Have you ever been backstabbed?
Or backstabbed someone else? I made a minor procedural violation at work and someone noticed. Instead of coming to me or even my boss he goes and rats me out to a Senior Vice President. I get a call out if the blue from this guy and am now awaiting punishment. Due to the economy my company is looking for any reason to get rid of people. TLDR: backstabbed
Dear Reddit, how do I submit something?
I keep trying and I just don't know how all of you submit things... I can comment on stuff easily but I can't find the place to write a new post or post a new link. help!
Hey reddit hackers! Is America really vulnerable to a cyberattack? What damage can these attacks really do, and how can we protect ourselves?
I have zero background in this, and I don't even know if I am using the term "hackers" correctly. However, I've seen loads of stories about cyberattacks and security in the last few weeks with very little explanation of how this stuff actually works. Please enlighten me.
Wtf is taking so long for my bud to grow, Reddit?
So I'm a college student living in an apartment complex... don't really have a good place to set up a proper growing area. However, a couple months ago (I think in October or early November), I decided to randomly take some of my seeds and let them grow. Low and behold, I got a couple of sprouts, which are still growing. I mean, I don't really do anything special to them because I don't know what I'd do if it grew enough for me to harvest, but the plant is thriving well. I let it sit on my windowsill and keep my room nice and warm, but other than that, I don't do much. I water it with tap water every couple of days (actually, I went on vacation a month ago and it didn't get water for a week and is still fine). It's even starting to bud. My plant's only about 8 inches tall and it's taking forever. I'd *like* to be able to get something out of it, but I highly doubt that anything will come of it. Is there anything I should do to help it out? What makes it grow faster? How long does it usually take a plant to grow before you can harvest it? (I heard somewhere around 8 weeks, but it's been a lot longer than that for me.) I'll be posting a picture of it soon! :D EDIT: Here]( are two [pictures of my baby... the second of which was taken about five minutes ago. :P
Suggestion for gaming news/review site
Me and a few friends have been talking about making a gaming review site and was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for the site. We want to make it not only a gaming site but a community as in users can submit reviews and news too. Any ideas reddit? edit: well what if we were to have the 4 "main" writers say every monday like what you played over the weekend and why and what did you think of it? instead of reviews
Sometimes freedom of speech isn't about protecting what people say, but about not controlling what people hear.
If you argue that corporations, foreign and domestic shouldn't be allowed to run political campaign ads, would you also be in favor of the government censoring the internet from foreign traffic that has political messages? Who cares who is funding it, the alternative to this ruling is to control what you hear and decide when you have heard enough, or who you can hear it from.
I've sabotaged my relationship repeatedly, and I don't know how to cope with what I've done. What do I do ?
I'm going to try to keep this short since the more I think about it, the more insane it makes me go. July 2009. At that point, I've been with the girl for 4.5 years. Things haven't been going well at all for quite a while. I am unable to compromise and satisfy her needs and vice-versa. We have a hard time getting along, but we love each other very much. One of my main things is I need lots and lots of space, which I'm not getting. As a side effect I turn into a huge douche. I don't cheat or do anything physical, but I act like a very horrible person. What I actually do is irrelevant. Eventually I feel too suffocated and I break up with her very abruptly and harshly. Horrible things are said by me. I do not stop loving her. Still a huge douche. She spends the next ~3 months (until beginning to mid Nov) crying over me and begging me to consider her again, promising to be a lot more giving. In the beginning I'm still a humongous douche. I don't budge, mostly because I don't feel like I can satisfy her needs. Even though she claims that is not necessary, I'm pretty sure it is. We stay friends. Beginning of December. I start to come around, and we talk about it. She seems interested, and we decide to keep on discussing. By the end of December I start to feel like I can satisfy her needs, but not all of them. She claims that after all we've been through, there's no point in trying again unless we fully match. I agree. It takes me until about a week ago (2 months) to realize I can fully give her what she wants, and so much more. Captain obvious to the rescue. It's too late. She doesn't feel that way about me any more. I realize I'm one month too late. One goddamn month. I cannot express in writing how much this girl loved me, and how incredibly fantastic she was after all my mistakes throughout the relationship. I'm fairly certain I will never be loved this much by another. Fuck, I think she loved me more than my own mother. And what a monster I was to push her so hard, that she feels nothing for me any more. And to not appreciate her one bit. (To top it off she's currently falling for another guy, and "the happiest she's been in a very long time" (not her words). Irrelevant-ish.) It consumes me. The amount of guilt I feel is tremendous. I will never forgive myself for letting her go and I have no idea how to cope with that thought. I fucked it up to begin with. I had so much time to fix things and I didn't. I just kept on fucking up. She hasn't ever wronged me, so I can't even hate her. I won't be /wrist-ing, but I feel like I'm going insane. What do I do, RA? :( Before you ask, yes, I do think she was the one for me. But I don't believe in "if it's meant to be it will be". There is no way "it will be" after all I've done. And please please please don't tell me what I should have done. Scenarios are running through my head continuously, I don't want to run into ones that I haven't thought about before and feel even shittier. Apologies if I'm unclear, haven't been sleeping all that much lately. *** **Edit:** Thanks everyone so far. If there's more you'd like to say, please, don't hold back. Believe it or not, a combination of all the advice posted has made me feel a bit better. I may actually be able to get more than 3 hours of on-and-off sleep tonight, which would be fantastic. I hope this will last longer than just for tonight.
Hey Rubit, could you help me fix my Sinatra/HAML code?
It was working just fine on windows, but on Ubuntu it refuses to run. Heroku will not run it either. I have a feeling that I cannot do @@ layout %html =yield but I'm not sure what the problem is :( Here is the error... Errno::ENOENT at / No such file or directory - /home/jordan/Ruby/paste/views/frontend.haml This is the first "useful" app I've made, and I really want it to work! Thanks for your help. **EDIT**: Fixed. Stupid indentation errors :P Thanks -o-
DAE think the word "terrorist" is just ridiculous?
Whether it be the obvious fact that it is used politically to inspire fear, or that these people aren't really inspiring terror in me whatsoever, it just seems ridiculous.
Reddit, what movie remake or tv series-to-movie crossover would you most cringe at?
I'm shuddering at the smurfs - gremlins 3 is coming out... I shudder at the A-Team movie.... but one I haven't heard (yet) being made - The Love Boat..... ugh
How do you deal with the annoyances of air travel?
