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1 value
In maths, the children have been comparing numbers, focusing on counting accurately, as well as using mathematical language, such as ‘greater than’, ‘fewer than’ and ‘equal to’. The children were introduced to the symbols < and >, and were able to use them in equations. The teachers were mightily impressed! The highlight of the week for the children was Thursday – STEM day – where they took part in lots of fun activities to do with science, technology, engineering and maths. The Brickies Club workshop was by far the most popular, but a lot of fun was had throughout the day. STEM day was rounded off with a mini film and popcorn treat, as a reward for having filled the marble jar. Congratulations to Year 1!
A mob of white men posing in front of the office of the black-owned Daily Record newspaper after burning it down, Wilmington, North Carolina, November 10, 1898. (Alamy) Uncovering the truth about the 1898 massacre of black voters in Wilmington, North Carolina. Political violence, especially around elections, has a long history in the United States. In the antebellum era, white nativist Protestants often rioted against Catholic immigrants because of the perceived threat of Irish voters and their “popery.” In the New York City draft riots of 1863, white mobs murdered African-Americans over conscription into the Union Army. During Reconstruction, political terror and murder became an almost normal part of southern politics. In 1871 white mobs in Meridian, Mississippi, killed approximately thirty blacks in political violence that first broke out during a court trial. In 1873 in Colfax, Louisiana, as many as 150 African-Americans were killed, many execution-style, as white mobs rejected the results of a gubernatorial election. But the coup in Wilmington, North Carolina, in November 1898 may deserve first place in this nineteenth-century gallery of horrors. That month there was a concerted, carefully planned, and successful effort to violently suppress the black vote, eliminate black elected officials, and restore white control of the city of Wilmington, as well as the entire state, to the Democrats for the cause of white supremacy. Leaders of the coup employed tactics ranging from vicious newspaper propaganda and economic intimidation to arson and lynching. Dozens of African-Americans were killed and black political life in the area was snuffed out in a matter of days: 126,000 black men were on the voter rolls of North Carolina in 1896; by 1902, only 6,100 remained. What happened in Wilmington has long been a highly debated problem in historical memory, with the facts obscured for generations by the coup’s perpetrators and their apologists. David Zucchino’s engaging and disturbing book, Wilmington’s Lie, not only vividly reconstructs the events of 1898 but reveals the mountain of lies that has stood in the way of a truer, if not a reconciled, history. All those in America who do not understand the old and festering foundation of contemporary voter suppression should read this book. The Democrats of 1898 in North Carolina had the same aims, and some of the same methods, as today’s Republican vote suppressors, scheming and spending millions of dollars to thwart the right to vote with specious claims about “voter fraud.” Wilmington’s bleak story of voter suppression stems from a tale of two Reconstructions. One involved the experience of defeated white Confederates and their sons and daughters; the other rested in the achievement of civil and political rights for emancipated black North Carolinians. By 1865 360,000 slaves had been liberated in North Carolina. But as Zucchino notes, “any civil liberties envisioned by the Emancipation Proclamation had not materialized by the summer and fall,” and soon Wilmington’s former mayor, “an ardent white supremacist,” was back in his post, with a police force led by a Confederate general and composed mainly of Confederate veterans. An emissary from President Andrew Johnson reported, “Wherever I go—the street, the shop, the house, the hotel, or the steamboat—I hear the people talk in such a way as to indicate that they are yet unable to conceive of the Negro as possessing any rights at all.” In the decades following the Civil War, white Democrats, the oldest of whom still remembered the Nat Turner slave insurrection of 1831 in southeast Virginia, preferred to fixate on the short period between 1866 and 1868 when they were in power, after the state legislature passed a Black Code that, Zucchino says, “restored blacks to near-slave status” and refused, by a vote of 138–11, to ratify the Fourteenth Amendment, which granted citizenship to former slaves born in the US and guaranteed equal protection under the law. Blacks and their Republican allies preferred to remember the five thousand black men from North Carolina who formed the African Brigade in the Union Army during the war, as well as the state’s constitutional convention in 1868, gathered under the authority of the Reconstruction Acts, when among the 120 delegates, 107 were Republicans, thirteen of them black. With nearly 80,000 black men registered to vote in the state (compared to 117,000 white men), the radical constitution, enshrining black suffrage, won approval that year by a vote of 93,086 to 74,086 statewide, despite a vigorous campaign of intimidation by the Ku Klux Klan. From that day forward, for the white supremacists of North Carolina, black voters became a contagion to be wiped out. The Democrats won back the state legislature in 1870, and within six years regained the governorship too, “congratulat[ing] themselves,” Zucchino writes, “on redeeming the state in the name of white supremacy.” They undermined the black vote by, among other things, eliminating the popular election of county commissioners and using procedural ruses to disqualify black voters. As Zucchino puts it: Well before the close of Reconstruction in 1877, the vengeance of the Redeemers had essentially suspended the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments in North Carolina. White supremacy was triumphant. For the next seventeen years, the Redeemers ruled North Carolina. Yet North Carolina was an exception in many ways among former Confederate states. Even with the Redeemers in charge, the lights never went out on its black political life in the 1880s. The freedpeople had white allies in the Republican Party, as well as in the Fusionist movement of the early 1890s, in which some Populist whites joined with Republican blacks in imagining a “New South” of shared economic progress. By 1894 an interracial coalition of Republicans and Populists controlled the state legislature, and the second congressional district (including Wilmington) had elected a black man, George H. White, as its representative. The “Black Second” was a source of pride to Carolina African-Americans, as were the three black aldermen on Wilmington’s ten-person city council, the city’s ten black policemen (out of twenty-six), and its black coroner and health inspectors. Zucchino’s writing is crisp and declarative. Some of the book reads like in-depth reporting, yet he also expresses a careful level of moral indignation against the blunt racism he uncovers. His portraits of the three principal leaders of the white supremacy campaign in 1898 are particularly skillful. They were Josephus Daniels, a viciously racist and talented propagandist who owned and edited the Raleigh News & Observer; Furnifold Simmons, the chair of the state Democratic Party and the organizational mastermind of the coup’s operations; and Alfred Moore Waddell, a former Confederate officer, congressman, and popular orator. The three of them together were exceptional opportunists with fierce political ambitions. With the help of thousands of “Red Shirts”—bands of heavily armed men adept at intimidation and ready to kill—they sought the liquidation of black men from political life and the overthrow of the state of North Carolina. With arsenals of guns, big and small, the campaign declared its aims overtly; as a Simmons deputy put it with precision, “We must either outcheat, outcount or outshoot them!” They accomplished all three ambitions. Daniels and Simmons were what the historian Joel Williamson once called the “children of Reconstruction,” haunted by memories of the loss experienced by their parents during the Civil War. They, and thousands like them, practiced a radical racism that demanded vengeance against “the menace of the freed slave”—first through the humiliation of black people and then through their political eradication. They believed in fixed racial traits and spread the idea that black Americans had somehow degenerated into dangerous behavior since liberation from slavery, manifested in aggression, especially sexual assaults on white women. These lethal concoctions of race and sex in the minds of radical racists formed a “psychic core,” wrote Williamson, of a new, violent redemption. While Simmons built alliances and Daniels kept up a drumbeat of virulently racist cartoons and editorials full of misinformation throughout the run-up to the election of November 8, 1898, Waddell was the rhetorician of this movement. A generation older than Daniels and Simmons, he was called “colonel” though he had never attained the rank, came from white planter-class aristocracy, and mouthed their grievances. He found white supremacy his path back into politics. He voiced a ferocious brand of paternalistic racism. At huge rallies Waddell transformed Simmons’s two-hundred-page handbook of white supremacy methods and electoral strategies into rousing oratory that had working-class white men on their feet with their Winchester rifles held high. The black man, preached Waddell to an audience of nearly a thousand people in Wilmington on October 24, has never, during all these 30 centuries, exhibited any capacity for self-government…. Whenever he has been civilized by white men and then left to himself, he has invariably reverted to a condition of savagery…. If a race conflict occurs in North Carolina, the very first men that ought to be held to account are the white leaders of the Negroes! At another rally before eight thousand people on November 7, Waddell called them to arms: “Go to the polls tomorrow,” he shouted, “and if you find the negro out voting, tell him to leave the polls. And if he refuses, kill him! Shoot him down in his tracks!” The campaign ran training sessions on how to stuff ballot boxes and met with employers to make sure white men had the day off to vote. The bloodlust for the Wilmington white supremacy campaign came, says Zucchino, from the “core white conviction that any sex act between a black man and a white woman could only be rape.” This old but pervasive canard drove political organization and white frenzy more than some readers may grasp. There was also the threat that, as Zucchino puts it, “a black man who could vote or hold public office was a man who might…become a rival for the affections of white women.” The population of Wilmington all lived within the bitter restrictions of segregation. The Wilmington city school district spent $858 a year per school for whites and $523 per black school. Most black children attended school only through sixth grade, whites through twelfth. Modern technology had arrived in Wilmington, but the first telephones and electric trolleys were not shared between black and white neighborhoods. De facto Jim Crow quietly sauntered into town before his de jure big brothers loudly took over. One person in the middle of the drama was the young journalist Alexander Lightfoot Manly. Born in 1866, he was the grandson of an antebellum North Carolina governor, Charles Manly, and one of his enslaved women, Lydia; though he could pass for white, he refused to. Manly grew up in a stable working-class environment, worked as a housepainter, attended the Hampton Institute in Virginia, and by the early 1890s brought his political passion to a newspaper, the Record, in Wilmington, which he built with his brothers into what he claimed was the only black daily in the world. As early as 1895 Manly audaciously reminded white Carolinians that black voters outnumbered them in Wilmington. In August 1897 he wrote a column about race, sex, and lynching after a group of black Baptist ministers near Raleigh published a statement that condemned lynching but also, according to Zucchino, “accepted the entrenched white supremacist principle that no sexual union between a black man and a white woman could possibly be consensual.” Manly attacked them without reserve, reminding the clergy that white men had for generations raped black women without consequences, and arguing that laws punishing rape should apply equally to blacks and whites. In the summer of 1898, with Daniels raving in Raleigh about an “incubus” of black rapists that “must be removed,” the pro-lynching activist Rebecca Latimer Felton, the wife of a Georgia congressman, weighed in with a widely publicized speech about “poor white girls on…secluded farms” preyed upon by black farmhand rapists. “If it needs lynching,” shouted Felton, “then I say lynch; a thousand times a week if necessary.” North Carolina newspapers reprinted the speech in August, and Manly struck back with an editorial that would be his undoing. “Every Negro lynched is called a ‘big, burly, black brute,’” he declared in the Record, when in fact many of those who have thus been dealt with had white men for their fathers, and were not only “black” and “burly” but were sufficiently attractive for white girls of culture and refinement to fall in love with them as is very well known to all. He denounced Felton and all her accomplices as “a lot of carping hypocrites” and did not pull a single punch. “Don’t think ever that your women will remain pure,” he concluded, “while you are debauching ours. You sow the seed—the harvest will come in due time.” “The whites of Wilmington had never read anything like it,” Zucchino writes. “A black man had mocked the myths that had sustained whites for generations, piercing the buried insecurities of Southern white men.” By challenging Felton in print, Manly endangered his life and livelihood as well as the marriage and family he had anticipated. He had courted and become engaged to Carrie Sadgwar, the daughter of a black man he had worked for as a painter. Manly had achieved status in the community as a Sunday school teacher and deputy registrar of deeds. In this dangerous racial environment, he laid everything on the line to expose the South’s oldest taboo. When it came to race and sex in the South, speech was not free. When Furnifold Simmons read Manly’s editorial, Zucchino writes, “he believed Manly had handed whites a perfectly valid pretext to lynch him and torch his newspaper.” But Simmons and his team of plotters resisted screams for Manly’s immediate lynching: Simmons recognized the value of timing white outrage for maximum political impact. August was too early. Simmons advised the city’s white elite—planters, politicians, lawyers, and merchants—to suppress the explosion of white rage until closer to Election Day. In his Record Manly tried to stand firm while some blacks begged him to apologize. The days surrounding the election took place, writes Zucchino, as a kind of “carnival” of terror and racist catharsis. Simmons’s patience paid off when well-planned violence broke out on the day of the coup, two days after the election itself. Black men in Wilmington risked their lives to vote on November 8; only about half of those registered actually cast their ballots. Democrats stuffed ballot boxes in gerrymandered black precincts and destroyed Republican ballots while white men, as Zucchino puts it, “accosted blacks at gunpoint in some wards, forcing them to turn back as they tried to reach polling stations.” In white neighborhoods, rumors spread of black violence—rumors that Zucchino states were “pure fiction”: “Virtually all the armed men who remained on the streets throughout the night were white, not black.” Newspaper headlines the following day announced the Democrats’ victory: “Our State Redeemed—Negroism Defunct,” said the Wilmington Messenger; “White Supremacy Receives a Vote of Confidence,” wrote the Raleigh News & Observer. Nearly a thousand white men gathered that morning inside the courthouse “to set in motion,” Zucchino writes, “the long-standing plan to overthrow the city government…and ensure that black men never again held office in Wilmington.” Zucchino quotes a Washington Post correspondent marveling at the “candor” of the leaders, who acted with the “stateliness of a Greek tragedy.” With Red Shirts ready to thwart a supposed “black insurgency” that never occurred, Waddell called in a jerry-rigged committee of black men to accept seven Orwellian “resolutions” of surrender. The preamble to this document carried the grandiose title “Wilmington Declaration of Independence.” One resolution boldly announced that blacks would be treated “with justice and consideration” as long as they obeyed “the intelligent and progressive portion of the community.” On the morning of November 10, a mob of more than five hundred white men, led by Waddell, gathered at the armory. Zucchino allows the words of these American terrorists to tell the truths they and their successors would suppress for decades. Shouting “Victory! White Men!” as though trying to convince themselves, the mob, which had grown to over a thousand people, went in search of Manly to stage a spectacle lynching; denied satisfaction because Manly had slipped town, they burned the building that had housed his newspaper and stood for a group photograph. Soon men from the mob began to fire their guns throughout the neighborhood. Estimates vary as to how many people were murdered. There may have been up to sixty bodies, found all across town, many shot in the back, some humiliated first on their knees, some dying near or fleeing from their homes. Droves of black families fled into nearby swamps, cemeteries, and pine forests. After coup leaders forced resignations from the mayor, police chief, and board of aldermen, Waddell was declared the new mayor. The Democratic city clerk dutifully kept the “minutes” of the coup itself, a banality of evil conducted without the slightest sense of irony. Zucchino is at his best as he builds the historical infrastructure of lies from which the story of Wilmington emerged. These kinds of lies, as we have learned in our own historical moment, are the particular stock-in-trade of demagogues who believe their power is unchecked, or who dissemble them before and after their acts of suppression. Waddell and Daniels rushed to declare their handiwork “strictly in accordance with law,” claiming that blacks were the ones who most benefited from the white supremacists’ takeover. A hastily conducted coroner’s jury concluded that no one could be prosecuted for the killings of November 10 because “the said deceased came to their deaths by gunshot wounds inflicted by some person or persons to this jury unknown.” The truth was whatever the coup leaders said it was. Amid parades and bands playing “Dixie,” a narrative of victory poured forth from press and pulpit. A Reverend James Kramer delivered a sermon on the Sunday after the coup in which he held that “God from the beginning of time intended that intelligent white men should lead the people and rule the country.” In the violence, Kramer contended, “the negro was the aggressor. I believe that the whites were doing God’s services.” Another minister, Reverend Peyton Hoge, who had himself carried a rifle during the violence, said Wilmington had been, like Jerusalem, “redeemed for civilization, redeemed for law and order, redeemed for decency and respectability.” After the 1898 massacres the Democratic Party swiftly took over the entire state of North Carolina. Simmons went on to a long career in the US Senate, while Daniels rose to national stature eventually in President Woodrow Wilson’s cabinet, along with other staunch segregationists. A wave of disfranchisement and other Jim Crow laws flowed from the state legislature. Manly left the state, part of a black exodus from North Carolina. The successful destruction of Wilmington’s black community and the political decapitation of its leadership is the essential tragedy of the coup. John Dancy, the county registrar of deeds and a conservative follower of Booker T. Washington, tried against the odds to accommodate to the white supremacist threat, futilely counseling patience and good order. William Henderson, fair-skinned and mostly Cherokee, was an intrepid lawyer who had fled to Wilmington’s more welcoming environment in the mid-1890s after being run out of Salisbury, North Carolina, for defending a black man accused of murdering a white man. He made his name as a Republican Party organizer, then, with his family under dire threat, fled the state after the coup. George H. White, the sole black member of Congress, fled too, and hoped for federal intervention in the aftermath of the Wilmington murders as he also fought (unsuccessfully) against the wave of Jim Crow laws that followed. In Washington, D.C., only months after the massacres, Manly came out of hiding to lobby President William McKinley (a Republican) for federal intervention in Wilmington. But McKinley kept utterly silent about the coup, in obedience to states’ rights; a cursory Justice Department investigation went nowhere. Charles Aycock proudly announced in 1900, the year he was elected governor of North Carolina, that Democrats had “taught them [i.e., whites and blacks alike] much in the past two years in the University of White Supremacy.” More than six decades passed before North Carolina began to officially unlearn that education. From the opening sentence—“The killers came by street car”—to the concluding lines about how irreconcilably this story looms in American history, Zucchino’s work is both enlightening and painful. At times the reader feels some whiplash from being pushed back and forth through history. His explanation of the election of 1876 as an end of Reconstruction is a bit simplistic. The story of the political success of blacks in North Carolina by the 1890s needs some comparison to the Readjuster movement in Virginia in the 1880s, which for a few years promised, though failed to attain, interracial politics. But Zucchino is a marvelous writer. Only at the end of the book does he draw any direct comparison to today’s voter suppression in North Carolina and elsewhere, but one feels that treacherous legacy on nearly every page. Jane Cronly, a white woman who kept a diary during the coup, was horrified by what she witnessed. Her viewing of several killings prompted this recollection: The whole thing was with the object of striking terror to the man’s heart, so that he would never vote again. For this was the object of the whole persecution; to make Nov. 10th a day to be remembered by the whole race for all time. The Wilmington events have gone by several names: “riot,” “coup,” “massacre,” or, over the decades by its defenders, “victory.” By any measure they might also be called a pogrom. Last year, in an essay about the pogrom against the Jewish population of Kishinev in 1903, the philosopher Avishai Margalit argued that some instances of mass violence become symbolic because they have received lasting representation in art—for example, Guernica, Picasso’s 1937 painting protesting the fascists’ bombing of civilians in Spain; The Forty Days of Musa Dagh, Franz Werfel’s 1933 novel about the Turkish genocide against the Armenians; or “Babi Yar,” Yevgeny Yevtushenko’s poem about the massacre in Kiev in 1941. To that list Americans might add poems, songs, and novels about lynching. The Wilmington coup inspired at least two novels by black writers in its immediate aftermath: Charles Chesnutt’s The Marrow of Tradition (1901) and David Bryant Fulton’s Hanover; or Persecution of the Lowly, Story of the Wilmington Massacre (1900). But it took a 1951 doctoral dissertation by Helen Edmonds, a 1984 book by H. Leon Prather, and extensive public history activism to finally launch a major revision of the Wilmington crisis. Zucchino’s book, indeed, owes a great deal to historian Timothy B. Tyson’s extraordinary 2006 exposé, “The Ghosts of 1898,” published in the Raleigh News & Observer, which showed us the price we all pay for events we comfortably leave “long shadowed by ignorance and forgetfulness.” Tyson’s essay, and the News & Observer’s apology for its pivotal part in fomenting the coup, finally led to the creation of a monument and memorial park in 2008 that directly acknowledges the facts of what happened. Increasingly, North Carolinians and Americans generally are learning this sordid story from the Jim Crow era. Thanks to David Zucchino and the scholars, journalists, and activists before him, the coup has surged from the periphery to near the center of our national story, although today’s Republican vote suppressors have either ignored it or simply do not care to look into this historical mirror. In a pandemic of unending and frightful consequences, mismanaged from high places with astonishing political venality, and in a new age of voter suppression buffeted by widespread protests against systemic racism, we need these lessons more than ever. David W. Blight is Sterling Professor of American History at Yale. His biography of Frederick Douglass, Prophet of Freedom, received the Pulitzer Prize for History. (November 2020)
In this mission you'll have to make the Minimum spanning tree (Wikipedia) . You are given a list of coordinates of vertices. Each coordinate is a tuple of x (integer) and y (integer). You have to return a list (or an iterable) of lines that connect all vertices. The total length of lines should be the minimum. Each line is a tuple of two integers. These integers represent the index of list of input. - The output of tests has a unique combination of lines. connect_stars([(1, 1), (4, 4)])) == [(0, 1)] # or [(1, 0)] connect_stars([(1, 1), (4, 1), (4, 4)])) == [(0, 1), (1, 2)] # or [(1, 2), (0, 1)] , [(1, 0), (2,1)] etc connect_stars([(6, 6), (6, 8), (8, 4), (3, 2)])) == [(0, 1), (0, 2), (0, 3)] # or [(2, 0), (0, 3), (1, 0)] etc A list of coordinates of vertices. - Each coordinate is a tuple of x (integer) and y (integer). - A list (or an iterable) of lines. - Each line is a tuple of two integers. These integers represent the index of list of input. - The order of lines and each index is arbitrary (see examples). - 2 ≤ len(input) ≤ 50 - 0 ≤ x (,y) ≤ 999 CheckiO Extensions allow you to use local files to solve missions. More info in a blog post. In order to install CheckiO client you'll need installed Python (version at least 3.8) Install CheckiO Client first: pip3 install checkio_client Configure your tool checkio --domain=py config --key= Sync solutions into your local folder (in beta testing) Launch local server so your browser can use it and sync solution between local file end extension on the fly. (doesn't work for safari) checkio serv -d Alternatevly, you can install Chrome extension or FF addon checkio install-plugin --ff checkio install-plugin --chromium
Co-existence with a Powerful Force The life of a plover is not an easy one. Western snowy plovers face many hardships from the day they hatch until adulthood. Most western snowy plovers hatch on the beaches of the West Coast and spend much of their lives on these beaches. As chicks, they rely on their parents, especially the male, for knowledge and protection. The adults lead their chicks to feeding areas—usually near the water—and keep a close eye on them, but must also be aware of their surroundings. The male plover is the “protector” and watches the beaches and skies for predators, but this is not the only danger they face. They must also be aware of other plovers’ territories and keep their young, defenseless chicks out of these areas to avoid harm. Fortunately, their cryptic nature helps them potentially avoid these dangers. Yet, the one danger they cannot avoid, fight off, or hide from is Mother Nature. She can be relenting, significant, and does not discriminate. Mother Nature comes in many forms, from temperature extremes to wind to significant storms, which can change the beaches overnight. We saw one of these landscape-altering storms the first weekend in May, and the result was dramatic. The storm occurred over a weekend and lasted a few days. It unleashed a fury of rain along with habitat altering 10- to 12-foot waves. When we visited the beach the following Monday, the damage was worse than I expected. Most of the plovers had lost their nests. The storm surge had completely covered a section of one beach and all the nests were just gone. No nest markers (previously placed by us) or eggs were found. In most cases, we couldn’t even find a nest cup. We went to another beach and were astounded at what we saw. The entire southern half of the beach was gone. Mother Nature had reshaped the beach. As you can guess, all the plover nests were gone on this beach as well. So much sand had been washed away that the new high tide line was well beyond where most of the nests had occurred—in some sections, as much as 20 to 30 feet higher than before. On both of these beaches we had previously observed several broods of chicks and after two days of surveying only a handful had survived. The transformation of this beach was an incredible display of power. All this had occurred in just a few days. However, plovers are resilient and within a few days new nests were found and newly hatched chicks were running around learning to catch bugs. Mother Nature wasn’t done for the season, but the plovers would deal with her again when the time arises. The upcoming breeding season could be the biggest challenge yet for the plovers, with the forecasted El Niño event (predicted to be the strongest in 18 years) bringing significant rainfall and mass destruction. The beaches will once again be transformed as the plovers begin to establish territories in this familiar, yet alien landscape. Adaptation will be critical and habitat loss could be significant. Their will to survive is strong, but how much change is acceptable?
Lecturer: Monica Bohm-Duchen “What did it look like? They will ask in 1981, and no amount of description or demonstration will answer them. Nor will big, formal compositions like the battle pictures which hang in palaces; and even photographs, which tell us so much, will leave out the colour and the peculiar feeling of events in these extraordinary years. Only the artists with his heightened powers of perception can recognize which elements in a scene can be pickled for posterity in the magical essence of style” (Sir Kenneth Clark, 1942). In marked contrast to most of the art produced under the dictatorships, most British art produced during World War Two (primarily under the auspices of the War Artists’ Advisory Committee, headed by Clark) was low-key and understated, the artists being more concerned with creating an unsensational record of the war in its more intimate aspects than with nationalist rhetoric, and with celebrating the quintessentially English qualities of stoicism and resilience. As much emphasis was therefore given to the Home Front as to the war in Europe and beyond. This illustrated lecture will also address a less familiar area of British cultural history: namely, the wartime activities of émigré artists from Nazi-occupied Europe who sought refuge in Britain in the late 1930s. Particular emphasis will be placed on their anti-fascist imagery and on the work they produced in the British internment camps for so-called “enemy aliens”, set up in 1940, mostly on the Isle of Man. It will also look at the work of British POWs such as Ronald Searle, who managed to produce some extraordinary images in captivity, and the British artists who were present at the liberation of the concentration camps.
Teardrop Trailer History The Teardrop trailer, also known as a Teardrop camper trailer, is a streamlined, compact and lightweight caravan, which is named for its distinctive teardrop profile, easily identified due to its large, round front section that tapers towards the back. The Teardrop has an interesting history; it was introduced as a “honeymoon house trailer” in the 1930’s and became popular in the 1940’s after World War II. When the Great Depression ended, many people in the USA wanted to take holidays, and the Teardrop became their trailer of choice. Most of the original Teardrop trailers were constructed from surplus WWII materials - the chassis were made from steel U channels or round tubing, and in some cases, the wheels came from salvaged army jeeps. The shiny aluminium exteriors were usually made from the wings of WWII bombers, whilst other models had wood sides. In the 1940’s, a popular mechanics magazine published do-it-yourself plans, which many hands-on adventurers used to build their own Teardrop trailers. The market soon included a mix of completed models and Teardrop kits, and as they grew in popularity, many manufacturers struggled to keep up with demand; however, during the later years of the decade, Americans wanted bigger, more powerful and luxurious caravans, and demand for the Teardrop trailer started to dwindle. In the 1960’s, the Teardrop all but disappeared from mainstream camping. This lull in production continued until the Internet explosion of the 1990’s, when everyone could now easily access Teardrop trailer DIY plans. On top of that, building materials had become cheaper and easier to use, so you didn’t need to be an expert to build one of your own. Today, the Teardrop has definitely made a comeback, even attaining cult status in the caravan world. The Teardrop phenomenon is not local to any one country, and they are now manufactured in many locations around the world. It seems a lot of people still like the idea of a super-lightweight, compact camper, judging by the number of new models hitting the market that are manufactured by small, local start-up businesses, right up to industry leaders in Australia, such as Jayco. A Teardrop trailer is small in size, ranging from 1.2 m to 1.8 m in width and 2.4 m to 3.0 m in length. They are usually 1.2 m to 1.5 m in height. Since Teardrop trailers are so light - usually less than 450 kg - just about any vehicle (even a motorcycle!) can tow one and fuel consumption is minimally affected. There is room for 2 people to sleep, as well as storage for clothes and other items. At the back, there is usually a small kitchen for cooking. Teardrop trailers customarily have lighting and other electrical power supplied by a storage battery, although some have power mains like larger caravans. The “new kid on the block” is the T@B Teardrop travel trailer, which was created over a decade ago, and was inspired by the classic Teardrop trailer of the 1940’s. This unique trailer took the concept of the Teardrop to the next level by adding bright colours, dynamic lines, standing room and many creature comforts not available in typical Teardrops. T@B Trailers were first produced at the Tabbert Caravan Factory in Jandelsbrunn, Germany, and were introduced to the US market as a joint venture between Tabbert and Dutchmen, an RV manufacturer based in Indiana, USA. The T@B entered the market as a lightweight, lower priced alternative to larger, heavier caravan models. The T@B has sported its distinctive ABS plastic trim since the beginning. Models include the T2 version with fibreglass sides, rather than aluminium. The @ in the T@B trademark is said to evoke the dot.com era, but one reference claims it means “take America back.” The ultra-modern T@B has all the features of a larger travel trailer (heating, air conditioning, fan, sink, refrigerator, stove and storage) but can be pulled with a smaller car, making it perfect for families, as well as couples or solo travellers. You may recognise the T@B’s cute and colourful retro design from our autumn seasonal collection. As you can imagine, the yellow details were just perfect for the range and it was certainly a lot of fun to design, too. The Teardrop trailer has come and gone, but now, it’s most definitely here to stay.
Traditionally, an Electronic Circuit Breaker (ECB) comprises a MOSFET, a MOSFET controller and a current sense resistor. The LTC4213 is a new electronic circuit breaker that does away with the sense resistor by instead using the RDS(ON) of the external MOSFET. The result is a simple, small solution that offers significant low insertion loss advantage at low operating load voltage. The LTC4213 features two circuit breaking responses to varying over load conditions with three selectable trip thresholds and a high side drive for an external N-channel MOSFET switch. The SENSEP and SENSEN pins monitor the load current via the RDS(ON) of the external MOSFET, and serve as inputs to two internal comparators—SLOWCOMP and FASTCOMP—with trip points at VCB and VCB(FAST), respectively. The circuit breaker trips when an over-current fault causes a substantial voltage drop across the MOSFET. An overload current exceeding VCB/RDS(ON) causes SLOWCOMP to trip the circuit breaker after a 16µs delay. In the event of a severe overload or short circuit current exceeding VCB(FAST)/RDS(ON), the FASTCOMP trips the circuit breaker within 1µs, protecting both the MOSFET and the load. When the circuit breaker trips, the GATE pin is pulled down immediately to disconnect the load from the supply. In order to reset the circuit breaker fault, either the ON pin must be taken below 0.4V for at least 80µs or the bias VCC must be taken below 1.97V for at least 80µs. Both of the comparators have a common mode input voltage range from ground to VCC + 0.2V. This allows the circuit breaker to operate even under severe output short circuit conditions where the load supply voltage collapses. Flexible Overcurrent Setting The LTC4213 has an ISEL pin to select one of these three over-current settings: - ISEL at GND, VCB = 25mV and VCB(FAST) = 100mV - ISEL left open, VCB = 50mV and VCB(FAST) = 175mV - ISEL at VCC, VCB = 100mV and VCB(FAST) = 325mV ISEL can be stepped dynamically. For example, a higher over-current threshold can be set at startup and a lower threshold can be selected after the supply current has stabilized. The LTC4213 can provide load overvoltage protection (OVP) above the bias supply. When VSENSEP > VCC + 0.7V for 65µs, an internal OVP circuit activates with the GATE pin pulling low and the external MOSFET turning off. The OVP circuit protects the system from an incorrect plug-in event where the VIN load supply is much higher than the VCC bias voltage. The OVP circuit also cuts off the load from the supply during any prolonged over voltage conditions. The 65µs delay prevents the OVP circuit from triggering due fast transient noise. Nevertheless, if fast over voltage spikes are threats to the system, an external input bypass capacitor and/or transient suppressor should be installed. Typical Electronic Circuit Breaker (ECB) Application Figure 1 shows the LTC4213 in a dual supply ECB application. An input bypass capacitor is recommended to prevent transient spikes when the VIN supply powers-up or the ECB responds to overcurrent conditions. Figure 2 shows a normal power-up sequence. The LTC4213 exits reset mode once the VCC pin is above the internal under voltage lockout threshold and the ON pin rises above 0.8V (see trace 1 in Figure 2). After an internal 60µs de-bounce cycle, the GATE pin capacitance is charged up from ground by an internal 100µA current source (see trace 2). As the GATE pin and the gate of MOSFET charges up, the external MOSFET turns on when VGATE exceeds the MOSFET’s threshold. The circuit breaker is armed when VGATE exceeds ΔVGSARM, a voltage at which the external MOSFET is deemed fully enhanced, and RDS(ON) minimized. Then, 50µs after the circuit breaker is armed and the READY pin goes high (see trace 3), the VIN supply starts to power-up. To prevent power-up failures, the VIN supply should rise with a ramp-rate that keeps the inrush current below the ECB trip level. Trace 4 shows the VOUT waveform during the VIN supply power-up. The gate voltage finally peaks at ΔVGSMAX + VSENSEN. The MOSFET gate overdrive voltage is ΔVGSMAX which is higher than the ΔVGSARM. This ensures that the external MOSFET is fully enhanced and the RDSON is further reduced. Choose the MOSFET with the required RDSON at VGS approximately equal to ΔVGSMAX. The LTC4213 monitors the load current when the gate overdrive voltage exceeds ΔVGSARM. Typical Hot Swap Application Figure 3 shows the LTC4213 in a single supply Hot Swap application where the load can be kept in shutdown mode until the Hot Swap action is completed. Large input bypass capacitors should be avoided in Hot Swap applications as they cause large inrush currents. Instead, a transient voltage suppressor should be employed to clip and protect against fast transient spikes. In this application, the backplane starts with the RESET signal held low. When the PCB long trace makes contact the ON pin is held below 0.4V by the D1 schottky diode. This keeps the LTC4213 in reset mode. The VIN supply is connected to the card when the short trace makes contact. The VCC pin is biased via the R1-C1 filter and VOUT is pre-charged by resistor R5. To power-up successfully, the R5 resistor should provide sufficient initial start up current for the shutdown load circuit and the 280µA sinking current source at SENSEN pin. On the other hand, the R5 resistor value should limit the load surge current during board insertions and fault conditions. When RESET signals a high at the backplane, capacitor C2 at the ON pin charges up via the R3/R2 resistive divider. When ON pin voltage exceeds 0.8V, the GATE pin ramps up. The GATE voltage finally peaks and the external MOSFET is fully turned on to reduce the voltage drop between VIN and VOUT. The LTC4213 monitors the load current when the gate overdrive voltage exceeds ΔVGSARM. The LTC4213 is a small package, No RSENSE Electronic Circuit Breaker that is ideally suited for low voltage applications with low MOSFET insertion loss. It includes selectable dual current level and dual response time circuit breaker functions. The circuit breaker has wide operating input common-mode-range from ground to VCC.
Hello Year 2, We hope you are all well and have had a nice weekend with your families. Did you watch the whole school assembly last week? We hope you enjoyed it! This week in Phonics we are continuing our work on plurals and have more rules to learn. Do you remember the rules we learnt last week? In English this week we are learning about dragons! You will be designing your own dragon, writing a dragon story and completing a dragon comprehension. What do you know about dragons? Perhaps you have some books or stories about dragons at home that you could read this week? In Maths, we are practising those multiplication and division methods that you have been learning, don’t forget to show your working out! There is also a fun Maths game to play online. In the afternoons you will be finding out how the amazing Florence Nightingale improved hospitals, learning about different types of puppets, drawing a map of a local habitats and much more! There are also lots of links for fun PE ideas and an optional well being journal to complete if you would like to. Remember you can also use RMEasimaths (which can now be used on iPads) and Reading Eggs to support your learning. We know that you are all working very hard, as always the plan is here as a guide, please don't worry if you can't complete it all. We are thinking of you all and missing you lots! Mrs Chambers and Mrs Edwards xx
A machinery is purchased on 31rst march(end of accounting year.Whether is it considered as a transaction or an event? Many does answer it as an event.! Thread Starterkrithika balu Why sir?Could u explain the reason? Purchase of machinery can be expressed in terms of money and brings change in financial position of business entity As fixed assets(machinery) increases and current assets (cash) decreases. So it can be called as transaction. All the items which are shown in the balance sheet are events on balance sheet date which are results of the transaction incurred previously. For example machinery purchased is a transaction when incurred but the closing balance of machinery on balance sheet date is an event. Similarly closing stock arises from purchases net goods sold is arrived by physical count on balance sheet date is an event.
In 2018 alone, reported fraud cases increased by 18.4 percent from the previous year and over 20 billion dollars were lost. Although not the only source of card fraud, one major concern is the security of Automated Teller Machines (ATMs). With the spread of ATMs throughout the world, personal banking security has become an increasingly prevalent issue. From hijacking ATM terminals using “skimmers,” a device that collects messages sent on the ATMs data lines, to installing cameras to record individuals inputting their PINs, there are numerous ways for scammers to steal sensitive information from under your nose. To prevent fraud, Claude Crépeau, a professor in McGill’s School of Computer Science, along with researchers from other institutions, is looking to find methods for beefing up modern bank security systems. Once your bank PIN falls into the wrong hands, the process of resetting it can be a hassle. All the while, your account can be accessed and funds can be taken out. This is where Crépeau’s work comes into play. Using a type of cryptographic method known as zero-knowledge proofs, combined with Einstein’s theory of relativity—which stipulates that matter, and in turn, electronic information, cannot travel faster than the speed of light—the team has developed a new method of combating card fraud. To understand zero-knowledge proofs, imagine that person A has two identical containers. One contains a coin and the other contains a die. Person B wants to prove to person A that they can identify which container has the coin and which one has the die, even after they are mixed up. In order to do so, person A will mix up the containers and person B will guess which one has each object. If person B does this correctly several times, person A will accept that person B knows which container has the coin. However, person A will still be unaware of how person B knows this. Although not yet present in ATMs, bank machines could use zero-knowledge proofs in order to verify a cardholder’s identity; the cardholder proves their identity with their PIN, and the ATM machine verifies it without accessing the encrypted information. However, even this method of verification would not be foolproof. Therefore, the difficulty of cracking zero-knowledge proofs often rests upon how difficult it is to solve these equations. Some zero-knowledge proofs have already been cracked, while others may only be solved once quantum computing becomes more advanced. This raises the issue of never knowing the level of security of the proof used by banks until it is too late. Einstein’s theory of relativity is the second piece of the research puzzle. A fraudulent ATM could record the answers given and attempt to solve the equation used to encode them, thereby cracking the zero-knowledge proof. The team decided to use multiple devices mimicking ATMs, set up approximately 60 metres from one another. A cardholder inserted their bank card into each one, and then the machines performed zero-knowledge proofs in order to prove the cardholder’s identity. For this process to work, the devices were not allowed to communicate with each other. Otherwise, fraudulent devices could potentially share information to help each other crack the code. However, if they aren’t able to collaborate, then it is similar to an investigator interviewing two witnesses separately—if their testimonials do not match up, then their story is impossible to corroborate, and the devices will be proven fraudulent. If the devices are prevented from communicating, any potential hijacker would be forced to solve not one, but two, highly complicated equations in order to work back to the zero-knowledge proof. Since that information cannot travel faster than light, the transfer of useful information between devices will be limited, preventing access to the encrypted information. “What we have demonstrated makes it tremendously closer to being practical in the sense that it has never been demonstrated before,” Crépeau said. “We strongly believe that with […] more important investment [in] equipment of a higher quality […] we can bring [the distance between ATMs] down to a couple metres or maybe even a single metre.” Combining zero-knowledge proofs with Einstein’s theory of relativity could allow for a more secure method of validating one’s own identity that won’t be threatened by the advancement of quantum computing. Although still just a proof of concept, the team’s research has the potential to dramatically improve currently vulnerable banking security. The research into the dynamic between information, light, and zero-knowledge proofs could have important implications for the future of personal banking security.
6.A By 2030, expand international cooperation and capacity-building support to developing countries in water- and sanitation-related activities and programmes, including water harvesting, desalination, water efficiency, wastewater treatment, recycling.... The importance of space technology in quantifying freshwater availability globally Today, society is facing a multitude of resource scarcities. While rare-Earth minerals and fossil fuel depletion are some of the most-cited issues in this respect, we risk a more imminent and destructive fate: a global freshwater crisis. Our societal underestimation of this problem has amplified our precarious relationship with water and has placed many people’s livelihoods at risk.
Feelings can come to people due to external factors or even internal factors. It might be something that a person sees, or hears or even feels internally. These are usually believed to be short term. These can be suppressed and are not easily shown on the face. Feelings are inexplicable in character.What is an emotion card? Emotion Cards are a set of cards that show many different emotions. They can be made at home in many ways, for example using: Photographs of your child or of several family members (posed for the purpose of making the cards or taken at random)
The yeasts and the bases of the doughs Used in the bread making and pastry since ancient times, it’s a combination of spontaneous natural yeasts and bacteria. It renews itself constantly thanks to the continuous supply of refined flours called “refresh”, that we do every three hours, always taking care of the acidity through special devices measuring the PH. With the natural yeast we make bread but, above all, great traditional leavened products, making them soft and preservable for a long time. It is a method which Pierluigi Roscioli discovered in 1992 in San Francisco, in Boudin bakery, and it was love at first tasting… It isn’t only a natural-spontaneous leavening agent, but a real ingredient that gives to the bread a sour aftertaste which increases its conservation time. The sour dough inhibits indeed, in a natural way, the development of external moulds, also improving the digestibility of the product. Nevertheless, at the same time, it is the most difficult natural yeast to be produced, because it works in an acid (therefore unstable) environment, and it is refreshed only with rough semi-wholewheat flours. The doughs using the “biga” are the classical doughs of the Italian tradition. The biga improves the aroma, the consistency and the coloration of bread, and you can use it for all kinds of dough, from the most dried to the most moisturized ones. Its quality depends on the type and purity of the cereal by which it is composed. Literally, the word indicates the vehicle used by ancient Romans, also for races and battles requiring flexibility and speed: indeed, the biga was light and usually dragged by one or two racehorses. In the dough, the biga maintains his “dragging” power and, having a long period of maturation, it improves the aroma, the preservation, the colour and the taste of the bread, considerably reducing the usage of yeasts (natural or brewer’s yeast). It is a natural yeast, although in the last years there has been a lot of discussions on it. The “demonization” of the brewer’s yeast is actually related to its wrong usage and to its concentration in the doughs. In the usual recipes there are about 40/60 gr of brewer’s yeast for 1000 gr of flour: this way, the period of leavening is reduced, but the bread becomes hardly digestible and heavy for the liver. As for us, in a dough of 100 kg of flour (even in the coldest months of the year) we never use more than 100 gr of brewer’s yeast (whereas in the most popular recipes, for the same quantity of flour, the brewer’s yeast required would be from 4 to 6 kg!). WE DON’T USE ANY KIND OF LEAVENING ENHANCERS Used only for the sweet preparations, it allows the doughs to increase their volume, thanks to its ability to combine itself with water in the mixture. Then, during the cooking baking, this yeast will become vapor, remaining trapped under the cake’s surface, thus increasing its volume.
Prevent drowning, save our loved ones by Lucille Nolasco The weather is anticipated to get warmer, and that means many people are eagerly planning their travels and outdoor activities. Among the favourite warm weather activities are going for a long drive, camping and swimming. The latter in particular, is a sure hit with children and young people who love to frolic and play in the water. But did you know that drowning is the second leading cause of unintentional injury death for Canadian children and youth up to the age of 19 years, and the fourth leading cause of injury death for all ages, according to data from Manitoba Health. Statistics from the 2018 Manitoba Drowning Report shows that 100 per cent of the time, little children were left unsupervised or the adults supervising them were distracted; while young and older adults were either not wearing life jackets, had consumed alcohol or were swimming alone. Still, according to the 2018 Manitoba Drowning Report, 81 per cent of those who drowned were male, while 19 percent were female. Drownings recorded occurred in lakes and ponds, rivers and ditches. And 73 per cent of drownings occurred during the months of May to September. Life is precious. And as with most tragedies, the best prevention is being informed, getting proper information and training. The Lifesaving Society of Manitoba has been saving lives for over 100 years through their training programs, Water Smart public education and drowning prevention. They also train all of Manitoba’s National Lifeguards. Last year, the Lifesaving Society – Manitoba Branch has partnered with radio stations around the province, including CKJS 810 Winnipeg, to share drowning prevention and public safety messages to all Manitobans. Important messages were delivered in English, French, Cree, Ojibway, Tagalog, and Punjabi. Most recently, the Lifesaving Society is assisting the World Health Organization (WHO) to spread awareness in Canada of the first ever Global Report on Drowning; Preventing a Leading Killer. The report pinpoints drowning as a major public health issue and calls on the world’s nations to ramp up drowning prevention measures. Drowning is preventable. Let us protect our loved ones and ourselves. For more information, please visit lifesaving.mb.ca
In the lowest class of animals (e. g., amoeba), we find no special organs for the purpose of respiration, the gas interchange being sufficiently provided for by the exposure of the general surface of their bodies to the medium in which they live, namely, water. All higher animals have some special apparatus for the purpose of respiration. This apparatus has always the same essential object, that of exposing their tissues to a medium containing oxygen, and of removing the carbonic acid gas. * The composition of the atmosphere is everywhere remarkably constant, in spite of its oxygen being used up by living beings. It consists of - Oxygen,.................21 vols, per cent. Carbonic acid gas (variable),....................................04 " Moisture (variable),...........8 " ". In some of the invertebrate animals it suffices to distribute the medium containing oxygen throughout the tissues of the animal by means of tubes. Thus in the Echinodermata a water vascular system exists which seems to carry on the function of respiration. A somewhat similar method of distribution of oxygen takes place in arthropoda, in which delicately branching open tubes (tracheae) distribute air to the tissues of the animal's body. When more active changes occur in the tissues there is always a perfect blood vascular system. The blood is invariably used as the distributing and collecting agent of the gases in the tissues, and by flowing through some special organ exposed to the surrounding medium it ensures the gas interchange between the body and the outer world. These organs are formed on two general types: (1) external vascular fringes and (2) internal vascular sacs. Animals living in water have commonly the external fringe arrangement (gills), while those living in air have sacs (lungs). Some animals (frogs, toads, etc.) have gills in the early stages of their life, and lungs when they are more fully developed. In frogs and serpents the lungs are simple sacs, with the inner surface increased by folds of the lining membrane, which gives it a honeycomb appearance; into each sac opens one of the divisions of the air tube. In crocodiles the air tubes divide into several branches, which open into a series of anfractuous, vascular recesses communicating one with another. Fig. 144. Diagram of the Respiratory Organs. The windpipe leading down from the larynx is seen to branch into two large bronchi, which subdivide after they enter their respective lungs. In birds wide bronchial tubes pass through the lung tissue to reach large air cavities. The walls of the tubes are studded with the openings of innumerable air cells lined with capillary blood vessels. The terminal air cavities are not vascular as in the mammalian lung.
