questions , after all . But The Atlantic is not Daily Kos , though these
@@5112141 <p> Want to know what 's going on at the San Luis Obispo Little Theatre ? This is the place to come . Get updates about productions , auditions , volunteer information , and theatre on the Central Coast of California . Find us on Facebook , too ! <h> Wednesday , November 7 , 2012 <h> Middle of the week actor worship- check out what else Dan Conner can do ! <p> Good afternoon friends of the Little Theatre , <p> It 's that time of the week again- let 's take a closer look at an artist who has made an entire career of playing nice guys . ( Some of them end up chopping people 's heads off , but , they sure are sweet before that . ) Rosanne 's better half himself : John Goodman . <p> Too shoe-centered ? Click HERE to check out Goodman 's original audition for Rosanne . <p> Not sentimental enough for you ? Click HERE to see Goodman talk about his experience on Rosanne and see some great clips for the classic show . <p> To television-centered for you ? Click HERE to hear Goodman sing this great @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ . ( BONUS- this clip shows you exactly what you should n't do when you put together a YouTube video . It 's fabulously terrible , but the song is great . ) <p> Not a theatre fan ? See some of Goodman 's greatest collaborations with the Coen brothers below : <p> Click HERE for The Big Lebowski . (
@@5112241 <p> I think it comes down to a simple " are you/and is the nation , better off today than when Obama took office four years ago ? " With the doubled nation 's deficit , out-of-control spending , etc. ( and let 's throw in that I lost my job two weeks ago ) , I have no choice but to vote for Romney for a fresh start . <p> Remember in your mind , that this came about through darling George who bankrupted every company he ever was put in charge of by his dad . Recovery is a day by day event . No politicial is perfect but I do not trust Romney , too many ties to big business and if you tell a fib long enough and hard enough does not make it true . This party has taken on a lunatic fringe that now controls the Republican party . Shame , it used to be reputable . <p> The country is bankrupt because of decades of policies that did not adapt to the new realities of the earth . The worst of which were the social nets put in place for populations that @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Mr. At-Best-Average is not the answer , clearly . At least with Romney , Mr. Flip-Flopper , we wo n't get four more years of the same disappointment and he could n't possibly do worse . <p> I know we all have the right to disagree , but there has been so much racial and skin head hatred , I am appaled . Romney 's loyalties are with the very rich . Now rich people are not bad , but this is for all the people . I am in the Real Estate Industry and we were dead in 2008 and now we are busy , helping those who got ripped off by George 's legacy . Mitt Romney is the party of the rich and honestly the Republicans are not the problem , it is the new lunatic fringe in the bubble that is deadly and scarey . Politicians as evidenced by Romney will say anything that the wind blows . I can not believe that no one remembers how bad this was and it is improving , but moderately . There is no Santa Claus and Mitt is @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ your part of the Real Estate industry then you were the ones who were part of the real estate bubble and not Bush who had nothing to do with Clinton 's loosening of regulations to let people who had no business buying homes do so at prices ridiculously inflated by people like you and banksters alike . By the way I 'm a dirt poor minority and I 'll earn my money thank you , I do n't need rich people to give me anything . I 'm just as smart as them and all I need is time and an environment that will let me accomplish that . <p> DeMaria , I do n't understand what your saying by hate ? What about my comments are so hateful ? Is it just cause I wo n't vote for Obama this time ( I did four years ago ) , that now makes me hateful ? You do n't make any logical arguments to support your candidate , all you say is Bush was bad and your 're hateful so vote for Obama . <p> Ms. DeMaria - the only @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ the Democrats . As Mr. Rats indicated , it was Clinton that forced banks to loan people money that could not afford to pay it back and it was the Democrats that blocked the additional oversight of Fannie / Freddie sought by GWB &; Republicans back in 2004/2005 ( you can still see C-Span videos posted on YouTube ) . Your partisan hatred is telling . <p> We are much better off now . My husband lost his job and ended up with a better one . Our stock accounts are doing well again , both our sons got jobs after college during Obama 's presidency , and we were able to get an incredible interest rate buying a recent home . I say 4 more years ! <p> After I left comments this morning I received this . Interestingly enough it says what I believe about one turning against another . I received this did not author it and believe it deeply in my heart . The quickest way to take over a country is from dividing and conquering . <p> You really should look at the numbers instead @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ the last two years of W 's reign . If you look at the jobs report we lost many more jobs in his years , and by the way he had 8 to screw things up , than we have lost under Obama . The deficit the first year Obama was in office was paying off W 's debt . Since then the deficit has been shrinking every year . Debt still increases until we go positive again . Congress is the one that controls spending and it has been controlled by the people who blame Obama but are the real spenders for the last 2 years . Look at the facts , not the retoric . I can provide the data if you need it . <p> the most important events that will happen during the next 4 years affecting the next generation of americans will be the next presidents nominations for the supreme court . 3 justices will retire and need to be replaced . these jurist 's views will affect EVERY ISSUE that is being discussed in these reader comments . which of these 2 men will @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ , who is by far the most forward thinking choice . this type of thinking is required in dealing with avoiding climate change disasters such as the one that just happened on the east coast . <p> I do n't even know where to begin but the bottom line is if your doing well it 's despite Mr. At-Best-Average 's efforts to crush the middle and upper class to make them equal to the poor class . I know cause our middle class family was subjected to the same crap 50 years ago in Cuba . History repeating itself . I am partly to blame as I voted voted for the current guy four years ago . I 'm Sorry ! <p> Republicans have blocked or held hostage almost every piece of legislation Obama has tried to enact . Whether good or bad legislation , the Republicans have consistently voted along party lines to make congress the least effective it has ever been . This is not what we elect our government officials to do . There is no compromise in Wasington , Republicans and Democrats need to work together @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ DeMaria . She talks against racial and skin head hatred and then blabs about lunatice fringe and then wants everybody to be peaceloving and finally ends with ' hate mongering is still here , sad ' . Shes promoting hate mongering . What is sad that this woman is serious confused about everything and this is why she writes such contradictory stuff . <p> Do n't know what anguish you are talking about ? I felt anquish in 08 when the stock market crashed and I saw my retirement savings dwindle . Now 4 years later , my accounts have recovered and we are in a much better situation . <p> Under Obama government has grown at an incredible rate , spending has ballooned and so has debt . The EPA , The SEC , The DEA , the FDA , and a host of other gov't agencies have passed hundreds of regulations restricting what Americans can and ca n't do . W are far less free now than four years ago , and poorer too . I am voting for Romney . <p> John , None of that is @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ the last four administrations . I would HIGHLY suggest people take just 3 mins- JUST 3- to check the facts and not rely on paid advertisers . www.factcheck.org <p> I hate more government , but you really need to check your numbers . The reason unemployment continues to be so high while private jobs are created is that government jobs have decreased . Check the numbers ! ! ! ! But I do believe both of the last 2 presidents have a terrible record on protecting civil liberties . <p> I will vote for Obama who walked into the biggest storm possible . Banks failing , Lehman closing , Merrill Lynch and a host of others broke , Citi near collapse , what did people think - the Presidency was like the clapper - new president - clap on all good ? Additionally , aside from Romney 's position on cutting taxes I have no idea what this man stands for on any issue as he has been on both sides of every issue and that is a fact . <p> Mr. average-at-best-Obama did nothing to solve the banking crisis @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ before they left saved the day . The Iraq pull out was negotiated by Bush . Mr average swelled the Afghan ranks to 100000 for nothing , just more dead GI 's . He blew 1 Trillion on crap stimulus . He added a few regulations , was forced to embrace ( flip/flop ) gay marriage , did virtually nothing for jobs and rammed through the ridiculous Obamacare . His main mantra now is " tax the rich ! " . Even if you tax the rich at 100% it would n't even pay for 1/1000th of the debt we have . Other than tax the rich he has no other plan ! <p> I have many reasons to trust Obama starting with the fact that a friend who attended law school with him and was in the same firm with him says Obama continues to hold integrity through and through . I trust my instincts and the fact checking that comes to me from the better informed . <p> And , by the way , Madeleine Albright questioned how any woman could support Romney and I question that as @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ come up for question after all these years is unbelievable . <p> Again no real reason other than a friend told you . Defend your man for Christ 's sake ! Make some impassioned arguments and convince me . So far it 's Clinton said he 's not that smart and a friend told you he is . <p> I love the name calling by the poster Mr. Rats .... and I will not even comment on that . Now Bush gets the credit for the bail outs that Mr Romney is blaming Obama for ? Great . I agree we need to reduce the debt and taxing the rich will not cure it , but it sure goes a long way to saying that the middle class should not bear the brunt of the burden , while our ex President goes down to the Cayman Islands to tell a bunch of rich guys how to avoid US taxes by storing their money off shore ! <p> Bob it really does n't matter who wins Tuesday . 1+1=2 and no one can change that . Mr. At-Best-Average has already said @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ . Meaning say good bye to the cheese lefties . <p> Too many accomplishments on record with facts to back it up . Such as , ending the war in Iraq , improved medical rights for women , student loan reform and most importantly foreign policy . Why elect Romney when he has nothing but promise and no plan ? Its really a no brainer who the middle wants . Obama all the way ! <p> If you call an executive , someone who borrows money to buy companies , takes a giant profit , sends his money overseas to avoid taxes ( still missing those returns Mitt ) , and then leaves the company bankrupt and employees outsourced or out of work . You 're right Mitt is your man . <p> I will be going with Obama : ( 1 ) the economy is slowly coming back . ( 2 ) as a product of the era where my friends had to go to sweden or NY for an abortion , or worse yet , a butcher- I am prochoice . I ca n't vote for a candidate @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ what it is like to be hungry , and poor , and to depend on the charity of others . I do n't believe that Romney would know what to do if his money disappeared overnight . Healthcare - it worked as Romneycare- why is it a sin as Obamacare ? We all need healthcare . Romney suggested we send them in a cab to the ER . Not a good idea . Obama is at least aware of climate change - Romney , not a clue . I am not crazy about either but for me , I will go with Obama . I also think it is despicable that some companies are using Obamacare as an excuse to raise insurance costs . Do I know this for a fact- yes . <p> I do n't think Mr. flip-flopper will win , although he may win the popular vote . But if you think it 'll be a renewed hope and change based on leftist principles time after the election then go back to smoking whatever makes you happiest . Mr. average-at-best will have to make a right turn @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ as he 'll have no choice . In the end whether your left or right , math is math . In the end 1+1=2 and nothing can change that . <p> Deborah ... I receive zero government aid ... never have . I am gainfully employed ... with the same employer for 25 years . In fact ... I am financially far better off than I was 4 years ago . I have just purchased a new car with green backs ... my partner bought a new one earlier this year ... and we are vacationing in Barbados over the holidays . I am buying my partner a month at a spa in Arizona for the holidays . So how are you doin ' B**** ? Oh ... BTW ... do not answer ... I do not care oh pathetic one . <p> Obama is a Huey Long reincarnate . A second rate Ward Healer propelled into office by resurrected Share The Wealth proponents . And while his Chicago Democratic Machine thuggery and Tammany Hall type tactics can assuage the fears of the misinformed , the truth is that he @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ really believed he could lead the free world with cutesy catch phrases , fist bumps and smile points . His whole campaign has been little more than ad copy for Saturday morning cartoon cereal commercials . <p> I 'm neither a Democrat nor a Republican . I think the folks who run for office are full of dog doo doo . A lot of talk . A lot of promises , but nothing is accomplished . We already know what Obama has or has not done , but it would be interesting to see what Romney will and wo n't do . It 's a vicious circle , and without a doubt , if Romney wins , the same people who vote him in , will be complaining about him four years for now . Politics is a bunch of BS ! <p> I was recently told that a certain percentage ( both over 50% ) of statements made by political leaders of Democrats and Republicans were untruthful . Could that statement equate that they are lies and politicians are not on the up and up ? Are politicians in @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ " their people " ? ! <p> How soon we forget ! I too lost my job in late 2010 and it took me over a year to find a much lower paying job with twice the demands of my previous job . Some of you forget in 2008 the Stock Market was in free fall , the banks were on the brink of collapse , the Auto industry was near failure , we were fighting two unfunded wars , one was started for illegitmate reasons , and you can sit there and say were not better off today ? You people need to wake up and stop drinking the Romney kool-aid ! <p> Let 's see you lost your job in 2010 and got a lower paying job and you blame Bush or Romney ? Based on your logic I think can understand why you lost your job . No one president was to blame for the 2008 collapse . This was due to paradigm changes to the global economy and policies ( mostly social nets ) that did not adapt to the changing demographic and global realities . @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ problems . Go back to drinking your Obama-aid and stay off the boards . <p> D , Similar situation for me- tried to sell a house in ' 08 , lost over half my 401k value and took a lower paying job . Today , my retirement accounts have more than regained that loss , my new house has increased in value at a reasonable rate and I am in a great job , making more than I had in 2008- 2010 . Houses in my neighborhood get sold quickly , the Reinvestment Act fixed roads and highways here so my commute is awesome AND we 're getting the high speed rail that Ohio did n't want . ( Yea ! ) <p> KBarber , none of that is Obama 's doing other than the 1 trillion for the " Investment " act that has done nothing to improve the situation over the long term . Just added more debt to future generations so some people could have a $12 an hour job for a few months and you can drive your car more comfortably . <p> QE1 will get @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ . QE3 more of the same and no hope in sight . Remember congress flipped to democrat control January 2007 . That congress started to downfall . Clinton was lucky because he had a republican congress to guide him . <p> A large part of being a leader is fostering cooperation between groups of people with different perspectives . Barack Obama has failed miserably when it comes to " reaching across the aisle " . During the Obamacare negotiations , Democrats LOCKED OUT the Republicans who should 've been part of those meetings . Americans have not forgotten how Obamacare , which is 1/6 of the entire American economy , was pushed through on a partisan basis . <p> He famously told Republicans who wanted compromise that " i won " , instead of trying to work with them . <p> Mitt Romney was a Republican governor in a Democrat run state . He knows how to work with ' the other side ' . He also knows this from being a leader of a company and from being a leader of the 2002 US Olympics committee . <p> People @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ expediency . I see that as a strength in this current political environment .. he is not fixated on ideology . He is willing to bend and compromise to get things done . Is n't that what we want from our President ? <p> I call him Mr. Flip-Flopper because no one really knows his true core principles as they change all the time . Reagan had core principles that no one could change but he could also be pragmatic without sacrificing those core principles . Obama is just plain average and is n't any smarted than my second grade child . So I 'll hold my nose and vote for Romney just like I held my nose and voted for Mr. At-Best-Average . <p> Dan , I did n't forget the 300+ filibusters in Congress and the 300+ missed opportunities for one half of our Reps to do something . How many bills for job stimulous did n't even get to come up for a vote ? What about the incentive to hire US workers and do away with off-shoring tax breaks ? Did n't even get a discussion @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Act , the Violence Against Women Act , cutting funding for Head Start and the move to privatize Social Security . I know how many Millions of over 50 folks do n't have 401k 's and no salary to save anything meaningful for retirement after 30+ years of work . SS is insurance against poverty and it speaks to the heart of the kind of people we should be . No Romney please , if he ca n't be honest and just TELL us what his plans are , I ca n't hire him and just wait and see later . <p> Do you know why the Democrats got their butts kicked out of the House in 2010 ? ... the last election ? <p> Because Americans were sick and tired of them pushing all of their legislation through on a partisan basis . Did you forget about that ? <p> The Republicans in the House were hired , by mandate , to STOP the Democrats from spending all of our grandchildren 's money , that we have been borrowing from China . Thus , the fillibusters . <p> Now @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ that there are two sides of Congress , right ? Harry Reid 's Senate sat on over 20 bills that passed the House , that were related to improving the jobs situation .. THEY DID N'T EVEN VOTE ON THEM ! Who is the obstructionist party ? ? ? <p> And since we 're talking about the Senate , where is the Democrat budget ? They did not pass a budget in over THREE years ! You want to talk about dereliction of duties ? That 's the Harry Reid Senate . The ' do nothing ' Senate . The obstructionist Senate . <p> And ' plans ' ? What are Obama 's plans ? He has run his campaign as though somebody else was in office ... he is running like he is the challenger . Sorry , President Kardashian , you have been in office for FOUR years . You took a bad situation and made it worse . You are over matched for the job . <p> It amazes me that Obama gets blamed because he should have done more the first two years when he had @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Which is it ? He is blamed by his own party for trying to compromise too much and by the other for not compromising enough . I say let 's drown them all <p> Well Mr. At-Best-Average did n't win the popular vote at the Dem primary in 2008 , it took a global economic collapse to beat McCain and a hurricane of cataclysmic proportions to beat Romney . He will become a republican after the elections to deal with the fiscal cliff . He already said so . <p> Let me also add a couple of personal reasons why i do n't like the way Obama has done his job .. <p> All of the tv shows , radio shows ( Pimp with a Limp ? really ? ) , hosting celebrities at the White House ( he has spent MORE MONEY entertaining than ANYBODY EVER ) ... there is a good reason why many refer to him as President Kardashian . <p> If things were going along well , then ok ... you have time to do these frivolous things . But things are not going well . @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ our area .. millions and millions are underemployed , etc . <p> The other thing that bugs me is how this sitting president started fundraising in earnest and campaigning LAST YEAR ! No other president has ever hit the campaign trail earlier than Obama . He did n't have any competition in primaries , yet he was still out fundraising in Hollywood and Manhatten and out stumping when Rome was burning . I find these behaviors to be reprehensible . <p> Mchenry county . Is full of selfish ignorant republicans . I am so tired of all the blah blah All you do is cut down and point fingers at people . Lets come up with solutions . You 've spent the last 2 years in a vicious attempt to destroy Obama . Instead of tell me how you are going to fix things . .... Anyone that would put that much effort into being destructive is not American . Therefor the right choice the honest choice . The only choice for me is Obama ! ! ! ! ! <p> As far as I know republicans have put out @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ wo n't matter who wins Tuesday , cause after the election it 's a turn to the right to deal with the fiscal cliff . CUT , CUT , CUT <p> Oscar , did you read the articles on Patch last week about how foreclosures are going UP in McHenry County ? <p> There are a lot of people out there who are feeling a lot of pain . <p> Can you tell me how Obama is going to fix things ? He has n't spelled these corrective actions out , maybe you have some insight ? <p> Honest choice ? really , Oscar ? Obama just recently lied to us about what he knew about the terrorist attack in Libya . He lied , people died . True , Oscar .. The father of one of the men who was murdered says that " Obama murdered my son " . What do you have to say about that , Oscar ? Obama is the ' honest choice ' ? God help us all . <p> Most democrats these days sleep walk throughout the day thinking " Obama is president @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ way Gitmo is still open and will be 4 years from now . Four years ago is was hell on earth itself but now it 's not so bad after all . <p> I am not going to say one or the other . I just know that no matter what the outcome is , we all know that our country is in dire need of major changes . It is not just one man that can turn it around , it requires the support and dedication of all that are under him . We are at the mercy of others who will shape our lives and the lives of our children for the future . Whom ever gets elected has allot of responsibility to fix and find solutions for what has not worked in the past . Not an easy task to tackle . So I find the possitive of what has been done , what could be done , and hopefully a change for better things to come . <p> Victoria , that 's why Romney is the better choice . He has proven an ability to work @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ of a state that was mostly Democrats . <p> Some people criticize him for not being fixated on his conservative ideology . I believe that we need a guy like Romney who is not so set in his ways that he can compromise to get things done . <p> He is competent , hard working and presidential . You wo n't hear him on radio shows like ' Pimp with a Limp ' ... you wo n't hear about him hosting lavish parties in the White House every other week with celebrities . All he is going to do is work . He might not be as cool as President Obama , but being cool has n't helped too many people find good jobs and get off of foodstamps . <p> Who should be president ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Obama ? amnesty and the dream act for 20 million illegals if elected and if he can get it approve by the GOP congress ? ? Giving 20 million illegals amnesty the best thing for unemployed Americans ? no . Romney ? ? ? ? @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ for the rich ? ? is that good for America ? ? no .. Neither candidate is good for America . Not voting for the first time . <p> If you do n't want to vote for either of them , consider voting for a libertarian . ( : This will open up a third spot for next election if Gary Johnson gets at least 5% of the nations vote . I 'm voting for Obama but I understand where you 're coming from .... if you vote Gary Johnson your vote will maybe at least make a difference in the future ( : <p> Who are you ? How can any intelligent woman vote for the right wing ticket ? Do you have any empathy towards others ? You better hope you or your significant other ( if you have one ) never lose your job , your health care , or get a life threatening illness . <p> Wow , only a loony leftist would think that all women have to vote for dems . I think women are smarter than that . Women vote just like men @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ best interest . <p> Gitmo was a good idea under Bush and Obama has done a good job keeping it open . Four years ago it was everything to the lefties , now not such a big deal . Only because Mr. At-Best-Average currently occupies the " seat " or perhaps not as you and Clint think . <p> I am voting for Romney . He is a better choice . Obama has done nothing for this country . He became President on a bet and people voted for him . Shame on you people . The guy had NO experience what so ever . He lied and cheated his way into jobs . He has not done anything for America but bring us down . He should keep his promise . He said if I do nt do a good job then I will become a one term president . So be it ! ! ! ! ! Romney is our man ! ! <p> Obama has done nothing ? Obamacare is NOTHING ? ? ? Obamacare has changed my life , and unfortunately , people whom it does @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ , the young adults , the generation that is SCREWED , benefits so much from Obamacare . <p> Also , Romney is probably a bigger liar than Obama is , AND he reminds me of a greasy car salesmen . Seriously , how can anyone believe anything he says ? Why would any woman vote for Romney ? ? ? ? <p> These ' investigative ' journalists from ABC , NBC and CBS will go back to investigating fraud and reporting it instead of trying to cover for the president . <p> Do you know that NBC news has n't talked about Benghazi in over a week ? and that 's with new information being released .. do you think they would do that for a Republican ? No way . Elect a Republican so the media can go back to doing their jobs . <p> Obama keeps claiming that Bush caused the housing bubble . BS . It was caused by the constant insistence of Barney Frank , Chuck Schumer , and Harry Reid that lending restrictions needed to be loosened to give people unable to secure a mortgage @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ what then happened . People who were making $400 a week bought $250,000 homes with $1200 a month payments and quickly went into default . <p> The republicans fought against this but the dems , who had control of congress , pushed it through by threatening banks with a congressional investigation if the rules were not relaxed . Look it up . <p> Republicans tried to investigate / reign in Fannie / Freddie back in 2004/2005 , but Democrats blocked it declaring the programs were " sound " and Republicans ' fears of a collapse were " unfounded " and " hateful " . YouTube has the C-Span videos of Maxine Waters , Barnie Frank , Chris Dodd , and the rest of the cast of characters . <p> Think about it - FOUR years before the collapse Republicans were warning of the problem , but were pushed aside by partisan democrats with the help of the MSM . If you want to look for blame in the huge crash , look there . The VIDEOS ARE STILL THERE with the Democrats speaking - their OWN WORDS . <p> Four @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ trillion in debt One down grade and anothe looming 24 million need real jobs No plan for energy other then to attack coal industry and produce a car no one wants Foreign policy is a disaster Benghazi coverup Where is the transparency we were promised Where is the bipartisanship we were promised Where is the CHANGE ? Obamacare is a disaster Fiscal cliff looming and the president does nothing Record low labor particapatiin Record numbers on welfare food stamps President never attends security briefings President has n't met with his jobs council in a year Time to FIRE the " empty chair " Vote Romney/Ryan . <p> Unfortunately , Illinois has been run so far into the ground by over taxation and spending that much like California , there is little hope regardless of who is in the White House . We are the poster child for the effects of long term democrat policies where the least productive are sustained by the most productive . The problem is that wealthy people and businesses are n't stuck here . They can and are moving in droves to offshore markets . So @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ are trying to legitimize their aberrant lifestyles or failures through legislative acceptance . So , please vote for Obama , and continue to be lead to the gallows by his masters in organized labor . When the wealthy and their jobs are gone , you can work in a government salt mine or whatever is left . <p> The economy will do better once the tentacles of Obamacare are removed from the books . The looming taxes , fees and penalties on the middle class from Obamacare will help folks buy more , that changes everything . <p> One thing they couldnt buy is insurance . Many people would not be ale to buy insurance and the spiral of bankruptcy due to healthcare expenses would continue . Those of us payingour bills would continue to subsidize those without insurance through higher healthcare costs . The so called tax on the middle class because of Obamacare is based upon unfactual information , but that does not surprise me . The Republicans have tried to win at any cost , including many lies . Its embarrassing what they have done . Romney @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ months ago now lies about most everything he previously said . I want a President who is truthful and has a backbone . Obama is a clear choice . More so than when McCain/Palin was the choice . <p> Insurance premiums are escalating higher now that more is forced by law into policies , such as contraceptives , abortions , etc . With so many people out of work , the economy in turmoil , the Obama supporters can only claim lies at the truths thrown in their face . <p> McClown ... My brother-in-law is a actuary for BCBS of Illinois . He is voting Obama . The big insurance companies are fearful that Obamacare will be repealed . At first they did not want it ... now they see dollar signs and do . Barack will be re-elected and Obamacare will be safe from repeal ... find your crying towel dude cake . HAHAHA <p> @Chris - exactly , Illinois is an example of what progressive policies will do at the national level . But people think everything is FREE because Obama said so . Illinois is bankrupt @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ <p> I do not care who will be the next President . I offer how to create jobs and fight climate change . CLIMATE CHANGE IS REAL GHGs HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH CLIMATE CHANGE ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 1 . Government of Zimbabwe ( 1990-2005 ) order to cut 21% of forests for crop production RESULT : area with drought history , became SEVERE DROUGHT . 2 . From 2000 and 2012 killer beetles destroyed more than 100,000,000 acres of forests In USA and Canada . 2 . Are these dead forests evaporate additional water from soil , or increase humidity in air and probabilities of rain ? THESE DEAD FORESTS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR DROUGHT OF 2010 , 2011 , 2012 , FOR HURRICANES LIKE SANDY ! ! ! ! <p> 1 . We must build small power plants inside affected forests to produce electricity , hot water and heat from the cheapest wood energy . 2 . We must clean our ponds , streams , creeks , rivers , lakes , build reservoirs to collect spring water , 3 We must build systems of relocation @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ will create jobs with huge profit from electricity production and increasing crop production from farmers fields . <p> PREVENTION ! PREVENTION ! PREVENTION ! ! ! Prevention is always cheaper than emergency spending . FEMA , EPA must be reorganized from spending organization to FOR PROFIT ORGANIZATION ! ! ! We could start these directions right now with huge profit , instead of disasters . These jobs will never go overseas despite globalization of today level . <p> Climate change is real . Been happening for a gazillion years . It 's cyclical . <p> Man made climate change is b.s . <p> When Michael Mann fudged the data because it did n't support the narrative , that was all the proof i needed .. Michael Mann is a liberal . Liberals lie , cheat and steal to support their narrative . If you know liberals , it 's ALL about the narrative . <p> Well everyone , it was n't bush 's fault for the economic fail , it was actually .... Clinton 's fault . He deregulated the banks in his last part of his term . It @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Well it allowed banks to gamble with our money and make loans , a lot of loans , risky loans and it caused a housing melt down and it also caused banks to stop giving credit to business like small businesses that needed that to hire people , give benefits and so on . So it caused businesses to fail , layoff people stop buying new product . Which caused a economic collapse . You all make not believe it but bush tried 17 times to regulate the banks and the democrats refused to sign it 17 times . Look it up its a fact . Look I 'm not a bush fan but we have to stop blaming him for every thing . No president was perfect not even Clinton or Reagan . <p> As far as Obama ya it does take longer than 4 years but we are going the wrong way . Romney is a better choice based on the facts . I 'm sorry if you all want to ignore what 's been going on the last for years , but if you look at what @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ in mass . ( Which is why people call him a flip flopper ) and the fact he never took a dime from his job a govnoner or from the Olympics that 's character . He may be wealthy , but news flash so is Obama ! Romney had a job and earned it , Obama was a ? ? ? ? ? What jobs has he had ? Community organizer ? Romney gave 100% of his inheritance to charity , yes 100% . The rest he earned . Listen I could go on and on . I am an independent and i did like what Obama had to say in 2008 I listened and I really thought he was different . But I 'm a women , a small business owner wife and mother and in not better off than 4 years ago and my customers are not . I 've read up and did my homework I do n't care about birth control or all that war on women I care about my future . My rights and my country and I think we 're in the wrong @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ are all able to vote , make our on opinion and have freedoms other country 's do n't have and I think these rights are in jeopardy . Do everyone get out and vote either way . <p> Mitt is a flip flopper not by being " bipartisan " but by making a statement and then a week , more or less , later doing a 180 and changing his mind to say something else . That is not the sign of a decisive and strong leader . He should have had his platform and ideas in place so that at least he was consistant . <p> James do n't forget NO BUDGET plan ever ! ! ! ! ! Our president and the democrat Harry Reid is required by law ! ! ! ! To have a budget ! Every other siting president did it but not out current one . It 's against the law ! But yet no one cares ! Broken promises , telling us he will reduce our deficit in his first term ! Oh ya blame bush . He knew what our deficit was @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ himself into and made all these promises and yet you all think Romney 's the liar . <p> While all of you complain about which candidate will be worse for the country , I 'm going to waste my vote on Johnson . At least then I wo n't be voting for the status quo of more spending and debt and less freedom . <p> All I have to say is that if we are to believe any/all of the political ads on tv , in print , on line , on the radio ... we should n't vote for anyone ... they are all liars , tax evaders , frauds , flip floppers , deadbeats , anti someone or something like women , seniors , minorities ... think you get the point . I wish there would be one candidate who would just stick to telling their point of view on an issue , stay consistent and not throw crap at their opponent .... just one ... <p> If you were to forgive Obama for all his failed policies , the one thing that that should wake your @ss @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ lies and the media does n't have the balls to call him out . Look at all the attention Cindy Sheehan got when her Marine son died ... Nobody but Fox News picks up the story of Charles Woods ... Anyone who votes for Obama might as well have the blood of four dead Americans on their hands ... Anybody but Obama ! ! ! <p> I like reading all these comments . Very entertaining and uninformative . You 've got both sides of the political spectrum arguing about who would be better , by saying that the other party/candidate/pundits are worse liars . If I choose to research numbers myself or with the help of sites like Factcheck.org , I find out that most of everything candidates tell me is a lie . Lying to inflate their numbers or lying about the records of their opponent . <p> Then we get into who is going to ruin/destroy America . Neither candidate is out to destroy/change America so the entire population is screwed . As the popular vote generally shows , the country is split at any given time roughly @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ a little high ... closer to 55-45ish . One side will always think the country is going on the wrong direction . <p> What it ends up boiling down to is the hot button issues ( abortion , guns , civil rights . ) No matter who we elect , our tax system is a mess . We need taxes to subsidize the government , but everyone wants/demands lower taxes . We overspend on everything , from the military ( that spends a majority of it 's time not defending our direct borders or our democracy ) to the so called entitlement programs that keep us from having a good portion of country in savanna style shanties . <p> What we could use is somebody who does n't treat reelection like his only job . Get in their and actually work to balance the budget by trimming from both sides of the aisle . <p> Not worrying about your base hating you for cutting one piece of their pie . Work to make a fair tax plan across the board . Get rid of some of the crazy positions that @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ to keep our country safe , not liberate everyone who is n't like us . Revamp our welfare system to cut out abuse of said system . I know that is n't done overnight by any means , and it is n't as simple as just doing these things . But we all know we are on a bad track going down slowly . Until we can get someone who does n't just pander to the right ( Romney ) or the left ( Obama ) for four-eight years and treats the office as an opportunity to fix things and not a popularity position ... nothing will change . We 'll just continue to teeter totter to the left and right every few years . <p> Yes Dan and mchenry county is run by republicans . And Deborah . Come say that to my face what are you making assumptions because of my ethnic name . Wow . You might wan na check yourself . And again that is a typically republican tactic . And . Obama did n't lie . He actually admitted he was wrong about 9/11/12 .... @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ candidate is qualified . Neither candidate has the american people in their best interest . Period . Let 's be honest . The election is a joke . Either the socialist current leader will win , or Mr. Moneybags will . Regardless the country will continue to run itself into the ground while the rest of the world watches . <p> Lets all blame someone else for the problems instead of taking the initiative to fix them yourselves . Take a good look at this country . Really . Look at how people parent . Look at how there is no accountability . Look at how people buy their children . Buy their way to the top . Look at how so many people ca n't even fix a simple household problem . Lets just continue to point fingers at everyone else or the government . People have forgotten what 's important . People have forgotten what it means to be a family and work together towards a goal . America has become selfish and it shows . I 'm done arguing with ignorant fools . For Deborah to make @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ name is disgusting . I know slot of good hardworking Hispanic people deb you could learn a thing or two from them and . They work 2 or 3 jobs and no they do not collect government asst. adios <p> We gave Obama a chance in 2008 . He is not able to live up to his promises . Look whats happanning in our community . Have we ever had so much crime ? Obama is a failure . Lets give Romney a chance. , at least he held a real job . We have to vote for Romney to save our country . <p> Why do the republicans Hate women so much ? Why do the republicans Hate the elderly so much ? Why do the republicans Hate the middle class so much ? Why do the republicans Hate the American worker so much ? Why do the republicans Hate our veterans of foreign wars so much ? Why do the republicans Hate unemployment benefits so much ? Why do the republicans Hate the poor so much ? Why do the republicans Hate social security so much ? Why @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Why do the republicans Hate health care reform so much ? Why do the republicans Hate public education so much ? Why do the republicans Hate minorities so much ? Why do the republicans Hate our public lands and our National Parks so much ? Why do the republicans Love big corporations so much ? Why do the republicans Love big oil so much ? Why do the republicans Love big pharma so much ? Why do the republicans Love hedge fund managers and CEO 's so much ? Why do the republicans Love the 1% so much ? Why does the 99% keep voting AGAINST THEIR BEST INTERESTS so much ? <p> Obama / Biden 2012 . " Continuing to clean up the mess of the Republican Great Recession . " It was a huge mess . It 's gon na take a while . <p> If it helps to keep being told that your failures are because of racism or some other " ism " then vote for Obama . Because someone else was successful means they were given preferential treatment over you ? Does that make you @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ He has pretty much run everything based on blaming someone else for his failures . You can continue to delude yourselves into believing you 'll be successful if you 're given a " level playing field . " But , the truth is , you will always be a failure . Whether its under socialist policies or capitalist policies . One just gives you a better face saving excuse than the other . I do n't share your delusions . Successful people will be o.k. regardless of who is in power . And anyone can be successful regardless of who is in power . So quit wasting your energy looking for someone to blame cause at the end of the day , its all you . <p> It is interesting to see how Obama has tied so much of his campaign rhetoric , campaigning , advertising to Bill Clinton- so much so , that it seems like Clinton is running ... oops , I guess she is ... in 2016 . It is also interesting to see how many women who support Obama are forgetting Bill 's indiscretions , impeachment @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ It was under Clinton , by Executive Order , which allowed Credit Default swaps which turned the mortgage business into a giant casino . I am not quite sure if Obama could/can win without his Clinton 's help- and , we all know Bill is doing it for his wife 's election run in 2016 . <p> BTW , I do n't believe anyone has commented yet about how James Biden , ( brother to the VP ) company received a HUGE multi-million contract to build homes in IRAQ . What , you did n't know ? And , should the President win , buckle your seats for a wild ride to the Fiscal Cliff during a lame duck session . And , David , you have obviously a lot of strong sentiment and feelings , but you should check your history books and facts . It is actually positions like yours which are polarizing instead of looking at the political spectrum as a complicated mosaic . <p> DeMaria , I too am part of the real estate industry , &; we all have to share the blame for the @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Dodd &; Barney Frank for their part , Fannie Mae &; Freddie Mac for insisting lenders make loans regardless of qualifications . Realtors bought into the bubbleas much as the lenders &; many Realtors made a lot of money during that time &; were happy to ride the wave . So we ca n't blame everyone else &; not take a close look at ourselves . BTW this post will show " reject " but it is not rejected by Patch . <p> I could list at least 40+ reasons why I am voting for Obama-not enough room here . And basically just one why I would never vote for Romney-he is a liar , or as some more delicately call a ' flip-flopper ' . What no Romney supporter has ever been able to answer me is how do you honestly support a self proclaimed ' man of faith ' who lies thru his teeth at every opportunity , changes his mind on every issue of his platform based on the audience at hand , promotes scurrilous attacks despite being proven false , e.g. the recent Jeep ads , @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Lying for the Lord " Mormon premise so ingrained from youth that encourages this effortless and masterful performance or is the man really a sociopath ? No one has yet to explain or defend the lies , so thoroughly documented-there are now 34+ volumes of them ; but simply deny the existence of them . How can you honestly believe him ? Just what is it you are voting for ? <p> Well , apparently Q , you are capable of responding to my post with an accusation but incapable of responding to the well stated question , demonstrating ... hmmm ... that Mormon teaching tool of ' do n't answer the question asked , but the one that you think should have been asked ... " just proves my point . Thank you . <p> You have just proved the point about liberal intolerance . How dare you make snarky comments about anyone 's religion , who are you ? Also , the jeep ad is true , claiming it as a lie over and over again does not make it a lie . Crysler did move its production @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ to them on my dime . <p> David , You make it sound like Republicans hate everything . Do you hate ALL Republicans ? It sure sounds that way . Do you have friends who are Republicans ? Do you hate them because they are Republicans ? You made blanket statements in your post which any intelligent person must kniw are untrue . Why do that ? It refects poorly on you . There is a lot of vitriol in many of the posts . We all have our own opinions of who our next President should be . I am voting for Romney/ Ryan because I believe we need a real change . I am not rich , I am a fiscal conservative , &; 5 trillion dollars in new debt goes against everything I believe in . BTW this post will also show " reject " but it is not rejected by Patch . <p> Four years later and people are still blaming Bush which I ca n't believe . Obama has had plenty of time to right the problems of our country and he has not . @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ for some fresh blood . Vote Romney <p> Have you looked at the facts Kathy ? It took 8 years to get us into this mess . Mr Romney has said he will fix it in 8-10 years but you think Obama should have fixed it in 4 ? Thin about it . 4 years ago the stock market was tanking and we all lost 50% of our retirements . The stock market is now back . I hear how gas was cheaper when Obama took office but it was the most expensive under Bush and came down when the economy tanked. 3 years of positive private job growth versus 3 years of mega losses under Bush . Yes unemployment is still too high but much of this is due to the reduction in government jobs ( yes they get unemployment too ) , yet the republicans cry there is still too much government . Which is it reduce government or reduce unemployment ? <p> Unfortunately we are at a point way down the road of collapse at the hands of activist politicians and interest groups , a point at @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ In this case that would be Romney . Maybe he can start a turn around . Certainly Obama can not . He has demonstrated his lack of experience and incompetence and needs to withdraw quietly . <p> I will not vote for a president who lied and tried to cover up Banghazi and blame a video . I will not vote for someone who will not give the American people the truthful explanation of events . The media is clearly not reporting on this to help president Obama till after the election . This is a disgrace . The Economy is terrible and I do not feel safe with this kind of leadership . Give the families some answers . Why did you do nothing while you watched these brave men being attacked . Why did you blame this on a video for over 2 weeks when on 9/11 you knew it was a terrorist attack . <p> Tina , Any loss of life is terrible , but I am curious how you know the President lied or was just told things that turned out to not be true ? @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ better but during the 8 years W was in office 43 Americans were killed in Councils or Embassies around the world . I think no one should die but it is a lot better under Obama than W. <p> Just remember , the tea party is alive and well . WIll Mitt have enough back bone to stand up to them ? I do n't think so . If he is in offce , the Tea Party will exert pressure and he will cave . That will be extremely harmful to us all ( except of course , the very wealthy ) . <p> Boehner does not , why should he . Any Republican that wants support of the party must sign a pledge to Grover Norquist to never raise taxes on the rich or they will suffer the consequences . They are all beholding and have sold their souls . <p> Eicy and Bob are 100% correct . Glad to see some people on here pay attention . People should take the time to read about Grover Norquist and learn about the Tea party 's agenda and their financial @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ bidders . <p> I was always told in school that to understand a word you need to break it down into the smaller parts . Let 's take Politics for example . Poli or Poly is defined as many . Tics or ticks , are blood sucking parasites . Therefore politics must be many blood sucking parasites . <p> I would like to recommend the Quarter Quarter policy .. Every Quarter we get rid of a quarter of the current politicians and replace them with new people . It would take 1 year and all the politicians that ca n't get things done will be replaced .. <p> Clearly a vote for Romney is a vote for a lack of integrity . One who cheats his church and nation out of revenue , one who flip flops at every opportunity and one who has a CLEAR record of screwing the working class . <p> Anyone who votes for Obama is clearly uninformed and did n't do their homework . They are delusional . This is n't a plug for Romney either . This is to call out these people who @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ . There are so many lackies out in this world it 's sickening . The number of votes Obama gets just shows how many of these delusional lackies are out in this country . And there are lots and lots of them . SICKENING ! <p> Did Obama propose something different in how to improve on record unemployment , foreclosures , low GDP , credit downgrade and massive accumulated national debt ? Not a word except tax the rich , how does that improve and grow an economy ? It only gets worse folks . <p> Unfortunately libertarians will never have a chance , too many sheeple . Libertarians need to infiltrate the Republican Party . For example , If Ron Paul were younger and after the primary he worked his way to a VP pick , he could place himself next in line to the presidency . You can replace Ron Paul 's name with anyone else you see fit . I personally do n't like either candidate but , I 'm not willing to let Obama choose 2 liberal Supreme Court justices and the Benghazi debacle in unforgivable @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ .... <p> This is exactly why we need an Independent educator and technologist like myself in public office . <p> I was never a Democrat nor a Republican , however I am an American , first and foremost . Our Declaration of Independence is my foreign policy . Our US Constitution is my moral compass for making domestic policy decisions . I have witnessed premeditated voter suppression in a myriad of forms by both established parties . Any attempt to confuse , delay or deny voters to vote is an attack on our democracy . Period . <p> I am not perfect but I will try to do my best . I do n't have all the answers but I will thoroughly examine all possibilities with both Democrats and Republicans to reach the best solution . For me that means job creation . I refused all monetary campaign contributions for many reasons . <p> One reason is that I will not work FOR lobbyists , banks and unions but I will work WITH them . Most importantly , I will not put a price tag on our kids , especially @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ will not turn a blind eye to the foreign money laundering that is undermining our election process under the guise of super-PACs . <p> There is one singular promise I can make to my fellow Americans ; if I 'm privileged enough to become your congressman , I will make our US Government more accountable to the American people like never before in our history . <p> Once we all have the truth , and nothing but the truth , can we all become informed voters . <p> PS - I offered both of my fellow congressional candidates to an open and civil debate . The debate needs to be open because education is everyone 's concern and civil because personal attacks is paralyzing Congress in a perpetual bureaucratic gridlock . The budget needs to be balanced , jobs created and education improved . No more excuses ! <p> Both the Democrat incumbent and Republican candidate refused . <p> For clarity , when I say refused I mean that I did not receive any reply or excuse whatsoever . <p> Wow , if this is a cross section of American @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ mess we are ! Our politicians are just average people like us , they could be any of us ... take 15 minutes and read the lunacy above ... the Feds are n't the only sad state of affairs in this country . Intelligent conversations , sharing of ideas and ideals , compromise and working together for OUR Country ... has been totally lost in the midst of lies , hate and ignorance .... from BOTH sides . You should all be ashamed of the the things you say to each other and the hate you spew out over the safety of a computer ! How about letting your children read this nonsense ? The left and the right have out of control extremist , they both lie , they both preach hate and they accomplish nothing that does n't benefit them in the long run . We as Americans must stand up and vote for what we feel is best for the country , not our " party " . Start rebuilding our country at home with the local vote , pitch in and help , train people to @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ to the greatest generation , before they are gone .... because we are a long way from being a great generation . Get out and vote , exersise your rights ... then get ready to pitch in and help , no matter who wins . Do the right thing , not the easy thing . <p> Dear Bob The last time I checked this is not an election between W and Obama . The president knew that this was never about a video . The way the media has avoided this is a total disgrace . He ca n't have it both ways . If he said it was acts of terror in the rose garden then why talk about a video for over 2 weeks . He still wo n't talk about it . It is really very disturbing and sad . So many unanswered questions . The Vice President , Hillary and the President need to answer the questions . If any republican was in office the media would be all over this . <p> Right in todays news , Romney says that if elected , he will @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ following the mess they caused and weaken unions . Translation : Take money from the middle class and give it to the banks and corporate CEO 's . Romney will destroy the middle class . <p> Is there any truth to the rumors that Obama is moving the election night party from the McCormick Place to Murphy 's Bar &; Grill in Honolulu ? You have a chance to win tickets , no airfare included , if you donate $5 to the Obama ' Real Change is coming , baby ' campaign fund today . <p> Hmmm .... is it true Romney 's election night party will be in the Hamptons , only a few miles away from people who homeless and shivering out in the cold from Sandy 's destruction . You know ... the people that do n't count . BTW , Romney wants to get rid of FEMA , the agency out there helping these people , and let the states fend for themselves in disasters like this . <p> @Paul ... Obama wants to take $900,000,000 from FEMA . You need to get out more . @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ into a discussion about which one of these men is more charitable towards his fellow American ? Romney has consistently given his time and money to charity . Obama likes to take my money and give it away . <p> .. and after this storm , which man was out there collecting relief supplies and actually help load the truck ? Hint : it was the guy who does n't even have the job . <p> Dan , thanks I get out plenty . Obama does want to trim that amount from FEMA 's budget , which is 3% of their budget , vs . Romney wanting to abolish FEMA , which by my calculations would amount to a 100% reduction . In all fairness though , in the wake of Sandy , Romney is flip-flopping of course , suggesting that staes take the lead without abolishing FEMA . And Romney should be charitable , he is worth a quarter of a billion dollars .... maybe more , after all we really do n't know how much he has in those offshore accounts to avoid taxes . <p> The video @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ the forces behind the government programs , which were thousands of powerful banking and business lobbyists who spent billions of dollars pressuring congress to pass bills that helped them and in the end crippled us . In 1982 , President Reagan persuded congress to pass a law authorizing the use of exotic loans , which in turn started the housing crisis . You tube videos can tell 3 minute snipets of whatever you want , try reading the many books available who are written by pulitzer prize winners , nobel laureates , economists and historians if you want a broad overview of what has really happened over the past 30 years to destroy the middle class and make politicians and CEO 's wealthy millionaires and billionaires . <p> Andrew Sullivan , leftwing blogger for the Atlantic , recently made the assertion that if you " .. are white and voted for Obama in 2008 but do n't vote for him in 2012 , that vote in 2008 does n't count .. " <p> What he is implying here is that your vote in 2008 was some kind of proof that @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ you double down , maybe you really are . <p> Personally , i thought we used up a great portion of the white guilt out there in 2008 , electing a man with an intellectually radical past and not much experience to hold the most important job in the country . <p> However , it 's apparent from statements like this one from Sullivan and other similar sentiments from Chris Matthews and Ed Schultz , etc .. that there are still a lot of people who are full of white guilt . <p> 95% of all black voters will vote for Obama . They are n't prejudiced in Andrew Sullivan 's eyes . <p> If 60% of whites vote the incumbent out of office , an incumbent who has led the sorriest economic recovery in history , there will be a lot of people saying that white people are still stuck on skin color . <p> This fits the liberal narrative ... and if you know any liberals , it 's ALL about the narrative . <p> Do you ever wonder why we hold elections on Tuesdays ? Australia holds @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ and have more time . Also , it is required by law there , that all citizens of voting age must vote or face a fine . There is 95% voter participation . Food for thought . <p> Paul , There is no more danger to the republic than when Congress is in session . If the Congress passed useful laws there would be less need for more laws . Mostly what they do is destructive . You should be happy that the Republicans are keeping us safe from the Congress . Or to put this another way , Paul , if you have problems , just let me know and I will tell you what to do and how and when . But it will cost you . Fair enough ? <p> Jim , so the Republicans are keeping us safe by wanting to repeal the regulations enacted to keep the banking industry from running off with our money again ? We need politicians that work together for the good of all Americans , not politicians that are owned by big business , special interest groups and the wealthy @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ money spent by Obama , it is he who is running off with our money , but you 'd rather not recognize this . He bailed out banks , waived Obamacare requirements to friendly companies , funded green companies that turned out to be frauds , will impose taxes and penalties on middle class folks with IRS Obamacare fees , threatens rich people with higher taxes , eliminates any confidence in investment or consumption . Obama would rather redistribute welfare and food stamps to people for votes . <p> Gary , can you tell me what he spent it on and why ? Perhaps it 's because the housing crisis decimated our economy and millions lost their jobs due to layoffs , or corporations outsourcing jobs oversees . It 's hard to take in tax revenue when there 's millions less jobs and multi-national corporations are sheltering their income overseas , not to mention that our military budget is more than all the other countries of the world combined ! And yes , it 's not just the banks running away with our money , the Bush tax cuts for @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ during the past decade , while CEO 's like Oracle 's Larry Ellison lined his pockets with $706.1 million in pay and stocks in just one year , Michael Eisner of Disney $575.6 million , abnd the list goes on . I 'm not saying that government does n't waste our money , just that there 's plenty of blame to go around . <p> Just to clear things up , the Bush tax cuts were for everyone . The economy under Bush was good , until the housing crisis started . The ill effects on the economy from the housing crisis is any easy play on morons when Obama packages fiscal policies as the cause of the financial meltdown . Just like when all the Democrats voted for the war in Iraq , only to step aside and later call it Bush 's war . Sorry , but I have a memory , like when Obama called the general a liar when he provided good news resulting from the surge of troop strategy . <p> Dodd-Frank was passed by Congress , Paul . Try to refinance or get a @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ over three months . This after the government forced the banks to give bad loans to folks so that everyone could own a home . Now that same government is correcting the problem which it caused in the first place with more " laws " . And you are worried about the banks ? Lawmakers are not like thieves who steal and carry off . They are more like cockroaches which fall into nasty stuff and make a mess . I suppose you point to Illinois as an example of how well a Democraticaly controlled state has done . <p> Jim , we tend to only see the laws as they are passed , not as they were originally constructed . Most laws , bills , etc. are radically different than first proposed . Lobbyists , big business and special interest groups control our government , and when a lawmaker , be it Democrat or Republican , trys to get a sensible piece of legislation passed , it is usually unable to get passed unless it is butched in the process because of the enormous pressure of outside money and @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ tio go around , but let 's look at the underlying problems that are at the root of this . <p> McCould Bush did cut middle class taxes , we all got a huge $300 check ..... remember ? the millionaires saved an avg. of $100k in taxes , totaling A TRILLION dollars for the last decade . I 'm trying to have a fact based discussion while you resort to immature name calling ... sad . Gary , to be clear , I was not blaming you , but rather the aforementioned politicians , lobbyists , CEO 's , etc . <p> Unfortunately you lack the knowledge necessary to correspond . You lack the ability to know what a budget surplus is , the national debt and a budget . The surplus that you speak of did not exist , but was a mere projection of ten years out with nothing else in the economy changing ( Clinton trick ) . The national debt is something completely different , try reading more about it and get back to me . <p> I 'm so glad that Obama has spent @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ on making sure everyone has food , water and electricity . He certainly does lead by example , does n't he ? <p> Oh , this did n't happen at a good time for him ? Well at least he was able to do a flyover and have some pictures snapped of him looking presidential and acting like he cares before he decided to get back out on the campaign trail . <p> McCloud , I went back and found that the budget deficit/ numbers surplus varies according to the date the numbers were calculated , so I stand corrected . But they are certainly not 10 yr . Projections , but yearly projections . As for the national debt , every president <p> Since Reagan has increased the national debt . When Clinton left office it was at 5 trillion , when Bush left office it was nearly 10 trillion . Obamas first year saw a 3 trillion increase . Point is that runaway spendind started a decade ago . <p> Just a question for Paul ? What do you do for a living ? And are you financially @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Obama made lots of promises he did n't keep . Where I live I see lots of failed businesses . Lots of restaurants just hanging on by a thread . Do n't see many people better off . <p> There are over 20,000,000 out of work . Unemployment in black communities is up to 15% <p> it 's not all about you , Alice . <p> There are less workers in the job pool now than in any time in the last 30 years .. do you know what that means , Alice ? Less tax revenue . There are millions more on permanent disability than in 2008 . This means that these people will never contribute tax revenue again , but we will pay for all of their needs until they die . <p> Alice , this is n't all about you and YOUR family . <p> We are 16,000,000,000,000 in debt . We have gone 5,000,000,000,000 more into debt in the last 4 years . What did we get for that , Alice ? <p> You have sons ? Hopefully you will have some grandchildren . <p> They @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ with that , Alice ? Is that ' fair ' to them ? <p> I am so sick of people who do n't have the ability to look around them and read about the dire situation that this country is in and only look as far as their own front door . I 've got a word for these people .. <p> In my best Rodney King voice ... " cant we all just get along ? " . Lets sit in a big circle , hold hands , close our eyes and sing " kum by ya " while our world burns ... to all of you NOT voting for Obama , do nt waste your time trying to argue your point with Liberals , Liberalism it a mental disorder with no know cure . When the day comes when we are the financial cliff , you know who to push first ... <p> A tie ... Maybe we can have co-presidents ? : ) . One , an Alinsky- trained community organizer where no one remembered him at Occidental College , who voted " present " the majority @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ training and who is more interested in golf and going on The View then coming clean on the torture and murder of diplomats in Libya and the other a former Governor who turned around a scandal and financial Olympics mess , a very successful pro business person who envisions a strong private sector economy . Obama 's only saving grace has been his symbosis with Bill Clinton 's campaigning . <p> There 's no way to spin this -- it 's pure , unadulterated , blatantly obvious media bias , in which information extremely damaging to Barack Obama was kept from the public , to protect the President at a moment of crisis . <p> CBS News has finally revealed the full contents of the interview Barack Obama gave to Steve Kroft of " 60 Minutes " on September 12 , 2012 -- the day after the terrorist attack in Benghazi , which the President and his people would go on to misrepresent as a " spontaneous protest " for weeks , in addition to stonewalling every inquiry into their handling of consular security before and during the attack . @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ When it all shakes out , they can say " hey , we released the information we had ... we did n't cover up anything " ! <p> Of course , releasing this info at this point in time is like a Friday afternoon news dump .. it will get lost in the news cycle and not get the scrutiny that it would 've if it would 've been released in a timely manner . <p> I give credit to CBS for at least talking about Benghazi .. NBC has n't mentioned it in almost two weeks . <p> I 'm a small business owner Tina , and I 'd have to say that I 'm not financially better off , but I am an Independent that has voted for both Republicans and Democrats . I vote for the person I think has all Americans interests at heart . All presidents make promises , and can keep them only if members of both parties work together to solve our problems . I simply believe that Obama has honestly tried to make this a better country for all Americans , but @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Republicans . I also do n't trust Romney to help the middle class . We find ourselves with a strong possibility that whomever wins will not accomplish much due to the partisan gridlock in congress . I 've been trying to say that the whole dam system is the problem , that 's not liberalism , it 's reality . The political system is geared to , and run by big money , we all lose . I have my opinions , which are formed by research and reading.I try to back them up with facts , not campaign rhetoric . <p> Cooperation from republicans ? What about when the democrats ruled the House and Senate ? What did he do to help Americans then ? I do n't think Mitt is out to specifically help any group - the 99% , the 74% , or the top 2% . A rising tide floats all ships . We all do well when the country as a whole does well . Obama is a failure . He is out of ideas , and his earlier ones have failed . Obama already @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ in January . Even he has seen the reality of waning support . Leaders lead , losers blame . <p> I agree with you , Paul . For members of Congress , elected as servants of the people , to state that their single most important goal is to make this president single term is not only wasting tax payers money , but unpatriotic and dividing the nation . <p> And Fox is a mouthpiece for the conservatives . Have we covered all the pertinent networks now ? I do nt pay attention to any of the networks nor the ridiculous attack ads that are run 24/7 . I have no idea what half of these politicians stand for because they 're too busy trying to destroy each other . <p> Obama can work with the other party . They just single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president . " They felt by obstructing everything the president attempted to do he would not be elected . Well guess what , it 's looking like that strategy failed . <p> If @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ to get his rear end kicked tomorrow by the voters in his home state ? They know him and will not support him . Does n't say much for him " reaching across the aisle " not does it . Looks like romney/ryan 's going to lose WI as well . Say 's volumes about ryan 's standing in his home state . <p> You are making the huge assumption that whatever bills are being blocked would somehow be good . Seems to me just about everything passed into law has got us to over 16 trillion in debt , 23 million unemployed , 1% GDP , record foreclosures . What new ideas in these bills were we denied the privelege of experiencing ? More jobs/stimulus bills ? More entitlemets ? How did they work out before ? <p> Paul , I do not believe Obama has tried to help small businesses at all . Romney will work with everyone on both sides . He is a businessman . I do n't know how a small business person could think they are better off . Look at unemployment and welfare @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ businesses . How can you trust the president when he has n't come through with his last election promises ? <p> 23 million unemployed has nothing to do with any legislation , but rather the fact that corporate america is sending jobs overseas so that they can reap historic profits with complete disregard of it 's affect on the economy or the middle class . As for foreclosures ... that was on the horizon by 2006 . You need to read the story behind it rather than say that some bill he passed caused record foreclosures , that 's just absurd . <p> Perhaps the bill that regulated banks from asking certain underwriting questions , which led to Fannie/Freddie Mae buying back the bad loans from the originator of the loan . Who would n't write as many loans as they could , since there was no downside or risk thanks to Uncle Sam . As for shipping jobs overseas , how does the burden of Obamacare fees resonate with keeping jobs here ? Or was that something you need to google real quick . <p> No McCloud , I @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ n't been paying attention . Stop reading headlines and start loking deeper into the problem . The bill you are speaking of was a watered down version of the original one proposed . Why was it watered down and thus largely flawed ? Because of intense pressure on politicians from the banking and financial industries through thousands of lobbyists spending milions of dollars to keep any meaningful reform from occurring . Googling wo n't show you that , but you already know that , do n't you ? <p> Frankly , I 'm lost , what is it that you are attempting to say ? I conclude that you think anything proposed as a bill and blocked by Republicans would have helped solve the 23 million folks out of work , the 2% GDP , the record number of people now on welfare and food stamps , since the bills were Democrat sponsored ? <p> More small businesses have closed down in the past 4 years than the Great Depression . The man has total disregard for American business . All he is concerned about is raising taxes to redistribute @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Business ! More government ! The man has never signed the front of a paycheck in his life . He has no business acumen at all . None . Zero . <p> As for Obamacare fees , that had absolutely nothing to do with the millions of jobs that have been lost to China , India and other countries tbat offer subsidies , cheap labor and unfair trade practices . IBM now has more Indian employees than.American employees . That trend started long before Obama took office . <p> So , the 6 million jobs eliminated from the Bureau of Labor statistics since Obama was elected , and helped the unemployment rate remain at 8% , had nothing to do with employers uncertain about Obamacare penalties , cause you said so , right ? <p> Romney reminds me of a greasy car salesman , and it seems to me that people only are voting for him because they want to see more " change " than we 've had with Obama . This is why the US goes back and forth and back and forth between Republic and Democrat and @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ but I can say that he has done one thing that has significantly changed my life , and that is with Obamacare . Obamacare makes sense . He 's also repealed Do n't Ask Do n't Tell , which was another big movement of his . It is hard to come by a president that will take actions that he thinks are right and not just actions that he thinks are going to get him re-elected . <p> In a global market labor costs are a big factor as you must know . If I am selling widgets for four times another manufactuer , I better get my costs down or I will be out of business . The fact is that the American standard of living went up way too fast after WWII to be sustainable mostly based on inflated dollars printed by your beloved government . If stuff was not made in China etc , we would have shoes at 500 dollars and all that stuff at Home Depot etc at ten times what it is now . The fact that your politicians pandered alot of this into @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ rather have American industries g out of business . Boy , that would really help . You sound like you are envious of people and/or companies with money . Not very useful . Maybe you should worry more about how you can become more successful . The only way my money can be redistributed is to have it taxed and then given to someone who did not earn it . My goal then would be to be one of the ones who did n't earn it and therefore get it from you . I seriously doubt that Romney wants to raise taxes for that purpose but changey hopey does . <p> Also , please keep in mind that it 's hard to totally change a country in 4 years . Give him a little longer and do n't just cut Obama off just when he 's started . If you think a job market can be turned around in 4 years , especially after Bush was president , then you are ignorant . <p> Anyways , Obama has had quite a recovery . I guess the people that I 'm @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ people are going to get the job market back to ideal condition in 4 years . I do n't know if anyone could do it , there are so many factors to be considered . <p> I should have made myself clearer then . I do not believe that a single president can turn the job market around in 4 years . And by " turn around " , I mean get it to ideal conditions . This is what I specifically mean , and I still stand by my first comment . There are so many other factors that determine the job market , and to think one person can change it in 4 years , is still ignorant . Case and point ! <p> Obama has now and had then 4 years ago no experience whatsoever to run a corporation as large as the US . Remember he was tutored in Crook County , State of Corrupt Illinois and City of Corrupt Chicago by some seasoned Democratic veterans , need say anymore . Vote for Mitt who has a proven track record of success and experience in business @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ <p> KC- hate to burst your bubble but the US is NOT a business and it should n't be run as one . If you call shutting down businesses and profiting from it and shipping the jobs to China then yes he has a successful track record . <p> As I said , the standard of living here is comong down and will continue to go down . We might even have to cook , clean , do our own windows , lawns , snow shoveling , laundry , have only one car , not fly very often , have one or two pair of shoes and trousers , smaller houses or no house , etc . Even if the jobs " come back " , the wages will be lower . <p> Heading off to England . I just want to say to say I hope you really enjoy the next four years should Mittens win . And good luck- you 're going to need it . I would love to read your comments when the Mittster totally destroys what 's left of our democracy in order to pay @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ him . Face it , Romney is the biggest liar to ever run for president , and if he is elected , he 'll soon prove it . No ethics , no morals , and no care for all of the sheep he 's fooled . Your taxes will be going up , the deficit will increase even more , and you will most likely be joining the ranks of the lower class if you 're not there already . And with no regulations , expect more pollution in the air and the water . And do n't expect the FDA to warn you about bad food or medicine . All that beauty you can find around the country ? Sorry , the oil and coal industries will make sure they do n't exist anymore . And you know how much fun Sandy was ? Do n't worry , another fun storm is sure to hit . McCloud , a special call out for you . A genuine member of the Fox electorate who knows less than people who do n't even watch the news . I really hope you @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ me or my friends to bail you out when you 're broke . Why should we care when you ca n't offer us anything . You are simply too insignificant . You know , it 's all about ' me ' in this Ayn Rand world , right ? What ever happens , you are responsible . Good luck there , little buddy . <p> Well said , Sully . If No Morals Mitt wins , I wish I could say , you all got what you wished for , now live with it , however , I will be stuck here along with my friends and family . With his allegiance to Rove &; the Koch boys and mostly to himself , I can only say if the worst should happen , I wish that I were going with you . <p> Rove ? check . Koch Bros ? check . you did forget to mention Bush , Cheney and Rush Limbaugh , but i 'll cut you some slack . <p> and tell you a story about ' no morals Mitt ' . <p> Mitt Romney was CEO @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ On one morning , an employee asked him for time off . His teenage daughter was on a road trip to NYC , went to a rave and came up missing . <p> Romney declined to give the man time off .. Romney gathered all his employees ( around 30 ) , explained the situation and then CLOSED BAIN DOWN and flew everyone to NYC to set up shop at a hotel and start a manhunt for the missing girl . <p> They put up thousands of flyers , went to ' raves ' and clubs and showed people the girl 's picture , etc .. they spent days there until they found her , unharmed . <p> That is the epitome of leadership and high morals . <p> Do you have any Obama anecdotes , other than getting stoned with his college buddies , that you 'd like to share with the group ? <p> Anyone playing the race card is automatically discounted as an Obama hack . I do n't care *what* someone 's skin color is ( I married a man of color , and we 've @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ . If you 're a terrible leader and President , that 's the bottom line . If they ca n't blame Bush , I guess these folks will try to blame just about anyone . As for me , I voted for Gary Johnson . Illinois will go to Obummer anyway , and I 'm happy to vote for a human being I actually agree with almost 100% on every issue . <p> It 's all about Ohio and I think the polls have it wrong , again . Mr. At-Best-Average ( Obama ) is in serious trouble . <p> Only 503,813 Democrats have already voted or requested for an absentee ballot . That number may seem like a lot , but that number is 181,275 fewer than in 2008 . If 100,000 of those fewer votes came from Cuyahoga County , Obama will be in trouble . The problem for Obama is how much the Republicans have improved since 2008 . The data suggests that 448,357 . Republicans have either voted early or have requested an absentee ballot . That is an increase of 75,858 voters from 2008 . @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ that Romney has accomplished the first key to victory . <p> Second key is Hamilton . Romney carries a 7 point advantage in Hamilton county and he should win by at least 5 . <p> Third key is Romney needs large turnouts from Putnam , Holmes , Warren , Auglaize and Union . He leads comfortably in those counties but can he mobilize enough of them to offset Cuyahoga , I think so . <p> Most pollsters are way too optimistic on Cuyahoga county coming out in droves tomorrow for Mr. At-Best-Average . It ai n't going to happen . <p> I agree with George Will , 321-217 . Mr. Flip-Flopper wins and I know he ca n't do any worse than the current underachiever . <p> Damn , I regret voting for Jimmy Carter 2.0 but what was I supposed to do ? Vote for a ticket that would have placed that loon Sarah Barracuda just one 80 y/o heartbeat away from the office ? I love this country too much . <p> This year , our own federal government , through the Department of Health and Human Services @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ employer . " This unprecedented action could force the punishment or even closure of faith-based soup kitchens , schools and hospitals because these institutions would not fit under the federal government 's definition of " religious . " It is an ominous sign when the federal government issues the edict that Catholic Charities and other religious employers are not religious . The mandate is both illegal and unjust , and constitutes an unprecedented affront to religious liberty.1 As we did in the Fortnight for Freedom , we continue to ask the laity to pray and be active in opposing this mandate that we feel is a violation of the First Amendment of the United States Constitution as well as other federal laws . <p> That is erroneous . In February , a workaround option accommodation was added for religious liberties regarding contraceptive coverage which was accepted by both the Catholic Hospital Association and Catholics United . Both organizations stated that the new regulation fully respected the religious liberty of Catholic organizations while maintaining access to contraceptive services for all employees . " <p> I am not incorrect nor do I @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ opposition from bishops but was eventually strong armed into toeing the anti contraceptive line in June after vociferous debate ; Catholics United remain firm . They additionally stand against politics from the pulpit and the most outrageous threats and fear mongering coming from some of the bishops . I know my sources . It is the bishops filing suit . In case you have forgotten , sir , WE are the church , not just the hierarchy the bishops . <p> The Catholic church is not a democracy , you must be confusing your weak understanding of the Church with the US Constitution with your " We are the Church " slogan . In case you have n't paid attention , there is outcry every year regarding Roe Vs Wade in a march on Washington DC . Voting pro-abortion is wrong , accroding to the Church , end of discussion . <p> I would like to add , Bernie , that as a Catholic mother , I investigated the ACA and found the US Bishops feigned outrage and their response , the Fortnight for Freedom , a sham . Their @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ the greatest offense to religious liberty to be contraceptive coverage and marriage equality , while at the same time condemning &; chastising Catholic nuns for caring for the ' least of these ' to be the utmost in hypocrisy . I can not speak for the bishops nor attempt to explain their hidden agenda , but they lack moral authority as Shepherds in protecting the most innocent among us . Where was their indignation &; outrage during their 60+ year cover up of pederast priests ? Or their outcry after Roe v Wade or every year since ? They should have been marching in the streets . And apologizing constantly to every victim . Where was the Fortnight for Freedom then ? What about routine , mandated vaccines made from aborted fetuses-their stance is that it is ' permissable for the greater good ' . Our own Shepherds have let us down . Yes , we do need to pray . Fervently . For our church and our elected leaders . <p> To all you demented republiCONs ... with a special shout out to McClown ... as you all head @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ ... just know ... you will not be missed ! Here is a big HAHAHA in your faces ... good bye ... and good riddance . <p> Hey ... Deborah . ZERO . You might want to read up north in these comments to find where I first answered your obnoxious question . LoL ... Oh and ... a special bye bye to you too as you slither beneath your rock . <p> Well it looks like the Democrats DID have a solid election strategy in Pennsylvania . <p> Their method for trying to win involved kicking out 60 elected Republican poll watchers from Democrat area polling stations . <p> These are paid , elected , positions . <p> Who among us would disagree that at every voting place that there should be at least ONE Democrat and ONE Republican to witness the process and bring up questions of fidelity ? Nobody . It 's totally fair . <p> Yet , in Philadelphia , the Democrats , supported by the election commissioner , who is also a Democrat , had the audacity to physically kick out all of the Republican @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ this happened early this morning and it is being overturned , but which party wants to suppress the vote ? <p> Oh , and there are reports that one of the poll watchers was a lady who was assaulted as they booted her ass out of the polling station . <p> We know which party actually respects women .. and it 's not the Democrats . <p> Alice , is n't it about time that women stop whining about " women 's issues " and take responsibility and take care of themselves ? Women complain that they want " equal rights " and yet they want candidates sympathetic to women . Which is it ? You can not have it both ways . <p> I do n't need candidates " sympathetic " to women . I just need a candidate that does n't want to needlessly have me raped me with a foreigh object because I have a medical procedure . Keep your creepy christian noses out of my uterus , and I will go on just fine . Thank you . <p> For those filled with venom and hate @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Lincoln at his first inaugural , facing much darker times : " We are not enemies , but friends . We must not be enemies . Though passion may have strained it must not break our bonds of affection . The mystic chords of memory , stretching from every battlefield and patriot grave to every living heart and hearthstone all over this broad land , will yet swell the chorus of the Union , when again touched , as surely they will be , by the better angels of our nature . " Let us all , citizens , elected officials ascribe to the better angels of our nature . <p> Hey Deborah ... You are a idiot ... a sour grape chewing idiot . Keep your mindless blather to your own damn self ... no one cares what you think . Oh ... BTW .... HaHaHa ... you are on the losing side of life . Ignorance must be bliss ! ! ! <p> Time to start working together on the multitude of challenges that we face . Congress and the Obama administration need to find common ground and @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ name calling , finger pointing or ideolgical rigidity that holds our country hostage . <p> I do n't know about ' hammered ' ... seems to me based on the below that Mr. Obama best see that nearly 1/2 the voters do not approve of what he 's been doing . The election is over , now all those newly elected and those re-elected can hopefully do something to get the economy back on track here in the USA . I 'm not holding my breath though . Seems the only ' stimulus ' that has created jobs , and also took away jobs , is Sandy . <p> The popular votes are still coming in , but Obama has a slight lead with 59,621,436 to Romney 's 56,989,709 . <p> Could you explain that comment please . We are embarrassments because we are capable of taking care of ourselves and standing up for our own rights and do not need the Democrats to take care of the " little woman " ? I am actually pretty proud of the fact that I can take care of myself . <p> @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ wishing that anyone who disagrees with him was dead . I predict we will be reading about your rampage in the paper some day soon . And sorry , my parents wanted me , unlike yours . You are obviously the product of a botched abortion . <p> What a bunch of sore losers .... Ca n't stand the thought of the black man getting another 4 years and just when you thought we might be able to return to the 1950 's ! Boo Hoo . Your right wingers should get the message ( your party is out of touch ) . <p> Sorry my guy lost , but I 'm not overly confident either one has the will to do what needs to be done to move the ENTIRE COUNTRY in the right direction . The wreck is coming regardless of who is living at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue . We do n't need an ideologue from either side of the aisle , just a guy that would say " political philosophy be damned , I 'm going to rescue the country " . But perhaps a country only @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ . We 've likely had ours already . <p> There is no doubt I 'll probably pay more in taxes over the next four years , just a little less beer money I guess . Maybe a good jobs program would be to teach Americans how to speak Chinese so we can all move overseas and work those jobs that got outsourced . Wo n't be many new ones here anytime soon . <p> At the end of the day , so long as all the politicians leave my rights intact ( i.e let me go to church unencumbered , let me go to the woods and hunt with my boys ocassionally , and let me use whatever damn lightbulb I want - guess that makes me a clinger ) I can pretty much ebb and flow with the political tide of the day . But , it is kind of like seeing your son fall in love with the hottest chick in town - you know she 's going to spend all his money , break his heart and when its over he 's gon na regret he even @ @
@@5112341 <h> Sunday , November 4 , 2012 <h> This is a post about voting , but you should read it anyway . <p> Politics . <p> . <p> . <p> . <p> . <p> So , you 're still with me , huh ? <p> You 're telling me that word is n't sending you running for the hills ? That the very mention of it is n't making you want to rip out your eyeballs and shove them in your ears so you do n't have to hear it ? <p> Well , you just WAIT . <p> In the next 48 hours your Twitter feed will surely be flooded with a bunch of political " geniuses " ranting about who you should or should n't vote for . Tweet after tweet after TWEET . Then , you can just IMAGINE the colossal number of " I Voted " stickers you will be forced to look at on bloggers making serious kissy faces/that girl you were in choir with in high school/your overly social-media-enthused cousin posted on instagram and facebook . The sheer volume will be sure to throw you into a state of rage , the likes @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ American Idol ( seriously though , WTF America ? ? ? ) ! ! ! <p> It 's gon na be ugly . Real ugly . <p> But still , you should vote . And do it intelligently . Not like I used to do in my high school SBO elections , where I would just do whatever Whitney Donaldson did , cause she was , like , soooo popular , and , like , soooo pretty . Also , do n't do it based on what the TV tells you . I mean , I love TV . She 's my girl . But I know better than to believe everything she tells me . I mean , she told me once I should buy pajama jeans , and I do n't think I need to explain to you how that worked out . <p> So , I say , visit the websites of the candidates sometime today or tomorrow , and take a minute to read what each really stands for , then think about what you really stand for , and then get out there and vote @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ , maybe there will be a waaaaay foxy guy in line with you . And you 'll get to talking . And you 'll be all up on the issues because you read the candidates websites . And he 'll be all , " Wow ... she 's more than just a pretty face . " And you 'll go out for hot chocolate after . And you 'll have the best time . And you 'll decide you ca n't live without each other . And you 'll fall madly in love . And you 'll get married on a beach in the Caribbean , and you 'll invite me because I made this all happen . And we will have SO MUCH FUN . <p> So ya , like I was saying , get informed , then get your butt in a voting booth , get your flirt on with guy-in-the-voting-line and get me
@@5112441 <p> To recreate the word-of-mouth phenomenon that made them famous , the xx shared their album stream Coexist with a single fan just outside London last week -- days before its official US release . <p> It was a risky marketing move that set out to test whether the band could replicate their initial viral success with a map that tracked shares with a visualization on the Coexist stream 's host site . <p> Twenty-four hours after the stream was shared with a fan on Facebook , the site crashed from the millions of streams , with the average user spending 2.1 hours on the site . <p> The " superfan " was chosen on the basis of frequent postings about the band " the xx " in the past . This meant he or she was certain to be fired up by the prospect of exclusive access to the new album ahead of everyone else . That in its turn increased the likelihood the initial post revealing the location of the stream to the rest of world would be positive . It would also come with the implicit authority of someone who was presumably well-known in the music @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ impact . <p> Alongside the massive interest this approach generated , the other big benefit for the band is that it avoids the uncertainties of releasing the album first to music journalists , who are much more unpredictable in their reactions . Indeed , it was only the next day that the music press got hold of the story , by which time the huge viral success of this campaign meant that there was no question of ignoring the new album or its enthusiastic uptake . In other words , the traditional news outlets found themselves forced to acquiesce in the narrative generated by the fans , rather than being in control and telling those fans what to think . <p> Clearly , this is n't a strategy that can be used too often , and there 's also the issue of how good this kind of connection is at generating sales . But it does underlie the importance of fully understanding the social structure of the community of fans -- in this case , in order to find a superfan who could be used to seed the rest of @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ many other possible ways of involving people who are key " nodes " in the social graph -- the ones whose influence really counts -- and we 'll course . <p> This comment has been flagged by the community . Click to show the comment . <p> outoftheblue , Oct 31st , 2012 @ 3:38pm <h> Really ? " site crashed from the millions of streams " <p> Millions ? Really ? -- Now , to be sure , the blockquote does n't state any connection between the leak and the " crash " , but that 's clearly the implication . -- But , really , MILLIONS cued by this one " superfan " ? How am that possible ? -- If true , you 'd better get hot on the details , cause it 's the magic instant notice you 're all looking for ! <p> You know its kind of crazy at how most companies treat their early adopters poorly . For example videogame companies should give early adopters a great deal instead of hitting them with the highest prices and making them pay hefty fees for @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ this : " Twenty-four hours after the stream was shared with a fan on Facebook , the site crashed from the millions of streams , with the average user spending 2.1 hours on the site . " <p> But there is no link to verify this . Does someone have it or is the article based on just what the band said ? I 've seen so many made up Internet stories to get publicity that I do n't always take these sorts of things at face value . <h> Re : Verification ? <p> While there are ways of estimating , typically the hard facts about how much traffic a band 's website receives are known only to the band ( or their webmaster if they have one ) . So , what sort of verification do you imagine could be done , beyond asking those people and taking their word for what its worth ? <h> Re : Really ? " site crashed from the millions of streams " <p> Welcome to the Internet . Sit down , get your popcorn and watch while millions are exposed to @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ feeling cold after being woken up from your frozen Neanderthal sleep = ) <h> Re : Re : Verification ? <p> Okay , then , my default is not to take this story at face value because far too many band promotion stories are largely made up and the journalists writing them never bother to question what they are told . <p> If there are numbers being collected to the extent that the band knows about them , then showing us
@@5112541 <h> 53 Responses to News Roundup : A Piece of History <p> It still seems odd to me that the 140 , out of all the South King County routes , was chosen as the best corridor for RapidRide . I could see a better case for a variety of others , but especially the 169 or the corridor between Southcenter and Auburn now served by a combination of the 150 and 180 . <p> The 169 suffers from failure to connect with Link or an ST Express route to downtown . Cut the 101 midday , and use the hours to extend the 169 to RBS and increase its frequency . The forced transfer at South Renton means the parkers get the good seats and the transferers get the SRO . It 's time the neighborhood riders got the good seats . <p> I know where the 140 goes . Based on Metro 's own productivity metrics , though , the 169 is far more productive . Using my own knowledge of the corridors to extrapolate from the data , I would speculate that if you treated the Southcenter-Kent-Auburn corridor ( now parts of the 150 and 180 @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ far more productive than the 140 . There 's no reason RapidRide should favor crosstown routes at the expense of productivity . <p> The 169 would be better served getting the 120 treatment than the RapidRide treatment . Then , you 'd still have a schedule , more capacity on the bus , and not have the too-closely-spaced stops cemented into law should you ever want stops consolidated . <p> Connecting Auburn to Southcenter means connecting Auburn to downtown Seattle , unless the 150 is radically restructured . The 150 did go from Auburn to downtown until 1990-ish , but it was split because the route was way too long and unreliable . <p> It 's odd to me that the 180 goes north then northwest . Why not 180-169 ? But SeaTac is a magnet for all of south King County , and it 's now a Link transfer . So maybe that 's why . <p> Based on my knowledge of the ridership in that area , I think the following restructure would service most riders better : <p> - Truncate the 150 at Southcenter , except during @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ . - Start a Valley RapidRide line , running on the 150 route from Southcenter to Kent and the 180 route from Kent to Auburn Station . - Make the South Auburn part of the 180 back into a separate route , the way it used to be ( it was the 151 ) . - Through-route the Kent-Burien portion of the 180 with the 168 . <p> That gets into how much ridership potential is on the 168 . Metro currently has half-hourly frequency on the 169 , and hourly on the 168 . Is that a fair reflection of the potential ridership potential , or just an arbitrary distribution of service that has never been corrected ? <p> It 's partly a concession Southcenter not being on the Link line , and anticipation of a future Burien -- Renton Link line . I assume the transit planners thought this corridor has the highest potential ridership . The 169 is an obvious second corridor for the next round of RapidRide , like the 120 in West Seattle . <p> Well , transit planning is politics , to a degree @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Burien and Renton via Tukwila . Check out PSRC planning documents that the growth strategy in that corridor . <p> I took advantage of the SDOT Blog that was recently discussed on STB to ask about a possible road diet for 23rd Ave near Madison and here 's the response I received : <p> We are currently in the process of studying this area for a possible rechannelization , though no final decisions have been made and may not be for some time due to budget constraints . <p> Not particularly earth shattering , but nice to know that SDOT actually does read and respond to questions . I hope they do find a way to implement a road diet there -- the lanes are painfully narrow and speeds tend to run pretty fast ... <p> Totally unrelated to any of the posted news items but this past weekend I was hospitalized due to complete failure of my right optic nerve . While in the ER I was given an MRI ... 3 actually , but during the initial one they failed to remove my wallet . Fried everything in @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ the exception of my Orca Card . Still works as well as the day I got it . Plus 1 for Orca ! <p> Huh ? I thought that piece was meandering and uninteresting , bordering on flat-out wrong in some places . The small part of the waterfront which does n't have a viaduct or railway line right through it is actually almost entirely midrise residential or hotels , and the areas behind the viaduct are zoned for residential , although a lot of the parcels are waiting for the the viaduct to come down to be redeveloped . <p> There are indeed a few head-scratchers in the Hinshaw piece . Seattle is n't flat , but the waterfront is , sitting as it does on landfill . San Francisco , with obvious geographic similarities , is dismissed as " the exception that proves the rule " that people wo n't walk up hills . He neglected to mention that SF has a convergence of transit lines near the Ferry Building -- something that Seattle might have if the waterfront streetcar can be revived . <p> Hinshaw 's closing @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ praising the supposed solitary nature of those who live in an area that " combines the restrained and introspective attributes of Scandinavia and Asia . " I do n't know which Scandinavian cities he 's thinking of , but I suppose Oslo and Bergen might have some public spaces where the Nordic archetypes can interact as little as possible with each other . The Asian cities I 've been to were rather crowded and seemed curiously low on urban spaces that were appropriate for restrained introspection . Maybe he just chose a really rainy day for a walk along the Bund . <p> Yeah , that diagnosis seemed way off . My only personal point of comparison is Chicago , where the lakefront is an unbroken string of parks or buildings that are more or less public ( i.e. the public can usually walk right up to them even when they 're closed ) all the way from Edgewater to South Shore ( Google Maps leaves a part of the near north side grey , not green , but the lakefront bike path is there , so it 's a @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ from those parks there are residential areas , many expensive and most quite dense , though not always . <p> Seattle does n't have the continuous expanse of waterfront Chicago does , but private buildings come closer to the water than in most parts of Chicago . <p> Hinshaw forgot to mention what specifically he finds wrong in the waterfront design , and what he 'd replace them with . The public workshops did ask for input on what would make the waterfront inviting year round . And the public input has been negative on the " mist plaza " , which is probably the most inappropriate piece for Seattle . Hinshaw seems to agree that the wild-nature gardens should be kept . What else is there ? Surely he 'd keep the escalator and bicycle/ped path . Some of the outdoor plazas could be turned into covered plazas in a later stage : it 's only at 5% design if I remember right . Should Seattle not have a waterfront park because of the steep hills and lack of waterfront condos ? That 's silly . A waterfront park @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ By the way , the #1 feedback at the last public meeting was to include a streetcar . That had some 30+ supporters , or fifteen times larger than the next most popular comment . And half of those said to bring back the Benson streetcar specifically . <p> I personally just want some kind of frequent/fast transit on Alaskan Way , whether streetcar or trolleybus . <p> The 42 is going away . It just got a one-year reprieve while Metro outreaches to the non-English speaking community . The issue for RapidRide F expansion is consolidation in south King County , or more revenue to Metro . Several ideas have been floated , such as extending the 149 to Rainier Beach and deleting the 101 ( keeping the 102 to avoid the wrath of peak commuters ) . <p> If the F-line took a more direct route from TIBS to Renton ( possibly at the expense of making people going to southcenter or the Sounder station walk a couple 10th 's of a mile ) , the service hours to extend it to the Landing would already be there @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ around southcenter , plus a detour into Tukwila station ( all day to connect with a train that runs only during the peak ) is more important . <p> Absolutely true . I ride the 140 every afternoon on Southcenter Blvd ( which is actually across I-405 from the mall ) , and almost no one ever boards with me . The stop actually at the mall ( Andover Park W/Strander ) usually boards 10+ passengers per trip . <p> The 140 is never crushloaded , even though Metro only runs 30 ? buses on it at 15-minute headways. *I 've never had to stand once. * So I agree with other commenters , too , that the 140 was chosen as RapidRide for non-ridership reasons , namely as a LINK consolation prize and for network connectivity . It does serve to connect 5 major hubs relatively well , if a bit circuitously . <p> The Government Accounting Office has released a report " BUS RAPID TRANSIT Projects Improve Transit Service and Can Contribute to Economic Development that compares many of the new BRT projects in the US and the @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ development . Looking at the data presented it seems that Cleveland and Eugene have done BRT best , with KC Metro in the mid-range ( A Line ) or lower third ( B Line ) . Metro 's BRT lines seem to be deficient mostly in fare collection and ITS features when compared to other US BRT projects . The A Line 's ridership increase was mid-range ; but in the category of travel time savings created by the new BRT projects compared to previous services , Metro 's A &; B lines were dead last of all projects surveyed . <p> " Looking at the data presented it seems that Cleveland and Eugene have done BRT best , " <p> That fits anecdotal reports . <p> Although it 's worth noting that in Cleveland , they 'd *still* rather have the " Health Line " be rail service -- and it would be cheaper to operate . But the state and federal governments wanted to provide money for " BRT " , so BRT is what they got . <p> BRT as usually advertised does n't really make sense @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ buses with decent shelters and longish stop spacing -- does make sense . Seattle has n't even managed to do that . <p> I 'm thinking about going to Railvolution in October in LA , at the Lowes Hollywood Hotel , Hollywood/Highland station . I 've only been to LA a few times so I have some questions for any Angelinos lurking on the list . <p> B Are there any under-$100 hotels on the Red Line that people would recommend , or a district that has a concentration of such hotels on a good transit line ? <p> C Does the Coast Starlight still go to Union Station where the Red Line is ? It did when I took the train down in the 80s , but the Railvolution brochure does n't mention the Starlight in its discussion of Union Station 's revitalization . <p> A ) I 'd do 3 , 6 , 7 , 10 or 16 . The " transit way " or whatever it 's call ( bus-only freeway with stops like stations ) is worth checking out . If you are going to Union @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ ? Old Pasadena , Santa Monica and San Juan Capistrano are all really far out suburbs relative to the LA proper options . All sound good other than the LAX green line nightmare . Worst train ride I 've ever had , and I 've taken a local train across India once . <p> B ) Try this : go to here and see the list of hotwire/priceline hotels : http : //www.betterbidding.com/ You can usually figure out exactly which one it is . <p> I think ( 8 ) or ( 17 ) would be interesting . Union Station is a fantastic building and the rebirth of viable local and intercity passenger rail in SoCal would be very interesting to me . I 've also used the Wilshire Blvd BRT several times and it works well -- ( 14 ) might be interesting . I 'd also be interested in ( 9 ) the bicycle tour of Long Beach . The Long Beach area has a very busy working port area near downtown Long Beach . How does Long Beach integrate port traffic with other commercial traffic and activities @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ anyway because I went through there on the train in the 80s and the station area was beautiful , with a 50s gas pump . I 've heard the rest of the core town is exceptional too . But I have n't had a bike for eight years ( when I moved near Harborview 's steep hills ) so I 'm not sure about that part . <p> I 'm leaning toward one of the purple or golds , and I 'd like to see Santa Monica too since I 've never been there . But I have to narrow it down to two . <p> If you take Rapid Line 720 which is the present Wilshire BRT from , say , Wilshire/Vermont ( has TOD on top ) subway station and ride it to the end , you 'll end up in Santa Monica . <p> Gold Line has a number of TOD projects including one built enveloping the station just south of Old Town Pasadena ( forgot which one ) . <p> Both Old Pasadena and Santa Monica have very nice , walkable and active downtowns reachable by @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ is much farther out . <p> Silver Line BRT might be familiar . It 's like our freeway stations . They are no longer transit exclusive , now shared with HOVs and to become HOT Lanes . Maybe you 'd want to the stacked interchange station with the Green Line and the center platform freeway bus station . Or maybe the new El Monte bus station . <p> I 'm not an Angelino , but I 've visited fairly often . If you arrive at LA by Amtrak you 'll see Union Station without even trying to take an excursion , so you might cram three of your options in . <p> Regarding your other two excursion choices : LA is a weird place , and it would be hard for me to give advice . <p> However , if you go see the " Silver Line BRT " or LA Airport , it will be basically to see how *not* to do " rapid transit and urban villages " . And if you go to see the " Orange Line BRT " , you 'll be thinking " this @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ of the others will be relatively positive experiences -- although quite different from one another . <p> I do n't know whether you want to see bad examples or good examples ; there 's something to be said for seeing the really bad examples . : - ) The " Silver Line BRT " is really a case study in how to get something extremely unpleasant and unpopular for hundreds of millions of dollars . <p> The C and D lines will be operating much later than the routes they are replacing . The last C and D to leave the downtown will leave at 3:30 AM . Right now , the last 54 and 15 to leave downtown leaves at 1:05 and 1:32 AM . <p> Still , that confirms that at least some of the 3:30am routes will survive in October . <p> Consolidating the night owls with RapidRide or another nearby route makes sense . It leads to a simpler system where people just have to remember a few 24-hour routes . The night owl loops were an attempt to put a stop near everybody 's house @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ used in the day are the ones that are most used at night . <p> Two evening commutes in a row I have had connection errors with One Bus Away . Am I the only one or is something up ? <p> Also , discovered when I turned to Metro 's bus tracker yesterday that it has some pretty bad data . For example , the 312 does not stop at 3rd &; Seneca southbound during the evening commute , but the bus tracker website said it did yesterday . <p> Did you look at the date of the article ? January 2009 . That 's right after the mortgage meltdown put several financial companies out of business . Seattle had a spike in vacancies too . I remember that winter on Summit and Bellevue Avenues , every single building had a vacancy sign for six blocks straight . There 's your Seattle depopulation ! But it was temporary . And meanwhile , Covington and Maple Valley also had " For Sale " signs as far as the eye could see . ( By the way , how many signs @ @ @ @ @ @
@@5112641 <h> Reaching , Feeding , Teaching Communities <p> How ? by Dr. Christopher Handy , Ph.D . . $1.00 from Smashwords.com How is a short e-book that attempts to enlighten the reader on life 's tough challenges and to offer some hope and some clear advice to help the reader to live a better and <p> Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email . <h> Subscribe <h> The most selfless thing to do is seen as an attack on social media ... <p> Posted by forthemission247 on October 8 , 2012 <p> For the past two evenings , my husband and I have been attacked online because we offered prayer for the family of a murdered girl ; someone said : " I do n't think the family is Christian " Does it matter ? <p> From there began a 98+ comment from the G+ community on how people hate Christians and how we should not require folks to forgive for whatever reason . It went from the offering of prayer and good thoughts , to attacking God 's Word . We are not offended the least bit because we @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ of the Lord . <p> In Romans 8:7 we are reminded that " the sinful mind is hostile to God . It does not submit to God 's law , nor can it do so . Those controlled by the sinful nature can not please God . " <p> Knowing this , I am no longer surprised by what people say . Many people have said such things as : <p> " Ghandi said he loves Christ but hates Christians " <p> " So you 're putting me in the same boat as murderers ? How unchristian ! " <p> " I believe we should do unto others as we would have them do unto us , but I ca n't forgive a murderer " ( This is from a Christian ) <p> First , I 'd like to take a moment and just say that me and my husband experienced death of a loved one , we had a child in our family hurt by someone we trusted , and we were also attacked by other so-called Christians . The people on G+ do n't know that we are @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ religious nut would not have offered prayer , they would have told them something very nasty , cold and would have offered a bunch of nonsense . So we know how it feels to have loss , get talked about , and be compared to children of the Devil . Unfortunately when we speak with others online and not face to face , we read two words of a post and when it does n't ride where we want it to , we attack with words and that is simply not nice . <p> Anyway , let 's see what Scripture has to say about forgiveness and the consequences of not forgiving ... <p> " Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors " ( Matthew 6:12 NIV ) <p> " Do not judge and you will not be judged . Do not condemn and you will not be condemned . Forgive and you will be forgiven . " ( Luke 6:37 NIV ) <p> " Be kind and compassionate to one another , forgiving each other , just as in Christ God forgave you . " ( Ephesians @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ <p> In each of these verses , it is reminding us that we were all bought at a price , which was Christ 's death . We all need to ask for forgiveness(repent) each and every day . I will not apologize for speaking His Word on the matter . Each day we expect people to forgive us for our nasty , human flaws but we can not do it for others . <p> I 'll admit something : I hate death . I hate murderers and killers . But do n't ever say that I am " allowing " something because I prefer to let go and let God . As my husband aptly put it online : when we forgive , we release power and strength back into ourselves . <p> But what happens when we do n't forgive those who hurt us in some way ? <p> We become bitter <p> We hold onto anger <p> We get depressed <p> We get stressed out <p> Our daily conversations no longer revolve around what is good , but all the negative stuff <p> We forget God <p> We @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ and would not want us to become shadowed with evil . <p> We exact revenge <p> And ultimately , end up just like the killers and maybe sharing a cell with them , and none of this brings the dead person back . <p> People . Wickedness starts in the heart . The person who murders had to have premeditated it ( this is the Law 's term , even they get it ) . That means any of us could premeditated something in our hearts and become the ingrates we love to hate . <p> But God had a solution in the past for this . If we really want the Lord to come down and exact Justice on our behalf , be careful- because He will come for us all : <p> The Lord saw how great the wickedness on the earth had become , and that every inclination of the thoughts of hishuman 's heart was only evil all the time . So the Lord said , " I will wipe mankind , whom I have created from the face of the earth ... " ( Genesis @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ made us . So he wiped out folks with a giant flood . How sad that all of our bitterness and anger leads to this .... <p> On another note : There is a time for anger and grieving , the Book of Ecclesiastes talks about Time . I ca n't expect someone to forgive right off the bat , no one does . I get deeply hurt by those who hurt others and in my heart of hearts want Justice immediately . But just as there is a time to mourn . There will be a time to dance , to smile , to be merry , and never forget those you love . <p> The enemy loves when people think about murderers and hate .... Let 's take back the power and focus on the good things
@@5112741 <h> Ondria Hardin : The Use of The Underage Model <p> Ondria Hardin is the latest fresh faced newcomer model . Her youth is being taken advantage of as well her image is quickly becoming the face of fashion hypocrasy . <p> The latest news is that she 's been cast for the SS 13 Chanel campaign alongside veteran model Stella Tennant . " She does n't look 15 , " Lagerfeld told the trade WWD . " She looks 18 or 19 . " And that , my friends , is reason enough to use an underage model . It 'll be interesting to see if Vogue accepts advertising money from Chanel and runs the ads regardless . The flip-flop eithics of fashion in Ondria 's case is disturbing . <p> At 14 she walked the Marc Jacobs show which violated the CFDA 's highly praised Health Initiative . Marc said that it was a creative decision . <p> Chinese Vogue , who had also publicly announced they would n't show models under the age of 16 in any of their magazines , also made an exception when they decided to use the 15 year old model in @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ lied and said she was 16 . <p> So , what happened ? Everyone was all hopped up publicly stating they would protect underage girls from doing a job that is agreed unhealthy for a young psyche . These decisions to ignore the new regulations , coming mere months after the signing , makes me wonder , who is everyone protecting ? The model or the money ? Most in fashion do their best to protect models . They celebrate beauty and celebrate individuality . So this all confuses me . Marc , Karl , the editors at Vogue , etc ... I 've been in the room with them and they 're not evil people . I believe the system is broken . Perhaps the intention that they system was created on as well . <p> It seems appropriate for say , dELiAs to use 14 year old teens but when the same teens are used to sell Chanel , Prada and Marc Jacobs , well , not only is it weird , it 's irresponsible . What using young girls for adult advertising does is places the most @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ economic equation , the models and the women they advertise to . The designer , the editor , the agent and the magazine all get to enjoy the benefits of using such a young face . But what about this girl 's perception and now expectations of herself or what it 's doing to the perception and expectations of many women ? <h> Sponsors <h> This SupermodelBlogger Does Eat ! <p> Thank you for visiting SupermodelBlogger . I 'd like to reach as many models and young women as possible . In order to do so , I need funds to pay professionals to support my vision . Your donation means I will
@@5112841 <h> Monday , 24 September 2012 <h> The dark side of Zenica <p> This would be the scene of the bus stop little more than half-an-hour after Amer first arrived there . ( Source : Oslobodjenje.ba ) <p> It is approaching half-past-nine on Saturday evening in Zenica 's town centre , and eighteen-year-old Amer Pivic is waiting at the bus stop to catch a ride home to Klopce , a suburb only a few minutes drive away . <p> Normally Amer would stay out longer but , as he told his parents , he is feeling tired after a long day and is deciding to head home early . <p> Everything appears normal . Cars are idling by ; the cafes are full ; while , crowds of people are bustling along the city square only a hundred metres away . One might say it was simply just another Saturday night in this central Bosnian city . <p> Suddenly , at what seems like the flick of a switch , everything changes . <p> Gunshots begin to ring out . A dozen , perhaps , maybe more . <p> A number of men armed with guns , including rifles @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Mahmic , along with his friend Goran Popovic - two men who may or may not have been armed themselves . ( Local media reports state that at least 5 or 6 guns were used in the conflict . ) <p> During the chaos , bullets begin to fly aimlessly . Tyres and windows from adjacently-parked cars are blown out from misdirected shots ; but it is not just auto-mobiles in the line of fire . <p> Innocent passers-by are aplenty , and it is only a matter of time before one of them is injured . Semir Basic , 25 , receives a gunshot wound to his leg , but it is not life-threatening . <p> Amer Pivic was just 18-years-old when he was shot and killed on Saturday evening . ( Source : Facebook ) <p> Unfortunately , Amer Pivic , the young boy waiting for his bus-ride home , is not so lucky . A stray bullet strikes him directly in his chest . Pivic instantly drops to the ground . <p> As the violence moves elsewhere , onlookers rush to Amer 's aid . <p> Watching @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ twenty-year-old Ajdin Kokic heroically stops by the side of the road to help Pivic , before placing him inside the car and rushing him to the city 's first-aid centre . In the hands of doctors , Amer receives initial treatment before he is rushed to Zenica 's main hospital across the other side of town . Sadly , however , it is all to be in vain . <p> After bravely hanging on to life for another 30 minutes , Pivic dies upon arrival at the hospital . Mahmic and Popovic - the initial targets of the attempted execution - are also rushed to the hospital in a serious condition , but are alive . <p> News reports quickly start to spread of a teenage boy who has been killed in crossfire . Frantically , parents around Zenica begin calling their loved ones to ensure that it was not them that was the victim . Fortunately , for most parents , their child answers the call to reassure them ; but , tragically , for the parents of Amer Pivic , the truth is much bleaker . <p> Fast @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ incident - and the whole city of Zenica is still shell-shocked . <p> Many are beginning to ask questions . <p> How could this happen ? How could an innocent boy die so publicly ? In the centre of a city at Saturday night peak-hour ? <p> Others are simply intimating that they can not wait to leave this city and this country altogether . <p> On Sunday at midday , more than a hundred locals gathered at the very spot where Amer Pivic 's bloody body had lay just a few hours earlier . Flowers were placed alongside candles on the seat of the bus stop . <p> While some may have looked at the congregation as people using the opportunity to pay their respects to a young life lost , the truth is that it was much more than just that . <p> The people of Zenica are sick and tired of mindless , gross violence occurring on their streets . They are sick of not being able to walk around their own city without the feeling of safety and comfort . <p> Many of the people who @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ themselves about how often they walk through that very area . They were thinking about the times that they themselves were standing in that spot waiting for the bus to arrive . Very much so , they were thinking , ' That could have been me ' - and the same could be said for thousands of others across Zenica who were not there on Sunday . <p> Now , many of the locals are worried and nervous . Although some suspects have been taken into custody , the possibility of reprisal attacks are certainly not out of the equation . <p> Moreover , if people are un-fazed with blazing bullets in such a public area , and believe that they can get away with it , then what is there to stop something like this from happening again ? <p> A snapshot of the scenes of violence . ( Source : ZenicaBlog ) <p> While a greater police presence in and around the streets may be a temporary measure , it is not the solution . <p> Tighter checks on those carrying guns might be an option , but @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ a country who , only a few years ago , relied on such weaponry to defend their nation at war . <p> One of the only ways to prevent such an incident from taking place again is for Bosnia-Herzegovina to get its justice system in order and to properly punish whoever is involved in these types of events . <p> It is one thing for criminal gangs to settle their scores in private , but it is something completely different as soon as innocent members of the public become victims . <p> Every stone must be turned to find out the who , what , where , why and how . There is no more half-arsed investigating and allowing cold-blooded killers to walk free after just a few years behind bars . <p> A boy of just 18 years lost his life ; a mother and father lost a son ; another boy lost his brother . <p> Let the sentencing finally reflect those facts . <p> Nobody here wants to be
@@5112941 <p> The Paradise Park Trailer Resort , for one , had no bottled beer left by dinner time Sunday . Whiskey Bent Saloon had two brands left . <p> Bears head coach Lovie Smith marveled at the number of fans who made the trip south for Sunday 's win . He called LP Field in Nashville " Soldier Field South " due to the large contingent of Bears fans . <p> Estimations had the number of blue and orange-clad Bears fans in the stands at more than 50 percent . It 's been like that for every one of the Bears road games this year from Dallas to Jacksonville and Nashville too . <p> Chicago fans at the Nashville Airport on Monday laughed at the number of saloons they left dry . But before the mass exodus back north , bar owners throughout Nashville were n't annoyed . <p> Instead , they actually thanked the Chicagoans for coming south to spend their drinking money . <p> A team like the Bears that has such a storied franchise , typically
@@5113041 <h> Dropcam , Butterball Cookbook Plus , and More <p> It 's the end of the week , and you 're so close to a holiday you can almost taste the sweet potato pie . Tide yourself over with a fresh round of the best iPad apps of the week . We 've got plenty for you to check out , from an app that lets you design 3D printed items , to a cookbook , and more . <p> Dropcam : We 've seriously spent the last few days following Franky the turtle crawling around a pet store on Dropcam . The video monitoring service/nanny cam now has an iPad app , which , thank god because that turtle is too damn entertaining . You can also watch other feeds , or if you have an actual Dropcam Camera , you can keep tabs on your own home or business . Free <p> Butterball Cookbook Plus : How does an 18-pound dead bird become a delicious Thanksgiving turkey ? If you have this question , download this app , which gives you step-by-step instructions on how to prepare your feast for next Thursday . Oh , and it @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ . $5 <p> 123D Design : 3D printing is so freaking cool . You can pretty much make anything -- in fact , the creators of Skyfall made a 3D printed Aston Martin for the film so they would n't harm the original . Now you can make your own creations , based off of templates or out of your own imagination with this app . You can actually print what you think up , you just have to have access to a 3D printer . Free <p> The Dark Knight Rises FX HD : This app is n't new , but it 's just been updated to give you some freebies . The finale of Christopher Nolan 's Batman trilogy comes out on December 4 , and if you order the Blu-ray edition through the app ,
@@5113141 <p> Girls , have you ever felt like temptation is everywhere ? Well , that 's because it is -- but you have the tools to fight back against it ! <p> Temptation is a sub-theme of my upcoming novel , Freeing Tanner Rose . And common to man : but God is faithful , who will above that you are able ; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape , that you may be able to bear it ( 1 Corinthians 10:13 ) . <p> This means God would never allow us to be tempted without the strength to successfully resist . How amazing is that ? <p> I remember one time in high school , a boy -- who I thought was cute ! -- asked me out . I was n't allowed to date until I was 17 , but I found myself thinking of ways I could still go out with him without my mother knowing . <p> I could have finagled it . My mother trusted me to go out with my friends , so I could have pretended I was with them . But I then realized that if @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ a way of finding out , do n't they ? -- that trust would be gone , and so would my freedom . It just was n't worth it ! I told the boy the truth . And he was fine with it . <p> All temptation can be resisted . It may not be easy , but it is possible . And that possibility lies in God 's strength and unconditional love . <p> But that does n't mean that Satan wo n't stop trying . For as long as people succumb to temptation , Satan will continue to tempt us all . <p> Do n't forget , ladies , that even our own Savior Jesus Christ was tempted in the desert by the devil : <p> I urge you to stand strong against temptation . Call upon God to help you find the strength , and walk away from it . You can do it ! God made sure of it and He is faithful ! <p> What ways do you feel that you 're tempted ? Do you give in to those temptations or do you struggle @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ here is to also avoid temptation as much as we possible can . if being online late at night can lead to temptation , then have an internet curfew . If hanging out with certain people ( and in certain places ) can put you in compromising situations , then do n't hang out with them . I know sometimes we ca n't help it , but when we can , we should . Better to avoid it than to risk it and possibly end up giving in . ( To be clear , though , being tempted is not sin . Sinning is sin . ) <p> Wait , I 'm confused . " This means God would never allow us to be tempted without the strength to successfully resist . " Does that mean that we 've succeeded every time ? Does that mean that the times where you think you 've actually succumbed to sin , you have n't , because it should n't have actually happened ? Does that mean we never succumb to sin ? I 'm confused ! <p> It means you have the @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ also have free will to ignore that strength and succumb . No one can say , " the temptation was too hard to resist , " because God ensures that the temptation is not too hard . If it 's too much to succumb alone , then you call out to Him for help , His strength . I hope that helps ! <p> It means that the Lord will always be there to help us say no to temptation . He always provides a way out . Because we are human , we do give into temptation . But even then , God can use those experiences to help us learn to not do it again . Yes , we fail in the area of temptation , but God is on our side and will help and support us to fight temptation ! He is so awesome and loving to not leave us to battle it out devil on our own ! <p> " For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses , but we have one who has been tempted @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ he did not sin . Let us then approach God 's throne of grace with confidence , so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of Hebrews 4:15-16 " Submit yourselves therefore to God . Resist the devil , and he will flee from you . " James 4:7 <h> 11.23.2012 4PM PT <h> Verse of the Day <p> " BOOK I Psalms 1 -- 41 Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers , but whose delight is in the law of the LORD , and who meditates on
@@5113241 <h> I did n't know that it was Ramadan ... -- looking back traveling in Cairo - <p> From Delhi , transit in Kuwait , I arrived in Cairo , Egypt . I met one Japanese and followed to get to the Japanese hotel " Venice Hosokawake " . I stayed in Cairo for 2 weeks . <p> I saw some mummies and Tutankhamun in Egyptian Museum , impressed for the ancient technology at the 3 great pyramids of Giza , felt myself so small compared to the Earth at camping in White Desert . I also joined 2 CouchSurfing events . <p> I did n't know that it was a " Ramadan " month . So Islamic people were not able to eat or drink anything until sunset . Most sightseeing spots were closed at 3p.m. and also some restaurants were n't open at noon . It was kind of incovenient but Egyptian people were so energetic after sunset . <p> When I was walking in the street , one Egyptian took my hand and shouted for no reason , and some more like this ... it was a bit annoying but I think I enjoyed it somewhat @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Hosokawake " . Sometimes people start talking saying " where are you come from ? " before introducing themselves . Right now , I am meeting so many Japanese people in Dahab also . The CouchSurfing events that I joined in Cairo was so fun , and I wanted to join more in the future . <p> I did n't go to Aswan , Luxor , or Abu Simbel which is south of Egypt . So next time
@@5113341 <h> Saturday , 17 November 2012 <h> Benford 's Law with real world data . <p> If one has a large enough real life source of data ( such as the size of files in the file system ) and look at the distribution of the first digit of these values then one will find something that at first glance is rather surprising . The leading digit 1 appears about 30% of the time and as the digits increase to 9 their frequency drops until we reach 9 , which only appears about 5% of the time . This seemingly curious frequency distribution is commonly known as Benford 's law or the first digit law . <p> The probability P of digit d can be expresses as follows : <p> P(d) = log 10 ( 1 + 1 / d ) <p> .. where d is any integer value 1 to 9 inclusive . So for each leading digit in the data , the distribution works out to be about : <p> Digit <p> Probability <p> 1 <p> 0.301 <p> 2 <p> 0.176 <p> 3 <p> 0.125 <p> 4 <p> 0.097 <p> 5 <p> 0.079 <p> 6 <p> 0.067 @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ <p> 0.046 <p> But how does this hold up with some " real world " data ? Can it really be true ? Well , for my first experiment , I analysed the leading digit of all the source files in the current Linux source tree and compared that to Benford 's Law : <p> So , this is convincing enough . How about something more exotic ? For my second experiment I counted up the number of comments in each file that start with /* in just the C source files in the Linux source tree and again looked at the distribution of the leading digits . I was hazarding a guess that there are a reasonable amount of comments in each file ( knowing the way some code is commented this may be pushing my luck ) . Anyhow , the data generated also produces a distribution that obeys Benford 's Law too : <p> Well , that certainly shows that Kernel developers are sprinkling enough comments in the Kernel source to be statistically meaningful . If the comments themselves are meaningful is another matter ... <p> How @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ length of every executable in /usr/bin and plotted the distribution of the leading digits from this data : <p> .. this data set has far less files to analyse , so the distribution deviates a little , but the trend is still rather good . <p> As mentioned earlier , one has to have a large set of data for this too work well . Interesting this may be , but what kind of practical use is it ? It can be applied to accountancy - if one has a large enough set of data in the accounts and the leading digits of the data do not fit Benford 's Law then maybe one should suspect that somebody has been fiddling the books . Humans are rather poor at making up lots of " random " values that do n't skew Benford 's Law . <p> One more interesting fact is that it applies even if one rescales the data . For example , if you are looking at accounts in terms of sterling and covert it into US dollars or Albanian Lek the rescaled data still obeys Benford 's @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ analyse the size of files in bytes but instead used size in 512 byte blocks it still would produce a leading digit distribution that obeyed Benford 's Law . Nice . <p> How can we apply this in computing ? Perhaps we could use it to detect tampering with the sizes of a large set of files . Who knows ? I am sure somebody can think of a useful way to
@@5113441 <h> I 've Got A Unique Gift For Long Time Readers <p> Hi folks , this is John Robb . As you know , I 'm a pragmatic , optimist . What does that mean ? <p> While I hope we wo n't see another Frankenstorm like Sandy , I bet we will soon . <p> I also hope we do n't see another financial meltdown , where people lost a third of their wealth , but all indications are that we will soon . <p> Finally , I keep hoping that the political process will start to address the issue , but there 's no sign of that . It just keeps getting more surreal as we keep getting poorer . <p> If these problems were just TV programs , I would just turn them off . But I ca n't , and you ca n't . The way we live our lives today , these dysfunctional systems are in control of our futures , and their problems will become our problems . <p> However , I 'm not willing to let these systems dictate our collective future . I strongly believe we should aspire to something better @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ local community . <p> But how ? <p> I 've got the answer . If you 've been reading me for years , you 've already gotten a taste for what I 'm talking about , but this is much better . <p> I 've been hard at work on it for months , and it is beyond a doubt something you will love . <p> $97 even with the charter member discount ? I 'm afraid that 's a bit too steep for someone who is on Medicaid and living with family because he ca n't find better than a part-time service job anymore . This thing sounds great if you have land and some money to invest in it , but it would be nice if we could also see something for the people who are already struggling . <p> Glad to hear it , John ! I like the resilience concept and I believe what you 're already doing is important , but it has been frustrating to see all these great ideas and not have the resources to implement them . We need options for people @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ continue to get worse in the future , I wo n't be the only one who needs them . <p> This is great ! My wife recently started reading Resilient Communities and she is VERY excited about what she is learning . We ca n't wait to implement resilient strategies into our first resilient community , our family . <p> Hi again , John . The problem is bigger than I thought : it seems I 've suscribed twice , becaused there was a problem with the direct payment and I remade it with paypal . So , payed twice and no email to confirm suscription . I 'd appreciatte you get in contact with me as soon as possible . Thanks . <p> Thanks so much for joining . Did you check your spam folder ? A half dozen folks had that problem . The e-mail should have been sent almost immediately . Would resend it , but I 'm
@@5113541 <h> ' Starlet ' Review : A Quirky , Prickly Portrait of an Unlikely Friendship <p> You may have never heard of Sean Baker , but he 's one of the most astute and least sentimental chroniclers of life on the fringes working in film today . His earlier films " Prince of Broadway " and " Take Out " dealt with immigrants hustling to make a living in a wintry , bustling New York City . <p> With " Starlet , " he shows that his aesthetic works just as well in the sun-bleached San Fernando Valley . <p> That 's where Florida transplant Jane ( Dree Hemingway , daughter of Mariel ) lives with her dog , Starlet , and two somewhat unsavory housemates , Melissa ( Stella Maeve ) and Mikey ( James Ransone ) . At a yard sale , Jane buys an old thermos that turns out to be filled with money ; she tries returning it to Sadie ( Besedka Johnson ) , but the cranky old lady rebuffs her with a curt " No refunds ! " <p> After just one shopping spree , Jane starts feeling guilty about the cash , @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ first showing up at the grocery store to give her a ride home and then popping into Sadie 's weekly church bingo game . <p> " Starlet " lets us know early on that whatever friendship arises between the two is n't going to be some gooey greeting-card commercial of the " Tuesdays with Morrie " school -- that 's made clear somewhere around the time when the suspicious Sadie maces Jane -- but both women discover a mutual need for companionship as they begin spending more time together . <p> Both Jane and Sadie are keeping secrets from each other , and from the audience , that begin to emerge as the plot develops , and Baker ( who co-wrote with Chris Bergoch ) is more interested in allowing his characters to unfold than in hitting all the story beats . <p> This is one of those all-too-rare movies that assumes you 're paying enough attention that you do n't have to have everything repeated to you three times . ( If you 're checking your iPhone during a brief phone conversation Jane has with her mother , you @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ . ) <p> All of the film 's acting feels spontaneous and organic , as befits Baker 's naturalist style , and the two leads are particularly extraordinary . Hemingway has the sunny appeal of a young Daryl Hannah or Bridget Fonda , and she makes us want to know more about a character that could easily have been rendered merely a two-dimensional twit in the hands of a lesser actress . ( Not to give away any spoilers , but she also takes the character to some places where other performers might have feared to tread . ) <p> Johnson , surprisingly , has never been in a movie before ( the press notes claim she was " discovered " at a YWCA ) , but she makes Sadie a fascinating character . Shunning any clichs of how older women behave , Johnson gives us a fully inhabited woman who 's neither dotty nor doting nor helpless . Like anyone else , her Sadie feels capable of compassion or cruelty in any given situation . <p> " Starlet " achieves a kind of subtle grace that may keep it @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ a mass audience , but if you 're in the mood for a movie that rewards an attentive , intelligent viewer , it 's a joyous experience . <h> Description <p> Alonso Duralde has written about film for Movieline , Salon , MSNBC.com . He also co-hosts the Linoleum Knife podcast and regularly appears on What the Flick ? ! ( The Young Turks Network ) . Senior Programmer for the Outfest Film Festival in Los Angeles and a pre-screener for the Sundance Film Festival , he is also a consultant for the USA Film Festival/Dallas , where he spent five years as artistic director . A former arts and entertainment editor at the Advocate , he was a regular contributor to " The Rotten Tomatoes Show " on Current . He is the author of two books : " Have Yourself a Movie Little Christmas " ( Limelight Editions ) and " 101 Must-See Movies for Gay Men " ( Advocate Books ) . Friday mornings , Duralde can be heard on
@@5113641 <h> CATEGORIES <p> Few architects knew more about stylish contemporary living than the late Richard Paxton , and Lavender House -- situated in London 's fashionable Hampstead Village -- is everything you 'd expect from a property inspired by his work and created as a home for him . A design of steel , glass and natural stone , this unique Savills property is planned around a large open-plan reception area incorporating a retractable sliding roof , which allows spectacular natural light to illuminate the space . <p> The central courtyard , complete with hot tub and glass-sided swimming pool , is flanked by a dining area , gymnasium and master bedroom suite , with four further bedrooms elsewhere in the property -- two of which share a private garden . The master bedroom suite itself is an amazing example of planning , echoing the layout of the main property on a smaller scale : the bedroom serves as the " courtyard " , with bathrooms either side of it and access a spacious walk-in dressing room . <p> The design may be unmistakably spartan and modern , but Lavender House features plenty of comforts for the whole family @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ provides a place for the family to relax together , and there 's a larger entertainment space in the basement , which can function as a media room or a party space . An interesting aspect of the basement , and a further example of the property 's joined-up design , is that it offers high-level windows looking into the swimming pool ! <p> The entire property is enclosed by security gates , and while it is discreetly tucked away and out of view from Hampstead High Street , it 's only 50m from the street itself , making it the ideal residence for a family that values its privacy but still wants to live in
@@5113741 <h> November 17th , 2012 by Craig <h> Singers Who Survive in Business ? <p> This week we 're looking at the ' business ' of music <p> For many vocalists , singing is more than just a hobby , it is their income . So , a certain amount of business sense is essential if one is to survive in the formidable world of the music industry . As singers , we have to get used to the idea of our voice as a saleable commodity with value . However , with something so close to our hearts , it can sometimes be difficult to separate business from pleasure . This week we 'd really like to hear your thoughts on this . <p> So the question is : What do you think are the most important attributes needed for a singer to survive in the business-side of singing ? <p> Last week I asked : Is the use of extreme vocal effects such as screaming , belting or heavy distortion damaging to the voice ? <p> Joshua Drane wrote ... <p> " I believe so especially in the case of screaming ( screamo ) or " heavy @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ there are some who incorporate what is known as " vocal fry " to scream . That is a technique that helps vocal range if properly practiced , so in that case , no . Belting , I do n't know , I hope not , I do it all of the time . I do suggest a proper warm up before attempting and of course exercising the VOX to maintain control over your VOX " . <p> Matt Colhoun commented ... <p> " Technique is KEY ! Screaming , by definition , is not good for you voice . But there are techniques , like " vocal fry " , that may help " . <p> Lorrianne Crolla wrote ... <p> " You really have to force yourself to not blow out your voice in all the excitement of the night . I 'm a belter with a very demanding set list so we break up the night into three 45 minute sets , I slip in easy songs between the really difficult songs and go easy at the start of the night . I 've learned to sound @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ use in-ear monitors so I no longer have to sing loud to hear myself . Have n't blown my voice out in a long time " . <p> Joannie Penman responded ... <p> " Warming up and warming down are essential " . <p> Great comments this week guys , see you next time . <p> C x <p> VN:F 1.9.131145 <p> Rating : 0 ( from 0 votes ) <h> About Craig <p> Craig Antony is gaining attention across the UK as a singer-songwriter whose music has been described as " driving , engaging and passionate " . He 's performed in almost every major city in the UK and in the Royal Albert Hall . Craig is also pursuing a Master 's degree in Vocal Performance and promoting his debut album . Find out more at www.craigantony.co.uk <h> Like this post on Facebook <p> Show your friends on Facebook that
@@5113841 <p> It 's no secret that sometimes comedy is taken a bit too seriously . Comedy obsessives love not just the jokes , but the mechanics and emotions of the comedy world . There are a raft of comedy documentaries exploring comedy and comedians , but do they really have anything significant to add to the discussion ? This series looks at comedy documentaries and whether they 're interesting , insightful , and possibly even ... funny ? <p> Making a documentary about a man who is both a living comedy legend and an under-appreciated genius is walking a tight rope . How does one show-off his brilliance while exploring why he 's struggled to succeed ? And is it possible to fairly assess a comic , when the purpose of the film is to showcase him ? <p> It 's this dilemma that The Bitter Buddha faces with its star , Eddie Pepitone . Early on , Pepitone is praised by a who 's who of modern alt comedy -- Patton Oswalt , Sarah Silverman , Zach Galifianakis , Scott Aukerman -- and in the process , compared to Elvis Costello and Charles Bukowski . After this , @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ entirely met . Some of the clips of Pepitone on stage are funny , but includes a bit of him dying with new material . Some of his funniest material is shown in tweet form and in segments from live WTF with Marc Maron episodes , which have been animated for the film . And it can be hard to see the genius amidst his messy , cat-filled apartment . <p> Both on stage and off , Pepitone is not afraid to air his own flaws , insecurities , and failures . ( The doc even begins with a quote of his : " The only things stopping me today are : genetics , lack of will , income , brain chemistry , and external events . " ) The film tends to dismiss this nay-saying as an endearing character trait , rather than an opportunity to look soberly at why an obviously funny man has n't succeeded more . The opportunity to focus on a comic in his mid-50s , hitting it big with young crowds , could have been a bit less fawning . <p> The true heart @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ father . The groundwork is laid early on , with Pepitone discussing his childhood in an angry house on both WTF and The Mental Illness Happy Hour . The end of the movie is devoted to his first headlining gig in his hometown of New York City , which will also mark the first time his father has seen him on stage in nine years . In the final half hour , the father-son dynamic takes center stage , and makes for the most compelling section of the film , turning into a mini-arc about his father 's ambivalence towards his career . <p> The nickname " Bitter Buddha " derives from the duality of Pepitone 's curmudgeonly on-stage persona paired with his habit of listening to Eckhart Tolle tapes and meditating in the hills of Los Angeles . The film also shows Pepitone at a threshold in his career , as he crosses over from comic 's comic to more mainstream success . It 's not a perfect film , but it captures an crucial moment for one of the comedy scene 's most important figures . <p> And @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Ultimately , yes . At 52 years old , Pepitone says he 's " just getting his shit together now . " This stage in a performer 's career is not often chronicled , and is intriguing to watch . <p> What does it have to say about comedy ? Fans of Pepitone 's argue that his decades of experience give him an authority that a younger comic can never have , and that his years of struggling are such an inherent part of his personality that it is central to his comedy . <p> Is it funny ? As is normal for this type of fly-on-the-wall documentary , the stage bits are
@@5113941 <h> JHU Press : Telling stories of the ' forgotten war ' <p> Donald Hickey , editor of the Johns Hopkins Books on the War of 1812 Series . <p> The War of 1812 has long suffered an inferiority complex . Unluckily wedged between the Revolutionary War and the Civil War , the conflict often gets overlooked and thus earned the nicknames the " forgotten war " and the " Rodney Dangerfield of armed engagements . " <p> For most Americans , knowledge of the war is limited to the victories of the USS Constitution , the origin of " The Star-Spangled Banner " at Baltimore 's Fort McHenry and Andrew Jackson 's triumph at New Orleans . In short , do n't look for a War of 1812 summer blockbuster movie or first-person shooter for Xbox anytime soon . <p> Historian Donald Hickey is on a mission to repair this collective oversight and hopes that the fanfare around the war 's bicentennial , and a new book series by the Johns Hopkins University Press , will heighten public interest . Hickey , editor of the Johns Hopkins Books on the War of 1812 Series , has written widely @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ of 1812 : A Forgotten Conflict and The War of 1812 : A Short History , both published by the University of Illinois Press . He most recently authored 187 Things You Should Know About the War of 1812 ( JHU Press , 2012 ) and The Rockets ' Red Glare : An Illustrated History of the War of 1812 ( JHU Press , 2011 ) with co-author Connie Clark . <p> To promote the book series and the bicentennial , the Johns Hopkins University Press will co-host two events this week , when the national celebration of the war begins . <p> On Tuesday , June 12 , Hickey and other historians will gather for a War of 1812 Workshop , to be held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Historic London Town and Gardens in Edgewater , Md . <p> Hickey and Clark will attend a reception and book talk on The Rockets ' Red Glare at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday , June 13 , at the National Aquarium in Baltimore . The new book includes thrilling stories and stunning illustrations ranging from when the United @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ ratification of the Treaty of Ghent in February 1815 . <p> The war broke out following British attempts to restrict U.S. trade and the Royal Navy 's impressment of American seamen . The United States also sought to expand its territory into Canada . <p> The United States suffered many costly defeats at the hands of British , Canadian and Native American troops over the course of the war , including the capture and burning of Washington , D.C. , in August 1814 . American troops thwarted British invasions in Plattsburgh , N.Y. , Baltimore , and New Orleans , boosting national confidence and fostering a new spirit of patriotism . The ratification of the Treaty of Ghent on Feb. 16 , 1815 , ended the war but left many key issues unresolved . <p> The Johns Hopkins Books on the War of 1812 Series currently includes four publications -- classic works alongside recent scholarship . Flotilla , by Donald Shomette , tells the story of the Patuxent naval campaign . For nearly two years , the British navy conducted devastating raids on small villages along the shores of the @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Joshua Barney led his Chesapeake flotilla against the British , determined to contest their advance on the nation 's capital and drive them from the area . The flotilla ultimately suffered defeat but managed to inflict significant damages on the far-superior British fleet . <p> Other titles in the series are A Travel Guide to the War of 1812 in the Chesapeake , by Ralph Eshelman ; and The War of 1812 in the Chesapeake : A Reference Guide to Historic Sites in Maryland , Virginia and the District of Columbia , by Eshelman , Hickey and Scott S. Sheads . <p> Hickey , a professor of history at Wayne State College in Nebraska , has had a fascination with the War of 1812 ever since his days in college . In his books , he seeks to debunk some of the myths of the war and reveal some lesser-known facts , such as the conflict being the first use of the famous Uncle Sam character . <p> Hickey also believes the United States lost the war . <p> " It was a draw on the battlefield , but I @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ achieve our policy objectives , " Hickey says . " The maritime issues that caused the war were n't even mentioned in the peace treaty . " <p> The war was significant , he says , as it forced the U.S. military to modernize and grow . <p> Hickey said that several more books in the series are currently in the works . <p> For more on the series and upcoming events , go to **39;4399;TOOLONG . <h> Comments <p> I 'm glad that Prof. Hickey understands that the the War of 1812 was the first war that the United States lost . Most Canadians understand that , if for no other reason than that Canada still stands as a nation . We were taught that the War of 1812 was primarily an attempted land grab by