It's been bad since 9/11 in the US and it just keeps getting worse. I'm curious to hear what those of us stuck here do to avoid the pain of air travel and how bad is it elsewhere in the world? Any tips and tricks? What parts of the world can I fly in without getting accosted by airport security?
There are fnords in Obama's Q&A w/GOP
A milder version (or quieter anyway) of this sound](#) shows up at 22:00 of [Obama's Q&A with the Republicans.
Give me your questions for the BioShock 2 developers
I'll be doing a conference call with 2K Marin on Friday. If you have any questions you'd like answered about BioShock 2, please post them here. Thanks!
/r/Android, let's brainstorm: Another Android App Archive
Recently, there was a short discussion Android app site-thing. I've listed my initial ideas below and I think it'd be great to get some more input. If anyone wants to take on this endeavor, that'd be great. Otherwise, I will add it on to my "things I wish I could get motivated into doing" list. * * * Submissions: * Each "link" submission should be considered an App unless otherwise stated. * Text field similar to self posts on reddit for a short description of the app * Field for a screenshot/thumbnail of the app * URL to (app's? developer's?) website. * QR Code is generated for every submission. * Free/Paid checkbox * A link to the app's free/paid counterpart Voting: * As "new" isn't the best guideline, voting metrics would have to be a bit more diverse (currently thinking All time, monthly, weekly, and daily) As a base, I would consider web2py's reddit]( [clone through Google App Engine.
Dear Reddit Admins: You NEED to give other redditors the ability to taga submission NSFW.
I'm not pasting the link here; I forwarded it to ASACP. It directs users to a pic of preteens in leotards with their legs spread. the kids are innocent, but the text in the image is not, and has clearly sexual connotations. you've got to put a place in where people can warn each other, before someone's boss calls them in for a talk, or someone's door gets busted in.
Reddit, what are some historical / archaeological sites you find fascinating and why?
This post was inspired by the Intro to Archaeology class I'm currently taking. I love reading about historic points of interests, like castles in Europe or the homes of famous authors. I also enjoy reading through an issue of Nat Geo or Archaeology magazine on occasion. It's more than likely that I haven't heard of most sites out there, so post away!
Hey Reddit, should I pay off my car NOW?
My current pay off for my car is $8,490 I have $12.5k in my savings account. I paid $1,175.00 in interest last year towards my car. With simple math, if I payed my car off now, I am left with roughly $4,000 in my savings. After my car is paid off, I will have an additional $500 a month to put into my savings. My monthly reoccuring costs (without car payments) are at about $1200-$1300 (rent, bills, insurance, etc) I like to spend no more then $150 a week, $250 if there is something special going on. With this, I am at about $2050 cash spent per month. I earn roughly $3900 net per month, which would allow me to put about $1850 a month into my savings account. These numbers are obviously not absolute, but very close. I really want to start my Roth IRA this year, and want to dump the max contribution as soon as I get it, save for a house, but also save money for JUST IN CASE. I feel very confident my job is safe for the year or until I decide to leave. Besides, we have a kick ass severance package :P bottom line: should i just pay my car off now? any help or advice is appreciated,
IAmA Request: Amyone who was murdered and survived
I know I made a spelling mistake. But can't do jackshit about it now. Just shows how badly reddit is designed!!
I may have found the solution to this cat dilemma using the all powerful House's powers.
Article: Cat predicts 50 deaths in RI nursing home If you have ever watched this episode of House: Here Kitty Since I don't want to spoil the episode for those who haven't watched it yet (I'm sure it's on Hulu or something), remembering the reason why the cat was cuddling with the people the night before they died. The answer is explained in the second to last paragraph on this page. Think that this could be the reason why? LOL :P
DAE watch/follow ZERO episodic TV series?
Basically, I just watch movies, sports, news, or once in a while a documentary type show on History Channel or Nat. Geo.
[TOMT] What the hell is this song (w/link)?
Heard it on some YouTube video long ago, and with some of the lyrics got pointed to Cutting Edge 3, right here, 1:07 into this video, and hit a dead end. The movie's credits don't appear to list the music. Shazam's got nothing. IMDB lists some other songs from the movie, but not this one. Lyric searches only point to other people looking for the same song. Any ideas?
Be thoughtful with your downvotes in this subreddit
For example, I can't stand most harder rock, like Muse or NIN, but I know that there are a lot of people who use this subreddit who might like those bands. We're sharing this space and there's not room here to try to use your votes to prioritize your tastes, as if we're fighting some war against each other. Of course there are exceptions to this rule. There's a lot of music out there that doesn't have artistic integrity or originality behind it. While I don't particularly like Nine Inch Nails, I know that they're artists, with original ideas. This distinguishes them from, say, the Jonas Brothers or Miley Cyrus. I'll downvote submissions trying to promote artists that have been artificially bolstered by the big four labels/MTV/VH1/billboard because of my political reasoning, not implicitly because of the music they make. I've submitted quite a few videos of musicians performing live to this subreddit, usually musicians who I feel deserve more attention than they've got (like this video of Bombay Bicycle Club that I'll admit is indie rock by hipsters for hipsters. Sure enough, seconds after submitting it, it gets one downvote from someone who presumably just doesn't like the music, and then the submission dies in the annals of 0 karma reddit submissions, only voted on once or twice. I know a lot of you like indie rock, and I know a lot of you don't, but I just want to note that it's my personal policy not to downvote someone's submission strictly for musical taste without any justifying politics or logic behind the move.
I'm new to Reddit. What should I know?
So having been on Digg for ages I got sick of the community's arrogance/intolerance and hatred of reposts so I decided to emigrate to Reddit where everyone seems much more good natured. I don't want this to turn into an anti-Digg post but I have read Reddit's help section and was wondering if there is anything else I should know about the site? Any tips, tricks or inside info that will make my transition easier? Thanks, you guys Update: Wow, that was awesome. I posted that question just as I was leaving work expecting to get maybe one response pointing out a spelling error then I went for dinner with my fiancee for her birthday and didn't check back in here until this morning and holy Chernobyl, people actually respond to stuff here! So, let me see if I have this straight; Bacon > Sagan = Tesla > Cats > Digg > Glenn Beck = Sarah Palin > Bad spelling So yeah, thank you, that was very helpful.
Any online dating stories/tips/tricks/warnings?
I have been thinking about giving it a shot because a bunch of my friends have had luck. I was just wondering if any of you people have had an experience with it and what websites are best. As the title states stories etc. are welcome. Also, sorry if this is a common thread to post but I have not seen anything like it in the 23 days I have been here.
What do I need to know about audio field recording?
