{ "chr": "ᎣᏍᏓ ᎠᏒᎩ ᎪᎢ ᎬᏗᏍᎬ, ᎤᎵᏔᏬᎥ ᏫᏚᏍᏔᏅᏅ, ᏚᏯ ᏓᏫᏒ ᏚᏍᏔᏅᏅ ᎢᎦᎦᏓ ᏄᏍᏛ ᎤᏍᎫᏓᏁᎦᎸ.", "en": "He used a fragrant pomade, and the comb tracks were straight as bean rows traversing his scalp." }
{ "chr": "ᎠᏎᏃ ᎤᎾᎵᎪᎯ ᏕᎬᏩᏚᏫᏍᏕᎢ ᏚᎴᏁᎢ, ᎠᎴ ᏗᎦᎦᎲ ᏭᏴᎴᎢ. ᎤᎩᏨᏛᏃ ᏆᏂᏆ ᎤᎾᏂᎩᏎᎢ, ᏓᏈ ᏭᏂᎶᏎᎢ.", "en": "But as the disciples stood round about him, he rose up, and entered into the city: and on the morrow he went forth with Barnabas to Derbe." }
{ "chr": "ᎡᏗᎨᏳᎠ ᎾᏍᎩ ᏅᏗᎦᎵᏍᏙᏗᎭ ᎠᏴ ᎢᎬᏱ ᎢᎩᎨᏳᎯᏳ ᏄᎵᏍᏔᏅᎢ.", "en": "We love, because he first loved us." }
{ "chr": "”ᎨᏍᏗᏃ ᎤᏙᎯᏳ ᏱᏥᎦᏔ,” ᎤᏛᏁ ᏌᎳᏓ.", "en": "“Well,” said Charlotte, vaguely, “I don't really know." }
{ "chr": "ᎢᏳᏃ ᎩᎶ ᎢᏍᏓᏛᏛᏅ ᎦᏙᏃ ᎢᎡᏍᏕᎵᏌᏕ-Ꭽ? ᎢᏍᏙᏎᎸᎭ, ᎯᎠ ᏁᏍᏗᏪᏎᎸᎭ; ᎤᎬᏫᏳᎯᏰᎾ ᎤᏚᎵᎭ.", "en": "And if any one ask you, Why do ye loose him? thus shall ye say, The Lord hath need of him." }
{ "chr": "ᎠᏧᏣ Crockett ᏚᏓᏁᏄᎸᏁ - ᎤᎵᏍᎦᏰᎬᏍᏔ ᎠᎴ ᎤᏙᏔ - ᎤᏂᏌᏙᏴᏗ ᏚᎾᏓᏁᏤᎸ.", "en": "Boy Crockett had dared either man—master or father—to try enforcing the contract." }
{ "chr": "ᏧᏂᏲᎱᎯᏍᎩᏂᏃᏅ ᎤᎾᎴᎯᏐᏗ ᎨᏒ ᏥᏥᏁᎢᏍᏗᎭ, ᏝᏍᎪ ᏱᏥᎪᎵᏰᏱ ᎤᏁᎳᏅᎯ ᎢᏥᏁᏤᎸᎯ, ᎯᎠ ᏥᏂᎦᏪᎭ?", "en": "But as touching the resurrection of the dead, have ye not read that which was spoken unto you by God, saying," }
{ "chr": "ᎠᏴ ᏈᏓ ᏥᏌ ᎦᎶᏁᏛ ᎠᎩᏅᏏᏛ ᏫᏨᏲᏪᎳᏏ ᎢᏣᏗᎦᎴᏲᏨᎯ ᏋᏗᏱ ᎢᏤᏙᎯ ᎠᎴ ᎨᎴᏏᏱ ᎠᎴ ᎨᏆᏙᏏ ᎠᎴ ᎡᏏᏱ ᎠᎴ ᏈᏗᏂᏱ;", "en": "Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, to the elect who are sojourners of the Dispersion in Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia," }
{ "chr": "ᎤᏣᏘ ᎪᎩᏍᏗᏰᏗᏍᎬ ᎪᎩᏔᏲᏎᎲᎩ ᎾᏍᎩ ᎤᏂᏅᎯ ᏦᎦᏓᏂᎸᎢᏍᏗᏱ, ᎠᎴ ᎣᎦᏖᏆᎶᏗᏱ ᏦᏥᏍᏕᎸᏗᏱ ᏧᎾᏁᎶᏗ.", "en": "beseeching us with much entreaty in regard of this grace and the fellowship in the ministering to the saints:" }
{ "chr": "ᎠᏎᏗ, ᎠᏆᏚᏓᎸᏅ ᎤᏟᏂᎩᏓ.", "en": "“Anyway, I can guarantee that it is strong." }
{ "chr": "ᎠᎴ ᏓᏆᎧᎿᏅᎩ, ᎠᎴ ᎠᏆᏛᎦᏅᎩ ᎠᏂᏁᎬ ᎠᏂᏁᎬ ᎤᏂᏣᏘ ᏗᏂᎧᎿᏩᏗᏙᎯ ᏚᎾᏚᏫᏍᏛ ᎦᏍᎩᎸᎢ, ᎠᎴ ᎠᏂᏁᎬ ᏗᏅᏃᏛ ᎠᎴ ᏧᎾᏛᏐᏅᎯ; ᎯᎠᏃ ᎾᏂᎥᎩ, ᎠᏍᎪᎯ ᎢᏯᎦᏴᎵ ᎤᎶᏏᎶᏛ ᎠᏍᎪᎯ ᎢᏯᎦᏴᎵ, ᎠᎴ ᎠᎦᏴᎵ ᎤᎦᏴᎳᏥᎶᏛ.", "en": "And I saw, and I heard a voice of many angels round about the throne and the living creatures and the elders; and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands;" }
{ "chr": "ᎠᏓᏬᏍᏗ ᏥᎨᏐ ᎪᎨ ᎤᏗᎴᎩ ᏥᏓᏙᏓᏇᎪ!", "en": "Hot summer days are for swimming!" }
{ "chr": "ᏥᏌᏃ ᎯᎠ ᏄᏪᏎᎢ, ᎠᏴ ᎾᏍᎩ; ᎠᎴ ᏓᏰᏥᎪᎢ ᏴᏫ ᎤᏪᏥ ᎤᏬᎴᏍᏗ ᎠᎦᏘᏏ ᎢᏗᏢ ᎤᎵᏂᎩᏛ ᎨᏒᎢ, ᎠᎴ ᏣᎢᏎᏍᏗ ᎤᎶᎩᎸ ᎦᎸᎶᎢ.", "en": "And Jesus said, I am: and ye shall see the Son of man sitting at the right hand of Power, and coming with the clouds of heaven." }
{ "chr": "ᏆᎴᏗᏃ ᎯᎠ ᏂᎦᏪᏎᎴ ᏄᏂᎬᏫᏳᏒ ᎠᏥᎸ-ᎠᏁᎶᎯ ᎠᎴ ᏴᏫ, ᎥᏝ ᏱᏥᏣᏘ ᎤᏍᎦᏅᏨ ᎯᎠ ᎠᏍᎦᏯ.", "en": "And Pilate said unto the chief priests and the multitudes, I find no fault in this man." }
