1 value
Table : "","Financial Year ended 31 March","","","" "","2019","2018","Change","Change in constant currency (1)" "","(S$ million)","(S$ million)","(%)","(%)" "Operating revenue","17,372","17,268","0.6","3.7" "EBITDA","4,692","5,051","-7.1","-3.9" "EBITDA margin","27.0%","29.2%","","" "Share of associates’ pre-tax profits","1,536","2,461","-37.6","-36.2" "EBIT","4,006","5,261","-23.9","-21.8" "(exclude share of associates’ pre-tax profits)","2,470","2,801","-11.8","-9.2" "Net finance expense","(355)","(345)","2.9","6.2" "Taxation","(850)","(1,344)","-36.8","-35.8" "Underlying net profit (2)","2,825","3,593","-21.4","-19.1" "Underlying earnings per share (S cents) (2)","17.3","22.0","-21.4","-19.1" "Exceptional items (post-tax)","270","1,880","-85.7","-85.2" "Net profit","3,095","5,473","-43.5","-41.8" "Basic earnings per share (S cents)","19.0","33.5","-43.5","-41.8" "Share of associates’ post-tax profits","1,383","1,823","-24.1","-21.8" Question : What is the change in net profit from 2018 to 2019 in absolute numbers?
3.095 - 5.473
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","","December 31," "","2019","2018" "Goodwill","$ 10,368","$ 10,368" "Accumulated impairment losses","(1,244 )","(1,244 )" "Goodwill","9,124","9,124" "Brand names","3,700","3,700" "Goodwill and indefinite lived intangible assets","$ 12,824","$ 12,824" Question : What is the change in the value of brand names between 2018 and 2019?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","","December 31," "","2019","2018" "Goodwill","$ 10,368","$ 10,368" "Accumulated impairment losses","(1,244 )","(1,244 )" "Goodwill","9,124","9,124" "Brand names","3,700","3,700" "Goodwill and indefinite lived intangible assets","$ 12,824","$ 12,824" Question : What is the average goodwill and indefinite lived intangible assets for 2018 and 2019?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","","December 31," "","2019","2018" "Goodwill","$ 10,368","$ 10,368" "Accumulated impairment losses","(1,244 )","(1,244 )" "Goodwill","9,124","9,124" "Brand names","3,700","3,700" "Goodwill and indefinite lived intangible assets","$ 12,824","$ 12,824" Question : What is the percentage constitution of brand names among the total goodwill and indefinite lived intangible assets in 2019?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","Year Ended December 31,","","","","" "","2019","2018","2017","2016","2015" "Total Bookings:","(unaudited; in millions)","","","","" "Total revenue","$2,988.1","$2,660.1","$2,231.9","$1,847.9","$1,607.3" "Change in deferred revenue(1)","180.5","163.2","214.4","163.5","165.9" "Net refunds","233.4","192.6","170.0","141.9","137.8" "Other","(0.8)","(4.4)","1.9","2.2","3.2" "Total bookings","$3,401.2","$3,011.5","$2,618.2","$2,155.5","$1,914.2" Question : What is the average total revenue for 2018 and 2019?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","2019","2018","2017" "Cost of revenue","$207","$78","$52" "Selling and marketing","2,967","2,656","1,577" "Research and development","2,013","1,801","1,028" "General and administrative","4,450","4,415","2,821" "Stock-based compensation expense included in expenses","$9,637","$8,950","$5,478" Question : What is the percentage change in the cost of revenue between 2017 and 2019?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","2019","2018","2017" "Cost of revenue","$207","$78","$52" "Selling and marketing","2,967","2,656","1,577" "Research and development","2,013","1,801","1,028" "General and administrative","4,450","4,415","2,821" "Stock-based compensation expense included in expenses","$9,637","$8,950","$5,478" Question : What is the proportion of selling and marketing, as well as general and administrative over total stock-based compensation expense in 2017?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","Year Ended","Year Ended","Year Ended" "","December 31,","December 31,","December 31," "","2019","2018","2017" "","$","$","$" "Loss on bond repurchases (1)","(10,601)","(1,772)","—" "Loss on lease extinguishment (2)","(1,417)","—","—" "Tax indemnification guarantee liability (3)","—","(600)","(50,000)" "Contingent liability (4)","—","—","(4,500)" "Gain on sale / (write-down) of cost-accounted investment","—","—","1,250" "Miscellaneous (loss) income","(2,457)","359","(731)" "Other loss","(14,475)","(2,013)","(53,981)" Question : What is the average Loss on lease extinguishment?
-(1.417 + 0 + 0) / 3
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","Year Ended","Year Ended","Year Ended" "","December 31,","December 31,","December 31," "","2019","2018","2017" "","$","$","$" "Loss on bond repurchases (1)","(10,601)","(1,772)","—" "Loss on lease extinguishment (2)","(1,417)","—","—" "Tax indemnification guarantee liability (3)","—","(600)","(50,000)" "Contingent liability (4)","—","—","(4,500)" "Gain on sale / (write-down) of cost-accounted investment","—","—","1,250" "Miscellaneous (loss) income","(2,457)","359","(731)" "Other loss","(14,475)","(2,013)","(53,981)" Question : What is the increase / (decrease) in Other loss from 2018 to 2019?
-14.475 - (-2.013)
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "Payable in the year ending 31 March:","2019 £m","2018 £m" "2019","-","600" "2020","755","550" "2021","641","513" "2022","599","486" "2023","555","463" "2024","512","449" "Thereafter","3,557","3,536" "Total future minimum operating lease payments","6,619","6,597" Question : What was the difference in the payables in year 31 March 2019 for 2018 and 2019?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","","Fiscal Year Ended","" "(In thousands)","December 29, 2019","December 30, 2018","December 31, 2017" "Balance at the beginning of the period","$172,266","$181,303","$161,209" "Accruals for warranties issued during the period","27,717","31,628","29,689" "Settlements and adjustments during the period","(61,538)","(40,665)","(9,595)" "Balance at the end of the period","$138,445","$172,266","$181,303" Question : What is the percentage change in accruals for warranties issued from 2018 to 2019?
(27.717 - 31.628)/31.628
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","","Fiscal Year Ended","" "(In thousands)","December 29, 2019","December 30, 2018","December 31, 2017" "Balance at the beginning of the period","$172,266","$181,303","$161,209" "Accruals for warranties issued during the period","27,717","31,628","29,689" "Settlements and adjustments during the period","(61,538)","(40,665)","(9,595)" "Balance at the end of the period","$138,445","$172,266","$181,303" Question : What would be the change in balance at the beginning of the period from 2017 to 2018?