I'd like to start incorporating found sounds into my music but I can't go around with a laptop, USB recording interface, mic, mic stand, etc. So, I'd like to buy something that can just record to a card or tape, which I can transfer later. All the research I've done so far has resulted in models with a built in mic, but I'd prefer to be able to use my own SM58 Beta. So, help me out. Does the product I'm looking for actually exist? Thanks
What's the funniest dream you ever had?
Last night I dreamt that Miley Cyrus had the phrase "butthole power" tattooed on her right shoulder blade. I woke up laughing my ass off.
If a guy were to ask you out what would you want him to say?
I want to ask someone out but I always seem to say the wrong things or do it in the wrong way... or they just don't wan to go out. If I were to ask you out and you could choose how and what I said how would you have me ask and what would I say.
How can I make 1500 dollars in 2 weeks?
srsly. i have about 500 bucks of stuff I can sell, but it's not enough, plus I like my stuff. I appreciate any ideas.
TF2 can't find servers after moving files to different HD. Anyone have the same issue?
I followed Steam's instructions for moving Steam (and my Orange Box games) to another HD in my tower to free up space on my System drive. The game runs just fine, but there are some noticeable quirks: * desktop icons default to system icons (don't care) * Steam no longer starts at Start-Up (don't care, until a big update comes and I find out when I try to start the game, I guess) * TF2 can no longer find my History or Favourites or, most distressingly, Internet games. This is weird because one listing in the Friends tab survived and I've been able to connect to that server. Anyone have the same issue or possible solutions?
DAE fap in a way considered unorthodox by some?
I fap by doing like a squeezing motion using my hand while its clutching my balls and penis. My penis is also only semi-erected. I dont know how, but this is how I did it when I was a kid, and it stuck. Also, I dont do the up/down motion while stroking the penis. I sort of hold all of the tools of my trade in my hand, and squeeze. Gets me off some way or another.
Patient: I sneezed a couple of minutes ago. House: You also scratched your ass. This can only be Pelizaeus Merzbacher disease. Have some whole body radiation. WTF!!?
I've been watching a couple of episodes. Being an MD, I am exceedingly boggled by the way the episodes pan out. Diagnoses that have nothing to do with the symptoms, hair trigger reliance on invasive tests, throwing full body radiation at anyone who sneezes, five second cures, violation of every ethical code every dreamt of... and more. Much more. Would you like it if House's team took care of you? Do laypeople develop unrealistic expectations based on dogshit like this? If you think Cuddy should lure House behind a barn and liberally sprinkle him with buckshot from a twelve-gauge, raise your hand.
"Mr. Obama has diarrhea of the mouth" --> Some great comments on Foxnews.com
Fox News today has an article about Obama and his use of the word "I". Here are some of my favorite comments posted in response to this article on Fox News. Enjoy! >There are 43 I's in Abraham Lincoln's First Inaugural Address. Let's put the President in a historical context instead of nit-picking because he isn't Republican. > The authors story has one J in it. > Send Obama back to Kenya. >Mr. Obama has diarrhea of the mouth and all he can expell is hotair and I's. >Somehow I suspect if Obama rarely used "I" you'd manage to accuse him of avoiding personal responsibility. >Most of his "I"s were in the first part of the speech, who else is he supposed to say when he's talking about his connection with NH, etc? Should he use the royal "we"? Should he talk about somebody else's connection to these places? This is what Republicans are focused on? No wonder they have so few good ideas. >this idiot president is an 'I' dope until he has to throw someone under the bus....liberals are just lined up to volunteer their service to their messiah. (From someone named "blackrain") >President Obama also said the word "We" 59 times in that speech. How is this news? >Oh my god, fox. Enough with this pointless story already. I thought it was going to end yesterday. We can all use "Find and Replace" and count the I's if we feel like it. Find some real news, please. >"I" is the most commonly used word in the English language. This is a ridiculous thing to waste electrons on, Fox. Let's stick to policy and what the guy actually says, not juvenile nit-picking. >This huckster is very knowledgeable about how to influence people by telling them what they want to hear. Flattery always tickles the ear and promises always fills the ego. You can have your Hawaiian pastry. >Bravo! Wonderful "journalism"! So fair and balanced! >Obama is the biggest liar we have ever had for a president and also the most egotistical airhead ever elected. Considering Jimmy Carter, that is saying something. He is totally destroying this country and also endangering the American people. Join the TEA Party movement and get him and his kind out of office.
How to save hundreds on your iPhone bill
This applies to U.S. owners suffering under the yoke of AT&T only, probably. I have an iPhone, which I love, but having lost my job recently I was trying to cut corners wherever I could. I found a way to cut the cost down from $90/mo. to almost nothing. There was an early termination fee of about $100 (it's $175 - $5 * months into your contract), but that's only one month's service on your phone. I thought I'd share this with the reddit community. Long story short: I went to my local AT&T store and told them I had bought a new phone and wanted to set up a GoPhone account. They provided me with a SIM card, free of charge. I jailbroke and unlocked my iPhone (not sure whether that was necessary), put that SIM card in my iPhone, and now it still works as a phone, but I'm paying more like $10/mo. This is an especially good deal for those of you who, like I, use their phone rarely. However, you can still set up a plan where even frequent users will end up saving a lot of money in the end. If there's interest in this post, I'll provide more details and links.
Australia now: small tits = pedo. Australia next: shaved vag = pedo? Stop the insanity!
So we have all heard the ludicrous A-cup porn ban in the ever so freedom loving Australia. It leaves me to wonder when this will end. What's next, will they ban shaved genitals in pornography (or all together!?) because it represents prepubescence? Laugh now but when those dumbfuck lawmakers put two and two together this would be bundled into a new revision of this law. It carries the exact same logic as the A-cup ban. This needs to be stopped all together as it clearly shows that they are insane and out of control over there. It doesn't end with porn as we can see with the other decisions being made there.