{ "chr": "ᎠᏂᏧᏏᏃ ᎤᎾᏤᎵᎦ ᎧᏃᎯᏰᎩ ᏗᎵ ᏍᏓᏴᏗᏱ ᎤᏍᏆᎸᎯᏗᏒᎩ; ᎤᏂᏣᏛᎩᏃ ᎾᎿ ᎤᎾᏂᎩᏒᎩ ᏥᎷᏏᎵᎻ ᏭᏂᎶᏒᎩ ᎠᏏᏉ ᎾᏍᏆᎵᏍᎬᎾ ᏫᏃᎯᏰᎩ ᏗᎵᏍᏓᏴᏗᏱ, ᎤᎾᏓᏅᎦᎸᏗᏱ ᎤᏂᏰᎸᏒᎩ.", "en": "Now the passover of the Jews was at hand: and many went up to Jerusalem out of the country before the passover, to purify themselves." }
{ "chr": "ᎤᏁᏨᏃ ᎯᎠ ᏄᏪᏎᎴᎢ, ᏣᏕᏲᎲᏍᎩ, ᎯᎠ ᎾᏍᎩ ᏂᎦᏛ ᏓᎩᏍᏆᏂᎪᏔᏅ ᏥᏧᏣ ᎨᏒ ᏅᏓᎬᏩᏓᎴᏅᏛ.", "en": "And he said unto him, Teacher, all these things have I observed from my youth." }
{ "chr": "ᎠᎴ ᎠᏆᏓᏅᏙ ᎤᎵᎮᎵᏤᎸ ᎤᏁᎳᏅᎯ ᎠᎩᏍᏕᎵᏍᎩ.", "en": "And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour." }
{ "chr": "ᏫᏥ ᎢᏣ ᎤᏂᎾᎷᏒ ᏍᎩᎾᎾ ᏃᎴ ᎠᏂᏫᎾᎨ ᎠᏂᏍᎦᏯ.", "en": "He and the younger men began climbing away." }
{ "chr": "ᎩᎶᏍᎩᏂ ᏕᎪᏕᏍᏗᏍᎨᏍᏗ ᏌᏉ ᎯᎠ ᏧᎾᏍᏗᎦ ᎨᏒ ᎾᏍᎩ ᎬᏉᎯᏳᎲᏍᎩ, ᎤᏟ ᎣᏏᏳ ᎠᏍᏙᏍᎩ ᏅᏯ ᏯᏥᏯᏝᏅ, ᎠᎴ ᎠᏍᏛᎬ ᎠᎺᏉᎯ ᏯᏥᎬᏴ.", "en": "but whoso shall cause one of these little ones that believe on me to stumble, it is profitable for him that a great millstone should be hanged about his neck, and that he should be sunk in the depth of the sea." }
{ "chr": "ᎣᏏᏳ ᎢᏳᎾᎵᏍᏓᏁᏗ ᎤᏲ ᎢᏳᎾᏛᎿᏕᎩ ᏚᎾᏓᏅᏛᎢ; ᎤᎾᏤᎵᏰᏃ ᎦᎸᎳᏗ ᎡᎯ ᎤᎬᏫᏳᎯ ᎨᏒᎢ.", "en": "Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." }
{ "chr": "ᏌᏊᏃ ᎩᎳᏊ ᎢᏴᏓ ᏥᏲᎵᏨ ᎾᎥ ᎢᏦᎦᏓᎵ ᎨᏒᎢ.", "en": "I recognized one of them immediately as our neighbor." }
{ "chr": "ᎿᏉᏃ ᎢᎦ ᎤᏓᎴᏅᏛ ᏦᎢᏁ ᎢᏳᏟᎶᏛ ᎧᎳᏩᏗᏒ ᎢᏯᏍᏘ ᎤᏒᎯᏰᏱ ᎢᏗᏢ ᎤᎵᏏᎲᏒᎩ ᏂᎬ ᎾᏍᎩ ᎦᏙᎯ.", "en": "Now from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land until the ninth hour." }
{ "chr": "ᏣᏄᏏ ᏚᎷᏫᏍᏔᏁᎮ ᎪᏒᏍᎬ ᏫᎵᎻ ᎤᏦᏙᏗ, ᎤᏛᎦᏁᎢ ᎦᏃᎩᏍᏗ ᏃᎴ ᎠᎧᏔᎮᎢ ᏃᏉ ᎤᏍᏆᎸᎲ ᏄᎾ ᏧᎳᎩᏍᏗ.", "en": "Lurvy, at work building a crate for Wilbur, heard the song and knew it was time to dig potatoes." }
{ "chr": "ᎥᏝ ᎾᏍᎩ ᎨᎾ ᏄᏛᏁᎸᎢ, ᎾᏍᎩ ᎤᏁᎫᏥᏛ ᏅᏓᏳᏓᎴᏅᎯ ᏥᎨᏎᎢ, ᎠᎴ ᎤᏅᏟ ᏧᎴ. ᎦᏙᏃ ᎢᎤᎴᎢ? ᏅᏗᎦᎵᏍᏙᏗᏍᎨᏍᎩᏂ ᎤᏩᏒ ᏚᎸᏫᏍᏓᏁᎲ ᎤᏲᎢᏳ ᎨᏒᎢ, ᎤᏅᏟᏃ ᏚᎸᏫᏍᏓᏁᎲ ᎣᏏᏳ ᎨᏒᎢ.", "en": "not as Cain was of the evil one, and slew his brother. And wherefore slew he him? Because his works were evil, and his brother’s righteous." }
{ "chr": "ᎦᏣᏅᎵ ᎤᎵᎪᏚᏅ, ᎨᏍᏗ ᏱᏥᎦᏔ ᏥᏳᏳᎪᏘ ᎢᏳᏍᏘ ᏂᎵᏍᏔᏅ, ᎢᏳᏍᏘ ᏄᏛᏁᎸ.", "en": "Smith said it all exploded so fast he still wasn’t sure what happened, exactly who did what." }
{ "chr": "ᎠᏥᎸ-ᎤᎦᏔ ᎾᏍᎩᏯᎢ, ᎾᏍᎩ ᎦᏙᎯ ᏣᏫᏐᎢ, ᏥᏭᏓᎪᎾᏛᏗ ᎤᏍᏗᎩᏳ ᎡᏍᎦᏉ ᏂᎦᎥ ᎤᎦᏔ ᎦᏙᎯ ᏓᎭᏛᎢ.", "en": "It is like a grain of mustard seed, which, when it is sown upon the earth, though it be less than all the seeds that are upon the earth," }
{ "chr": "ᏚᎳᏍᎨᏅ ᎦᏙ ᎤᏍᎪᎸᎢᎨ ᏂᎦᎵᏍᏗᏍᎨ, ᎾᏍᎩᏯ ᎦᎸᎶ ᎢᏣ ᏣᎵᏌᎳᏗᏍᎪ.", "en": "Step by step, footprints lay lighter on the earth, fainter and fainter as if the bear were slowly elevating into the sky." }