@@5114041 <h> RS <h> MEMBER DIARY <h> Rape , Abortion , and the Moral High Ground <p> Recently , a long term friend and I got into a discussion about abortion over a few glasses of scotch . The debate devolved quickly into an outright fight . I held firm in the position that abortion was either a form of murder , and was therefore wrong in all instances where the physical life of the mother was n't threatened , or it was n't . The friend insisted that there must be exceptions in instances of rape or incest . <p> What really angered me in this exchange was the faultiness of his logic and his insistence that I was in error because I was allowing my faith to dictate my political opinion on the matter . First , the logic he employed in his defense was that I could never understand the circumstances of a woman impregnated due to rape . I reject this flat out because it assumes that I am incapable of being empathetic to the situation unless I allow for the premeditated murder of an innocent . His counter to my claim the child was innocent @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ the act in which it was conceived , a " bad seed " , a claim I find highly ironic coming from someone who rejects the moral arguments against abortion . <p> I attempted to demonstrate the faultiness of his argument by arguing that he , as a white man , could never understand the plight of a black man , or an illegal alien , and therefore he should never argue against reparations or amnesty . Of course it would be absurd , and harmful to society in the whole , to pair down what issues one may opine on based on gender , race , or ethnicity , yet when it comes to abortion many have no problem cozying up to this illogical and balkanizing form of argumentation . <p> Even though I know that these are direct parallels to his logic , he refused to acknowledge the fact and attempted to paint me as being nothing but a Jesus zombie , simply parroting dogma rather than having struggled with the legal and logical aspects of abortion in America . <p> When he realized that I would not @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ I had changed since I started attending church regularly again , something I have been doing for all but two years of the time he has known me . The end of the evening came when I finally said to him that if he is so offended by my faith , maybe we should cease being friends . <p> I am sharing this experience in light of the recent gaffe by Rep. Akin because I believe his gaffe is a byproduct of an environment in politics that encourages us to be offended by , if not outright hostile to , positions based on Judeo-Christian morality . <p> Social Conservatives are often encouraged to soften their tones , to refer to objective science when arguing issues of morality , as a way to skirt past the objections of those who get an icky feeling in there stomach when God enters the discussion . Many Christians are familiar with that icky feeling , typically we refer to it as the Holy Spirit convicting us , but I digress . <p> As a movement , we do ourselves a disservice when we reach @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ The honest truth is that we fail because we are scared to stand on the principle itself and open ourselves to attacks and gaffes as Akin did . <p> We allow people like President Obama to capture the moral high ground when he says " Rape is rape . " <p> " Rape is rape , and the idea that we should be parsing and qualifying and slicing up what types of rape we 're talking about does n't make sense to the American people , and certainly does n't make sense to me . " <p> I appreciate the clarity that Obama provides here , and I say that only half mockingly . You see , I also believe murder is murder , and parsing and qualifying and slicing up what types of murder we are talking about does n't make sense to the American people , and certainly does n't make sense to me . The left and President Obama parse , qualify , and slice up what types of abortions are murder and which ones are legitimate ways of relieving a " burden " with nary a @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ away with this largely because we are told not to stand up for our own moral principles . We are condemned by our opponents and friends alike when we mention that there are areas that are strictly black and white , allowing for no grey . <p> This should n't be taken as an excuse to act like a cold hearted hardliner either . Many times there is an opportunity to make an emotional connection while making a logical argument . The case of abortions due to rape is an example where the emotional connection would prove fruitful . <p> To that end , I will go back to the story I shared at the beginning of this post . <p> A few days after the argument with my friend I went to talk to my mother about the entire incident . My mother is politically active and also has a lifetime of experience as a nurse . Unbeknownst to me , in my almost 36 years of existence , my mother was the product of a rape . <p> My mother has been responsible for saving countless number of @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ She worked mid shifts in the Maricopa County Hospital Emergency Room . She worked in the NICU in the same hospital . She worked as a crew member nurse on a flight for life helicopter at various points in her career . Today she works as a hospice nurse comforting those waiting on the inevitable . <p> This woman , my mother , has dedicated her entire adult life to saving others . To my friend , she was a " bad seed " whose life should have been snuffed out before even beginning , all because her father was incapable of controlling the lust that lived within him . <p> I am sure my friend never even considered the possible lives that would be lost if my mother had been aborted . In fact , he could n't have because he did n't know my mother was the product of a rape . <p> God has a funny way of reaffirming our faith . In my case he used a friend accusing me of being controlled by my faith to show me how I have grown in my faith @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ reaffirmed why I am pro-life . <p> The bottom line is this : If Barack Obama , Claire McCaskill , and the majority of the Democratic Party had their druthers , my mother would have been killed in the womb . The people my mother saved would have missed out on the care she provided . If exceptions for rape would have been in place in 1955 , I may have never existed . <p> Never the less , President Obama will be praised for wanting my mother dead , all because we have created an environment where morality is n't in itself worthy of being defended . Not to mention life . <h> COMMENTS <p> One must respect the religious position of those who believe that abortion is murder . We must recognize , however , that this is a minority position . That does n't mean it 's wrong , but it does mean that a democracy is not going to enact it into law . The fervor of those holding the position is irrelevant and I want to ask : What 's more important ? Electing Republicans @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ ? <p> http : //jeffemanuel.net Jeff Emanuel <p> Speaking out against murder , or electing silent accomplices ? <p> jimmaloney <p> but the products of our families , our experiences , our enemies and our friends ... <p> ... we did not ask to be born-neither shall we know the day when we will die ... <p> inside those points of light and darkness we have only one thing to carry us through : TRUST <p> and whether you believe in God or you do not-all of us believe in that : TRUST <p> Viet71 <p> Repeal Roe v. Wade . <p> Let each state decide . <p> Aaron Gardner <p> nt <p> sarg01 <p> ... the actual offense was using shoddy " facts " to provide political cover for a matter of principles . He made this worse by using the phrase " legitimate rape " . <p> I know he did n't mean the rape itself was legitimate , but he is suggesting the definition of rape may be much too loosely applied . That 's not completely off the reservation for discussion , but it 's quite @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ have stopped with " we should n't kill a child under anything short of life-threatening circumstances and even then it 's a tragedy " and not tried to provide backup suggesting that a rape exclusion really does n't affect many women . <p> AceInTX <p> and I want to add my voice to yours in this ... I get tired if being told I have to modify , soften and moderate my views to salve someone 's ego who holds an opposing view . <p> I will say this .... where using logic to make u=our arguments as opposed to using faith as the central part of the argument is concerned . <p> It boggles my mind that people of high intelligence and sound reasoning ability ca n't grasp the inconsistency in holding two directly opposing views when it comes to abortion ... that being : <p> 1 ) Abortion is wrong because it takes a Human life and is the equivalent of murder because the product of abortion is the end of a person . <p> 2 ) Abortion should be allowed in cases of rape and incest as @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ a person and therefore an abortion in such cases is not murder . <p> One does n't have to be a person of faith to grasp the illogical nature of such a position and and to my mind religion does n't have to be part of the discussion . To me it is shear idiocy to believe a product of a loving coupling is a person and is worthy of protection as such under the law .... while believing that the same product that results from rape or incest is not a person and is therefore worthy of extermination as mere vermin . <p> That said ... I do n't for a second condone toning down our faith based arguments and am adamant that we are commanded in scripture to give full voice to our faith in our redemptive LORD and SAVIOR and we are sinning by denying him in order to salve the fragile egos of those who do not yet know him . <p> I pray for your friend , that he will come to know our LORD and know you are doing the same ... <p> Melody @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ comments on EE 's diary ( here , here and here ) , we have allowed the left to dictate the terms of the discussion on abortion to the point that we hide the ugliness of what it is . <p> God bless you and your mother . <p> http : **28;1308;TOOLONG Freedoms Truth <p> It goes without saying that Akin set back the prolife movement by representing the noble prolife position as medically ignorant and insensitive to victims of crime . His own apology admitted that . <p> Given the choice between putting up winnable squishes and principled losers , my answer is : Support winnable principled conservatives . It 's not being prolife that sinks Akin , it 's what he said that represents it so poorly . <p> Stopping Obama 's next SCOTUS Appt is important , and all the other stuff that comes with a Senate majority . So lets get a winable prolifer in there before its too late . <p> " I live in Missouri and I can tell you that he not only will lose to Air Claire if be stays in the @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Obama because he is a bogeyman to rally a currently listless base . <p> Republicans and conservatives will not vote for Claire , but they will not vote for him in large numbers . <p> I voted for Brunner . Business man , political outsider . The reason Akin won was because of Democrat cross over urged on by the Dems because McCaskill <p> AceInTX <p> Bravo ! ! <p> http : //impudent.edublogs.org/ kyle8 <p> Most people who think that abortion is murder do not somehow think it does not become murder in some cases . <p> What we are doing is bowing to the will of the majority . It is perfectly all right to take an absolutist stance as you do . But have a little understanding that if everyone took your all or nothing approach , guess what ? <p> We would have NO limitations at all on abortion on demand everywhere . <p> The best way to change things is to convince people of your views . It can be done , To some extent pro-life views are already gaining ground . But being angry and @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ <p> Murdering is defined as killing . Killing is ending a life . Science has proven that a fetus feels pain . This is a scientific truth and a logical truth that an act of abortion ends existence of the fetus . However people justify their actions does not make it untrue that a fetus was killed . The pro-death crowd are selfish to not find the truth . Why would you want to elect someone who is dumb ass on such a basic fact ? As for me I do n't elect democrats . The issue is education the illogical and spiritually dead . <p> http : //impudent.edublogs.org/ kyle8 <p> nt <p> Putter <p> I was hoping Akin could cobble together a coherent response to his critics on Hannity today , but I was disappointed . I do n't know who is giving him advice , but he is not well served . If I had been advising him , the response would have been something like this .... <p> " The thought I was trying to convey is that I am uncomfortable killing a child just because his @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ should have been his response to Huck 's question , but better late than never . <p> westcoastpatriette <p> this sentence in your diary carries the secret to how we will end abortion in America : " Many Christians are familiar with that icky feeling , typically we refer to it as the Holy Spirit convicting us , but I digress . " <p> It is only the conviction of the Holy Spirit that can change hearts of stone and bring the conviction necessary to open our eyes to the horror of sacrificing children on the altar of Baal such as we are doing daily in the U.S. Therefore , I find prayer an essential tactic to bring about a revival in our land and an end to abortion including pregnancies resulting from rape or incest . <p> Thanks for telling your mom 's beautiful story . <p> Ausonius <p> ... if Biden had made the comments . <p> And both sides realize this , but the GOP side can not win here , by definition . <p> runner12 <p> abortion , none at all . My problem was the @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ legitimate rape " and making a statement that he had no factual evidence to back up . This is why even pro-life Conservatives are suggesting he step aside . <p> I do not believe this is a case of Akin standing up on conviction , in fact I think he got himself into this mess by trying to explain away his position using some made-up idea . If the man had simply stated his position was due to his faith and the reasonings put forth in this diary , I would be defending the man today instead of suggesting he drop out . <p> texasref <p> No state can deprive its citizens of life without due process of law , so any state that legalized abortion would have to be overturned by the national government . Federal trumps state . <p> So , no , let 's not let each state decide . <p> runner12 <p> It took a lot of courage for your mother 's mother to keep her baby in that circumstance . She has been rewarded by producing a woman who has probably saved many lives . @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ , hard-working nurses around . Added to that she was a medi-flight nurse and is now doing hospice ! <p> That is one talented medical professional . You should be proud . <p> texasref <p> I have to say I second Melody 's praise of your article . I was moved by how your mother chose the perfect opportunity to share her experience with you to give you the wisdom to handle the aftermath of your argument with grace and strength . If you 're half the person your mother is , then you 're doing great , Aaron . <p> wbcoleman <p> Attempts to persuade are fine . Threatening to enact a minority view is a sure recipe for the election of the likes of Obama , Reid , and Pelosi . <p> gmscan <p> I agree that abortion should be outlawed , even for rape and incest . Yes , it is a burden on the mother , but carrying an unwanted child is a small price to pay compared to killing that child . We should ensure that she gets all the financial , medical , and @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ . If Akin made that argument , I would stand with him . <p> But instead he was arguing something else -- even now I 'm not sure what , but it seemed to be minimizing rape because of what he ( Akin ) knows about women 's bodies . Huh ? Akin is not essential to winning in MO . There were two other fine people on the ballot . He should step aside in favor of one of them . <p> Breeanne Howe <p> Aaron , you have won the internet today with this post . Amazingly powerful . Seriously love this . Thank you for sharing ! <p> kowalski <p> And his opposition to the death penalty . While I was thinking of him I could n't help but remember his role on " M.A.S.H . " and of course I wanted to be reminded of Farrell 's performances , and also Alan Alda 's . <p> One of the gravest moments in M.A.S.H . history was the episode with Hawkeye committed to a mental hospital being treated by Dr. Sidney Freedman and visited by B.J. " @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ : " Goodbye , Farewell and Amen . " <p> http : //www.youtube.com/watch ? v=sYjy7uUn7 ... <p> The reason Hawkeye has been committed is that he witnessed ( and feels as though he precipitated , actually he directly caused ) the murder of an infant child at the hands of its own mother . He has a tremendous emotional defining moment at about 1:59 in that video . Watch the tears . Watch the drama . <p> Since Roe V. Wade was made the law of the land , an average of 1.4 million children a year have been aborted in the United States through medically-sanctioned and Government Guaranteed abortion . Hawkeye and BJ are n't running around the country making any effort to stop the atrocities . Even if 1 in 50 of medical abortions result in the destruction of a viable child who was needlessly aborted -- and it 's a lot more than that -- that means that abortion murders 28,000 children in the United States EVERY YEAR . <p> You do n't hear BJ and Hawkeye crying about those numbers . They 're the most ghastly @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ . was filming , of course , Hawkeye was a ladies ' man . No nurse was safe , and that showed how " loving " he was . <p> I wonder how many abortions were done on Hawkeye 's children over there in that fake Hollywood hospital ? <p> Next93 <p> I recenlty heard a discussion on the radio about the legal ramifications of Roe v Wade . The commentator ( Jason Lewis , my long-time favorite ) was trying to steer the discussion away from the morality of abortion itself , and instead focus on the way the SCOTUS tortured the constitution to come up with a federal nexus to what should clearly be a state matter . The woman he was talking to finally said in exasperation " Because men do n't carry babies , that 's why ! " <p> I found myself thinking : " I 've carried babies . I 've carried them to bed , I 've carried them to the doctor , I 've carried them to school , I 've carried them to graduation , and college , first job and @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ I 'm lucky enough , I 'll carry them down the aisle , and eventually I 'll carry THIER babies . What more do you want ? " <p> Or , to put it another way ; I 've devoted myself to three children born live , and I 've greived over one stillborn ( that I delivered with my own hands ) . I 've put a roof over thier heads , food in thier bellies , and shoes on thier feet . I 've scrimped and saved to provide them a collective 36 years of the best education I could afford , and I 've taken on absurd levels of debt to co-sign college loans . For the sake of my children , I walked away from a chance to be part of history , passed up a chance to make a buttload of money , and knowingly condemned by sideline business to death by refusing to take the risks needed to make it successful . I 've spent years in pain because I would n't go through elective surgery while my children were dependent on me . @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ , I would n't change a thing . <p> After all that , are you REALLY going to try to tell me that some 14 year-old girl , by dint of her all-knowing uterus , has a right to an opinoin on this matter and I do n't ? <p> mt2az <p> Are n't religious and do n't have faith , does n't help . There are plenty of religious people , denominations , sects , and in fact , entire religions with different stances on this issue . <p> You ca n't call for them to be less hostile to your religious beliefs , while not only denying them the same , but in fact , denying that they 're even people of faith . <p> kowalski <p> At his own website . Here 's one of his explanations : <p> http : **35;1338;TOOLONG ... <p> " Clearly not everyone shares his views on the death penalty . Some believe it is appropriate under certain circumstances for the state to take a life . Those who hold to that view , though , " must not only examine the @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ should look carefully at the reality of what a death penalty system truly means in a society such as ours -- what it does , who it impacts , who it serves -- and what our moral obligation is with regard to the mistakes it makes . " <p> You 'll notice that he does n't concern himself anywhere in his writing on that website or through his activism with the " mistakes " the Abortion System makes . As someone who played a doctor on TV , it 's not a concern of his , and it 's not , apparently , part of what he considers to be a " moral obligation " to examine . <p> califgal <p> seem to understand nature ... until it comes to this issue of the child of the rapist . Then , all understanding of " natural , " of what hardwiring of the brain has evolved goes out the window . <p> redriderpurplesage <p> He was the choice of CONSERVATIVES to challenge McCaskill and he is the one to carry the fight through . <p> The Democrats would LOVE to @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ we want to give in to them ? <p> Mr. Akin spoke without thinking , something Joe Biden does every day . He apologized -- time to let this incident go and elect Todd Akin in November . <p> mt2az <p> Supported and worked for Akin , because they knew he would eventually say or do something like this and get taken down , throwing what should have been an easy win for us to the Democrats . And a whole lot of less myopic Republicans supported someone else for the same reason . I 'd love to say I Told You So ... but I probably do n't post enough around here for that . <p> http : //impudent.edublogs.org/ kyle8 <p> Wayne Rogers , the guy who played Trapper John , turned out to be an arch conservative pro business squawker on those talking head business shows . <p> By the way . Mike Farrel is a ridiculous left wing hypocrite . <p> JSobieski <p> Prior to Roe , the punishment for abortion was the equivalent to manslaughter . We have different degrees of criminal sanctions because there a @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ rea . <p> All that said , treating incest as a separate category makes no sense . It is the involuntary nature of the pregnancy that could at least in theory be to great a burden to bear . If voluntary , the relationship of the father is not logically relevant . If involuntary , then the relationship of the assailant is similarly irrelevant . <p> At a minimum , rape is a mitigating factor ... if our justice system is to be coherent <p> position unless you are in a lib dem district . These are my brothers and sisters who seek the truth . Some conservatives are just not very good candidates . Conservatives need to become very articulate . Science , morality and the unborn are in their corner . Now having said that the MSM is infected with flawed liberal thinking . It is not about enacting a certain point of view but finding and advocating the truth . Conservatism is fundamentally about truth . <p> macwell <p> for allowing me to partake of hearing your wonderful story . I use partake for a reason . @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ shared adventures on this earth , so I partake in the blessing God has granted you by hearing you proclaim His greatness in it all . <p> We have much at stake this November . We must do all that we can do to bring America back to her once proud place . The world needs us now more than ever . So not only must we remove all who believe that America needs to be " fundamentally transformed " , we must give Romney/Ryan a majority in the Senate . Too bad we had to lose a seat by the words of one man , that just means we have to work harder . If I 'm not mistaken , there are enough democrat seats up for grab , it 'll just take more of us to vote , many more would be great so the election is n't decided by a judge . <p> to the jurisdiction thereof , are citizens of the United States process of law ; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws . <p> The only question @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ so of law ; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws . " If the pre-born are not people then they can be used in any experiment or cloning by anybody . They can also be sold as property because if they are not people then they are property . <p> freemkts <p> The issue of murder is not as black and white as many make it seem . There are lots of different laws on the books regarding murder ranging from 1st degree murder to manslaughter to self defense ( which is n't a crime ) . The point is murder , like life itself , is complicated , It depends on the circumstances and to say that all abortions are murder is just not true . Not all murders are murder . <p> Now as far as abortion goes I think that allowing exceptions for rape is the right thing morally . Rape is a horrible crime , one that goes unpunished too often . It takes an incredible amount of courage for women to stand up and confront their rapist @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ ridicluled , blamed for the event and have their behavior put on trial . It is unacceptable to me that a women who is raped and impregnated have no remedy under the law to put the horrific event behind her . <p> I get that other people have other points of view . Abortion is a tough subject . Rape should not be . And as a political matter this is a no brainer . As passionately as the Akin fans feel about their position they must realize that it is one that is only shared by 20% of the country . That 's Ron Paul territory . That 's up there with Newt wanting to colonize the moon . The GOP ca n't support every extremist position that someone holds . Akin has to go and he has to go right now . <p> floridaveteran <p> You have identified the logical end of the pro-abortion argument , which is unlimited abortions at any time of gestation or even after the baby has survived the abortion attempt . See Obama aye vote for killing living humans that survived the abortion @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ die ! <p> jamesm <p> but intentional ending a being ( killing ) is another . Societies thruout history have different forms of punishment or there be no punishment ( i.e war ) I do agree there are mitigating factors to be considered . It 's quite mockable to see a lib defend the right of some harvest mouse or some fish but will advocate potential killing a future human being . Twisted <p> kowalski <p> That even if the rate at which our abortion system kills children is 10 times more seldom ( 1 in 500 instead of 1 in 50 ) than I just mentioned , that 's still about 2,800 murdered children a year . <p> And NONE of those children ever had to go to trial , by definition . They were completely innocent . <p> But when Mike Farrell was lionized at Northwestern University for being one of the leading lights that caused former Illinois Governor George Ryan to furlough everyone on death row , nobody had the temerity to mention that fact at all . <p> Even if I 'm off by a factor @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ I 'm off by a factor of *50,000* it 's still 28 . <p> I do n't think I 'm off by anywhere near that much . <p> Hawkeye and BJ should do nothing but walk around screaming and crying every day of their lives because of all the dead babies . <p> Aaron Gardner <p> Reading is fundamental . <p> http : **33;1375;TOOLONG Tom Lesser <p> The issue for many was the statement that a " legitimately " raped woman would not get pregnant . <p> Aaron Gardner <p> I ask because I think you clearly did n't understand the point of my post . <p> PowerToThePeople <p> and not worthy of a reply , but going to anyways . <p> I know you felt real pious typing these words and thought yourself to be the more intelligent person because you are so willing to meet in the middle and allow those women who had a crime committed against them to end the pregnancy just so they could feel better . <p> Problem is , you are just an uninformed pansy who can no longer find your testicles . @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ I am only going to push the line on this site so far . <p> So since it is obvious your IQ is too low to understand a brilliant retort , going to go the simple path and use points instead : <p> 1 ) Rape is horrible , but killing an innocent in the whole thing does nothing to dissuade the pain , victim 's guilt , depression , etc . So your point falls flat . <p> 2 ) No scientific study shows that aborting the child helps the healing process . In fact , the opposite is true . Plenty of studies to show the serious mental and physical risks to abortion . Way to add on the damage to the victim there Cletus . <p> 3 ) Not one study out there shows a woman can not care for the child just as much and as well as a child born of love . <p> 4 ) Plenty of people out there wanting to adopt a newborn , so much that the waiting list is up to 4 years in many areas of the country . @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ of murder is so absurdly out of place in this debate , I have to assume you are a moron . Even if you wanted to use that argument , the very act of abortion is extremely premeditated that it would always qualify for the 1st degree . <p> 6 ) We do not kill the innocents in this country to make ourselves feel better about something horrible that happened to us . If we could , I would go kill the mother of the guy who robbed my home in Folly Beach so I could feel better about the whole thing . It would not help , but she made him right ? She not only birthed the bum , she raised him . But I can not kill her because of the actions of her son . <p> And Last but by no means , last , <p> A conviction is a conviction . You either believe in something or you do not . It does not matter how few people like what you believe , you stand like a man for what you believe in , or @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ just because 80% feel that way . In fact , right is right even if 99.999% are against you . See , that is what makes one a man or a woman , and having no testicular fortitude to stand for what is right is what defines cowards . Guess where you fall ........... <p> Akin stays , and those of us who are not whining ass cowards will support him . We are not worried about what the bitches of the world feel about that . <p> ThePoliticalHat <p> Why is the exception referred to as " rape and incest " and not just " rape " ? Would n't " rape " cover most of the scenarios that would involve incest ( e.g. kid gets molested by her pedophile scum of a " father " ) ? I am honestly curious to know . <p> The only reason I could envision someone including incest as something in addition to rape is if they believe that having two biological parents that are too closely related , makes the child less of a human or acceptable to kill when it @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ genetically undesirable " is repugnant . <p> jamesm <p> nt <p> DONTREADONME <p> 4 years ago . Funny how things change . I guess we should just revert back to the majority opinion for the sake of the Senate . FTR , I think he should withdraw for these statements . Glad to see the right still brings out the circular firing squad/snark off <p> mt2az <p> It 's fairly clear that you 're casting yourself as a person of faith , and them as , well , not . All throughout you refer to their attacks on your religious beliefs , the implication being that they do n't in fact share that same faith . <p> checkmate2012 <p> you said Akin must go . It 's seems contradictory given your previous statements . <p> I understand that this is an emotional issue for all . Erick did n't call for Akin to step down . Obama decided to hold a surprise presser for the 1st time in months to highlight this issue- it was no accident for him to capitalize on Republicans throwing our own under the bus . @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ his lack of ignorance by pretending to be some kind of medical expert . He has aplogized profusely . <p> Clinton pushed himself on women ( it 's rape if a woman says no in my book ) , was impeached and he 's the headliner at the DNC ! <p> Biden accused Republicans of wanting to enslave Black people again . Alan Grayson said Reps. want seniors to die faster ! I could list 100 ? s of over the top rhetoric from the Left and so can ya 'll . A Kennedy killed a young lady . <p> I do n't know what all Akin stands for on many issues , but I know Claire needs to go . I hope his former candidates can win if he decides to drop out this late in the game . <p> But for the life of me , do we have to give the Left more ammo ? Can we not circle the wagons and say we disagree with one statement , he was wrong , he admits he was wrong , and move on ? We are all asked @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ a Republican . I am not condoning what he said , but think we could isolate it and move on . Which side put this in the spotlight ? Romney said he condoned it this a.m. and that 's what got O to the press lecturn . <p> I 'm disgusted with the handling of the whole situation this close to the most important election of our lives . O Team is having a heyday &; managed to deflect all the momenum R &R; have gained in the last 10 days . <p> Either we keep this up or we set it aside to live another day in a free county . <p> Aaron Gardner <p> Either quote the post to prove you point , or retract . <p> AceInTX <p> If you believe that it is wrong to kill a product of consensual sex because you are committing murder while at the same time being of the opinion that you should be allowed to kill what is the same product of rape .... you have simply jumped the logical shark .... it 's as simple as that . <p> @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ as many abortions all you want ... and how best to accomplish that goal .... but I 'm simply making an observation that some people are trying to make a logical argument to justify an illogical position . <p> dvdmsr <p> defines my unborn child as a living Human being , specifically a Homo sapiens , and the U.S. legal code defines Homo sapiens as legal persons ; we <p> Next93 <p> I 'm honestly not trying to be snarky here , but I ca n't think of a relgion that does n't have serious problems with the whole concept of abortion . <p> californiasquish <p> When I talk to my liberal friends about this issue , they think there 's a line between an egg that had been fertilized a minute ago and the third trimester where it goes from ' not-murder ' to ' murder ' . Many liberals support charging someone who kills a very pregnant women with two murders , for instance . <p> I 've never met anyone who is ' pro-abortion , ' though I 'm sure they exist . I do know people @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ when it fits a certain set of rules . <p> And for the record , I have no idea where and when life begins , and I hope beyond measure I 'll never be put in the position of having to decide . Cop out ? Definitely . <p> AG , I was very moved by this diary . <p> Ausonius <p> This is the ultimate argument against Leftists who insist on using laboratory terminology ( fetus , embryo , etc. ) to disguise the reality that a human life is being taken . <p> No one can predict what sort of person will develop from the chance combination of millions of genes at conception . No computer can predict how the DNA will take shape . Look at the great variations inside of any family . I once had fraternal twins as students : the one was over 6 feet tall , very blond , with a pinkish-reddish complexion and tiny eyes , while the other was 8 inches shorter , with thick dark brown hair and rather wide eyes . <p> The hidden objection in the " rape @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ to be or to become a sociopath like the attacker . This is scientifically ridiculous , of course , but because of the emotions involved , many people shrug and think the rape-exception argument is well founded . <p> No , it is n't . <p> califgal <p> who rape or murder or otherwise commit mayhem ? <p> floridaveteran <p> Abortion is killing a human being by hiring the killer . That is 1st degree murder under any law in the US . <p> Leon H. Wolf <p> However , I am perfectly happy to just flat out say that I distrust the moral compass of anyone who thinks it ought to be legal to kill certain human beings based on where they are in their stages of development . More germane to this discussion , I also have no patience with the stupid , **32;1410;TOOLONG comments they tend to leave in every single RS story on the topic . So either prove up your assertion , apologize , or I boot you . No difference to me either way . <p> freemkts <p> Romney has condemed Akin . The @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ needs to drop out . Karl Rove and the Tea Party Express are against him . Now how the hell can anyone win with the enirety of your own party against you ? To try would be an expression of vanity . <p> In 2010 Harry Reid should have lost except the GOP picked the one person in the entire state of NV that could n't win . This is deja vu . If Akin stays the GOP loses that race and we all have to hope that Scott Brown , no conservative , can beat back the tidal wave of liberals in MA in order to give the GOP a chance of winning the Senate . Anyone other Akin has a better chance of winning than Scott Brown . <p> As far as the outrageous behavior of Democrats that you mentioned I do n't care what they do . They GOP should be better . If they want to defend the worst of their lot that 's their business . I 'm sick and tired of Republicans doing the same . Every time we do we not only lose @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Dems will " drain the swamp . " We should drain it ourselves . <p> civil truth <p> This issue perhaps is one of the clearest illustrations of the mindset/spirit behind law vs. grace -- the latter being carrying the baby to term . <p> The moral arguments for grace need to be understood and propagated by those how value life . <p> However , the same law vs. grace considerations do make me more ambivalent about using the law to outlaw abortions following rape or incest . -- though it would take me more time to crystallize my position in written form than I can take right now . <p> The battle needs to be fought and won at the individual and community level . <p> mt2az <p> This is how you portray a particular abortion supporter : <p> " ... attempted to paint me as being nothing but a Jesus zombie , simply parroting dogma ... " <p> That 's not generally how one portrays a fellow Christian , but rather how one portrays an irreligious or secular person . <p> And you follow that up with this @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ a byproduct of an environment in politics that encourages us to be offended by , if not outright hostile to , positions based on Judeo-Christian morality . " <p> And once again you portray yourself as a Christian , and your opponents as people who either are n't Christians , or who object to Christian teachings . As well as the idea that there were some uniformity to those teachings that you all hold . <p> Now , if I 've gotten this all wrong , and you believe that abortion supporters are in fact just as religious and faithful and good and moral as you , then I 'm sorry . But I believe you were saying something entirely different . <p> dvdmsr <p> nt <p> floridaveteran <p> nt <p> JSobieski <p> I do disagree somewhat on the continuum between innocent and guilty of 1st degree murder . <p> Self defense is filled with lots of grey , as are the mitigating factors for manslaugher . <p> In my view , a debate on the abortion issue should include the context of the criminal justice system as it exists @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ is sacred and should of law ; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws . " ( Article 14 , section 1 , US Constitution ) <p> floridaveteran <p> Biology states life begins at conception . From that point the baby is developing , he/she is a human being at the moment of conception with a unique DNA code . It is NOT the mother 's body . <p> I know many people that are pro-abortion . How would you describe people that are for partial birth abortions ? <p> Yes some states , such as CA , have the murder of a mother carrying a baby ( fetus ) as double murder but if the mother decides to murder her baby then it is OK . <p> PowerToThePeople <p> and I expect the asshats will soon feel your wrath . <p> Patience for stupidity is not one of your virtues and that is a great thing . <p> jamesm <p> in the future , , , until it happens . <p> PowerToThePeople <p> or how it was looked upon back then , @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ We only put people in prison for a few years for raping our children , is that the line that should define the punishment for those POS forever ? <p> And mitigating factor , get real . Rape is horrible , I will give you that . But to state that somehow two parties who enter into a deal to kill an human being should be viewed more favorable just because something bad happened to the woman is ludicrous . Sounds a lot like the pedophiles who demand a light sentence just because they were molested as a kid . <p> One does not have the right to hurt an innocent just because something bad happened to them . And one does not get to ask for sympathy when they plan on killing a human just because they were damaged . <p> PowerToThePeople <p> and shoot them like rabid dogs . If we started doing this to all the rapist and pedophiles , our society would soon be a much safer place . <p> But killing an innocent human just because some POS raped a woman is not defensible . @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ ( shoot them like rabid dogs ) of the rapist and pedos because that would not be right , we should not get to kill an unborn baby just because of the acts of its father . <p> evilbloggerlady <p> The best conservatives who can win . Akin threw this away . We need to fix it . <p> poorwilber <p> have nothing to do with his pro-life views . I am pro-life . However , when he used the term " legitimate " rape , implying that if a women properly resists .... she likely will not conceive a child . That comment was a political suicide . What a boneheaded statement . Once the crap is out of the bull , you ca n't put it back . <p> That chestnut will be played over and over , brought up in debates , press conferences etc etc .... and I hope Mr. Akin cares enough to leave the race before he finds a way for the vunerable Claire McCaskill to win . <p> Yes , there is a unfair double standard , and why conservatives must be twice @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ friend that I was conversing with is n't an abortion supporter . In all instances not related to rape and incest he is against abortion . <p> Second , this friend is n't a believer and is n't religious . This is n't a slam on him , it is just a fact , one that he proudly proclaims . <p> Third , just because the friend in my story is n't a believer , and I note that fact , that does n't in any way mean that I believe all who support abortion are non-believers . <p> Fourth , just because I note the hostility , which you ironically confirm through your objections to my post , that does n't mean that the hostility is exclusive to those who are not believers . In fact , there are many people who believe in God who also believe it to be uncouth to consider their spiritual beliefs when discussing politics . <p> Lastly , I believe this has been an interesting object lesson in how projection can bite you in the ass . <p> Good day . <p> mt2az @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ , abortion in some cases , specifically those related to the mother 's health . And the Conservative and Reform movements have more expansive allowances than that . <p> I do n't particularly feel like debating this here though . I just chafe at the idea that you can divide this country into the faithful and the secular , and the faithful are all opposed to abortion , always and in any circumstance . As I said though , if that 's not what Aaron was implying , then I 'm sorry for assuming he was . <p> Bill S <p> Heed it . <p> Aaron Gardner <p> n/t <p> fpete13527 <p> You cut right to the heart and truth of this issue with crystal clarity . <p> Please start writing more often again . <p> JackSavage <p> Just because I go to a garage does not make me an automobile . <p> Speaking for my religion , it is my firm opinion that no one with an elemental belief and understanding of Christ can be pro- abortion . It is not scriptural in any way , I hardly believe @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ conclusion that abortion was acceptable , and I believe with all my heart that those Christians who condone , much less support this great evil will face judgment in the hereafter . <p> So Aaron may not be implying it , but I am saying it . <p> warrior300 <p> Let 's hope the national and state party pressure is so strong that Akin removes himself as the nominee by tomorrow . Brunner wins in a landslide . There is absolutely no reason why the GOP should not pickup this Missouri senate seat . <p> PowerToThePeople <p> Since it is like a flood in here , really wish that person would lay off the button pushing as the King idiot just showed up . <p> JackSavage <p> Well said sir . Bravo . <p> acat <p> The closer we get to the election , the worse it gets . <p> Mew <p> checkmate2012 <p> I guess I 'm asking how high and at what price . To be clear , I abhor Akin 's remarks but think that the hate fest may allow Claire to win and we 're tossing @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ voters voted him in and it would be a miracle for anyone else to swoop in and win now . <p> Sorry I misspelled freemkts when I accidentally dropped the " r " - it was a typo . <p> JackSavage <p> From a book by Candice Johnson : <p> " She felt <p> checkmate2012 <p> about Clinton earlier . He 's a rapist and will be headlining the DNC . That 's what we get with the d'rats and yet we 're too quick to throw out one of our own for a horrid remark that he was basing on some science crap , which he no business talking about in the 1st place . I ca n't know what 's in his heart . <p> I 'd like to hear the RNC be outraged at Clinton the rapist . Thank you . <p> 1stRichard <p> Marxist socialism poisons the whole fabric of the society . It deliberately makes everyone an accomplice to its crimes , if you fall for the Populist Bandwagon you are an accomplice to murder for this issue , you are hooked and it would @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ demsaresatanic <p> I hate to see conservatives stampeded by the America-hating Christian-hating leftist scum media . Btw , I like seeing you call a Drat a Drat . <p> demsaresatanic <p> And you certainly may shorten my name . <p> checkmate2012 <p> lol- read too many comments tonight to remember who said the demscrats ! <p> So , do you have or can we shortened your post name ? Do n't know if you saw when I asked emptybucket the same question &; asked if I could call her e'bucket . PttP was insulted I did n't ask him the same- it was quite funny . So any shortcuts ? demsare ' ? ? <p> I have to admit that it reads , " dems scare " if read quickly to me ! <p> JSobieski <p> are very much real considerations in all sorts of crime/punishment decisions . <p> There is a lot of territory between a justified killing and first degree murder . <p> In the case of rape , it is not hard to foresee that at in some instances , a pregnant woman would experience repeated trauma @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ the experience . <p> There are many instances of potentially viable criminal charges that are never raised even though the applicable individual does not have truly viable defense . <p> A lot of conduct falls under the category of " imperfect self defense " . Duress , lack of mens rea , state of mind , etc. are very much at issue in criminal trials . <p> checkmate2012 <p> I love it and thanks to you , find it much more descriptive and easier to type quickly . Lol- but you have to truncate your post name first or else I 'll get in trouble <p> demsare'x is good for me- x being the variable of course ! Your call . <p> demsaresatanic <p> And I don <p> checkmate2012 <p> Ca n't leave it at dems for fear of folks getting the wrong idea- and yes you deserve credit ; it 's just the way it is like it or not <p> Onto other topics now ... so we do n't get the threadjack <p> reclaimit <p> argument do you leave any room for exceptions , such as capital punishment @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ down my throat for that inconsistency , since I favor the death penalty . My usual response is Biblical , and that even babies from forced , incestuous tapes where the mother 's life is in danger deserve a chance because of innocence . But once one chooses to kill , only God ( through the government ) should be able to claim another life as punishment . But I definitely get that " icky " look you describe . <p> Aaron Gardner <p> and of course the death penalty applies only to the most extreme circumstances and is applied only after one is found guilty . <p> Those who conflate this with murder usually have n't actually thought about the differences all that much . <p> califgal <p> rape is the product of lust as if that is all it is the product of . <p> There is a great deal of scientific truth in the " bad seed " . <p> As a woman , your mother was spared , it appears , the biochemistry of her father . His son might not be so lucky . <p> @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ rape may be more frequently lust-related , I suspect , especially when it 's a " did n't stop when asked " rape . <p> Not sure that matters , though . More critically , the " bad seed " defense of abortion goes a fair distance down the slippery slope of eugenics -- not to mention that the child did n't get to pick his/her father . <p> Bill S <p> Too many out there to keep track of . <p> acat <p> This is going to be a long season . <p> Mew <p> jh1111 <p> You have it wrong . No one is saying victims of rape should have abortions at all . Obama and others on the left just believe a woman should be allowed to have a choice . <p> both result in a dead person ? I 'm not making light of your telling story but find the two synonymous . <p> Many TX convicts on death row have been found innocent due to DNA testing that was n't available when they were convicted . I think there was another man found innocent today @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ cases . <p> Just saying murder and killing are the same when some innocent people are found guilty and put to death via capital murder . I 'm for the death penalty when it 's definite without any bit of doubt . <p> Lastly , how/why is it that when someone commits murder , they can reduce their sentence by pleading to some lesser charges ? JSob said it earlier I think and many cases are reduced to manslaughter instead of murder . Makes no sense to me but glad you 're alive . <p> PowerToThePeople <p> and you know it . <p> Without sounding hard , I could care less if the unborn child reminds the mother of the rape , it still does not give her the right to murder an innocent child for the acts of its father . <p> Second , there are no mitigating factors when it comes to the purposed planned killing of a human , even if the human is an unborn child . 1st degree murder is 1st degree murder . Considering the child did no wrong , what would the mitigating @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ he or she paid the price ? Sorry , does not cut it . <p> And you are really trying to stretch it if you are going to try to claim there is even one reason that a person could successfully claim imperfect self defense when it comes to the planned murder and murder contract knows as abortion . <p> Abortion is murder , 1st degree murder , and all the bleeding heart reasons or your bullcrap here does not change that one iota . <p> http : //www.marklaiminger.org Lammo <p> but not every homicide is a murder . " Homicide " is the killing of one person by another person . " Murder " is a criminal legal concept , usually involving intentional killing of one person by another without justification . Killing of one person by another by accident , self-defense , or capital punishment are all homicides but are not murder ; these either lack intent or are justified . <p> This is why the abortion industry has to refuse to define the unborn child as a person . Once the unborn child is a person the @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ justified and that is why abortion is intrinsically evil . <p> gravelyvoicejim <p> YOU should have been his communications director ... <p> gravelyvoicejim <p> Roe v. Wade either has to be overturned or the Constitution amended . That 's why this senate seat is so important , the make-up of the SCOTUS is at stake here . <p> reclaimit <p> I can see its complicated . I was hoping for some black and white logic to throw back at leftists , but I can see its going to take some parsing of the language . I usually go with God rather than lawyers because it shuts them right up . Hard to argue with the law of the Lord ! <p> JSobieski <p> Agree with me . You can call it BS or some type of expletive but that does n't change anything . Neither self defense nor mitigating factors are necessarily premised on the guilt or lack of innocence of the person being subjected to force . <p> momtothreebeagles <p> WOW ! Outside the cacophonous din of the media , and when made uniquely personal , these issues achieve @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ <p> kywrite <p> Rape is rape . <p> A baby is a baby . <p> And when you 've borne one under your heart for nine months , you know deep down it does n't matter how gestationally young it is ; it 's still a baby . <p> You were blessed with your grandmother , and with your mother . What a fortunate person you are ! <p> JackSavage <p> " You help me end abortion , and you can have the death penalty . Deal ? " <p> PowerToThePeople <p> and that is , what the hell does past punishment or charge matter ? <p> Laws are made tougher all the time , charges are changed to reflect current times or new information . So how it would have been charged 35 years ago is irrelevant . <p> As I stated above , if you have a kid , God forbid it happens , kid is raped , person goes on trial tomorrow . Are you OK with him being charged with a light charge and only doing less than 5 years in prison while your son deals @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ it has been done for 20 years ? Or are you going to push for the harshest charge and do your best to keep the POS in prison for their natural life ? <p> How abortion was charged 35 years ago is irrelevant to this discussion . As are mitigating factors . <p> JSobieski <p> It is for example quite stupid that drug crimes can result in more severe punishment than actual acts of violence against others . <p> Your analogy is quite different from pregnancy for a variety of reasons . For example , pregnancy involves a physical connection with another human being . If someone pulled a " human centipede " scenario and physically connect you to another person , there is no way that a court would even consider a murder charge in that setting if you woke up traumatized and did something to change your situation . People do crack -- and criminal laws do factor in such things . <p> More importantly , your scenario invovles a substantival passage of time from a past act . There is a difference between being a victim at @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ age 28 , and a woman who is raped at age 22 and is struggling to deal with being physically attached to another human being at age 22 . For example , if someone catches a spouse in an act of infidelity and immediately reacts -- the law will often treat that scenario differently then if the person takes 5 minutes to procure a weapon and commits the precise same action . <p> I am against abortion in all instances . I like to think that if I was a woman and a pregnancy threatened my life , that I would have the baby anyway . <p> All that being said , there is no reason to treat abortion more harshly than other crimes that result in death . <p> You make great emotional arguments , but questions of law and order are best left to realm of reason . Otherwise , public policy will do all sorts of things " for the children " and we will be overrun with all sorts of social programs . Emotion + good intentions can result in all sorts of bad laws ( @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ such pathways of good intentions . <p> What is a light charge in your view ? What is a harsh charge ? Do you favor the maximum possible charge in all instances ? After all , all criminal conduct is bad . <p> streiff <p> in civilized societies . A mother has no more right to kill a baby in utero than the father does . <p> JSobieski <p> There are several reasons for that . My primary point in bringing this up is that such people are not being logically inconsistent or incoherent . Criminal laws in the US going back to English criminal law in the 1600 ? s recognize differences of culpability in which a life is wrongfully taken . <p> If you want to change all that , that is your perogative , but the burden of persuasion is on you . Given the current popularity of that position -- you have a lot of work to do . <p> http : //impudent.edublogs.org/ kyle8 <p> I was always taught that acquired traits were not inherited . <p> Maybe some things affecting behavior might be inherited like @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ too many siblings who were nothing alike to believe that your basic character is inherit . <p> And if that was the truth then no one would be responsible for their own actions . <p> poorhoratio <p> Thank you , Aaron Gardner for such a great post . I was truly inspired by your story , and by many of the comments as well ( Next93 , kowalski , Runner12 , westcoastpatriette -- here 's looking at you guys ( and gals ) ! ) Thanks for reminding me of why I 'm on our side . I 'm proud of you all . <p> streiff <p> because producing the relevant journal articles is probably going to be a critical factor in determining your future on the site . <p> streiff <p> you really should n't spend your time talking with people who ca n't understand the manifest difference between killing an innocent and society deciding protect itself by the legal execution of a convicted felon . <p> To these people there is no difference between a mugging and taxation because in both cases someone else ends up with your @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ the argument to use : Babies are innocent humans whom we should protect and murderers are guilty monsters we should punish , and if you ca n't see the difference you are intellectually and morally repugnant . <p> streiff <p> we can sow seeds but ultimately they are going to have to convince themselves . I think you are correct in your analogy but I do n't think being a pro-abort is a position that indicates a terrible demand of logic to begin with . <p> reclaimit <p> No lib would take it . Truth is , the death penalty is being used less frequently now . It 's way too expensive , and states and politicians are coming to the conclusion that the benefits of appearing " tough on crime " no longer outweigh the ridiculously expensive costs of executing these thugs . It 's not going away on moral grounds , but rather practical ones . <p> IMO we need the same kind of campaign saavy that the abolitionists are using with the death penalty to chip away at abortion . <p> JSobieski <p> Which is why you @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ do find a lot of pro-aborts becoming pro-lifers . <p> Your seeds of logic is applicable to this topic , as well just about everything else in the public sphere . <p> JSobieski <p> nt <p> acat <p> where I say something like " hero-figure* is one in a million .. so if we abort a million babies , we 've prevented the next hero-figure from being born . Who knows what we 've lost ? " . <p> No biblical justification , no accusation of murder . It 's a much simpler major premise to swallow -- hero figure is one in a million -- but the minor premise , that a missing hero figure leaves quite a hole is straight out of Bedford. ** <p> Just a thought . <p> Mew <p> * Good examples include Ronald Reagan , Scottie Pippen , etc. etc . <p> ** " It 's A Wonderful Life " reference . <p> RepairManJack <p> -nt . <p> 2warabnvet <p> the taxpayer should not be forced to pay for it . <p> reclaimit <p> It 's also eliminated thousands of murderers , drug addicts @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ ? I 'm a Bulls fan , but I 'd give up Pippen in that trade . <p> For every " negative trait " ( A.D.D . being one example ) that can be inherited , there 's coping strategies and life skills that can be taught by a nurturing parent . <p> Mew <p> jyalai <p> Cultural norms ? They change like the wind . <p> Since an atheist rejects any moral reference , apart from human experience , from which to compare his own sense of right and wrong , what he can rationalize is right . Killing an unwanted baby can be rationalized by reducing the significance of the baby 's life in reference to the suffering of the mother . Who are we to say that forcing the mother to suffer through the unwanted pregnancy and the sometimes greater discomfort of figuring out what to do with the child is n't the greater evil ? In a relative world it 's all the same . <p> streiff <p> it gave us a chance to review your comment history . Trolling is not good behavior . <p> @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ can say otherwise , so there ... <p> ..... and i was blessed to have the best ob/gyn team in the world at the time -- which was only months after roe .... who offered me either an abortion , or nine months prenatal care for the same $75 , which fee also covered the delivery , and all the legal expenses involved in the adoption .... these doctors were angels and heroes to me , because there was no way i could have afforded nine months of doctoring to bring that child to birth otherwise .... <p> ..... but i would have done without it and grown that kid on my own anyway , because a baby by any other name is a still a baby .... <p> ... looks to me like those doctors also had an opnion about abortion , what do you think ? ? ? <p> .... i will never understand how people can apply the death penalty to the only perfectly innocent bystander involved in this crime ..... <p> ... so now you have my opinion ...... <p> RepairManJack <p> You made something good @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ that . Not many people have that ability . <p> chuckie <p> .... i may have helped a weebit ..... thanks .... <p> http : //www.periodictablet.com superamerican <p> Democrats are not for choice , except when it is to kill a fetus . Is n't that hyprcritical ? One government deciding to enable lust with no consequences . Ca n't a woman say " no " or demand protection ? What in the world is wrong with that ? Then if she gets pregnant she -- and she alone , with government support takes away all opportunity for that fetus to grow into a happy human , a Steve Jobs a killer or a regular person . But the fetus does n't get that opportunity , that choice if you will . So Democrats re against choice . Huh ? Hypocritical . <p> Men are the politicians and the majority of judges who allowed woman to kill or live with her fetus . It isto their benefit to allow and ecourage lust for themselves . <p> It is complex . <p> PERIODICTABLET.com <p> http : //www.periodictablet.com superamerican <p> I used @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ , she said , " no " . But I respected it , of course , as any rational man would . Perhaps I woul n't give up . But it was her choice . I never impregnated a woman other than my wife , so never faced the issue of having no voice in abortion or not . I do feel I should get a voice however , since it 'd be half mine . But if I wanted it and she did n't why could n't I get the choice of raising it ? Not just cutting off any future for the child . <p> I guess responsibility is gone courtesy of the Liberals . <p> PERIODICTABLET.com <p> califgal <p> I going to list my thoughts . I do n't care to argue for the purpose of persuasion here . Wo n't do any good , just as the counterarguments to my positions do n't do any good in persuading me . The reason : most mature people concerned enough to comment have given long , hard thought to their positions . <p> 1 ) Many who believe @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ period . They argue that the person assigned the death penalty did something so heinous , he either deserves death as a punishment or he deserves death because the crime he committed indicates he is incapable of being rehabilitated to the point of ever releasing him into society so they concludeit 's useless to let him languish for the rest of his life in prison . <p> From my point of view , if one is going to argue that a sperm and an egg united -- ( I ca n't help shaking my head at their hair splitting over whether life begins at implantation or when egg meets sperm ) -- are instantly life as well as a " human being , " then they must also accept that a guilty life is still life . Period . Otherwise , all their protestations show them to be hypocrites . They say , " But the child is innocent ! " ( Not according to the religious beliefs of Christians , the child is n't . It is born with Original Sin , but why should I go there with @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ to biology and the genetic roll of the dice as follows ? <p> 2 ) . Just one sperm contributed to fertilize a woman 's egg by the likes of a Jeffrey Dahmer or a Richard Allen Davis or any of the millions of other such human beings , is , unfortunately , likely to pass on the genetic information that creates a person that will hurt other people . Sure , it 's possible that the genetic roll of the dice might combine in such a way as to create offspring that are decent human beings , but if you have studied heredity , genetics and their correlation to criminality , I think most people would face a hard truth -- that human beings are not blank slates upon which loving and kind people can write what they wish and " erase " or " tamp down " the proclivities that biochemistry insists plays out . Every identical twins ' study of such twins separated at birth have revealed the same thing . Decades of " nature " versus " nuture " study backs that up . NO , @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ truth for just about everyone , liberal and conservatives , the religious and the irreligious , etc . It 's a psychological slap in the face . Hearing it , reading such studies , the reactions of people range from insult to rage . It 's never easy to accept we have limitations , that our love and kindness has limitations , that we are , helpless . <p> The rapist contributes half of his genetics to the child . If Richard Allen Davis made 5 baby boys , I am tellling you that you are passing to the next generation more violence , more pain , more inhumanity to man just as if he had a gene for Huntington 's Disease that half of his kids will get . <p> I was sexually assaulted in college by a stranger at gunpoint . Luckily , because I was menstruating at the time , the offender choose to force me into " only " performing fellatio . For over 40 minutes , I had a gun at the back of my head as I was forced to kneel between his legs @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ they caught him four years later . When I testified in front of a grand jury , there were a dozen other women there . The police told me they suspected him of over a score of other reported sexual assaults ... almost all were rapes . <p> You bet had I been raped , I would have headed for the doctor for a morning- after pill had they been available in those days . You bet I would have aborted any fetus that had been conceived . I would then and I would now . I would never visit such genes on society , on myself , on a child . No way . I would have been doing everyone a favor . <p> However , unlike you , it 's true I do n't think a sperm and an egg united are a child . No , I do n't . Just as the millions of sperm you have at this minute have the " potential " to make a child , just as the myriads of eggs a fertile female has have the " potential " to @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ feritilized egg is any different than those eggs and those sperm . Think of it this way : all those sperm you have ? They are 1/2 kids in your eyes , using your logic . Are you a killer because you have n't made them whole kids ? Get out there , then , and give them life by allowing them to impregnate a woman , by allowing them to fertilize an egg . Otherwise , I can argue you are denying them their natural " right " to life . All that genetic information which they are carrying , all that potential for life they have you are denying . ( Ridiculous ? Yep . ) <p> 3 ) Then there 's this notion of putting the child of rape up for adoption after carrying it to term . Oh , great -- some family which has no idea of the likely genetic time bomb they 've adopted gets this child . <p> I know . I know . I hear many of you cursing me , tsk-tsking me , saying things like " Think of all the @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ the woman chose to have the baby . " <p> Fine . That 's great , as long as that child has n't turned out to visit violence on society and is n't himself or herself ( the " himself " is more likely , of course , because of androgen and because of the organization and biochemistry of the male brain ) another rapist , another murderer , another victimizer of society . Odds are not good , however . <p> We 're just not going to see eye to eye . I see keeping such genes from being perpetually passed along as a good thing . Others cling to more psychologically comforting notions . <p> califgal <p> As I 've typed the previous post , I have been listing to Huckabee 's interview of Akins . <p> I listened to his interview of him yesterday as well . ( Rush is gone this week or I would be listening to him rather than MH . ) <p> Huckabee , realizing that , at least for now , Akins is staying in the race and that he himself has @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ the blame for this today on the " establishment . " He keeps speaking of the " establishment " trying to force out Akins as opposed to the " grass roots " wanting him to stay . <p> Feeble , Mike , feeble . Yesterday you offered the guy a chance to redeem himself ( probably for your own sake ) , but at least you did n't pull an Obama , trying to shape one group against another . <p> Today , you are talking about " vicious " people who want him out . He just said he is " surprised by the vitriolic tone of Republicans " but " let 's get your feelings on the matter . " <p> Huck is unctuous . Always has been , always will be . <p> Akin 's anti- abortion are not at all what upset me . What upset me is how damn stupid he is and it 's not about a " word " he used . <p> A few people have called in to Huck , saying that since they woke up this morning , they have @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ good . They now say they hate the " establishment , the national GOP . " Oh , good , Huck . <p> More than anything , ego is working here in both Akin and Huck . <p> Aaron Gardner <p> So , you should probably just leave now . <p> streiff <p> Science #FAIL Social Skills #FAIL Account Status #FAIL <p> http : //www.hakubi.us/ Neil Stevens <p> Do you people have parades before your Moloch sacrifices ? <p> CincoSolasdelBronx <p> not " care to argue for the purpose of persuasion here " , for to do so would require me to view you as someone who writes only for selfish -- perhaps even " psychologically comforting " -- reasons , and that does not align with either the little I recall of your history here or the care with which you expressed your rationale for your own thoughts in this comment . <p> That said , in civil society , the expression of arguments intended to persuade carries with it an obligation to attempt to clarify or defend those arguments with a civil hearer . If you can accept @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ about your conclusion and would like to know what you think : <p> Do you extend your " bad seed " concern rationale for abortion in the event of pregancy resulting from rape to pregnancy resulting from marital union with a man who is , say , sexually immoral , or abusive , or a drunkard , or a thief , or a gambler , or a liar , or ... a Democrat ? In other words , would n't " keeping such genes from being perpetually passed along " also be a good thing ? <p> earlgrey <p> I do n't buy anything . <p> I wrote the RNC ( not like it matters ) to tell them to pull the plug on Huck 's speech or never contact me again for a donation . I know it wo n't happen , but now I have an excuse . <p> Craigpennsylvania <p> No one has ever said an egg is " 1/2 a person " . No one has said a sperm is " 1/2 a person " . <p> Once conception has occured , no other activity is @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ . My wife and I have three children . After conception , my wife went to work ( for the first child -- she became a " stay at home mom " after that ) . <p> My wife , with each child , continued to do her daily chores , exercising , etc .... until each of our children was born . <p> This unborn child is innocent . Your bringing " original sin " into the discussing is darkly amusing . The Bible teaches us to protect the innocent , and you are using the Bible as " proof " that children are not innocent . Original sin means that we have to accept that we , as humans , DO sin , and require forgiveness . Original sin is not permission to kill unborn children . <p> Your assertion that " nature " projects itself from one generation to the next is truly frightening . Some of the best people I know had horrible fathers . My own father had an abusive , alcoholic father . My dad is one of the kindest people on the planet @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Akin in its entirety . I hope he pulls out of the race . I think he needs to place country and party above his own personal political ambitions . I think he is a good man who mangled what he was trying to say : " The baby is innocent " . I think he may have caused himself too much damage from which to recover in 11 short weeks . <p> That being said , should Akin stay in the race , and the Republican Party pull support from him , I will be supporting him financially . <p> Personally , I will side with someone who protects life , even when he has said something stupid , over someone who sides with infanticide . <p> cbartlett <p> nt <p> Freiheit <p> ... your pain and I support you . Rape is one of the most egregious acts of inhumanity that this world knows ; what was done to you -- and has been done to many , many women -- borders on the unforgivable . <p> I can not ( will never ) be able bring myself @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ government to force a woman to carry to term the result of a rape . <p> Melody Warbington ( rwm52 ) <p> in spite of the violation and violence . Babies can not survive the violation and violence of abortion . Which is worse ? <p> cbartlett <p> In Texas ( maybe other states ? ) I believe killing a pregrant woman is considered capital murder because the law considers it as two lives taken . Hmmm -- interesting that it 's a life under those circumstances but not when taken by abortion ? Classic argument I 've never seen a liberal be able to answer . <p> absdoggy <p> This actually is a very important point -- it is what will give huge ammo to the Supreme Court when it revisits abortion . <p> Roe vs . Wade is now about 40 years old . In the intervening years , several states have instituted criminal penalties in the law that recognizes the unborn child , and have instituted recognition of the unborn child for civil/tort reasons . <p> Couple that with our medical understanding of life in-utero and there @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Roe vs Wade are now trumped . <p> brojohn2 <p> 20% of the country ? I think I would like to know where you get your facts . Which liberal think tank gave that figure ? Let us take a look at the truth of this position . Rape -- horrible crime , should be punishable by death , but for same stupid reason is not . Abortion of the baby produced by this horrible crime . -- Why ? Is the baby guilty of anything ? Is the child the rapist ? NO the child is innocent and should not be put to death just because his father committed an horrific act against her mother . Someone else said that the mother should receive all the help that we can give her so she can come through this terrible situation whole as possible . killing that baby is just another psychological mess that she will have to deal with later in life . The fact that a child is formed is not a thing to be lightly taken away . The life of that baby is just as precious @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ of innocent children because of the actions of irresponsible adults . Whether rape , incest or just plain lust , the child did not cause this to happen , let the child live . <p> brojohn2 <p> and yet it also brings out the best in some folks . Roe V Wade was a travesty of justice , and even Ruth Bader Ginsburg agrees with that . Let us look at the truth of this matter : Abortion in or out of the womb , is killing of a human child . In Roman times ( BC/AD ) women would have their babies and if they did n't want them they would place them out side of the town or city where wild animals would come and kill and eat . Those who became followers of Christ , knowing that God was a life giver , would go out and rescue those children and raise the child in their own homes . Today , even Christians are separated by abortion , I am a retired UM pastor , I am Pro Life as is my wife , but many of @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ in cases where there was incest ( still rape ) , rape , or just where the woman feels that it was a mistake to give in to lust . How these clergy persons can think it is alright to kill a child who did nothing wrong , is guilty of no crime , and did not choose to be in that place and time , is totally beyond me . I read some of the statements written here and I can not believe that people actually believe that it is perfectly acceptable to kill an innocent child , but not to kill a murderer or rapist , is so completely beyond logic that I shudder to think that they may actually be in positions where they can influence others . Biology has shown that life begins when the egg ( produced by the woman ) is fertilized by the sperm ( produced by the male ) . That is when a HUMAN BEING is formed , that is when life begins . That life is completely innocent , it has done nothing wrong and yet we want to condemn @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ , or what one male adult forced upon a female . The only one to be punished is the perpertrator of the crime , if there was once , because we even kill the product of a consensual act of sexual intercourse . THIS IS MADNESS ! ! ! ! We are punishing an innocent human person for something that person had no control over . My God this is horrible that we can even think that this abortion thing is anything other than EVIL . Stop the madness , stop the killing ! ! ! ! ! <p> MF <p> Jewish faith allows , or even requires , abortion in order to save the life of the mother . Big difference between the health and the life . One that liberals ( not claiming you 're one ) regularly try to blur . <p> Bottom line -- if the mother is going to die if the doctor does n't terminate the life of the child , the mother is to be saved first . That is n't abortion , it 's merely the case of having to choose between @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ saving both is impossible . <p> Just like if a doctor comes to an auto accident and two people are gravely injured , both are stuck in their respective cars , and both are bleeding out . Only one can have the bleeding stopped , so only one can be saved . It is n't murder ( abortion ) to make that choice . <p> MF <p> Jewish faith allows , or even requires , abortion in order to save the life of the mother . Big difference between the health and the life . One that liberals ( not claiming you 're one ) regularly try to blur . <p> Bottom line -- if the mother is going to die if the doctor does n't terminate the life of the child , the mother is to be saved first . That is n't abortion , it 's merely the case of having to choose between one of two lives to be saved , for which saving both is impossible . <p> Just like if a doctor comes to an auto accident and two people are gravely injured , both @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ bleeding out . Only one can have the bleeding stopped , so only one can be saved . It is n't murder ( abortion ) to make that choice . <p> 10ab <p> I would want my daughters to have a choice if they were raped by a madman and I still consider myself pro life . The Akin debacle has now inflamed the hardline social conservatives and the election is now about abortion and electing an idiot as long as he is a conservative idiot . Thank you for your courage in posting your horrific ordeal . <p> Joshua Persons <p> Why do you consider yourself pro-life ? <p> arthurjake <p> The problem was though he did not just stand to the moral argument . He tried to make a scientific argument based on faulty science . By using that faulty science he allowed liberals to make the argument that social conservatives are heartless people who do n't care about rape victims in specific and pregnant rape victims in general . <p> He should have stuck to the moral argument in favor of preserving life . No , matter @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ and deserves the same protections . With that argument you can still be empathetic to the woman who was a victim but still concerned about the other life innocent in all of it . <p> http : **29;1444;TOOLONG Aaron Gardner <p> That 's the point I was making in the post . <p> alanwillingham <p> When any " Elite " group is allowed to define any segment of humanity as " not human " there are inevitably dire consequences which coincide with the massive moral disintegration such blood-lust engenders . Democrats defined Blacks as less than human in order to subjugate them , control them , own them , sell them and eliminate them st will . They caused over a half million American citizens to die before they finally prevented from such barbarism . <p> Then they created the KKK to terrorize Republicans who had freed Blacks from slavery and to terrorize , maim , brutalize and kill Free Blacks . Of course , as pressure mounted to cease those atrocities , they then instituted Poll Taxes , Jim Crow laws . separate but equal segregation , blocking schoolhouse @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ <p> Just as the Nazis denied Jews are human in order to control , enslave , brutalize and kill them , so too do all perverted Elitist Political Powers seek to oppress any and all whom they determine to be inferior . <p> Apparently for Democrats , there is an unrequited lust for Elite Power over others to dictate , to grantor deny the very fundamentals of Life and Equality outlined in our Declaration of Independence and US Constitution . <p> Now we live in a time when Democrats have shifted the force of their Cult of Death and their macabre reign of power to the most innocent and defenseless in our society . They insist on human sacrifice to appease their gods of violence and attempt to rationalize that a mother should kill her innocent baby if the father has committed the criminal act of rape . <p> How are so many millions so brainwashed as to believe that serving as slaves on a Plantation is to be cherished rather than Freedom ? How are millions of females convinced that they are to cherish becoming sexual trampolines for a @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Control and Abortions to obscure known realities and project some Free Love Liberal Utopia without consequences ? <p> Killing innocent baby humans while claiming they are n't actually baby humans is absurd in the extreme . Killing any group of innocent people using the lie " ... but these people are n't really people so its okay " is an outage of horrendous magnitude that must not be allowed to continue to slaughter any segment of humanity in order to appease the carnal degradations of any other . <p> arthurjake <p> Sounded to me like you were defending his stupidity because socons feel forced to give a scientific argument . A major point in making a scientific argument is researching the validity of the argument first . A better example of a argument based in science against abortion is physical and psychological risks that women take undergoing the procedure . The science backs it and it shows you are sympathetic to the woman undergoing the procedure . <p> Other than that though I liked the posting . You made the moral argument quite well . I unfortunately cant get past @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ I have n't posted anything here yet besides comments . <p> http : **29;1475;TOOLONG Aaron Gardner <p> Here is the critical text you must have missed : <p> " As a movement , we do ourselves a disservice when we reach for quasi-scientific arguments in favor of our moral positions . The honest truth is that we fail because we are scared to stand on the principle itself and open ourselves to attacks and gaffes as Akin did . " <p> And a bit further down ... <p> " And they get away with this largely because we are told not to stand up for our own moral principles . " <p> When people lack the courage to , or are told not to , stand for their moral convictions by referencing morality , we end up with people trying to grasp at scientific explanations they do n't understand or using bogus science . <p> Clearly I am saying make the argument for moral positions