Mary Oliver's First Requirement for Writing Poetry
From "A Poetry Handbook": If Romeo and Juliet had made appointments to meet, in the moonlight-swept orchard, in all the peril and sweetness of conspiracy, and then more often than not failed to meet — one of the other lagging, or afraid, or busy elsewhere — there would have been no romance, no passion, none of the drama for which we remember and celebrate them. Writing a poem is not so different — it is a kind of possible love affair between something like the heart (that courageous but also shy factory of emotion) and the learned skills of the conscious mind. They make appointments with each other, and keep them, and something begins to happen. Or, they make appointments with each other but are casual and often fail to keep them: count on it, nothing happens. The part of the psyche that works in concert with consciousness and supplies a necessary part of the poem — a heart of a star as opposed to the shape of a star, let us say — exists in a mysterious, unmapped zone: no unconscious, not conscious, but cautious. It learns quickly what sort of courtship it is going to be. Say you promise to be at your desk in the evenings, from seven to nine. It waits, it watches. If you are reliably there, it begins to show itself — soon it begins to arrive when you do. But if you are only there sometimes and are frequently late or inattentive, it will appear fleetingly, or it will not appear at all. Why should it? It can wait. It can stay silent a lifetime. Who know anyway what it is, that wild, silky part of ourselves without which no poem can live? But we do know this: if it is going to enter into a passionate relationship and speak what is in its own portion of your mind, the other responsible and purposeful part of you had better be a Romeo. It doesn’t matter if risk is somewhere close by — risk is always hovering somewhere. But it won’t involve itself with anything less than a perfect seriousness. Various ambitions -- to complete the poem, to see it in print, to enjoy the gratification of someone's comment about it -- serve in some measure as incentives to the writer's work. Though each of these is reasonable, each is a threat to that other ambition of the poet, which is to write as well as Keats, or Yeats, or Williams -- or whoever it was who scribbled onto a page a few lines whose force the reader once felt and has never forgotten. Every poet's ambition should be to write as well. Anything else is only a flirtation. And, never before have there been so many opportunities to be a publicly and quickly, thus achieving earlier goals. Magazines are everywhere, and there are literally hundreds of poetry workshops. There is, as never before, company for those who like to talk about and write poems. None of this is bad. But very little of it can do more than start you on your way to the real, unimaginably difficult goal of writing *memorably*. *That* work is done slowly and in solitude, and it is as improbable as carrying water in a sieve.
Request: Lady Gaga "Equation" wallpaper
Someone made it on here I believe... it had the (RAH)^2 whatever equation that spells out her 'bad romance' lyric
Dear Reddit, will you help me pick a good tv series to get into
I am in a serious rutt and cannot for the life of me think of a fantastic show i should really get into, drama, comedy, cartoon, it doesnt matter. i have seen a very large amount of shows from start to finish so not the obvious answers. any help is very welcome!
What makes a band a "Hipster" band?
I was trying to figure this out with my friends a while back and I wanna know what the Gen Pub thinks.
DAE daydream while in public about all the badass shit they would do in the event of a terrorist/mad-gunman/ninja attack, despite a complete lack of knowledge or training for such a situation?
If that dude in the booth across from us whips out a gun I'm totally gonna throw the tortilla chips in his face in order to disorient him as I disarm him. I'll then knock him out with a pistol whip. Then when his two accomplices pull out their guns I'll point my gun... wait the other guy will probably just shoot me. OK when the ONE accomplice pulls out his gun... yeah you get the idea. Edit: I should also add that I usually conclude these daydreams with the realization that I'd really probably be lying on the floor crying, in a pool of my own urine if something like this were to ever happen to me. Or at the very least, I would be frozen in terror.
DAE think bikinis are sexier than underwear?
They're just so cute (the way the strings go around the neck, and designs) and faux-innocent.
Road trips, where to and why?
Summer is coming up, slowly but surely, and I love going on road trips, but I have no idea where I want to go. So tell me where are some of the most amazing places and fun times to be had you've experienced on a road trip? I live in Knoxville currently, but don't exclude anywhere even if its on a different continent.
I'm thinking of pursuing an MFA in Direction/Production and need some advice
Ok, I've worked on 3 feature films. Key Set PA on 2 and 2nd 2nd Assistant director on another. I was lead graphics on one of these films and assistant graphics on another. I edited a short film and am 1st AD on an upcoming short. But...I have never had any arts schooling. I have always taught myself things. Editing, lighting, cinematography, etc... My grades were poor in school as I was pursuing a business degree and my heart wasn't really in it (long story). Anyways, for those of you who have gone the route I want to, what can you tell me? Am I screwed because poor grades? How does one choose a school? If you have graduated, what kind of work have you recieved? I feel as if I have the jist of most everything production understood, but my 2.13 GPA and no film classes make me leery to think I will be even considered. Any comments are appreciated. Thanks
300+ Club [Bench Number] - Are you a member? What age(you did you hit it?
I was wondering, to the people who have hit 300, what is the secret to breaking that number? How did you get there? What other auxiliary exercises targeting smaller, lagging muscle groups did you do that seemed to help? When did you first hit it? When did you last hit it?
Reddit, I am about to go off antidepressants for a few months and I've been on them for almost a year. Any advice?
I was prescribed a low dosage (12.5 mg) of Paxil (Paroxetine) to help prevent panic attacks that I started having after a major surgery. I'd been on and off them since '08, but this past year I've been taking them everyday. The panic attacks are really rare, so I'm more concerned about not taking SSRI's that my body has definitely become addicted to. I know I have to ween myself off of them slowly, but is there anything else I can do to prevent any of the "brain zaps" or other symptoms of withdrawal? My official psychiatric diagnosis is panic disorder with minor depression. The reason I'm no longer going to be able to take them is because my health insurance expired and **my new one doesn't kick in till July** (how's that for a healthcare system?). I have 20 pills left. Sidenote: I do see a therapist occasionally, but as I said before, the panic attacks and depression are not as bad as the side effects of the withdrawal from this medication (which says a lot about its value as a treatment). Any help appreciated.
Anyone going to Ultra Music Fest? (Miami)
I was institutionalized. AMA
I was recently diagnosed with bipolar disorder (shocking no one) and spent a week and a half in a Mental Institution against my will, all because I made a joke about not looking both ways when I cross the street. Sigh. Anyways, ask away.
Anyone here accepted to the AIKA online beta?
Has anyone even heard of it? Anyways I don't play to many RPGS but this seems like it would appeal to me. I've been accepted and happy about it. So whats Reddits opinion about this game.
Mass Effect character lookalikes
Is there some repository of Mass Effect character faces? After getting sick of the default Shep, I feel like a change. I googled around, but I can't find any good ones. The Samuel L. Jackson one doesn't really appeal to me. Ideally, I would want Adama]( or [Tigh from Battlestar, but that might be too much to hope for. Edit: Found something. Might be useful for y'all.
Ask PyReddit: Is there a way to map schemas of two seperate databases in Python?