{ "chr": "ᎤᏁᎸᏔᏁ ᎤᏩᏗ, ᏯᎪᏩᏘᏍᎬᎾ ᏂᏚᏍᏖ ᏗᎦᏙᎵ ᏚᎦᏙᏍᏖ ᏚᏑᎬ ᏧᏆᎶᎦ ᎢᏤᎯ ᎢᏳᏍᏘ ᏚᏨᏍᏛ.", "en": "So he tried just sitting, looking with unfocused eyes at the various parts of the laurel in its dim green light." }
{ "chr": "ᎯᎠᏃ ᏄᏪᏎᎢ; ᏂᎯ ᎾᏍᏉ ᏗᎧᎿᏩᏛᏍᏗ ᏗᏦᏏᏏᏍᎩ ᎤᏲᎢᏳ ᎢᏣᎵᏍᏓᏁᏗ! ᏕᏥᏐᏈᎸᏍᎪᏰᏃ ᏴᏫ ᏗᎵᏒᏍᏗ ᎤᏕᏯᏙᏗ ᏗᎵᏒᏍᏗᏱ, ᎢᏨᏒᏍᎩᏂ ᎥᏝ ᏴᎨᏥᏃᏟᏍᏓ ᏗᎵᏒᏍᏗ ᏴᎨᏨᏓ ᏌᏉ ᎢᏥᏰᏌᏛᎢ.", "en": "And he said, Woe unto you lawyers also! for ye load men with burdens grievous to be borne, and ye yourselves touch not the burdens with one of your fingers." }
{ "chr": "ᎠᏇᏂ ᎡᏥᏲᎵᎸᎭ ᎢᏧᎳᎭ ᏦᎩᎸᏫᏍᏓᏁᎯ ᎦᎶᏁᏛ ᎤᏤᎵ ᏗᎦᎸᏫᏍᏓᏁᏗ ᎨᏒᎢ; ᎠᎴ ᏍᏕᎩ ᏥᎨᏳᎢ.", "en": "Salute Urbanus our fellow-worker in Christ, and Stachys my beloved." }
{ "chr": "ᎩᎳᏉ ᎤᏂᏅᎪᏦᏅ ᎠᏂᎾᎩᎵ ᏩᏂᏴᎯᎮ ᎤᏂᏃᏴᎵᏓ, ᏳᎾᎦᏔᎲᏌ ᎤᎾᏁᎳᏛ ᏓᏂᎪᏩᏘᏍᎨ ᏓᎾᎩᎸᏗᏍᎬ ᏗᏂᎳᏴᏅᎯᏓ ᎠᎴ ᎠᏂᎾᏏᏂᏒ ᎠᏍᏕᏴᏓ ᎬᏘ ᎨᏯᏔ ᏏᏆ, ᎤᏁᎷᎩ ᏥᏔᎦ ᏓᏂᎨᎯᏙᎲ ᎯᎸᎢᏴ ᎠᎾᎵᎮᎵᎬ, ᏓᎾᎪᎲᏍᏗᏍᎨ ᏓᏓᏁᎸ ᎤᏏᏩ ᏱᏄᏅᏁᎳ.", "en": "Sometimes the rabble fell upon a place so soon after vacancy that the owners could look back and see them trying to straddle a plow mule or struggling to lead away a reluctant hog by a rope around its neck or flailing about in the farmyard chasing old big-breasted and flightless hens that ran squawking with their wings trailing in the dust. Sometimes out of exuberance the followers would set fire to a place after they’d emptied it." }
{ "chr": "ᎾᏍᎩᏰᏃ ᏂᎦᏛ ᎯᎠ ᏧᎾᏓᎴᏅᏛ ᏴᏫ ᎡᎶᎯ ᏓᏁᏩᏗᏒ ᎤᏂᏲᎰᎢ; ᎢᏥᏙᏓᏃ ᎠᎦᏔᎰ ᎾᏍᎩ ᎯᎠ ᏧᏓᎴᏅᏛ ᎢᏥᏂᎬᎬᎢ.", "en": "For all these things do the nations of the world seek after: but your Father knoweth that ye have need of these things." }
{ "chr": "ᏧᏅᏏᏴ ᎤᎵᏏᎬ ᏭᎷᏨ, ᎭᎾᎾ ᎣᎯᏍᏙᏗ ᎤᎾᏛᎪᏗ ᎦᏬᏂᏍᎬ.", "en": "He moved out of the light, gliding toward a dark corner where his voice would be deepened by the intersecting walls and project sourceless into the vaulted and dramatic space." }
{ "chr": "ᎤᏕᎳᏓ ᎤᎵᏗᏨ ᎤᎭᎷᎨ ᎩᏟ, ᏣᏄᏏ ᎭᏂᏣ.", "en": "The cocker spaniel was sneaking up on him from one side, Lurvy the hired man was sneaking up on him from the other side." }
{ "chr": "ᎾᏍᎩ Ꮎ ᎤᎾᏓᏅᎦᎸᏛ ᎨᏒᎢ, ᏂᎦᏗᏳ ᏧᏓᎴᏅᏛ ᎤᎾᏓᎥᎦᎸᎡᎸᎯ ᎨᏐᎢ; ᎾᏍᎩᏍᎩᏂ Ꮎ ᎦᏓᎭ ᎢᏳᎾᎵᏍᏔᏅᎯ ᎠᎴ ᏄᏃᎯᏳᏒᎾ, ᎥᏝ ᎪᎱᏍᏗ ᎤᎾᏓᏅᎦᎸᎡᎸᎯ ᏱᎨᏐᎢ; ᎾᏍᏉᏍᎩᏂ ᏚᎾᏓᏅᏛ ᎠᎴ ᏧᏄᎪᏙᏗᏱ ᎦᏓᎭ ᎢᏗᎬᏁᎸᎯ.", "en": "To the pure all things are pure: but to them that are defiled and unbelieving nothing is pure; but both their mind and their conscience are defiled." }
{ "chr": "ᎠᏂᏐᎢᏍᎩᏂ ᏧᏂᏲᎱᏒᎯ ᎥᏝ ᏯᏁᎮ ᎬᏂ ᏌᏉ ᎢᏯᎦᏴᎵ ᎢᏧᏕᏘᏴᏛ ᏚᎶᏐᏅ. ᎯᎠ ᎾᏍᎩ ᎢᎬᏱᏱ ᏗᎴᎯᏐᏗ ᎨᏒᎢ.", "en": "The rest of the dead lived not until the thousand years should be finished. This is the first resurrection." }
{ "chr": "ᎾᏍᎩ ᎣᏍᏛ ᎾᎦᏛᏁᎸ ᎡᏆᎭᎻ ᎾᏍᎩ ᎤᏂᎷᏤᏗᏱ ᏧᎾᏓᎴᏅᏛ ᏴᏫ ᏥᏌ ᎦᎶᏁᏛ ᏅᏓᏳᏓᎴᏅᎯ; ᎾᏍᎩ ᎡᏥᏁᏗᏱ ᎠᏓᏅᏙ ᎠᏚᎢᏍᏛ ᎪᎯᏳᏗ ᎬᏙᏗ ᎨᏒᎢ.", "en": "that upon the Gentiles might come the blessing of Abraham in Christ Jesus; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith." }
