I've had a personality change. How do I go back?
I'll keep this short, as I don't want to ramble. I used to be pretty quiet. Didn't really have any interest in making friends or talking, I just slept or stared off into space during class. I was really insecure and afraid of talking. Then, I met a girl, she helped alleviate a lot of my previous fears. In the past couple months, she and I have more or less drifted away, and I've reverted to my old self. Except, I'm not insecure, I'm just apathetic. When she was my friend, I was funny, I could strike up a conversation at will, for the first time in my life I was actually happy (which is a whole different thing, but nonetheless). Now, I have no interest in being sociable, and if I do, I can't be funny anymore. I can't think of anything to talk about, and all the jokes I try to crack aren't jokes at all. They're just mean and angry comments. How do I go back? How do I start being funny and nice again, and having girls like me and laugh at my jokes?
DAE get really pissed off at those mentally retarded morons who Usenet/Torrent a film and add a password to the RAR file?
Then they add some filthy html file called something like, 'Lolz, unpack this first and double clickzorz on it to get the passwords for your films'. Really? Go fuck yourself if you think if falling for that bullshit. I'd love to get Bitlocker and/or eCryptFS and chuck a fucking password on all their shit. Then I'll snail mail them a cock stabbing postcard with some sort of bullshit treasure hunt on it, which will lead to me at the end of all the horse fucking, where I will proceed to fuck their left eye socket and piss out their ear, then rape their entire family for the next 30 fucking generations.
Reddit: Can you help me identify a mid-90s cyborg/space cartoon?
When I was in grade school I remember frequently renting the same video just about every weekend for a couple of months from the local video store. About all I can remember about it was that it was a cartoon that focused around a group of humans that fought bad guys in space. The humans would plug into humanoid robot suits via a plug that attached into their neck. The protagonists were male and female and each "robot suit" was unique in terms of weapons and abilities. Sorry I can't remember much more, I must have been 7 or 8 years old at the time. Any help identifying this video or series would be much appreciated!
Help a poor researcher (me) gather data and get a chance to win some gifted games on Steam. (Link in text post)
I'm making this a text post because I don't want to be accused of karma-whoring, and I think it's likely that I will be accused of this because I'm going to ask you right now to vote this submission up. Higher visibility means more people will take the survey, and I need a decent sample size. **Since this is a text post, I gain no karma.** The survey is very short; won't take more than 30 seconds to complete, if not 10. Here's the link. EDIT: The survey page explains the privacy policy. In short, I'm not going to use your steam name or email for anything other than contacting you if you win, and I'm going to delete that data after I've closed the survey. If you don't trust me not to spam your email, use mailinator.com. EDIT 2: This is a repost; my first one was downvoted mercilessly because people had privacy concerns. EDIT 3: Wrong link. >.<
Can't Wait for Nexus One in Canada
If only Google launched it in Canada too. Oh well, at least it'll have support for the AWS frequency making it usable with WIND :) Anyone else's thoughts on seeing the Nexus One come to Canada?
Redditors who've had the snip: Tell me about your vasectomy!
For lots of reasons, I really want to get a vasectomy. I don't wanna debate my reasons. I've done lots of research and I know all the basic facts. But I'm scared of something going wrong. I've spoken to two people IRL who've had one, and one of them now has one really sensitive testicle and another one has less satisfying orgasms. So, Reddit: Have you had the snip? Was it fine? Or do you have any long-term bad effects? How old were you when you had it? Do your orgasms feel the same as they did beforehand? Thanks! EDIT: I live in England. So vasectomies are free under the NHS, and doctors typically don't refuse to offer them. ANOTHER EDIT: If you've had one, what procedure?
Reddit, I'd like your thoughts and opinions on something.
One of the comedy clubs I consult wants to use a new positioning statement: "We'll be funny whether you're here or not." What do you think?
Buddhism is not a religion. It's a philosophy which can be easily integrated into the religion of its practitioner's culture.
I am still baffled that people consider Buddhism to be a religion. (Yes, I say my religion is "Buddhism," but it is nothing like Christianity, Hinduism, or even Taoism.) Its tenets say almost *nothing* about metaphysics, leaving the area open for interpretation. That is why Zen has elements of Shinto, Chinese Buddhism incorporates Confucianism and Taoism, Theravada is like Hinduism, Vajrayana has Tibetan-influenced chanting and deities, and Western Buddhism is, on the whole, atheistic and scientific in nature. Buddhism is a method of looking at the world, and it has these little notches that allow it to click in with any prevailing religious or cultural tradition it encounters. This allows it to spread without conversion and remain possible for all people to practice it. Not only that, but it brings logical thought to many who are practicing with hypocrisy and ignorance. **EDIT:** Okay, perhaps I wasn't clear. What I was implying was that Buddhism *itself* is not a religion. It becomes one once it is paired with the religious traditions of the culture. For example, literal reincarnation is believed in the Indian and some Asian sects because of the presiding religions over there (namely, Hinduism). However, a point to consider is that it is quite possible to accept any of the Buddha's teachings in the metaphorical sense. Reincarnation, Impermanence, Emptiness, etc. these can all be broadened or narrowed depending on colloquial philosophical and ontological opinions. Lastly, I hope I am not offending anyone. Upon rereading my post, I am speaking quite assertively, and I do not wish to imply that anyone's beliefs are *wrong.* I just wanted to open the idea for discussion. :)
I need somebody to talk to right now.
I've been in a serious relationship for a few months and I love this girl. She's mine and I love her, I really do. It's just that I'm stuck in the past. Four months before I started dating her, she was tipsy-to-drunk at a party and gave a gross guy a blowjob who completely took advantage of her. Whenever I try to think of what I find wrong about her (to hopefully see that I can't find anything), that comes up. A month before that, she was drunk at a party and got fucked by her best guy-friend. Of course, she loves me and I trust that she would *never* do this now, but the past is biting my ass and it's hurting. I'm always afraid of one of those guys saying: "Hey, that's your girlfriend? She gave me a blowjob!". She's not a whore, reddit. How can I forget her past and keep loving her? I'm sorry if I'm being selfish, asshole, etc. I just need somebody to talk to. Everybody's too busy for me. **edit**: I just talked to her about it. We had a pretty nice heart-to-heart and I completely feel better, it's crazy how fast that can happen. I really do love this girl, reddit. Thanks for all the advice. I love you all, you're always there to talk and help.
Considering switching from xp to some flavor of linux
I'm running xp on an IBM T-40. It handles xp relatively well, and I can't really complain about performance, but I'm curious to see what linux has to offer. Are there any major advantages to running linux instead of xp? Will it be more of a headache to do than it's worth? Any other helpful advice?
