Fellow ents, I have grown our forest by 1.
So the other week I'm talking to a friend at work and the M.J. question pops up. I'm not ashamed that I smoke so i told her and she got real interested and asked if she could try it. Fast forward to today. I twisted up some dank, rolled around campus and initiated her into the wonderful world of cannabis. Good times are ahead as long as the cherry stays lit.
Clear something up for my friends and I regarding tonight's episode...
My friends and I are running a LOST death pool. My fifth round pick was "Aldo," the character played by Rob McElhenney of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. According to imdb, he was slated to appear in this episode. I could have sworn I spotted him in with the temple people, but my friends claim it wasn't him. So, can anyone confirm?
I live and work in Hong Kong - AMA
I have been living in HK since October 2006. Here 's a mobile snapshot of my life. AMA and i will try to answer as many questions as possible within my timezone GMT8+
Awesome Valentines Day Present, Buffalo.
I want to get my boyfriend something or do something awesome for valentines day. He really likes firefly and I was thinking about getting him Jayne's hat, or a one slot toaster that you put into your computer... but I want to surprise him with something. We are going to Buffalo for that weekend so anyone out there know of any cool things to do that would be great as well.
Just watched Downloading Nancy...
Downloading Nancy trailer Wow. Grim movie, thought it was really well done, and all of the actors did an amazing job. Why did it do so poorly with critics? **spoilers** I just have to say, I'm so glad that they actually went through with it. It angers me so much when movies have a whole build up to something and cop-out at the end. the whole movie I was like, is that really what they are planning? yeah, has to be, but are the going to do it. then, they did. definitely grim. what did you think?
Can someone please explain the basic principles of libertarianism?
I'm in high school and took a short facebook political quiz, which said I'm a libertarian. I've never even heard of this so I decided to google it. Essentially what I found was that libertarianism pretty much anti-state control, which I agree with. So basically what I'm wondering is what are libertarian views on the following issues: Iraq war, Separation of Church and State, Healthcare, Education system (should all schools be private?), Public infrastructure (roads, freeways, etc.), National defense, and Government subsidies. **EDIT** Thanks for the feedback guys :) I think I got the gist of libertarianism. There are some questions though based on the responses. About education, if everything is privatized, and there isn't a set of standards for every teacher to follow, how can equality be ensured when students apply for college? One school may not require the teaching of a particular subject (e.g. a biology class that doesn't teach evolution), while others do teach this, or maybe go in depth more. When some prior knowledge is required for college courses, how would colleges ensure that everyone is at the same level without some education standard? Also, I see that everyone is pretty much against subsidies. I agree with this for the most part, we shouldn't be subsidizing corn like we do now. But there are some goods where the social benefit is greater than the private benefit (e.g. hybrid cars). People only demand based on their private benefit, and thus the market equilibrium isn't what's socially optimal. Would subsidies be justified in this case?
How-to or live cd to PXE boot a machine to install linux?
I have a laptop with a bad floppy drive and the only usb port is not mounting bootable devices. The only way I'm getting anything on this is via the network. Is there something like DRBL that can boot an ISO via the network? EDIT:This is a one shot deal, I'm not looking to setup a dedicated PXE system.
[TOMT]: Title of a science-fiction novel featuring a robot left on earth as a data collector and messenger for future explorers. [BOOK]
This novel was advertised in OMNI magazine in the early to mid-90s. The only character in the book was a robot / android as described in the post. I remember the cover featured a golden-yellow robot looking up at a starry sky and most of the coloration in the background was in blue / black hues with a frozen appearance. I got the impression the narrative took place after the sun had gone extinct into a white dwarf. I never found a copy so I can't provide more details about the plot. This is not an Asimov book, to my knowledge.
Do protein powders go bad?
I recently came upon some protein powder, and naturally after I consume a drink's worth I read 'best if used by 11-08'. Am I going to die, reddit fitness?
Ask Netsec: Is an iFrame that uses SSL inside a non-SSL page remotely secure?
One of my colleagues has captured the imagination of management at work by proposing that we take some of our existing sites (which require transactions) and turn them into Facebook Apps. That sets off the buzzword alarms. Help! Can you give me bulletproof *technical* reasons why running a secure connection in an iFrame on a page which is not over a secure connection would be insecure? Saying that users won't get the little lock icon in their browser even though the connection would be secure is not sufficient.
Reddit, what tattoos and peircings do you have
Oh hai! Bejamin here. I am curious as to what is out there, seeing we all have awesome taste. Tattoos, peircings, odd haircuts/color, scars anything personal of interest. Edit: I have laberet, scaffold, conch, plug in each ear. One star tattoo on each forearm and a tattoo on my back. Getting spider webs tattoos on my elbows this week. Which is why I brought this question up. And sorry if this is a repeat thread, I tried a search but she was busy with someone elses query at the time and I was busting.
I'm looking to study actors and movies.
Howdy guys, (first time poster to /r/movies!) I'm into character animation in 3d (with some interest in branching to other 3D fields.) I studied it in school for an action-packed year and I'm really interested in cannoning off into a career. I've been doing my animation based on imagination and observation (and doing the actions myself where possible) and it's been going well enough so far but I had an idea for something that would probably really help my progress along. This is where I'd love to have some help from a community. I've been wanting to put together a big-ass collection of movies as study / reference / practice material. While I love movies I've somehow neglected to watch very many so far, so what I'd love to have is heaps of suggestions for movies and actors to watch, enjoy and dissect. I'm looking for any kind of movie where there's acting you feel I should pay attention to. Any movie that had great staging, camera movement, lighting, things like that. Any particular actor I can pay attention to is also great. I know this is kind of a lot to ask, but I don't need this in a rush. =P I'd really appreciate any kind of help you guys can provide.
I'm trying to find a porno that I saw a few years ago, can you help?
So back a few years ago, when my pornography browsing skills were rather rudimentary, I watched a fantastic video which I haven't been able to find since. I'm hoping that by describing it as well as i can remember it, someone else might know where I can find it again? It's set at a nudist beach, but not amateur, it was professionally produced. It was german. Basically a young brunette girl is at the nudist beach (topless) with her parents, and she is pretty unhappy about being forced to go there. Then she sees a guy sitting near them with a rather large penis, he indicates his interest (with his penis) and then they go into the bushes and do all sorts of nasty things. At the end, he gives her a facial and she tidies up with a tissue she finds in the bushes. She returns to her parents and tells them something along the lines of 'i had a good time at the beach, i'd love to come back again'. yeah i'd super love to find it, the girl is really attractive, and i've totally built it up in my mind but can't find it.
