We have lost contact with our Inner...
Ons het kontak verloor met ons Inner ...
Blackphone 2 review: privacy doesn’t have to...
Blackphone 2 review: privaatheid nie hoef te ...
You know what to expect; your fingers have felt this before.”
Jy weet wat om te verwag; Jou vingers het dit al voorheen gevoel. ”
A: Bill Leamon started this program three years ago.
A: Bill Leamon begin hierdie program drie jaar gelede.
So does the term nanotechnology apply to everything, and therefore mean nothing?
So is die term nanotegnologie op alles van toepassing en dus niks beteken nie?
- Pele said in 2006: "For 20 years they have asked me the same question, who is the greatest?
Pele het in 2006 gesê: "Vir 20 jaar het hulle my dieselfde vraag gevra, wie is die grootste?
Saint Francis, being happiest on his knees,
Saint Francis, gelukkigste op sy knieë,
You lose a life for every wrong click.
Jy verloor 'n lewe vir elke verkeerde klik.
"The faith which is by Him hath given him this perfect soundness."
Die geloof wat deur Hom is, het hom hierdie volkome gesondheid gegee. "
Our love and prayers are with you."
Ons gedagtes en gebede is met julle.”
Second, despite what you hear, crime in America is near a 20-year low.
Tweedens, ondanks wat jy hoor, is misdaad in Amerika naby 'n 20-jarige laag.
(By the way, if you use a rating system, make sure it is 1 to 7 and not 1 to 5.
(Terloops, as jy 'n graderingstelsel gebruik, maak seker dat dit 1 tot 7 en nie 1 tot 5 is nie.
B Decide on your best idea!
B.besluit op jou beste idee!
You weren’t afraid of ending up on the “Lost” island?
Jy was nie bang om op die "Verlore" eiland te eindig nie?
48 And ye are witnesses of these things.”
48 En julle is getuies van hierdie dinge.”
swore to their ancestors I would give them.”
Ek het dit met ’n eed aan hulle voorouers beloof.”
It's time to take The Chotchky Challenge!
Dit is tyd om die chotchky uitdaging te neem!
There is also a version for the ladies: Be That Girl!
Daar is ook ‘n weergawe vir die dames: Be That Girl!
And whether they plan to do something about it.
En of hulle beplan om iets daaraan te doen.
For the Lord’s Portion is His People – Deut.
Die Here sal sy volk tot insig bring – Deut.
46 In one house shall it be eaten.
46 In een huis moet dit geëet word.
You should also make life more interesting for Kitty in general.
Jy moet ook die lewe vir Kitty in die algemeen meer interessant maak.
Remember, every time we celebrate the Lord’s Supper, we proclaim his death until he comes again.
En elke maal as ons nagmaal vier, verkondig ons sy dood totdat Hy kom.
• Job’s reaction to personal tragedies?
• Job se reaksie op persoonlike tragedies?
The 30s Seem Like the Best Compromise
Die 30's lyk soos die beste kompromie
Stop in this week for our progressive sale.
Stop hierdie week vir ons progressiewe verkoop.
They have rejected Me as their king!
“Hulle (Israel) het My verwerp as koning oor hulle.”
WABA is responsible for the Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative and so much more.
WABA is verantwoordelik vir die Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative en soveel meer.
This is why the rabbis teach, “Who is rich?
Die Rabbyne het geleer: ‘ Who is rich?
Why is the NAMPO Expo such an exciting and important event for the agricultural sector?
Hoekom is die NAMPO Expo so ’n opwindende en belangrike gebeurtenis vir die landbousektor?
You must not necessary come from Asian or China before you can ink this lovely tattoo.
Jy moet nie nodig kom uit Asië of China voordat jy hierdie pragtige tattoo kan ink.
14 Certainly, all who are guided by God's Spirit are God's children.
14 Want almal wat deur die Gees van God gelei word, die is kinders van God.
Then ask them to prove “privilege”.
Dan ewe aanbied om die “goed” af te teken.
But the next day I can try to do the same and lose everything.
Maar die volgende dag kan ek probeer om dieselfde te doen en alles te verloor.
End all prayers with “this or better”.
Beëindig alle gebede met "hierdie of beter."