181.303 - 161.209
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","2019","2018" "","(in thousands)","" "Assets and Obligations","","" "Change in benefit obligation:","","" "Projected benefit obligation:","","" "Beginning of year","$9,256","$6,177" "Service cost","41","39" "Interest cost","347","196" "Actuarial loss","717","25" "Benefits paid","(1,358)","(889)" "Special termination benefits","—","3,708" "End of year","9,003","9,256" "Change in plan assets:","","" "Fair value of plan assets:","","" "Beginning of year","—","—" "Company contributions","1,358","889" "Benefits paid","(1,358)","(889)" "End of year","—","—" "Funded status","$(9,003)","$(9,256)" Question : What was the change in Service Cost from 2018 to 2019?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","2019","2018" "","(in thousands)","" "Assets and Obligations","","" "Change in benefit obligation:","","" "Projected benefit obligation:","","" "Beginning of year","$9,256","$6,177" "Service cost","41","39" "Interest cost","347","196" "Actuarial loss","717","25" "Benefits paid","(1,358)","(889)" "Special termination benefits","—","3,708" "End of year","9,003","9,256" "Change in plan assets:","","" "Fair value of plan assets:","","" "Beginning of year","—","—" "Company contributions","1,358","889" "Benefits paid","(1,358)","(889)" "End of year","—","—" "Funded status","$(9,003)","$(9,256)" Question : What was the percentage change in Service Cost from 2018 to 2019?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","2019","2018" "","£m","£m" "Total equity","826.3","766.9" "Net debt","334.1","235.8" "Total invested capital","1,160.4","1,002.7" "Average invested capital","1,081.6","992.9" "Average invested capital (excluding IFRS 16)","1,061.2","992.9" "Operating profit as reported under IFRS","245.0","299.1" "Adjustments (see adjusted operating profit)","37.7","(34.2)" "Adjusted operating profit","282.7","264.9" "Taxation","(80.6)","(73.1)" "Adjusted operating profit after tax","202.1","191.8" "Adjusted operating profit after tax (excluding IFRS 16)","201.2","191.8" "Return in invested capital","18.7%","19.3%" "Return in invested capital (excluding IFRS 16)","19.0%","19.3%" Question : What is the change in net debt in 2019 from 2018?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","2019","2018" "","£m","£m" "Total equity","826.3","766.9" "Net debt","334.1","235.8" "Total invested capital","1,160.4","1,002.7" "Average invested capital","1,081.6","992.9" "Average invested capital (excluding IFRS 16)","1,061.2","992.9" "Operating profit as reported under IFRS","245.0","299.1" "Adjustments (see adjusted operating profit)","37.7","(34.2)" "Adjusted operating profit","282.7","264.9" "Taxation","(80.6)","(73.1)" "Adjusted operating profit after tax","202.1","191.8" "Adjusted operating profit after tax (excluding IFRS 16)","201.2","191.8" "Return in invested capital","18.7%","19.3%" "Return in invested capital (excluding IFRS 16)","19.0%","19.3%" Question : What is the percentage change in net debt in 2019 from 2018?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","2019","2018" "","$'000","$'000" "Revenue from external customers","","" "Australia","144,621","129,431" "New Zealand","13,036","8,912" "Total","157,657","138,343" Question : What is the change in the revenue from Australia from 2018 to 2019?
144.621 - 129.431
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","2019","2018" "","$'000","$'000" "Revenue from external customers","","" "Australia","144,621","129,431" "New Zealand","13,036","8,912" "Total","157,657","138,343" Question : What is the average revenue from New Zealand for 2018 and 2019?
(13.036 + 8.912) / 2
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","Years Ended December 31,","" "","2019","2018" "","(unaudited) ","(unaudited)" "Revenue","$72,576,902","$60,249,896" "Income from continuing operations","$6,912,802","$1,559,008" Question : What is the change in Revenue from December 31, 2018 and 2019?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","Years Ended December 31,","" "","2019","2018" "","(unaudited) ","(unaudited)" "Revenue","$72,576,902","$60,249,896" "Income from continuing operations","$6,912,802","$1,559,008" Question : What is the average Revenue for December 31, 2018 and 2019?
(72.576.902+60.249.896) / 2
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","FY19 £m","FY18 £m","Change (As reported)" "Free Cash Flow","54.9","92.4","-£37.5m" "Net Debt","288.5","501.1","" "Net Debt:EBITDA as per financing agreements","1.8x","2.3x","" "ROIC","14.4%","15.6%","-120bps" Question : What was the percentage change in the free cash flow from FY18 to FY19?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","FY19 £m","FY18 £m","Change (As reported)" "Free Cash Flow","54.9","92.4","-£37.5m" "Net Debt","288.5","501.1","" "Net Debt:EBITDA as per financing agreements","1.8x","2.3x","" "ROIC","14.4%","15.6%","-120bps" Question : What is the average net debt for FY18 and FY19?
(288.5 + 501.1) / 2
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","FY19 £m","FY18 £m","Change (As reported)" "Free Cash Flow","54.9","92.4","-£37.5m" "Net Debt","288.5","501.1","" "Net Debt:EBITDA as per financing agreements","1.8x","2.3x","" "ROIC","14.4%","15.6%","-120bps" Question : What is the change in the net debt:EBITDA as per financing agreements from FY18 to FY19?
1.8 - 2.3
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","2019","2018" "","£m","£m" "Fees payable for the audit of the Company and consolidated financial statements","0.1","0.1" "Fees payable for other services:","","" "– the audit of the subsidiary undertakings pursuant to legislation","0.2","0.1" "Total","0.3","0.2" Question : What was the change in the total amount of fees payable in 2019 from 2018?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","2019","2018" "","£m","£m" "Fees payable for the audit of the Company and consolidated financial statements","0.1","0.1" "Fees payable for other services:","","" "– the audit of the subsidiary undertakings pursuant to legislation","0.2","0.1" "Total","0.3","0.2" Question : What was the percentage change in the total amount of fees payable in 2019 from 2018?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","For the years ended December 31,","" "","2018","2019" "","$NT (In Thousands)","$NT (In Thousands)" "Defined benefit obligation at beginning of year","$(5,671,058)","$(5,620,509)" "Items recognized as profit or loss:","","" "Service cost","(24,477)","(21,043)" "Interest cost","(61,247)","(51,146)" "Subtotal","(85,724)","(72,189)" "Remeasurements recognized in other comprehensive income (loss):","","" "Arising from changes in financial assumptions","(91,350)","(114,976)" "Experience adjustments","(5,907)","180,095" "Subtotal","(97,257)","65,119" "Benefits paid","233,530","216,510" Question : What is the average Service cost?
(24.477+21.043) / 2
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","For the years ended December 31,","" "","2018","2019" "","$NT (In Thousands)","$NT (In Thousands)" "Defined benefit obligation at beginning of year","$(5,671,058)","$(5,620,509)" "Items recognized as profit or loss:","","" "Service cost","(24,477)","(21,043)" "Interest cost","(61,247)","(51,146)" "Subtotal","(85,724)","(72,189)" "Remeasurements recognized in other comprehensive income (loss):","","" "Arising from changes in financial assumptions","(91,350)","(114,976)" "Experience adjustments","(5,907)","180,095" "Subtotal","(97,257)","65,119" "Benefits paid","233,530","216,510" Question : What is the average interest cost?