@@5114141 <p> On buying a plane : " No way . It 's a total waste of money . You buy the plane , then you have to pay for storage , and on top of that you have to think about the fuel , the cost of the fuel -- that 's maybe $4,000 . Even hiring a private plane is like 50 or 60K . Once you get into that it becomes a habit -- a bad habit . I 'll get one when I need it -- if I have to go somewhere instantly -- but you do n't want to buy a plane ; it 's definitely not worth it . " <p> On music : " I never stop working . In what I wanted to do in music I 've never had any fear . But now I 'm at the top there 's nowhere to go but down ; for me it 's about staying standing at the top . I 'm not a kid any more -- I 'm an adult , I 'm making the decisions and I want to keep on growing , and I believe I can . " @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Timberlake and Usher and see how they crossed over really successfully , and I 've seen people go off at the deep end , get full of themselves , think they 're the best and end up not being anything . I 've worked way too hard for that . I definitely do n't want to be just another teen heart-throb . But there are different ways of growing . I want to be loved like Michael Jackson was , from the four-year-olds to the 80-year-olds . I am going to change and grow through my music and doing films . This album was different . My next album will be even edgier . " <p> On swear words : " My music is never going to have swear words in it . Never . " <p> On music vs. school : " What happened was I found something I wanted to be good at . I was n't good at school because I had no passion for it . If I had n't found music my life would have been bad . My family are all poor , so @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ been poor , and their kids would have been too . I feel I broke the cycle , and when you get to break the cycle , you do n't go back . " <p> On the misconception : " That 's the greatest misconception of me . People think I 'm a product , that they found this good-looking kid , cut his hair nice and put Auto-Tune on his voice , wrote him good songs , taught him how to dance and then said , " Here is a pop star for you . " I am the furthest thing from that . I 'm a musician ; I play instruments , I write songs . I 'm a businessman ; I want to create an empire . I want people to know I do n't just sing songs . I 'm the guy who signed the girl who just had the biggest single all round the world ( Carly Rae Jepsen with Call Me Maybe ; he brought her to the attention of Braun , who gave him a 50 per cent cut when he signed her @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ : " I am not threatened by anybody ; no one can threaten me . It 's actually cool to have other young people on the scene . I 've spent years being the only one at all these awards shows -- now there are other people my age . I hang out with One Direction , and the guys from The Wanted are fun , really funny guys . I keep my distance when they go to clubs to have their fun -- I go home . Drinking is definitely one way , but it 's not for me . I still want people to think I 'm a good person , a good influence . I want to be around tomorrow . " <p> On the fans : " I love my fans ; I love the mass hysteria . I mean , this was always what I wanted . And you 've got to remember I was this kid with no marketing campaign ; it was my fans that got me here . They were the ones who 'd show up at radio stations when I was @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ my record deal . That 's how everybody started saying , " Who is this kid , Justin Bieber , who has 10,000 girls outside a mall in New Jersey ? " <p> On flying : " I just started to really not like getting on a flight . It scares me . When I get anxiety , my heart drops and starts beating really fast as if it 's going to explode . And when there 's a weird noise , it 's like , what 's that weird noise ? People say you have more chance of getting into a car accident than a plane crash , but they do maybe one flight a year and I 'm on planes all the time . And all the time I 'm thinking I have no control . If this plane crashes I 'm dead . I feel like every time I get on a plane I 'm risking my life . " <p> WHY IS THERE A DIRECTIONER BARGING IN ALL THE TIME NOW ? ! ? ! ? ! ? ? ! I 'm usually not very angry @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ an idiot and you 're a directioner , instead of hating on him , why do n't you go on a One Direction fansite and leave beliebers alone ? I welcome directioners if they 're not being rude but you are . What , are you mad because Justin took back the record of Most Watched Video in 24 Hours that One Direction took ? <p> Justin is amazing guy who adores his family and friends . but cherish what he has with his fans and hopes to grow more fans as he grow older and wiser . he s still wise but having that mentaility of becoming adult dealing with people who are very ignorant in the business . of course the STALKRAZZI . THEY ARE LIKE BEES TO HONEY . <p> Among the things that attracted me to him recently as a fan is his confidence and strong character-he 's no pushover ! Furthermore he has an exciting stage presence I do n't see in most most pop stars or boy bands today . He also will hopefully not be influenced to take drugs and ruin his life @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ as a little brother that I will always defend from the haters . <p> u know Justin that 's the kind of spirit your fans like n wanted n I trust that u will be like MJ not only by music but by your character n personality n I believe that you will not stop until the end just like MJ . <p> Ok correction , he did say his music . But I 'm not sure , they let her say the word on the radio , when they usually leave it out . Maybe it 's not what we think it is ? I do nt know . Even so , I have the confidence that he wo n't curse . ( That " damn " in Die in Your Arms does n't count to me . To me , because of it 's meaning , " damn " is n't really a curse word , so ... ) <p> Justin is my everything ! ! I devote my life to him he 's the only reason get out of bed in the morning he 's the one @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ he 's my life . I do n't know what i 'd be doing without him and his music . So justin if you ever read this just know that your my life saver right now and if you stop making music I 'm gunnar cry ! ! ! ! <p> wonder how many beliebers justin will have is he was'nt so cute and sexy if he was ugly , but still the sweet boy he 's now , well i ' ll still would love him with all my hear becuz beauty is on the inside not on the outside , most people look at the outside of a pakkage not on whats in it lovely ? <p> Amazing . This is why I love Justin . When Rihanna went stupid and started pushing out garbage instead of music , I did n't know what to do . Rihanna was my favorite . When I stopped listening to her , I thought that I would never have another favorite again . Then along came Justin . When I watched his interviews , I thought , " He sounds sweet @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ listened , and I found a replacement for Rihanna . And his name was JUSTIN BIEBER ! This interview just strethened my love for him again . The fact that he said that he would never curse in his music reminded me of why I liked him in the first place . When he said that he did n't need to drink to have his fun , that just made me think of how he wants to be a good example . He 's such a beautiful person , inside and out , and I do n't know why people hate him . This whole intrview just kept my love strong . ALWAYS A FAN ! <p> Hi Justin . well when i finished read it up I just start crying cause i many times founding the human like you i mean you are real human and my dream comes true , i found you . thank you Justin for everything , you know maybe you think I 'm lying but I 'm really so happy that u are here with me , no matter where in USA or Europe @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ will not change that . you give on my face smile when I 'm sad , every day , you are one in a million ... Do you remember , you said that i/belieber in future I will marry , will have a husband and a children and i will forget about you . No you 're wrong , i will never forget about you , my half of heart will always belong just to You = ) Thank You .. I Love You answer me please , of
@@5114241 <h> Bryan Singer Returns To X-MEN ! <p> Published at : Oct 31 , 2012 8:10:29 AM CDT <p> Nordling here . <p> Yes , I realize we 're late on this one , as it was announced yesterday , but due to the juggernaut ( bitch ) that was the STAR WARS announcement , and real life concerns , I was n't able to get to this until now . Deadline reports that Bryan Singer has signed on the line that is dotted for X-MEN : DAYS OF FUTURE PAST , bringing him back into the franchise that he made such a mark on . <p> Singer making the next X-MEN movie is definitely welcome news -- many fans still consider X2 to be the best of the franchise , although I 'm pretty partial now to FIRST CLASS and DAYS OF FUTURE PAST will be continuing that story arc began in the last movie . It 's expected that Michael Fassbender , Jennifer Lawrence , and James McAvoy to return , and this movie will likely link the prequels to Singer 's and Brett Ratner 's movies . <p> I 'm even more curious now about THE @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ set , and the teaser poster looks like something Mondo would do , so I think this franchise is definitely back on track . I 'm pleased that Singer is returning to the franchise that has treated him so well , and I 'm very excited to see this very popular story come to the screen in a way that should make fans happy . <p> Seriously ... does Disney give MORE of a crap than Lucas did about his trilogy ? ... not really kids . but Singer 's 2nd X-men film really hit the nail on the head when it came to being tonally connected to the comics ! Can not WAIT for Days of Future Past now ! ! ! ! <p> Singer is not a good director . X1 &; 2 and Superman Returns are directed with all the verve of a dead fish . They are leaden to say the least . Usual Suspects is good but that comes down largely to the script and the performances . I could watch a Singer film and have to idea who had directed it . He has @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ few things that fan boys like to hear . First Class was by no means a masterpiece , but Vaughn is by far the more talented man . <p> I 'm even more curious now about THE WOLVERINE based on some of the news coming from that set , and the teaser poster looks like something Mondo would do , so I think this franchise is definitely back on track . <p> ... So based on a poster , this movie looks to be good ? Righhhtttt ... The first Wolverine was a shit stain ... the sequel has LOTS of ground to make up . <p> Nordling : I 'm even more curious now about THE WOLVERINE based on some of the news coming from that set , and the teaser poster looks like something Mondo would do , so I think this franchise is definitely back on track . ... So based on a poster , this movie looks to be good ? Righhhtttt ... The first Wolverine was a shit stain ... the sequel has LOTS of ground to make up . <p> Bryan Singer is a @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ job on X2 and you have to have in mind that he directed X1 before the comic hero boom ... his budget was limited and still he was spot on picking Xavier , Magneto and Wolverine . <p> I agree that the sentinels would be more menacing if they where smaller ... maybe not T800 size but certainly not skyscraper huge ... anyway that 's not going to be a technical problem after the introduction of the transformers franchise . <p> To those of you who say Singer ca n't direct action ... action is n't the problem with actionfilms ... so I 'm quite happy we have a director who cares about making it a complete film not just a string of actionscenes held together by godawfull dialoge . <p> Days of future past has to introduce the real dark phonenix not what we saw in X3 ( which was lawnmover man bad ) . <p> Bryan Singer is a real fan of the Xmen . He did an amazing job on X2 and you have to have in mind that he directed X1 before the comic hero boom @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ on picking Xavier , Magneto and Wolverine . I agree that the sentinels would be more menacing if they where smaller ... maybe not T800 size but certainly not skyscraper huge ... anyway that 's not going to be a technical problem after the introduction of the transformers franchise . To those of you who say Singer ca n't direct action ... action is n't the problem with actionfilms ... so I 'm quite happy we have a director who cares about making it a complete film not just a string of actionscenes held together by godawfull dialoge . Days of future past has to introduce the real dark phonenix not what we saw in X3 ( which was lawnmover man bad ) . Ca n't wait ! ! ! <p> About as much as The Last Stand resembled the DarkPheonix storyline ... <p> Cyclops , Jean and Storm have n't been introduced yet . The XMen team in First Class were mostly uninteresting with Beast and Havok being the highlight . They said they were n't adding mutants to the team , so that 's a problem . <p> @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ are any of the original cast returning ? <p> I 'm betting on Jean Grey cameo in Wolverine to tie together with this , with Jean taking over Kitty Prydes role in the story with afamke playing a older Jean who comes back to contact her younger self . <p> About as much as The Last Stand resembled the DarkPheonix storyline ... Cyclops , Jean and Storm have n't been introduced yet . The XMen team in First Class were mostly uninteresting with Beast and Havok being the highlight . They said they were n't adding mutants to the team , so that 's a problem . Are they going to attempt this story without wolverine ... are any of the original cast returning ? I 'm betting on Jean Grey cameo in Wolverine to tie together with this , with Jean taking over Kitty Prydes role in the story with afamke playing a older Jean who comes back to contact her younger self . <p> Give the job to someone who will celebrate the fantastical elements of the series and not excise them to be easily digestible for audiences @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ movies and an even more dull Superman . This is horrible . : ( <p> Give the job to someone who will celebrate the fantastical elements of the series and not excise them to be easily digestible for audiences not familiar with the comics . Singer made dull X-Men movies and an even more dull Superman . This is horrible . : ( <p> ... Hard to do a story involving aliens and such proper justice when the universe set up by Singer 's two movies tried to desperately ground the series , placing too much emphasis on realism . The trainwreck of 3 was set up by Singer . <p> And 3 is EASILY the most fun and X-Men feeling of the three . However , First Class was the single best X-Men movie we 've ever gotten . Looks like it 'll be the only good one we 'll get , now . Ugh . <p> ... Hard to do a story involving aliens and such proper justice when the universe set up by Singer 's two movies tried to desperately ground the series , placing too much @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ up by Singer . And 3 is EASILY the most fun and X-Men feeling of the three . However , First Class was the single best X-Men movie we 've ever gotten . Looks like it 'll be the only good one we 'll get , now . Ugh . <p> Look I loved First Class even more so than X2 . So if they simply use this to wipe away the garbage that was X3 &; X-Men Origins Wolverine than I 'm a happy camper . Even if it means you 'd have to lose X2 continuity I 'm ok with it . Because even the first X-Men upon rewatching really was n't that great . <p> The ridiculous script requirements the studio gave the writters did . They admit to making mistakes with how thaT story treated certain characters . Vaughn hightailed it out of there when he saw what a mess it all was . I think Ratner did a decent job with the material and the severe time constraints he had . I actually enjoyed the Cure plotline , its the stories focus on wolverine , @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ that movie for me . The thing is wolverine and pheonix are the weakest parts of the film . They should have focused on the cure story . <p> He may be directing Mark Millar 's The Secret Service , a comic book that I 'm heavily addicted to , which is a huge homage to James Bond . It means we might FINALLY get a James Bond parody on the big screen that plays it straight instead of going too campy . And if they sign Mark Hamill for the opening pre-credits sequence , that 's all the better . <p> He makes GOOD MOVIES . Above all else the new SW film needs to be a GOOD MOVIE . He wo n't just throw a ton of CGI crap at the screen . After the unrelenting crap that was the prequels we need a GOOD MOVIE ABOVE ALL ELSE . <p> As I said yesterday First Class is total Shite . What people see in Fassbender I 'll never know . He really did n't impress me as Magneto . He was ok in Prometheus but i suspect @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ stretch for him . Somebody please tell Singer to ditch this crappy cast and just get on with the REAL X-MEN PLEASE ! Just when they could have gotten into some really kickass storylines with the original cast they screw it up with First Crap . I just do n't get it .... hell I would take X3 over that first crap anyday ( and X3 had alot of problems true enough ) . I 'm sorry but James McAvoy and Fassbender are n't in the same ballpark as Patrick and Ian , they are n't in the same league ... hell they ai n't even in the same SPORT . But let 's be honest here , with Avengers 2 ( THANOS BABY ! ! ) , Captain America 2 , Iron Man 3 ( MANDARIN BABY ! ! ) , Amazing Spider-Man 2 ( hopefully titled Web of Spider-Man or Spectacular ) , Man of Steel , THE 3 HOBBITS , AND STAR WARS EPISODES 7 , 8 , 9 coming does anyone give a rat 's cock of muthafuckin huntch about First Crap 2 ? Yeah me @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ total Shite . What people see in Fassbender I 'll never know . He really did n't impress me as Magneto . He was ok in Prometheus but i suspect him playing a soul-less android was n't much of a stretch for him . Somebody please tell Singer to ditch this crappy cast and just get on with the REAL X-MEN PLEASE ! Just when they could have gotten into some really kickass storylines with the original cast they screw it up with First Crap . I just do n't get it .... hell I would take X3 over that first crap anyday ( and X3 had alot of problems true enough ) . I 'm sorry but James McAvoy and Fassbender are n't in the same ballpark as Patrick and Ian , they are n't in the same league ... hell they ai n't even in the same SPORT . But let 's be honest here , with Avengers 2 ( THANOS BABY ! ! ) , Captain America 2 , Iron Man 3 ( MANDARIN BABY ! ! ) , Amazing Spider-Man 2 ( hopefully titled Web of @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ 3 HOBBITS , AND STAR WARS EPISODES 7 , 8 , 9 coming does anyone give a rat 's cock of muthafuckin huntch about First Crap 2 ? Yeah me neither . <p> embracing the pulpy nature of the comic-book genre and giant robots kicking ass can turn into hugely profitable franchises , not having giant Sentinels in the next X-Men movie would have been the most idiotic thing to do from a business perspective . <p> embracing the pulpy nature of the comic-book genre and giant robots kicking ass can turn into hugely profitable franchises , not having giant Sentinels in the next X-Men movie would have been the most idiotic thing to do from a business perspective . <p> Look , suggesting Uncle Ben for anything pre-Town would have made no sense , Affleck was strictly second string until that film showed what he can do . Argo showed it even more . Five years ago he would have been a stupid choice , now he 's a man on the move , upward . He is a better director than Lucas . So shut up . <p> @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ made no sense , Affleck was strictly second string until that film showed what he can do . Argo showed it even more . Five years ago he would have been a stupid choice , now he 's a man on the move , upward . He is a better director than Lucas . So shut up . <p> Maybe a lot of people never read the comics , I do n't know . Singer did n't make BAD movies exactly . But they did n't resemble the comics at ALL . Horrible terrible casting choices , dull , ' reality ' based settings , the premise was meh . And through it all , Singer very clearly intended the X-Men movies to be an allegory for how hard it was to grow up being gay and trying to be accepted because of so much gayness . Dude , just go make an endless stream of movies about your angsty gayness . You already did it to Superman , and two X-Men movies . Leave the comic book movies to people who actually care about the comics , someone who @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ and fidelity that Whedon brought to Avengers . <p> 1 - Is Luthor a frustrated Century 21 agent ? This is the second time he 's come up with a real estate deal as his major plot . This is the best a super genius can come up with ? He 's just pilfered Kryptonian tech , he can manufacture things which will make him so rich he can use Morcrosoft/Apple stock for toilet paper . And what 's this about hiring thugs who would be hard pressed to set up a convenience store robbery as underlings ? <p> 2 - Superman is standing on an island of Kryptonite which has him so weak he 's punched out by a common thug - and he does n't notice ? ! <p> 3 - Kryptonian crystals take on the properties of the matter next to them ? So why has n't Supe 's Fortress collapsed under its own weight ? By that logic it 's made of snow , after all . <p> 4 - Perry White ( black ? ! Whose idea of a joke was that ? ! ) @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ be immediately replaced as Editor-in-Chief . <p> 5 - Lois taking her kid to the site of an inherently dangerous assignment ? ? ? <p> 6 - Speaking of Kryptonian tech , how does Luthor just waltz in the Fortress and walk out with stuff . Have n't the super advanced Kryptonians ever hears of locks or biometrics ? <p> And on and on . Just one dumb movie . <p> Oh and did I mention a building full of investigative reporters who do n't put two and two together when both Supes AND Clark wind up missing for the exact same number of years ? <p> SUPERMAN RETURNS ( a.k.a . THE MONOLITH MONSTERS II ) was simply dreadful ! 1 - Is Luthor a frustrated Century 21 agent ? This is the second time he 's come up with a real estate deal as his major plot . This is the best a super genius can come up with ? He 's just pilfered Kryptonian tech , he can manufacture things which will make him so rich he can use Morcrosoft/Apple stock for toilet paper . And what @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ to set up a convenience store robbery as underlings ? 2 - Superman is standing on an island of Kryptonite which has him so weak he 's punched out by a common thug - and he does n't notice ? ! 3 - Kryptonian crystals take on the properties of the matter next to them ? So why has n't Supe 's Fortress collapsed under its own weight ? By that logic it 's made of snow , after all . 4 - Perry White ( black ? ! Whose idea of a joke was that ? ! ) makes editorial decisions which are demonstrably so bad he should be immediately replaced as Editor-in-Chief. 5 - Lois taking her kid to the site of an inherently dangerous assignment ? ? ? 6 - Speaking of Kryptonian tech , how does Luthor just waltz in the Fortress and walk out with stuff . Have n't the super advanced Kryptonians ever hears of locks or biometrics ? And on and on . Just one dumb movie . Oh and did I mention a building full of investigative reporters who do n't put @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ up missing for the exact same number of years ? <p> Agreed . Those movies are full of missed opportunities , miscasting and lack a certain something - I think the sense of fun and adventure that permeates the other Marvel movies . This is a huge mistake . This is going 12 years in the past and mining stale ideas . We need new blood and a fresh perspective . I thought Vaughn was a breath of fresh air , this project just lost my interest until I see some reviews . <p> Agreed . Those movies are full of missed opportunities , miscasting and lack a certain something - I think the sense of fun and adventure that permeates the other Marvel movies . This is a huge mistake . This is going 12 years in the past and mining stale ideas . We need new blood and a fresh perspective . I thought Vaughn was a breath of fresh air , this project just lost my interest until I see some reviews . <p> The Nightcrawler sequence is a standout , and pretty much every other fight @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ and cgi . Do n't get me wrong , Vaughn is one of the more creative action directors working today , I love what he did with Stardust and Kick-Ass . However , Singer is a decent action director , and I 'm more concerned with the story then anything else . <p> I agree he is a competent director , I just question the casting decisions he made - Halle Berry ? Also Black Motor Cross suits as the costumes , and the gun-metal grey cinematography . I have no doubt he 'll turn in a decent movie , I was just hoping for a completely fresh take on all the favorite characters . They admittedly could do far worse then Singer . <p> I agree he is a competent director , I just question the casting decisions he made - Halle Berry ? Also Black Motor Cross suits as the costumes , and the gun-metal grey cinematography . I have no doubt he 'll turn in a decent movie , I was just hoping for a completely fresh take on all the favorite characters . They admittedly could @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ that may be the best 10 minutes of Xmen on screen material out of all the non-animtated Xmen movies that currently exist . No .. what we 've gotten are brilliant scenes/set-pieces in great to good/decent to workable/mediocre to crap films ( read : great - x2 , good/decent - xmen &; xm:fc , workable/mediocre - x3 , crap - wolvie:origins ) What we need is someone to come in and keep the crap scenes out and keep the " good " scenes in . If they 're not sure , it 's a rather simple formula , for the most part , beyond its inherent subjectivity , of course ... Magneto nazi hunting ? Great scenes . Wolverine blubbering about the death of Jean Gray ? Bad scene . Nightstalker attacking the white house ? BRILLIANT scene ( and great use of ' Dies Irae ' too ) . Hippy-hippy shake dance party scene from FC ? Bad scene . Magneto " rearranging " the SF bridge ? Great scene . So there 's a lot of " there " there if they just keep themselves in check . @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ , not a " movie " context and you 'll see many great scenes in even the bad movies and bad scenes in even the good movies . I think Singer has shown the most self-restraint with these movies . Plus , Singer was nothing if not utterly serious throughout his presentation of Xmen and Xmen2 . I think this bodes very well , personally . <p> Apt Pupil : Gay Nazi befriends an underage boy and teaches him about stuff and then commits suicide after being persecuted for being outed as a gay ... I mean Nazi . <p> Usual Suspects : Gay Kevin Spacey misleads his heterosexual friends by pretending to be someone he 's not and then stabs them all in the back . <p> Jack the Giant Killer : Gay Jack from Jack in the Beanstalk plants his seeds and they grow into a giant stalk ... obviously symbolic of a giant cock . He 's then chased around by giants with giant cocks throughout the whole movie . <p> Singer is a talented film maker , but he really needs to get passed his obsession @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ his gayness and make a good fun movie . The problem with all his films is that they 're loaded down so heavily with gay subtext . Superman Returns : Gay Superman fights against gay Kevin Spacey Luthor and spends most of his time dour and on the outside of society looking in longingly . X-Men 1 and 2 - Gay superheroes are persecuted for being being ... I mean muntants . Apt Pupil : Gay Nazi befriends an underage boy and teaches him about stuff and then commits suicide after being persecuted for being outed as a gay ... I mean Nazi . Usual Suspects : Gay Kevin Spacey misleads his heterosexual friends by pretending to be someone he 's not and then stabs them all in the back . Jack the Giant Killer : Gay Jack from Jack in the Beanstalk plants his seeds and they grow into a giant stalk ... obviously symbolic of a giant cock . He 's then chased around by giants with giant cocks throughout the whole movie . Singer is a talented film maker , but he really needs to get passed @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ decent reboot . This bitch is just crawling back for a check because he 's shown his hand as a two dimensional hack . Bryan Singer hates superheroes he just knows how to play the game and say the right things so that some of you short sighted imagination deprived rubes actually buy into his lazy , pedestrian " realistic " storytelling . Maybe this will bomb and Fox will give it back to Marvel so someone who actually gives a shit can take the helm . I officially do n't give fuck all about this franchise ... again . <p> So much for a decent reboot . This bitch is just crawling back for a check because he 's shown his hand as a two dimensional hack . Bryan Singer hates superheroes he just knows how to play the game and say the right things so that some of you short sighted imagination deprived rubes actually buy into his lazy , pedestrian " realistic " storytelling . Maybe this will bomb and Fox will give it back to Marvel so someone who actually gives a shit can take the @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ this franchise ... again . <p> His run on the comic was superb ... seems like a no brainer ( aside from scheduling ) . He has done a hugely successful superhero ensmble cast movie , *gets* the Xmen *very* well and has already written a run of their stories ... Personally , I thought X1 and X2 were n't very good , so I could n't give a fart about Singer coming back . At best , he can offer a return to past mediocrity . <p> He 's known for that and people even got all lippy about " Black Widow saving all the actual superheroes " or some such nonsense . <p> But have we really gotten true characterizations of the Xmen female badasses ? <p> I have n't read probably even 20% of the Xmen comics but I did watch the old animated series ( which was excellent ) extensively back in the day ... certainly enough to know that all of the females portrayed in these movies are not remotely like they are in the comics . <p> Storm was worshipped as a Goddess , @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ bound up inside her . <p> Rogue was n't a shy and demure girl unsure of herself or her abilities . She was a " riot gyrl " in the truest sense of the word ( I was hoping shed 'd have her epi with Ms Marvel and get her super-strength and flight abilities permanently ) . <p> Mystique ? While she fares a little better under Singer 's guidance , she 's still kinda hell-n-gone from being what she is in the comic . As I understand it , there were entire series of Xmen stories that her as the main baddie akin to someone like Magneto . Not sure why she 's in permanent " thug " status . <p> The White Queen ? Probably First Class 's biggest character fault . I 'm the first to insist big boobs are always great and always welcome in anything . But as a replacement for the personality of one of the more sheer badass female villains ( and occasional good guy ) ? Ahh .. no . Not gon na cut it . Shameful what they did to the @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ , to Jean Gray and Dark Phoenix . Such possibility hinted at the end of X2 and such possiblity wasted on yet another mute female " goon " . <p> If Whedon ever even got near a script for this new outing , the females would exponentially grow in cinematic badassery almost instantly and it would be a very welcome improvement . <p> He 's known for that and people even got all lippy about " Black Widow saving all the actual superheroes " or some such nonsense . But have we really gotten true characterizations of the Xmen female badasses ? I have n't read probably even 20% of the Xmen comics but I did watch the old animated series ( which was excellent ) extensively back in the day ... certainly enough to know that all of the females portrayed in these movies are not remotely like they are in the comics . Storm was worshipped as a Goddess , not some meek and quiet girl with all her rage bound up inside her . Rogue was n't a shy and demure girl unsure of herself or her @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ the truest sense of the word ( I was hoping shed 'd have her epi with Ms Marvel and get her super-strength and flight abilities permanently ) . Mystique ? While she fares a little better under Singer 's guidance , she 's still kinda hell-n-gone from being what she is in the comic . As I understand it , there were entire series of Xmen stories that her as the main baddie akin to someone like Magneto . Not sure why she 's in permanent " thug " status . The White Queen ? Probably First Class 's biggest character fault . I 'm the first to insist big boobs are always great and always welcome in anything . But as a replacement for the personality of one of the more sheer badass female villains ( and occasional good guy ) ? Ahh .. no . Not gon na cut it . Shameful what they did to the White Queen . And this leads us , inevitably , to Jean Gray and Dark Phoenix . Such possibility hinted at the end of X2 and such possiblity wasted on yet @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ even got near a script for this new outing , the females would exponentially grow in cinematic badassery almost instantly and it would be a very welcome improvement . He probably ca n't for scheduling ... but perhaps one day ... <p> Scott Caan . Has anyone ever been a better fit vs. what they looked like in the comic books ? Jackman is great in his own way , but is a weird re-imagining of the character . And , Jackman should have been Jack Reacher ! <p> Hmm , I should pop in one the X-Men movies . While the fourth was huge leap forward , SInger has did nothing but mishandle this franchise . Of course they made some money . It 's freakin X-Men ! If they actually put some love into the true essence of the X-Men characters this film be a huge return . Look at Batman and what Marvel has been doing . Singer is not the answer . <p> Hmm , I should pop in one the X-Men movies . While the fourth was huge leap forward , SInger has did nothing @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ money . It 's freakin X-Men ! If they actually put some love into the true essence of the X-Men characters this film be a huge return . Look at Batman and what Marvel has been doing . Singer is not the answer . <p> X3 was ok but destroyed our dream of having the Phoenix saga done right . <p> Singer needs to nail DOFP and defo have the Wolverine kill money shot to make it work . The problem is Singer isnt a real comic book fan , he knew nothing about the XMen when he did the 1st 2 movies so he needs to man up and do the story the justice it deserves . <p> As for casting IM was good as Magneto and did go to school in my home town , but the actor who should have been Magneto is Rutger Hauer as he resembles the character like SLJ resembles Nick Fury . <p> For fucks sake Fox , Rothman has gone , look to what Marvel and Disney have done , its a fucking no brainer ! <p> X3 was ok but destroyed @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Singer needs to nail DOFP and defo have the Wolverine kill money shot to make it work . The problem is Singer isnt a real comic book fan , he knew nothing about the XMen when he did the 1st 2 movies so he needs to man up and do the story the justice it deserves . As for casting IM was good as Magneto and did go to school in my home town , but the actor who should have been Magneto is Rutger Hauer as he resembles the character like SLJ resembles Nick Fury . For fucks sake Fox , Rothman has gone , look to what Marvel and Disney have done , its a fucking no brainer ! <p> Did you guys even watch X2 ? It 's pretty fucking obvious that Singer and Co. set up the Pheonix/Split Personality angle from the get go . Ratner was only a last minute replacement director hired a few weeks before principal photgraphy . I seriously doubt he had any say . <p> Did you guys even watch X2 ? It 's pretty fucking obvious that Singer and Co. @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ . Ratner was only a last minute replacement director hired a few weeks before principal photgraphy . I seriously doubt he had any say . <p> Look I dono't like the guy . But X3 was way better than the first two . And I know X3 killed the Phoenix Saga , but this had nothing to do with Ratner . Granted they all suck . And yes , I understand the opening of two was amazing , but the rest sucked . Vaughn was a step in the right direction , but the man is better equipped for comedy/drama then action . I would have liked to see Rupert Wyatt brought on for this . <p> Look I dono't like the guy . But X3 was way better than the first two . And I know X3 killed the Phoenix Saga , but this had nothing to do with Ratner . Granted they all suck . And yes , I understand the opening of two was amazing , but the rest sucked . Vaughn was a step in the right direction , but the man is better equipped for @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Rupert Wyatt brought on for this . <p> loved those . like the first at the time ( grade 7 or 8 when it came out ) , loved the second , hated the third . Now , after the glut of super hero films , they all are forgotten , never rewatched. first class I 've seen twice . Have to say it 's 2/3rds of a good movie but horribly truncates the relationship of- fuck it everyone knows this . Point is , this film does n't have to jerkoff the fanboy in me , it has to be a good time at the movies . The original three x-men films have n't aged well at all for my sensibilities . <p> are the same people who say that Nu Trek is one of the best trek movies , that Bayformers is awesome entertainment , that TDKR is a masterpiece , that the Star Wars prequels are better that the originals , that Indy 5 is underappreciated , the same people who have truned Hollywood to the current corporate movie garbage bin that it is . <p> are @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ of the best trek movies , that Bayformers is awesome entertainment , that TDKR is a masterpiece , that the Star Wars prequels are better that the originals , that Indy 5 is underappreciated , the same people who have truned Hollywood to the current corporate movie garbage bin that it is . <p> the White House is one of the best action scenes ever put in a super-hero movie . period . <p> Or what about the airplane sequence in Superman Returns ? Do n't tell that scene did n't give goosebumps when Superman was trying to save that plane . <p> Singer unlike Nolan , does know how to make cool action scenes . His weakness ( or strength for some others ) is that he does nt rely on the action aspect of the movie too much . He prefers to focus more on the characters and the story than having the super-heroes kicking ass for two hours . <p> the White House is one of the best action scenes ever put in a super-hero movie . period . Or what about the airplane sequence in Superman @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ goosebumps when Superman was trying to save that plane . Singer unlike Nolan , does know how to make cool action scenes . His weakness ( or strength for some others ) is that he does nt rely on the action aspect of the movie too much . He prefers to focus more on the characters and the story than having the super-heroes kicking ass for two hours . <p> He thought he was hot shit after making some successful fantasy movies , then fucked it by making an overbloated one , then a serious one that nobody cared for , and then seeing he really does nt have anything else going for himself and accepts he s become a one trick pony , goes back to his one trick to be loved by the public once more . <p> He thought he was hot shit after making some successful fantasy movies , then fucked it by making an overbloated one , then a serious one that nobody cared for , and then seeing he really does nt have anything else going for himself and accepts he s become a @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ to be loved by the public once more . <p> Bullshit . Singer will always have " vision " which is more than can be said about the vast majority of directors working in Hollywood . Do n't put him down and bag him just because you 're jealous and KNOW for a FACT that you could NEVER do better were you in the same position ... <p> Bullshit . Singer will always have " vision " which is more than can be said about the vast majority of directors working in Hollywood . Do n't put him down and bag him just because you 're jealous and KNOW for a FACT that you could NEVER do better were you in the same position ... <p> Think of what I said more as me stating " some of these fools in the talkbacks have some retarded double standards " ... in a very sarcastic fashion . And do n't take shit written by total strangers on the Internet too seriously . It 's not worth it ... even if you 're Singer himself . And if you are him all @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ House . I really enjoyed that show " . <p> Think of what I said more as me stating " some of these fools in the talkbacks have some retarded double standards " ... in a very sarcastic fashion . And do n't take shit written by total strangers on the Internet too seriously . It 's not worth it ... even if you 're Singer himself . And if you are him all I would say to you is " thank you for House . I really enjoyed that show " . <p> **29;3429;TOOLONG just needs to get over his gayness and make a good post . The problem with all his posts are that they 're loaded down so heavily with gay subtext . Seriously , dude . Get over yourself . Anyone who thinks Superman Returns was gay subtext is bothered by the idea of a guy wearing tights in the first place . <p> Sheesh , fans are divided on these boards ! ! Thats expected . X1 was ok , X2 blew it outta the water ! Great fucking film ! It had it all @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ only thing good about that was Kelsey Grammer 's take on The Beast . No way is that a good X-Men movie , NO WAY . Vaughn 's FC was meh . Good , nothing spectacular . I would like to see Hugh Jackman reprising his role as Wolverine and teaming up with the cast from FC doing DOFP . Simply gold ! <p> and Wolverines intro in X1 was spot-on . Wish Singer handled X3 it would have been a smarter film and even if it would have had less action it would have had better quality all around . My only concern is I 've heard that Singer is not the easiest Director to get along with for actors . Halle Barry apparently hated him . <p> and Wolverines intro in X1 was spot-on . Wish Singer handled X3 it would have been a smarter film and even if it would have had less action it would have had better quality all around . My only concern is I 've heard that Singer is not the easiest Director to get along with for actors . Halle Barry apparently @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ being that they 're the only available X-Men movies . I 'm still waiting for that good X-Men movie that 's going to wow me . Singer 's movies does n't undulate fluidly from point a to b and have terrible action scenes ( sans from the Nightcrawler fight ) . First Class , ( aside form 3 main characters ) have flat characters with a bad ending . <p> They we 're all okay , being that they 're the only available X-Men movies . I 'm still waiting for that good X-Men movie that 's going to wow me . Singer 's movies does n't undulate fluidly from point a to b and have terrible action scenes ( sans from the Nightcrawler fight ) . First Class , ( aside form 3 main characters ) have flat characters with a bad ending . <p> i 'll give him credit , he had the balls to do X men 1 and 2 when superhero movies were not in vogue . 1 was terrible ( watch it again ) , and 2 was much better , but still a very @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ just a bad movie- try watching with people who do nt care about the x men/ comics ... its embarrassing . <p> I 'm sorry , but these movies can only be " good " if marvel gets the rights back . Fox just DOES NOT GET IT . First class was a step in the right direction , for sure , but it was still not an X men movie . Wolverine was a huge disappointment . just bad leadership at fox . <p> i 'll give him credit , he had the balls to do X men 1 and 2 when superhero movies were not in vogue . 1 was terrible ( watch it again ) , and 2 was much better , but still a very stiff movie with terrible wire work/ action and dialogue . just a bad movie- try watching with people who do nt care about the x men/ comics ... its embarrassing . I 'm sorry , but these movies can only be " good " if marvel gets the rights back . Fox just DOES NOT GET IT . First class was @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ but it was still not an X men movie . Wolverine was a huge disappointment . just bad leadership at fox . <p> Everyone talks about how great the opening to X2 is ... and it was- really tapped into something at the time- and it was just a terrific introduction to Nightcrawler , who was always one of my favorite characters . ( " Excalibur " anyone ? ) Too bad , they did n't really do anything with Nightcrawler after that . <p> OK , so in five X-Men/Wolverine flicks , there has been all of one memorable action scene . I guess you could throw in Magneto 's prison break and the super stabby Wolverine v. Deathstrike bout in X2 if you wanted , but , nothing else really stands out for me , certainly not the limp endings to X-Men , X2 , X3 or First Class . <p> Everyone talks about how great the opening to X2 is ... and it was- really tapped into something at the time- and it was just a terrific introduction to Nightcrawler , who was always one of my @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Too bad , they did n't really do anything with Nightcrawler after that . &lt;BR&gt; OK , so in five X-Men/Wolverine flicks , there has been all of one memorable action scene . I guess you could throw in Magneto 's prison break and the super stabby Wolverine v. Deathstrike bout in X2 if you wanted , but , nothing else really stands out for me , certainly not the limp endings
@@5114341 <h> Thanksgiving : The Magic Of Conscious Gratitude -- 17 November 2012 <p> " Walk as if you are kissing the Earth with your feet . " Thich Nhat Hanh <p> Do you believe in magic ? " Magic is the manipulation of naturally occurring powers by the hand and will of a studied practitioner . Magic is neither good nor bad ( white nor black ) , it simply exists . It is the use it is put to that gives it its perceived polarity . Magic abounds , it is everywhere , in everything and everyone . The first thing you need is to believe . " wiki.answers.com <p> Just what are these naturally occurring powers ? The answer is all around us in Nature and within our conscious awareness in the power to focus our thoughts with love and wisdom . What makes one a studied practitioner of magic ? Believing in your inherent power to choose , moment by moment , to consciously exercise these powers . And on whatever end of the pole ( negative or positive ) you focus your power , that you shall reap . <p> The current global situations that @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ in reality these events bring out this core truth -- we are spiritual beings having a human experience . When we are brought to our knees in the midst of chaos and the illusion of separation propagated by the corporate systems that teach us to be cogs in the wheel of consumerism is shattered , our true natures as spiritual beings emerge as strength , courage , generosity , kindness , compassion and love . Neighbor helping neighbor , far away countries coming to the aid of those in distress , priorities fall into place . NOW we find ourselves feeling grateful to experience who we truly are ! We rediscover the beauty of life in the midst of death/rebirth . And gratitude begins to work magic in our lives ! <p> The magic of gratitude occurs when you consciously focus your mental and emotional powers on giving thanks for the blessings of life , and you attract more of the same , creating more abundance in your life . <p> " Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance . " @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ was thank you , that would be enough . " Meister Eckhart <p> " Piglet noticed that even though he had a Very Small Heart , it could hold a rather large amount of Gratitude . " A.A. Milne <p> " In the end , though , maybe we must all give up trying to pay back the people in this world who sustain our lives . In the end , maybe it 's wiser to surrender before the miraculous scope of human generosity and to just keep saying thank you , forever and sincerely , for as long as we have voices . " Elizabeth Gilbert <p> So in this month of November , when those in the United States traditionally celebrate the great holiday called THANKSGIVING , let us take it to the highest level of our awareness and acknowledge gratitude as the most powerful magic we can use at this time of the Great Shift upon this bountiful Earth ! <p> The following is one of two lists published as " The Native American Ten Commandments " . I could not find their origin , but in @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ in the words as well their consistency with Native American wisdom teachings . In the spirit of Thanksgiving , let us honor the First Nations of America and spend time in meditation on the following commandments : <p> 1 . The Earth is our Mother ; care for Her <p> 2 . Honor all your relations . <p> 3 . Open your heart and soul to the Great Spirit . <p> 4 . All life is sacred ; treat all beings with respect . <p> 5 . Take from the Earth what is needed and nothing more . <p> 6 . Do what needs to be done for the good of all . <p> 7 . Give constant thanks to the Great Spirit for each day . <p> 8 . Speak the truth but only for the good in others . <p> 9 . Follow the rhythms of Nature . <p> 10 . Enjoy life 's journey ; but leave no tracks . <p> nowAWAKEnow ! <p> About the Author <p> Susannah Furr , M.Ed. , is a Licensed Professional Counselor , Intuitive Consultant , Reiki Master , Agent &; @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ of Creation Workshop . Her current base camp is in Northern Mississippi , and she travels the world teaching the Web of Creation to further
@@5114441 <p> Banquet to be held at the AK Railroad Terminal on Saturday , October 27 th , doors open at 5pm . Tickets are $45 each , and include admission and catered dinner . <p> Two for one bucket raffle packages are available PRIOR to the event in $100 , $250 , $500 and $1000 increments , this would increase your odds of winning some of the great guns and merchandise that we will be raffling off during the event . This two for one deal is offered only through October 20 th . <p> There are still a few sponsor tables left ; sponsor tables start at $1,500 and you get your choice of gun from the $1,000 Wall of Guns for that price , as well as 8 seats that the event . Other sponsorship levels are available as well , including a $2,500 talbe that includes one Rough Rider pistol for each of the 8 people at the table ! <p> Event tickets and raffle tickets can be purchased at ACE Hardware , Stylin Stitches , Seward Plumbing or by calling Jaysun at 362.1700 or Larry at 224.6416 . <p> Attend with your friends for your @ @ @ @ @
@@5114541 <p> Hi Everyone , some of you might remember me , my D has been in recovery for two years . She is now off travelling and has been known to drop in on the likes of Charlotte , who we are forever grateful to for being her soft landing in the UK . <p> I have a friend whose son is quite young , he has autism and has recently been diagnosed with AN . <p> Red , she might fancy a visit . I am in a bit of a cleft stick . She is only around for another 5 weeks before she heads to North America ( yes , Colleen , you are on her list ! ) but she is travelling round with her friend from Australia at the moment . I LOVE having her around . She makes us all laugh . She is so funny . And interesting . And clever . And all round cool beans . H and I are really going to miss our adopted daughter but perhaps I could share her with you .... <p> This forum is sponsored by F.E.A.S.T. , an organization of parents serving parents and @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ , and other eating disorders . Posts by longtime members of the forum experienced in seeing a patient through to recovery are designated " Mentors . " If you wish to nominate a mentor , please contact us . Information and advice given on this forum does not necessarily represent
@@5114641 <p> Welcome to the Sky Troops Of Club Penguin , we are currently a medium sized army which was created in October 2010 . Since then we have reached major and participated in many wars . Click on the Join page
@@5114741 <h> Monday , November 5 , 2012 <p> ***disclaimer and plea***This post contains my opinion and I am not trying to push my views on any of my readers . It also contains proof of how much of a slacker I have been . So , please do n't lecture and try to persuade me to believe differently ... but also please do n't lecture me for failing to perform my civic duty . <p> I am not a political person . Never have been . I am not one to follow politics or have much of an opinion on politics . Neither has Tony . So we 've made a pretty good couple ... can you imagine just how crazy either of us would 've driven a partner that has strong political views . Well , because of this lack of political interest , neither of us has ever voted in a presidential election . ( Before you freak out ... we 've also maintained that since we did n't vote , we could n't really complain about who ended up in office . ) But the last four years have pushed into a realm of realization and @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ up and vote for someone to lead this country that has the same views that we do . <p> So , since Tony is stuck at the fire station the next two days , we headed to our county election board on Saturday morning and took place in the early vote . The polls were open from 9 - 1 on Saturday . We had to drop Ashton off at a Pom Clinic so we did n't get there until 9:30 ... and the line was already wrapped around the building . We also had to back to pick Ashton up at 11:30 ... so we had a short window of time to through the line and vote and we had no idea how long it was going to take . <p> Luckily , we squeaked in under the wire and were able to get our ( early ) vote on ! We stood in line for a total of 1 hour and 45 minutes ... and let me tell you it was a brisk little morning and 2/3 of the line was in the shade . But I am @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ also for exercising our right to vote . Hopefully we 've set a good example for the kids and they wo n't slack off as much as we did . <h> 1 comment : <p> Good for you and Tony ! You look so cute in your pic with your sticker ! ( I just love your hair ! ) My 10 year old is completely wrapped up in this election . My husband and I are n't huge political people but with a 10 year old pushing us , we are wrapped up too . <p> I am married to my best friend and am the mom of two wonderful kids . I have had my ups and downs in regards to health , happiness and weight loss . This blog will tell you about all of those ups and downs
@@5114841 <p> W e already know that Facebook is crushing it , and that schools have an incredible opportunity to use the platform to deepen relationships with families , students and alumni . But is your school or nonprofit getting the most out of the platform ? Are you using Facebook to its full potential ? <p> Based on what I 've seen I 'd say there 's a high likelihood that you 're not . <p> But there is hope ! <p> Among the countless schools I found using Facebook poorly , there were plenty of shining examples of schools doing a great job of utilizing Facebook to build lasting relationships with families , students and alumni ( both university and K-12 ) . <p> Here are some of the key findings and takeaways from my recent presentation on how schools can leverage Facebook . . Keep in mind that these tips also apply to any nonprofits trying to effectively use Facebook as part of their online strategy . <h> Make the most of your cover photo <p> 1 Your Facebook cover photo is prime real estate . It 's the thing that people will see first when they @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ that area on your main website -- you have two seconds to grab the attention you 're looking for . <p> When thinking through your Facebook cover photo , make sure you keep your brand in mind , but try to also show off your culture , history , mission and values . You might also try having a little fun with your cover photo . Here 's a few ways you could go about communicating these things : <p> Show off your campus <p> Highlight what you 're known for <p> Include your students <p> Show off landmarks <p> Give parents an idea of the community they 'll be joining <p> Promote key alumni <p> Go off campus <p> Make sure the photo is high quality and sized correctly ( 851px x 315px ) . <h> Spice up your ' About ' page <p> 2 One of the first things a new visitor will do on your Facebook page is check out your profile , even if it 's only a quick glance at the small box located right under your profile picture . Make sure you take full @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ tips to ensure your Facebook about section is filled out in a way that makes it useful to those who check it out : <p> Tell your story ( keep it short , but get the main points accross ) <p> Add your mission statement <p> Make sure to include all your contact info ( email , phone , etc . ) <p> Enter your address with map <p> Include links to your website and other social networks <p> Include calls to action just like you might on your website <p> Add milestones <h> Tell your story by filling in your history and milestones <p> 3 Milestones give you the ability to tell people more about your history . Most schools ( and nonprofits ) have a long history of helping the community through impacting the people they serve . With that in mind , do your best to tell the world about the work you 're doing . <p> If you have n't yet , think of at least five milestones that help tell your story then hop over to Facebook and fill them in . Use photos as @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ ideas to get the creative juices flowing : <p> Date when school was founded <p> Significant accomplishments , awards , recognitions , etc . <p> Famous or well-known individuals/students <p> Launch of new programs , colleges/schools , community work , etc . <p> Significant sporting events <p> Graduations <p> New deans , principals , presidents , etc . <p> Significant community **25;4536;TOOLONG <h> Set up a few apps ( the Facebook call to action ) <p> 4 Apps ( the icons you see above highlighted in the red box ) are Facebook 's version of a call to action . Nonprofits ( and schools ) understand how to use calls-to-action in their appeals and other forms of asking their supporters to mobilize . Think about these " apps " in a similar way . Use them to get your Facebook fans to take the actions you want them to take . <p> Apps are also a great place to continue reinforcing your brand ( see how well LIVESTRONG has done it in the image above ? ) . You have the ability to use your own icons so you 're @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ things could you do here ? <p> Quick links to key resources <p> News / Important info for students/families <p> Social media policy <p> Special offers , discounts , prizes , etc . <p> Custom pages focused on what you know parents/students want <p> Donate , subscribe , register , volunteer buttons <p> Make sure the photo is high quality and sized correctly ( 111px x 74px ) . <h> Get the most out of your posts <p> 5 Before you can engage your nonprofit 's or school 's supporters , students , teachers , families or alumni on Facebook , you have to build a relationship with them ( on Facebook ) . This means that you ca n't simply rely on them being fans , you have to get them to engage with your posts on a regular basis . <p> If your supporters do n't engage with you regularly , then even when you do post to your Facebook wall they wo n't see what you 've posted . <p> So how do you create more engagement ? <p> Pin posts you want people to see for @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ more important message at the top of your Facebook page for seven days . <p> Highlight your best posts . Highlighting posts give you the opportunity to make certain things stand out more than others on your Facebook page . <p> Promote posts that need to reach the masses . Promoting posts gives you the opportunity to reach a much larger portion of your Facebook fan base . You can easily see a 50 percent increase . <h> Pay attention to your fans ( a lot ) ! <p> 6 Getting your nonprofit 's or school 's Facebook fans to create content in the form of pictures , videos , status updates , questions , etc. and sharing on your Facebook page is arguably the top thing you should focus on when trying to build an effective presence on Facebook . <p> Facebook made that slightly more challenging with the introduction of Timeline . For brands ( nonprofits , schools , etc . ) , Timeline makes it such that fan-initiated engagement and content takes a back seat to brand-initiated engagement and content . This means Facebook no longer puts @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ rolled out Timeline to everyone . <p> If a fan posts something directly to your Facebook page ( i.e. , not in response via a Like , comment or share to something you 've posted ) , it will show up in a small box that lives below the " number of people who like this " section in the right column . That means you need to actively monitor what your fans are doing on your page and , when appropriate , highlight their content . <p> Here 's how to highlight fan content : Go to the Admin bar at top of your page ( you need to be logged in as an adminisrator for this ) . Then hit the Edit page button and Use Activity Log . You will see a screen similar to the one shown below . <p> Dig through the activity log to find posts from your fans that you want to highlight . Once you find something , you can select the little circle located to the right of the activity , click on it , and select Highlight on Page . @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ find this magic circle mentioned in point #6 . I can only remove posts by others , not highlight them . Is it possible Facebook made yet another layout change in the last nine days ? <p> franswaa OakAlleyPlantation There certainly are apps from Tabsite and other that can do this . I 'd recommend the YouTube app on Facebook . I 'd also recommend checking out Static HTML iframe tabs if you have HTML experience . Once you add this app
@@5114941 <p> The owner of more than 40 Denny 's restaurants throughout the southern region said Thursday that he will levy a 5 percent surcharge and cut employees ' hours in order to offset costs imposed by the Affordable Care Act , widely known as ' Obamacare . ' <p> John Metz of West Palm Beach , Fla. told Fox News that most of his roughly 1,200 employees will see their hours trimmed to less than 30 per week in order to eschew laws that would otherwise require him to provide them with health insurance . <p> " People are trying to find ways to avoid the penalties and to avoid having to pay for Obamacare , " Metz said . " Everyone 's looking for a way to not have to provide insurance for their employees . " <p> Papa John 's Pizza seems to be gunning for Chick-fil-A 's " most heartless fast-food chain " title after CEO John Schnatter threatened to increase pizza prices by 11 to 14 cents per pie and cut back employee hours if the Affordable Care Act is n't repealed . Schnatter has found support from more than 20,000 Facebook users ( and @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ to protest Obamacare and its effects on the food chain : <p> Papa Johns has been targeted by the left for a boycott , for simply articulating that ObamaCare would hurt profits and force cutbacks in employee hours . Stand up to this nonsensical and illogical action and support Papa Johns this Friday ! <p> Forbes ' Caleb Melby points out , however , that Schnatter 's underlying logic does n't make sense when you look at the numbers : <p> Last year , Papa John 's International captured $1.218 billion in revenue . Total operating expenses were $1.131 billion . So if Schnatter 's math is accurate ( Obamacare will cost his company $5-8 million more annually ) , then new regulation translates into a .4% to .7% ( yes , fractions of a percent ) expense increase . It 's difficult to set that ratio against the proposed pie increase , given size and topping differentials , but many of their large specialty pizzas run for $16 . Remarkably , a 10-14 cent increase on a $16 pizza falls in a comparable range : .6% to.9% . But @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ at medium pizzas , which run closer to $12 , meaning a .8% to 1.15% price increase . <p> In other words , Melby 's analysis shows that Obamacare would increase Papa John 's expenses by only a fraction of a percent , and his proposed increase would not only cover said expense -- but it might even result in an increase in revenue . For example , if Papa John 's were to sell exactly 50 percent large pizzas and 50 percent medium pizzas , Melby explains , prices would only have to increase 3.4 to 4.6 cents a pie to cover Obamacare costs . Melby notes that although Schnatter may have other reasons to increase prices , " attributing all price increases to Obamacare would be disingenuous . " <p> The response from conservatives would be that the free market would somehow punish people like John Schnatter and reward companies that are better to their employees . But people will always need jobs , and sometimes working for shitty owners like Schnatter are just a reality . I 've worked for fast food companies ( hell , that @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ years ) : most of them would pay employees less than minimum wage if only they could . <p> " People are trying to find ways to avoid the penalties and to avoid having to pay for Obamacare , " Metz said . " Everyone 's looking for a way to not have to provide insurance for their employees . " <p> Should n't that indicate that these people are assholes ? Let 's translate : " Everyone is looking for a way to continue to fuck over the people who work for them . " I mean , he 's saying it like I 'm supposed to look at that and say , " Oh , I did n't realize employers would take hostages ! Quickly , give them everything they want ! Shut up and take my money ! " <p> I want someone with the numbers to figure out : A ) What it would cost to insure 1200 Denny 's employees . B ) How many customers Denny 's serves a year . C ) A/B . <p> I really want to know what it is @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ going to come down to about 25-50 cents an order . And if that is the difference between healthcare and not , I 'd actually be willing to pay it , and I bet a lot of other people would as well . <p> When big , rich employers talk about how this law is just going to break their backs , why does n't anybody just call them out as money-grubbing liars ? It seems that if a CEO says something , a conservative will just assume that it 's a true and accurate statement . <p> I 'm writing to all of these restaurants in question and explaining why they have just lost my business , permanently . All employers screw their workers , but to pretend that they have ' no choice ' in this matter is just showing that even if they could afford to offer health insurance , they 'll do anything they can to make sure their workers enjoy the lowest standard of living possible even when they 're raking in money hand over fist . <p> I will be doing exactly the same @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ they 're doing is simply providing ample evidence to the world that they absolutely hate their slaves , errrr , employees and will do whatever it takes to fuck them over in order to maintain their fistfuls of money . These are the people who wish slavery were still legal and are doing everything they can to replicate it . The sick part is that they feel justified enough in doing so that they are making these threats publicly and proudly ! I do hope that their employees seriously consider finding other jobs ( not always possible , I know very well ) . <p> Support your local small business restaurants ! Those chains are all multi-millionaires . I work in the foodservice business and 9 out of 10 times the food is better anyway . So it may cost you an extra buck ... would n't you rather that dollar go to good people than these evil clowns ? <p> I do n't know if it is still the case , but when I worked there in college Quik Trip was a good company to work for . They @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ and is now almost unheard of . <p> It 's not as blatant , but there 's Nationwide Insurance . Not a restaurant , but definitely a conservative company ( no surprise , being that they 're insurers , I guess ) . Here 's what 's happening : As of 2013 , if a Nationwide employee elects to get medical coverage , and covers an adult household member who has access to medical coverage through their own employer , a surcharge will apply . Of $50 . Per pay period . Here 's the excuse : <p> " Health care reform requires that all individuals have health care coverage beginning in 2014 to avoid a personal penalty . In general , individuals will need to secure that coverage through an available employer 's plan , the new state exchanges , or through government programs such as Medicare or Medicaid . Nationwide is concerned about the potential increase in cost as a result of more individuals needing coverage . More than 11,000 associates do not currently cover a spouse , but they could potentially be added . Increased enrollment due @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ the health care reform law will result in higher company costs . " <p> Basically , " The law says everyone has to get coverage now , so we expect the number of covered household members to go up . But we 'd rather not lose money from giving people good health insurance , so here 's another $1200 a year on your costs . " Note that it is n't a surcharge for household members who could get insurance through their own employer BUT DON " T. That might be more defensible . No , you get the charge regardless of whether the household member gets their own coverage or not . So much for having dual insurance in order to save money . <p> It was my basic understanding that many corporations already limit hours to get out of providing health insurance to employees , especially the low-rung kind of food service jobs . Since I 'm not up on things , job-wise , and I 've gone almost my whole adult life uninsured and having the kinds of jobs where I would n't be insured , I @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ in Massachusetts , though . The first year Romney/Obamacare was in place , they waived the fine , then I had the only decent " grown-up job with bennies and everything " I 've ever had , then I lost that . So on the other side of it , I was uninsured again and penalized for it , even while I was on unemployment and a smidge above the poverty line . If you qualify for Masshealth but do n't apply , it turns out they fine you . As far as I know about these things , I thought many corporations have been getting around the law where they have to provide health insurance , and I did n't know that Obamacare meant they would have to provide any to part-time workers they did n't used to have to . <p> I may be talking out my ass compared to people who have jobs and stuff , but it 's not been my experience that every job provides health insurance -- you either have to work there more than 30-35 hours per week , and/or they may not @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ and/or required by companies with I think 8 or more full-time employees . Under Romneycare initially , I temped 40 hours a week for $12 an hour for over 4 months and nobody said anything about my health insurance which I definitely did not have and was penalized by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts for . <p> It was my understanding that individuals were responsible for their own health insurance under this plan , not the employer , unless required by law , like I said -- and they 've been getting around that for a long time by offering no full-time positions , and thus no health insurance . I may be behind the times and totally out of my depth talking about this , but I thought this was already the problem with working for places like Walmart and such . <p> A others have mentioned the solution here is to boycott these large corporation franchise restaurants and find some local mom and pop places you 've been walking past . I can recommend trying to eat at as many places from Diners , , Driveins and Dives as @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ really pissed at Darden* right now . I went to a meeting at work this morning and my manager went on and on about how much the company cares and he showed us a special gold coin that Darden sent to every single manager to symbolize how much they " care . " Thanks but no thanks , shitty gold coins sent only to managers are not going to help me get affordable medical care and they 're not going to make up for the cut in hours we just got -- you know right before Christmas and such . They 're assholes . <p> *Darden is the parent company of Olive Garden , Red Lobster and about 7 other companies . <p> I 'm going to add that I work for a start-up -- the type of small business started by an entrepreneur that Republicans ca n't stop fawning over as the great American undertaking . <p> Guess what , my boss says that the 1st thing that he wishes this country has ( he is n't from the US ) is national health care , since it 's @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ the State . The other thing is when people decide where to work , they have to weigh the benefits packages and most are confusing enough to make it hard to compare . However , with a national health care system in place , the only thing you 'd care about a job were its pay hours and working conditions since health insurance is taken care of . <p> Perhaps it 's a difference in culture- employers , in the US , simply have no sense of fair play or social responsibility . To behave this way would be disgraceful in other nations . <h> Google reader donations <p> Blogging is a significant portion of my income . I get paid per hit , but google reader hits do n't count . Many who use google reader have said they 'd like to just donate rather than click through to the posts . If you
@@5115041 <h> Office : 405-256-5110 Cell : 405-245-9855 <p> I probably get this question asked to me at least once a day , so I thought I 'd finally write about it . First , NO ONE can tell you exactly what rates will do . If I could tell you exactly what rates are going to do , I would have capitalized on my fortune telling capabilities a long time ago and would be sipping cool drinks on a very pretty beach somewhere . Let 's start with mortgage rates in general . Rates are determined by the market for mortgage backed securities . This market typically follows the 10 year Treasury bond rate . Since the rates are based on a market , they can go up , down , sideways or anywhere in between . I always give the example of gas prices . One day you can drive by the gas station and see one certain price for gas . That evening , you can drive by the same station and see a different price . Sometimes there 's a logical explanation for the change , sometimes not . Mortgage rates do the same thing . @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ " the economy is going to do . For example , when unemployment statistics are released , the mortgage market typically reacts . Changes in the Gross Domestic Product or inflation also have an effect on rates . In Presidential election years , mortgage rates are usually very volatile because no one knows what the outcome of the election will be and buyers are speculating on different scenarios depending on who wins . 2012 has seen a bit of volatility but not as much as in previous years . The reason why ? We have issues to face that are much larger than a Presidential election . The European economy , the US debt load , and other factors such as high unemployment are superceding the uncertainty of an election year . As long as these things are prevalent , I do think that rates will stay low . However , the slightest glimmer of hope in any of these areas will cause rates to climb . If I were a borrower right now , I would pounce on these rates immediately . There is no time like the present @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ store , when it 's
