{ "chr": "ᎾᏍᎩ ᎢᏳᏍᏗ ᎿᏉ ᎢᏥᏍᏆᏓ ᎾᏍᎩ ᎢᏯᏛᏁᏗ ᎨᏒᎢ, ᎾᏍᎩ ᎢᏥᎦᎵᏱᏳ ᏂᎨᏒ ᎢᏣᏚᎸᏗᏱ, ᎾᏍᎩ ᎾᏍᏉ ᏄᏍᏕᏍᏗ ᎢᏥᏍᏆᏗᏍᎬᎢ, ᎢᏨᏗᏍᎬ ᎾᏍᎩ ᏄᏍᏛ ᎢᏥᎲᎢ.", "en": "But now complete the doing also; that as there was the readiness to will, so there may be the completion also out of your ability." }
{ "chr": "ᏚᎷᏫᏍᏔᏁᎲ, ᎣᏍᏓ ᏚᏍᏕᎵᏍᎨ ᏣᏁᎳ ᏕᎦᏅᏌᏛ.", "en": "As she worked, her eight legs were a great help to her." }
{ "chr": "ᏥᏌ ᏚᏠᏱᎸᎩ.", "en": "Jesus wept." }
{ "chr": "ᎦᎸᏉᏗ ᎦᎶᎯᏍᏗ ᎯᏣᏑᏯᎩ ᏗᏥᏏᎳᏛᏗ.", "en": "You have chosen a hallowed doorway from which to string your webs." }
{ "chr": "ᎰᏩᏃ ᎤᎾᎪᎲᏍᏔᏁ ᎤᏓᏁᎸ ᎠᎴ ᏂᎦᏓ ᏧᎸᏫᏍᏓᏁᎸ ᏧᏬᏪᎳᏅ ᏚᎪᏁ.", "en": "So they burned his cabin down and turned his writing into smoke." }
{ "chr": "ᏈᏓᏃ ᎤᏁᏨ ᎯᎠ ᏄᏪᏎᎴ ᏥᏌ; ᏣᎬᏫᏳᎯ, ᎣᏏᏳ ᎠᏂ ᏥᏕᏙᎭ, ᎢᏳᏃ ᎣᏏᏳ ᏱᏣᏰᎸᏅ, ᎠᏂ ᏦᎢ ᏱᏙᏥᎵᏦᏛᎦ, ᏌᏉ ᏂᎯ ᏣᏤᎵᎦ, ᏐᎢᏃ ᎼᏏ ᎤᏤᎵᎦ, ᏐᎢᏃ ᎢᎳᏯ ᎤᏤᎵᎦ.", "en": "And Peter answered, and said unto Jesus, Lord, it is good for us to be here: if thou wilt, I will make here three tabernacles; one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elijah." }
{ "chr": "ᎠᎴ ᎾᏂᎥ ᎩᎶ ᏧᏅᏕᏨᎯ ᏓᏂᏁᎸᎢ, ᎠᎴ ᎠᎾᎵᏅᏟ ᎠᎴ ᏧᏂᏙ, ᎠᎴ ᏧᏂᏙᏙᏓ, ᎠᎴ ᏧᏂᏥ, ᎠᎴ ᏧᎾᏓᎵᎢ, ᎠᎴ ᏧᏁᏥ, ᎠᎴ ᎦᏙᎯ, ᏓᏆᏙᎥ ᏅᏗᎦᎵᏍᏙᏗᏍᎨᏍᏗ, ᎤᏂᏩᏛᏗ ᎨᏎᏍᏗ ᎠᏍᎪᎯᏧᏈ ᎤᏁᏉᏨᎯ, ᎠᎴ ᎤᎾᏤᎵ ᎢᏳᎵᏍᏙᏗ ᎨᏎᏍᏗ ᎬᏂᏛ ᏫᎾᏍᏛᎾ.", "en": "And every one that hath left houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or children, or lands, for my name’s sake, shall receive a hundredfold, and shall inherit eternal life." }
{ "chr": "ᏍᎩᎾᎾ ᎢᏴ ᎤᏴᏍᏗ ᏙᏱᏨ ᏭᎷᏤ ᏫᎵᎻ.", "en": "Wilbur walked into his yard just at that moment." }