(61.247+51.146) / 2
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","For the years ended December 31,","" "","2018","2019" "","$NT (In Thousands)","$NT (In Thousands)" "Defined benefit obligation at beginning of year","$(5,671,058)","$(5,620,509)" "Items recognized as profit or loss:","","" "Service cost","(24,477)","(21,043)" "Interest cost","(61,247)","(51,146)" "Subtotal","(85,724)","(72,189)" "Remeasurements recognized in other comprehensive income (loss):","","" "Arising from changes in financial assumptions","(91,350)","(114,976)" "Experience adjustments","(5,907)","180,095" "Subtotal","(97,257)","65,119" "Benefits paid","233,530","216,510" Question : What is the increase/ (decrease) in Benefits paid from 2018 to 2019?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "Year Ended December 31,","","" "","2019","2018" "U.S.","$11,553","$8,677" "Foreign","(2,604)","(391)" "","$8,949","$8,286" Question : What is the percentage change in the income before income tax expense for U.S. between 2018 and 2019?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","","Three months ended","","" "","March 31, 2018","June 30, 2018","September 30, 2018","December 31, 2018" "","","(in thousands, except share and per share amounts)","","" "Service revenue","$128,706","$129,296","$130,139","$132,049" "Network operations, including equity-based compensation expense","54,875","54,379","54,615","55,660" "Gains on equipment transactions","117","357","416","92" "Operating income","20,637","21,354","22,255","22,311" "Net income","6,784","6,552","8,231","7,100" "Net income per common share—basic and diluted","0.15","0.15","0.18","0.16" "Weighted-average number of common shares—basic","44,923,973","45,016,767","45,105,830","45,284,481" "Weighted-average number of common shares—diluted","45,294,697","45,536,473","45,699,635","45,803,418" Question : What is the total service revenue at March 31 and June 30, 2018?
(128.706 + 129.296)
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","","Three months ended","","" "","March 31, 2018","June 30, 2018","September 30, 2018","December 31, 2018" "","","(in thousands, except share and per share amounts)","","" "Service revenue","$128,706","$129,296","$130,139","$132,049" "Network operations, including equity-based compensation expense","54,875","54,379","54,615","55,660" "Gains on equipment transactions","117","357","416","92" "Operating income","20,637","21,354","22,255","22,311" "Net income","6,784","6,552","8,231","7,100" "Net income per common share—basic and diluted","0.15","0.15","0.18","0.16" "Weighted-average number of common shares—basic","44,923,973","45,016,767","45,105,830","45,284,481" "Weighted-average number of common shares—diluted","45,294,697","45,536,473","45,699,635","45,803,418" Question : What is the average service revenue at June 30 and September 30, 2018?
(129.296 + 130.139)/2
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","","Three months ended","","" "","March 31, 2018","June 30, 2018","September 30, 2018","December 31, 2018" "","","(in thousands, except share and per share amounts)","","" "Service revenue","$128,706","$129,296","$130,139","$132,049" "Network operations, including equity-based compensation expense","54,875","54,379","54,615","55,660" "Gains on equipment transactions","117","357","416","92" "Operating income","20,637","21,354","22,255","22,311" "Net income","6,784","6,552","8,231","7,100" "Net income per common share—basic and diluted","0.15","0.15","0.18","0.16" "Weighted-average number of common shares—basic","44,923,973","45,016,767","45,105,830","45,284,481" "Weighted-average number of common shares—diluted","45,294,697","45,536,473","45,699,635","45,803,418" Question : What is the percentage change in the service revenue between September 30 and December 31, 2018?
(132.049 - 130.139)/130.139
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "€ millions","2019","2018","2017" "Cost of cloud and software","138","78","115" "Cost of services","246","142","158" "Research and development","429","210","269" "Sales and marketing","562","312","442" "General and administration","461","88","135" "Share-based payment expenses","1,835","830","1,120" "Thereof cash-settled share-based payments","1,664","674","963" "Thereof equity-settled share-based payments","171","156","157" Question : What was the change in Cost of cloud and software in 2019 from 2018?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "€ millions","2019","2018","2017" "Cost of cloud and software","138","78","115" "Cost of services","246","142","158" "Research and development","429","210","269" "Sales and marketing","562","312","442" "General and administration","461","88","135" "Share-based payment expenses","1,835","830","1,120" "Thereof cash-settled share-based payments","1,664","674","963" "Thereof equity-settled share-based payments","171","156","157" Question : What was the percentage change in Cost of cloud and software in 2019 from 2018?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","Fiscal Year Ended January 31,","" "","2019","2018" "Plans with accumulated benefit obligations in excess of plan assets:","","" "Accumulated benefit obligations","$75.6","$130.7" "Plan assets","70.0","112.1" "Plans with projected benefit obligations in excess of plan assets:","","" "Projected benefit obligations","$91.6","$158.1" "Plan assets","80.8","121.1" Question : How much is the percentage change in the projected benefit obligations from 2018 to 2019?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","Fiscal Year Ended January 31,","" "","2019","2018" "Plans with accumulated benefit obligations in excess of plan assets:","","" "Accumulated benefit obligations","$75.6","$130.7" "Plan assets","70.0","112.1" "Plans with projected benefit obligations in excess of plan assets:","","" "Projected benefit obligations","$91.6","$158.1" "Plan assets","80.8","121.1" Question : How much did the plan assets change from 2018 to 2019 for plans with accumulated benefit obligations in excess of plan assets?
(70 - 112.1)/112.1
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","June 1, 2019","June 2, 2018" "Land and improvements","$93,046","$90,757" "Buildings and improvements","370,451","360,030" "Machinery and equipment","496,166","478,997" "Construction-in-progress","52,551","9,307" "","1,012,214","939,091" "Less: accumulated depreciation","555,920","513,707" "","$456,294","$425,384" Question : What is the percentage increase in accumulated depreciation from 2018 to 2019?
555.920 / 513.707 - 1
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "(In millions)","2020","2021-2022","2023-2024","Thereafter","Total" "Long-term debt: (a)","","","","","" "Principal payments","$ 5,518","$ 11,744","$ 8,000","$ 47,519","$ 72,781" "Interest payments","2,299","4,309","3,818","29,383","39,809" "Construction commitments (b)","3,443","515","0","0","3,958" "Operating leases, including imputed interest (c)","1,790","3,144","2,413","3,645","10,992" "Finance leases, including imputed interest (c)","797","2,008","2,165","9,872","14,842" "Transition tax (d)","1,180","2,900","4,168","8,155","16,403" "Purchase commitments (e)","17,478","1,185","159","339","19,161" "Other long-term liabilities (f)","0","72","29","324","425" "Total","$ 32,505","$ 25,877","$ 20,752","$ 99,237","$ 178,371" Question : How much do the top 3 contractual obligation terms add up to in 2020?