@@5115141 <p> Spike TV has revealed the list of nominees for the 2012 Video Game Awards . Game of the Year nominees include Assassin 's Creed 3 , Journey , Mass Effect 3 , The Walking Dead : The Game and Dishonored . The official site has the complete list of categories and nominees which you can vote on through here . The VGAs takes place on December 7 at 9.00PM EST . Those who do not have Spike TV will be able to watch the show on MTV 2 , MTV Tr3s , Xbox LIVE , Spike.com and GameTrailers.com. <h> 10 comments <p> Do n't care about awards just want to see some new games announced , including next Batman game from Rocksteady , Just Cause 3 , Saints Row 4 and Alan Wake 2 ... I could add some other games to that list but it would only be wishful thinking . <p> I 'd like to hope that Sam Jackson could save the VGA 's , and hope he makes this a more refined show , but my hopes are n't too high . If it were n't for the game announcements , I would n't give @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ VGA 's has become . The list is n't bad , but it 's not all that great either . Most of my picks on that list were for Journey . One of the best games made this year ,
@@5115241 <h> Start small , launch and have no fear <p> Not too long ago I would never have said this : I love teaching . I 've been leading a digital strategy class at the University of Oregon since late 2010 after being invited to do so by the indomitable Professor Deborah Morrison . She worked on me for quite some time . I capitulated . <p> Last week Spring Term ended sending off 28 students of mine , who I now hope will spend quality time pondering advertising , apps , websites , user experience , digital products , mobile , designing for small screens and , most importantly , how the web and mobile are their own thing , in an entirely new light . <p> Each term when leading class I have to take two things into consideration : 1 . a 22 year old student has been immersed in an ever-expanding digital universe from the moment she took her first steps . 2 . I do n't believe one can be taught " digital marketing . " As my friend Justin Spohn has often said -- we ca n't learn " digital marketing , " @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ then is who knows more ? Me , with my 18 years or more of hands-on digital immersion or my students who have simply " lived " it ? I go with an acceptance that they have reached a remarkable level of digital cognition ; after all , anyone older than about 30 has had to immerse themselves into digital culture and adapt on the fly -- we were n't born into it . Today 's young people are already primed for a class like mine when they sign up . Where I may have a leg up is in my background of watching how at first people , and soon thereafter agencies and brands , gained an understanding of this brave new world that sat quite literally at their fingertips . People , or users , quickly took the lead in that race . <p> The good news is that everyone 's cognitive development re digital " anything " expands rapidly if one remains constantly curious and inquisitive . We ca n't deny the power of those brilliant digital platforms : they practically sing and hum with opportunity if @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ and hear their offerings . They 're no longer a mystery , they hide in plain sight . Unfortunately we 've seen marketers struggle with these platforms because when they see what they do , to them it does n't look like marketing . <p> That may seem like a harmless statement , but it 's not . I have a favorite example for why it is actually harmful -- Kodak . <p> All of the above is the basic foundation and roadmap for the class along with a nod to David Foster Wallace 's commencement speech , wherein he says you take a liberal arts education not just to gain an understanding of certain disciplines , but ultimately to learn how to think .. So in 10 short weeks the class has to whipsaw its way through the laundry list above . It can be frustrating for the students as they have to be willing to drop some deep assumptions , but it 's always enlightening for them . Me too , it 's a two-way street . <p> We cover a lot of ground . We have to @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ . Without trying to sound too pithy , we must never send generations of fresh minds out into the world thinking that Facebook is the be all and end all of digital " strategy . " It boils down to a simple question that 's hard to answer -- what is advertising today ? Then it gets more complicated -- where should it live ? Why ? The honest answer that you would get from me is that I 'm not yet certain . There can be no hard and fast rules in a developing medium , we have to rely on research and data but there 's endless opportunity and promise . Rather like the US Senator that quipped " I ca n't explain pornography but I know it when I see it .. " I find myself not wanting to describe advertising as that 's rather easy and obvious -- here 's a lovely , well-shot TV ad of a car etc -- so I know it when I see it . I 'm not sure that the Senator got to the same conclusion but I have to @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ There must be a better way . ( Ok , not so much for porn .. ) <p> Of course people still watch lots of TV and listen to the radio and speed past billboards , and direct mail is still effective ( often more so when measured against web banner CTR . ) The web and mobile do not replace any of those outlets because , up first as espoused by Paul Ford , the web is not a meta-TV , a meta-billboard , a meta-magazine etc , it 's its own thing . And so is mobile . Neither of those platforms are built for campaigns either . And that 's why marketers struggle with the web and mobile . ( NB : not all , but the majority . ) The lesson here is simple -- research what your customers are doing and where they 're doing it , then build for them and the platform . <p> I want to pause here for a second and mention media channels . I took a break from writing this post and followed up on reading a post from @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ teaching at Boston University and lays out some thoughts re creativity . One of the comments caught my eye . It was from Ben Kunz VP , Strategic Planning at Mediassociates and he made some interesting points : <p> " What I find interesting is that within ad agencies , 99% of the conversation about what they do is focused on " the creative idea , " and yet outside of ad agencies , 99% of what people talk about in communications is the change in media channels . " Edit " People are obsessed with media channels and tools ; agencies keep talking about ideas . Therein is a disconnect . The intersection of media channel and creative idea is rarely explained , although a few smart shops such as BBH Labs have discussed ending the top-down creative to media funnel and building a more integrated planning whole . " <p> What Ben would like to see is " .. how the construct of media channel and the pinnacle of brilliant creative inform each other , instead of the " idea " itself being something separate . " That @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ know is media channel planning has to be a part of your digital thing rollout . File under : How will they find it ? <p> Here 's a quick audacious aside : all media are now social so feel free to decouple the word social from media . <p> Back to the web Like my students , the web is an adolescent entering adulthood . Unlike my students it has had explosive growth . Like them it party 's like it 's 1999 , except it does that 24/7 . ( Although yes , I know , some students try .. ) Now regular readers of my posts will surely find the next few paragraphs as old news but I 'm writing this post mainly for those that are not aware of certain information so bear with me . <p> The Mosaic web browser arrived in 1993 and then we were off to the races . We can then argue that 2013 is the 20th anniversary of the public facing web . The age range of my students falls between 20 and 22 years old . <p> Through Web @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ to work out that the web as a platform is a gift to them . They did n't accept the gift . They did n't accept the gift because it did n't look anything at all like what they were used to and how they did it . An analogy : " I do n't fish , why did you give me a fishing rod ? " " Well if you learned to fish you might enjoy it , and once you get the hang of it it 's awesome ! And it gets better , you might also provide a fresh healthy meal for your family once in a while .. " " No thanks , I 'm used to buying fish at the market , you can take back your rod . " And so it went . <p> Except marketers did n't stop there . They decided they should take the fishing rod , repurpose it and force it to work for them . They wanted to own it . It owned them so they tried to ignore it . And so we had Web 1.0 . @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ , spurred on by the David Foster Wallace book , This Is Water mentioned above but also by the social media " expert 's " pitch to " Fish where the fish are . " The fish in this case really being Facebook users . Now I do n't know about you but I 'm not sure I want to fish in a pond that holds 900+ million " fish " with thousands of " anglers " dropping lines in it . The best fishing hole is the one that only you and a few friends know about . ) <p> And then Web 2.0 gave rise to a much more social web , providing open source applications , much improved user experience and more social sharing tools than you could wave a stick at . Not a bad thing at all , especially all the pretty looking websites ( I jest .. ) Except Web 2.0 gave rise to social media " experts " which was rather unfortunate . As I wrote above , the words social and media should be decoupled by now because the web has moved @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ of a stand-alone " social media " platform behind . And with the rapid take-up of mobile and the user experience around it , users have adapted to a whole different way of sharing . All media when shared is intrinsically social -- why else would you share it ? And there 's that user experience . In a post I wrote last week about the failure of Apple 's Ping , I came up with a little formula based on the three strikes rule in regard to asking users to share : One-click sharing should be the mantra . Two clicks maybe .. Three clicks your Pinged . I mean , come on , think about all of our fat-fingered friends on those small screens please . <p> Oh , and by the way -- new buzzword alert : " Curation . " <p> Anyway , as usual I digress . Web 1.0 tends to be assailed because companies and brands piled in to building websites that were basically company brochures : List of top management ? Check . Lots of drop-down menus that listed every nut , bolt @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ , especially animated gifs ? Check . Really bad navigation and UI/UX ? Check . The list goes on . We 've come a long way . And yet I ca n't help but wonder : if there is no huge shift toward Web 3.0 , aka the Semantic Web , because mobile Internet traffic is now fast overtaking desktop traffic , will we ever get there ? ( Semantic Web is more about computer-generated content which I 'm not going to delve into here . ) And if the Web 's rapid advance slows for a while , might we see well-designed company websites that echo Web 1.0 in terms of content ? By that I mean a return to a website that lists everything the company does -- a website as a simple repository of information about the company from top to bottom . That 's the web thing -- all the user value for the brand is delivered solely in mobile . Just a thought . <p> 52 Things I Learned in Digital Brand Strategy Class by Katie Rauber <p> Back to class . The image above @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ I took of a deck of cards that had been transformed ( transmediated ? ) by one of my students , Katie Rauber -- it was how she delivered her final essay . Each card holds a quote or phrase , mostly of mine , that she 'd noted and written down over the last 10 weeks . It 's a tactile thing and that of course differentiates it from a digital thing . Tactile trumps digital in this case , as in many : Katie 's deck of transformed laminated playing cards linked with metal clasps existed to me as soon as she put it in my hand . Your digital thing exists only as ones and zeros until I interact with it . That 's where digital scarcity becomes an issue : why should I interact with your thing ? How would I ever find it ? Why would I want to ? These are the very issues we spent a lot of time on in class . <p> Katie very smartly parsed and documented everything . ( Well not everything . If she 'd done that she @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ but you get the idea . ) As you wo n't have the privilege of holding this tactile object I 'll spell out those 52 insights , thoughts and quotes for you , with notes by me in parentheses : <p> 1 . There is nothing new in digital ( consider history and anthropology ) 2 . The Internet is challenging , not destroying journalism ( newspapers maybe , journalism no ) 3 . The Internet is the largest group of people who care about reading and writing ever assembled in history ( Clay Shirky ) 4 . There wo n't be a Web 3.0 ( See post ) 5 . Social networking is a feature , not a destination ( for your brand ) 6 . Find the problem . And solve it 7 . Dunbar 's Number : We can only stay in touch with 150 people ( Cognitively , that is .. ) 8 . The web is not some all-absorbing meta-medium ( Paul Ford ) 9 . Facebook has no tangible products , only advertising and users ( Revenue must come from ads , users may @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ use it ? Why will they use it ? Where will they use it ? How will they use it ? What 's its value ? ( Questions to ask before building a digital thing ) 11 . Brands using Facebook are being tactical not strategic 12 . Design for the user , UX is crucial 13 . There tends to be a lack of consideration of human behavior within online brand strategy 14 . YouTube : Everyday 8 years worth of video is uploaded ( As per Google .. ) 15 . The web is an anarchic , uncontrolled medium powered by people 16 . All of your brand consumer insights may be in 1% of the collected data 17 . Brands should wait to be invited to join in social networks ( An oldie and now redundant given that all media is social . Even less control for brands ) 18 . If your app comes with user how-to instructions it has failed 19 . Start small , launch and have no fear 20 . The power of suggestion is everywhere . Online , ' influencers ' can @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ your new website or your app solve for your customers/users ? 22 . Digital ca n't solve print media 's problems ( why should it ? ) 23 . All media is social 24 . By 2014 tablets will drive the most web traffic from mobile users ( Mary Meeker . Think iPad ) 25 . Mobile is now 26 . Online , the only thing that 's scarce is attention 27 . In digital we use behavior to reach people more effectively ( forget demographics , that 's a holdover from TV and print metrics. ) 28 . The Internet is a socio-cultural sphere not a subculture ( Zeynep Tufekci ) 29 . Radical transparency ( still valid ) 30 . Social is for people . Marketing is for brands 31 . We are social animals , technology simply shortens the distance between us 32 . Social media was offered as a ' solution ' to a ' problem ' that did n't exist ( see #31 ) 33 . The web is people-powered ( see #31 ) 34 . The web helps reduce the friction of communication and @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ 35 . It 's a basic human need to stay in touch with like-minded people ( see #31 ) 36 . Technology does n't drive our online interactions , we do 37 . Brands should have a robust mobile e-commerce strategy 38 . You ca n't blame technology because it does n't care 39 . The web is its own thing ( Paul Ford ) 40 . The social web is not going away ( social web companies will though .. ) 41 . The Internet does n't offer anything new in community building ( people build communities ) 42 . There are no rules to creativity 43 . Know your audience ( or else ) 44 . Start with a minimum viable product 45. 81% of the top global Internet sites are outside the USA 46 . You ca n't litigate human behavior 47 . Apps can be tested and analyzed then updated based on user use . You ca n't do that with print or TV 48. 1% of your consumer data may hold 99% of the best insights ( handle with care ) 49 . Ask : @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ with your brand ? 50 . The Internet is simply a platform ( handle with care ) 51 . Institutions will try to preserve the problem to which they are the solution ( Clay Shirky ) 52 . You ca n't learn digital marketing <p> And we can add a simple checklist of questions to this . Questions to ask before you embark on a new website or an app : <p> What problem does it solve ? Who will use it ? Why will they use it ? Where will they use it ? How will they find it ? What is its value ? <p> I 'll be spending summer working on ideas for my Fall class and I 'd like to leave you with this : Our memories and assumptions are untrustworthy . <h> Comments <p> great post . some media trivia that you probably know . 1950 there were 1.5 million tv 's in america . 1951 there were 15 million . department stores started offering credit . suddenly the networks had to produce things other than opera and drama . in order to pay for @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ has n't changed much since . only other media , especially digital has forced it to be different . but too many planners are trying to use the digital realm in the same interruptive and annoying manner . good media planners have asked for some time why and how people use specific media ; is it knowledge media , community media , story media etc. makes for a far more sound system . <p> Good point about TV and its rapid ramp up in adoption . To that point , marketers had to adapt to a new platform almost instantly or get left in the dust -- and they did adapt . What we see now is an almost similar adoption rate of the web by people/users , but not the same embrace of the platform that we saw with TV . That suggests the discomfort that marketers have with the Web or they 're conflicted by having to work with the old and the new .. <p> ... One of his most recent posts includes fifty-two maxims about marketing , the internet , technology and more -- pretty amazing @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ of a freelancer trying to market services and products . One of the biggest problems for some freelancers -- I 'm thinking of freelance writers and editors here -- is catching up with the ever-evolving online world , its aesthetics , and its demands when it comes to keeping yourself and your brand as a freelancer as viable as possible . ... <p> I have now come back to this post two or three times . Adding it to my Readability and Springpad and the places I save important stuff . This is good . I will use it
@@5115341 <p> " Really , seriously , you 're not asking me about Hostess Twinkies are you ? " Christie said . " You think you 're getting me behind this microphone having me talk about Twinkies ? This is a setup , man , I know it ! You people are the worst -- this is a setup ! I am not answering questions on Twinkies ! No , no , no , no -- it 's bad that I even said the word Twinkie from behind this microphone ! <p> I 'm not trying to be mean , but I know there are some serious problems with discipline in a person as large as Christie . I think he loves power , it 's intoxicating to him , and if he has a large Muslim pop . in NJ he 's going to pander to it . I think in his quest for power and to ' be a great governor ' ( nothing wrong with that ) he forgot LOYALTY and since he IS his world , it probably would never occur to him that he hurt Romney by cowtowing to that poor example in the WH @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ and NY shores are getting some help . I know they will come out of this experience a lot better as people as harsh as that sounds ( those who have made it ) but we need to keep PRAYING ! ! ALSO We must PRAY for ISRAEL and the situation there . Horrible , ignorant minions of Satan again . GOD is the only answer , folks . And regardless of what the poor , uninformed trolls on this blog say , or how much they say , they simply can not prove that GOD does not exist ! ! Draw closer to Him this weekend and next week and see if by one week from now you do n't agree . GOD BLESS US ALL . <p> and for CHRISTIE : TRY : PROVERBS 28:7 ( for those who do n't know ... everything about LIFE is covered in the Bible ! ) HAPPY THANKSGIVING -- REMEMBER BENGHAZI ! Pathetic that we have a president who held back on defending our own men because he did n't want that Terrorist Taint to harm his election . That 's @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Christie can hide his thoughts but not his girth . We were all into his " no nonsense approach " in the beginning , but that slobbering toward obama was more than I could stomach . <p> I did read ( tri-ox &; momrules ) about BNI ( barenakedislam ) post and it 's an eye opener about Christi and what his true beliefs are . yikes ! That Jill in Fla. is called a dhimmi christian in a post too . If we love this Country , we should let each other know how important it is to look this stuff up so we can be more aware of what 's happening to our Country ( faster than we 'd ever know , I 'm afraid . ) Does anyone remember Tokyo Rose ? <p> Speaking of Twinkies .... I was at the Wonderbread outlet to pick up some bread and the parking lot was full of folks 1/2 hour before opening time to get their last load of Twinkies and various Hostess goodies ... I got news for Ya 'll .... Some competitor will surely by the rights @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ months and you 'll be getting them from the competitor ... <p> Actually all complacent Americans happy with their bread and circuses are to blame . Historically , to combat your enemy , you divide the country . This has happened . You control the media . This also has happened . You attack religion and morals . Done . You create confusion . Definitely done . You continue to spread propaganda in the four stages strategy . This is a quote from a Professor who examined the propaganda from WW II and Cold War . " The first level is the Big Lie , adapted by Hitler and Stalin . For example , the state-controlled Egyptian press has been spreading a Big Lie , saying the World Trade Center was attacked by Israel to embarrass Arabs , " <p> " The second layer says , ' It does n't have to be the truth , so long as it 's plausible . ' <p> " The third strategy is to tell the truth but withhold the other side 's point of view . <p> " The fourth and most @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ the bad , the losses and the gains . <p> Contact your congress every time you see an injustice . Make them listen . Most importantly , educate yourself . <p> REPAIRSEA : You have all the talking points most do n't even bother with . We ca n't idolize people in D.C. anymore than we should idolize those idiots in Hollywood . There are so few people I really have faith in anymore . We have to support the good and decent people who 're doing their best to keep America on track , to follow our Constitution and Bill of Rights . So many 49%+ only want all their free stuff and do n't care about anyone else or anything . The rest of us have become so complacent or discouraged ? I hope not . We ca n't let the ENEMY get a larger foot-hold on this Nation . We are the World 's watchdog , there to help whomever needs it and have taken our eyes off our own Country . Time to wake up and think about what this Country was founded on , for @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ <p> You 've got it all figured out , right Christie ? Just kiss Obama 's ring , help him get re-elected and you 've won over the hearts of the Democrats , which will surely help your chances of getting re-elected Gov. , or maybe in your run for president ? Have you forgotten how well it worked out for Spector ? <p> He thinks by supporting Obama , then in 2016 ( if Obama decides not to run again or if the one world government has n't started .... because if that happens then we know Obama will be campaigning for that position .... after all he is the " Chosen One " ) Christie hopes that some democrats will see how he accepted Obama with open arms and will decide to vote for him in the 2016 Presidential race . <p> Actually he does have it figured right . Develop man-love for the leader of the dem party so it is easier to make the transition to that party . You could see that coming shortly after his election and closing of the the coal-fired plants in @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ is that what we use for reasonable commentary &; discussion on this website ? Your not the only one reducing political discussion to it 's basest name calling kindergarten level and I 'm hopeful that you do n't represent the majority . <p> As for the story itself , I agree it 's not much of a story although he was probably right that he was being setup . <p> Oldpharto ........ you are a spineless little person with no moral compass . The Tea Party stands for personal responsibility , limited government and lower taxes . If a moron like you ca n't see that you are being raped by your government that says a lot . Spineless little sheeple wants the nanny state to take care of you cradle to grave . In the future that will be about minus six months . JAGOV <p> Im sure you are over joyed that people are going to lose their jobs , because Stalin Obama is in office . The only one laughing is America 's enemies because they are watching this country fall apart without having to fire one @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ a brain already . Pick up a history book and see what entitlement programs do . They make things worse , not better . You do n't care as long as you get your free handouts from the government , right ? Well pretty soon you will have to stand in soup lines . How is that for free handouts ? Thats socialism , enjoy ! ! ! <p> Old ... you are ignorant ... MANY Tea-Party aligned groups and people have ALWAYS warned that Christie was a Progressive in Tea clothing and that one day he would cave and return to his roots . The slight by Romney in not picking him as VP and the chance provided by Sandy to get NJ LOTS of money finally pushed Christie back onto the Progressive Plantation ... Sure he causes them grief at times and does n't tow the union line ... but many Dem mayors and governors are doing the same thing because they see the peril to their city or state . But do n't worry , the back door deals have built in fail safes for the unions @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ dies down and the people go back to sleep . Why do you think that only in WI where you have a TRUE Conservative as governor that you has protests but not in NY or CA or many other hardcore liberal states and cities that had to make " emergency measures " to cut spending ? CA was ready to literally storm the mansion and hang Arnie when he tried to cut spending to balance the budget in 2008 . When he lost at the polls , they still called for his head and fought him everyday until he left in 2010 . But when Gov . Moonbeam Jerry Brown does the same thing ... do you head ONE noise from the NEA , CTA , or state employee unions ... NO ... why ... because they know they get it all back PLUS more once the people go back to sleep ... <p> The middle east is on fire , tens of thousands are losing their jobs , the economy is on its way to hell on a greased poll and we 're worried about a juvenile delinquent reporter @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ for it .... It is no one 's fault that they believed Ovomit 's lies but their own , now they reap what they have sown ... and every single time I hear a business has laid off , or closed it 's doors .... I let them KNOW " Ovomit BUILT THAT " -- and YOU put him back in office ! <p> This guy is a complete joke . He 's a narcissist ASS parading around in an elephant costume . He 's from the NE ! ! Look at his policies ... the only reason he has R behind his name is because it was his only way of challenging Corzine . He 's a complete joke ... it 's so sad that conservatives think he 's something he 's not ! <p> The truly crazy thing in my opinion , New Jersey will dump him at the end of his term and go for the next clown with a " D " next to his name but , will be a hundred times worse on everything you just described . You know , somebody like Corzine @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ the caving in to the unions , vetoing bills to help small businesses , I 'm done defending him . In two years if there 's a real Republican running against him , I 'll vote against Christie . <p> I have lost all respect for Chris Christy . It was a question regarding a company going under because of the policies of Obama and the influence of gangster union bosses that are affiliated with Christy 's BFF
@@5115441 <h> Sep 7 , 2012 <h> The Dark Knight Rises ( and he takes his time ... ) <p> directed by Christopher Nolan / starring everyone who has even starred in anything at all <p> Warning : A bit of a SPOILER ALERT . Also , beware of the total lack of sensible analysis . <p> I feel I could 've written this post before I even before saw the film . I had strong expectations about how I would react to Nolan 's Batman number three , and they ended up holding almost 100 % true . Would 've loved to surprise myself , but nah . Maybe some other time . <p> Let me first briefly review the history me and Nolan 's Batman movies share . I saw about half of Batman Begins something like a century ago ( okay , five or six years might be more accurate ) , but never got to finish it because I had to return the loaned DVD ( or VHS or film reel , or whatever people watched movies on on 2006 ) to the store . As far as I can remember , this has been the @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ did n't have the time to finish the movie . I do n't really remember anything at all about Batman Begins . The villain might have been called the Scarecrow , or something , and he was something like the Boggart in Harry Potter . Maybe . I could and very well suspect myself to be wrong . I 'm too lazy to check . <p> The Dark Knight I did see , the whole thing , and also more than once , in cinema first and then a couple of times on DVD . And yeah , it 's a good film , but I doubt I ever would 've bothered to watch it more than once had n't it been for Heath Ledger . Because almost all the charm in the movie , for me , relies on the Joker . <p> So , when it comes to me and Nolan 's Batman , you can hardly talk about a love story of a lifetime . Now we come to the third movie , The Dark Knight Rises , which I saw last weekend . I know I @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ world saw the film ages ago , but it only arrived to this far-away part of the universe ( also known as China ) earlier last week . ( And you know , going to the movies here always presents a bit of a challenge . ( And you can only get SWEET popcorn , uuugh wtf ! ) ) I went to the cinema knowing I would have to spend three freaking hours there , and that I probably would n't enjoy all of those hours . I still would have to see it , of course , because , duh , it 's Nolan 's Batman , and of course I would appreciate the quality of it . And then , by the end of it , I would again be left wondering what it is that all the other movie fans in the world see that I fail to . And so it was . <p> The biggest problem in the film , for me , was obvious : 165 minutes ? ? Seriously , Nolan , give me a break . The noble Sir Batman could @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ bet I would 've enjoyed myself twice as much had I missed the first half of the running time . The other half was pretty good and excting , but I even do n't remember what happened during that first hour and a half . Let me see ... Anne Hathaway pretended to be a waitress . I remember Michael Caine talking about stuff and having fantasies about Europe . That 's all that comes to mind . At least the second half had that cool Star-Spangled Banner scene . Otherwise all that action and ka-ba-boom mostly just managed to bore me , like the case usually is . And Batman and Bane both had such boring fighting techniques . No special , cool weapons , no agile jumps , no clever tricks and tacticts . Just brutal power , yaaarrrr . Boring ! <p> Speaking of Batman and Bane , or Bale and Bane . I think seeing Bale in The Flowers of War helped me get over some of the problems I 've had with him in the past . I did n't really mind him as Bruce @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ is another story , but oh well , I just ca n't stand the way he talks when he 's got his suit on . Annoyingly ridiculous . Bane is an alright villain . But it 's a tough job to follow Heath Ledger 's Joker . Plus I had difficulties understanding what he says . Subtitles would 've been great ! I mean subtitles in a language other than Chinese . <p> Joseph Gordon-Lewitt 's young and noble-minded police officer is good-looking seems a bit one-layered and clicheed for a film like this . But of course I liked him , because he 's a likable character , and I like characters who are obviously likable . It 's always a pleasure , of course , to watch such veteran actors as Morgan Freeman , Michael Caine and Gary Oldman . Anne Hathaway and Marion Cotillard looked super beautiful , all the time , and so did all the other females in the movie . Oh wait , there were no one else . So yeah . <p> Another problem was that too much of the time I did @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ thanks to Makuuni , and their 7pm deadline . Had it been 8pm , I would 've had time to finish Batman Begins once upon a time in 2006 and today I would 've caught all the references and understood the movie better and certainly liked it better , and would n't have been so confused about why Cillian Murphy suddenly appeared to do one scene out of the blue . So thanks a lot , Makuuni . If this was America I 'd sue . <p> So , I guess you can tell that I was n't exactly blown away by the movie . Sure , the quality of it was great . There were some fascinating ideas and concepts ; like that prison was wonderfully horrid . But , although I do know it 's just the thing that makes Nolan 's Batman movies stand out , I 'm not too much in love with the seriousness of it all . I like my comic book adaptions and superhero movies made a bit more tongue-in-cheek . After all , we 're talking about grown men wearing animal costumes @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Knight Rises is one of the most stupidly and borigly named films ever . I hope Nolan makes one more film set in Batman 's world and calls it Robin Falls Down . <h> 1 comment : <p> I kind of agree , it was n't really mind-blowing , but I have to admit I enjoyed it . I 'm not the biggest Batman fan , I remember seeing the first part of the trilogy ages ago and then watched the Dark Knight the night before I went to see Dark Knight Rises with my friends ( they wanted to see it , it was a cheap day at Finnkino ) It was ok , but I think I 'm not going to watch it again . Joseph Gordon-Lewitt
@@5115541 <h> Love in the time of occupation <h> By Julie Cortez , El Hispanic News <p> Romeo ( Daniel Jos Molina ) and Juliet ( Alejandra Escalante ) are overjoyed that they are to be married . Photo by Jenny Graham , Oregon Shakespeare Festival <p> Ashland , OR -- They may be living under the heel of their newly-arrived U.S. occupiers in the aftermath of the Mexican-American War , but the wealthy Montagues and Capulets are still clinging to their " ancient grudge " and carrying on a war of their own in the Oregon Shakespeare Festival 's production of " Romeo and Juliet . " <p> Hidalgos , haciendas , vaqueros -- this " Romeo and Juliet " is set in the society not of Italianos but of Californios , the Spanish-speaking Mexicans who settled Alta California before the United States went all Manifest Destiny on the region . <p> In " fair Verona " -- a mid-19th Century town in Alta California -- Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet fall head-over-spurs in love , despite Don Capulet 's plans to assure his family 's continued prominence in the new power structure by wedding Juliet to Captain Paris @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Prince . <p> It may not be set in the period William Shakespeare originally intended , but this " Romeo and Juliet " is most certainly a period piece -- and a bit of a history lesson . <p> " I was really delighted that it was not just period , but a period that I think is quite unfamiliar to people , " says Daniel Jos Molina , who , just a year out of college , landed the role of Romeo in his first season with OSF . <p> Alejandra Escalante , Juliet to Molina 's Romeo , adds : " It 's almost like unearthing some mystical time that nobody really knows much about . " In her second season with OSF , Escalante is similarly grateful for the glimpse of a largely-ignored chapter of history . <p> " I remember in high school literally having like a paragraph on the Mexican-American War , " she says . " And my father was Mexican , so that 's the information that I got , which is obviously one very specific point of view . He was very @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Escalante is also half Argentinean and Molina was born in the Dominican Republic , so they have welcomed the opportunity to connect with their characters more deeply by slipping in some Spanish phrases and touches of Hispanic culture . <p> " It resonates , at least for us , which I think lets us show it to the audience more , " Escalante says . " It 's this weird , very strong point of pride within us to be able to do these roles . " Predictably , their excitement about the cultural changes is not universally felt . Escalante has heard some grumbling about " another Latino Shakespeare . " ( Last season OSF put a Latino spin on " Measure for Measure . " ) <p> " It does n't shove the culture and the setting down your throat , " Molina says . " All the elements of ' Romeo and Juliet ' are still able to happen in this setting . We still get the sword fights . We still get the excruciating summer heat . " <p> Youngsters in love <p> We also get @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ of young , awkward , love-struck kids . Molina recalls seeing productions in which it seemed the lead characters were fully aware theirs is " the greatest love story . " <p> " It 's like immediately they know they 're in ' Romeo and Juliet ' and that 's so not what excited me about the play , " he says . " What excited me ... was the messiness and the impetuosity and the ' I do n't have the words to say it ' and all those insecurities that happen at such an awkward age . " Juliet is 13 and Romeo probably a little older , and at 24 and 23 , respectively , Escalante and Molina have n't put enough time between them and their adolescence yet to forget what it was like to be ruled by hormone swings and great big feelings . <p> " I think I was probably pretty annoying at 13 , " says Escalante , who portrays Juliet as a feisty , somewhat loud-mouthed girl , brimming with confidence but also nave and unpolished . " I know that I @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ But , I think in the same way that Juliet at very first starts out , I really did want to make my parents happy . ... There was nothing about me that wanted to ruffle my parents ' feathers . " <p> Then , something flipped the dreaded teen switch . For Juliet , Escalante suggests , it was falling in love . <p> " All of a sudden you feel like , ' Now it 's time to rebel ! ' " she says . " There 's definitely a lot of me in that . There 's no age when you are more extreme . In one second you are sobbing on the ground ... saying ' I just might as well die ! ' And then the next moment you 're just jumping for joy . It 's like being bipolar . " <p> For Molina , playing a far-from-smooth , self-deprecating , self-pitying Romeo meant ignoring " everything that I had learned in school about " ' real Shakespeare . ' You plant ! And you speak ! " he says in a deep , @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ No , no , I was not confident at all at 16 , 17 . " <p> " It 's almost bigger than the play , " he says , adding that luckily he and Escalante were " able to do it like it is happening for the first time . That scene , more than any scene in the play , it 's not clean . There are all these emotions flying . He 's gon na go away , but she calls him back , and she does n't remember what she was going to say to him and he does n't quite know how to tell her how much he loves her . It 's not secure ; it 's very insecure . It 's very flighty and crazy . But that 's what love at that age is . " <p> Yet a love story that has endured and resonated across centuries has to have depth , even when it centers on a couple of inexperienced teenagers . <p> Escalante credits director Laird Williamson for encouraging them to take a more " neutral " approach to @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ putting so much of ourselves onto it , " she recalls , " and kind of making it more about , ' Create the love . Make the love as powerful , as real , as intense as possible . ' " <p> Once the characters were grounded and believable , he allowed them to tap into their inner crazy kids . <p> " If you go too far in either direction , " Escalante says , " you kind of have a disaster . " And
@@5115641 <h> MYSTAGOGY <p> If you enjoy Mystagogy 's ongoing exploration of Orthodox Christian and other related themes , please consider making a donation to help continue this ministry and defray the time and costs associated with this project . <h> OPTIONS <p> You can purchase a voluntary monthly " subscription " ( the most helpful option ) : <h> Subscribe To <h> Tuesday , February 9 , 2010 <h> That There Are No Contradictions in Holy Scripture <p> by Saint Peter of Damascus <p> Whenever a person even slightly illumined reads the Scriptures or sings psalms he finds in them matter for contemplation and theology , one text supporting another . But he whose intellect is still unenlightened thinks that the Holy Scriptures are contradictory . Yet there is no contradiction in the Holy Scriptures : God forbid that there should be . For some texts are confirmed by others , while some were written with reference to a particular time or particular person . Thus every word of Scripture is beyond reproach . The appearance of contradiction is due to our ignorance . We ought not to find fault with the Scriptures , but to the limit of @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ , and not as we would like them to be , after the manner of the Greeks and Jews . For the Greeks and Jews refused to admit that they did not understand , but out of conceit and self-satisfaction they found fault with the Scriptures and with the natural order of things , and interpreted them as they saw fit and not according to the will of God . As a result they were led into delusion and gave themselves over to every kind of evil ( c.f. Romans 1 ) . <p> The person who searches for the meaning of the Scriptures will not put forward his own opinion , bad or good ; but , as St. Basil the Great and St. John Chrysostom have said , he will take as his teacher , not the learning of this world , but Holy Scripture itself . Then if his heart is pure and God puts something unpremeditated into it , he will accept it , providing he can find confirmation for it in the Scriptures , as St. Anthony the Great says . For St. Isaac says @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ the intellects of those pursuing a life of stillness are to be accepted ; but that to investigate and then to draw one 's own conclusions is an act of self-will and results in material knowledge . <p> This is especially the case if a person does not approach the Scriptures through the door of humility but , as St. John Chrysostom says , climbs up some other way , like a thief , and forces them to accord with his allegorizing . For no one is more foolish than he who forces the meaning of the Scriptures or finds fault with them so as to demonstrate his own knowledge - or , rather , his own ignorance . What kind of knowledge can result from adapting the meaning of the Scriptures to suit one 's own likes and from daring to alter their words ? The true sage is he who regards the text as authoritative and discovers , through the wisdom of the Spirit , the hidden mysteries to which the divine Scriptures bear witness . <p> The three great luminaries , St. Basil the Great , St. @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ examples of this : they base themselves either on the particular text they are considering or on some other passage of Scripture . Thus no one can contradict them , for they do not adduce external support for what they say , so that it might be claimed that it was merely their own opinion , but refer directly to the text under discussion or to some other scriptural passage that sheds light on it . And in this they are right ; for what they understand and expound comes from the Holy Spirit , of whose inspiration they have been found worthy . No one , therefore , should do or mentally assent to anything if its integrity is in doubt and can not be attested from Scripture . For what is the point of rejecting something whose integrity Scripture clearly attests as being in accordance with God 's will , in order to do something else , whether
@@5115741 <h> Q &A; with the Interim Director of the Nurse Educator Program <p> Nurse educators combine their clinical expertise with their passion for teaching . We 're pleased to share with you some reflections on the current state of this important role from the interim director of the Nurse Educator program , John Rosselli , MS , RN , CFNP , ACRN , CNE . <p> Why should someone consider pursuing a nurse educator role ? <p> We need more nurse educators to train the next generation of nurses . If we do n't increase the number of nurse educators , we will continue to be forced to limit student capacity , which only adds to the growing nursing shortage . <p> It can not be underestimated the important role nurse educators play in providing quality educational experiences to the current and next generation of nurses . The profession is looking for nurses who are willing to combine their clinical expertise with their passion for teaching others -- nurses just like you . <p> Some are concerned that becoming a nurse educator means you can no longer continue practicing . Is this the case ? <p> The old adage @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ " does not hold true in the profession of nursing . Many nurses continue to care for patients in practice setting and the community after they become educators . If they choose to no longer practice , nurse educators must stay clinically current with the new nursing methods and technologies through continuing education programs and clinical specialty conferences . Nurse educators remain on the leading edge of clinical practice . <p> What are the possible career paths for a nurse educator ? <p> Nurse educators work in the faculty role in formal academic programs that lead to a degree or certificate . Nurse educators also work as professional staff development specialists within health care facilities ( e.g. , hospitals , extended nursing facilities ) where they teach professional continuing education programs designed to meet individual professional leaning needs . Some nurse educators work as community educators who work with communities to increase awareness of health and wellness . <p> What makes the Nursing@Georgetown Nurse Educator program special ? <p> What makes the Nursing@Georgetown Nurse Educator program special is its commitment to provide an opportunity for potential students to combine their @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ professional development settings . Students seeking a master 's degree take core courses in advanced pharmacology , pathophysiology , health assessment , and other areas that build a framework for excellence in nursing education practice . <p> The Nurse Educator program specialty coursework provides opportunities for students to master skills important to the nurse educator professional . Students will learn about curriculum development , the teaching and learning process , simulation , classroom management , and the fundamentals of nursing education leadership . <p> Each student will be responsible for completing 275 practicum hours . Each practicum experience will provide students with opportunities to practice the skills they learn in the classroom setting . Practicum activities include the development and facilitation of learning modules , the use of instructional technologies , and the design and implementation of simulation experiences and distance learning modules . <p> The program is also committed to offering opportunities in global service learning . <p> We invite you to learn more about the Nursing@Georgetown program ,
@@5115841 <p> Never enough time , never enough energy , never enough laughter , never enough love . . . trying to capture the memories in the middle of the madness ! <h> Monday , November 15 , 2010 <h> One of those things . . . <p> This blog has become one of those things . . . you know the things you think about at the end of the day , the little side chores that you keep putting off because they are n't that important . I think about it and want to do it , but when the day is done and I have a few spare moments , it 's not high enough on the priority list to require action . So , in keeping with my Relief Society lesson that we need to slow down and evaluate what is truly important in our lives , I have decided to let my " tight like unto a dish " blog sail quietly away into obscurity . I enjoy writing it , but I do n't enjoy the sense of guilt or neglect that I have when I do n't . I am in no way @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ time or unimportant because I learn new things all the time from those who are willing to put their knowledge out there on a blog . All I 'm saying is that for me , at this point in my life , this blog is an " extra " , something that can be let go , fairly painlessly , to relieve the stress of feeling like I have to do it all , be it all , have it all . Thanks for the laughs and the tears and putting up with my insanity ! I 'll still be around , going through all the same old stuff . . . . just a little more quietly , <h> 1 comment : <h> Jeremy <p> My fantastic husband ; I could n't pick anyone better to share the moments of my life , good and bad . <h> Kadin <p> My little monkey . . . he makes me laugh , he makes me cry , and I love him to pieces ! ! <h> Kylee <p> This little girl has plenty of personality and attitude ; it 's @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ our family <p> Life is pretty darn great in our little family of four ! We certainly have our ups and downs like anyone else , but we celebrate every joy and learn from every challenge together . I am
@@5115941 <h> September 10 , 2012 <h> On the Possibility of a Single Perfect Being <p> This is ( sort of ) a re-post . I say " sort of " because I have mentioned this argument before . But I have strengthened and tightened it ( or have tried to ) . So here it is in its current form . The argument crucially depends on what I call the Endowment Thesis : <p> ( 1 ) x has value iff x has value by virtue of being endowed value by one or more agents <p> Unpacking the Endowment Thesis in two parts . First , necessary and sufficient for anything to have value is the existence of one or more agents . As such , the Endowment Thesis entails that value is a relational property . Second , the " by virtue of " here picks out the grounding relation , where explanatory asymmetricality obtains between modally symmetrical relata . Of the relation between x 's having value and x 's being endowed value by one or more agents , the following is true : ( i ) neither can exist without the other , and ( ii @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ why x has value , but x 's having value does not explain the endowing activity of the agents . Carrying on , where G is God , now assume with all theists that <p> ( 2 ) There is a possible world in which G has value <p> where G is a lonely object ( an object with no wholly-distinct worldmates . So , God sans creation , say ) . I take many of the properties thought to be perfections of God , such as happiness , generosity , love , goodness , benevolence , etc. to all be species of the value genus . Now , a lonely object can have a relational properties only if it has proper parts . From ( 1 ) and ( 2 ) it follows that G has proper parts , and that G has value by virtue of being endowed value by one or more agents . It is a tautological implication of ( 1 ) that <p> ( 3 ) Either G has value by virtue of being endowed value by one agent , or G has value by @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ <p> We can eliminate the former disjunct by reductio . Assume it is true . If G has value by virtue of being endowed value by one agent , then G , as a lonely object , has value by virtue of endowing himself value . But this is not possible , because the grounding relation is irreflexive . Thus , <p> ( 4 ) Therefore , It is not possible that G has value by virtue of being endowed value by one agent ( 5 ) Therefore , G has value by virtue of being endowed value by more than one agent <p> The most natural application of the preceding is to see God as the whole of which at last two agents are proper parts . As far as philosophical arguments go , I think this is a pretty good argument . A slightly more fleshed out version of the above can be found here , which I hope to present soon at a conference . A long-winded , less tightly-argued but more philosophically rich version can be found here , which I do not hope to present @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Like this : <p> I do n't see how this goes . The grounding claim would be that &lt;G endows G with value&gt; grounds &lt;G has value&gt; . I do n't see any issue with irreflexivity . Unless you assume that part of what grounds endowing with value is having value , and those who subscribe to the Endowment Thesis will deny this , since it leads to a regress . <p> I should hope so ( if I understand you correctly , I think I do just that in the paper ) : I think only multi-agent models can secure a claim of the form : X endows G with value explains G has value . So I do n't want to argue for claim that in general X endows G with value does not explain G has value . My argument against ( 2 ) is that it is the particular case of G endows G with value that fails to explain G has value . <p> Might the theist not just say that God has no value absent creation , and then claim that the expression of @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ , but maintain that God has no real relations with the world ( thus God , for instance , never changes does not become the creator or become the savior , or ' become ' anything at all ) ? As far as I can tell William Lane Craig has identified this view as entertained by St. Thomas Aquinas . Also , along the same lines , could n't one agent who is not God be the grounding for the value relation , and if so , what of premise 4 ? <p> Tyler , I would consider the argument a smashing success if it resulted in the theist conceding that God has no value absent creation . It would effectively answer " yes " to
@@5116041 <h> Just another WordPress.com weblog <h> =================== <h> " Raising the Debt Ceiling " For Dummies <h> July 30 , 2011 <h> Lost in all the politics of raising the debt ceiling is a simple understanding of why it is so dangerous to do so . <h> The government-controlled media is trying to ensure that the public does n't have the facts , lacks a clear understanding of the problem and chooses sides based on emotion . <p> The fact is , at the end of 2008 , the Congressional Budget Office ( CBO ) reported , " At the end of 2008 , that debt equaled 40 percent of the nation 's annual economic output ( a little above the 40-year average of 37 percent ) . Since then , the figure has shot upward : By the end of fiscal year 2011 , the Congressional Budget Office ( CBO ) projects federal debt will reach roughly 70 percent of gross domestic product ( GDP ) -- the highest percentage since shortly after World War II . " <p> The entire US Gross Domestic Product ( GDP ) for 2010 was $14.62 Trillion . The US debt ceiling @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ May of 2011 . Obama and Congress will be raising the debt ceiling well above our US GDP . Does this make America economically stronger or weaker ? <p> To clarify what the rating agencies said , " Standard &; Poor 's and Moody 's credit rating services issued warnings that United States could be downgraded because of the continued large deficits and increasing debt . " <p> To say that our government is simply spending more than it takes in is an understatement when it comes to the out-of-control spending we 've experienced under President Obama ; what he 's doing is dangerous . He has spent about $12.2 Trillion in just 3 years ; that 's $5.15 Trillion more than the approximate $7.05 Trillion that was given to him by taxpayers . <p> Obama has made America the largest debtor-nation in the history of the world and fully intends to keep spending . <p> To put this into perspective , let 's look at it this way ... It 's like a person spending $86,500 a year when they only bring home $50,000 . How long will creditors @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ person says they refuse to meaningfully cut their spending and instead expects to increase it every year ? <p> Let 's look at it another way ... It took roughly 220 years for our nation to accumulate $5.181 Trillion in debt which occurred in 1996 . From 1996 to the end of 2008 ( 12 years ) , another $4.473 Trillion was added to our national debt , which is why we screamed for Bush to stop spending . Obama is adding $5.15 Trillion in just 3 years . What he 's doing is dangerous . <p> So , if you 're not screaming for Obama to stop spending , why not ? Raising the debt ceiling without significant strings attached gives him the blank checks he needs to plunge us even further into debt . He refuses to cut spending and dishonestly threatens our creditors , seniors and others in hopes they 'll support him out of fear . He 's historic alright ; no President in the history of our nation has ever threatened its citizens or its creditors in this way . <p> Obama is n't spending @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ poor , seniors , veterans , homeless , minorities or others we care deeply about . Here 's just a taste of his real priorities ... where he 's been spending our money and what our kids and grandkids will be expected to repay for decades to come : <p> $400 million -- Michelle Obama 's Food Deserts to open government food stores that are closer to urban areas to save residents the 5 extra minutes of driving time that it takes to get to their existing , privately owned store . <p> $880 Billion is being spent on these items alone in 2011 . Are these discretionary expenditures worthy of collapsing America 's economy at a time when we need to reign in spending ? If Obama continues to refuse to cut spending , that 's just what will happen . <p> Do n't be fooled by the propaganda coming from Obama and his regime -- to include his MoveOn.org pals . They 're doing George Soros ' bidding . If you have n't heard , Soros wants a ' managed decline ' of our dollar and an economic @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ are clearly leading to what Soros wants . <p> It 's dangerous to raise the debt ceiling without significant cuts and caps on Obama 's spending and a legislative balanced-budget amendment to prevent future Presidents from doing what Obama 's doing to America . <h> Government 's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases : If it moves , tax it . If it keeps moving , regulate it . And if it stops moving , subsidize it . <h> Entrepreneurs and their small enterprises are responsible for almost all the economic growth in the United States . <h> *** <h> No government ever voluntarily reduces itself in size . Government programs , once launched , never disappear . Actually , a government bureau is the nearest thing to eternal life we 'll ever see on this earth ! Ronald Reagan <h> ***** <h> How do you tell a communist ? Well , it 's someone who reads Marx and Lenin . And how do you tell an anti-Communist ? It 's someone who understands Marx and Lenin . <h> " The liberties of @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ worth defending at all hazards ; it is our duty to defend them against all attacks . We have received them as a fair inheritance from our worthy ancestors . They purchased them for us with toil and danger and expense of treasure and blood . It will bring a mark of everlasting infamy on the present generation -- enlightened as it is -- if we should suffer them to be wrested from us by violence without a struggle , or to be
@@5116141 <h> Two iPhones , two iTunes accounts , want to be able to share calanders <p> My wife is going to get an iPhone this week . All of our photos , music and calendar is kept on one iTunes account . Is there a way she can use her own iTunes account and still be
@@5116241 <h> As soon as ancient auto tires are worn down as well as destroyed to the issue <p> Numerous people do n't know tire recycling plans in their own individual online communities still receiving wheels out from our landfills is important . Either by an eco and also economic mindset ; recycle used little bit auto tires would make wise practice . What proportion can certainly possibly be re-cycled , while ? You could be astonished that virtually 100% with auto tires might be reused employing progressive approaches , and a lot of new services are usually created from recycled added wheels . Even more , procedures might be pollutants totally free . This means developing new services minus an unfavorable affect on a person 's and also carbon foot print . New services coming from Little bit Rubber Car tires Central the different parts of wheels involve fibres ( as well as polyester or perhaps nylon ) , metallic , and naturally , rubber . The fact is , a regular All day and pound get tired produces in relation to Twelve lbs connected with silicone , 6 weight involving metallic plus Several kilos connected with much needed @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ to remain in countless products and solutions company , they usually are obtained from this added wheels inside a doable , enviroment liable approach . Most of these raw materials , in return , can be used as most important advices to create totally new products . The principle removed portion -- high-quality rubberized ( blank ) can often produce particular things like plastic compost for landscaping/gardens ; plastic areas to get play areas ; powerplant parts ; sub-flooring as well as roads base additive . Reusable material through work extremely well within many methods , as can fibre resources . People today as well as Organizations may Reuse Utilized Wheels for " Zero Waste " Throughout North america and also the People , plans exist for the simple range along with thoughts connected with utilised as well as discarded rubber car tires . People need to look for get tired variety services and quite often might be called by way of the city to some store and also tire recycling companion inside the town . Normally , program areas and car ports are debt collectors . Any time updating @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ recycling . By simply joining up using fatigue recyclers , these kinds of " collectors " of auto tires could earn profits pertaining to moving these together to help these recycling providers exactly who consequently market the particular produced content for the creation of brand-new , valuable merchandise . Form financial profit , the environmental benefit for diverting almost every discarded wheel can be immense . Inside of a dump , it will get " an eternity " for the tires to help rot . Just about any group which has a intention to diverting the maximum amount of squander coming from garbage dump as it can be possible incorporates a formal tire disposal enter in place , in any other case for the talk about or perhaps provincial degree . Tire Recycling is really what you consider it is : The recycling involving tires . Easy enough , no ? The main strategy should be to recycling this four tires regarding vehicles which have been do not fitted for motor vehicles considering that the have on or maybe the punctures this wheel has . These kinds of added wheels @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ frustrating content of throw away since they are created which has a significant volume &; tend not to genuinely have a terrific toughness proportion due to the fact individuals are obtaining brand-new tires regularly . The attributes usually are the reason Employed Wheels re-useable throw away . Ever since the silicone is quite flexible , sturdy , &; durable , this makes it practical for car tires to use for some other merchandise . If you were to perform a little figures &; research , you should find that in relation to 1 wheel is definitely disposed of per person on a yearly basis ; &; that 's a lots of individuals . In The year 2003 , the actual You.Utes.Ourite.S.Any . ( United states of america Environmental Protection Agency ) revealed that will 300 Trillion discarded auto tires ended up being created that same year ! Away from the 300 Mil , solely 1 out of 3 Mil waste ended up being re-cycled to produce truck &; vehicle wheel re-treads . Therefore if i was to undertake a few arithmetic , meaning 245 Mil scraps had been merely eventually @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ my family , I would come across simple ways to use in which plastic . Considering the fact that trash dumps are usually decreasing the amount of tires they acknowledge every last cargo many people get , nearly all Brands make little bit car tires ; which will essentially means that they can be recycling their very own added wheels &; making a new one beyond files . Precisely what is terrific could be that the previous rubberized which had been applied to Brand-new &; Made use of Four tires is already utilized with regard to golf ball judges &; innovative shoes or boots that happen to be popping out . You will find anybody searching for that Employed Wheels could be remade in to ; this stuff include sizzling melt road , re-cycled road tarmac , &; can basically simply be remade straight into some other auto tires also . There may be actually one thing named Pyrolysis currently in use to reprocess the actual Used Four tires directly into things like energy resource petrol for certain vehicles , herbal oils , char ( also referred to as good @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ named Low-Grade Carbon dioxide Black color that 's a materials that ca n't be made use of by your current standard Fatigue Producers . Well then , i 'll make clear what exactly Pyrolysis is definitely , ok ? This process commonly utilizes a certain kind of equipment which will heat the particular Employed Car tires within a shut &; Oxygen-free natural environment . There are many of different methods for getting a reduction treatment carried out ; one current technique features the electromagnetic arena that would deliver as well as , propane , metal , &; man-made oils that provide while by-products . The caliber of these kind of spinoffs virtually all be determined by the actual home heating procedure employed . If it 's a person 's common out of doors warming process that 's made use of , this will finally deliver weighty oils including Mazut ; however if it 's created by employing a newer process , this may develop a " softer " Pyrolysis with by-products including Benzene , Kerosene , &; actually your regular Diesel powered . When you did n't know , there @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ . Talk about Legal guidelines &; Laws on the subject of leftovers from Made use of Wheels . Many prevalent capabilities wonderful all these rules include things like creating a reputable resource to the finance software , possessing a licenses or maybe enrollment to be able to life of the loan this scraps in the added wheels , &; sometimes getting specific boundaries in which green stocks precisely what grips the Employed Auto tires leftovers . I believe that almost all of the people of which acquire fresh wheels happen to be charged with the rate to shed their particular aged car tires .. it 's just the Utilized Tire Stores &;
@@5116341 <p> As fact checkers busily highlight the myriad number of lies and distortions offered by Mitt- Etch-A-Sketch -Romney during last night 's debate , and the spinners spin their polls with impunity , I find it interesting that the debate tactic itself has not yet been discussed nor properly analyzed . In fact , the lies and distortions offered by Romney in last night 's debate are the very ESSENCE of his tactic -- and is therefore quite pertinent to the discussion . Romney used a debate tactic known as the Gish Gallop . <p> Named for the debate tactic created by creationist shill Duane Gish , a Gish Gallop involves spewing so much bullshit in such a short span on that your opponent ca n't address let alone counter all of it . To make matters worse a Gish Gallop will often have one or more ' talking points ' that has a tiny core of truth to it , making the person rebutting it spend even more time debunking it in order to explain that , yes , it 's not totally false but the Galloper is **30;1343;TOOLONG the actual situation . A true Gish Gallop generally @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ logical content of the Gish Gallop is pure bullshit and anybody knowledgeable and informed on the subject would recognize it as such almost instantly . That is , the Gish Gallop is designed to appeal to and deceive precisely those sorts of people who are most in need of honest factual education . <p> 2 ) The points are all ones that the Galloper either knows , or damn well should know , are totally bullshit . With the slimier users of the Gish Gallop , like Gish himself , its a near certainty that the points are chosen not just because the Galloper knows that they 're bullshit , but because the Galloper is deliberately trying to shovel as much bullshit into as small a space as possible in order to overwhelm his opponent with sheer volume and bamboozle any audience members with a facade of scholarly acumen and factual knowledge . <p> It is quite apparent to those of us who have closely followed this election , that this latest sketch drawn out by Romney completely contradicts major policy ideas stumped on the campaign trail by him over @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ debate the substance ( or lack thereof ) of Romney ' ' s policy ideas , it threw Obama off his game . We have seen Romney do this before in the primaries . Obama needs to be prepared for it in future debates . Call it Etch-A-Sketch , call it the Gish Gallop , call it lies ... it 's all about the same . But it is a known debate tactic . And , like Romney , it is dishonest . <p> ON EDIT : Top of the rec list ! Wow ! Thanks ! Just FYI , in the intro , I provided a hyperlink to the wiki explanation of the Gish Gallop , just in case you are looking for more information on it . <p> On a happier note , please allow me to share this joke floating around the internet today : <p> Snow White , Superman and Pinocchio are walking along . <p> They see a sign : " Contest for World 's Most Beautiful Woman . " Snow White goes in , later comes out smiling , wearing a crown . <p> @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ for World 's Strongest Man . " Superman goes in , later comes out smiling , wearing the belt . <p> They walk along and see a sign : " Contest for World 's Greatest Liar . " Pinocchio goes in from " education " . A tag like " reform " alone is probably not meaningful . <p> The gallop is often used as an indirect argument from authority , as it appears to paint the " galloper " as an expert in a broad range of subjects and the opponent as an incompetent bumbler who did n't do their homework before the debate . Such emphasis on style over substance is the reason many scientists disdain public debates as a forum for disseminating opinions . <p> and as fast as they can spew the words out . Watch for it the next time you see it . And it 's always the RWrs who use it . <p> The other technique is to spew the BS fast and then make an end statement that 's so outrageous and in need of a response that it ' s the @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ interrupts to do the same thing again - always ending with an outrageous statement . What that technique does is that it steers the response into one small area leaving the rest of the BS on the table without response ( and therefore assumed to be true ) . <p> These guys need these kind of horrific . <p> There already is class warfare in America . Unfortunately , the rich are winning . <p> SNIPPET : . . . . . Common Cause , written by Tom Crompton of the environment group WWF , examines a series of fascinating recent advances in the field of psychology . It offers , I believe , a remedy to the blight that now afflicts every good cause from welfare to climate change . <p> Progressives , he shows , have been suckers for a myth of human cognition he labels the enlightenment model . This holds that people make rational decisions by assessing facts . All that has to be done to persuade people is to lay out the data : they will then use it to decide which options best support @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ experiments demonstrate that it does n't work like this . Instead of performing a rational cost-benefit analysis , we accept information that confirms our identity and values , and reject information that conflicts with them . We mould our thinking around our social identity , protecting it from serious challenge . Confronting people with inconvenient facts is likely only to harden their resistance to change . <p> However , I think that it 's only true up to a point . Once the resistance is broken , those people become strong evangelists in the other direction . For a simple example - look at ex-smokers who become anti-smoking evangelists . <p> Once " the scales fall from their eyes , " there is no stopping them - the fury at being betrayed and bamboozled is an amazing fuel source for advocacy in the other direction . I 'm beginning to see it in some newly-former republican friends and some former climate deniers . <p> While the other side thinks they 're winning , the information is out there , churning away , and as the planet continues to misbehave , @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Obama said forthrightly " I am the ONLY one on this stage who cares about you , who cares about this country , who cares about your children . I will protect you ( and have done my best to protect you ) from the ravages of those who never cease looking for ways to spend your tax dollars in schemes that enrich themselves . They never cease creating schemes to take your retirement monies away from you . They are predators like that Chinese company that gave us poison to put in our cat and dog food so that they could give a product that was cheap and they could make good profits from it . They are predators that send lobbyists to congress to get the most from every bill that is passed not for you but for their corporations . <p> I stand in front of you and protect you and your family from predators like these . <p> How ? Try this : 1% ' I 'm not going to cut taxes for the rich . " Bo should have said : " Mitt , come @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ be honest with the American people . " <p> Or this : 1% ' I 'm going to fire PBS b/c not borrow Chinese $ " BO should have said : ' But you 'll borrow $5 trillion from China for taxcuts for the 1% who do n't need them . Unless you raise middle class taxes . Come on Mitt , just be honest with the American people . They deserve it . ' <p> Or this : " BO cut Medicare by $718 b " BO should have said : " Oh come on Mitt , benefits went up under my plan . You ca n't raise beneifts if you 're cutting them . And that 's the exact same # the man you picked as your running mate proposed in his budget . Only you give it to insurance companies rather than adding 10 years to the Medicare trust fund . In fact , independent analysts say you 're plan bankrupts Medicare in just 4 years . Talk about cutting benefits for existing reciptents . " <p> None of those were beyond BO . He 's said @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ could not have done so to 1% face . The problem is 1% is taking advantage of one of the greater folly politcal handlers have committed : ' never call your opponent a liar ' , and the related ' never say anything that might sound like you 're doing that ' . This is nonsense when you 're dealing with a liar , who you 've already proved is a liar who says one thing in public and another in private ( Hello ! 