# Optimized Item Selection Datasets |
We provide the datasets that are used to test the multi-level optimization framework ([AMAI'24](https://link.springer.com/epdf/10.1007/s10472-024-09941-x?sharing_token=9XBJ6cdglsdji19gFwuqQve4RwlQNchNByi7wbcMAY4VwIBKydj3Ja9OBjALNpg8nuO300abjlrHmZQFBVUqar-uYhBML28cmbovFgiHRRvd7TM2QAA_Hwd5J3U2MmKx0ugXwF6yz2hW75_88JpLmXSDJSuyCEwqZqtOcB7BhJU=),[CPAIOR'21](https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-78230-6_27), [DSO@IJCAI'22](https://arxiv.org/abs/2112.03105)), for solving Item Selection Problem (ISP) to boost exploration in Recommender Systems. |
The multi-objective optimization framework is implemented in [Selective](https://github.com/fidelity/selective) as part of `TextBased Selection`. By solving the ISP with Text-based Selection in Selective, we select a smaller subset of items with maximum diversity in the latent embedding space of items and maximum coverage of labels. |
The datasets are extracted and processed from their original public sources for research purposes, as detailed below. |
## Overview of Datasets |
The datasets include: |
* [**GoodReads datasets**](book_recommenders_data/) for book recommenders. Two datasets are randomly selected from the source data [GoodReads Book Reviews](https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3240323.3240369), a small version with 1000 items and a large version with 10,000 items. For book recommendations, there are 11 different genres (e.g., fiction, non-fiction, children), 231 different publishers (e.g. Vintage, Penguin Books, Mariner Books), and genre-publisher pairs. This leads to 574 and 1,322 unique book labels for the small and large datasets, respectively. |
* [**MovieLens datasets**](movie_recommenders_data/) for movie recommenders. Two datasets are randomly selected from the source data [MovieLens Movie Ratings](https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/2827872), a small version with 1000 items and a large version with 10,000 items. For movie recommendations, there are 19 different genres (e.g. action, comedy, drama, romance), 587 different producers, 34 different languages (e.g. English, French, Mandarin), and genre-language pairs. This leads to 473 and 1,011 unique movie labels for the small and large datasets, respectively. |
Each dataset in GoodReads and MovieLens contains: |
* `*_data.csv` that contains the text content (i.e., title + description) of the items, and |
* `*_label.csv` that contains the labels (e.g., genre or language) and a binary 0/1 value denoting whether an item exhibits a label. |
Each column in the csv file is for an item indexed by book/movie ID. The order of columns in data and label files are the same. |
## Quick Start |
To run the example, install the required packages by `pip install selective datasets`. |
```python |
# Import Selective (for text-based selection) and TextWiser (for embedding space) |
import pandas as pd |
from datasets import load_dataset |
from textwiser import TextWiser, Embedding, Transformation |
from feature.selector import Selective, SelectionMethod |
# Load Text Contents |
data = load_dataset('skadio/optimized_item_selection', data_files='book_recommenders_data/goodreads_1k_data.csv', split='train') |
data = data.to_pandas() |
# Load Labels |
labels = load_dataset('skadio/optimized_item_selection', data_files='book_recommenders_data/goodreads_1k_label.csv', split='train') |
labels = labels.to_pandas() |
labels.set_index('label', inplace=True) |
# TextWiser featurization method to create text embeddings |
textwiser = TextWiser(Embedding.TfIdf(), Transformation.NMF(n_components=20, random_state=1234)) |
# Text-based selection with the default configuration |
# The default configuration is optimization_method="exact" and cost_metric ="diverse" |
# By default, multi-level optimization maximizes coverage and diversity as described in (CPAIOR'21, DSO@IJCAI'22) |
# within an upper bound on subset size given as num_features |
selector = Selective(SelectionMethod.TextBased(num_features=30, featurization_method=textwiser)) |
# Result |
subset = selector.fit_transform(data, labels) |
print("Reduction:", list(subset.columns)) |
``` |
## Advanced Usages |
Text-based Selection provides access to multiple selection methods. |
At a high level, the configurations can be divided into exact, randomized, greedy, or cluster-based optimization. |
