1 value
Table : "","","","(dollars in millions) Increase/ (Decrease)","" "Years Ended December 31,","2019","2018","2019 vs. 2018","" "Global Enterprise ","$ 10,818","$ 11,201","$ (383)","(3.4)%" "Small and Medium Business ","11,464","10,752","712","6.6" "Public Sector and Other ","5,922","5,833","89","1.5" "Wholesale ","3,239","3,748","(509)","(13.6)" "Total Operating Revenues(1) ","$ 31,443","$ 31,534","$ (91)","(0.3)" "Connections (‘000):(2)","","","","" "Wireless retail postpaid connections ","25,217","23,492","1,725","7.3" "Fios Internet connections ","326","307","19","6.2" "Fios video connections ","77","74","3","4.1" "Broadband connections ","489","501","(12)","(2.4)" "Voice connections ","4,959","5,400","(441)","(8.2)" "Net Additions in Period (‘000):(3)","","","","" "Wireless retail postpaid ","1,391","1,397","(6)","(0.4)" "Wireless retail postpaid phones ","698","625","73","11.7" "Churn Rate:","","","","" "Wireless retail postpaid ","1.24%","1.19%","","" "Wireless retail postpaid phones ","0.99%","0.98%","","" Question : What is the change in Global Enterprise value from 2018 to 2019?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","","","(dollars in millions) Increase/ (Decrease)","" "Years Ended December 31,","2019","2018","2019 vs. 2018","" "Global Enterprise ","$ 10,818","$ 11,201","$ (383)","(3.4)%" "Small and Medium Business ","11,464","10,752","712","6.6" "Public Sector and Other ","5,922","5,833","89","1.5" "Wholesale ","3,239","3,748","(509)","(13.6)" "Total Operating Revenues(1) ","$ 31,443","$ 31,534","$ (91)","(0.3)" "Connections (‘000):(2)","","","","" "Wireless retail postpaid connections ","25,217","23,492","1,725","7.3" "Fios Internet connections ","326","307","19","6.2" "Fios video connections ","77","74","3","4.1" "Broadband connections ","489","501","(12)","(2.4)" "Voice connections ","4,959","5,400","(441)","(8.2)" "Net Additions in Period (‘000):(3)","","","","" "Wireless retail postpaid ","1,391","1,397","(6)","(0.4)" "Wireless retail postpaid phones ","698","625","73","11.7" "Churn Rate:","","","","" "Wireless retail postpaid ","1.24%","1.19%","","" "Wireless retail postpaid phones ","0.99%","0.98%","","" Question : What is the change in Small and Medium Business value from 2018 to 2019?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","","","(dollars in millions) Increase/ (Decrease)","" "Years Ended December 31,","2019","2018","2019 vs. 2018","" "Global Enterprise ","$ 10,818","$ 11,201","$ (383)","(3.4)%" "Small and Medium Business ","11,464","10,752","712","6.6" "Public Sector and Other ","5,922","5,833","89","1.5" "Wholesale ","3,239","3,748","(509)","(13.6)" "Total Operating Revenues(1) ","$ 31,443","$ 31,534","$ (91)","(0.3)" "Connections (‘000):(2)","","","","" "Wireless retail postpaid connections ","25,217","23,492","1,725","7.3" "Fios Internet connections ","326","307","19","6.2" "Fios video connections ","77","74","3","4.1" "Broadband connections ","489","501","(12)","(2.4)" "Voice connections ","4,959","5,400","(441)","(8.2)" "Net Additions in Period (‘000):(3)","","","","" "Wireless retail postpaid ","1,391","1,397","(6)","(0.4)" "Wireless retail postpaid phones ","698","625","73","11.7" "Churn Rate:","","","","" "Wireless retail postpaid ","1.24%","1.19%","","" "Wireless retail postpaid phones ","0.99%","0.98%","","" Question : What is the change in Wholesale value from 2018 to 2019?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","","Fiscal Year Ended","" "","","March 31,","" "","2019","2018","2017" "Contract manufacturers and consignment warehouses: ","","","" "Flextronics Technology","21.8%","14.0%","10.4%" "Sanmina","17.7","16.0","20.4" "Distributors: ","","","" "Avnet Logistics","31.3","35.3","25.5" "Nexcomm ","14.8","16.1","19.7" Question : What was the change in net revenue from Sanmina from 2018 to 2019?
17.7 - 16.0
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","","Fiscal Year Ended","" "","","March 31,","" "","2019","2018","2017" "Contract manufacturers and consignment warehouses: ","","","" "Flextronics Technology","21.8%","14.0%","10.4%" "Sanmina","17.7","16.0","20.4" "Distributors: ","","","" "Avnet Logistics","31.3","35.3","25.5" "Nexcomm ","14.8","16.1","19.7" Question : What was the average revenues from Avnet Logistics between 2017-2019?
(31.3 + 35.3 + 25.5) / 3
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","Year ended March 31,","","Period-to-period change","" "","2019","2018","Amount ","% Change" "","","","(dollars in thousands) ","" "Operating expenses: ","","","","" "Research and development","$57,939","$38,373","$19,566","51%" "Sales and marketing","139,194","121,246","17,948","15%" "General and administrative","53,759","36,989","16,770","45%" "Impairment of long-lived assets ","—","1,712","(1,712)","nm " "Restructuring ","(170)","832","(1,002)","nm " "Total operating expenses","$250,722","$199,152","$51,570","26%" Question : What was the average Sales and marketing expense for 2018 and 2019?
139.194 - 121.246
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","Year ended March 31,","","Period-to-period change","" "","2019","2018","Amount ","% Change" "","","","(dollars in thousands) ","" "Operating expenses: ","","","","" "Research and development","$57,939","$38,373","$19,566","51%" "Sales and marketing","139,194","121,246","17,948","15%" "General and administrative","53,759","36,989","16,770","45%" "Impairment of long-lived assets ","—","1,712","(1,712)","nm " "Restructuring ","(170)","832","(1,002)","nm " "Total operating expenses","$250,722","$199,152","$51,570","26%" Question : What percentage of total operating expenses was General and administrative in 2019?
53.759 / 250.722
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31","2019","2018" "DB pension","(193)","(213)" "DC pension","(110)","(106)" "OPEBs","(3)","(3)" "Less:","","" "Capitalized benefit plans cost","59","56" "Total post-employment benefit plans service cost included in operating costs","(247)","(266)" "Other costs recognized in severance, acquisition and other costs","–","(4)" "Total post-employment benefit plans service cost","(247)","(270)" Question : What is the change in capitalized benefit plans cost in 2019?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31","2019","2018" "DB pension","(193)","(213)" "DC pension","(110)","(106)" "OPEBs","(3)","(3)" "Less:","","" "Capitalized benefit plans cost","59","56" "Total post-employment benefit plans service cost included in operating costs","(247)","(266)" "Other costs recognized in severance, acquisition and other costs","–","(4)" "Total post-employment benefit plans service cost","(247)","(270)" Question : What is the average total post-employment benefit plans service cost over 2018 and 2019?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","","Year Ended March 31, ","" "","2019","2018","2017" "","","(In thousands)","" "Unrecognized tax benefits, beginning of period","$2,735","$2,714","$2,055" "Additions based on tax positions related to current year","371","520","730" "Additions based on tax positions related to prior years","13","—","—" "2017 Tax Act and tax rate re-measurement ","—","(499)","—" "Reductions based on tax positions related to prior years ","(17)","—","—" "Lapses during the current year applicable to statutes of limitations ","—","—","(71)" "Unrecognized tax benefits, end of period","$3,102","$2,735","$2,714" Question : What is the average Additions based on tax positions related to prior years between 2017-2019?