5.518 + 17.478+3.443
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "(In millions)","2020","2021-2022","2023-2024","Thereafter","Total" "Long-term debt: (a)","","","","","" "Principal payments","$ 5,518","$ 11,744","$ 8,000","$ 47,519","$ 72,781" "Interest payments","2,299","4,309","3,818","29,383","39,809" "Construction commitments (b)","3,443","515","0","0","3,958" "Operating leases, including imputed interest (c)","1,790","3,144","2,413","3,645","10,992" "Finance leases, including imputed interest (c)","797","2,008","2,165","9,872","14,842" "Transition tax (d)","1,180","2,900","4,168","8,155","16,403" "Purchase commitments (e)","17,478","1,185","159","339","19,161" "Other long-term liabilities (f)","0","72","29","324","425" "Total","$ 32,505","$ 25,877","$ 20,752","$ 99,237","$ 178,371" Question : What are the construction commitments in 2020 as a percentage of the total contractual obligations?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "(In millions)","2020","2021-2022","2023-2024","Thereafter","Total" "Long-term debt: (a)","","","","","" "Principal payments","$ 5,518","$ 11,744","$ 8,000","$ 47,519","$ 72,781" "Interest payments","2,299","4,309","3,818","29,383","39,809" "Construction commitments (b)","3,443","515","0","0","3,958" "Operating leases, including imputed interest (c)","1,790","3,144","2,413","3,645","10,992" "Finance leases, including imputed interest (c)","797","2,008","2,165","9,872","14,842" "Transition tax (d)","1,180","2,900","4,168","8,155","16,403" "Purchase commitments (e)","17,478","1,185","159","339","19,161" "Other long-term liabilities (f)","0","72","29","324","425" "Total","$ 32,505","$ 25,877","$ 20,752","$ 99,237","$ 178,371" Question : What is the percentage change in interest payments from 2020 to 2021-2022?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","Number of Shares","Weighted-Average Exercise Price Per Share","Weighted-Average Remaining Contractual Life (In Years)","Aggregate Intrinsic Value" "Outstanding as of August 30, 2018","18","$23.38","","" "Granted","—","44.30","","" "Exercised","(5)","17.50","","" "Canceled or expired","(1)","22.60","","" "Outstanding as of August 29, 2019","12","25.94","4.3","$220" "Exercisable as of August 29, 2019","7","$25.37","3.7","$143" "Unvested as of August 29, 2019","5","26.94","5.5","77" Question : What is the price of outstanding shares as of August 29, 2019?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","Number of Shares","Weighted-Average Exercise Price Per Share","Weighted-Average Remaining Contractual Life (In Years)","Aggregate Intrinsic Value" "Outstanding as of August 30, 2018","18","$23.38","","" "Granted","—","44.30","","" "Exercised","(5)","17.50","","" "Canceled or expired","(1)","22.60","","" "Outstanding as of August 29, 2019","12","25.94","4.3","$220" "Exercisable as of August 29, 2019","7","$25.37","3.7","$143" "Unvested as of August 29, 2019","5","26.94","5.5","77" Question : What is the proportion of exercisable shares among the total outstanding shares as of August 29, 2019?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","Number of Shares","Weighted-Average Exercise Price Per Share","Weighted-Average Remaining Contractual Life (In Years)","Aggregate Intrinsic Value" "Outstanding as of August 30, 2018","18","$23.38","","" "Granted","—","44.30","","" "Exercised","(5)","17.50","","" "Canceled or expired","(1)","22.60","","" "Outstanding as of August 29, 2019","12","25.94","4.3","$220" "Exercisable as of August 29, 2019","7","$25.37","3.7","$143" "Unvested as of August 29, 2019","5","26.94","5.5","77" Question : What is the total price of shares that were exercised, canceled, or expired?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","Percentage of Plan Assets at December","" "Asset Category","2019","2018" "Cash and cash equivalents","1%","2%" "Equity securities","24%","27%" "Government debt securities","12%","3%" "Corporate debt securities","16%","26%" "Investments in funds(a)","21%","17%" "Real estate","2%","3%" "Other (mainly insurance assets – contracts and reserves)","24%","22%" "Total","100%","100%" Question : What was the average investment in cash and cash equivalents?
(2 + 1) / 2
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","Percentage of Plan Assets at December","" "Asset Category","2019","2018" "Cash and cash equivalents","1%","2%" "Equity securities","24%","27%" "Government debt securities","12%","3%" "Corporate debt securities","16%","26%" "Investments in funds(a)","21%","17%" "Real estate","2%","3%" "Other (mainly insurance assets – contracts and reserves)","24%","22%" "Total","100%","100%" Question : What was the increase / (decrease) in the investment in Equity Securities from 2018 to 2019?
24 - 27
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","Percentage of Plan Assets at December","" "Asset Category","2019","2018" "Cash and cash equivalents","1%","2%" "Equity securities","24%","27%" "Government debt securities","12%","3%" "Corporate debt securities","16%","26%" "Investments in funds(a)","21%","17%" "Real estate","2%","3%" "Other (mainly insurance assets – contracts and reserves)","24%","22%" "Total","100%","100%" Question : What was the increase / (decrease) in the Real estate from 2018 to 2019?
2 - 3
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","Year Ended December 31,","" "(In thousands)","2019","2018" "Non-current deferred tax assets:","","" "Reserve for uncollectible accounts","$1,194","$1,164" "Accrued vacation pay deducted when paid","4,152","4,371" "Accrued expenses and deferred revenue","9,839","12,848" "Net operating loss carryforwards","86,535","76,659" "Pension and postretirement obligations","80,245","84,786" "Share-based compensation","693","9" "Derivative instruments","5,868","(825)" "Financing costs","176","189" "Tax credit carryforwards","6,077","6,411" "","194,779","185,612" "Valuation allowance","(6,680)","(9,158)" "Net non-current deferred tax assets","188,099","176,454" "Non-current deferred tax liabilities:","","" "Goodwill and other intangibles","(66,271)","(82,992)" "Basis in investment","(5)","(12)" "Partnership investments","(16,138)","(14,425)" "Property, plant and equipment","(278,712)","(267,154)" "","(361,126)","(364,583)" "Net non-current deferred taxes","$(173,027)","$(188,129)" Question : What is the increase/ (decrease) in Reserve for uncollectible accounts from 2018 to 2019?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","Year Ended December 31,","" "(In thousands)","2019","2018" "Non-current deferred tax assets:","","" "Reserve for uncollectible accounts","$1,194","$1,164" "Accrued vacation pay deducted when paid","4,152","4,371" "Accrued expenses and deferred revenue","9,839","12,848" "Net operating loss carryforwards","86,535","76,659" "Pension and postretirement obligations","80,245","84,786" "Share-based compensation","693","9" "Derivative instruments","5,868","(825)" "Financing costs","176","189" "Tax credit carryforwards","6,077","6,411" "","194,779","185,612" "Valuation allowance","(6,680)","(9,158)" "Net non-current deferred tax assets","188,099","176,454" "Non-current deferred tax liabilities:","","" "Goodwill and other intangibles","(66,271)","(82,992)" "Basis in investment","(5)","(12)" "Partnership investments","(16,138)","(14,425)" "Property, plant and equipment","(278,712)","(267,154)" "","(361,126)","(364,583)" "Net non-current deferred taxes","$(173,027)","$(188,129)" Question : What is the increase/ (decrease) in Accrued vacation pay deducted when paid from 2018 to 2019?