### Exact |
- (Default) Solve for Problem *P_max_cover@t* in **CPAIOR'21** - Selecting a subset of items that |
maximizes coverage of labels and maximizes the diversity in latent embedding space within an upper |
bound on subset size. |
```python |
selector = Selective(SelectionMethod.TextBased(num_features=30, |
featurization_method=textwiser, |
optimization_method='exact', |
cost_metric='diverse')) |
``` |
- Solve for Problem *P_unicost* in **CPAIOR'21** - Selecting a subset of items that covers all labels. |
```python |
selector = Selective(SelectionMethod.TextBased(num_features=None, |
optimization_method='exact', |
cost_metric='unicost')) |
``` |
- Solve for Problem *P_diverse* in **CPAIOR'21** - Selecting a subset of items with maximized diversity |
in the latent embedding space while still maintaining the coverage over all labels. |
```python |
selector = Selective(SelectionMethod.TextBased(num_features=None, |
featurization_method=textwiser, |
optimization_method='exact', |
cost_metric='diverse')) |
``` |
- Selecting a subset of items that only maximize coverage within an upper bound on subset size. |
```python |
selector = Selective(SelectionMethod.TextBased(num_features=30, |
optimization_method='exact', |
cost_metric='unicost')) |
``` |
### Randomized |
- Selecting a subset by performing random selection. If num_features is not set, subset size is defined |
by solving *P_unicost*. |
```python |
selector = Selective(SelectionMethod.TextBased(num_features=None, optimization_method='random')) |
``` |
- Selecting a subset by performing random selection. Subset size is defined by num_features. |
```python |
selector = Selective(SelectionMethod.TextBased(num_features=30, |
optimization_method='random')) |
``` |
### Greedy |
- Selecting a subset by adding an item each time using a greedy heuristic in selection with a given |
cost_metric, i.e. `diverse` by default or `unicost`. If num_features is not set, subset size is defined |
by solving *P_unicost*. |
```python |
selector = Selective(SelectionMethod.TextBased(num_features=None, |
optimization_method='greedy', |
cost_metric='unicost')) |
``` |
- Selecting a subset by adding an item each time using a greedy heuristic in selection with a given |
cost_metric, i.e. `diverse` by default or `unicost`. |
```python |
selector = Selective(SelectionMethod.TextBased(num_features=30, |
optimization_method='greedy', |
cost_metric='unicost')) |
``` |
### Clustering |
- Selecting a subset by clustering items into a number of clusters and the items close to the centroids |
are selected. If num_features is not set, subset size is defined by solving *P_unicost*. `cost_metric` argument |
is not used in this method. |
```python |
selector = Selective(SelectionMethod.TextBased(num_features=None, optimization_method='kmeans')) |
``` |
- Selecting a subset by clustering items into a number of clusters and the items close to the centroids |
are selected. `cost_metric` argument is not used in this method. |
```python |
selector = Selective(SelectionMethod.TextBased(num_features=30, |
optimization_method='kmeans')) |
``` |
## Citation |
If you use ISP in our research/applications, please cite as follows: |
@article{amai2024, |
title = {Integrating optimized item selection with active learning for continuous exploration in recommender systems}, |
author = {Serdar Kadioglu and Bernard Kleynhans and Xin Wang}, |
journal = {Ann. Math. Artif. Intell.}, |
volume = {92}, |
number = {6}, |
pages = {1585--1607}, |
year = {2024}, |
url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s10472-024-09941-x}, |
doi = {10.1007/S10472-024-09941-X} |
} |
```bibtex |
@inproceedings{cpaior2021, |
title={Optimized Item Selection to Boost Exploration for Recommender Systems}, |
author={Serdar Kadıoğlu and Bernard Kleynhans and Xin Wang}, |
booktitle={Proceedings of Integration of Constraint Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Operations Research: 18th International Conference, CPAIOR 2021, Vienna, Austria, July 5–8, 2021}, |
url={https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-78230-6_27}, |
pages = {427–445}, |
year={2021} |
} |
``` |
```bibtex |
@inproceedings{ijcai2022, |
title={Active Learning Meets Optimized Item Selection}, |
author={Bernard Kleynhans and Xin Wang and Serdar Kadıoğlu}, |
booktitle={The IJCAI-22 Workshop: Data Science meets Optimisation} |
publisher={arXiv}, |
url={https://arxiv.org/abs/2112.03105}, |
year={2022} |
} |
``` |