(13 + 0 + 0) / 3
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","","Year Ended March 31, ","" "","2019","2018","2017" "","","(In thousands)","" "Unrecognized tax benefits, beginning of period","$2,735","$2,714","$2,055" "Additions based on tax positions related to current year","371","520","730" "Additions based on tax positions related to prior years","13","—","—" "2017 Tax Act and tax rate re-measurement ","—","(499)","—" "Reductions based on tax positions related to prior years ","(17)","—","—" "Lapses during the current year applicable to statutes of limitations ","—","—","(71)" "Unrecognized tax benefits, end of period","$3,102","$2,735","$2,714" Question : What was the change in the Unrecognized tax benefits, end of period from 2018 to 2019?
3.102 - 2.735
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","","Year Ended December 31,","" "(In thousands)","2019","2018","2017" "Balance at beginning of year","$4,421","$6,667","$2,813" "Provision charged to expense","9,347","8,793","7,072" "Write-offs, less recoveries","(9,219)","(11,039)","(6,516)" "Acquired allowance for doubtful accounts","—","—","3,298" "Balance at end of year","$4,549","$4,421","$6,667" Question : What was the increase / (decrease) in the balance at beginning of year from 2018 to 2019?
4.421 - 6.667
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","","Year Ended December 31,","" "(In thousands)","2019","2018","2017" "Balance at beginning of year","$4,421","$6,667","$2,813" "Provision charged to expense","9,347","8,793","7,072" "Write-offs, less recoveries","(9,219)","(11,039)","(6,516)" "Acquired allowance for doubtful accounts","—","—","3,298" "Balance at end of year","$4,549","$4,421","$6,667" Question : What was the average provision charged to expense for 2017-2019?
(9.347 + 8.793 + 7.072) / 3
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","","Year Ended December 31,","" "(In thousands)","2019","2018","2017" "Balance at beginning of year","$4,421","$6,667","$2,813" "Provision charged to expense","9,347","8,793","7,072" "Write-offs, less recoveries","(9,219)","(11,039)","(6,516)" "Acquired allowance for doubtful accounts","—","—","3,298" "Balance at end of year","$4,549","$4,421","$6,667" Question : What was the increase / (decrease) in the Acquired allowance for doubtful accounts from 2017 to 2018?
0 - 3.298
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","December 31, 2019","December 31, 2018" "Equity securities","23","19" "Long-term state receivables","358","391" "Deposits and other non-current assets","56","42" "Total","437","452" Question : What is the average Equity securities?
(23+19) / 2
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","December 31, 2019","December 31, 2018" "Equity securities","23","19" "Long-term state receivables","358","391" "Deposits and other non-current assets","56","42" "Total","437","452" Question : What is the average Long-term state receivables?
(358+391) / 2
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","December 31, 2019","December 31, 2018" "Equity securities","23","19" "Long-term state receivables","358","391" "Deposits and other non-current assets","56","42" "Total","437","452" Question : What is the average Deposits and other non-current assets?
(56+42) / 2
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","","Year Ended December 31,","" "","2019","2018","2017" "","","(in thousands, except per share data) ","" "Net income ","$ 85,762","$ 104,690","$ 116,481" "Earnings per share:","","","" "Basic ","$ 1.33","$ 1.58","$ 1.68" "Effect of CESs ","(0.01 ) ","-","-" "Diluted ","$ 1.32","$ 1.58","$ 1.68" "Weighted average number of shares:","","","" "Basic ","64,397","66,201","69,175" "Effect of CESs ","706","233","249" "Diluted ","65,103","66,434","69,424" Question : What is change for basic earning per share between 2019 and 2018?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","","Year Ended December 31,","" "","2019","2018","2017" "","","(in thousands, except per share data) ","" "Net income ","$ 85,762","$ 104,690","$ 116,481" "Earnings per share:","","","" "Basic ","$ 1.33","$ 1.58","$ 1.68" "Effect of CESs ","(0.01 ) ","-","-" "Diluted ","$ 1.32","$ 1.58","$ 1.68" "Weighted average number of shares:","","","" "Basic ","64,397","66,201","69,175" "Effect of CESs ","706","233","249" "Diluted ","65,103","66,434","69,424" Question : What is the change in number of basic shares between 2017 and 2018?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","","Year Ended December 31,","" "","2019","2018","2017" "","","(in thousands, except per share data) ","" "Net income ","$ 85,762","$ 104,690","$ 116,481" "Earnings per share:","","","" "Basic ","$ 1.33","$ 1.58","$ 1.68" "Effect of CESs ","(0.01 ) ","-","-" "Diluted ","$ 1.32","$ 1.58","$ 1.68" "Weighted average number of shares:","","","" "Basic ","64,397","66,201","69,175" "Effect of CESs ","706","233","249" "Diluted ","65,103","66,434","69,424" Question : What is the change in net income between 2019 and 2018?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","","Year Ended","" "","June 30, 2019","June 30, 2018","June 30, 2017" "Cost of product revenue ","$844","$564","$333" "Cost of service revenue","1,639","1,131","589" "Research and development ","10,443","7,642","3,312" "Sales and marketing ","11,747","9,843","4,253" "General and administrative ","8,224","8,453","4,146" "Total share-based compensation expense ","$32,897","$27,633","$12,633" Question : What was the percentage change in Sales and marketing between 2017 and 2018?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "Years ended August 31,","2019","2018 (1)","Change" "(in thousands of dollars, except percentages and earnings per share)","$","$","%" "Profit for the year from continuing operations","356,908","384,578","(7.2)" "Profit for the year","432,288","360,197","20.0" "Profit for the year from continuing operations attributable to owners of the Corporation","339,973","375,214","(9.4)" "Profit for the year attributable to owners of the Corporation","415,353","350,833","18.4" "Profit for the year from continuing operations attributable to non-controlling interest(2)","16,935","9,364","80.9" "Basic earnings per share from continuing operations","6.89","7.61","(9.5)" "Basic earnings per share","8.41","7.12","18.1" Question : What was the increase / (decrease) in the Profit for the year from continuing operations from 2018 to 2019?