DAE not give a fuck about "Lost"?
i found out today that, apparently, i am the only one out of my circle of friends who hasn't even seen the show...surely there are more people like me out there....right?
Any cool name ideas for my new male puppy?
This weekend I will be picking up my new puppy! He is the bottom picture on the first page; the only boy left out of all those girls. He is a yellow lab and quite husky. I am looking for a cool, unique name and am desperate for ideas! Thanks! [Here's the picture!] (
What's the strangest thing your dog has ever eaten?
I’ve become accustomed to my 3 year old terrier mix eating or tearing up strange things around my house. In the past, she has munched on panty hose, books, vodka soaked fruit, styrofoam, a real and a faux Christmas tree, dirt, peanut M&Ms, and countless other items of organic and inorganic origins. Today when I got home from work I saw that she had attacked, torn open, and begun eating a **Duraflame fireplace log**. So Reddit, what is the strangest thing your dog has ever eaten?
Hey Reddit, what's one thing that you always take with you when you travel that others might find strange?
To get this started, I will give an example I always make sure to bring a spare pair of shoestrings everywhere I go. You never know when those little suckers will go out on ya!
In search of truly amazing pictures to adorn ear mounted accessories
Ok Reddit, I've recently got a new headset and one of the coolest things I've found is that I can order ends for the ear pieces with custom pictures on them. So reddit, I come to you for amazing pictures that truly deserve to adorn a person's head.. since I'm having trouble thinking what to get on them. There are three pieces, two solid and one with a hole for a mic boom. Thanks *edit the spelling cause my fingers hate me
Reddit, I am so screwed.....
Literally moments ago, I started a small grease fire while cooking dinner. I put it out with the closest available object.... My girlfriend's vintage Star Wars towell.... Burned a good sized hole in it. What do I tell her???????? She'll be home in an hour!
Why do you guys take the Daily Kos seriously?
Seriously guys, this stuff is the lowest of the low. I don't see how anyone can honestly gripe about the flaws of the less scrupulous organizations within media (Fox News, etc.), while giving these trolls the time of day.
Would someone please help me out with something; exactly what is a fillibuster, and how does it prevent legislation being enacted?
I'm not completely ignorant on the subject, but I've been noticing things that contradict what I thought I knew. I'd really appreciate if someone more knowledgeable would kindly enlighten me.
Sodypop, sodypop, oh lali sodypop... ba boom, boom boom... SODYPOP!
I'm just in a cheery mood today. So I'm just singing what I want! Cause I can do what I want, cause its my birthday... and I can cry if I want to... cry if I want to... (not really my birthday) :D
If black people never reached America,what would the country be like?
Since its black history month,am curious to know if you think black people have contributed in shaping America as a country or would America still be the same without black people
Would any controlled drug users like to participate in an informal interview?
I am doing a small project for a university seminar where I would like to interview a controlled drug user. The point is to gain perspective from people who use illegal drugs but are not "drug abusers." Usually drug studies are traditionally focused on "addicts" who engage in "dangerous" behavior. The reality is that the vast majority of users of both legal and legal drugs are *not* addicts. Please let me know if you are interested in doing a quick anonymous interview with me on AIM or through email by messaging me here on Reddit. If you are comfortable sharing this information here, feel free to respond to the questions below in as much detail as you would like. Thank You. **Drug Use History** * 1) What was your first experience with drugs, legal or illegal? (Including alcohol, tobacco, coffee, medication, etc.) * 2) When was the first time you used any type of drug for fun? * 3) At first, where were the types of places you felt comfortable using drugs? (School, friends houses, home, etc?) * 4) How has your drug use changed over the years. Was it different when you were younger than it is now? * 5) What type of legal/illegal drugs do you use? Are there certain types of drugs you are not fond of? **Rules Regulating Use** * 6) What times of day do you use a given drug? Are there certain times (of the day or the week) that you try not to use? * 7) Do you have any personal preferences about where you like to use a given drug, and who you like to use with? * 8) Do you ever feel there are times which are inappropriate to use a given drug? **Protective Practices and Risk Reduction** * 7) Do you have any rituals or habits whenever you use drugs? * 8) Do you have a favorite/least favorite way to use your drug of chocie? Why? * 9) Do you perceive any risks associated with your drug use? How do you reduce these risks? Edit 3: Also, as some have been doing already, it would be great if you could include your age, ethnicity, gender, education, and occupation. This is entirely up to you if you would like to answer. This information is not used to make any judgement, rather it is merely to document the diversity of the people who respond, so that I am not speaking with just 32-year-olds, just females, etc. thanks!! Edit 2: Thanks everyone for the awesome responses, and for the people who have contacted me on AIM. I appreciate all the help, and I'm always amazed at how responsive and helpful people are on reddit. I will continue to reply your comments. Feel free to open the discussion, or to post your own questions and responses for the benefit of others. I've taken my AIM down because I've received so many helpful IMs. Looking forward to see other's comments. Thanks again.
All the haters need to take a business class before they bash Apple.
Ok...so let's say Apple crammed all the shit people wanted into this iPad. All of a sudden it can run OSX, Garageband, Photoshop, Dreamweaver, etc., and it multitasks like a mother fucker. But not only does it barely run these programs, because that would be slow and choppy and piss people off...it runs these programs quickly and smoothly because of it's memory, graphics card, processor, and large hard drive...all of which are expensive and would make the iPad "bulky" and upset the "cult". Now all of a sudden the iPad costs over $2,000 and people are wondering, "where did the market go?" Apple isn't selling any iPads because it's way to damn expensive for their target market. Yes, they do sell some to the cult, but the cult is not the target market. The target market is the average person that is not looking to spend $2,000 on something that would do way more than they would ever need to do. Apple is making a great move with the iPad. It does just enough to shake things up in the market and get them on CNN, and is just cheap enough for the average person to think about purchasing. It does just enough to keep the average person happy and nothing else...just keeps them happy. From a business and marketing point of view, the iPad is pure fucking genius. Great write up about why the iPad is misunderstood - Google Cache Version **Thanks to pinsir935**
best movie/documentary/whatever about human evolution you've seen? or would recommend?
preferably one that spans from early cave ages to modern times, but anything in between would be appreciated too
Any bands/artists that you like that are totally surprising based on other musical tastes?
This isn't intended to be for 'guilty pleasures' but for artists that after hearing their music, you really got into them despite the genre being vastly different to what you normally listen to. Some of mine would include Regina Spektor and to a lesser extent Calvin Harris.
Reddit - here's a brief history of my guild, and my thoughts for expanding it. Suggestions?