What was your craziest experience while under the experience of any type of drug?
First off I know that my story is going to pale into comparison to others, but it's what comes to mind. On shrooms at a friends house. Started off the trip with one of those intense uncontrollable laughing fits. Basically just sitting around through the come up with one other close friend just remarking at various objects in the room. >"Man time is going by really slow..." >"I know man. It's weird..." and other similar experiences. Then the party moved downstairs. There were lots of people crowding the basement. Many were also on shrooms, some werent. Somehow I was able to snag a seat on the couch and proceeded to "watch a movie". Fairly soon after sitting down quietly I started experiencing intense feelings of being judged by others around me because I wasn't talking. The truth of the matter was my mind was moving so fast I couldn't have said a word if I wanted to. I honestly started hearing things around me that were not going on and I was just generally freaked out by the whole experience. At one point thought I might have to get up and just leave the party because I didn't know what to do. Told you it was lame.
The only way I can stand the AskReddit and DAE subreddits now is to read the titles as if they are being sarcastic or ironic or trolling. Try it, it actually makes it funny.
For example : **Ladies: What makes you think a guy is creepy? Any stories?** *This one is hilarious because this exact same question has been posted so many times that it has to be a joke at this point*. **Reddit, What songs blow your mind?** *This is to troll bait Redditors into fighting over which Radiohead song is best. Also, this has been posted millions of times. See above.* **If you were Bill Murray in Groundhog Day, what would you do?** *The creator of this post had a bet going with a friend to see how long it would take "Rape" to get posted and at least 5 upvotes.* **DAE not give a fuck about "Lost"?** *This one was posted by someone who thought that they would post the most blatantly pandering post today and see if people actually took time out of their day to respond, silently chuckling to himself as Redditors jump on the chance to show how "unique" and "original" they are*. **DAE hate the "Not 'til I have my coffee" douche from that McDonald's commercial? ** *I can't even make up anything for this one- it's that fucking stupid.* Etc. God I'm bitter.
Warning: The mirco usb port on the n900 breaks very easily
Just a warning to everyone that i was unplugging the charger the other day and the port itself came with the charger hopefully i can get this RMA'd or something >.< UPDATE: so i called nokia first this morning and since I didn't order the phone from them they kindly told me to contact whom I bought the phone from After that I called newegg and wow there menu for that automated crap is annoying, anyways i was able to get though it easily and talk to someone who said they would replace the phone and are sending me replacement information now I'll update this some more once I get more info Edit: and I spelled micro wrong, sorry about that a link to were someone filed down the hooks on the charger UPDATE Feb 18: Got my replacement n900 from newegg in today free of any charge
Re: I'm a pastor who is writing a sermon ... Your question is mute/irrelevant. Fellow redditors is this not definitive proof he is full of it?!?!!!
Re: I'm a pastor who is writing a sermon ... Your question is mute/irrelevant. Fellow redditors is this not definitive proof he is full of it?!?!!! PREAMBLE: By narrowing the topic to the contemporary church you seek to avoid the most damming reason to confront you! I am a scientist and as such I determine all things based on only the measurable proof available. Since there is no measurable proof for or against god existing it is a futile proposition to even discus this. However there is room to look at the value of Christianity it self in contrast to other religious options. To see the value of some thing by the good or bad that is the end result seams very intuitively obvious to me. The measurable proof I prepose to use is DEAD BODIES. ARGUMENT: To do this we must start at the beginning of religious awakening and make a rough estimate of peoples killed at the hands of each of the "big four" as we move forward in time towards today. The "big four" I speak of are the three Western religions: Judaism, Islam and Christianity plus the main Eastern: Buddhism. At The beginning of the common era we see Judaism is by it's own account well on it's way having built up several city states worth of genocide documented in the Old Testament. Conservatively this could be a starting count of four thousand (4000). Islam, Christianity and Buddhism are just starting at around this time and so we will say they are at a count of Null (0). Judaism is under control of Roam and so is powerless to cause blood shed at this time (Judaism +0). Islam is a religion born out of killing as the main strategy to gain control implemented by Muhammad was to take power over the trade routs of the Arab peninsula by force (Islam +2000). Christianity started less violently by most accounts (Christianity +0). Buddhism has a main teaching to harm non and dose well at this time to follow it (Buddhism +0). This gives us a count of Judaism 4000, Islam 2000, Christianity 0 and Buddhism 0. Judaism passed from Roman control to Persian control then was sent into diaspora without much of a fight(Judaism +0). The next notable killing event is the spread of Islam and Christianity culminating with the Crusades (Islam +3000, Christianity +4000). The extra 1000 for Christianity is for the killing of their own fellow Christians at Constantinople by the Roman Catholics. Buddhism spread rather painlessly (Buddhism +0). From this (arguably uneducated) guess we now have a count of Judaism 4000, Islam 5000, Christianity 4000 and Buddhism 0. Judaism was still in diaspora for the duration of the Inquisitions(Judaism +0). Islam was becoming more fanatical and was more forceful in taking land in the north as Constantinople fell along with substantial amounts of land (Islam +1000). However Christianity is now beginning to show it's true colors as it spirals into a blood thirsty global rampage known as the Spanish Inquisition (Christianity +10,000). The Buddhism movement sees now it's only great shame when Hindu temples and the Hindus them selves are attacked in Northern India in retaliation for earlier transgression (Buddhism +1000). Our uneducated guess is now a count of Judaism 4000, Islam 6000, Christianity 14000 and Buddhism 1000. CONCLUSION: We can go on but the numbers will just keep getting bigger. However we now have all the proof we need. Religion is to a greater or lesser degree BAD depending what one you pick.
Reddit, what songs make you feel better after a shitty day?
After Hours by The Velvet Underground and (unsurprisingly) Happy by the Rolling Stones do the trick for me sometimes.
Hey Reddit, I'm coming to Chicago. What should I see?
I have been to Chicago before but have always gotten stuck seeing the "touristy" things. I'm heading to Jazz Festival next June and I was wondering, what is the one thing you would recommend I see, eat or visit? I am for sure going to the Art Institute of Chicago and possibly the Hull House. Anything else I shouldn't miss? Any great restaurants (that are reasonable)? Thanks so much, in advance, I really appreciate it!
IAMA college student who was just diagnosed with OCD. It's actually very difficult and has made my life a lot harder recently, but I like sharing. AMA.