{ "chr": "Ꭷ, ᏗᏥᏲᎵ, ᏥᏌ ᎡᏥᏯᎡᏍᏗ, ᎾᏍᎩᏃ ᎾᎯᏳ ᎦᎾᏄᎪᏥᎸᎭ ᏂᏗᎾᏰᏍᎬᎾ ᎨᏎᏍᏗ ᎠᎴ ᏂᏓᏕᎰᏍᎬᎾ ᎨᏎᏍᏗ ᎠᎦᏔᎲᎢ ᎾᎯᏳ ᎦᎷᏥᎸᎭ.", "en": "And now, my little children, abide in him; that, if he shall be manifested, we may have boldness, and not be ashamed before him at his coming." }
{ "chr": "ᎥᏝ ᎦᎾᏰᎯᏍᏗ ᎨᏒ ᏳᏓᏑᏯ ᎠᏓᎨᏳᏗ ᎨᏒᎢ, ᎤᎧᎵᏨᎯᏍᎩᏂ ᎨᏒ ᎠᏓᎨᏳᏗ ᎦᏄᎪᏫᏍᎦ ᎦᎾᏰᎯᏍᏗ ᎨᏒᎢ; ᎦᎾᏰᎯᏍᏗᏰᏃ ᎨᏒ ᎠᎩᎵᏯ ᎤᏪᎭ; ᎩᎶ ᏥᎦᎾᏰᏍᎪᎢ ᎥᏝ ᎤᎧᎵᏨᎯ ᏱᎨᏐ ᎠᏓᎨᏳᏗ ᎨᏒᎢ.", "en": "There is no fear in love: but perfect love casteth out fear, because fear hath punishment; and he that feareth is not made perfect in love." }
{ "chr": "“ᎠᏯᏗ ᎨᎵᏍᎬ ᎤᏣᏔ ᎣᏍᏓ ᏂᎯ,” ᎤᏛᏁ ᏌᎳᏓ, ᏍᎩᏰᏃ ᎠᏎᏍᏗ.", "en": "“You're terrific as far as I'm concerned, replied Charlotte, sweetly, “and that's what counts." }
{ "chr": "ᎨᏣᎦᏙᎥᎯᏍᏗᏰᏃ ᏂᎦᎵᏍᏗᎭ ᎾᏍᎩ ᎠᏏᏉ ᏔᎳᏚᏉ ᏄᏒᎭ ᏥᎷᏏᎵᎻ ᎬᏆᏓᏙᎵᏍᏔᏅᏒᎯ.", "en": "seeing that thou canst take knowledge that it is not more than twelve days since I went up to worship at Jerusalem:" }
{ "chr": "ᎦᎸᎳᏗᏢᏃ ᎪᏪᎴ ᏄᏍᏛ ᎠᏓᎢᏍᏛᎢ, ᎯᎠ ᏂᎬᏁᎢ, ᎤᎬᏫᏳᎯ ᎠᏂᏧᏏ ᎤᎾᏤᎵᎦ.", "en": "And the superscription of his accusation was written over, THE KING OF THE JEWS." }
{ "chr": "ᎾᏍᎩ ᎯᎠ ᏄᏪᏒ, ᎤᏪᏛᏨᎩ ᎠᏓᏅᏙ, ᎾᏍᎩ ᎬᏬᎯᏳᎲᏍᎩ ᎨᏥᏁᏗ ᎨᏒᎢ; ᏝᏰᏃ ᎠᏏ ᎦᎸᏉᏗᏳ ᎠᏓᏅᏙ ᏱᎦᎾᏄᎪᎨᎢ, ᏅᏓᎦᎵᏍᏙᏗᏍᎬᎩ ᏥᏌ ᎠᏏ ᎾᏥᎸᏉᏗᏍᎬᎾ ᎨᏒᎢ.", "en": "But this spake he of the Spirit, which they that believed on him were to receive: for the Spirit was not yet given; because Jesus was not yet glorified." }
{ "chr": "ᎠᏎᎩ ᎤᏲ ᏱᏂᎬᎦ ᏤᏣᎧᏃᏗ", "en": "I guess I would mess up your looks," }
{ "chr": "“ᎭᏂᏉ ᎮᏙᎮᏍᏗ!” ᎤᏛᏁ ᎤᏥ.", "en": "“You stay right where you are!” said her mother." }
{ "chr": "ᎤᎾᎴᏃ ᏄᎵᏍᏔᏅ, ᏂᎦᏛ ᏄᏂᎬᏫᏳᏒ ᎠᏥᎸ-ᎠᏁᎶᎯ ᎠᎴ ᏗᏂᎳᏫᎩ ᎠᏁᎲ ᎠᏫ ᎤᏂᏃᎮᎴ ᎢᏳᎾᏛᏁᏗᏱ ᏥᏌ ᎤᏂᎯᏍᏗᏱ.", "en": "Now when morning was come, all the chief priests and the elders of the people took counsel against Jesus to put him to death:" }
{ "chr": "ᎾᏍᎩᏃ ᏌᏉ ᎢᏤ ᏥᎪᏎᎭ, ᏐᎢ ᎤᏪᏘ ᏂᎬᏁᎭ. ᎪᎱᏍᏗᏰᏃ ᎤᏪᏘ ᎢᎬᏁᎸᎯ ᎠᎴ ᎤᏪᏔᏨᎯ ᏥᎨᏐ, ᎤᏲᏥᏕᏅ ᎨᏐᎢ.", "en": "In that he saith, A new covenant, he hath made the first old. But that which is becoming old and waxeth aged is nigh unto vanishing away." }
{ "chr": "ᎠᎴ ᎾᏍᏉ ᎩᎬ ᏚᏍᏚᏟᏍᏔᏁ ᎦᎵᏦᏛᎢ, ᎠᎴ ᏂᎦᏛ ᎪᎱᏍᏗ ᏗᎬᏔᏂᏓᏍᏗ ᏚᏂᎸᏫᏍᏓᏁᎲᎢ.", "en": "Moreover the tabernacle and all the vessels of the ministry he sprinkled in like manner with the blood." }
{ "chr": "ᏣᎬᏫᏳᎯ, ᎦᎢᏒ ᎢᎦ ᎠᏰᎵ ᎠᎩᎪᎲᎩ ᎢᎦᎦᏛᎢ, ᎦᎸᎳᏗ ᏅᏓᏳᎶᏒᎯ, ᎾᏍᎩ ᎤᏍᎪᏒᎢ ᎤᏟ ᎨᏒᎩ ᎡᏍᎦᏉ ᏅᏙ, ᏓᏆᏚᏫᏍᏔᏅᎩ ᎠᏴ ᎠᎴ ᎾᏍᏉ ᎣᏤᎯ.", "en": "at midday, O king, I saw on the way a light from heaven, above the brightness of the sun, shining round about me and them that journeyed with me." }