America can afford a Green New Deal — here’s how
Amerika kan 'n Green New Deal bekostig - hier is hoe
Start with my basoocam.
Begin met my basoocam.
After her second or third life-threatening infection, she changed.
Na haar tweede of derde lewensbedreigende infeksie het sy verander.
34 For God sent Him, and He speaks God’s words, since He gives the Spirit without measure.
34God het Hom immers gestuur, en Hy spreek die woorde van God, want God gee Hom sy Gees sonder enige beperking.
There was always a special tradition on the 5 and 6th of January.
Daar was altyd 'n spesiale tradisie op die 5 en 6th van Januarie.
the child is present at all meetings and legislations
het kind is aanwezigbij alle vergaderingen en wetgevingen
You have 60 seconds to make the most of this chance.
Jy het 60 sekondes om die meeste van hierdie kans te maak.
Some horses are more forgiving than others.
So word sommige bronne dan ook as meer gesaghebbend as ander beskou.
“And when Aaron saw it, he built an altar before it.”
Toe Aäron dit sien, het hy daarvoor 'n altaar gebou.
But I live here, says the model.
Maar ek hier woon, sê die model.
Lite for Facebook - is a lite alternative for Facebook messages.
Lite vir Facebook - is 'n klein alternatief vir Facebook-boodskappe.
It’s not hard to meet singles in Beijing.
Dit is nie moeilik om te ontmoet singles in Beijing.
O you ignorant one!
O die ongelooflike dwaas!
2014 gave us two prime examples of how this process can work to your benefit.
2014 het ons twee eerste voorbeelde gegee van hoe hierdie proses tot jou voordeel kan werk.
They are led in with joy and gladness; they enter the palace of the king.”
Hulle word gelei met vreugde en gejuig; hulle gaan in die Koning se paleis in” (Ps.
Georgia literally loved herself out of a bad marriage.
Georgië het haarself letterlik liefgehad uit 'n slegte huwelik.
27:23 You will no longer be able to bind his wound.
27:23 Jy sal nie meer in staat wees om sy wond bind.
What is interesting in it you will not find blood and violence inherent in the majority of samurai rebels.
Wat interessant is in dit wat jy sal dit nie vind bloed en geweld inherent in die meerderheid van die Samurai rebelle.
Psalm 2:11 says, “Serve the LORD with fear and rejoice with trembling.”
Wat Psalm 2:11 sê was waar van hom: “Dien die HERE met vrees, en juig met bewing.”
Most kids in Camden talk about leaving—and many of them do.
Die meeste kinders in Camden praat oor die vertrek - en baie van hulle doen.
They spoke, and we are here to listen.”
Hulle het gepraat, en ons is hier om te luister. "
We are to be “doers of the word and not merely hearers” (Jam 1:22).
En laat ons daders van die woord wees, en nie net hoorders nie (Jak 1:22).
We know this on an institutional level.
Ons weet dit op institusionele vlak.
5 Mathematics is Not...
5 Wiskunde is nie ...
Just as the rich man in Luke 16, you'll remember it all!
Net soos die ryk man in Lukas 16, sal jy alles onthou!
This week the world once again witnessed an Islamic State’s use of at least one child bomber, perhaps two.
Hierdie week het die wêreld weer eens 'n Islamitiese staat se gebruik van minstens een kindbomwerper gesien, miskien twee.
Shortly after, the human era will be ended."
Kort daarna sal die menslike tydperk beëindig word."
• House of Al Said
• Huis van Al Said
Even your sister Olga would have helped.
Selfs jou suster Olga sou gehelp het.
We find him here in a strange place – far away from his altar.
Ons vind hom hier op ‘n vreemde plek – ver van sy altaar af.
And he said, I will not do it for forty's sake."
En hy het gesê: “Ek sal dit ter wille van die veertig nie doen nie.”
This article remained unaltered as Article IV-441 of the European Constitution.
Die artikel het onveranderd gebly as artikel IV-441 van die Europese Grondwet.
I know a woman in Maryland who needed a lot of money quickly.
Ek ken 'n vrou in Maryland wat baie geld vinnig benodig het.
Message from Germany, Europe!
Boodskap uit Duitsland, Europa!
Our prayer was followed by the Lord's prayer.
