Time to work on a less intimidating super-costume.
Tyd om te werk aan 'n minder intimiderende superkostuum.
I mean it’s Hawaii — how could you go wrong?!
Ek bedoel dit is Hawaii - hoe kan jy verkeerd gaan ?!
Allâh to the Arabs was the Lord of the Ka'abah.
Jahweh is dus ook die god van die Arabiere (Ismaeliete).
If Jesus needed it in every crisis, don’t you and I need it in every crisis?
As Jesus dit in elke krisis nodig gevind het, het ek en jy dit nie ook in elke krisis nodig nie?
"For the evildoers shall be cut off, but those who wait for the Lord shall inherit the land."
“Want die kwaaddoeners sal uitgeroei word, maar die wat die Here verwag, hulle sal die aarde besit.”
“Africa is a political priority for the S&D Group.
"Afrika is 'n politieke prioriteit vir die S & D-groep.
Even fewer do so four times in a day. – Terry Slevin
Selfs minder doen dit vier keer in 'n dag. - Terry Slevin
Don't be surprised if your boss was born in August.
Moenie verbaas wees as jou baas in Augustus gebore is nie.
Or just redefining socialism for America?”
Of is dit net die herdefiniëring van sosialisme vir Amerika? "
Well, let the professor speak of Somatization!
Laat die professor praat van Somatization!
The first thing he did was buy Ethereum for $ 100.
Die eerste ding wat hy gedoen het, was te koop Ethereum vir $ 100.
But I know what they wanted to do was to leave it open to interpretation."
Maar ek weet wat hulle wou doen, was om dit oop te stel vir interpretasie. '
“Multilingualism starts with children and this is what we need to focus on.
“Meertaligheid begin by kinders en dit is waarop ons moet fokus.
Our priority is Istanbul and the future of Istanbul.
Ons prioriteit is Istanboel en die toekoms van Istanboel.
Look for that blog or Telegram channel, which you find more interesting.
Kyk vir daardie blog of Telegram kanaal, wat jy vind meer interessant.
12:34When Jesus saw that he answered wisely, he said to him, "You are not far from the kingdom of God."
Mar 12:34, Toe Jesus sien dat hy verstandig geantwoord het, sê Hy vir hom: Jy is nie ver van die koninkryk van God nie.
Now I tell you a secret on this Shavu’ot.
Nou vertel EK julle ‘n geheim op hierdie Shavu’ot.
Why do female comedians disappear after dark?
Waarom verdwyn vroulike komediane na donker?
Be patient with both your friends and your enemies.
Wees geduldig met beide jou vriende en jou vyande,
And we believe and are sure that You are the Christ, the Son of the living God."
En ons het geglo en erken dat U die Christus is, die Seun van die lewende God” (Joh.
And we believe and are sure that You are the Christ, the Son of the living God."
En ons het geglo en erken dat U die Christus is, die Seun van die lewende God" (Joh.
The Potential Costs Of A Secretary Tom Price On US Healthcare
Die Potensiële Koste Van 'n Sekretaris Tom Price On US Healthcare
We do not know if or when these species could arrive in Canada.
Ons weet nie of of wanneer hierdie spesies in Kanada kon aankom nie.
and spoke of it with ease.
En praat van gemaksugtig!
It was even bigger than the last book!
Dit was selfs groter as die laaste boek!
“But why could Swamiji not stop this war?”
"Maar hoekom kon Swamiji nie hierdie oorlog stop nie?"
What is your current financial situation; can you afford any investment?
Wat is jou huidige finansiële situasie; kan jy enige belegging bekostig?
Ask yourself, Is this other product exciting?
Vra jouself af, Is hierdie ander produk opwindend?
Not everyone knows it, but chocolate can kill a dog.
Nie almal weet dit nie, maar sjokolade kan 'n hond doodmaak.
20Now a mediator is not [a mediator] of one, but God is one.
(20) En die middelaar is nie net vir een nie; maar God is een.
3:14 If any man's work shall abide which he built thereon, he shall receive a reward.
3:14 As iemand se werk bly staan wat hy daarop gebou het, sal hy loon ontvang;
Then said Jesus, ”Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.”
Toe sê Jesus: “Vader, vergeef hulle, want hulle weet nie wat hulle doen nie!”
