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You will read the Lord’s Prayer the way you have never read it before!’ | JY LEES NOU Hier's Jak de Priester soos jy hom nog nooit gehoor het nie! |
He will be forever known as an ‘all-action midfielder’. | Hy sal vir ewig bekend staan as 'n 'all-action midfielder'. |
In 2003 Anna decided to do it solo and exciting things have been happening ever since! | In 2003 besluit Anna om dit solo te doen en opwindende dinge gebeur sedertdien! |
That was the core of who he was.” | Dit is die kern van wie hy was.” |
Man’s unrighteousness will return judgment back to himself. | Ongehoorsaamheid sal egter oordeel vir hulle beteken. |
You’re telling me there isn’t one white doctor in this whole entire building?” | Jy vertel my daar is nie een wit dokter in hierdie hele gebou nie?” |
2, Others of us think of it as irrelevant. | 2, Ander van ons dink aan dit as irrelevant. |
First of all, Daniel. | Eerstens, Daniel. |
If you replace yourself with BMW. | As jy vervang jouself met BMW. |
I will never leave Jesus behind.” | Ek sal Jesus nooit verlaat nie.” |
Third Stage: "I Forgot the Placenta!" | Derde fase: "Ek het die plasenta vergeet!" |
17 The end of this system of things is near, so we too are living at a critical time. | 17 Die einde van hierdie stelsel van dinge is naby, en daarom lewe ons ook in ’n kritieke tyd. |
And we believe and are sure that You are the Christ, the Son of the living God." | En ons het geglo en erken dat U die Christus is, die Seun van die lewende God.” |
There is thus enough “reserves” for future maintenance. | Daar is dus genoeg “reserwes” vir toekomstige onderhoud. |
26Our livestock also shall go with us. | 26 Ons vee sal ook saam met ons gaan. |
+ 72 But if they do not cross over with you armed for battle, they shall receive a possession among you in the land of Canaan." | 30Maar as hulle gewapende manne nie saam met julle gaan nie, moet hulle tussen julle in Kanaän 'n besitting kry.” |
• For today and tomorrow, we can embrace our feelings. | • Vir vandag en môre kan ons ons gevoelens omhels. |
We also requested the first meeting of our President in Ankara, but he planned to meet with 30 metropolitan municipalities. | Ons het ook die eerste vergadering van ons president in Ankara aangevra, maar hy was van plan om met 30 metropolitaanse munisipaliteite te vergader. |
The rubella outbreak of 1964-65 – and access to abortion | Die rubella-uitbraak van 1964-65 - en toegang tot aborsie |
Before he is hanged, Burroughs recites the Lord’s Prayer in its entirety. | Ná die belydenis word die gebed van berou aan die persoon voorgelees. |
“It also explains why the Western diet might be bad for us. | "Dit verduidelik ook hoekom die Westerse dieet vir ons sleg kan wees. |
One strategy that may help is a pregnancy blog. | Een strategie wat kan help, is 'n swangerskap blog. |
This means that the annual Sabbath had to be one day later—or Thursday! | Dit beteken dat die jaarlikse Sabbat een dag later moes wees — of Donderdag! |
Fortunately that is the way things are – if everything went the way we wanted... | Gelukkig is dit die manier waarop dinge is - as alles gaan soos ons wou ... |
And, may the Lord’s perpetual Light shine upon them. | Want die lyn van tyd bestaan binne hom. |
India – The best part of India for last! | Indië – Die beste deel van Indië vir laaste! |
It’ll be established forever as the moon, as a faithful witness in heaven. | Soos die maan sal hy vir ewig vasstaan, en die getuie in die hemel is getrou. |
Arctic 2015: Things are not looking good! | Arktiese 2015: Dinge is nie op soek na goeie! |
That was all they had to eat—three tortillas a day. | Dit was al wat hulle gehad het om te eet—drie tortillas per dag. |
Tell Pharaoh king of Egypt all that I am telling you.” | Sê vir die farao, die koning van Egipte, wat Ek alles vir jou gesê het.” |
And Joab has chastised David. | En Joab het Ur¡a na Dawid gestuur. |