{ "chr": "ᎠᏎᏃ ᎠᎩᎪᎲ ᏂᏚᏳᎪᏛᎾ ᎾᎾᏛᏁᎲᎢ, ᎾᏍᎩᏯ ᏚᏳᎪᏛ ᏓᏕᏲᎲᏍᎬ ᎣᏍᏛ ᎧᏃᎮᏛ, ᏂᎦᏛ ᎠᏂᎦᏔᎲ ᎯᎠ ᏅᏥᏪᏎᎸᎩ ᏈᏓ, ᎢᏳᏃ ᏂᎯ, ᎯᏧᏏ ᏥᎩ, ᏧᎾᏓᎴᏅᏛ ᏴᏫ ᏄᎾᏍᏛ ᎾᏍᎩᏯ ᏱᏄᏍᏗ ᏰᎭ, ᎠᏂᏧᏏᏃ ᏄᏍᏛ ᎠᏁᎲ ᎾᏍᎩᏯ ᏄᏍᏛᎾ ᏱᎩ ᎮᎲᎢ, ᎦᏙᏃ ᎠᏂᏧᏏ ᏄᏍᏛ ᎠᏁᎲ ᎾᏍᎩᏯ ᎤᎾᏕᏗᏱ ᏥᏂᏕᎲᏁᎭ ᏧᎾᏓᎴᏅᏛ ᏴᏫ?", "en": "But when I saw that they walked not uprightly according to the truth of the gospel, I said unto Cephas before them all, If thou, being a Jew, livest as do the Gentiles, and not as do the Jews, how compellest thou the Gentiles to live as do the Jews?" }
{ "chr": "ᎢᎦ ᎾᎥᏂ ᎨᏒ, ᎦᏍᎩᎸ ᎣᎭᏁ ᎤᏬᏢ, ᏑᎾᎴ ᎤᎾᎵᏍᏔᏴᏅ ᎦᎳᎨᏴ ᏧᏃᏩ.", "en": "Though it was going on noon, he sat behind a table littered with breakfast dishes." }
{ "chr": "ᎾᏍᎩ ᎤᏁᎳᏅᎯ ᎤᏌᎳᏓᏅ ᎠᎦᏘᏏ ᎤᏪᏰᏂ ᎤᏩᏔᏅ, ᎤᎬᏫᏳᎯ ᎠᎴ ᎠᏓᏍᏕᎵᏍᎩ ᎢᏳᎵᏍᏙᏗᏱ, ᎢᏏᎵ ᏧᏁᏗᏱ ᏧᏂᏁᏟᏴᏍᏗᏱ ᏚᎾᏓᏅᏛᎢ, ᎠᎴ ᎦᎨᏥᏁᏗᏱ ᎤᏂᏍᎦᏅᏨᎢ.", "en": "Him did God exalt with his right hand to be a Prince and a Saviour, to give repentance to Israel, and remission of sins." }
{ "chr": "ᎠᎪᏄᏰᏃ ᎠᎩᏲᏏᏍᎬᎩ, ᎥᏝᏃ ᏱᏍᎩᏰᎳᏍᏔᏁᎢ; ᎠᎩᏔᏕᎩᏍᎬᎩ, ᎥᏝᏃ ᏱᏍᎩᎤᏁᎢ;", "en": "for I was hungry, and ye did not give me to eat; I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink;" }
{ "chr": "ᎠᎴ ᏄᏜᏏᏛᏒᎾ ᎤᏍᏆᏂᎪᏗᏳ ᎤᏕᎵᏛ ᎤᏁᎳᏅᎯ ᏗᏁᎶᏗ ᎨᏒᎢ; ᎤᏁᎳᏅᎯ ᎬᏂᎨᏒ ᎾᎬᏁᎴ ᎤᏬᏓᎵ ᎨᏒᎢ, ᏄᏠᎾᏍᏛᎾ ᎬᏂᎨᏒ ᏄᏩᏁᎴ ᎠᏓᏅᏙ, ᏗᏂᎧᎿᏩᏗᏙᎯ ᎬᏩᎪᎮᎢ, ᏧᎾᏓᎴᏅᏛ ᏴᏫ ᎨᎦᎵᏥᏙᏁᎴ ᎾᏍᎩ ᎠᏥᏃᎮᏍᎨᎢ, ᎠᏂ ᎡᎶᎯ ᎠᎪᎢᏳᏁᎢ, ᎦᎸᏉᏗᏳ ᏗᎨᏒ ᏫᏓᎦᏓᏂᎸᏤᎢ.", "en": "And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness; He who was manifested in the flesh, Justified in the spirit, Seen of angels, Preached among the nations, Believed on in the world, Received up in glory." }
{ "chr": "ᎾᏍᎩᏃ ᏥᏄᏍᏗ ᎥᏝ ᎿᏉ ᎠᏴ ᎾᏍᎩ ᏱᏂᎦᏛᏁᎭ, ᎠᏍᎦᏂᏍᎩᏂ ᎾᏍᎩ ᏣᎩᏯᎠ.", "en": "So now it is no more I that do it, but sin which dwelleth in me." }
{ "chr": "ᎤᏓᏏᏂᏕᏅ ᏭᏂᎷᏤ ᎦᎷᏯᏍᏗ, ᏚᎾᎭᏄᏮ, ᏚᏂᏍᏘᏰᎬ, ᎤᏂᏁᎦᎸ ᎠᏒᎨ ᏧᏂᎶᏒ - ᎠᏂᏒᎨ ᎤᎭᏰᏌᏛ ᏧᏆᎶᎬ, ᎪᏍᏔ, ᎢᎾᎨ ᎠᏁᎯ ᏧᎾᏗᎩᏓ, ᎠᎵ ᏃᎴ ᎠᏓ ᏧᎦᏒᏍᏗ.", "en": "They arrived at Axe’s place before dark, carrying the odors of journey in their clothes and their hair and on their skin—scents of morning dew beading the leaves, the dust of the trail, the droppings of animals, sweat, and woodsmoke." }
{ "chr": "ᏣᏂ ᏥᏓᏓᏬᏍᎬᎢ ᏅᏓᎬᏩᏓᎴᏅᏛ, ᎬᏂ ᎾᎯᏳ ᎢᎦ ᏣᏥᏌᎳᏓᏅ ᏤᎩᏯᏅᎡᎸᎩ, ᎾᏍᎩ ᎯᎠ ᎠᏂᏍᎦᏯ ᎠᏎ ᏌᏉ ᎠᏑᏰᏍᏍᏗ, ᎾᏍᎩ ᎢᎨᎳᏗᏓᏍᏗᏱ ᎤᏃᎮᏗᏱ ᏥᏌ ᏕᎤᎴᎯᏌᏅ ᎢᏗᏃᎮᏍᎬᎢ.", "en": "beginning from the baptism of John, unto the day that he was received up from us, of these must one become a witness with us of his resurrection." }
{ "chr": "ᎠᏒᎨ ᏍᏉ ᎤᎧᏔ, ᏧᏂᏯᏨᏗ ᏃᎴ ᏗᎦᏆᏙᏗ ᎪᎢ ᏃᎴ ᎠᏣ ᏗᎪᏒᏔᏅ ᏗᎳᏑᎶ ᏃᎴ ᎠᏤ ᎠᏍᏕᏯᏓ.", "en": "It smelled of grain and of harness dressing and of axle grease and of rubber boots and of new rope." }
{ "chr": "ᏗᎦᏅᏍᎨᏂ ᏚᏩᏒᏙᎣᏎ, ᎫᏩᏓᏅᏖᏗ ᏱᎨᏒᎾ ᏄᎵᏍᏔᏁ, ᎭᎾᏉ ᎱᏅᏤᎢ, ᎤᎸᏖᎴ.", "en": "His legs collapsed, his mind went blank, and he fell to the ground, unconscious." }