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","Year Ended December 31,","" "(In thousands)","2019","2018" "Non-current deferred tax assets:","","" "Reserve for uncollectible accounts","$1,194","$1,164" "Accrued vacation pay deducted when paid","4,152","4,371" "Accrued expenses and deferred revenue","9,839","12,848" "Net operating loss carryforwards","86,535","76,659" "Pension and postretirement obligations","80,245","84,786" "Share-based compensation","693","9" "Derivative instruments","5,868","(825)" "Financing costs","176","189" "Tax credit carryforwards","6,077","6,411" "","194,779","185,612" "Valuation allowance","(6,680)","(9,158)" "Net non-current deferred tax assets","188,099","176,454" "Non-current deferred tax liabilities:","","" "Goodwill and other intangibles","(66,271)","(82,992)" "Basis in investment","(5)","(12)" "Partnership investments","(16,138)","(14,425)" "Property, plant and equipment","(278,712)","(267,154)" "","(361,126)","(364,583)" "Net non-current deferred taxes","$(173,027)","$(188,129)" Question : What is the increase/ (decrease) in Accrued expenses and deferred revenue from 2018 to 2019?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","","Three Months Ended","","","" "","March 31,","June 30,","September 30,","December 31,","Year Ended December 31," "2018:","","","","","" "Operating revenues","$1,741.8","$1,780.9","$1,785.5","$2,131.9","$7,440.1" "Costs of operations (1)","519.9","560.3","556.7","540.9","2,177.8" "Operating income","402.9","546.0","567.2","388.9","1,905.0" "Net income","280.3","314.4","377.3","292.7","1,264.7" "Net income attributable to American Tower Corporation stockholders","285.2","306.7","366.9","277.6","1,236.4" "Dividends on preferred stock","(9.4)","—","—","—","(9.4)" "Net income attributable to American Tower Corporation common stockholders","275.8","306.7","366.9","277.6","1,227.0" "Basic net income per share attributable to American Tower Corporation common stockholders","0.63","0.69","0.83","0.63","2.79" "Diluted net income per share attributable to American Tower Corporation common stockholders","0.63","0.69","0.83","0.62","2.77" Question : What was the percentage change in operating revenues between Three Months Ended September and December?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","Notes","2019","2018","Change" "Debt to assets ratio","A","67.8%","53.1%","14.7%" "Interest cover","B","1.67x","1.91x","–0.24x" "Weighted average debt maturity","","5.0 years","5.8 years","–0.8 years" "Weighted average cost of gross debt (excluding RCF)","","4.3%","4.2%","–0.1%" "Proportion of gross debt with interest rate protection","","88%","84%","4%" "Immediately available cash and facilities","C","£241.5m","£246.8m","£(5.3)m" Question : What is the change in the proportion of gross debt with interest rate protection from 2018 to 2019?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "€ million","2017/2018","2018/2019" "Change in plan assets","","" "Fair value of plan assets as of beginning of period","905","940" "Recognised under","21","23" "Interest income","21","23" "Recognised outside of profit or loss under ‘remeasurement of defined benefit pension plans’ in other comprehensive income","24","102" "Gains/losses from plan assets excl. interest income (+/−)","24","102" "Other effects","−10","0" "Benefit payments (incl. tax payments)","−34","−27" "Settlement payments","−6","0" "Employer contributions","35","18" "Contributions from plan participants","11","9" "Change in consolidation group / transfers","0","0" "Reclassification in accordance with IFRS5","−16","0" "Currency effects","0","1" "Fair value of plan assets as of end of period","940","1,066" Question : What was the change in interest income in FY2019 from FY2018?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "€ million","2017/2018","2018/2019" "Change in plan assets","","" "Fair value of plan assets as of beginning of period","905","940" "Recognised under","21","23" "Interest income","21","23" "Recognised outside of profit or loss under ‘remeasurement of defined benefit pension plans’ in other comprehensive income","24","102" "Gains/losses from plan assets excl. interest income (+/−)","24","102" "Other effects","−10","0" "Benefit payments (incl. tax payments)","−34","−27" "Settlement payments","−6","0" "Employer contributions","35","18" "Contributions from plan participants","11","9" "Change in consolidation group / transfers","0","0" "Reclassification in accordance with IFRS5","−16","0" "Currency effects","0","1" "Fair value of plan assets as of end of period","940","1,066" Question : What was the percentage change in interest income in FY2019 from FY2018?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","","Fiscal","" "","2019","2018","2017" "","","(in millions)","" "Basic","338","350","355" "Dilutive impact of share-based compensation arrangements","2","3","3" "Diluted","340","353","358" Question : What was the change in Dilutive impact of share-based compensation arrangements in 2019 from 2018?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","","Fiscal","" "","2019","2018","2017" "","","(in millions)","" "Basic","338","350","355" "Dilutive impact of share-based compensation arrangements","2","3","3" "Diluted","340","353","358" Question : What was the percentage change in Dilutive impact of share-based compensation arrangements in 2019 from 2018?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","","Year Ended","" "(In millions)","March 29, 2019","March 30, 2018","March 31, 2017" "Severance and termination benefit costs","$28","$61","$76" "Other exit and disposal costs","15","52","80" "Asset write-offs","2","25","23" "Transition costs","196","272","94" "Total restructuring, transition and other costs","$241","$410","$273" Question : What is the Total restructuring, transition and other costs for the fiscal years 2019, 2018, 2017?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","","Year Ended","" "(In millions)","March 29, 2019","March 30, 2018","March 31, 2017" "Severance and termination benefit costs","$28","$61","$76" "Other exit and disposal costs","15","52","80" "Asset write-offs","2","25","23" "Transition costs","196","272","94" "Total restructuring, transition and other costs","$241","$410","$273" Question : What is the average Total restructuring, transition and other costs for the fiscal years 2019, 2018, 2017?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","","Year Ended","" "(In millions)","March 29, 2019","March 30, 2018","March 31, 2017" "Severance and termination benefit costs","$28","$61","$76" "Other exit and disposal costs","15","52","80" "Asset write-offs","2","25","23" "Transition costs","196","272","94" "Total restructuring, transition and other costs","$241","$410","$273" Question : What is the change in Total restructuring, transition and other costs from fiscal 2018 to fiscal 2019?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","","Year Ended December 31,","" "","2019","2018","2017" "Balance at January 1","$107.7","$116.7","$107.6" "Additions based on tax positions related to the current year","33.3","8.1","7.6" "Additions and reductions for tax positions of prior years","37.5","0.3","—" "Foreign currency","(1.6)","(8.1)","1.9" "Reduction as a result of the lapse of statute of limitations","(1.3)","(2.6)","(0.4)" "Reduction as a result of effective settlements","—","(6.7)","—" "Balance at December 31","$175.6","$107.7","$116.7" Question : What was the percentage change in the balance at December 31 between 2018 and 2019?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","","Fiscal year","","% Change" "(in millions of €)","2019","2018","Actual","Comp." "Europe, C. I. S., Africa, Middle East","46,086","46,495","(1)%","(1)%" "therein: Germany","12,021","11,254","7%","7%" "Americas","29,812","25,060","19%","14%" "therein: U.S.","21,166","18,106","17%","10%" "Asia, Australia","22,101","19,742","12%","11%" "therein: China","8,989","8,459","6%","6%" "Siemens","97,999","91,296","7%","6%" "therein: emerging markets1","31,720","30,564","4%","4%" Question : What was the average orders in the Americas region in 2019 and 2018?