'And in this place I will give peace,' says the Lord of hosts.' | "Op hierdie plek sal ek vrede gee, spreek die Here." |
Usually your driver will double as your guide. | Gewoonlik sal jou bestuurder verdubbel as jou gids. |
Surely not, the human thinks. | En is eintlik lagwekkend as mens daaraan dink. |
It is almost as large as the earth, | omtrent so groot soos die aarde moes wees. |
Why we DO NOT support Marxism or Russia | Waarom ons nie die marxisme of Rusland ondersteun nie |
And when it quits moving, subsidize it." | En as dit ophou beweeg, subsidieer dit.” |
How Youth Influenced The EU Election And Could Do The Same In Canada | Hoe Jeug beïnvloed Die EU-verkiesing en kan dieselfde doen in Kanada |
You also talk about a death that will always be the worst way. | U praat ook van 'n dood wat altyd in die ergste vorm sal wees. |
They are also relatively low (for a fruit) in sugar. | Hulle is ook relatief laag (vir 'n vrug) in suiker. |
In this case we will try to find in the room or on the street all the representatives of the cat. | In hierdie geval sal ons probeer om uit te vind in die kamer of op die straat al die verteenwoordigers van die kat. |
22 Or have you utterly rejected us? | 22 Of het U ons heeltemal verwerp? |
Later, a second policeman comes up and arrests Bob. | Later kom 'n tweede polisieman op en arresteer Bob. |
Do these things again for your people today! | Doen weer hierdie dinge vir u volk vandag! |
They are, I repeat, my students. | Hulle is, ek herhaal, my studente. |
38 They said to him, “Lord, look, here are two swords.” | 38 Hulle sê vir Hom: Here, kyk hier is twee swaarde. |
Who are the 1 in 4 American women who choose abortion? | Wie is die 1 in 4 Amerikaanse vroue wat Aborsie kies? |
You are a witness of these things. | En julle is getuies van hierdie dinge. |
I am very upset with our First Lady for not supporting more approiate musicians. | Ek is baie ontsteld met ons eerste dame vir nie ondersteun meer approiate musikante. |
Now you can understand what was said to you – “Give me this book”. | Nou kan jy verstaan wat ek vir jou gesê het – “Gee vir my hierdie boek”. |
Why did you start Frances V.H? | Waarom het jy Frances V.H. begin? |
In the words of one woman, Joan, 62: | In die woorde van een vrou, Joan, 62: |
In this volume, the editors of YES! | In hierdie volume, die redakteurs van JA! |
What can we learn from Scotland's failed referendum? | Wat kan ons van Skotland se mislukte referendum leer? |
And he put his hand on it; and Elisha put his hands on the king’s hands. | En hy het sy hand aan die boog gesit; en Elísa het sy hande op die hande van die koning gelê. |
In April we watched them explode. | In April het ons gekyk hoe hulle ontplof. |
Conversations between you and our support are private. | Gesprekke tussen u en ons ondersteuning is privaat. |
12ª] Criticizing everybody who tries to be different. | 12 ª] Kritiseer almal wat probeer om anders te wees. |
46:2 he heard him, by a vision in the night, nelepon anjeunna, and saying to him: “Jacob, Jacob.” | 46:2 Hy het hom dit hoor, deur 'n gesig in die nag, roep hom, en vir hom gesê:: "Jacob, Jacob. |
And again, Here I am with the children that God gave me.” | En verder: “Hier is Ek met die kinders wat God My gegee het.” |
Why will most people be surprised when the end comes? | Hoekom sal die meeste mense verbaas wees wanneer die einde kom? |
Why some doctors are prescribing a day in the park or... | Waarom sommige dokters 'n dag in die park voorskryf of ... |
All of that is found in the secret place with Him. | Dit word alles gevind in die geheime plek met Hom. |
And we believe and are sure that You are the Christ, the Son of the living God." | En ons het geglo en erken dat U die Christus is, die Seun van die lewende God...". |
As already stated, NetEnt is the developer of this slot. | Soos reeds gemeld, NetEnt is die ontwikkelaar van hierdie slot. |