Then said Jesus, ”Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.”
Toe sê Jesus: "Vader, vergeef hulle, want hulle weet nie wat hulle doen nie!"
Then said Jesus, ”Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.”
Toe sê Jesus: ‘Vader, vergeef hulle, want hulle weet nie wat hulle doen nie!’
My soul is hungry, and I have to feed on God's word.
My siel is honger en ek moet op God se Woord voed.
“Is Fact a safer cigarette?” asked one document from the 1970s.
"Is dit 'n veiliger sigaret?" het een dokument gevra van die 1970s.
Voting for a smarter future with 5G is of no smaller importance today.
Stem vir 'n slimmer toekoms met 5G is vandag nie minder belangrik nie.
If not, tell me, that I may turn to the right hand, or to the left.”
Indien nie, vertel my, dat ek kan gaan na die regterkant of aan die linkerkant. "
In this way, the phone becomes an avatar or daemon of that user.
Op hierdie manier word die telefoon 'n avatar of daemon van daardie gebruiker.
But in that energy, we can now communicate with them in a new way… through you.
Maar in daardie energie kan ons nou op ‘n nuwe manier met hulle kommunikeer … deur jou!
Something must happen—and that explains most human commitments.
Iets moet gebeur - en dit verklaar die meeste menslike verbintenisse.
Unresolved Issues Between My Mother & Myself
Onopgeloste probleme tussen my moeder en myself
58.185(2)(c) is a good example:
58.185 (2) (c) is 'n goeie voorbeeld:
Those who deny one or more of them are false.
Diegene wie een of meer daarvan verwerp, is vals.
And here’s the best part: You already have Soul Courage.
En hier is die beste deel: Jy het reeds Soul Courage.
They say: The truth, and He is the Most High, the Most Great.
Hy sê ook die volgende daaroor: “This is a great truth, one of the greatest truths.
But Joyce and I love to go alone in our one boat, sometimes with a dog or two.
Maar Joyce en ek hou daarvan om alleen in ons een boot te gaan, soms met 'n hond of twee.
And what they created was something that should have come a long time ago.
Die gebeure wat hy beskryf, het reeds lank gelede gebeur.
4 Legend as a blind beggar
4 Legende as'n blinde bedelaar
Can you really kindle the flames of love in 90 minutes or less?
Kan jy regtig die vlamme van liefde aansteek in 90 minute of minder?
I have seen and testified that he is the Son of God.”
En ek het gesien en getuig dat Hy die Seun van God is".
I have seen and testified that he is the Son of God.”
En ek het gesien en getuig dat Hy die Seun van God is.”
The situation with C-69 is much less positive.
Die situasie met C-69 is baie minder positief.
Now you understand the stages of your vision!
Nou verstaan jy die fases van jou visie!
“All the Kenyan government officials and concerned citizens were there.
“Al die Keniaanse regeringsamptenare en bekommerde inwoners was daar.
I said, “I’m not sure yet; maybe 75 percent?”
Ek het gesê, "Ek is nog nie seker nie; miskien 75 persent? "
After all, Netscape was first — but how many of you still use that today?
Netscape was immers eerste - maar hoeveel van julle gebruik dit vandag nog?
That God will change those people’s hearts, and they will learn the truth.
Miskien sal God daardie mense se harte verander, en sal hulle die waarheid leer ken.
Smile, and wait an extra ten minutes.
Smile, en wag 'n ekstra tien minute.
All of the Nordic countries, for example, use a proportional system.
Al die Nordiese lande, byvoorbeeld, gebruik 'n proporsionele stelsel.
We told you that your Lord encompasses mankind.”(Al-Isra, 60)
En Ons het aan u gesê: Voorwaar, u Heer omring al die mense.
What, what would have become of me] had I not believed that I would see the Lord’s goodness in the land of the living!
As ek darem nie geglo het dat ek die goedheid van die Here sal sien in die land van die lewendes nie…!
Is what they are doing unlawful?
Is wat hulle onwettig gedoen het?
O Thou of Boundless Munificence!
O die ongelooflike dwaas!
Go see why this last one is awesome,
Gaan sien waarom hierdie laaste een is awesome,
And once again threatened your planet.
En weereens bedreig jou planeet.