I'm having trouble comming up with an efficient way of doing this. I have a local database which contains a bunch of tables with a lot of columns, the usual stuff. And now, there is this other remote database which has a completely different schema where essentially the same data is organized in different tables with differently named columns. So, my question is, is there way to map the columns and tables in either database in a way that doing an operation on one would reflect the other? I've been looking into SQLAlchemy's ORM and what I'm contemplating is having some sort of middleware script that reads in both the schemas and a mappings XML and has triggerable functions which mirror operations on the databases. Any suggestions would be much appreciated!
Any industry advice for a noob?
I recently had a friend give me a 22mil dedicated Industry alt when he quit. I've only been playing for a month and a half and want to make some money with it but sort of clueless as far as industry is concerned and how to make ISK effectively. Any advice/resources?
So how much would a structure like the Colosseum cost to build using modern methods and material prices?
I was thinking about the amount of grandiosity that structures used to have, and how they lasted for centuries upon centuries. These days, buildings are just thrown together with steel and concrete and are lucky to last 50 years before being torn down. How much would it cost to build a stone structure on the scale of the Colosseum, and do we even have enough skilled craftsmen left to accomplish something like it? i find it rather sad that with how far our knowledge of physics and engineering has advanced, our quality of architecture has been going down for a few hundred years.
[request/offer] Want a copy of my notes from class (complete with high-class doodles!), a signed autograph, a hand-written letter, or anything else I might be able to send you? The sky's the limit!
**Services 5h4n is offering!** -I can write you a poem! -I can send you a poem I've already written! -I can send you a card or handwritten letter! -I can doodle you whatever you like! -I can scan and send you notes & doodles from my courses! Your choice of Southwestern Literature (best doodles), History of Theatre II, Intro to Creative Writing, or Statistics! -I can send you an autographed picture of myself! -I can edit a paper for you! (I'm a CRLA certified English tutor; hit me with your best shot) -I can mail you some of my favorite recipes! -I can give you some advice! -I can send you a copy of my university's newspaper! -I can mail you a hard copy of The Onion! -I can send you a postcard from my university! -Anything else you might want! -Exclamation marks make things exciting! Really, I can send you any of this for free; I wouldn't mind and I think it would be fun to do anyway. But if you want to donate to the let's-replace-5h4n's-phone fund, just PM me your address and I'll mail you what you want with a self-addressed stamped envelope to stick a dollar in. Well, even if you don't want to donate, PM me your address or just list it here with what you'd like. **tl;dr** **Offer: I'll mail you just about anything you ask for (preferably from the list above), free of charge.** **EDIT EDIT EDIT!! REQUEST REVOKED!** So I got a call from my university police department to my room phone (that I hardly ever use). I just checked the voicemail on it and they left a message a few days ago saying it had been turned in. My wallpaper since I've had it has said "If found, please call 512-245-xxxx" (my room phone number). I don't know why I didn't think to check it before, but apparently some good citizen turned it in. Yayyy! I removed the long story I originally had (phone stolen, raising money for it) but my offers still stand! **Another edit!** I wasn't expecting so many responses! I'll start mailing these out on Sunday. Also, I'm still checking on the international thing, gotta go to my campus mail center to see what's up with that. Hang in there, you guys, I'm working on 'em!
Hey all, I thought you'd like to read an update about the latest on Colony Collapse Disorder, or CCD.
This came to me from a member of the beekeeping society I am a member of....... It's been a little while since I've provided any updates on the current status of Colony Collapse Disorder, or CCD. That's not because I've been lazy, but rather because there hasn't been much new! A recent article in Science magazine (attached) summarizes the status quo fairly nicely. Also, this month's research review column covers some recent data on sugar dusting entire colonies for varroa control. Unfortunately, the results aren't all that encouraging: Finally, we've had an excellent response to the 'Born & Bred' initiative on queen rearing and bee breeding, with over 300 sending in their letters of intent so far. We're sending out letters to everyone this week notifying them of the dates and locations, the first of which will be held in conjunction with the NCSBA Spring Conference on March 5-6th. As such, we'll only be accepting new letters of intent (available for download on our website at until February 12th to give us enough time to coordinate with interested beekeepers. If you know of any beekeeper who might be interested in the workshops, please be sure to have them send us their contact information by then. In the meantime, check for updates later this week on our website concerning workshop dates and locations.
Help! im trying to find this picture on the intraweb
Its a picture of Che Guevara, Fidel Castro, and 3 or 4 other leading a large rally . the 5 or 6 of leaders are walking next to eachother while the supporters are in the background. the picture is black and white (duh) and the first thing that should come to mind if you see this picture is "badass" thanks for the help!
How badly will my CPU bottleneck this system?
I built a system a few years ago with an AMD X2 3600+, 2GB DDR2 RAM, and an 8600GT. I want to swap out the video card for a 5750 to improve my gaming experience, but am not sure how much I'll gain with the old CPU that was fairly low end even when I bought it. This system is for gaming only, so that is my only concern. The 5750 by itself is a little more than I want to spend, so I'm not really willing to upgrade CPU/mobo/RAM. Any idea how this will hold up on newer games? Oh, I'm playing on my TV, which is 1280x720...not too demanding.
HAE ever awakened to their boyfriend fapping next to them in bed?
This happened the other night to me. I was barely asleep. Maybe at the point where I was about to go into a deep sleep (possibly doing the pre-deep snore) and I kept hearing something and felt the bed move. I woke up, asked if he was ok, and he said that he was just trying to get some business done so he could relax in order to sleep. Is this normal practice? EDIT: BTW, I asked him if I could help him out...he took me up on my offer.
i know it's un-dude of me but...
the next person that pulls out in front of me in their car and then goes 15 below the speed limit stands a real chance of being hunted down and shot... if you're in a hurry (hence the pulling out in front of me) get the fuck down the road... if you're not in a hurry (hence the 15 under) wait asshole
What am I missing here - how do I fill out and e-mail a PDF that isn't a form?
Applying to a job that requires a filled out application. The app is a PDF, a plain document with no form fields, so I can't enter information. Yet, the application instructions say I can either fax or e-mail the form back. What am I missing? How do I fill in and e-mail back a PDF that isn't a form? This has happened more than once.
A religious friend I've been arguing with just sent me this sms. How do I burn him?
"Written outside a Church - "Why should we believe in God? Because there are some questions which cannot be answered by Google.""
I am not watching LOST right now. AMA!
HAE never used lube when masturbating?
I've tried using vaseline once, and it was just sticky... Edit: Before anyone says, "Well, you need to know what it's like because a vagina isn't dry!" I know that. A dryish hand feels just fine, but of course a wet vagina will feel better. :/ (For girls, other way around.)
