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Dive deeper into Buddhist art and culture through a rich array of Freer|Sackler resources—from online exhibitions to recordings of past programs. For educators, our staff has created resources to help explain Buddhist art, culture, and practice within a classroom. For those who want an even deeper look, check out our scholarly programs and publications geared toward academic audiences. Read, Listen, and Download Explore Online Exhibitions Body of Devotion: The Cosmic Buddha in 3D The Cosmic Buddha is a life-size limestone figure of Vairochana covered with detailed narrative scenes. Learn more about this spectacular sixth-century Chinese sculpture and our efforts to study it through 3D imaging. A Journey to Xiangtangshan Discover one of the crowning achievements of China’s Northern Qi dynasty (550–77): the Buddhist cave temples of Xiangtangshan. Through 3D imaging, experience these caves as they were before their tragic despoliation in the early twentieth century. Masters of Mercy: Buddha’s Amazing Disciples The Japanese artist Kano Kazunobu (1816–1863) produced one of the Edo period’s most impressive feats of Buddhist iconography: one hundred paintings depicting the miraculous interventions and superhuman activities of the Buddha’s five hundred disciples. Return of the Buddha: Qingzhou Discoveries A chance discovery in 1996 in Qingzhou, China, brought to light an incredible buried treasure: hundreds of well-preserved sixth-century Buddhist statues. Learn more about this remarkable discovery and the extraordinary wealth of knowledge Watch or Listen to Past Programs Silk Road Stories: How Asanga Came to See the Future Buddha Drawing upon Tibetan traditions, this narration relates the tale of Asanga. Devoting his life to piety, Asanga spends twelve years meditating in the hopes of seeing the Future Buddha. Time-Lapse Creation of a Sand Mandala In March 2010, the Buddhist monk and mandala master Venerable Ngawang Chojor began creating a Tibetan sand mandala in the Sackler Gallery. The process, which requires great patience and focus, serves as an aid to Buddhist meditation. Master of the Chinese Pipa: Wu Man The musical composition Xiao Pu An Zhou heard on this concert recording is named for the twelfth-century Buddhist priest Pu An, who is said to have gained enlightenment by chanting sacred mantras. Wu Man adapted this composition to include an effect that imitates the clacking of temple woodblocks. Modern Awakenings: New Music Inspired by Buddhism In this compelling concert, the Momenta Quartet performed music for violin, viola, and cello by four composers who draw inspiration from Buddhist philosophy and practice. Making Musical Waves: The Legacy of Yatsuhashi The Japanese bamboo flute called shakuhachi is closely associated with the spread of Zen Buddhism in Japan. Wandering monk-musicians played the often-abstract music for this instrument while begging for alms. This concert features shakuhachi master Yodo Kurahashi, along with artists performing the koto, shamisen, and vocal parts. Painting with Music: Bell Yung, Qin The repertoire of the ancient zither called qin (pronounced “chin”) embodies China’s major religious-philosophical systems of Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism. Some of the most distinguished qin musicians were Buddhist monks, who played the instrument in the seclusion of their temples and passed their music to younger disciples. Music for Qin on Piano: Jenny Lin The twentieth-century composition The Willows are New by Chou Wen-Chung elaborates on Yung Kuan, a traditional Chinese melody. Yung Kuan is part of the ancient literature for the qin, the Chinese seven-stringed zither, which is closely associated with Chinese Buddhism and often played by Buddhist monks. Music From Japan: Echoes of the Silk Road This ensemble plays instruments reconstructed from those found in the Shoso-in, an eighth-century repository at a Buddhist temple complex in Nara, Japan. The Shoso-in also houses music notation from the same period, which inspired the works in this program. Sukeyasu Shiba’s Gagaku Universe Twenty-five musical manuscripts were discovered in one of the ancient Buddhist caves at Dunhuang, western China. One manuscript, reconstructed by Japanese composer Sukeyasu Shiba in 1983, is heard on this concert recording. The instruments used are modern versions of those found in the Shoso-in. Portrait of Hwang Byungki: New and Traditional Music for Korean Instruments First performed in 1974, Ch’imhyangmu is a musical exploration of Buddhist art from the period of the Silla kingdom. It combines indigenous and Western elements to sublimate sensual beauty on Buddhist principles. For this piece, the strings of the kayagum are tuned to a scale used in Buddhist chant. Access Educators’ Resources How can you bring Encountering the Buddha: Art and Practice across Asia into your classroom? Educators of many disciplines and grade levels can use this exhibition as a teaching and learning opportunity. Use these resources to deepen your understanding of the ways in which art and place embody and express the teachings of Buddhism across Asia. Background Reading and Context Buddhism and Buddhist Art | Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City Explore Buddhism’s key tenets and important historical figures and events, and discover how the representation of the Buddha has evolved over the centuries on the Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History. Life of the Buddha | Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City Read this introductory essay from the Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History to learn more about the life of the Buddha, and dive deeper into the subject with related essays and chronology. An Introduction to Buddhism | Asian Art Museum, San Francisco Visit this website for downloadable student activities, teacher resources, videos, and more focused on teaching about Buddhism in K–12 classrooms. Pinterest | Freer|Sackler Use our educators collection on Pinterest to build your online bulletin boards. Pin selected images to share resources and information, curate content, organize ideas for classroom projects, and collaborate with others. Cosmic Buddha in 3D | Freer|Sackler Explore a 3D model of a life-size, sixth-century Chinese limestone figure of the Cosmic Buddha. What makes this object exceptional are the detailed narrative scenes that cover its surface, representing moments in the life of the Historical Buddha as well as the Realms of Existence, a symbolic map of the Buddhist world. Lesson Plan: Buddhist and Hindu Art from India—A Comparative Look | Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City Identify similarities and differences between Buddhist and Hindu sculpture from India. This lesson encourages elementary-level students to use visual evidence to support inferences. Migration of Buddhism across Asia | Seattle Art Museum Explore this map to learn more about Buddhism’s migration from its founding in north India through the seventh century. The map showcases more than two hundred Buddhist artworks divided into categories such as buddhas, teachers, animals, and mandalas. Pilgrimage and Buddhist Art | Asia Society, New York City Use this map to explore Asia’s immense system of Buddhist pilgrimage sites and associated artworks. Numerous related educator resources are included. Plan Your School Visit Submit this request form for a docent-led tour four weeks in advance, and bring your students to experience Encountering the Buddha and the Freer|Sackler’s related collections in person. Events and Workshops Register for professional development workshops and learn about public programs related to the exhibition. Discover Scholarly Programs and Publications The Performative Agency of Buddhist Art and Architecture in Asia Ars Orientalis, volume 46 Guest-edited by Michelle C. Wang and Wei-cheng Lin Smithsonian Institution, 2016 Scientific Research on the Sculptural Arts of Asia: Proceedings of the Third Forbes Symposium at the Freer Gallery of Art Edited by Janet G. Douglas, Paul Jett, and John Winter Archetype Publications with the Freer Gallery of Art, 2007 The Buddha as the Yogin: The Making of a Nationalist Art History Sugata Ray, University of California, Berkeley From “Yoga and Visual Culture: An Interdisciplinary Symposium” (November 21–23, 2014) Holiness, Heat, and Hunger: Sculpting States of Mind Robert DeCaroli, George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia From “Yoga and Visual Culture: An Interdisciplinary Symposium” (November 21–23, 2014) Want to learn more about Buddhist art, architecture, and practice? Check out other digitized Freer|Sackler publications.
Definition of Ninety-six 1. Adjective. Being six more than ninety. Definition of Ninety-six 1. Cardinal numeral. The cardinal number immediately following ninety-five and preceding ninety-seven. ¹ ¹ Source: wiktionary.com Click the following link to bring up a new window with an automated collection of images related to the term: Ninety-six Images Lexicographical Neighbors of Ninety-six Literary usage of Ninety-six Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature: 1. The Struggle for American Independence by Sydney George Fisher (1908) "But he believed he had good chances against Augusta and Ninety-Six. Augusta was garrisoned largely by loyalists under Colonel Brown; and the task of ..." 2. History of the United States: From the Discovery of the American Continent by George Bancroft (1875) "The possession of the interior of South Carolina depended on the posts at Camden and Ninety-Six in that state, and at Augusta in Georgia. ..." 3. The Annals of Tennessee to the End of the Eighteenth Century: Comprising Its by James Gettys McGready Ramsey (1853) "At Ninety Six Ferguson received intelligence that a corps of Americans, under Col. Clarke, had made an attempt upon the British post at Augusta, and, ..." 4. King's Mountain and Its Heroes: History of the Battle of King's Mountain by Lyman Copeland Draper, Anthony Allaire, Isaac Shelby (1881) "Colonel Ferguson sent to the District of Ninety Six. ... Resuming his march he passed on to Ninety Six, whence, after a fortnight's rest, he advanced some ..." 5. The History of the United States of America by Richard Hildreth (1877) "Greene, meanwhile, had marched against ninety-six, the chief British stronghold in the up)ier country, where he was presently joined by Lee. ..." 6. Annual Report by Correctional Association of New York (1896) "This act shall take effect November first, eighteen hundred and ninety-six. CHAPTER 699. AN ACT to regulate the sale of convict-made goods, ..." 7. History of England, from the Peace of Utrecht to the Peace of Versailles by Philip Henry Stanhope Stanhope (1858) "The English in South Carolina held, at this time, a line of posts extending from the Pedee river to the fortified village of Ninety Six. ..." 8. The New England Historical and Genealogical Register by Henry Fritz-Gilbert Waters (1855) "April, July, and October ; each Number containing at least ninety-six pages, octavo j making annually a volume of ..."
What is it used for? How does it work? This medicine contains two active ingredients, acebutolol and hydrochlorothiazide. Acebutolol belongs to a group of medicines called beta-blockers, which block beta receptors in the heart, lungs and other organs of the body. Blocking these receptors prevents the action of two chemicals called noradrenaline and adrenaline that occur naturally in the body. These are often referred to as the 'fight or flight' chemicals as they are responsible for the body's reaction to stressful situations. Blocking the beta receptors in the heart causes the heart to beat more slowly and with less force. This reduces the pressure at which blood is pumped out of the heart to the rest of the body. This is just one of the ways in which beta blockers help to reduce blood pressure, however the whole mechanism is not fully understood. Hydrochlorothiazide is known as a thiazide diuretic. Thiazide diuretics act in the kidney to remove water from the blood into the urine, by causing an increase in the removal of salts such as potassium and sodium from the blood. This removal of salts causes water to be drawn out of the blood and into the kidneys, where it is then excreted in the urine. Removing water from the blood decreases the volume of fluid circulating through the blood vessels. The drop in fluid volume results in a drop in the pressure of the fluid within the blood vessels, which helps to lower high blood pressure. It also decreases the effort required by the heart to pump blood around the body. This drop in fluid volume results in a drop in the pressure of the fluid within the blood vessels, thus lowering high blood pressure. The combination of these two medicines is particularly useful in treating high blood pressure. - This medicine may mask the symptoms of low blood sugar such as increased heart rate, tremor and nausea. People with diabetes should carefully monitor their blood sugar. - You should not suddenly stop taking this medicine unless your doctor tells you otherwise. - It is recommended that individuals taking this medicine have their fluid and salt (electrolyte) balance monitored regularly. - If you experience any of the following symptoms while taking this medicine you should inform your doctor promptly, so that the amount of fluids and salts in your body can be checked: thirst, lethargy, confusion, weakness, drowsiness, muscle cramps, scanty production of urine, abnormal heart rhythm, seizures, nausea and vomiting. - As diuretics cause your kidneys to produce more urine, you may prefer to take this medicine in the morning rather than before going to bed, as this will reduce the likelihood of you needing to get up in the night to visit the toilet. Seek further advice from your doctor or pharmacist. - If you should require local or general anaesthesia, it is important that you inform your anaesthetist you are taking this medicine. Use with caution in - Heart failure - History of asthma or wheezing - Low blood pressure (hypotension) - Slow heart rate of less than 50 beats per minute (bradycardia) - Type 2 (non-insulin dependent) diabetes Not to be used in - Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) - Defect of the heart's electrical message pathways resulting in decreased function of the heart (heart block) - Failure of the heart to maintain adequate circulation of blood (cardiogenic shock) - High blood uric acid level (hyperuricaemia) - Severe kidney failure - Severe liver failure - Type 1 (insulin dependent) diabetes This medicine should not be used if you are allergic to one or any of its ingredients. Please inform your doctor or pharmacist if you have previously experienced such an allergy. If you feel you have experienced an allergic reaction, stop using this medicine and inform your doctor or pharmacist immediately. Pregnancy and Breastfeeding Certain medicines should not be used during pregnancy or breastfeeding. However, other medicines may be safely used in pregnancy or breastfeeding providing the benefits to the mother outweigh the risks to the unborn baby. Always inform your doctor if you are pregnant or planning a pregnancy, before using any medicine. - This medicine should not be used in pregnancy. Seek medical advice from your doctor. - This medicine passes into breast milk. It is recommended that mothers should avoid using this medicine while breastfeeding. Seek medical advice from your doctor. - Do not stop taking this medication except on your doctor's advice. Medicines and their possible side effects can affect individual people in different ways. The following are some of the side effects that are known to be associated with this medicine. Because a side effect is stated here, it does not mean that all people using this medicine will experience that or any side effect. - Slower than normal heart beat (bradycardia) - Blood disorders - Disturbances of the gut such as diarrhoea, constipation, nausea, vomiting or abdominal pain - Low blood pressure (hypotension) - Breathing difficulties due to a narrowing of the airways (bronchospasm) - Disturbances in the levels of chemical components (electrolytes) in the blood The side effects listed above may not include all of the side effects reported by the drug's manufacturer. For more information about any other possible risks associated with this medicine, please read the information provided with the medicine or consult your doctor or pharmacist. How can this medicine affect other medicines? When acebutolol is taken together with clonidine, there is a risk of a rebound increase in blood pressure when clonidine is stopped. The acebutolol should be stopped several days before slowly stopping the clonidine. In diabetic patients, acebutolol can prolong the lowering of blood sugar (hypoglycaemia) caused by insulin or other antidiabetic medicines. Individuals should monitor their blood sugar, as acebutolol can also mask the signs of hypoglycaemia. Hydrochlorothiazide may increase blood sugar. When taken together with cisapride, sertindole, sotalol, astemizole, terfenadine or beta-agonist bronchodilators such as salbutamol, there may be an increased risk of abnormal heart rhythm, if low blood potassium (hypokalaemia) occurs with hydrochlorothiazide. If hypokalaemia does not occur, this risk is removed. When taken together with other medicines which can cause hypokalaemia e.g. corticosteroids, carbenoxolone or beta-agonist bronchodilators such as salbutamol, there may be an increased risk of developing hypokalaemia. Potassium supplements may be required. When taken together with cardiac glycosides such as digoxin, there is an increased risk of adverse effects if low blood potassium (hypokalaemia) occurs with hydrochlorothiazide. There is also an increased risk of extremely slow heart rate when acebutolol is taken with digoxin. Hydrochlorothiazide reduces the ability of the body to remove the medicine lithium. As this can give rise to adverse effects, this medicine should not generally be taken with lithium. When acebutolol is taken together with calcium channel blockers such as verapamil, the risk of slow heart rate, hypotension and heart failure may be increased. This medication should not be taken together with verapamil or within several days of verapamil therapy and vice versa. Tricyclic and Mono Amine Oxidase Inhibitor (MAOI) antidepressants should not be used with this medicine.