47% tape ! ) . <p> With only 5 preps , Axelrod and P managed to prep BO just enough to fak him up ( ' do n't look angry ! ' ) and not enough to win . Just enough to lose . <p> But of course , in the end this one actually is BOs fault . Now he has to prove it was just one bad night . <p> he would have looked like Joe Walsh did to us with his " come on , Obama , quit lying " spiel to the people who have n't been paying attention thus far @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ the sincerity of the speaker . That 's the tough part about it . <p> Honestly , I ca n't say I like what Obama did . He should have at the very least been looking into the camera and addressing us with his answers and like he was paying attention when Romney spoke . <p> nt in everyone 's mind atm , so he would not even have to explicitly reference it- the media would have done it for him . Indeed , since 1% would have likely used that for his primed etch-a-sketch on it , 1% himself would have reminded voters of it ( in order to then try and rebut it ) . <p> I mean seriously-- it 's like the beginning of Obama 's term all over again . Giving the Republicans the benefit of the doubt as though they were going to negotiate within some grand tradition of American statesmanship . But the Republicans were out for blood and for Obama 's head . They think nothing of him . They think less than nothing of him . And yet he gives them the @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ opponents . <p> Well it has to stop . <p> He has to be prepared , in the next debate , to be withering and cold in calling out Romney 's lies . <p> That 's one more thing to add to my long list of small problems . --my son , age 10 <p> When he accused Obama of lying in the debates before they happened . Romney said he would need to choose between refuting the lies and telling his own story - that 's the Gish method . That 's projection and Romney was able to lie at will by accusing Obama of it . Crafty . BO may need to tell where to find the facts during the debate - sometimes on Romney 's own site and tell the audience to go find the facts soon because the Romney camp will wipe the site as soon as it works against them . He has to look Romney in the eye and get him off his prepared script . Kennedy 's line may also work - you are more democrat than I am with your latest positions @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ really mean what you say . He needs to say to Romney 's face what we all know - Romney 's position will change depending on what crowd he is addressing . <p> Debating is not his strong suite so he should have started months ago . At least one a week with that last week before the debates devoted to as much prep as he could afford ( no campaign appearances , just prep ) . <p> practice debates seems unreasonable . Still no reason they could not have done far more partials , say 30 minute section . I used to coach debate , and while I understand the natural resistance to it , I think POTUS would have been better served by no practice ebates rather than so few . At least he would have preserved spontaneity , if nothing else . <p> you have to study them figure out the the bottom line , essential points keep them on a short leash , keep hammering it back home again and again . you ca n't lose your temper , but you have to keep them contained @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ thing you can do , in a public situation is feint ... enough to let them think they have you and , in their own ego spree to destroy you , they may overstep and expose themselves ( figuratively speaking ) in a way that is obvious to pretty much everyone . <p> in private life , the best thing to do is get the hell away from someone like that . <p> Mitt Romney is putting up a huge front . it takes effort to keep up that front . we have all seen the cracks in the facade . he would be a horribly incompetent president but he is not a goofy friendly nincompoop . <p> This was , of course , the one thing that Obama could not afford to do in last night 's debate . It would have made him appear hostilely aggressive , dominating rather than dominant , and pedantic . Stopping a tsunami of BS is tough to do unless the moderator steps in , which last night 's format did not afford . <p> I do n't know of any way to @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ , when creationists ' debate ' , it consists exclusively of this technique , precisely because it is pretty much impossible to counter . <p> People willing to engage in a Gish Gallop are NOT honest people , who are interested in truth . Generally the best way to counter it is to ignore the people willing to do it , because as a person , they have proven themselves dishonest , conniving and a dishonest debater . This is the reason why most scientists have stopped trying to debate creationists at all . <p> Anyone using the Gish Gallop should automatically be discredited by the media . Mitt Romney should be stained for the rest of his life by using this dishonest tactic . <p> I think Christopher Hitchens was one of the few people who could could actually argue against a Gallop , so if you want to see how , watch some of his debates against any creationist . <p> Take a moment , to be the adult ( since Lehrer was having an OOBE ) , look at the camera , smile , and warn those @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ excessive each time Romney makes an assertion or flip-flops . <p> Like they do for sporting events , poker tournaments , etc . Two guys talking the background , one giving the play by play : <p> " Oh , look at that new ' fact ' Mitt pulled right out of his ass ! " <p> " Get the fire extinguishers out for that one , Mike , that one had both legs soaked in gasoline ! " <p> " Ya know Vince , we expected Mitt to be aggressive , being the short stack in this race , but bluffing on the first hand , before the flop , that 's REALLY putting it to Obama . " <p> " You got ta admit , No-Drama Obama is earning his name tonight . The man is so cool in the face of these monstrous bluffs , he 's just going to play his hand and ignore the pantload coming from the other side of the stage . " <p> " Stay tuned to heads-up competition in the 2012 finals , brought to you by Budweiser . " <p> @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ changed positions so frequently I 'm surprised , and glad to hear you are for eliminating pre-existing conditions . The only problem is your plan does n't eliminate it for people without insurance " . BOOM . Then move on to your own points . Do n't spend your whole time countering the b.s. , call it out with one zinger , then stick to the points you want to make of your own . Watch , the ID they need to vote , and make sure YOU are registered and ready to vote ! <p> that Romney expected Obama to attack him on that . i think that was going to be Romneys ' Zinger ' he was going to flop on the 47 % during the debate and try to make Obama look the fool . For whatever reason Obama did n't bite Romney had to go on FOX news the next day and dump his zinger in the garbage can . <p> Notice that the two studies that do suggest Romney 's plan does n't increase the deficit rely on the elimination of all tax deductions to @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ deductions are eliminated , from home mortgages to charitable giving to health insurance benefits , it means that increased revenues can balance out the money lost through tax cuts . <p> There is only one scenario where Rosen saw a wrinkle -- when households making less than $200,000 are shielded from the loss of deductions under certain tax and growth assumptions . Rosen saw a $28 billion gap and said " maintaining an approximately constant tax burden on high-income individuals would be more challenging . " But not " mathematically impossible . " <p> So the studies that Romney says support his tax plan themselves assume he 's raising taxes on people making under $200,000 a year . <p> their own homework and should have known what this dirty debate trick is called and outted this tactic . <p> Personally I did n't know what the name of it was , but I sensed method in this near madness . Rmoney not only " Gished " over our POTUS but also Jim Lehrer from the getgo . In another thread I said the Mittster left treadmarks from his boots all @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ and the effect on Warren was similar to the effect on Obama . Thank you AmBushed and admiralh for giving us this information . It explains a whole lot of what happened last night and to Warren a few days ago . The problem is that intelligent , knowledgeable , and decent people like Obama and Warren ca n't keep up with the amount of garbage being spewed by their slimy lying opponents . In the Warren - Brown debate , every time she 'd answer a false accusation made by Brown , he 'd switch to another lie . It keeps the good guys on the defensive and their choice is to either ignore the crap pouring out of the other guy 's mouth ( which Obama mainly did ) or try to answer the crap thus handing the debate over to their opponents ' choice of topics . I 'm not sure what strategy can undermine this fact-fabrication , but I find what people like Brown and Romney are doing beyond disgusting . But Obama has a brilliant team and maybe they 'll come up with a good @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ That all sounds nice in theory , but in the real world ... you ca n't cut taxes and keep the same revenue . Just like you ca n't ask your boss for a pay cut then expect the same income . It does n't add up . " <p> " That all sounds nice in theory , but in the real world , you do n't cut your debt by getting a pay cut and going on a spending spree . " <p> " That all sounds nice in theory , but in the real world , if the market was capable of providing affordable insurance to seniors , we never would have had to create Medicare in the first place . " <p> understood that you need to go bare-knuckles to take down the likes of a Romney . And it worked just fine . Failing to go bare knuckles , like Shannon O'Brien , is the loser 's game when ealing with someone like Reversible Mittens . You need to hit him first , hit him fast , hit him hard and keep him down for the @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ complicated at all . The entire 1994 Kennedy campaign script against Romney is still sitting right there . Rerun the same damn campaign , and Romney will go down just as hard . <p> his " ethnic stereotype " ( Fighting Irishman ) went WITH it . Obama can not go there because the " ethnic stereotype " of " Angry Black Man " is precisely what he can not afford . What was a WIN for Teddy would be a total LOSE for Obama . And he knows it . <p> pile of b.s. with one or two strong sentences , then get back to your own points you want to move forward . Then the Gish Fillibustering starts to look unhinged . It requires discipline , and some spontaniety . I think next time Obama will have it down . <p> at that moment . Romney just says , you are wrong or that is not true and then repeats the lie . The result is an exchange of true not true . Romney delivers it with a condescending smile , or a pat on the back . @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ lies for their ad campaign . If they get the message out , that everytime Romney opens his mouth he tells a lie , it will be much easier for Obama to make a statement like you suggested . <p> probably the only way . Call him out for his tactic of Gish Galloping . Pick a clear example of a lie the gisher told , and spend your time refuting it completely . When he brings up new lies , do n't waste your time on refuting them , but bring up the one you already refuted thoroughly : " what my opponent just said is not true , just like when he said X which I showed is completely false . " The aim is to get him on the defensive about X so he ca n't bring up new lies . <p> that can be an effective technique . Rather than deconstructing the maze of BS that liars use to slow down the opponent , showing the framework and then tearing it down essentially fumigates the debate . Of course , this would require the liar to @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ plowing straight ahead , but at least most listening would see ' behind the curtain ' . <p> BTW , expect Lyin ' Ryan to take this tactic up about twenty notches next week . He 's naturally more hyper , and his " wonkiness " is really nothing more than his ability to keep his bullshit at the front of his mind for easy recall . <p> R-Money/R-Ayn , the ENRON Ticket , is not a campaign ; it 's a hostile takeover bid . <p> does to counter Romney 's tactics in the next debate he must look up - it was especially disturbing to see him looking down like he was bored , not engaged , did n't want to be there etc . Just those pictures of him looking down made him seem lethargic . We need an active as well as thoughtful president . <p> he did n't pay enough attention to body language issues when he was preparing . I also hated him nodding his head as if in agreement when Romney was lying through his teeth . He could have at least used @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ a food pantry on the Cheyenne River Reservation , Okiciyap. " **33;1375;TOOLONG " <p> However , I do think he can use it in a town hall format , but the good thing is that there will be many more moments in a town hall that Romney ca n't plan for . I think it 's highly likely he 'll say something foolish in a town hall format if hit with an unexpected question from someone sharp . And he 's more likely to show his total lack of understanding or caring about others in a town hall format in which he 's required to respond to individuals . Obama will do better than Romney in a town hall format because Obama is a genuinely likable guy and because they 're being asked questions that require a far broader range of knowledge and intelligence than Romney has . <p> Frank Luntz has anything to do with this ? It ca n't just be a coincidence that the 2 most high-profile and important candidates the Dems have are both going up against this tactic ... And , it would n't surprise @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ the Reps taking over the government in this election who will find themselves in the same predicament ... If something was found linking this tactic with an actual " teacher " of it hired by the Reps , Rachel could have a field day with it ... <p> " What would you think me if I were capable of seating myself at a table and gorging myself with food and saw about me the children of my fellow beings starving to death . " - Eugene Victor Debs <p> And number three , I will not , under any circumstances , raise taxes on middle-income families . I will lower taxes on middle-income families . Now , you cite a study . There are six other studies that looked at the study you describe and say it 's completely wrong . I saw a study that came out today that said you 're going to raise taxes by 3,000 dollars to $4,000 on -- on middle-income families . There are all these studies out there . <p> Obama would have had to have given the performance of a lifetime to @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ have known that Romney would a ) shift so significantly to the center and b ) Do so using more lies per minute than anyone believed humanly possible ? <p> I think Romney is going to be sorry he played his hand so fully in the first debate . I 'm even more interested to see Debate #2 than I was to see Debate #1 . <p> Romney said that five studies show that his tax plan can cut rates and still bring in the same amount of money as today without raising taxes on the middle class . <p> Romney is using the word " studies " generously . Two items on his list are newspaper editorials that can be analytical but are rarely treated as independent research . One article comes from a campaign adviser , a connection that generally suggests a less than independent assessment . That leaves just two reports out Romney 's five . <p> They should have actually looked at the studies , brought out the assumtions behind the happy conclusions ( e.g. , do they all assume that tax cuts magically create billionaires @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ candidate is using credible research , which candidate using made-up shit . <p> Every time Romney opened his mouth , I commented loudly on the quantity of bovine excrement spewing from it . " That 's fucking bullshit ! " was apparently my phrase of choice . My 8-year-old kept telling me to stop using so many bad words ( as he should have ) . The debate was infuriating . How can one possibly deal with so many lies without calling them out while they are still being told ? But that just would n't be civilized , now would it . <p> the rightwing nuts are in Romney 's camp so now he can move back to the center to try and collect more voters . I saw the shift and could not believe that there had been so many changes to his platform . I think he had no choice but his VP mate will swing back to the right which will destroy the move . I can not wait for the VP debates . <p> study -- name the source ! " And his " 6 @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ as I remember , the majority of them were not studies at all but were opinion pieces in places like the Wall Street Journal ) . <p> taxes . The " Bush tax cuts " are a shorthand for something the Congress did while Bush was President . Ditto for Obamacare . The difference between the tax cuts and the revisions to medical insurance programs is that the former just eliminated some money coming in , while the latter actually set up administrative programs and monitors . One was a give-away and the other a government service . One took a signature on a bill ; the other took setting up and supervising new departments in agencies . One required a decider ; the other called for a manager . Obama has learned how to be a manager ; Willard does n't know shit from shinola . Which is why his campaign finances are in disarray . Willard thinks " management " means encouraging or threatening people to perform . A real manager knows how to allocate and distribute material assets and resources . A real manager deals with real @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ of Mitt Romney 's Comfort with Lying The presidential candidate is used to f aith-based certainty that translates as truth even in the face of evidence to the contrary By Justin Frank , M.D. <p> SNIP . But in the Mormon Church , there was a decision to accept authority as true -- whether or not evidence supported it . Hence Joseph Smith , the founder of the faith in 1820 , claimed he was illiterate and received the Book of Mormon directly from God . But he could read , and read very well . <p> This unwavering faith is central to Romney 's comfort in deflecting any examples that the press might bring up of his lying . Further , it allows him to repeat lies again and again -- both personally and in political advertising -- because to him they are not lies at all <p> may also be true that the shifted from right to center left positions at a strategically important point , the debates , which means , if he sticks with his new policies , that he can be accused of change but @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ goes from here . THe combination of the gallop and the policy switching may end up being highly potent in this election . Still do n't see how one counters either tactic in a debate or how the debate rules can be reformed to eliminate it . <p> Romney : Wrong on GM . Wrong on bin Laden . Wrong on tax cuts . Wrong on austerity . Wrong on Medicare . Wrong on the 47% . Wrong for America . <p> He knew very well that the Republican budget and Ryan 's authorship of that budget and its having the same exactly $716B in it was well known and he had a carefully rehearsed and planned reply to being called out on it . <p> You could tell ; he was practically begging the President to come back with " Yeah , well , Ryan has the same $716B in his plan ... " <p> The President did n't give him the pleasure . And I 'm very convinced it was on purpose ( and I 'm NOT a 10th dimensional chess advocate ) . <p> I do n't @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ , make him expose himself before the next debate ( ugh , sorry , bad mental image ) , or anything else other than just the one specific thing ; not responding to the $716B in Medicare lie . <p> And they did n't respond because there was a 99% chance that Romney 's team had something nice , sharp , and pithy ready to stab back with , and just refusing to take the bait robbed them of that sound bite . AND no doubt frustrated Romney during the debate . <p> He kept saying that number , kept repeating that lie . It 's not JUST because the lie is working for them ( though that 's part of it ) . <p> It was egregious how often he was bringing it up . So I figure he was damn near begging the President to fight back on it using the predictable " Ryan budget does the same thing " line . <p> at least back then . Now he 's happily sold his soul for a shot at the presidency . ( I 'm betting he 's @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Lake -- the " second anointing , " which is a kind of " get out of hell free no matter what you do " ceremony . ) <p> panel with Al Gore , some of the commenters were talking about a prior event ( I came in the middle of the conversation so I did n't hear which ) in which social media exploded with fact checking real time and helped drive the media commentary by the time the debate was wrapping up . <p> I just commented below that we should be able to capitalize on this for victims of our nation and for those it calls enemy .... --ML King " Beyond Vietnam " <p> this morning , helping to counter the web of bullshit cast by Mitt last night . I just posted a link to this diary in which I quoted this as intro : <p> " Named for the debate tactic created by creationist shill Duane Gish , a Gish Gallop involves spewing so much bullshit in such a short span that your opponent ca n't address let alone counter all of it . @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ one or more ' talking points ' that has a tiny core of truth to it , making the person rebutting it spend even more time debunking it in order to explain that , yes , it 's not totally false but the Galloper is **30;1410;TOOLONG the actual situation . " <p> Eugenie Scott , executive director of the National Center for Science Education , has dubbed this approach the " Gish Gallop , " describing it as " where the creationist is allowed to run on for 45 minutes or an hour , spewing forth torrents of error that the evolutionist has n't a prayer of refuting in the format of a debate " and criticized Gish for failing to answer objections raised by his opponents . The phrase " Gish Gallop " has come to be used as a pejorative to describe similar debate styles employed by proponents of other , usually fringe beliefs , such as homeopathy or the moon landing hoax . Link <p> The spirit of liberty is the spirit which is not too sure that it is right . -- Judge Learned Hand , @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ checking via Current TV . The point is that , social media will fact check the debates if the MSM does not , thus driving the MSM to acts of responsible journalism in the process . <p> Frankly , Romney 's tactic was aimed at low information voters , and it can be debated how many of them were looking at any fact checking whatsoever last night . On the other hand , anyone watching the debates that honestly had no context at all for any of the candidates ' statements , probably is n't going to vote anyway , so - bogus flash polls aside - I do wonder what real impact Romney 's gambit might have on his poll numbers . I suspect not nearly what he needs . <p> --- <p> " The fundamental curse of the Republican party is its irrepressible disposition to meddle with other people 's business , and impose its notions , and its will , on people who do not freely accept them . " -- The New York Freeman 's Journal , 1861 <p> Michele Bachmann around to keep the fact-checkers @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ and its going to leave a mark . He may have looked like the winner to some last night , but he came off to many as a bully , and as his dishonesty was SO extreme , it is hard to believe that it will not become the dominant theme over the next week . <p> BTW - it is up to us to help this become a reality . We need to plant the idea as widely as possible that Mitt is simply a flim-flam man , no different from a high-pressure salesman trying to get you to buy overpriced cookware . <p> If fact-checkers are Twittering out the Romney lies , even those who do not watch politics but do follow Twitter will see it . I 've been posting fact-checking links on Facebook ; even my most low-information voter friendswill see the links . May not click on them and may not care , but it will lodge in his subconscious and maybe made a difference . <p> ( aka NobleExperiments ) . ? " Those who make a peaceful revolution imposible make a violent revolution @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ informed debate watchers are a self-selecting group . <p> But I believe that millions tuned in to see if they could be any better informed by what the candidates had to say , especially side by side in front of the cameras . <p> So , you 're right that " debate watchers " like Kossacks ( and Dkos readers ) are not representative of " average people " . But in this election with such enormous stakes for our nation and democracy , I think many millions more tuned in than usually would have , like in 2004 when it was only Bush/Kerry . <p> Maybe I know too much about people 's faces , but I saw really clear insecurity in most of Mitt 's moments . For brief periods he even looked just about frantic . <p> Unlike one suggestion above , he DOES know he 's lying , but what he really cares about is whether he 's seeing positive response in the faces around him , regardless of whether he is speaking truth or fiction . That 's part of why his expressions went fairly @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ see audience faces and Obama was denying him the very acknowledgment and validation he needed most . <p> Unfortunately it seems on the morning after that too many people do n't recognize a transparently lying face when they see it . I 'm not saying all lies are transparent . But I did n't think people needed to be an Ekman to recognize a case as blatant as Romney . Can people really not see his desperate need to be believed ? Maybe his model-like static features obscure some of what his facial movements telegraph . I saw a ( dynamic ) facial caricature of Joe Isuzu -- IOW a caricature of a caricature , it was so obvious . Others apparently saw something else . <p> Obama played a game for too sophisticated an audience . I know he was aware of that danger , but like me I do n't think he realized just HOW low he needed to stoop to get resonance even with the pundit class , not to mention Joe Sixpack . He ( like me ) probably thought Romney was doing a great job @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ to get in the man 's way . <p> ------ Ideology is when you give the answers before you know the questions . It is what grows into empty spaces where intelligence has died . <p> " if you ca n't blind them with your brilliance , baffle them with bullshit . " <p> I so wish that somebody would come out with a parody of Mitt that will slightly exagerate his ' style ' so that it will be obvious to everybody -- something like Elmer Gantry , the guy in 101 Trombones , and a flim flam man with the little marble under the 3 walnut shells . <p> Mitt does just about every move the slick salesman does , except pick at his cufflinks and pull out his sleeves . <p> that Romney reminded me of Eddie Haskell crossed with Elmer Gantry . Desperately seeking approval , while slickly spewing falsehoods . There 's a manic quality to his delivery and his absolute disregard of the truth is appalling . <p> He told the truth , in contrast to Romney 's obvious lies . He was humble @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ was the usual ass clown , though this time on steroids . This is the dynamic that gives Obama the lead he now enjoys . He obviously knows what he 's doing . Have a little faith . <p> to debate against someone using this technique . Smart scientists have generally insisted on only participating in debates in which the GG is impossible ( e.g. a speaker can only raise a single point and then their opponent gets to rebut it immediately ) . Not surprisingly creationists are reluctant to debate using this kind of format . <p> Debates are bad formats for dealing with complex issues , especially if the audience is n't already somewhat knowledgeable about the issues . <p> ... to hit Romney hard on the lies after the fact , paint him as a liar . It is credibility that has to be pummeled . He has n't got all that much to begin with . It would be nice if Obama did it , but he did n't . So it falls to the campaign , and yes , to liberal social media and to @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ over our disappointment ( which is justified in my opinion ) we need to get to work . Obama always did say " yes we can . " I guess he really meant it . It falls to us again . Jeebus , I 'm tired . <p> However , the debate is now recorded . Different pieces can be included in ads either stating the truth , or showing Romney 's prior stance on the issue . David Plouffe seemed really pleased that Romney admitted to being for Medicare vouchers . Count on seeing that segment in a coming ad . <p> makes Romney unelectable , actually . I was screaming about the Medicare vouchers all night . It was the only thing Romney told the truth about . I think Ryan has convinced him they can win on that message . So now Romney is on video , in a presidential debate , supporting Medicare vouchers and saying , do n't worry , we 're only going after the youngsters . <p> Lotsa time left . Romney left lotsa fodder for ads . Sheesh , they can run @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ last night . <p> And yeah , everybody involved in the skepticism movement knows about the Gish Gallop . It can not be countered during the debate--it 's actually impossible . I think Obama recognized it on about the third question . He seemed to smile and relax . He knew what he was dealing with , and knew that Romney was wading ever deeper into quicksand . <p> last night , which we tried to get during the health care fight . He probably still intends to keep Medicare available only for seniors , but he spoke about younger people : <p> for people coming along that are young , what I do to make sure that we can keep Medicare in place for them is to allow them either to choose the current Medicare program or a private plan . Their choice . <p> They get to choose -- and they 'll have at least two plans that will be entirely at no cost to them . So they do n't have to pay additional money , no additional $6,000 . That 's not going to happen . @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ by the way , if the government can be as efficient as the private sector and offer premiums that are as low as the private sector , people will be happy to get traditional Medicare or they 'll be able to get a private plan . Link <p> The spirit of liberty is the spirit which is not too sure that it is right . -- Judge Learned Hand , May 21 , 1944 <p> insurance companies will only insure those who are younger and healthier , leaving Medicare with those who are older and sicker . He said that would blow up Medicare . And that 's the Repukes ' intent . That 's the message that has to be spread far and wide , and especially in Florida . You did n't mention the third choice , which is vouchers . That one stings . <p> during the debate . Perhaps there is a way of at least calling out the method during the debate . Maybe something like , " It sounds like your offering many ' facts ' sir , it will be interesting to see @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ <p> Or maybe , " You 've thrown ten items on the table there , I will answer this one ( then throw a couple that you 'll have to answer back at you ) . " <p> ? ? <p> ..... it 's on the table , under the watermelon she demurred . Thanks , I was planning on shaving anyway he replied . <p> and it was maddening . The vague questions were dumb . Should be one topic , 5 minutes each . <p> Medicare : go . you have 5 minutes to get across your ideas about medicare <p> Social Security : go . <p> Jobs : go . And I wish Obama had reminded Rmoney that stumping for years on the " private sector creates jobs " bandwagon then trying to spank the government for not creating jobs does n't do much for one 's credibility . <p> Poverty : go . <p> Women 's pay : go <p> Food stamps : go <p> Taxes ... and make this one 10 minutes . Rmoney could n't fill 10 minutes of time talking about taxes because @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ he 's got his 15-words memorized and ca n't get past them . <p> Much easier way to combat the baffle ' em with bullshit tactic and gives each candidate a chance to either present their plan , or bash the other guy . And it would all be on that person . No moderator scapegoats . Just the candidate and their ideas . <p> he let romney cut him off several times , especially at the end of the " sections " . <p> while i respect leher immensely , moderating including more than asking " and what are your thoughts ? " You have to follow up if the question is n't answer , you have to have specific questions , keep people on topic etc . <p> call " white male obsessions . " Taxes , the economy ( in general , not job creation ) and the deficit . I know this debate 's topic of domestic policy was chosen ahead of time but I do n't know if the topics within that more general title were chosen by Lehrer . Whether he made those choices @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ a huge range of domestic issues including women 's health and equal pay for women , ( both of which are economic issues themselves ) , immigration , equality of opportunity , voter suppression and rights , wages and benefits for workers , environmental protection . The closest any questions came to something human was the health care discussion and not surprisingly , that 's where Obama did very well . <p> turned to Romney and said things like , " If you 're calling me a liar , you had better prove it " , " If you think I 'm doing such a terrible job you had better go back and look at where we were 2008 . The economy was literally crashing . " <p> What I think you want to do to someone using the " Gish gallop " is to turn the burden of proof back on them . With every goddamned lie they tell . <p> I 've seen all sorts of liars stopped dead in their tracks by someone simply saying in some form or other , " prove it " . <p> @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ briefings . he told me to research it . i said I did and the ONLY sources that come up are Limbaugh , Breitbard , the examiner , etc . He then came back with " well , its first-hand knowledge " but since I 'm active duty military I 've probably said too much already . <p> Pure , unadulterated bullshit . I told him to bring the evidence or delete the post . he 's done neither and wo n't respond . <p> to face as a rational , intelligent person , because you realize immediately that your strengths ( intelligence , rationality ) ca n't stop that train . It 's like arguing with a birther -- they just keep spewing reality free nonsense and all you can do is walk away , and they think that means they won . <p> Do you not see that it is the grossest idolatry to speak of the market as though it were the rival of God ? <p> to do that . State that he ca n't debate someone who a ) has n't released enough details on @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ to , 2 ) who flip-flop on his positions , and 3 ) throw so many misstatements that it is impossible to take them seriously . I have more pressing issues to deal with tonight . Good night . Walk away with confidence . <p> he could n't counter a coked-up Romney 's Gish Gallop bullshit , he should have ignored everything Romney said . After stating very simply , " That was some impressive tap dancing , might even have been pertinent if there were any truth to any of it . Now , as to my plans , proposals , answers to the actual questions ... " And continued on confidently with selling his own brand as if Romney were n't even there . <p> Let Romney bully the moderator and hog the microphone , rudely interrupt and try to talk over the President of the United States ( Lehrer needed a ' mute ' button , hope mods get one from here on out ) all he likes . Being a bully is what he 's always done best , highlighting that nasty quality would be a @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ say something in an aside to the most notorious of Mitt 's bullying - walking blind teachers into doors , hacking the hair off a boy he did n't like the looks of , etc . Pithy one-liners about Romney visiting his money in the Caymans or Switzerland - maybe ask which lucky foreign country will host the vacation White House if Mitt 's elected . Then go right back to the meat of his own record and plans for the second term . <p> Romney can only polish his bully-boy bona fides , since he does n't have any actual policies , does n't care about half the people in this country , and ca n't even keep his lies straight from one sentence to the next . <p> Walking away would n't work . Ignoring Mittens as if he were n't even there would work . If Mitt insisted on interrupting , talking-over and throwing insults at the moderator while hogging all the air time with his hissy fits , the American people ( all persuasions ) would be disgusted . <p> It 's incredible to hear the @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ dominating " the moderator . I guess it 's the Crossfire effect 20 years later that the TV class and their audiences are no longer able to recognize Romney as an antisocial type who ca n't tell where the boundaries are and should n't be trusted with authority . Where I was watching , there was a visceral combination of antipathy and embarrassment for the man at his inability to behave like an intelligent white-collar adult in a situation with such well-defined rules of engagement . People did n't wait until after the debate to express it . <p> Apparently Obama got no points for being the adult and the statesman in the room . What we saw last night was exactly why Mitt ca n't be trusted to make state visits to other nations . He has n't yet visited another country during this campaign without making at least one significant misstep leaving a wake of distrust or resentment . It 's because he is tone deaf , not just politically but socially , humanly . He does n't get the unspoken rules even when you try to explain @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ developed . <p> ------ Ideology is when you give the answers before you know the questions . It is what grows into empty spaces where intelligence has died . <p> from an aide to G.W. Bush shared with us by Suskind : " in what we call the reality-based community , " people like you " believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality . " ... " That 's not the way the world empire now , and when we act , we create our own reality . And while you 're studying other new realities , which you can study too , and that 's how things will sort out . We 're history 's actors ... and you , all of you , will be left to just study what we do . " This is the Republican Modus operandi in a nut shell . Romney did n't make hundreds of millions of dollars telling the truth ... he 's a master at the Lie . <p> I think the way to respond to this --based on remarks a number of journalists have been @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ to point out to the opponent and moderator that many falsehoods are being put forward . But because of social networks , they 're being fact-checked mercilessly as we stand here debating . And the price for that behavior is going to be steep . <p> The victim of this kind of bullying is no longer boxed in to barely responding so as not to appear petty or angry . S/he can make the point strongly that the opponent is lying , without swamping the audience with nitpicking detail , but preparing the audience for the response that 'll be in progress as the event concludes . <p> --For that matter directing the audience with their own portable media to see it for themselves during the debate . <p> The opponent could tell a thousand lies . Two or a thousand , does n't matter , because of the inter for victims of our nation and for those it calls enemy .... --ML King " Beyond Vietnam " <p> had me gobsmacked , and perhaps Obama as well . It is a very , very strange world we are in @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ called for , as human race will come from its inability to EMOTIONALLY comprehend the exponential function . " -- Edward Teller <p> " Certainly a lot of your supporters have called me a ' boy , ' but I did n't expect that from you , Governor . " But of course he would n't rise to any bait of that sort . I was absolutely livid when Romney said that . <p> laid the whopper about not having a 5 trillion dollar tax cut on the table , Obama looked at Lehrer , and I swear i saw utter flabbergastation on his face ..... like he could n't believe Rmoney jsut said that . I think combined with the crap going on in Syria/Turkey , the altitude , and that slap of lie into the air , it knocked him back on his heels . He tried to ignore and just talk about his policies , but it 's hard to ignore that much bullshit stinking up the place . <p> Plus , I think if he looked at Rmoney , he 'd have laughed in his face @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ lies and misstruths you just spewed here , why do n't you explain how you managed to get $100 million in an offshore retirement account when the annual limit $5000 ? And be careful what you say , because lying on tax forms is felony . <p> Gish Gallops are pretty much impossible to counter . You have to spend so much time correcting the record that you have no time to have your own points given . The president was probably caught unprepared by what a skilled liar could do . <p> Creationists in debates vs. scientists/atheists tend to use this technique precisely because it is difficult to counter . <p> In my opinion , though , Christopher Hitchens was one of the few people who was able to counter a Gish Gallop . If you 'd like to figure out how , watch some of his debates vs creationists . <p> People who use the Gish Gallop are best countered by ignoring them . Fonts of bullshit do n't deserve any sort of recognition in our society . <p> If I could advise the president , I 'd @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ has background with debating against a practitioneer of a Gish Gallop . <p> Actually , Neil DeGrasse Tyson would probably be a good resource for that too . <p> But when I was on the high school debate in the 70s we called it the spread . Make so many arguments so fast that it is difficult for your opponent to keep up . Then argue that every unanswered point is a point for you . Pretty cool in high school . Pretty dickish as an adult . But so typical of the modern Republican state of mind . Hunker down folks it is going to be a long month . <p> Obama was stuttering his ass off from the start . before any gallup happened . There should be a new tactic called the Obama Sleep Walk - it 's when you do nt fucking show up for an hour and half so you get your ass handed to you by whoever is in the room . <p> I noticed it when he stumbled with what must have been a prepared bit about his anniversary being that night . @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ was supposed to say . He seemed off from the get-go , and this Gish Gallop just ran roughshod over him . <p> Do n't believe what the fossil fuel companies feed you , or pretty soon you will have to pay a whole lot more for clean water ... well , maybe not on Lake Superior , but just about everywhere else that had it 's water table " Fracked " . <p> The " Gish Gallop " which I had n't heard of before this diary , but saw Romney use in the debate , allowed him to control the debate . <p> He forced Obama to use his limited time following each moderator question to make a choice between only bad options : Spending his allotted time disputing Romney 's serial lies ; Ignoring Romney 's lies and spend that time making his own points ; Or , attempting a combination of the two , which could result in a seemingly disjointed and less than coherent response . None of those were winning options for Obama . <p> Unfortunately , the moderator either was n't informed enough @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ 's lies and ask him to explain the discrepancy between what he said ( lie ) and what the facts actually support . <p> The GOP has found yet another Dirty Trick that seemingly no one knows how to deal with or how to stop--even though everyone knows it 's wrong . <p> technique , but it makes sense . The stream of lies was just unbelievable , but they will unfortunately have an effect on many in the viewing audience who do n't follow politics closely and have no idea they 're lies . <p> As for the idea that social media will take care of it , well , not so much with many older viewers who do n't use twitter , for example , and the medicare lies was one of the most repeated . <p> ... I am very familiar with the Gish gallop ! It changed the way evolutionary biologists approach these silly " debates " with creationists . <p> The most effective GG has not only a LOT of nonsense , but it also succeeds by throwing out points that the opponent has n't @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ exactly why it is nonsense , he has not come up with a clear , concise answer to it , so at best , he is unpracticed and looks hesitant compared to the well-rehearsed GG-er . At worst , he ends up babbling and appears to have no answer . <p> There was some of this going on last night - some things Romney said came totally out of the blue ( to me at least ) . However , there were many of the same , tired old lies that I have read about here on DK over and over , and they should have been easy to predict and counter . In fact , a few things seemed like slow pitches just waiting to be knocked out of the park ; I thought Romney made a few mistakes that way , but the President did not take full advantage . I wish he had , in his polite calm way , pointed some of these out as blatant lies . <p> Barack Obama does not seem to make a lot of big mistakes , so to me , @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ I think the next one will be a lot different . <p> technique . There was no point in further debate because it was not based in reality . I could have called her a liar who was making stuff up , but she was a friend 's mom and I did n't want it to go there and have it descend into name-calling . And she probably just would have said that about me . There 's only so much you can do when it becomes a back and forth of , You 're wrong ! No , you 're wrong ! Debates on the Internet you can cite links to supporting sources . In person debates you can not . Obama was in a tough spot . Romney simply denied everything he 's campaigned on for the last year . Romney suddenly does n't want to cut taxes on the rich ? WTF ? Obama brings up a study and then Mitt Romney counters with , well there are SIX studies that disprove YOUR study . WTF ? Everyone on the left knows Romney is the etch a @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ the extent Romney went to re invent himself before those low information voters he 's trying to reach . <p> In the second half of their first debate , Brown attacked Warren on her record working on a legal case related to Travellers Insurance . Brown presented the line of attack quite well ( only later did I , an uninformed viewer at this point , learn it was complete bullshit ) . What really drove the point home was that Warren had no response at all . The second time Brown fired it off , Warren rather meekly pointed to an article which had already refuted the charge . But the damage was done . Brown ended up levelling that debate after digging himself into a hole earlier on . <p> In their second attack , Warren was ready for Brown 's bullshit , or ' gish galloping . ' Unlike the first debate , she DID take the time to refute the bullshit ... and left Brown with his tail between his legs for the rest of the debate ( Scalia ... ? ) . <p> I couldnt @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ last night utterly fail to address the junk coming out of mitten 's mouth . I couldnt help but think of how bad the optics were for Warren when she allowed Brown 's attacks to stand . Like many of you , I was screaming at the TV , urging Obama to fight back . Defintely a missed opportunity , imo . <p> But like Warren , Obama does have an opportunity here . Romney , like Brown , scored points with attacks that many uniformed viewers did nt fully comprehend , but were given more credibility by Obama 's tepid response . Still , i think there is still plenty of skepticism surrounding Rmoney . <p> If Obama strikes back and exposes these attacks as utter bullshit and poltical cravenness in the way Warren did , with confidence clarity and a bit of anger , he 'll knock Romney down to a point below where he stood going into the first debate . <p> Im sum , Obama 's oppotunity is the chance to expose , very overtly , Romney as dishonest and low , a man willing to @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ The last thing ill say in this ramble is that the town hall format should help , as should the hubris that must be coursing through Mittbots wires . <p> At first , at least . Its denouement , not so much , having outrun its supply lines , overstretched its forced and exhausted its fuel . I suspect that Romney did the same last night too , in political terms . For his win to be sustainable , he and his surrogates will have to back up his lies , and they ca n't . And since they have no choice but to keep spewing them , every time . <p> " Liberty without virtue would be no blessing to us " - Benjamin Rush , 1777 <p> Aggressively and , through his surrogates ( but sometimes even himself ) , viciously and relentlessly attacking Obama with egregious and hyperbolic lies . <p> It might win him some undecideds , and perhaps even swing some Obama leaners to himself . But for every vote he gets , I suspect that it loses him two or more . We are @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ would be no blessing to us " - Benjamin Rush , 1777 <p> Given the degree of treachery , skulduggery , deceit , misinformation , lies and dishonesty , what did we expect Rmoney was going to do - make nice . Obama got his head handed to him . I hope this is a clarion call for him to wake up and realize the Repugs are about total annihilation of anyone who does not knuckle under to their vision of what they want America to be . Obama has been coasting along with very positive poll numbers and I think he thinks he might have become invincible . His advisors for the debate are a bunch of lunkheads for not anticipating this kind of behavior from Mitt . Obama does not like trench warfare - fight dirty and that was on full display last night . <p> is the ONLY method to deal with Romney . Crush him with brute force blows early , full-bore attack , dirty as it takes , and do n't let up . You 'll notice that by following that strategy Teddy did what @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ in doing--shutting Romney down . <p> Night while watching the debate last night that when Romney fits in 3 lies in a minute he wins by default because Obama ca n't debunk it all in the time he has . Or to put it short " Romney can lie faster than anyone can fact check " <p> Romney escaped purely on the sheer volume of the bullshit he put forth . I will end your plan but keep the good parts ( no specifics ) I will cut trillions of taxes but NOT on the rich . I believe in regulations just not any of the ones you supported ( no specifics which ones he 'd keep ) Romney has explosive diarrhea of the mouth , and there is too much bullshit coming out of the toilet for the plumber to keep up . <p> Thanks to the GOP 's cynical takeover of most of Christianity , today 's conservatives are very church-based . And the right-wing version of religion is all about massive levels of faux-logical-sounding bullshit . " Intelligent design " is one huge mound of it . @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ 've been trained from an early age that logic is something to work around and facts are something to debunk with bullshit , so you can keep believing the ridiculous thing you 've decided you want to believe . That 's why they 'll think Romney 's a genius ... it 's what they want to think , and they no longer have the intellectual skills to realize otherwise . <p> " Glenn Beck ends up looking like a fat , stupid child . His face should be wearing a chef 's hat on the side of a box of eclairs. " - Doug Stanhope <p> Obama : Just starts agreeing , " Oh , yes , I am for that too . " " Yes , that 's my plan , " and so on , and on . For about five minutes until mitt gets so frustrated he erupts . <p> Then Obama says . " Just wanted to see what it was like to switch positions on everything ! Hmm . Kind of fun . Kind of hard debating a jellyfish , is n't it Mitt ? @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ the whole nature of our society is at stake . " Paul Krugman <p> Sure , I wish Obama had eviscerated romney . But while I ca n't say Obama did well in this debate , I ca n't call it a win for romney. romney just spewed a whole bunch of bullshit which will come back to haunt him in ads like this : <p> Virtually every time Mr. Romney spoke , he misrepresented the platform on which he and Paul Ryan are actually running . The most prominent example , taking up the first half-hour of the debate , was on taxes . Mr. Romney claimed , against considerable evidence , that he had no intention of cutting taxes on the rich or enacting a tax cut that would increase the deficit . <p> Perhaps I 'm too sheltered living in the Bay Area , but it bothers me to read everybody saying romney won , when all he did was lie . <p> I imagine Obama will get " fired-up " in the next debate , which is in a town-hall meeting format . Hopefully the whole @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ lying opponent . <p> I see it all the time when it comes to people disputing Evolution . The only problem with the presidential debates is that Obama ca n't force Romney to be pinned to one point , nor can they fact check on the spot . <p> If Romney is going to use this tactic , the only way he will be thought of as the loser is if Obama asks people to fact check Romney 's statements directly . Even then , there are enough bullshit fact checkers that will muddy the waters . <p> Pretty depressing . <p> I think maybe the best route for Obama is to go full offense , and drop as many problems with Romney 's policies as possible , while at the same time hammering Romney 's lack of specifics . <p> People say that your dreams are the only things that save ya- Rebellion ( lies ) , Arcade Fire <p> " OK , so with the refutation I 've just presented I 've proven you are a liar . Not mistaken , Governor Romney , not confused . A @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ factcheckers proved it after the first debate . So why should Americans waste another 80-plus minutes of this debate listening to you ? They know there are other things they can spend their time doing tonight without having you insult their intelligence by lying to them , over and over and over again . They now know you are utterly untrustworthy , and utterly unfit for public office . Case closed . " <p> The president would never do that -- especially in the next debate , which is a town hall meeting -- but , God , I 'd love to see RMoney 's face if he did . <p> Electing conservatives is like hiring a carpenter who thinks hammers are evil . <p> The President could 've easily hit on just 2-3 points the entire time , demanding that Romney answer for them . If he 'd just stuck to Medicare cuts and closing loopholes alone , the President could 've demonstrated how empty Romney 's rhetoric is . There was a mountain of different ways he could 've hit Romney on just those points , taking them @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ the role of government , etc . <p> Mitt certainly had no problem coming back to the same nonsense talking points over and over and over . Lehrer did absolutely nothing to stop him from running out the clock on every single ' question ' with the same nonsense points . Nothing was stopping the President from announcing that he was going to hammer Romney down on these two subjects as an example of how empty Romney 's claims are . <p> " The Democratic Party is not our friend : it is the only party we can negotiate with . " <p> He was debating a professor of biochemistry on " intelligent design " versus evolution . During the debate , Gish brought up item after item to support his claims .. and these were from a wide variety of domains--geology , physics , atmospheric sciences , etc , etc . The biochemist could debunk the claims that Gish made re biology and genetics , but , unfortunately , was not able to debunk him on his arguments in other domains . You would need several scientists to be @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ it was an effective technique for Gish : - ( . <p> " When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross . " - Sinclair Lewis <p> Named for the debate tactic created by creationist shill Duane Gish , a Gish Gallop involves spewing so much bullshit in such a short span on that your opponent ca n't address let alone counter all of it . To make matters worse a Gish Gallop will often have one or more ' talking points ' that has a tiny core of truth to it , making the person rebutting it spend even more time debunking it in order to explain that , yes , it 's not totally false but the Galloper is **30;1442;TOOLONG the actual situation . A true Gish Gallop generally has two traits . <p> 1 ) The factual and logical content of the Gish Gallop is pure bullshit and anybody knowledgeable and informed on the subject would recognize it as such almost instantly . That is , the Gish Gallop is designed to appeal to and deceive precisely those sorts @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ education . <p> 2 ) The points are all ones that the Galloper either knows , or damn well should know , are totally bullshit . With the slimier users of the Gish Gallop , like Gish himself , its a near certainty that the points are chosen not just because the Galloper knows that they 're bullshit , but because the Galloper is deliberately trying to shovel as much bullshit into as small a space as possible in order to overwhelm his opponent with sheer volume and bamboozle any audience members with a facade of scholarly acumen and factual knowledge . <p> ... someday - the armies of bitterness will all be going the same way . And they 'll all walk together , and there 'll be a dead terror from it . --Steinbeck <p> got approval or notice on any of his questions . Did n't really make a difference , though , since he did n't ask any questions and Romney was going to fill the vacuum with whatever jabbering he wanted to anyways . <p> " The Democratic Party is not our friend : it @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ <p> Well , an asst. debate coach ( high school and college levels ) , the Gish Gallop is a technique -as described - that really only works in one kind of debate format : the " open-ended format " . One in which STYLE is inevitably more prevailing than SUBSTANCE . This format is rarely if ever used in serious debate formats . In these , where SUBSTANCE is intended to trump STYLE , and scoring reflects it , it is actually the force of an argument itself that matters , not how it 's presented . Unfortunately , our media prefer an open-ended format , for various reasons , and it therefore becomes incumbent upon the moderator to direct the debate in a manner that will try and enhance substance . This was not done last night ( or rarely ) . <p> Not necessarily in the Gish Gallop but definitely in the Etch-A-Sketchiness of Romney 's performance last night . <p> It somehow reminded me of an extemporaneous debate I had in high school . <p> For all 4 years of HS , my debate partner and @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ in our league . We attended a weekend debate competition in our Junior year and at one of the debates in the extemporaneous portion of the competition the surprise topic was Matthew 20:16 " So the last will be first , and the first will be last . " She and I were the affirmative team , so we were up first . <p> We went to a Catholic school but my debate partner , while Catholic , was completely unschooled in the bible and started to freak out during the 30 minute prep session . It took me 5 minutes to calm her down and to come up with a way of turning this on its head . We decided to turn that debate topic into a recommendation to change the batting order of the NY Yankees upcoming game and " prove " that the Yankees would have a better shot at winning if the batting order were reversed . Let 's just put it this way : my debate partner was a Yankees expert , knew all the stats . She was game ! <p> When we presented @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ pens and pencils in disgust ! All their prep was for naught . <p> meant for a one-time event held in a public arena , where attendees wo n't have a chance to digest what was said later . <p> It is not useful on a national televised event that will be discussed in detail over and over , giving time for the debunking of all the arguments one by one and painting the Gish Galloper as a liar . <p> I suppose the GOP was thinking that they would reach people who would only watch the debate and no analysis or follow up discussions . They probably did not consider television commercials to address this , which is how the Obama team is responding immediately . <p> Interesting . <p> " If you do n't sin , then Jesus died for nothing ! " ( on a sign at a Mardi Gras parade in New Orleans ) <p> ... in th " Town Hall " forum , especially if the questioner is allowed follow up or some future questioner abandons her/his intended question to follow up on something that @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ not be too conservative . --Martin Luther King Jr . <p> I wonder if the President would want to go there . It may not be a good look for him . However there is really no answer to being mocked . Rick Perry mocked Romney and it really got Romney angry and sounding shrill . I would use it . but that 's me <p> did the best thing he could do yesterday . He did n't give the Romney campaign soundbites they could use . <p> They probably will bomb the swing states with ads using Romney 's lies in yesterday 's debate and change him from a vulture capitalist into a lying vulture capitalist . Next kill him in the next debate , which I believe is a town hall format . Romney ca n't use this techique as effectively in that format . <p> Every single issue Ed Schultz and Co. wanted Obama to bring up ... the 47% comment , the Bain issues , Romney 's taxes .... Romney was definitely prepared with a " zinger " that was poll tested and well rehearsed . @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ 's position debating Romney is one of mitigating Romney 's bullshit , but that 's where we are . <p> Romney is not a bad debater . I saw that in the primaries . He was always very prepared and aggressive , so I 'm not too surprised by his presentation yesterday . When I thought about how the president should debate him , I was n't coming up with anything particularly good . So after what happened yesterday , I 'm not surprised . <p> I am out of time today , but if we start emailing the definition of " Gish Gallop " around to enough people , the word will spread .... Maybe someone could add last night 's " Performance " to the list of examples ? <p> Mitt was using classic B-school style to rattle off his list of points and look strong . Of course the hope is that nobody bothers to read the actual proposal or budget . And of course , it 's supposed to befuddle the people who are going to get their throats cut . <p> What happened last night @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ a comment that I posted at Huffington Post last Saturday : <p> Commented Sep 29 , 2012 at 19:14:57 in Politics " This past summer the Republicans were going on tv and during the back and forth between them and the Democratic reps. they would seem to win the debate when they brought up a point that turned out to be something of a lie . An example was the first time they claimed that the ACA cut Medicare . I do n't know who it was that brought this point up to Rachel Maddow , but it kind of threw her off her game because her integrity made her unable to respond to something forecefully when she did n't know this " new " information . It turned out it was a lie that they were going to repeat over and over again . If Romney starts spouting " facts " that turn out to be lies , how is Obama supposed to respond ? I suspect the " zingers " they plan to use are just more of the same old lies that they hope to use to @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ prepared to respond to lies , lies , lies . " <p> If your opponent is someone that is interested in saying the truth . That is Obama 's achilles heel . Obama should every time Romney finishes talking say Romney is not telling the whole truth on this , and worse yet , he knows it ... <p> Then he goes into a standard stump of differentiating their two positions on whatever the topic is . Once you start to refute their specific bullshit you are already lost . Feed the existing memes about Romney , make your points , nicely call Romney a liar and get the hell out . <p> The of the gisher is to run out the clock . He does n't want to say anything , he does n't want his opponent to say anything . It is very tempting to try to refute a list of obvious lies that are told about you , in detail , particularly if they have been refuted before . It bogs you down . <p> not that predicting Romney lying is difficult ... we all knew he @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ and his team announced they were going to ' fact check ' Obama ... <p> this was classic Rove debate prep . Accuse your opponent of what you 're about to do . It gives you cover , and if your opponent tries to retaliate , it devolves into a tit-for-tat he-said-she-said sort of juvenile back and forth . <p> " Those who can make you believe absurdities , can make you commit atrocities " Voltaire . <p> You put words to what I was wondering -- whether Romney 's strategy was to confuse voters with deliberate misstatements . He 's been pressed to give specifics long enough that he had to say something , right ? He knows it takes time to fact-check -- and by that time , voters have moved on to the next news story or debate . <p> In my experience , the more aggressive and in- your-face a person is , the more you need to be concerned about what he is telling you . <p> Last night , someone posted that they tell their daughter to always look people in the eye and @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ drafted a response , but then deleted it because I did n't want to anger someone who was already ranting , and I certainly did n't want to make anything personal . But when someone is in your face , aggressive and not acting at all like their usual selves , like Romney was last night , engaging them is usually the worst strategy because it escalates things . <p> For the president , he would be perceived as the angry black man and not presidential . In real life , however , it 's often dangerous for someone ( especially a woman ) to engage someone in that sort of situation . <p> I wanted to suggest to this parent that it 's not always a great idea to look people in the eye . Heck , forget about humans : it 's a great way to get bit by a fearful or angry dog . <p> But I did n't because even online , it 's often best to diffuse a situation . <p> So yes , your diary is accurate . When someone is flinging around crap @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ someone throws punches , step aside or duck . <p> Mitt Romney has a lifetime of being a bully behind him . He knows what works for him , and it HAS worked for him . But he has n't met many people like Barack Obama . <p> Let 's see how this plays out . All of my money ( and yes , that includes donations made today ) is on the President . <p> Like contradicting themselves beyond life 's little contradictions , or ' truth be told ' too often , or maybe you are letting them get away with something that would be ok in isolation . <p> The problem is , it 's often tough to realize these people swindled you of your time until you 've walked away , and it 's not worth holding a grudge against that in your heart , so these people get to double-dip . <p> Yeah , " Look you in the eye " is not a good way to judge things , because sometimes people are shy , or they need to close their eyes and say @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ else down , and saying " Look me in the eye ... why ca n't you ... " double ick . I hate these power games . Romney played them well last night , but Obama is no fool , and Romney probably knows he ca n't play the same game twice . <p> Assuming Obama will be more on top of things in the next two debates , if Romney tries this shit again then the President just needs to verbally shut it down , i.e. , " Well , moderator , since I ca n't really tell which Governor Romney I 'm debating tonight--I do n't know if it 's the one who thinks that half the country does n't matter , or the one who thinks that saying the whole country matters will help him get elected , or maybe even another new Governor Romney--I 'm just going to talk about how my policies have helped and will continue helping the American people and contrast those with the vision that Governor Romney , and his running mate as well , has been putting forward for years . @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ one set of policies , I 'll happily debate him on those . " <p> Or something like that , said in a polite , but forceful , tone that just highlights Romney 's multiple positions and flip flops , while zeroing in on the policies of the " true Romney " that showed up in the 47% video . <p> Nice one-line zinger with resonance for people who still remember , or have heard about , To Tell the Truth . <p> For those who have n't : it was an old TV show where three people would each claim to be a moderately well known celebrity whose face was not instantly recognizable , and the panelists had to sort out who was the real one . It 's also been played as a gag from time to time . <p> I am not familiar with the Gish Gallop GG either but it appears to be closely related to Hit and Run . I would say that sophistry is a better description for BS with a grain of truth . This is something that is common in politics . @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ the debate , Obama , brought up , IIRC , three extraneous points which would qualify as the GG and Romney had the nerve to answer the points . When Jim Lehrer tried to cut him off he said , ' No , I have to answer this ' . <p> Although there was clearly Hit and Run on the part of Romney and Obama did n't get to answer it all . I do n't think that that is why Obama lost the debate . I think that a single instance regarding the Romney tax plan illustrates Obama 's serious error . Obama lead with his sophistic argument that Romney 's plan would cut taxes by $5 Trillion over 10 Years . This is clearly nonsense since it counts the entire Bush tax cut as a tax cut . So , Romney was able to say with complete honesty that he had no intention of making a $5 Trillion tax cut . The result was that Romney won the point with no real discussion of the actual tax cut which is less than half of that amount . <p> @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ he clearly does n't get it as he is still trying to sell the same bill of goods about the $5 Trillion tax cut . It is quite possible that Romney 's tax cut as actually proposed wo n't add up . But , as long as Obama keeps up with his Big Lie rather than the actual figures , we are n't going to see an actual discussion of the issue and the point is going to be awarded to Romney since he appears to be being honest about it even if he is n't providing enough detail to see if it will fly or if it needs more work . <p> Or slight Obama win . Romney seemed coherent even though I knew his logic was n't . He was spewing bullshit but I guess it worked and this is why . The president knew not to throw out any hooks for Romney 's planned " zingers . " I though the President won on substance and Romney was strong on energy ( not that I liked it ) . <p> Now the media should do their jobs @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ is on it . <p> And they should make Romney look stupid for suggesting he can be serious about the deficit by firing Big Bird . We know he likes firing people , but to want to fire Big Bird , that 's just cold . <p> stating that Romney had used the William Lane Craig style of debating and then open DK and saw this diary . The Gish Gallop what precisely what Romney had done and it 's a very difficult debating tactic to overcome as it 's only in the fullness of time that the mountain of erroneous disinformation can be discussed and shown for what nonsense it is . That 's why Creationists who are skilled and practiced debaters often appear to have ' won ' a debate against eminent scientists , philosophers etc even though they 've been spouting crazy stuff ! It will be interesting to a see if the President can combat that strategy next time . <p> If I recall correctly Sam Harris did well in his debate against WLC because he framed his answers according to the message he wanted to @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ gallop - much to WLCs frustration on the night . <p> for this diary . Read it yesterday and logged in again today solely to rec it . Did n't know about Gish Gallop as a technique , although I 've seen it in action a good bit , and have brought it up in multiple conversations in the last 24 hours . You 've done a public service with this . Be well . <p> I have never heard of the gish gallop before but when I was analyzing the debates , this is EXACTLY how I described it ... And , as far as I can see , there is NO winner when you have cheated at the game . Romney could n't play by the rules in the first place , he had a cheat sheet ( and that thing in his hand behaved like rigid paper and not like a flimsy hanky ) .. He insisted on more time ( over his allotted time ) and used this ridiculous and duplicitous tactic to spew more lies and he did it with confidence , assertiveness and ease @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ . The Republicans stoop so low that the Dems ca n't even anticipate it . They are criminals and they are smart at what they do . He/they ( the republicans ) are a very dirty , sneaky , duplicitous bunch and may bring down this country yet . We are on the precipice and if the republicans win all , we are finished . <p> Last night , I made an election night version of Downfall . I used this site to do the captions . It appears that it may be on the tip of going viral , as it was
@@5116441 <h> Subscribe to Vikings Territory <h> Vikings Lost Ground At Midway Point <p> As if Thursday night 's loss to the Bucs was n't painful enough , every other team in the NFC North snuck out wins on Sunday which puts the Vikings in a much less enviable situation than they looked on Wednesday . <p> The 5-3 Vikings are tied with the Packers for second place . The Bears are atop the division with a record of 6-1 and the league 's most solid looking defense . Meanwhile , the Lions are struggling at 3-4 , but are talented enough to not count out of the race quite yet . <p> Minnesota has a chance to see their playoff hopes live or die at the hands of their divisional foes , however , and things will be quite interesting in the second half of this season . Here is their remaining schedule : <p> At Seattle <p> Detroit <p> Bye Week <p> At Chicago <p> At Green Bay <p> Chicago <p> At St. Louis <p> At Houston <p> Green Bay <p> How does that look for drama ? I think it 'll be a fun ride , and @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ bit when it comes to stopping the passing attacks of Chicago and Green Bay after the bye . <h> Related posts <h> 35 Comments <p> Today the Packers , Bears and Lions all squeaked by teams not as good as the Vikings . There is no game on the remainder of our schedile that we should be fearful of . If our defense does n't fall asleep like we did against Tampa , we can win any of rhose gcames . <p> I love the optimism guys but try to look at the vikings if they were a random team . Offensive struggles are our main problem all the remaining defenses are in the top 10 besides the packers(14) . Chris Cook is gone now leaving us with another decimated secondary for the 2nd year in a row for teams with stud wr 's to take advantage of ( we still have Jennings , Nelson , Rice , Marshall , Megatron , Andre Johnson , and Amendola left ) while I like Robinson and think he can be good eventually he will get rocked by those WR 's right now @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Detroit , Seattle &; St. Louis ) . If we can somehow play like week 3 we could take down anyone but that seems unlikely . I am not being a bandwagon jumper here I have been cautious all season as I felt we were walking a very fine line . My Prediction is we win 2 games more . <p> Sorry Tomb . You 're right , and that kind of posting falls short of the expectations I know you have for me . I needed that chewing out , and hopefully I can learn from my mistakes and from your wisdom . I know you 're in my face because you want me to reach my potential , and for that I thank you . ( ... and I should avoid blogging from my cell phone . ) <p> It 's time we held the defense responsible for their large part in Thursday night 's loss . Going into Thursday night 's game , the Vikings ' were scoring 24 points per game and giving up 19 . While the offense did indeed fall short of their average @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ nearly doubled their average in points allowed ( none of Thursday 's 36 came from the opponents ' defense or special teams ) . It was the second most points allowed this week heading into the Sunday night game . They gave up over 400 yards of offense , 150 yards rushing , and did not force a single turnover . They consistently allowed conversions on 3rd and long , and tackled as poorly as they have all season . <p> I do n't want to hear about short fields or spending too much time on the field . They spent too much time on the field because they did n't make stops . They dropped interceptions and missed chances to recover fumbles . Allowing a 9 minute drive can not be blamed on your team 's offense . While I know that a defense 's best friend is a ball control offense , the fact is this team needs a strong defense to win , and no one should expect this team to win when we allow scores in the 30 ? s . Yes , the Viking offense @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ bit as poorly , and we better adjust to the fact that we must hold teams in the teens or low 20 ? s to have a chance to win . <p> The team outperformed most peoples expectations the first month and a half this season . They have come back down to Earth the last couple weeks and still got a win against the Cards , but the remaining schedule is brutal . I was never thinking playoffs for this year anyway , so the win total is n't really something I 'm interested in at this point . What I do wonder about is how the fast start is going to play into coaching decisions as the season goes on . If the team only wins 2 out of the final 8 and has a few double digit losses to division opponents sprinkled in there , does it cost the coaching staff their jobs ? Even if they only win another 2 games that would put them at 7 wins , 4 more than they had all of last year which is a significant improvement . My feeling @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ complete colapse the second half of the year but Musgrave could be coaching for his job the rest of the way through . If the offense continues to play as poorly as they have the last couple weeks despite the presence of Peterson and Harvin , they will have to take a look at making a change on that side of the ball . I 'm hoping things come together and the offense shows some consistency and an ability to adapt to what teams are bringing defensively , but I have doubts after these last couple games and it 's not just because of Ponder and a missing deep threat . <p> Coaching staffs who have clearly led their teams on a path of under-achievement through 7 or 8 games ... Dallas , Philadelphia , Jets , Saints , Detroit , Carolina , San Diego . Then you 've got the perpetual losing in KC , Cleveland , Tennessee , Buffalo and St. Louis . There 's a dozen staffs you could be stuck with Skol , before we even start serious comparisons . <p> I 'd rather have Garrett @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Leslie ( saints do n't have Payton so ca n't judge them ) . Cleveland , Buffalo , St. Louis , and Tennessee all have first/2nd year coaches who from what i 've seen can out coach Frazier . Only thing Leslie has going for him is that he 's likeable . <p> The Tennessee guy can outcoach Leslie ? Did you watch the game between the two teams ? He had the veteran Hasselback , while I hear we have this clueless , hopeless kid named Ponder . But still Leslie got outcoached in winning 30-7 ? How can you make that statement , Skol ? <p> Simple . the amount of talent on Minnesota and the fact that we still cant win on a regular basis . We have the best RB and one of the top 5 WRs in the NFL . We also have the best DE , a top 5 DT , a top 10 LB , a phenominal rookie safety and a top 5 corner . We have 5 players in the top 5 at their position , another 2 in the top 10 @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Look at the Titans , they do n't have a top 10 player at any position on offense or defense . Go down the roster and I would prefer our player to theirs with about 3 exceptions ( heres looking at you Charlie Johnson ) . Heck I think I could have coached them to a 30-7 win . On paper the Vikings have some of the most talented players in the NFL . <p> Well , then I guess Leslie should have beaten them 50-7 . I 'll say without a doubt that there are likely about 25 teams in the league who would trade their top back for Chris Johnson , and this " top 5 DT " has 17 tackles and one sack in 8 games . In addition to all these top players we have , we also have the nucleus of our team in their 4th year of play or less . <p> I only see 1 likely win on the list ( Rams ) . Vikes offense can probably score a few point against the Packers but not much chance the defense can stop @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ both games . Texans ? No way . Even at Seattle I 'm not feeling any good vibes . <p> Geez , johnny , sorry to see you so down on our Vikes. 1-7 the rest of the way , huh ? You 're even conceding a home loss to the Lions ? Mark me down as picking our guys to win the next two games . I 'm not drinking kool aid or being a homer . Those are both good match-ups for us . We can beat the Pack and the Bears at home , too . I admit that we 'll have tough road games at Chicago , Green Bay and Houston ( although that Houson game might be more winnable than some would think. ) 9-7 very doable . <p> Sorry Coach but I 'm just being realistic . I really hope your predictions are right and I 'm wrong . If the team was getting better instead of worse I 'd be alot more optimistic . Losing Cook is gon na hurt the defense , especially against GB . I hoped Charlie Johnson was gon @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ clear that he 's not . I do feel better about next year tho , with another draft and offseason I think they 'll be pretty complete and ready to challenge for the division . <p> I guess we 're just a long ways apart on our anaysis of coaches , Skol . I would n't bring Norv Turner in here as a volunteer coach , and for the life of me I just ca n't figure out the love affair with Garrett . He ca n't take one of the most talented teams in the league beyond ( or maybe even to ) .500 . Andy Reid is doing the same thing with this Dream Team in Philly . And what has Schwartz done so impressively ? I must have missed something . <p> I guess the bottom line is you have some sort of major disdain for Leslie , so the rest of the discussion is a moot point . That 's fine , certainly your right , Skol , and who knows , maybe you are right . All I 'll say is that how a coach @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ with his ability to run a football team . They used to say that Bellicek looked like a lost street bum on the sideline , but he seems to know a little about coaching . I happen to think Leslie is going to be a good one , but only time will tell . <p> I do have a bias against Leslie , actually two . First is that he worked under Childress , and some Chilly has rubbed off on him . Second is the fact that we hired him with countless better coaches on the market . Off the top of my head ... Jim Harbaugh ( that one bugs me the most I really wanted him ) , Gruden , Cowher , I believe Fox was hired around the same time , and even college coaches like Chip Kelly , Nick Saban , Les Miles , Lane Kiffin ect ... I know most would n't want to come to Minnesota but we did n't try for any and I am sure atleast one would want to come here and be better than Frazier . I think Saban @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ and will never coach in the NFL again . Fox is the only guy on that list that I think the Vikes even had a remote chance at landing as a head coach . We had a roster full of declining veteran players and a huge question mark hanging over the future of the team in the state of Minnesota . Hiring Frasier made a lot of sense at the time , I really ca n't fault the Wilfs and he was worth taking a chance on . His game management was much better earlier this season , the last couple weeks has me worried but I truly feel biggest problem we have with coaching right now is on the offensive side of the ball with Musgrave who was a questionable choice to begin with as the new OC ( and that of course falls on Frasier for selecting him ) . It 's hard to say how much of the trouble the offense is having right now is Musgrave and how much is on Ponder , but to me the coaches need to do a better job of putting @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Kiffin ? Really ? Norv Turner ? The guy who may not survive the year , and should finally be done embarrassing teams who hire him ? And is that the same Harbaugh whose team got handled by Leslie 's team earlier this year ? Ask the people in Miami about Saban being the next Bellicek . <p> If Frazier had been " out there " , Skol , I bet he 'd be on your wish list , but because he 's known by us and worked under Chili , he 's a POS . Maybe Tony Dungy and Mike Tomlin wo n't happen again . <p> Fair enough , Skol . We agree to disagree , and I do n't imagine I 'm in the majority , but I got ta tell you I 've neither seen nor heard anything to change my opinion of Frazier , and I 'm sure you have n't either . Looking forward to the rest of the season , and let 's both hope I 'm right . <p> I 'm with SKOL and Johnny ..... I know , I know , @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ wins would be all that I would expect with where we are at ..... one of those when offense and defense come together and the other win only when the other team loses a QB or tanks at the end of the season when they miss the playoffs ..... that does n't make me less of a fan .... I 'm one of those who has seen nothing from Frazier to think he will be a long time head coach in the NFL .... and the jury is out on Ponder , but for the second year , when the pressure mounts to " produce " , he gets worse ..... all that coaching discussion earlier : another factor is front offices that find talent somewhere other than the first round ..... AND , some of those coaches take a roster that lost 10 games for 2-3 years , and in their first year they win 10 games with the same roster .... that is coaching ..... we get Childress and Frazier and they lose with above average roster .... maybe I 'm the only fan who believes Frazier got @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ case they did n't get their stadium .... now that 's done , so get by this playing at the gopher stadium etc , then hire some real talent at GM and head coach ..... evaluating this franchise is just like politics , right ? we all get to have an opinion .... and most of you already know mine ....... Coach , if only I was a betting man ... ( your next two games prediction ) <p> We are 5-3 ... right ? I 'm not sold on Denzel , but I agree with what Dan said- " We had a roster full of declining veteran players and a huge question mark hanging over the future of the team in the state of Minnesota . " Last year was a matter of changing things ... He has us at 5-3 , with two impressive victories . What would be good enough ? 7-1 ? It takes a couple years to build a team that 's gon na contend for a while . Lets see what happens . If we go into Seattle and get a win , would @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ two ? I say Vikes will get at least 3 more wins this year , I 'm with Coach ... 9-7 is very possible . 10-6 ? Well , that mostly depends on Ponder ... He needs to step up in the pocket more and fire some bullets in there , I think he can