What is your favorite movie one liner?
"Make a move and the bunny gets it." -Cyrus Grissom from Con Air.
I am a 911 dispatcher in an extremely busy, overworked system. Busting mine saving yours. AMA.
I am a 911 dispatcher working nights in a system handling around 32,000 medical calls per year with multiple mass casualty incidents, including at least one that made national news last year. We do this with 9 ambulances, and only 7 during the majority of my shift. I am typically on the radios directing resources, giving medical information, and actually dispatching the calls to our units. It's typically me and one other person for 12 hour shifts, four days a week. AMA. EDIT: WOW! I wasn't expecting this to blow up this much. I'm going to bed now, I'll answer the questions I haven't gotten to, and the new questions that pile up, in the morning. EDIT2: Also, other dispatchers feel free to threadjack. Different agencies handle situations differently, and it'd be good for redditors to understand it's by no means a unified system. Thanks to everybody who works in telecommunications shedding light on call routing and tracing. Also, thanks for all the stories! EDIT3: To clarify, I do EMS dispatch, not police. I'm taking all of your questions police-related to a police dispatcher, so I'll have a big followup with questions related to that side. There are as many differences as there are similarities, and they're all important questions everyone deserves answers to.
Could you defeat your clone in a fight?
Rules: * You do not talk about clone fight club. * The clone's thought processes are exactly the same as yours. * You are wearing, and have access to, the same things * You are facing towards your clone. * The world is symmetrical with respect to a point half way between you and your clone. In other words, if you have a couch to your left, then the clone has a couch to their left. * It is a fight to the death. How do you win?
Philosophy Profs: What are the biggest philosophical questions, schools, names... today?
We had the enlightenment, then Marx and the class struggle. We had world war two with existentialism, positivism, phenomenology which shifted to the structuralists, poststructuralists, psychology and linguistics... Whats going on right now? I am a philosophy student and feel like I'm not being taught what I will encounter if I go masters or phd... I know these things are largely retrospectively defined, but there still must be a loose consensus or main dialog, something. Anything?
When was the last time you had to upgrade your PC?
I've had the same one for a few years now, and I've yet to come across anything that it really can't handle. Surely there must be a game on the horizon thats going to make my PC cry?
How do I get back to college?
I' m a jobless, degree-less, moneyless 21 year old, and I want to go back to school, but I don't know how to afford it. I live on my own, but my money will only last for another month or two. My original plan was to find a job, save up some money, and go back to school. I've applied to a large amount of jobs with no luck. I'd like to go back to school within the next semester, but I really don't think that's possible. I have a small student loan (less than 5000). I went to college for a year, but couldn't get any financial aid because my parents made too much money. I've heard that I won't be able to get any financial aid until I'm 24 (Not entirely sure if thats true). My question is this Reddit. How do I go about getting financial aid or money to go back to school? If I can get no aid, what do you guys suggest? I really am clueless, and my family doesn't really value education, so they're clueless as well.
How many midgets could I vanquish?
How many midgets (little people, dwarves, whatever is p.c.) do you think I can defeat in hand to hand combat? I am a fit 20 year old male with some amateur boxing training and am 5'11" 155 lbs. I think the number's at least in the double digits especially with a few swift kicks thrown in and whatnot. My friends think it's significantly less however. Please no comments about the ethical nature of this query just helpful feedback. Thanks.
Lost Season Opener: There are now 2 time-lines.
OK, so here is my take on where the story is right now: When they exploded the H-Bomb at the end of the last season, the intention was that they would change what happened to "them" and that everything would be as it would have been if they had not crashed. They would in essence cease to exist but at the same time would have never been on the Island in the first place. Well, this creates a problem, if they were never on the Island in the past, then how could they have stopped their own crash? SO, I believe the H-bomb Explosion doesn't change anything, it just moved them back into their own normal timestream, The pre-survivor's on the plane are only there because, in a parrallel universe, the crashed version of them saved themselves from crashing. Which basically created 2 parallel time lines that MUST exist together or else neither one would be possible. So we are now watching 2 time-lines: 1. The Original Survivors as their timeline continues after the blast and the last(final?) time shift. 2. The Pre-Survivors that never crashed and what would have happened to them had they not crashed.
I am a: 24 year old male who is finding fewer and fewer reasons to live.
* I am not suicidal. I need to preface this with that statement. I am an atheist and I've begun to realize that not one thing I could do in my life can make a difference. I'm simply saying that the more and more I live I realize that life, in it's self, is nothing more than an hourglass with grains of sand sifting down into the abyss. Has anyone else felt this? Could you say that life is a gift or a curse? Can you comprehend the idea of nonexistence? I cannot. The closest thing I can compare to death is sleep... and in sleep you dream... however... In death there is no dream. This is not a cry for help but rather a request for others to tell me that they feel the same. Christians feel that I have a sad life. I feel that it is not sad but more close to enlightening. I don't know... I've downed a 5th of vodka and have been daily for nearly a month... Im becoming an alcoholic because I cannot handle the truth but seem to know it. * Edit: Please don't flame me. I really cannot handle that at this time.
I propose a new Reddit award:
It'd be for the comment with the highest value of x in x=y/z where y is the number of upvotes for the comment, z is the number of upvotes for the comment's parent, z must not be less than 100, and y must *not* be a top-level comment. What do you think?
Reddit, please enlighten me. I really don't understand why everyone is flipping out about the full-body scanners in airports.
First off, I do agree with the school of thought that the TSA and all these "security measures" are basically security theater, aka bullshit. I certainly don't think the full-body scanners are a good idea. I think they're a terrible and pointless idea. What I don't understand is why most of the complaints seem centered on the privacy idea. Privacy? It's just your naked body. I mean, have you ever been to a swimming pool and changed in the locker room? This is basically the same thing, except *even fewer people will see you naked*. There are measures in place to make sure those images never leave the screening room, the person seeing you naked doesn't see you in person and vice versa, and so on. All that happens is one person that you will in all likelihood never meet briefly sees a *computer representation* of your naked body. And that's what's causing all this uproar? People need to grow up. Now, that's just my gut reaction to the whole issue. Can someone explain to a reasonable basis behind the "privacy" complaints?
What are some physical traits on an otherwise attractive person that immediately turn you off?
One of mine is blond Asians. I have nothing against dying one's hair and I don't think it objectively looks bad, but something about bleach blond Asian women and men just kills my attraction detector. (I'm a bisexual female, btw.) What are some of yours?