In our previous article, we discussed the importance of stretching and strengthening the hand. (Didn’t see it? You can read it right here!) However, there is more to the upper extremity than just our hand and forearm; it is also important for baseball players to stretch and strengthen their elbow and shoulder joints. Moving up the chain, we will discuss the muscles that cause flexion (bending) and extension (straightening) of the arm at the elbow joint. Baseball players tend to focus on the triceps (muscles located on the back of the arm) because it is involved in the extension of the elbow, which as we know happens when you throw a ball. The concept that most people forget is balance in the body. Every joint in the body has muscles that allow for movement to happen. If we have muscles which extend the arm, we have muscles to bend the arm as well. The biceps’ action is to flex the arm (think when someone says “make a muscle”). This muscle needs to be able to stretch very quickly when the ball is thrown and needs to be strong enough to handle the force that the triceps are putting on the elbow joint to help with elbow health. Strengthening both the triceps and biceps, as well as, stretching these muscles can contribute to increased velocity, distance, endurance, and overall health of elbow and shoulder. The third portion of the upper extremity is the shoulder. Most baseball players know the importance of a proper warm up because it helps to loosen up the shoulder joint. But starting at the fingers and moving up the arm to the shoulder will allow for the muscles to warm up and strengthen in a functional way. (Remember our post about the hand from January 19?) Just like the other joints, you want to strengthen the opposing muscle groups; however, the shoulder joint is a little more complex. Since the shoulder has a larger range of motion than the elbow, it requires more muscles to create the movement. Strengthening the shoulder properly in all ranges is important for increased performance and joint health. Stretching the shoulder is vital because of how aggressive the movement of throwing is. Muscles are contacting and relaxing so quickly, that if not properly warmed up it is very easy for an injury to occur in any part of the chain if not moving properly. By Corynne Pereira
Victoriana & Jane Austen Jane Austen lived through a fascinating period in Western history that continues to shape the contemporary society we live in today. Just imagine, the birth of the United States of America, with the signing of the U.S. Declaration of Independence from Great Britain (1776), combined with the onset of the French Revolution (1789), which entangled England with France once more–but this time in the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars (1793-1815)–all happened within Austen's lifetime. These dramatic events would ultimately impact and inform Queen Victoria's expansive reign. Austen's novels were indeed revolutionary and broke with tradition. Her literary fandom evolved with the times and steadily grew during the Victorian Era, after her nephew, J.E. Austen-Leigh published A Memoir of Jane Austen (1869). Queen Victoria wrote in her journal how she enjoyed reading Northanger Abbey to Prince Albert. Lady Jane Churchill also read Austen's novels to the Queen, among other's works. Lord Alfred Tennyson was an Austen fan who wrote chivalric poems inspired by King Arthur. Sir Walter Scott, Sir Francis Darwin, Winston Churchill, G.K. Chesterton, and Henry James were also well versed in Austen’s novels with their praise. Edith Wharton, Rudyard Kipling, Virginia Woolf, D.H. Lawrence, Ernest Hemingway, Thornton Wilder, C.S. Lewis, and E.M. Forster were fans from the Modern Era, in which her novels continued to be of literary influence–into the present day.
NOTE: This is a legacy article. Updated content coming soon. Traditionally, testers have been behind the development curve in defining and adopting new test strategies. This article is a strategy-level overview which describes the background and future of wireless technology, the major risks and critical success factors, an overview of the technologies used to deliver wireless applications, and a strategy for testing wireless applications. Wireless Technology is More Than the Wireless Web People are using wireless technologies to build long-range wireless networks and perform short-range personal wireless functions. Some of these wireless applications are extremely critical in terms of risk. For example, mobile applications allow medical professionals to view an EKG chart and other diagnostic data using pagers. Wireless scanners help stores keep track of inventory levels. Regardless of the application and specific technology, wireless applications require a unique testing strategy that can be identified and documented. In addition, although the future of the wireless web is hard to predict in terms of when and how it will actually take off, it is time to start thinking about the implications of testing wireless applications. Even if the wireless web is very slow to gain stride, many businesses will be building and deploying other types of wireless initiatives to serve customers better and more efficiently. Some examples of other types of wireless applications beside the wireless web and M-commerce include: - Handheld devices for applications such as inventory control and shipping - Pagers for instant messaging and data delivery - even for applications such as medical diagnostics - PDA applications to sync with notebooks computers and to perform functions such as automated hotel check-in and check-out while in the hotel - Peer-to-peer applications for workgroup collaboration and gaming - Wireless networks to allow maximum flexibility in workspace configuration How Wireless Applications are Developed To develop a test strategy for wireless applications, we need to know how they are developed in terms of tools and technologies. We don't have time in this article to cover all technologies, but some of the major ones include: Wireless Access Protocol (WAP) - An initiative that was started by Unwired Planet, Motorola, Nokia, and Ericsson to define a secure specification that allows users to access information instantly via handheld wireless devices such as mobile phones, pagers, two-way radios, smartphones and communicators. Bluetooth - A short-range (up to 10m) 2.4 GHz radio technology aimed at simplifying communications among Net devices and between devices and the Internet. It also aims to simplify data synchronization between Net devices and other computers. Products with Bluetooth technology must be qualified and pass interoperability testing by the Bluetooth Special Interest Group prior to release. The Bluetooth 1.0 specification consists of two documents: the Foundation Core, which provides design specifications, and the Foundation Profile, which provides interoperability guidelines. XML - Extensible Markup Language - allows designers to create their own customized tags, enabling the definition, transmission, validation, and interpretation of data between applications and between organizations. WML - Wireless Markup Language is an XML language used to specify content and user interface for WAP devices. WML is supported by almost every mobile phone browser around the world. WML pages are requested and served in the same way as HDML pages. WMLScript - Scripting language used with WML to allow interactivity on WML applications. It is important to understand that just like web applications are often built using a combination of technologies such as XML, Java, and Java Script, so are wireless applications. The mix depends on the application objectives, project objectives and business strategies. Wireless application developers use development tool kits provided by the wireless device vendors, such as Nokia, Ericcson and Motorolla. These development kits also contain simulators that allow developers and testers to test wireless applications in a controlled environment. The Big Picture - How M-Commerce Applications are Delivered The above figure shows how the M-commerce user conducts a transaction. One of the major differences between this model and the E-commerce model of recent years is the prevalent use of a mobile wallet to facilitate fast and secure payments. Like the E-commerce model, integration is the key to making the business side of M-commerce work. Primary Concerns and Risks of Wireless Applications A very useful starting point for a test strategy is to examine the risks. For wireless applications, the risks are: Correctness - Like any other application, if the information is not correct, people will abandon the application. Usability - Wireless applications shrink the user interface to the extent that two concerns emerge greatly when dealing with wireless usability. 1. Interface - The display size of wireless devices is often very small. This affects readability and feature sets in a big way. 2. Ergonomics - Wireless devices are compact and have smaller keys for input. If you have small fingers, the issue is lessened, but if you have fingers that resemble small sausages, you need another way to input data beside your fingers. Even though WAP, WEP and other security protocols are designed to be a secure technology when used correctly, there is a big difference between knowing and doing when it comes to security. In addition to the street threats, there are also the security issues of what happens to the transaction at the gateways, which are controlled by nameless, faceless third parties. Peer-to-peer computing also holds risks for the privacy of data sent between devices. Performance issues can result from a variety of sources including: One of the most pressing challenges in wireless applications is the growing demand on bandwidth. This demand grows daily as new users are coming onto the web and as businesses increase the quantity and quality of media content, such as streaming media. There is considerable discussion as to whether or not third generation (3G) networks will ever become a reality in the U.S. In addition to slow networks, the reliability of wireless connections leave much to be desired. It's one thing to be able to decipher a garbled voice message, but another to transmit a stream of data across the same faulty connection. Performance problems can also be traced back to client bottlenecks in WAP applications as well as hardware limitations with the wireless device. As in any robust application, wireless or otherwise, integration often plays a major role in the ability of the application to deliver correct and efficient results. Wireless integration concerns include: - Online wallets for fast and secure online payments - Business systems which must handle the transactions generated by wireless devices - Other devices which receive data from wireless devices: - Notebooks, which may sync with PDAs - Vending machines, which my provide inventory control data to an central business system - Handheld units, which may transmit inventory or shipping data to central systems - Web-enabled phones, which my send data to other cell phones such as with instant messaging People want to make the most of their investment in wireless technology and are often cautious about hardware and applications that may become obsolete in a year or less. Therefore, flexibility is a very important issue to wireless users. Flexibility in this context can include: - Ease of upgrades to software and hardware - Application flexibility with various hardware and wireless operating systems. This is an opportunity to apply some of the lessons learned from the recent dot-com boom and bust experience. Wireless providers must be able to prove that the envisioned users will actually buy the applications and services under development. In addition, the wireless development companies must be able to survive until the wireless market can support the new technology and pray that a new technology does not catch on and render their product or service obsolete. Some questions that should be asked about any project include: - Does the application solve a problem effectively and easily? - Is there a customer base? - Can development costs be recouped quickly? A Testing Strategy for Testing Wireless Applications Now that we have examined the basis of wireless applications and the risks of wireless technology, let's look at a strategy for testing wireless applications, regardless of the method of application. The major items to consider are: - Type of Wireless Application - Audience Demographics - Technologies Used - Test Execution Strategies Type of Wireless Application Some possibilities include: - Personal productivity - Business system integration The type of application will determine the type of tests you will need to perform. This will dictate the types of testers you will need to get a representative assessment of usability. - Age (The most likely acceptance group for wireless apps are teens!) - Geography - This applies to issues of localization as mobile applications are deployed in a variety of countries. - Web comfort level - This will determine the important of usability factors. This will determine the type of test environment and tools you will need. - Bluetooth, etc. - XML, WML - Security protocols - WAP Simulators by hardware vendor: Nokia, Ericsson, Motorola - Capture/Playback - such as TestPartner by Compuware - Performance Testing - such as QA Load Compuware Test Execution Strategies - Other countries - With early deployment in other countries, it is possible to introduce a product to a smaller and more remote audience. You can practice in a small room! - Limited user base - This type of test would include usability testing with a small number of users to get an assessment of initial usability. What Does This Mean for Testing Wireless Apps? It's a small world after all! User interfaces tend to be much smaller than other applications, which translates into smaller test cases. There's a large part of testing wireless apps that is like other testing. This includes tests for validating the integration of transactions, platform portability and integration testing, and having a basis for testing such as use cases and/or requirements. Wireless test strategies can take many forms Just a few of the many flavors include M-commerce, data collection and delivery, entertainment and workgroup collaboration. Tools can help This is especially true in regression and load testing. The test lab is greatly different than the real world. Simulators are great, but you need to test also with real people in real-world conditions. Summary - Dos and Dont's of Testing Applications The world of testing wireless applications is growing and changing daily. I'm sure that within a few weeks, I will learn even more considerations for this rapidly changing technology. In the meantime, here are my closing thoughts. - Ask questions early about application feasibility - Remember that wireless technology is still very young - Perform early usability testing - Be prepared for an onslaught of new development when people and the technology are ready. - Forget that you still need something to base tests upon, such as use cases and requirements. - Forget that much of M-commerce is based on integration between organizations. - Forget your audience. I hope this article helps in your search for information on testing wireless applications. I would like to hear about your challenges and success stories. You can e-mail me from the contact page.
