Nov. 30, 2022: Open AIs
ChatGPT, powered by
GPT-3.5 (an improved
version of its 2020 GPT-3
release), becomes the
rst widely used text-
generating product,
gaining a record 100
million users in 2 months.
2 Dec. 12: Cohere releases
the rst LLM that
supports more than 100
languages, making it
available on its enterprise
AI platform.
3 Dec. 26: LLMs such as
Googles Med-PaLM are
trained for specic use
cases and domains, such
as clinical knowledge.
4 Feb. 2, 2023: Amazons
multimodal-CoT model
prompting, in which the
model explains its
reasoning, and
outperforms GPT-3.5 on
several benchmarks.
5 Feb. 24: As a smaller
model, Metas LLaMA is
more efcient to use than
some other models but
continues to perform well
on some tasks compared
with other models.
6 Feb 27: Microsoft
introduces Kosmos-1, a
multimodal LLM that can
respond to image and
audio prompts in addition
to natural language.
7 March 7: Salesforce
announces Einstein GPT
(leveraging OpenAIs
models), the rst
generative AI technology
for customers
relationship management.
8 March 13: OpenAI
releases GPT-4, which
ofers signicant
improvements in
accuracy and
hallucinations mitigation,
claiming 40%
improvement vs GPT-3.5.
9 March 14: Anthropic
introduces Claude, an AI
assistant trained using a
method called
constitutional AI, which
aims to reduce the
likelihood of harmful
10 March 6: Microsoft
announces the
integration of GPT-4 into
its Ofce 365 suite,
potentially enabling
broad productivity
11 March 21: Google
releases Bard, and AI
chatbot based on the
LaMDA family of LLMs.
12 March 30: Bloomberg
announces a LLM trained
on nancial data to
support natural-language
tasks in the nancial
13 April 13: Amazon
announces Bedrock, the
rst fully managed
service that makes
models available via API
from multiple providers in
addition to Amazons own
Titan LLMs.
Source: Compiled by MIT Technology Review Insights, based on data from Whats the future of generative AI? An early
view in 15 charts, McKinsey, 2023
MIT Technology Review Insights
The road ahead
Generative AI holds out substantial opportunities
for financial services companies. Boston Consulting
Group, for example, projects that the sector is one
of three with the highest potential for growth arising