356.908 - 384.578
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "Years ended August 31,","2019","2018 (1)","Change" "(in thousands of dollars, except percentages and earnings per share)","$","$","%" "Profit for the year from continuing operations","356,908","384,578","(7.2)" "Profit for the year","432,288","360,197","20.0" "Profit for the year from continuing operations attributable to owners of the Corporation","339,973","375,214","(9.4)" "Profit for the year attributable to owners of the Corporation","415,353","350,833","18.4" "Profit for the year from continuing operations attributable to non-controlling interest(2)","16,935","9,364","80.9" "Basic earnings per share from continuing operations","6.89","7.61","(9.5)" "Basic earnings per share","8.41","7.12","18.1" Question : What was the average Profit for the year between 2018 and 2019?
(432.288 + 360.197) / 2
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "Years ended August 31,","2019","2018 (1)","Change" "(in thousands of dollars, except percentages and earnings per share)","$","$","%" "Profit for the year from continuing operations","356,908","384,578","(7.2)" "Profit for the year","432,288","360,197","20.0" "Profit for the year from continuing operations attributable to owners of the Corporation","339,973","375,214","(9.4)" "Profit for the year attributable to owners of the Corporation","415,353","350,833","18.4" "Profit for the year from continuing operations attributable to non-controlling interest(2)","16,935","9,364","80.9" "Basic earnings per share from continuing operations","6.89","7.61","(9.5)" "Basic earnings per share","8.41","7.12","18.1" Question : What was the increase / (decrease) in the Basic earnings per share from continuing operations from 2018 to 2019?
6.89 - 7.61
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","","Year Ended","" "","April 26, 2019","April 27, 2018","April 28, 2017" "Number of shares repurchased","29","15","22" "Average price per share","$ 72.87","$ 51.57","$ 32.72" "Aggregate purchase price","$ 2,111","$ 794","$ 705" "Remaining authorization at end of period","$ 1,889","$ 4,000","$ 794" Question : What was the change in the average price per share between 2017 and 2018?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "Financial year","Amount of unclaimed dividend transferred (` lakh)","Number of shares transferred" "2011","102.6*","3,028" "2012","86.5","29,672" "TOTAL","189.1","32,000" Question : What is the increase in number of shares transferred to IEPF from 2011 to 2012?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "Financial year","Amount of unclaimed dividend transferred (` lakh)","Number of shares transferred" "2011","102.6*","3,028" "2012","86.5","29,672" "TOTAL","189.1","32,000" Question : How many times is the number of shares transferred from FY 2012 that of 2011?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "Financial year","Amount of unclaimed dividend transferred (` lakh)","Number of shares transferred" "2011","102.6*","3,028" "2012","86.5","29,672" "TOTAL","189.1","32,000" Question : What is the percentage change in amount of unclaimed dividend?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "(in millions)","Balance as of March 30, 2018","Revenue Recognition Guidance","Accounting for Income Taxes Guidance","Opening Balance as of March 31, 2018" "Accounts receivable, net","$809","$24","$—","$833" "Other current assets (1)","$522","$(8)","$(8)","$506" "Other long-term assets (2)","$526","$57","$750","$1,333" "Total assets","$15,759","$73","$742","$16,574" "Short-term contract liabilities","$2,368","$(107)","$—","$2,261" "Other current liabilities","$372","$(2)","$—","$370" "Long-term contract liabilities","$735","$(62)","$—","$673" "Deferred income tax liabilities","$592","$47","$—","$639" "Total liabilities","$10,736","$(124)","$—","$10,612" "Retained earnings","$328","$197","$742","$1,267" Question : What is the percentage increase in Accounts receivable, net from Balance as of March 30, 2018 to Opening balance as of March 31, 2018?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "(in millions)","Balance as of March 30, 2018","Revenue Recognition Guidance","Accounting for Income Taxes Guidance","Opening Balance as of March 31, 2018" "Accounts receivable, net","$809","$24","$—","$833" "Other current assets (1)","$522","$(8)","$(8)","$506" "Other long-term assets (2)","$526","$57","$750","$1,333" "Total assets","$15,759","$73","$742","$16,574" "Short-term contract liabilities","$2,368","$(107)","$—","$2,261" "Other current liabilities","$372","$(2)","$—","$370" "Long-term contract liabilities","$735","$(62)","$—","$673" "Deferred income tax liabilities","$592","$47","$—","$639" "Total liabilities","$10,736","$(124)","$—","$10,612" "Retained earnings","$328","$197","$742","$1,267" Question : What is the percentage increase in Total assets from Balance as of March 30, 2018 to Opening balance as of March 31, 2018?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "(in millions)","Balance as of March 30, 2018","Revenue Recognition Guidance","Accounting for Income Taxes Guidance","Opening Balance as of March 31, 2018" "Accounts receivable, net","$809","$24","$—","$833" "Other current assets (1)","$522","$(8)","$(8)","$506" "Other long-term assets (2)","$526","$57","$750","$1,333" "Total assets","$15,759","$73","$742","$16,574" "Short-term contract liabilities","$2,368","$(107)","$—","$2,261" "Other current liabilities","$372","$(2)","$—","$370" "Long-term contract liabilities","$735","$(62)","$—","$673" "Deferred income tax liabilities","$592","$47","$—","$639" "Total liabilities","$10,736","$(124)","$—","$10,612" "Retained earnings","$328","$197","$742","$1,267" Question : What is the percentage change in Total liabilities from Balance as of March 30, 2018 to Opening balance as of March 31, 2018?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "(In thousands, except per share amounts)","Years ended December 31,","" "","2019","2018" "BASIC AND DILUTED","","" "Weighted average number of common shares outstanding","8,844","5,884" "Net loss attributable to Neonode Inc.","$(5,298)","$(3,060)" "Net loss per share basic and diluted","$(0.60)","$(0.52)" Question : What is the percentage change in the weighted average number of common shares outstanding from 2018 to 2019?
(8.844 - 5.884)/5.884
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "(In thousands, except per share amounts)","Years ended December 31,","" "","2019","2018" "BASIC AND DILUTED","","" "Weighted average number of common shares outstanding","8,844","5,884" "Net loss attributable to Neonode Inc.","$(5,298)","$(3,060)" "Net loss per share basic and diluted","$(0.60)","$(0.52)" Question : What is the ratio of net loss attributable to Neonode Inc. in 2018 compared to 2019?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "Fiscal Year","","" "(In thousands, except percentages)","2019","2018" "Revenue","$892,665","$788,495" "Operating income","$267,304","$235,719" "Operating income as a % of revenue","29.9%","29.9%" Question : What is the total revenue in 2018 and 2019?
(788.495 + 892.665)
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "Fiscal Year","","" "(In thousands, except percentages)","2019","2018" "Revenue","$892,665","$788,495" "Operating income","$267,304","$235,719" "Operating income as a % of revenue","29.9%","29.9%" Question : What is the value of the revenue in 2018 as a percentage of the revenue in 2019?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "Fiscal Year","","" "(In thousands, except percentages)","2019","2018" "Revenue","$892,665","$788,495" "Operating income","$267,304","$235,719" "Operating income as a % of revenue","29.9%","29.9%" Question : What is the percentage change in the 2018 and 2019 revenue?