I have what's known as Scrupulosity(non-religious) or Hyperresponsibility OCD, with some social anxiety thrown in for spice. Essentially, I'd be/am convinced that these horrible things are sure to happen even though the odds are slim(1/10,000,000) or none, based on some trivial action I'd done. I'd search/research online for hours some days just to find "the right answer" that would, supposedly, stop the worrying, although it never did. I had a panic attack pretty much every day since it started, and some days I am convinced that my life is likely to be ruined. Now I'm getting help, and I'm able to control my obsession->ritual/reassurance-seeking cycle better. It's also helped that my girlfriend of 3years 8months and I just broke up. Kinda numbs everything, if you know what I mean. So, AMA about what it feels like to be burdened by irrational thoughts, what it's like to have unstoppable compulsions, or just what I had for dinner today. :) Update: If I were diagnosed with insomnia I'd keep answering questions, but I'll continue tomorrow.
AskGaming: What is the best 'Tower Defense' game you know of? (Alt: what is the best playable web game you know of?)
I am looking for great tower defense and playable web games. I was hoping there was a better list on reddit - but I am not aware of a good list of web/flash games nor tower defense games. Reddits structure doesnt necessarily make it easy to provide lists of links specific to a particular category.
Are you frustrated that Locale beta stopped working without any warning? This one should work until 2035.
Hello reddit, I modified the locale 0.695 beta so it continues to work until February 23, 2035 (0x1DEADB1FF42 in milliseconds). When I modified it I had to sign the application again, so it's very likely that android will refuse to upgrade it and you'll have to uninstall the original one. Unfortunately while uninstalling locale removes all of its configuration settings (that's why people are complaining that their settings are lost when they purchased the paid version). You can get around that if you have root on your phone. Just backup /data/data/edu.mit.locale and restore it later (worked for me). Almost forgot: BTW: Obviously I don't give any warranty for it. **Edit: I made more changes: this update (below), has modified urls so it doesn't contact twofortyfouram.com and flurry.com: ** ** The flurry.com is a 3rd party site that collects statistic information. It's ok, except your phone also sends them your IMEI. I don't understand why they didn't mentioned that. **
[TOMT] I need help finding an Aesop Rock song. [music]
I've been trying to rediscover an Aesop Rock song that I listened to about 2 years ago. If I remember correctly, it was either instrumental for the entire song or had an awesome beat in the beginning for a little bit followed by Aesop rapping. I think the song wasn't released on any albums because I've looked through the names and none ring a bell. I listened to this song on his myspace page if that helps at all.
Anyone going to the Ra Ra Riot + The Antlers show at BAM this weekend?
It's on friday, here are the details. Sounds like it's gonna be a great show; I've never been to BAM though so I'm not sure how it is as a venue. Just wondering if any Redditors wanted to hang out.
Does anyone else feel like a drug addict who just got their fix?
It was seriously that good! In my opinion it was, anyway. Although I always feel that way when watching lost...
Hey /fitness, what's your diet?
Do you have a consistent breakfast, lunch or dinner routine? Or do you eat more than 3 meals a day? Or maybe less? I'm curious as to what some of my fellow redditers consume while trying to stay fit.
Alright Missouri it's time to batten down the hatches, hoist the main sails, and all those other salty sayings!
First of all I would like to thank those who replied to my thread. From what I can figure we have about 15 pirates reporting altogether between reddit and the forums. Also, I have noticed the majority of you buccaneers live in the Greater Saint Louis area. I think its high-time we have ourselves a good old fashion meetup. As far as I can tell, we have about 8-10 pirates in the GSA, one in KC, one in COMO, and myself located at the Lake of the Ozarks. Logistically speaking, expecting everyone to be able/want to attend a meetup is just silly. Mathmatically speaking, holding the meetup near the GSA makes perfect sense. Also, Im more than willing to make a "little" drive up north to attend one. Although I've lived in Lake Saint Louis, O'Fallon, Saint Charles, and Troy, I haven't been up there for a few years. Which means I am completely clueless as to the best place to hold a meetup that would be easy to get to and relatively close for everyone willing to attend. Does anyone have any ideas? tldr: We should have a meetup in the stl area. Any location ideas from those who live there?
LIKE THIS AND THIS Seriously. Where did it go? If you're into the wobble, that's fine, but is there no room in the scene for this stuff too? Far superior, more interesting and satisfying than the same "filthy" stuff that goes round and round these days. That shit is PLAYED OUT. And just to prove I'm not against the wobble on principle, I love this track. Not this Rusko "Brostep" bullshit. Edit: What changed? Was it the drug? Did the drug change?
Reddit, favorite book/movie quotes of all time?
actually from the play Cyrano de Bergerac: All my laurels you have riven away... and my roses; yet in spite of you there is one crown I bear away with me. And tonight, when I enter before God, my salute shall sweep away all the stars from the blue threshold! One thing without stain, unspotted from the world in spite of doom mine own.. and that is... my white plume.
DIY science: I had my teeth cleaned today, and the hygienist instantly knew I wasn't a local based upon my tooth enamel.
I have never encountered this before. Reddit, have you? I thought it was a really insightful observation. Midway through the cleaning, she asked my where I was from, and when I answered somewhat befuddled, she explained that my tooth enamel was different than the locals. I was like, "What?" Essentially, she explained, the mineral concentration of your local water supply has a lot to do compositioally with how certain body parts go together. In short, if there's a lot of minerals, you end up with hard tooth enamel; if less so, the enamel is more brittle. My hard enamel apparently stood out like a sore thumb. And as I think about it, it makes a lot of sense. I grew up in Smallsville, IL, where the water was pumped from an aquifer dating back millenia, whereas now I live in a mountain community, where much of the water supply is derived from surface flow. Arguably, the former has a hell of a better chance to accumulate minerals than the latter. Anyone heard of this before?
Did anybody do poorly in college and then get their shit together in time to get a decent GPA?
Throwaway for obvious reasons. I'm just going to sum it up: * I'm really depressed, like don't get out of bed *at least* 2 days a week depressed. * I left for college a year early and got a little under a 3.0. I transferred schools to escape a crappy home situation (I was commuting). I've been living at school for 2 semesters. * Last semester I withdrew but I was not doing well at all. * I just failed my first exam in a class for my major. I don't really know what to do. None of this is an excuse for my grades, but it is the reason, and I want to fix them and my situation. Has anyone in my situation turned out okay? I don't want to drop out of school. Sadly, I love school. But I also don't want to waste other people's time and money. Basically, it's not that I don't know how to do well. In high school I had a 3.7 or so and I was still really depressed and didn't go to school a lot (physically or mentally), but naturally college is different. What should I do, Reddit?
