In Miami and Fiji’s too far?
In Miami en Fiji is dit te ver?
39 Return to your house and describe what great things God has done for you."
39Gaan terug na jou huis en vertel watter groot dinge God aan jou gedoen het.
I'm talking about what Jean Houston calls Deep Dialogue.
Ek praat oor wat Jean Houston Deep Dialogue noem.
34:17 — “You shall make no molded gods for yourselves.”
34:17 Jy mag vir jou geen gegote gode maak nie.
It’s one of our philosophies: We are 12 unique individuals in this home.”
Dit is een van ons filosofieë: Ons is 12 unieke individue in hierdie huis. "
"Fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven."
“En daar sal verskriklike dinge en groot tekens van die hemel kom”.
For there was an interpreter between them.
Want daar was 'n tolk tussen hulle.
That is also the meaning of this image in Psalm 37 and elsewhere.”
Dit is ook die betekenis van hierdie beeld in Psalm 37 en elders.”
My wife, Kelly, and I continued this lifestyle after we returned.
My vrou, Kelly, en ek het voortgegaan met hierdie leefstyl nadat ons teruggekeer het.
Am I to drink the blood of these men?
Sou ek die bloed van hierdie manne drink?
They knew what to do if a big storm came or something like that.
Hulle het geweet wat om te doen as 'n groot storm kom of iets soos dit.
He will make a New Covenant with Isra'el (42:6; 49:8-9).
Hy sal 'n nuwe verbond met Israel sluit (42:6; 49:8-9).
He did just so.+
Hy het net so gedoen.+
In famine He shall redeem thee from death, and in war from the power of the sword."
“In hongersnood verlos Hy jou van die dood en in die oorlog uit die mag van die swaard.”
How shall Jacob arise? for he is small.
Hoe sal Jakob staande bly? want hy is klein.
Thats why you have to choose Ukraine!
Dis hoekom jy moet Oekraïne te kies!
But what happens when this is not true - like in Russia?
Maar wat gebeur as dit nie waar is nie - soos in Rusland?
In this situation, the “comeback kid” shouldn’t be allowed to come back!
In hierdie situasie, die "comeback kid" moet nie toegelaat word om terug te kom!
The fourth mega-trend is money, and lots of it.
Die vierde mega-tendens is geld, en baie daarvan.
And that is what the Tenth Commandment prohibits.
DIT is wat die Tiende Gebod verbied!
In the next 25, it might totally redefine how the world shops.
In die volgende 25 kan dit heeltemal herdefinieer hoe die wêreld winkels.
Their torment in the Hereafter is even worse and more severe,
En inderdaad die straf van die Hiernamaals is meer ernstig en meer blywende.
101 Places to visit in India - India is a land of many paradoxes.
101 Places to visit in India - Indië is 'n land van baie paradokse.
If you choose, you can also go see where he is buried.
As jy kies, kan jy ook gaan kyk waar hy begrawe is.
Tom replies, "No, the Moon is 384 000 kilometres away - that's too far!"
Tom antwoord: "Nee, die maan is 384 000 kilometer weg - dit is te ver!"
“Everybody should participate in the proposed TV debates.
"Almal moet deelneem aan die voorgestelde TV-debatte.
In and of itself, this analysis can be a neutral tool.
In en vanself kan hierdie analise 'n neutrale instrument wees.
Cultural diversity is also promoted by the Montreal Declaration of 2007.
Kulturele diversiteit word ook bevorder deur die Verklaring van Montreal van 2007.
Elvan said, “Mersin is our everything.
Elvan het gesê: “Mersin is ons alles.
This is the life I want!”, then the next step is simple.
Dit is die lewe wat ek wil! ", Dan is die volgende stap eenvoudig.
10What he did was evil in the Lord’s sight, so he put him to death also.
10Maar wat Onan gedoen het, was verkeerd in die oë van die Here, en Hy het ook vir hom laat sterf.
Today they earn 373 times as much.)
Vandag verdien hulle 373 keer soveel.)
One or the other—capitalism or democracy—must go.
Die een of die ander – kapitalisme of demokrasie – moet gaan.
They are not going to get away with what they did on 9 November 1918.
Hulle sal nie wegkom met wat hulle op 9 November 1918 gedoen het nie.
'We have found water!' they said to him.