Few challenges have any more ability to erode a home educator’s sense of confidence than the responsibility to assign accurate grades. Most parents feel like they are “standing in spaghetti” when it comes to evaluating their children’s academic work, and many attest to an overwhelming impression that their best efforts are inconsistent. Others are driven consciously or unconsciously by their own memories of school days long past and thus reinforce procedures with little understanding of the rationale behind them or react to perceived injustices with inappropriate concessions in their own teaching. This dilemma can be solved with a little effort by correcting some common misunderstandings, understanding some basic evaluation principles, and developing good habits in planning objectives for each educational program. 1. Letter grades are the “shorthand symbols” that the educational system uses to describe the quality of a student’s performance on a given task. While it is certainly possible to use any set of letters or numbers to summarize your report of a child’s academic progress or individual performance, in most academic situations the letters A, B, C, D, and F function like common currency in our society. Everyone assumes that these letters communicate specific values, and it is expected that an A is better than a C, and proportionately a C is better than a D or F. If you choose to use any other means of communicating academic progress (e.g., a scale of 5–1, where 5 is outstanding and 1 is unacceptable, or a scale with alternate letters, where S=superior, E=excellent, G=good, F=fair, and U=unacceptable), make sure that you provide an explanation of your scale with the report. 2. Objective and subjective evaluations require different grading methods. Many local school systems and even a few state departments of education try to standardize grading by designating a range of percentages to each letter, but these efforts generally fall short of the level of precision that administrators desire for the simple reason that academic tasks vary greatly. Some school work can be evaluated objectively in the sense that the answers are clearly right or wrong (e.g., spelling tests, math quizzes, tools that examine accurate recollection of facts or definitions, grammatical analysis, labels on diagrams, etc.), and thus the end result is easily quantified with a percentage score. Other tasks require an extensive rubric of subjective judgments, such as rating scales for thought progression, thoroughness of research, accuracy of documentation, quality of presentation, interaction and progression of discussion, and more (e.g., essays, research papers, speeches, literary discussions, scientific experiments, performances in the arts, etc.). The following diagram lists adverbs and adjectives that would be appropriate for describing a student’s performance in subjective areas, so that you can effectively begin to work your way from anecdotal descriptions to letter grades. 3. Mastery learning must be distinguished from the disciplines of content exploration as students mature. Much of the learning during the toddler, preschool, and primary years would be described by the education community as “mastery-oriented.” In other words, the lesson ends only when the student completely understands how to do what is required: recognize letters and sounds, decode words, count and compute accurately with basic arithmetic facts, etc. What this means by way of report cards is that children earn either an A or an F—they know the material or they don’t. And if they don’t, more instruction and practice need to be provided until they do. During the middle school years, the basic skills learned in early childhood should be expanded and applied to a variety of content areas. Thus, in the realm of home education, fourth grade (or when the student is 8 or 9 years of age) would be an ideal time to begin documenting progress on a traditional report card. While the high school years certainly require increased growth in content exposure and understanding, the focus must now be adjusted to include quality of performance and a comparative evaluation of the amount of content explored within a specified time frame. Grades that are recorded on high school transcripts should reflect both mastery of material and the character issues that influence achievement (e.g., punctuality, thoroughness, enthusiasm, resourcefulness, creativity, attitude, etc.). Many home educators fail to recognize the importance of this transition and continue to practice the “mastery learning” evaluation philosophy throughout the teen years, thus taking extended periods of time to achieve an “all-A” report card and doing their children serious harm by failing to train them for the “real world,” where the schedule is not “all about them.” Some practical suggestions for avoiding this trap include policies such as a letter grade per day reduction if a project is completed late or no extension to study another day for an examination because “life has been a bit chaotic here at home lately.” 4. The more specific your course or project objectives are, the more accurate and consistent your grades will be. No doubt, all of us are familiar with this warning: “If you aim at nothing, you will surely hit it.” In the evaluation realm, we might change the statement to say, “If we don’t know where we’re going, how shall we know if we have arrived?” If the project descriptions in your daily or weekly lesson plans are limited to phrases such as “Cover pp. 148–165” or “Write a book report” or “Finish Chapter 5,” you will not be equipped to discern the level of success your child has achieved. Instead, you will have locked yourself into a position of checking off the assignment with a “Pass/Fail” evaluation that indicates little more than the fact that the material has been read. Unless you specify up front some details about the degree of success you require to earn an “A” with reference to comprehension, synthesis, analysis, communication, etc., you will have no yardstick to measure the comparative “B” or “C” grade. Remember the days when you were a student. If you cared about your grades at all, it was very important to you that your teachers clearly identify their expectations. Your children are not much different. Take the time to list the goals for each project on index cards, and review the assignment thoroughly with your student at the outset. Then ask your student to keep a time log on the back of the cards as he works to fulfill the goals. The card should be returned to you with the completed project so that it can become part of the permanent record file that you will use to determine final grades and ultimately to prepare high school transcripts. When you list the goals for any project or course, be sure to use behavioral terms so that the student knows what he/she is supposed to do to demonstrate that learning has taken place. For example, a course in “Child Development” that is completed for high school credit might include some of these objectives: 1. Commit to one school year of assisting the teacher in the Beginner Department of our church’s Sunday School. 2. Arrive 30 minutes early every Sunday to greet children as they arrive, and play appropriate games with them. 3. Participate in Sunday School activities as directed by teachers. 4. Assist with cleanup. Detailed objectives for specific activities or segments in the course might be written like this: 1. Listen to assigned workshops in child development, and outline the content. 2. Add to your outline examples of these principles as you have observed them at work in children’s lives. 3. Choose one principle to implement in your Sunday School “lab” experience. 4. Write a summary report about the results. Yet another project example could look like this: 1. Research at least six indoor games that are appropriate for the children. 2. Teach the games to children during the wait time before Sunday School starts. 3. Evaluate the effectiveness of each activity. Teachers’ editions of textbooks are very helpful when writing objectives. You don’t have to use everything that is printed there, but the time you save by skimming over the ideas will be well worth your effort. A teacher’s guide usually offers valuable assistance in figuring out the formulas by which you will determine final grades for courses, i.e. answering questions about how much weight you should assign to tests vs. quizzes vs. practice drills vs. rough drafts, etc. when averaging the final grade. Since every course is different, most teachers’ editions for textbooks also provide a sense of direction for how the material was intended to be used, what information is deemed essential, and what is considered optional according to conventional school standards. Finally, objectives should not be limited to what educators call “the cognitive domain” (or exercises with the mind). Be sure to apply the knowledge that you want your children to accumulate in practical ways that are demonstrated in “the affective domain” (expressed by the heart with attitudes and feelings) and “the psychomotor domain” (things we produce with physical activity). 5. Wise teachers refuse to be intimidated in the grading process. Ironically, the same issues that worry home educators also trouble professional educators—so take courage from the fact that formal education credentials don’t guarantee concrete answers to all the questions. Parents often ask, “How do I know that my grades are the same as everyone else’s grades?” The answer is simple: No one’s grades exactly match another person’s grades. In fact, no human being is able to evaluate consistently from day to day or week to week. That is why we establish guidelines, write objectives, read an essay two or three times with some space in between the readings, have a prepared evaluation rubric at hand for scoring purposes, and occasionally ask for a second opinion from a trusted friend or colleague. It does take some effort to achieve internal consistency! Both parents and teachers are also concerned about inflation and deflation of grades. Our culture tends to err on the side of assigning grades that are often too high in order to help students improve their self-image and encourage academic interest. Some authorities are fearful that giving a “bad grade” will result in litigious retribution or classroom rebellion, and others are anxious to a fault that their students like them. There are also home-educating parents who are fearful of listing all the A’s a child has indeed earned, lest the transcript be questioned as a demonstration of nepotism, along with others who say, “I could never give my child a bad grade.” In every case the inflation or deflation of the student’s grade reflects an erroneous understanding of the whole evaluation process. As educators we do not “give” children grades. Our responsibility is to record the grades they have earned and to make the evaluation process as accurate as possible by establishing clear goals for each educational task in advance. The educational process—wherever it takes place—requires identification of three things: what the student needs to learn (objectives), how he/she will go about learning it (methods and materials), and how we all will know that the learning has taken place (evaluation). Grading is both a science and an art. As every great chef knows, a good recipe is tweaked through lots of culinary experiences. The dish may vary slightly every time it is served, but the “proof of the pudding” and the reliability of the kitchen increase with conscientious practice. Many of the tasks that take enormous concentration at the outset become automatic with repetition while discernment and confidence improve. You can become a master at evaluation and grading! Accurate GPA Calculations Every subject that is listed on a high school transcript must have a quality evaluation (grade) and a credit assignment (usually expressed in terms of Carnegie Units) attached to it. After you have gathered this information, you can calculate the student’s GPA by following these simple steps: 1. Make a chart or grid that provides space for five columns. Label these respectively as Subject, Grade, Grade Points, Credit, Extension. 2. Fill in the grid with the list of subjects your student has studied, the grade earned, and the appropriate number of grade points for that grade (usually determined on a 4.0 scale where A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1, and F=0). Note that some folks prefer to use decimal increments to reflect plus and minus grades. This practice varies by locale, as do the actual decimal increments. Since your homeschool is not a satellite of the local public system, you do not need to feel obligated to match what the schools in your area are doing. You have the freedom to set your own policies, but you also have the responsibility to communicate clearly what your procedures are. 3. Pretend that you see a multiplication sign between the Grade Points column and the Credit column on your chart. The number that you will write in the Extension column will be the product of the numbers on either side of that multiplication sign. If you also pretend that there is an equal sign between the Credit and Extension columns, you’ll get the calculation absolutely right! 4. Add the total number of credits. 5. Add the total number of extension products. 6. Divide the extension total by the credit total to achieve a final GPA. Most colleges require that this number be rounded to two places behind the decimal point. It is best to avoid using Pass/Fail grades for high school courses. Since “Pass” achieves only one grade point, it calculates as a “C” grade and thus negatively affects the final GPA. If you don’t want to grade a high school course with the customary A-B-C scale, then list the item as an activity rather than a subject in the academic history section of the transcript. Never compute GPA’s for each school year and then average the results for the four years to achieve a final GPA. Because each year will likely have a different number of subjects in it and the subjects may have different weights, depending on whether they earn a half or whole Carnegie Unit of credit, it is crucial to count each course as an individual entity. A “weighted” grade is appropriate for courses that are advanced, such as college courses taken during the high school years (these should be listed on high school transcripts), AP courses, or Honors courses. To “weight” a grade, simply add one extra point to the Grade Points column for that subject before completing steps 3–6. In effect, this extra point will give you a 5-point “A” on a 4-point scale, and so on. Copyright 2009, The Old Schoolhouse®. Used with permission. All rights reserved by the author. Originally appeared in the Spring 2009 issue of The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine, the trade publication for homeschool moms.
The reason I have time to make worksheets like these while teaching full-time is that I’ve automated my vocabulary review activities. I did that with a classroom vocab manager and worksheet generator that I made myself. It’s named Dynamic EFL and it does a lot more than create worksheets. It allows you to manage classroom vocabulary by group, and then uses that vocab to create: - worksheets that bring vocab again and again - review exercises like crosswords and word searches to bring back vocab that has been covered before. - classroom activities like dominoes and memory - glossaries of classroom vocabulary that you can pass out for a “look what we’ve covered” effect. It’s free to try and I would value hearing about whether it works for you or not. Try using it to make vocab worksheets now.
5 Practical Ways to Improve Your Programming and Logical Thinking Skills The hardest thing I ever did explained as simply as possible. Conditional logic with CSS – The CSS custom property trick. Certainty is a Programming Bug (featuring Hillel Wayne) Untestable: testing compile-safe strategies via `dynamic` Why there is no NullPointerException in Declarative Programming Add two numbers without arithmetic operators 🙅♂️➕ Prolog: Acertijo del granjero, la cabra, el lobo y la col Understand Logic and Boolean Algebra with De Morgan's law and Truth tables (Less than) 12 Days of Prolog - A guide + brief review of the Prolog programming language Testing logical equivalences (and more) using Z3 Theorem Prover How close to the data you like to have your business logic operations? Streamlining Conditional Statements with Logical Operators Mathematics' Architecture & Processes for Programmers CS101 —Python exercise: counting days between two dates
For 10¢ a day you can enjoy StudyLight.org ads free while helping to build churches and support pastors in Uganda.Click here to learn more! Today in Christian History The northern provinces of the Netherlands declare their independence of Spain at the Act of Abjuration signed at the Hague. The step came because Spain had oppressed these small states with religious persecution. James VI of Scotland was crowned King James I of England. He then 'authorized'an English translation of the Scriptures, first published in 1611 and known since as the'King James Version' of the Bible. English revivalist George Whitefield wrote in a letter: 'Venture daily uponChrist, go out in His strength, and He will enable you to do wonders.' Hieromonk Gedeon begins a short preaching tour among the Kadiak of Alaska which leads many to become Orthodox Christians. Phoebe Palmer, an American Methodist, receives sanctifying grace and will go on to challenge many others to holy living, including African-American evangelist Amanda Smith. Death in Shelburne, Massachusetts, of Fidelia Fiske, missionary to the Nestorians of Persia. Her work in the countryside and among mountain tribes had won respect and contributed to the slow improvement of the lot of Persian women. In England, the Disestablishment Bill was passed, officially dissolving the Churchof Ireland. (Organized opposition to this legislation coined one of longest words in theEnglish language: antidisestablishmentarianism.) Death of William Reed Huntington, a parish priest in the Episcopal Church. He had been a strong advocate of Christian reunification, authoring The Church Idea (1870) in which he set forth principles later adopted by Anglicans worldwide for discussing union with other churches. The Open Bible Standard Churches was formed when two smaller revival movementswith similar objectives merged. OBSCI is headquartered today in Des Moines. Death of Peter Dyneka, evangelist to eastern Europeans. Born in Russia, he was converted in a Billy Sunday service after coming to the US. For his energetic spread of the gospel he had become known as Peter Dynamite. © 1987-2020, William D. Blake. Portions used by permission of the author, from "Almanac of the Christian Church"
Aphasia is a language disorder that can affect an individual’s ability to communicate. This can make it difficult for individuals to speak clearly or comprehend language, and also affect their ability to read and write. Aphasia can develop when portions of the brain responsible for language are damaged. And while it’s most common in people middle-aged and older, it can affect individuals of all ages, including children. As a parent, caregiver, spouse, or family member to someone with aphasia, it can be disheartening to watch a loved one struggle to communicate. However, there are effective treatments available, as well as many ways to get involved and help someone overcome their communication obstacles. As with all speech and language challenges, educating yourself on aphasia is the best way to make informed treatment decisions. For that reason, we’ve put together this informational guide to answer common questions about aphasia, identify signs and symptoms, explain how aphasia is typically evaluated, diagnosed, and treated, and more. As you may know, our brains have two halves - the left side and the right side. Our language skills typically take place and are developed on the left side, and when areas of this side of the brain are damaged, it can lead to an impairment of our language abilities. Aphasia is a language disorder that occurs as a result of this damage. It can make it difficult for an individual to speak, understand, read, and write. The severity of aphasia can range dramatically - in some individuals, communication can be almost impossible, while in others, it can have very minor effects. Additionally, aphasia can disrupt only a single aspect of language, such as the ability to coherently string words together in sentences or recall the names of people and objects. However, more commonly multiple parts of communication are involved. This can make it difficult for individuals to communicate with loved ones, navigate activities of daily living, socially connect with friends and family, or perform in the workplace. It’s important to recognize that people with aphasia are not any less intelligent as they were before - they simply have trouble recalling information like they used to. While they may trouble using communication to express their thoughts and ideas - it is not the thoughts and ideas themselves that are disrupted. People with aphasia are just as smart as they once were, they simply need help with compensatory strategies to better communicate. Different aspects of language take place in different parts of the brain. Over time, researchers have been able to identify and recognize different patterns of speech impairment that correspond to the location of the brain damage. Below are a few types of aphasia and common symptoms that can take place as a result. There are several other types of aphasia. Diagnosis by a physician or speech-language pathologist can help isolate and determine the type of aphasia an individual may be experiencing, and recommend appropriate treatment options best suited to help. While each of these conditions can affect an individual’s speech production and communication abilities, there are notable differences. Recognizing this distinction is important to make the most informed treatment decisions. While many people have never heard of aphasia, it is actually quite common. According to the National Aphasia Association, approximately two million Americans have aphasia, with nearly 180,000 Americans diagnosed with the disorder each year. This makes it more common that Parkinson’s disease, cerebral palsy, and muscular dystrophy. As mentioned, Aphasia is caused by damage to parts of the brain that are needed to use and develop language. Aphasia is most often the result of a stroke (with approximately 25-40% of stroke survivors acquiring aphasia). However it can be caused by any type of brain damage, including brain tumors, head injuries, brain disorders, or other neurological disorders like Alzheimer’s disease. Aphasia can occur suddenly, such as after a stroke, or it can develop more gradually as a result of a brain tumor or neurological disorder. As mentioned, the signs and symptoms of aphasia can vary based on which areas of the brain are affected, as well as the severity of the damaged areas. Aphasia can affect how a person talks, their ability to understand language and concepts, and their reading and writing abilities. According to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA), below are some of the most common ways people can be affected. Reading and Writing Oftentimes, aphasia is first recognized by the healthcare practitioner that is treating the individual with a brain injury. There are a number of different clinical and diagnostic tests a physician will use that can help locate the precise area of the brain that may be damaged. This can include a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or a computed tomography (CT) scan. If aphasia is suspected, the physician will typically test the individual’s speech and language abilities, including how they produce and understand language, answer questions, hold a conversation, and more. In many cases, the physician will refer the patient to a speech-language pathologist (SLP). Speech therapists are communication experts and the most qualified professionals to evaluate, diagnose, and treat speech and language issues associated with aphasia. Some people will see natural improvements in their language and communication ability in the first few months following a brain injury, even without treatment. However, even after this recovery period, symptoms remain in many people. This can be affected by the cause and extent of the brain damage, as well as the age and health of the individual. Speech-language therapy is used to help patients regain their ability to communicate. This can include finding ways to maximize their remaining language skills and restore as much language as possible. Depending on a person’s speech, language, and social needs, speech therapists will work with the affected individual, as well as their family and caregivers, to develop an individualized treatment plan. The specific techniques your speech therapist uses, and the goals of their treatment, will depend on each person's unique circumstances. Here are a few examples of what a therapy session could look like: For more severe cases, speech therapists will teach individuals alternative ways of communicating that don’t involve speech, such as using simple hand gestures, writing, pointing to letters and pictures, or using a computer or electronic devices. These forms of communication are collectively referred to as augmentative and alternative communication, or AAC. Expressable matches individuals and families with a certified speech therapist trained to effectively evaluate and treat speech and language disorders related to aphasia. All therapy is delivered online via face-to-face video conferencing. Based on the client’s age, communication difficulties, and speech and language goals, the speech therapist will develop a personalized treatment plan to help them meet their needs. Adult clients can choose to attend sessions by themselves, but are also welcome to bring caregivers or family members into the treatment sessions as well. For toddlers, school-age children, and younger adults, Expressable speech therapists will use different strategies to interact with them through video chat capabilities and ensure parents and caregivers are actively involved: Ages 0-3: Parents work directly with their speech therapist to learn cues and at-home strategies so they can confidently practice with their child outside the session and improve their communication. For more information on the importance of parental involvement in their child’s speech therapy, click here. Ages 3-6: Parents attend video sessions alongside their child so they both learn valuable skills from their speech therapist. Reinforcing these lessons outside the session will continue to promote at-home skill building. Ages 7 and Up: Most children attend video sessions independently but parents are kept in the loop with updates and tips during each session. If you’re a parent, caretaker, spouse, or family member to someone with aphasia, the following tips can make it easier to both speak with and understand them. Expressable is an online speech therapy practice committed to expanding access to quality services for everyone with a communication disorder. Expressable has pioneered a parent-focused care model that uses technology and education to integrate speech therapy techniques into children’s daily lives, improving outcomes and experiences.
Pushkin was an unapologetic bibliophile in his own right and had his own selection of favorite books and authors he loved to read and take inspiration from. We’ve listed these books here. Portrait of Alexander Pushkin, by Pyotr Sokolov, 1836. Pushkin (1799-1837) was a book person in every sense of the word. Whenever the author of ‘Eugene Onegin’ wasn’t writing a book, he was reading one. If it’s true that all books talk, it also means that Pushkin was a good listener. Reading was his lifelong passion. Books were part of Pushkin’s lifelong odyssey. He wrote his first works at the age of seven. As a boy, he spent hours in his father’s library, poring over French classics, biographies of the people that he admired and works by maverick philosophers, such as Plutarch. During his school years, Pushkin’s irrepressible love for classic French literature even earned him the nickname, ‘Frenchman’. He admired Diderot, Racine, Rousseau, Molière and Voltaire. READ MORE: How Pushkin responded to critics and insults Pushkin also had a great love for collecting books and regularly spent his last dime on new novels. The author of ‘The Queen of Spades’ said he was “like a glazier who goes to rack and ruin to buy the diamonds he needs”. In 1839, when the poet was transporting his library from Mikhailovskoye, near Pskov, to St. Petersburg, he had to order twelve (!!!) carts to fit in all of his “diamonds”. There were works by Walter Scott, Lord Byron, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Stendhal, Prosper Mérimée, Alfred de Musset and many, many others... So, what books did Pushkin consider real gems of his collection? Pushkin hailed ‘The Song of Igor’s Campaign’ as the greatest monument of Old Russian literature. You cannot step into the same river twice, they say. Luckily, books are not rivers and Pushkin easily proved that theory wrong. He reread ‘The Song of Igor's Campaign’ a thousand times, knew the epic 130-page poem, originally written in the Old East Slavic language, by heart and even intended to publish it with his personal comments and remarks. Written in the 12th Century, it focuses on Prince Igor’s doomed campaign against the Polovtsy in 1185. Ignoring the unfortunate signs of things to come, such as a solar eclipse, Igor leads his troops against the entire might of the Polovtsian steppe. His army is defeated, Igor is wounded and taken prisoner along with his family members. Despite odds stacked against him, the prince eventually manages to escape with the help of the magic forces of nature. If you are familiar with ‘Beowulf’ and the ‘Song of Roland’, you will definitely enjoy ‘The Song of Igor’s Campaign’. Its English translation by Vladimir Nabokov saw the light of day in 1960. Pushkin, who was often described as a buoyant man with a razor sharp sense of humor, said that reading Dante Alighieri actually soothed him. He considered the Florentine poet to be a philosopher of unsurpassed depth. ‘The Divine Comedy’ was a poem Pushkin would come back to over and over again. “Midway upon the journey of our life, I found myself within a forest dark, for the straightforward pathway had been lost.” Pushkin recited the 14,233 lines-long verse in the original. Completed in 1320, one year before Dante’s death, it’s the first-ever metaphysical expedition through Hell, Purgatory and Paradise. “The vision of Dante’s Hell alone is the fruit of unparalleled genius,” Pushkin noted. Pushkin believed that “every educated European should have a sufficient understanding of the immortal creations of stately antiquity”. He said that Homer’s poetry was “divine” and described the ‘Iliad’, composed of 15,693 hexameters, as a “monument of the ancient times”. The gargantuan Greek poem revolves around adventures of the Greek hero Achilles during the final, 10th year of the Trojan War. Pushkin first began to read works of Homer while still at the Imperial Lyceum. He placed the presumed author of the ‘Iliad’ and the ‘Odyssey’ above Virgil (an ancient Roman poet, best known for the ‘Aeneid’) and Pindar (the greatest lyric poet of ancient Greece). Pushkin regarded the blind Greek bard as the greatest poet in the history of the world. The ‘Odyssey’, probably composed by Homer in the late 8th century BC, follows the adventures of Odysseus after the fall of Troy. The iconic poem, which spans over 12,000 lines of hexameter verse, focuses on the legendary Greek hero in the aftermath of the Trojan War. Shakespeare’s romantic tragedy ‘Romeo and Juliet’ was among Pushkin’s favorites. “For never was a story of more woe than this of Juliet and her Romeo.” Although the Shakespeare authorship question is still open to comment, according to Pushkin, ‘Romeo and Juliet’ is “clearly embedded in his dramatic system and bears so many traces of his loose and wide brush that it should be regarded as a work of Shakespeare. It reflects Italy… with its climate, passions, holidays, bliss, sonnets, with its luxurious language, full of brilliance and concetti,” Pushkin wrote. Pushkin would constantly return to William Shakespeare’s tragedies, comedies and “problem plays” for inspiration and wisdom. “I feel dizzy after reading Shakespeare, I seem to be looking into the abyss,” the great Russian poet stated. “... but what a man this Shakespeare is! I can’t come to my senses! How shallow in comparison with him is Byron, the tragedian,” Pushkin wrote in a letter to his friend Nikolai Raevsky in 1825. Shakespeare's influence manifested itself in a number of Pushkin’s works. The image of Brutus in Pushkin’s poem ‘The Dagger’ (1821) is associated with the protagonist of Shakespeare’s drama ‘Julius Caesar’. Tormenting jealousy of Shakespeare’s Othello was something that Pushkin’s great-grandfather Abram Hannibal had too often suffered from (‘The Moor of Peter the Great’, 1827–1829). Shakespearean allusions also come to light in the finale of Pushkin’s poem ‘Remembrance’ (1828), while ‘The creator of Macbeth’ is mentioned in Pushkin's ‘Sonnet’ (1830). In his famous poem ‘I do not value loud rights’ (1836), Pushkin quotes Hamlet’s famous reply to Polonius’ question, “What do you read, my lord?” - “Words, words, words.” Pushkin acknowledged that his tragedy ‘Boris Godunov’ was structured “according to the system of our father Shakespeare”. In a twist of literary fate, instead of translating Shakespeare’s famous play ‘Measure for Measure’, Pushkin created his dramatic poem ‘Angelo’, which the poet himself regarded as the pinnacle of his creative flight. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that Pushkin “competed” with Shakespeare on an equal footing. Pushkin, 10 years older than Nikolai Gogol, was his mentor, advisor and close friend. Pushkin even gave Gogol ideas for future stories. Gogol listened to the author of ‘The Misery Knight’ with an open mind, followed his advice to the word and “didn’t write a single line without imagining Pushkin in front of him.” Gogol read the first chapters of ‘Dead Souls’ out loud to Pushkin. First published in 1842, the novel made a strong impression on Pushkin. “Pushkin <...> began to gradually become darker, darker, and finally became completely gloomy,” Gogol recalled. “When the reading was over, he said in a voice heavy with melancholy: ‘Oh my God, how sad is our Russia!’” Gogol’s masterpiece is set in the first half of the 19th century in the outback of the Russian Empire. The main character, Pavel Chichikov, is a retired middle-aged official of pleasant appearance. Cold and calculating, Chichikov knows how to make a good impression and is determined to strike it rich. Chichikov arrives in a small town in the middle of nowhere with the aim of buying… “dead souls”, the deceased peasants listed only on paper. In fact, before Alexander II ordered the emancipation of the serfs in 1861, landowners in the Russian Empire could buy, sell or even mortgage serfs. The word “soul” was used to refer to serfs when counting their exact number. Of course, the title of Gogol’s satirical tour de force refers not so much to the deceased peasants but to the stupidity, cynicism and hypocrisy of Gogol’s lead characters – Russian landowners, bureaucrats and civil servants who are in fact the only living dead souls. If using any of Russia Beyond's content, partly or in full, always provide an active hyperlink to the original material. to our newsletter! Get the week's best stories straight to your inbox
Atrial Fibrillation, also known as AFib, is a condition that affects the heart’s ability to properly pump blood. In a normal heart, the top part of the heart known as the atria contracts, followed by the bottom part known as the ventricles. The timing of these contractions move blood. In an AFib patient, the electrical signals that control this process no longer work properly. These two parts of the heart no longer work together in unison. Because blood is not moving through the heart as it should, a patient with AFib is at greater risk for heart failure. This condition can also cause blood to accumulate in the left atrial appendage (LAA) and increase the risk of a blood clot.A blood clot that escapes from the LAA can travel to other parts of the body, potentially cutting off blood supply to the brain and result in a stroke. AFib is more common in people 60 years of age and older. It may also be the result of other heart conditions such as blood pressure induced heart disease, heart valve disease, heart muscle disease, also known as cardiomyopathy, a congenital heart defect, heart failure and a previous heart surgery. Certain medications can also increase an individual’s risk, as well as medical conditions sucy as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), an overactive thyroid and sleep apnea. Symptoms of AFib may include dizziness, weakness and fatigue. Treatment depends on the severity of the condition and the cause of the condition. It may include lifestyle modifications, medication and/or surgical intervention. In patients with non valvular AFib and who cannot take blood thinners, a procedure known as WATCHMAN™ may be a good alternative to prevent stroke. Dr. Yazdani gives a video presentation on Atrial Fibrillation.
York-Hoover Body and the Jeep The Body Division of York-Hoover Corporation, on Wheatfield Street in York, PA, was repeatedly recognized for their quality and quantity of truck bodies, and similar units, produced for the Army Signal Corps, Quartermaster Corps and the Navy in the military build up and during WWII. This Pentagon Building Display shows several of the York-Hoover Truck Bodies produced during WWII; while displaying some of the fabrication techniques that had long since earned York-Hoover the reputation for producing robust, durable truck bodies. H. Dietz Keller, a local historian and former president of York-Hoover Corporation, penned the first two chapters of the book Pictorial History of Pleasure and Commercial Vehicles, Manufactured in York County, Pennsylvania; published in 1977 by Theodore F. Freed and W. F. O. Rosenmiller. Quoting for pages 28-29 of Chapter 2: During the second world war the Body Division of York-Hoover Body Corporation was deeply engaged in building equipment for the Army, Navy and Marine Corps. The bodies for U.S. jeeps were originally engineered and built in the York-Hoover plant as were bodies for military ambulances, vans, and other vehicles. The part played by York-Hoover and its employees in this regard gained national fame and recognition. On October 19, 1942 the Body Division was awarded York County’s first Army-Navy E award for outstanding achievement in producing war equipment, which was just the beginning of their accomplishments. Four additional E star awards were presented for outstanding production achievements in May and November of 1943 and in June and December of 1944, thereby making York-Hoover Body Division the first company in York County to receive the 4 Star E Award and the first company in the entire Philadelphia Ordinance District of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware and Virginia to be so honored. During the military build up, prior to the United States entry into WWII, The American Bantam Car Company, in Butler, PA, was determined to meet the Army’s request for proposals on a lightweight reconnaissance vehicle; which would become the Jeep. Bantam was bankrupt and their plant only had a skeleton crew, so they needed help on several components, such as a body produced to their design layout. The American Bantam Car Company produced the cowl and hood by adapting tooling from their Bantam Roadster; this produced the easily recognized rounded-nose feature. Bantam subcontracted with York-Hoover Body Corporation to design and produce a custom body, from the firewall to the backend. A York-Hoover body was in the first 70 Jeeps ever produced; that was in 1940. The 75th-anniversary of the production of those first Jeeps is marked in 2015. Pittsburgh’s Heinz History Center has, in their recently opened ‘We Can Do It! WWII’ display, the only known original Jeep, of those first 70. The Jeep is on loan from the Smithsonian Institution and is shown in my following photograph. Click on this LINK for a Full View of the illustrations in this post; since the ydr.com site will occasionally cut off important details in the cropping of illustrations. On the wall behind the “oldest surviving original Jeep” is a photo of the 49-day prototype, designated the BRC Pilot Model. The American Bantam Car Company was the only company to deliver their prototype to the Army by the specified deadline date; September 23rd, 1940. After the prototype was tested and proved itself, Bantam got the approval to complete the remainder of the build of 70; delivering them during November and December of 1940—all these having York-Hoover bodies. Two other jeep prototypes were delivered, and although late, the Army tested them. The Willys’ prototype was delivered to the Army on November 13, 1940 and Ford’s prototype was delivered on November 23, 1940. Ford had the first design with the signature flat nose, with recessed headlights; one of the key jeep features that figured prominently in the Ford vs. Willys battle over the rights to the “Jeep brand” following WWII. In 1941, Bantam, Willys and Ford all received contracts for 1,500 next generation “jeep” prototypes for further evaluation and testing. York-Hoover Body Corporation had to turn down making the bodies for the 1941 Bantam “jeeps”, due to many other production commitments; as afore mentioned. The Willys design won out and Ford was selected as the secondary supplier; with Ford building to the Willys design, so that all jeeps had interchangeable parts. The American Bantam Car Company produced a few other “jeeps” in 1941, but none thereafter. It is noteworthy that the bodies of the first Jeeps ever made were designed and produced at the York-Hoover Body Plant on Wheatfield Street in York, PA. Many of my readers wanted to know more about the Wheatfield Street plant; that will the subject of my next post in this series. For now, here is a circa 1955 aerial view of the Wheatfield Street plant from the collections of the York County Heritage Trust. I’ve annotated the aerial view with features and street names. The large yard, for truck chassis staging, bounded by Mt. Rose Avenue, Prospect Street and Albemarle Street is now the site of Mt. Rose Avenue Plaza. Links to related posts include: - Earliest Jeeps Built 75-Years Ago for WWII - York-Hoover employees custom built Electric Scoreboard for Memorial Stadium - McGann Manufacturing Company in Spring Garden Township; Harold L. Smith during WWII - York WWII Veteran Remembers Okinawa - WWI & WWII Navy Destroyers Named after York Veteran - York-built Worn Drive Truck debuted at 1916 York Fair
Happy new year, everyone! Continuing this series on the data mining process that has previously examined understanding business problems and associated data as well as data preparation, this post focuses on modeling. Developing models calls for using specific algorithms to explore, recognize, and ultimately output any patterns or themes in your data. The two goals of modeling are to classify or predict. Some algorithms specialize in either classifying or predicting while others can be applied to do both. Choosing which algorithms to employ in developing models depends on the goals of the business, the nature of the data (structured versus unstructured), and the quantity as well as quality of the data. There are many popular algorithms that are often seen to develop models for specific types of business problems: - Predicting binary outcomes (yes/no) often utilizes logistic regression and determines a percentage likelihood that each person or thing will or will not do something. I use this algorithm frequently when building models for colleges and universities that predict prospective students’ likelihoods of enrolling at the institution. - FP-growth is often used to develop association rules. A grocery store might use this algorithm to determine where to place specific items that are frequently bought together, such as milk and cookies. This type of analysis is also referred to as market basket analysis. - K-means clustering is typically a good algorithm to try when looking for connections among attributes that make it easier to create groupings of people or things. For example, health professionals might develop models based on observations of patients’ weight, cholesterol, and habits related to eating, smoking, and exercise to create buckets of those patients who are considered as high, moderate, or low risk for heart disease. - Linear regression is popular when companies attempt to predict consumption of their products. For example, a home electricity provider might look at the number of people in a household, past consumption, outdoor temperature patterns, and other variables to predict how much electricity a homeowner is likely to use. - Naive bayesian and support vector machine algorithms are used for fraud detection and text analytics. - Decision trees can be used for many of the tasks mentioned above and are one of the most popular and flexible algorithms for predicting and/or classifying. Decision trees are particularly beneficial for reporting purposes because their visual nature makes it easy for all members of organizations to understand relationships among variables and what variables are most important in the analyses of various types of business problems. It is important to mention that, while specific algorithms are often used to develop specific types of models, there are typically multiple types of algorithms that might be the best option in any specific instance. Choosing which algorithm is best for any specific modeling task requires evaluation. Evaluating models will be covered in the next post.
Excellent Lessons You Can Gain From A/c. Home heating, ventilation, and also cooling (HVAC) is a market acronym for indoor air monitoring. Its purpose is to supply appropriate indoor air high quality and also thermal comfort for a space. The most usual system utilized in residential spaces is a thermostat that regulates the temperature level of the air. An additional common system is a duct system that relocates air throughout the house by removing hot air from the flooring as well as flowing it through the areas. Today’s most innovative cooling and heating systems combine the most effective of these systems. New innovations permit heating and cooling technicians to develop a much more full interior air top quality service. Air quality is often the initial element when taking into consideration HVAC substitute. But if you are thinking about upgrading your existing HVAC system, think about a few of the following benefits: Fresh Air Intake: An air conditioner or a heating and air flow system does not do much to improve the quality of the air you breathe if it isn’t conditioned well. An a/c system can assist maintain the top quality of the air you breathe in just as good as feasible by conditioning it successfully. By conditioning the air, you can additionally enhance your ability to breath. If you or your family is dealing with breathing problems such as bronchial asthma, you understand how vital it is to be able to inhale fresh air. Cold Air Intake: Even though a heating and cooling system can help you to keep the quality of the air you take a breath better, it doesn’t always aid if you’re residing in a climate where temperatures dip below freezing. During the winter months, especially, an air conditioning or heating system can make you really feel that you’re stuck inside. This is why you often listen to individuals claim, “My heater simply shuts off.” With a heating and cooling system, nevertheless, you don’t have to worry about getting stuck inside your home since your heating and cooling system has dealt with the issue for you. Easy Cleansing: Despite The Fact That the a/c system you have actually most likely seen is quite simple as well as does not call for excessive upkeep, you’ll still need to take great care of it to maintain it running effectively. The majority of people, nonetheless, do not realize that the filters of their cooling and also heating systems are what need cleaning the most. The filters catch unwanted dirt and other fragments and also can block the system if they aren’t looked after properly. Regular cleansing can aid keep dust as well as grime from blocking the filters to make sure that you can appreciate tidy air in your house or office. Warmth Pumps and also Furnaces: Both heatpump and also heaters (which are in some cases called heating system or warm water heating units) are another facet of an a/c system that some individuals aren’t knowledgeable about. Both of these types of heating home appliances can in fact save you money. Heaters provide a more consistent warmth, however heat pumps can also distribute air more effectively and successfully than heaters. They are a lot more costly than furnaces, nonetheless. If you are questioning between an a/c unit and also a less costly device, ask your specialist viewpoints prior to you make a purchasing decision. Power Preservation: As energy preservation ends up being an even greater concern in today’s society, it’s no surprise that the heating and cooling sector is flourishing. Cooling and heating systems enable you to save money on your power expense and also boost your comfort degree in the residence. When your heating, air flow, and also air conditioner (heating and cooling system) does its task well, you don’t need to flip the button. With a fundamental thermostat set and also managed temperature level settings, you can remain comfortable without having to crank up the heating unit. This saves a lot of cash on your power bill, which is one of the major reasons a/c systems are so prominent. The following time you need a cooling or heating option, consider a HVAC system. In fact, according to the united state Bureau of Labor Statistics, a/c sales outmatched the setup of all central air conditioning conditioners in 2007. With the boost in power conservation problems among property owners, a heating and cooling system is a terrific addition to any residence. With basic maintenance, you can appreciate your cooling and heating for many years, and with much less expenditure than changing air conditioning units. If you want setting up an a/c system in your home, get in touch with a specialist heating and cooling firm. Ductwork: An a/c system can include ductwork to supply a fresh air consumption, ventilate an area, as well as manage temperature level. If there is ductwork, the property owner manages the flow of air by changing the quantity of air ducts that are open or shut. The ducts are generally fitted with vents for the comfort of the house owner. Home heating ducts are positioned in the attic room and also chilly duct are positioned in the walls. Home heating ducts additionally relocate the hot air out of a space as well as send it right into a cooling area. Cooling Down Split Solutions: These are cooling units that cool a whole room by making use of water, oil, or other forms of water-based fluid. These devices are utilized on lorries and also residences as well as offices. There are two sorts of cooling split systems; the shut loophole system and the open loop system. Both systems work, yet the shut loop system is much more reliable than the open loophole system. Heating Coils: In a HVAC system, heating coils are installed in the wall surfaces of an area and used to warm the air that flows via the pipes. A heat pump removes this warmed air and sends it right into a condensing collection agency where the water is cooled. After it is gathered, the cooled water is sent back into the air ducts where it is heated once more. A heating coil is mounted over a combustion device or a central heating boiler to produce hot water and to extract it from the atmosphere to be re-used by the device. A heatpump has actually been found to be much more effective than a hot water heater in some instances. Website link Refrigerant Injection: A cooling agent is injected right into the room via a little opening or vent in the wall. The cooling agent cools down the air that streams with the pipes, changing the heat and air conditioning supplied by the heat pump. A HVAC system may use a combination of coils in the air conditioning and home heating coils, or one. The size of the coil figures out the quantity of cool gas it requires to give the convenience level desired.
In a previous article (“Radiation from CT Scans Linked to Cancer”), I discussed research published in a 2009 issue of Archives of Internal Medicine revealing that CT scans deliver far more radiation than previously believed and that the scans may actually be responsible for nearly 30,000 cancers each year. Today, over five years later, the situation has only gotten worse. The use of CT scans has tripled over the past 15 years — which means the average American is exposed to twice as much radiation from medical imaging as in the mid-1990s, according to a 2012 study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. The newly-released March 2015 issue of Consumer Reports confirmed these findings. Their investigations found not only that CT scanning definitely increases cancer risk, but also that one-third of the more than 80 million scans performed annually serve little if any medical purpose. CT (Computed Tomography) scans, also known as Computed Axial Tomography (CAT) scans, are sophisticated X-ray procedures providing multiple images that help doctors diagnose disease by allowing them to see with precision the internal human body. Unfortunately, these potentially life-saving tests also emit a powerful dose of radiation — in some cases equivalent to the amount most people would be exposed to from natural sources over seven years. Radiation exposure creates free radicals that alter cellular DNA, damage healthy cells, and often lead to malignancy. The more radiation people are exposed to, the greater their lifetime risk of cancer, and young bodies are particularly vulnerable to radiation damage. Experts Express Concern “If the scan isn’t necessary or emits the wrong dose of radiation, the risks far outweigh the benefits,” stated Stephen Swensen, MD, Medical Director at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. He added, “All too often children are receiving adult-sized doses of radiation, which is many times the amount they need…. The dose directly increases the risk of leukemia or a solid tumor. ” Explained Marvin Lipman, MD, Consumer Reports’ chief medical adviser, “No one says that you should avoid a CT scan or other imaging test if you really need it… but the effect of radiation is cumulative, and the more you’re exposed, the greater your cancer risk. So it’s essential that you always ask your doctors why they are ordering an imaging test and whether your problem could be managed without it.” There are a number of reasons for excessive scanning, including financial incentives for doctors, fear of lawsuits, uninformed physicians, misinformed patients, and lack of regulation. About one-third of the people in the Consumer Reports survey assumed that laws strictly limit how much radiation a person can be exposed to during a CT scan. In truth, there are no federal radiation limits for CT imaging. Nor are there any national standards for the training of the technologists who operate the imaging machines. No Safety in Numbers Practitioners, as well as consumers, are often unaware of the dangers of medical radiation. A Consumer Reports survey of 1,019 U.S. adults found that people are seldom told by their doctors about the risks of CT scans. Other studies show that doctors themselves often underestimate the dangers CT scans pose. According to CR investigators, here are some shocking statistics: - One CT scan can expose you to as much radiation as 200 chest X-rays. - Researchers estimate that at least 2% of all future cancers in the U.S.—approximately 29,000 cases per year—will stem from CT scans alone. - 15,000 people are estimated to die each year because of cancers caused by the radiation in CT scans. - One CT scan of the abdomen or pelvis delivers more radiation than most residents of Fukushima, Japan absorbed after the nuclear power plant accident in 2011. - Almost 35% of imaging tests are ordered mainly as a defensive effort by doctors to avoid lawsuits, not because of true medical need, according to a study presented at the 2011 meeting of the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons. - Cancers from medical radiation can take anywhere from five to 60 years to develop, depending on age and lifestyle. - In a 2012 study of 67 medical providers, less than one-half of the clinicians caring for patients undergoing abdominal CT scans said they knew that the scans could cause cancer. - In another study, only 9% of 45 emergency-room physicians said they knew that CT scans increased cancer risk. - A 2013 Australian study comparing more than 680,000 people who had CT scans as children with 10 million who did not have a CT scan showed that the former had a 24% increased cancer risk, and each added scan boosted risk an additional 16%. - Children who had a CT scan before the age of five had a 35% increased cancer risk. - Researchers estimate that for every 1,000 children who have an abdominal CT scan, one will develop cancer as a result. - A 2012 study that looked at almost 180,000 British children linked CT scans to higher rates of leukemia and brain cancer. - Less than 10% of people surveyed said their doctor had warned them about radiation risks of medical imaging. - Almost as many people surveyed (17%) were very concerned about magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) –which doesn’t emit any radiation — as were concerned about CT scans (19%). - Reducing CT radiation doses could almost halve the number of future radiation-related cancers, according to a 2013 study in the journal JAMA Pediatrics. What You Can Do CT scans can be an extremely valuable clinical assessment tool, but caveat emptor – be wary of unnecessary and unsafe procedures. Consumer Reportsadvises – and we agree – that you do the following before you undergo any radiation-based imaging test: - Ask why the test is necessary and whether there is a radiation-free alternative like MRI or ultrasound that could be substituted. - Ask whether the facility is accredited by the American College of Radiology, whether the CT technologists are credentialed by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists, and whether the person interpreting the scans is a board-certified radiologist. - Request the right dose for your size. The smaller or thinner you are, the lower the radiation dose you need, so before you get scanned, ask the technician if that has been factored into the scan dose. - Ask for the lowest effective dose. The strength of the radiation dose used during a CT scan can vary tremendously, even when done in the same institution and for the same medical purpose. - Limit the frequency of recommended follow-up scans and get busy with healthy lifestyle choices. - Avoid unnecessary repeat scans by requesting copies of your scans to show to new doctors. - Get a second opinion if your doctor owns a CT scanner or has a financial interest in an imaging center — which would provide incentive to order lots of tests. Research shows that doctors who have invested in radiology equipment or clinics order far more scans than other physicians. - Avoid full body CT scans. Unlike targeted CT scans for symptomatic patients, a high benefit to risk ratio has not been established for whole body “preventive” screening - Challenge recommendations for 3D dental (cone-beam) CTs, especially for young children.