<Rising> started about a year ago. Sometime around Valentine's day last year, I took my then-girlfriend to a game store to try WoW. She seemed to enjoy it, and soon enough, we were playing it together every night back at the apartment. Before long we grew tired of the guild we were in being a bit too formal for our liking, so we split off and started our own guild. Over the past year, we've accumulated a solid core of players. As any guild, we've had our bumps along the way, including one of my real-life friends deciding to leave the guild because it wasn't progressing to his satisfaction (though he consistently chased our new recruits off.) Frankly, everything seems to be growing much better now that he's gone. Our core players consist of myself, my now-wife, and a couple of people I have never met IRL, but have been with the guild since the beginning. For the past few months, we've been attempting to run raids with moderate success. I've delegated recruiting to our most charming member, and she's been bringing in quite a few lower level recruits. Hopefully if a number of them stick around we'll have a pretty decent 80 stable in a few months (currently we boast about 20 level 80s) A problem we're having, is a lack of commitment to our raid times. Now, being the relaxed guild that we are, I don't want to *require* attendence, but it would certainly be nice to have more than 5 members show up for our weekly raid, especially since people seem to *want* to raid in the guild. Meanwhile, with our influx of low level recruits, I want to prepare us for how we're going to handle who gets our raiding slots (right now I'm keeping our goal low, looking to be able to field a full-guild run of a 10 man every week.) So I decided to implement a reward system to help people secure their spots, inspired by the "Which DKP system is best" thread posted a little earlier. Though loot is not yet an issue, attendence is. Essentially, we have an "A" Squad consisting of our most consistent raiders. Every week the slots in our guild run will be filled by order of priority based on their DKP. First, the two top tanks get priority, then, the top 3 healers, finally the top 5 DPS will each get the chance to join the raid. The points are distributed as such: - Each week immediately before a raid, each player not in attendence will lose 25% of their DKP. - Each week, any member who "confirmed" for a raid and does not show, will lose 10 DKP. - Each week, whether participating in our raid or not, each player above 70 in attendance will gain 10 DKP. - For every hour we spend raiding, each player in the raid will gain 2 DKP. - For every boss we successfully destroy, each player participating will gain 2 DKP for "minor" bosses and 5 DKP for "major" bosses. - If not included in the raid, any guild member is free to participate in other raids, to promote <Rising>'s raid night, and can earn the same bonuses as our "A" Squad. Hopefully, this will promote a second team of players, and eventually let us expand into 25-mans. This is taken on a toon-by-toon basis, so that our "top tank", "top healer" and "top DPS" can't simply assume that their new rogue alt can participate in just anything. Degeneration, however, will not occur for alts if the player is present. Hourly "wages" are distributed by player as well, applying to all alts they wish. So I'm curious - will this drive people away? Is it too stringent? To me it just seems like a way for people who make an effort to get rewarded with priority slots in our raid...
Is there a difference between speed reading and just skimming?
I really don't know the difference and was wondering if anybody could please explain it to me. It would also be nice if someone gave some hints on how to because there has to be a proper way of doing so.
RA, what do you think happened last night?
This one throws me for a loop. Backstory: I've been semi-seeing this shy guy for about 6 months now, meaning we've been sleeping in the same bed about once a week during this time (only recently having sex) and hanging out at other random points throughout the weeks. He's a caring, intelligent, funny guy and our friend is a good person too. Last night we went to a concert w/ our friend (who is his house mate & best friend and a mutual friend from before we knew each other). The three of us got a hotel room for afterwards and I jokingly said "So, you guys get that bed and I'm taking this one for myself, right?" with a shit eating grin, knowing they'd get the joke. They both sort of chuckled. We went to the concert and after, when the two of us were alone and we were all getting ready for bed, I mention something to him about how I really was joking earlier and he should sleep in my bed. A little while later, we're all officially settling in for the night and our friend asks me which bed I'm taking - I claim one and they both climb into the other! I wound up saying something like "Well, enjoy cuddling together boys" - I said it a little snotty but they both know I am a laid back person who busts their balls frequently, so I don't think they took offense and I hope they both would understand why I felt a little miffed. What just happened? Why did he just choose to sleep with his male friend over me (a female)? I'm contemplating just straight up asking him what is up with this .. He's a very non-confrontational person though and I want to get a feeling for what might be going through a guy's head. **TLDR:** This guy whose slept in my my bed for a couple of months now decided to sleep in the same bed as our mutual friend (male) instead of me last night while the three of us were sharing a hotel room - wondering why a guy would do that?
LabelMe Dataset without MATLAB Image Processing Toolbox?
Does anybody know of an interface to interact with LabelMe ( that doesn't depend on the MATLAB Image Processing Toolbox? Maybe something in Python?
Dear /r/gardening, I really want to raise tulips. Tips, Ideas, and Help from those who have done it is greatly appreciated.
I have, at the moment 3 potted tulips, I want to raise them inside if possible, but I will place them outside if necessary. I'm new to this, so any help is really great. Thank you.
Reddit, how do you respond to people who don't believe fact checking sites like snopes.com, or factcheck.org? (beyond birthers)
Unfortunately, some family friends have, IMO, gone off the deep end and have started sending out some crazy emails. So, I tried showing them that the claims were false via snopes - I already knew they'd dismiss factcheck.org for the Annenberg connections - but they responded with something along the lines of, "who writes for snopes? What are their credentials? Why should we believe them?" Of course, the article they were emailing about was from an examiner.com blog, which is about as reputable as any random person on blogspot.com... I've stopped trying, but I'm dying to know how you guys would respond to their skepticism of fact checking sites....
Computer advice needed: my laptop has started "whirring".
I have a Gateway laptop, about two years old, running Vista, blah blah, off-the-shelf... lately it has been "whirring" for lack of a better term. It sounds like it could either be the fan or the hard disk but neither has run constantly when in use until recently. simultaneously it is running very slowly. 3-4 seconds after clicking a folder before it opens. I've run all my standard maintenance things: defrag, disk cleanup, registry cleaner, virus scan (Avast), Windows Defender, reboot, etc. anyone know of a reason for the spinning/whirring sound. what about performance. I'm not asking a lot of the machine, it's a surfing, music/pic storage, word processing device. Thanks.
My buddy always forwards the 'right-wing dad chain e-mails' to me, here's the newest along with my response.