Hydrotherapy is a combination of two Greek works; “hydro” meaning water and “therapie” meaning healing. Hydrotherapy is a treatment involving water in different forms for recovery of muscles including balancing, coordination and movement. It involves use of water in the form of liquid, ice and steam both hot and cold for application of pressure on human body. With this pressure, a physical energy is infused in the tissues that enhances healing process involving aches, pains and diseases. This water therapy is also used in connection with heat and then it is termed as hydrothermal therapy. Aim of Hydrotherapy! The basic aim or function of hydrotherapy is to activate functions of a human body upon reaction with hot and cold spurs. In general, heat therapies are used to soothe human body as it slows down the internal organs’ activeness. On the other hand, cold stimulates and activates human body functions making them more active. This is why when you are dealing with some kind of stress and have tensed muscles; you feel relaxed with a hot water bath. However if you are feeling tired and needs to make your body active; you may take a cold water shower. Similar is the purpose of hydrotherapy in general. Benefits of Hydrotherapy: Here are some benefits that hydrotherapy brings to a human body: - It helps in getting rid of stress. - It revitalizes your body. - It improves your immune system and digestion. - It enhances flow of blood through your body. - It helps in reducing pains and body aches. - It helps in reducing stress and aids sleep. - It proves helpful with treatment of arthritis. - It aids treatment of musculoskeletal disorders. - It helps in healing burns. - It benefits stroke patients as well. - It helps in recovery of sports injuries. - It is a good form of pre and post-natal exercise. - High fever, acne, colds and there are many other benefits of hydrotherapy. Methods of Hydrotherapy: Different methods are used for various hydrotherapy healing sessions. Some of these sessions are carried out in special swimming pools, saunas, baths, and in others similar areas where temperature is maintained at a certain level to keep patients at complete comfort. Usually the temperature of water is kept from 33 to 36 degree centigrade whereas the surrounding is kept from 25 to 28 degree centigrade. Some of the popular hydrotherapy systems are: - Kneipp System: Sebastian Kniepp developed this technique and it involves use of both hot and cold water on skin. Some of the popular treatments under this name are water treading, dew walking and snow walking. This technique has proved to give positive effects on human body include its immune system, physiological health, segmental response, tensed muscle relieve, consensual responses and trauma recovery. - Colon Hydrotherapy: Rectum that is the last point of the largest intestine from where the waste terminates is worked upon during this therapy. With this painless therapy, warm water is infused in rectum that helps in clearing any waste that is build-up in colon. This therapy improves your digestive system with a natural therapy that involves no use of chemicals or drugs. - Hydro Massage Therapy: This therapy involves use of warm water to massage human body causing it to chemically, mechanically and thermally react with the body to give the required benefits and results. With this technique, human body would experience increased blood circulation, relieve from tensed and aching muscles, stress reduction and recovery from sports injuries, arthritis, insomnia, fibromyalgia and many other diseases. Preparing for a Hydrotherapy: Before going for your hydrotherapy session, here are some considerations and tips for preparation: - Be aware of the details of that session at a therapist such as length of the session, method, features included etc. - More of the spas where you go for hydrotherapy without prescription are mostly giving a general treatment. However if you have been prescribed a certain program by a therapist, you would need to make sure that your hydrotherapy session is tailored for your needs. - If you are pregnant or have any disease or problem; make sure that you inform your therapist and hydrotherapy may not be suitable for your condition. Such circumstances would include having high/low blood pressure, chest infection, fever, high sugar level, asthma, skin infection, epilepsy, kidney problem, stomach upset or others. - Do not consume a full meal or take alcohol before going for hydrotherapy. Have your meal afterwards instead. Basics of a Hydrotherapy Treatment: Hydrotherapy treatments or sessions are basically exercise sessions in water (pools) that are supervised by your therapist. Although exact details would depend upon your injury or condition. For example if you are suffering from spinal injuries or are a stroke patient or any other condition that is serious; you would be given some specific person for supervision along with a physiotherapist assistance. In conditions that are severe and patients need support, you will have professionals working with you on one-on-one basis. You may need to take multiple sessions for recovery and healing to take place. Your first consultation may be a session of around 30-45 minutes. Therapist would ask you all the questions related to your overall health including medical history so that a hydrotherapy session can be tailored according to your needs and health condition. Usually your hydrotherapy course would consist of 4-5 such sessions where you will be recommended some particular exercises to help your condition. You will find these sessions really relaxing. It is natural to feel tired after a session or you may feel that you have become more active. To further please your body, you may opt for a massage or any beauty treatment after hydrotherapy if the place has facility for it. Hydrotherapy keeps you in water and it is an activity that would leave you hungry similar to swimming. Hydrotherapy treatment is particularly safe in all forms and you will not see any side effects. However you should make sure that if therapist will be using some herbs, essential oils or other lubricants; you are not allergic to them. If you happen to be allergic to some specific oils or herbs, make it certain that your therapist knows about it in advance in order to avoid any adverse reactions to your body. Some cases of feeling chills, headaches, aches or nauseous feeling have been reported but it is quite rare.
After operating for a full year and being the subject of visits by more than 1,000 green building enthusiasts last spring, the prefabricated Rainbow House in Whistler, British Columbia, was officially registered by the Passive House Institute (PHI) in Darmstadt, Germany, for its many passive green features. The 3,000-square-foot duplex is now the first residence in Canada to be certified as a passive house. Designed by Marken Projects and built by Dürfeld Constructors and BC Passive House, the Rainbow house uses about 90 per cent less energy for heating, cooling and building operations than a standard house built under current code construction, according to PHI. “We had a great response from visitors at the open houses”, said Lydia Durfeld marketing manager for BC Passive House in a press release. “Holding tours throughout the construction process not only gave people the opportunity to see the build-up and construction techniques that go into the making of a passive house but also enabled them to experience first-hand the high-degree of comfort that is achieved.” One of the building’s characteristic features is its complex, prefab design, using super-insulated mass wall panels filled with cellulose fibers. The panels also include a rain screen, an air barrier and a moisture barrier. The panels are air- and watertight on the inside, but are also designed to be “breathable” to in the outer layers to help diffuse water vapor and prevent mold growth. Some of the many passive features of the building include a solar hot water system, a high-performance heat recovery ventilation system and a subsoil heat exchanger. Also, the decking is made of sustainably grown cross-laminated timber decking. The house is located in the posh and picturesque ski resort town of Whistler, about 75 miles north of Vancouver. Priced at about $250 per square foot, it still meets the requirements of Whistler’s Price Restricted House Initiative, which ensures a certain percentage of (very relatively) affordable housing. PHI’s PassivHaus Building Energy standard originated in Germany in the early 1990s as one of the early global standards in energy efficient building techniques, focusing on dramatically reducing or eliminating the need for an active heating or cooling system. Under the standard, the annual energy use for heating and cooling of a passive house cannot exceed 15 kWH and the total energy use cannot exceed 120 kWH. Today, PHI estimates that there are more than 30,000 passive-house buildings in place around the world.
Wood Floor Edging Reviews » You can find three main types of floor structures, generally found in modern construction. Included in these are framed, truss flooring Wood Floor Edging and made joist systems. Of all, the mostly installed floor system are framed flooring. They consist of dimensioned lumber, bearing on external surfaces and interior insert bearing walls or beams called “floor joists”. Generally the floor joists are installed, spaced 16″ aside. All joists must prolong at least 1-1/2″ on to a bearing assembly, of either a beam or full height wall, unless material hangers are installed to provide proper bearing support against other structural components. Beams, which support the floor joists over higher spans, are designed in the form of laminated joists often referred to as developed beams, or one piece solid load bearing beams, slice from logs or constructed. Electricians and plumber may often trim or drill in to the joist work to install utilities, Wood Floor Edging and this is accepted, as long as they don’t remove more materials than what is required by codes. This type of floor system is usually the cheapest to install. laminate floor edging strip ebay from Wood Floor Edging, Bring it with you when shopping for curtains or some other beautifying resources looks got from: ebay.co.uk. tile hardwood floor edging question from Wood Floor Edging, Bring it along when buying drapes or some other designing supplies looks got from: ths.gardenweb.com. Wood Floor Edging Reviews » Truss floors are simply that. They can be made of small dimensioned lumber, interconnected in a webwork routine by the use of metal or wood plates. In the case of long span truss work, bearing measures of at least 3″ are quite common. Trusses period greater distances than framed floor assemblies and can be made to span the whole building, eliminating middle load bearing holds. They are moderately more costly than framed floor assemblies, but give a remarkably strong floor with little deflection or “bounce” to it. Another advantages to this kind of structural system, is the fact power installations can be run between the webwork components. Never allow investments to lower or drill into the members of any truss, Wood Floor Edging for they are created accurately for the loading conditions they will undergo during the life of the building. image gallery laminate flooring trim from Wood Floor Edging, Take it along with you when searching for curtains or some other designing resources picture via from: keywordsuggest.org. engineered flooringtrims profiles flooringsupplies co uk from Wood Floor Edging, Bring it with you when searching for window curtains or another redecorating resources looks downloaded from: flooringsupplies.co.uk. pvc laminate floor edging strip buy plastic edge strip from Wood Floor Edging, Take it together with you when buying drapes or any other designing materials screenshot downloaded from: alibaba.com. engineered flooringtrims profiles flooringsupplies co uk from Wood Floor Edging, Take it together with you when buying curtains or another decorating supplies impression via from: flooringsupplies.co.uk. laminate floor door trim ebay from Wood Floor Edging, Bring it along with you when buying drapes or other decorating materials screenshot received from: ebay.co.uk. Wood Floor Edging Reviews » The made joist, which is a relatively new product, is often produced from low priced materials in the shape of your I beam, very much like steel beams in greater buildings. This implies that the joist is designed with a thicker top and underlying part border, and generally interlocking aspenite vertically spanning between your two. These systems are very strong, often capable of spanning the entire width of the building. One Wood Floor Edging downside is that this type of floor requires special hanger systems designed for the joists, to allow these to be hung from the other person or against beams/bearing wall space. Manufactured joists have become a popular flooring system, for they are relatively cheap, reduce labour time and provide sufficient support. Wood Floor Edging Reviews » You will discover three main types of sub-flooring installed to pay and course the floor composition. It is over this that the done floor will be inserted. The sub-flooring types include uncooked sheathing, interlocking and strip. It is implemented not and then give a surface for the interior surface finishes to be located on, but also to prevent twisting or torque pushes put on the building. The sub-floor also allows fill showing within the joist framing system.
Schizophrenia Awareness Week has been launched in a push to deter the stigma surrounding schizophrenia. David Meldrum, Executive Director at the Mental Illness Awareness Fellowship, told Catalyst schizophrenia continues to be largely stigmatised and misconceived in society due to the preconceptions that follow the illness. “Society has made huge progress with all mental illnesses, getting to the point where they can be easily talked about,” he said. “However schizophrenia remains stuck there with a very high level of fear and stigma.” Meldrum says some people have the idea that those suffering from schizophrenia “are too violent” and “that it is an untreatable disease”. He warns those living with schizophrenia are only being “damaged further” through these beliefs. Jack Heath, CEO of SANE Australia, agrees. He says a constant issue is “this notion of a split personality”. Heath says these beliefs are further instilling a feeling of fear among those suffering from the illness, as they are too afraid to speak out in fear of being judged. “Quite often, carers of people suffering from schizophrenia receive criticism due to association,” he said. “Families of a person with this illness are in fear of being ostracised from their communities.” Meldrum goes on to say that the illness shouldn’t be judged because it is “very common” in society. “For every classroom of thirty children, one child has a relative who has the illness,” he said. According to Meldrum, this shows the prevalence of schizophrenia and shows sufferers need support not prejudice. In a major survey conducted in 2011 by the Australian government, is was found the most common psychotic illness in society is schizophrenia. Heath says around two thirds of people with the illness are diagnosed by the age of 25, and that some cases are detected as early as 20 years of age. In order to diminish the stigma surrounding schizophrenia, Heath says campaigns such as the Schizophrenia Awareness Week are being created to combat misleading preconceptions and provide support to those suffering from this illness. “Schizophrenia sufferers can live a normal life and contribute to the society through employment, just like every other person living without the disease can,” he said. Schizophrenia Awareness Week runs until 24 May. If you would like more information regarding this campaign or have any queries please contact sane.org or call 1800 18 SANE (7263). By Shaye Milford
Voiceless alveolar implosive This article does not cite any sources. (June 2018) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) |Voiceless alveolar implosive| A voiceless alveolar implosive is a rare consonantal sound, used in some spoken languages. The symbol in the International Phonetic Alphabet that represents this sound is ⟨ɗ̥ ⟩ or ⟨tʼ↓⟩. A dedicated IPA letter, ⟨ƭ ⟩, was withdrawn in 1993. Features of the voiced alveolar implosive: - Its manner of articulation is occlusive, which means it is produced by obstructing airflow in the vocal tract. Since the consonant is also oral, with no nasal outlet, the airflow is blocked entirely, and the consonant is a stop. - Its place of articulation is alveolar, which means it is articulated with either the tip or the blade of the tongue at the alveolar ridge, termed respectively apical and laminal. - Its phonation is voiceless, which means it is produced without vibrations of the vocal cords. - It is an oral consonant, which means air is allowed to escape through the mouth only. - Because the sound is not produced with airflow over the tongue, the central–lateral dichotomy does not apply. - The airstream mechanism is implosive (glottalic ingressive), which means it is produced by pulling air in by pumping the glottis downward. As it is voiceless, the glottis is completely closed, and there is no pulmonic airstream at all. A rare and evidently unstable sound, /ɗ̥/ is found in Serer of Senegal, the Owere dialect of Igbo in Nigeria, and in some dialects of the Poqomchi’ and Quiche languages of Guatemala. Owere Igbo has a seven-way contrast among alveolar stops, /tʰ t ƭ dʱ d ɗ n/.