“Ons het water gekry!” het hulle gesê.
That’s another thing — why are these doctors getting younger and younger every year?
Dit is 'n ander ding — Hoekom is hierdie dokters om jonger en jonger elke jaar?
Then men began to call on the name of YAHUAH.”
Toe het hulle die Naam van YAHUWAH begin aanroep.”
There is a kind of magical spell in the idols of this Lord of knowledge.
Hierdie Blye Boodskap van die koninkryk was dus die tema - van die Heer se lering.
“All three (proposed) taxes are annual wealth taxes.
“Al drie (voorgestelde) belastings is jaarlikse welvaartbelastings.
***Staying on budget has become second nature to me now.
*** Bly op die begroting het nou vir my die tweede natuur geword.
He prayed: "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do."
Hy het gesê: ‘Vader vergeef hulle want hulle weet nie . . .’
Or should we wait for another?'
Of moet ons vir ’n ander Een wag?”
Candidates will not be able to continue with Financial management at 300-level.
Kandidate sal nie met Finansiële bestuur op 300-vlak kan voortgaan nie.
# 2: Better than Other Courses on the Same Topic
# 2: Beter as ander kursusse op dieselfde onderwerp
Thus there was a special appropriateness in our Lord’s being cruci­fied by them when the moon was substantially full, and that by God’s predetermination as concerned the time, so that they could not take Him previously (“My time is not yet come” – John 7:6,8; Matt.
Reeds in die Ou Testament het God gesê dat sekere dinge belangriker is as jou geliefde wat sterf. ‘n Priester of nasireër se afsondering aan die Here was so groot, dat hulle nie betrokke kon wees met die begrafnisreëlings van ‘n gesinslid nie (Levitikus 21:11, Numeri 6:6-8).
What other aspects of diversity are important in Germany?
Watter ander aspekte van diversiteit is belangrik in Duitsland?
I wish that all of the LORD’s people were prophets and that the LORD would put His Spirit upon them all.”
Ek sou wou wens dat die hele volk van die Here profete was, en dat Hy sy Gees op almal mag lê.”
You (the mistress) are the easy one.
Jy is gemaklik (en selfvoldaan)
How do you like the following joke from Sumeria in about 1900BC?
Hoe hou jy van die volgende grap van Sumeria in ongeveer 1900BC?
> Member of three or more online dating services at the same time.
> Lid van drie of meer online dating services op dieselfde tyd.
I like the way you describe it, almost more technically, but both are true.
Ik hou wel van de manier waarop jij het omschrijft, meer technisch bijna, maar beide zijn waar.
Was he guilty of the double truth?
Was hy skuldig aan die dubbele waarheid?
I could see what the Indian’s idea was.
Ek kon sien wat die Indiër se idee was.
If you can, that's a victory."
As jy kan, is dit 'n oorwinning."
“Why were you two hours late for our date tonight?”
"Hoekom was jy twee uur laat vir ons datum vanaand?"
^ "No one expected attack on Congress in 1954".
"Niemand het aanval op Kongres in 1954 verwag".
He blogs at A New and Ancient Story.
Hy blogs op 'N Nuwe en Ancient Story.
Indeed, you old catastrophic FOOL.
O die ongelooflike dwaas!
Believe it or not, we acknowledge this reality three times at the very beginning of Kol Nidrei.
Glo dit of nie, ons erken hierdie realiteit drie keer aan die begin van Kol Nidrei.
Finally, remember that Spain is different.
Ten slotte, onthou dat Spanje anders is.
But some kids, like 16-year-old Charlotte, had a different reaction:
Maar sommige kinders, soos 16-jarige Charlotte, het 'n heel ander reaksie gehad:
But what happens when this is not true – like in Russia?
Maar wat gebeur as dit nie waar is nie - soos in Rusland?
The fire will burn until everything is consumed or destroyed.
Dit sal voort woed totdat alles verbrand en (vernietig) is.
The Bible states: “For he is God’s servant to do you good.
Paulus skryf: “Want hy is ʼn dienaar van God, jou ten goede.
And again, “O Lord, what shall be the end of these things?”
Hy vra: “My heer, wat is die uiteinde van hierdie dinge?”
We know what he’s going to say: ‘Time to pay for your sins.’