(892.665 - 788.495)/788.495
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "December 31, 2019","Gross Carrying Amount","Accumulated Amortization","Net Carrying Amount" "Technology","$83,368","$(14,250)","$69,118" "Customer relationships","108,995","(18,197)","90,798" "Trademarks and other","26,888","(2,793)","24,095" "Total","$219,251","$(35,240)","$184,011" "December 31, 2018","Gross Carrying Amount","Accumulated Amortization","Net Carrying Amount" "Technology","$39,879","$(7,927)","$31,952" "Customer relationships","35,509","(13,484)","22,025" "Trademarks and other","2,501","(1,568)","933" "Total","$77,889","$(22,979)","$ 54,910" Question : What was the percentage change in the total gross carrying amount between 2018 and 2019?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","","Year Ended December 31,","" "","2019","2018","2017" "","","(Dollars in millions)","" "Adjusted EBITDA","","","" "International and Global Accounts","$2,286","2,341","821" "Enterprise","3,490","3,522","2,456" "Small and Medium Business","1,870","2,013","1,581" "Wholesale","3,427","3,666","2,566" "Consumer","4,914","5,105","5,136" "Total segment EBITDA","$15,987","16,647","12,560" "Operations and Other EBITDA","(7,216)","(8,045)","(6,504)" "Total adjusted EBITDA","$8,771","8,602","6,056" Question : What is the change in the adjusted EBITDA under Wholesale in 2019 from 2018?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","","Year Ended December 31,","" "","2019","2018","2017" "","","(Dollars in millions)","" "Adjusted EBITDA","","","" "International and Global Accounts","$2,286","2,341","821" "Enterprise","3,490","3,522","2,456" "Small and Medium Business","1,870","2,013","1,581" "Wholesale","3,427","3,666","2,566" "Consumer","4,914","5,105","5,136" "Total segment EBITDA","$15,987","16,647","12,560" "Operations and Other EBITDA","(7,216)","(8,045)","(6,504)" "Total adjusted EBITDA","$8,771","8,602","6,056" Question : What is the average total adjusted EBITDA over the three years?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","Years Ended March 31,","" "","2019","2018" "Fair value of plan assets","$90,365","$84,718" "Less: projected benefit obligations","143,662","128,915" "Underfunded status","$(53,297)","$(44,197)" Question : What is the percentage increase of projected benefit obligations in 2019 compared to 2018?
(143.662 - 128.915) / 128.915
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","Years Ended March 31,","" "","2019","2018" "Fair value of plan assets","$90,365","$84,718" "Less: projected benefit obligations","143,662","128,915" "Underfunded status","$(53,297)","$(44,197)" Question : What is the average of Underfunded status between 2018 and 2019?
((53.297) + (44.197)) / 2
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "(In thousands)","2019","2018" "Balance at beginning of period","$185","$205" "Plus: Amounts charged to cost and expense","6,014","7,261" "Less: Amounts paid","(4,631)","(7,281)" "Balance at end of period","$1,568","$185" Question : What was the change in the balance at the beginning of the period and end of the period in 2019?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "(In thousands)","2019","2018" "Balance at beginning of period","$185","$205" "Plus: Amounts charged to cost and expense","6,014","7,261" "Less: Amounts paid","(4,631)","(7,281)" "Balance at end of period","$1,568","$185" Question : What was the change in Amounts charged to cost and expense between 2018 and 2019?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","2018/19","","2017/18","" "","","Weighted average exercise price","","Weighted average exercise price" "","Options","(p)","Options","(p)" "Outstanding at the beginning of the period","17,835,628","33","20,231,334","35" "Exercised during the period","(4,306,470)","32","(3,536,539)","34" "Granted during the period","5,022,240","30","4,988,669","33" "Forfeited/lapsed during the period","(2,447,511)","33","(3,847,836)","44" "Outstanding at the end of the period","16,103,887","32","17,835,628","33" "Exercisable at the end of the period","2,673,154","32","792,451","35" Question : What was the change in the Outstanding at the beginning of the period for options from 2017/18 to 2018/19?
17.835.628 - 20.231.334
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","2018/19","","2017/18","" "","","Weighted average exercise price","","Weighted average exercise price" "","Options","(p)","Options","(p)" "Outstanding at the beginning of the period","17,835,628","33","20,231,334","35" "Exercised during the period","(4,306,470)","32","(3,536,539)","34" "Granted during the period","5,022,240","30","4,988,669","33" "Forfeited/lapsed during the period","(2,447,511)","33","(3,847,836)","44" "Outstanding at the end of the period","16,103,887","32","17,835,628","33" "Exercisable at the end of the period","2,673,154","32","792,451","35" Question : What is the change in the Exercised during the period weighted average exercise price from 2017/18 to 2018/19?
32 - 34
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","2018/19","","2017/18","" "","","Weighted average exercise price","","Weighted average exercise price" "","Options","(p)","Options","(p)" "Outstanding at the beginning of the period","17,835,628","33","20,231,334","35" "Exercised during the period","(4,306,470)","32","(3,536,539)","34" "Granted during the period","5,022,240","30","4,988,669","33" "Forfeited/lapsed during the period","(2,447,511)","33","(3,847,836)","44" "Outstanding at the end of the period","16,103,887","32","17,835,628","33" "Exercisable at the end of the period","2,673,154","32","792,451","35" Question : What is the change in options granted between 2017/18 and 2018/19?
5.022.240 - 4.988.669
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","2019","2018","2017" "At 31 March","£m","£m","£m" "Current liabilities","","","" "Listed bonds","1,367","1,702","1,539" "Finance leases","16","18","15" "Bank loans","–","–","352" "Other loans and bank overdrafts a","717","561","726" "Total current liabilities","2,100","2,281","2,632" "Non-current liabilities","","","" "Listed bonds","14,586","11,789","9,866" "Finance leases","190","205","214" "Other loans","–","–","1" "Total non-current liabilities","14,776","11,994","10,081" "Total","16,876","14,275","12,713" Question : What is the change in listed bonds from 2018 to 2019?
1.367 - 1.702
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","2019","2018","2017" "At 31 March","£m","£m","£m" "Current liabilities","","","" "Listed bonds","1,367","1,702","1,539" "Finance leases","16","18","15" "Bank loans","–","–","352" "Other loans and bank overdrafts a","717","561","726" "Total current liabilities","2,100","2,281","2,632" "Non-current liabilities","","","" "Listed bonds","14,586","11,789","9,866" "Finance leases","190","205","214" "Other loans","–","–","1" "Total non-current liabilities","14,776","11,994","10,081" "Total","16,876","14,275","12,713" Question : What is the average Finance leases for 2017-2019?