This section is from the "A Complete Dictionary of Dry Goods" book, by George S. Cole. Also available from Amazon: A complete dictionary of dry goods and history of silk, cotton, linen, wool and other fibrous substances,: Including a full explanation of the modern processes ... together with various useful tables. Crepon (Crep'-On Or Cre-Pon'). A dress fabric resembling crape but not so thin and gauzy, made of silk or wool or silk and wool mixed; a term applied to crinkled effects in general. Crepon novelties are frequently woven with narrow satin stripes, or cords. Cotton fabrics are also printed in crepon effects.
Travel training helps riders gain independence King County Metro Transit provides free bus and light rail travel training to over 500 would-be riders a year. It’s the job of transit instruction staff to assist people in getting where they need to go. Each person comes with their unique story. “We adapt and help them take that leap of faith. They trust us and we honor that,” said Amanda Bryant Supervisor of Metro Transit Instruction. A success story from 2011 shows first-hand the independence riders gain through the Transit Instruction program. Janet Anderson knew Ballard High School was just a bus ride away for her son, Matthew Anderson, but as a teen with high-functioning autism, she also knew he needed a helping hand so he could gain more independence. After hearing about a Metro Transit program that helps individuals with disabilities learn how to use public transportation, Janet saw a path for Matthew. The two soon met with an instructor to learn about Matthew’s skills and what bus routes he could take to school. With a signed pledge that he would be “ready to go” when the trainer arrived each day, Matthew started learning the ropes of taking the bus. “Kay showed up at our home for the first day of training at 7:10 a.m. (in the dark). She walked with Matthew to the bus stop and showed him how to pay his fare, and accompanied him as he transferred busses and arrived safe and sound at Ballard High School,” Janet Anderson said. She also met him at the end of the school day and showed him how to ride the bus home. “At the completion of each journey, she called to tell me how Matthew did and to assure me he had safely arrived at his destination.” Over the course of several days, Kay gave Matthew more responsibility and let him maneuver the bus system on his own as she stood watch. One rainy morning she called to report that Matthew had been so distracted with his faulty umbrella that she thought they would miss the stop for Ballard High School. Still, somehow, Matthew intuitively knew to get off at the right place despite being totally absorbed in fixing the umbrella. After five days, Kay was confident that Matthew had the bus routine solidly in hand and said goodbye to him. “Unbeknownst to him, she shadowed him the next day to make sure he knew what he was doing,” Janet Anderson said. “He passed the test with flying colors! She came by that afternoon to tell him how proud she was and give him a certificate of achievement.” Matthew gained the confidence and skills to take the bus to and from school each day. “As he walks off into the dark dawn each day, my heart is in my throat,” Janet Anderson said. “My baby boy is taking a big step toward independence each day as he walks down our street to the bus stop. He says that riding the bus makes him feel older. It makes me feel older, too.”
Additives and Lye If you are familiar with the soap-making process, you would know that additives and lye are essentials for this. Additives like isopropyl alcohol are used in soaps for its antiseptic properties. Due to the same reason, you can see it as an essential ingredient in several lotions, aftershaves, and other cosmetic products. Magnesium sulfate is another essential additive which is commonly added to the beauty products. Its use is backed by the fact that it gets easily absorbed through the skin and also replenishes the depleted magnesium reserves of the body. Magnesium sulfate has also been credited for several other uses and that is exactly why it must be used as an essential additive for the soaps you make. To make soaps, lye can either be in the form of sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide. Soaps made using potassium hydroxide are usually much softer and more soluble than soaps made using sodium hydroxide. Lye is very caustic so one needs to carefully handle it while adhering to all the precautionary measures.
The members tab of the New York state assembly website has the feel of a ’90s high-school yearbook. Each representative gets a spot. Pictures, titles, email addresses; all that is missing is a cheesy inspirational quote. The assemblymen stare back at the reader from the screen, with smiling faces and tailored suits. What one might also notice—or maybe expect—is that they are mainly white. How many? 111 out of 149 seats. Over the past few months, racial issues have taken center stage in US national media. From Ferguson to Baltimore, apparent instances of discrimination and racial profiling against African Americans have prompted protests and debates across the country. In New York, a series of demonstrations against police brutality followed the killing of Eric Garner last July. A black man from Staten Island, Garner died after a white police officer, Daniel Pantaleo, placed him in chokehold. A Staten Island grand jury decided not to indict the cop. At the end of April, protesters took to the street demanding justice for another black man, Freddie Gray, who also died in police custody. Racial discrimination is back in the news. As anger and frustration run high in the city, members of the African American community continue to feel misunderstood and misrepresented. Attempting a racial breakdown in the New York state assembly Under these circumstances, it might be surprising to hear that the black community, proportionally speaking, is the most accurately represented group in the New York state assembly among the state’s largest racial and ethnic groups: whites, blacks, Latinos, and Asians. A close look at the distribution of the population along ethnic and racial lines reveals how the African American community is the only case in which the number of black representatives closely mirrors the percentage of the electorate belonging to their racial group (16.11% of seats in the assembly per 17.5% of the population). Things are worse for Latinos and Asians, who are significantly underrepresented. Asians—who represent 8.2% of the whole population—get one single seat (0.67%) in the current legislature, while only 13 representatives (8.72%) come from a Latino background—18.4% of New York’s population. White assemblymen make up the lion’s share, with 74.5% of seats—even though only 57.2% percent of the population identifies as white. How do we explain such representational disparities? According to Sayu Bhojwani, president of the New American Leaders Project (NALP), political participation is a “hard-won right” for African Americans, in light of the challenges they have faced historically in their fight for inclusion and recognition. The role of churches and civic organizations as unifying forces is also important, Bhojwani argues. Among such organizations is the New York Urban League, which has been working since 1919 to ensure equal and fair opportunities for the African American population in New York state. According to their president, Arva Rice, higher levels of political participation can be partly considered a result of the black community’s longer stay in the country. Conversely, the arrival of immigrant communities of Asians and Latinos is a relatively recent phenomenon, which can explain lower levels of involvement in the political and social life of the country. These “newer” minority groups might have fewer role models to follow, be afraid of discrimination during campaigns due to their immigrant status and not be able to raise funds, Bhojwani explains. In her opinion, the experience of authoritarianism in Asia and Latin America might also explain lower levels of political participation among both groups. “Not everybody who is coming here is coming from a democracy,” she says. Ellen Young, the first Asian American female representative in the New York state assembly (elected in 2006, she was in office until 2008), agrees. She believes that history might help illuminate the reasons behind low levels of political participation among Chinese Americans. The legacy of family executions (a form of punishment for political crimes, such as treason), in particular, might explain their reluctance to participate in the civil process. The family would always want their children not to get involved in politics, she says. “You don’t see Chinese take somebody to court a lot, because good people don’t go to court, neither as defendant nor as plaintiff.” The limits of data The challenges when talking about race are many. Throw politics in the mix, and the task becomes even more daunting. One of the obvious limits to this kind of research is the lack of a clear notion of race. The United States Census Bureau, for example, classifies whites, blacks, and Asians as belonging to a race, while it describes Latinos as a group that can belong to any race. But when we look at the overall population of the state of New York, we notice that the majority of Latinos identify exclusively as such. Latinos might not technically be a race, but the “exclusivist” nature of the group makes them comparable to one for the purposes of this study. Even more comprehensive projects seem to have taken a similar approach. NALP, for example, released Representation 2020, a 2014 report tracking the number of people in office in state governments. Their work is primarily aimed at showing the importance of ensuring the political representation of specific ethnic and racial groups across the country, with a specific focus on the Asian and Latino immigrant communities. While NALP works on a much larger scale, analyzing the racial makeup of the New York state assembly presents similar challenges. In collecting data, they followed an approach similar to mine, assessing the pictures of each subject available online, the origin of their names and the material provided by the government. “The potential for error is very significant,” Bojwhani says. In particular, some people might identify with more than one race, while women married to men of a different race might take their husbands’ name and complicate the process. NALP employs an extensive amount of resources to ensure a thorough verification of the information. While my analysis cannot rely on similar support and the method is still susceptible to error, it can at least provide a general idea of how serious under-representation is for certain groups. The limits of political representation After the killing of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, many pointed at the gap between the black population and their overwhelmingly white elected officials as a symptom of the country’s problem with race. “Ferguson has been pegged as an outlier but, though the representation gap in Ferguson is particularly pronounced, its basic story of African American underrepresentation plays out in many communities across the country,” a study by public policy organization Demos states. Ensuring that ethnic and racial communities are fairly represented in government remains the priority for many civic engagement groups. To them, increasing the number of representatives belonging to minorities is essential to building a government that takes their communities’ needs and interests into account. “You want people to come from your background, tradition and culture, who can better articulate your concerns,” Sam Massol, the executive director of nonprofit organization Bridgeroots, says. But political representation alone might not be sufficient to guarantee the end of inequality. “I don’t think it’s about numbers. I think it’s about power,” Rice says. “If you have a certain number of people in the legislature, how many of them are on the budget committee?” As long as assemblymen are not able to translate their presence in the assembly into effective policy, she argues, the system will remain fundamentally unfair. Political representation might be a good place to start, but is not enough.
The Conowingo Dam on the Susquehanna River in Maryland is a 4,648 foot long power plant with 11 turbines capable of producing 572 MW of electricity when running at peak capacity. Also known as the Conowingo Hydroelectric Generating Station, when it was constructed in 1928 it was the second largest hydroelectric project in the United States, bested only by Niagara Falls. With a maximum height of 94 feet, it consists of four distinct… “WAIT!” you’re saying. “This is supposed to be a nature blog! Why are we talking about a DAM? What could possibly be of interest to us there?” Five Bald Eagles in one shot? (And there’s a sixth in the picture somewhere. Can you find it?) Yes, folks, this was taken just downstream of Conowingo Dam, and those eagles represent maybe 5% of the eagles present there on the Saturday after Thanksgiving. 154, by one very approximate count. Every fall, in November and December, eagles gather downstream of the dam in large numbers. 50, 100, sometimes even more. “What for?” you ask. Fish, of course. When the turbines are running, fish get sucked through the intake tubes and are discharged below the dam, stunned or dead. Easy picking for piscivorous (fish-eating) birds like Bald Eagles. “Why late fall?” you ask. The dam only operates when electricity demand is high. In other words, late fall and winter. By January, most eagles are returning to their nesting sites to raise a new family, and they will be tied to those sites through the summer. But in the fall, they are free to go where the fish are, and in my area, that’s Conowingo. Birders in the know flock to Conowingo to watch the spectacle. Photographers, too. All the cold weather gear was necessary; it was 25 degrees. Definitely not for the faint of circulation. I lost my feet after the first hour. You have to be prepared to wait a long time; it’s not non-stop action. Even though several turbines were running when I arrived at 8 AM, the eagles were very quiet, content to perch on trees or rocks across the river and wait. One or two were obliging enough to perch in trees directly behind us and pose. Or maybe they were amusing themselves watching all the stupid humans shiver. The wait paid off after more than an hour when more turbines started up. Fifteen minutes later it was like someone had thrown a switch: suddenly it was a Bald Eagle Bonanza. There were eagles catching fish. Eagles dropping fish. Eagles fighting over fish. Eagles stealing fish from other eagles. Sometimes I didn’t know which bird to follow. Other times they flew so close overhead I couldn’t zoom out fast enough. Conservation Piece: This bird looks worried. About the American shad, perhaps? This migratory fish lives in the ocean, but returns to freshwater rivers like the Susquehanna to spawn, usually during the spring or summer. Their numbers have been seriously depleted by fishing, water pollution – and the construction of dams like Conowingo, which block passage to their spawning grounds. Exelon, who operates the dam, has been working to restore the American shad to the Susquehanna River through the operation of two fish lifts at Conowingo Dam. The company has also built a Fisherman’s Park at the foot of the dam, for fishing, bird-watching, and photography. They even run an annual Bald Eagle Photo Contest!
Whether you're trying to get your dog to lose weight, gain weight or you're just curious about how much he actually weighs, you can learn how to weigh your dog at home. Keeping tabs on your pet's weight is one of the best things that you can do for his overall health and well-being. To establish a dog's ideal weight, usually a Body Condition Score (BCS) chart is used. The best thing to do is to consult your veterinarian about your dog's weight and what you can do to keep them healthy. The World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA) has developed two tools that your vet will likely use to help you decide if your dog is at his ideal weight: What I'm trying to tell you is that it's not just about the number on the scale. The ideal weight of one Labrador, for example, may be 10-15 pounds more than the ideal weight of another Labrador. Your dog's size and body condition, muscle mass, size and many other factors will play a part in determining his ideal weight. If you're just curious about your dog's weight or your veterinarian has helped guide you in identifying how much weight your pet needs to gain/lose, you can learn how to weigh your dog at home to keep a close eye on his weight changes. How To Weigh Your Dog At Home Learning how to weigh your dog at home is much easier if you have a small or medium breed. All you'll need is a bathroom scale and some basic math skills. First, weigh yourself. Then, weigh yourself while holding your dog. Subtract your weight from the weight of you holding your dog, and you'll know how much your pup weighs. For example, let's say you weigh 150 pounds and you weigh 180 pounds while holding your dog. Subtract 150 from 180, and you'll discover that your dog weighs 30 pounds. If your dog is too large for you to carry, you'll need a special scale to weigh him at home. You can find dog scales (like the one on the right) online or possibly at your local pet store. Learning how to weigh your dog at home will allow you to keep a close eye on Fido's weight. Be sure to check with your vet for guidance on your dog's ideal weight and how much weight he may need to gain or lose. With this DIY method you can easily perform daily, weekly or monthly weight checks.
Refractometers enjoy popularity in many applications, each of which has slightly different requirements for the instrument. Because of this, and over time, refractometers of varying design, precision and operation have become available. These include the Abbe refractometer, the hand refractometer, the digital refractometer, automatic refractometer, and process refractometer. The Abbe refractometer, named after its inventor Ernst Abbe (1840-1905), was the first laboratory instrument for the precise determination of the refractive index of liquids. The measuring principle of an Abbe refractometer is based on the principle of total reflection. Abbe refractometers are used for measuring liquids. The reference media glasses (prisms) can be selected with high refractive indices. The light from a radiation source is reflected by a mirror and hits a double prism. A few drops of the sample are placed between this so-called Abbe double prism. The incident light beams pass through the double prism and sample only if their angles of incidence at the interface are less than the critical angle of total reflection. A microscope and a mirror with a suitable mechanism are used to determine the light / dark boundary line (shadow line). The operator of the Abbe refractometer adjusts the mirror with the help of a rotary knob until the light / dark boundary is located at the intersection of the microscope’s crosshairs. The corresponding refractive indices can then be read from a Vernier scale. Since the light / dark boundary is very low in contrast, it can be only approximately determined manually. The accuracy of the classical Abbe refractometer is nD = 0.0002, where the fourth decimal place is determined by averaging a large number of individual measurements. The results depend on the interpretation of the user, and often differ between users. Semi-automatic refractometers are equipped with a digital display of the measurement data and thus allow more consistent reading of measurement data. A manual adjustment of this equipment is still necessary, however, so that measurement results obtained continue to depend on the interpretation and the skill of the measured person. The versatile handheld refractometers are very easy to use. Because of the availability of a number of measuring scales, many applications are possible. Handheld refractometers are used by beekeepers to determine the water content in honey, by wine producers to determine the sugar content of the fruit and the grape must, and by aquarists to determine the salt content of water in marine aquaria. A small drop of liquid on the measuring prism is sufficient to determine refractive index. Held against a light source, the measured value can be read via the eyepiece on the scale. The vertical scale is intersected by a horizontal boundary line at the measured value. For temperature compensation of liquids, there are handheld refractometers with integrated Automatic Temperature Correction (ATC). Digital refractometers operate in the same way as handheld refractometers, but with an automatic determination and readout of the boundary line. They offer reduced inter-operator variability, and greater precision than manual handheld refractometers, and are typically available with a selection of common scales. Automatic refractometers completely eliminate differences in measured results between operators, and provide the highest level of accuracy. In contrast to manual refractometric measurement under uncontrolled environmental conditions, it is possible, for example, to measure the refractive index of the sample at different temperatures or light wavelengths. Automatic refractometers are found mainly in laboratory applications, where precise measurement under highly controlled conditions is required. Modern instruments are equipped with light emitting diodes (LEDs) as light sources, which have largely replaced older tungsten halogen or sodium vapor lamps because of their exceptionally long lifetime of 100 000 hours. An interference filter guarantees the maintenance of the correct wavelength. To enable comparability refractometric measurements, these are usually carried out at the standard wavelength of 589.3 nm (sodium D-line). The measuring principle is the same as other refractometers, where monochromatic light is incident at different angles of incidence on the prism and the sample. The intensity of the reflected light is determined by a charge-coupled device (CCD) scanner and the resulting position of the light / dark boundary is determined automatically. Dark, cloudy, and even opaque samples such as mustard, ketchup or mayonnaise can easily be measured with the help of fully automated, modern refractometer. For these applications, 2-3 drops or a few grams of sample needed to be applied using a pipette or a spatula onto the measuring prism. To avoid stray light and evaporation, a sample cover is placed over the sample and prism. After measurement, the sample is removed by wiping with a soft paper cloth. The arduous purification of two prism halves (as is necessary for conventional refractometers) is thus avoided. Automatic refractometers are used in diverse industries in the processing of food and drinks to determine sugar content and for quality control. Refractive index is often represented on the Brix scale (° Brix) for these applications. This value, which is displayed directly on the device, technically refers to the content of sucrose-dry substance in a pure water solution. However, it is also used as the characteristic value in the quality control of juices and other food products, and sometimes even in the analysis of other products, such as petroleum. Process refractometers allow for the continuous analysis of refractive index, without the need to remove samples to a control laboratory. These instruments are composed of sensors, placed inline or in a bypass, connected to control box. This control box typically provides a digital readout and output. Like the other advanced refractometers (i.e. all except Abbe-type and handheld), they operate on the measuring principle of total refraction by determining the critical angle of monochromatic light of a range of angles of incidence. Unlike the other refractometers, process refractometers can require zero human involvement during measurement, and can provide real-time measurement data process medium. This makes these instruments useful for large industrial operations, such as those of the food, sugar, pulp and paper, refining and chemical, and pharmaceutical industries. The display and output can be directly displayed in any scale derived from refractive index, as required by the specific industrial application. Process refractometers also have to function under very high pressures.
Coasters-101: Safety Standards Welcome to another edition of Coasters-101. Today we are going to discuss amusement industry safety standards. Amusement parks entertain millions of visitors every year, giving countless numbers of safe rides. You’re much more likely to get hurt on your way to an amusement park then while riding a roller coaster. How is this incredible safety record achieved? This is where ASTM International steps in. There are no mandatory national safety standards for amusement rides, but the amusement ride industry has developed an extensive set of consensus safety and engineering standards through the ASTM International F-24 committee. These standards have been adopted or used as a model by state and local jurisdictions throughout the U.S. and around the world. In fact, thirty-five states reference ASTM industry standards in their regulatory laws for amusement rides. The ASTM F-24 committee develops minimum standards of safety for design, manufacturing, operation, maintenance, quality assurance and inspection of amusement rides and devices, which includes waterslides, inflatables, go-karts, and zorbing devices. The committee consists of over 400 members, including ride manufacturers, amusement park and carnival operators, industry attorneys, safety consultants, ride inspectors, and regulatory officials. With the industry’s full support and participation, the ASTM F-24 standards undergo frequent review and revision to keep up with the latest technologies. Biodynamic data is incorporated into the development process, which in turn produces amusement ride system guidelines that can safely accommodate the broadest segment of the population. The F-24 executive committee creates subcommittees, appoints members to leadership positions, and determines the scope and direction of standards development. Any member can apply to be involved in any subcommittees. The committee meets twice a year in the spring and in the fall to discuss revisions to standards. Attending meetings is a great way to network with engineers if you are interested in finding a job in the amusement ride industry. As a participant in the activities of the ASTM International Committee F-24 on Amusement Rides and Devices, you can help establish various standards on design and manufacture, testing, operation, maintenance, inspection, and quality assurance, all of which enhance the safety and integrity of the amusement industry. There are three categories of ASTM Members: Producer,User , and General Interest (Consumer). F24 consists of: Main Committee (F24) dealing with industry subjects, Subcommittees (F24.20) which look at specialized subject matters, and Task Groups (F2291) where individual documents are developed. There are six types of ASTM standards: Test Methods, Specifications, Practices, Guides, Classification, and Terminology. Here is a list of all F24 subcommittees: - F24.10 Test Methods - F24.20 Specifications and Terminology - F24.24 Design and Manufacture - F24.30 Maintenance and Inspection - F24.40 Operations - F24.50 Training, Education and Certification - F24.60 Special Rides/Attractions - F24.70 Water Related Amusement Rides and Devices - F24.80 Harmonization - F24.90 Executive What does a standard look like? Well, if you are designing a go-kart car or plan on operating a go-kart track you may have to follow guidelines similar to the following: Go Karts Restraints - 5.10.2 When restraints are provided by means of seat belts, the lap belt shall be installed so it engages the driver or passenger at an angle with respect to a horizontal plane at 40 to 70 degrees. - When the driver and passenger are properly seated and restrained the lap belt component of the restraint system shall not bridge over any component of the go-kart including but not limited to the frame, seat and chassis. - 5.10.4 Restraint belts shall be a minimum of 1 ¾” (44.45 mm) in width. - 5.10.5 Restraint buckles shall have metal on metal latching mechanisms. - 5.10.6 Inertia activated retractors, when used, shall be installed and maintained according to the manufacturer’s specifications. For more information about joining ASTM visit their website. To learn more about how coasters are designed check out Coasters 101: An Engineer’s Guide to Roller Coaster Design.
Define come from. come from synonyms, come from pronunciation, come from translation, English dictionary definition of come from. vb 1. to be or have been a resident or native : Ernst comes from Geneva. 2. to originate from or derive from: chocolate comes (去掉 come ) 如果你要用一般動詞 come 的話 在含一般動詞的句子裡,否定句和疑問句要用的是「助動詞」 所以就要說 Where do you come from? 才對 有些人也許會有疑問:為什麼問人家從哪來不是用過去式 Where did you come from? “I come from” Stack Exchange Network Stack Exchange network consists of 175 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online Definition and synonyms of come from from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education. This is the British English definition of come from.View American English definition of come from. Change your default dictionary to American English. Maps of Australian cities, towns and travel destinations with driving directions and traveller information. Use Whereis® Maps and start your journey. Set your home and work address and access your most frequently used addresses easily. 9/8/2009 · This is a video that I made with windows movie maker with the lyrics to Alan Jackson’s ‘Where I Come From’. Some of the lyrics are a little off sync with the song, this is because I am Pre-ejaculate (also known as pre-ejaculatory fluid, pre-seminal fluid or Cowper’s fluid, and colloquially as pre-cum) is a clear, colorless, viscous fluid that is emitted from the urethra of the penis during sexual arousal. It is similar in composition to semen but has distinct chemical differences. The presence of sperm in the fluid is Origin and composition · We can come to accept these negative thoughts as the truth, even when we know logically that it is far from it. This is why we need to work at taming our negative thoughts and begin replacing them with positive truths. Stress is a normal part of life so we What 5/11/2013 · Where do humans come from? Some scientists propose a newfound species as the most likely ancestor of the genus that led to humans This the nearly 2-million-year-old skull of a young boy found in the Malapa cave. As you can see, the answer to the question of where the iPhone is made isn’t simple. It can boil down to China since that’s where all the components are assembled, and the final, working devices come from, but it’s a complex, nuanced worldwide effort to 29/9/2011 · There’s a preacher man in a cowboy shirt Where I come from When a couple of boys fight in the parking lot No, ain’t nobody gonna call the cops Yeah, that river runs across that Oakland rock Where 作者: Average Joes Entertainment Infographic: Where does big data come from? “Big data” is a frequently heard buzzword in 2012. This year, IBM teamed with the University of Oxford to help organizations look beyond the big data hype and gain a deeper view into how their peers are defining and Halloween or Hallowe’en (a contraction of Hallows’ Even or Hallows’ Evening), also known as Allhalloween, All Hallows’ Eve, or All Saints’ Eve, is a celebration observed in several countries on 31 October, the eve of the Western Christian feast of All Hallows’ Day. It begins the three-day observance of Allhallowtide, the time in Date: 31 October Where do cultures come from? Here’s a simple, but interesting observation: Every company has a distinct culture. In fact, every group of people that comes together regularly has a culture. This is as true for your company as it is for a group of golfing buddies or a Iron (abbreviated Fe) on Earth is made from iron ore, which contains the element iron along with varying amounts of rock. Iron is the primary element in the manufacture of steel. The element iron itself comes from supernovae, which represent the violent explosive Where did the English language come from? Why has it become so popular? To answer these questions we must travel back in time about five thousand years to an area north of the Black Sea in 10/6/2011 · Roff says that the “fake it ’til you make it” attitude can come in handy at certain times, but “too much arrogant false confidence is not only a turn off but a potential symptom of low self What is the difference between “where are you from” and “where do you come from”? Are they the same? Are they used in the same situations or not? When you see someone for the first time which one is Where does microplastic come from? There are two types of microplastic: particles that are intentionally added to a product, such as a toothpaste or an exfoliating cream, and such that arise from large plastic pieces through abrasion or degradation. The two It’s hard to imagine a cultural phenomenon that’s more important than the development of language. And yet no human attribute offers less conclusive evidence regarding its origins. The mystery, says Christine Kenneally in her book The First Word, lies in the nature of the spoken word: 21/10/2019 · We’ve come a long way. Now, we have a variety of sugars to choose from, like organic sugar, raw sugar, brown sugar, and confectioner’s sugar. healthy4life Post 14 Sugar has calories, unlike many artificial sweeteners. However, I greatly Some people say that Originally, rubber was produced from the latex of Ficus elestica, a type of fig tree.Today, most natural rubber (also called India rubber) is derived from the natural latex extracted from the Pará rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis), a plant native to the Amazon but now grown commercially in equatorial regions of Southeast Asia. Where Does Electricity Come From? Watch this brief, video picture of practice that captures everyday classroom life and provides real-life examples of how students learn and think about energy topics. Where Did Depression Come From? Evolutionary psychology describes how an ancestral environment, different from the one we face today, shaped the structure and function of our brains. An Come definition is – to move toward something : approach. How to use come in a sentence. Verb Please come here for a minute. I want to show you something. She came quietly into the room. He came home late again last night. The dog began to growl as we came closer. Where does dust come from? It comes from a variety of sources including plants, roads, wind, clothes dryers, electronics, attics, basements, air conditioning and heating ducts and vents, pets, pollen, insects, carpeting, knick knacks. Where does water come from? We know that water surrounds us, but have you ever wondered about its origins? Find out where water comes from. Water surrounds us, falling from the sky, rushing down riverbeds, pouring from faucets, and yet many of us have never stopped to ask where it comes from. 9/11/2010 · Where Does Flour Come From? Flour is made from cereals or other starchy food sources. Most commonly flour is produced from wheat but can also be made with rye, barley, rice, maize (corn), millet, potato, nuts, seeds and other grains and grasses. Wheat is does it come from the Huntly coal fields, or is it imported from overseas. Asked in Coal (fuel source) Where do you get coal and oil? coal and oil come from many different places. Where Does Silicon Come From? The element silicon is created through a process where carbon and sand are heated to temperatures close to 3,992 degrees Fahrenheit. Silicon is also very abundant in the Earth’s crust and is the seventh most plentiful element It turns out that vanilla is anything but boring. Vanilla is one of those powerful ingredients we use all the time, but probably take for granted. Whether it’s vanilla extract in your chocolate chip cookies or scraped vanilla beans for custard or ice cream, vanilla is called 作者: Alison Spiegel Where Does Ebola Come From? New clues from Guinea yield tantalizing pieces of the puzzle By Dina Fine Maron on December 30, 2014 Share on Facebook 作者: Dina Fine Maron A few of these words will be recognized as identical in spelling with their modern equivalents—he, of, him, for, and, on—and the resemblance of a few others to familiar words may be guessed—nama to name, comon to come, wære to were, wæs to was We usually take the little drops of water for granted, and rarely ever pause to ponder where they come from. Rain has its own story. A story of a long journey up and down the atmosphere, a cycle of transformation, of freezing cold, and liquifying heat. If we were to Self-Confidence: What is it, and Where does it come from? A few weeks ago, I asked you: Are you self-confident? Your answers were fascinating. It showed a spectrum of perceptions about confidence, how we define it, and how it affects us. Some of the Where does paraffin wax come from? Answer Wiki User October 01, 2010 10:12AM Parrafin wax comes from the plants that died millions of years ago. These plants decompose and form crude oil. From wigs to weaves and hair extensions, there is a vast market for human hair and often it doesn’t come from where you think. The politics of hair Throughout history, the international hair What’s your carbon footprint and where does it come from? Posted on 29 April 2014 by Marcin Popkiewicz When I learned for the first time that an average European is responsible for emissions of almost 10 tons of carbon dioxide per year (and an American double The Bible does not mention Halloween. However, both the ancient origins of Halloween and its modern customs show it to be a celebration based on false beliefs about the dead and invisible spirits, or demons.—See “Halloween history and customs.” The Bible |Adevărul despre Halloween – JW.ORG||13/1/2020| |Celebrations and Religious Holidays That Displease God||14/2/2007| |The Truth About Halloween – JW.ORG| |Why I Don’t Celebrate Halloween – JW.ORG| 29/4/2005 · Food is the most common vehicle for the spread of Campylobacter. Poultry is the most common food implicated. Some case-control studies indicate that up to The Campylobacter blog supplements Marler Clark’s Web site About Campylobacter, a site that provides information about Campylobacter, the symptoms and risks of infection, Campylobacter testing/detection, and how to As women, we’re often told that we should be more confident. But how do you go about that? And what exactly is confidence anyway? I spoke with Claire Shipman, co-author of the NYT bestseller The Confidence Code: The Science & Art of Self-Assurance and What Women Should Know, about how women’s brains work, how confidence is linked to action, and why we shouldn’t let perfectionism hold Steven Johnson Where good ideas come from People often credit their ideas to individual “Eureka!” moments. But Steven Johnson shows how history tells a different story. His fascinating tour takes us from the “liquid networks” of London’s coffee houses to Charles Where Did Agile Come From? If you†re running a lean startup. or managing your business according to the Lean Six Sigma methodology, then you†ll probably have heard of the term ‘agile.†An agile business is a company that responds quickly and So, who is the Antichrist, and how will we recognize him? The Bible really does not say anything specific about where the Antichrist will come from. Many Bible scholars speculate that he will come from a confederacy of ten nations and/or a reborn Roman Where Does it Come From? 29 th September 2014 Stephen Fry Well it’s been a week of launches. I had a book launched on Thursday: a few days earlier, my team and I launched The Old Friary, this third reboot of stephenfry.com or stephenfry.uk as we now like This periodic table showcases mankind’s best estimation as to where each element comes from. Elements are subdivided into several categories based on where they originated from: The Big Bang The Islamic State group dominates global headlines but do we really understand where it started – or what it’s trying to achieve? References Al Qaeda, the Islamic State and the Global Jihadist The nature of love may be one of life’s great mysteries, but it turns out that at least some of it comes down to biology. A new episode of the Sci Show explains where love comes from, and, while Beans are removed when the internal temperature reaches 400 degrees at which point oil locked inside the bean emerges
Climate change central planning is found throughout the 2,700-plus page infrastructure bill that President Biden is touting as bipartisan. The Senate bill uses central planning to re-engineer the electric grid and to eliminate carbon from the U.S. economy by offering large subsidies. There is $21.5 billion to create the Energy Department’s new Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations, which will provide for Secretary Granholm’s green-energy venture-capital fund. This funding should bring to mind the Obama Administration programs that funded with tax dollars companies that failed including Solyndra, A123 Systems, Fisker Automotive and other solar manufacturers. Granholm’s fund includes $2.4 billion for advanced nuclear reactor projects, $3.5 billion for carbon capture, $8 billion for “clean hydrogen” and $5 billion for projects that “demonstrate innovative approaches to transmission, storage, and distribution infrastructure to harden and enhance resilience and reliability.” Ms. Granholm is also charged with creating a “smart” and “clean” grid that provides reliable electricity despite heavily federally subsidized, inherently intermittent renewable energy. The grid is the job of regional authorities, which coordinate wholesale markets with states and utilities—not the Feds. In addition to providing $9 billion for grid-balancing technologies, the bill “loans” the Department of Energy (DOE) $2.5 billion to enter “capacity contracts” with transmission developers that will backstop their projects if there is insufficient demand for renewable energy. The bill also allows DOE to designate “national interest electric transmission corridors” where there are constraints in delivering excess renewable energy to markets, which will allow the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to overrule states on power lines and their placement. Transportation Secretary Buttigieg would receive $7.5 billion to rollout a national electric-vehicle charging network. The bill instructs Buttigieg’s Department of Transportation to finance chargers that “meet current or anticipated market demands” and “would be unlikely to be completed without Federal assistance.” Some politicians believe that building more chargers in low-income areas will encourage additional electric vehicle sales, despite no data documenting their belief. Faster chargers in denser population areas may also require grid capacity to be upgraded and could strain power supply, as was demonstrated in California, where electric vehicle owners were asked during heat waves to not charge their vehicles in the evenings when the sun goes down. The infrastructure bill is also riddled with corporate welfare. United Airlines is investing in flying electric taxis, which will be eligible for federal loan guarantees. Kenworth and Toyota are rolling out hydrogen-powered trucks to transport freight. Exxon Mobil may receive funds for its experimental green technology program. Funding for Disasters The bill contains tens of billions of tax dollars that would be allocated against natural occurrences such as floods, wildfires, and drought, under the premise that they are climate-related. The bill covers the development of new sources of drinking water in areas where there is drought and it even funds the relocation of entire communities away from places that may be deemed vulnerable. The Army Corps of Engineers would get an additional $11.6 billion in construction funds for projects such as flood control and river dredging, which is more than four times the amount the Corps received last year for construction. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)’s annual budget for a program that buys or elevates homes at risk from floods would more than triple to $700 million. Some of that money is designated for homeowners in areas considered especially vulnerable because of socioeconomic factors, including areas that house racial minorities. FEMA would also get an extra $1 billion for a grant program that is supposed to protect communities against all types of disasters, and another $733 million to make dams safer. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration would get almost $100 million a year to help restore coastal habitats and protect coastal communities—five times what the program currently spends. The Bureau of Reclamation, which manages water supplies in the West, now gets $20 million a year for desalination projects, which remove minerals and salts from seawater to create freshwater, which would increase to $250 million over five years. It currently receives $65 million for water recycling that would increase to $1 billion for treating wastewater to make it available for new uses such as irrigation. Other funding in the legislation would be directed toward new programs. The bill would give the Department of Agriculture $500 million for “wildfire defense grants to at-risk communities”—money that is supposed to help people make changes to their homes or landscape to make them less vulnerable to fire or other disasters. Other programs would not just fortify homes and facilities against disasters, but move them elsewhere. The Department of Transportation would get almost $9 billion for a program to help states prepare highways for the effects of “climate change”—including relocating roads out of flood-prone areas. The Environmental Protection Agency would pay for communities to move drinking water pipelines and treatment facilities at risk from flooding or other extreme weather. Funding in the legislation would be available to move entire communities. The bill would provide $216 million to the Bureau of Indian Affairs for climate resilience and adaptation for tribal nations. More than half of that money, $130 million, would go toward “community relocation.” Where is the Money Coming From? Supporters of the bill indicate that the bill is “fully paid for.” But the bill’s text and analyses of it dispute that point. One source of funding for a multi-billion-dollar offset is to come from the improved recovery of fraudulent pandemic unemployment benefit payments, which some have estimated could total $400 billion or more. News accounts suggest as much as $50 billion in savings might be found by better recovery of those misspent funds, but there is no policy in the bill for obtaining it. Another source is supposed to be $53 billion from “savings” from states ending federal pandemic unemployment benefits sooner than expected. That provision is linked to “findings” language buried in the massive bill, which are typically statements of opinion without legislative or legal effect. The supposed savings, however, have “already occurred”, according to the nonpartisan Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget (CRFB). Congress passed three major laws creating and subsequently extending pandemic unemployment benefits: the March 2020 CARES Act, which the Congressional Budget Office projected would provide $268 billion in benefits; the December 2020 Consolidated Appropriations Act, which was expected to add another $119 billion; and the March 2021 American Rescue Plan, which was estimated to add another $205 billion. Taking $53 billion off the total results in $539 billion. The latest Department of Labor tally of actual spending on those federal benefits through July 31, 2021 shows almost $630 billion spent on these temporary federal programs with over a month to go on the program. That is almost $90 billion more in deficit spending than the Congressional Budget Office projected in its three estimates. The missing policies indicate that less than half of the bill’s overall costs are offset, according to CRFB. Offsets are running around $250 billion, which compares to $540 billion in new spending in the legislation. In fact, the Congressional Budget Office reported on August 5, 2021, that the bipartisan infrastructure bill would add more than $250 billion to the federal deficit over the next decade, confirming the above analyses that the massive legislation would not fully pay for itself. Supposedly the Senate already has the votes to pass the bill and may even have 10 more than the 60 votes needed. From funding new endeavors like the ones that have failed under the Obama Administration—to funding relocations from areas that have for centuries had the risk of wildfires, drought and floods—the bill is using tax dollars to fund corporate welfare and, in some cases, the rich under the guise of benefitting racial minorities. The money for the bill is supposed to be offset from other programs, but the analyses above show that not to be true. The expansive nature of the bill can be seen from a provision that would require auto manufacturers to equip “advanced alcohol monitoring systems” in all new cars. The section titled, “ADVANCED IMPAIRED DRIVING TECHNOLOGY,” mandates new vehicles include “a system that … passively and accurately detect[s] whether the blood alcohol concentration of a driver of a motor vehicle is equal to or greater than the blood alcohol concentration” of .08, in which case the system would “prevent or limit motor vehicle operation.” Automobile manufacturers would have a three-year grace period to comply with the regulation. Instead of an infrastructure bill, the product represents the old Washington, D.C., approach of distributing pork sufficient to buy votes of enough Senators to enable its passage. With a Budget Reconciliation Package estimated at more than $3.5 trillion waiting in the wings and expected to follow the trail blazed by this bill, Americans are paying for a very expensive fundamental transformation of the country, including the reliability and availability of our basic energy necessary for life.
Illustration of People at Work Netgenz - Sains | Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) is one of the well-known work sectors and has an important role in the lives of people around the world, as technology can improve the quality and effectiveness of human tasks in everyday life. In reaching that direction, female researchers have contributed a large number, to be able to find and create a programming language. In fact, some of these female researchers have won various awards and are respected by all groups of people in the world. Come on, let's see who are the worldly scientists! 1. Grace Hopper Grace Hopper is widely recognized by various groups of people around the world as a researcher. He is known as someone who has had a major influence on the computer world through the Common Business-Oriented Language (COBOL). This high-level programming language is often used for programs in the business sector that are used today. In fact, Hopper successfully wrote bugs on a computer for the first time in the world in 1947. With this achievement, Hopper has won various awards such as the Presidential Medal of Freedom given by Barack Obama in 2016 yesterday. 2. Annie Easley As one of the first computer researchers to be of African and American descent, and able to work at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Annie Easley has been recognized as a female researcher who has had a major impact on the technology sector around the world. Apart from having a successful career, Easley is also known as a pioneer in promoting equality in gender and racial diversity, so that he can get similar opportunities to study in the STEM sector. 3. Radia Perlman This female researcher who was born in New Jersey in 1951 has played a large role in the internet and technology sectors. Radia can create Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) which is used as the basis for operating internet connections. In fact, Radia has a great impact on network security, DDOS prevention techniques, and authentication processes. With this achievement, Radia has won various awards and has held 100 patents throughout his career. 4. There's Lovelace Ada Lovelace is widely recognized by people around the world for her achievements in the mathematics and English literature sector. In fact, the anniversary of Ada Lovelace's achievement in the STEM sector is commemorated in October every year. In addition, Lovelace is considered the world's first computer programmer with a record that can cover algorithms, so that he can process numbers in the computing sector. With her mathematical powers, Ada Lovelace is often known as 'The Enchantress of Numbers. 5. Mary Kenneth Keller Mary Kenneth Keller Mary Keller is an American Roman Catholic nun who can play a large role in the technology and computer sector. He is working with 2 other researchers to improve the BASIC programming language. This high-level programming language can help people know more about programming and expand the computer sector in the science and non-mathematical sectors. In fact, Mary was the first woman to be able to achieve a Ph.D. in the computer sector. By making a large number of contributors to the technology sector, these female researchers can help people know more about technology and improve people's quality of life daily.