Help with a design project/choosing a small electric motor.
I am creating a project for my class (Design II) and I am trying to rotate a piece of foamboard with a few beads hanging from a few strings hanging off the bottom. The beads/foamboard shouldn't weigh more than 4oz and I want it to rotate at roughly 10-20 rotations per minute. What would you all recommend as far as a (electric) motor? PS Thank you for your help its greatly appreciated! Also my local hobby store (Hobby lobby) says they don't have any miniature electric motors in stock... So if you could give me a link to a reputable online store that has these motors it would be greatly appreciated aswell!
How do we stop "Eternal September"?
Since there have been countless posts that have been up voted about how the (for lack of a better word) "intellect" of the discussions on reddit have degraded, I'm going to assume that this social concept has taken hold on the website. So, how do we stop it or at least slow it's progression? Because I like this website. I won't know where else to go. (Besides going outside.) :(
People who still need Fleet invites
If you are still looking for a Fleet invite please try to get a hold of me I am @dscoleri or try to get a hold of @smor. The good way to do this is to catch one of us in game but a better way is to add us to your friends list. From what I can tell you can only add people to the friends list in game if they are on at the same time, but if you go to (it will look like a "page not found" but you need to log in to your account) you can add people that are not on. Go to that site and add @dscoleri and @smor. Then the next time you log in while one of us is playing it will notify us that you are on and we can send the invite. I don't like asking for upvotes but please vote this up so that people that are still trying to get in the fleet can get in. Thank you.
Dear Reddit: How is it that the bulk of users went from supporting Ron Paul to being rank-and-file Obama supporters?
Its ridiculous. Ron paul is a conservative libertarian; Obama a tax and spend liberal, complete and polar oppisites in the spectrum of political ideology. Can anyone explain this to me?
question about browsing at work
just wondering how easy it is for my work to monitor my browsing,i use firefox portable in private browse mode,and i clean up after with c-cleaner.....im not sure the i.t. guy is really "with it"..he has the whole place on vista and xp using i.e.7...........any help is kindly welcome
How to update your Nexus One to the latest update
Someone probably linked to this already, but the link I had found was dead. Luckily, in xda-developer I found this: >Hi, > >I have found out a way to update the Nexus One to the new OTA that Google is pushing through, the one including multi-touch everywhere. > >Go to the URL below: > >and download. > >Then save on to your sd card, not in any folders, and rename it update.zip (windows users just rename it update, .zip will come by >itself) > >1) Turn off your phone. >2) Turn on by holding down Power and the Trackball >3)Select Bootloader (Selection instructions on the top of screen) >4)Select recovery >5)An Android-Bot will come standing next to an open box >6)Press down Power and Volume Up >7)Select apply update.zip >8) Enjoy! > >All the credits go to Fabolous from AndroidForums.com >Also, in case you don't trust the MediaFire link, here's the GoogleOne: Source Hopefully this will help someone else, as it helped me. Not everyone is with T-Mobile. EDIT: This is for people without root. You do not root by doing this. If your phone is already rooted you probably don't need this guide anyway.
Mark Kirk (R) won the Illinois primary to go up against Alexi Giannoulias (D) for Obama's vacant Senate seat. Kirk is a moderate Republican, but he's not great. Don't let him win, Illinois.
Kirk has adopted the party line on Health Care. At a pro-Israel rally, Kirk said, “To misquote Shakespeare, something is rotten in Gaza and now it’s time to take out the trash.” Kirk is for permanent detention of all Guantanamo Bay inmates and is now opposed to even transferring them to Illinois. In June, Kirk made a trip to China to engage in independent foreign diplomacy without the endorsement of the executive branch, an act that is reserved for executive branch officials. On this trip, Kirk contradicted the Obama administration on the US-China relationship by stating that "the budget numbers that the US government has put forward should not be believed." Also in June 2009, Kirk introduced legislation to *increase* the penalties for selling kush, a high potency set of strains of marijuana ... saying that "if you can make as much money selling pot as cocaine, you should face the same penalties." He has backpedaled on his support for the climate bill in the face of GOP criticism.
I went to a boarding school in England. AmA
I went to a all boys catholic boarding school in England for a number of years.
Questionable Content artist is a badass musician
A few years ago, Jeph Jacques made his track "d with compression" available for download. I grabbed it but forgot about the song until now. I saw it in my music library this morning, decided to play it, and was blown away. Since then, I've found more of his music on last.fm; everything I've heard so far sounds awesome [edit: Haven't gotten to the silly stuff, yet]. Hopefully you guys will feel the same.
Okay. I came out to my mom (or well, was outed) and would like to forward her some literature so I don't have to explain all sorts of common misconceptions to her.
I'm an hour away at college. We had a surprisingly good phone conversation in which she repeatedly asked if I had been molested as a child. I can tell that she knows very little, but she's not being entirely closed-minded. Anyway, I'm sure there's a page or two out there, but I'm too flustered to wade through the fundie bullshit. THANKS REDDIT.
I've got a little extra money to invest. I have no experience in this. Any advice?
Nothing huge, somewhere in the $5,000 - $10,000 range. I'd like to take this little bit and make it grow, but am not experienced. I have long-term ideas like a Roth of 401k, which I need to learn about. But foremost I'm also hoping for some shorter-term strategies to build up my initial pile (and possibly to help a bit with moving in the near future). Bank accounts, stocks, or any other ideas are on the table. Example idea of mine: There's a local repo place that sells repossessed cars well below even the private party value. So long as I come across a decent one, I'm thinking of buying it, doing a little fixing up and reselling. I could use it as my commuter car in the meantime anyway, as I need one. May our ideas help us all get rich!
I had Bell's Palsy that never healed and it's completely changed my life. AMA
7 years ago I was an extremely extroverted guy that loved being social and was known for always having a smile on my face. One morning I woke up and the right side of my face was paralyzed. I went to the ER and was told it was Bell's Palsy and that it would likely heal within a month. Fast forward 7 years and it's only healed approximately 40%, reaching its plateau around the 1 year mark. I am now rather introverted, have horrible self-esteem and experience full blown anxiety attacks if I'm even in the same room as a camera. From a personality perspective, I'm a totally different person now and I miss the old me. Glad to answer any questions about the process, the bad, the good, the funny. I won't be offended as, at least to myself, I make jokes about it all the time. AMA
[10] totally vaked off my ass from some dank white widow
idk how ia ma able to use a computer i cant even see the letters on the keyboard. lemma tella ya... vape through a bong with ice is the best way to get high. This is also the first time i smoke after 1 week t break.