Ons gedagtes het uitgegaan na ons gebedsvriende.
Your wall was your MS diagnosis, your death sentence, but you are trying to get over your wall...
Jou muur was jou MS diagnose, jou doodsvonnis, maar jy probeer om oor jou muur te kom ...
Then said Jesus, ”Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.”
Toe sê Jesus “Vader, vergeef hulle, want hulle weet nie wat hulle doen nie.”
Then said Jesus, ”Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.”
Toe sê Jesus "Vader, vergeef hulle, want hulle weet nie wat hulle doen nie."
This follows the political crisis in Lesotho.
Dit volg na die politieke krisis in Lesotho.
An excellent look at migrant Roma traditions.
'N Uitstekende blik op migrante Roma-tradisies.
Fortunately, we’re usually offered another chance: Do you want to play again?
Gelukkig word ons gewoonlik weer 'n kans gegee: Wil jy weer speel?
3:14 If any man's work shall abide which he built thereon, he shall receive a reward.
1KOR 3:14 As iemand se werk bly staan wat hy daarop gebou het, sal hy loon ontvang;
3:14 If any man's work shall abide which he built thereon, he shall receive a reward.
1Kor 3:14 As iemand se werk bly staan wat hy daarop gebou het, sal hy loon ontvang;
"He married a Texas girl, I want you to know.
Hy was getroud met 'n Texas meisie, Ek wil hê jy moet weet.
"Brothers, despite all the political disagreements, we want human solidarity.
“Broeders, weg van alle politieke verskille, ons wil menslike solidariteit.
He was and is on record that he is serious about it.
Hy was en is op rekord dat hy ernstig is daaroor.
We are not saying that China women dating is better than dating women from other countries.
Ons is nie te sê dat China vroue dating is beter as dating vroue uit ander lande.
At the price of $39/mo (ouch!), the system will help:
Teen die prys van $ 39 / mo (ouch!), Sal die stelsel help:
You can enjoy anything, but with a condom!
Jy kan enigiets geniet, maar met 'n kondoom!
You have a lot more options than just your home state – but what makes Wyoming so great?
U het baie meer opsies as net u huisstaat - maar wat maak Wyoming so wonderlik?
It was like going to work every day in hell with Satan.''
Dit was soos om elke dag in die hel met Satan te werk.”
[25] And all who fell that day, both men and women, were 12,000, all the people of Ai.
(25) Almal wat daardie dag gesneuwel het, mans en vrouens, was twaalf duisend, al die mense van Ai.
Verily, My Lord is on the straight path.”(11:56)
Voorwaar, my Heer is te vinde op die regte pad.
Joainne, I have not forgotten you, you were there too.
Joainne, EK het jou nie vergeet nie, jy was ook daar.
Larissa replied: “You smell the best in the world.
Larissa het geantwoord: "Jy ruik die beste in die wêreld.
^ "1394 Trade Association: What is 1394?".
↑ (en) “1394 Handelsvereniging: Wat is 1394?”.
^ "1394 Trade Association: What is 1394?".
↑ (en) "1394 Handelsvereniging: Wat is 1394?".
Raya and The League are for you.
Raya en Die Liga is vir jou.
A new spring and a new sound:
Een nieuwe lente en een nieuw geluid:
In the case of the first person, whose hand landed on the trunk, said, ‘This being is like a thick snake’.
Die eerste persoon, wie se hand op die romp geland het, het gesê: "Hierdie wese is soos 'n dik slang."
50 Nicode'mus, who had gone to Him before, and who was one of them, said to them,
50Nikodémus—hy wat in die nag na Hom gegaan het, wat een van hulle was—sê vir hulle:
Should I neglect to pray for a single day, I would lose a great deal of the fervour of my faith”.
As ek my gebed vir een enkele dag sou verwaarloos, sal ek ’n groot deel van my geloofsywer verloor.’
• How do we learn to hate what is bad?
• Hoe leer ons om te haat wat sleg is?
«He married a Texas girl, I want you to know.
Hy was getroud met 'n Texas meisie, Ek wil hê jy moet weet.
He will come later, and I am not good enough to untie his sandals."
Later sal daar Iemand kom, en ek is nie belangrik genoeg om sy sandale los te maak nie.’