If a guy were to ask you out what would you want him to say?
I want to ask someone out but I always seem to say the wrong things or do it in the wrong way... or they just don't wan to go out. If I were to ask you out and you could choose how and what I said how would you have me ask and what would I say.
I've watched for this all my driving life, and it finally happened...
Backstory: I hired a car in Perth, Australia and picked it up at the airport. I drove to the Novotel at Langley and parked the car in the car park under the hotel. When I came back, this is what I saw... < edit: the one on the right is the one I hired... edit: for those of you saying this is nothing special, I respectfully disagree and would like to quote kibble's comment below >I don't think the point of the post is the surprise that sequential plates exist, but more that two sequential plates randomly ended up next to each other after a 17km drive. Maybe the odds aren't world-beating since they came from the same rental agency (probably) and people who rent cars at airports often use hotels in the nearest city, but to have them end up at the same hotel, in neighbouring parking spots, out of all plates, hotels, and spots within a day's drive of Perth airport, well THAT is pretty rare. ...so there.
So Reddit, I need money, and I'm thinking about working as a census taker in the 2010 census. What should I know?
From what I can tell on the website, 2010.census.gov, the government is practically handing out jobs to anyone who passes a basic reading comprehension and arithmetic test. I need a temporary full time job to make cash before I take off to Honduras to do biodiversity conservation work all summer. I've heard about people getting really hostile with Census workers. Is this the most miserable job on earth or exactly what I'm looking for? Does anyone have any experience with past census work?
Reddit, what are some things about your generation that makes you lose faith in humanity?
I turn 19 this year, and am a Generation Y-er. I don't consider myself to be a social enigma, and enjoy activities that all the other kids my age enjoy... however, I find the majority of my generation's mainstream music to be absolutely distasteful. It amazes me how anyone with absolutely no talent can make millions. Right now the worst offender would have to be Ke$ha... how I loathe what she sings about and her auto tuned lacklustre voice. I feel sorry for the parents of the 14 something year old teeny boppers who will then go on to hold her lyrics as a standard to work towards. Way to go turning girls into attention whoring drunkards mainstream music!
Enjoy the increased readership. - We *would* be interested in some of these stories that didn't hit our page. It's like an alternate dimension to visit here. Good luck!
Anyone else in need of a "glassware intervention"?
So I'm a beer snob. I love beer. Rather, I love good beer. I don't drink beer specifically brewed to fuck you up, but I understand its place in the world. The only thing coming remotely close to my absolute love of beer is my obsession with the perfect glasses that were designed to best enjoy that beer. Any time I see a new logo/fancy design at a bar, I get tempted. Anytime a beer is sold with a special glass, I instantly desire it. Free glass with attendance? I'm there. My roommate continually jokes about me needing to have an intervention. So what do you think? Anyone else on Beerit got a little bit of a problem with glasses?
AskReddit: Where on Earth am I supposed to go to college? (and other general college questions)
Good eve reddit. My parents have been hounding me as of late about the subject of college. As a current junior in High School, this should obviously be a big part of my thoughts. It isn't though. I have no idea what I want to do, nor do I know where I want to go! My humble request is that you kindly list: * What college you went to for your undergraduate degree * What you majored in * If you enjoyed it, and would recommend it to others. Being a standard redditor, my interests run from programming, to marketing, to medicine, forensic medicine, and all sorts of other things. I've looked into colleges like RIT, Carnegie Mellon, MIT, and other technical colleges. I await your feedback, and hope this doesn't get downvoted into oblivion. Or, share some wacky college stories to get me pumped about college in general. Thanks!
I am a student at a university threatened with being axed if Illinois cant come up with $400M. AMA
So, the state of Illinois owes the University Of Illinois system about 400 Million dollars. I currently attend The University of Illinois - Chicago (UIC). Because the state is more or less financially mismanaged, and broke as hell, i may or may not have a school to return to after this semester. I still have about two years to go on my Mech. Engineering degree, so I'm not quite sure what to do if the state doesn't magically come up with some $$$. Ask me anything!
Is there anything for free like adult friend finder?
I need to get laid, it's been a few months and I am very shy so I am looking online for sex. Any tips?
Dear /r/Marijuana: I felt a severe wave of nostalgia just now
Okay, this is kind of a long story, so I'll try to condense it... When I was in 8th grade, I had a fairly nerdy friend that convinced me to get into Warhammer 40K. At the time my grandpa and grandma moved up to their cabin every summer, and paid me to take care of their lawn. I ended up making about $120, and being young and irresponsible, blew it all on a starter set for W40K. Well, not too long afterward, some drama unfolded, and me and this supposedly good friend had a falling-out. Because of this I never truly got into Warhammer 40K; the figures never got completed or painted, and I've yet to play a game. The pieces sat in a box in my closet. Okay, fast forward about 2 or 3 years, and I try pot for the first time. After so long of smoking, I get my own piece and start buying my own pot. I need a place to stash it, so I keep it in my W40K box in my closet, underneath my codex and pieces. Mainly just because it's in a box, underneath a bunch of stuff, at the back of my closet. Perfect hiding spot, right? Okay, fast forward another 7 or 8 years to the present. My best friend, not the same one that got me into W40K, starts getting into W40K. He buys a starter set and says that we should start playing. I dig my starter set box out from the basement, intent on finishing what I started so many years ago. To my pleasant surprise, what do I find there? A bunch of old crumbs and stems, the remnants of what was probably one of my first bags, and an old bowl cleaner. Ahh, nostalgia....
The recent attacks on climate science are something that realists cannot hide from. Science requires it whether comfortable or not.
The preponderance of reports on glaciers must be recognized. They shrink. The world over. The Himalayas? There is evidence of shrinkage in one region and presently no affect in others. The reports are easily found. If the IPCC got something wrong it must address, but fully. As to the CRU, where there are problems with data, this has to be accepted and examined. The work done is in no way undermined by one aspect, but should be fully exposed. I'm with George Monbiot. There is no reason to hide from the evidence. The vast majority of data shows man made climate change. This is how science works. If there are mistakes they must be accepted. Then force those who deny to explain their evidence. Keep on top of the evidence. But if an error is shown, it cannot be ignored. To do that means to be just like those who spread disinformation.
Any Chicagoans here? Let's hang out!
I live on the north side with easy access to public transportation. Let's go get food or see a movie or something or all of the above. Or if you have any ideas for hanging out that's cool too.
Best resource for weight lifting/strength training?