Should we talk about nutrition with children? The way children eat has a crucial impact on their daily life and future, on their health, and on their life expectancy. In Western countries, chronic diseases linked to lifestyle (obesity, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, etc.) are appearing at an earlier and earlier age. The WHO considers that childhood obesity is associated with an increased risk of premature death and of disabilities during adulthood. If the situation does not improve, some experts estimate that, for the first time in history, today’s young people will have shorter lives than their parents. After describing the nutritional situation of children in France and Europe, this monograph addresses new and established measures taken by public health actors to improve childhood nutrition.
Congrats to Chloe for her excellent score on the National Latin exam! 1. Read the text book pages 76-77 2. Workbook for lesson 30 - pages 156-160 3. Make note cards for your new vocabulary words (be sure to leave space to add in the principal parts) - add derivatives 4. Project - Benjamin - Nero 5. We will review for the final on May 8th by playing an online game called Kahoot. The students should bring a smart phone, tablet, or a laptop to class so that they are able to participate. The Final exam will be during class on May 15th.
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TAMPA — Elementary school students programmed an electronic mouse to make its way through a maze. Middle school students directed an electronic vehicle to stop on a dime, then use its arms to locate and lift a tiny cube. When the demonstration was done and the applause died down, a Hillsborough County School District official posed a question. "Adults in this room, how many of you had the opportunity to do things like this during your kindergarten through 12th grade education?’’ said Larry Plank, director of STEM Education for the district. "None, right? So the world is an ever-changing place. "These kids are learning how to solve problems through iteration. They’re solving code that doesn’t exist. It’s the same type of thing the U.S. government is doing, what banks and institutions are doing through cyber security. We’re developing a very important skill set in these kids because that’s the future.’’ Last week, that future got even brighter. The Brink Foundation, a nonprofit organization that has contributed to academic projects in the Town ‘n’ Country area for nearly a decade, donated $35,000 to advance the school district’s STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) curriculum. Four elementary schools (Dickenson, Morgan Woods, Town ‘n’ Country and Woodbridge), two middle schools (Pierce and Webb) and one high school (Leto) each received $5,000 checks to help establish a STEM Hub among the area schools. Theoretically, students can follow a STEM continuum from kindergarten through their senior year of high school. "This is a game-changer for us,’’ said Marcos Murillo, a school district area superintendent. "This is a model that could apply to the entire county and state, if not the nation.’’ "I can already see the benefits,’’ said Frank Marcantoni, a robotics instructor at Webb Middle School. "Elementary school kids who have been exposed to STEM come in as sixth-graders and grasp something in six days that previously would’ve taken an entire quarter for the eighth-graders. They are learning critical thinking skills and how to overcome obstacles. They’re doing better in math, better in science because they’re learning how to think.’’ And that’s the aim of the Brink Foundation, which identifies and funds worthy projects. "Our family goes back in this (Town ‘n’ Country) neighborhood some 50 years,’’ said Chris Brink, who sits on the foundation’s board of directors. "We’re very focused on career and technical education. How can we end the poverty cycle? The best way to do that is get these kids employable. "STEM is the obvious future. You put a kid with technology and I don’t think they get left behind. Tampa has been good to us and we hope to be that good to Tampa. In our view, there’s no better form of social justice than public education. That’s why we do what we do.’’ As principals from the seven area schools gathered at Leto to witness the STEM demonstration and receive their checks, they were excited about the possibilities. "This will have a major impact at Webb Middle School,’’ Webb principal Frank Diaz said. "It’s going to raise the bar for our students and going to attract the students who belong to our school back to our community.’’ "I see such potential and world of opportunity for our kids,’’ Town ‘n’ Country Elementary School principal Melissa Babanats said. "It will allow for continuous progress from elementary to middle to high school and it has opened up a gateway for a very smooth transition.’’ That transition will continue well beyond high school, officials said. "The kids will have a greater level of sophistication,’’ Marcantoni said. "What does that mean? We’ll get them ready to do better in high school. They will easily transition to college or somewhere in the manufacturing or technical field. They’ll be ready to work and earn more money. This is the future.’’ Contact Joey Johnston at [email protected]
Harvesters' Perspectives on Alewives, Bluebacks, and Eels in Downeast Maine Maine Sea Grant, NOAA Fisheries Narrative histories of alewife/blueback herring and American eel fisheries Downeast Maine, Maine fisheries, Alewives, River Herring Fishermen and women, by virtue of spending much of their time on the water with hooks, lines, traps, and nets, have intimate knowledge of coastal, marine, and freshwater ecosystems. They know, in detail, the local distribution, abundance, and behavior of the species they harvest, knowledge gained from years of first-hand observations and experimentation with different fishing techniques. Milliken, Billy; Keene, Julie; Bushey, Randy; and Young, Darrell, "Abundant Elvers" (2014). Maine Sea Grant Video Collection. 4.
Jean-Henri Voulland (11 October 1751, Uzès, Gard – 23 February 1801, Paris) was a politician of the French Revolution. Originating from a Protestant family, he originally studied law. One of his offices was as deputy for Gard in the National Convention, to which role he was elected on 5 September 1792. In September 1793 he was elected as a member of the Committee of General Security. He became part of the opposition to Robespierre and the Committee of Public Safety and played an important role in the overthrow of Robespierre on 9 Thermidor (27 July 1794). |This article about a French politician is a stub. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it.|
History: Starting point Leatherwork has always been an important part of nomadic peoples’ lives, and the nomadic Tatars were no exception. The Tatars are a Turkic ethnic group with a total world population thought to be about ten million. The majority of Tatars live in the Volga region of the modern Russian Federation. The Tatars are well-known across Russia for their craft skills. Historically, they were extremely proficient at all levels of leather crafting, from processing hides to producing gorgeous footwear. The Tatars of the Volga region were also great traders, with the Volga River being a natural trade route. This helped to spread their leatherwork and reputation well beyond their own communities. The history of Kazan leather mosaic dates back to the Middle Ages, when Turkic tribes populated the Volga region in the 8 and 9th centuries. In the beginning of the 10th century, they established a new sovereign state called Volga Bulgaria. Volga Bulgaria’s location in between the West and East made the state an important and valuable center of communication and exchange. The capital of the state was situated on a major trade route – the Volga River. Volga Bulgaria’s cultural and trade interests were very much connected with Eastern countries, which dramatically influenced the development of local craftsmanship. Writings dating back to the 13th century mention beautiful boots made from soft and aromatic leather called “bulgari”, which was named after Bulgaria – the area where they were produced. The word “bulgar” still means colorful aromatic leather in modern Farsi. There are more historical documents that mention the popularity of leather footwear and the large scale of leather production in the Kazan Khanate – the state that had inherited the territory, tradition and customs of Volga Bulgaria, and incorporated many other features of the Tatar Mongol tribes that invaded the area of the modern Republic of Tatarstan in the 13th century. Production of Kazan leather footwear was an in-home, individual enterprise during most of that time. In the beginning of the 19th century, leather production became an organized business. The leather boot business expanded and blossomed also because of leather processing plants located in Kazan. Production of well-known Kazan boots – also called Tatar (Tartar) boots, or ichigi (from Russian ичиг), or schitek (from Tatar читек) – was popular and very profitable in the 19th and early 20th century. Expensive Tatar boots and other leather goods became tremendously popular among Russian aristocracy and artists. These goods represented so-called Russian Asia art, which was associated with the richness of Asian ornamentation and bright colors. The basic design of Kazan boots was adopted by Paris fashion in the beginning of the 20th century. During that period Kazan footwear was exported to Western Europe, as well as to America. The Museum of Fine Arts in Boston possesses Tatar boots that might have been worn by a stylish American woman. The overall economic downturn during World War I affected the production of Kazan boots, which had a pre-war production of more than a million pairs per year. Leather and boot production deteriorated. The Soviet government provided some official support, but the change in political structure from capitalistic to socialistic made a huge impact on the art of leather mosaic. There were no marketing and no wealthy buyers anymore; and, as a result, the younger generation had no interest in taking the craft over. Industrialization also played a big role in the decline of hand-made goods. The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) officially sanctioned process of assimilation of cultures and traditions of ethnic groups meant any art other than Russian art was considered irrelevant and thus largely unsupported by authorities. The cultural boom in the 1960s, along with an increased interest in folk traditions and cultures of the over 100 ethnicities in the USSR, brought some attention to Kazan leatherwork and sparked an interest to reviving its production. In the 1960s and ‘70s two workshops (small production companies) were established; they produced small amounts of footwear primarily for dance companies. See examples of the boots while watching Tatar folk dance. Today, more than 30 years after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the art of leather mosaic has occasional grant support, which is insufficient to keep the production of leather masterpieces rolling. The art is still alive with tremendous effort from a few individual craftsmen and designers, as well as a couple of workshops located in the suburbs of Kazan. Production of Kazan leather goods, which had become a “mass” production of inferior quality, is now a recognized as decorative and applied art. It continues to serve a utilitarian function. Few craftsmen, designers, and small workshops are well recognized in Tatarstan for creating unprecedented pieces of clothing, wall art, furniture, accessories, and souvenirs and, of course, splendid footwear. “Sahtian” is the most well-known workshop, led by the famous artist and designer Mr. Ildus Gainutdinov. Mr.Gainutdinov and another well-known professional designer, Ms. Alfiya Artemyeva, managed to create “Sahtian” from what was left of the huge Arsk national footwear manufacturer after the collapse of the Soviet Union. “Sahtian” employs a number of embroiderers, who spend many hours assembling and stitching by hand each pattern, which has been designed by Mr. Gainutdinov and Ms. Artemyeva. All of their works are of high artistic quality. There are several other small companies/ateliers (like “Grandmaster”, “LuiZa”, “Turan Art”, “Marianych”) that actively work in reviving and popularizing leather mosaic traditions. They use traditional ornamental designs to create primarily footwear. They also experiment combining the old techniques with modern innovations. Their customers are mostly dance companies and tourists as well as individuals who can appreciate all the effort, time, and energy instilled in each masterpiece. Among the artists and professionals creating leather mosaics are Ms. Nailya Kumysnikova, Ms. Sofia Kuzminykh, Ms. Svetlana Garbuzova, Ms. Alfia Zamilova, Ms.Tatiana Shilintseva, Ms. Flyura Kalmurzina. There are other several amateur craftsmen working with leather mosaic in the Kazan metro area.