{ "chr": "ᎠᎴ ᎯᎠ ᎠᏄᎦᎸᎯ ᏥᎨᏥᏫᏎᎴᎢ; ᎾᏍᎩ ᎯᎠ ᎧᏃᎮᏛ ᏣᎾᏛᎩᏍᎪᎢ,", "en": "And others are they that are sown among the thorns; these are they that have heard the word," }
{ "chr": "ᎺᎵᏃ ᎹᎩᏕᎵ ᎡᎯ, ᎠᎴ ᎺᎵ ᏦᏏ ᎤᏥ ᎤᏂᎪᎮ ᎾᎿ ᎤᏂᏅᏅᎢ.", "en": "And Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of Joses beheld where he was laid." }
{ "chr": "ᎾᏍᎩ ᏥᏌ ᎦᎶᏁᏛ ᎠᎩᏅᏏᏙᎯ ᎢᏯᏆᎵᏍᏙᏗᏱ ᏧᎾᏓᎴᏅᏛ ᏴᏫ ᎠᏁᎲᎢ, ᎦᎸᏉᏗᏳ ᏓᎩᎸᏫᏍᏓᏁᏛ ᏴᏫ ᎠᏁᎲᎢ, ᎦᎸᏉᏗᏳ ᏓᎩᎸᏫᏍᏓᏁᎲ ᎣᏍᏛ ᎧᏃᎮᏛ ᎤᏁᎳᏅᎯ ᎤᏤᎵᎦ ᎬᏗᏍᎬᎢ, ᎾᏍᎩ ᎦᎵᏍᎪᎸᏗᏍᎬ ᏧᎾᏓᎴᏅᏛ ᏴᏫ ᎦᏥᏯᎵᏍᎪᎸᏗᏍᎬᎢ ᏧᏓᏂᎸᎢᏍᏗ ᎢᏳᎵᏍᏙᏗᏱ, ᎦᎸᏉᏗᏳ ᎢᏳᏩᏁᎸᎯ ᎦᎸᏉᏗᏳ ᎠᏓᏅᏙ.", "en": "that I should be a minister of Christ Jesus unto the Gentiles, ministering the gospel of God, that the offering up of the Gentiles might be made acceptable, being sanctified by the Holy Spirit." }
{ "chr": "ᎠᎴ ᎾᏍᎩᏯ ᏥᏄᏍᏕ ᎾᎯᏳ ᏃᏯ ᏤᎮᎢ, ᎾᏍᎩ ᎾᏍᏉ ᏄᏍᏕᏍᏗ ᎾᎯᏳ ᏴᏫ ᎤᏪᏥ ᎤᏤᎵ ᎢᎦ ᎠᎵᏱᎶᎸᎭ.", "en": "And as it came to pass in the days of Noah, even so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man." }
{ "chr": "ᎯᏁᏟᏴᎾ ᏣᏓᏅᏛᎢ; ᎢᏳᏃ ᎾᏍᎩ ᏂᏣᏛᏁᎸᎾ ᎢᎨᏎᏍᏗ ᏞᎩᏳ ᏓᎬᎷᏤᎵ, ᎠᎴ ᏙᏓᎬᏯᏟᏴᎡᎵ ᎠᏰᎳᏍᏗᎦᏅᎯᏛ ᎬᏗ ᏥᎰᎵ ᎤᎦᏌᏛᎢ.", "en": "Repent therefore; or else I come to thee quickly, and I will make war against them with the sword of my mouth." }
{ "chr": "ᏐᎢᏃ ᏭᎷᏤᎸ ᎾᏍᎩᏯ ᏄᏪᏎᎴᎢ. ᏧᏁᏨᏃ, ᏓᎨᏏ, ᎤᏛᏁᎢ; ᎠᏎᏃ ᏄᏪᏅᏒᎾᏉ ᎢᎨᏎᎢ.", "en": "And he came to the second, and said likewise. And he answered and said, I go, sir: and went not." }