{ "chr": "ᏆᎴᏗᏃ ᎤᏁᏤ ᏄᏍᏛ ᎤᎦᏚᎵᏍᎬ ᎢᏳᎵᏍᏙᏗᏱ.", "en": "And Pilate gave sentence that what they asked for should be done." }
{ "chr": "ᎠᏛᏳᎨᏗ ᎨᏒᎢ, ᏗᏓᎯᏍᏗ ᎨᏒᎢ, ᎤᏓᏴᏍᏕᏍᏗ ᎨᏒᎢ, ᏧᏂᏴᏍᏕᏍᎩ ᏧᏂᎳᏫᎢᏍᏗ ᎨᏒᎢ, ᎠᎴ ᎾᏍᎩ ᎢᏳᏍᏗᏓᏂ; ᎯᎠ ᎾᏍᎩ ᎦᏳᎳ ᏂᏨᏃᏁᎭ, ᎾᏍᎩᏯ ᎾᏍᏉ ᎢᏨᏃᏁᎸᎯ ᏥᎩ ᏧᏩᏓᏔᏅᏒᎢ, Ꮎ ᎾᏍᎩ ᎢᏯᎾᏛᏁᎯ ᎥᏝ ᎤᎾᏤᎵ ᏱᏅᎦᎵᏍᏓ ᎤᏁᎳᏅᎯ ᎤᏤᎵᎪᎯ.", "en": "envyings, drunkenness, revellings, and such like; of which I forewarn you, even as I did forewarn you, that they who practise such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God." }
{ "chr": "ᎿᏉᏃ ᏥᏌ ᎯᎠ ᏂᏚᏪᏎᎸᎩ; ᎥᏝ ᎠᏏ ᏯᎩᏍᏆᎸᎡᎭ; ᏂᎯᏍᎩᏂ ᏂᎪᎯᎸᏉ ᎢᏥᏍᏆᎸᎡᎰᎢ.", "en": "Jesus therefore saith unto them, My time is not yet come; but your time is always ready." }
{ "chr": "ᎠᎴ ᎾᏍᎩ ᎢᏳᏍᏗ ᎤᏁᎳᏅᎯ ᎤᏓᏅᏍᏗ ᎨᏎᏍᏗ ᎤᏂᎷᏤᏗᏱ ᎤᎵᏂᎩᏛ ᎤᏂᎶᏄᎮᏍᎩ ᎾᏍᎩ ᎢᏳᏩᏂᏐᏗ ᎤᏃᎯᏳᏗᏱ ᎦᏰᎪᎩ ᎨᏒᎢ;", "en": "And for this cause God sendeth them a working of error, that they should believe a lie:" }
{ "chr": "Boudinot ᏃᎴ ᎠᏫᎾ Ridge ᏃᎴ ᏧᎾᏓᎵ ᎤᎵᎮᎵᏍᏗ ᏄᏅᏁᎴ ᎠᏁᎬ.", "en": "Boudinot and young Ridge and their Yankee wives made a happy jaunt of it." }
{ "chr": "ᎾᏍᎩ ᏅᏓᏳᎵᏍᏙᏔᏅᎩ ᎾᏍᏉ ᏴᏫ ᏕᎬᏩᏠᏒᎩ, ᎤᎾᏛᎦᏅᎩᏰᏃ ᎾᏍᎩ ᎤᏍᏆᏂᎪᏗ ᏚᎸᏫᏍᏓᏁᎸᎢ.", "en": "For this cause also the multitude went and met him, for that they heard that he had done this sign." }
{ "chr": "ᎠᏴᏃ ᎣᏥᏃᎮᏍᎩ ᎾᏍᎩ ᏂᎦᏛ ᏄᏛᏁᎵᏙᎸ ᎠᏂᏧᏏ ᎤᎾᏤᎵᎪᎯ ᎠᎴ ᏥᎷᏏᎵᎻ; ᎾᏍᎩ ᏧᏂᎸᎩ ᎨᏛ ᏧᎾᏛᏅᎩ.", "en": "And we are witnesses of all things which he did both in the country of the Jews, and in Jerusalem; whom also they slew, hanging him on a tree." }
{ "chr": "ᎤᎵᏇᏅᎮ ᎦᏂᏓᏛ.", "en": "His tail had a fine, tight curl in it." }
{ "chr": "ᎤᏂᏣᏖᏃ ᎬᏩᎬᏍᎪᎸᏁ ᎬᏩᏁᏤᎴ ᎡᎳᏪᏱ ᎤᏮᏗᏱ; ᎠᏎᏃ ᎤᏟᏉ ᎢᎦᎢ ᎤᏪᎷᏁᎢ, ᏕᏫ ᎤᏪᏥ ᏍᎩᏙᎵᎩ, ᎠᏗᏍᎨᎢ.", "en": "And many rebuked him, that he should hold his peace: but he cried out the more a great deal, Thou son of David, have mercy on me." }
{ "chr": "ᎠᏯᏠᏃ ᎤᏂᏍᏚᎶᏔᏅᎯ ᎥᏝ ᏙᎴᏛ ᏗᏄᏬ ᏕᎦᏅ ᏱᎦᏁᎢ, ᎤᏁᎳᎩ ᎦᏇᏅᎯ ᎢᏴᏛ ᏫᎦᏅᎩ.", "en": "and the napkin, that was upon his head, not lying with the linen cloths, but rolled up in a place by itself." }
{ "chr": "ᎩᎶ ᎤᏁᎳᏅᎯ ᎤᏪᏥ ᎤᏪᎯ, ᎾᏍᎩ ᎬᏂᏛ ᎤᏪᎭ; ᎤᏁᎳᏅᎯᏃ ᎤᏪᏥ ᏄᏪᎲᎾ ᎥᏝ ᏳᏪᎭ ᎬᏂᏛ.", "en": "He that hath the Son hath the life; he that hath not the Son of God hath not the life." }
{ "chr": "ᏂᎦᏓ ᎢᏥᎷᏨᎯ.", "en": "Everyone is invited to attend." }
{ "chr": "ᏃᏊᏛ ᎤᎴᏅᎮ ᎠᏒᎬ ᏩᎭᏯ.", "en": "Now, Wolf began smelling." }
{ "chr": "ᏥᏌᏃ ᎩᎳᏉ ᎢᏴᏛ ᎤᏙᎴᎰᏒ ᎤᏩᏒ ᎨᏒ ᎤᏓᏅᏬᏗ ᎨᏒ ᎤᏄᎪᏨᎢ, ᎤᎦᏔᎲᏎ ᎾᎿ ᎤᏅᏘᏛ ᎠᏂᏙᎾᎥᎢ, ᎠᎴ ᎯᎠ ᏄᏪᏎᎢ, ᎦᎪ ᏓᏒᏂᎦ ᏗᏆᏄᏬ?", "en": "And straightway Jesus, perceiving in himself that the power proceeding from him had gone forth, turned him about in the crowd, and said, Who touched my garments?" }