Class 3R HOMEWORK To be handed in Friday 19th June. Our new topic is Global Gourmet! The topic is all about foods from around the world! Think about the research we carried out in class this week. Your homework is to pick a country. Research the different types of foods that are eaten in the country. Present your information in the form of a leaflet / poster / booklet (on paper or using ICT,not in your homework books). Take care when presenting your work and when writing the research into your own words CLASS 3R HOMEWORK to be set on a Friday and handed in the following Wednesday. Please complete homework in this given time in order for it to be marked and returned. *** HALF TERM HOMEWORK FOR CLASS 3R *** To be completed over half term and handed in on 5th November. Please also remember to practise your Welsh phrases below! Last week's homework (15th October) Your homework task is to write a book review! This means you have to write about a book that you have read. You can pick a book that you have read at home, in school or a book that you borrowed from the library. Don’t worry if you haven’t read all of your book yet, read a few pages or chapters and explain what has happened. Write your answers in a paragraph (no longer than half a page of your homework book) Remember to tell me: Cymraeg - Welsh In Year 3 we will also be practising our Welsh on a daily basis. There are various sentence patterns and phrases which the class willbe learning. Some they will already know. As always, practise makes perfect ! It would be greatly appreciated if children could revise a few Welsh phrases at home.This will be part of their homework and the children will be asked these questions verbally in school every day during our register and helpwr heddiw time. If there are any questions about the words / phrases below please do not hesitate to get in touch Welsh Phrases 2 1) Beth wyt ti’n wisgo? What are you wearing? Dw i’n wisgo, crys ‘t’ melyn, trowser llwyd, swimper llwyd, sgert llwyd, frog llwyd, teits llwyd, sannau du, a esgidiau du. I am wearing a yellow t shirt, grey trousers, grey jumper, grey skirt, grey dress, grey tights, black socks and black shoes. 2)Wyt ti’n wisgo het oren a crys gwyn? Are you wearing an orange hat and a white t shirt? Ydw, dw i’n wisgo het oren a crys gwyn. Yes I am wearing an orange hat and a white t shirt. Nag ydw, dw i’n wisgo. …………… No, I am wearing …… 3) Beth mae SAM yn wisgo? What is Sam wearing? Mae Sam yn wisgo ………. Sam is wearing ……….. 4) Pa liw ydy siwmper Cathy? Which colour is cathy’s jumper? Mae hi’n pinc a llwyd. It is pink and grey. Welsh Phrases 1 1) Beth ydy dy enw di? / Pwy wyt ti? What is your name? Who are you? My name is ______________ 2) Sut wyt ti? – how are you Dw i’n bendigedig – I am excellent 3) Beth sy’n bod? – what is wrong? Dim byd – nothing. Dwi’n iawn – I’m fine. 4) Sut mae’r tywydd heddiw? – What’s the weather like today? Mae hi’n oer a gymolog – It is cold and cloudy 5) Ble rwyt ti’n byw? Where do you live? Dw i’n byw yn Mynachdy yng Nghaerdydd I live in Mynachdy in Cardiff
UWBM Herpetology Collection (Arctos) The herpetological collection at the UW Burke Museum contains over 8,000 specimens of amphibians and reptiles. The collection has particularly strong geographic representation of the Pacific Northwest. More than 2,200 specimens are forest-dwelling amphibians from Western Washington obtained during wildlife studies in the 1980s and early 1990s. About 900 are garter snakes collected during the mid-1900s. In 2010, Dr. Adam Leache joined the Burke Museum as Curator of Genetic Resources and Herpetology. The entire collection was inventoried, catalogued, and georeferenced. This transition made the Burke Herpetology data searchable and mappable to the public for the first time. The geographic scope of the collection has expended greatly since 2010, and new collections from Puerto Rico, Mexico, and Ghana are now available that reflect active research programs by herpetology staff. The collection consists largely of alcohol-reserved specimens with a small number of photographs and skeletons. Genetic resources are available for all specimens collected since 2010. The data in this occurrence resource has been published as a Darwin Core Archive (DwC-A), which is a standardized format for sharing biodiversity data as a set of one or more data tables. The core data table contains 0 records. 1 extension data tables also exist. An extension record supplies extra information about a core record. The number of records in each extension data table is illustrated below. This IPT archives the data and thus serves as the data repository. The data and resource metadata are available for download in the downloads section. The versions table lists other versions of the resource that have been made publicly available and allows tracking changes made to the resource over time. Download the latest version of this resource data as a Darwin Core Archive (DwC-A) or the resource metadata as EML or RTF: The table below shows only published versions of the resource that are publicly accessible. How to cite Researchers should cite this work as follows: University of Washington Burke Museum Herpetology Collection Researchers should respect the following rights statement: The publisher and rights holder of this work is University of Washington Burke Museum. To the extent possible under law, the publisher has waived all rights to these data and has dedicated them to the Public Domain (CC0 1.0). Users may copy, modify, distribute and use the work, including for commercial purposes, without restriction. Occurrence; Specimen; Occurrence Who created the resource: Who can answer questions about the resource: Who filled in the metadata: Who else was associated with the resource: The UW Burke Museum herpetology collection is global, with especially strong holdings from the Pacific Northwest, Puerto Rico, Mexico, and Ghana. |Bounding Coordinates||South West [-90, -180], North East [90, 180]| No Description available |Living Time Period||1900-present|
GILA RIVER BELOW COOLIDGE DAM, AZ. flow rates Report by Marc W. McCord Coolidge Dam to Kelvin ~ 40 Miles The Gila River is a major waterway for Arizona, though flows (and especially navigable flows) are rare. It usually runs in the early to late spring, when snows melt in the San Francisco Mountains of Apache National Forest in far western New Mexico. The river begins as three forks (North Fork, Middle Fork and South Fork) north of Silver City and west of Truth of Consequences. From its headwaters the Gila River flows west through Safford, Florence, Glendale and Yuma, then into California along the Mexico border to the Colorado River. The Gila River has three major tributaries in the San Carlos, San Francisco and San Simon Rivers in southeastern Arizona. At the bottom of San Carlos Lake, about 30 miles below Bylas, is Coolidge Dam, which regulates Gila River flow with its releases, supplemented by very occasional thunderstorms that give the river a temporary bump. Access is via the county road that veers left off US Highway 70 at Bylas, then driving about 30 miles to the river just below the dam. (NOTE: Access near the base of the dam MAY be restricted, or banned completely, by order of the Department of Homeland Security amid concerns that terrorists may attempt to damage or destroy dams, causing floods that kill many and cost billions of dollars to repair. Check with the US Army Corps of Engineers at Coolidge Dam for information regarding river access below the dam.) Take a visual cue off the water level, current and dam outflow to get a feel for downriver conditions. Water will almost always flow in this section, though not always at navigable levels. Expect the best flows about 1-2 days after a major rainstorm event in the drainage basin above San Carlos Lake that prompts a dam release, though this reach of the river is usually navigable from May through September. The upper part of this run begins on a winding river canopied by shade trees of the sycamore, cottonwood and alder species before opening into the typical Arizona desert topography that we all know and love. Many birds, including the Great Blue Heron, call this place "home". Jerusalem Mountain (5,294') is on river left, and the Mescal Mountains are on the right side, about 5-6 miles below the put-in. Runs descend on a very shallow gradient with a normally slow current as the river flows to the desert floor between Phoenix and Casa Grande about halfway between its headwaters and its rendezvous with the Colorado River. With a good current a strong paddler could run this reach in a day, though most will take 2-3 days for the entire run. Take along plenty of drinking water! Hayden, a small town about midway through the run, has access, food, supplies, and accommodations for those not wanting to camp in a tent. Trips can end or start here depending upon downriver conditions. Kelvin is about 15 more miles downriver. Pinal County in southcentral Arizona near the Mexico border. Tucson is the nearest sizeable Arizona city, Nogales, Mexico is just a few miles south of Tucson and Las Cruces is the closest major city in New Mexico. It flows near the Mescal Mountains in southeastern Tonto National Forest on river right (north) and Sonoran desert floor on river left (south). DISTANCE FROM MAJOR CITIES Tucson 120 miles; Phoenix 125 miles; Flagstaff 263 miles; Albuquerque 448 miles; Durango 579 miles; Grand Junction 749 miles; Denver 918 miles; Salt Lake City 1,034 miles; Oklahoma City 990 miles; Dallas 970 miles; Austin 989 miles; San Antonio 970 miles; Houston 1,175 miles; Little Rock 1,295 miles; Kansas City 1,471 miles (all distances are approximate, depending upon starting point, destination point at the river and route taken.) WATER QUALITY AND FLOW When it flows the Gila is usually clean and sandy brown, turning slightly clear if flows are sustained for several days after a significant rainfall. Flows are controlled by releases at Coolidge Dam several miles upriver, and are usually low and slow except right after a flash flood, in which case the river may flow fast and furious, occasionally running out of its banks. BEST TIME TO GO May through September is usually the best time to catch navigable waters in this section of the Gila River, but it can become a boatable stream anytime a significant dam release occurs at San Carlos Lake or right after a major local rainstorm in the drainage basin. Do NOT drive to Arizona specifically to paddle this river! HAZARDS TO NAVIGATION Other than desert heat during the day, cool to cold nighttime temperatures and the aforementioned snakes and scorpions, there are few hazards in this reach of the Gila River. Flash flooding can produce strong currents and Class II to II+ rapids, but the river is primarily free of obstacles and hazards that pose injury problems for boaters and equipment. RIVER ACCESS POINTS Pinal County Road to the left off US Highway 70 at Bylas about 30 miles to the river at 0.0 miles; Christmas Access, off SH 77, at about 17.0 miles; Winkleman Access, off SH 77, at about 25.0 miles; SH 77 at Hayden Access at about 28.0 miles; Kearney Access at about 34.0 miles; SH 177 Access at Kelvin at about 40.0 miles. There are no other known convenient access points for this reach of the Gila River. CAMPGROUNDS AND ACCOMMODATIONS There are no public or private campgrounds located along this section of the Gila River. It is possible to camp alongside the river, but remember that you are in the desert, and take care to avoid desert critters that can harm you, especially at night. If camping on private land or in a public park always leave only footprints and take only photographs. You should always leave the area cleaner than how you found it! Always obtain permission from the rightful owners before camping on private land. LIVERIES, OUTFITTERS AND SHUTTLES There are at least two commercial outfitters providing rentals, shuttles, guided trips and river information on this reach of the Gila River. Unless contracting with one of them for services bring everything you need and run your own shuttles. This reach of the Gila River usually has a navigable flow from May through September except during extended drought periods, and almost no navigable flow at other times. Scenery is awesome in a desert sort of way, and there is much to appreciate about this stream when it flows, which is not frequently. There are some gorgeous mountains and foothills along and near this reach of the river, but few signs of civilization other than where the river flows near some highway or county road, in which case you will see vehicles carrying people and cargo, but not stopping unless there is an emergency. The trip begins in an area of tree-lined banks that are home to many species of birds, and where shade is often available. However, it ends in a wider plain of desert scrub and lots of Arizona sunshine. With adequate water this trip can be made in one long day, but most boaters will take 2-3 days to enjoy the scenery and the leisurely current. Be prepared for desert riverside camping. The Gila is prone to flash flooding during periods of heavy rainfall, so be prepared, especially when choosing a campsite on overnight trips. The headwaters of the Gila River originate in the Mogollon Mountains of western New Mexico. The river flows east to west across southern Arizona. The entire Gila watershed drains approximately 57,900 square miles before joining the Colorado River near Yuma; 8,200 square miles of this watershed is within the Lower Colorado River planning area. The Gila River drains the central and eastern portions of the planning area. Within the planning area boundaries, the Gila River extends from Gillespie Dam, located approximately 45 miles southwest of Phoenix, to the Colorado River confluence, a distance of about 150 miles (Figure 16). The southern portion of the planning area drains southward into Mexico as part of the Sonoyta River watershed. A small basin of 242 square miles in northern Sonora, Mexico, drains northward into Arizona, west of Sasabe. This drainage connects with Vamori Wash in Arizona which returns to Mexico south of Papago Farms (Harshbarger, 1979). Perennial flow does not exist in the southern part of the planning area. Within the Lower Gila watershed, most of the Gila River is ephemeral and flows only in response to precipitation events or water releases from upstream dams. Flow in the lower portion of the Gila River would be intermittent if it were not controlled by dams. Historically, the river would flow in the spring due to winter rains and melting snow, and in summer following monsoon rains (U.S. Geological Survey, 1923). Since the construction of Gillespie Dam in 1921 and Painted Rock Dam in 1959, the flow has been impounded and diverted to agricultural areas or released slowly in the main channel to prevent flooding downstream (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1977). The Wellton-Mohawk Irrigation District returns surplus irrigation water to the Gila River channel near Dome, Arizona. This influx of water (U.S.G.S. streamgage #09520500) supports flow from Dome to the confluence with the Colorado River. Table 23 lists the U.S. Geological Survey streamgages maintained on the Gila River within the planning area. The location of these gages are displayed on Figure 16. All other streams that drain into the Gila River are ephemeral and only flow in response to precipitation events (Brown and others, 1981). Until the 1993 flood events, flow on the Gila River was controlled by two dams; Gillespie and Painted Rock. Gillespie Dam was breached in January, 1993 when a 135(+) foot section of the structure collapsed during flooding. Gillespie Dam is located about 45 miles southwest of Phoenix, at a narrow passage between the Buckeye Hills and the Gila Bend Mountains. The dam was constructed in 1921 to divert water from the Gila River into two canals that would carry irrigation water to nearby fields and to the Gila Bend area (U.S. Geological Survey, 1923). Most of the low flow in the river upstream of Gillespie Dam is sewage effluent and irrigation return flow. Painted Rock Dam is located northwest of Gila Bend and was constructed in 1959 to control flood waters that periodically damage downstream areas. The Painted Rock Reservoir has a gross capacity of 2 1/2 million acre-feet of storage, but is designed to remain empty most of the time. The reservoir reached full capacity during the 1993 flood events and extensive damage occurred downstream as a result of the high volume of spillwater. During less severe flooding, the dam retains water and releases it relatively slowly until the reservoir is empty. The water is released at a slow rate to minimize downstream damage and still empty the reservoir as quickly as possible (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1977). There is no flow below Painted Rock Dam except during flood events. The Gila River, from its confluence with the Salt River to Painted Rock Reservoir, has low dissolved oxygen and is contaminated with pesticides, metals, inorganics, and nutrients. Painted Rock and Gillespie Dams appear to act as contaminant sinks and exhibit high levels of pesticides, boron, and organochlorines (Arizona Department of Environmental Quality, 1990). Bioaccumulation of toxic substances in contaminated sediments presents a risk to fish and wildlife, and possibly human health. DDE and toxaphene found in fish tissue at Painted Rock and Gillespie Dams present a threat of reduced viability and recruitment to wildlife resources of the lower Gila River drainage (Kepner, 1987). Pesticide contamination in the Gila River is some of the most significant in the western United States. Agricultural return flows and several municipal discharges feed the rivers. ANNUAL FLOWS FOR USGS STREAMGAGING STATIONS ON THE GILA RIVER (LOWER COLORADO RIVER PLANNING AREA) |Station Name||Station Number||Period of Record||Mean Annual Flow (ac-ft)||Median Annual Flow (ac-ft)||Record Annual High Flow (ac-ft)||Record Annual Low Flow (ac-ft)| |Gila River above Gillespie Dam||9518000||1941-1971 1974-1990||285,180||56,280||2,793,870||8,690| |Gila River below Gillespie Dam||9519500||1922-1990||260,570||27,720||2,735,960||0| |Gila River below Painted Rock Dam||9519800||1960-1990||256,630||3,810||2,377,680||80| |Gila River near Mohawk||9520360||1974-1990||340,910||410||2,142,450||0| |Gila River near Dome||9520500||1906, 1930-1990||400,990||2,750||2,113,500||0| |Source: U.S. Geological Survey, 1992, National Water Information System|
Working memory, the ability to hold a thought in mind even through distraction, is the foundation of abstract reasoning and a defining characteristic of the human brain. It is also impaired in disorders such as schizophrenia and Alzheimer’s disease. Now Yale researchers have found a key molecule that helps neurons maintain information in working memory, which could lead to potential treatments for neurocognitive disorders, they report March 19 in the journal Neuron. “Working memory arises from neuronal circuits in the prefrontal cortex,” said senior author Min Wang, senior research scientist in neuroscience. “We have been learning that these circuits have special molecular maintenance requirements.” Neurons in the prefrontal cortex excite each other to keep information “in mind.” These circuits act as a sort of mental sketch pad, allowing us to remember that caramelized onions are cooking in the frying pan while we search the next room for a pair of scissors. The new study shows that these prefrontal cortical circuits depend upon the neurotransmitter acetylcholine stimulating muscarinic M1 receptors aligned on the surface of neurons of the prefrontal cortex. Blocking muscarinic M1 receptors reduced the firing of neurons involved in working memory, while activating the M1 receptors helped restore neuronal firing. Because acetylcholine actions at M1 receptors are reduced in schizophrenia and Alzheimer’s disease, the M1 receptor may serve as a potential therapeutic target, the authors suggest. Source: Read Full Article
Companion Pair – Feelings, moods & all that stuff (Kids’ & Parents’ Guides) Feelings – they happen and add colour and richness to the experiences of childhood. Every child has feelings – some that help and some that get in the way of play and work. This beautiful guide explores feelings with children – how they happen, how to talk about them and how to get them under control when they gallop away. It includes talking about brains and bodies – and where feelings happen – which kids love! For every child, learning about their feelings and how to get them under control is learning for life. Feelings that settle in and create havoc with relationships, have parents and teachers pulling their hair out – can be tamed – especially when a child knows exactly what to do. They become the boss of their feelings and life gets much more manageable and success, thriving and flourishing follows. This Guide helps children to understand their feelings, those of others and how to be in control of them by noticing their body and brain response. Beautiful, life-changing reading that every single child will love and revisit for many years. The job of every parent is to help a child to understand and manage those big things called feelings. Most of the years of childhood are taken up by learning about feelings and how to get them under control. The Parents’ Guide for Feelings, moods and all that stuff helps parents to understand that long and complex journey and gives strategies and practical tools that help children to manage their feelings. Much of parenting can be taken up by being a hostage to the feelings of children and how they’re expressed as behaviours. They can derail family events, routines, learning and the ability to get out and about with your child. This guide explores all of that, how feelings are expressed – including moods, silliness and withdrawal, and gives practical ways to get feelings under control. This Guide helps parents to understand how feelings develop and how to help a child towards resilient, regulated and respectful relationships. Beautiful, life-changing reading that will have every parent nodding along, having some ‘aha’ moments and adding a whole bunch of useful tools to their parenting toolbox.
1The whole community of the Israelites assembled at Shiloh, where they set up the tent of meeting; and the land was subdued before them.a The Seven Remaining Portions. 2There remained seven tribes among the Israelites that had not yet received their heritage. 3Joshua therefore said to the Israelites, “How much longer will you put off taking steps to possess the land which the LORD, the God of your ancestors, has given you? 4Choose three representatives from each of your tribes; I will send them to go throughout the land and describe it for purposes of acquiring their heritage. When they return to me 5you shall divide it into seven parts. Judah is to retain its territory in the south,b and the house of Joseph its territory in the north. 6You shall bring to me here the description of the land in seven sections. I will then cast lots for you here before the LORD, our God. 7For the Levites have no share among you,c because the priesthood of the LORD is their heritage; while Gad, Reuben, and the half-tribe of Manasseh have already received the heritage east of the Jordan which Moses, the servant of the LORD, gave them.” 8When those who were to describe the land were ready for their journey, Joshua commanded them, “Go throughout the land and describe it; return to me and I will cast lots for you here before the LORD in Shiloh.” 9So they went through the land, described its cities in writing in seven sections, and returned to Joshua in the camp at Shiloh. 10Joshua then cast lots for them before the LORD in Shiloh, and divided up the land for the Israelites into their separate shares. Benjamin. 11One lot fell to the tribe of Benjaminites by their clans. The territory allotted them lay between the descendants of Judah and those of Joseph. 12d Their northern boundary* began at the Jordan and went over the northern flank of Jericho, up westward into the mountains, until it reached the wilderness of Beth-aven. 13From there it crossed over to the southern flank of Luz (that is, Bethel). Then it ran down to Ataroth-addar, on the mountaintop south of Lower Beth-horon.e 14For the western border, the boundary line swung south from the mountaintop opposite Beth-horon until it reached Kiriath-baal (that is, Kiriath-jearim; this city belonged to the Judahites). This was the western boundary. 15The southern boundary began at the limits of Kiriath-jearim and projected to the spring at Nephtoah. 16f It went down to the edge of the mountain on the north of the Valley of Rephaim, where it faces the Valley of Ben-hinnom; and continuing down the Valley of Hinnom along the southern flank of the Jebusites, reached En-rogel. 17Inclining to the north, it extended to En-shemesh, and thence to Geliloth, opposite the pass of Adummim. Then it dropped to Eben-Bohan-ben-Reuben, 18across the northern flank of the Arabah overlook, down into the Arabah. 19From there the boundary continued across the northern flank of Beth-hoglah and extended northward to the tongue of the Salt Sea, toward the southern end of the Jordan. This was the southern boundary. 20The Jordan bounded it on the east. This was how the heritage of the Benjaminites by their clans was bounded on all sides. 21Now the cities belonging to the tribe of the Benjaminites by their clans were: Jericho, Beth-hoglah, Emek-keziz, 22Beth-arabah, Zemaraim, Bethel, 23Avvim, Parah, Ophra, 24Chephar-ammoni, Ophni, and Geba; twelve cities and their villages. 25Also Gibeon, Ramah, Beeroth, 26Mizpeh, Chephirah, Mozah, 27Rekem, Irpeel, Taralah, 28Zela, Haeleph, the Jebusite city (that is, Jerusalem), Gibeah, and Kiriath; fourteen cities and their villages. This was the heritage of the clans of Benjaminites. * [18:12–20] Benjamin’s northern boundary (vv. 12–13) corresponded to part of the southern boundary of Ephraim (16:1–2). Their western border (v. 14) was the eastern border of Dan (cf. 19:40–47). Their southern boundary (vv. 15–19) corresponded to part of the northern boundary of Judah (15:5–9).
Financial institutions and individual board members could be the next targets of climate litigation cases, according to the campaigners who helped to secure a landmark courtroom victory against oil giant Royal Dutch Shell. It comes at a time when countries are scrambling to reach consensus in the final days of the COP26 climate summit. Negotiators from 197 countries are taking part in discussions with the goal of keeping the all-important global target of 1.5 degrees Celsius alive. Modern society benefits when people understand science concepts. This knowledge helps explain how cryptocurrency works, why climate change is happening or how the coronavirus is transmitted from person to person. Yet the average American spends less than 5% of their lifetime in classrooms learning about such topics. So, besides school, where else can people go to study and explore science? Here are four alternative venues where the general public can enjoy nature, engage in hands-on science learning and get a behind-the-scenes look at scientific research in action. 1. National parks Visitors to national parks dramatically increased over the past two years as the pandemic inspired people to go outside and enjoy nature more regularly. However, people often don’t realize that many parks offer lecture series, nature walks and interactive science learning opportunities for those interested in adding an extra layer of scientific and environmental knowledge to their outdoor experience. For those who don’t wish to venture into the great outdoors, the National Parks Service has a variety of online resources, such as virtual park visits and webcams that present real-time views of weather, dramatic scenery, wildlife and more. The W.K. Kellogg Biological Station in Michigan has a bird sanctuary that offers adult courses on botany, ornithology and nature drawing, as well as volunteer opportunities. There’s also a dairy center that hosts open-house events where visitors can learn about cutting-edge dairy management and research. For learners who want to get involved in the scientific process, engage in a longer-term experience or participate as a family, Mohunk Preserve in upstate New York enlists volunteers to monitor bird activity and habitats, record the seasonal changes in plants and engage in other activities. 4. Marine labs Marine laboratories are similar to biological field stations but are typically located on coasts or other water bodies. In Alaska, the Behind the Scenes program provides adults a look at the skills and science of running the Sitka Sound Science Center, like monitoring the genetic interaction of wild and hatchery salmon. Its feature event, the Sitka WhaleFest, includes wildlife cruises guided by scientists, science lectures and storytelling. For learners worldwide, the center hosts a podcast and offers recorded lessons on how to say the names of local animals in Tlingit, the language of the Sitka tribe. Everyone in the packaging industry is concerned with the issue of plastic pollution in the ocean. We have all heard the harrowing statistics, and everyone wants to play a part in helping to manage the problem and create a circular economy for plastics. But for Willemijn Peeters, tackling ocean plastics became her entire work’s mission in 2016 when she started Searious Business with the aim of using upstream innovation to prevent new plastics from entering the ocean. Today, the company works with big brands such as Unilever and Danone to help them make their products more circular. Experts from our Department of Biosciences think this is a possibility after new research found that some species of trans-Saharan migratory birds, like Nightingales and Willow Warblers, are spending as many as 50-60 fewer days a year in their non-breeding grounds in Africa. Researchers have found that the bacterium Ideonella sakaiensis can fermentatively convert environmentally problematic poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) plastics into highly biodegradable poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) plastics. Their findings have promising environmental implications because they provide a new approach not only for PET recycling but also for the sustainable production of biodegradable plastics. Rice described what he calls the “Holy Trinity” of soil health: More carbon in the soil means more food for the microbes that live in the soil. Good microbial activity produces nutrients that increase plant productivity while also promoting good soil structure. Soil structure is important in ensuring soils can better withstand weather extremes. But storing more carbon in the soil doesn’t only help soil health and structure. It also plays a role in climate change. Sustainable agriculture will not be achieved by one universal solution. A meta-analysis shows that the current focus on no-till farming does not achieve the desired results. A sustainable system of agriculture must be designed for local needs and in dialog with local farmers.
Knowledge has the potential to improve healthcare, the health of individuals, and the health of populations. Every decision affecting health should be informed by the best available knowledge. For moral and ethical reasons, it is imperative that each and every member of society have access to what is known at the time they are making health-related choices and decisions. It is no longer sufficient to represent knowledge in the form of printed words and static pictures. The increasingly rapid rate of scientific discovery necessitates knowledge representations that are more agile and amenable to scalability and mass action. This in turn can enable the continuous cycles of discovery and improvement envisioned as Learning Health Systems. Contemporary digital technology enables knowledge to be represented in computable forms expressed in machine-executable code. Computable knowledge unleashes the potential of information technology to generate and deliver useful information – particularly decision-specific advice – to individuals and organizations with great speed on a worldwide scale. It is essential to take full advantage of these capabilities, while continuing established practices that validate knowledge, preserve it, and ensure that it can be trusted. There is work to do to mobilize best available health knowledge for the greater good. To begin, biomedical knowledge in computable form must be made interoperable using open standards, and widely available so that it can be used to immediately impact health. It is time for action on a global scale. Computable Biomedical Knowledge Computable biomedical knowledge (CBK) is the result of an analytic and/or deliberative process about human health, or affecting human health, that is explicit, and therefore can be represented and reasoned upon using logic, formal standards, and mathematical approaches. We are dedicated to: Mobilizing biomedical knowledge that can support action toward improving human health. This should be done using computable formats that can be shared and integrated into health information systems and applications. Efficiently and equitably serving the learning and knowledge needs of all participants, as well as the public good. This will work to significantly reduce health disparities. Ensuring that the knowledge properly reflects the best and most current evidence and science. This will ensure that knowledge can be trusted for use to improve health and healthcare. Achieving this through evolution of an open computable biomedical knowledge ecosystem dedicated to achieving the FAIR principles: making CBK easily findable, universally accessible, highly interoperable, and readily reusable.* The current interest in making data FAIR should be matched by equally intense interest in making knowledge FAIR. *Wilkinson MD, Dumontier M, Aalbersberg IJ, Appleton G, Axton M, Baak A, Blomberg N, Boiten JW, da Silva Santos LB, Bourne PE, Bouwman J. The FAIR Guiding Principles for scientific data management and stewardship. Scientific data. 2016;3. Mechanisms of Activity We believe that all of the following are important: The CBK Concept - Sustain the computable biomedical knowledge ecosystem through public-private partnerships. - Establish broadly-based participatory governance of the ecosystem. - Make the ecosystem diverse and inclusive. - Explore the sciences of computable biomedical knowledge collaboratively. - Be agile to reflect the increasingly rapid changes in knowledge. The CBK Technical System - Enable the ecosystem with open standards. - Build and uphold trust in computable biomedical knowledge through the ecosystem. - Ensure robust and unbiased methods to support transparency and expose the currency, validity and provenance of computable biomedical knowledge. - Implement the highest standards of privacy and security for all stakeholders. - Enable a pipeline that transitions knowledge from human-readable to fully computable through successive stages. The CBK Use/User System - Ensure the safe and effective use of computable biomedical knowledge through the ecosystem. - Generate value for the creators of the knowledge, the users of the knowledge, and the general public. - Engender equity in health and in knowledge accessibility.
The Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) started as a small bureau in 1908. It became a department on December 8, 1933 with the passage of Act 4121. The DOLE is the national government agency mandated to formulate and implement policies and programs, and serve as the policy-advisory arm of the Executive Branch in the field of labor and employment. On December 8, 1933, the Bureau of Labor was constituted as a Department by virtue of Republic Act 4121. Since then, it has continuously evolved its thrusts and strategies to respond to emerging socio-political and economic challenges while keeping as primary concern the protection and promotion of the welfare of local and overseas Filipino workers (OFWs). Today, the DOLE is the national government agency mandated to formulate policies, implement programs and serve as the policy-coordinating arm of the Executive Branch in the field of labor and employment. It serves more than 40 million workers comprising the country’s labor force, covering those in the formal and informal economies, private and public. On top of this, the DOLE clients also include workers’ organizations, employers and/or employers’ groups, non-government organizations (NGOs), and other government agencies, the academe, other stakeholders, international organizations (e.g., ILO, IOM, UNDP, UNICEF), and the international community including the host countries of our OFWs. To carry out its mandate, the DOLE has 16 regional offices, 83 Field Offices with four (4) Satellite Offices, 38 overseas posts, 6 bureaus, 7 staff services and 11 agencies attached to it for policy and program supervision and/or coordination. It has a total manpower complement of 9,120. For 2013, the DOLE has a total budget of P8.083 Billion. Website Here : www.dole.gov.ph
Internet safety is a really broad term. On the whole, it covers several areas resembling email safety, file security, domain safety, net safety, and so on. By doing this, we can be sure that our business is able to run properly and maintain our popularity. Achieving good safety is an ongoing course of and we need to be ready to constantly change. Certain points of Internet safety are very tough. Some corporations spend their entire time on the problem. For those who were to conduct an interview with the supervisor of a safety company in your space, I consider that no less than half of them would not know what a basic rule of thumb for implementing encryption is. So, how can we set up a framework in which to design Web security for our companies? We should be able to arrange the assorted points of an organization and put together them for the longer term. This may occasionally embody all the things from software installation to laptop security, however it may also embrace organizational designs, rules, and policies. Internet purposes will solely be as secure as the directors that run them. You can implement several instruments to help your administrators implement safe practices but the most important factor is your help crew. An application shouldn’t be secure till the administrator of the site is comfortable with the program. We are able to work with every software individually. There isn’t a solution to enforce security with internet-primarily based applications, as a result of the administrator has no thought what the applying is doing. Within the case of PHP web purposes, the administrator could have entry to his own configuration information. These configuration information can be utilized to ensure that each service is working with the right permissions. Nevertheless, they can also be used to bypass security altogether. In PHP, every particular person piece of code may be very secure and theyall run in a single context. However, this isolation is one of the the explanation why an administrator will have the ability to spoof the performance of this system. An administrator can write code that may cause a particular internet software to run on a different server or to load multiple situations on the same server. We need to design a strict safety policy and put it into effect. An excellent place to start is with your website’s basis. A very powerful part of a server is the database and it ought to all the time be encrypted. It ought to also be properly locked all the way down to secure the storage space. It should also have redundant again up methods and make it possible for it may well handle the security degree of every individual service. From there, we will begin to secure our info by locking down every useful resource together with: the memory, onerous drive, and storage space. We should develop efficient firewalls. Not solely ought to they be efficient, but we should have the budget to improve them and make it possible for the federal government companies that require them also get upgraded. Firewalls also protect us from attack from “The Dark Aspect” (cyber criminals). The most effective firewalls are these which can be actively employed with our prospects’ info, however it’s even higher if they are distributed in our customers’ data centers as nicely. Our web purposes are vulnerable to safety issues and we want to use a very basic design for our web security. It isn’t a good idea to attempt to obtain essentially the most secure design attainable without researching all the results. If you have any concerns pertaining to in which and how to use https://thedpsa.com, you can call us at the web site. Connected content articles stated by subscribers from the web site:
Vancouver city council has voted unanimously to ban neonicotinoids, a group of pesticides believed to contribute to bee mortality. Neonicotinoids, or neonics, were developed in the 1990s as a safer alternative to DDT, but they are believed to kill bees by lowering their resistance to infection and weakening their ability to reproduce. In B.C., they are widely used on fruit crops in the Okanagan and the Fraser Valley. tap here to see other videos from our team. The use of neonics in Vancouver is on the rise, not just by farmers, but by residents, who douse their lawns to combat chafer beetles (nuisance grubs that feed on the roots of grass), according to a city report debated Tuesday by council. But the report also found that non-target insects that pollinate, rest on plants and ingest plant material are vulnerable to being poisoned. The report says there are other ways to deal with chafer beetles that pose no harm to humans, animals or the environment, including raking, aerating, fertilizing, watering and using nematodes — microscopic roundworms that infect chafer beetles. Vancouver’s decision comes a week after four environmental groups filed a lawsuit in federal court, alleging that Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) registered neonicotinoid pesticides in the last decade without having acquired the scientific evidence necessary to evaluate their environmental risks, in particular to pollinators. The groups, The David Suzuki Foundation, Friends of the Earth Canada, Ontario Nature and the Wilderness Committee, want the court to overturn the PMRA’s approval of the pesticides. Gwen Barlee, a spokeswoman with the Wilderness Committee, said Tuesday that there is a serious delay with Health Canada in moving to ban the pesticides, given the “overwhelming evidence” showing the toxicity to honey bees and other pollinators. Barlee said there is a 12 to 38 per cent loss in honey bee population every winter in B.C. She said there are many contributing factors, including loss of habitat and mites, but added that research has shown that lethal impacts to bees caused by neonics range from impaired memory and less success in breeding, to reduced resistance to illness. “The Wilderness Committee is calling for a complete ban. … I really believe we’ll have it banned within five years in Canada,” said Barlee. SFU researcher and bee guru Mark Winston says the scientific case for pesticides killing off wild and honey bees is very strong, and he applauds Vancouver in banning neonics, which he says are unnecessary except in extreme cases. “We overuse pesticides. There’s a huge fallacy in policy making that the only way we can feed the world is by using pesticides, and that doesn’t stand up to the data. Organic and sustainable systems are as close to or as productive as pesticide farming. So we really need to be building policy around data than around the proclamation of lobbyists,” he said. “We have to think about our values. Is it more important to have a perfect lawn or preserve the bees?” Winston said B.C. could still have a thriving fruit industry if farmers switched to organic practices. He said typically it is a five-year transition to organic farming. Ontario has moved to reduce use of neonics on corn and soybean crops by 80 per cent following an unprecedented bee die-off in 2012 and 2013. France and several other countries in the European Union have already opted to heavily restrict use. Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency controls which pesticides are permitted to be sold in the country. The agency says it is aware of reports in scientific literature suggesting that exposure to neonics may impact pollinator health. “Health Canada is actively reviewing the emerging body of scientific and monitoring data and is conducting an extensive re-evaluation of all agricultural uses of neonicotinoid pesticides in cooperation with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the California Department of Pesticide Regulation,” said Rebecca Gilman, a spokeswoman for Health Canada. “The results of the re-evaluation will be used when determining if further regulatory action is necessary in Canada.” The Vancouver ban on neonicotinoids will come into effect on July 26.
Restoration of PAWS is an important procedure for the overall improvement of woodland biodiversity and is currently of great interest to woodland managers. PAWS are sites that have a long history of woodland cover: they are ancient semi-natural woodlands on which the original, “natural” woodland was cleared, and replaced by a plantation of either native or exotic species. There are several factors driving the restoration of plantations on ancient woodland sites. These include: - Habitat Action Plans - Certification under UK Woodland Assurance Standard (UKWAS) - The realisation that PAWS sites often retain features of the previous ‘natural’ woodland. The aim of PAWS restoration is to retain remnant features of ancient semi-natural woodlands and restore the site to woodland comprising site native species. This will not be easy on some sites and the current programme of research is investigating the changes that occur on site following different silvicultural treatments: Conifers were established on many ancient semi-natural woodlands between 1950 and 1980: for most people these probably typify PAWS. Plantations of several species of exotic conifers were established on a variety of site types and currently research is concentrating on woodlands where Corsican pine (Pinus nigra ssp. laricio) was established on clay soils. Native species comprise approximately 30 to 40% of PAWS and those planted with beech (Fagus silvatica), which casts a dense shade, can have a severe effect on the growth of other native trees, shrubs and herbs that would normally grow on the site. An experiment is investigating how to introduce more diversity into these beech plantations. Publications and papers - fcpg014.pdf (PDF-1975K) Best practice advice to owners and managers on the restoration of native woodland on ancient woodland sites which have been planted with non-native species. Forestry Commission Practice Guide 14. Also available in hard-copy priced £9.00. - FR_report_2005-6_paws.pdf (PDF-1299K) Brief report of vegetation changes and seedling development that occurred following thinning in a Corsican pine PAWS. - Harmer, R. and Kiewitt, A. (2007). Restoration of PAWS – testing some of the advice, Quarterly Journal of Forestry, 101, 213 – 218. - Harmer, R. and Morgan, G. (2009). Storm damage and the conversion of conifer plantations to native broadleaved woodland. Forest Ecology and Management, 258, 879-886. - Harmer, R., Morgan, G. and Beauchamp, K. (2009). Report on survey of Western Hemlock PAWS (PDF-1136K). Forest Research report. What's of interest Pryor, S.N. and Smith, S (2002). Published by the Woodland Trust.
Copyright © Ministry of Health Singapore. All Rights Reserved. Read on to understand why you need to start taking charge and set limits to the amount of alcohol you drink Maybe you want to socialise over a jug of beer, hang out at the pub after work or have a few drinks over dinner. Modern pubs serve interesting and innovative cocktails spiked with alcohol to attract working adults and youth. Alcohol contains a lot of calories. One gram of alcohol provides 7 calories, just a tad less than fat . So, if you drink alcohol regularly, do not be surprised if you sport a classic beer belly. 1 can (330 ml) Half glass* (100ml) 1 nip (30ml) *Height of glass = 15cm The active component of alcoholic beverages is ethanol a chemical that has a strong effect on the psyche. Ethanol is intoxicating and addictive. Taken in small quantity, it affects mood and emotion, lowering inhibitions making it a welcome ice-breaker in social occasions. People talk a lot more and socialise with greater ease after a few drinks. Alcohol, in any amount, affects physical and mental abilities and lowers speed and accuracy. In excess, it can lead to drunken behaviour, increasing the risk of car accidents and injuries (e.g. permanent disability and death). Constant drinking disrupts family life due to irresponsible and violent behaviours as the drinker tends to make unreasonable demands for money to spend on the drinking habit and also loses control of emotions over minor matters. Regular drinking has been associated with obesity; cancer of the mouth, throat and oesophagus; cirrhosis of the liver; brain damage and memory loss; sexual problems, especially male impotency . If you are below the age of 18 years, you should not drink alcohol because your body processes it more slowly. So, the negative effects last longer and are stronger than that experienced by an adult. Those of legal age to drink, realise that your drinking habits can court both health and social risks. Here are some suggestions to help you minimise your risks: Alcohol—More than Meets the Eye Before you start drinking alcohol, check with your doctor if you can. Individuals with health conditions such as a family history of high blood triglycerides, inflammation of the pancreas, liver disease, certain blood disorders, heart failure and uncontrolled high blood pressure, should not drink. Always run your medication by your doctor and ask specifically if you can drink alcohol while you are taking them. Never ever mix social drugs with alcohol as it is illegal to take drugs in Singapore and, mixing drugs with alcohol has unintended negative effects. If you drink alcoholic beverages, do so in moderation. Men should drink no more than two standard drinks a day, and women, no more than one. A standard alcoholic drink is defined as a can (330 ml) regular beer, half a glass (100 ml) of wine or one nip (30 ml) of spirit. How Much is Too Much? Eating a snack or meal before and during a drinking session will help slow down alcohol absorption. Avoid salty food as they make you thirstier and, you may drink more alcohol to quench your thirst. At any one drinking session, drink slowly, sipping the alcoholic drink, alternating it with a non-alcoholic drink and eating some food along with the drink. Pint of No Return Alcoholic drinks impact your hand and eye co-ordination. So, if you plan to drink, take a taxi to the party. After you have had a drink, take a taxi back or accept the services of a valet to drop you home. In the same token, after you drink do not attempt to take on tasks that require you to pay focused attention such as operating machinery, diving, swimming and boating. If your breath alcohol content is more than 35 microgrammes of alcohol per 100 millilitres of breath; or more than 80 milligrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of blood you can be charged with drink-driving. Moreover, even when the alcohol content is below the legal limit, a driver can still be convicted of drink driving if there is evidence to show that he cannot control the vehicle . Tipsy is Not Classy Since alcohol is potentially addictive, it is important to be observant about the way you handle it. Keep track of how often and how much you drink. Share your results with a close family member or friend so that you can be on your guard, just in case you slip into the habit of drinking too much. Get Up, Stand Up Be honest and seek help if you have a problem with the amount of alcohol you drink. Several agencies provide help to overcome alcohol dependence. Reach out to anyone of them and, follow up until you get the help you need. National Addictions Management Service (NAMS)www.nams.sg All Addictions Helpline 6-RECOVER6-7326837 We Care Community Services3165 8017 Download the HealthHub app on Google Play or Apple Store to access more health and wellness advice at your fingertips Read these next: This article was last reviewed on Monday, June 21, 2021 Benefits of Fruits: Fun Fruity Facts for Health Eating Light At A Hawker Centre Is Possible Getting Your Caffeine Hit What is a Healthy Weight? How Much Calories Do I Need A Day? View More Programmes Kickstart your healthy habits today with good hygiene practices, an active lifestyle, a balanced diet and sufficient sleep. Here are some simple ways for you to maintain your calorie intake. Banish the “Uncle” label! Know your shape and shape it up with the right diet and fitness fixes. Browse Live Healthy
Goddess of Mercy [Also known as Kwan Yin, Quan Yin, Guanyin, Quan’Am, Kannon, Kanin, Kwannon.] Kuan Yin is one of the most beloved and popular Eastern divinities. A physically and spiritually beautiful Chinese goddess of mercy, compassion, and protection, her name means “she who hears prayers.” Kuan Yin does, in fact, hear and answer every prayer sent her way. Kuan Yin is both a goddess and a Bodhisattva, which means “enlightened being.” Bodhisattvas can become Buddhas; however, Kuan Yin has such a deep love for humanity that after she attained enlightenment, instead of ascending to Buddhahood, she chose to remain in human form until every one of us becomes enlightened. She’s devoted to helping us fully open up to our spiritual gifts, attain profound knowledge and enlightenment, and reduce world suffering. It’s said that the mere uttering of her name affords guaranteed protection from harm. Kuan Yin is often called “the Mother Mary of the East,” because she represents feminine divinity and goddess energy in the Buddhist religion, in the same way that Mary radiates sweet loving femininity within Christianity. Kuan Yin teaches us to practice a life of harmlessness, using great care to ease suffering in the world and not add to it in any way. You may see the color red when she’s around, such as red sparkles of light or a red mist that appears from out of nowhere. A woman … told me this beautiful story of her interactions with Kuan Yin: “I was in Hawaii and had just purchased a crystal pendant depicting Kuan Yin. Right after donning the necklace, I started to hear her talk to me in a soft, soothing Asian voice. On the last morning of my vacation, I was awakened by Kuan Yin telling me to go outside for a walk. I sat on our porch but was urged to walk. I did just that, carrying a portable cassette recorder with headphones, through which I heard beautiful Hawaiian music. I noticed a plumeria flower on the ground that was pink, to me a sign of love. I would normally pick these flowers and immediately put them in my hair, but things were different today. I just held the flower. “As I neared a waterfall, I heard Kuan Yin tell me that I was to have an initiation of self-passion, far beyond self-love. The moment was very sacred, as I knew that I was taking a vow that was more intense than anything I’d ever done. I accepted, and was told to stand inside the waterfall in a cove, a cocoon of sorts. I was to really be, feel, and know self-love. I felt this with all of me and grounded this moment into my complete being. Trying now to put it into words doesn’t seem to do justice to this personal ceremony. “As I took in this energy, I was asked to seal it with the symbol that I unknowingly had chosen for this time—the plumeria. As I threw my flower into the waterfall to ritualize my ceremony, I saw it sink, and as it did, the water in its place turned the most beautiful color of deep, passionate red. I actually saw the water turn red! All of this instantly changed me, and I knew that it was time to honor myself and my power. “Later that day, I told my friend …that I’d had the most amazing experience at a waterfall. She asked, ‘Was it at Kuan Yin’s waterfall?’ I was surprised by her question and asked her for more information. She explained that Kuan Yin’s statue was in one of the waterfalls on the island. Sure enough, as I scouted around later that day, there it was—a beautiful statue of Kuan Yin tucked away on a stone shelf in the cove of the waterfall. She had called me to her sanctuary!” In Kona, Hawaii, there are many beautiful statues of Kuan Yin. Near one statue that depicts her holding a lotus flower, she said this to me: “Here are my sacred instructions: First, have mercy upon yourselves. You have endured much in your land, and you have eons of lessons yet before you. Only through a gentle touch is Nirvana revealed. Stretch and reach for greatness, but always with a gentle approach. Seek not opportunities, but allow them to gently come to you as a lotus flower floats upon the currents of water amidst a gentle breeze. Strive, but not with hurry—enjoy the process upon which you embark. Know that each step along the way is akin to a party—a celebration of movement, which is itself a miracle. “Appreciate the godliness within yourself, within each of you. Do not chide yourself for your errors and mistakes, but laugh, grow, and learn from them instead. You, my gentle child, are doing just fine—in fact, very well indeed. “If I were to give you any word of wisdom, it would be the word that best embodies love upon this Earth plane to me: compassion. Growing past all shame and embarrassment, and moving toward appreciation, not just for the ‘good’ parts of yourself and others, but for all along the way—it’s all good, believe me. And if you can know that as the eternal truth sooner rather than later, your happiness will come galloping toward you at the speed of mustangs with winged hooves. Believe that as the truth. Now. “Wisdom comes from sitting still and listening, not from rushing to get ahead. A still heart receives love and information more readily than one that is harried. Do something simple today: Pick a flower and simply study it with no intent. Be blank. Be open. And know that whatever comes to you is good, and a lesson in the making—always and forever.” - Clairvoyance • Compassion • Feminine grace, beauty, and power • Kindness, gentleness, and sweetness, toward self and others • Love, receiving and giving • Mercy • Musical abilities, developing (especially singing) • Protection—especially for women and children • Spiritual enlightenment and gifts INVOCATION [How to reach her] Kuan Yin always hears and answers our prayers, and no special ritual is necessary to contact her. However, you may feel a more heart-centered connection with her through the use of flowers. For instance, hold a blossom, gaze at a budding plant or bouquet, or draw or look at a picture of flowers. Those who work closely with Kuan Yin often chant the mantra: Om Mani Padme Hum, which means “Hail to the jewel in the lotus flower.” One prayer that will help you invoke Kuan Yin is: “Beloved Kuan Yin, please hear the prayers within my heart. Please uncover and understand what my true needs are. I ask for your intervention into the areas of my life that are triggering pain. Please come to my aid and assistance, guiding me to see my situation in a new light of love and compassion. Please help me to be like you and live peacefully and purposefully.” Virtue, Doreen (2004-04-01). Archangels & Ascended Masters (p. 107). Hay House. Kindle Edition.