(16 + 18 + 15) / 3
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","","Year Ended June 30,","","","" "","2019","2018","2017","2016","2015" "Consolidated Statements of Operations Data: ","","","","","" "Net revenues","$995,789","$983,142 (2)","$607,084","$519,834","$552,940" "Operating income (loss) (1)","$(14,726)","$(38,210)","$6,040","$(30,029)","$(62,994)" "Net loss","$(25,853)","$(46,792)","$(1,744)","$(36,363)","$(71,643)" "Net loss per share – basic","$(0.22)","$(0.41)","$(0.02)","$(0.35)","$(0.72)" "Net loss per share – diluted","$(0.22)","$(0.41)","$(0.02)","$(0.35)","$(0.72)" "Shares used in per share calculation – basic","117,954","114,221","108,273","103,074","99,000" "Shares used in per share calculation – diluted","117,954","114,221","108,273","103,074","99,000" Question : What was the percentage change in the basic net loss per share between 2018 and 2019?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","2019","2018" "","%","%" "Discount rate for scheme liabilities","2.45","2.60" "CPI inflation","2.35","2.25" "RPI inflation","3.45","3.35" "Pension increases","","" "Pre 1988 GMP","–","–" "Post 1988 GMP","2.10","2.10" "Pre 2004 non GMP","5.00","5.00" "Post 2004","3.35","3.25" Question : What was the change in CPI inflation percentage in 2019 from 2018?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","2019","2018" "","%","%" "Discount rate for scheme liabilities","2.45","2.60" "CPI inflation","2.35","2.25" "RPI inflation","3.45","3.35" "Pension increases","","" "Pre 1988 GMP","–","–" "Post 1988 GMP","2.10","2.10" "Pre 2004 non GMP","5.00","5.00" "Post 2004","3.35","3.25" Question : What was the average CPI inflation rate across 2018 and 2019?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "£m","2019","2018" "Revenue losses – UK","398.4","300.8" "Capital losses – UK","34.5","34.2" "Derivative financial instruments","172.7","184.9" "Other temporary differences","20.1","9.7" "Total unrecognised temporary differences","625.7","529.6" Question : What is the percentage change in the revenue losses in UK from 2018 to 2019?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "£m","2019","2018" "Revenue losses – UK","398.4","300.8" "Capital losses – UK","34.5","34.2" "Derivative financial instruments","172.7","184.9" "Other temporary differences","20.1","9.7" "Total unrecognised temporary differences","625.7","529.6" Question : What is the change in capital losses from the UK between 2018 and 2019?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "£m","2019","2018" "Revenue losses – UK","398.4","300.8" "Capital losses – UK","34.5","34.2" "Derivative financial instruments","172.7","184.9" "Other temporary differences","20.1","9.7" "Total unrecognised temporary differences","625.7","529.6" Question : What is the percentage change in the total unrecognised temporary differences from 2018 to 2019?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","Number of Options Outstanding (in thousands)","Weighted- Average Exercise Price Per Share","Weighted- Average Contractual Term (in Years)","Aggregate Intrinsic Value (in thousands)" "Outstanding at December 31, 2016","7,384","$10.59","5.3","$74,065" "Granted","25","23.99","","" "Exercised","(1,722)","10.39","","" "Canceled/Forfeited","(401)","16.04","","" "Outstanding at December 31, 2017","5,286","$10.30","4.2","$201,480" "Granted","-","-","","" "Exercised","(1,138)","8.17","","" "Canceled/Forfeited","(17)","18.79","","" "Outstanding at December 31, 2018","4,131","$10.86","3.3","$295,921" "Granted","-","-","","" "Exercised","(1,742)","8.53","","" "Canceled/Forfeited","(132)","2.73","","" "Outstanding at December 31, 2019","2,257","$13.13","2.5","$351,428" "Vested and expected to vest as of December 31, 2019","2,259","$13.13","2.5","$351,362" "Excercisable as of December 31, 2019","2,243","$13.10","2.5","$349,002" Question : What is the percentage change in the number of outstanding options between December 31, 2016 and 2017?
(5.286- 7.384)/ 7.384
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","2019","2018" "","£m","£m" "Trade payables","57.9","57.4" "Contract liabilities","8.7","8.9" "Social security","5.6","5.1" "Other payables","37.8","37.6" "Accruals","64.8","58.0" "Total trade and other payables","174.8","167.0" Question : What was the change in accruals in 2019 from 2018?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","2019","2018" "","£m","£m" "Trade payables","57.9","57.4" "Contract liabilities","8.7","8.9" "Social security","5.6","5.1" "Other payables","37.8","37.6" "Accruals","64.8","58.0" "Total trade and other payables","174.8","167.0" Question : What was the percentage change in accruals in 2019 from 2018?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","2019","2018" "","(U.S. $ in thousands)","" "Audit fees (1)","$2,980","$3,469" "Audit-related fees (2)","648","447" "Tax fees (3)","220","238" "Other fees (4)","8","3" "Total","$3,856","$4,157" Question : What is the change in total fees between fiscal years 2018 and 2019?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","2019","2018" "","(U.S. $ in thousands)","" "Audit fees (1)","$2,980","$3,469" "Audit-related fees (2)","648","447" "Tax fees (3)","220","238" "Other fees (4)","8","3" "Total","$3,856","$4,157" Question : What is the average tax fees for fiscal years 2018 and 2019?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","2019","2018" "","(U.S. $ in thousands)","" "Audit fees (1)","$2,980","$3,469" "Audit-related fees (2)","648","447" "Tax fees (3)","220","238" "Other fees (4)","8","3" "Total","$3,856","$4,157" Question : For fiscal year ended June 30, 2018, what is the percentage constitution of audit fees among the total fees?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","","Year Ended December 31,","" "","2019","2018","2017" "","","(In millions)","" "Operating income","$1,203","$1,400","$1,005" "As percentage of net revenues","12.6%","14.5%","12.0%" Question : What is the average Operating income?
(1.203+1.400+1.005) / 3
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","","Year Ended December 31,","" "","2019","2018","2017" "","","(In millions)","" "Operating income","$1,203","$1,400","$1,005" "As percentage of net revenues","12.6%","14.5%","12.0%" Question : What is the average operating income as percentage of net revenues?
(12.6+14.5+12.0) / 3
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","","Year Ended December 31,","" "","2019","2018","2017" "","","(In millions)","" "Operating income","$1,203","$1,400","$1,005" "As percentage of net revenues","12.6%","14.5%","12.0%" Question : What is the increase/ (decrease) in Operating income from 2017 to 2019?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","","Three Months Ended","","" "","June 30, 2018","September 30, 2018","December 31, 2018","March 31, 2019" "","","(in thousands)","","" "Revenue","60,212","63,425","76,744","69,745" "Adjustment towards significant financing component","6,410","8,837","9,917","9,303" "Gross Revenue","66,622","72,262","86,661","79,048" Question : What is the average quarterly Adjustment towards significant financing component for Three Months Ended June 30 2018 to march 31, 2019?
(6.410 + 8.837 + 9.917 + 9.303) / 4
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","","Three Months Ended","","" "","June 30, 2018","September 30, 2018","December 31, 2018","March 31, 2019" "","","(in thousands)","","" "Revenue","60,212","63,425","76,744","69,745" "Adjustment towards significant financing component","6,410","8,837","9,917","9,303" "Gross Revenue","66,622","72,262","86,661","79,048" Question : What is the percentage increase / (decrease) in the Gross Revenue from Three Months Ended December 2018 to March 2019?