@@5116541 <p> If you 're planning on grilling this Labor Day weekend , we have a safe and easy way to check the propane level in the tank of your gas grill -- all it takes is a cup of water . <p> To check the level of gas in your propane tank , bring a cup of water to a boil and pour it over the side of the tank . Now feel the tank and look for the point where the tank goes from feeling hot ( empty ) to cool ( filled with propane ) . That 's your propane level . So simple ! <p> I always have a tank on backup . When one runs out I have another one ready to go and then I have a few weeks to fill the other . Since the cost of the tanks it 's anything insane it worth not being SOL before dinner/a party or whatever . I would although like to give this a try because I once had an issue with my grill only to find out the gas was out .... doh
@@5116641 <h> 02 December 2009 <p> I suppose I should make it official : 2010 should see me being much more active in the Community . <p> Why ? Simply because I am now working for Blizzard Entertainment where I hope to help them make better , more efficient , use of MySQL/MariaDB . I expect to be working on some of MySQL 's internals and storage engines in order to achieve what is wanted and helping them enhance their existing use of MySQL . <p> Exactly what my role will be and the other little details , is still taking form but hopefully , we
@@5116741 <p> From start to finish , the coming week will have a heightened focus on employment . Labor Day weekend in a presidential election year provides the obvious backdrop . Stubbornly high unemployment and sluggish economic growth underscore the issue of greatest concern . <p> This popular chart from Calculated Risk shows the nature of this recovery , described in terms of employment . So little accomplished , and so far , so far to go .... <p> What are the solutions ? Republicans contend that Obama policies , even augmented by aggressive Fed action , have failed . Expect the Democrats to use their convention to blame Congress . <p> The week culminates with the monthly employment situation report for August . It is more important than ever , since most see the data as significant in determining the Fed 's next move . <p> I 'll offer some of my own expectations in the conclusion , but first let us do our regular review of last week 's news . <p> Background on " Weighing the Week Ahead " <p> There are many good sources for a list of upcoming events . With foreign markets setting the @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ like the comprehensive calendar from Forexpros . There is also helpful descriptive and historical information on each item . <p> In contrast , I highlight a smaller group of events . My theme is an expert guess about what we will be watching on TV and reading in the mainstream media . It is a focus on what I think is important for my trading and client portfolios . <p> This is unlike my other articles at " A Dash " where I develop a focused , logical argument with supporting data on a single theme . Here I am simply sharing my conclusions . Sometimes these are topics that I have already written about , and others are on my agenda . I am putting the news in context . <p> Readers often disagree with my conclusions . Do not be bashful . Join in and comment about what we should expect in the days ahead . This weekly piece emphasizes my opinions about what is really important and how to put the news in context . I have had great success with my approach , but feel free @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ <p> Last Week 's Data <p> Each week I break down events into good and bad . Often there is " ugly " and on rare occasion something really good . My working definition of " good " has two components : <p> The news is market-friendly . Our personal policy preferences are not relevant for this test . And especially -- no politics . <p> It is better than expectations . <p> The Good <p> There was very little data last week , and the news was open to varying interpretations . <p> Bernanke threads the needle . The Fed Chair did better than I forecast last week , since I thought that anything less than a clear policy statement would disappoint markets . He did enough hinting to satisfy , while making it clear that more data is needed . Of the many discussions of his speech , I want to emphasize those most helpful for investors . I like the discussion in The Economist and also the interpretation from Jon Hilsenrath . For those of us who are interested in what we expect to happen , we @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ of the hurdles he faces , noting , " It is true that nontraditional policies are relatively more difficulty to apply , " he said . <p> But he left little doubt that he sees the benefits of trying . " Over the past five years , the Federal Reserve has acted to support economic growth and foster job creation , " he said , " and it is important to achieve further progress , particularly in the labor market . " <p> Sentiment via the AAII survey , has backed off from excessively bullish levels . On a contrarian basis , this is positive . <p> ECB President Draghi skipped the Jackson Hole Symposium . The market saw this as good news as participants concluded that the ECB team was hard at work on a specific proposal for next week . We shall see about that , but the stories on this front got a positive reaction . <p> Housing is showing strength . S &P's; David Blitzer calls it a " significant turn . " Still only back to the 1999 or 2000 levels in real terms , @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Risk for the expected fine analysis and several charts . <p> The Bad <p> There was negative news , but fairly modest in overall significance . <p> GM idling Volt plant for four weeks , beginning September 17th . The July employment data was positively influenced because the traditional summer plant closings did not take place . This plant involves only about 1200 workers ( who will receive 90% of normal pay from unemployment compensation ) . For those of us watching employment data , it is something to note . <p> Spain continues to delay in asking for help . The market reacts negatively , since it delays the process . It is rational for Spain , since the objective is to get the best possible terms . They want to see the ECB proposal . <p> The Bundesbank 's Jens Weidmann is threatening to resign over expanded ECB bond buying . This is a natural response , and a good bargaining posture . Chancellor Merkel has urged him to stay on the board and make his views clear . <p> More bad news on China 's economic growth @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ hits a nine-month low . We all want to get the best data on China . The flash index differs from official data . Actual consumption of key inputs may differ from either of these surveys . One key input is iron ore , so I was intrigued by the thoughtful analysis from the FT 's Izabella Kaminska , Iron ore , an alternative view . There is an intriguing analysis of the data and some good charts . China watchers -- and that should be all of us -- need more reporting like this . <p> Consumer Confidence ( via the Conference Board ) was weaker . Here is the long-term chart from Bespoke . The University of Michigan report was slightly better than expectations . <p> The Ugly <p> Individual investor knowledge . The SEC studied this by doing some tests with fake fund prospectuses . They discovered that investors did not even grasp the basics . Donald Marron has a good account of the study . <p> Meanwhile , there is an increase in day trading among individual investors . <p> The Silver Bullet <p> I occasionally @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ an unpopular or thankless cause , doing the real work to demonstrate the facts . Think of The Lone Ranger . <p> His work qualifies for the Silver Bullet because so many prominent pundits have been completely wrong on this subject . He fearlessly takes on the big names like the ECRI , David Rosenberg , Nouriel Roubini , and Nassim Taleb . <p> He highlights the most important aspect of the discouraging employment picture , the drag from the continuing loss of government jobs . If you view the data in terms of private employment growth , the picture is quite different . <p> Todd 's analysis should help anyone who wants a complete picture of the sources of sluggish growth . <p> The Indicator Snapshot <p> It is important to keep the current news in perspective . My weekly snapshot includes the most important summary indicators : <p> The SLFSI reports with a one-week lag . This means that the reported values do not include last week 's market action . The SLFSI has moved a lot lower , and is now out of the trigger range of @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ for managing risk objectively , and it has suggested the need for more caution . Before implementing this indicator our team did extensive research , discovering a " warning range " that deserves respect . We identified a reading of 1.1 or higher as a place to consider reducing positions . <p> The SLFSI is not a market-timing tool , since it does not attempt to predict how people will interpret events . It uses data , mostly from credit markets , to reach an objective risk assessment . The biggest profits come from going all-in when risk is high on this indicator , but so do the biggest losses . <p> Bob and I recently did some videos explaining the recession history . I am working on a post that will show how to use this method . As I have written for many months , there is no imminent recession concern . I recently showed the significance of by explaining the relationship to the business cycle . <p> The evidence against the ECRI recession forecast continues to mount . It is disappointing that those with the best forecasting @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ that a recession has already started is losing credibility with most observers . I urge readers to check out the list of excellent updates from prior posts . <p> Readers might also want to review my new Recession Resource Page , which explains many of the concepts people get wrong . <p> The single best resource for the ECRI call and the ongoing debate is Doug Short . This week 's article , ECRI 's Embarrassing Recession Call , describes the complete history , the critics , and how it has played out . The article highlights the most important economic indicators used in identifying recessions , showing that none have rolled over . <p> With the release of personal income this morning , we now know the values of all four series thought to guide the NBER 's recession dating decisions . While all of these series are subject to revisions , of course , as of now the simple fact is that all four rose in July , and three of the four are at post-recession records . So unless they are revised significantly downward , the simple @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ <p> Our " Felix " model is the basis for our " official " vote in the weekly Ticker Sense Blogger Sentiment Poll . We have a long public record for these positions . This week we switched to neutral . We have been bullish since June 23rd , with a one-week move to neutral a month ago . These are one-month forecasts for the poll , but Felix has a three-week horizon . The ratings have moved lower , and the confidence has deteriorated from last week . <p> For more on the penalty box see this article . For more on the system ratings , you can write to etf at newarc dot com for our free report package or to be added to the ( free ) weekly ETF email list . You can also write personally to me with questions or comments , and I 'll do my best to answer . <p> The Week Ahead <p> While there will be fewer reports this week , the news will be especially significant . <p> The " A List " is all about jobs : <p> The @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ for markets , the Fed , and the political campaign . <p> Initial claims ( Th ) which continue to provide the most up-to-date read on jobs and the economy . <p> ADP ( Th ) releases private employment data . <p> The ECB provides more information on its bond-buying plans ( Th ) . <p> The ISM reports on manufacturing ( T ) . <p> The " B List " includes three reports : <p> ISM services ( Th ) . <p> Construction spending ( W ) . <p> Auto sales ( W ) . <p> The Democratic convention will also provide plenty of additional discussion about jobs . <p> Trading Time Frame <p> Our trading positions continued in fully invested mode last week . Felix became more aggressive in a timely fashion , near the start of the summer rally . Since we only require three buyable sectors , the trading accounts look for the " bull market somewhere " even when the overall picture is neutral . As the tape has improved , the ratings from Felix have gotten stronger . <p> Felix does not try to @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ right side of major moves . We had one " neutral " forecast about a month ago , but things never got weak enough to reduce positions . The ratings are weaker , but there are still several attractive sectors to own . <p> Investor Time Frame <p> Sources continue to highlight the overbought nature of pure dividend stocks . This week Bespoke described August returns for stocks with different yields . <p> Dividend investing is fine , but you must look past the dividend yield and study the earnings , earnings growth rate , cash flow , balance sheet , and payout ratio . <p> If you have been following our regular advice , you have done the following : <p> Replaced your bond mutual funds with individual bonds ; <p> Sold some calls against your modest dividend stocks to enhance yield to the 10% range ; and <p> Added some octane with a reasonable input of good stocks . <p> There is nothing more satisfying than collecting good returns in a sideways market . <p> If you have not done so , it is certainly not too late @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ a new investor resource page -- a starting point for the long-term investor . ( Comments welcome ! ) <p> Final Thoughts on Employment <p> I am not expecting a strong employment report . ( I 'll do my regular monthly preview at mid-week ) . Because of the expectation of Fed action , the impact of the report may be dampened . Real weakness will be seen as confirming Fed action . <p> Oh , and did I mention that 90 percent of the traders I know are underperforming the S &P; 500 , which is up 12 percent this year ? " There is something lurking out there ... we can not continue to have central bank stimulation forever , with more debt layered on more debt , " one trader said to me . He , too , is underperforming . " I 'm long 20 percent of what I would normally be long in a market like this . I got ta own it because my neighbor owns it , that 's a silly investment concept , but it 's worked this year , " he @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ expect an imminent correction of 10% , something that he sees as a contrarian indicator . <p> Top strategists are also pretty bearish . Bespoke reports on the year-end price targets . Check out the full article to see how little these have changed throughout the year . <p> Part of the explanation is that traders and strategists both seem to have focused too much on the obvious problems and under-estimated the resolve and power of governments and central banks . Nearly every commentary on the Fed emphasizes the author 's opinion of what policy should be . <p> Those of us who focus instead on understanding and predicting policy decisions , regardless of our personal views , have a real advantage . <p> This will get increasingly difficult in the weeks before the election . <p> This post was originally published at A Dash of Insight / About Us The EconoMonitor brings together a community of economic
@@5116841 <h> A student publication of the University of California , Berkeley Department of City and Regional Planning since 1985 . <h> The Age of the City Planning Movie Has Arrived <p> Ezra Glenn blew on an old-fashioned train whistle . " All aboard for ' Last Train Home ' ! " The crowd chuckled . " Our conductor , Tunney Lee , will make some announcements at the front of the car . There are still some snacks left in the dining car . " Glenn motioned to a spread of mooncakes and other Chinese treats on a small table at the edge of the classroom . The room was full . Movie night at the MIT Department of Urban Studies and Planning had begun . <p> Qin , a teenager who chooses to leave school in the countryside for factory work in " Last Train Home " . Photo via the film 's facebook page . <p> City planners , take note : We are living in the golden age of city planning films . You may not have been waiting for this period , or even have imagined that such a thing was possible . Yet , @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ as a city planning movie ? And what makes for a good city planning movie ? <p> " Last Train Home " is about Chinese family fractured by factory life . The parents , too poor to support their infant daughter , decide to move to the city and send their wages home . Their daughter is a teenager when the film begins . She is angry that she does n't know her own parents , deciding whether to stay in school or go on to factory work against their wishes , and mourning the death of the grandfather who raised her . The family reunites only once a year -- a trip made possible by China 's extensive train system . The film captures that trip again and again . Chinese New Year produces the world 's largest human migration . <p> Lee , a professor in the department , took five minutes to offer some context for the movie before turning down the lights . Glenn , lecturer in the department and movie buff , explained that he would show a few previews for upcoming films in the @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ the film began he was hovering at the door , unstacking chairs for latecomers and fiddling with the temperature . The room was packed . <p> " Our users are caring more and more about movies , and about showing them , " said Heather McCann , the MIT Urban Studies &; Planning librarian who has been helping Glenn secure movie rights . McCann pays between $250 and $450 for each movie . That price includes " Public Performance Rights , " or the right to show the film to groups within the university community if no admission fee is charged . McCann and Glenn went to buy " Play Time , " they stumbled upon Janus -- a movie distributor they had n't yet encountered -- and its full list of movies . " The list was awesome , " said McCann . She ended up buying more than one . <p> Good news for Glenn . Good news for movie-goers . " A movie takes everyone to the same emotional space , " said Glenn . He loves the moment when the lights go up . It 's @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Mass , he says , or sitting down for a post-show drink with a date . Five minutes after " Last Train Home " ended , a group of friends lingered , talking about the movie and solidifying their plans for the evening . " That movie blew my mind , " said one of them as she walked out the door . <p> Glenn has launched an Urban Film Blog and is accepting movie reviews from anyone with insight . " We do n't want to know whether you liked it or not . We want to know what it means , what it exposes about the nature of cities . " Contact eglenn@mit.edu to submit a film review . <p> MIT 's Urban Planning Film Series runs every Wednesday or Thursday evening from September to December in 2012 . It includes both feature films and documentaries . As the program flyer states , each screening includes " additional video ephemera " . When Glenn showed ' The Parking Lot Movie , " a parking lot expert gave introductory remarks . When he showed " Dark Days , " @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ in New York , he handed out fliers for the Somerville Homeless Coalition 's 5k road race . <p> THE LAST TRAIN HOME ( 2009 ) : Every spring , China 's cities are plunged into chaos , as millions of city-dweller attempt to return to their rural homes by train for Chinese New Year . Directed by Lixin Fan . <p> LAND OF OPPORTUNITY ( 2010 ) : Juxtaposing the perspectives of protagonists from different walks of life , this project reveals how the story of post-Katrina New Orleans is also the story of urban America . Directed by Luisa Dantas . <p> THE AGE OF STUPID ( 2009 ) : A man living in the devastated future of 2055 looks back at footage from our time and asks , " why did n't we stop climate change when we had the chance ? " Directed by Franny Armstrong . <p> TRUCK FARM ( 2011 ) : Tells the story of a new generation of quirky urban farmers in New York City . Directed by Ian Cheney . <p> STREET FIGHT ( 2005 ) : Chronicles the bare-knuckles race @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ a 32-year-old Rhodes Scholar/Yale Law School grad , and Sharpe James , the four-term incumbent and undisputed champion of New Jersey politics . Directed by Marshall Curry . <p> THE PRUITT-IGOE MYTH ( 2011 ) : Tells the story of the transformation of the American city in the decades after World War II , through the lens of the infamous Pruitt-Igoe housing development and the St. Louis residents who called it home . Directed by Chad Freidrichs . <p> PLAY TIME ( 1967 ) : " With every inch of its superwide frame crammed with hilarity and inventiveness , Playtime is a lasting testament to a modern age tiptoeing on the
@@5116941 <h> Is there a way to view a different plan period in your spending plan ? <h> Admin Functions <p> I 'm moving some monthly charges out of one bucket and into a new one and want to set the start date for next month , but I 'm stuck in this month 's spending plan . Since all of my buckets are recurring monthly , I need those numbers to be factored into the " left to budget " for this month . I figure I could just view next month 's plan period to get around this , but I ca n't figure out how to do it . <p> Currently , you can see the current period . We are working on a way for you to better see and mange upcoming bills . But , until then , if you 're just moving an event from one bucket to another , then the " left to budget " amount will be the same . <p> Later , Mark <h> Admin Functions <p> That 's not the case actually because it was n't itemized in my budget and now it is . I may be doing @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ recurring . Even if I did n't though , I 'm budgeting for an item that I did n't specifically budget for in the past and it has a start date of next month . Because it starts next month , it 's not considered in my monthly budget . <p> There has to be a way to improve upon this . If I did n't know that was happening , I 'd probably go ahead and put it towards something else because I saw I had it . Then next month would roll around and all of a sudden I 'm over budget . <p> Maybe I 'm confused about some fundamentals of using MoneyWell to budget ? I 've used it for a while now and some things about MoneyWell 2 now confuse the heck out of me . <p> Here 's another thing : if I do n't use all of one bucket one month and then decide the next month to give myself a little more to spend on dining out by doing a bucket transfer , why does it see that as income in that @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ income buckets when I get my next pay check ? Makes no sense to me . <p> Sorry to vent and thanks for your help ! : - ) <h> Admin Functions <p> You do n't see future money in buckets because envelope budgeting is about focusing on this period . You have income . You divide it up into buckets ( envelopes ) . You spend only what 's in each bucket . It 's designed to give you a start and a finish to each period so you can see that you need to stop spending this month at some point . <p> MoneyWell 2.1 simply expands your ability to break out what is budgeted in each bucket . You are n't limited to one amount each now and can break out your Automobile spending into all the details that make up your car expenses . It 's all about giving you more information to make decisions and to streamline your spending plan . <h> Admin Functions <p> Gotcha . That makes sense . Maybe I should set the budget for that expenditure to last month , then @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ wait a day for it to show up in the whole plan so I 'm seeing next month 's period . Thanks for your help Kevin ! <p> -- JB Bryant <h> Admin Functions <h> Admin Functions <p> JB , I wanted to point out that you described a scenario in your previous update where leftover money in one bucket was manually moved to another bucket , but then less income was added to that bucket . In 1.7 , it was possible to have this happen as there was a setting on bucket transfer to specify whether it counted toward the budgeted amount or not . In 2.1 , that setting is gone and manual transfers never count , so the situation you described should not exist . <h> Admin Functions <p> Interesting . I 'll have to look into that again . Is that the case from manual transfers from income buckets as well ? I think that 's what happened . If I get extra money from somewhere unplanned , I just move that into a random bucket like debt . From what I recall , that @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ % of the plan that the bucket has been filled for the month so far . <h> Admin Functions <p> You 're both right , in a way . ; ) Manual bucket transfers are n't counted when MoneyWell calculates the amounts on the Fill Buckets screen . That was always true , however in earlier 2.0 versions , the graph appeared to include those manual bucket transfers . It still did n't affect the fill amounts , but it looked like it did . That issue was fixed in 2.1 , so the graph now agrees with the actual calculated fill
@@5117041 <p> FORT WORTH , Texas ( Oct. 25 , 2012 ) -- The drama of cable television 's " Dallas " collides with the drama of the Chase for the NASCAR Sprint Cup as cast members of the popular television show will serve as grand marshals for the AAA Texas 500 NASCAR Sprint Cup Series race Sunday , Nov. 4 , at Texas Motor Speedway . <p> The all-new " Dallas " brings together stars from the original series -- one of the most popular television dramas of all time -- with a new generation as the infamous Ewing family continues its bitter battle for power , money and oil while secrets , schemes and betrayals abound at Southfork Ranch . Currently filming its second season in the Dallas-Fort Worth area , " Dallas " airs on TNT and stars Josh Henderson , Jesse Metcalfe , Jordana Brewster , Julie Gonzalo and Brenda Strong , with original " Dallas " stars Patrick Duffy , Linda Gray and Larry Hagman -- as J.R . Ewing . All but Strong will be present at Texas Motor Speedway , either in person at the pre-race stage to give the command to start @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Cup , or via video . <p> " It is a natural for ' Dallas ' to have a presence at the largest sports venue in the great state of Texas , " " Dallas " producer Ken Topolsky said . " The cast is excited about playing such a visible role during the AAA Texas 500 . This is going to be fun for everybody . " <p> The all-new " Dallas , " from Warner Horizon Television , returned to prime time earlier this year for 10 episodes on TNT . The series is slated to premiere its second season Jan. 28 . Created by David Jacobs , the series is executive produced by Cynthia Cidre and Michael M. Robin . <p> Cast members have stopped by Texas Motor Speedway and gotten a feel for racing around the 1.5-mile speedway and several episodes this upcoming season will feature " The Great American Speedway ! " <p> " As a fan of both the original series and the new one , it is great to work with the cast of the show , " Texas Motor Speedway President Eddie @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Ken and his team have done a wonderful job of weaving the story tying in the original cast with the new cast . I was fortunate to attend the world premiere in Dallas last fall and I 'm looking forward to them shooting here this year . People around the world know the TV show , ' Dallas , ' and they know Texas Motor Speedway . This is big . " <p> The cast of " Dallas " is part of the honorary contingent on tap for the AAA Texas 500 . Anita Perry , the wife of Texas Governor Rick Perry and First Lady of Texas , will serve as the honorary starter as she will wave the green flag . <p> The pre-race festivities will be highlighted by the AXE Salute Our Troops Pre-Race Show featuring the Eli Young Band . The country music group , who started their accession to the top while attending classes at the University of North Texas in Denton , will perform an hour-long concert beginning at 12:20 p.m . CT on the frontstretch stage . <p> The NASCAR Sprint Cup Series @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ the 10-event Chase for the Sprint Cup -- the AAA Texas 500 . Tickets are still available by contacting the Texas Motor Speedway ticket office
@@5117141 <h> Tuesday , November 13 , 2012 <p> This generation-spanning billboard for Mankind The Story of All of Us heralds the dawn of a new 12-hour mini-series on The History Channel , chronicling life on Earth from the Big Bang through to modern times . <p> Follow our unique history from discovering fire and farming , to building such wonders as the pyramids and great cities , plus learning to trade and surviving the horrors of war . It sounds like quite an epic series . <p> This evocative billboard for the new
@@5117241 <h> Follow the Wild Goose Festival ! <h> What is the Wild Goose Festival ? <p> The Wild Goose is a Celtic metaphor for the Holy Spirit . We are followers of Jesus creating a festival of justice , spirituality , music and the arts . The festival is rooted in the Christian tradition and therefore open to all regardless of belief , ethnicity , gender , sexuality , denomination
@@5117341 <h> Latest Headlines <h> Leipheimer opens up about doping revelations -- The Press Democrat <p> In an interview run in its entirety at pressdemocrat.com , Levi Leipheimer this week detailed the relief and fear he feels since testifying before federal investigators and the U.S. Anti-doping Agency , and telling the story of his past doping indiscretions last week on the website of The Wall Street Journal . <p> " The biggest sense of relief in all of this came when I decided to stop using performance-enhancing substances back in 2007 , " said Leipheimer . " For me , that was the biggest sense of relief because I felt at the time I can complete without doing this . I no longer have to deal with that stress -- trying to live in this alternate world where we are doing it but we are trying to act like we are not doing it . " <p> Leipheimer told the paper that he feared retribution from Lance Armstrong over his testimony in the case that will likely result in a lifetime ban for the Texan . He also described what he called a " heartbreaking " descent into more and @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ a couple of panic attacks , " said Leipheimer . " It was June 2006 . It was right towards the end ( of his doping ) . I was taking out blood in preparation for the Tour de France . We would take EPO to replace the blood so we could still train . I was taking EPO and I was n't sure if I had done it the night before because I had been doing it for a while . After a while you 're zombie-like . It 's painful every time you do because it reminds you you are doing something wrong . " <h> Armstrong vacates Livestrong chairman position -- Associated Press <p> The Associated Press on Wednesday reported that Lance Armstrong would step down as chairman of the Livestrong Foundation , the cancer advocacy charity he started 15 years ago . <p> Armstrong did not receive a salary as the chairman and will remain on the 15-person board of directors . Vice chairman Jeff Garvey , who served as the founding chairman in 1997 , will assume the vacant position . <p> " This organization @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ my heart , " Armstrong said in a statement . " Today therefore , to spare the foundation any negative effects as a result of controversy surrounding
@@5117441 <h> A short history of presenting : CPD23 Thing Seventeen -- The Medium is the Message ( Prezi and Slideshare ) <p> Since the later years of primary school , I 've dreaded the following phrase -- " assessment by presentation " . But in looking back , that horrible history is also a history of presentation technologies . In my first presentation ( at primary school ) , about my collection of dolls in their national dress from all over the world , I had the actual collection of dolls on the table , my script written out in my own fair hand , and my presentation written on the blackboard . It was a time of technology most tangible . In First Year at secondary school , I got all high-tech and introduced a video clip as part of my history of Garfield , the Jim Davis magnum opus . At university , presenting got hardcore . It all started with flipcharts , marker pens , and groupwork ; I bear the scars thereof even now . But the blank canvas of Powerpoint was not far behind , as I signed up for the University 's IT @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ it ever since . Hopefully I 'm not the only who initially carried away with all the fancy possibilities that Powerpoint offers . Who could resist the swishy noise of text rushing in from off-slide ? Obviously , as time goes on , such gimmicks in your own presentations annoy you , and in others ' presentations , can inspire murderous feelings . See also : not switching off the keytones on mobile phones . These days , I use Microsoft Powerpoint primarily for user education sessions in my Library . Until last year , when I bought a new tiny laptop in advance of going to Canada , I had never used other presentation programmes ; now I use Open Office ' s Powerpoint alternative , particularly for conference presentations , and have had no problem at all therewith . It 's particularly helpful that Powerpoint presentations are compatible with Open Office without there being any formatting issues . <p> The CPD23 Thing Seventeen official post says " Prezi is now a very well known presentation tool and a great alternative to PowerPoint " . O dear ; I @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ a day of discovery , as on the BBC 's Children in Need they have been talking about Gangnam Style all evening , which I had never heard of it before , but now I see that even Ai WeiWei has released his version . <p> Note : I did not finish this post on Children in Need last night , but the unexpected " bonus " of that is that I 've now just seen Bruce Forsythe and everyone on Strictly Come Dancing doing another version of the aforementioned Gangnam Style . <p> Back on topic : My name is Kathleen O'Neill and I have never used Prezi . However , I was intrigued by the official Thing Seventeen post 's suggested technique of " Using a circular structure to link solutions to problems , allowing you to visit and revisit areas of the screen as you talk " . One of my user education presentations is all about referencing , and I know that there are points where it would be good to be able to go back ... and back , and back , and back again @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ amazing how difficult it can be to keep an eye on when to use a colon , when to use a semi-colon , so it would be great to keep coming back to that . The main problem , however , is that it 's a horribly boring point to discuss ( colons vs. semi-colons ) ; I 've just gone through Meg Westbury 's presentation A Voice in the Wilderness : Personalised Library Services in a Virtual Environment , and for the first time saw a way to make such a dry presentation as that on bibliographic referencing into something that might not result in students losing the will to live . I had already been planning that after Christmas I would start looking at updating my user education presentations in the run-up to the students starting to work on dissertation proposals . Now I think that I will be reinventing all these presentations using Prezi , " getting my hands dirty " , as recommended in the offical Thing Seventeen post . I commented earlier that I found Powerpoint rather gimmicky in its special effects , often irresistibly @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ visual effects of Prezi , on the other hand , as used by Meg , were impressive and not " Powerpoint-tacky " . They complemented the presentation , as opposed to overwhelming it . No more swishy text from off-slide for me ! <p> In the meantime , perhaps it would be a good idea to pull all my previous user education presentations together in one place , thus to work through them steadily . For now , different versions of them exist in different places : on datastickes , on my personal networked folders at work , and on my own folders on my own computers . I have kept copies of the various versions to show the development of my user education scheme for the purposes of my CILIP Chartership portfolio . So my first step should be to gather them together in one folder , and to keep a backup thereof . Why not use Slideshare ? I already use it to look at Powerpoint presentations created by others more skilled than I in their creation . I have an account , and looking at my history @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ 's Taxonomy Folksonomy Cookbook : finding the right recipe for organising enterprise metadata . But since then , nothing . I have tonight been using Slideshare to find presentations that may be relevant to my primary writing project ( under AcWriMo ) ; one such is Gardening in a Knowledge Federation , by Jack Park ( 2009 ) . I am equally interested in Slideshare in terms of its making publicly available any presentations uploaded thereto ; I would like to get feedback on my user education scheme , and on the presentations around which it is structured . I can also look at others ' presentations on similar themes , and hope that once I improve my own work it will help others . <p> In the meantime , I am particularly intrigued by the idea of the visual CV . As my experience grows , I find it difficult to confine myself within the two page structure of the standard text-based CV . Does there come a time where it is acceptable to have a longer CV as a matter of course ? I do not know . @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ one job interview , a long time ago now , I had to give a short presentation on my understanding of the library in the larger arena of an academic institution ; I answered that question partly through a series of diagrams . Could I similarly incorporate my approaches to my profession and my research into a presentation , and in so doing explain my attitudes with more sophistication and substance than is possible in two pages of ( largely ) plain text ? At the very leaST , I plan to do so as part of an exercise to reevaluate and ultimately rewrite my CV to include all the experience gained , the
@@5117541 <h> Pages <h> Wednesday , April 18 , 2012 <p> The most important tools of this trade have to be Patience and Understanding . You have to understand that children are learning as they go . They also learn by testing there boundaries and making mistakes . After you understand that , you will have to exercise patience . Being tolerant of some of there learning activities as aggravating as they are at times . <h> Friday , November 25 , 2011 <p> Many of our readers already know that we are on Facebook , but we are now proud to say that we are also on Twitter and YouTube . As the busy holiday season falls upon us , we are trying different avenues to spread our word to the masses . The links to our pages can be found above . As always your thoughts are welcomed . <h> Thursday , November 10 , 2011 <p> I think that it is safe to say that all parents have played The Waiting Game . The game starts between his last feeding and it 's too early to get up right now . Since I am a light sleeper @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ this : Did I hear him ? Stop , do n't move ! If she hears you move then she wo n't get up to get him . But , the blanket gremlin snuck in again last night and stole all the covers and my foot is turning into a block of ice . <p> Suck it up it is a small price to pay to get some more sleep , because if you move she will know you are awake and out last you . She is warm so this will be easier for her . <p> After what seems like a good forty-five minutes I feel like I am going to win tonight . Then a reminder of the cause of this game . My son fussing in his crib just changed his tone from " Hey guys that was a good nap " to " Hello , is anyone there , I 'm up and ready to go . " I realize that the next step is " OK , Fine , EVERY BODY GET UP , I am hungry and would like my diaper changed , @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ it is o'dark-thirty , if I get up now and take care of him maybe I 'll go back to sleep and get another hour before his sister gets up . Stop thinking like that , it 's your turn to sleep in . You have n't slept in for several weeks . Just lay there quietly before she hears you thinking . One more hint from my son that time is about to run out and I caved in . Half asleep and half angered at my fresh defeat I stumble over to the crib . Once there , I turn on the night light and though squinting eyes I pick up my prize . He greets me with a big smile and a cheerful ahhh . Then I spend the next few quiet moments bonding with my son . It is rare for the house to be so calm and to get the chance to focus on just one thing . So I have learned to cherish these moments , that 's when I realize my wife may have defeated me , But I still won ! In @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ wife claims to have no clue what I am talking about . I tell her that she may have gotten more sleep but I got to spend time with my son . Her response was good that is the goal . As it turns out when you work as a team everybody is a winner . <h> Monday , October 31 , 2011 <p> Living in Germany causes a problem for Trick or Treating . For the most part Germans do n't celebrate Halloween . So if you want to go Trick or Treating you have two choices . First you can try to guess which of your neighbors are Americans and hope they have some treats . Or you can do as most military families do , go on base . On the military base Trick or Treating is set up to be very family oriented . To start off , it begins at 1700 ( 5:00pm ) and ends two hours later , just when it starts to get dark . Next , the housing area is pretty much closed to traffic and the military police have a @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ to door often waiting in line to pose that famous proposal of Trick or Treat . <p> My Honey Bees <p> The focus being a family event with the majority of kids no older than grade school . I ca n't understand why some people feel that it is appropriate to wear Sexy costumes . There are two groups that do this tweens and adults . Both fall under the responsibility of the adults or Parents . As the father of a little girl , I do n't want my daughter viewed as a sex symbol . Therefore she will not be allowed to dress in that manner until she is old enough to vote and even then I hope that I will have instilled enough self-confidence that she does n't seek that kind of attention . There are also adults that dressed in sexy costumes . I am not against grownups dressing as they wish , but I do feel that there is a time and a place . Trick or Treating with hoards of kids around is not the time nor place to be dressed as a Naughty @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ for adult engagements or behind closed bedroom doors . Going to a military base to trick or treat for Halloween while living overseas is as close to being back home as possible . Seeing the smiles on the kids faces especially my little Honey Bee makes me glad the military provides us these opportunities . <p> --UPDATE : The reason that I wrote this post is because while waiting at the end of a driveway for my daughter to trick or treat . I heard some guys commenting on a sexy witch costume saying " did you she that witch , " at that point the girl turned around and she was no older then 13 . The mistaken guy quickly said , " Oh , no she is too young . " But for a minute they were looking at her in an inappropriate way . I wonder if her parents knew that this would happened if they would let her out of the house in that costume ? Even with the actions of a few bad apples this was still a wonderful event . <h> Tuesday , October @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ , correct or possibly discipline a child that is not your own ? <p> Just the other night at a dinner party , the topic of children came up as it often does , but this time was different . On this night we were discussing if it was OK to correct or discipline someone Else 's child , even if you do n't know the parents . The story that was brought up was about a boy that was out of control at a campground . There were plenty of adults around and the parent did not stand out as the authority figure . Even though the boy was causing all sorts of ruckus no one said anything until he tried to throw a small dog . He also but the same dog into an empty cooler and sat on it . At this time someone told the boy " OK , it 's time to let the dog go . " Later in the evening someone asked were the dog was and the answer they received was with the boy . The parent was in close proximity to @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ parent refused to stop the boy from harming the dog should one of the other adults step in to correct someone Else 's child or should they let it go ? <p> No kids in the basket of a shopping cart ! <p> The day after the dinner party , I remembered a time when I stepped in to correct a child and it took an odd turn . At the time I was working at Home Depot designing custom windows and doors . I had this customer come up to place an order with a child in the basket of a shopping cart . Now this was against store policy but we let it slide if the kid was sitting and well behaved , which was the case at the time . Just after we started to go through the options the little boy started to act up and he kept jumping around in the basket of the cart . Obviously this is very unsafe . Well , it turns out not to be so obvious , because the parent my customer ignored the behavior . I could not @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ to take away the parents authority . So at first I simply brought it up with the parent . Apparently they were not worried because my warning fell on deaf ears . A few minutes later , I had enough of this kid risking his safety right in front of me and his parents . I think he was taunting me . So I calmly interrupted his mother and told the boy to be careful and sit down and he did . Both of his parents looked at me as if they were in shock . From then on every time the boy acted up his parents would tell him to stop or calm down before the mean man(me) would yell at him . A few times they even asked me to tell him to stop . The act of making me a villain angered me beyond belief . How could they neglect there parenting duties and make me the bad guy ? Should I have just stayed out of it and let the boy possibly get hurt ? NO ! Angry as I was about those people , who @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ a villain it was worth it . You should always step in and either correct the child or notify the parents . Sometimes you may have to do both correcting the parents and stopping the child from the unsafe behavior , like I found out . Now as a parent I take pride in making sure my kids are safe even though they sometimes see me as the villain . When the safety of children or others ( dogs included ) are at risk it is always okay to intervene , correct and possibly discipline a child that is not your own . <h> Saturday , October 8 , 2011 <p> Most nights , I am in charge of putting the kids to sleep . This , like all of parenting has tremendous rewards . With that being said , it also presents some of the most aggravating moments in parenting . Even though we have a bed time routine ; you know ; bath , milk , book , hugs &; kisses , sleep . Well , that is how it is supposed to go . As every parent @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ since driving around the block all night is impractical , the fight begins . Kids just do n't like to sleep . As the battle rages we have all said it ... Go the Fok to Sleep . Ok , maybe not out loud but you have definitely thought it . When I saw this book title I laughed to my self . Then , I was a little ashamed that I let something like a child not wanting to sleep , anger me to the point of swearing ( to my self of coarse ) . That was quickly washed away with the joy of knowing that somebody else not only has gone through this nightly process , but was brave enough to write about it . To often us parents are to embarrassed to talk about the hardships of parenting candidly . Not the case with Adam Mansbach , besides writing about the anger that come with a child not going to sleep , he jokes about it . In this book he puts on display how as the parent you try your hardest to be kind and @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ in this case to sleep , despite our actual inner feelings . This book hit so close to home I did n't think there was any way to make it better . Then here comes Samuel L. Jackson to add his colorful take in this audio version of Go the Fok to Sleep . Check it out and tell me what you think . <h> Friday , October 7 , 2011 <p> I have been expanding my definition of The Role of a Father since I became one . Through this process I have intended to share the good content I came across along with self discovered thoughts on the topic . I also hope to hear the views of my readers . I understand that everybody has a different opinion on this , and that is what I want to hear . <p> One of the first composed lists that I found was on a blog Chapters From My Life . It opens by explaining that " Parenting is a combination of TWO words : Mothering and Fathering . " Although I do n't totally agree with this statement @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ think the rest of the article has some valid points . One that comes to mind is " Accept your child 's uniqueness " and " Never compare " children as this may hinder the self-esteem of your child . There are six in-depth ideas on a dads role , most are in line with my idea of this role . I will dedicate a post to my current ideas on the role of a father in the near future . For the rest of this thought provoking list from Chapters From My Life which is not just about the role of a father , but good parenting tips overall follow the link below . <h> Thursday , September 29 , 2011 <p> I got this book Father to Daughter as a present just before my daughter was born . Since then I have read it cover to cover several times . It is one of the books that sits on my night stand and gives me little pearls of advice . Often I look through it and see what kind of situations I will encounter in the future . @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ with life lessons and good tips to fathers about daughters . <p> I have started working on the Tools of the Trade page . Tools of the Trade are just random items that I find useful in my parenting journey . Some items are nice to have while others you ca n't live without . Most Tools can be substituted for like items , but I have listed the brands the I use because I only like to speak about what I have personally used . A short list mentioned on the Tools of the Trade page include a Britax stroller , the Amby Baby hammock , and the SwaddleMe swaddle by Summer . If you have comments , reviews , or concerns on this or any page please leave it in the comments section or e-mail us at **28;3911;TOOLONG <h> Sunday , August 28 , 2011 <p> For over two years I have struggled with my personal identity . Leading up to this crisis I took pride in being a hard-working tax-paying American man . Then as an Army husband I found myself living in Germany , fighting for @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ set in that the job I did land would not pay enough to cover the child care that was needed to keep that job , my wife and I decided it would be better if I was the child care . Although being a stay at home dad is work , hard work , in my head I did n't have a job or career . <p> When people would ask what do you do ? I was embarrassed . I would say for now I take care of the baby and quickly change the subject . I did n't know how to classify what I did , or what to call myself . I wanted to sound like a man who took care of his family . As time went on I liked what I did and still do , so I started to toss around different monikers if someone asked . Here are a few . <p> Stay at home Dad <p> House Husband <p> Family Manager <p> Child Care Provider <p> Domestic Engineer <p> Full Time Father <p> Dad on Duty <p> The one that I use @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ lot of people do n't know what that is , but they act like it sounds important . Others that do know what a Domestic Engineer is respect it for what it is . Even with all the different names , I know deep down it is just being a Dad . <p> ( Update ) After some more research I found
@@5117641 <h> The amazing stories of the world 's most iconic cameras <p> Cameras are not just functioning things ; a few have also gained iconic -- even mythological -- status . This has been either because of those who used them , the historic events they captured , their giant technological leaps or simply downright beautiful design . Everyone will have an opinion about their favourite camera , but here 's the ones we think make the grade . <p> Bullet Proof ... Literally <p> First introduced in 1959 , the Nikon F was partially responsible for the all conquering rise of the SLR and featured elements that stayed with the Nikon brand for the next fifty years . It was legendary for its robustness and therefore unsurprisingly favoured by war photographers and photojournalists around the world . This particular F was also responsible for saving Don McCullin 's life . Whilst working in Cambodia in 1970 , an AK47 round was deftly deflected away from McCullin 's head by the cameras body . <p> Now , Now , Now ! <p> In a climate of instant gratification , the Polaroid no longer holds the capacity to amaze that @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ idea : instant photographic records of the moment before the moment has even passed . The first Polaroid , Model 95 , appeared in 1948 . And just under twenty years later , in1965 , the Model 20 Swinger , aimed purely at the domestic market , was launched . It remains one of the best selling cameras of all time . <p> Tripping all the Way to the Eighties <p> The Olympus Trip 35 was a ground-breaking point and shoot which sold over ten million units . Although aimed at the ' average user ' wanting decent holiday snaps , ( hence the name Trip ) , it was a little camera that was capable of getting great results . Battery-less , thanks to a solar powered light meter , it was simple to use and small and tough enough to easily carry around . The Trip 35 set the bench mark for nearly twenty years -- before Olympus finally ceased production in 1984 . <p> From Here to Eternity ... <p> Nokia 's journey into the world of cameras started with the Nokia 7650 back in 2002 . @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ continues the ground breaking trend . The astonishing 41mp camera has grabbed all the headlines -- with both phone and camera geeks ! Whichever way you look at it , this is a camera that has caused people to sit up and take notice and could genuinely spell the end of the point-and-shoot market . <p> Medium Format Perfection <p> Although Hasselblad began life in Sweden in 1841 it was n't until the 1960s that the company became a household name amongst the world 's top photographers . Having gained a reputation for their aerial cameras with the Swedish Air Force during WWII , it was to Hasselblad that NASA turned when they needed cameras aboard their 1962 space flights . Funding from NASA was then directly responsible for the world 's first motor-drive on a stills camera . And as if that was n't glamorous enough , the top studio photographers of the 60s soon made the Hasselblad their camera of choice . <p> The Red Dot <p> No list of iconic cameras is complete without a Leica . In 1925 the Leica I began the 35mm revolution and @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ of photojournalism . Above is the classic M3 , which was first introduced in 1954 . The list of Leica users is almost a who 's who of 20 th century photography : Henri Cartier-Bresson , Robert Capa , W Eugene Smith , Garry Winogrand , Philip Jones Griffiths , Leonard Freed ... Quite simply legendary . <p> That 's our amazing selection of iconic cameras , but what about yours ? We 'd love to know if you think there are others that deserve a place in our hall of fame . <h> Comments <p> The cameras are amazing , but what folks can do with a cell phone camera blows me away ! <p> http : **26;13177;TOOLONG pemko <p> Take the sony cameras with first back illuminated sensor <p> http : **29;13205;TOOLONG Sui <p> I 've used my grandpa Leica : ) great experience : ) <p> http : **32;13236;TOOLONG Mark Reynolds <p> Only surprised that the Brownie was n't included in this lineup <p> http : **35;13270;TOOLONG Adam Monaghan <p> Watch this space ! ! ! : ) <p> Erkki Ruohtula <p> Or its successor the Kodak @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ new film totally foolproof and simple , and reduced the dreaded consequences of accidentally opening the back of a camera before rewinding the film to just one spoiled frame . <p> http : //bajabybus.com/ Baja By Bus <p> Surely it 's what you do with it that counts ? ; - ) <p> http : **35;13307;TOOLONG Adam Monaghan <p> THAT is a very interesting point ! ! ! ! ! I could ramble on about exactly that all day . : ) Which would bore you all to tears ! ! ! : ) <p> http : //twitter.com/djduncan David Duncan <p> Roliflex was iconic with the press for many years <p> http : **28;13344;TOOLONG Mike Sharadin <p> For me the Polaroid was my first and simple . A precursor to the digital age jet point and shoot and enjoy <p> http : **25;13374;TOOLONG Trameka Peterson <p> I loved the Polaroid camera . The pictures hold up very well in photo albums too . <p> PmD <p> In general any camera gives decent result as long as the subject has a good lighting and the fotographer knows what she/he is doing @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ reminds me that I wish I was a better photographer . I do all right with my Digital Rebel , but I really get to do it the lazy way because I no longer have to worry about film . I think if I 'd learned more of the practical skills back when I had a film camera I 'd be much better today . It 's amazing to me that combat photographers have been able to get some of the shots I 've seen over the years . I 'm happy when I pull out the camera in time to get a seagull flapping overhead , but war ? Incredible . <p> david olivencia <p> camera technology continues to improve <p> gadgety <p> I did n't know I had an iconic camera in my Trip35 although I have to say it did shoot some amazing pics . Nice article . <p> http : **35;13401;TOOLONG Adam Monaghan <p> Glad to hear it ! It was my first camera and it really
@@5117741 <p> The live , free webcast titled , " Leaving You Out in the Rain-Design and Implementation of Monitoring Projects " is next Wednesday , October 24 , Noon to 2pm , at the Pine Bush Discovery Center , 145 New Karner Road . If you 'd like to attend , please call or e-mail to reserve a seat : **28;773;TOOLONG or 447-5645 . Engineers , landscape architects , contractors , planning/ZBA board members , municipal stormwater staff , and general public are invited to attend ! <p> Produced by the Center for Watershed Protection ( CWP ) , this webcast was purchased by the Stormwater Coalition of Albany County as part of
@@5117841 <h> Websites <h> Do You Know What 's At Risk ? Resilinc Does ! <p> Resilinc , a new player in Supply Management , has a unique approach to identifying and evaluating risk in your supply chain . Eschewing the transaction-and-finance focussed approach of other players in the risk management space , and building on the lessons learned from SIM ( Supplier Information Management ) vendors , Resilinc has built a unique approach to identifying and quantifying the relative risks in your supply chain . <p> Started by a Risk Management practitioner in the high-tech and electronics supply chain , who has a Masters in Engineering in Logistics ( from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology ) , Resilinc not only builds on the lessons learned from SIM , but on the lessons learned from real risk management practitioners and specifically focusses on the electronics and high-tech , medical device , and automotive supply chain - realizing that , when it comes to risk , not all supply chains are created equal . <p> So what is Resilinc ? It 's an affordable DSS ( Decision Support System ) for larger mid-size and large multi-nationals that need to <p> identify @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ keep tabs on what facilities may be impacted by a significant external event , and <p> be immediately informed when an event could cause a disruption that requires immediate action . <p> The solution , delivered using the SaaS ( Software-as-a-Service ) model , does this by tracking all of the relevant information on each supplier and facility in your organization 's multi-tier supply chain . Whereas a typical SIM solution ( that powers a typical financial risk analysis product ) will track each supplier , their official information , their insurance certifications , their corporate addresses , etc. , Resilinc 's solution tracks each individual manufacturing facility , the products produced at those facilities , the inputs required , the lead times required , and the time taken to get the plant up and running again as a result of a serious disruption ( such as a natural disaster , border blockade , strike , etc . ) . Based on this information , integrated financial and location risk metrics imported from other systems ( for which you have a license for ) , and the relative revenue impact @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ is then able to <p> provide an overall risk score , delivered in terms of the revenue impact of a disruption , for each location and product , <p> give you the ability to determine the impact of an external event in a given location with respect to supplier locations and sourced products , and <p> determine which locations and products are likely to be impacted by a significant event anywhere in the world , as soon as it happens ( and e-mail you a notice that the event -- which may be an earthquake , war , or labour strike -- is potentially impacting one or more locations in your supply chain ) . <p> Risk Managers can use this to determine which locations and products have the biggest risks , which facilities will be impacted the most as a result of a supply disruption in an area , and which product ( line ) s are at risk as the result of an event that just happened . And then they can take action . <p> Resilinc is a powerful tool for the high-tech , medical device , @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ were probably too reliant on financial metrics , which are not the only risks
@@5117941 <p> The layoffs are part of a " right-sizing effort " formally recommended by the UDC Community College Transition to Independence Advisory Board in a report released Wednesday , although a university task force has been sorting through the layoff decisions for months . The plan should be released Oct. 1 . <p> Right now , the District 's only community college is a part of UDC . But Mayor Vincent Gray has argued that separating the schools would allow faculty to focus on their different needs . That includes a focus on job training for the community college . <p> But the community college 's effort to secure independent accreditation is hurt by its host university 's bleak financial situation , officials said Wednesday . <p> " I do n't think anyone disputes it , the strength of UDC is not what it should be , " said Walter Smith , chairman of the transition committee and executive director of advocacy group DC Appleseed . " Changes need to be made at the university in order to get its house in order . " <p> In 2009-10 , UDC 's total expenditure per full-time student was $36,684 , @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ peer institutions . For the past three years , the university has run a deficit . But with only $8 million now available in reserves -- compared with the typical $50 million for a college UDC 's size -- the school faces trouble in the near future . <p> Alan Etter , a spokesman for the university , said he was not aware of which departments were vulnerable to layoffs or how many of 246 faculty members would lose their jobs . " I think everything 's on the table , " Etter said . <p> Etter also declined to comment on why the UDC 's Board of Trustees and President Allen Sessoms were absent from the transition report 's release on Wednesday , organized by the mayor in the basement of city hall . <p> But a university official familiar with the situation said no one from UDC was invited to the announcement . <p> " This has really been a political exercise , " said the official , who spoke on background for fear of retaliation . " The mayor says he wants an independent community college , @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ that 's the best way to fix both schools or not , who knows . " <p> A mayoral aide said on background that UDC 's point person on the advisory board was n't invited because the city knew she 'd be out of town . Other UDC officials were n't invited because the mayor 's office " did n't want to put them on the spot " about the recommendations and give the impression that
@@5118041 <h> Fontbonne Academy to stage " Yes Virginia , There is a Santa Claus <p> November 10 , 2012 <p> November 16 , 2012 <p> 7:00 pm <p> November 17 , 2012 <p> 7:00 pm <p> Fontbonne Academy 's Good Fountain Players will perform the play , " Yes , Virginia , There is a Santa Claus " this weekend in the Fontbonne Auditorium , located at 930 Brook Road in Milton . The showtimes are : Friday , November 16 , and Saturday , November 17 , at 7 p.m . There will also be a matinee on Sunday , November 18 at 2 p.m . Tickets are $10 each and can be purchased at the door prior to each performance . Get into the holiday season
@@5118141 <h> Change Before You Have To <h> " Change before you have to . " -- Jack Welch <h> I have been thinking a lot about " change " <p> So , why is it that we resist it ? Why do we resist change , dread it , fear it ? Is it in our genetic makeup , as humans , that change is something to fight ? That life as we know it will be forever altered if we follow down the path of change ? <h> My Struggle <p> I have a hard time understanding why we fail to see change as a way to improve who we are , to better a process , to increase the benefit to those who follow us or are a part of our network , our personal circle of influence . <h> Stagnation Destroys <p> Who we are now is very different from who we were a short year ago . And even more different from who we will be one year hence . Why do we deny it ? Change is inevitable but it is also good . Stagnation destroys . If the algae does n't get you @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ to see is worse than being blind . At least in blindness , we seek alternative ways to decipher what is happening around us . In refusal , we shut down , we close off . <p> Embrace the change . Embrace the new path , an alternate direction . <p> Failing to do so will result in what ? You tell me . It 's not a difficult situation to dissect . You 're smart , you tell me . <p> " Everyone thinks of changing the world , but no one thinks about changing himself . " -Tolstoy <p> Rayanne Thorn , @rayanne is the VP of Communications and Branding for Evenbase . She is also a proud mother of four , happily engaged to Tom , residing in Laguna Beach , California , and a daily contributor for Blogging4Jobs . Connect with her on LinkedIn . <p> Like this post ? Want more from Blogging 4 Jobs ? Subscribe
@@5118241 <p> Lamkin 's entire side yard has been converted into a tiered garden of peppers , tomatoes , thyme , squash and hazelnut . Then there are the peach and apple trees in front of the house . <p> Lamkin opens the coop gate and Daddy , Loosie , and the other -- nameless -- wild and domestic chickens strut into the garden , stopping in loose soil to dust their coats . Their feathers puff out , and their claws kick dirt onto their skin to keep the bugs at bay . <p> Daddy is the sole survivor of the original flock of eight . Mommy , Poppy , Gam , Papaw , Nana , ' Mone and Sparkles were all lost to taste buds -- both human and raccoon . Loosie , a stray , joined the family via a telephone call from a friend of Lamkin 's wife , Megan , who spotted her wandering the streets of Clifton . <p> The other birds wander through the garden among the plants , finding bugs to snack on , tilling the soil with their beaks and fertilizing with their " Hershey kiss " shaped droppings . <p> @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ dogs and cats . You get the pet without the clean-up . And there are a few other perks . <p> " When I was younger , I remember kicking dog poo under the table , " he says . " It 'd be there until someone found it or it disintegrated . " <p> This urban farmer 's 6-year-old daughter , Simone , helps tend to the chickens as well , learning age-old lessons of responsibility without having to squeeze up piles of poo with a plastic bag ( or stink up a pair of shoes and the Lamkin living room ) . <p> " They have to be 100 feet away from all property lines , otherwise it is n't legal , " says Bob Martin , the city 's planning commission chairman and zoning administrator . " That 's the biggest thing . " <p> Lamkin might not be big on ordinances , but he keeps his neighbors from stool pigeoning by offering homemade treats from his garden and fresh eggs . <p> At eight eggs a day , 56 eggs a week and more than 2,000 @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ and more than even . The birds cost him $3 as chicks , and he spends about $16 a month to feed them -- that 's if the cafeteria
@@5118341 <h> Democrats and Republicans push to get out the vote in final hours before Tuesday 's election <p> In the final hours before Tuesday 's election , both Democrats and Republicans are pounding the pavement in the Ann Arbor area to get out the vote for their candidates . <p> The parties are reaching out to voters in various ways , and in some cases employing creative tactics . For instance , the Democrats have chalked the University of Michigan campus , making the block " M " on the Diag the center of two intersecting words : " Obama " and " Democrat . " <p> Meanwhile , Republicans are preparing to welcome Matt Romney and Josh Romney , two sons of Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney , Monday night at Romney 's Ann Arbor campaign office where they 're expected to rally a crowd including University of Michigan students . <p> The University of Michigan Diag has been transformed into a campaign ad for U.S. President Barack Obama . <p> Ryan J. Stanton AnnArbor.com <p> " We have a ton of students there , " said Kelsey Knight , Michigan spokesperson for the Romney campaign . " @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Knight said there are about 8,000 supporters making phone calls for Romney in Michigan and the Ann Arbor office has been one of the most productive call centers . She said they 're stressing Romney 's business background and criticizing Barack Obama 's record on job creation . <p> " The message is that we ca n't afford four more years of this . At the end of the day , social issues aside , it 's about the economy , " she said . <p> The Obama campaign says it has built the largest grassroots campaign in Michigan history and is spending the final days reaching out to voters in every corner of the state . <p> Former Michigan football player and NFL pro Cato June made a campaign stop at the Obama campaign 's Ann Arbor offices over the weekend , along with Organizing for America senior advisor Broderick Johnson . They 're trying to get out the vote for Democrats up and down the ballot . <p> Mike Henry , co-chair of the Ann Arbor Democratic Party , said the Democrats have more than 1,000 volunteers in @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ campaign literature and making phone calls in the final hours before the election . <p> He said the Democrats are investing most of their energy locally in helping out Saline Mayor Gretchen Driskell , who is in a tight race as she tries to unseat state Rep. Mark Ouimet , R-Scio Township , and Carol Kuhnke , who is taking on Jim Fink in a hotly contested judicial race . <p> Robo calls have been going out in western Washtenaw County featuring U.S. Rep. John Dingell asking voters to support Driskell over Ouimet . <p> Henry said local Democrats also are working hard to get the word out about U-M law professor Bridget Mary McCormack , who is running for Michigan Supreme Court . Other than that , he said , many Democrats are out supporting the public art millage on the ballot in Ann Arbor . <p> Washtenaw County GOP Chairman John Taylor , who also is the organizer of the Western Washtenaw Tea Party , could not be reached for comment . <p> The College Democrats at U-M are holding an election eve rally on campus with U.S. @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ get students excited about the election . <p> " We have worked very hard this semester , " said Chair Alexandra Brill . " With the election eve rally , we get to see the culmination of a crescendo of work , and will send College Democrats into Tuesday energized with the election spirit and ready to encourage others to elect Democratic candidates . " <p> Brill said the rally will kick off a 24-hour period in which the College Democrats will be publicizing the election and campaigning for Democratic candidates on campus and throughout the county . She said the College Democrats registered about 5,000 voters on campus this semester . <p> The latest polling suggests Democrats could fare well in Michigan on Tuesday , with both Obama and Stabenow leading their opponents . They 're hoping that trickles down the ticket . <p> Henry said they 're feeling so good about their chances that they 'll be shuttling at least two -- maybe three -- carloads of party volunteers down to Ohio on election day . <p> " Michigan looks pretty good for Obama , but we 've @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ ' thing here , " Henry said . " We 're mostly worried about Ohio , Virginia , New Hampshire , Colorado , Wisconsin , and we 're closest to Ohio , so we 're like , ' Lets go help the neighbor . ' " <p> Local Dems are planning to gather Tuesday night at Weber 's Inn in Ann Arbor , while the Washtenaw County Republican Party plans to host its own party at the Ann Arbor Country Club . <p> Henry said he 's confident Ann Arbor voters will turn out for Democrats on Tuesday , and he 's hopeful Michigan on the whole will be a similar story . <p> " We 've had a pretty solid organization here from the Michigan Democratic Party on down to the city party , so we 're pretty confident about Michigan , " he said . " And I 'm certain Ann Arbor is going to deliver about 75 to 80 percent of its votes to the president . " <h> Related content <p> Now that Ann Arbor voters have rejected a proposal to tax themselves to pay for @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ existing Percent For Art
@@5118441 <h> Colorado and Washington State tell DC to Go to Hell <p> Imagine this hypothetical nightmare -- the Federal Government passes an outright ban on the ownership of firearms . You know this violates your natural rights . You know this violates the Constitution . Someone gets the idea that this needs to go to court . It ends up in the Supreme Court . After some creative legal reasoning , 5 of the black-robed gods have determined that the 2nd Amendment means something completely different than it has always meant . <p> The court rules that the so-called federal " law " is constitutional after all . <p> Would you sit idly by and obey ? Would you want your state politicians to step in and protect your rights from all-comers ? Would you be in favor of joining in with other residents of your state to defy the federal ban ? <p> For those who support liberty , it seems natural that people would stand up and say NO to this kind of immoral , unjust , and unconstitutional federal ban . <p> When the Sons Of Liberty boarded ships and refused to return three shiploads of @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ , the people told the empire " We do n't want your stinkin ' taxes " <p> This is the type of fortitude that created the American system -- one that was to advance the cause of liberty . <p> And today , the people of Colorado and Washington State took that same kind of stand . By passing Amendment 64 and Initiative 502 , they sent a message to Washington DC , and it 's loud and clear . " We do n't need your stinkin ' prohibition ! " <p> A-64 and I-502 both legalize the production , sale , possession and consumption of marijuana for adults 21 and over . It creates a massive new marketplace that the Feds have unconstitutionally " banned . " <p> The federal government has long-claimed the power to ban products it does n't want you to buy or sell . They 've banned toilets over a certain size , and light bulbs of a certain type . They also claim the power to ban the sale and consumption of a plant that might be grown in your own backyard . <p> @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ of a product , the feds have no constitutional authority to ban the purchase of a product either . <p> 18 states have already legalized marijuana for limited , medical use , creating a big thorn in the side of those in DC who hate the constitution and your freedom . But full legalization takes it much further than a simple thorn . It 's a full-on middle finger to Obama , Reid , Boehner and everyone else in Washington DC . <p> The people in Colorado and Washington state have set a precedent like nothing before has . The feds may have a law about something , but you do n't have to obey them . <p> With the legalization of marijuana in both Colorado and Washington , the feds have become the ignored elephant in the room . DC is telling the people in those