They came to me and said (it was the social worker, Rosa Maria):
Hulle het na my gekom en gesê (dit was die maatskaplike werker, Rosa Maria):
Pele said in 2006: “For 20 years they have asked me the same question, who is the greatest?
Pele het in 2006 gesê: "Vir 20 jaar het hulle my dieselfde vraag gevra, wie is die grootste?
The deserted city shall be broken down, every house shall be shut, no one enters.
Die verlate stad is verbreek; elke huis is toegesluit, sodat niemand daar kan ingaan nie.
“True democracy needs alternative voices in order to succeed.
“Ware demokrasie het alternatiewe stemme nodig om suksesvol te wees.
End all prayers with “this or better.”
Beëindig alle gebede met "hierdie of beter."
(After all, most things that we read or hear are true.)
(Na alles, die meeste dinge wat ons lees of hoor, is waar.)
12:34When Jesus saw that he answered wisely, he said to him, "You are not far from the kingdom of God."
Mar 12:34, Toe Jesus sien dat hy verstandig geantwoord het, sê Hy vir hom: Jy is nie ver van die koninkryk van God
But after a month here, I find myself in stasis.
Maar na 'n maand hier, vind ek myself in stasis.
But our home and most of our possessions were gone forever.
Maar ons huis en die meeste van ons besittings was vir ewig weg.
"And 2E1 can be beneficial for the plant, too.”
"En 2E1 kan ook vir die plant voordelig wees.
We learn from God’s servants of old.
Ons leer by God se knegte van ouds.
All will go to Hell and no one will save you.”
Dit sal almal raak en niemand spaar nie.”
There is no morning for mankind.
môre behoort nie aan die mens;
"Are our parents and children Soul Mates and are they part of our Soul Family?"
"Is ons ouers en kinders Soul Mates en is hulle deel van ons Soul Familie?"
What has Australia done so far – and what more can we do?
Wat het Australië tot dusver gedoen - en wat kan ons nog meer doen?
“Because He is so great, He should be feared by Israel.
“Omdat Hy so groot is, behoort Israel Hom te vrees.
He was successful and wanted to do the same with human eggs.
Hy was suksesvol en wou dieselfde met menslike eiers doen.
They ask you (O Muhammad) about the Hour, - when will be its appointed time? 43.
"(Ongelowiges) vra jou (Mohammed) oor die Uur, wanneer dit gaan gebeur?
No one is going to say, “Yeah, we starve the elephants.
Niemand gaan sê, "Ja, ons honger die olifante.
If Jesus needed it in every crisis, don't you and I need it in every crisis?
As Jesus dit in elke krisis nodig gevind het, het ek en jy dit nie ook in elke krisis nodig nie?
Who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.”
Hy wat is en wat was en wat kom, die Almagtige”.
Will it take them another 14 years to do something about it?"
Gaan dit hulle nog 14 jaar neem om iets daaraan te doen?”
And the top 10 unusual fish here.
En die top 10 ongewone vis hier.
Jon Gordon is known internationally as The Energy Addict.
JON GORDON staan ​​internasionaal bekend as The Energy Addict.
Was there a change on Day 1?
Was daar 'n verandering op Dag 1?
So, yes, God can be "seen" and many people have "seen" God.
Dus, ja, God kan “gesien” word en baie mense het vir God “gesien”.
But Saul swore to her by the LORD, "As the LORD lives, you shall incur no blame for this."
Toe sweer Saul vir haar by die HERE en sê: So waar as die HERE leef, geen straf sal jou ter wille hiervan tref nie!
[6] "Why did God give us four Gospels?"
Vraag: "Hoekom het God vier Evangelies vir ons gegee?"
We will go there with a large passenger ship from Stockholm. "
Ons sal daarheen te gaan met 'n groot passasierskip van Stockholm. "
Does global warming mean more or less snow?
Beteken Global Warming meer of minder sneeu?
Sex, but do not fuck!
Seks, maar moenie te fuck!
And to every man woman and child on Earth I say:
En aan elke man, vrou en kind op aarde, sê ek:
Amnon said, ‘Send out everyone from me.’
En Amnon sê, "Stuur almal van my af weg."
I want to enroll you as an agent of change – and you’ll need two things.
Ek wil jou as 'n agent van verandering inskryf - en jy het twee dinge nodig.