What is an automotive connector? Automotive connector is a kind of component that electronic engineers often contact. Its function is very simple: in the circuit is blocked or isolated between the circuit, set up a bridge of communication, so that the current flow, so that the circuit to achieve the intended function. The form and structure of mil spec electrical connectors are ever-changing. It is mainly composed of four basic structural components: contact parts, shell (depending on the variety), insulator and accessories. It is also called sheath, connector and plastic shell in the industry. Although the structure and design of each car are different, but for the automotive power connectors, all the functions and main parts are basically the same. The main components of the automobile electrical connectors are the contact connector, which mainly refers to the core part connecting the power supply, mainly including the negative and positive contactors, so as to generate the power supply. There are also different types of military spec connector equipped with enclosures, mainly to protect the motherboard and fixed to the car. There are also important insulators, necessary measures and accessories to ensure the safety of passengers and car owners, plus accessories of different configurations, mainly including small accessories of installation and structure, which play a role of fixation and combination. GET IN TOUCH
Why Do People Get Varicose Veins? - Posted on: Aug 21 2016 The veins in your legs have a tough job. They need to work against the force of gravity, pumping blood back up to your heart. Unless you spend most of the time upside down or with your legs elevated above your head, your blood vessels need strong valves and pumps to keep the blood from pooling in the veins. Weak valves that don’t keep the blood moving upward or that don’t keep the blood from spilling back down can lead to varicose veins, those unsightly, bulging veins that affect so many people. A number of factors can cause the valves to weaken, leading to varicose veins. Knowing what causes your vein problems can help you take steps to prevent or reduce them or can help you decide which treatments will work best. Causes of Varicose Veins Things in the body start to break down as you get older. Skin loses elasticity, leading to wrinkles. The veins also lose elasticity. They begin to stretch and become larger. The valves that help keep the blood from spilling backwards become weaker. With more blood pooling in them, your veins are likely to bulge and become visible. Having a family history of vein problems or experiencing an injury to the veins can increase your chances of developing varicose veins as you get older. Some habits can make you more likely to develop varicose veins. For example, if you regularly stand in one place or sit a lot, you increase the amount of downward pressure on your veins, which can weaken the valves. When you don’t exercise frequently, the muscles in your legs also become weak and aren’t able to provide the support needed to help push the blood upwards through your veins. Women often experience hormone fluctuations throughout their lives that can increase the risk for developing varicose veins. Everything from pregnancy to menopause and from going through puberty as a teenager to taking hormonal birth control can increase a woman’s risk for bulging, unsightly veins. Being overweight or obese can also be a cause of vein problems. The extra weight an obese person usually carries puts extra pressure on the veins, making it even more difficult for them to pump blood back to the heart. In some cases, losing weight or changing certain habits, such as increasing the amount you exercise, can be enough to slow the development of vein problems and to treat existing problem veins. In other cases, vein treatments such as sclerotherapy or endovenous laser therapy might be the best course of action. To learn more about your vein treatment options and what you can do to improve the look of your veins, call 856-344-3111 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Charles Dietzek of the Vein and Vascular Institute in New Jersey, today. Posted in: Vein Treatment
Style Language Allegories, Fables Children's Discourse, Brothers Grimm The purpose of this study is to investigate the use of figurative language in English children's fairy tales by Brothers Grimm with titled Hansel and Gretel, Rapunzel, and Snowdrop. This study specifically addresses the style of figurative language contained in English children's fairy tales. Style of figurative language are examined in this study includes metaphor, personification, simile, and hyperbole, in terms of form, meaning, function, and particularities in English children's fairy tales. Advanced Research is a qualitative research produces descriptive data in the form of the written word. This study did not use statistical data in the form of numbers, but rather to describe the form, meaning, types, functions, and uniqueness of figurative language in English children's fairy tales. The results showed that in the style of figurative language metaphor based on Haley’s hierarchy in nine metaphors, the metaphors in the three fairy tales are being, cosmos, energy, terrestrial, object, animate, and human. Personification in this research are inanimate personification and non-human personification. Simile in this research includes abstract (being), objects, cosmos, terrestrial, plants, and animals. Hyperbole in this research is hyperbole that state a thing and hyperbole that state a situation. Function of figurative language in the fourth type of style are; reveal the beauty in the style of figurative language, declare an abstract in a concrete way to give a clear image, stating things that are not captured by human senses, and cause freshness or emphasis the words, to give emphasis to a statement or situation, to intensify and enhance the impression and impact of the intent to deliberately overstate the thing and circumstances. Uniqueness found in the using of vehicle from the figurative language in the form of terrestrial, cosmos, and animal. Through this study it can be concluded that children in Europe, the reader or the audience of this tale, is expected to know the figurative language style.
In a lot of countries around the world, the definition of Health and wellness includes the capacity to do what it requires to preserve one’s health. The that specifies Health as “the condition of a person; the lifestyle achieved; physical, psychological, social and financial well being”. According to the Globe Wellness Company, “health is a state of full physical, psychological as well as psychological well being as well as not simply the lack of illness as well as condition.” A selection of various other interpretations have actually also been utilized over the years. What stays usual to the majority of is the fundamental premise that Health is vital for the maintenance of an individual’s happiness and also well being and to be successful in life. Because of this alone, we might state that Health and wellness is the basis of human life. Health is essential in the promotion of good living as it includes physical well-being, psychological wellness, and emotional health. The difficulty consequently is to promote healthy and balanced living by making changes in way of living, practices, as well as settings that lead to inadequate health and also to the occurrence of conditions. Health is an intricate idea that entails numerous facets like nutrition, general health and wellness, avoidance and control of conditions, as well as community defense versus health and wellness threats. These facets are related and call for a multi-pronged technique in order to accomplish world health objectives. One such technique is through Accountable Treatment Organization (ACO). This concept describes a way of coordinating a wide variety of healthcare solutions, consisting of health and wellness information monitoring systems, resilient medical devices, and referral systems to name a few, with the goal of providing coordinated and also cost-effective healthcare for all. An Intense Treatment Company disperses top priority repayments to healthcare facilities that satisfy high quality standards established by the organization. The principles of ACO are based upon the principle of common duty and also provide an unique possibility to improve the lifestyle through far better health and wellness management in the areas along with with the broader social atmosphere. These principles include advertising physical and mental well-being, boosting family members wellness, avoiding and minimizing the spread of communicable diseases, making sure high quality nutritional treatment and also upkeep of a healthy environment. These worths additionally include boosting social atmosphere with promotion of wellness, social security, growth of healthy and balanced connections, and energetic engagement as well as leadership of the people at all levels of the neighborhood in addition to in federal government. ACOs supply different solutions to its members that consist of provider training, financial support, technical support, as well as info as well as communication modern technologies. A medical facility might come to be an ACO and also remain to obtain Medicare recipients while taking part in the program. There are currently many instances of partnerships between public and private wellness systems as well as ACOs, which have actually caused advancement of boosted individual care, raised accessibility to high quality care, as well as a general reduction in expenses. The most usual sorts of collaborations are: intense hospital-based partner programs; interventional mentor programs; and also digital health and wellness documents as well as payment programs. Community-based partnership efforts are focused on two specific areas. One is protecting against diseases by identifying as well as minimizing the risk aspects for illness; and also the second is enhancing the high quality of the neighborhood’s health by carrying out methods to guarantee the prevention of all conditions and the promotion of healthy way of livings. The partners included are frequently governmental entities such as cities, states, as well as the federal government. They include neighborhood institution areas, health and wellness departments, cops divisions, public health departments, disability organizations, environmental agencies, organized labor, nonprofit companies, as well as other teams that have a direct stake in the neighborhood. These companies share an usual passion in minimizing wellness disparities as well as boosting health and wellness, stopping conditions, and also enhancing quality of life. Along with protecting against diseases as well as enhancing the quality of life, an ACO improves the financial end results of the community via steps aimed at decreasing health variations. These measures might consist of application of public laws geared at developing a much healthier population by decreasing wellness disparities. An ACO might also work in the direction of lowering the ecological elements that bring about poor wellness, such as exposure to cigarette smoke, air pollution, and also occupational exposure to hazardous chemicals. These environmental aspects have been related to inadequate wellness outcomes and greater health care costs. According to these goals, an ACO will apply methods focused on getting rid of or minimizing the risks of numerous kinds of conditions by establishing as well as carrying out a community-wide plan of action. These methods might include supplying accessibility to quality preventative services, such as screenings for cholesterol and also blood pressure, and screening for asthma and also diabetes. They may likewise offer info on diet plan as well as nutrition and also introduce the community to healthy and balanced way of life options, such as normal workout and eating healthy foods. Lastly, communities might incorporate avoidance programs into their daily life by disseminating guidelines and also advertising immunization. Programs that attend to transmittable conditions are especially essential because they have the possible to spread out swiftly and also come to be pandemic. Environmental Downside One other area of excellent worry in the United States is the ecological distinction in health variation. Studies show that health equity has actually ended up being a significantly appropriate concern in today’s society because of tobacco sector laws, increased contamination, as well as natural calamities such as hurricanes as well as tornadoes. In addition to these ecological disadvantages, cigarette smoking prevalence and also damaging wellness repercussions are aggravated by discrimination versus as well as persecution by doctor. Cigarette smoking prevalence has now been linked to a myriad of medical and health problems including heart problem, strokes, and hypertension. According to the NASW record, “There is little proof to support the idea that the environment causes or contributes to chronic condition.” Health And Wellness Equity & Accessibility “One of the best obstacles for individuals living in the united state today is the lack of wellness equity as well as accessibility to essential services and products.” According to the Universal Health Care Act of 2021 (UHCA), “The federal government has a vital role to play in making sure that the laws as well as plans provide maximum accessibility and advantage to all Americans.” In order to guarantee complete implementation of the UHCA and stop wellness differences in the United States, plans have to think about a selection of population qualities. According to the Universal Healthcare Online forum,” disproportionate treatment of minority people by insurer and providers, sluggish process and also authorization procedures for cases, denial of protection based on citizenship, language, as well as case history, inadequate treatment from health centers as well as nursing homes, and medical techniques that are out of the mainstream.” The Universal Health Care Forum better stated that “it is vital that the government contribute in making sure that all Americans have accessibility to appropriate health services,” suggesting that “gain access to and also top quality treatment are two of the keystones of a healthy as well as lasting economic climate.” zur Seite Avoiding Health Disparities “The only method to make certain equal opportunity in the therapy of individuals with different backgrounds and also wellness standing is to get rid of health and wellness difference.” According to the World Health Organization (THAT), “Eliminating wellness differences can be accomplished by governmental activity and also the renovation of public awareness.” To implement such policies, it is advised that government agencies produce understanding programs, train health professionals on health and wellness problems, provide details on health and disability, advertise engagement of women in the workforce, deal with decreasing social variation and also develop policies that shield the vulnerable teams. That suggests creating a wellness labor force with the ability of working with varied groups and also providing individualized wellness screening at centers and also rural areas. That additionally asks for promoting understanding as well as inclusion in the social networks, advertising policies as well as programmes that cultivate healthy and balanced way of livings and discourage unwanted techniques such as smoking as well as consuming junk food.
This tip sheet was updated on Oct. 19 to include information about the World Health Organization’s views on boosters as a health equity issue. Uncertainty and change have been two common themes of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the recent confusion and controversy surrounding vaccine boosters — including the term “booster” — underscore the importance of journalists’ role in clearly explaining the scientific process to the public. “Thinking about how you convey to the [audience] where the uncertainty lies and then, of course, the question of how that ultimately affects them, are just some things that we have to have dialed up in our brains a little bit more than usual,” says Caroline Chen, an investigative reporter covering health care at ProPublica. The COVID-19 booster debate is unusual. There are few instances in history where vaccines have been developed during an ongoing pandemic, none of which have been of this magnitude, said Dr. Eric Rubin, editor-in-chief of the New England Journal of Medicine and an adjunct professor of immunology and infectious diseases at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, in an email interview. “The two examples I can think of are polio, where the question of boosters never arose, and Ebola, where boosters aren’t really a consideration, at least yet, since the outbreaks resolve over the course of months,” said Rubin. Boosters, as they’ve been used for other vaccines, usually are given several years after the original vaccination, like the tetanus booster that’s given every 10 years. Now there’s debate among researchers and experts about whether the term “booster” is proper to use at this stage of COVID-19 vaccinations. “I still believe it’s not a booster,” says Michael Osterholm, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota. “It surely does boost the [immune] response, but I think it’s like a three-prime vaccine.” By “three-prime vaccine” Osterholm is referring to primary vaccine series, which are meant to create immune response and protection in individuals who haven’t received a shot before. A series can be a single dose or two or three doses, explains health journalist Katherine Wu in “A Better Name for Booster Shots,” published on Oct. 5 in The Atlantic. Other researchers share Osterholm’s view. But in press releases and official documents, federal officials and vaccine makers, including Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna, have called the third COVID-19 dose a booster. Johnson & Johnson, which has a one-dose COVID-19 vaccine, is also calling its second dose a booster. “If we weren’t in the middle of a pandemic and we had four or five years to develop these data to take to [federal agencies], we could have answered the questions, ‘Will you need a third dose at this point? And what does it mean?’” says Osterholm. “But remember, we’re in the middle of a crisis. We’ve got to make decisions on the run.” Last month the FDA granted an emergency use authorization for a Pfizer-BioNTech booster dose in certain individuals. This week the agency will hold open sessions to discuss additional issues related to COVID-19 vaccine booster shots, including whether the agency should authorize additional doses of the Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccines. So how can journalists best cover medical issues like boosters and, at the same time, help their audiences understand the evolving nature of the scientific process? We asked several experts for advice. They include Chen, Rubin, Osterholm, and Dr. Michael Lauzardo, deputy director of the University of Florida’s Emerging Pathogens Institute and an associate professor at its College of Medicine. Tips for covering boosters — and helping your audience understand the scientific process 1. Err on the side of over-explaining. The FDA and CDC are sister agencies within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The FDA regulates food, drug, medical products and devices. It conducts inspections of manufacturing facilities and monitors drugs’ post-marketing adverse events. The FDA also initiates civil and criminal litigation to enforce laws and regulations. The FDA has several advisory committees, including the Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee. The committees are made up of independent experts who provide advice on scientific, technical and policy matters to the agency. The agency isn’t required to follow the recommendations of its advisory committees, although it usually does. The CDC’s main role is to promote health, prevent disease and injury and prepare for new health threats. It works with various partners nationally and internationally to monitor health, detect and investigate health problems and conduct research. “We, as reporters, have an obligation to be clear about what the recommendations are, what the data is behind the recommendations and then to help people understand the areas that might be controversial.” The CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, or ACIP, includes medical and public health experts who develop recommendations on vaccine use for the U.S. population. Like the FDA, CDC officials aren’t required to follow the committee’s recommendation, but they generally do. Simply put, as explained by researchers in “Understanding FDA-Approved Labeling and CDC Recommendations for Use of Vaccines,”published in Pediatrics in September 2018, the FDA sets the prescribing information and the CDC, the practice recommendations. “Recommendations from the CDC for vaccine use may be restricted relative to FDA-approved prescribing information,” the authors write. Explain that it’s not up to the White House to issue vaccination guidance. In order for vaccines to become available to the public, they need to go through a regulatory process that involves the FDA and CDC. And when the CDC recommendations are issued, explain them, too. “We, as reporters, have an obligation to be clear about what the recommendations are, what the data is behind the recommendations and then to help people understand the areas that might be controversial,” says Chen. For instance, the CDC advisory panel didn’t recommend the boosters for people with high-risk jobs. But the CDC director overruled it. Explain to your audience that there’s a lot of discussion around which populations should get a booster shot. “[Explain] here’s the reason why some people feel like it’s not necessary. Here are the reasons people think it is necessary,'” says Chen. Add more context by including what other countries U.S. experts are looking at. And explain ethical considerations — for example, offering a third shot in the U.S. when a lot of people around the world haven’t received their first COVID-19 shot yet. 2. Let your audience know information evolves and that’s how science works. To signal the uncertainty to her audience, Chen says she lays out what we know and don’t know. She also signals potential upcoming changes by using timestamps and date markers in her stories, such as “as of Wednesday, this is the plan.” She also highlights what’s missing from current data and recommendations.“That already indicates to our readers that it’s not like this is a forever plan,” she says. “I think it’s important for reporters to acknowledge and even embrace that we are operating in a highly volatile scientific landscape right now with a lot of uncertainty. And our job is not to sound like we are totally omniscient.” Some of the questions she asks include, “What does this study not say? What are the things we cannot draw from this study? What do you still not know?” Explain that the decisions being made now have to be made, but the information behind them is constantly changing, said Rubin. “That means that a recommendation made now might be superseded in a month. It looks like inconsistency, but often only [it] is a reflection of new data. But that’s the price one pays for having to make decisions in the heat of the battle,” he said. Osterholm adds: “Science is a self-correcting discipline by its very nature. You do, you learn, you incorporate it in. You do more, you learn and incorporate it in. And I think that what you’re seeing happen right now is that we’re in a period where we have enough information to make some conclusions about what’s happening but not sufficient information to confirm it.” 3. Talk to more than one expert, doctor or patient. Be judicious in choosing medical and scientific experts. If you’re reporting on vaccines, make sure your sources have scientific expertise in the area. And talk to more than one health expert. “I think a lot of them are open to talking to the press,” says Chen. “And they come from across the country so you might have one that is closer to your hometown or your home state.” Interview national experts, but also talk to people in your community, including public health officials and hospital staff who can tell you what the picture is like in your community, she adds. 4. Don’t lose sight of the unvaccinated. In covering stories related to the COVID-19 vaccine shot, it’s important to remind your audience that about 35% of the U.S. population has not yet received their first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, according to CDC data. “The real story here is that first dose — not the third dose,” says Lauzardo of the University of Florida. Also, during the continued global COVID-19 vaccine supply shortage, there are ethical and equity considerations. In September, the World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus asked rich countries with large supplies of COVID-19 vaccines to stop offering boosters until the end of the year. On Oct. 4, WHO, along with Strategic Advisory Group of Experts (SAGE) on Immunization and its COVID-19 Vaccines Working Group, issued a statement on boosters, writing, “Improving coverage of the primary vaccination series should be prioritized over booster vaccination.” They added, “Offering booster doses to a large proportion of a population when many have not yet received even a first dose undermines the principle of national and global equity.” In “Three for me and none for you? An ethical argument for delaying COVID-19 boosters,” published in the Journal of Medical Ethics in October, Dr. Nancy Jecker and Dr. Zohar Lederman urge the world to follow WHO’s call for a temporary moratorium on COVID-19 boosters, “because doing so will produce the greatest good, enable people to lead decent lives and promote global health equity.” They write that wealthy nations shouldn’t boost vaccinated people and instead should send the vaccine doses to poorer nations where they vaccines are most needed. As of Oct. 19, 47.8% of the world’s population had received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, according Our World in Data project at the University of Oxford. Only 2.8% of people in low-income countries had received at least one dose, compared with 70.3% in high-income countries, according to the project. For reference, here’s a timeline of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine booster authorization - On Aug. 18, the White House proposed making boosters available to everyone 18 years and older, eight months after they had received their Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna COVID-19 shots. The proposal was made pending approval from the Food and Drug Administration and recommendations from an advisory panel for the CDC. - In order to be made available to the public, vaccines first have to get approval — or an Emergency Use Authorization during unprecedented times like a pandemic — from the FDA, which is responsible for regulating vaccines in the U.S. Then, the CDC issues recommendations (guidance) for how the vaccine should be used in the U.S., including number of doses, schedule and situations when it should not be used, known as contraindications. The recommendations are then implemented by state immunization programs. CDC recommendations are not law, but each state can establish vaccination laws to keep vaccine-preventable diseases at a low level. - On Sept. 17, the FDA’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee met and unanimously voted to recommend a Pfizer-BioNTech booster shot for people over 65, those with underlying medical conditions like cancer and diabetes, and people whose jobs put them at high risk of exposure to the new coronavirus, six months after receiving the first two doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine. - On Sept. 22, following the advisory committee’s recommendations, the FDA granted an Emergency Use Authorization for a Pfizer-BioNTech booster dose. The ball was then passed on to the CDC. - On Sept. 22 and 23, the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, or ACIP, met and voted to make boosters available to Americans over age 65 and adults with underlying medical conditions, six months after completing their two-dose Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine. However, the committee voted against making boosters available to people with high-risk jobs, including health care workers. - On Sept. 24, CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky accepted the CDC committee’s recommendations, but added people with high-risk jobs back to the list, creating guidance for getting a Pfizer-BioNTech booster shot. - On Oct. 14 and 15, the FDA’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee will meet to discuss boosters for the Moderna and Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccines for adults 18 years and older. The committee will also discuss the available safety and efficacy data for booster vaccines that are a different brand from the initial doses of the COVID-19 vaccines, also called “mix and match.” The FDA meetings are open to the public and can be viewed on the agency’s YouTube channel.
Faculty: Health, Education, Medicine and Social Care School: School of Allied Health BSc (Hons) Paramedic Science Category: Allied and public health 15 May 2019 In this photo blog, student paramedic Ben takes you through the equipment he uses in ambulances on a daily basis. As a student paramedic there are loads of pieces of equipment which we are taught to use over the three years of training on the BSc Paramedic Science course. Below is an insight into some of the equipment we use and what it is for. The response bag (above) contains all the equipment we initially take in with us to a patient. It contains an oxygen cylinder, a range of different masks (100%, Nebulisers, Nasal cannulas), basic medications, and equipment to take a patients observations, such as blood pressure, temperature or blood glucose level. Separate from the primary response bag, the Paramedic/Advanced Life Support (ALS) bag contains additional advanced kit which is used to provide more interventions for a patient. This can include different airway devices or cannulas for giving drugs into a vein or bone. Alongside the response bag, we also take a monitor/defibrillator into all patients we attend. Different ambulance services use different devices but they all have the ability to deliver a shock to a patient in cardiac arrest. Many can also take pulse, blood pressure and record an ECG. Above are an EZIO device, Entonox and a suction machine. An EZIO is a device we use to gain intraosseous access (drilling directly into the bone marrow) this can be used to administer emergency medications to our patients. We also have access to “Entonox” also known as ‘gas & air’. This is a combination of 50% Oxygen & 50% Nitrous Oxide. It can be used to help patients in moderate and severe pain – you may see this being used for patients in labour. Finally on every vehicle is a suction device. This can be used to remove secretions, fluid, or vomit from a patients airway.
We know which hosting is pointed with the help of domain name. When a user searches the name of a website on the internet, the IP address of that specific domain; points with hosting, creates a connection between domain and hosting. Managed web hosting The type of web hosting that any company or big organization uses is called Managed web hosting. As we use WordPress to create blogs, But there’s a kind of hosting called Managed WordPress Hosting that WordPress Company has created for its users. By which any WordPress user can optimize and rank their website or blog. A hosting is called Managed Web Hosting when a company manages itself with different tools. Here certain companies create this kind of hosting only to serve their users. But sometimes big companies also create Managed web hosting.
In Chicago in 1673 (then called Chicagou) the Grand Chief of the confederacy responded to Louis Jolliet in the Algonquian language that his people were Illinois. The Chief gave his guests a peace pipe as a safeguard on the vast territory of the Illinois Confederacy, which included a dozen nations including the Miami, the Kaskaskia and the Cahokia, among several others. Jolliet, an explorer born in Québec City, carried the pipe throughout his voyage as a figurehead. Protected by, and allied to the French during the War of the Conquest, the Illinois were, after the fall of New France in 1763, almost annihilated by the British (and later by the American government). Although they did ask for the help of the French, the fall of the French Monarchy in 1792 left them definitively to their own fate. Nowadays, they are mostly found in the actual State of Oklahoma. The Native American chiefs knew the intent of the French was not conquest but commerce under the fraternity banner. Smoking the peace pipe and being surrounded together within its smoke was a symbol of sharing and wanting to do things in common.
Connecting A Tablet To A Pc At some point, any tablet owner is faced with the need to transfer information from the device to a laptop or computer. For example, to save it before resetting the settings, or simply free up space in the memory. If there are several synchronization options: wired and wireless. Below are all ways to connect a tablet to a computer. Important! Below is an instruction for tablets on Android OS. Learn how to connect your iPad to a PC here. We use a USB cable The simplest and most obvious connection option is via a USB cable. To do this, you need a cable with microUSB on one side and USB on the other. In some cases, the cable may have a connector other than microUSB, for example, miniUSB or the old wide connector on Samsung models. - We insert the plugs into the corresponding connectors. A signal to connect a new device is heard. - A message appears on the device screen stating that the device is connected in drive mode. It can simply be ignored. - If everything went right, then on the PC a window appears in which you will be asked to open the memory of the mobile device. If not, you should go to My computer and find the device there. Possible problems with wired connection Connecting a tablet to a laptop is easy, but sometimes something goes wrong. It happens that the laptop identified the device, but did not open access to memory, while the tablet began to charge. In this case, it is necessary to lower the shutter down on the device screen and select the “drive” connection mode. Sometimes by default only charging is set. If the tablet does not connect to the computer via USB, then there may be a problem that is necessary enable developer mode. To do this, you need to perform a simple sequence of actions. - Open the tablet settings. - We find the item about the device. - We are looking for a string. build number. We click on it several times. - A message appears on the screen stating that the user is now a developer. - We go back one step and go to the menu for developers. - We find the item enable USB debugging and activate it with a tick or slider. After that, the problem will be fixed. Connecting a tablet to a PC via USB sometimes fails due to the fact that There are no corresponding drivers in the computer. Currently, they are not required, in older models the device set them automatically, it was only necessary to connect the tablet. If the old device is in the user’s hands, then you need to install the driver. What if everything used to work correctly before, and now the computer does not see the tablet? In this case, there are two options. - Check if there is synchronization of another PC and tablet. If the second computer does not see the tablet via USB, then the device should roll back to factory configurations. To do this, in the settings menu there is an item “recovery and synchronization”. Before performing a rollback, all data from the device must be saved, as it will be deleted. - We cannot exclude the option that cable or connector problem. Therefore, this point should also be checked. If the user is faced with a problem that the laptop does not see the tablet when connected via cable, then you can use the wireless network. Connecting a tablet to a computer via Wi-Fi is based on the principle of creating a virtual network. That is, in this case, the tablet will act as a server. To perform this procedure, you need to use special applications for the tablet. So, connecting a tablet to a computer via Wi-Fi is not much harder than using a cable. In the Play Market you need to download some program to create a local network. Great option. very simple WiFi File Transfer Utility. She is free and weighs little. Registration in the application is not needed. The user’s task is to install it on the device and open it. After starting the program, a large Start button will appear in the window, click on it. The device generates a wireless network and generates an IP address. It must be recorded and entered in the search bar of any browser. If everything is recorded correctly, an analogue of the file manager will open, with which you can work with data. If for some reason the PC does not see the tablet, then the options are as follows: - Incorrectly written IP address; - The equipment is connected to different Wi-Fi networks. Important! The router for both devices must be the same. this is a key point that will help connect to the tablet. No other nuances arise with wireless device synchronization. Some Android tablets have built-in file manager with similar support. In this case, you need to open it and click on the item “connection to a computer”. The device itself creates an IP address. Further actions are similar to those described above.
Custom «Telehealth in Healthcare» Essay Paper Sample Healthcare is an important aspect in human life. The satisfaction of this basic need is universal to us. Access and reception of the service is fundamental to the growth of human beings. Geographical barriers and locational constraints at time hinder the delivery of this fundamental service. In this, principle, to provide healthcare anywhere and at any time is paramount to the implementation of telehealth principles. This seeks to provide healthcare services regardless to geographical orientation. Laura and Linda closely discus the possibilities achieved and the close application of this technology in the implementation of healthcare as follows. According to Laura A. Stokowski, telehealth works using digital means and telecommunications to bring healthcare closer to the client. Laura also demonstrates how telecommunication can prove to be of much importance in respect to accumulating and accessing knowledge to advance the quality of services offered. Telehealth is the coordination and management of all healthcare, related activities using electronic media. Telehealth uses advanced technology such as video conferencing robotics and artificial intelligence in the management of healthcare services. Telehealth uses store and forward; where the client computer stores digital images of the patient and transmits them to the healthcare specialist. Secondly is by using real-time telehealth. In this, patient and doctor or healthcare specialist, uses digital transmission media such as the video conferencing equipment to interact in real-time. Thirdly, remote monitoring uses infrared equipment to monitor and collect biometric data about the patient and transfer’s it to a remote computer in real-time. Lastly, Laura talks about the use of telenursing in telehealth. In this scenario, the nurse use media such as the normal long calls to monitor and take care of patients. In addition to this, Laura A. Stokowski talks of the areas in which hospitals and healthcare facilities can use telehealth in their day-to-day operations. Her article elucidates using telehealth in the following. Chronic disease management; monitoring and control of chronic disease spread and interaction with patients could be done through individual monitory of symptoms. This ensures that the patients take responsibility in their own welfare and reduces the end cost involved in the hospitalization of patients with chronic illnesses. In addition, using telehealth enhances patient safety after hospitalization if the specialist puts the technology in to use immediately after the hospital discharges the patient. In addition, monitoring and collecting a patient’s health analysis and biometrics, also known as tele-monitoring offers a close follow up and this increases the success rate of any treatment administered. Telehealth is advantageous in the preoperative monitoring of a patient. In this, the remotely monitored patients receive visits from tele-nurses to access how they are doing in terms of physical inhibition because of pain and the healing of post operation incisions. Lastly, Laura notes that health care facilities can use telenursing in wound care management by tele-nursing. In this, nurses monitor patients with chronic and septic wounds through video equipment and other medium. Hurry up! Limited time offer Use discount code According to Laura, telehealth has not yet reached the peak of its abilities. In this, certain issues exist in implementing the technology and the main principles of telehealth. These include privacy and security and usability issues in the design of telehealth programs. Privacy is paramount using the use of all facilities and technology related programs. This means that the patient is in all cases concerned with the maintenance of medical records privacy. Also, patients and other healthcare clients have not yet accepted the use of telehealth in the administration of treatment. The Reason for the above is difficulty in using the system and the lack of skills in employment of the technology. Holly Russo, in his article states that while telehealth is helpful in that; it increases access to information. In this, using the internet as a form of information exchange increases the amount of information accessed. Secondly, it increases the number for patients who can access the healthcare services at a given time. Lastly, Holly talks about the development of new ways of documenting and developing patient history. Technology provides electronic media for use in documentation procedures. Holly seeks to answer the question of how much technology has changed of affected healthcare and nursing. In this, Holly conclude that though the technology is a success, the employment and final implementation strongly depends on individual nurse’s skills and willingness to use the technology as a whole. Finally, according to Linda’s article on the potential risks in telecommunication, Linda stresses the possible sources of risks in the use of telehealth technology. Linda insists that though the principle is a success; there are potential weak points that inhibit the success as follows. First, security in the use of telehealth programs is a major concern. The implementation of telehealth depends on the fact that the system will ensure proper implementation of security measures. Linda raises the issue of email exchange and handling procedures. In this, Linda explains that nursing and healthcare team should always obtain proper consent and authorization before emailing and viewing a client’s email. Second, the use of this technology offers a communication risk to nurses. Originally, locality and nursing standards trains nurses to handle communication in a healthcare facility setting. This, however, changes when the patient is involved with conversation and interaction through electronic media. Linda also notes that misunderstandings are very likely in telenursing. If communication drops before the proper clarification of an issue, this could cause a misunderstanding that could have devastating effects on the patient. Finally, Linda offers the documentation of all procedures and the use of standard protocols in the implementation of telehealth as solutions to the above risks and as standard procedures in the use of telenursing programs. Benefit from Our Service: Save 25% Along with the first order offer - 15% discount, you save extra 10% since we provide 300 words/page instead of 275 words/page Conclusively, Technology and its advancement has increased efficiency in which all healthcare facilities and related services are implemented, but like all other enhancements, there exists risks. In this, the actual implementation of telehealth is crucial to the provision of healthcare and firms should use standard procedures to encourage the collaboration of the above principle and technology in the provision of healthcare services.
Dinner usually identifies what’s in many Western cultures the greatest and most conventional meal of the day, which some Westerners eat in the evening. Traditionally the greatest supper was previously eaten around midday, and called dinner. In American countries, specially on the list of elite, it slowly moved later in your day over the 16th to 19th centuries. However, the phrase ” dinner ” might have various connotations depending on culture, and might suggest meals of any measurement eaten anytime of day. Particularly, it’s still often employed for a meal at noon or in the early evening on special occasions, such as a Christmas dinner. In hot climates, individuals have generally tended to eat the main meal later in the day, following the heat has fallen. A dinner party is a cultural getting where persons congregate to consume dinner. Dinners occur on a range, from a simple supper, to circumstances dinner. During the days of Historical Rome, a dinner celebration was called a convivia, and was a significant function for Roman emperors and senators to congregate and discuss their relations. The Romans often ate and were also very fond of fish sauce called liquamen (also called Garum) during claimed parties. In London (c. 1875–c. 1900), dinner parties were conventional instances that included printed invitations and formal RSVPs. The food served at these events ranged from large, extravagant food features and many meal courses to more standard cost and food service. Actions occasionally involved performing and poetry reciting, among others. A conventional dinner has a few requirements. First, it takes the players to wear a morning apparel such as a tuxedo, with often a dark or bright tie; 2nd, all food is served from your kitchen; third, “neither providing dishes or products are positioned on the table. All service and desk removing is conducted by butlers and different support staff;” last multiple courses are offered; and ultimately there’s an order of company and seating protocols.
What characterizes the person who has faith? How does faith set them apart from those who are yet lost in unbelief? What makes them a peculiar people? The writer to the early Hebrew Christians answers these questions in Hebrews 11. In verse 1 of this chapter we find that faith is the substance of things hoped for, that is, the conviction that what we hope for is true. It is the evidence of things not seen, that is, it is the confidence that things that we do not see with the eye are real. Faith is the knowledge and confidence that relies upon the promises of God that center in Jesus Christ. This faith, we have found, was evident in the sacrifice of Abel as opposed to Cain. It was evident in Enoch who, after testifying against the wicked of this world, was not found because God had translated him. Both of these men were characterized by what the writer describes for us in verse 1 of this chapter. Both of these men lived during the prediluvian period—the time before the Flood—the first world. Since the beginning of time God’s people have lived out of faith. We now consider a man who lived at the very end of world before the Flood, and the man who was the first to see the new world after the Flood: Noah. We read in Hebrews 11:7, “By faith Noah, being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house; by the which he condemned the world, and became heir of the righteousness which is by faith.” Noah was born in the line of the church and covenant. There were few left in the church of his day, however. God saved only eight souls alive in the ark, meaning that the cause of God’s church was all but lost. The sons and daughters of the church had mingled with the women and men of the wicked world, forsaking the truth. As a result, the church had dwindled to the point of disappearing. But Noah was faithful. Only three of his children—three sons—Shem, Ham, and Japheth shared in their father’s vision of building an ark to save their household. Only two of these sons, Shem and Japheth, shared in their father’s faith. The outlook for the church at that time looked bleak. Much can be said about the Flood itself and the days before the flood, but we wish to concentrate on Noah and his building of the ark. The Word of God we consider today points us solely to the faith that Noah exhibited in building the ark. By Faith Noah Prepares an Ark I. His Actions The Word of God here in Hebrews 11 teaches us, first of all, that Noah was warned of God of things not seen as yet. This means God spoke to Noah. This is confirmed in the account of Genesis 6:13: “And God said unto Noah.” No doubt this was true, because we find that Noah, as Enoch many years before, walked with God. He lived in a close relationship of fellowship with God. We learn that God spoke to Noah of things not seen as yet. He instructed Noah to prepare an ark, a boat or ship as we might call it, although the word ark simply refers to a box. Such a construction was unknown in Noah’s day. The size of that ark would be gargantuan—huge. Something never before imagined. Genesis 6 gives us the exact dimensions. Add to these instructions the reason Noah had to build that ark. God explained to him that he was going to send a flood of waters that would cover the entire earth. A flood of waters? Again, something that had never been seen, much less heard of. A flood that would destroy every living creature save those who were in the ark? Fantastic! Everything that God spoke to Noah that would come to pass was far beyond one’s greatest imagination. Certainly, as the writer to the Hebrews points out, these were things not seen as yet. Yet, what God spoke to Noah was more than mere divine prediction of things to come. It was more than simply what God had in store for the future. We learn in our text that God warned Noah of things not seen as yet. Literally the word “warned” means a “divine response.” God explained to Noah His divine response to or judgment upon sinful man, who had corrupted his way upon the earth. You see, in the days of Noah all flesh had corrupted its way. The earth was filled with violence. God’s divine response to this corruption of the human race was spoken in these words to Noah in Genesis 6:13, “And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth.” This is the warning the writer to the Hebrews refers to in the verse of Hebrews 11 we study. It was the declaration to Noah of God’s terrible judgment upon a world that was serving man rather than God, the divine Creator. What Noah heard from God therefore concerned a doom and destruction that brought dread, that is, fear to, his heart. Noah, being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house. Noah did not question God. He did not resist God. God did not have to take hold of his heart and soul to coerce him to build the ark. On the contrary, Noah did according to all that God commanded him. Noah spent 120 years building the ark. That is more than our lifetimes. But then the ark was a huge undertaking for this man. It is not as if he had the modern equipment that we do today. I do not believe that, after 1600 years of the world’s existence, Noah’s tools were just a wooden mallet and an axe. But certainly he did not have cranes and hoists and battery-powered drills and saws as we have today. The term “prepared” means that Noah framed or fit the pieces together in such a way that at long last he erected a large wooden structure of the size that God had commanded him. It took blood, sweat, and tears—quite the feat. The ark was not built the easy way by God simply saying the word and the ark miraculously appeared. Neither was Noah given some super human strength by God to be able to erect that ark with little effort. Nor did God miraculously hold the ark together despite shoddy, inexperienced work of Noah. Noah was not a robot of sorts that God used to build the ark for him. God did not build the ark. Noah did. It would take quite the stretch of human logic to say Noah did not build the ark. That Noah built the ark is a fact beyond dispute. The writer to the Hebrews also informs us that Noah built the ark to the saving of his house. There are those who would in some way like to spiritualize this act of Noah and relate this to our salvation in Jesus Christ. This is not the intention of the inspired writer however. Our text states a simple fact: by means of the ark Noah was able to deliver, preserve, and keep safe his family in the ark. The ark saved his family from the sudden death that fell upon the human race. The Bible speaks of the salvation of the church by means of the Flood itself. The Flood saved the church from ungodly men. This salvation by the water of the Flood, we learn in I Peter 3:20, 21, was a type of our baptism in the blood of Christ. It was not the ark that is the type of our salvation in Christ. It was the Flood itself that is a picture of our salvation. The idea of our text is simple therefore: Noah prepared an ark that would deliver his family from the waters of the flood. The doctrine, the truth, of the gospel the writer to the Hebrews is interested in here in this Word of God is that which motivated Noah to build the ark. What lay behind this action of Noah? Why would he spend 120 years of his life building a mammoth boat when a flood of waters was unheard of? II. His Motivation The Word of God before us teaches that Noah’s actions were motivated by faith. Faith is the evidence of things not seen, that is, it is the conviction that the promises God makes, though not seen, are nevertheless true and will happen. But let us back up a bit in order that the full truth of this faith of Noah might be revealed in all its beauty. In Genesis 6:8 we read of this important truth regarding Noah: “Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.” Noah was the object of God’s grace. God’s grace is His favorable disposition toward one who is undeserving of that favor. God viewed Noah in His favor and love. Noah did not earn this favor. God did not look upon Noah and say: “now there is a just and perfect man. I think he deserves My favor.” Just the opposite was true. Because Noah was the object of God’s grace he became a just and perfect man. Before the work of God’s grace in the heart of this man, he was no different than the rest of the fallen human race. God’s grace is not simply God’s undeserved favor, but in His grace God powerfully works in the hearts of those whom He has chosen in Christ, delivering them from the power and dominion of sin and making them partakers of the blessings found in the cross of Christ. God’s grace is that attitude of His favor according to which He grants to His elect people in Christ deliverance from the hold sin has on us. That is true of us today. It was true of Noah then, though the Messiah was not yet born. Already Noah was viewed by God through the promise that Christ would come. But what specifically did God in His grace perform in Noah’s heart that would eventually lead him to prepare the ark? God regenerated Noah. He took this fallen man who was born dead in sin and infused into his heart the life of Christ. Because of that work of regeneration, man believes and repents, and that, by virtue of the grace received! This was the grace Noah found in the eyes of the Lord. By virtue of the work of God’s grace in Noah’s heart he was regenerated, and as a result he was given to believe in God. By that faith Noah, being warned of God, prepared an ark. By means of faith God grafted Noah into Jesus Christ so that as a result of that life of Christ, Noah was convicted in his heart that what God told him would indeed come to pass. He did not see it with his eyes. It seemed so preposterous that with the natural eye a man could not see the vaguest possibility of it happening. But Noah set to work building a large ark with a view to saving his family from a flood of water that would cover the whole earth and destroy every living thing. The thought of that was so fantastic that the wicked world around Noah laughed and scoffed at him. They were willingly ignorant of the truth that, even as God created all things by His power, so also God controlled His creation and could do with it what He chose. But Noah believed God. God had by His grace worked such faith in the heart of Noah, and Noah proceeded by faith. Such faith was also sustained by God, or Noah would have given up many years before completing that ark. It was only by the work of God’s grace in him that he was able to perform such an amazing feat! But, that being said, Noah was himself convicted! He trusted that God would perform what He promised would happen. Through the work of regeneration, God so actuated and strengthened the now good and obedient will of Noah that like a good tree he brought forth the fruit of good actions. Noah built the ark. Because of this faith Noah, we learn in our text, was moved with fear. Noah feared God and was motivated out of that fear to build the ark. This does not mean that Noah was afraid that God would severely punish him if he did not build the ark. The fear Noah exhibited was dread, of course. Think of what God told him was going to happen to the earth! Think of what was going to happen to the millions upon millions of people who were living in rebellion against God. God’s judgment upon sin always strikes fear into the hearts of men. God’s judgments are harsh. Think once of the judgment of God upon man in everlasting perdition! Frightening! Yes, Noah was filled with dread over the impending judgment of the world. But Noah’s fear did not arise from his nature but from grace, and it was a fear that is consistent with faith. It was a deep reverence and awe at the power and glory of God that caused Noah to bow in worship and adoration of God. God had chosen to save him and his house! Because of God’s grace, he and his family would be delivered from judgment through the ark! In himself he did not deserve that any more than anyone else in the world. Noah’s fear rose out of the wonderful fact that God had chosen to walk with him. The fear that motivated Noah therefore was the fruit of faith. Noah believed that nothing would separate him from the love of God. Out of that love for God, that godly fear, that piety or godliness, Noah set himself to build the ark. Faith in God caused him to persevere in his faith, though the world was against him. The more faith is challenged, the more it digs its roots into the God Jesus Christ. Faith is the power to resist the proud and persist in the work God has sanctioned for us. III. The Result For 120 years Noah, while preparing the ark, was a witness to the world. The actions of God’s people are always a witness to the world around them. The wicked world watched Noah as the ark started to take shape. The ark spoke to them of the coming judgment in the Flood. To the unbelieving mind, it was ridiculous to speak of rain—water falling from the sky. That had never happened in the 1600 years of the earth’s existence! To the mind that has no fear of God or His judgments, it was ridiculous to think that this God whom Noah served was going to destroy the whole earth with water! Then to see this man spend 120 years of his life building a big wooden box that was going to carry him and animals on the water—what a wasted effort! Some scoffed at Noah. They mocked him. Others were angry with him. By his very actions he was condemning them in their sin. How did the building of the ark serve to condemn them in their sin? Because they learned the meaning of what Noah was doing from the mouth of Noah as he worked. He told them. Obviously, they would ask him what he was doing. Obviously, he would explain to them what he was doing and why. This is why Peter refers to Noah in II Peter 2:5 as a preacher of righteousness, that is, a preacher of judgment! So the wicked world looked at Noah not just as an oddball who had gone mad, but they were angry because he was condemning them in their sin! Who was this man that dared accuse them of not living a good life! This is oftentimes the reaction of the ungodly: They are angry with the believer when he lives a life of godliness. We too are witnesses to the world around us. The days in which we live are as the days of Noah. The world is running faster in its sin as the final judgment approaches, just as it did in Noah’s day. The world is filled with violence and immorality. When the church witnesses to the world in its preaching that judgment is at hand, the world, even the church world, mocks and becomes angry. When we level a godly witness by the way we live and the wicked ask us of the hope that is in us, they mock us and even some become angry. The world today too is become ripe for judgment. Noah, therefore, is to us a godly witness or example of the need to live in faith. We must flee the horrible sins that characterize our world and society. We must in faith cling to the promise that Christ returns soon in judgment to the saving of His people. That hope must be reflected in the way we live! Then we are given this incentive: Noah was an heir of that righteousness which is by faith. The preparing of the ark did not make Noah an heir of righteousness. Literally our text reads: “and he through the according-to faith-righteousness became an heir.” The emphasis falls on the faith of Noah once again. Because he was righteous by faith he became an heir of eternal glory. Not in the future but right then and there. Faith united Noah to Christ through the promise—and it was on the grounds of what the Messiah would perform on the cross that Noah already then was declared righteous before God. The righteousness of Christ was by Noah’s faith imputed to him. This righteousness Noah also experienced while building the ark. He was assured therefore that he did not stand under God’s judgment but was an heir to eternal life. That life was his on the basis of the coming Messiah. And such also is what we experience as we walk in this world of sin. We are heirs of eternal life. The Spirit witnesses with our spirits that we are joint heirs with Christ to eternal life. May the faith that Noah exhibited in preparing an ark be incentive to us to walk in a world given over to sin in the same faith. May God grant to us the joy that we are heirs to eternal life for the sake of our Savior.