{ "chr": "ᎤᏅᏗ ᎢᏳᏰᎳᏍᏗᏍᎬᎩ ᎥᏝᏃ ᎪᎱᏍᏗ ᎠᎩᏍᏗ; ᏧᏩᎫᏔᏅᏒᏰᏃ ᎥᏝ ᏰᎵ ᎨᏥᎩᏍᏗ ᏱᎨᏎᎢ, ᎠᎴ ᎪᎯ ᎨᏒ ᎥᏝ ᎠᏏ ᏰᎵ ᏱᎩ.", "en": "I fed you with milk, not with meat; for ye were not yet able to bear it: nay, not even now are ye able;" }
{ "chr": "ᎤᏩᏙᎯᏴᏓ ᎤᏛᎴᎮᎢ.", "en": "He sighed with relief." }
{ "chr": "ᎠᎴ ᏳᎸᏅ, ᎠᎴ ᏯᏗᏗᎭ ᏗᎬᏩᎩᏨᏗ, ᎠᎴ ᎤᎦᏔ ᏳᎵᏰᏅ, ᎠᎴ ᏳᏛᏒ, ᏄᎵᏍᏙᏔᏅ ᏄᏙᎴᎰᏒᎾ.", "en": "and should sleep and rise night and day, and the seed should spring up and grow, he knoweth not how." }
{ "chr": "ᏚᏳᎪᏛᏍᎩᏂ ᎧᏁᎢᏍᏗ ᎨᏒ ᎢᏛᏗᏍᎬ ᎠᏓᎨᏳᏗ ᎨᏒ ᏔᎵ ᎢᏛᏗᏍᎬᎢ, ᏗᎦᏛᎯᏍᏗᏱ ᎾᏍᎩ ᏂᎦᎥ ᏄᏓᎴᏒ ᎾᏍᎩ ᏗᎦᏚᏓᏕᏫᏍᏗᏱ ᎾᏍᎩ ᎠᏍᎪᎵ ᏥᎩ, ᎾᏍᎩ ᎦᎶᏁᏛ;", "en": "but speaking truth in love, may grow up in all things into him, who is the head, even Christ;" }
{ "chr": "ᎠᏎᏃ ᎣᎦᏚᏓᎳ ᏂᎪᎯᎸ ᎣᏣᎵᎡᎵᏤᏗᏱ ᎤᏁᎳᏅᎯ ᏂᎯ ᎨᏒ ᎤᎬᏩᎵ, ᎢᏓᎵᏅᏟ ᎤᎬᏫᏳᎯ ᎢᏥᎨᏳᎯ, ᏅᏗᎦᎵᏍᏙᏗᎭ ᎤᏁᎳᏅᎯ ᏧᏓᎴᏅᎲ ᏅᏓᎬᏩᏓᎴᏅᏛ ᎢᏣᏑᏰᏒ ᎡᏥᏍᏕᎸᏗᏱ ᎬᏙᏗᏱ ᎠᏓᏅᏙ ᎢᏥᏅᎦᎵᏍᎬᎢ, ᎠᎴ ᎢᏦᎯᏳᏒ ᎤᏙᎯᏳᎯ ᎨᏒᎢ;", "en": "But we are bound to give thanks to God always for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, for that God chose you from the beginning unto salvation in sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth:" }
{ "chr": "ᎤᎵᏣᎬᏔᏁᎢ ᎠᏣᏗ.", "en": "The fish was thrashing wildly." }
{ "chr": "ᎤᏁᎳᏅᎯᏰᏃ ᏚᏬᎪᏔᏅ ᏂᎦᏗᏳ ᏄᏃᎯᏳᏒᎾ ᎨᏒᎢ, ᎾᏍᎩ ᏂᎦᏗᏳ ᏧᏪᏙᎵᏍᏗ ᎢᏳᎵᏍᏙᏗᏱ.", "en": "For God hath shut up all unto disobedience, that he might have mercy upon all." }
{ "chr": "ᎠᏂᏍᎦᏯ ᎣᎯᏍᏙᏗ ᏧᎾᏓᎩᏯᏍᏗ ᎤᏅᏌ ᏱᎩ.", "en": "The men stood a better chance of escape on their own." }
{ "chr": "ᏫᎤᎩᏨᏅᏃ ᏏᏌᎵᏱ ᏭᏂᏴᎴᎢ. ᎧᏂᎵᏯᏃ ᎤᏂᎦᏘᏰᎢ, ᎠᎴ ᏧᏪᏟᏌᏅᎯ ᎨᏎ ᎪᎱᏍᏗ ᏧᏩᏂ ᎠᎴ ᏧᎵᎢ.", "en": "And on the morrow they entered into Cæsarea. And Cornelius was waiting for them, having called together his kinsmen and his near friends." }