There's so much bull out there; I just want to know where I can get the strait dope on what I should be doing fitness wise. I'm partial to weightlifting, so a resource in that area would be great!
I repair cameras for a living, AMA
If you send a camera in for a warranty or a service plan, the company I work for probably fixed it. I've been working there for almost 3 months. AMA. Also I am not a photographer. EDIT: Sleepy time. I will answer more tomorrow. EDIT#2: I'm back, but will be playing some video games.
US Redditors question...is there anyone out there opposed to the legalization of marijuana? If so...why?
I'm desperately trying to understand the "other side" of the argument. I can't say I've ever heard a rational argument against it.
Anyone know if BF:BC2 beta progress will be wiped on launch?
I've tried looking everywhere and haven't been able to find a clear answer. While many games have wiped players' progress, a good handful have not. Can anyone confirm or deny that the Battlefield: Bad Company 2 beta unlocks and ranks will be wiped? One reason I ask is this image (taken from a thread on the Steam forums): As you can see, to get from rank 11 to 12 takes almost 100 million exp / score points. It's making me think that they threw that in there to create a leveling off for the beta as to not give people too much of a head-start. So, what's the word reddit? (Besides bird that is.)
cheating / exploiting in Bad Company 2
Hey r/gaming I'm not sure if you guys have experienced this but be on the lookout for people doing this exploit. Also, please help report this to DICE wherever that's appropriate. There's been a bunch of people (so far I've noticed with the "da" clan tag) that are spawning on your team's spawn point, but are actually a hostile and his own team can spawn on him. This causes tremendous amounts of grief as you can imagine, spawn camping to no end. You'll know when you see it. Your "team member" will not have a blue triangle, and in fact can be targeted using "q", and will show up on radar as a hostile.
What is your morning routine?
I know some people have the standard morning - get up, shower, eat breakfast, leave. Mine is a little bit more complex than that. Right now I'm 16 (male) and a junior in high school. My lunch has always been an important part of my life - I like to have the best lunch possible, with fresh ingredients. This year, I've been making a very elaborate lunch. At night, I'll make egg rolls for myself, cut up ~3-5 different vegetables, cook shrimp, and set my the timer on my rice maker for the next morning. This takes around 20-45 minutes, depending on how elaborate I want my lunch to be. Then I go to bed, with a newly cleaned towel on my pillow. After waking up, I have a 20-30 minute workout (stretching, ab work, cardio). I also drink about half a liter of water to help me wake up. Once I'm thoroughly worked out, I come upstairs and take the rice out of the rice maker, so that it can cool down a little bit before I have to deal with it. I don't like really cold vegetables/eggs either, so I take those out of the fridge. Once I'm ready to make my lunch, I go have a shower. I wash my hair every 2-4 days, and condition a bit more often. I eventually get out of the shower, towel off, and get dressed. At this point, I go to make my lunch. I cut up my egg roll into pieces, and put most of the rice into my lunch container with the egg rolls. I use the rest of the rice to make sushi (yes, I have sushi every single day that I have school) and put that and the vegetables into my lunch container. If I have time, this is when I'd eat breakfast - cereal and a banana. With only about 25 minutes until I have to leave, I go and do my hair, which takes about 15-20 minutes. I brush my teeth, get my stuff ready, and eventually I go to school. So reddit, what's your morning like?
Dear Reddit: Help me decide where to go on vacation! St. Lucia, Costa Rica, Las Vegas, or Arizona
My wife and I and my mom and stepfather ha ha ha and little brother are going on a trip in one of these places. St. Lucia: a resort called Ladera Costa Rica: Ama Tierra Las Vegas: the bellagio or Mirval in Arizona . Where should we go?
Tomorrow, I will be at school on time.
I've been setting my alarm too late lately. Play on words is unintentional.
DAE, while listening to a particularly poignant/awesome song, get goose bumps and almost feel like they are high for a short period of time?
If so, let me know what song does that to you and at about what time stamp. I get this all the time on Venetian Snares' "Szamár Madár"]( at about 50 seconds and [Brennan Heart and Shanokee's "Feel U Here" at about 2:30. Someties the feeling is so strong I feel like I'm on heroin for like 5 seconds.
Hey Reddit, Those of you who use Facebook may have also had this experience.
Today while on Facebook I suddenly recognized all of my friends who are also Redditors. I see now where they have been getting their links/rants from. I have now removed them from the 'what cool links have you discovered today' pedestal they once occupied.
Help Me Reddit! I need help with a computer problem.
Story: I was working on my laptop in a small study room with a couple of other people present. When I needed to print something, I got up and left my laptop in order to pick up the finished paper I was writing. When I was on my way back, I ran into a friend and we had a small chat (bad luck now that I look back). When I walked back to the small study room, my laptop was GONE. I looked everywhere for it and asked everyone in the room if they had seen it, no one answered me. It was really shady how they all just 'didn't notice anything'. Well, I called the company (Dell) and they gave me the MAC address and I have the Service Tag from Dell too. What I need to know is, how do I find my computer? The person(s) can't be that intelligent, because of the demographic that frequent the particular study room are known to steal things if left (I know, stupid me talking to my friend). It just happened today (around 6pm EST) Is there any way I could track the laptop down using my MAC address and Service Tag # from Dell? Please Help Reddit!
IT Certs: What would be a good set to obtain?
Hey, Reddit- I'm looking to beef up my IT skills, but I am not sure which certs would be ideal. I want to handle System administration, preferably Server 2008, so MCITP Server Administrator would probably be good as a baseline. What else would help? Also: Network+ or CCNA? I currently have no certs, but I have been studying Network+. Any guidance on this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Reddit; slightly strange fictional character fantasies?
Cause I still want to bang Furio and Christopher from the Sopranos at the same time. :/
Reddit, does anyone hold the power to turn off the internet?
Can any one person turn off the internet? what would your reaction be? what do you think the global reaction would be?
Finally got the courage to submit. Any advice to help me finish this thing?
EvilClassic and my M-Audio Axiom49pro. It's still a work in progress. Problem is when I go in to replay a layer, ADHD kicks in and I end up writing something completely new, so I just decided to post as is; please forgive the off-tempo beats. I'm anti-GB Loops so you definitely won't find any of those within it. Any advice to help refine and improve my music is greatly appreciated. If you happen to like it, don't forget to check out the rest of what I have posted. If you think it's total crap, I implore you to say so as I appreciate an external source of motivation. I'm also working on procuring logicpro and albeton live, but so far I'm locked up in GarageBand without parole.