{ "chr": "ᎼᏏ ᎠᎱᏍᏕᏍᏗ ᎨᏒ ᎢᏥᏁᎸᎩ; ᎥᏝᏍᎩᏂᏃᏅ ᎼᏏ ᎤᎾᏄᎪᏫᏒᎯ ᏱᎩ, ᎠᏂᎦᏴᎵᎨᏍᎩᏂ ᎤᏂᎾᏄᎪᏫᏒᎯ; ᏂᎯᏃ ᎤᎾᏙᏓᏆᏍᎬᏃ ᎢᎡᏥᎤᏍᏕᏎᎰ ᎠᏍᎦᏯ.", "en": "Moses hath given you circumcision (not that it is of Moses, but of the fathers); and on the sabbath ye circumcise a man." }
{ "chr": "ᏨᏅᎦᏍᎪᏃ ᏫᏣᎷᎯᏍᏗ ᏗᎨᏅᏒ?”", "en": "Aren't you anxious to get home?”" }
{ "chr": "ᏚᎾᎴᏁᏃ ᎩᎶ ᎢᏳᎾᏍᏗ ᎠᎴ ᎦᏰᎪᎩ ᎤᏂᏃᎮᎴ ᎬᏩᏡᏗᏍᎬᎢ, ᎯᎠ ᎾᏂᏪᏍᎨᎢ;", "en": "And there stood up certain, and bare false witness against him, saying," }
{ "chr": "ᎠᎬᏱ ᎤᏂᏲᎸᎢᏍᏔᏅ’ ᎪᏪᎴ.", "en": "It said PRE-SHRUNK." }
{ "chr": "ᎢᏗᎦᏔᎭᏰᏃ ᎾᏍᎩ ᎦᎶᏁᏛ ᎤᏲᎱᏒ ᏣᎦᎴᏔᏅᎯ ᎨᏒᎢ, ᎥᏝ ᏔᎵᏁ ᎤᏲᎱᎯᏍᏗ ᏱᎩ; ᎠᏲᎱᎯᏍᏗ ᎨᏒ ᎥᏝ ᎿᏉ ᎤᏓᎵᏁᎯᏕᎯ ᏱᎩ.", "en": "knowing that Christ being raised from the dead dieth no more; death no more hath dominion over him." }
{ "chr": "ᏐᏈᎵ ᏃᎴ ᏩᎦ ᏧᏂᏍᏆᏂᎪᏙᏗ ᏳᏩᏴᎳ, ᏥᏍᏆᏯ ᏗᏂᏅᎪᎪ ᏚᎾᏁᏍᎩᎸ ᎠᏂᏃᎯᎸᏍᏗᏍᎪ ᏃᎴ ᎤᎾᎵᏍᎦᏎᏙ. ”ᏥᎩ,ᏥᎩ!” ᎠᎾᏗᏍᎪ.", "en": "If you enter the barn, the swallows swoop down from their nests and scold. “Cheeky, cheeky!” they say." }
{ "chr": "ᎠᎴ ᎾᏍᎩ ᎠᏥᏂᏌᏅᎢ, ᎠᎴ ᎾᏍᎩ ᏦᎢᏁ ᎢᎦ ᏙᎤᎴᎯᏌᏅ ᎾᏍᎩᏯ ᏂᎬᏅᎪᏪᎵᎯ;", "en": "and that he was buried; and that he hath been raised on the third day according to the scriptures;" }
{ "chr": "ᏂᎦᏓ ᎠᏂᏳᏩᏁᎦ ᏚᏂᏚᎭ, ᎯᏍᎩ ᎢᏯᏂ ᏗᎾᎵᏔᏕᎩ ᎩᏟ ᏗᏒᏓᏆᎶᏍᏗ ᏗᎪᏒᏔᏅ ᏓᏓᏁᎸ ᏃᎴ ᏗᏦᎭᏱ ᏧᏂᎳᏫᎢᏍᏗ, ᎤᏂᏣᏘ ᎠᏂᎾᏰᏍᎩ ᎠᏂᏃᎮ ᎠᏂᏍᏈᏍᏔ ᎠᏂᏴᏫᏯ ᎤᎾᏗᏍᎦᏢ ᏚᏅᏓᏒᎢ.", "en": "At every white settlement of five dogtrot log cabins and a frame church, the inhabitants congregate to tell us of great masses of Indians hiding high in the mountains." }
{ "chr": "ᎦᎸᏉᏗᏳᏍᎩᏂ ᎤᏓᏅᏙ ᎨᏒ ᎤᏣᏘ ᎤᎵᏂᎩᏛ ᎬᏂᎨᏒ ᏥᎾᎬᏁᎴ ᎤᏁᎳᏅᎯ ᎤᏪᏥ ᎨᏒᎢ, ᎾᏍᎩ ᎾᎿ ᎤᏲᎱᏒ ᏚᎴᎯᏌᏅᎢ; ᎾᏍᎩ ᏥᏌ ᎦᎶᏁᏛ ᎤᎬᏫᏳᎯ ᎢᎦᏤᎵᎦ,", "en": "who was declared to be the Son of God with power, according to the spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead; even Jesus Christ our Lord," }
{ "chr": "ᎨᏍᏗ ᏳᏛᎦᏍᏔᎾ ᏫᎵᎻ.", "en": "Wilbur paid no attention." }
{ "chr": "ᎤᎬᏫᏳᎯᏃ ᎯᎠ ᏄᏪᏎᎴ ᏉᎳ ᏒᏃᏱ ᎤᏁᎳᏫᏎᎲᎢ; ᏞᏍᏗ ᏱᏍᎦᎢᎮᏍᏗ, ᎯᏂᎨᏍᏗᏉᏍᎩᏂ ᎠᎴ ᏞᏍᏗ ᎡᎳᏪ ᏨᏅᎩ,", "en": "And the Lord said unto Paul in the night by a vision, Be not afraid, but speak and hold not thy peace:" }
{ "chr": "ᏥᏯᎵᎡᎵᏤ ᎤᏁᎳᏅᎯ, ᎾᏍᎩ ᏥᏕᏥᏯᏁᎶᏗ, ᎾᏍᎩᏯ ᏗᎩᎦᏴᎵᎨ ᏄᎾᏛᏁᎸᎢ, ᏥᎬᏗᎭ ᎦᏓᎭ ᏂᎨᏒᎾ ᎠᏆᏓᏅᏙ, ᏂᏥᏲᎯᏍᏗᏍᎬᎾ, ᎢᎦ ᎠᎴ ᏒᏃᏱ ᎬᏯᏅᏓᏗᏍᎬ ᎦᏓᏙᎵᏍᏗᏍᎬᎢ,", "en": "I thank God, whom I serve from my forefathers in a pure conscience, how unceasing is my remembrance of thee in my supplications, night and day" }
{ "chr": "ᎣᎩᎸᏉᏗᏳ ᎨᏒ ᎠᎴ ᏃᎩᎸᏉᏛᎾ ᎨᏒᎢ, ᎤᏲ ᎣᎩᏃᎮᏍᎬ ᎠᎴ ᎣᏍᏛ ᎣᎩᏃᎮᏍᎬᎢ; ᎣᎦᏠᎾᏍᏗ ᏥᎨᏐ ᎾᏍᎩᏯᎢ, ᎠᏎᏃ ᏃᎦᏠᎾᏍᏛᎾ ᎨᏒᎢ,", "en": "by glory and dishonor, by evil report and good report; as deceivers, and yet true;" }
{ "chr": "ᎤᎵᏍᏆᏙᏅ ᎤᎧᎭᏲᏛ ᎪᎨ, ᎤᏍᎦᏎᏗ ᏚᎦᎭᎾᏅ ᏚᏅᏓᏒ ᏚᎵᎢᏍᏗ ᎧᎸ ᎤᎵᏍᏆᏙᏅ ᏚᏧᎬ ᎧᏂᎩᏛ ᎨᏒ ᏧᏆᎶᎦ ᏃᎴ ᎩᎦᎨ ᏕᎦᎾᎱᎩᏍᎬ.", "en": "At the end of the dry summer, one black storm after another came ripping across the ridges, and by the end of September the trees were nearly stripped of leaves and the rivers were full to the banks with red water." }