Ploidy refers to the number of sets of homologous chromosomes in the genome of a cell or an organism. Each set is designated by n. The term diploid refers to a cell or an organism that has two sets of chromosomes. In humans and other higher forms of living things, one of the two sets is derived from the mother's gamete and the other is from the father's gamete that united during fertilization. In a diploid state the haploid number is doubled, thus, this condition is also known as 2n. An example of a cell in a diploid state is a somatic cell. In humans, the somatic cells typically contain 46 chromosomes in contrast to human haploid gametes (egg and sperm cells) that have only 23 chromosomes. Word origin: from Greek diplous, double + -OID - diploidic (adjective) - diploidy (noun)
Oregano Infused Honey? — Chromatography Investigates Health Benefits for Bees Aug 29 2017 Read 1930 Times Most people accept the importance of bees to life on planet Earth. Without bees, and their ability to pollinate plants, it is likely that life would be very different to what it is now — at the very least we might not have apples and oranges in our fruit bowls. But bees have had a hard time of it in recent years. Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) and the parasitic varroa mites have caused devastation to hive populations. Although governments seem to be finally acting against neonicotinoid pesticides — thought to be a factor in CCD — bees still our help to ensure that they — and us — can survive. Helping our buzzing friends For many of us, there is limited scope for helping bees. We can buy organic, if sales of organic fruit and vegetables increase then the more growers will switch to organic and reduce the amount of pesticides that are used. Another way if to shop at smaller local shops as they are likely to buy from smaller scale growers who maintain good environmental practices. Alternatively, you can become a beekeeper. Some beekeepers though are working with scientists to find other ways they can help their bees. And researchers at the New Mexico State University (NMSU) have been working with a local beekeeper Melanie Kirby to investigate the medicinal effects of oregano for bees. In a press release from NMSU: “Bee health is of critical importance in pollinator productivity,” Kirby said. “As a beekeeper, pollinator productivity is becoming more and more challenging due to weather fluctuation, increase in pest and disease issue, compromising habitats and management practices.” Oregano — not just for pizza The plant that might be beneficial to the bees is Monarda fistulosa, a member of the mint family and known as wild bergamot or bee balm. It is also known as Oregano de las Sierra for its oregano flavour — with the flavour coming from the chemical compounds that are also linked to the plant’s medicinal properties. It was the medicinal properties that the team of farmer Todd Bates, beekeeper Kirby and NMSU researcher Rob Heyduck were interested in. Oregano has been shown to provide relief from respiratory and digestive problems, and part of the research is to discover if these benefits are passed onto the honey produced from bees who pollinate the plants. But the team are also interested to discover if the plants have any effect on the health of bees by evaluating the parasite loading of bees who feed on the oregano plants with bees fed on a different diet. Gas chromatography is being used to analyse the nectar and honey samples to determine which chemical compounds are transferred through the pollination process. The use of chromatography to analyse for residues is discussed in the article, LC-MS/MS and GC-MS/MS Multi Residue Pesticide Analysis in Fruit and Vegetable Extracts on a Single Tandem Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer. So next time you’re eating pizza, think twice before you move that bee along. Do you like or dislike what you have read? Why not post a comment to tell others / the manufacturer and our Editor what you think. To leave comments please complete the form below. Providing the content is approved, your comment will be on screen in less than 24 hours. Leaving comments on product information and articles can assist with future editorial and article content. Post questions, thoughts or simply whether you like the content. In This Edition Articles - The Past, Present, and Future (?) of Analytical Supercritical Fluid Chromatography - a 2018 Perspective - Column Technology for Achiral SFC Separations - Practica... View all digital editions Sep 30 2018 Orlando FL, USA Oct 07 2018 Darmstadt, Germany Oct 17 2018 Strasbourg, France Oct 21 2018 Houston, Tx, USA Oct 31 2018 Shanghai, China
On Saturday, 50 years after the Poor People’s Campaign first took to Washington, the advocacy group started by Martin Luther King gathered again in the capital to continue his fight. For 43 days in 1968, Washington’s National Mall was transformed into a protestor’s shantytown. Approximately 3,000 people moved into tents and makeshift structures lining the grass between the Lincoln Memorial and the Capitol to create Resurrection City. Activists camped to advocate for better wages, better social services, and affordable housing for the poor. The thousands of protestors were part of a new group called the Poor People’s Campaign, a coalition organized by Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. before his assassination. “This will be no mere one-day march in Washington,” King said of his vision for the event and the campaign, the fruits of which he would never see. “But a trek to the nation’s capital by suffering and outraged citizens who will go to stay until some definite and positive action is taken to provide jobs and income for the poor.” Today, the Poor People’s Campaign that began in ‘68 has been reborn, with an even more expansive mission: To advocate not only for the 43 million Americans living in poverty, but for the undocumented immigrants being torn from their families at the border; for the disenfranchised voters; for the incarcerated; and for climate refugees. After six week of national acts of civil disobedience, working people representing 40 states according to the organizers, gathered in Washington, D.C. on Saturday to celebrate Resurrection City’s anniversary and to reaffirm its vision. On the eve of the event, organizers had estimated a crowd of 2,000, far fewer than the 3,000 who showed up to the first Resurrection City—but by Saturday afternoon, organizers say the real count had swelled to 10,000. It was a gloomy day, and the group was visibly sparser than the shoulder-to-shoulder throng that filled the Mall for the first annual Women’s March in 2017, which drew an estimated 500,000 to one million to Washington, or the more recent March For Our Lives, which drew around 850,000. But, as Rev. William Barber, one of the co-organizers of the march, told The Washington Post on the morning of the rally, “If we had chosen to do a commemoration of Dr. King’s Poor People’s Campaign, we could have had a huge commemoration, thousands of people, a big rally on the Mall. But we did not want to do that. We’re building something new.” “It is not a commemoration of what happened in 1968 but a reengagement of that,” he added in a press call. “Because of the times in which we live.” Many of the elements of this reengagement have had whiffs of that 1968 spirit—much more so than the slick, teen-led March for Our Lives, which featured performances from Miley Cyrus and Broadway stars alongside the powerful anti-gun violence testimonies. The 40 prior days of civic disobedience commenced in May, and sent protesting activists to state capitols around the country—during its kick-off event in D.C. on May 14, 146 people were arrested, including co-organizers Rev. William Barber and Rev. Liz Theoharis. During other May kick-off events across the country in Jefferson City, Raleigh, Des Moines and Indianapolis, more than 150 others were jailed, too—among them, 83-year old Louise Brown, who organized the 1969 Charleston hospital workers’ strike. (“I went to jail in 1969 and I went to jail in 2018,” she proclaimed proudly at Saturday’s march.) And concurrent to the final march on Saturday, Poor People’s Campaign protestors were arrested in Seattle as they blocked traffic in a parallel action with the event in Washington. “We took those streets to say that we’re headed in the wrong direction as a nation,” Barber told The Washington Post after he was released in May. “We believe something worse is being done than our blocking traffic for an hour. … The Constitution says, ‘Establish justice and ensure domestic tranquility.’ Those promises are being broken.” The campaign wants to push Congress again to fulfill those promises. After two years of listening tours beginning in 2016, during which leaders found “that, in many ways, we are worse off than we were in 1968,” they drafted a Moral Agenda, which targets five key areas for change: systemic racism, with goals of criminal justice reform and reducing voter disenfranchisement; poverty, including reforming federal tax laws and implementing federal and state living wage laws; ecological devastation, including securing clean water for all; the war economy; and what they call, “our distorted moral narrative.” It’s an intersectional agenda, says Barber—meant not only to bring together white and black and brown; Republicans and Democrats; but to link issues that aren’t always in conversation. “This business of snatching children and locking them up is at the center,” he said Friday. “That is an ugly metaphor of what is happening in our country by those who want to snatch opportunities from the poor.” But it was alleviating that poverty that many of the speakers emphasized. “[In D.C.], a worker would have to earn $34 an hour just to afford the $1800 for a two-bedroom. The average house costs $400,000,” said a representative from the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) who spoke at the march. “D.C. lacks affordable housing.” “In 1969 you could rent a house for $50,” added Louise Brown. “Today, how you can you survive? Fifteen dollars an hour is a start, but we need to go up, not down.” While the policy goals are aligned with the platforms of many Democratic officials, no sitting politicians took the stage Saturday. But in Congress, some people are listening: In response to the first five weeks of protests, Representative Elijah Cummings and Senator Elizabeth Warren, who has been floated as a 2020 presidential candidate, organized a Capitol Hill hearing on poverty. In front of an audience including U.S. Senators Bernie Sanders and Cory Booker, Poor People’s Campaign organizers testified on their experiences raising a family as an undocumented worker; caring for children without adequate Medicaid coverage; struggling with opioid addition as a homeless veteran; living in Flint without clean water. The group attending Saturday’s rally also reflected the diversity of America’s poor, and the breadth of their needs. A group of steel workers from Pittsburgh in the crowd stood just beside AFCSME members like Andre Faison, who was eight at the time of the first Poor People’s Campaign protests and now works as a mechanic for city vehicles in Baltimore. “We’re not here to advocate for unions,” said Ross McClellan, who’s been a steel worker for 26 years. “We’re here to advocate for all people.” Beside the stage, activists from Kentucky in Earth, Fire, Water, and Wind costumes waved their paper mâché arms and posed for pictures with children—they wear these “Puppets for Moral Revival” outfits every Monday at a local Kentucky church, Selena McCracken, who dressed as Water, told me. “I’m honored to be part of a group that is mobilizing with indigenous people,” she said. “And fighting racism and ecological devastation.” And in the middle of the crowd, Patricia Butler, a Washington, D.C.-raised government worker, stood facing the stage, rapt. She was there alone, leaning on a long wooden walking stick, elegantly dressed among a sea of t-shirts, in a long grey trench coat and black wide-brimmed hat. When I asked Butler why she was there, she told me she was meant to be. In 1968, she rallied at the original Resurrection City. The day she remembers most vividly was a muddy one, and while at 16 she wasn’t a seasoned organizer, she was sent to buy overalls for Reverend Ralph Abernathy, who had taken up leadership of the movement after King’s death. On Saturday, she was there to watch speeches from people like Jesse Jackson—civil rights leaders who helped Abernathy with the original campaign, and who helmed a similar stage 50 years ago—as well as a new guard of organizers from labor unions and grassroots non-profits. “I feel I have to be here. There’s a great need for us to be here for those who can’t speak,” Butler said. “It’s a new day, but we’re still asking for almost the same thing.” The real test of whether they can get what they’re asking for will come at the polls. When Jesse Jackson took the stage to deliver that message, almost everything he chanted was echoed back to him by the crowd. “We’re poor but rich in votes. Poor but rich in dreams. Poor but rich in aspirations,” he said, and the words reverberated. “I am somebody,” he roared, and the crowd roared back. “I can vote, I must vote, I will vote,” Jackson continued. “I can march, I must march, I will march.” Soon after, they marched. Thousands of people—steel workers and mechanics and students and teachers and activists and allies—took the streets, walking from the Mall to the White House. And soon after this, they’ll have the chance to vote. While the 40 days of action have ended, Barber says, the fight will continue in organizers’ home states, where they’ll push to register voters to swing the ballots in November. “This is a commencing, not a commencement,” he said. “A beginning, not an ending.”
To Winston Churchill the Japanese attack on United States naval forces at Pearl Harbor was one of the greatest days of the most terrible war in Great Britain’s history. He was appalled, calculating, and exhilarated – perhaps in equal measures. He was dining at Chequers, the country retreat of prime ministers, when he heard the news. His guests were US Ambassador Gil Winant and Averell Harriman, President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s special envoy to Europe. A butler brought in a portable radio for the party to listen to the BBC Home Service. When the attack was confirmed Churchill leapt to his feet and said he must declare war on Japan at once. His guests dissuaded him from this impetuous act, historian Walter Reid recounts in “Churchill 1940-1945,” his book about wartime relations among the Allied leaders. The prime minister phoned Roosevelt, and asked “Mr. President, what’s this about Japan?” FDR responded that it was true, and they were all in the same boat now. To Churchill, this meant one thing above all: victory. Britain was no longer alone. Finally, the US would enter the war. “Being saturated and satiated with emotion and sensation, I went to bed and slept the sleep of the saved and thankful,” he wrote in his own history of World War II. Remember the context. For years Churchill – the finest dramatist of all wartime leaders – had wooed, cajoled, and flattered Roosevelt in particular and American in general in an effort to ally with its vast resources and manpower in an existential struggle. He wrote FDR two or three times a week. Important Americans who visited Britain were treated like royalty. Literally. As historian Max Hastings recounts, when Ambassador Winant first arrived to take up his post, he was met by special train and whisked to Windsor. There, George VI himself was waiting at the station to drive the ambassador in his own car to the castle. “Never in history had a foreign diplomat been received with such ceremony,” Hastings writes. Roosevelt offered some ships and other arms and war equipment. But he stopped well short of promising a war alliance. The US mood would not allow it. In early August 1941, the two leaders of the English-speaking peoples met at a shipboard conference off the coast of Canada. Churchill thought they had developed a strong relationship. And they had – but not as strong as Churchill hoped. FDR was much the shrewder of the two about personal relations with other leaders. Some would say the American was at times deceptive about his intentions. Pearl Harbor rendered all that irrelevant. It united Americans behind the idea of total war in a way that a lesser attack would not have done. And on Dec. 11, 1941, Adolf Hitler compounded Japan’s strategic error by declaring war against the US. He had always expected he would have to face the United States, and so thought it a “matter of course to follow Japan’s lead,” writes Hastings in his history of the war, “Inferno.” This move relieved Roosevelt “from a serious uncertainty about whether Congress would agree to fight Germany,” according to Hastings. The stage was set for Churchill to woo the US nation. In December, he and his military chiefs sailed to America to hammer out the strategy they would follow in the coming struggle – which would include making the defeat of Germany, the greater threat, the first priority. Churchill stayed in the White House. He was by all accounts, an enjoyable and exhausting guest. He and FDR would stay up until all hours talking and imbibing. At one point, Roosevelt wheeled himself into Churchill’s room to find the prime minister naked, striding about, and dictating to his stenographer. On Dec. 26, Churchill addressed the US Congress for the first time. He joked about his own Anglo-American heritage (his mother was American). He implicitly linked Britain and America as one, saying of the Japanese, “What kind of people do they think we are?” He warned that many disappointments and unpleasant days would lie ahead. But he said the best war news of all had already occurred: “the United States, united as never before, have drawn the sword for freedom and cast away the scabbard.”