GTI Technical Manufacturing University Can Make a Sustained Impact To grow today’s industrial manufacturing economies, businesses depend on a highly trained and skilled workforce. With the use of advanced CNC machine tools, that workforce needs education and specialized training that goes beyond what traditional public schools can provide. And manufacturing businesses do not possess the time or resources to educate this workforce. In fact, the demand for machinists and other skilled workers with advanced training far exceeds the supply in every country with a manufacturing base. This is the case for both established and emerging economies alike. The Technical Education Center program is an opportunity to meet the demand for work-ready CNC machinists, welders, CAD/CAM programmers and service engineers for today's industrial employers and the manufacturing challenges of the future. Individuals that graduate the TEC programs will always have meaningful employment, while making positive contributions to their society, and helping advance their country’s industrial manufacturing base. This in turn increases the standard of living for them, and helps advance the country’s industrial sector – helping employ even more people. The Technical Education Center program prepares ambitious individuals for high paying jobs in the manufacturing economy with the opportunity for advancement and life-long employment. Establishment of facility, equipment, instructors and curriculum for manufacturing skills. Metalworking is the Foundation of Modern Industry Metalworking is the process of working with metals to create individual parts, assemblies, or large-scale structures. The term covers a wide range of work from large ships and bridges to precise engine parts and metal molds for plastics. It therefore includes a correspondingly wide range of skills, processes, and tools. Metalworking is essential to science, industry and trade. Its historical roots span cultures, civilizations, and millennia. Metalworking has evolved from the discovery of smelting various ores, producing malleable and ductile metal useful for tools and adornments. Modern metalworking processes, though diverse and specialized, can be categorized as forming, cutting, or joining processes. Today's machine shops include numerous Computer Numerically Controlled (CNC), machine tools capable of creating highly precise metal components that are the foundation of the modern manufacturing industry. The Value of Precision CNC Machining Precision CNC machining reaches well beyond the world of heavy-duty industrial purposes consisting of metal components and parts. Millions of items that people use every day have been CNC machined without them even knowing it. CNC precision machining is a key part of producing automobiles. The same is true for trains, boats, airplanes, and more. Machined parts are also found in refrigerators, washing machines, dishwashers, mobile phone cases, faucets, and the list goes on. Without precision CNC machining, many things millions of consumers depend on would not exist. In fact, there is not much that people around the world touch and use every day that did not start out in some way as a piece of metal that was processed with the help of computer controlled machine tools. With CNC machining, precise accuracy is achieved thanks to special coding supplied by a computer. Dimensions, weights, sizes, and other information are fed into the computer, which in turn translates the information into an alphanumerical code. This code is what tells CNC machines exactly what to do, and how to move each axis in order to cut and shape raw metal into useful components. The GTI Technical Education Center – Overview A State-of-the-Art Training School The GTI Technical Education Center (T.E.C.) program will build and equip state-of-the-art facilities modeled after the top CNC manufacturing training schools already established in the United States and Europe. The TEC facility will be a comprehensive, fully equipped, turn-key operation, including a design-built structure, all necessary state-of-the-art computer-controlled machine tools and support equipment, and fully-trained teaching staff prepared to instruct students in multiple disciplines vital to the manufacturing industries CNC Machinists Training and Certification The main focus of the schools is to train students as CNC machinists, utilizing a well-established curriculum and the support of an international network of CNC training institutions. The goals are to provide students with a relevant, high tech and hands-on educational experience. And to graduate work-ready CNC machinists, CAD designers, CAD/CAM programmers, welders, 3D additive manufacturing professionals and technical service engineers for today's industrial employers and the manufacturing challenges of the future. The basic facility will comprise approximately 3000 square-meters (but various sizes can be constructed), and is purpose-designed to train students in a relatively short time for careers in manufacturing and related industries. While the backbone of the certified training program will produce accredited CNC machinists, the program also includes training in related, vital knowledge-based skills that manufacturing industries are in desperate need of. These include training in computer design and digital program creation, known as CAD/CAM, or computer aided design and computer aided manufacturing. Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing CAD/CAM is the first step in the modern CNC machining process. Components are designed on computers with special software programs. The digital design is then transformed in a related software program that converts the 3D-modeled component into specialized code (instructions) that controls the movement of the CNC machine, producing a finished metal product. The school will also prepare students with the skills needed to work in the manufacturing industry as specialized, quality-control technicians. An essential step in component manufacturing is assuring the finished parts meet the exact dimensions as originally designed. A Quality Control technician must know how to read blueprints, and use both traditional micro measuring tools, and specialized computer equipment to measure and confirm part accuracy in minute detail. Service and Repair Technicians The Technical Education Center is designed to also train students for careers as CNC machine service and repair technicians. While often overlooked in the education community, the need for highly trained, skilled diagnostic and repair personnel is pressing, and also vital to the industry. The T.E.C. will include a cutting-edge program to train students to program and operate 3D Printers for the additive manufacturing industry. While CNC machines process metal by removing material to shape a finished component, 3D Printing utilizes an additive process of building up a finished component one layer at a time. Additive 3D printing is fast becoming vital to the manufacturing industry not only for quick prototyping (to confirm the accuracy of parts before mass production), but is now being used in the production of finished components in various plastics, metals and other materials. People with training and knowledge in 3D manufacturing are in high demand by many businesses. Metal Welding Program The T.E.C. will have a fully equipped, and completely functioning metal welding lab designed to train students in the skills required to enter the work force as skilled welders. The manufacturing and construction industries face constant shortages of skilled welders. The T.E.C. welding program will train students in the traditional, manual welding skills and techniques that form the basis for advancement to modern, automated metal welding equipment. Students will be work-ready with the welding skills many employers need today. ISO Certification, Patents and Ethical Business Behavior To be successful in today’s world, modern manufacturing business operations depend on well- rounded employees that understand more than just a single skill. Most successful companies operate with an ISO-9001 quality management system in place. Businesses that create new products and technologies want to protect their intellectual property through patents and trademarks, and the internet is increasingly used for business purposes – opening companies up to exposure for loss through online interactions by their employees. So that students graduate the T.E.C. with a above average understanding of these issues, the curriculum will have introductory courses to cover ISO-9001 management systems, how patents are created, what truly ethical business behavior employers expect and how these areas relate to internet use and social media business interactions. Technical Education Center Staffing The Technical Education Center program can include fully trained and certified teaching staff (a fully developed curriculum, teaching materials, testing and certification systems, and on-going collaboration and support through an international technical education school network. Educators will be trained to the NIMS certification standard (National Institute for Metalworking Skills) based in the United States. The technical education school and university network comprises more than 2,000 institutions worldwide. The long-established HTEC network in the USA and Europe offers on-going support and teacher training, teacher conferences and contacts to more than 100 industry suppliers of associated raw materials, supplies and equipment. Components are designed on computers with special software programs. The digital design is then transformed in a related software program that converts the 3D-modeled component into specialized code (instructions) that controls the movement of the CNC machine, producing a finished metal product.
If you were a bird o you think you could flap your wings for 10 months straight without feeling tired? A new study carried out by Swedish researchers from Lund University have found that the common swift may spend up to 10 months at a time flying in the air, a current world record. The vast majority spend all their time in the air, while only a select few would ever come down to land and it would only be for a very brief amount of time. The researchers’ findings appear in Current Biology. The data was collected with what the researchers call small “backpacks,” which are essentially tiny sensors that relay real-time data to the researchers while the birds go about their business. The backpack weighs less than a gram, and contains important sensors like accelerometers for detecting movement, GPS tracking for tracking, and more. These were attached to 13 test subjects, who were then released back into the wild with the equipment fastened to them as a part of the study. One might wonder how 10 months of flight at a time is possible, given the kind of energy that would be required to stay in flight so long against the constant downward force of gravity, but it turns out that there’s a logical explanation for it. Once birds climb to a certain altitude, not a whole lot of wing flapping is really required anymore. The headwinds are strong enough to give the birds a way to glide without flapping their wings, and because this is a low-energy state of flying, the birds can also nap in mid-air during this time while remaining airborne. “Common swifts have evolved to be very efficient flyers, with streamlined body shapes and long and narrow wings, generating lift force at low cost,” says Anders Hedenström, a co-author of the study. “These birds seem to have found a trick through evolution that allows them to get by on far less sleep.” The study goes to show not only that birds can stay in flight for extended periods of time we never thought possible, but also that technology is shrinking to such small and versatile sizes today that this kind of animal tracking is becoming increasingly possible. Source: Nature, National Geographic
Turtle and Cocaine – level 1 A person in a plane sees something in the ocean. It is contraband. The person sends the coast guard to check it. The guard finds a turtle and 800 kilograms of cocaine. The cocaine is in 26 packs. The packs are connected with a line. The turtle is caught in the line. It cannot swim away. It needs help. The people help the turtle. They cut it free. Then they confiscate the cocaine. You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section. What do you think about this news? LEARN 3000 WORDS with NEWS IN LEVELS News in Levels is designed to teach you 3000 words in English. Please follow the instructions How to improve your English with News in Levels: - Do the test at Test Languages. - Go to your level. Go to Level 1 if you know 1-1000 words. Go to Level 2 if you know 1000-2000 words. Go to Level 3 if you know 2000-3000 words. - Read two news articles every day. - Read the news articles from the day before and check if you remember all new words. - Listen to the news from today and read the text at the same time. - Listen to the news from today without reading the text. - Answer the question under today’s news and write the answer in the comments.
Check the battery voltage. If the voltage is at a target charging voltage, then the module is adequately charging your batteries. For example, if you measure 13.7V on a 12V battery, then it has reached the Float charging voltage, and the battery is being adequately charged. Remember that the target voltages may be higher in cold weather and lower in hot weather due to temperature compensation. Check the battery voltage over several minutes. If the voltage is increasing, the battery is being charged. If the voltage is increasing very slowly, then the module may not be receiving enough sunlight or another problem might be to blame. Check the terminal connections and any wiring connections of the PV module to the charge controller and the charge controller to the battery bank. Clean your panels and remove any obstacles causing shading, no matter how small. Use a controller accessory with current measurement (if applicable) or a digital multimeter to measure the module current. Compare the measured value to the module datasheet. Check the battery manufacturer datasheet or user guides for recommended charge current or charge rates (C-rates).
Ashoka was almost forgotten by the historians of the early British India, but James Prinsep contributed in the revelation of historical sources. Another important historian was British archaeologist John Hubert Marshall who was director-General of the Archaeological Survey of India. His main interests were Sanchi and Sarnath besides Harappa and Mohenjodaro. Sir Alexander Cunningham, a British archaeologist and army engineer and often known as the father of the Archaeological Survey of India, unveiled heritage sites like the Bharhut Stupa, Sarnath, Sanchi, and the Mahabodhi Temple; thus, his contribution is recognizable in realms of historical sources. Mortimer Wheeler, a British archaeologist, also exposed Ashokan historical sources, especially the Taxila. Information about the life and reign of Ashoka primarily comes from a relatively small number of Buddhist sources. In particular, the Sanskrit Ashokavadana ('Story of Ashoka'), written in the 2nd century, and the two Pāli chronicles of Sri Lanka (the Dipavamsa and Mahavamsa) provide most of the currently known information about Ashoka. Additional information is contributed by the Edicts of Asoka, whose authorship was finally attributed to the Ashoka of Buddhist legend after the discovery of dynastic lists that gave the name used in the edicts (Priyadarsi – 'favored by the Gods') as a title or additional name of Ashoka Mauriya. Architectural remains of his period have been found at Kumhrar, Patna, which include an 80-pillar hypostyle hall. Edicts of Ashoka -The Edicts of Ashoka are a collection of 33 inscriptions on the Pillars of Ashoka, as well as boulders and cave walls, made by the Emperor Ashoka of the Mauryan dynasty during his reign from 272 to 231 BC. These inscriptions are dispersed throughout the areas of modern-day Pakistan and India, and represent the first tangible evidence of Buddhism. The edicts describe in detail the first wide expansion of Buddhism through the sponsorship of one of the most powerful kings of Indian history.It give more information about Ashoka's proselytism, Moral precepts, Religious precepts, Social and animal welfare . Ashokavadana - The Ashokavadana is a 2nd century CE text related to the legend of the Maurya Emperor Ashoka. The legend was translated into Chinese by Fa Hien in 300 CE. Mahavamsa -The Mahavamsa ("Great Chronicle") is a historical poem written in the Pali language, of the kings of Sri Lanka. It covers the period from the coming of King Vijaya of Kalinga (ancient Orissa) in 543 BC to the reign of King Mahasena (334–361). As it often refers to the royal dynasties of India, the Mahavamsa is also valuable for historians who wish to date and relate contemporary royal dynasties in the Indian subcontinent. It is very important in dating the consecration of the Maurya emperor Ashoka. Dipavamsa -The Dipavamsa, or "Deepavamsa", (i.e., Chronicle of the Island, in Pali) is the oldest historical record of Sri Lanka. The chronicle is believe to be compiled from Atthakatha and other sources around the 3–4th century, King Dhatusena (4th century CE) had ordered that the Dipavamsa be recited at the Mahinda (son to Ashoka) festival held annually in Anuradhapura. The use of Buddhist sources in reconstructing the life of Ashoka has had a strong influence on perceptions of Ashoka, as well as the interpretations of his edicts. Building on traditional accounts, early scholars regarded Ashoka as a primarily Buddhist monarch who underwent a conversion to Buddhism and was actively engaged in sponsoring and supporting the Buddhist monastic institution. Some scholars have tended to question this assessment. The only source of information not attributable to Buddhist sources are the Ashokan edicts, and these do not explicitly state that Ashoka was a Buddhist. In his edicts, Ashoka expresses support for all the major religions of his time: Buddhism, Brahmanism, Jainism, and Ajivikaism, and his edicts addressed to the population at large (there are some addressed specifically to Buddhists; this is not the case for the other religions) generally focus on moral themes members of all the religions would accept. However, there is strong evidence in the edicts alone that he was a Buddhist. In one edict he belittles rituals, and he banned Vedic animal sacrifices; these strongly suggest that he at least did not look to the Vedic tradition for guidance. Furthermore, there are many edicts expressed to Buddhists alone; in one, Ashoka declares himself to be an "upasaka", and in another he demonstrates a close familiarity with Buddhist texts. He erected rock pillars at Buddhist holy sites, but did not do so for the sites of other religions. He also used the word "dhamma" to refer to qualities of the heart that underlie moral action; this was an exclusively Buddhist use of the word. Finally, the ideals he promotes correspond to the first three steps of the Buddha's graduated discourse. Read more about this topic: Ashoka Other articles related to "sources, source, historical sources, historical": ... "the world's oldest collection of stories for children", though other sources believe it was intended for adults ... The source stories for The Arabian Nights, perhaps also originally from India, have also been traced back this far. 650 BC Hesiod told stories that became a major source of Greek mythology ... ... Suetonius Paulinus, which almost certainly gave Tacitus an eyewitness source for Boudica's revolt ... Dio's account is only known from an epitome, and his sources are uncertain ... ... Scholars may choose to interpret verses according to Their historical context ... The early tafsir are considered to be some of the best sources for Islamic history ... ... The story is not based on a historical event. ... Famous quotes containing the words sources and/or historical: “I count him a great man who inhabits a higher sphere of thought, into which other men rise with labor and difficulty; he has but to open his eyes to see things in a true light, and in large relations; whilst they must make painful corrections, and keep a vigilant eye on many sources of error.” —Ralph Waldo Emerson (18031882) “Some of us still get all weepy when we think about the Gaia Hypothesis, the idea that earth is a big furry goddess-creature who resembles everybodys mom in that she knows whats best for us. But if you look at the historical recordKrakatoa, Mt. Vesuvius, Hurricane Charley, poison ivy, and so forth down the agesyou have to ask yourself: Whose side is she on, anyway?” —Barbara Ehrenreich (b. 1941)
The European fur sector has entered the European Product Environmental Footprint initiativeas part of the technical secretariat on apparel and footwear products. The technical secretariat is coordinated by the Sustainable Apparel Coalition and includes fashion brands and the leather and wool sectors, which work together to develop PEFCRs. The Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules (PEFCRs) are guidelines which clarify how to apply the Product Environmental Footprint method to measure the environmental footprint of products. The European Commission has developed the initiative amid pressure for a harmonised method assessing the environmental impact of products. At the moment, there are different ways to do that and numerous labels which are confusing for the consumers. Currently, PEF is a non-legally binding recommendation. The Commission hopes that after testing the criteria with more products, it will become the basis for EU-wide legislation benchmarking goods from batteries to pasta and clothing materials. The pilot phase proved it possible to track environmental performance across large-scale supply chains. The results mean the European Commission has given the green light to the next stage, the so-called transition phase, in which existing PEFCRs can be implemented and new ones - like the one covering natural fur - can be developed. In three years, when the transition phase of research and consultations is over, the apparel and footwear sector hopes to have the tools to measure precisely the environmental impact of their products. These rules will also apply to fur, and this will enable the fur sector to calculate the environmental footprint and label fur products accordingly.
Esophagus is the muscular tube that carries food from the mouth to the stomach. The esophagus has four layers; the inner layer, sub-mucosa, muscle layer and the outer layer. All the four layers have special purposes and features that help the esophagus to perform its required task. There are many types of esophagus diseases and infections that affect the four layers causing discomfort and frustration. These esophagus diseases include the esophagitis, esophageal dysphagia, gastroesophageaal reflux diseases, cancer and many more. The symptoms and signs of the esophagus diseases tend to be similar hence making it difficult to diagnose the specific disease. Causes of esophagus diseases The causes of esophagus diseases depend on the type of disorder present. The following are the main causes of esophagus diseases. - Congenital defects are caused by errors in development. - Obesity and advancing age also cause esophagus diseases. - Achalasia is caused by death of the nerve cells that control the muscles that enhance peristalsis. - Fungi cause infectious esophagus diseases. - Swallowing harsh chemicals causes corrosive esophagitis. - Cancer radio therapy causes radiation esophagus diseases. - Inflammatory diseases that affect the gallbladder, stomach or pancreas. - Gender- cancer of the esophagus is more common in men. - Smoking is major cause of esophagus diseases. Symptoms of esophagus diseases The major and most common symptoms of esophagus diseases include: - Painful swallowing: There are a lot of nerves and muscles that are involved in the swallowing. If these muscles are affected by diseases or infections, swallowing becomes difficult and painful. - Unexplained pain: Most esophagus diseases cause mild to severe pain depending on the type of infection and its severity. Pain can present itself at any time and any where near the esophagus. Constant dull pain or achy chest pain. Pain can be triggered by things like swallowing and coughing. - Heartburn: This is the condition where by the chest feels like it is burning inside. This burning sensation can spread to the esophagus and cause an unpleasant sour like taste. - Acid reflux: This is the regurgitation of stomach acids and foods. This is very dangerous since in some cases it occurs at night and the regurgitated food can be inhaled into the lungs and end up causing aspiration pneumonia. Treatment for esophagus diseases The esophagus treatment is aimed at the curbing and managing the symptoms present. Pharmacologic therapy which Provides relief to patients in early stages of achalasia when the disease activity is mild. Tricyclic antidepressants are used to manage non-cardiac chest pains that are resistant to other types of therapies. Antireflux therapy is used to manage chest pain especially in spactic esophageal dysmotility. Use of smooth muscle relaxants also helps. Botulium toxic injection is used to treat achalasia, pain relief, dysphalgia and regurgitation. Endoscopic therapy to treat achalasia. After endoscopic therapy, change of diet is recommended. Surgery: targets to disrupt the LES (myotomy) hence relief high pressure at the gastroesophageal junction. - Heller myotomy is an operation for patients with achalasia. It reduces the pressure across gastroesophageal and eliminates dysphagia. Its main complication is postmyotomy reflux. - Esophagectomy with gastric pull up is used to treat patients with advanced esophagus diseases. - Extended heller myotomy is a more complex surgery and most of the time it does not relieve symptoms. It is used as a final procedure where the other therapies have failed and the pain is severe.
A small city in France had a problem: their transit system was failing and it was expensive to run. Their solution was to make ridership free for all, and it has turned out to be a success that other cities are looking into. The motivations for making a transit system free are obvious. Increased ridership can relieve traffic, improve the environment, boost the system’s efficiency, give residents more spending money, help the poor, and rejuvenate central business districts. Unfortunately, the Châteauroux report contains little large-scale analysis of the effects of the system. But as it turns out, the change nearly paid for itself. Forty-seven percent of bus-goers were already riding for free, and tickets covered only 14 percent of the city’s transit expenses. By slightly increasing the transit tax on big local businesses while eliminating the costs of printing, ticket-punching technology and the human infrastructure of ticket sales, the city turned a profit on the transit system in ’03, ’04, ’05, and ’07. Since ’08, returns have not been as positive, though the report attributes that to a shift in control from the city to the region.
Mexican White Oak (AKA Monterrey Oak) Symptoms Often called the Monterrey Oak, I strongly dislike this term as it has a connotation of uniqueness of genetics and reclusive location. This tree will cross-pollinate and graft with dang near every oak – hence polymorpha (i.e. many forms). It is not resistant to oak wilt! It readily grafts with Live Oaks, etc. that have oak wilt. There will be massive losses of this over-planted species and a secondary epidemic outbreak will occur in those locations where this tree was planted in heavy numbers – almost to the point of replacing the monoculture of Live Oaks with a monoculture of this species. Bigelow Oak Symptoms (also known as the Shin Oak) Quercus sinuata var. breviloba There is way too much confusion with nomenclature with this tree species. Many call it a (“bastard”) white shin oak, but there are four other oak species each with their own unique latin etymology. Generic names like shin or scrub actually make identification more of a challenge rather than easier – the purpose for common names to begin with. This tree is also called a Limestone Durand Oak as it is genetically a sub-species of the Durand Oak (sinauta, sinuata), but by way of recognizing the unique aspects of this tree – I prefer to call it most often the Bigelow Oak. Note the first picture – for those who know this tree by its very unique paper shell, exfoliating bark one would likely conclude it is undoubtedly a Bigelow. Surprise surprise, the branching structure, leaf shape and color is Live Oak. These two trees cross-pollinate. These two trees regularly graft. If one or the other gets oak wilt, one should anticipate the odds are quite high that most of the trees in neighboring or converged mots are connected. This white oak is not resistant to oak wilt! Chinkapin Oak Symptoms This species is becoming a more prevalent selection as an “oak wilt resistant” shade tree. I can confirm that, the native Chinkapin, which is quite reclusive and found mostly in riparian areas in the more mountainous areas in central Texas, does contract oak wilt from grafts both from Live Oak and Lacey Oak and Bigelow Oak, and it spreads it readily to other Chinkapins within root-graft distance. When it contracts this disease, it will often die within the first two years. The Texas Forest Service in the “Forest Health: Identify and Manage Oak Wilt” brochure (a confusing, singular document that contradicts their historical position as well as all current positions regarding frequency, grafting, and mortality of native white oaks in every other public informational campaign; cf. texasoakwilt.tfs.tamu.edu; Identification section) confirms my experience regarding Lacey, Bigelow and Chinkapin (still deficient admission regarding the other white oaks – but that will hopefully change soon with some peer assistance…): “However, those white oaks such as Shin Oak (i.e. Bigelow), Chinkapin Oak, and Lacey Oak that grow in stands with interconnected root systems, also may die in large numbers from oak wilt.” By contrast, the Chinquapin oak grown/sold by most nurseries/tree outlets in the central Texas region is not a pure genetic specimen from our area. The genetics are from out of state. It is highly probable that these trees will not fare any better than their local region counterpart. I will be watching these planted trees closely and suspect I will have a solid position on this tree quite soon. What I am certain of is that I regularly see in these Chinkapins from the nursery, anatomical features of the Mexican White Oak (AKA Monterrey Oak). As mentioned above, the Mexican White Oak will continue to cross with other oaks and make the likelihood of mortality only worsen for their crossbred progeny. In a later section, we will cover the serious implications for tree nurseries and landscape tree design and install. Lacey Oak Symptoms Also known as the Blue Oak. Beautiful tree. Yes, this tree spreads oak wilt at the same speed as well as has as high of a mortality rate as Live Oak. This white oak species is not resistant to oak wilt! One of the videos I’ve taken recently is of a transference of oak wilt from a brand-new Live Oak mortality center to multiple neighboring Lacey Oaks. Within another recent video, I have captured a large Lacey Oak mortality center with a transference into a Spanish Red Oak mott. Post Oak Symptoms Would it be a bit interesting if you happened to hear a Texas Forest Service member say if they had numerous Post Oaks and one got oak wilt – that forester would proceed with injections – even up three times? Maybe confusing? Often when I see Post Oak mortality centers – I see ample evidence of canker scaring on the trunks. All too frequently the dismissive, inexperienced, and possibly lazy investigator concludes immediately that drought caused hypoxolon to overtake and kill all those trees. I am here to tell you emphatically that I regularly see active hypoxolon sporulation on live oaks at the later end of dying from oak wilt. Years later, the only evidence that may be left will likely by the hypoxolon canker scars – does that mean there was never any oak wilt present?!? It is possible that Post Oaks, while they don’t die immediately from oak wilt (like the Bur Oaks in the upper Midwest – see below), very well may succumb to hypoxolon as a result of the weakened health. I am not equating all or even half of hypoxolon scaring to oak wilt – just that it is very likely and probable that some of those cases are a result of a weakened tree due to the virulent oak wilt pathogen. Very often the leaf symptoms are hard to differentiate from other causes – not nearly as easy as Live Oaks. Bur Oak Symptoms Bur oaks (along with the White Oak – Quercus alba) are regularly treated for oak wilt in order to prevent mortality in the Upper Midwest. Not only is this white oak NOT resistant - the US Forest Service has officially confirmed that they do form fungal mats, albeit rarely. A Minnesota DNR forester during a Sustainable Forests Webinar, distinguishes between “susceptibility” of the red and white oaks in this way – they both can and will acquire to disease by way of overland vector or by root system (assuming both wounded and visited by a beetle or grafted to a neighboring infected tree), therefore both are equally susceptible. The “resistance” between the two he explains in this fashion – Red oaks always die and do so much faster, while the native white oaks will take one or more years to progressively die unless treated with fungicide. Personally, I would only accept the use of the term “resistant” for a tree who acquires oak wilt and can on its own record fight it off and or live with it in such a way that the tree’s value not only doesn’t diminish but it continues to increase as it continues to grow. Doesn’t that sound like a more accurate and appropriate use of the term…? Also, quite pertinent here – Dr. William MacDonald during a presentation at a Symposium in Pittsburg, makes a very strong remark about the surprise and great concern that occurred by expert here and especially those in England when two of the greatest European oaks – Quercus robur (English Oak) and Quercus patraea – Sessile Oak were inoculated with oak wilt spores here in the U.S. and the mortality response was very similar to Red Oaks! Without intensive research showing routine capacity of any oak to resist the fungus effectively on its own – no positive claim of resistance should be made! This must become the new protocol adopted by those who wish to responsibly educate and fight this disease with an eye to the future. White Oak Symptoms This oak is not found in Texas. I have included it as I’m trying very deliberately to affect a greater cohesion of experience, knowledge, and practice/protocol within the nation and especially here in Central Texas. This tree is namesake of the Family of White Oak species – I wonder if its “resistance” to mortality from oak wilt (may not die from it and slow dieback anywhere from 5-20 years appears to be the consensus of most every Northern state where they grow naturally. Regardless – a tree slowly dying that more often than not needs fungicide to stop the slow-motion death, is not a tree thriving and growing and providing beauty and the promise of centuries of grandeur as one would be accustomed to from this stately, long-lived king of oaks by which the ink which signed the Declaration of Independence came from galls acquired from this species. European Oak Symptoms Quercus patraea – Sessile oak; Quercus Robur – English oak; Quercus pubescens – Downy oak; Quercus suber – Cork oak; Quercus ilex – Holm oak Why include oaks from another continent here? - First, a number of these white oak family species are already planted here and cross-breeding with our native white oaks – making this information quite cogent. - Second, a pathogen and its effects - the more thoroughly studied and understood, adds depth to our knowledge base of that pathogen and its host species. - Thirdly, if it could pose a serious and devastating effect to Europe if the pathogen found its way there by accident due to an uninformed person – we should answer that question and disseminate that information to all good-willed people and make the appropriate protective laws required. A multi-stage study of the above five European white oaks by inoculation of seedlings in 1984, 1986, and in 1987-1988 a “Short-term Susceptibility Test” was conducted by J. Pinon and Dr. W. L. MacDonald as a precursor to a massive later inoculative “Long-term Susceptibility Test” in 1996. The inoculations of these five species yielded extremely concerning preliminary results for all five white oak species in this author’s estimation as well as the scientists who stated: “In West Virginia 100% of all trees from all provenances, including Q. alba and Q. rubra controls, developed wilt symptoms (Table 2). Symptom expression was dramatic and mortality often occurred by the end of the season (Pinon et al. 1988).” Below is the pre-eminent final, part-two study that tackled the question of three of European white oaks above and their capacity to tolerate the oak wilt fungus. (Follow this link to purchase the book: Shade Tree Wilt Diseases) Findings: “The most significant finding from this research is that symptom development among [these three] European white oak species is rapid, complete, and very similar to the high degree of susceptibility expressed by North American red oaks.” Little resistance was demonstrated by these European white oak species as “most of the European white oaks were dead or dying by the end of 1996, the year of their inoculation… This outcome was not anticipated… The critical message for arborists in the United States is that European oaks are highly susceptible to oak wilt and their use and care in landscape settings should be considered cautiously...” The European Union, Clemson University, West Virginia Universities and the INRA (French organization) funded and conducted this incredibly important experiment. The EU has established stringent rules for imports of any oak item into Europe –the UK has established a complete moratorium of any oak item and also has established extreme measures of handling any occurrence of oak wilt. We would do well to follow suit and conduct similar inoculations on all species of North American Oaks of mature size prior to irresponsible and ignorant assumptions of theoretical resistant designations. California especially should consider this effort prior to the inevitable arrival of this disease.
Today in class we started to learn about measurements and using rulers. We already learned about measurements in science but we learned the metric system. In technology we will be using the customary system. We have a packet we have to do which involves measuring with rulers. When we completed the packet I saw I got all of them right. I also finished them really quick so I was happy. After we practiced with the rules we got wirecuters and wires. We cut the wires into five inch wires and and then practiced with getting rid of the wire with the wirecuters. After we were done with that we started to learn the periodic table. We listend to the song at the end of class and started to learn a few of them. We learned a lot during class and I hope we do more fun activities.
Gordon Edwards states: Radioactive materials continue to emit atomic radiation at a rate which cannot be influenced by any of the usual factors: heat, pressure, chemical reactions, absorption, dilution, compaction — NOTHING can be used to speed, up, slow down, or stop the process of radioactive disintegration from occurring. This central fact means that “radioactive cleanup” is a very misleading phrase. It suggests to ordinary folks that we can somehow “get rid” of radioactive contamination — but we cannot do so, at least not in any absolute sense. All we can do is move the contamination from one place to another. If you “decontaminate” one site, you must be contaminating another site. The contamination may be repackaged, or consolidated, or managed, or made less available to the environment of living things, but it cannot be eliminated. Governments and their electorates have been misled by the nuclear industry into believing false notions about nuclear waste. Laws have been passed, billions of dollars spent, nuclear expansion plans approved, based on the erroneous impression that nuclear scientists know how to “clean up” and “dispose” of nuclear waste. They do not know how to do so, except in a temporary and superficial manner. Published in Halifax Chronicle Herald (Aug. 7, 2013) – These days, there is no shortage of discussion about energy in Canada, but the conversations and headlines typically focus on controversial projects like pipelines and fracking. Rarely do we talk about success stories that are good for the environment, the economy and energy customers. Amid debates on energy development, Nova Scotia has quietly emerged as a Canadian leader when it comes to reducing energy waste. As discussions about a national energy strategy continue across Canada, more eyes will turn to Nova Scotia for ways to reduce pollution, cut energy costs and drive economic development. Nova Scotia climbed to the top quickly as a result of a number of best practices in energy efficiency. Though public consultations and engagement, the province has developed a unique energy efficiency program that works, and works well. Efficiency Nova Scotia is Canada’s only regulated, non-profit energy efficiency utility that is independent from both government and the power generation utility. That means Efficiency Nova Scotia is entirely dedicated to saving energy, and it has a series of accountability measures to monitor its effectiveness. Equally important is how Nova Scotia funds energy efficiency programs. It costs money to find and stop wasted energy, but if you didn’t save that energy, you would have to pay Nova Scotia Power to generate it. So it makes sense that ratepayers buying electricity also pay to find the savings. That’s why you see it on your electricity bill in the same way you pay for power from coal, natural gas and other resources. The good news is that on average, energy efficiency costs only three cents per kilowatt hour saved, whereas generating coal or natural gas-fired electricity can cost anywhere from six to 15 cents per kilowatt hour. Not only is energy efficiency a bargain up front, but it also has long-term and large-scale benefits. In fact, Nova Scotia ratepayers are getting a great return on their investments. In 2012, Efficiency Nova Scotia’s programs reduced electricity consumption by enough to power 16,000 homes annually, saving over $150 million in future electricity costs. This level of savings is equal to a 1.5 per cent reduction in annual electricity demand, which makes the province the current national leader in energy savings. By comparison, electric energy efficiency programs in B.C. saved approximately 0.8 per cent in 2012, while Ontario and Manitoba both reduced demand by 0.6 per cent. While Nova Scotia leads the way in Canada, it still has room to improve. Massachusetts — considered the leading jurisdiction in North America — recently adopted a three-year plan that requires electric utilities to reduce demand by 2.5 per cent this year, and increasing to 2.6 per cent in 2015. Rhode Island and Vermont have similar targets. In these states, there is broad support from Republicans and Democrats alike for investing in energy efficiency, because it saves ratepayers money while creating jobs and reducing pollution. Nova Scotia has developed an innovative and successful model — nowhere else in Canada will you find an independent energy efficiency utility that is accountable directly to ratepayers. Efficiency Nova Scotia ensures that you do not have to spend any more than necessary on expensive electricity generation. Going forward, organizations and governments across the country will keep looking to Nova Scotia for its expertise and leadership in this area. Nova Scotia should celebrate this success, and also take advantage of opportunities to build on it by investing more in efficiency. Leslie Malone is the Canada program director at ENE, a non-profit organization that researches and advocates innovative policies that tackle our environmental challenges while promoting sustainable economies. Tim Weis is the director of renewable energy and efficiency policy at the Pembina Institute, a national clean energy think tank. From the Pandora’s Promise web site: “Impact Partners and CNN Films present PANDORA’S PROMISE, the groundbreaking new film by Academy-Award®-nominated director Robert Stone. The atomic bomb and meltdowns like Fukushima have made nuclear power synonymous with global disaster. But what if we’ve got nuclear power wrong? An audience favorite at the Sundance Film Festival, PANDORA’S PROMISE asks whether the one technology we fear most could save our planet from a climate catastrophe, while providing the energy needed to lift billions of people in the developing world out of poverty. In his controversial new film, Stone tells the intensely personal stories of environmentalists and energy experts who have undergone a radical conversion from being fiercely anti to strongly pro-nuclear energy, risking their careers and reputations in the process. Stone exposes this controversy within the environmental movement head-on with stories of defection by heavy weights including Stewart Brand, Richard Rhodes, Gwyneth Cravens, Mark Lynas and Michael Shellenberger. Undaunted and fearlessly independent, PANDORA’S PROMISE is a landmark work that is forever changing the conversation about the myths and science behind this deeply emotional and polarizing issue.” “Could going green really be the same as going nuclear? That’s the argument presented in this nuclear energy advocacy documentary from Robert Stone (Earth Days), which suggests the public’s knee-jerk fear of nuclear energy is naive and risks derailing our best hope for preventing an environmental catastrophe. While the idea is provocative, especially in the aftermath of Japan’s post-tsunami Fukushima disaster in 2011, the movie’s focus is narrow. The five nuclear converts surveyed are journalist-authors who all seem to have reached identical conclusions: There’s Richard Rhodes (“To be anti-nuclear is basically to be in favour of burning fossil fuels”), Gwyneth Cravens, Whole Earth Catalog founder Stewart Brand, Mark Lynas (author Six Degrees: Our Future on a Hotter Planet) and Michael Shellenberger, of the pro-nuclear environmental group Breakthrough Institute. Also interviewed is scientist Dr. Charles Till, co-developer of the Integral Fast Reactor, which purports to be both accident-free and capable of recycling waste material. The film’s tone is boosterish, and the cursory treatment of the cost of a nuclear-based energy overhaul, or the viability of renewable energy, tends to arouse skepticism rather than allay it. Opposing voices are limited to vintage clips of anti-nuclear protesters and one gotcha confrontation with septuagenarian anti-nuclear crusader Dr. Helen Caldicott, and that supports the impression that Pandora’s Promise is less an exploration of the subject than a well-constructed sales pitch.” From Beyond Nuclear: “The impetus for this two-page summary document and the full report referenced above, was the release in July 2013 of the pro-nuclear propaganda film, Pandora’s Promise. The film, like the nuclear industry propaganda in circulation generally, both omits and misrepresents key facts in order to cover up the very real dangers and detriments of nuclear energy. These documents serve to rebut the misleading messaging about dirty, dangerous and expensive nuclear power.” The solar industry is growing drastically every year, while fossil fuels continue to be phased out. This is why it’s frustrating to hear people say that renewable energy is not ready to compete with fossil fuels as a means to power our country. Here are five reasons why solar is already winning. There are more people in the U.S. employed in the solar energy marketplace than mining coal. The banal argument that transitioning to a clean energy economy will cost us jobs is simply false. Solar is growing more than 10 times faster than the American economy. Solar already employs more than coal, and that gap is widening. In 2012, solar added 14,000 new jobs, up 36 percent from 2010 and the industry will add another 20,000 jobs this year. The fossil fuels industry cut 4,000 jobs last year. So when it comes to employing Americans, solar is winning. Solar panels have a seen a consistent drop in prices over the last three decades, and in the last few years that drop has been meteoric. In the last 35 years prices have gone from $75/watt to around $.75/watt. Since 2008, the cost of coal has risen 13 percent. In some parts of the market, solar has already reached parity with coal. I’m sure you’ve heard the argument that solar is economically effective only by relying on government subsidies. Currently this may be true, but if solar prices reach Citigroup’s prediction of $.25/watt by 2020, subsidies may not be needed. And then there’s the glaring fact that oil, gas and coal receive subsidies that dwarf those of renewables ($409 billion vs. $60 billion globally). And that’s ignoring the extra costs that burning fossil fuels impose on the rest of society, that aren’t paid by fossil fuel companies (called externalities by economists). The Harvard Medical School estimates that burning coal in the U.S. costs $500 billion in environmental and health damage (and then there’s, you know, the whole climate change thing). If those costs were taxed onto coal plants, the price of coal would more than double. With the cost of solar dropping rapidly, installations are escalating at an exciting rate. Earlier this year, the U.S. became the fourth country to have 10 gigawatts of solar energy capacity, with installations increasing at a rate of 50 percent annually for the last five years, that rate is expected to increase to 80 percent this year. Two-thirds of global solar capacity has been installed over the last two years. In contrast, 175 coal fired power plants in the U.S. are expected to be shut down over the next five years (more than 10 percent of total capacity). This reflects the rising costs of coal and the implementation of stricter environmental regulations. While fossil fuels have been an omnipresent part of investment portfolios for decades, their reign may be coming to an end. Recently a number of reports have shed light on an impending carbon bubble. Fossil fuel companies are valued in the market based on their reserves of unburned fuel still in the ground. If international regulations are put in place to prevent atmospheric carbon dioxide levels from rising above 450 ppm (the estimated cap to avoid irreversible climate change), much of the listed reserves couldn’t be used. This means that many fossil fuel companies are overvalued as they potentially have huge unburnable reserves of fuel. British bank HSBC estimates that once stricter climate regulations are put in place, the value of fossil fuel companies may fall drastically. Already, coal companies have dropped in value 75 percent over the last five years. Firms like Mercer and WHEB are advising investors to move their investments out of coal and oil and into renewables. Major investors are already making this move. Warren Buffett has invested in one of the largest solar farms in the world and has predicted the end of coal as an American power source. Environmental impact should be pretty clear, but here are some interesting impacts of coal extraction and burning that you may not be aware of: acid mine drainage and coal sludge pollutes rivers and streams air pollution causes acid rain, smog, respiratory illnesses, cancers and toxins in the environment coal dust from mining causes respiratory illness coal fires in abandoned mines put tons of mercury into the atmosphere every year and account for three percent of global carbon dioxide emissions coal combustion waste is the second largest contributor to landfills after solid waste mountaintop removal coal mining causes flooding, destruction of entire ecosystems and communities, and the release of greenhouse gases emissions of 381,740,601 lbs of toxic carbon dioxide, methane, sulfur dioxide, mercury, radioactive materials and particulate matter annually enormous contributor to global climate change Jacob Sandry is a fellow at Mosaic, a company connecting investors to high quality solar project. Visit EcoWatch’s RENEWABLES page for more related news on this topic. “We’re not here to say that Premier Brad Wall is a bad person,” Idle No More co-founder Sylvia McAdam said at a press conference in the John M. Cuelenaere Public Library. “We’re here to tell him that the tar sands are not working. They’re hurting people. The water is being devastated. We’re here to tell our leaderships, all leadership, to start looking towards the energy that is clean, that doesn’t harm humanity or the earth.” Speaking on behalf of the same groups that recently called for Wall’s resignation, Fish Lake Métis Local 108 president Bryan Lee read out a list of 10 questions addressed to the premier. “As a result of Premier Brad Wall’s comments in a letter to the editor of the P.A. Herald, it is clear that he has no intention of resigning, nor of retracting his earlier public comment, ‘Do you know what the best program for First Nations and Métis people in Saskatchewan is? No program at all, it’s Cameco,’” Lee read. “We grassroots First Nations and Métis now bring forward several questions for you, Premier Wall.” The first question asked Wall to cease what native activists consider his “campaign of targeting our people as to what you determine is best for us.” The second and third, respectively, asked the premier to “stop humanizing Cameco” as a citizen and to instead humanize water, given its necessity for life. Pointing to moratoriums on uranium production in Nova Scotia, British Columbia and Quebec, the statement called on Wall to bring forward a similar policy. The issue of nuclear waste storage in northern Saskatchewan was another hot-button issue. The fifth question asked the government to stop supporting the mandate of the Nuclear Waste Management Organization to locate a waste repository within the province, and to implement legislation similar to Manitoba’s that would ban nuclear waste storage. The sixth question noted that medical isotopes can be produced using a cyclotron and asked Wall to end a campaign to develop small nuclear reactors. The seventh question brought up the government’s duty to consult with indigenous peoples and accused the premier of “interference in fundamental justice” by failing to consult before securing an agreement with Cameco and Areva to expand uranium mining in the province. “Your public support of Cameco, and the relationship you have publicly declared should happen between Cameco and Saskatchewan First Nations and Métis people, is a clear gross interference with the Supreme Court of Canada’s ruling on duty to consult and accommodate,” Lee charged. The last three questions asked Wall to remove all water allocation intended for the recovery of oil and gas, to support compensation for those adversely affected by radioactive contamination, and to promote the development of renewable energy by SaskPower through tax incentives and subsidies to private renewable energy companies in partnership with the province’s indigenous peoples. While that list of questions was the main focus of Friday’s press conference, speakers also went into detail about why dependence on Cameco, in the words of Saskatoon renewable energy consultant Mark Bigland-Pritchard, would be “bad health policy, bad social policy, bad economic policy, bad foreign policy, bad environmental policy, bad energy policy and is unconstitutional.” In response to government claims that development by Cameco would create jobs, English River First Nation resident Candyce Paul — one of the founding members of the Committee for Future Generations — offered a long list of social ills affecting communities living near mining operations. “For the most part, northerners live in substandard housing,” Paul said. “The money that is being made by employees in Cameco is not being used to improve their home situations, their houses and upgrade their homes. “Aboriginal workers note they don’t receive proper training, even in the apprenticeship programs, and they come into the employment at entry level and low-paying jobs. Paul pointed to the problem of underfunded schools and the paucity of adult education programs. She also criticized the influence of Cameco in changing school curriculums to gear students towards employment in the mining industry. One example was the appointment of Cameco vice-president for corporate social responsibility Gary Merasty as head of a task force on improving First Nations and Métis education. Mining developments, Paul argued, had caused or exacerbated a variety of other social problems. “Alcohol and drug addiction problems are on the increase,” she said. “Prior to the mines opening, there was no such thing as drugs in our communities. It wasn’t there until the mining culture introduced it. “There’s a lack of self and community development program for First Nations and Métis. We suffer a lot of family dysfunctions, which take parents away from their children for weeks at a time, and when they come home it’s party time … “Because we’re starting on our second generation of workers in the mines … (children) are starting to see their grandparents dying of cancers, and they’re begging their parents not to go work in the mines.” Another point touched on during the press conference was the shipping of uranium to other countries for the development of nuclear warheads. Following this lengthy criticism of government policies, Bigland-Pritchard — current director of Low Energy Design Ltd. and a former Green Party of Saskatchewan candidate — tackled the issue of how the province might transition to more sustainable forms of energy. Describing four sources for clean energy — the sun, wind, plant material and water — Bigland-Pritchard argued that Saskatchewan was particularly well-suited to the latter two. The abundance of trees in the province, he suggested, could be harvested sustainably under local ownership to generate energy. Hydroelectric power was the other option, though here Bigland-Pritchard again emphasized smaller-scale operations that would not affect the local environment and could be controlled locally. “Those are the two options for the north,” he said. “Those would supplement wind power, for which there is some potential in the north, and solar power, for which there is growing potential throughout the province. “The price is already coming down. They’re not down quite low enough yet, but they will be very soon.” Bigland-Pritchard cited other countries and regions that have been pushing hard for increased use of wind power, including numerous parts of the United States. Germany, he noted, has a land area half the size of Saskatchewan and 80 times the population, yet has set itself the goal of 80 per cent renewable energy dependence by 2050. Bigland-Pritchard argued that the transition to greener forms of energy would create plenty of jobs for northern communities. “The mining industry provides relatively few jobs,” he said. “They can be quite well-paid, but it’s relatively few jobs. There’s no way that the mining industry is going to be able to provide jobs for the whole of northern Saskatchewan.” “Now, it may be that nobody’s going to make enormous piles of money,” he added. “But there will be enough for everyone, and … the point of economic development is that there should be enough for everyone, not that a few people get rich and everybody else starves.” Finally, Bigland-Pritchard noted that any economic benefits the mines might provide to local communities would be relatively short-term. “The mines will run out of ore within 30 or 40 years, and then what do you do?” he asked. “There’ll be some jobs in cleanup, and some of those will be dirty jobs and some of those will be highly technical jobs. But is that the way that you want to create economic development — cleaning up radioactive mess? “So let’s go the clean way. Let’s actually respect the world that we live in. Let’s respect each other, and let’s respect our future generations.” Link to original article: http://www.paherald.sk.ca/News/2013-04-12/article-3219443/Activists-challenge-Brad-Wall-on-energy%2C-environment/1 New North – Saskatchewan Association of Northern Communities said in its newsletter this week that northerners should question Wall’s comments and whether the provincial government is really working to build on economic opportunities other than mining. While Cameco does bring thousands of jobs to the north, the company can only do so much. “Governments are asked to provide the backbone for healthier and safer communities,” the organization said in its newsletter. “Mr. Wall would probably argue that revenue from Cameco ensures that governments have the capacity to do all those things (but) northern residents are entitled to the same quality of life and the same level of respect as people in the rest of the province.” The piece was written in response to Premier Brad Wall’s remarks at an event in Prince Albert last month that Cameco is one of the best programs for First Nations and Metis people in the north. “It’s a job in the north. It’s a chance to engage in the prosperity that we see in Saskatchewan. We will say ‘yes’ to that opportunity,” Wall was quoted as saying at the dinner event. New North CEO Al Loke said Thursday that Cameco has contributed much to the northern economy, including job training and education. But he said government has to be involved to have a successful northern economy, including more roads and infrastructure. “Up here, we’re still 10 years behind some places in the south,” Loke said. “We want them (provincial government) to recognize that the north is still part of the province … you can’t expect a private company to look after the north.” In a letter written last week, Wall said he was surprised by the controversy but that he stands by his comments. Given that First Nations and Metis people make up more than 40 per cent of its workforce, Wall said Cameco has been better than government programs at providing training and helping to reduce the gap between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal employment. The provincial government is moving away from paying for government programs with few tangible results, Wall wrote. “If those who are misinterpreting my remarks as anything but a results-based comparison between government programs and real private sector jobs want us to return to the failed practices of the past, then they will not like the approach of our government,” Wall said. “Our government believes that a strong economy and good-paying employment opportunities are the most desirable outcomes for everyone in Saskatchewan, Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal … we are going to continue with our growth plan whose aim it is to replace government programs with high quality jobs every chance we get.” Nevertheless, Wall’s comments angered many, prompting calls for his resignation. A loosely-organized group led by spokesman Bryan Lee, who is president of the Fish Lake Metis Nation Local 108, hosted a second press conference Friday in Prince Albert to voice their concerns. In an interview, Lee said Wall should not be commenting on the needs of First Nations and Metis people in Saskatchewan’s north. “It’s just a preposterous statement and it’s offensive,” Lee said. “I don’t think it’s the responsibility at all of government to provide some sort of answer … The First Nations and Metis are very capable of handling their own affairs.” The group planned to present a list of questions for the premier on Friday, focusing on Wall’s comment regarding Cameco and the provincial government’s use of natural resources, as well as the use of renewable energy. Lee said it’s unlikely Wall will resign over the controversy, but said the group is hoping for some response to the questions. “It more or less did get his attention and that was our objective,” Lee said.