(29.812 + 25.060) / 2
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","","Fiscal year","","% Change" "(in millions of €)","2019","2018","Actual","Comp." "Europe, C. I. S., Africa, Middle East","46,086","46,495","(1)%","(1)%" "therein: Germany","12,021","11,254","7%","7%" "Americas","29,812","25,060","19%","14%" "therein: U.S.","21,166","18,106","17%","10%" "Asia, Australia","22,101","19,742","12%","11%" "therein: China","8,989","8,459","6%","6%" "Siemens","97,999","91,296","7%","6%" "therein: emerging markets1","31,720","30,564","4%","4%" Question : What is the increase / (decrease) in the orders for Asia and Australia from 2018 to 2019?
22.101 - 19.742
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","","Fiscal year","","% Change" "(in millions of €)","2019","2018","Actual","Comp." "Europe, C. I. S., Africa, Middle East","46,086","46,495","(1)%","(1)%" "therein: Germany","12,021","11,254","7%","7%" "Americas","29,812","25,060","19%","14%" "therein: U.S.","21,166","18,106","17%","10%" "Asia, Australia","22,101","19,742","12%","11%" "therein: China","8,989","8,459","6%","6%" "Siemens","97,999","91,296","7%","6%" "therein: emerging markets1","31,720","30,564","4%","4%" Question : What is the percentage increase in the orders for Siemens from 2019 to 2018?
97.999 / 91.296 - 1
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","2019 €m","2018 €m","2017 €m" "Current service cost","31","34","43" "Past service costs1","16","2","(27)" "Net interest charge","10","8","4" "Total included within staff costs","57","44","20" "Actuarial losses recognised in the SOCI","33","94","274" Question : What is the 2019 average actuarial losses recognised in the SOCI ?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","2019 €m","2018 €m","2017 €m" "Current service cost","31","34","43" "Past service costs1","16","2","(27)" "Net interest charge","10","8","4" "Total included within staff costs","57","44","20" "Actuarial losses recognised in the SOCI","33","94","274" Question : What is the 2018 average actuarial losses recognised in the SOCI ?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","2019 €m","2018 €m","2017 €m" "Current service cost","31","34","43" "Past service costs1","16","2","(27)" "Net interest charge","10","8","4" "Total included within staff costs","57","44","20" "Actuarial losses recognised in the SOCI","33","94","274" Question : What is the change between 2018 and 2019 average actuarial losses recognised in the SOCI?
[(33+94)/2] - [(94+274)/2]
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","For Fiscal Years","" "","2019 Basic","2018 Basic" "Weighted average common shares outstanding","597,961","660,925" "Net income available to common shareholders","$3,202,943","$3,614,610" "Net earnings per share available to common shareholders","$5.36","$5.47" Question : What is the percentage change in the weighted average basic common shares outstanding between 2018 and 2019?
(597.961 - 660.925)/660.925
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","For Fiscal Years","" "","2019 Basic","2018 Basic" "Weighted average common shares outstanding","597,961","660,925" "Net income available to common shareholders","$3,202,943","$3,614,610" "Net earnings per share available to common shareholders","$5.36","$5.47" Question : What is the percentage change in the net income available to common shareholders between 2018 and 2019?
(3.202.943 - 3.614.610)/3.614.610
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","For Fiscal Years","" "","2019 Basic","2018 Basic" "Weighted average common shares outstanding","597,961","660,925" "Net income available to common shareholders","$3,202,943","$3,614,610" "Net earnings per share available to common shareholders","$5.36","$5.47" Question : What is the average net earnings per share available to common basic shareholders in 2018 and 2019?
(5.47 + 5.36)/2
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","2019","2018" "","£m","£m" "Sterling","5.8","4.1" "Euro","0.1","0.2" "Cash at bank and in hand","5.9","4.3" Question : What was the change in Cash at bank and in hand in 2019 from 2018?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","2019","2018" "","£m","£m" "Sterling","5.8","4.1" "Euro","0.1","0.2" "Cash at bank and in hand","5.9","4.3" Question : What was the percentage change in Cash at bank and in hand in 2019 from 2018?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","","Fiscal Year Ended June 30,","" "","2019","2018","2017" "","","(U.S. $ in thousands)","" "Net cash provided by operating activities","$466,342","$311,456","199,381" "Net cash used in by investing activities","(604,198)","(51,696)","(224,573)" "Net cash (used in) provided by financing activities","(3,187)","906,789","9,438" "Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents","(855)","(630)","465" "Net (decrease) increase in cash and cash equivalents","$(141,898)","$1,165,919","$(15,289)" Question : What is the difference in net cash provided by operating activities between fiscal year ended 2018 and 2019?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","","Fiscal Year Ended June 30,","" "","2019","2018","2017" "","","(U.S. $ in thousands)","" "Net cash provided by operating activities","$466,342","$311,456","199,381" "Net cash used in by investing activities","(604,198)","(51,696)","(224,573)" "Net cash (used in) provided by financing activities","(3,187)","906,789","9,438" "Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents","(855)","(630)","465" "Net (decrease) increase in cash and cash equivalents","$(141,898)","$1,165,919","$(15,289)" Question : What is the average net cash used in by investing activities for fiscal years 2017-2019?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","","Fiscal Year Ended June 30,","" "","2019","2018","2017" "","","(U.S. $ in thousands)","" "Net cash provided by operating activities","$466,342","$311,456","199,381" "Net cash used in by investing activities","(604,198)","(51,696)","(224,573)" "Net cash (used in) provided by financing activities","(3,187)","906,789","9,438" "Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents","(855)","(630)","465" "Net (decrease) increase in cash and cash equivalents","$(141,898)","$1,165,919","$(15,289)" Question : What is the percentage change of net cash provided by operating activities between fiscal year 2017 to 2018?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","2019","2018" "","£ million","£ million" "Within one year","1.0","1.2" "Greater than one year","0.8","0.9" "","1.8","2.1" Question : What was the change in the amount within one year between 2018 and 2019?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","2019","2018" "","£ million","£ million" "Within one year","1.0","1.2" "Greater than one year","0.8","0.9" "","1.8","2.1" Question : What was the percentage change in the amount within one year?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","At 30 Mar 2019","","At 31 Mar 2018","" "","Premier schemes","RHM schemes","Premier schemes","RHM schemes" "Discount rate","2.45%","2.45%","2.70%","2.70%" "Inflation – RPI","3.25%","3.25%","3.15%","3.15%" "Inflation – CPI","2.15%","2.15%","2.05%","2.05%" "Expected salary increases","n/a","n/a","n/a","n/a" "Future pension increases","2.10%","2.10%","2.10%","2.10%" Question : What is the change in the premier schemes discount rate from 2018 to 2019?
2.45 - 2.70
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","At 30 Mar 2019","","At 31 Mar 2018","" "","Premier schemes","RHM schemes","Premier schemes","RHM schemes" "Discount rate","2.45%","2.45%","2.70%","2.70%" "Inflation – RPI","3.25%","3.25%","3.15%","3.15%" "Inflation – CPI","2.15%","2.15%","2.05%","2.05%" "Expected salary increases","n/a","n/a","n/a","n/a" "Future pension increases","2.10%","2.10%","2.10%","2.10%" Question : What is the average inflation RPI for premier schemes?