What is melanoma situ? Melanoma in situ is the early stage of a skin cancer called melanoma. Melanoma is thus a type of skin cancer that begins in cells called melanocytes. The term in situ, which means “in place“ in Latin means that the cancer cells have not had the opportunity to spread to anywhere else in the body. This cancer cells start at the top layer of the skin (the epidermis) but they are contained at this area. So doctor also call it stage 0 melanoma because they have not spread to deeper layers of the skin or they have not become invasive. But if not treated melanoma in situ cancer can develop into invasive cancer. What causes melanoma situ? The most common and preventable cause of melanoma in situ is exposure to too much sunlight. People who have had a lot of sun burns especially during the first 20 years of their life are at particular risk. The much use of artificial source of ultraviolet light can also put you at higher risk of getting melanoma. Is melanoma situ hereditary? Although rare, melanoma can run in families. About 1 in 10 of people with melanoma has family members who have also had one. The reason for this is that fair skin is inherited thus somebody have a higher risk of developing melanoma if a blood relative had melanoma. Having also a fair complexion like red or blond hair, green or blue eyes, or skin that easily freckles or sunburns raises your risks of developing melanoma. Types of melanoma There are four type of melanoma. The unique features of each can help you to recognize features that allows for earlier detection. Super spreading melanoma is the common type and also common type diagnosed in young people. Usually, it looks like a brown-black stain that is spreading from a mole. Super spreading melanoma normally occurs on skin that is sometimes exposed to high levels of sunlight or artificial UV light. Nodular melanoma is the type that grows more quickly into the dermis than any other type. Nodular melanoma tends to be deeper than any other type when it is found. It looks like a dome-shaped bump and feels firm. It also tends to bleed and ulcerate more often than other types. Lentigo maligna melanoma tends to grow slower than other type and develop mostly in sites of chronic sun exposure in old adults. When it begins, it usually looks like a dark, flat stain with an uneven border. Acral lentiginous melanoma is the type that is not related to UV light exposure. It mostly occurs on the palms of the hands or soles of the feet and can appear as a dark spot, like a bruise that doesn’t go away. It’s the least common type of melanoma. Symptoms of melanoma in situ More than often the first sign of melanoma is a mole or spot on the skin which usually looks abnormal. They start as minor changes in the shape, size or color of an existing mole while others begin as a dark area that can look like a new mole. Most in situ melanomas do not produce any symptoms, such as pain, itching, bleeding or oozing. It is important to find melanoma before it grows in deep skin because treatment is more likely to cure it before it spread. Treatment of melanoma The treatment for melanoma in situ is through surgical. It is also advised that people who have had a melanoma in situ removed may need another operation. This is to ensure a wider margin is created and to reduce the chance of the melanoma coming back at the original site. During the operation, some healthy skin will be removed from around the original scar to make absolutely sure that all of the melanoma has been taken away, and this makes the scar larger than before. Occasionally a skin graft will be needed. Most important way to prevent melanoma is to limit your exposure and to avoid tanning in the sun. There are ways to protect your skin like staying in the shade, wear clothes that protect your skin, use broad-spectrum sunscreen, wear sunglasses and don’t use tanning beds. UV Protection Swimwear UV Protection Swimwear Sun protection clothing, sun hats and sun protective swimwear ratings are measured in UPF; do not be misled by the wrong rating term: Ultraviolet protection factor (UPF) is a measure of the protection provided by clothing fabrics. Sun protection factor (SPF) is a measure of the protection provided by sunscreens. Eye protection factor (EPF) is a measure of the protection provided by sunglasses and other eye wear. Ultraviolet Protection Factor (UPF) is used to indicate the fraction of the UV rays from the sun that can penetrate a fabric. It represents the percentage of UV rays that can reach the skin with and without protection from clothing. For example, a long sleeved shirt that has a UPF of say 50 can only allow 1/50th UV radiation from the sun to the skin.
The answer is below. Work Step by Step a. This is false because the more a country is doing well economically on the global scale, the more its currency will be worth. b. This is also false. Investors in currency are scared of inflation as this will make their money worth less. Thus, where inflation is high, investors are worried. c. This is true, for as people become more attracted to a country, they will be more attracted to the currency as well.
People are invariably surprised when they hear it’s hardly ever necessary to invert a matrix. It’s very often necessary solve linear systems of the form Ax = b, but in practice you almost never do this by inverting A. This post will give an example of avoiding matrix inversion. I will explain how the Newton-Conjugate Gradient method works, implemented in SciPy by the function If a matrix A is large and sparse, it may be possible to solve Ax = b but impossible to even store the matrix A-1 because there isn’t enough memory to hold it. Sometimes it’s sufficient to be able to form matrix-vector products Ax. Notice that this doesn’t mean you have to store the matrix A; you have to produce the product Ax as if you had stored the matrix A and multiplied it by x. Very often there are physical reasons why the matrix A is sparse, i.e. most of its entries are zero and there is an exploitable pattern to the non-zero entries. There may be plenty of memory to store the non-zero elements of A, even though there would not be enough memory to store the entire matrix. Also, it may be possible to compute Ax much faster than it would be if you were to march along the full matrix, multiplying and adding a lot of zeros. Iterative methods of solving Ax = b, such as the conjugate gradient method, create a sequence of approximations that converge (in theory) to the exact solution. These methods require forming products Ax and updating x as a result. These methods might be very useful for a couple reasons. - You only have to form products of a sparse matrix and a vector. - If don’t need a very accurate solution, you may be able to stop very early. In Newton’s optimization method, you have to solve a linear system in order to find a search direction. In practice this system is often large and sparse. The ultimate goal of Newton’s method is to minimize a function, not to find perfect search directions. So you can save time by finding only approximately solutions to the problem of finding search directions. Maybe an exact solution would in theory take 100,000 iterations, but you can stop after only 10 iterations! This is the idea behind the Newton-Conjugate Gradient optimization method. scipy.optimize.fmin_ncg can take as an argument a function fhess that computes the Hessian matrix H of the objective function. But more importantly, it lets you provide instead a function fhess_p that computes the product of the H with a vector. You don’t have to supply the actual Hessian matrix because the fmin_ncg method doesn’t need it. It only needs a way to compute matrix-vector products Hx to find approximate Newton search directions. For more information, see the SciPy documentation for More: Applied linear algebra
Mountains are the world’s “water towers,” providing 60-80% of all freshwater resources for our planet. At least half of the world’s population depends on mountain ecosystem services to survive – not only water, but also food and clean energy. However, all available records indicate that glaciers in mountain ranges around the world are retreating and disappearing due to climate change. At least 600 glaciers have disappeared completely over past decades, affecting water supplies relied on by billions living downstream. For example, in Pakistan, water originating from the Hindu Kush Himalayas provides 80% of irrigation for the Indus Basin, where food is grown for 180 million people. Major cities such as Rio de Janeiro, New York, Nairobi and Tokyo rely almost exclusively on freshwater from mountains. On the other hand, mountains attract around 20% of global tourism, host nearly one-quarter of all terrestrial biodiversity, and are home to many of the foods that come to our table, such as rice, potatoes, tomatoes and barley. Yet, they are home to some of the poorest and hungriest people in the world. Of the nearly 1 billion people living in mountain areas globally, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) estimates that nearly 329 million – one in every three mountain people – in developing countries is vulnerable to food insecurity, with an increase of 30% over 12 years. The Mountain Partnership, a United Nations alliance dedicated to improving the lives of mountain peoples and protecting mountain environments, has issued a warning to the international community: what is happening upstream due to climate change will have disastrous impacts downstream. Living far away from centres of power and decision-making, mountain peoples, especially in developing countries, are often marginalized in political, social and economic terms. Mountain communities lack access to basic infrastructure, education, credit and markets – and all of these hinder their development. While men are often forced to migrate, the women who remain have heavier workloads to carry, in addition to taking care of the children and the elderly. At a community level, cultural values and ancient traditions are lost. Mountains are under pressure, and so are mountain communities. Climate change is triggering disasters: avalanches, mud and rock slides are tumbling downstream, stripping bare forests, flooding communities and populations. Infectious diseases such as malaria will spread at higher altitudes in the tropics as a result of rising temperatures and climate change, affecting millions of people living in the mountains. Mountain communities, however, have a wealth of knowledge and strategies accumulated over generations on how to adapt to climate variability. But they cannot do it alone. They need the awareness and support of the rest of the world to help them adapt and thrive. Time is running out, and we must act together: public opinion must put pressure on governments to take action now, to protect our mountains and protect our future. We need specific investments, pro-mountain policies, and incentives so that mountain peoples will not migrate elsewhere. We need to raise the flag for all those without a voice.
By Dr. Mercola Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death, and cholesterol is frequently given the blame. But is it justified? Over the past 60 years, research has repeatedly demonstrated that there’s NO correlation between high cholesterol and plaque formation that leads to heart disease. Despite that, the saturated fat/cholesterol myth has persisted. After researching the science of lipids, cholesterol, heart disease, and nutrition for nearly eight decades, Dr. Fred Kummerow—now nearly 100 years old—has a thing or two to say about the matter. In fact, he was the first researcher to identifywhich fat really causes the clogged arteries conventionally blamed on saturated fats. Since the late ’70s, he’s also studied the imbalance of nutrients in the American diet that lead to obesity. His new book, Cholesterol Is Not the Culprit, focuses on the basic chemistry of food, how your body works, and how food fits into the equation. Dr. Kummerow’s work shows that it’s not cholesterol that causes heart disease—it’s quite safe to eat eggs, for example—rather it’s the trans fats that are to blame. He was one of the first to make this association, and the first to publish a scientific article on it, all the way back in 1957. “That was the first article that showed that trans fatty acids, which are present in hydrogenated fats, caused heart disease,” he says. Click HERE to watch the full interview! Why FDA Finally Took a Stand Against Trans Fats Consumption of trans fat, which for decades was touted as a healthier alternative to saturated animal fat, radically increased in the mid-1950s. And according to Dr. Kummerow, rates of sudden death from heart disease have faithfully risen right along with trans fat consumption. Fortunately, the science showing trans fats to be FAR more harmful than saturated fat is finally starting to get the recognition it deserves. Not surprisingly, considering his long history in this field, Dr. Kummerow may have played an instrumental role in getting the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to finally address this health hazard. In 2009, Dr. Kummerow filed a citizen petition with the FDA calling for a ban on synthetic trans fats. In the petition, he noted that: “Trans fat leads to the reduction of prostacyclin that is needed to prevent blood clots in the arteries. A blood clot in any of the coronary arteries can result in sudden death.” The FDA is required to respond to such petitions within 180 days, but nearly four years later, it still had not responded. So, last year he filed a lawsuit against the agency.1 Interestingly enough, it wasn’t long thereafter that the FDA announced it was considering removing partially hydrogenated oils—the primary source of trans fats—from the list of “generally recognized as safe” (GRAS) ingredients. The agency gave the industry a total of 120 days to comment on the proposal. The FDA noted that there are 30,000 items in the American diet that contain trans fats. That should give you an indication of just how prevalent these dangerous fats are! Basically, if you eat processed foods, you’re likely eating trans fats. Many products that claim to be “zero trans fat” simply have portion sizes that are so ridiculously small that the trans fat falls below the permissible limits. Trans Fats 101 Norpro Glazed Stonewar... Buy New $7.26 (as of 11:05 EDT - Details) Structurally, trans fats are synthetic fatty acids. Fourteen of them are produced during the hydrogenation process. (They are not present in either animal or vegetable fats.) As explained by Dr. Kummerow, trans fats prevent the synthesis of prostacyclin,2 which is necessary to keep your blood flowing. When your arteries cannot produce prostacyclin, blood clots form, and you may succumb to sudden death. Avoiding trans fat is therefore imperative for cardiovascular health. Vaccenic acid, found in cow’s milk, while a naturally-occurring trans fat, has an entirely different composition and does not cause the adverse health effects associated with hydrogenated oils. “It’s a matter of complex chemistry that makes a difference,” Dr. Kummerow says. “The Food and Drug Administration has for years confused those two fatty acids. One causes no problem; the other one does.” Trans Fat and Oxidized Cholesterol Are Responsible for Heart Disease Dr. Kummerow recently published a paper3 showing that there are two lipids (fats) in our diet responsible for the formation of heart disease. The first is trans fat found in partially hydrogenated oil. The other one is oxidized cholesterol, formed when cholesterol is heated. The primary source of the latter is fried foods. Powdered egg yolk is another example of a food where heating has damaged the fat to the point of creating harmful oxidized cholesterol. Oxidized cholesterol (again, not dietary cholesterol in and of itself) causes increased thromboxane formation—a factor that clots your blood. “You have prostacyclin that keeps your blood flowing, and thromboxane that clots your blood. You have to be very careful about the ratio, the amount of each in the blood. That’s the simple explanation [for what causes heart disease],” Dr. Kummerow says. “In 2011, 325,000 people died from sudden death… and we’re going to keep on seeing people die of sudden death [unless trans fats are removed entirely from the diet]. KRUPS F23070 Egg Cooke... Best Price: $124.99 Buy New $219.49 (as of 10:50 EDT - Details) In 1958, I showed that if I fed a rat trans fat and then took it out of the diet, in a month, the trans fat is… metabolized out. There’s no more trans fat in the body. If today the FDA decided that no more trans fat should be in the diet, next