{ "chr": "ᎿᏉᏃ ᏓᎧᏁᏥ ᎯᎠ ᏂᏙᏓᎦᏪᏎᎵ; ᎤᏙᎯᏳᎯᏯ ᎯᎠ ᏂᏨᏪᏎᎭ, ᎾᏍᎩᏰᏃ ᏁᏣᏛᏁᎸᎾ ᎨᏒ ᎤᏍᏗᎧᏂ ᎯᎠ ᎾᏍᎩ, ᎠᏴ ᎥᏝ ᏱᏂᏍᎩᏯᏛᏁᎴᎢ.", "en": "Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not unto one of these least, ye did it not unto me." }
{ "chr": "ᎪᏍᏗᎭ ᎬᏂᎨ ᎦᏌᎴᏅ ᎤᎭᏄᏪ ᏃᎴ ᎤᏁᎦ ᎠᎭᎾᏬ, ᎠᎾᎵᎮᎵᏍᏗᏍᎩ ᎨᏎ ᎦᎸᎳᏗ ᏧᏙᎴᏋ ᎠᏁᎸᏙᏗ Princeton ᎦᎸᎳᏗ ᏗᏙᎴᏆᏍᏗ.", "en": "He had on a dusty black frock coat and a white shirt, and he was locally celebrated for holding a degree in divinity from Princeton College." }
{ "chr": "ᏯᏂᎷᎬᎾ ᏥᎨᏎ ᎠᏂᏳᏩᏁᎦ, ᎠᏂᏴᏫᏯ ᏓᎾᏟᎲ ᎩᎦᎭ ᎨᏎ, ᎯᎸᎢᏴ ᏴᏫ ᎫᏩᏓᏁᏖᏗ ᏱᎨᏒᎾ, ᎾᎥᏂᎨ ᎠᏁᏦ.", "en": "Before white men, war of Indians against Indians was very bloody and sometimes cruel to the limits of human imagination, but it was a near relative to the ball game, a form of sport." }
{ "chr": "ᎠᎩᎪᎲ ᎤᏧᏍᏓᎷᎩᏍᎬ ᏚᏂᏍᏔᏲᎳ ᎦᎶᏇ, ᎤᎵᏌᎴᏓᏨ ᏚᎦᏒᏍᏛ ᏕᏧᎬ ᎣᎭᏁ ᎢᏣ.", "en": "I saw the flash of powder in the pans, the leap of grey smoke against the background of dark trees." }
{ "chr": "ᎯᎠᏃ ᏄᎵᏍᏔᏁᎢ, ᎾᏍᎩ ᏦᎢᏁ ᎢᎦ ᎤᏂᏩᏛᎮ ᎤᏛᏃᎯ ᏗᎦᎳᏫᎢᏍᏗᏱ, ᎤᏬᎴ ᎠᏰᎵ ᎠᏂᏅ ᏗᎾᏕᏲᎲᏍᎩ ᏓᏛᏓᏍᏓᏁᎮ ᎠᎴ ᏓᏛᏛᎮᎸᎥᏍᎨᎢ.", "en": "And it came to pass, after three days they found him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the teachers, both hearing them, and asking them questions:" }
{ "chr": "ᎠᏎᏃ ᎾᏍᏉ ᎪᎯᏳᏗ ᎨᏒ ᎢᏣᎵᎬᏑᎶᏓ, ᎾᏍᎩ ᎢᏨᏗᏍᎬ ᏰᎵᏉ ᏗᎨᏨᏜᏕᏗ ᎢᏳᎵᏍᏙᏗᏱ ᏧᏥᏍᏟ ᎦᏂ ᎠᏍᎩᎾ ᏧᏤᎵᎦ.", "en": "withal taking up the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the evil one." }
{ "chr": "ᎬᏩᏚᏫᏛᏃ ᎤᎦᏖᏃᎴ ᎤᎪᏩᏛᏗᏱ ᎾᏍᎩ ᎯᎠ ᎢᏳᏛᏁᎸᎯ.", "en": "And he looked round about to see her that had done this thing." }
{ "chr": "ᎡᎳᏗ ᏄᏛᏁᎳ ᎠᏍᏓ ᎤᏬᏒᏁ.", "en": "As she dropped, her spinning tubes went into action and she let out thread." }
{ "chr": "ᎤᏎᎦᏨᎯᏃ ᎾᎿ ᎣᎩᎶᏐᏅ, ᏬᎩᎷᏨᎩ ᎣᏍᏛ ᏗᏔᎳᏗᏍᏗᏱ ᏚᏙᎥᎢ, ᎾᎥ ᎦᏚᎲ ᎴᏏᏱ ᏧᏙᎢᏛ.", "en": "and with difficulty coasting along it we came unto a certain place called Fair Havens; nigh whereunto was the city of Lasea." }
{ "chr": "ᎤᏭᏯᏔ ᎨᏒ ᎪᎱᏍᏗ.", "en": "It was something hairy." }
{ "chr": "ᏰᎵ ᏧᏙᏓᏆᏓ ᎤᏓᏬᎢᏙᎴ.", "en": "Littlefish swam slowly around the pool for several days." }
{ "chr": "ᎾᏍᎩ ᎢᏳᏍᏗ ᎥᏝ ᎤᏣᏘ ᎤᏍᏆᏂᎪᏗᏳ ᏱᎩ ᎾᏍᏉ ᎾᏍᎩ ᏧᏅᏏᏓᏍᏗ ᏚᏳᎪᏛ ᎨᏒ ᎨᏥᏅᏏᏓᏍᏗ ᏯᎾᏤᎸᏍᎦ; ᎾᏍᎩ ᎤᎵᏍᏆᎸᏗ ᎢᏳᎾᎵᏍᏓᏁᏗ ᎨᏒ ᎾᏍᎩᏯ ᏚᏂᎸᏫᏍᏓᏁᎸ ᎨᏎᏍᏗ.", "en": "It is no great thing therefore if his ministers also fashion themselves as ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works." }
{ "chr": "ᎠᏎᏃ ᎾᏍᎩ ᏚᏄᎪᏔᏅᎢ ᎤᏛᎦᏁ ᏐᎳ. ᏂᎪᎯᎸᏃ ᎢᎦ ᎠᎴ ᏒᏃᏱ ᏗᎦᎶᎯᏍᏗᏱ ᏚᏂᎭᎷᏁ ᎤᏂᎯᏍᏗᏱ.", "en": "but their plot became known to Saul. And they watched the gates also day and night that they might kill him:" }