Ons weet wat hy gaan sê: ‘Tyd om vir jou sondes te betaal.’
Tell him more about you The conversations are reciprocal.
Vertel hom meer van jou Die gesprekke is wederkerig.
Real casino in Portugal and there is a virtual alternative.
Real casino in Portugal en daar is 'n virtuele alternatief.
‘This is your year, Wayde’.
“‘Dit is jou jaar, Wayde’”.
I think it can, and as I argue in my new book, philosophy can help.
Ek dink dit kan, en soos ek argumenteer in my nuwe boek, filosofie kan help.
This must have happened every time Solomon acquired a new wife.
Dit moes gebeur het elke keer wanneer Salomo ‘n nuwe vrou gekry het.
I kept being told in 1995, where is your husband?
Ek is aanhoudend vertel in 1995, waar is jou man?
Lisbon: Even Better the Second Time
Lissabon: Nog beter die tweede keer
we steal out of thy lord's house silver or gold?
Ons sal nooit silwer of goud uit jou meneer se huis steel nie.
He’s a Christian banker who lives in another town.
Hy is 'n Christen bankier wat in 'n ander dorp woon.
And the story of your life and your world too, as you will see.
En die storie van jou lewe en jou wêreld ook, jy sal sien.
A 5-hp stereo system was born!
'N 5-hp stereo stelsel is gebore!
Then ease into talking about bedtime.
En praat van gemaksugtig!
5 Pharaoh also said, "Look, the people of the land are so numerous, and you would stop them from working."
5 Verder het Farao gesê: Kyk, die volk van die land is alreeds baie; en julle wil hulle laat ophou met hulle werk?
But you weren’t far off of 10,000!
Maar jy was nie ver van 10,000 nie!
God decided to use you, all the way from Texas.
God het besluit om jou te gebruik, al die pad van Texas.
Satan got to Adam by deceiving his wife.
Maar Satan het Adam se vrou bedrieg.
Does Global Warming Mean More or Less Snow?
Beteken Global Warming meer of minder sneeu?
A new menace threatens the world of Narnia and only you can help.
'N nuwe bedreiging bedreig die wêreld van Narnia en jy kan net help.
lands, for my name's sake, shall receive an hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life.”
grond, sal honderd maal soveel ontvang en die ewige lewe as erfenis kry.”
Does The Climate Crisis Call For Fewer Children?
Roep die klimaatkrisis vir minder kinders?
(German Sanctus) from his Deutsche Liturgie also use the third person.
(Duitse Sanctus ) van sy Duitse liturgie gebruik ook die derde persoon.
Thomas Jefferson knew that this storm would come.
Thomas Jefferson het geweet dat hierdie storm sou kom.
And if not, tell me, that I may turn to the right hand or to the left."
Indien nie, vertel my, dat ek kan gaan na die regterkant of aan die linkerkant. "
You must purge the evil from you, and all Israel will hear and be afraid.”
So moet jy dan die kwaad uit jou midde uitroei, en die hele Israel sal dit hoor en vrees.”
29 We know that God spoke to Moses; but, as for this man, we do not know where he comes from.”
29Ons weet dat God met Moses gepraat het; maar hierdie man – ons weet nie waar hy vandaan kom nie.”
But, just like Europe, the United States is safe to visit.
Maar, net soos Europa, Die Verenigde State is veilig om te besoek.
But when and where the wicked men were planted, since all men are plants?
Maar wanneer en waar die slegte mense is geplant, want alle mense is plante?
In that case, the importance of academic needs is understood.)
In hierdie geval word die belangrikheid van akademiese behoeftes verstaan.)
Is Top10Supps truly independent, how do you make money?
Is Top10Supps werklik onafhanklik, hoe maak jy geld?
mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come!
. . . . o sterk stad, want in een uur het jou oordeel gekom!
He said, 'I will not do it for the forty's sake.'
Hy het gesê: "Ek sal dit nie doen vir die wille van die veertig."
I meet other wanderers and we share a fire
Ek ontmoet ander wanderers en ons deel 'n vuur
So it shall be with all of YAHUSHUA’s Bride.
So sal dit wees met almal van YAHUSHUA se Bruid.
“It’s John’s birthday so I have to drink.”
'Dit is John se verjaarsdag, so ek moet drink.'