Original E-mail: Obama's new Attorney General, Eric Holder, has already said this is one of his major issues. He does not believe the 2nd Amendment gives individuals the right to bear arms. This takes literally 2 clicks to complete. Please vote on this gun issue question with USA Today. It will only take a few seconds of your time. Then pass the link on to all the pro gun folks you know. Hopefully these results will be published later this month. This upcoming year will become critical for gun owners with the Supreme Court's accepting the District of Columbia case against the right for individuals to bear arms. Here's what you need to do: First - vote on this one. Second - launch it to other folks and have THEM vote - then we will see if the results get published. The Question is: "Does the Second Amendment give individuals the right to bear arms?" My response: Remember when I unsubscribed from e-mail chains regarding right-wing manipulation of Obama policies? This one fits in that category.. The underlying meaning is cloaked by a poll through a credible source asking a basic and known question that 3/4 of Americans agree on, to invoke a sense of patriotism (Gallup poll: PRINCETON, NJ -- A solid majority of the U.S. public, 73%, believes the Second Amendment to the Constitution guarantees the rights of Americans to own guns). Moving past this interpretation, dude this e-mail is just Obama bashing by NRA enthusiasts with ulterior motives, and has absolutely nothing to do with the Second Amendment. Here are the first three links from Google searching 'Eric Holder gun control': Tl;dr (Too long; didn't read): Holder held an interview in which he outlined his (Obama's) plans to REINSTATE (law expired in 2004, just renewing) the ban on automatic assault rifles, close the loophole which currently allows, in certain scenarios, gun shows to legally sell a gun without a background check, and to push for childproofing guns. This is it, this is what the writer of the e-mail you sent me ran with in addressing the matter. Just as my uncle went to the ammo store twice a week when Obama was elected, so too are people avoiding the simple truth here; that this administration has no intentions of invading your Second Amendment rights to bear arms, they're simply trying to keep up with the times so that America can remain a safe place.. Now that's patriotic.
Reddit, what are the best songs to strip to?
Okay, not necessarily songs to strip to, just what songs do you find really sexy/sensual? Top of my list are: * IIO - Is it love (poetica version) * Portishead - Glory Box * Portishead - Roads
Dear Reddit, how many of you think that the concept of "reddiquette" is total BS?
Etiquette is primarily a way of getting people to censor the behaviors and speech for the comfort of others and convenience of others. For example, it's rude to reach over someone's plate because it disrupts their meal and is potentially unsanitary. Reddit is a website where people communicate with written text. The only way censorship takes place over the internet is when someone declines to post an idea or concept, however frivolous, because they're afraid its expression will offend someone. I've recently noticed that there are a ton of pussies online who can't deal with swear words or mean-spirited statements. If you want to live in an open-community you will have to deal with asinine opinions and verbal diarrhea. If you want everyone to be kind and gentle, you should go to a website with pictures of kittens.
I want to get a custom record pressed for my girlfriend
I've found this, but it says nothing at all about pricing or ship times. I want to make a mix for my girlfriend and put it on vinyl. I just wish Custom Records would say something about pricing and shipping times so I could know I'm getting it for Valentines. If I was smart I would have had this idea a couple months ago, but alas. Anyone have any experience with this place, or anywhere else? EDIT: So I just dug around some more and 12" LPs are over $100. Apparently this isn't going to be in my price range.
What is the most isolated area on a populated continent?
I'm usually a better search engineer than this, but I've failed to come up with the answer so far. Also, let's just be honest, Reddit gets results. The question is general, yes, but if any of you avid geographers - or whoever - knows the most isolated place on each individual continent I'd be interested in hearing about those as well. As far as what I mean by 'isolated', I mostly mean according to human population-density. Civilization, etc. All LMGTFY assholes are welcome. So let's have at it.
You have a clone. Exactly like you in every way. Would you have sex with it?
Just a thought: You have a clone. Exactly like you. Would you do anything sexual with said clone? Would it be wrong if you did? For example: if you got a hand-job off the clone..wouldn't it almost be the same as giving yourself a hand-job? Would it be gay at all? You both think the same thoughts. You both know you're not gay...so...what do you do? Huh?
Does anyone here do tai chi?
I am looking for a tai chi studio in the city, hopefully with a less new-agey, and more down to earth clientelle. Any suggestions? I am tentatively leaning towards:
I have just drunk 14 cans of Special Brew
Now I can't walk. If anyone is around Tottenham (North London) could they pop down and help into bed.
What should I do about my broken hand (currently six months after incident)
I broke my hand (boxer's fracture in right hand) about 6 months ago and other than wearing a splint for 3-4 weeks, I haven't really had anything done to it. My doctor told me I should just live with it, but as I recall more and more this seems to be her answer to everything and I'm thinking of switching doctors. The hand's strength seems fine, but it doesn't look/feel right (though it doesn't do much to the point where I find my eyes wandering to knuckle on a regular basis. My doctor did (after much pushing on my part) agree to try to get me into an orthopedist but said said it would be at least a year, if not two. Any suggestions on how I could get to an ortho in a faster time than 1-2 years Also I'm in Canada if that slows/speedsthings up. TL:DR Broke my right hand six months ago, can I see an ortho surgeon in less than 1-2 years?
Do you adjust carbonation to the beer style?
For a typical 5 gallon batch, I prime with 3/4 cup corn sugar. Slightly more for a lighter beer like a hef, slightly less for a darker beer like a stout. How do you vary your carbonation, especially you C02 & Nitrogen carbonators?
AMA - I have a Conceal Carry Permit and carry every single day!
I have had my CCP for 2 years, I do carry every day and feel its not only my right but my duty. I live in Utah and am proud to be an American. EDIT Additional Comments I believe you are taking this proud to be an American wrong. I am not and extremist or an activist. I am however very grateful to live in this country, to have rights, to be able to speak freely, and protect land and property that I own and most importantly protect my family. America has it better than most of the world(IMO) I have freedoms that a lot of people only dream about. Am I proud to be an American? Absolutely!!
anyone know how to fix the failed after four retries
yeah I can connect to servers from people who I don't know, But whenever I make a server (dedicated or not) I can't connect to it nor my friend either. I'm guessing its something i'm doing wrong anybody else get this?
What should I name my blue betta fish?
Looking for a name for my blue betta fish. My old betta fish was named Kablam!
Hey web_design, I have a quick question about vertical lists shifting down when increasing font size on mouse overs.
I have a vertical list that on a:hover sets font-size to x-large. When you mouse over the list the list shifts down to accommodate the larger text. I haven't played with CSS in years and I can't remember how to stop it from doing that. I just want the text size to increase without disturbing any other items in the list. I'd be in your debt for any assistance. Apologies if this isn't the place to ask!
How to respond to "science cannot explain everything, as I firmly believe that some things are just out of our scope of understanding"
I was going to put this in /science but I figure those that argue with the religious are in a greater number here, so I figure someone's got to have a good answer for me. Ok, so I just had a friend start a discussion on "science" and so far has failed at it. Getting the concept of theories wrong, how religion and science are different, etc. The one thing I can't think of a good reply to is "science cannot explain everything, as I firmly believe that some things are just out of our scope of understanding" This is making the logic alarms in my head go crazy, but I can't think of how to word how it's wrong.