{ "chr": "ᎦᎸᏉᏙᏗ ᎨᏎᏍᏗ ᎤᏁᎳᏅᎯ ᎠᎴ ᎤᏙᏓ ᎤᎬᏫᏳᎯ ᎢᎦᏤᎵ ᏥᏌ ᎦᎶᏁᏛ, ᎾᏍᎩ ᎦᎶᏁᏛ ᎢᏳᏩᏂᏌᏅᎯ ᎣᏍᏛ ᎢᎦᏛᏁᎸᎯ ᏥᎩ, ᎢᎩᏁᎸᎯ ᏂᎦᎥ ᎣᏍᏛ ᎨᏒ ᎠᏓᏅᏙ ᎤᎬᏩᎵ, ᎾᏍᎩ ᏧᏓᎴᏅᏛ ᏦᏒ ᎡᎯ ᎤᎬᏩᎵ.", "en": "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ:" }
{ "chr": "ᎶᎻᏃ ᏬᎩᎷᏨ, ᎠᏍᎪᎯᏧᏈ ᏗᏘᏂᏙᎯ ᎠᏂᏴᎩ ᏚᏲᎯᏎᎸᎩ ᎤᎬᏫᏳᎯᎠᏂᎦᏘᏯ ᏗᏘᏂᏙᎯ; ᏉᎳᏍᎩᏂ ᎠᎦᎵᏍᎪᎸᏁᎸᎩ ᎤᏁᎳᎩ ᎤᏩᏒ ᎤᏕᏗᏱ, ᎠᎴ ᎠᏯᏫᏍᎩ ᎤᎦᏘᏗᏍᏗᏱ.", "en": "And when we entered into Rome, Paul was suffered to abide by himself with the soldier that guarded him." }
{ "chr": "ᎠᏆᏛᏅ.", "en": "I said." }
{ "chr": "ᎤᏍᎦᏎᏗ ᏚᏙᏪᎴ.", "en": "Deadly markings it bore upon its carapace scales." }
{ "chr": "ᏥᏌ ᎯᎠ ᏄᏪᏎᎸᎩ; ᎥᏝ ᎦᎵᏉᎩᏉ ᏱᎬᏲᏎᎭ, ᎦᎵᏆᎪᎯᏍᎩᏂ ᎦᎸᏉᎩ ᎢᏳᎶᏒᎯ.", "en": "Jesus saith unto him, I say not unto thee, Until seven times; but, Until seventy times seven." }
{ "chr": "ᎣᏍᏛᏰᏃ ᎢᏯᏛᏁᏗᏱ ᎠᏆᏚᎵᏍᎬᎢ, ᎥᏝ ᎾᏍᎩ ᏱᏂᎦᏛᏁᎰᎢ; ᎤᏲᏍᎩᏂ ᎾᏍᎩ ᎾᏆᏚᎵᏍᎬᎾ ᎨᏒᎢ, ᎾᏍᎩ ᏂᎦᏛᏁᎰᎢ.", "en": "For the good which I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I practise." }
{ "chr": "ᎢᏥᎦᏔᎲ ᎾᏍᎩ ᏂᎦᎥ ᎪᎱᏍᏗ ᎣᏍᏛ ᏚᎸᏫᏍᏓᏁᎲ ᎩᎶᎢ, ᎾᏍᎩᏯ ᎢᏳᏍᏗ ᎤᏁᏗ ᎨᏒ ᎤᎬᏫᏳᎯ, ᎾᏍᏉ ᎠᏥᎾᏝᎢ ᏱᎩ, ᎠᎴ ᎾᏥᎾᏝᎥᎾ ᏱᎩ.", "en": "knowing that whatsoever good thing each one doeth, the same shall he receive again from the Lord, whether he be bond or free." }
{ "chr": "ᏗᎩᏣᏗ ᏭᎵᏒᎲ ᎠᏓ ᎪᏒᏔᏅ ᎫᎭᎳᎯ ᏃᎴ ᏓᎶᏂᎨ ᎦᏓᏆᏟ ᎪᏒᏔᏅ ᏦᎳ ᎦᎶᏙᏗ.", "en": "He had reached into his saddlebag and come out with a wooden stem and the shards of a yellowed clay pipe bowl cupped in his palm." }