(3.25 + 3.15) / 2
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","At 30 Mar 2019","","At 31 Mar 2018","" "","Premier schemes","RHM schemes","Premier schemes","RHM schemes" "Discount rate","2.45%","2.45%","2.70%","2.70%" "Inflation – RPI","3.25%","3.25%","3.15%","3.15%" "Inflation – CPI","2.15%","2.15%","2.05%","2.05%" "Expected salary increases","n/a","n/a","n/a","n/a" "Future pension increases","2.10%","2.10%","2.10%","2.10%" Question : What is the change in the inflation - CPI for RHm schemes from 2018 to 2019?
2.15 - 2.05
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","","2019","2018 (Restated)1" "","Note","£m","£m" "Profit for the year","","197.7","171.1" "Other comprehensive income","","","" "Items that may be subsequently reclassified to profit or loss","","","" "Exchange differences on translation of foreign operations","","(0.1)","0.2" "Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss","","","" "Remeasurements of post-employment benefit obligations","24","0.2","–" "Other comprehensive income for the year, net of tax","","0.1","0.2" "Total comprehensive income for the year attributable to equity holders of the parent","","197.8","171.3" Question : What was the change in profit for the year in 2019 from 2018?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","","2019","2018 (Restated)1" "","Note","£m","£m" "Profit for the year","","197.7","171.1" "Other comprehensive income","","","" "Items that may be subsequently reclassified to profit or loss","","","" "Exchange differences on translation of foreign operations","","(0.1)","0.2" "Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss","","","" "Remeasurements of post-employment benefit obligations","24","0.2","–" "Other comprehensive income for the year, net of tax","","0.1","0.2" "Total comprehensive income for the year attributable to equity holders of the parent","","197.8","171.3" Question : What was the percentage change in profit for the year in 2019 from 2018?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","2019","2018","2017" "Amount computed using statutory rate","$841","$2,122","$(1,078)" "Net change in valuation allowance for net deferred tax assets","(459)","(367)","10,058" "AMT and other","—","(191)","20" "Foreign rate differential","664","22","(169)" "Non-deductible items","(151)","(276)","(370)" "State income tax","(370)","50","(34)" "Impact of tax reform on deferred taxes","—","(4,901)","—" "Research and development credits","1,694","475","2,494" "Foreign income tax","(494)","—","—" "Stock compensation, net","1,539","—","—" "Income tax benefit (provision)","$3,264","$(3,066)","$10,921" Question : What is the sum of amount computed using statutory rate and foreign rate differential in 2018 as a percentage of 2019?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","2019","2018","2017" "Amount computed using statutory rate","$841","$2,122","$(1,078)" "Net change in valuation allowance for net deferred tax assets","(459)","(367)","10,058" "AMT and other","—","(191)","20" "Foreign rate differential","664","22","(169)" "Non-deductible items","(151)","(276)","(370)" "State income tax","(370)","50","(34)" "Impact of tax reform on deferred taxes","—","(4,901)","—" "Research and development credits","1,694","475","2,494" "Foreign income tax","(494)","—","—" "Stock compensation, net","1,539","—","—" "Income tax benefit (provision)","$3,264","$(3,066)","$10,921" Question : What is the percentage change in research and development credits from 2018 to 2019?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "(In millions)","","","" "June 30,","2019","2018","2017" "United States","$ 55,252","$ 44,501","$ 42,730" "Ireland","12,958","12,843","12,889" "Other countries","25,422","22,538","19,898" "Total","$ 93,632","$ 79,882","$ 75,517" Question : What was the percentage change in the total long-lived assets from 2017 to 2018?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","2019","2018" "","RMB’Million","RMB’Million" "Net gains on disposals and deemed disposals of investee companies (Note (a))","8,492","2,932" "Net fair value gains on FVPL (Note (b))","9,511","28,738" "Subsidies and tax rebates","4,263","3,456" "Impairment provision/(reversal) for investee companies and intangible assets arising from acquisitions (Note (c))","(4,006)","(17,577)" "Net fair value gains on other financial instruments (Note 27 and Note 38)","1,647","1,019" "Dividend income","1,014","686" "Donations to Tencent Charity Funds","(850)","(730)" "Others","(382)","(1,810)" "","19,689","16,714" Question : What is the change in Net fair value gains on FVPL from 2018 to 2019?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","2019","2018" "","RMB’Million","RMB’Million" "Net gains on disposals and deemed disposals of investee companies (Note (a))","8,492","2,932" "Net fair value gains on FVPL (Note (b))","9,511","28,738" "Subsidies and tax rebates","4,263","3,456" "Impairment provision/(reversal) for investee companies and intangible assets arising from acquisitions (Note (c))","(4,006)","(17,577)" "Net fair value gains on other financial instruments (Note 27 and Note 38)","1,647","1,019" "Dividend income","1,014","686" "Donations to Tencent Charity Funds","(850)","(730)" "Others","(382)","(1,810)" "","19,689","16,714" Question : What is the change in subsidies and tax rebates from 2018 to 2019?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","2019","2018" "","RMB’Million","RMB’Million" "Net gains on disposals and deemed disposals of investee companies (Note (a))","8,492","2,932" "Net fair value gains on FVPL (Note (b))","9,511","28,738" "Subsidies and tax rebates","4,263","3,456" "Impairment provision/(reversal) for investee companies and intangible assets arising from acquisitions (Note (c))","(4,006)","(17,577)" "Net fair value gains on other financial instruments (Note 27 and Note 38)","1,647","1,019" "Dividend income","1,014","686" "Donations to Tencent Charity Funds","(850)","(730)" "Others","(382)","(1,810)" "","19,689","16,714" Question : What is the change in dividend income from 2018 to 2019?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","December 31,","December 31," "","2019","2018" "Accrued payroll and related taxes","$3,985","$3,800" "Accrued federal, state, and local taxes","2,635","1,827" "Accrued bonus","20,206","10,766" "Self-insurance reserves","2,238","—" "Employee stock purchase plan contributions","4,716","6,473" "Accrued sales commissions","5,397","6,889" "Accrued partner commissions","7,043","5,535" "Contract liabilities","5,197","—" "Accrued purchase price related to acquisitions","2,763","—" "Other","7,924","6,811" "Total","$62,104","$42,101" Question : What is the percentage change in total accrued expenses between 2018 and 2019?
(62.104 - 42.101)/42.101
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","December 31,","December 31," "","2019","2018" "Accrued payroll and related taxes","$3,985","$3,800" "Accrued federal, state, and local taxes","2,635","1,827" "Accrued bonus","20,206","10,766" "Self-insurance reserves","2,238","—" "Employee stock purchase plan contributions","4,716","6,473" "Accrued sales commissions","5,397","6,889" "Accrued partner commissions","7,043","5,535" "Contract liabilities","5,197","—" "Accrued purchase price related to acquisitions","2,763","—" "Other","7,924","6,811" "Total","$62,104","$42,101" Question : What is the value of the 2018 accrued bonus as a percentage of the 2018 total accrued expenses?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","Years Ended December 31,","" "","2019","2018" "","(in thousands)","" "Beginning balance","$238,330","$237,992" "Adjustments","—","338" "Ending balance","$238,330","$238,330" Question : What was the change in the Beginning balance from 2018 to 2019?