month, people who have been eating this fat will have lost the trans fat. It would have been metabolized. There would be – next year and the year after – less death from sudden deaths.” Avoiding Processed Food Is the Easiest Way to Protect Your Heart The fact that your body can eliminate trans fats in about a month is encouraging. The tragic reality, of course, is that 95 percent of the food that most Americans eat is processed—and processed food is where all this trans fat lies. The key message here is that you don’t have to wait for the FDA to make a ruling on trans fat. You can avoid trans fats by eliminating all processed foods, which would also include most restaurant food. If you can eliminate that from your diet, and replace it with fresh, locally grown vegetables, healthy fats, and animal proteins in appropriate amounts, you’re far less likely to end up with heart disease. Balancing your omega-3 to omega-6 ratio is also key for heart health, as these fatty acids help build the cells in your arteries that make the prostacyclin that keeps your blood flowing smoothly. Omega-3 deficiency can cause or contribute to very serious health problems, both mental and physical, and may be a significant underlying factor of up to 96,000 premature deaths each year. For more information about omega-3s and the best sources of this fat, please review this previous article. Besides animal-based omega-3 fats, other sources of healthful fats to add to your diet include: |Avocados||Butter made from raw grass-fed organic milk||Raw dairy||Organic pastured egg yolks| |Coconuts and coconut oil||Unheated organic nut oils||Raw nuts, such as almonds, pecans, macadamia, and seeds||Grass-fed meats| How to Avoid Arterial Calcification SOURCE NATURALS Coconu... Buy New $28.99 (as of 02:10 EDT - Details) You also need the appropriate ratios of calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium, and all of these are generally abundant in a whole food diet. The following tidbit will give you an idea of how these nutrients come into play: by analyzing the composition of veins, Dr. Kummerow showed that people undergoing a heart bypass typically have 40 to 60 percent of something called sphingomyelin in their arteries. Sphingomyelin is a part of five phospholipids that surround the arterial cell to protect it. The amount of sphingomyelin changes over time, and is largely dependent on your diet. Oxidized fats promote the creation of sphingomyelin. “When half the artery was now sphingomyelin, the salt in the blood causes it to have a negative charge; the calcium in the arteries has a positive charge. The calcium then adheres to the wall of the artery and gradually causes the coronary artery to become calcified,” he explains. “It’s well-known now that calcification is involved in [heart disease], to the point where the blood can no longer flow through that coronary artery. The heart doesn’t get the blood supply it needs, and it begins to ache. Of course, then you go to a physician, and get saved through a coronary bypass operation. There are 300,000 of them now a year in this country. So, it’s important to keep your artery free of calcification. You can do that by not eating oxidized fats. That’s what causes that. Of course, the other thing I mentioned is that if you don’t eat trans fats, you will not interfere with the flow of your blood. The trans fats will have no influence because if you don’t eat them, they’re not going to be there. That’s the other reason for heart disease. If you don’t eat trans fat and the oxidized fat, you won’t have heart disease.” Healthy Advice from a Scientist Who’s Nearly 100 Years Old Dr. Kummerow was largely responsible for finding the association of pellagra and niacin deficiency, and the first researcher to identify the fact that trans fat was a major cause of heart disease. As he nears the age of 100, he’s still working; still researching, and his brain is as sharp as ever. If nothing else, he’s a true testament to what “right living” can do for you! The Spice Lab Pink Him... Buy New $8.49 (as of 06:40 EDT - Details) “I can tell you what I think: you have to have a healthy diet,” he says. “You have to exercise every day. I used to go swimming at noon, have my lunch along, and eat it in my laboratory. I always went swimming at least a half hour. I bicycled, too. I bicycled to work from my house, which was a mile away from my lab, every day.” Vitamins K2 and D are also important players. Some researchers, like Dr. Stephanie Seneff, believe optimizing your vitamin D levels through regular sun exposure, opposed to taking an oral supplement, may be key to optimizing your heart health. Recent research published in the journal Menopause4, 5 also appears to offer support for Dr. Seneff’s theories on the cholesterol-vitamin D link. Dr. Kummerow notes there is research showing that excessive amounts of vitamin D through supplementation actually promotes arterial calcification. But it’s important to distinguish between vitamin D created by your body in response to sun exposure, and vitamin D taken in pill form. For example, while it’s extremely difficult to reach excessive vitamin D levels (thereby causing arterial calcification) through sun exposure, vitamin K2 is critical for avoiding such results when you take high amounts of supplemental vitamin D. I personally have not taken oral vitamin D in over four years. I get all of my vitamin D from exposure to the sun. The benefit of doing it this way is that your body has a built-in biofeedback mechanism that regulates the amounts of vitamin D that is made. This ensures you’ll have just the right amount your body needs. Now, when you take oral vitamin D, you increase your need for vitamin K2. The biological role of vitamin K2 is to help move calcium into the proper areas in your body, such as your bones and teeth. It also helps remove calcium from areas where it shouldn’t be, such as in your arteries and soft tissues. Symptoms of vitamin D toxicity are actually produced by vitamin K2 deficiency, including the inappropriate calcification that can lead to hardening of your arteries. Sugar—Another Primary Driver of Heart Disease Totally Bamboo Salt Bo... Buy New $4.00 (as of 04:00 EDT - Details) While not discussed in this interview, I want to remind you that sugar is another primary dietary culprit in the development of heart disease. To protect your heart health, you need to address your insulin and leptin resistance, which is the result of eating a diet too high in sugars and grains. To safely and effectively reverse insulin and leptin resistance, thereby lowering your heart disease risk, you need to: - Avoid sugar, processed fructose, and grains if you are insulin and leptin resistant. This effectively means you must avoid most processed foods - Eat a healthful diet of whole foods, ideally organic, and replace the grain carbs with: - Large amounts of vegetables - Low-to-moderate amount of high-quality protein (think organically raised, pastured animals) - As much high-quality healthful fat as you want (saturated and monounsaturated from animal and tropical oil sources). Most people actually need upwards of 50-85 percent fats in their diet for optimal health—a far cry from the 10 percent currently recommended. While there are dozens of books on cholesterol out there, Cholesterol Is Not the Culprit was written by the person who first figured out the true foundational causes of heart disease, namely trans fat, and oxidized cholesterol from fried foods (fats damaged by heating). And he did it 57 years ago! If you have any interest in learning more about the ins and outs of cholesterol, I strongly encourage you to get Dr. Kummerow’s book. It’s available on Amazon, and is a really great read. Sources and References
Please explain with another simple example If you didn't, how would you measure i or r? What would you do in the case of a curved surface? The normal, which is perpendicular to the plane forming the interface between media (e.g. solid and gas), is simply a reference. The maximum transmission of light comes when the beam (photons) is parallel with the normal. The normal is indeed a reference =) We need the normal (as what Astronuc said, perpendicular to the plane) to measure indexes . When we develop the maths to describe the physics we try to make the maths as simple as possible. So the theory dictated that if we use the normal to the interface between the two media the maths will be much easier and natural to the real situation. You can also see that, using the normal as the reference for the angles, when the incident angle is zero the refraction angle will also be zero, which makes the most sense does'nt it? Refraction problems were also initially solved with graphical techniques in which case the normal were used in the diagrams (seee history of Willebrord van Roijen Snell - also called Snellius). Separate names with a comma.
Alt konu başlıkları What is Aids ? AIDS; HIV is a disease caused by the virus. This disease was first noticed in 1981, and research has continued since then. Because it is a disease that affects immunity, it is very dangerous and lethal. As you know, the immune system or the immune system is a system that protects us against viruses, bacteria or fungi. We fight with all microorganisms from the simplest to the toughest, and often we do not feel this war. We become sick with our immune system falling down by various causes. This is when normal people come to me from time to time; People with AIDS often come to the head. Because with this disease immune is always in a weakness. The effects of even the simplest virus have a strong echo in these people; to death. What is HIV ? What Are AIDS Symptoms ? - Loss of appetite and serious weight loss - Easy fatigue, fatigue - High fever - Long running diarrhea - Scars that develop in the mouth and the mouth - Night Sweats - Long-lasting diarrhea (diarrhea) - Swelling under the armpit, neck and pubic area (caused by swelling of the lymph glands). Lymph glands are the body’s immune mechanism.) - Skin lesions in black-purple colors (Kaposi’s sarcoma), especially on limbs and crows, - Premature born babies (very young babies born without completing development) - In malnutrition (When nutrition is insufficient, body resistance may decrease and the body may become exposed to infections.) - In the case of mental retardation (It is seen that those who have development problems are vulnerable to infections.) - Use of immunosuppressive drugs - In those who have broken body resistance (AIDS is a disease that eliminates immunity and body resistance. Because of this, pneumonia is very common in these patients.) AIDS Symptoms in Women - Menstrual irregularity or abnormal menstrual bleeding - Very severe live vaginal fungi or infections - Genital herpes or genital warts - Causeless headaches - Gynecological problems (eg destruction or tumors on the cervix) How to Find AIDS ? - How to AIDS bullshit? - What are AIDS transmission routes? - What is the percentage of AIDS infections? - Is AIDS immediately overcrowded, or is it too often when people are HIV positive? - Do you smile with AIDS kissing? - Are Aids Spitting? - Genital ulcer (wound) formation, - Previously, these organs have become infected and irritated by other microorganisms, - Women in menstrual period - Some chemical substances, such as the deterioration of the skin integrity of genital organs, increase the possibility of HIV infection to the bloodstream, thus laying the groundwork for AIDS disease. AIDS Just Survive By Sexual Relationship ? - Unprotected sexual intercourse (Vaginal, anal, oral, all kinds of unprotected sexually transmitted infection is possible. The HIV virus is just one of these. As is known, other microorganisms are more vulnerable to HIV infection. - Blood with HIV virus (taking the blood or the organ of those who have this virus by transfer, using the injector that they used, and injuring with the injured tool that injured them. However, an HIV-positive blood that has been left in the outdoors for a long time creates a low risk because it will die completely within minutes with the effect of sun and oxygen. The amount of blood and the time it takes to get there is at risk.) - Transition from mother to baby (It is about 30% chance of this virus passing from mother to baby carrying HIV virus. If the mother is treated during pregnancy, the likelihood of infection is less than 0.5%. This virus from mother to baby; during the mother’s womb, at the time of delivery, or during lactation.) How Many Percentage of AIDS Contagion Possible ? - Concentration of HIV virus in couples who use condom regularly 0% - Condom infection rate is 0.1%. (However, if the HIV-infected partner crosses the HIV-positive phase only and has a severe AIDS disease, the possibility of infecting the virus with the virus is increased 4-fold.) - It has been determined that the risk of male patients infecting women with HIV is twice as much as the risk of women infecting men. It is believed that the mucous membrane in the vagina of the woman and the rickety surface in the vaginal wall are responsible for the retention of viruses and for the transport of the viruses. - It is understood that people with genital wounds have a 5-fold greater risk of HIV infection than others. This is equivalent to 40%. - The rate of HIV-related infection without condom was 28%. - No oral contraceptive HIV infection has been observed. However, the low number of couples evaluated in this group raises doubt on the generality. Therefore, it is recommended to use condoms in any case. How to Test AIDS ? - Elisa Test: This test measures the number of antibodies developed against the HIV virus in the body. These are called Anti-HIV. These antibodies include; The HIV virus begins to develop in about 6-7 weeks after being taken into the body. Even in the ELISA test it can take 12-13 weeks for these antibodies to become detectable. So even if people have this test immediately after the suspicious sexual intercourse, they will probably get negative results, and the person will live without knowing that they are carrying the HIV virus in future periods. - P24 Antigen Test: P24 anti-human has a protein specific to the HIV virus. (Antigen: proteins that are external and harmful to the body. It causes the formation of antibodies in the body. Bacteria, viruses or parasites are antigens.) Elisa is better than the test; because the situation can be determined before 6 weeks. Approximately 2 weeks after the virus is received in the body, the antibody binds to the P24 antigen in the body. The presence of P24 may become visible after this antigen-antibody link is established. The presence of Kanda P24 is a clear proof of the existence of HIV. However, since the rate of antibody production can vary from person to person, there is a possibility that this test may also produce a misleading negative result. That ‘s why 2. It is useful to repeat the test periodically from the beginning of the week. - Generation Antigen and Antibody Tests: This test is much more precise and much more consistent than the ELISA test and the P24 antigen test. With this test, it is possible to assess the relative concentration of each of the P24 antigen and the body separately, without having to wait for the binding of the antibody developed by the body. That’s why the fraud rate is very low. This test is carried out by special “test kits” of commercial companies. The precision of the test kit is directly proportional to the consistency of the result. Therefore, people should investigate the right firm for this test kit and question it in the laboratories where they apply. - HIV PCR Test: It is a highly advanced test method. Applications are made that will allow the HIV virus, which normally can not be viewed, to be displayed within 9-11 days. By the PCR (polymerase chain reaction) method, the genetic material of the virus, which is so rare as to be hard to see, is reproduced. When the virus is replicated, it can be examined. The genetic material of the virus that can be displayed in this state is understood as soon as possible whether it belongs to the HIV virus. If the HIV PCR test is performed after 4 weeks of suspected sexual intercourse, the likelihood of a correct outcome will increase to 100%. How is AIDS Treatment ? Which doctor should go for AIDS ? Even in the case of advanced HIV screening tests that diagnose at the earliest stage, the result is misleading. So it would be pointless to apply to the labs immediately after the suspicious sexual intercourse. At least 2, at most 12 weeks after these screening tests should be done. If possible, these tests should be repeated at certain intervals and the situation should be monitored.