Fox News reduced to tracking the president's pronoun usage for scandal material
"Much attention has been given to President Obama's persistent use of 'I' when giving speeches". Seriously, Fox? By anybody other than you?
I was raised a roman catholic, I have identified for the past 10 years as an atheist, now I am discovering buddhism.
Has anyone else had the same or similar philisophical journey. I have read many arguments and essays as to how it is possible to be an atheist and a buddhist at the same time. Without having any good questions to ask, or good stories from my limited experiences I don't know where to go with this. I guess I am just curious what others personal experiences have been.
[Poem] The Web Thing's Plea
>Just trying to get some material up to start with and give the group a format for submissions. For instance, posting comments in quotes and having the type of piece in brackets in the title. Please give feedback not only on the piece, but on the formatting. I hope this takes off! Get rid of the content. And behold: Just this precious colossus; my dearest construct Look at these remains! Brilliant systems in calibrated collaboration Wailing off this summer's lake: Sanguine streams of data strings Just Dip your toes and twist, these strands of ones and ohs are wrapped around your finger's bones Ah, The silent scent of dead content Atlas free to stretch his length, be rid of excess existence the boy who laughed at not a sound and ate the wrappers you had thrown down see true truth through color schemes and brands sublime on static screens I always knew the packaging felt truer than some packaged thing scratch their records, burn their pages wrap the covers, sleeves like babies the sweet blank still, my smile sent the deathly stench of of slain content
Chess Club is back open! Who wants to play me?
| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H -------|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|--- **8** | β™œ | β™ž | ♝ | β™› | β™š | ♝ | β™ž | β™œ **7** | β™Ÿ | β™Ÿ | β™Ÿ | β™Ÿ | β™Ÿ | β™Ÿ | β™Ÿ | β™Ÿ **6** | | | | | | | | **5** | | | | | | | | **4** | | | | | | | | **3** | | | | | β™™ | | | **2** | β™™ | β™™ | β™™ | β™™ | | β™™ | β™™ | β™™ **1** | β™– | β™˜ | β™— | β™• | β™” | β™— | β™˜ | β™–
Reddit, I can Google better than anyone I know. I can find anything on the internet, and I wish I could do that for a living. Can you test my skills? What have you not been able to find?
Pretty self-explanatory... I have been using Google for 12 years and I think my Googlefu is now pretty advanced. See if you can stump me. I may be a bit slow tonight because I will be watching Lost, but I will be back. EDIT: I have to wait until the kids go to bed before I find your porn for you. EDIT #2: I feel really bad about this post... not very long after I posted this, my mom was diagnosed with cancer. There are many other things going on in my life and it's not that I couldn't find anything on Google, it's that I couldn't find the time. I want so badly to help all the people who wanted to find family members especially. There are many comments and I am going to save this thread and even if it takes me a year, I will keep searching.
An open plea to South Australia...
It's my birthday on the 20th March, which I hear is your next state election. Please, for the love of free speech, find a way to remove Michael Atkinson from his position. It would be the greatest birthday present I could imagine...
How did you decide what you wanted to do with your life?
I had a rant prepared about my current dilemma but to hell with it. I'm just curious as to how those here who have found direction in life managed to get to where they are. How often do you question whether what you are doing is right for you? What motivates you on your path? How long did it take to make it?
Proggit, What Should I Do?
I am a 12-year-old guy in rural Virginia. I frequently check Reddit and other tech sites. I have been a web developer since close to seven years of age. I know object-oriented PHP, and, despite many suggestions, am more comfortable with it than say... Python. I know how awesome and powerful it is, but what about support? Yes, I **do** know about the immense documentation, but how many tutorials are there on it? Not many. PHP is currently the most widely-used scripting language on the planet. But on to my problem. Because I am 12, I don't have a rΓ©sumΓ©, PayPal, or a real job. I am "webmaster" of a website where all i do is update the content on a horrible CMS for a local American Legion post. I could really use some money, and I can't find a way to bring it up to my parents. Can you awesome guys here help me? **tl;dr:** I am young programmer that needs some money. ο»Ώ
Hey reddit,i was jus wondering how many of you invert the y-axis on video games?
I seem to be the only one of my friends that does this even though it feels far more natural for me to have the y axis inverted. Somone told me it has to do with your perspective on how you view the gun. People who do not invert the y axis focus on the barrel so that moving the barrel up moves the sight up whereas people who don't are focusing on actually holding the gun from the trigger so to move the sight up you have to bring the back end of the gun down.
Hey Reddit, can you help me out with a computer question?
I bought my Toshiba laptop last summer, and they had a program to get a free copy of Windows 7 when it came out (it currently has Windows Vista on it). I finally filled out the online form, and my copy is on its way. But, I'm wondering about something. I knew my laptop had a recovery partitions on it, so I went to check that out. Apparently, I have 3 partitions on my computer, according to Computer Management. They are as follows. 1. 1.46 GB Healthy (EISA Configuration) 2. TI100343V0F (C:) 221.8 NTFS Healthy (System, Boot, Page File, Active, Crash Dump, Primary Partition) 3. 10.24 GB Healthy (Primary Partition) Now, obviously #2 is my main partition. But what about 1 and 3? Whenever I right click those partitions, there is no way to view what is actually on them. If they are just recovery partitions, then I don't need to worry, because I'll have the Windows 7 discs to reinstall Windows if something goes wrong in the future, right? But if one of these is really the recovery partition, then what is the other one, and is it safe to delete upon installing W7?
What are some premium apps do you guys recommend?
I just got my Nexus One, wanted to know what was worth paying for on here. Tried to get a SNES emulator, but alas, the free version did not work for me.
How many of you were told you'd do great things in your life?
At least four times a year, I'm reminded that people "assume" greatess for me. I'm a c student at best, and i just dropped out of college for a second time. I understand perfectly well that its just a random, ambiguous statement along the lines of "You look great today". I don't expect to lead a rebel faction, become a president , cure cancer, prestige 3 more times in MWF2 or even become a millionaire; but some people do, and obviously, most won't live up to their grandiose delusions. So reddit....
2XC: What's your take on age differences in relationships?
First off, I apologize if this has already been asked recently. I tried to do a search, but it came back saying the site load was too large to search for it. So I'd like to know, how much does age matter to you? What was the biggest age difference that you've ever dated or married, and what (if any) issues have you faced as a result? Thanks :)
Dear Reddit: I want to harness the crazy winds at my home. How do I do this?