79.048 / 86.661 - 1
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","","Years Ended","","","Change","","" "(Dollars in thousands)","2019","2018","2017","2019 over 2018","","2018 over 2017","" "Production start-up","$45,915","$90,735","$42,643","$(44,820)","(49)%","$48,092","113%" "% of net sales","1.5%","4.0%","1.4%","","","","" Question : What is the net difference in production start-up expense between 2019 and 2017?
45.915 - 42.643
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","","Years Ended","","","Change","","" "(Dollars in thousands)","2019","2018","2017","2019 over 2018","","2018 over 2017","" "Production start-up","$45,915","$90,735","$42,643","$(44,820)","(49)%","$48,092","113%" "% of net sales","1.5%","4.0%","1.4%","","","","" Question : What is the amount of net sales derived in 2018?
90.735 / 4
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","","Years Ended","","","Change","","" "(Dollars in thousands)","2019","2018","2017","2019 over 2018","","2018 over 2017","" "Production start-up","$45,915","$90,735","$42,643","$(44,820)","(49)%","$48,092","113%" "% of net sales","1.5%","4.0%","1.4%","","","","" Question : What is the difference in net sales amount in 2019 and 2018?
(45.915 / 1.5) - (90.735 / 4)
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","","","Payments due between","","" "","Total","July 1, 2019— June 30, 2020","July 1, 2020— June 30, 2022","July 1, 2022— June 30, 2024","July 1, 2024 and beyond" "Long-term debt obligations (1)","$3,408,565","$147,059","$292,156","$1,045,567","$1,923,783" "Operating lease obligations (2)","318,851","72,853","106,394","59,441","80,163" "Purchase obligations","11,280","8,364","2,747","169","—" "","$3,738,696","$228,276","$401,297","$1,105,177","$2,003,946" Question : What is the Total Operating lease obligations expressed as a percentage of Total obligations?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","","","Payments due between","","" "","Total","July 1, 2019— June 30, 2020","July 1, 2020— June 30, 2022","July 1, 2022— June 30, 2024","July 1, 2024 and beyond" "Long-term debt obligations (1)","$3,408,565","$147,059","$292,156","$1,045,567","$1,923,783" "Operating lease obligations (2)","318,851","72,853","106,394","59,441","80,163" "Purchase obligations","11,280","8,364","2,747","169","—" "","$3,738,696","$228,276","$401,297","$1,105,177","$2,003,946" Question : What is the total obligations of July 1, 2024 and beyond expressed as a percentage of total obligations for July 1, 2019-June 30, 2024?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "Years ended August 31,","2019","2018 (1)","Change" "(in thousands of dollars, except percentages)","$","$","%" "Depreciation of property, plant and equipment","423,432","387,726","9.2" "Amortization of intangible assets","57,293","45,928","24.7" "","480,725","433,654","10.9" Question : What was the increase / (decrease) in the Depreciation of property, plant and equipment from 2018 to 2019?
423.432 - 387.726
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "Years ended August 31,","2019","2018 (1)","Change" "(in thousands of dollars, except percentages)","$","$","%" "Depreciation of property, plant and equipment","423,432","387,726","9.2" "Amortization of intangible assets","57,293","45,928","24.7" "","480,725","433,654","10.9" Question : What was the average Amortization of intangible assets between 2018 and 2019?
(57.293 + 45.928) / 2
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "Years ended August 31,","2019","2018 (1)","Change" "(in thousands of dollars, except percentages)","$","$","%" "Depreciation of property, plant and equipment","423,432","387,726","9.2" "Amortization of intangible assets","57,293","45,928","24.7" "","480,725","433,654","10.9" Question : What was the increase / (decrease) in Amortization of intangible assets from 2018 to 2019?
57.293 - 45.928
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","2019","2018" "Lease liabilities","$28,046","$—" "Other","708","534" "Total other non-current liabilities","$28,754","$534" Question : What is the percentage change in total other non-current liabilities between 2018 and 2019?
(28.754 - 534)/534
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","2019","2018" "Lease liabilities","$28,046","$—" "Other","708","534" "Total other non-current liabilities","$28,754","$534" Question : What is the sum of other liabilities in 2019 and 2018?
708 + 534
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","2019","2018" "Lease liabilities","$28,046","$—" "Other","708","534" "Total other non-current liabilities","$28,754","$534" Question : What is the total non-current liabilities between 2018 to 2019?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","2019","2018","2017" "Current:","","","" "Federal","$(1.7)","$(1.4)","$(0.1)" "State","(5.0)","(1.8)","(3.8)" "Foreign","(48.2)","(189.7)","(113.4)" "Deferred:","","","" "Federal","1.4","4.0","0.2" "State","0.5","0.7","1.0" "Foreign","53.2","298.3","85.4" "Income tax benefit (provision)","$0.2","$110.1","$(30.7)" Question : What was the percentage change in Income tax benefit (provision) between 2018 and 2019?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","","Years Ended December 31,","" "","2019","2018","2017" "Foreign Exchange Contracts:","","","" "Amounts reclassified from AOCI to earnings:","","","" "Net sales","$—","$383","$(488)" "Cost of goods sold","860","(6)","497" "Selling, general and administrative","92","107","45" "Total amounts reclassified from AOCI to earnings","952","484","54" "Loss recognized in other expense for hedge ineffectiveness","—","—","(1)" "Loss recognized in other expense for derivatives not designated as cash flow hedges","—","—","(15)" "Total derivative gain on foreign exchange contracts recognized in earnings","$952","$484","$38" "Interest Rate Swaps:","","","" "Benefit recorded in interest expense","$491","$421","$37" "Total gain","$1,443","$905","$75" Question : What was percentage change in the total gain between 2018 and 2019?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","June 30, 2019","June 30, 2018" "Accounts receivable ","$201,365","$225,167" "Allowance for doubtful accounts","(1,054)","(1,478)" "Allowance for product returns","(25,897)","(11,266)" "Accounts receivable, net ","$174,414","$212,423" Question : What was the percentage change in the Allowance for product returns between 2018 and 2019?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","2019","2018","2017" "Gross amount of accumulated depreciation at beginning","$(5,724.7)","$(5,181.2)","$(4,548.1)" "Additions during period:","","","" "Depreciation","(768.4)","(751.4)","(718.7)" "Other","—","—","—" "Total additions","(768.4)","(751.4)","(718.7)" "Deductions during period:","","","" "Amount of accumulated depreciation for assets sold or disposed","121.4","129.3","100.7" "Other (7)","(10.5)","78.6","(15.1)" "Total deductions","110.9","207.9","85.6" "Balance at end","$(6,382.2)","$(5,724.7)","$(5,181.2)" Question : What was the percentage change in total deductions between 2018 and 2019?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","Balance at Beginning of Period","Charged to Costs and Expenses","Write-offs","Balance at End of Period" "Allowance for Doubtful Accounts:","","","","" "Fiscal Year 2019","$—","$—","$5","$—" "Fiscal Year 2018","$—","$—","$—","$—" "Fiscal Year 2017","$—","$—","$—","$—" "Allowance for Deferred Tax Assets:","","","","" "Fiscal Year 2019","$54,913","$3,227","$—","$58,140" "Fiscal Year 2018","$55,931","$—","$(1,018)","$54,913" "Fiscal Year 2017","$79,150","$—","$(23,219)","$55,931" Question : What is the value of the balance at the beginning of 2019 as a percentage of the balance at the end of 2019?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","Year Ended","Year Ended","Year Ended" "","December 31,","December 31,","December 31," "","2019","2018","2017" "","$","$","$" "Balance of unrecognized tax benefits as at January 1","40,556","31,061","19,492" "Increases for positions related to the current year","5,829","9,297","2,631" "Changes for positions taken in prior years","19,119","981","3,475" "Decreases related to statute of limitations","(2,546)","(783)","(1,562)" "Increase due to acquisition of TIL","—","—","8,528" "Decrease due to deconsolidation of Altera","—","—","(1,503)" "Balance of unrecognized tax benefits as at December 31","62,958","40,556","31,061" Question : What is the increase/ (decrease) in Balance of unrecognized tax benefits as at January 1 from December 31, 2019 to December 31, 2018?