ICES Journal of Marine Science Casitas are artificial shelters used by fishers to aggregate Caribbean spiny lobsters (Panulirus argus) for ease of capture. However, casitas may function as an ecological trap for juvenile lobsters if they are attracted to casitas and their growth or mortality is poorer compared with natural shelters. We hypothesized that juvenile lobsters may be at particular risk if attracted to casitas because they are less able than larger individuals to defend themselves, and do not forage far from shelter. We compared the nutritional condition, relative mortality, and activity of lobsters of various sizes in casitas and natural shelters in adult and juvenile lobster-dominated habitats in the Florida Keys (United States). We found that the ecological effects of casitas are complex and location-dependent. Lobsters collected from casitas and natural shelters did not differ in nutritional condition. However, juvenile lobsters in casitas experienced higher rates of mortality than did individuals in natural shelters; the mortality of large lobsters did not differ between casitas and natural shelters. Thus, casitas only function as ecological traps when deployed in nursery habitats where juvenile lobsters are lured by conspecifics to casitas where their risk of predation is higher. These results highlight the importance of accounting for animal size and location-dependent effects when considering the consequences of habitat modification for fisheries enhancement. Original Publication Citation Gutzler, B. C., Butler, M. J., & Behringer, D. C. (2015). Casitas: A location-dependent ecological trap for juvenile Caribbean spiny lobsters, Panulirus argus. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 72((Supplement 1)), 177-184. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsv041 Gutzler, Benjamin C.; Butler, Mark J. IV; and Behringer, Donald C., "Casitas: A Location-Dependent Ecological Trap for Juvenile Caribbean Spiny Lobsters, Panulirus argus" (2015). Biological Sciences Faculty Publications. 310. 0000-0003-3500-0775 (Gutzler), 0000-0002-6052-6659 (Butler)
Actinopteri (ray-finned fishes) > Salmoniformes (Salmons) > Salmonidae (Salmonids) > Salmoninae Etymology: Salmo: Latin, salmo, Plinius = salmon (Ref. 45335). Environment: milieu / climate zone / depth range / distribution range Freshwater; demersal; depth range - m (Ref. ), usually - m (Ref. ). Temperate; 0°C - Europe: Northwestern shore of Lake Ohrid (Albania, Macedonia ) and outlet. Size / Weight / Age Maturity: Lm ?  range ? - ? cm Max length : 40.0 cm SL male/unsexed; (Ref. 59043) Morphology | Morphometrics Can be diagnosed from at least Salmo letnica and Salmo aphelios by its osteological characters. Flesh pinkish (Ref. 59043). Inhabits lakes and enters outlet. Spawns at and in outlet of lake in October - January. Potentially extinct due to its original spawning sites are no longer accessible as the outlet of the lake has been obstructed by a weir and two reservoirs have flooded the spawning sites (Ref. 59043). Life cycle and mating behavior Maturity | Reproduction | Spawning | Eggs | Fecundity | Larvae Kottelat, M. and J. Freyhof, 2007. Handbook of European freshwater fishes. Publications Kottelat, Cornol and Freyhof, Berlin. 646 pp. (Ref. 59043) IUCN Red List Status (Ref. 124695) Threat to humans ReferencesAquacultureAquaculture profileStrainsGeneticsAllele frequenciesHeritabilityDiseasesProcessingNutrientsMass conversion Estimates based on models Phylogenetic diversity index (Ref. 82805 = 0.5000 [Uniqueness, from 0.5 = low to 2.0 = high]. Bayesian length-weight: a=0.01047 (0.00495 - 0.02215), b=3.03 (2.86 - 3.20), in cm total length, based on LWR estimates for this Genus-body shape (Ref. 93245 Trophic level (Ref. 69278 ): 3.6 ±0.5 se; based on size and trophs of closest relatives Resilience (Ref. 120179 ): Medium, minimum population doubling time 1.4 - 4.4 years (Preliminary K or Fecundity.). Vulnerability (Ref. 59153 ): Moderate to high vulnerability (49 of 100) .
Rashid Johnson (American, b. 1977) MediumPrint with Van Dyke brown ink DimensionsSheet : 30 x 22 1/2 in. (76.2 x 57.15 cm) Credit LineHope College Collection LabelIn the late 1990s, artist Glenn Ligon and curator Thelma Golden coined the term “post-black art” to describe the work of younger African American artists that is rooted in their Black identities but is not defined by those identities. Post-black art is intersectional art that often addresses a wide range of issues beyond race, including class, gender, sexuality and cultural history. The maker of this print, Rashid Johnson, was included in the first-ever exhibition of post-black art held at Harlem’s Studio Museum in 2001. The print is based on a photograph Johnson took while he was an undergraduate student at Columbia College in Chicago. The photograph belonged to a larger series of portraits of homeless people that Johnson created to explore social and economic inequality in contemporary America. The print was created using the Van Dyke brown process, in which ultraviolet light is used to expose a large-format negative on specially prepared paper. The Van Dyke printing process was invented in the 19th century, and is named after a brown oil paint associated with the 17th century Flemish painter Sir Anthony Van Dyke.
A web source is a recognizable resource on the World Wide Web. An Attire Source Identifier (URI) is appointed to a web resource, allowing it to be discovered and also referenced. Its function is to make the material of the web available and multiple-use. Although many types of internet resources are identified online, an internet resource is one that is conveniently obtainable on the Internet. This short article will explore some of the most prominent types of internet sources, and also offer some pointers for identifying which ones are appropriate for your demands. An internet source’s name can have a detailed summary as well as a corresponding kind. The name needs to be one-of-a-kind and contain just letters and numbers. The kind field have to include a nonconsecutive onward slash (“/”) personality. The name of an internet source is not the like its kind. The prefix identifies the web content type of the internet source. The URI can be a lengthy or brief link, relying on the style. The principle of an internet resource encompasses any entity that can be addressed or identified in a networked system. It has actually evolved over the past decade from a static addressable documents to an extensive summary of any type of entity that can be named and accessed with an URL. The term “web source” can describe a variety of different entities, and also there are several methods to specifying it. In the case of text-based web resources, a text editor like Visual Workshop Express is suggested. The main advantage of an internet resource is that it enables programmers to function extra effectively. The devices included in the software application are convenient and make it very easy to share code. An internet source can also be utilized as an archive of previous variations of a site. By using a database of old and also unpublished files, a programmer can create a much more organized web site. The most popular resource types are HTML and also JSP documents. An internet resource can be a PDF data, a JPEG photo, or any other sort of file. An internet resource can be checked out or watched. It can additionally be connected with. As an example, a video clip of a tennis game might include an interactive element. A video clip of a tennis match might be an excellent alternative for a Web Source. Some resources are interactive and can be played on mobile phones. A quiz can be made use of to test a professional athlete’s endurance and agility. The Healthy and balanced Aging Site’s sources are regularly growing. An internet resource can likewise be inserted in the type itself. It can be consisted of in the form’s header, footer, or reliances. For instance, a web source can be included in the type’s header as well as footer. A web source can just be consisted of in a form’s material. Its contents are not presented in the header or footer. The user has to choose a web resource. This will allow him to add the required attributes. An internet resource is a data on a web server. It is the resource of the content on the web site. A web resource is a data that can be created as well as customized similarly as a normal data. A web source can be a message or a picture, or it can be a video. It can also be a picture. A photo can be an image. An image can be an image. A visuals can be a flick. An internet source can be a photo, a video, or an audio documents. The file has to be understandable for humans. If a web resource is not available to individuals outside the domain name of the owner, it can cause a lot of issues. It is suggested to make use of a full-screen editor for web resources. This will help you to stay clear of issues with determining resources. If you are uncertain of the distinctions in between a text editor and also a web resource, attempt to utilize it for other objectives. An internet source can be complimentary or paid, but it is best to consider its intended audience and what it can and can not be used on it. Several of the most prominent resources are complimentary as well as do not require any financial payment. An internet resource that is for free is a web site that supplies its solutions to its target market. On top of that, it might be focused on a certain subject. For instance, a website devoted to education and learning may include details on sex-related body organs as well as sperm. A web source can be categorized in several ways. As an example, a web site can be identified as a “web source” if it has an internet resource group. Its web content can be read or paid attention to. It can be browsed. For instance, a web resource may consist of a selection of different sorts of material, including posts on sexuality. A site can be a site for info. Its materials can be categorized into two classifications: a subcategory. An internet source can be anything that can give material. For example, a site might contain an online picture of a lion, a motion picture, or an ad for a forthcoming flick. Similarly, a web site can be an internet resource. An internet resource can be a document, video clip, or picture. Its materials will certainly differ depending on the kind of content. If the content is dynamic, it can be a database or an online search engine. A web resource can be any kind of kind of web content, such as a website, a page, or a web application. As an example, a webpage can be a web resource. A website can be a web resource. As an example, an URL can be a database. A data source can be a resource. If the data source is a collection, a repository can be a library. If the paper is a book, it can be a “internet” or a data source. how to buy backlinks If an internet source is an application, it can be handled programmatically. When it comes to a data source, internet sources are called option parts. These are saved in Dataverse as “solution” parts. They can be added to any other org. This provides a user friendly means of handling sources and also sharing them. Xrm.Navigation. This function is made use of to develop a connection between a data source as well as the database.
move the cursor over a segment of the grid to display a preview of the beam, and then click to add a beam along that segment; or press Ctrl and click to add beams along all segments in that grid line; or press Ctrl twice and click to add beams along all segments in the grid. Press Enter to end the command. How do you create a beam in AutoCAD? - Open the tool palette that contains the structural beam tool you want to use, and select the tool. … - On the Properties palette, under General, click Style, and select a structural beam style. - Specify a value for Bound spaces: … - Specify a value for Trim automatically: … - Specify a value for On object: … - Expand Dimensions. How do you insert a textbox in AutoCAD? To Create Text - Click Home tab Annotation panel Multiline Text. … - Specify opposite corners of a bounding box to define the width of the multiline text object. … - Specify the initial formatting. … - Enter the text. … - To change individual characters, words, or paragraphs, highlight the text and specify the formatting changes. How do you show beams in a plan? Structural beams need to be represented in floor plan views corresponding to the position of the beam compared to the view range settings of the view. Typically the beams should be displayed in architectural drawings: …with hidden lines, if they are positioned above the cut plane of the floor plan view. How are beams placed in a building? 1.1 Positioning and orientation of columns - Columns should preferably be located at (or) near the corners of a building, and at the intersection of beams/walls. - Select the position of columns so as to reduce bending moments in beams. - Avoid larger spans of beams. - Avoid larger centre-to-centre distance between columns. How do you draw a beam? Sketch a Beam System - Click Structure tab Structure panel (Beam System). - Click Modify | Place Structural Beam System tab Beam System panel (Sketch Beam System). - Click Draw panel Line to sketch, or click Draw panel Pick Lines to select existing lines. … - On the Properties palette: What are the commands for AutoCAD text? - Click elsewhere in a drawing to start a new set of rows of single-line text. - Press Tab or Shift+Tab to move forward and back between the sets of single-line text. - Press Alt and click a text object to edit a set of text lines. What are the two kinds of AutoCAD text? AutoCAD has two different types of text that can be created Single Line and Multiline. The format that the text is shown on your drawing is controlled by the text style manager. Access to the text style manager can be found either on the Home Tab or the Annotate Tab. How do I resize text in AutoCAD? To Set Text Height in a Text Style - Click Drafting tab > Text panel > Style. - In the Text Style dialog box, select the text style to modify, and enter the text height (in drawing units) in the Height box. - To update existing text that uses this text style, click Apply. - Click Close. How do you draw a column in CAD? To Create a Column Tool - Open the tool palette on which you want to add a tool. - Create the tool: … - Right-click the new tool, and click Properties. - Enter a name for the tool. - Click the setting for Description, enter a description of the tool, and click OK. … - Expand Basic General. What is beam layout? A beam is a structural element that primarily resists loads applied laterally to the beam’s axis (an element designed to carry primarily axial load would be a strut or column). Its mode of deflection is primarily by bending. The loads applied to the beam result in reaction forces at the beam’s support points.
Economic and neighborhood development in low-income areas can transform macroeconomic issues caused by mass incarceration. Government-funded development programs that encourage access to secure housing, food, and education would intervene in the reincarceration cycle, simultaneously improving the economic prospects of previously incarcerated individuals and the nation as a whole. Mass incarceration is a pressing issue unique to America. Despite our overall strong economy and role as the world’s reserve currency, we are stunted by a growing income gap due to generational wealth and systemic oppression along with an increase in the cost of living. America has the highest incarceration rate and largest prison population in the world. Currently, about 2.4 million people are incarcerated, including 1.6 million in state prisons, 720,000 in local jails, and 210,000 federal prisons. The bulk of the economic strain occurs at the state level, varying by state. For example, California pays an average of $81,000 per year to incarcerate an inmate. 50% of each inmate’s budget goes toward security costs, whereas only $2,478 is spent on rehabilitation programs. There are opportunity costs as well: inmates often leave ill-prepared to become functioning members of the labor force upon release. Increasing our labor force participation rate is key to sustaining economic growth and maintaining our current economic position, because having more workers results in higher output. Yet most incarcerated individuals are between the ages of 19 and 39, and 93% of those within this age group are unemployed after their release. By incarcerating our youngest generations, we diminish their future participation in the labor force; having a criminal record makes an individual less hirable and less able to attain human capital. Many employers will request a criminal background check before offering a candidate a job which, when disclosed, lowers an employer’s callback rate by 50%. If encouraged, employers may be more likely to hire previously incarcerated individuals. Government-sponsored tax incentives or cash reimbursement for the first few months of work to employers willing to hire previously incarcerated individuals would help former prisoners more seamlessly re-enter the labor force. By relieving hiring costs for the employer, previously incarcerated individuals become a more attractive hire. Compare this to the current model, which decreases the future contributions of millions of people and requires further government spending past individuals’ time in prison through social service programs such as unemployment benefits. Formerly incarcerated individuals are more likely to use these benefits because they are less likely to be hired. Many people also face recidivism, otherwise known as reincarceration, due to probation issues within our criminal court system. In America, roughly 76.6% of those who have been arrested will return to the prison system at some point. These high reincarceration rates reduce America’s annual GDP by $65 billion a year. Fortunately, increasing ex-inmates’ job prospects is a virtuous cycle. Recidivism is driven by the lower opportunity costs of committing subsequent crimes because after your first crime is committed, your economic prospects greatly diminish; there is a lot less to lose by going to prison again. There are many restorative justice practices, such as mediation, therapy, conferencing and community service, that contribute to improving the overall economic development of America. They emphasize development of neighborhoods that face higher crime rates or have a history of being more heavily incarcerated and policed, such as in major urban areas like Compton in Los Angeles, California or Sunnyside in Houston, Texas. A large step would be to focus on therapeutic and preventative justice methods for nonviolent offenders. One example would be to treat addiction, which affects 1.5 million of the 2.3 million U.S. inmates currently incarcerated, as a public health issue instead of a criminal issue to avoid further reincarceration. Extending the cost of an individual inmate in the state of California to a broader scale, changing the way we view addiction would eat into a chunk of the grand total of $126,650,000,000 otherwise spent on 1.5 million incarcerated individuals. In America, the overuse of probation goes hand in hand with the issue of mass incarceration. Instead of instating a criminal punishment for breaking probation as we currently do, the probation process should focus on education and lucrative job training. We should grow the human capital of individuals that may have lost opportunities to do so, making their time in and after prison more applicable to the future labor force. Personal education is an investment and education of America’s disadvantaged citizens is an investment in our country. Each year of schooling raises an individual’s earnings by 10% a year, more than most other investments will make within the same timeline. Human capital also contributes to 62% of an individual’s total wealth, and by incarcerating millions of young people, we incarcerate the millions of dollars that they could have earned through increased education. This increased earning potential bolsters the American economy and saves Uncle Sam money that would have been spent on recidivism. Previously, many politicians sought economic growth through 1) tax cuts and rebates to return money to consumers actively contributing to the economy, 2) deregulation of the financial markets to again incentivize those actively contributing to the economy, and 3) infrastructure investments to create more job opportunities within the government or private companies. Where does this leave the millions of people who are deemed unhirable due to previous criminal sentences? By opening up the economy to these people, we grow it in a more sustainable way than before. While the previously mentioned strategies espoused by politicians are dependent on consumer behavior (the demand side), focusing on growing the labor force participation rate allows for both consumption and production to grow hand in hand. As these two sides come to an equilibrium, the overall equilibrium of our GDP will shift up. Mass incarceration in the United States is a huge problem, but it is also a huge opportunity. By investing in the development of our neighborhoods and focusing our efforts on an education-based probation and incarceration system, we can increase our labor force participation rate and sustainably advance our economy.
Free printable English Grammar exercises with pictures for Junior A level - ESL Beginners. These cute english grammar sheets that contain pictures are FREE for use in class or at home!!! There are 40 Grammar Units, one for each Vocabulary Unit. 10 Introductory Units and 30 Units All grammar exercises worksheets can fit in an A4 sheet perfectly! English Grammar Exercises Pictures - Junior A Print every day a nice free worksheet with Grammar Exercises containing pictures, for Junior A English learners! ESL - English JUNIOR A Grammar Yle: - Indefinite Article (a/an) - Demonstrative Pronouns (this-these/that-those) - Plural (and some irregular nouns) - Possessive Adjectives (my,your,his,her,its,our,your,their) - Verb to be - Verb to have got - Verb to can - Present Continuous - Present Simple
Advocacy: Empowering Youth To Be Difference Makers Posted by: DVULI | November 1, 2021 Opnion by Jon Coker (San Antonio 2010) WHEN THE WORLD WAS SHUT DOWN, OUR YOUTH WERE SHUT UP. The events of the past two years traumatically impacted our nation’s youth, and somehow, in all of the breaking news coverage, their stories were left out. We saw countless statistics about our youth, but we heard very few insights from their perspectives. When parents lost their jobs, their children did not eat. We saw their innocent faces plas- tered on food drive promos but never heard their voices. When the news preached the daily death tolls, our sons and daughters internalized anxiety in isolation. We saw them turn to destructive behaviors, and we tried to fix them rather than listen to the source of their pain. When schools shut down, our students were shut up and forced to strug- gle through the glitches of virtual learning. Most students in urban communities found themselves on the wrong side of the digital divide. Our students are challenged to perform at their district’s set standard of excellence, but only a few of them were adequately equipped to do so. Psalm 127:4 says, “Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, so are the children of one’s youth” (NKJV). The psalmist compares children to arrows. Like arrows, it’s dangerous to launch a child into life without first aiming them. The trajectory of a young person’s life is shaped by the bal- ance of advocacy and affirmation—the voices that speak up for them and the voices that speak into them. Unfor- tunately, today, the arrows of our future rest on the brittle bowstrings of our negligence. The fifth verse of that text says, “Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. He will not be put to shame when he confronts the enemies at the gate.” If we aim our youth today, they will be our arrows of defense tomorrow. We can rest in our old age knowing our children will represent us in courtrooms, develop breakthrough cures and technologies, and guard the values that bind our families together. I have served as a youth pastor in an urban San Antonio community for nearly 15 years. We learned that our success in reaching young people has been more connected to our presence than our preaching. We see great momentum in all expressions of our ministry, but nothing validates young gifts and voices like our attention. We would never suggest substituting the preaching of the gospel for casual social gatherings. However, I do have a strong sense that this generation needs more preaching pastors—advocates who will champion their cause from the mountaintops while tending to their wounds in the valley trenches. They do not need people to fix them. They need people to understand them, and we have allowed too many voices to define, diminish, and diagnose them without passing them the mic. Kids are coping with a rapidly changing world. Industry leaders are determining what is best for them without considering the pain they are suppressing. Several organizations, including the Kaiser Family Foun- dation (KFF), reported significant surges of mental health symptoms in teenagers since last year. Many student groups aging between 13 and 17 were surveyed and reported increased symptoms of anxiety (73%), depression (67%), and suicidal thoughts (48%). Couple those experiences with the isolation of quarantine, the absence of deep, meaningful relationships, and the stresses of managing a plummeting grade point average via Zoom. The West Virginia Education Association reported that in 2020, the average American teenager spent an astounding nine hours a day entertain- ing themselves with digital technology, video games, social media, and streaming videos. This excessive screen time does not include hours spent during the regular virtual school day. Our kids are seeking an outlet and settling for an escape into the virtual world. The internet is the new mission field. Although the most at-risk youth reside in urban communities, they live online. To be a “fisher of men” today requires casting our net into the net. Who better to reel in the lost souls of the deep than the stakeholders who have seemingly mastered every app? They are the innovative entrepreneurs who discover ways to manage e-commerce businesses from their phones while in class. They launch TikTok channels and podcasts to cancel what they hate and normalize what they love. It is time to pro- vide our youth with the space, voice, and power to make their mark. Youth advocacy is all about empowerment. It is knowing when to speak to someone, when to speak for someone, and when to speak less altogether. Today’s youth leaders are the opportunity brokers who can make room for our next generation to excel in every industry. The path forward is simple. Give a kid a fish, and you feed him for the day. Teach him how to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime. Teach him how to own the pond, and you shift the trajectory of future generations to come. These are not multiple-choice options. They are the progres- sions of true advocacy. >> Step One: GIVE A KID A FISH Advocate on this level by simply meeting the felt needs of the ones entrusted to your care. When students come to you hungry, do not try to teach them. Feed them. When young people trust you with their wounds, tend to them, and fight for them. >> Step Two: TEACH HIM HOW TO FISH Advocate on this level by teaching youth how to advocate for themselves. Create judgment-free spaces where they feel safe to discuss their ideas and test their gifts. While they are building their confidence, create opportunities for them to be the difference makers. Change the traditional roles. Pass them the mic and take a seat in the audience. Lead them while they lead their peers and teach them how to meet the felt needs of others. >> Step Three: TEACH HIM HOW TO OWN THE POND Advocate on this level by teaching them how to advocate for others. Jon Coker (San Antonio 2017 | @JonCockerTV) is the Student Ministries Director at Christian World Worship Center in San Antonio, Texas. He is also a multimedia journalist and digital reporter for KENS-5, a public speaker, and a contributing writer. email@example.com This article was published in the Fall 2021 issue of DVULI's On the Level print newsletter.
Republic of China The October of October of 1911 the Wuchang Uprising, rebellion against the Qing Dynasty is produced in the present city of Wuhan, which causes the Xinhai Revolution, which will end with the final overthrow of the last Qing emperor, Puyi, in 1912. Chinese revolutionary leader Sun Yat-sen, upon hearing of the Wuchang uprising, returns to China from the United States. Although Sun is appointed President of the ROC, the country is divided, dominated by local leaders, and reaches an agreement with the prominent military Yuan Shikai, who controlled the remnants of the Qing army in the north, so that it be president. The ambition of Yuan Shikai, who would come to proclaim himself emperor in 1915, increases opposition to him. China was still divided, and Sun Yat-sen returned from exile to settle in Canton, from where he led the Kuomintang, the political party that he had founded. In Canton, Sun Yat-sen founds the Whampoa Military Academy, which will form the army that, under the command of Chiang Kai-shek, Sun Yat-sen’s successor at the head of the Kuomintang, will manage to conquer much of China and establish in Nanking the capital of the ROC, fulfilling the ambition of Sun Yat-sen. Chiang Kai-shek becomes President of the Republic. Chiang was not sympathetic to the communist doctrine, and in 1927 he began a large-scale repressive process against the communists in the units of the National Revolutionary Army, trade unions and other social areas of the country, especially in Shanghai. It also strongly repressed the left within the Kuomintang. In 1931 Japan conquered Manchuria, and established the puppet state of Manchukuo there. In 1937 the Japanese army began an invasion of China. After the end of World War II, in 1945, Japan abandoned its conquests in Asia, and China regained Manchuria and Taiwan. With those who managed to escape Chiang Kai-shek’s betrayal in 1927, Mao Zedong led in the mountainous area of Jiangsu and Fujian provinces the establishment, over a vast territory, of the center of armed resistance with a strong core of consistent communists. and well organized, which was described as the Soviet Republic of China. Faced with the much superior nationalist forces of Chiang Kai-shek, around 100,000 Chinese fighters, under the leadership of Mao, began the Long March to the northwest in 1934, skirting the center, a journey of more than 6,000 kilometers, fighting constantly along the route for more than a year, which was an unprecedented feat and made Mao Zedong the undisputed leader of the Party and the Revolution in China. The Second Sino-Japanese War began on July 7, 1937, being deliberately provoked by the Japanese. Japan occupied most of the coastal cities. At the end of World War II, Chinese casualties would number in the millions. When the Chinese civil war ended in October 1949, the Kuomintang, supported by the United States, fled to Taiwan, where they established an anti-communist government with full Yankee support. Chiang Kai-shek used the United States Fleet on his voyage to Taiwan. People’s Republic of China On October 1, 1949, the leader Mao Zedong proclaimed the People’s Republic of China. From the previous years to the 1960s, the United States government, through the Army and the CIA, was directly and actively involved in a broad program of clandestine warfare, which included the training of paramilitary forces and their introduction in continental territory of the Asian country, as well as the promotion of networks of agents for sabotage and espionage. Numerous incursions into Chinese territory were carried out by commandos infiltrated by air for intelligence and sabotage actions. In 1954, the Peking government officially revealed that in January 1953 eleven members of the US Air Force had been shot down in China, who were tried and imprisoned, and that between 1951 and 1954 they had killed 106 officers in combat actions. Taiwanese and North Americans parachuted over mainland, in addition to having captured 124 others. The CIA continued to organize irregular war plans against China and in 1955 created a subversive program aimed at stimulating secessionist ideas in the autonomous region of Tibet, based on the manipulation of the religious beliefs of the residents of that intricate geographical area. CIA agents infiltrated the population and the guard of the Dalai Lama, spiritual leader and governmental authority of Tibet at the time; They provoked violent disturbances in 1958, which were soon neutralized by the Beijing authorities. The Dalai-Lama and a considerable number of his personal guard took refuge in northern India, beginning what would be the second stage of the Yankee subversive plan. In 1960, Cuba established diplomatic relations with the People’s Republic of China, becoming the first country in Latin America to do so. Despite these attacks, in the past six decades the achievements of the People’s Republic of China are extraordinary, so much so that former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger extended his warm congratulations on the 60th anniversary of its founding and described China’s achievements as “extraordinary.” As a country located in Asia according to PROGRAMINGPLEASE, China, in a brief historical period and thanks to the Revolution, ceased to be a semi-colonial and semi-feudal country, it grew at a rate of more than 10% during the last 20 years and has become the main engine of the world economy. Never has a huge multinational state achieved such growth. Today it has the highest reserve of convertible currency and is the largest creditor in the United States. One country, two systems Great Britain seized Hong Kong in 1842 and by the Treaty of Nanking declared its sovereignty in perpetuity over that territory. But the agreement was renegotiated in 1898 as a 99-year lease. In 1982 Margaret Thatcher, then Prime Minister, signed an agreement with Zao Ziyang, in 1984, to hand over the colony in 1997. After this understanding, many Hong Kong residents began to emigrate, withdrew their capital from the enclave, sold their heritage or transferred it to other countries. The same principle was also proposed in the talks with Portugal about Macao. The Principle is that until reunification, despite the practice of socialism in mainland China, Hong Kong and Macao, which were officially colonies of the United Kingdom and Portugal respectively, could continue to practice capitalism with a high degree of autonomy for fifty years. after reunification. The question that opened up was, would Hong Kong become an autonomous territory with a multi-center system, a showcase of market liberalism, or would it be a dependent province? That conjuncture coincided with the disappearance of Den Xiao-ping, author of the so-called market socialism, who coined the well-known formula: It does not matter if the cats are black or white, the important thing is that they hunt mice. Deng repeated Guizot’s advice to the French: ” Enrichissez-vous !” He called the Hong Kong experiment “one country, two systems.” The importance of Hong Kong is due to the fact that it has developed the eighth largest commercial economy in the world. The Hong Kong Stock Exchange is the second in Asia in terms of the volume of its operations. More than 700 foreign companies have representations and 85, of the 100 largest banks in the world, maintain branches there. Recently, in violation of previous bilateral agreements and the protocol signed during President Barack Obama’s visit to Beijing, in November 2009, the White House announced that it will make new sales of modern weapons to Taiwan, called by the People’s Republic of China as Taipei of China. Immediately, the Chinese Foreign Ministry announced that military exchanges with Washington were suspended, as one of the first official reactions. The communiqué finally explained that, inevitably, Sino-American exchanges on other matters of bilateral interest would be adversely affected.
A bio, or simply biography, is a personal description of somebody’s individual life. It generally includes greater than the realities such as work, education and learning, family, and death; however it depicts an extra complete photo of the person’s character and experiences of those life occasions. Many times we only require a short summary of an individuals life in order to better comprehend them as well as appreciate that they are as an individual. As a matter of fact, some biographies are even composed with the person of rate of interest in mind, simply to supply an understanding into the individual, their reasoning, their state of minds, as well as also their habits. The word “biography” is from the Greek word biographies meaning life, and was introduced in the late 8th century B.C. A more exact meaning would certainly be a narrative account of an individual’s life throughout. This can be written in several different kinds, including personal narrative, biography, historical, imaginary, or a combination. There are likewise functions that fall under the classification of narrative, which are extra geared towards a particular period or occasion as opposed to a general check out a life. Bio, both personal and also literary, generally takes the type of an account of people. Nevertheless, it can additionally be written about things, places, or motifs. These literary bios are referred to as either memoirs or bios. Memoirs are written to celebrate a private, while biographies are contacted relay info regarding a particular individual, location, or theme. Biographies can inform numerous features of a person. They may expose personal details concerning the life of the subject such as their childhood years and education. They can additionally give information about relative, their achievements as well as payments to society. They can include other people as well as their interactions with the subject, as well as vital or remarkable events as well as areas that they might have substantial impact on the subject. There are a number of various types of bios, with various styles and formats. Some are much more direct and consist of just names as well as dates; others supply even more details concerning the writer, however do not expose a lot more personal info about the person. There are general biographies, which cover finding out locations such as age and also gender; personal biographies, that include learning locations not related to any certain person such as success or childhood; as well as professional bios, which are frequently utilized to review job and also leadership. There are a number of styles of bios, with varying length. Narrative biographies, which tend to comply with the sequential layout of most printed publications, occupy the majority of the length of the book, while various other bios, which often tend to be longer, adhere to the chronological style more properly. Literary biographies are created as a narrative of the subject’s life, utilizing different forms and mediums to tell a story that is normally informed via the words of the writer. Non-fiction biographies are normally composed as if they were a true telling of events, yet without using the name of the individual being interviewed. Ultimately, fictional biographies are works of fiction, which are usually created as a part of a news report concerning an individual, company, area, or occasion. When a memoir, story, or biographical research study project is taken on in the classroom, the teacher will first review to the pupils a summary of the subject and also just how the author pertained to compose it. The name will then come out as the primary personality or as a by-line or by a short intro. The biographer then offers a short review of the person as well as the period of their life, including what they did, what happened, where they lived, exactly how they passed away, exactly how they were known, and if they had anything significant to add to their culture or to the world at large. The bio typically wraps up with an evaluation. The biography is created to provide a basic concept of the person and also their work. A few of the most well-known biographies consist of those on leaders such as Mahatma Gandhi and Winston Churchill, in addition to historic numbers such as Richard Nixon, Andrew Johnson, as well as Head Of State Harry Truman. Various other literary bios consist of those written about art, literature, food, organization, and the arts. A biography is typically contacted commemorate a notable individual, generally a famous person who had a notable career in their area. Bios can be discussed nearly anybody who had a substantial effect on our history or who has actually left a long-term impact on those who experienced them. The most common format for creating a memoir is to use individual pronouns, in some cases also using all caps, to define the writer. Biographies of famous and influential individuals may be created as a biography, a narrative, or as a biographical novel. All 3 designs will utilize the same style for providing the topic. However, there are a few bottom lines that can assist identify each design. Right here are some typical instances of biographies. Memoirs: A memoir is just a narrative account of occasions as they took place, utilizing the first-person pronouns (I, you, me, we, and so on). It is designed to be a representation of personal experience and is usually written from the author’s very own point of view. Memoirs usually include accurate information that can be used as a basis for the fictional development of various other stories. Another essential difference between a narrative and a bio is that a memoir often includes a story based on realities while a memoir will not. Biography: A bio is a detailed account of someone s life. It usually explains events that have in fact occurred, but some bios consist of information that might only be originated from the dental practices of the topic. In contrast to a narrative, bios typically consist of pictures and drawings that portray elements of the life of the topic. While a memoir is mainly a critical study of the life of the topic, biographies can likewise be extremely entertaining and also informative. Click here for more Novel: A story is just one of one of the most literary forms of bio. A novel is literary art, as well as it is discussed somebody who has lived as well as passed away. There are no clear policies to what degree to consist of in an imaginary biography, however having a solid feeling of the character and what the writer plans to claim regarding them is always valuable. A memoir concerning a biographer’s life is much more a job of analysis, checking out just how one more individual lived and adding to the bigger understanding of the individual and also their life.
Children out of school, primary, maleSource: World Development Indicators Description: Children out of school are the number of primary-school-age children not enrolled in primary or secondary school. Organization: United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Institute for Statistics. Filter data in all visualizations: Data source: World Bank
youthful idiopathic scoliosis 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the degree: the complexity of the treatment What is idiopathic scoliosis and what are its characteristics? Idiopathic scoliosis is a common form of spinal curvature, 75% of cases occur in this type. Idiopathic called a warp with undetected origin. Presumably, this is a single disease with common causes of development, as evidenced by similar clinical picture. Varieties of the disease Based on the localization of pathological changes in idiopathic scoliosis is divided into: - Thoracic scoliosis. Pathology affecting the thoracic vertebrae. Curvature often moves to the right, the top of the arc is at 8 or 10 vertebrae. In severe marked severe cardiac and respiratory systems; - Cervical-thoracic curvature. When it is observed the distortion of facial features. The top of the arc is located on level 3 or 4 vertebra. This form is considered to be congenital; - Thoracolumbar curvature. Top is located at level 11 or 12 vertebrae. Painful sensations arise in the lumbar region; - Youth lumbar scoliosis. Diagnosis is the curvature in the region of 1 or 2 vertebra. The pain occur at a late stage of the pathology. For rapid manifestations of symptoms distinguish the following types of diseases: - Infant. Occurs in children up to three years. - Children. Diagnosed at the age of ten years. - Teenage. The symptoms manifested at the age of 10 to 14 years. Why is there a violation? Podiatrist Dikul: «the Penny product is No. 1 to restore the normal blood supply to the joints. Back and joints will be like in 18 years, enough time in the day to smear… Read more The term «idiopathic» implies that the exact cause of disease is not established. This is the complexity of the treatment. In some cases the only effective method is only surgery. Clinical researches have allowed to detect in the bone tissue of the vertebral column multiple structural and chemical changes. However, evidence that the scoliosis is caused by these changes, not found. Was conducted research of a hormonal background of patients, which was detected malfunctions of the pituitary-adrenal system and adrenal cortex. Some scientists believe that the process of development of idiopathic scoliosis trigger disorders of the nervous and endocrine systems. Increasingly hereditary nature of the disease, but the mechanisms of this pathology have not been studied. The disease most often affects girls than boys. The manifestation of the disease The main symptom of the disease – deviation of the spine from a straight line to the right, left, back or front plane. Curvature usually affects the surrounding vertebrae, and of which an arc is formed. Its vertex is called the median point. To maintain equilibrium, the body begins to form the second (compensation) arc pointing to the bulge in the other direction. Scoliosis in the spinal column can be formed from two to four arcs. In scoliosis, the vertebrae often turn around its axis, which can be determined by deviation of the spinous processes of adjacent vertebrae from a straight line. This condition is called torsion. In severe scoliosis before and behind the thorax may appear to bulge, known as a rib hump. With mild scoliosis, external signs almost none. The patient may complain of pain in the region of the spine. Outwardly observed the unequal spacing between the individual ribs. X-ray examination shows the spine’s deviation from the norm is not more than 25%. Severe form of the disease is accompanied by the following signs: - the decrease in tactile sensitivity in the Central nervous system, a disorder of the extremities; - pulmonary fibrosis, in the lungs grows connective tissue, resulting in impaired their function, and there is a chronic bronchitis; - violation of cardiac (right ventricle), there is a symptom like a heart of a patient with scoliosis; - swelling of the lower extremities; - pathology of the digestive system (liver damage, gastritis); - the formation of the vertebral hernia. In severe form, may form spinal hump, thoracic sections of the spinal cord protrude while ago. Externally well visible formed by the spine at a sharp angle. Diagnostic procedures include inspection, survey of the patient and x-ray diffraction study. The survey determines the presence or absence of pain, their location and character. Outwardly manifested asymmetry of the chest, and other symptoms curvature of the spine. To make an accurate diagnosis after x-rays to determine the angle of curvature of the spine. Based on the results of the survey treatment. The degree of curvature Idiopathic scoliosis klassificeret depending on the angle of curvature: - 1 degree to 10 degrees; - 2 degrees to – 25 degrees; - 3 degrees – 50 degrees; - 4степени over 50 degrees. The first two degrees are considered light, the internal organs thus is not broken. Threat recognized third and fourth degree, followed by compression and by changing the location of the bodies. The treatment of the disease is complicated by the difficulty of establishing the cause of the curvature. Idiopathic scoliosis is difficult for non-surgical methods of treatment. For best effect, use a hard mechanical impact on the spine (wearing a corset). In some cases the situation can be improved only operation. Tactics of treatment depends on the type and degree of curvature. If the deflection angle is up to twenty degrees, is assigned a systematic observation of the orthopedist and the passage of x-rays every six months. Also shown are physiotherapy, massage, yoga, physiotherapy, water aerobics. If the pathology continues to progress, chosen other methods of influence. Conservative treatment is indicated when the curvature of forty. In the more severe forms of scoliosis appointed surgery. During the operation, a special system is connected, are fixed in the vertebrae and straightening the spine. But the operation is very complicated, what you can see on the video: Possible complications and consequences With the progressive curvature of the spine change the location of the bodies is their deformation. First of all, affects the heart, lungs and major vessels. Change can be so devastating that the patient after some time becomes invalid: developing lung and heart failure, which can result in death before the age of 45 years. Due to severe curvature of the spine there may be paralysis – this occurs due to the compression of the spinal cord. The patient developed pulmonary fibrosis, congestive bronchitis, hepatitis, gastritis, peptic ulcer disease of the gastrointestinal tract and other dangerous complications. It is better to prevent than to treat Preventive measures include: - to prevent the development of scoliosis in an infant pregnant woman need to take folic acid and vitamin B12 (doctor’s recommendation); - do not attempt to put the child up to 12 months before the due date; - you need to monitor how the child is sitting at his Desk, wearing a backpack, it is impossible to drive the child all the time for one arm; - you should not sit for long periods at a Desk or computer table; - the child should get vitamins in sufficient quantity and proper nutrition. Young children require vitamin D to prevent rickets; - every day to do gymnastics; - the formation of the skeleton positively influence the swimming, volleyball and other sports; - you need to see your doctor regularly and timely correct violations of posture and other illnesses. The prevention of scoliosis should be conducted with the first days of baby’s life. The main thing in the treatment of idiopathic scoliosis – timely treatment for medical help. The earlier a child receives therapy, the more chances of a favorable outcome. Running stages of scoliosis can lead to very negative consequences, such dangerous complications such as heart disorder, lung disease, hepatitis, etc. to Assess the severity of the disease and prescribe effective treatment can only a doctor.
Swollen arms and hands (oedema) Swelling in the arms or hands often goes away on its own. See a GP if it does not get better in a few days. Swelling in the arms and hands is often caused by a build-up of fluid in these areas, called oedema. Oedema is usually caused by: - staying in the same position for too long - eating too much salty food - being overweight - being pregnant – read about swollen ankles, feet and fingers in pregnancy - taking certain medicines – such as some blood pressure medicines, contraceptive pills, antidepressants or steroids Oedema can also be caused by: - an injury – such as a strain or sprain - sudden changes in temperature – such as very hot weather - an insect bite or sting - problems with your kidneys, liver or heart - a blood clot - an infection Symptoms of oedema include: Swelling should go away on its own, but there are some things you can try to help. lie down and use pillows to raise the swollen area when you can move your whole arm and shoulder – try raising your hand above your head while you open and close your fist massage your arm or hand towards your body using firm, but not painful, pressure – for example, start at your fingertips and massage towards your palm get some gentle exercise, like walking, to improve your blood flow drink plenty of water wash, dry and moisturise your arms or hands to avoid infections
Material engineers including an Indian-origin scientist from University of Wisconsin-Madison have reported the highest-performing carbon nanotube transistors ever demonstrated – a significant leap toward creating flexible electronics with improved battery life. Carbon nanotubes are single atomic sheets of carbon rolled up into a tube. As some of the best electrical conductors ever discovered, carbon nanotubes have long been recognised as a promising material for next-generation transistors. “Carbon nanotubes are very strong and very flexible so they could also be used to make flexible displays and electronics that can stretch and bend, allowing you to integrate electronics into new places like clothing,” explained associate professor Michael Arnold. Led by Arnold and professor Padma Gopalan, the team reported transistors with an on-off ratio that is 1,000 times better and a conductance that is 100 times better than previous state-of-the-art carbon nanotube transistors. In addition to paving the way for improved consumer electronics, this technology could also have specific uses in industrial and military applications. The discovery also brings the researchers closer to realising carbon nanotube transistors as a feasible replacement for silicon transistors in computer chips and in high-frequency communication devices, which are rapidly approaching their physical scaling and performance limits. “With these results, we have really made a leap in carbon nanotube transistors,” the authors concluded. The paper was published in the journal ACS Nano.
When one imagines archaeology, many people think of deep pits filled with all kinds of whole or partially whole artifacts. I must admit that before this field school I had similar ideas about excavation, but after spending weeks in the field my view has changed for the better. Much of the work we have done involves what is called surface collection. This method of archaeology is known as a low impact form. This method of excavation has been of much greater importance as more researchers and communities focus on the preservation of sites not only through the artifacts, but also the land itself. This method involves the usual 1-meter by 1-meter units but with a slight twist. Due to dense ground cover at the schoolhouse site, it was not possible to identify artifacts at the surface. So this is where surface collection came into play. We do this by lifting the sod cover to the roots using shovels. When explaining this process to my friends, they questioned whether any artifacts would be there and if they would even be of much use if they were there. But in fact we have been finding much in the way of interesting artifacts. Due to natural forces of the shifting soils, there tends to be a fair amount of artifacts just on the surface, but not all artifacts are which is due to various factors such as deposition, human activity, etc. Through this method, we recovered materials from the recent building demolition such as fragments of wood, cement, and glass, as well as older objects, including bits of chalk, porcelain from a saucer, and even a small button. These artifacts could range in age from very young to possibly a century. All of this knowledge through material remains was collected by simply peeling back the grass. The other aspect of surface collection that I really enjoy is that it is a low impact method of excavation. Each surface collection unit requires removing only a few centimeters of sod, and when finished is backfilled to make sure that the impact upon the land is as minimal as we can make it. After using this method I have acquired a better understanding of ways in which researchers practice archaeology without large impact as well as the wealth of information that the surface can provide.