Is there a program that can remind me to sleep?
I swear sometimes I get on reddit at 10pm for a quick 10minute browse and next thing I know it's 4AM. BAM where did my sleep time go? Is there a program out there that can reach across the screen and drag me to bed?
Can anyone think of a valid argument against gay marriage...not involving religion or "morality"
I'm curious. Do people against gay marriage have any valid reasons once you take religion and "morality" out of the picture? I'm from CT and ever since gay marriage has been legal, I have noticed NOTHING different about society, negative or positive. So why are so many people against gay marriage?
I got a little piano keyboard to start learning how to play! Where might I be able to find useful guides on learning proper playing techniques?
I really have no formal training and want to learn how to play the piano in my leisure time. Does anybody know where I might be able to find, and hopefully download, lessons that will help accelerate my learning?
I made a game that just became a finalist in the Indie Game Challenge! Would you kindly...
...vote for us? I apologize for the self-serving post and I usually wouldn't ask reddit for any favors, but I honestly believe that you guys are one of the most supportive web communities out there. Anyway, here are the details. I helped work on AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!! - A Reckless Disregard for Gravity]( over this past summer and it's done pretty well. So far we've nabbed an IGF nomination and won Editor's choice for Best Indie Game of 2009 over at [moddb. I'm a student looking to break into the industry so an award like this would be huge for me as well as the rest of those guys over at Dejobaan. If you haven't checked out Aaaaa! yet, then I highly recommend it. It's a great game to play during a 10-15 minute break and we put a lot of work trying to make it a unique experience. It's available on Steam, Direct2Drive, Gamers Gate, Impulse, Wild Tangent, as well as directly on the Dejobaan site. If you're the kinda guy who likes to try before you buy, then there's a demo here. Thank you guys so much for your support. It really means a lot when the community gives back to the small indie studios. For those of you attending PAX East or GDC, hopefully we'll see you there! Vote HERE!
Should I hold out for a 240hz LED HDTV or buy a 120hz model? Do YOU notice a difference?
Curious if anyone notices a difference with the blurring that happens when you play video games. Plan to hook a PS3 up to a 120hz LED hdtv... but I am concerned if I should wait for a 240 hz model to go on sale.
Help me help my mom (and her ass-backwards views!)
My mom is a Glen Beck - Rush Limbaugh conservative republican. I'm a centrist for the most part. I've been busting my butt trying to get her to not just believe everything Fox news shows and that's it. Lately I've just been transcribing John Stewart into e-mails for her (she won't watch him) I was hoping to call on the power of the Reddits to get some more information I could share with her to show how out of touch Glen Beck is, how bat shit crazy Rush Limbaugh is and how Obama... even though he has his faults... isn't responsible for all the shit that's going on. So Reddit... if you think Bush was crazy... why? If you think Cheney was actually the Penguin... what facts back that up? Think Fox News is the GOP mouth piece? Show me... help me help her!
IAmA Diplomat's Daughter AMA
I have 3 passports: American, Diplomatic, and Greek My dad is a diplomat for America I was born in Greece, then went to Vienna Virginia, then to England, then back to Virginia, then to Greece, then to Vienna Austria, and now I'm in Florida (in uni). I speak Greek and English, but didn't learn German...Entschuldigung! (completely just googled that - lol) I don't like it when people ask me where I'm from - I don't know what to say!
How do I change the info about an app in iTunes?
I have several apps in iTunes that say "unknown genre". How do I change this to reflect the true genre of the app (i.e., Productivity, Game, etc...)
Can anyone help with a logo?
So I'm starting a company aimed at helping charities and non-profits raise money via the web. I simply don't know where to start on a logo. The company's name is Mahj, which is Persian for being beautiful after an illness. That's our aim, to help organizations help address inequality and suffering and to create a more beautiful world. So, where the hell do I start when designing a logo?
Timeline of my girlfriends "introduction to 4chan and /b/"
So my girlfriend (semi-new to reddit) has heard about 4chan from me in the past, but never was interested in investigating the site. I used to look around (Regrets? No. Do I regret having the desensitization of a comatose sloth?) here and having been referred (ironically) by reddit long ago, myself. Anyway, she finally experienced the same thing: a reddit-4chan "meet up" imgur link. So she says, "hey, I think I want to look at 4chan. What's on 4chan?". I say, "well.. don't go to 4chan. Just don't." "Why not?" she asks. "Trust me." 3 minutes later... "I think I want to go. I just want to see once." "Okay," I responded, "but as the saying goes...'what has been seen cannot be unseen'." She visits 4chan.com. I redirrect her to 4chan.org. I say "okay, now click where it says 'random'." The notice with "I agree" shows up. She asks "does it take me there when I click the button?" "Yes. Once you click, there's no turning back". She clicks 'I agree" and goes to /b/. Officially. Lucky for us, the blocked ads take up the screen, so nothing is revealed at first. "What do I do? Is this it?" "Scroll down...and it begins." She slowly scrolls. The first image features Stan's father from Southpark, sitting in a chair, covered in semen. She looks at it quizzically. I don't think she understands what she is seeing. She scrolls a little further down (two similar, semen covered fathers with slight motivational poster / subtitle additions. Scrolling continues. Second image: two womens heads sucking two giant cocks, forming some kind of 'X' as a part of a website's name. "I think I'm done here", she remarks with a short laugh. She presses the back button. She puts down her computer, pickes up the pipe and takes another hit.
I read it on reddit already!
I just said that and I laughed out loud for a minute. I <3 /r/trees and weed.
Today I watched C-span... This is my story.
Before I packed my lunch, before I made a sandwich, before I poured my juice, I decided to turn on C-span. I entered into a conversation that I didn't understand at first but then it became terribly clear what they were talking about; *Jimmy Johnson winning the Sprint Cup Championship in Nascar*. For 22 minutes, of which I entered late, Rep Edolphis Towns (D-New York) spoke about how Jimmy Johnson deserves recognition for winning this championship from 06-07. Twenty two minutes of my time wasted. Then, after he was done, I breathed a sigh of relief... Until Rep Patrick Mchenry (R-North Carolina 10th district) started re-telling the same and a lot of history of Jimmy Johnson. For 40 more minutes he spoke about this nascar event that I could have turned to one of the many espn channels and found out about. I could have ventured on to the internet, I could have read it in a newspaper. No, I must hear it here. Why are they wasting time? Then I remembered something my government teacher said in high school "congressmen can delay items by talking about whatever they feel like" or something to that effect. "What the hell?" I thought, with everything that is going on they decide to dick around for 40+ minutes talking about a sports star. What the hell...