A strange article for me to write is “how cool” Nashville is. | 'N vreemde artikel vir my om te skryf is "hoe koel" Nashville is. |
You will destroy him if you say at least one of these phrases | Jy sal hom vernietig as jy ten minste een van hierdie frases sê |
Born to walk, too, wants to fly | Gebore om te loop, ook wil om te vlieg |
He said “In four seasons you will know.” | HY het gesê, "In vier seisoene sal jy weet." |
So the soldiers did these things.” | En die soldate het hierdie dinge werklik gedoen". |
To put it quite clearly: we have an economic programme. | Om dit duidelik te stel: ons het 'n ekonomiese program. |
If they do not, then ask them to. | Indien nie, bevraagteken dit dan! |
You have done a foolish thing, and from now on you will continue to have wars." | Maar jy het ’n dom ding gedoen, en van nou af sal jy altyd oorlog moet maak.” |
Or are you talking about modern bourgeois private property? | Of spreek u van die moderne private bourgeois-eiendom? |
The River of life that has to be crossed — is it Samsara itself? | Die rivier van die lewe wat moet gekruis — is dit Samsara self? |
“The LORD makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him.” | Die skryfwêreld maak sy arms oop vir enigiemand wat hom omhels.” |
Give me five loaves of bread or whatever you can find.” | Gee my tog vyf brode of net wat u beskikbaar het.” |
Therefore, living as the Other you fail to discover that Life also has plans, and they may be different.” | "Daarom, as die Ander leef jy nie om te ontdek dat die Lewe ook planne het nie, en hulle mag anders wees." |
How well have you measured them against God’s standards? | Hoe goed het jy hulle gemeet teen God se standaarde? |
(But) finding the truth is difficult, and the road to it is rough.” | Om die waarheid te vind is moeilik, en die pad daarheen is grof." |
“A sign you shall see”. | “Dit is ‘n teken, jy sal sien.” |
And they were strangers there, until that time. | En hulle was vreemdelinge daar, tot op daardie tyd. |
For they all knew that his father was Greek. | Want hulle het almal geweet dat sy vader 'n Griek. |
There are more Swedish Christian TV channels? | Daar is meer Sweedse Christen TV-kanale? |
Get this ticket if you plan to see at least three museums! | Kry hierdie kaartjie as jy van plan is om ten minste drie museums te sien! |
So why are folks like Bob wrong? | So hoekom is mense soos Bob verkeerd? |
Repeat the same when they leave the registry office. | Herhaal dieselfde wanneer hulle die registerkantoor verlaat. |
I bring that up today because we wish to speak about sexuality on your planet. | Ek bring dit vandag op omdat ons wil praat oor seksualiteit op jou planeet. |
Roots: The Lord of the Rings (the Woodling). | Die stroomgebied van die Ubangirivier. |
I sit on the throne of a god in the heart of the seas.” | Ek sit op die gode se troon in die hart van die see.’ |
Every child asks, ‘Who made God?’ | Elke kind vra: "Wie het God (Yahweh) gemaak?" |
Why do they need swords in heaven?” | Hoekom het hulle swaarde in die hemel nodig?" |
they have rejected me as the king over them. | “Hulle (Israel) het My verwerp as koning oor hulle.” |
Jesus said, “I AM the truth.” | Jesus het gesê: “Ek is die Waarheid.” |
Then comes the end when he hands over the kingdom to the Father” (1 Cor. | Daarna kom die einde, wanneer Hy die koninkryk aan God die Vader oorgee” (1Kor. |
Then comes the end when he hands over the kingdom to the Father” (1 Cor. | Daarna kom die einde, wanneer Hy die koninkryk aan God die Vader oorgee" (1Kor. |
This time, too, you have a son." | Ook hierdie keer het jy ‘n seun!” |
And when I bid them leave they shall depart in peace. | Wanneer hulle daarvan genuttig het, het hulle in vrede vertrek. |
Because Owen is younger, I will use him as an example. | Omdat Owen jonger is, sal ek hom as voorbeeld gebruik. |
Who of us does not need such a helmet? | Wie van ons het nie so ’n helm nodig nie? |