@@5118541 <h> Do You Have a Spooky Halloween to Tell About ? <p> Ghouls and goblins ? The scariest ghost story ever ? The worst Halloween candy ? What are your kids ' favorite or scariest Halloween moments ? Let them write about it using free PowerPoint story writing templates <p> Creative writing time once again . This time let the kids write all about their favorite Halloween costumes , treats or scariest times . Download the free template as a story starter , as well as a sample story
@@5118641 <h> my little garden , a plot of space where letters and words become thoughts , thoughts contribute to stories and stories mix with my own feelings to become food for thought <h> A Little Bit of Good Customer Service Goes a Long Ways <p> Sometime around the 19th of September I received an email from Linkedin . You know the kind . <p> " Click here to receive a free upgrade ! " <p> " One month free service at no cost ! " <p> " Want to know who 's been looking at your profile ? " <p> Truth is -- I DID want to know who had been looking at my profile . And I KNOW how these things work . They require your credit card information up front , your service receives an upgrade , you check out who has been looking at your profile and then forget to cancel the free upgrade . <p> I did n't forget to cancel , but I waited until the last day . After all , they said I had a free month , right ? So I was n't going to cancel after 3 weeks and 3 @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ long service . <p> Problem is , we went out of town just before the 19th of October . And when it came time for me to cancel my service I had to do so from my handheld device . Now I do n't think that should matter , but when I clicked the link that said ' click here to downgrade your settings ' this is the page I landed on . With no way of moving forward I had to give up on cancelling my upgraded service and accept the fact that I was going to be charged the monthly fee . <p> When I returned home I took time to sit down and write Linkedin . I kept my email professional , but prepared for the response : <p> " We 're sorry . It 's not our fault you waited until the very last minute to cancel , " ( I imagine a snickering 20-something year-old punching away at his keyboard , snickering through the reply . " Ya big idiot ! " he laughs to himself . ) <p> " While it 's not our @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ you an additional month of free service . " ( A slightly kinder , also 20-something year-old female might be behind this response . She is nice around the edges , but all business on the inside . ) <p> " Sorry . You agreed to the terms and conditions when you applied for the upgrade . " ( I 'm not sure who would be behind this response -- but it is the one I was most certain I would hear . ) <p> It 's safe to say , not only was I surprised to get a response , but even more surprised to get a very nice response ! <p> Just a few days later the refund showed up in my checking account . <p> I still ca n't get over how quick and pain-free the process was . I ca n't believe some big shot at Linkedin actually took time to reply , let alone look up my account information and issue a refund within 48 hours . <p> Will I consider upgrading in the future ? Absolutely . <p> Will I be likely to refer
@@5118741 <h> It 's All In How You Look At It <p> Past group coaching client , Ian , describing one of his commissioned paintings . <h> A Client 's Presentation <p> This last weekend I drove up to wine country to support one of my past group coaching clients , Ian , a professional illustrator . Ian was speaking on " The Power of Story in Art . " <p> As he spoke on symbolism , perspective and sharing a story through art , he showed examples from Leonardo da Vinci , Norman Rockwell , Ernest Hemingway ( yes , the writer ) as well as examples of his own personal pieces . The audience enjoyed his presentation so much they asked for an encore . Ian was flexible and able to pull together a second presentation in a matter of minutes . <p> It 's an incredible feeling to watch a client succeed . To soar . <p> Perspective <p> Reflecting on Ian 's presentation ( the prepared one ) , I can close my eyes and see the lines he drew on a da Vinci painting to explain perspective . The perspective draws viewers in and directs @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ that perspective directs focus -- and apply it to our own lives . <p> Work Feedback <p> I am an advocate of the 360-degree employee review . As an advertising creative , your growth may depend on what not only your Creative Directors think of your work but also how the Account Directors like working with you , how receptive you are to the Planners ' recommendations , how much other creatives like partnering up with you , whether or not clients like you and so on . Without the different perspectives , you do n't know where to improve , where to focus . <p> Life Feedback <p> Outside of work , others ' perspectives can help you see blind spots too . How does your family perceive you ? What do your friends think are your strengths ? What is your reputation in the community ? What do others constantly wish you would do but you are clueless about ? <p> Why not ask ? <p> Ask your network -- your brother , best friend , neighbor , the waitor you see weekly , your kids ' babysitter @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ your best skills ? <p> What are your talents ? <p> How would they describe your personality ? <p> What do they admire about you ? <p> How would they like to see you change and grow ? <p> What do they think you would really love to try doing ? <p> What would they like to say to you but have n't before ? <p> You can come up with scales for different qualities that are important to you . <p> For instance , on a scale from 1 to 10 how are you ? Where the blank can be filled with : <p> Confident <p> Patient <p> Open <p> Fair <p> Accepting <p> Creative <p> Fun <p> Loving <p> Thoughtful <p> Giving <p> Dedicated <p> But can you really ask for perspective ? <p> Yes . But asking people you know to tell you how they view you can seem scary . So the question becomes : Which is stronger -- your desire to grow and be better OR your fear ? You can always ask via e-mail or ask them to submit their thoughts in a sealed @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ other , a friend , your mailbox , your doorstep ) . <p> People who are willing to give you honest feedback , will ; those who are n't , wo n't . There 's no harm in asking . And you 'll never know unless you ask . <p> Imagine if you found out something that could save you time , energy , money , etc . Maybe your friends would rather connect over Skype than at fancy dinners . Maybe you find out that your nephew really wants to spend one afternoon a month with you . Maybe it 's revealed that the many hours you work are causing your relationships to suffer . Maybe whatever you 're doing is n't working and you do n't even know it . Maybe whatever you 're doing is working but you 're too close to it to see the effects . <p> Maybe this exercise is
@@5118841 <h> Saturday , November 17 , 2012 <p> London , Nov 17 ( ANI ) : Sixty-year-olds are the most caring and generous lovers , with one in four owning a sex toy , a new survey has revealed . <p> A recent poll of more than 3,000 British men and women carried out by Britain 's biggest online sex toy retailer , Lovehoney.co.uk , found that more than half of the over-65s questioned said they liked to experiment and try new things in bed , with nearly a quarter of over-65s admitted to owning a sex toy , the Daily Mail reported . <p> When asked what feeling best described the way they felt about their purchase , 74 percent admitted buying sex toys had made them feel " naughty . " A quarter said it gave them confidence , and just over half described a feeling of anticipation with their purchase . <p> In comparison , half of the respondents aged 18-24 owned a sex toy , but only 40 percent said buying it had made them feel " naughty . " <p> Older people were also found to be more generous and caring lovers in the @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ , more over-65s than any other age group agreed with the statement : " During sex I am more focused on my partner 's pleasure than my own . " <p> Nearly 60 percent of over-65s said they put their partner first in this way , compared to under half of those aged 24-34 . <p> Three quarters of over-65s polled said they still put the same effort and passion into their love lives as they always had . <p> Matthew Curry of Lovehoney.co.uk said : " Sixty has become the new 40 , a time to rediscover yourself , explore your sex life and find whatever brings you happiness . " <p> He added that attitudes are changing towards sex in your twilight years thanks the recent boom in erotic fiction helping Brits become more adventurous in the bedroom . <p> " We 've found the older generation was just ' waiting for permission ' to try out sex toys and be more adventurous in their relationships , " he said . <p> " Among some , there 's still an attitude that sex toys are naughty , or @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ there are few inhibitions between couples married for so many years . <p> " Now those attitudes are changing and there are books like ' Thursdays in the Park '
@@5118941 <h> Solar vehicles in Chile race across world 's driest desert <p> Fifteen solar panel vehicles , some that look like small space ships , raced across Chile 's Atacama desert as part of a contest to build low-cost environmentally-friendly cars . <p> Teams from countries like Argentina , Chile , India and Venezuela have crafted aerodynamic racers to speed across 1,300 kilometers ( 800 miles ) of the world 's driest desert in the second edition of the Atacama Solar Challenge . <p> The race , which began Thursday and ends Monday , pits teams from universities that build their cars on a tight budget in the slog across northern Chile . <p> Some of the vehicles powered exclusively by the sun 's rays , while others are solar- and pedal-powered hybrids . <p> The solar-powered vehicles are mostly flat rectangular contraptions lined with solar panels to absorb solar energy , which is stored in batteries , and with a cubicle to house the driver . The hybrids look like neighborhood go-carts with solar panels glued on . <p> The race started Thursday at the Humberstone saltpeter , about 800 kilometers ( 500 miles ) north of Chile @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ World Heritage Site , is a ghost town that has been abandoned since saltpeter mining was halted ended there in the mid 20th century . <p> This year , a team from oil-rich Venezuela made their debut in the competition that celebrates an alternative to fossil fuels . <p> " In a country with a mono-economy based on oil , with an infinite potential of hydraulic energy , and without an energy problem , it is a miracle to build a car like this , " said the Venezuelan team captain Carlos Mata . <p> " The import laws in Venezuela meant we could not get all the necessary materials , so we had to adapt what we had . It was a huge effort , " he explained . <p> But his team persisted , eager to participate in an event organizers say is aimed at encouraging research into alternative sources of energy . <p> The solar vehicles shared the same northern Chilean highway with trucks , busses and cars , but are a long way from replacing them , said Leonardo Saguas , captain of the Antakar team @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Saguas , whose team built last year 's winning car , said he can envision a day when Chile is mass producing solar cars . <p> " We have plenty of resources , we just need to develop them , " he said . <p> Gabriel Martinez , proud team captain from the University of Concepcion , spent a year perfecting his vehicle . <p> " It has 244 solar cells " which capture the sun 's energy and convert it to electricity stored in batteries , he bragged , adding that the vehicle " weighs 300 kilograms and its peak power is 950 watts . " <p> " This race is awesome . It applies all the engineering and technology we learn into a sport . I love it , " he gushed . <p> Luciano Chiang , professor at Chile 's Catholic University , supervises the Solar Mecatronica team , one of five competing from Chilean universities . <p> " The market for ( solar ) panels belongs 90 percent to China , which no one can compete with on price , " Chiang said . <p> " @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ energy in the world , " he said . " It is the same paradox as with batteries . We buy them from China , but they are made of lithium that surely comes from Chile , the world 's leading
@@5119041 <h> Review : ' Call of Duty : Black Ops II ' is disjointed but compelling <p> ( CNN ) -- Forget the distracting cameo by David Petraeus . Despite its disjointed narrative , " Call of Duty : Black Ops II " twisted me around so many times with its compelling story that I really enjoyed myself . <p> Treyarch Studios set this new chapter of the popular first-person-shooter franchise in two time periods : the late 1980s and 2025 . They consulted with military experts who helped guide what the future technology of war should and should n't look like . <p> The game 's single-player campaign staggers like a drunken New Year 's reveler between the past and the future . Missions hop from one time to another with little or no continuity between the actions . One mission will have you battling in Panama during the late ' 80s , and then the next takes you to a luxury resort in the Cayman Islands in the near future , with different characters and different weapons . <p> The reason for this back-and-forth is nestled in the father/son storyline of the Mason family . Dad Alex @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ active duty in 1986 to help the CIA with some missions in Africa and Latin America . In the future , son David is a Navy SEAL , leading a Joint Special Operations Command team . <p> Linking the two is a terrorist known as Raul Menendez . He harbors great anger toward the West and capitalism in general . Players discover Menendez 's motivations through the past missions , which reveal how he plans his final revenge in the future . <p> The backdrop for all this is the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union , and a new Cold War between the U.S. and China . The new tensions are spurred not by ideology but by a soon-to-be depleted resource known as rare earth minerals -- those materials used in nearly all our computer technology . <p> Combat <p> Combat is pretty typical for a first-person shooter game . Plenty of weapon choices and some destructible environments make for fast-paced , frenetic battle scenes . Some of the weapon effects are suspect though as shots to the head do not always kill their targets @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ the box and are predictable in their actions . There were times I cleared the area of bad guys , just to have another wave rush in before I could move forward . And then another one after that . <p> Also , my adversaries did n't show much imagination when attacking , choosing the same pathways each time and the same prairie-dog tendency to pop up from behind cover so I could pick them off . There is little challenge to the larger combat scenes . <p> More fun is the vehicle portion of combat . Using the nimble quad-copter drones in the sky and the mechanized CLAW ( Cognitive Land Assault Weapon ) on the ground brought new energy to the battles . During the Strike Force missions ( these are side missions to the central campaign , but critical to the final outcome ) , players can take over control of these devices , which offers a refreshing new perspective on the battlefield while dealing damage to the enemy . <p> The Strike Force missions themselves are new to the franchise . They 're not directly part @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ will help shape the game 's ending sequence . Players are tasked to attack or defend different points on a battlefield , and can either do it at ground level , by taking over one of the combat units , or by directing all the troops from an overhead view . <p> Failure is an option here , and if you do n't succeed with your squad allotments , you do n't get to try again . <p> Story <p> I found the storyline interesting . While most of the action occurs through the eyes of the Mason family , there were some instances when I got to see what was happening from another character 's perspective . This helped explain much of the reasoning behind characters ' actions . <p> A Petraeus shows up briefly near the end of the game as the secretary of defense in 2025 , congratulating the team on a job well done . ( Game publisher Activision , in a recent statement , said , " Including Gen. Petraeus and other real-life figures was strictly a creative decision made many months ago when the @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ in the game include former Panamanian President Manuel Noriega and Lt. Col. Oliver North , the central figure from the 1987 Iran-Contra scandal . North did his own voice for the game and even acted an adviser . Historical footage from the 1980s and ' 90s features former Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush . <p> The game 's ending is simultaneously emotional and confusing . But your experience may vary . Key missions produce variable endings , depending on what you do and who survives . They all add up to a variety of endings for the main characters and add to the replay value if you are the kind of gamer who wants to see all the potential conclusions . <p> Multiplayer modes <p> If killing the undead is more your speed , " Black Ops II " brought back the zombies from the previous game in a side-campaign fight for survival . This turned out to be more fun than I expected because of the bonus add-ons you can collect and the power-ups that turn your weapon into a more potent killing machine . <p> @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ n't know if I 'd enjoy a full game of just zombies , but it does make a nice change of pace from all the realism of the regular combat . <p> If you like multiplayer action , " Black Ops II " gives you plenty of modes . You can choose your class , weapons and maps from many different combinations . Most matches contain up to 12 players , while some go as high as 18 . The action is clean and the intensity is high . At one point during my multiplayer session , there were more than 650,000 players online . <p> You can also record your gameplay to view later and see what you did right and wrong . However , I should mention that some things -- such as my brutal ending to the game -- are not meant to be seen again . <p> Overall , " Call of Duty : Black Ops II " does n't break any new ground with its graphics or gameplay mechanics . But it does provide an emotionally intense single-player story , an enjoyably silly zombie mode @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ game . Combined , that 's enough to keep gamers glued to their controllers for many nights to come . <p> " Call of Duty : Black Ops II " is available in North America ; it will be released in Europe and Australia on November 30 , and Japan on December 20 . It can be played on the PlayStation 3 , Xbox 360 and Windows PC . The game is rated M for mature due to blood and gore , intense violence , strong language , suggestive themes and use of drugs . This review was done
@@5119141 <h> SBA " DOING BUSINESS WITH THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT " RECAP <p> Yesterday 's Small Business Administration/Wisconsin Procurement Institute event at VETransfer provided a great deal of useful information regarding how to obtain government contracts , market , and sell to the government . Presenters from the SBA also gave a throrough overview of programs offering assistance to small business owners . To
@@5119241 <p> But I 'm not sure I love this development from the point of view of being people , as opposed to being journalists , all the time . I used to be an avid amateur photographer -- yearbook editor , the whole thing . Always with the camera . Later on I realized that this was a pretty geeky way to go through life , at least as a teenager ( think " AV club " ) . When I started having a family , I made a conscious decision not to get a video camera . Sometimes when I see the little snippets of movin ' pitchers with my kids on them from when they were little , I wonder whether I made a mistake . But I had decided that I did n't want to experience videos of my experiences at the expense of the experiences themselves . As a photo-bug I realized I was not living in the moment , ever ; I was living in anticipation of how the pictures of the moment would look . <p> Okay , now this was not a fun or a warm or a happy moment -- it @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ But in general , I feel the reality of life slipping away in favor of not only the virtual , but the digital or , perhaps , the digitized . Do we all really have to be journalists , all the time ? <p> UPDATE : Links to this from Glenn Reynolds and Ed Driscoll -- always nice of a late Wednesday night , and my first hookup with Ed -- yet I ca n't help but think they did n't either of them read the whole piece ! They both elided right past a classic , " It is true ... but " throwaway acknowledgment formula used all the time to make a completely opposite point -- by journalists . <h> No Responses to " All journalism , all the time " <p> Bloomberg ( the wire service , not the mayor ) reports:An explosion was reported near the intersection of Lexington Avenue and 41st Street near Manhattan 's Grand Central Terminal , the New York City Police Department said . There was an underground explos ... <p> I think the next generation will see this sort of concern @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ of experiencing the world , with digital channels actually being one of the richer methods . I see them already today staying in near-constant contact with their friends , no matter how distant . As digital channels broaden and deepen , you 'll be able to be " with " the people who matter to you and experience the things they experience any time you like . Yes , there are times and experiences where only physical presence is good enough ; but those will become less and less common . <p> Martin , you have already succumbed to the virtual world . Physical presence is first reality , all of the time . When you are with your friends through a " digital channel , " you are with a digital channel ... NOT your friends . The friends part is a replication . <p> Who thinks you can really know a Rembrandt by looking at a photograph of a Rembrandt ? ? ? <p> ... by Ron Coleman on August 19th , 2007 Oh , we 've said for a long time that journalism is something you do @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ are in , and something else that bloggers have been ... <p> I 've made a career here of tut-tutting the impolitic and brand-negating utterance of baseless cease and desist and other threatening letters based on IP infringement , including this recent post about the Louis Vuitton / University of Pennsylvania dustup . That situation demonstrated that only lawyers who neglect to think clearly about how their actions will ... <p> Originally posted 2008-08-18 12:38:47 . Republished by Blog Post Promoter Dell 's CLOUD COMPUTING trademark application has gone up in a vapory mass of smoke : Dell can not register " cloud computing " as a trademark because the term is a generic one describing services offered by many companies , the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office ( USPTO ) has said in an ... <p> Originally posted 2007-05-02 18:36:24 . Republished by Blog Post PromoterEncryption key Dugg . UPDATE : Here 's more , from no less than Ed Felten ( via Instapundit ) . If you need a program to follow what the heck 's going on here , try Ben Manevitz . And if you do @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ ... <p> Originally posted 2012-03-09 10:31:04 . Republished by Blog Post Promoter For some reason ( maybe a weeklong trial ? ) I kind of missed the Megaupload story from mid-January . My bad . What story ? Oh , this Megaupload story : Police in New Zealand raided homes and businesses with links to the founder of
@@5119341 sell your email . <p> Please include me in third party offers . <p> Two shocking photos coming off the wire of Benjamin Netanyahu addressing the United Nations moments ago . <p> The first is from the Associated Press : <p> Associated Press <p> The second is from Reuters : <p> Reuters <p> Of the hundreds of professional photos taken at this speech , the AP and Reuters decided
@@5119441 <h> Post navigation <h> Dress of the Week <p> I 'm practically bursting at the seams trying to describe my excitement over this dress . It 's the kind of dress , that even in a photo , you want to reach out and touch . The creamy grey hue of this thickly layered tulle dress is heavenly . The crossed bust and low back , the layers of tulle skirt -- almost ballerina-like in it 's elegance , this is the kind of dress photographers and magazine editors alike wait for . <h> About glitter &pearls; <p> Hi , I 'm Lexi . I 'm a lawyer-by-day , fashion obsessive by night . I am very recently married , and until a few short months ago , spent all of my free time planning the kitschy-est wedding I could come up with . I pride myself on being tacky and pray the paragraphs I scribble on the back of napkins will morph into a bestselling novel ( or series ... I would n't complain . ) My hope is to post everything and anything I fall in love with , from gorgeous clothes to impractical shoes , home @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ future . And now , for my ranting ... <p> Consider Glitter Weddings your go-to for all things wedding . Created with the bohemian , indie , hippie , DIY , romantic , vintage , free-spirited , with a touch of couture , bride in mind , Glitter Weddings is for the bride who wants it all and wants to do it all , with glitter on top . And , be sure to check out Glitter , Inc. , the new home of Glitter &; Pearls + Glitter Weddings -- a crazy collaboration of everything that I love , full of
@@5119541 <p> Danielle Murphree just missed out on the " Big Brother 14 " finals and she tells Zap2it that she thinks she could 've won if Dan had taken her -- but now she has found out he was n't going to and she 's a little mad about it . <p> Were you surprised Ian did n't take you to the Final 2 ? <p> " No , Ian is a sweetheart and was just being honest with me . He gave me a heads up ahead of time that he was going to take Dan to the finals no matter what . " <p> Did the jury votes surprise you ? Because we thought Dan had it in the bag . <p> " Yes , the jury votes definitely surprised me . But when I sat down , I felt all the tension and hate towards Dan that had apparently been going on amongst them at the jury house . I did n't know that he would only get one vote , I thought he would get two or three , but I definitely expected Ian to win . " <p> How are things with you and @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ house ? <p> " I do n't really know how to answer that right now . I 'm a little stunned , I keep finding out all this new information about how he screwed me over without me even realizing in the game . So I really do n't know . It depends on how much more information I find out . " <p> Maybe when you 're a little farther removed from the game ? <p> " Maybe . But if he 's gon na sit here and do all this stuff , like he just admitted he was really gon na take Ian if he won , stuff like that really rubs me the wrong way . I ca n't stand being lied to , even in a game like that , because I was being loyal and faithful the whole time to him . I 'm a little mad right now . " <p> Do you think you could have beaten either Dan or Ian in the finals ? <p> " I think I could 've beaten Dan . I do n't know if I could 've @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ me . The jury had such a negative thing about Dan and they associated me with Dan , so I do n't think I could 've won against Ian . " <p> How are things with you and Janelle ? That was an interesting comment she made during the finale last night . <p> " I know . Go figure , right ? They 're not good , we have n't spoken . I have nothing against her , I think she 's beautiful and smart , she 's probably a great person outside of here . I guess she does n't like me much . I have nothing against her . But yeah , it was a little awkward . " <p> Is there anything on the horizon for you and Shane ? <p> " I sure hope so . I adore Shane . I would never ever want to hurt him . We definitely spent a lot of time last night together and hopefully there 's more to come . " <p> Would you ever go back in the " Big Brother " house ? <p> " Ummmmm @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ to say a definitely yes or a no . It just depends on what the twist was and who was coming back .
@@5119641 <p> File this under Weird Food News of the Day : There 's been a major heist at the warehouse in Quebec that holds 80% ( ! ! ! ) of the world 's maple syrup ! <p> Last week police in Quebec reported that thieves had stolen a " considerable " amount ( i.e. millions of dollars worth ) of maple syrup from a large warehouse in St-Louis-de-Blandford . The heist has turned attention to Quebec 's immense maple syrup reserves which , believe it or not , hold up to 80 percent of the world 's maple syrup . In fact , the one warehouse in question holds " nearly the equivalent of half the entire U.S. production of maple syrup in a year , " according to Anne-Marie Granger Godbout , the executive director of The Federation of Quebec Maple Syrup Producers . Um ... wow ! <p> The missing syrup was discovered last week when , during a routine inventory at the warehouse site in St-Louis-de-Blandford , Quebec , officials realized hundreds of 45-gallon barrels were empty . Apparently this is n't the first time maple syrup has disappeared from the warehouse . Quebec is @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ " according to Business Week . 75 percent of Canadian maple syrup is directly exported to the U.S , and Godbout notes that U.S. maple syrup producers had a particularly disappointing 2012 season , which " triggered more demand for Canadian syrup . " <p> Maple syrup is quite a huge commodity , and this theft is turning out to be a grave problem : <p> The Federation of Quebec Maple Syrup Producers are the protectors of the sap , the maple barons who have an OPEC-like sway in syrup circles and represent some 13,500 producers . Along with handling bulk syrup sales and marketing , the federation is responsible for what it calls the " global strategic maple syrup reserves . " Much like oil reserves , those backup supplies are supposed to protect against the vagaries of bad weather and volatile prices . Last week , everyone thought Quebec was heading into the winter with 37 million pounds in reserve . More than a quarter of that is now gone . <p> You 're probably wondering ( as I was ) how the thieves managed to steal almost @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ All that 's known is that the thieves managed to tap the barrels and drain them into their own mode of transportation . What a mystery ! <p> Ugh , this is a bummer . We are already paying around 10$ a 500ml can plus sales tax . The prices will jump again , because 2012 was a pretty horrible season too for maple syrup producers ( the weather warmed up too fast ) . <p> Guess I should go make myself a secret stash , eh ? Because that horrible , horrible maple flavored syrup imitation never cuts it for me ... : ( <p> Thanks for pointing that out , Judiau . The reserve is intended to be used in case of a poor harvest . The point of it is to avoid sudden increases in price that could damage maple syrup 's market in the long term . The stuff will never be cheap , but if prices were to shoot up , the producers fear consumers would find alternatives and not
@@5119741 <h> Phillip Phillips : The World From The Side Of The Moon <p> After winning season 11 of " American Idol " American singer-songwriter Phillip Phillips announced on Oct. 15 his debut studio album will be entitled , " The World from the Side of the Moon " . He also announced that it will be released on Nov. 19 via Interscope Records . The first single from Phillips ' debut studio album , " The World From the Side of the Moon " is entitled " Home " . That single reached No. 9 on the U.S. Billboard Hot 100 chart . <p> According to 3 regular user(s) and 0 power user(s) it has leaked . An album needs to be reported as leaked by either 3 regular users or 1 power user . <p> The album was reported as being leaked 11/16/2012 ( M/D/Y ) <p> It is strictly forbidden to post links to Mediafire , Wupload , Deposit files or other file hosting sites . This also includes torrent sites . Links containing a The World From The Side Of The Moon download will removed and the visitors IP will be banned . <p> Phillip Phillips @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @
@@5119841 <p> In a study I did with Jesse Graham and Brian Nosek , we tested how well liberals and conservatives could understand each other . We asked more than two thousand American visitors to fill out the Moral Foundations Questionnaire . One-third of the time they were asked to fill it out normally , answering as themselves . One-third of the time they were asked to fill it out as they think a " typical liberal " would respond . One-third of the time they were asked to fill it out as a " typical conservative " would respond . This design allowed us to examine the stereotypes that each side held about the other . More important , it allowed us to assess how accurate they were by comparing people 's expectations about " typical " partisans to the actual responses from partisans on the left and the right . Who was best able to pretend to be the other ? <p> The results were clear and consistent . Moderates and conservatives were most accurate in their predictions , whether they were pretending to be liberals or conservatives . Liberals were the least accurate ,
@@5119941 <h> October 15th 2011 -- Rome is burning ! <p> We 've told you that it 's just going to take a spark to light the candle ... Rome is burning . " A protest against financial institutions that drew tens of thousands of supporters on Saturday took a violent turn as packs of hooded youths waged a city-wide street fight with police . Hundreds of young people launched cobblestones , firecrackers and flares at columns of police who responded with water cannons and tear gas . Police said at least two people , including a police officer who suffered a broken leg , were hurt so far in the clashes , adding that it was still too early to report on the extent of the violence ... " said the WSJ approximately 30 minutes ago . We watch as people swarm in the streets - of Iran , Syria , Egypt , London ... and now ... many , many cities in America in protest of hard times ... and " untrusted " governments . " Rome is burning . " This is simply a glimpse of things yet to come . Riots and rebellion start with discontent @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ saw all three of those ingredients combined last night on American Cable ... and I was n't watching the FOOD Network . We 're seeing more and more " Days of Rage " spreading thoughout the land . All it 's going to take is one spark and the rebellion will begin ... God Bless Us ... every one . Keep your heads down . Rome is burning ... <h> HELP US HELP YOU ! <h> Welcome to " The Bubba Effect " <p> Blogs are all about strong opinions . After all , if the opinions are n't " firmly held ... " what 's the point of reading them ? Huh ? We 're headed for " tough times , " folks . They 're gon na be the kind of times we heard about from our Grandparents , after they endured the " Great Depression . " And these tough times will require tough countermeasures if we 're going to survive them . That 's exactly what I 'm going to suggest . But hey , do what you want and take responsibility for whatever happens to @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ family is on . And to those of you who do n't like what you 're reading ? Get lost ! I do n't have time for " namby- pamby " crybabies who want everybody else to carry their baggage . So sit down , shut up , put on your seat belt , and secure any smoking material ! And ... of course , your mileage may vary . Let 's just hope your " car " is as well equipped as mine will be . Good hunting ! <h> <p> Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email . <p> And the Unions he bailed out , the minorities , the college students and American women did exactly that in overwhelming numbers . He crafted his message and delivered it with pinpoint precision . You have to hand it to him . He built a political palace on the rubble of the last four years of much touted " hope and change " that addressed everything but the economy and jobs . <p> A " community organizer " with no @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ define " inexperience and poor performance " . <p> If you stood with him , you were a " visionary " . If you stood against him , you were a " racist " . <p> I still laugh about that . First , Obama is n't " Black " . He 's of " Mixed parentage " at best . He 's as much " White " as " Black " . Probably more , in fact . <p> People accuse me of being a " racist ' where Obama is concerned . <p> It does n't get any traction with ME . I have to laugh , usually right in their faces . My usual comment is to calmly pull my IDF -- " Thorned Star of David " out of my shirt and then remind them that " as a Jew , MY people were in chains thousands of years before Black people were . " <p> For the record : I do n't dislike Obama because he 's " black " . I dislike him because I feel in my head AND my heart that he @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ in hard times . In his Administration to date , he 's done nothing but pour gasoline on an already raging fire . ObamaCare , The Stimulus , the Bailouts to " companies too big to fail " -- that now prosper and laugh all the way to the bank , NDAA , the list goes on and on ... <p> IMHO : <p> You DO NOT repair a broken economy by throwing pallets of American Taxpayer dollars onto a funeral pyre . Unless , you 're just trying to illuminate the select handful people standing in the shadows watching it , rubbing their greedy hands together in glee ... Or perhaps insuring your re-election ... <p> You DO NOT rebuild the American Economy by bailing out an almost " fossilized " American Auto Industry ... unless ... you 're building a buffer ... a wall to protect your re-election bid . <p> You DO NOT stimulate job growth by oppressing the very enterprises that are tasked with creating those jobs in the first place . There 's a reason that Corporations in America are downsizing and moving jobs offshore @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ dodge any bullets with all these " Administrative Activities " . We simply shifted the damage to our children and increased the devastation as the hardships grow , like rotten fruit to poison our futures ... <p> And , Obama now works , seemingly without opposition . <p> The Republicans saber-rattle , but frankly , they 're out of touch with their constituencies and America in general . Otherwise , they would have seen how the Dem 's played to the crowd and understood the grim game they were participating in . <p> Obama 's Chief of Staff all but copywrited the phrase ; <p> " We have the votes . F##k them . " <p> Obama has promised the sheep " Hope and Change " and now he 's unbridled and running wild , like a wolf skulking around in the flock . He has slain the dragon . <p> Obama wants to increase the United Nation 's ( UN 's ) involvement in American Affairs , even WITHIN the borders of the US . <p> Obama told Putin that he would have " more flexibility " after the @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ dose of " Hopey/Changey " here in the USA . <h> The Dow Jones dumping 300 points the day after " The Great One 's " re-election is just the beginnings . <p> Obama swore he 'd veto NDAA , a nasty bit of work that enables " Big Brother " to label you a domestic terrorist for insuring that your family eats . It even takes away your rights to due process . <p> Oh , yes , he did . On December 31 , 2011 , President Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act ( NDAA ) , codifying indefinite military detention without charge or trial into law for the first time in American history . The NDAA 's dangerous detention provisions would authorize the president -- and all future presidents -- to order the military to pick up and indefinitely imprison people captured anywhere in the world , far from any battlefield . <p> This means they can label you an " enemy of the State " , enter your CHURCH , your HOME , your PLACE OF BUSINESS ... and arrest you , dragging you off @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ a " domestic terrorist " . <p> And how will they define these traitorous acts of yours ? <p> The Department of Homeland Security ( DHS ) compiles lists of " suspected domestic terrorists " based on your actions ; actions like buying bulk food and ammunition or even ( gasp ! ) speaking out on blogs and websites , urging families to begin preparing for " even harder times " . <p> People exercising their right of free speech are being labeled as " terrorists " . I suppose , cast in that light , we 're actually " counterterrorists " ... opposing those who would oppress us and commit harm to our families . <h> Do you know a LEFTY Soldier who needs some " Strat Love " ? <p> For some time now , ( in fact , since 2009 ) we 've been rehabbing and sending Lefty Fender Guitars to soldiers overseas . <p> These Fenders are upgraded , stuffed into Fender TSA cases and shipped with all the goodies our paychecks will allow . <p> And every once in a while a battery powered amplifier @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ can share the love that we 're sending . <p> We 're NOT asking for donations . We 're trying to find hard-working men and women currently serving in harm 's way ... so that we can send them a gift to remind them that we love them and understand their personal sacrifices . <p> If you know a LEFTY guitar playing American HERO , we wan na hear about it . <p> Why lefties ? Because WE 'RE lefties and we can work on and set up LEFTY guitars . And truth be told , lefties get left out . Lots of righty guitars in circulation . Very few lefties make it into the pool . <p> We think that sucks , so we 're doing something about it , ourselves . <p> And , know that they 'll never know where it came from . " Guitar GIfting " anonymously means just that . We do n't need " atta-boys " or pats on the back ... THEY do . <p> And we 're gon na make sure they get them . <p> Feel free to contact us @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ know that they love it too . <h> Jimi would be proud ! <p> Who 's the best " Soldier Strat player " on earth ? Jimi . And we
@@5120041 <h> Looking for Local Art ? Seattle-Based Artsyo Aims to Make it Easier <h> November 9th , 2012 by Laura <p> If you 're looking to stay close to home and buy work from local Seattle artists , Artsyo can help make that happen . Artsyo is a new web site created by two Seattleites who wanted to make the art-buying process more accessible and feature local artists . <p> You can limit your art search by type of work , color palette , and neighborhood -- and while Queen Anne is not yet on the neighborhood list , the Artsyo team is working to identify Queen Anne galleries and artists for the site ( see the contact info below if you 'd like to connect with Artsyo ) . <p> Currently , over half of the artists on the site are independent , and Artsyo acts as their virtual gallery . It 's free for artists to list art works ( no limit ) , with Artsyo taking a 30% commission on pieces that sell through the site . If a piece is subject to a gallery commission , Artsyo waives its commission . <p> Artsyo just kicked @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Artsyo has a promo for the " saddest wall in Seattle " -- submit your sad wall picture and story ( 50 words or less ) by November 29th . The most creative and compelling entry will net the applicant his or her choice of original art by a Seattle artist , courtesy of Artsyo . <p> And , as of today ( Friday ) , Artsyo has added a new twist to the giveaway -- if you enter by November 16th you can be part of a random lottery to win any piece on Artsyo worth up to $100
@@5120141 <p> The mayor of Fayetteville , Arkansas has issued an historic proclamation condemning wage theft , making theirs the first city-wide public pronouncement in the nation against the illegal practice that annually takes billions of dollars out of the pockets of millions of workers across the country , particularly in the low-wage economy . <p> Lioneld Jordan , mayor of Fayetteville , unveiled the proclamation on Thursday , September 9 , at a public forum on wage theft organized by the Northwest Arkansas Workers ' Justice Center , an affiliate of the national network Interfaith Worker Justice . <p> " I was excited by Mayor Jordan 's proclamation , " said Fernando Garca of the Northwest Arkansas Workers ' Justice Center . " He was very focused on the panelists ' speeches , which ranged from current laws to first-hand experience of wage theft . " <p> " Imagine if 100 other communities followed Fayetteville 's lead , " said Kim Bobo , Interfaith Worker Justice 's Executive Director and the author of Wage Theft in America : Why Millions of Working Americans Are Not Getting Paid -- And What We Can Do About It , the first book @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ reads : " Wage Theft , the practice of underpaying or refusing to pay for the labor of employees , denies workers and their families economic prosperity and financial security . Workers have lost homes and vehicles due to employers not paying wages and , in some extreme cases , wage theft has led to homelessness ... " <p> Wage theft also " puts ethical businesses at a disadvantage , " the proclamation states . " Unethical employers are more likely to get higher profits due to stealing wages compared to ethical employers who pay fair wages in a timely manner , causing ethical employers to be at a disadvantage in the market ... " <p> The proclamation goes on to contend that wage theft " steals revenue from the state and city and the Social Security trust fund . Wage thieves fail to report wages to state and federal agencies resulting in fewer public resources . Unethical employers have also misclassified workers to prevent paying workers compensation and payroll taxes ... " <p> " While not binding , " said Bobo , who also spoke at Thursday 's forum @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ the issue and publicly commits the city leadership to address it . " <p> Indeed , after the forum , Mayor Jordan agreed to establish a Mayor 's Task Force on Wage Theft , assign a police officer to investigate wage crimes , and create a hotline to report wage theft cases ( and publicize the number for the hotline in the community ) . <p> And the Northwest Arkansas Workers ' Justice Center will play an active role in that process , working with the city of Fayetteville and campaigning for the passage of a wage theft ordinance and/or resolution that would give the proclamation real legislative bite by empowering the city to directly enforce labor laws . <p> In February , Miami-Dade County passed the first county-wide wage theft ordinance in the country . Campaigns to pass wage theft legislation are currently underway in several states , counties , and cities around the country . <p> On November 18 , Interfaith Worker Justice and its national network are coordinating a National Day of Action to Stop Wage Theft to highlight both the growing crisis and ways that workers @ @ @
@@5120241 <h> Taking land grabs campaigning to the heart of the World Bank <p> This week we 're manically busy and absolutely loving it as we continue to make some noise about our new land grabs campaign . <p> It 's the World Bank Annuals in Tokyo ; not normally an event to get the pulse racing . However , even though it sounds a bit grey , it 's majorly exciting to us GROW campaigners . We 're taking our campaign to stop land grabs right to the heart of the World Bank . Bank staff , Directors and their new President Jim Kim are here to talk about their priorities in helping the world 's poorest people . And as you might have seen in our brilliant Thunderclap earlier this week we 're asking the World Bank to make a crucial step in sorting hunger and food prices . <p> With the support of thousands of people around the world we 're calling on the World Bank to freeze their investments in big land deals for six months while they make sure that they work for the world 's poorest people . Currently , rich land investors are @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ - an area the size of a soccer pitch is bought every second . Too many of these deals are tearing communities apart as people are thrown off the land that they rely on to grow food . Without proper oversight of these deals , we can expect more horrific examples like this land grab in Guatemala . That 's where the Bank , as a major lender to investors and an international standards setter , plays a key part . <p> So yesterday we decided to give these shady land investors a face at the World Bank meetings and hosted a stunt where Oxfam Japan volunteers dressed up in suits , jumped on toy diggers , and drove wildly around a huge floor map of Africa , which was made of food . They dug into the food , and ran riot over the continent . <p> The stunt was a great way of engaging with Oxfam Japan 's young volunteers , who were keen to ask questions about all the other great campaigning on land happening around the world - they could n't believe we 'd driven huge @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Manager Takumo Yamada noted , " I think today we witnessed the birth of six new young campaign addicts in a country where social activism has been forgotten for decades " . That feels great ! <p> It 's exciting times as we urge the Bank to agree a land freeze and to do what it takes to reduce hunger and human rights abuses . if you 'd like
@@5120341 <p> Many people use acetaminophen daily to help with aches , pains , fevers , arthritis , and symptoms that come with common colds . Users of acetaminophen may exceed the recommended dosage instruction not knowing the possible side effects of this medicine . The purpose of this study was to show the effects of taking too much acetaminophen has on the liver and what may possibly help reduce these risks . These studies are usually conducted on rats , so scientists are able to have control groups , control their surroundings easily , and control dosages administered to the animals . <p> Summary and Procedure <p> In this study , rats were given 500-1500 milligrams of acetaminophen ( APAP ) per kilogram of body weight intrgastrically . The scientists wanted to find ways to prevent liver damage , so they hypothesized that tryptophan derivatives , melatonin , and **26;7593;TOOLONG ( NNT ) might help stop the harmful side effects . These are believed to be hepatoprotectors , which are substances that help prevent damage to the liver . Acetaminophen was used because it is one of the most commonly used drugs to conduct chemically driven liver damage . @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ The rats were exposed to light for twelve hours and followed by a twelve hour period of darkness for one week . The animals were divided into five groups which were control , APAP , APAP+NNT ( **26;7621;TOOLONG ) , APAP+Melatonin , and NNT . Each rat in the groups APAP , APAP+NNT , and APAP+Melatonin was given 1500 mg/kg of body weight of acetaminophen intragastrically . After 4 and 6 hours the groups APAP+NNT and NNT were given intraperitoneal injections of NNT at 2 mg/ kg of body weight . The group APAP+Melatonin also received intaoperitoneal injections of melatonin at 10 mg/kg of body weight . Approximately 24 hours after the injections and dosages were administered , the rats were decapitated and blood and liver tissue samples were prepared for analysis and study . <p> Tables and Trends <p> The general trend of Figure 1 shows that as Acetaminophen dosage increases , the mitochondrial protein drastically decreases by two-thirds . The second part of the chart shows that as APAP is increased , the postmitochondrial fraction decreases by almost half . The second chart shows the alanine aminotransferase ( @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ bilirubin in blood plasma . The control group showed the lowest levels of ALT , AST , and bilirubin . The only section that has more ALT than AST is the APAP group . In the APAP+NNT and APAP+Melatonin groups , the AST and ALT are equivalent . The NNT group has the second lowest amount of AST , ALT , and bilirubin . Table 1 shows that there was not a decrease in the activity of liver enzymes in the mitochondria , but there was an increase in succinate dehydrogenase . Table 2 shows that there was not a large decrease in protein SH groups in the postmitochondrial fraction , but the glutathione ( GSH ) decreased by almost 45% . GSH , a main antioxidant in the body , helps the body detoxify itself . Once GSH is decreased dramatically , it causes the person or animal 's immune system to weaken , therefore increasing the risk of infection . <p> Conclusion <p> In conclusion , studies from the table show that **26;7649;TOOLONG was best in stopping elevated levels of ALT , AST , and bilirubin . By @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ liver . When a liver blood test is done , elevated levels in ALT and AST signify that there is evidence of liver damage . When bilirubin levels were increased in the blood stream , it indicated that medictions , such as acetaminophen , had been taken causing drainage ducts in the liver to be blocked and leak bilirubin . There may be better ways to take acetaminophen , so that it may bypass the liver causing less harmful side effects . Research would need to be conducted to make sure it would not cause harm to other organs . Acetaminophen has many positive uses when taken properly and in the right dosage . People need to be aware of the harmful side effects when APAP is taken in too high of a dosage and too frequently . Studies need to be done with different other possible hepatoprotectors , such as combining melatonin , NNT , and N-acetyl-cysteine . Studies have been done showing that some of these reduce APAP hepatoxicity , so if combined , these effects may be decreased . The experiment was valid , and each step @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ only possible problems might include the drugs used were not left in the rats for a long enough time to see other possible side effects . Other studies derived from this experiment could test
@@5120441 <h> Educational , Disconnected Utterances <h> PD : How do educators get to know what they do n't know ? <p> When it comes to education reform , there are in general two major camps , but there are also several variations of each . The first camp would like to blow up the system and start all over . The other camp wants to continue the status quo while working to change it in directions governed by whatever dominant force of change has the ear of the public at the time . I find my own inclinations falling somewhere between the two camps . I want to blow some stuff up while improving upon some existing stuff . Like most educators , or any people with a basic understanding of authentic assessment , I do want to blow up any notion or hint of compliance with high stakes , standardized testing . The area of improvement that I think will get us the biggest bang for the all-important , tax buck is professional development . <p> It has long been my position that to be better educators , we need to be better learners . Since I have @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ teachers have said to me how they love having student teachers in their building , because they can learn so much from the " young people " about all the new stuff in education . Some variation of that phrase has been repeated by more than one educator every year since I have been working with student teachers . To me that is a big RED FLAG . It causes me to ask , " Why does a veteran teacher need to have a student bring them up to date on the latest methodology , pedagogy and technology in the field of education ? " If our students are to get a relevant education , should we not have relevant educators ? Why on earth would experienced educators need students to provide that which every school district in the country should be striving to provide teachers within their system ? <p> We need to examine the way we approach professional development in education . Too often it is left up to the educators to seek out their own PD . That is good for some , but not all educators @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ If you do n't know about something , how would you know to seek PD in that area ? This is especially true of learning with technology . I have a master 's degree in educational technology . The fact is that not any of the applications or computers that I learned on , as well as the methodology in the use of those components , exists today . Very little of that degree would be relevant , if I did not continue to learn , adapt and progress with what I know . The same holds true with any degree in any profession . From the day one gets a degree , things in that area of expertise begin to change . With the influence of a technology-driven culture , things move at a much faster pace than years past causing a more rapid rate of change . Therefore , the pace at which things change has increased exponentially , while the way we provide PD to deal with these changes is relatively unchanged from years past in many , if not most schools . <p> PD is offered @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ day . The other method is to allow teachers to seek out their own PD on their own time , often at their own expense . Technology training for teachers is often addressed in schools . The method of choice , however , by many schools is what my friend Brian Wasson , an IT guy , refers to as the " Home Depot Method . " The district goes out and buys all the cool tools from the vendors and then tries to teach , or force feed them to the teachers . That is a sure formula for failure . <p> We need to change PD . It must be part of an educator 's work week , and that includes administrators . We need educators to connect with other educators to collaborate and maintain relevance . Educators need to explore their needs and address them with solutions of their choosing after exploring the options . Faculty meetings can address procedures in shared documents with educators , while using the time in meetings to discuss pedagogy , methodology , best practices and new ideas . Educators need to @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ PD as evolving and continuous , and not as a teacher workshop day , we will begin to bring relevance back to education . Schools that do this now will be the first to tell us this . Of course , we need to connect with them for that to happen . Connecting educators is a first step . <h> 21 Responses <p> Our school has moved to a 1.5 hour friday morning PD session every week , with clear direction and goals . It is the best thing we have ever done for improving our entires staff 's understanding of technology and education . It took a while to get off the ground , but it makes a clear difference in how teacher 's of all ages are teaching in our school . <p> I really like what you say , " In order to become better educators , we need to become better learners . " So very true . <p> I understand your red flag reaction when teacher say they learn from student teachers . Also , I see ways in which the conversation can become mutually @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ <p> When I consult with younger teacher , the first question I ask is , " What do students need to know or be able to do when they leave your room today ? " The follow-up question is " How will you know they have learned it ? " Then we discuss possible instructional steps that would get students to that endpoint and beyond . <p> Once those key points are established , the veteran teacher can share a number of ways to get to the outcome -- ways that have been previously successful ( with or without technology ) . When student teachers are invited to add ideas , they may very well suggest tools , apps , or processes that the veteran teacher never knew existed . <p> Many veteran teachers are frustrated with the tools ( at least initially ) but they have a clear understanding of where students are and where they need to go . Many new teachers are frustrated because they have the tools , but they do n't know how/where to use the tools in the context of curriculum and student instructional @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ listen to the new teacher 's ideas , help him/her think through the implications for classroom management , and help the teacher evaluate the pros and cons of each tool/idea they suggest . <p> You say , " Faculty meetings can address procedures in shared documents with educators , while using the time in meetings to discuss pedagogy , methodology , best practices and new ideas . " That is spot on . This same conversation can happen with new and veteran teachers . <p> Red flags should go up any time a teacher adopts a new tool for that sake of using a new tool . Also , red flags should go up whenever teachers work in isolation . <p> I agree with this post completely ! It is sad to hear that we still have educators who ca n't check their email , let alone use the latest in technology innovations to instruct their students . I want to see the day where everyone can speak a common language in technology instruction , and the students get a similar experience in each classroom in terms of innovative practices @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ students are reporting back that they are teaching their mentors a lot about things such as Google Docs . We have a vast inequity of knowledge in our system . <p> Well I would concur that this is right on target . I kept myself current by joining professional organizations . At a minimum these organizations would send out current relevant info so I was kept apprised of what was going on . And then there are the educational websites , magazines etc . Veteran teachers need to stay motivated to learn and not get in a rut . And admins are even worse as I can speak from my world . Time is never given nor money to keep admins up to date . <p> Of course districts need to change the paradigm of PD ... it should be part of a teacher 's goals and support/time and money given to help a teacher or admin reach those goals . <p> I agree with you , but I 'd like to go one step further . Attending more PD is not enough . We need follow through . If @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ particular method or skill , then I want time to incorporate it into my practice . I want time to reflect on what worked and what did n't with other educators . And I want time to try , try again . <p> I have attended countless hours of PD over the years , but often that 's all I had time to do : attend . I did n't have the necessary support to really change my teaching methods in the ways I waned to . Well , that 's not entirely true . I did make many changes , but I did a lot of it alone and without any constructive feedback . <p> ... When it comes to education reform , there are in general two major camps , but there are also several variations of each . The first camp would like to blow up the system and start all over . The other ... ... <p> Just my 2 cents but we vendors should continue to build equity in the investment made to our EdTech long after the purchase . Perhaps something even as little @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ knowledge and get feedback from the users in district and in Higer Ed as to how they are actually using the products would be beneficial to both . Learning from one another , building skills to use the products more effectively and us taking the info from users to help build a better product . <p> ... When it comes to education reform , there are in general two major camps , but there are also several variations of each . The first camp would like to blow up the system and start all over . The other camp wants to continue the status quo while working to change it in directions governed by whatever dominant force of change has the ear of the public at the time . I find my own inclinations falling somewhere between the two camps . I want to blow some stuff up while improving upon some existing stuff . Like most educators , or any people with a basic understanding of authentic assessment , I do want to blow up any notion or hint of compliance with high stakes , standardized testing . The @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ biggest bang for the all-important , tax buck is professional development . ... <p> ... When it comes to education reform , there are in general two major camps , but there are also several variations of each . The first camp would like to blow up the system and start all over . The other ... ... <p> Hm ... Another teachers and myself have been trying to solve this very problem . Most of the teachers in my building do n't seek our any sort of PD on their own . So much so that the other teacher and myself have organized regular meetings to discuss latest developments with regards to education and such . Hopefully this will give them a bearing about what they do n't know . <p> ... I am a regular reader of Tom Whitby 's ( @tomwhitby ) blog " My Island View . " Tom recently wrote about his thoughts on the current
@@5120541 <h> R2-D2 Engagement Ring Is So Beep-Boop Cool ! <p> Joe and Emily met at a tattoo parlor a few years ago and their love story has culminated in a Star Wars engagement ring . Nothing could make us happier . Joe teamed with Paul Bieker of Paul Michael Design to come up with the perfect ring for his lady . Click through our gallery to see the project go from concept to the actual popping of the question , which , if you were wondering , happened on Halloween ( hence the costumes ) . And then
@@5120641 <h> Click on Ads to Support This Site ! <h> Turnout UP all over the Tar Heel State <p> Earlier this week , state elections officials were predicting 69 percent voter turnout . Roughly two million of the state 's 6.6 million registered voters took part in early voting . They expect two million or so more to cast ballots today . <p> Turnout is quite high in our yellow-dog GOP county -- and voting precinct . I stopped by to vote about 2 PM . The total I saw on the voting machine was about where it usually is AT THE END OF THE NIGHT . ( At that time , we had about five more hours to go
@@5120741 <h> A Major Coaching Shake-up on the Palouse <p> Written by Longball on Tuesday , 23 October 2012 20:07 . <p> The Vandal Atheltic Department <p> Sometimes you think things are tough around your house , then you look outside and your neighbor 's house is on fire . No matter how you feel about the problems facing Cougar football , they are like a couple burnt out lightbulbs compared to the structure fire down the road in Moscow . As you have probably heard by now , the Idaho Vandals have given Robb Akey his walking papers and have promoted Jason Gesser to interim head coach while they conduct their search for Akey 's successor . All this is happening as the Vandals prepare for their first season as a football independent in 2013 , a status they hope to only maintain for a couple years as they search the ever changing conference landscape for a new home . Constantly looming over all of this is the very real possibility that the only viable option is for the Vandals to return to the ranks of the FCS and the Big Sky Conference they used to dominate . These @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ true legend and icon of the Palouse I just can not let Akey ride off into the sunset without adding a few thoughts of my own , after the jump ... <p> To be perfectly honest , Robb Akey has n't accomplished too much as a coach since his days coaching the defensive line for the Cougs . Once he took over as coordinator in 2003 he had one good season with a Cougar D that was locked and loaded , then oversaw the complete collapse of that unit in the ensuing years . At Idaho he again managed one magical season with a mature group of players that had largely been recruited by a former coach , and once those players departed things went downhill in a hurry with no signs of turning around . A lot of this had to do with his loyalty to assistants that were simply not up to the task ( sound familiar ? ) , but Akey himself has never proven to have the coaching chops to excel at a level above position coach . Still , football will miss Akey , and @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ . <p> For all his shortcomings as a coach , Robb Akey is one of College Football 's great characters . First of all , he looks the part . He is a towering man with a handlebar mustache and a signature gruff voice that constantly spits out enough T-shirt worthy sayings to keep a silk screen shop working round the clock . ESPN loves him and he has garnered lots of attention over his career , whether it was his unbelievable vertical leap he displayed as a defensive coordinator for the Cougs , or naming his sons Jack and Daniel , or quipping into the camera at the half of the Humanitarian Bowl to " stay tuned " , " you 're gon na love it " , and sure enough his team delivered a thrilling finish . Akey was easy to like and the kind of coach most people really wanted to succeed . College football 's coaching elite is dominated by Urban Meyers , Chip Kelly 's , Nick Sabans and other robotic , no-personality tacticians who give interviews that nobody wants to hear and write books @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ care to read . Robb Akey is not that guy . <p> With this week 's announcement a lot of people have been getting nostalgic about their favorite Robb Akey memories , and so what the hell , here is mine : In the 2008 season the Vandals were desperate for their first win over an FBS opponent in way too long and on Homecoming day against New Mexico State , Akey delivered . Amieable and I were there as the students rushed the field in jubilation , but my most memorable moment from that game came before it even started . This was pre-renovation , and the Kibbie was in pretty terrible shape . It had a video board about the size of my television that you could n't actually see . The Vandals took the field from a rusty garage door in the back corner of the Kibbie Dome and on this day that door rose about a foot and a half , then stopped . It was busted . You could see the cleats of the Vandal players , anxious to take the field , but the @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ pair of hands emerged and with great strain the door was raised manually by none other than coach Akey himself . He raised the door and held it in place as the team ran out onto the field , all the while the motor above the door smoked and shot sparks out , some of them cascading over Akeys shoulders . It was awesome . I was almost in tears . That one moment said everything about both the state of Idaho football , and the awesomeness of Robb Akey . <p> But with every ending there is a new beginning and at Idaho that new beginning involves another one of our favorite sons , Jason Gesser . Sure , Gesser is completely unqualified to be a head coach at the FBS level , and he is basically like one of those Japanese generals in WWII who has been given command of a rag tag army after all the other generals have committed Harakiri . His chances of success are somewhere between none and none . But hey , is n't that what they call a no-lose situation ? Good @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ And thanks to Coach Akey . We all take football too seriously around here , but no matter what , you always made it fun . Now go get a TV gig . I guarantee we 'll all watch . <p> WSUFootballBlog.com is a Washington State Cougars fan web site and is in no way affiliated with Washington State University the NCAA , or its Properties or Organizations . This site is for informational and entertainment purposes only .
@@5120841 <h> Are You a Copycat of Your Boss ? <p> Picture this scenario : you are hunched over your desk , working furiously to meet a deadline , when a co-worker walks by and smiles at you . Do you smile back or do you keep your expression passive and return to your work ? The answer depends largely on status and authority . <p> Our reaction to people we view as authority figures is what scientists call the " boss effect . " The theory is this : in general , we offer or withhold a smile based on power , rank , and authority , meaning that we are more likely to smile at our bosses over subordinates . <p> Mirror Mirror <p> If you believe yourself to be in a position of leadership over a co-worker , you will probably withhold your smile , widening the gap . If you believe your co-worker outranks you , you are likely to smile and mirror every facial expression he or she makes . <p> Here 's the kicker , though . We have no idea we do this . Our facial responses to other people are largely involuntary @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ we have . The highly confident worker is more likely to withhold a smile . The worker with low confidence , who feels he or she has little to no authority , is more likely to smile at everyone . <p> So the next time a co-worker smiles at you , check yourself . Did you immediately smile back or did you find yourself blanking your expression ? The answer might give you more insight into office politics than you think . <p> Tell Us What You Think <p> Have you observed the boss effect in your
@@5120941 <h> No comments : <p> I 'm Valarie- Texas gal with a gypsy soul . l am a wife , Mother , Mimi to two adorable GRANDboys . I love my career as a real estate agent - I have the best clients in the world . Selling homes and changing lives is my passion . In my spare time you can find me in the community giving back to non-profit orgs . I live in a fabulous blue cottage nestled in the " HISTORIC DISTRICT " of Mckinney .
@@5121041 <h> Blogs <p> But when your people come and have been broken by sin and have fallen into temptation and are ashamed to confess the awful mess they have made of their life , it is not a Calvinistic pastor who has been sanctified by vinegar that they need . It is a pastor that has been mastered by the unconditional , free grace of God . It is a pastor from whom ironclad orthodoxy has been torn away and the whole armor of a gracious God has been placed upon his soul -- the armor of one who would not break the bruised reed or quench the dimly burning wick . <p> You see , my friends , as we think together in these days about a Godly pastor we have to ask , what is a Godly pastor ? A Godly pastor is one who is like God , who has a heart of free grace running after sinners . The Godly pastor is the one who sees the prodigal and runs and falls on his neck and weeps and kisses him and says , " This my son was dead , he
@@5121141 <h> See you at the Poll ? <p> Politics . One of the most uncomfortable topics of discussion for absolutely everyone .... <p> Wait ! Stop ! Do n't hit that big red " X " button at the top right of your screen ! This blog is n't going to be what you think it 's about . No , I 'm not writing to you guys today to convince you to vote either Democrat or Republican . I 'm writing to you guys because I want you to VOTE . Period . It 's none of my business who you vote for , but I have made it my business to encourage you to exercise your rights , and check a little box on a piece of paper ( it 's really that easy ) . <p> As young adults , this will be some of our first times to be able to vote . For me , this will be my second and I feel like it is important now more than ever . It 's also important to both care and understand what/who you are voting for . I feel like a lot of times @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ 's actually important , voting being one of them . I do n't think some of us realize how greatly affected we can be by our decision to NOT cast your vote . Do you guys even know when you can vote ? ( P.S. November 6 th a.k.a . TODAY ! Polls close at 7:30PM ) . Take a second to look up or talk to someone about what the candidates are about . Be careful were you get your information from though , it 's always important to check your sources and to think critically about the information you 're receiving ( sorry , that 's the speech teacher coming out of me ) . Being from North Carolina , I had to make an extra effort to be able to vote and received an absentee ballot a few weeks ago ( thanks for the help , mom ! ) . <p> I officially mailed my ballot last Friday . <p> So , what if you 're from West Virginia and can go to a voting station ? Well , I took the liberty of making this process @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ <p> Although this blog was n't as related to health , fitness , or Huntington as the rest , I feel as though it is more relevant to you as a college student than you know . Think of it this way : If you do n't vote in this general election now , you will have to wait FOUR MORE YEARS until you can do it again . That 's an entire college career for some of us . So go out and be an active seeker of information ... learn , grow ! We all want to be treated like adults , so we all should start acting like one . Now I want to leave you guys with something that I try to instill in my CMM 103 students : It will always be better to be educated , than to be ignorant , and there will never come a day when you are n't presented with an opportunity to learn . <p> So go learn something , and exercise your right to vote ! You owe it to yourself and everyone around you . Did you @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ you voted for , I 'm very superstitious and am under the firm belief that if you say it out loud you automatically
@@5121241 <p> Mitt Romney says it " would be helpful to be Latino " to gain the White House . <p> Perez mocks the Republican nominee in a YouTube video posted Sunday -- part of a series of humorous ads targeting Romney , entitled , " Actually ... the truth matters . " <p> " Actually , " actress Rosie Perez says , it would probably be helpful if Romney had a history lesson . <p> The video begins with an excerpt from Romney 's infamous remarks to wealthy donors made earlier this year when he called " 47 percent " of Americans government freeloaders . <p> The excerpt includes Romney saying it " would be helpful to be Latino " in his effort to win the election . <p> " What if you were just a little bit gay , Mitt , " Perez cracks . " Think of all the advantages that would provide . No , wait for it ... what if you had a vagina . If you were a gay Latina , this election would be in the bag for you . " <p> " Unfortunately for you Mitt , you were cursed with the @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ wealthy governor and
@@5121341 <h> Motley Fool : Facebook may not be done with its free-fall <p> Investors who jumped into Facebook when it debuted via its initial public offering ( IPO ) in May have been burned . The stock opened near $40 per share , hit $45 , and then fell by more than 50 percent . Some are now drooling , thinking it 's a bargain at its recent levels . It 's not necessarily so , though . <p> There are , of course , plenty of reasons to be optimistic . Facebook does have hundreds of millions of users , after all , and many are likely to stick around , as that 's where their friends are . Thus , the company is in a position to generate income from those users , by targeting advertising at them and selling other businesses the opportunity to promote certain stories or events to them . <p> With its massive size , even modest growth rates can result in big profits . It 's already raking in more than a billion dollars in revenue each quarter . It has billions in cash and little debt . <p> On the other @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ , say , Campbell 's Soup or even General Electric . And hundreds of millions of shares held by insiders are " locked up " for set periods . These shares will be freed up over time , and significant selling could depress the stock further . <p> Facebook may well prosper over time , but it 's not without risks . ( The Motley Fool owns shares of Facebook and our newsletters have recommended it . ) <h> Ask the Fool <p> Q : Can you explain what the Federal Reserve is and does ? -- N.B. , Strasburg , Va . <p> A : " The Fed " is the central bank of the U.S. In its own words , it has four main responsibilities : " conducting the nation 's monetary policy by influencing money and credit conditions in the economy in pursuit of full employment and stable prices , " " supervising and regulating banks and other important financial institutions ... , " " maintaining the stability of the financial system and containing systemic risk that may arise in financial markets , " and " providing @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ institutions and foreign official institutions . " <h> My dumbest investment <p> When I wanted to buy stock in Apple at $206 per share , my broker talked me into Kodak stock instead . Ouch ! I no longer use a broker . -- B. , online <p> The Fool responds : Ouch indeed . Apple stock has approached $700 per share recently , so you would have more than tripled your money by now . And Eastman Kodak , sadly , filed for bankruptcy earlier this year . <p> In this situation , if you were interested in both companies or just not sure , you might have split your money and bought shares of both . ( Just be sure that you 're not buying such small amounts that the trading commissions represent more than 2 percent or so of your investment . ) Remember that Apple did n't always look like a winner . ( The Motley Fool