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","Year Ended","Year Ended","Year Ended" "","December 31,","December 31,","December 31," "","2019","2018","2017" "","$","$","$" "Balance of unrecognized tax benefits as at January 1","40,556","31,061","19,492" "Increases for positions related to the current year","5,829","9,297","2,631" "Changes for positions taken in prior years","19,119","981","3,475" "Decreases related to statute of limitations","(2,546)","(783)","(1,562)" "Increase due to acquisition of TIL","—","—","8,528" "Decrease due to deconsolidation of Altera","—","—","(1,503)" "Balance of unrecognized tax benefits as at December 31","62,958","40,556","31,061" Question : What is the increase/ (decrease) in Changes for positions taken in prior years from December 31, 2019 to December 31, 2018?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","Year Ended","Year Ended","Year Ended" "","December 31,","December 31,","December 31," "","2019","2018","2017" "","$","$","$" "Balance of unrecognized tax benefits as at January 1","40,556","31,061","19,492" "Increases for positions related to the current year","5,829","9,297","2,631" "Changes for positions taken in prior years","19,119","981","3,475" "Decreases related to statute of limitations","(2,546)","(783)","(1,562)" "Increase due to acquisition of TIL","—","—","8,528" "Decrease due to deconsolidation of Altera","—","—","(1,503)" "Balance of unrecognized tax benefits as at December 31","62,958","40,556","31,061" Question : What is the increase/ (decrease) in Decreases related to statute of limitations from December 31, 2019 to December 31, 2018?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","Years Ended December 31,","","Change","" "","2019","2018","$","%" "","(dollars in thousands)","","","" "Sales and marketing","$15,836","$23,425","$(7,589)","(32)%" "Percent of revenues, net","32%","40%","","" Question : What is the company's average sales and marketing expenses in 2018 and 2019?
(15.836 + 23.425)/2
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","Years Ended December 31,","","Change","" "","2019","2018","$","%" "","(dollars in thousands)","","","" "Sales and marketing","$15,836","$23,425","$(7,589)","(32)%" "Percent of revenues, net","32%","40%","","" Question : What is the value of the change between 2018 and 2019's sales and marketing expenses as a percentage of the 2018 sales and marketing expenses?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","Years Ended December 31,","","Change","" "","2019","2018","$","%" "","(dollars in thousands)","","","" "Sales and marketing","$15,836","$23,425","$(7,589)","(32)%" "Percent of revenues, net","32%","40%","","" Question : What is the value of the change in 2018 and 2019's sales and marketing expenses as a percentage of the 2019 sales and marketing expenses?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","2019","2018","2017" "At 31 March","£m","£m","£m" "Cash at bank and in hand","495","446","469" "Cash equivalents","","","" "US deposits","3","26","32" "UK deposits","1,132","31","1" "Other deposits","36","25","26" "Total cash equivalents","1,171","82","59" "Total cash and cash equivalents","1,666","528","528" "Bank overdrafts (note25)","(72)","(29)","(17)" "Cash and cash equivalents per the cash flow statement","1,594","499","511" Question : What is the change in the Cash at bank and in hand from 2018 to 2019?
495 - 446
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","2019","2018","2017" "At 31 March","£m","£m","£m" "Cash at bank and in hand","495","446","469" "Cash equivalents","","","" "US deposits","3","26","32" "UK deposits","1,132","31","1" "Other deposits","36","25","26" "Total cash equivalents","1,171","82","59" "Total cash and cash equivalents","1,666","528","528" "Bank overdrafts (note25)","(72)","(29)","(17)" "Cash and cash equivalents per the cash flow statement","1,594","499","511" Question : What is the average US deposits for 2017-2019?
(3 + 26 + 32) / 3
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","As at 31 December","" "","2019","2018" "","RMB’Million","RMB’Million" "Included in non-current assets:","","" "Prepayments for media contents","15,731","13,652" "Loans to investees and investees’ shareholders (Note (a))","937","3,864" "Prepayments for capital investments in investees","587","619" "Running royalty fees for online games (Note (b))","564","99" "Others","5,623","3,297" "","23,442","21,531" "Included in current assets:","","" "Running royalty fees for online games (Note (b))","10,888","5,230" "Prepayments and prepaid expenses","8,353","7,532" "Interest receivables","2,774","1,697" "Lease deposits and other deposits","1,107","693" "Dividend and other investment-related receivables","1,034","338" "Refundable value-added tax","629","915" "Loans to investees and investees’ shareholders (Note (a))","447","225" "Others","2,608","1,863" "","27,840","18,493" "","51,282","40,024" Question : How much did the prepayments for media contents change by between 2018 year end and 2019 year end?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","As at 31 December","" "","2019","2018" "","RMB’Million","RMB’Million" "Included in non-current assets:","","" "Prepayments for media contents","15,731","13,652" "Loans to investees and investees’ shareholders (Note (a))","937","3,864" "Prepayments for capital investments in investees","587","619" "Running royalty fees for online games (Note (b))","564","99" "Others","5,623","3,297" "","23,442","21,531" "Included in current assets:","","" "Running royalty fees for online games (Note (b))","10,888","5,230" "Prepayments and prepaid expenses","8,353","7,532" "Interest receivables","2,774","1,697" "Lease deposits and other deposits","1,107","693" "Dividend and other investment-related receivables","1,034","338" "Refundable value-added tax","629","915" "Loans to investees and investees’ shareholders (Note (a))","447","225" "Others","2,608","1,863" "","27,840","18,493" "","51,282","40,024" Question : How much did the prepayments and prepaid expenses change by between 2018 year end and 2019 year end?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","As at 31 December","" "","2019","2018" "","RMB’Million","RMB’Million" "Included in non-current assets:","","" "Prepayments for media contents","15,731","13,652" "Loans to investees and investees’ shareholders (Note (a))","937","3,864" "Prepayments for capital investments in investees","587","619" "Running royalty fees for online games (Note (b))","564","99" "Others","5,623","3,297" "","23,442","21,531" "Included in current assets:","","" "Running royalty fees for online games (Note (b))","10,888","5,230" "Prepayments and prepaid expenses","8,353","7,532" "Interest receivables","2,774","1,697" "Lease deposits and other deposits","1,107","693" "Dividend and other investment-related receivables","1,034","338" "Refundable value-added tax","629","915" "Loans to investees and investees’ shareholders (Note (a))","447","225" "Others","2,608","1,863" "","27,840","18,493" "","51,282","40,024" Question : How much did the interest receivables between 2018 year end and 2019 year end change by?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","For the years ended September 30,","" "","2019","2018" "Pro forma revenue","$86,206","$78,130" "Pro forma net income (loss)","$889","$(12,268)" Question : What is the percentage change in pro forma revenue from 2018 to 2019?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","December 27, 2019 ","December 28, 2018" "Senior secured term loan","$238,129","$239,745" "Convertible senior notes ","150,000","—" "Convertible unsecured note ","4,000","—" "Finance lease and other financing obligations","3,905","193" "Asset-based loan facility ","—","44,185" "Deferred finance fees and original issue discount ","(9,207)","(5,893)" "Total debt obligations","386,827","278,230" "Less: current installments ","(721)","(61)" "Total debt obligations excluding current installments","$386,106","$278,169" Question : What is the average Senior secured term loan for 2018 and 2019?