Your Fav Flash Game/Free Game
Mine is Music Catch, its been out for a while now but I still LOVE it, its very relaxing. Also, if anyone knows where to get a torrent or copy of the full version where I can play to my music, post it or PM me PLEASE!
What are your strangest nightmares?
I'll go first. When I was little I had a nightmare about having 2 beans growing out of my neck (they looked like a little plant seedling that is just sprouting), and if both of them were to break off I'd die. So throughout my whole dream I was scared shitless that my beans would break off. Then my sister broke one off, and I was even more terrified. I spent the rest of the dream pacing around and not being able to sleep because I was afraid the other bean would fall off too. So, Reddit, what are some of *your* strangest nightmares?
Offical Karma Party 10-10 wins Parteee! WE need YOUR help!!
Hey guys let's try and give out at least ten upvotes to comments in this thread, I hope that everyone will get at least 10 upvotes per comment. WE. CAN. DO. IT.
You know those dreams where you can run impossibly fast without getting winded, and float around like a leaf on the wind? Yeah I'd like a game like that.
Who else is with me on this? Does one exist? Am I blind?! **EDIT** Defining "float". Once I had a dream that I could float around in the air like mario bros. 3 with a P-wing. I don't mean fall-float, I mean stay-in-the-air-or-go-higher float. **EDIT 2: ELECTRIC BOOGALOO** Alright, at the reminder of a friend of mine, I'm now playing ecco the dolphin. Why is this game so good?! WHY IS IT SO WHAT I WAS LOOKING FOR?!
I just had my ass saved by Time Machine. Anyone else had the same experience?
After a bizarre and bothersome kernel panic, I rebooted to find my iTunes Library was corrupted. Not too keen on Apple's song and dance about restoring from the iTunes Library.xml file, I realized that my library was probably backed up on my Time Capsule. Lo, and behold, it was--a three hour and fifteen minute-old backup. I restored that, the iTunes Genius, and iTunes Library.xml files. Now my iTunes is grooving again, and I can finish listening to my David Bowie album. I didn't lose a thing. Anyone else have their ass saved by Time Machine?
Automorphisms and homomorphisms of a ring
1) How do I find all the automorphisms of a matrix ring M2(R) (all 2x2 matricies with real entries)? 2) What are all the homomorphisms from Z --> ZxZ? For (2), I figure that they all the ones that send a -> (a,0) or (0,a) or (0,0)
Dear Reddit, I am going to be interviewed by a radio talk show.
I have my own blog (which will be kept quiet until I know everything is going down for sure) which I pretend to be jesus and write pretty mean stuff. Any way A radio station in Sydney Australia wants to phone interview me. To be honest I worried as fuck. What should I do?
To the American redditors out there: how come Bush isn't being questioned about the reasons he decided to go to war in Iraq, same as the British are questioning Tony Blair?
I am not an American so I wanted to know how the American justice system works. Why doesn't the USA hold similar hearing inquiries as those held by the British? I know that Senators have questioned many government figures in public hearings before over the years, but can't they question a former President? Are Bush's reasons for going to war in Iraq acceptable to the American public? Didn't he say Saddam was complicit in the 9/11 WTC attacks and that he had WMD and that's why he was waging war? Please don't take this the wrong way; I am not trying to be confrontational. I'm just confused because I know Americans say they have a just and democratic system, so why not do as the British have done? This is a news report giving an account of Tony Blair's questioning
Anyone have any idea what these symbols are?
I ran across these images and these symbols looked familiar. I can't place them, but I'd swear I've seen them before, either in a book or a movie or something. Probably not recently. Pic 1 Pic 2 This is bugging me. I know I've seen them before. They may just be scribbles. Any ideas?
2D Barcode (QR Code) Pays the Bills for Business and Rich People.
Paying bills manually sucks. BillsTrust pays any bill by fax or scanning/emailing it with a QR code to your online account. You see the bills queued up to the due date with NO data entry! Then you get an SMS when a bill is paid without even having to remember, but keeping you informed - it's like a virtual accounts payable assistant. Best thing is ANY bill can be paid without manual work such as handwritten supplier invoices, plumbers or maintenance contractors, as well as your standard printed bills such as gas & electricity.
Reddit: how can I sync my iPhone with my new computer without deleting all my shit?
Any clue? I've Googled this a billion times but most of the sites seem to be saying tough luck or I'll have to use some 3rd party whack-ware. Any idea how to do this simply? If I just back up my iPhone and create a fresh backup can I restore it after syncing (and deleting) all my phone's contents? Any help would rock... thanks a lot. edit: back story is the following... bought a new computer, sold the old one, now iTunes wants me to delete my phone to sync with iTunes (i.e. music, apps, etc.) and I don't want to lose everything on my phone. P.S. please spare me the "stop using locked down phones" b.s.
Hey TwoX, what are your experiences with being in sororities?
I missed out this year (my freshman year) partially because I didn't know about all the mandatory rush dates and partially because I was averse to the idea of joining a sorority— they all seemed to be typical pretty girls who wore North Face and carried Vera Bradleys. This aversion was heightened after a couple friends of mine in different sororities were forced to get drunk at weird times (like 10 AM) and do other things involving getting too drunk which I took to be a form of hazing. I like drinking, but I feel that it should be done to have a good time with friends, not for its own sake. However, these were just two sororities. I talked to my friend at CMU who is in A-Chi-O and she had a very positive experience. There's also a sorority here (Phi Mu) which I know a few members of, and they're nerdy girls I can see myself getting along with. I was also concerned because you don't really see Indian girls in sororities (or girls who aren't white or black, for that matter) but my friend at CMU is Indian and I saw some Indian chick here wearing the letters of A-Chi-O. Also my school is like 7% Asian which might be a factor, haha. I'm considering rushing this fall—apparently a lot of people rush when they're sophomores—just for the experience, and if I get a bid from a sorority I turn out to like, I'll probably join. I would like to have a tightly-knit group of friends, and I need more girl friends anyway. I like the idea of a sorority; it's just some of the ones I've seen in practice, like the ones who haze pledges, that are discouraging. I'm asking you, the members of TwoX, as *fellow nerdy girls,* what do you think of sororities? Are any of you in one? Are any of your friends in one? Tell all!