My house is on top of a hill and we rather frequently get lots of wind some times its pretty crazy. How do I go about harnessing that power? I did some research on windmills but they all seems so large. Is there a simple and effective solution and is it worth it? I would love to save money and be a little more green. Thanks.
How come I can do HIIT/cardio with no problem, yet I can't walk up five flights of stairs without feeling out of breath?
All of my classes are on the 5th floor of a building. As soon as I get to the top floor, my lungs are begging for air and I start breathing pretty heavily. I've been doing HIIT for some time, and just finished doing a 22 minute jump rope session (The article on the front page sort of inspired me), yet I never feel like my body is dieing for air. Does anyone else have this sort of issue also? Hell, should I start walking up and down stairs as exercise to lose some weight?
where can i watch tonights leafs game online
I just watched the pregame on tv but i guess the actual game is blocked here:(
Sarah Palin: Defender of the Retarded. Discuss.
I understand why Sarah Palin feels she has the right to accuse Rahm Emanuel (current Chief of Staff) of inappropriate language - her son is mentally retarded. She is actually calling for him to resign based on how insulting his use of the word "retarded" is, equating "retarded" with "the N word". She is not correct. "Retarded" is a medical term--a definition of someone who is relatively slow in mental or emotional or physical development. "The N Word" is a pejorative--an derrogatory, insulting term. I don't blame Ms. Palin for failing to understand the difference; what I really want to know is why she doesn't try to defend *herself* whenever someone uses the term "moron" or "idiot" in a sentence. She should take both terms personally every time they are used.
What's so wrong with an iPad?
All I've been reading about the iPad is terrible, but it seems that there could be quite a good niche for the product. It seems like a souped up Kindle and there have been times that I wish my iPod Touch had a larger screen. Am I alone in this thought?
Short and sweet conversation with a friend.
Them: Here's a crazy one, why do we have tail-bones but no tails? Me: That's because we used to have tails. Them: (laughs) Thats stupid, If that was true the Bible would have said we were born with tails.
Are there any local legends in your area? I just visited the Bunny Man Bridge …
Info: That bridge is freaky as all hell in the middle of the night, but all resources seem to indicate the story is false. Still, I wouldn't want to be outside the car in that place.
My 'best-of' Anime List for Adults (mostly cyberpunk)
I know the first thing that a person asks after they watch a couple of Anime movies or series. "What is the best Anime?". That is a very subjective, complex question to answer. In in my limited experience, there are so many different Anime genres, differences between movies, series and directors, it is a hard question to answer. Here are my favorites with a focus on stuff that an Adult (I am 30), Westerner might also like. I have grouped my favorites listed by my own custom genres. These are mostly ordered by my favorites. Some may appear twice in a group: I am not that picky, I enjoyed most of these listed. So, if you have the time, you might check them out. **Genre: Adult, Dark, Weird, Mind-Blowing, WTF:** * Akira * Neon Genesis Evangelion * Paprika (not that dark) * Ergo Proxy (I will watch all 500+ minutes again soon. I am still WTF, WTF, awesome) * Broken Saints * Now and Then * Here and There * Karas movies * Serial Experiments Lain * Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind (198 * Gantz * Death Note * Perfect Blue * Elfen Lied * Spirited Away * Princess Mononoke * Fooly Cooly (I have only seen a couple of episodes of this one) * Revolutionary Girl Utena (I didn't care for it) * Paranoia Agent (only seen a couple of episodes) * Noein **Genre: Adult, Cyberpunk, Robots Killer, Guns:** * Ghost in the Shell (all of them) * Gunslinger Girl * Armitige III - Armitage: Dual-Matrix/Armitage the Third: Poly-Matrix * Appleseed (see any of the recent movies) * Black Lagoon * Cowboy Bebop (better to watch the movie, and/or watch all of the series) **Genre: Adult, Detective:** * Monster * Patlabor 1 and 2 * Porco Rosso * Ghost in the Shell **Genre: Adventure** * Kino's Journey **Genre: Adult, Almost Historical:** * Jin-Roh * Grave of the Fireflies * Steamboy * Otogi Zoshi - Another favorite, great characters **Genre: Sad and Depressing** * Wolf's Rain * Perfect Blue * Tokyo Godfathers * Grave of the Fireflies **Genre: Adult, Spiritual, Almost Religious in an Anime kind of way** * Neon Gensis Evangelion * Ergo Proxy ** Genre: Realistic Modern ** * Planetes * Monster * Patlabor * Tokyo Godfathers **Genre: Swords, Fantasy ** (I am not as much a fan of the fantasy series, maybe I haven't found something I liked) * Record of Lodoss War OVA (1990) * Escaflowne **Genre: Mech:** (I am not as much a fan of the Mech series, maybe I haven't found something I liked) * Full Metal Panic * Appleseed * Macross Zero ** General Anime you have heard about (mostly movies) ** * Princess Mononoke * Ninja Scroll * Vampire Hunter D ** Kill, Kill, Everyone Dies! ** * Vampire Hunter D * Ninja Scroll * Elfen Lied * Death Note * Gantz ** Anime targeted towards a younger audience** * Full Metal Alchemist (I loved this for some reason) * Avatar * InuYasha (not much of a fan) * Dragonball Z (not a fan) * Naruto Enjoy watching all of these! I am really looking for anything you think I need to add to my list. Must see anime. I am mostly interested in dark series, dark/cyberpunk. I wouldn't find fantasy or mech if I can find something good.
thank you, thank you to all the people who kept telling reddit to listen to Neutral Milk Hotel - In The Aeroplane Over The Sea
I gave this a quick listen back in the day but wasn't initially impressed so I just moved on. I bowed under the pressure of this album being named dropped so often on reddit and gave it another try - now I'm totally hooked. Thank you a million times reddit. Now, hook me up again - what else you got?
Objective Morality without Absolute Morality
I came across the ridiculous and one of the questions got me thinking. I had a sort of epiphany. I realized that it is possible for there to be an objectively correct morality without it also meaning that it is an absolute transcendental morality. It *is* one thing, but *could* be something else. An analogy: You flip a coin, it comes up tails. It *is objectively* tails, and nothing else; no other answer is correct. But it easily *could be* something else. There's no reason that is must be the way it is, even though it definitely is only one way. Apply that to a higher, more abstract philosophical concept, like morality. First part of my question: Which philosophers already thought of this? I'm not a philosopher, and it's not a point I've heard mentioned before, so I don't know what discussions or terminology already exist about this stuff. Second part: What do you think? Setting aside objections about whether there actually is objectively correct morality or not (that's a discussion on it's own), assuming there is correct morality, does this analogy make sense? Specifically, how does it hold up as a response to things like this This mainly comes from the fact that I can't say that absolute morals exist (especially when that claim will be used to support the existence of a higher power), but I *am* comfortable saying that some morals are definitely better than others.