238.330 - 237.992
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","Years Ended December 31,","" "","2019","2018" "","(in thousands)","" "Beginning balance","$238,330","$237,992" "Adjustments","—","338" "Ending balance","$238,330","$238,330" Question : What is the average adjustments for 2018 and 2019?
(0 + 338) / 2
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "£m","2018/19","2017/18","Change" "Adjusted EBITDA3","145.5","139.6","5.9" "Depreciation","(17.0)","(16.6)","(0.4)" "Trading profit","128.5","123.0","5.5" "Amortisation of intangible assets","(34.4)","(36.3)","1.9" "Fair value movements on foreign exchange and derivatives","(1.3)","0.1","(1.4)" "Net interest on pensions and administrative expenses","(1.3)","(2.5)","1.2" "Non-trading items","","","" "GMP equalisation","(41.5)","–","(41.5)" "Restructuring costs","(16.8)","(8.5)","(8.3)" "Impairment of goodwill and intangible assets","(30.6)","(6.5)","(24.1)" "Other","1.9","–","1.9" "Operating profit","4.5","69.3","(64.8)" Question : What is the change in Adjusted EBITDA from 2018/19 to 2017/18?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "£m","2018/19","2017/18","Change" "Adjusted EBITDA3","145.5","139.6","5.9" "Depreciation","(17.0)","(16.6)","(0.4)" "Trading profit","128.5","123.0","5.5" "Amortisation of intangible assets","(34.4)","(36.3)","1.9" "Fair value movements on foreign exchange and derivatives","(1.3)","0.1","(1.4)" "Net interest on pensions and administrative expenses","(1.3)","(2.5)","1.2" "Non-trading items","","","" "GMP equalisation","(41.5)","–","(41.5)" "Restructuring costs","(16.8)","(8.5)","(8.3)" "Impairment of goodwill and intangible assets","(30.6)","(6.5)","(24.1)" "Other","1.9","–","1.9" "Operating profit","4.5","69.3","(64.8)" Question : What is the change in Depreciation from 2018/19 to 2017/18?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "£m","2018/19","2017/18","Change" "Adjusted EBITDA3","145.5","139.6","5.9" "Depreciation","(17.0)","(16.6)","(0.4)" "Trading profit","128.5","123.0","5.5" "Amortisation of intangible assets","(34.4)","(36.3)","1.9" "Fair value movements on foreign exchange and derivatives","(1.3)","0.1","(1.4)" "Net interest on pensions and administrative expenses","(1.3)","(2.5)","1.2" "Non-trading items","","","" "GMP equalisation","(41.5)","–","(41.5)" "Restructuring costs","(16.8)","(8.5)","(8.3)" "Impairment of goodwill and intangible assets","(30.6)","(6.5)","(24.1)" "Other","1.9","–","1.9" "Operating profit","4.5","69.3","(64.8)" Question : What is the change in Trading profit from 2018/19 to 2017/18?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","2019 Fair value","2019 Carrying value","2018 Carrying value","2018 Fair value" "","£m","£m","£m","£m" "Financial assets:","","","","" "Cash and cash equivalents","168.5","168.5","187.1","187.1" "Trade, other receivables and contract assets","263.4","263.4","264.9","264.9" "Total financial assets","431.9","431.9","452.0","452.0" Question : What was the change in the carrying value in total financial assets from 2018 to 2019?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","2019 Fair value","2019 Carrying value","2018 Carrying value","2018 Fair value" "","£m","£m","£m","£m" "Financial assets:","","","","" "Cash and cash equivalents","168.5","168.5","187.1","187.1" "Trade, other receivables and contract assets","263.4","263.4","264.9","264.9" "Total financial assets","431.9","431.9","452.0","452.0" Question : What was the percentage change in the carrying value in total financial assets from 2018 to 2019?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "€ million","30/9/2018 1","30/9/2018 adjusted3","30/9/2019" "Equity","3,074","3,074","2,735" "Liabilities","12,132","12,132","11,762" "Net debt","2,710","3,102","2,858" "Financial liabilities (incl. finance leases)","4,010","4,010","3,369" "Cash and cash equivalents","1,298","906","500" "Short-term financial investments2","2","2","11" Question : What was the change in equity in FY2019 from FY2018 adjusted?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "€ million","30/9/2018 1","30/9/2018 adjusted3","30/9/2019" "Equity","3,074","3,074","2,735" "Liabilities","12,132","12,132","11,762" "Net debt","2,710","3,102","2,858" "Financial liabilities (incl. finance leases)","4,010","4,010","3,369" "Cash and cash equivalents","1,298","906","500" "Short-term financial investments2","2","2","11" Question : What was the percentage change in equity in FY2019 from FY2018 adjusted?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","Year Ended December 31,","" "","2019","2018" "Beginning of period balance","$2,881","$—" "Commission costs and upfront payments to a customer capitalized in period","4,141","4,864" "Amortization of contract assets","(2,444)","(1,983)" "End of period balance","$4,578","$2,881" Question : What was the percentage change in the Amortization of contract assets between 2018 and 2019?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "($ in millions)","","","" "For the year ended December 31:","2019","2018","2017" "Cloud & Cognitive Software*","","","" "Software","$18,712","$17,970**","$17,681**" "Services","4,321","4,082**","3,920**" "Systems","166","156","150" "Global Business Services*","","","" "Services","$16,363","$16,238**","$15,728**" "Software","156","151**","179**" "Systems","115","206","165" "Global Technology Services*","","","" "Services","$20,768","$22,222**","$21,913**" "Maintenance","5,183","5,484","5,783" "Systems","1,072","1,069","1,207" "Software","338","371**","310**" "Systems","","","" "Servers","$ 3,746","$ 3,996","$ 3,993" "Storage","1,920","2,114","2,243" "Software","1,528","1,499**","1,520**" "Services","410","425**","438**" "Global Financing","","","" "Financing","$ 1,120","$ 1,223","$ 1,167" "Used equipment sales","281","366","530" Question : What is the average of Financing under Global Financing?
(1.120+1.223+1.167 ) / 3
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "($ in millions)","","","" "For the year ended December 31:","2019","2018","2017" "Cloud & Cognitive Software*","","","" "Software","$18,712","$17,970**","$17,681**" "Services","4,321","4,082**","3,920**" "Systems","166","156","150" "Global Business Services*","","","" "Services","$16,363","$16,238**","$15,728**" "Software","156","151**","179**" "Systems","115","206","165" "Global Technology Services*","","","" "Services","$20,768","$22,222**","$21,913**" "Maintenance","5,183","5,484","5,783" "Systems","1,072","1,069","1,207" "Software","338","371**","310**" "Systems","","","" "Servers","$ 3,746","$ 3,996","$ 3,993" "Storage","1,920","2,114","2,243" "Software","1,528","1,499**","1,520**" "Services","410","425**","438**" "Global Financing","","","" "Financing","$ 1,120","$ 1,223","$ 1,167" "Used equipment sales","281","366","530" Question : What is the average of Used equipment sales?
(281+366+530) / 3
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table