Hey Reddit... Who do you think holds the best villain title in a novel? In a movie?
Novel: Croup & Vandemar from Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman A few quotes: -Croup and Vandemar, the Old Firm, obstacles obliterated, nuisances eradicated, bothersome limbs removed and tutelary dentistry undertaken. -Mr. Croup: Were I you, I would no longer worry about the young lady. Her days are numbered, and the number in question isn't even in double digits. -Varney: Are you bribing me? Mr. Vandemaar: No. We're threatening you. And if you don't do what Mr. Croup says, we're hurting you very badly before killing you even badlier Movie: Bill The Butcher from Gangs of New York, Its hard to pick a good quote from him- as every one of his lines was gold. "I'm forty-seven. Forty-seven years old. You know how come I stayed alive this long? Fear. A spectacle of fearsome acts. A man steals from me, I cut off his hands. If he offends me, I cut out his tongue. He rises up against me, I cut off his head, stick it on a pike. Raise it up high so all on the streets can see. That's what preserves the order of things. Fear." Edit: Whats makes said characters so villainous/badass/evil
Now I fell just dumb, so I'll try to make you fell dumb too.
After months scrolling down when I wanted to see new comments after reading a top comment, I just realized there's a [-] link (that my brain was completly ignoring) that allows me to shrink a comment/replies and read the next comment. Hope you hadn't notice it yet. EDIT: sorry, "feel". English is not my first language (now I feel dumber).
So I thought we were all done here. Why have I gotten another email telling me to confirm?
My original SS did not send a gift. My replacement SS sent one, I received it and updated my redditgifts.com page]( to show it. Still I was sent an email saying I had to confirm my gifts. [This is what I have now. What did I do wrong?
How did my son get a butt-chin?
Both my wife and I don't have butt-chins but somehow my 7 month old son has one. All cheating jokes aside, DNA is weird. For those of you who don't know what a butt-chin is, look at this link
DAE HATE when professors refuse to use email?
Honestly, there's nothing worse than a professor coming out and saying that they don't use email/don't check it. First off, it's the easiest way to make contact. If I'm not in your class, I don't know when your office hours are, and have no other way to contact you. I also see it as a huge slap in the face to students, and it's basically just an easy way to push around any complaints or questions you get. Last semester I actually lowered my evaluations on an otherwise good professor because he absolutely refused to answer email.
Obama to meet Dalai Lama: White House
Notwithstanding the strong objections raised by China, the White House has asserted that US President Barack Obama, plans to meet Tibetan spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, when he is in Washington next time.
[Request] Could someone Photoshop a picture of Yvonne Srahovski to have black hair?
I'm just curious to see exactly how much she would look like Miranda from ME2 in real life. I'd say these pictures would be easiest, second one would probably look most like Miranda:
Ask Fashion: Topman vs Indochino
Hey guys, I've having a hard time picking between a TopMan or an Indochino suit. Anyone ever ordered from either online store? Comments? Thanks, --Matt
This is so we can throw stuff at stuff online and stuff
SMG and I talked about making this when we were on mushrooms I think and tonight I finally made it. Mostly so Nathan can post inappropriate things and we can show each other stuff.
Why not focus on ocean over space exploration?
So what, NASA won't go to the moon again. Why not Explore the oceans for half the price and twice the profit?
This is pathetic - still hung up on ex after more than a year....Help?
The ex of 3 years broke up with me September '08. It was not mutual, though I did see it coming. I never got a really good explanation, but I guess that's because there wasn't one. It took me a while, but eventually I did all the things you're supposed to do - made new friends, dated new people, stopped any contact, took up hobbies, kept busy, etc. It hasn't worked. I still think about the ex at least once every day - even with no contact, not even online - and feel sad and lonely and angry no matter who I'm with or what I'm doing. I feel like I will never get over the sense of loss and betrayal. What do I do? I'm miserable and sick of it.
Dear Reddit; A favor please?
Hey guys, I'm not asking for much, but I don't want to waste your time so I'll try to keep this short. I've recently made a game that made me an average amount of money, sadly not enough for rent/bills this month between this and a second job (the villain here: School fees!). Basically what I'm asking for is for you guys to play my game; here it is, and vote it justly. Or a 5... If it does well on this site, then I'll get a 25% bonus - pretty awesome. These initial votes really help! If I can get a front page with your graciously provided assistance then I'll do what ever the highest voted comment tells me to do! (with in some reason.)
So it's my birthday in 4 days...
I'm turning 18. My friend was going to have a bbq/movie night thingy for me, and invite people around. Basically he thinks everyone should celebrate their 18th birthday, being able to buy booze, etc. He just cancelled on me. :/ I'm pretty depressed now. Anyone wanna cheer me up? Any redditors wanna play mw2 on 360 with me (on live)? Any redditors wanna chat on msn with me? Could really use some company.
Dear Reddit, I just got fucked on my 1099. Is there anything I can do?
I just got my 1099 from the company I worked for during the summer. All they have listed is Nonemployee compensation of $3000.00 which I find extremely hard to believe. I know they just pulled this number out of their asses but even if I am able to do something with this information, the company did pay for my housing/utilities so I assume they could just pull a random number out of their asses again and say that's how much they deducted from my payment. Is there anything I do? Who should I go to? This seems terribly illegal to me.
reddit, i need to know the full secret menu for in n out. please help!
this has to go deeper than animal style.. edit: yes i know they have it on their site, but what are some creations you've asked for??
A few weight lifting questions for you knowledgeable folks
A) On squat form, is perfect the enemy of good? Or is good the friend of injury? By this I mean, by the last reps of my set, my form isn't perfect or ideal. Granted my knees aren't swinging out, nor is my back rounded, but I feel a little more wobblier, maybe a little more leaned forward than I should be. B) Side imbalance. It feels like my left side is weaker. Can this ever be corrected? I try, but it always comes out when I'm on my heavy set. C) Can you teach yourself power cleans sans trainer? Thanks bros and brodettes!