Internets and ethnography?
So, I came across some article on Wikipedia discussing the Corrupted Blood incident. That got me thinking. Is there a place in cultural anthropology for internet communities? Has anyone done work in a strictly online format?
DAE go to add an insightful/unusual comment on reddit article to find it there in the first slot?
Almost daily I find myself clicking on the comment link to add an observation to find it is already there in the top spot. I guess the more we read reddit the more we think alike. I imagine someone has already posted this DAE but damn it, I'm posting it anyway :)
Dear Reddit...not that you care but my friend figured out who was on the mystery album, and it was cool
Made the cover of the City Pages, pretty cool story about how my friend got an awesome Pre-Prince funk band to reunite: This was my first post...nobody gave a shit (boo hoo), but the end result was really awesome. Some dick even down-voted it, I mean really...REALLY?
I'm planning my first ever real vacation (an Alaskan Cruise), and it is kind of freaking me out. Is a travel agent worth using?
My wife and I have just finished paying off our student loans after 18 months. Before we start saving, we're going to celebrate by going on a holiday. Neither one of us has ever gone on a real vacation before. Frankly, both because of the money involved and because I want it to be an awesome experience for my wife, I'm a little bit freaked out about planning this. We want to do an Alaskan Cruise with two shore excursions (I'll probably pick white water rafting, she'll probably pick whale watching). We will be going out of Vancouver, which we will be driving to. We haven't decided if we want to do a round trip, or make it a one way trip with a few days in Alaska before flying back to Vancouver. We are hoping to spend about $5000. Is a travel agent worth visiting? If so, do we pay them, or do they make money off of fees? Will we end up paying extra to use a travel agent? And how do we pick a good one? Also, if you have any tips about planning an Alaska cruise, I'd love to hear them!
Dear Reddit, is it possible to draw a perfect star 5 pointed star using only my brain, a ruler, numbers, a pencil, and paper?
There is obviously a way to draw the correct angles by correlating that in to relational measurements. Unfortunately, Geometry is coated in resin and that part of my brain isn't accessible. I googled it, but just got some weak ass videos, and every other piece of advice says you have to use a protractor. This needs to be completed without a protractor or a compass, as was alluded to in the title. Thanks, Reddit. Make daddy proud.
Hey, let's make a free, open-source Imgr uploading app for iPhone.
I'm a total newbie, and I'll do it at my own pace, but you can help what you wish! I'll begin posting thoughts on the structure as I learn how to do them.
What is the best music cataloging software out there?
I would like software (I am willing to pay) that would help me add many tags to songs and enable me to search music by region (I'm into ethno-musicology). I have been using windows media player and have found this to be very difficult. Any suggestions would be much appreciated!
Ask Geek: Any good external single-USB portable hard drives?
Does anybody in geek know of high capacity (640GB+) portable hard drive that is powered by a single 1-port USB cable? I have been purchasing Toshiba External hard drives because they fit the bill Lately I've discovered that Toshiba. I really dont want to start a timewasting letter writing campaign, so can anyone recommend some replacements?
Any other beer geeks in NYC?
I can never get my friends to go to beer bars with me. All of my beer geek comrades are my college friends and now dispersed around the country. What's your favorite beer bar in town? What's your drink of choice? What beers does it kill you that you can't get in NYC?
I am a petite woman (5'0") that has recently lost weight and I am starting to look for some new clothes. However, preliminary shopping has presented a problem. Nothing fits! Now what?
I never thought that I would find less clothes once I lost weight. There are plenty of size 14's and 16's but not 4's and 2's. And when I do find that lonely 4 dress, it doesn't fit my hips or my bust but anything larger hangs off me like a tent! What do I do?
Dear Reddit, what songs make you want to rage?
Tonight I realized that my music collection has gotten softer over the past few years, whereas I used to listen to much more heavy music. Perhaps my taste is changing, but I think I'm just not getting exposed to as much hard stuff as I did in the past. So here's my question - what makes *you* want to rage? In a good way that is - what songs make you drive faster, work out harder, or get ready to rumble?
Reddit: What is your favorite euphemism for taking a dump? I'll go first. . .
I prefer "Taking the Browns to the Superbowl", "Bombing the harbor," and "taking the kids to the pool."
What features would you love to see on a brick and mortar comic shop's website? I am looking for ideas
I am looking for ideas for a website I am building for a local comic shop. I have a few ideas, but would love to hear from the /comics community. If you know a feature or site, share a link. Thanks!
What's a good USB game pad/joystick for Linux?
I love my IBM model M keyboard, but it sucks for games. What's a good general purpose USB game controller that works under Linux these days? Are those logitech playstation controller knockoffs any good?
Guys! Chill the fuck out! We don't know anything about what happened with the Citizentube interview, so let's not pass judgment yet.
We don't know who the call came from or why it was made. How about being constructive and trying to get a statement out of Google or at least Citizentube about it. Send them emails, leave videos, whatever. Just don't start freaking the fuck out right away. And don't forget, they had a disclaimer from the very beginning saying that they might not ask all the top questions and voting was just a way to help the decide. Hell, when I first read that I thought it was pretty obvious there wasn't going to be a question about cannabis legalization.
Appleseed: Virtual Muster Night
Have you heard of the Appleseed Project? Tonight is virtual muster night from 8PM-10PM eastern on the forums. Feel free to join us and learn to become a rifleman!
AskProgrammingReddit: Need ideas for undergrad-level machine learning project
I'm a fifth year undergraduate of Computer Science, and I'm looking for good ideas for a 6-7 week project in machine learning. Does anyone have practical or interesting recommendations regarding the application of neural networks, Bayesian classifiers, decision trees, or other "learn-from-data" techniques?
Why is it okay for Rahm Emanuel to insult an entire group of people and no one is calling for his head?
Let me preface this by saying that I am a socially liberal independent. However, I have a real problem with the double-standard that is happening right now. If any progress is to be made in Washington D.C. it must start with the top. Rahm Emanuel should be dismissed or at very least be held accountable for his actions by holding a press conference and apologizing for his words and then be put through counseling. I just feel like we need to start cleaning up Washington. Mr. Emanuel is in a position that cannot use this type of language. Behind closed doors or not he must remember the position he is in. This is childish and extremely hurtful to some. Might I add that I am not, necessarily, offended by this. I simply believe that our leaders need to be held to a higher standard and set precedence for the rest of us. If we believed that Trent Lott should be canned for his words then why not Rahm? WSJ Article
The book I helped my professor with got published yesterday! Reddit, check out the fruits of our hard work: The Poker Bride.