{ "chr": "ᎾᏍᎩᏍᎩᏂ ᎯᎠ ᏅᏯ ᏥᏥᏲᎢᏎᎸᎩ ᏗᏣᏁᏍᎨᏍᎩ; ᎾᏍᎩ ᎤᏅᏏᏴ ᏄᎬᏫᏳᏒ ᎠᏗ ᏥᏄᎵᏍᏔᏅ.", "en": "He is the stone which was set at nought of you the builders, which was made the head of the corner." }
{ "chr": "”ᎦᏙᏃ ᎠᏎ ᎤᎵᏨᏓᏆᏓ ᎤᏰᏨ ᎯᎨᏐ, ᏓᏍᎪᎩᏍᎬ ᏃᎴ ᎩᎶ ᎤᏤᎵ ᎭᏲᏍᏗᏍᎬ?", "en": "“Why does he have to stay up all night, grinding his clashers and destroying people's property?" }
{ "chr": "ᏗᎦᎧᎯᏴᏍᏗ ᎠᏰᎵ ᏃᎴ ᏗᎨᎯᏓᏍᏗ ᎠᏂᏣᎳᎩ ᏭᏕᎵᎬ ᎢᏣ, ᎨᏍᏗ ᏃᎦᎵᏍᏔᏁᎲ ᎤᎵᏐᏯᏍᏗ ᏱᎨᏎ, ᎣᎦᏤᎵᏰᏃ ᎦᏙ.", "en": "The dissolution of the Nation and the exile of its people to the West had no bearing on our situation, for we owned our land outright." }
{ "chr": "ᏈᎵᎩ ᏇᏣᏱᏗ ᎡᎯ ᎨᏒᎩ, ᎡᏂᏗ ᎠᎴ ᏈᏓ ᎤᏂᏚᎲᎢ.", "en": "Now Philip was from Bethsaida, of the city of Andrew and Peter." }
{ "chr": "ᎨᏍᏗᏰᏃ ᎩᎶ ᎣᏍᏓ ᎢᎫᏩᏪᏎᏗ ᏱᎨᏎ ᏛᎦ ᏕᎦᎶᎨᏒ.", "en": "Hardly anybody around the farm had a good word to say for a fly." }
{ "chr": "ᎢᎸᏍᎩ ᏂᎦᎥ ᏚᎾᏙᎥ ᏕᏣᏍᏆᏂᎪᏗ ᏌᏗᏏ, ᎾᏍᎩ ᎦᏓᎭ ᎢᏧᏅᏁᎸᎯ ᏂᎨᏒᎾ ᏧᎾᏄᏬ; ᎠᎴ ᎾᏍᎩ ᎢᏧᎳᎭ ᏓᏲᏤᏙᎵ ᏧᏁᎩᏳ ᎨᏎᏍᏗ ᏚᎾᏄᏩᎥᎢ; ᏰᎵᏉᏰᏃ ᎾᏍᎩ ᎢᎬᏩᎾᏛᏁᏗ.", "en": "But thou hast a few names in Sardis that did not defile their garments: and they shall walk with me in white; for they are worthy." }
{ "chr": "ᎥᏝᏰᏃ ᎪᎱᏍᏗ ᏱᏥᎦᏔᎭ ᎠᏋᏒ ᎠᏆᏓᎳᏫᏎᏗ; ᎠᏎᏃ ᎥᏝ ᎾᏍᎩ ᏯᏇᏓᎴᎭ; ᎤᎬᏫᏳᎯᏍᎩᏂ ᎾᏍᎩ ᏗᏇᎪᏓᏁᎯ.", "en": "For I know nothing against myself; yet am I not hereby justified: but he that judgeth me is the Lord." }
{ "chr": "ᏓᎬ ᏂᎵᏎ ᏌᎳᏓ. ᏃᏉ ᏗᏌᎳᏓᏂᏎ ᎦᎾᏍᏓ, ᎤᏲᎰᏎᎴ ᎣᏍᏓ ᏄᏛᏅ.", "en": "He was just about to raise his stick to hit Charlotte when he lost his balance." }