The object of the bacteriological examination is to demonstrate the progress of sterilisation and to mark the moment at which this sterilisation is advanced sufficiently to allow of effectual closing of the wound. It is necessary that the quantity of microbes contained in the wound should be known. Since wounds should be examined every two or three days, and as in most hospitals there is no bacteriological specialist, the technique has been made so simple that a large number of examinations can be made by those possessing little experience in bacteriology. The secretions of the wounds are studied by means of "smears." This summary proceeding allows certain qualitative reports to be made, but, more important, it allows of an approximate enumeration of the microbes contained in the secretions. Thanks to it, the diminution in the numbers of the microbes can be made known as the treatment progresses, up to the date of their total disappearance. We have determined empirically that the disappearance of microbes from the smears indicates a degree of asepsis compatible with closure of the wound. In spite of its crudeness, this method is to be preferred to the usual procedure of bacteriology. In truth, "smears" show what the wound contains, while cultures indicate what may grow under certain conditions. Cultures must be relied upon if it is desired to learn if a wound is bacteriologically sterile, or when it is important to know not only the volume but the nature of the infection. The culture method may also be used in that stage of infection in which smears do not give reliable information, that is to say, during the first twelve hours. At this period, in fact, microbes are in such small numbers, and so diluted by the blood, that they cannot be seen in the smears. During the first six or twelve hours secretions are absent from the wound. The walls bleed more or less freely, and smears of blood taken from the wound show no microbes. Specimens should be taken from the parts of the wound which are not bleeding, in the neighbourhood of, or from the surface of, shreds of clothing or shell splinters. Wounds older than twelve hours usually have some secretion. As the haemorrhage is arrested, secretions can be taken easily from a region where the secretions are not diluted by blood. Always the points chosen are in contact with shreds of clothing or bits of shell, for in these regions the primary infection is to be found at its maximum. The specimen is taken by means of a rigid platinum wire mounted on the end of a glass rod (Fig. 66). Should the wound be undergoing continuous instillation, the treatment must be interrupted for two hours at least, before the time when the specimen is to be taken, in order that the secretions may not be diluted by hypochlorite. The tubes are withdrawn and the compresses removed with the greatest gentleness, in order not to provoke haemorrhage. The spot from which the specimen is to be taken is chosen with minute care. It must never be taken from a region of the wound which is bleeding. That region is sought for where there is the greatest probability of finding microbes. As the smooth surface of muscle is very quickly disinfected, for preference one examines the greyish structures which are found in the deepest parts of wounds, necrosed points of fascia, the surface of damaged bone or the culs-de-sac of irregular wounds, where secretions can accumulate protected from the antiseptic liquid. It is by means of multiple specimens taken from various parts that one can ascertain the bacteriological condition of a wound. In surface wounds, it is useful to examine the neighbouring skin. With the aid of a bistoury or a rigid platinum wire the surface of the skin or the epithelial border is lightly scraped. Fig. 66. - Taking a specimen. 2nd. Preparation of the Slides. - The secretions thus collected are spread out on microscope slides (Fig. 67) which are furnished with a label upon which are written the name of the patient, his number, the character of the wound, and the region of the wound whence the secretion was taken. The slides, thus prepared during the course of a round of visits, are arranged in a box for microscope specimens, where they dry, and are taken to the laboratory, where a nurse fixes and stains them. Each slide is held between the thumb and index-finger, and passed three times through the flame of a Bunsen burner, the smear being turned towards the flame. Fig. 67. - Making a "smear." Then it is placed on a glass support and receives a few drops of carbolised thionin. After half a minute, it is washed with water and put aside to dry. 3rd. Counting the Microbes. - The slides thus stained are arranged upon a table, and the nurse places on each smear a drop of oil of cedar. The preparations are then examined with a No. 12 immersion objective and a No. 3 eyepiece. The number of microbes found in the field of the microscope are counted, and the anatomical elements which are found there are also scrutinised. This technique gives naturally only crude results, but they are adequate. In fact, when the number of microbes per microscope field exceeds fifty or a hundred, it is useless to count them more precisely. The examination of the smears has but one object, to indicate the progress of treatment. Hence it is easy to note that a secretion, one day containing innumerable microbes, shows the next day a marked diminution in their number. Should the number drop below fifty per microscope field, counting is easier. When it is a question of closing a wound, half a score fields should be looked over carefully. When the smears no longer yield microbes, or only one to five or six fields, then the surgeon should be notified as to the possibility of suture.
One of the reasons I love to travel is that I learn a lot about other people and places. A Zimbabwean guide I met in Africa had a mantra he repeated to us: "learning and discovery." Just two months ago I spent a month in Australia and learned some of their history. It bears an uncanny resemblence to American history, especially regarding natives who lived there before the Europeans arrived. Australia's aborigines are thought to have lived on that continent for as long as 60,000 years. Their artwork is phenomenal and is the oldest continuous art tradition in the world. Here is one such rock painting depicting lightning man: They adapted to a harsh, dry enviroment and employed nearly every plant and animal for food, medicine or tools. Over time, hundreds of original clans had specific territories. There were many languages as well, many of them now lost. (see http://www.healthinfonet.ecu.edu.au/map-aboriginal-australia for a map done in 1996 of the language groups' territories.) Yet when Captain Cook 'claimed' Australia in 1770 and the English later used it as a penal colony starting in 1788, the land was sparsely populated. That along with sheer imperialism led to a legal concept known as ' terra nullius'--land owned by no one. This justified an entire continent's theft. Sound familiar? Just like our own Native Americans, Australian Aboriginal customs of land ownership were more tribal or clan-oriented. Their concept of land ownership was ancestral, spiritual and respectful. They neither had a written language nor a history evolving from feudal land rights. And sadly, they did not have the weaponry to defend it. As a result, the Aboriginals' lands were taken; their rights ignored; and their basic humanity denied. There were lost generations of Aborigines who were taken from their parents and raised 'white.' (The 2012 movie "The Sapphires" tells one such story.) Not until 1962 were Aboriginals given the right to vote and in 1967, they were counted in the census. But even in the 1970's, the courts still declined to overrule the medieval 'terra nullius' doctrine. This tragic history is well captured in Thomas Keneally's book, "The Chant of Jimmy Blacksmith," also a movie. Finally, in 1992, in Mabo v Queensland the High Court of Australia struck down this insidious rule. It is not easy for Aboriginals to re-claim their ancestral lands but at least the law permits it now. We visited Kakadu Park, which is east of Darwin in the top end of Australia. We floated on the yellow waters of the misnamed Alligator River watershed (blame a Yank for that one.) The park is now Aboriginal owned and one of our river guides is one. She told us how many of the birds, fish and crocodiles were eaten or used by her people. Later, we camped in the desert lands surrounding Uluru (aka Ayers Rock) and walked with an Abo guide who explained the medicinal value of the seemingly dry and useless plants on her land, values scientists are only slowly studying. 'Learning and discovery:' It is a good thing that the legal rights and ancestral knowledge of the First Peoples of our planet are on the rebound.
This shortcut is used by 29 programs in our database. There isn't any generic description for this shortcut. What this shortcut does in different programs? All programs using this shortcut, by category. LibreOffice Calc - Selects all cells containing data from the current cell to the end of the continuous range of data cells, in the direction of the arrow pressed. If used to select rows and columns together, a rectangular cell range is selected Microsoft Excel 2019 - Extends the selection of cells to the last nonblank cell in the same column or row as the active cell, or if the next cell is blank, extends the selection to the next nonblank cell Note: This page includes Ctrl + Shift + ArrowKeys Shift + Ctrl + ArrowKeys Ctrl + Shift + ArrowKeys. Restrict to only Ctrl + Shift + ArrowKeys. How often is this shortcut used in all programs?
How do vegans get carbohydrates? Make sure to include whole fruits, whole grains, vegetables (starchy and non-starchy), and legumes every day as part of a vegan or vegetarian diet. These carbohydrates are going to provide fiber and essential nutrients for energy and many ancillary health benefits. How many carbs should a vegan have in a day? 100-150 grams per day: This is a decent maintenance range, and is good for people who exercise a lot. 50-100 grams per day: This should lead to automatic weight loss, and is a good maintenance range for people who don’t exercise that much. What nutrients do vegans usually lack? The nutritional deficiencies that are most common with vegan and vegetarian diets include: - Vitamin B12. This particular vitamin is created by a bacteria and found primarily in animal products such as dairy, meat, insects, and eggs. … - Vitamin D. Vitamin D is the sunshine vitamin! … - Omega-3 Fatty Acids. … - Zinc. … Can you eat too many carbs on a plant based diet? Why do people tend to overeat carbs on a plant-based diet? One of the reasons plant-based dieters are likely to overdo the carbs is that they’re really easy to make, find, and eat, says Taub-Dix. “Especially for people who are on the go. Do Vegans eat more carbs? Carbohydrates in Plant-Based Foods Often, vegetarian and certainly vegan diets are higher in carbohydrates than those that include more animal protein. Do plants have carbohydrates? In plants, carbohydrates produced by photosynthesis are well known for their essential role as vital sources of energy and carbon skeletons for organic compounds and storage components. What percentage of a vegan diet should be carbs? Is Vegan Diet nutritious? |Total Fat % of Caloric Intake||33%||20%-35%| |Saturated Fat % of Caloric Intake||6.8%||Less than 10%| |Trans Fat % of Caloric Intake||0%||N/A| |Total Carbohydrates % of Caloric Intake||57%||45%-65%| How many carbs should you eat a day? The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends that carbohydrates make up 45 to 65 percent of your total daily calories. So, if you get 2,000 calories a day, between 900 and 1,300 calories should be from carbohydrates. That translates to between 225 and 325 grams of carbohydrates a day. Do vegans get all the nutrients they need? With good planning and an understanding of what makes up a healthy, balanced vegan diet, you can get all the nutrients your body needs. If you do not plan your diet properly, you could miss out on essential nutrients, such as calcium, iron and vitamin B12. Do vegans lack zinc? While not all vegans have low blood levels of zinc, a recent review of 26 studies showed that vegetarians — and especially vegans — have lower zinc intakes and slightly lower blood levels of zinc than omnivores ( 55 ). To maximize your intake, eat a variety of zinc-rich foods throughout the day. Do vegans have protein deficiency? Contrary to popular belief, “Vegans have not been shown to be deficient in protein intake or in any specific amino acids.” The study points out that some vegans rely heavily on processed foods and may not eat a sufficient variety of fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
Tonga -- Geography -- Official Name: Tonga Capital City: Nuku'alofa Languages: Tongan, English Official Currency: Pa'anga Religions: Methodist 47%, Catholic 14%, Free Wesleyan Church 14%, Mormon 9%, Church of Tonga 9% Land Area: 289 sq km Climate: Tonga climate is tropical, although it is noticeably milder than Fiji or Samoa. Vava'u, being further north than Tongatapu is warmer. Overall, temperatures between November and April (summer) are slightly higher than the winter months, as is the humidity and the resulting tropical downpours. There are no high islands in Tonga so rainfall is generally less than Fiji, Samoa or the Cook Islands. Natural Resources: limited forest resources consisting of natural hardwood forests, exotic plantation forests, and coconut plantations Administrative division: Ha'apai, Tongatapu, Vava'u Tonga -- History -- An Austronesian-speaking group linked to the archeological construct known as the Lapita cultural complex reached and colonized Tonga around 15001000 BCE. The dates of the initial settlement of Tonga are still subject to debate. Nevertheless, reaching the Tongan islands (without Western navigational tools and techniques) was a remarkable feat accomplished by the Lapita peoples. Not much is known about Tonga before European contact because of the lack of a writing system during prehistoric times other than the oral history told to the Europeans and the Eurocentric interpretations of Polynesian culture by Europeans. The first time the Tongan people encountered Europeans was in 1616 when the Dutch vessel Eendracht made a short visit to the islands to trade. By the 12th century Tongans, and the Tongan paramount chief, the Tu'i, had a reputation across the central Pacific, from Niue to Tikopia, leading some historians to speak of a 'Tongan Empire'. In the 15th century and again in the 17th, civil war erupted. It was in this context that the first European explorers arrived, beginning with Dutch explorers Willem Schouten and Jacob Le Maire in 1616, who called on the northern island of Niuatoputapu, and Abel Tasman, who visited Tongatapu and Ha'apai in 1643. Later noteworthy European visits were by Captain Cook (British Navy) in 1773, 1774, and 1777, Alessandro Malaspina (Spanish Navy) in 1793, the first London missionaries in 1797, and the Wesleyan Methodist Walter Lawry Buller in 1822. In 1845 the ambitious young warrior, strategist, and orator Taufa'ahau united Tonga into a kingdom. He held the chiefly title of Tu?i Kanokupolu, but was baptised with the name King George. In 1875, with the help of missionary Shirley Waldemar Baker, he declared Tonga a constitutional monarchy, formally adopted the western royal style, emancipated the 'serfs', enshrined a code of law, land tenure, and freedom of the press, and limited the power of the chiefs. Tonga became a protected state under a Treaty of Friendship on 18 May 1900, when European settlers and rival Tongan chiefs tried to oust the second king. Within the British Empire, which posted no higher permanent representative on Tonga than a British Consul (1901-1970), it was part of the British Western Pacific Territories (under a colonial High Commissioner, then residing on Fiji) from 1901 until 1952. Although under the protection of Britain, Tonga is the only Pacific nation never to have given up its monarchical government as did Tahiti and Hawai'i. The Tongan monarchy unlike the UK follows a straight line of rulers. The Treaty of Friendship and Tonga's protectorate status ended in 1970 under arrangements established by Queen Salote Tupou III prior to her death in 1965. Tonga joined the Commonwealth of Nations in 1970 (atypically as an autochthonous monarchy, that is one with its own hereditary monarch rather than Elizabeth II), and the United Nations in September 1999. While exposed to colonial forces, Tonga has never lost indigenous governance, a fact that makes Tonga unique in the Pacific and gives Tongans much pride, as well as confidence in their monarchical system. As part of cost cutting measures across the British Foreign Service, the British Government closed the British High Commission in Nuku'alofa in March 2006, transferring representation of British interests in Tonga to the UK High Commissioner in Fiji. The last resident British High Commissioner was Paul Nessling. Tonga -- Economy -- Tonga's economy is characterized by a large non monetary sector and a heavy dependence on remittances from the half of the country's population that lives abroad, chiefly in Australia, New Zealand, and the United States. The monetary sector of the economy is dominated and largely owned by the royal family and nobles. This is particularly true of the telecommunications and satellite services. Much of small business, particularly retail establishments on Tongatapu, is now dominated by recent Chinese immigrants who arrived under a cash-for-passports scheme that ended in 1998. The manufacturing sector consists of handicrafts and a few other very small scale industries, all of which contribute only about 3% of GDP. Commercial business activities also are inconspicuous and, to a large extent, are dominated by the same large trading companies found throughout the South Pacific. In September 1974, the country's first commercial trading bank, the Bank of Tonga, opened. There are no patent laws in Tonga. Rural Tongans rely on plantation and subsistence agriculture. Coconuts, vanilla beans, bananas, coffee beans and root crops such as yams, taro and cassava, are the major cash crops. The processing of coconuts into copra and desiccated (dried) coconut was once the only significant industry but deteriorating prices on the world market has brought this once vibrant industry, as everywhere throughout the island nations of the south Pacific, to a complete standstill. In addition, the feudal land ownership system meant that farmers had no incentive to invest in planting long-term tree crops on land they did not own. Pigs and poultry are the major types of livestock. Horses are kept for draft purposes, primarily by farmers working their 'api 'uta (a plot of bushland). More cattle are being raised, and beef imports are declining. The export of squash to Japan once brought relief to a struggling economy but recently local farmers are increasingly wary of this market due to price fluctuations, not to mention the huge financial risks involved. Tonga's development plans emphasize a growing private sector, upgrading agricultural productivity, revitalizing the squash and vanilla bean industries, developing tourism, and improving the island's communications and transportation systems. Substantial progress has been made, but much work remains to be done. A small but growing construction sector is developing in response to the inflow of aid monies and remittances from Tongans abroad. It remains to be said that the most significant contributor to Tonga's economy are remittances from Tongans living abroad. In recognition of such a crucial contribution, the present Tongan government has created a new department within the Prime Minister's Office with the sole purpose of catering for the needs of Tongans living abroad. Furthermore, the Tongan Parliament in 2007 amended citizenship laws to allow Tongans especially those living overseas to hold dual citizenship. Efforts are being made to discover ways to diversify. One hope is seen in fisheries; tests have shown that sufficient skipjack tuna pass through Tongan waters to support a fishing industry. Another potential development activity is exploitation of forests, which cover 35% of the kingdom's land area but are decreasing as land is cleared. Coconut trees past their prime bearing years also provide a potential source of timber. The tourist industry is relatively undeveloped; however, the government recognizes that tourism can play a major role in economic development, and efforts are being made to increase this source of revenue. Cruise ships often stop in Nuku'alofa and Vava'u. Vava'u in fact is well known for its whale watching, game fishing, surfing, beaches and is increasingly becoming a major player in the South Pacific tourism market. Tongas postage stamps, which feature colorful and often unusual designs (including heart-shaped and banana-shaped stamps) are popular with philatelists around the world. Real estate companies have also just started to spring up in Tonga; as such, they were basically unheard of less than a decade ago. These have provided a way of making income for many Tongans as nearly every male Tongan has plots of land that he has never seen and the leasing of this valuable and attractive land allows the Tongan to live in a comfort not experienced before. There are also many Tongans who work as commission agents and earn a living by finding available land parcels and bringing them to local ex-pats or computer savvy Tongans to list on-line. Some of these so-called real estate companies have done more harm than good and one would be wise to be careful when dealing with them. However for the most part acquiring real estate in Tonga is a simple, straightforward and problem-free process. In 2005 the country became eligible to become a member of the World Trade Organization, however on July 25, 2006 it was announced that Tonga has deferred its membership of the WTO until July next year according to the Tongan Prime Minister, Dr. Feleti Sevele. The delay he said did not mean that Tonga was withdrawing its WTO membership application, but to give Tonga more time to improve its tariff system. The Tonga Chamber of Commerce and Industry (TCCI) was incorporated in 1996 and endeavours to represent the interests of its members, private sector businesses, and to promote economic growth in the Kingdom. Tonga -- Culture -- General Overview: Tonga has been inhabited for perhaps 3,000 years, since settlement in late Lapita times. The culture of its inhabitants has surely changed greatly over this long time period. Before the arrival of European explorers in the late 1600s and early 1700s, the Tongans were in frequent contact with their nearest Oceanic neighbors, Fiji and Samoa. In the 1800s, with the arrival of Western traders and missionaries, Tongan culture changed dramatically. Some old beliefs and habits were thrown away, and others adopted. Some accommodations made in the 1800s and early 1900s are now being challenged by changing Western civilization. Contemporary Tongans often have strong ties to overseas lands. Many Tongans have emigrated to Australia, New Zealand, and the United States to seek employment and a higher standard of living. U.S. cities with significant Tongan American populations include Seattle, Washington; Portland, Oregon; Anchorage, Alaska; Inland Empire, California; San Mateo, California; East Palo Alto, California; San Bruno, California; Oakland, California; Inglewood, California; Los Angeles, California; Salt Lake City, Utah; Honolulu, Hawaii; Reno, Nevada, and Euless, Texas (in the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex). Large Tongan communities can also be found in Auckland, New Zealand, and in Melbourne and Sydney, Australia. This Tongan diaspora is still closely tied to relatives at home, and a significant portion of Tonga's income derives from remittances to family members (often aged) who prefer to remain in Tonga. Tongans, therefore, often have to operate in two different contexts, which they often call anga fakatonga, the traditional Tongan way, and anga fakapalangi, the Western way. A culturally adept Tongan learns both sets of rules and when to switch between them. Sports: Rugby union is the national sport in Tonga, and the national team ('Ikale Tahi or Sea Eagles) has performed quite well on the international stage. Although in recent years the national team has not performed as well as neighboring Samoa and Fiji, Tonga has competed in four Rugby World Cups, the first being in 1987. The 2007 Rugby World Cup was its most successful to date, with Tonga winning both of its first two matches, against the USA 2515 and Samoa 1915; and came very close to upsetting the eventual winners of the 2007 tournament, the South African Springboks, losing 3025 in the end. They then lost to England 3620 in their last pool game to end their hopes of making the knockout stages but were by no means disgraced. In fact, by picking up third place in their pool games behind South Africa and England, Tonga has since been rewarded with automatic qualification for the 2011 Rugby World Cup to be held in New Zealand. Its best result prior to 2007 was in 1995 when they won one game beating Ivory Coast 2911, and 1999 when they won one game beating Italy 2825 (although with only 14 men they lost heavily to England, 10101). Tonga performs the "Sipi Tau" (war dance) before its matches. Tonga used to compete in the Pacific Tri-Nations against Samoa and Fiji which has now been replaced by the IRB Pacific 6 Nations involving as well Japan, the second string All Blacks (Junior All Blacks) and Wallabies (Australia A) although from 2008 the Junior All Blacks would be replaced by the Maori All Blacks. At club level, there are the Datec Cup Provincial Championship and the Pacific Rugby Cup. Rugby union is governed by the Tonga Rugby Football Union, which is also a member of the Pacific Islands Rugby Alliance. Tonga contributes to the Pacific Islanders rugby union team. Jonah Lomu, Viliami (William) 'Ofahengaue and George Smith, Wycliff Palu, Tatafu Polota-Nau are all of Tongan descent. Rugby is popular in the nation's schools and students from schools such as Tonga College, Tupou College are regularly offered scholarships from New Zealand, Australia and Japan. Rugby league has also gained some success in Tonga. In the 2008 Rugby League World Cup Tonga recorded wins against Ireland and Scotland. In addition to the success of the national team, many players of Tongan descent make it big in the Australian National Rugby League competition. These include Willie Mason, Brent Kite, Willie Tonga, Anthony Tupou, Antonio Kaufusi, Israel Folau, Taniela Tuiaki, Michael Jennings, Feleti Mateo, Fetuli Talanoa, to name but a few. Tongan Boxer Paea Wolfgram won the silver medal in the Super Heavyweight division (>91 kg) at the 1996 Atlanta Summer Olympics. He is among one of the very few Polynesians and Pacific Islanders to win an Olympic medal, one other notable person to be Paoa Kahinu Mokoe Hulikohola Kahanamoku (a.k.a. Duke Kahanamoku), a native Hawaiian. Tongan women are known for being skillful jugglers. A number of US citizens of Tongan descent have made successful careers in American football. Euless' Trinity High School, the Texas state champion football team in 2007 and #1 ranked team nationally in 2008, has several Tongan players. Haloti Ngata is a professional football player in the NFL. Ngata is a defensive lineman for the Baltimore Ravens. Vai Sikahema, a native of Tonga, is a former NFL running back/kick returner, who now is a sportscaster in Philadelphia. Ma'ake Kemoeatu, also born in Tonga, plays as a defensive tackle for the Carolina Panthers. His brother Chris Kemoeatu plays as an offensive guard for the Pittsburgh Steelers. Tonga -- Politics -- Overview: Tonga operates as a constitutional monarchy. The reverence for the monarch is likened to that held in earlier centuries for the sacred paramount chief, the Tu'i Tonga. Criticism of the monarch is held to be contrary to Tongan culture and etiquette. A direct descendant of the first monarch, King George Tupou V, his family, some powerful nobles, and a growing non-royal elite caste live in much wealth, with the rest of the country living in relative poverty. The effects of this disparity are mitigated by three factors: education, medicine, and land tenure. Tonga provides free and mandatory education for all children up to the age of fourteen, with only nominal fees for secondary education, and foreign-funded scholarships for post-secondary education. Tongans enjoy a relatively high level of education, with a 98% literacy rate, and higher education up to and including medical and graduate degrees pursued mostly overseas. Tongans also have universal access to a national health system. Tongan land is constitutionally protected and cannot be sold to foreigners (although it may be leased). While there is a land shortage on the urbanized main island of Tongatapu (where 70% of the population resides), there is farm land available in the outlying islands. The majority of the population engages in some form of subsistence production of food, with approximately half producing almost all of their basic food needs through farming, sea harvesting, and animal husbandry. Women and men have equal access to education and health care, and are fairly equal in employment, but women are discriminated against in land holding, electoral politics, and government ministries. However, in Tongan tradition women enjoy a higher social status than men, a cultural trait that is unique among the insular societies of the Pacific. The pro-democracy movement in Tonga promotes reforms, including better representation in the Parliament for the majority commoners, and better accountability in matters of state. An overthrow of the monarchy itself is not part of the movement and the institution of monarchy continues to hold popular support, even while reforms are advocated. Until recently, the governance issue was generally ignored by the leaders of other countries, but major aid donors and neighbours New Zealand and Australia are now expressing concerns about some Tongan government actions. Following the precedents of Queen Salote, and the consel of numerous international advisors, the government of Tonga under King Taufa'ahau Tupou IV monetized the economy, internationalized the medical and education system, and enabled access by commoners to increasing forms of material wealth (houses, cars, and other commodities), education, and overseas travel. The government has supported Olympic and other international sports competition, and contributed Peacekeepers to the United Nations (notably to Bougainville and the Solomon Islands). The Tongan government also supported the American "coalition of the willing" action in Iraq, and a small number of Tongan soldiers were deployed, as part of an American force, to Iraq in late 2004. However, the contingent of 40+ troops returned home on 17 December 2004. In 2007, a second contingent was sent to Iraq while two more were sent during 2008 to be part of Tonga's continuous support for the coalition. This Tongan involvement was finally concluded at the end of 2008 with no loss of Tongan life reported. The previous king, Taufa'ahau and his government made some problematic economic decisions and are accused of wasting millions of dollars in poor investments. The problems have mostly been driven by attempts to increase national revenue through a variety of schemes, considering making Tonga a nuclear waste disposal site (an idea floated in the mid-90s by the current crown prince); selling Tongan Protected Persons Passports (which eventually forced Tonga to naturalize the purchasers, sparking ethnicity-based concerns within Tonga); registering foreign ships (which proved to be engaged in illegal activities, including shipments for al-Qaeda); claiming geo-orbital satellite slots (the revenue from which seems to belong to the Princess Royal, not the state); holding a long-term charter on an unusable Boeing 757 that was sidelined in Auckland Airport, leading to the collapse of Royal Tongan Airlines; building an airport hotel and potential casino with an Interpol-accused criminal; and approving a factory for exporting cigarettes to China (against the advice of Tongan medical officials, and decades of health promotion messaging). The king has proved vulnerable to speculators with big promises and lost several million (reportedly 26 million USD) to Jesse Bogdonoff, a financial adviser who called himself the king's Court Jester. The police have imprisoned pro-democracy leaders, and the government repeatedly confiscated the newspaper The Tongan Times (which was printed in New Zealand and sold in Tonga) because the editor had been vocally critical of the king's mistakes. Notably, the Kele'a, produced specifically to critique the government and printed in Tonga by pro-democracy leader 'Akilisi Pohiva, was not banned during that time. Pohiva, however, had been subjected to harassment in the form of frequent lawsuits. In mid-2003 the government passed a radical constitutional amendment to "Tonganize" the press, by licensing and limiting freedom of the press, so as to protect the image of the monarchy. The amendment was defended by the government and by royalists on the basis of traditional cultural values. Licensure criteria include 80% ownership by Tongans living in the country. As of February 2004, those papers denied licenses under the new act included the Taimi 'o Tonga (Tongan Times), the Kele'a and the Matangi Tonga, while those which were permitted licenses were uniformly church-based or pro-government. The bill was opposed in the form of a several-thousand-strong protest march in the capital, a call by the Tu'i Pelehake (a prince, nephew of the king and elected member of parliament) for Australia and other nations to pressure the Tongan government to democratize the electoral system, and a legal writ calling for a judicial investigation of the bill. The latter was supported by some 160 signatures, including seven of the nine elected "People's Representatives". The strong-arm tactics and gaffes have overshadowed the good that the aged king had done in his lifetime, as well as the many beneficial reforms of his son, 'Aho'eitu 'Unuaki'otonga Tuku'aho (Lavaka Ata 'Ulukalala), who was Prime Minister from January 3, 2000 to February 11, 2006. The former Crown Prince and current monarch, Tupouto'a, and Pilolevu, the Princess Royal, remained generally silent on the issue. In total, the changes threatened to destabilize the polity, fragment support for the status quo, and place further pressure on the monarchy. In 2005 the government spent several weeks negotiating with striking civil-service workers before reaching a settlement. The civil unrest that ensued was not limited to just Tonga; protests outside the king's New Zealand residence made headlines, too. A constitutional commission is currently (2005-06) studying proposals to update the constitution. On July 29, 2008 the Palace announced that King George Tupou V would relinquish much of his power and would surrender his role in day-to-day governmental affairs to the Prime Minister. The royal chamberlain said that this was being done to prepare the monarchy for 2010, when most of the first parliament will be elected, and added: "The Sovereign of the only Polynesian kingdom... is voluntarily surrendering his powers to meet the democratic aspirations of many of his people." The previous week, the government said the king had completed the sale of his ownership of state assets which had contributed to much of the royal family's wealth.
Washington, Mar 9 (ANI): Scientists working with NASA's Hubble Space Telescope have obtained a uniquely close-up look at the brightest gravitationally magnified galaxy yet discovered. The imagery, taken by researchers from the University of Chicago, offers a visually striking example of gravitational lensing, in which one massive object's gravitational field can magnify and distort the light coming from another object behind Such optical tricks stem from Einstein's theory of general relativity, which describes how gravity can warp space and time, including bending the path that light travels. In this case, gravity from the galaxy cluster RCS2 032727-132623 bent and amplified the light coming from a much more distant galaxy, 10 billion light-years from Earth. This "gravitational telescope" creates a vast arc of light, as if the distant galaxy had been reflected in a funhouse mirror. The UChicago team reconstructed what the distant galaxy really looks like, using computational tools that reversed the effect of gravitational lensing. "What's happening here is a manifestation of general relativity," Michael Gladders, assistant professor in astronomy and astrophysics at Uchicago, said. "Instead of seeing the normal, faint image of that distant source, you see highly distorted, highly magnified, and in this case, multiple images of the source caused by the intervening gravitational mass," he said. The cosmic lens gave the UChicago team the unusual opportunity to see what a galaxy looked like 10 billion years ago. The reconstructed image of the galaxy revealed regions of star formation glowing like bright points of light. These are much brighter than any star-formation region in Earth's home galaxy, the Milky Way. In 2006 the Chicago astronomers used the Very Large Telescope in Chile to measure the arc's distance and calculated that the galaxy appears more than three times brighter than previously discovered lensed galaxies. Last year, Jane Rigby of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., and the Chicago team imaged the arc with the Hubble Space Telescope's Wide Field Camera 3. According to Gladders, using this gravitational lens as a telescope offers two major scientific opportunities. First, "It gives us a look at that very distant source with a precision and fidelity that we couldn't otherwise achieve." Secondly, it provides an opportunity to learn something about the lens-forming mass, which is dominated by dark matter. "It's really a way of looking at the nature of dark matter," Gladders said. Dark matter accounts for nearly 90 percent of all matter in the universe, yet its identity remains one of the biggest mysteries of modern science. Keren Sharon, a postdoctoral scholar at Uchicago's Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics, led the effort to perform a detailed reconstruction of the lensed galaxy. Sharon painstakingly created a computer reconstruction of the gravitational lens, then reverse-engineered the distorted image to determine the distant galaxy's actual appearance. "It's a little bit of an art, but there's a lot of physics in it. That's the beauty of it," Sharon said. "It was a fun puzzle to solve, especially when we had such great data," she said. Through spectroscopy, the spreading out of light into its constituent colours, the team plans to analyse the distant galaxy's star-forming regions from the inside out to better understand why they are forming so many stars. The team also has obtained data from one of the twin Magellan Telescopes to help them determine why the galaxy, which is 10 billion light years away, looks so irregular. "It's not like we have something to compare it to. "We don't know what other galaxies at the same distance look like at this level of detail," she added. The study has been published in Astrophysical Journal. (ANI) Read More: Chile | Ingram Institute Edbo | Hindon Air Field | Agriculture Institute | Kavli | 3 Eme Center | Spinning Mills Center | Science Institute Lsg So | Karnata Health Institute | Indian Institute Of Technology | Central Institute Of Technolog | Vellore Institute Of Technolog | Pasteur Institute | Fair Field | Health Institute Po | Durgapur Brick Field | Bloom Field Bo | Jorhat Air Field | Mohanbari Air Field | Chabua Air Field | Ker
Gilbert, Kevin (1933 - 1992) Kevin Gilbert was born in Condobolin, New South Wales in 1933, of the Wiradjuri and Kamilaroi peoples. He left school after fifth grade at age fourteen, and worked in itinerant seasonal jobs. In 1957 Gilbert was sentenced to life imprisonment after a domestic dispute in which his wife was killed. During the fourteen years that he spent in some of the worst jails in Australia he strove to educate himself, honing his artistic talents to become a prominent poet, playwright, printmaker (Gilbert was Australia's first recognised Aboriginal printmaker) and photographer. Gilbert wrote the play The Cherry Pickers in 1968 and first exhibited his work in 1970 at the Arts Council Gallery, Sydney, in an exhibition organised by the Australia Council. He was granted parole in 1971. Gilbert was instrumental in the establishment of the Aboriginal Tent Embassy opposite Old Parliament House, Canberra the following year, and wrote Because a White Man'll Never Do It in 1973. His book Living Black: Blacks Talk to Kevin Gilbert (1977) was awarded the National Book Council Book Award in 1978. Gilbert was Chairperson of the Treaty '88 campaign, which fought for the establishment of a treaty enshrining Aboriginal rights and sovereignty. In this capacity he also organised the touring photography exhibition Inside Black Australia, in which his own work was included. In 1988 Gilbert was awarded the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission's Human Rights Award for Literature for his anthology of Aboriginal poetry, Inside Black Australia, which he returned; feeling he could not accept such an award while his people were denied human rights in their own land. His work was included in Narragunnawali at the Canberra Contemporary Art Space in 1989. In 1992 he received a Australian Artists Creative Fellowship from the Australia Council. Kevin Gilbert died in 1993. The Kevin Gilbert Memorial Trust was established in 1993 to further his aspirations. Created: 23 August 2005
Good morning. Here are your lessons for today. Complete the Multiplication problems. Go through the PowerPoint called Apostrophes for possession. Then write five interesting sentences using one. Complete the reading comprehension. The number of starts determines how tricky it is. Red/Orange = 3 stars Blue= 1 star Don’t peek at the answers! Please follow the link on how to draw the queen. This video is much faster than we are used to, so please be prepared to press pause lots of times!! We would love to put them on the website so please take a picture and email them to school. Log onto Purple mash – 2sequence and create a wonderful tune.
Landscaping is usually a exercise of increasing and developing several vegetation inside of a framework accepted as a garden. Practically in most modern day landscapes, elaborate crops tend to be developed with regard to their foliage, blossoms, or coloration delicious plant life, like fruits and veggies, are usually grown for those taste and texture and therapeutic vegetation, which might contain plants and blooms, usually are expanded for his or her restorative healing applications. Your backyard is an accumulation of plants that happen to be cultivated for your intent. Plants and flowers are preferred judging by their viability for your area given their normal attractiveness their suitability to the climatic and earth circumstances predominant during the garden and their availability. A garden is therefore not simply a location to sit down on and rest, but an organic overall in itself, by which crops add in different strategies to its routine maintenance, natural beauty and infertility and sustenance. Growing plants is not only about planting seed products and patiently waiting for them to germinate and improve furthermore, it includes the effective use of safety measures and the application of treatment options for insects and ailment. Horticulture can be performed in a choice of a garden greenhouse, while using man made lighting and ground, or possibly in an organic establishing such as a lawn. Additionally, growing plants can be carried out for entertainment, adventure, or revenue, depending upon the variety of plants and flowers in addition to their generate. Most people who begin horticulture are curious about shrubs and plants. They may pick from lights, perennials, annuals and biennials or veggies. When choosing vegetation for landscaping, you have to take into account where crops is going to be located, no matter whether inside of a sleep, a planter, a vine, a fence, as well as other set up. Virtually all vegetation prefer a nicely-drained, fertile dirt with excellent drainage, but a majority of vegetation demand significantly less h2o or do not require significantly fertilizer even so, they do much better if positioned in perfectly-lit spots, amongst plants and shrubs. Certain types of crops, for example citrus fruit foliage, will likely not thrive if planted in shaded areas, as they do require additional sunlight than other plants and flowers. Despite the fact that flowers enjoy a vital role in a backyard garden, there are plenty of additional factors that need to be regarded when landscaping, and should variety an important part of any landscaping-linked programs. Landscaping can have a number of constructive added benefits for those spanning various ages even so, some adverse reactions can result from placing specific vegetation, particularly if these vegetation contest with existing plant life or creatures. Garden should be done moderately, while using correctspacing and rate, and the right time in use, therefore. This can boost the psychological overall health of anybody who decides for taking up gardening or increase their physical health through horticulture. Emotional health and fitness can be elevated by way of gardening, in many ways. One way is via graphic excitement. By planting quite a few varieties of herbal remedies and flowers together, the consequence of the bloom changes, creating a great visible outcome. More people normally take notice if they are gardening, because of the visible effect. An additional benefit is via physiological training. Planting herbal remedies can enhance concentration and stay a fun store to release strain, causing the gardener with a better outlook on lifestyle and emotional overall health. Horticulture could also develop frame of mind thru colors, aroma and structure and seem. A gardener can primary how their crops increase and older determined by their recent environment, by changing the amount of gentle received from the doors and windows. This can be achieved by growing a number of fresh flowers within a months only, or with specific plants grow within a specified year, for example a spring bloom. Understanding landscaping terms can certainly be helpful in directing one’s garden tactics. For example, understanding the distinction between a bush and a bush can easily make a big difference in the sort of attention needed for a definite form of shrub. Knowing landscaping terms for example biogradites, perennials and biennials heirloom fruit and vegetables, hardy plant life, and container flowers can help a gardener fully understand their place and expanding environment more readily. Knowing about the disparities amongst lamps, perennials and biennials and annuals, as well as knowing how to plant and increase vegatables and fruits will benefit a gardener. A gardener could also better their comprehension of how different varieties of lawn develop and succeed by understanding the months when every single variety of lawn will grow. Expanding months specifications for lawn might make all the difference from a effective lawn in addition to a attractive but marijuana-ridden 1. Gardening is usually a enjoyment way to establish a stunning backyard garden outside the house one’s property. It needs some hard work to be sure that your backyard has all the things it must grow effectively. However growing plants might appear tough initially, it is quite profitable following the growing plants endeavor is completed. Quite a few home gardeners discover that the view and sounds of the back gardens are enough for making landscaping worth it. Landscaping can be experienced by adults and children equally, and at the same time they are able to connect with characteristics and cultivate their landscapes with vegetation and fresh flowers that increase in a myriad of weather conditions. If you loved this article and you would love to receive more info relating to Addison christmas lights generously visit our webpage. Go on your search to get more linked articles:
Experience 'Pluto Time' with NASA's New Interactive Widget Imagine you're one of those first Pluto explorers, stepping out of your lander. Pluto's moon Charon would hang motionless in your sky. The two are tidally locked, always presenting the same face to each other as they orbit over a 6.37 Earth-day period. But at only 12,200 miles (19,600 km) away — closer than Earth's geosynchronous satellites — Charon would appear eight times larger in Pluto's sky than the full moon appears from Earth. Pluto's other four moons — Nix, Hydra, Kerberos and Styx — would be visible as slowly moving stars, gradually rising and setting while Charon remained fixed in the heavens. The Sun, some 3 billion miles (4.8 billion kilometres) away, would be the brightest object in Pluto’s sky but would look nothing like it does in our sky back on Earth. From Pluto’s surface, the Sun is a mere point of light only 250 times brighter than the Earth’s full Moon, with all that brightness packed into an icy, diamond-like point. It is not as dark on Pluto as you might imagine, given you can read a book by the light of the full Moon on Earth. In fact, for a brief period during dawn and dusk each day, the illumination on Earth matches that of high noon on Pluto. A new NASA social media initiative is calling this “Pluto Time”. The idea is that if you step outside at this time on a clear day, everything around you will be as bright as the surface of Pluto at noon. To participate and experience what Pluto Time looks like on Earth, NASA has built an interactive widget that provides your approximate "Pluto Time" on Earth, based on your location. Then take a photo during your Pluto Time and share it on social media with #PlutoTime. NASA will use the best images it collects from around the world and combine them into a mosaic image of Pluto and its moons to be released publicly in August. To experience Pluto Time for yourself and see sample photos, visit: http://solarsystem.nasa.gov/plutotime
What is software application? A computer system is a system of hardware and software that collaborate to perform certain tasks. The equipment part of a computer system does the work, yet the software program tells it what to do. The two parts are entirely different and the software is one of the most important. In this article, we’ll talk about the distinction in between the two. The difference between the two will be explained. Continue reading to uncover how software works as well as how it is different from hardware. There are numerous types of software program. For instance, software makes it possible for users to do particular jobs. System software is a solitary program, while system software can be a group of programs. Both kinds of applications can be gauged for protection, portability, and also efficiency. A great firm must be able to address these inquiries to make sure their software is suitable for your service. When you have actually determined what type of application you require, you can schedule an appointment with the software company. Middleware and also vehicle drivers are 2 kinds of software. The very first kind concentrates on functionality, which is the capacity to work in various time zones. The 2nd kind focuses on availability. These attributes are very important to help the software program perform well in a variety of settings. The third kind of software application, which mainly focuses on boosting availability, is chauffeur software application. Both type of software application have to be compatible with the tools as well as running systems that run them. The final type is the capacity to be installed on numerous tools, like cellphones. A computer system’s software program might be divided right into 2 groups – system and application software. The initial one is a collection of guidelines and also procedures. The second kind is a self-supporting software program that gives a details function. An application, or game, can be identified as a “container” or a “customer” based on a set of rules. These policies are usually utilized for protection functions, yet in general, they are used to handle information. The second kind is stand-alone software program. While stand-alone software application does not require a computer’s os, it does not need any type of equipment. It is distributed independently from various other applications and also is made to perform specific features. The key function of application software is to make it feasible for a user to run the software. Some sorts of applications can be run individually or as part of a bigger application. The latter kind does not require an internet connection. A computer system does not run without software application. There are numerous kinds of applications for computers. Some are proprietary as well as have a certificate that is unique to that item. Others are offered for download, to ensure that the individual can make use of the software for a specific function. As an example, an application can be downloaded and install and performed on a computer. After that, it can be executed. The customer can engage with the application, and also it can be configured to perform the very same function. The 2nd type of software is called system software. It entails the creation as well as application of applications. Its name is a phrase for software application. There are several sorts of applications that support a computer system’s operation. For instance, a personal information administration system is an additional example. An application can be described as “application” if it is a program. A company application can have its very own collection of regulations as well as procedures, which are used to conduct activities. In computer software application, an application can be classified into system software and software. The previous is a collection of applications that operate a computer system. In case of system software, a system can be utilized to track a variety of deals. In application software, the previous is called “system software. The last is the software program that takes care of and also controls the computer system. The last is called a procedure. The last, on the other hand, is a computer system. There are 2 types of software. The first is the system, while the latter is the last. The second is an application. Both are made use of for the same purpose. Both are needed for the machine to function. These 2 are called application and system. The very first is a system. The second type is an os. The second is an application. It has the capacity to run details tasks. An organization needs software. An organization can use software program to run specific processes. Software and hardware are both necessary elements of a computer system. While equipment is the part of the system that does real work, software application informs a computer exactly how to do its job. In a sense, equipment is like a device, yet software informs it how to work. While they are similar, the two are various. To better recognize the distinction in between both, allow’s compare them. One of the most essential difference between both is that equipment is constructed to do work, while software is made to be installed on a computer system. System software and also application software are separate types of software application, each with their own unique functions. Application-oriented software application is the kind you’ll make use of to interact with your computer. Examples of such programs consist of spread sheet software, word processing program, and also database administration. Applications are what make your computer do things you require it to do. They are likewise what make computer systems work. Without software application, a computer system would certainly wear. As an example, if you didn’t have a spread sheet program on your computer, you couldn’t save a file or send out an email. System-oriented software program is the foundation of any type of computer system. This software application is preinstalled on a computer as well as controls standard functions. Application-oriented software, on the other hand, is made to carry out a particular task. There are two kinds of software: system-oriented as well as application-oriented. Fundamentally, the previous is the major component of a computer and gives the devices required to run it. If your computer isn’t created to take care of specific jobs, you’ll need to purchase brand-new equipment to get the job done. what is penetration testing Application-oriented software program is created to assist you accomplish a particular job. For instance, computer games are instances of application-oriented software program. They are designed to assist you accomplish a specific goal with making use of algorithms. Nonetheless, they likewise need that you access other programs to function effectively. A stand-alone application can run independently on a disk or flash drive, while stand-alone software isn’t. A stand-alone application may not need an Internet link to run.