So I posted on /r/books awhile ago about helping my journalism professor with his latest book, The Poker Bride. Someone suggested that I post the book info here, so here I go. The Poker Bride is a historical account of Chinese immigration and life in the American West during and after the gold rush, using a legend from Idaho lore as a lens. I'm also helping my professor with his websites, facebook pages, etc. My goal is to make available as much content as the publisher will allow (i.e. going for a freemium model). My professor, Christopher Corbett, was on NPR (WYPR) yesterday speaking about his book: Other sites associated with the book and my professor: #/pages/Poker-Bride/190870032797 This is a great non-fiction book which provides an entertaining narrative. I have put in a good deal of work, and not even a fraction of what my professor has. Please, check it out! Thank you, reddit.
My nerd rage for Rogers has finally reached its tipping point. They block EVERY PORT (with 1 or 2 exceptions) on my cable internet. WTF!
In my attempts to figure out why I couldn't get port forwarding working correctly on my router I decided to plug my modem into my computer directly and test to see if any ports were open. I disabled my firewall (stupid i know) and put my computer up against shields up. It turns out that NONE of my ports with the exception of 443 and a few microsoft specific ones were open. I expected to see a wall of red but alas NOTHING. This is in Toronto BTW. When i was living a bit north of Toronto in the sticks I never had this problem with Rogers. MASSIVE NERD RAGE++ Does anyone know if there is a way to get around this? Will rogers open up all those ports if i called them?
could an infant be raised by wolves?
I know that sounds stupid, but hear me out. Today in my seminar course my classmate brought up the example of Indian infants being raised by wolves after they were abandoned. She said that there had been a scientific article written about it, thus proving it to be true in her opinion. My prof scoffed and insisted that this was utterly -impossible- and told us not to believe everything in articles. So, does anyone know anything about situations where infants have been raised by wolves? Instantly I thought of the jungle book
Reddit! Please help me with Partial Differential Equations!!
I'm posting two pictures, one of the problem and one of my attempt to work the problem. My answer is SO CLOSE but not the same (I think). So can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong or tell me why the answers are the same. * Problem * My Attempt Sorry about the blurry, I don't have a scanner so I just had to take a picture. EDIT: To those who helped, thank you very much. To those who were negative, fuck you I rocked my test anyway! Oh yea.. I have a midterm tomorrow, hence the not asking my teacher; this question is from a section I didn't know was on a test until about two hours ago.
I just voted on a Diebold in the Illinois state elections. Do these machines give printouts b/c I didn't get one?
I voted electronically because I've never done it before and wanted to see how these machines worked. I was given an electronic card to put into the machine. The actual machine was pretty easy to use and clear to follow, right until the end. It kept on going through verification screens and saying something about printing for me to re-insure that I was voting for who I wanted to. The machine also started making a whirring noise, like a fax machine or something, towards the end, so I thought I would be getting a physical printout. However, it ended up going back to the default screen and spit the electronic card out. When I asked around, the workers said the machine won't give a printout (I don't know if that meant it doesn't normally or it had a printing problem). Suspiciously enough, the whirring noise continued after I left the machine and the next person started using it, which makes me think something was broken. **TLDR: The machine made the impression it was giving a printout but ended up not doing so. I just wanted to ask you guys if you know anything about Diebold machines and printouts, because my experience was sketchy as f*ck.** Cool story bro: I also got my first speeding ticket driving home. I'm going to call that my political activism fee for being basically the only Democrat voting in a Republican county. I know the two instances have nothing to do with each other, I'm just a bit irked at the thought of cops waiting outside voting places ticketing responsible citizens.
Does anyone take this guy seriously?
Some friends of mine recently got very interested in Nassim Haramein, having watched hours of him on youtube and read on his webpage i feel confused. He has some strange but compelling ideas for example that every atom has a black hole and every point goes to infinity. Having poor education in these subjects it is hard for me to tell whether his theories are all bogus or if he could actually be on to something. I get skeptical when he starts to incorporate cropcircles and pyramids into the whole but my friends dismiss me as narrowminded.. take a look: resonance project on youtube Edit: better video
TIL the three ways to achieve wisdom -Confucious.
First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest. Edit: *Confucius /thanks to iheartralph
Help needed figuring out how to set up a website.
I'm starting my photography portfolio website. I've already got most of the template down and everything, in terms of what I want the website to look like (I will be using the very easy "indexhibit.com"). I've never set up a website before, so I just encountered the issue of having to buy server space for my website. I really had no idea I had to do so, and I've discovered it can be pretty pricey (Yes, I'm broke). Does anyone know of a cheaper way to get server space? I've looked into asmallorange, and I like it, but really the cheaper the better. Thanks!
Did you get a scholarship? If so, what did you do to earn it?
I got a $10,000 scholarship a few years back just based on my grades. Could've gotten a full scholarship unfortunately if I did extracurricular.
What is the easiest way to blur faces or add black bars across eyes in video?
I made some ahem home movies and I need to either blur the faces,add smiley faces, or put black bars over the eyes. Is there an easy program to do this? I have no photoshop experience. I am looking for something free/cheap to do this That my newbie self could do.
The Thinking Christian's Conundrum: Is the existence of God provable?
To Christians who gave the honest answer of "no", I applaud you. But now I have to inform you that you can never be a true Christian. To *pure* Christians, the bible is proof positive that god exists. Jesus is the son of god who performed miracles. God does in fact perform miracles which manifest physically. God favors those who believe in him and smites those who do not. God's influence is not abstract but real. The power of god is unquestionable and those who think otherwise are *essentially heretics*. Among the religious are those who live in a world of reason and logic understand that god has yet to be proven or disproven. If you accept the premise that the existence of god is not provable and can *admit that you believe in something with no basis in evidence*, you cannot be a true Christian. **Your true identity is deist** or *lesser Christian* or *half-Christian*. If you can admit that you believe in something with no basis in evidence, ask yourself, *why* and *how*? If I was a missionary who came to your door to convert you to worship Thor, wouldn't you ask *Why should I?* and *What evidence do you have that Thor is the one true god?*. There is a burden of evidence to believe in another religion, but not my own. Does that make sense?
It's ON! Discuss.........
During commercials, of course.. SPOILERS! EDIT: add #redditlost to channel name
What are the best photos you've ever taken... with a cameraphone?
They say the best camera is the one that's with you. Let's see how you've done with the ubiquity of cameraphones, /r/photography! Include some details about where the photo was taken or what cameraphone you used. I'll kick things off with my two best: * - The MacMillan-Bloedel building on West Georgia, in Vancouver * - Robson Square ice rink, in Vancouver EDIT: I crossposted this to /r/reddit.com to see if other redditors were interested in participating. Feel free to post your photos over there too.