(238.129+ 239.745)/2
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","December 27, 2019 ","December 28, 2018" "Senior secured term loan","$238,129","$239,745" "Convertible senior notes ","150,000","—" "Convertible unsecured note ","4,000","—" "Finance lease and other financing obligations","3,905","193" "Asset-based loan facility ","—","44,185" "Deferred finance fees and original issue discount ","(9,207)","(5,893)" "Total debt obligations","386,827","278,230" "Less: current installments ","(721)","(61)" "Total debt obligations excluding current installments","$386,106","$278,169" Question : What is the change in the value of Finance lease and other financing obligations between 2018 and 2019?
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "A$ Million","FY19","FY18","Variance %" "Operating revenue","231.3","230.8","0.2%" "Underlying EBITDA 1, 3","55.8","60.0","(7.0%)" "Underlying NPAT 3","24.0","29.5","(18.7%)" "Underlying NPATA 2, 3","33.7","38.7","(12.9%)" "Basic EPS based on underlying NPATA (cents) 2","17.1","19.8","(13.6%)" Question : What was the average operating revenue for the two FYs?
(231.3 + 230.8)/2
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "A$ Million","FY19","FY18","Variance %" "Operating revenue","231.3","230.8","0.2%" "Underlying EBITDA 1, 3","55.8","60.0","(7.0%)" "Underlying NPAT 3","24.0","29.5","(18.7%)" "Underlying NPATA 2, 3","33.7","38.7","(12.9%)" "Basic EPS based on underlying NPATA (cents) 2","17.1","19.8","(13.6%)" Question : What was the difference between EBITDA and NPAT for FY18?
60.0 - 29.5
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "A$ Million","FY19","FY18","Variance %" "Operating revenue","231.3","230.8","0.2%" "Underlying EBITDA 1, 3","55.8","60.0","(7.0%)" "Underlying NPAT 3","24.0","29.5","(18.7%)" "Underlying NPATA 2, 3","33.7","38.7","(12.9%)" "Basic EPS based on underlying NPATA (cents) 2","17.1","19.8","(13.6%)" Question : What was the average basic EPS for the 2 FYs?
(17.1 + 19.8)/2
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","Fiscal year ended January 31, 2019","Change compared to prior fiscal year","","Fiscal year ended January 31, 2018","Management comments" "(in millions)","","$","%","","" "Cost of revenue:","","","","","" "Subscription and maintenance","$216.0","$1.6","1%","$214.4","Up primarily due to an increase in cloud hosting costs partially offset by a decrease in royalty and depreciation expense." "Other (1)","54.4","(18.2)","(25)%","72.6","Down primarily due to lower employee-related costs from reduced headcount associated with the Fiscal 2018 Plan restructuring and lower professional fees." "Amortization of developed technology","15.5","(0.9)","(5)%","16.4","Down as previously acquired developed technologies continue to become fully amortized." "Total cost of revenue","$285.9","$(17.5)","(6)%","$303.4","" "Marketing and sales","$1,183.9","$96.6","9%","$1,087.3","Up due to increased employee-related costs driven by higher headcount, as well as higher cloud hosting costs and professional fees." "Research and development","725.0","(30.5)","(4)%","755.5","Down due to a decrease in employee-related costs from lower headcount associated with the Fiscal 2018 plan restructuring partially offset by higher professional fees." "General and administrative","340.1","34.9","11%","305.2","Up primarily due to higher professional fees, employee-related costs and facilities costs, partially offset by lower employee benefits costs." "Amortization of purchased intangibles","18.0","(2.2)","(11)%","20.2","Down as previously acquired intangible assets continue to become fully amortized." "Restructuring and other exit costs, net","41.9","(52.2)","(55)%","94.1","Down as we substantially completed the reduction in force and facilities consolidation of the Fiscal 2018 Plan." "","$ 2,308.9","$46.6","2%","$2,262.3","" Question : What is the total cost of revenue and operating expenses for fiscal year ended January 31, 2019?
285.9 + 2.308.9
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table
Table : "","Fiscal year ended January 31, 2019","Change compared to prior fiscal year","","Fiscal year ended January 31, 2018","Management comments" "(in millions)","","$","%","","" "Cost of revenue:","","","","","" "Subscription and maintenance","$216.0","$1.6","1%","$214.4","Up primarily due to an increase in cloud hosting costs partially offset by a decrease in royalty and depreciation expense." "Other (1)","54.4","(18.2)","(25)%","72.6","Down primarily due to lower employee-related costs from reduced headcount associated with the Fiscal 2018 Plan restructuring and lower professional fees." "Amortization of developed technology","15.5","(0.9)","(5)%","16.4","Down as previously acquired developed technologies continue to become fully amortized." "Total cost of revenue","$285.9","$(17.5)","(6)%","$303.4","" "Marketing and sales","$1,183.9","$96.6","9%","$1,087.3","Up due to increased employee-related costs driven by higher headcount, as well as higher cloud hosting costs and professional fees." "Research and development","725.0","(30.5)","(4)%","755.5","Down due to a decrease in employee-related costs from lower headcount associated with the Fiscal 2018 plan restructuring partially offset by higher professional fees." "General and administrative","340.1","34.9","11%","305.2","Up primarily due to higher professional fees, employee-related costs and facilities costs, partially offset by lower employee benefits costs." "Amortization of purchased intangibles","18.0","(2.2)","(11)%","20.2","Down as previously acquired intangible assets continue to become fully amortized." "Restructuring and other exit costs, net","41.9","(52.2)","(55)%","94.1","Down as we substantially completed the reduction in force and facilities consolidation of the Fiscal 2018 Plan." "","$ 2,308.9","$46.6","2%","$2,262.3","" Question : How much do the top two expense categories in 2018 add up to?
1.087.3 + 755.5
Return the numerical equation that answers the question over the table