Hey /r/programming: reddit (and Discount) need your help
As part of this week's switch of our rendering engine from markdown.py to Discount, we've been keeping a close eye on the HTML that comes out of either. It seems that both (plus the official Markdown implementation) have big problems with what I'm going to call "heavy emphasis." See, we all know that `*this*` should turn into `<em>this</em>`. And `**this**` should be `<strong>this</strong>`. And `***this***` should be `<strong><em>this</em></strong>` ... or maybe `<em><strong>this</strong></em>`. But after that, things start to get hard. For example, what do you do with `****t*h**i*s`? Or `****t**h*i*s`? Or `****thi**s`? What kind of elegant parser design could make this problem look easy? Proceed left to right, like a compiler? Use regexes to attack the string from the sides? Regexes with lookahead? Check for substrings? Multiple passes? All the approaches I can think of seem to suck in various different ways. Thoughts?
How effective is age progression software?
The other day I was wondering how effective age progression technology is, like when they do age progression to see what a missing child might look like, and it occurred to me that that's easy to test: just take old photos of people (who aren't missing persons) missing and see how much it matches to how they look now. But I can't find anything on the internet that talks about how effective it is. Anyone happen to know?
I want to make sure my friend doesn't go back to him.
My best friend has been in an off and on relationship for about 3 years now with a guy. This guy is absolute trash. All of her friends and family hate this guy. 10 months of their relationship was while he was in jail for vandalism. He's one of those punk guys that thinks he can do what ever he wants and he is heading no where in live. She is a very hard working and nice person that deserves way better than this. Right now they are apart, I consider this the furthest apart they have been since he has a girlfriend. Which leads to another indecent. He told her he broke up with his girlfriend (lie) and they started hanging out again and ended up having sex (I know his current girlfriend too, but she's kinda a match for him so I could care less about her). Basically it was a booty call, he didn't call her after he had sex with her until 2 weeks later when they had sex again, all while he was in a relationship. Now she found out about this and got mad at him and told him if he wants to get back with her he has to leave his current girlfriend. I don't want her back with this douche at all! I have been barking up this tree for about 2 years now. I was actually good friends with this guy about 4 years ago until I saw how he was treating her. Her main problem is that she thinks she wont be able to find another boyfriend because she never really does anything social. She is very pretty but is really self conscious. Please Reddit! How can I keep her away from him?
Anyone else getting repeated phone calls from "UNKNOWN" tonight?
I have gotten at least 6 phone calls from either "unknown" or 000-012-3456 only to pick up and hear the phone ringing as if I called someone. I finally got a voice on the other line and apparently the same thing was happening to him. He's from Boston too but I have Verizon and he has AT&T...I can't imagine what the issue is. Anyone else having this problem??
Hey Reddit, do any of you actually use Google Wave?
I remember being crazy excited when I finally got my invite, and used it for a while with some friends, but the lag time pushed me away from it, and I don't really use it anymore. I also have a bunch of extra invites now. Is Wave dead already, or do my friends just not use it? EDIT: BTW... I have quite a few extra invites if anyone wants in.
Weedit! I need your help! Question about pot cookies
Hey reddit/weedit, I just have a quick question about pot cookies. If I made some canna-butter (or oil, depending on which I decide) do you think I would be able to get away with shipping them to a friend across the country? Any people who work in the shipping industry, do you know if they have dogs anywhere along a packages route? Thanks a bunch all!
Anyone play World of Warcraft
I was just curious as to where all the gays are hiding.
Why the hatred for Visual SourceSafe? Is it really as bad as everyone says?
In the various religious discussions of which source-control tool to use that appear on here from time to time, I've noticed that Microsoft Visual SourceSafe gets consistently bashed. In fact, I'd go so far to say that I can't think of another software product that attracts such purity of hatred. In my programming career to date, I've been lucky to work for relatively enlightened places that have used SVN, and more recently, git, so I've never experienced VSS first hand. Is it really as bad as everyone claims it to be?
Why can't you get an Apple laptop without OS X?
I was wondering isn't Apple violating antitrust laws by bundling everything (hardware, OS, browser) together?
Relation between P(A|BC) and P(A|B), P(A|C)?
My mind is failing me and I can't convince myself one way or the other. To clarify, I'm assuming B and C are independent or at least conditionally independent given some other variables. What other assumptions would I need for some sort of relation to hold? I don't just mean what f(P(A|B),P(A|C))=P(A|BC), I mean under what assumptions and what . . . is there a f(P(A|B),P(A|C), . . .)=P(A|BC)
Looking for movies with main character self-narration/voice over.
I just finished watching the movie Croupier (1998, Clive Owen), and I enjoyed it quite a bit. I decided that I really liked the self narration that the main character gives throughout the movie as it adds to the story. I am looking for other movies that have a similar use of the main character voice over used throught the film as a storytelling device. Some other movies I can think of that have this throughout the movie are Fight Club, The Shawshank Redemption, The Usual Suspects, Goodfellas, and.... in a way Stranger than Fiction. If your wondering, I thought the Croupier was a pretty good movie, Clive Owen was good, it has a good story, with enough twists to keep it interesting, but nothing too over the top. Easily worth a watch if your into movies dealing with gambling. Thank you.
Atlanta Meetup Phase 3: Placement
So Friday FEB 19th seems to be the day, now it's time to pick the place! There were 2 suggestions from the original thread: A bar crawl in little five, and Rusan's for sushi and drinks Vote on these, and/or suggest other things!
Fun fact: Australian users won't be able to enter the game until February the 11th.
Both EB]( and [GAME have release dates of the 11th of February. That is of course if our Minister for Censorship](#Internet_censorship) allows us to play. ([WoW was banned for a while
Triple J's Hack today - Atkinson in the spotlight!
It should be up as a download later this evening edit: oops forgot a link edit: yes it appears that it isn't up yet, it will definately be up there tomorrow mostly i was excited to hear this discussion in a place other than reddit and had to let reddit know as I heard a lot of stuff that we've all been saying lately. Atkinson actually came onto the show and did an interview with Kate which to be honest just made me want to hurl the radio at a wall (fuck i hate that man). if you can't get it to work try downloading the mp3 instead of streaming it :)
The Key to hitting on a girl. Here is my 2 cents, please add to this if you want Reddit.
Reading the comments on this post inspired me to right this. I am no casanova, but I do have fairly good game. Something I have come to realize lately is this is because I am comfortable while talking to ladies. The key to hitting on a lady, is NOT hitting on a lady (unless she gives you clear signs). By NOT hitting on a lady, you have no ulterior motives and thus should be capable of having a perfectly comfortable conversation. The better you can do this, the more comfortable woman will be with you and vice-versa. Also, remember, have fun! If you are talking to a beautiful woman there is no reason you should be scared or nervous. Just be happy she is talking to you and have fun even if she won't fuck you. This seems to work for me. Any other ideas?