Present Simple Tense Statements Sentence Shapes-ESL Fun Games Try out our Present Simple Tense Statements Sentence Shapes. This is a 2 page sentence shapes worksheet. Each worksheet has a total of 30 sentences with missing words and a word bank at the bottom of page of the second page. How to Use It: Students will look at the word bank and write the words in the sentences. The shape of the words must match the shapes of the boxes. These worksheets can be printed and handed out to students in class. They also work great for extra homework practice. Each worksheet includes an Answer Key on a separate page. Don’t forget to download our free “Friendship Activities Sentence Shapes” sample from our website to try one out. eslfungames.com
Beginner’s Guide to Essential Vitamins & Minerals While the majority of your nutrients (vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, antioxidants, etc) should come from a whole foods diet, most of us can benefit from also including a few basic supplements in our daily routine. Unfortunately, the world of supplements can be pretty daunting, as there is a ton of information out there. Overloading with supplements is generally not a good idea, so figuring out which few to focus on can help simplify the question of which to take, and which to avoid. Of course, some people will require more specific products if dealing with a condition such as an autoimmune or GI disorder (among many others), but this guide to essential vitamins is a starting point for an overall, healthy individual. A high-quality multi-vitamin will offer most nutrients that are essential to human health (and that we don’t always get from our food.) Along with vitamins and minerals, many multi’s will also contain amino and fatty acids, and even certain health-promoting herbs. Especially for those whose dietary history consists of eating a diet of mainly processed/packaged foods and not many fresh fruits and vegetables, boosting the body’s overall nutrient levels with a multivitamin can seriously help. Overtime, an ongoing deficiency can lead to serious health issues, such as anemia (iron), osteoporosis (vitamin D3 and K2), and neural tube defects (folate). Magnesium is a mineral that most are deficient in, and is almost always safe to supplement with. What’s more, we go through our magnesium stores at a faster rate during times of stress. Given the chronic stress of our modern day society, supplementing with magnesium is essential. According to one of the world’s leading experts in pain management, Dr. Normal Shealy, “Every known illness is associated with a magnesium deficiency.” He goes on to say that “magnesium is the most critical mineral required for electrical stability of every cell in the body. A magnesium deficiency may be responsible for more diseases than any other nutrient.” A magnesium deficiency may be responsible for more diseases than any other nutrient. Magnesium is a vital mineral in the human body, carrying out over 600 different chemical reactions. Magnesium is a cofactor to the enzymes needed to produce energy, and studies have pointed to low magnesium levels contributing to fatigue. Out of all nutrients, magnesium places the single most important role in balancing the nervous system. All of our cells hold receptors which allow chemical messengers to enter and exit. One such brain cell receptor is called NMDA, and magnesium is a mineral that largely contributes to its function. With low magnesium levels, we can find ourselves feeling depressed and anxious. Because magnesium helps our body to relax, it can be extremely effective in alleviating the pain and tension caused by tight muscles. Cod Liver Oil Sounds delicious, right? Cod liver oil is high in vitamin D, a critical nutrient many are deficient in. It has been shown to be one of the best supplements available for brain health and cognitive function, supporting and potentially helping to treat depression and anxiety. Furthermore, it helps to prevent chronic conditions such as heart disease, high cholesterol, autoimmune disorders, and possibly even cancer. As if that isn’t enough, it can also support healthy skin, hair and nails, bone and tooth health, and most other conditions where inflammation is the root cause. Cod liver oil is also the single easiest ways to add heart-healthy and anti-inflammatory omega 3 fatty acids to your diet. One tablespoon contains 2.6 grams of these health-promoting fats, which is more than the RDA (recommended daily intake). It is also pretty much the only good food source of vitamin D3, which anyone living in a non-tropical climate is likely deficient in. If you are deficient in vitamin D3, you are at risk for muscle pain and weakness, fatigue and poor immune health. Unless you are eating more than 1 serving per day of wild salmon, cod liver oil is your best bet to prevent vitamin D deficiency. Choosing a few basic supplements to begin with doesn’t need to be confusing! Starting with a high-quality multi-vitamin, magnesium and cod liver oil will go a long way in supporting your overall health and preventing future disease. Remember that supplements should never take the place of a healthy diet, but they can definitely help boost your nutrient levels. Rachel Fiske is a Holistic Nutrition Consultant and graduated from Bauman College of Holistic Nutrition in Berkeley, California. She is also a Certified Personal Trainer through the National Academy of Sports Medicine. Rachel focuses on issues of weight management, GI problems, hormonal imbalances, fatigue and more via a whole foods diet and lifestyle changes.
In a world where technology continues to advance at an incredible pace, each generation is exposed to new and powerful transformations. Facebook, Twitter, and Smartphones were all unimaginable changes to the ordinary person of 1995. By 2035, maybe we will see an unrecognizable world changed by Virtual Reality, Solar Power, and who knows what else. So what might this incredible future hold for history? Today we are taking a break from history of the past. Instead we are going to do a thought experiment and turn around 180 degrees. We are no longer facing the past, but looking forward to the future. It’s a shrouded road, and we can see almost nothing ahead of us: the future is unknown. If we squint though, we think we can see something. It’s a possible future! Using what we know from looking behind us – which is a much clearer view – maybe we can guess what we see far in distance. Behind us is the technology that influenced the writing and craft of history. Some societies perfected the oral transfer of knowledge, while others created physical ways to record information. The invention of writing, the printing press, and other technologies that influenced knowledge-transfer are obvious precedents. The better we could preserve and transmit information about the past to the future, the better future historians could understand the past. First, there were stone tablets, then arduously produced manuscript tomes, and eventually the mass production of books. Alongside these inventions, we also created depositories to store pieces of information (libraries) and progress in education allowed more people to read them as well as record their own history. Canada has 99% literacy rate in 2015 – meaning that each Canadian can discover, record, and preserve their own history. Compared to much of human history, this is an extraordinary number of possible historians! In the last half century, the invention of computers and the ability to connect them via networks has once again revolutionized how we transfer knowledge. The digital age has dramatically increased our ability to record and transmit information. Now we can download every single book in a library to our smartphones, transfer it to our friend in Singapore, and live-stream the whole experience to an audience of millions. No one involved has even left their couch. Knowledge-transfer was once analog (physical) and finite, but is now digital (virtual) and effectively infinite. Historians have benefited from these advancements. Digital tools allow us to work much faster. We can search archives for sources from our homes, or find the sources online without ever having to leave our desk. Cameras and hard drives can store thousands of pictures of documents from a research trip. Programs can find words in a document for us. Others allow us to write articles faster, communicate them more easily to a publisher or share it with our colleagues. All of these are analog actions that have been improved by digital methods. For the most part, digital has just been a means to do things more efficiently. In effect, every historian is a digital historian compared to a generation ago, even if it’s just using a word processor or email. There have been hints at what’s possible in the vast realm of the digital. “Big Data” deals with datasets that are so large it is impossible for a human to process them properly. Instead, we use programs to collect this massive amount of information and anlayse it. Think about millions of pages of text that would take a lifetime to read even a fraction of them. Historians like Ian Milligan are pushing the boundaries of Big Data history, and more and more historians (and other scholars) are wondering what history will look outside the analog world. That is, not just how it made analog methods faster, but how technology has created entirely new ways of looking at the past. So now let’s turn towards the road stretching into the future and imagine what those shrouded, distant vistas might look like. One stop in the distant future might be a time where we see Robot Readers. As software advances, we will inevitably reach a point where computers cannot only identify words, but read them as humans do. They will understand grammar, syntax, and context as well as look for words on a page and comprehend their placement. They will understand when they see “Document No.” that whatever comes after that is a document number, and put that into a database. When it skips from document number 14,235 to 14,237 it will realize that something is missing. Computers will read documents and tell us what’s in them, and do so at an extraordinarily faster rate. We hope that computers will also be able to read handwritten documents – the scourge of historians and OCR alike – and convert them into easy-to-read printed text. They could translate documents from one language to another flawlessly, further expanding the global connections between historians and their study. Robot Readers would allow historians to look at the past through the lens of “Big Data” at what we could call “small data.” They might discover missing documents, unusual phrasing, or the prominence of certain topics within a large dataset. Historians would tell a program to search for anything related to say, waffles for breakfast, and the computer would spit out hundreds or thousands of documents from archives around the world that talk about waffles, about breakfast, about nutritional information, and so on. It would be closer to the Computer on Star Trek than Google – it would understand which documents are actually about waffles the food and which are just about waffles the verb, and sort them for you. The “longue durée” of history will lengthen immensely. Why look at a single decade when you can seamlessly examine trends across centuries. Transnational will no longer be a buzzword, but an unavoidable fact. National borders will be as porous as they are on the internet today. Why only examine the history of sugar in Canada when you can trace its spread across the entire world just as easily? As Twitter and Facebook are archived (after all, who will care about the personal information of someone 100 years dead?), social relationships and cultural connections will be mapped out across our modern-day networks. Private messages might reveal startling information about the lives of yet unknown historical figures. In this future, methodology would rule. Methodological decisions force historians to emphasize different sources, different time periods, and different questions about the past. Today, methodological loyalties divide historians as they disagree about how to best look at the past. Some argue that accuracy is more important than interpretation. In a world where every source is at your fingertips, deciding which sources to examine and why will be far more essential to the historian’s craft. Methodological differences might be minimized, as there will be so many more ways to categorize and examine this large number of sources, but everyone will have to adopt a clear methodological approach. If we imagine historians as crafters of lens through which we see the past, they currently have to design that lens purposefully to narrow their view. If they had access to any size of lens with any focus, methodology helps point that lens at the right places. Farther into the future, we see the development of artificial intelligence into the Robot Historian. These machines have access to every document that has ever been preserved in their digital form. At some point in the future, we can imagine that our lives will be documented and preserved on a massive scale. “Archiving” something will be a matter of automation, rather than sending to a physical archives. Nearly everything is now being recorded and preserved for our Robot Historians. A quarter century ago, Manuel de Landa presented the view of a “Robot Historian,” but focused on what topics a Robot Historian might choose over a human one. Let’s just imagine a world where a computer not only understands the different lenses through which we can view the historical record, but understands where to point it. Human historians have become extinct. A computer will answer any questions we have about the past, to the best of its ability. They will also invent new ways of looking at the past that we have never even considered. Perhaps they will bring about Isaac Asimov’s fictional field of “psychohistory” that predicts human development using historical trends. Perhaps history will evolve into an art – where humans simply pluck at the strings of individual stories and connect the past like notes in a song. Perhaps computers will make these automatically available for public consumption, and historical knowledge will be like phone numbers in 2015: utterly common, absolutely necessary, but entirely forgettable. You have it when you need it. “Then” and “Now” will be much closer in this world. The relationship to the past will seem less like history and more like one long, living memory. The Second World War has resonated strongly in the last two decades partially because its veterans are dying out and sharing their stories – much the same happened in the 1960s with the First World War. Historians wrote the story of their fathers or grandfathers, and likely imbued them with some personal significance. These generational divides will be nonexistent for Robot Historians. All history will be remembered as if it had happened in our lifetime. Even “memory” will be a misnomer as we know it today, since we will no longer combine remembering with forgetting. History will be in its idealized form where anything recorded will be remembered. New questions might arise as decisions about what’s recorded will have new seriousness. If everything can be recorded, leaving something out will be an incredibly significant act. We will no longer ask about “preserving something for the future,” but wonder about “destroying something for the future.” As powerful as the broad strokes of history are today, imagine when we control it with the precision of a scalpel. Maybe criminals will have their records deleted after execution – removing them from the infinite memory of Robot Historians forever. So too might Robot Historians forever remember the vastness of human suffering. We will no longer “forget” the cruelties of the past or rank the pain of others as less worthy of recording. “Going down in history” will not be an accomplishment. All history and all voices will be equal. We can only hope that Robot Historians will remind us of our mistakes, and help us avoid repetition. Since everyone will know history, none will be doomed to repeat it. Let’s look even further into the future now, beyond what even seems possible. What if in some far distant future we develop the capacity to see all past events. Using a Time Viewer, we can see any moment that has happened in the past. Now every event is recorded by virtue of having happened. You can step into a Virtual Reality simulator, and personally witness the signing of the Magna Carta, or the daily life of Aztecs by wandering the streets of Tenochtitlan, or explore the land of the dinosaurs. Human civilization itself, a mere blip on the lifetime of our planet, becomes insignificant compared to the eons of history we can explore – though hopefully it is still the most interesting. The scope of history is now so expansive and inclusive that a distinction between “then” and “now” disappears. This age no doubt spells the end of History. Our Robot Historians can now easily plot the grand trends of human development, the vagaries of individual nuance, and the impact of every decision ever made. “Experiential history” would be a literal term as humans can now actually bear witness to the past. The great movers of history (known and unknown) can be followed from cradle to grave. Family history can be traced in every detail (perhaps in too much detail). The craft of history – building narratives from the past – might become recreating scenes like a television show. The viewer follows history from one epoch to another, following the upheavals of generations or within a single life. There is only one source, the past itself, and perspectives are limited by the viewer rather than our sources. Of course, these futures could easily take a far different form than what we’ve described here. Ideal worlds where everyone understands the past and takes full advantage of its exploration are unlikely. It is just as likely that the technology described here creates a 1984 dystopia where history is manufactured and concealed rather than an open-access Star Trek utopia. So what can we learn from this thought exercise? It presents some useful scenarios for understanding our relationship to history today. Not one of these futures can ever relay the experience of the past as it was lived – we are forever witnesses to it. If the historian conveys in some small way what the past was like, either through their prose or study, and can transfer some part of that experience to their readers, then they have done something that is as unique now as it will be centuries from now. This will forever remain an important element of the historian’s craft. So too are we always limited by our sources. Even if these restrictions are partially overcome by digital tools in the near future, they will continue to shape our understanding of the past. Only by entirely removing those limits using our Time Viewer to see all of the past can we imagine history radically different than what we know today. As long as we are bound to our sources, we are bound to the same sort of history that historians have practised for generations. This exercise also reminds us that historians must better understand and embrace digital tools. Not as a trendy addition to our toolbox, but as something that will fundamentally alter the connection between “then” and “now.” Already, programmers have developed algorithms that are replicating historical research. How far away are we from Robot Readers, or Robot Historians? The digital revolution is here and historians must be actively involved in shaping our future relationship with history. How do you think history will change?
These 9 Surprising Foods And Drinks Lead To Stained Teeth And Dull Smiles – Find Out Why, And What You Can Do About It It’s no secret that coffee and soda can leave permanent shadows on your teeth. But they are not the only guilty parties that take the luster out of your shiny white smile. You can’t tell by looking, but your teeth are porous. Remnants of food and drink, especially dark colored ones, can take refuge in those pores, leaving your teeth looking dull and discolored. And if those foods and drinks are piping hot or freezing cold, the temperature change to your teeth can make it easier for stains to leave their mark. You’d think the moral of the story is to avoid dark coloured food, and problem solved, right? Maybe, if colour was the only problem. Foods high in acids or tannins, regardless of colour, can erode your enamel and make your teeth more susceptible to stains. And when tannins and chromogens team up, their stain-making power on your enamel makes it hard for your pearly whites to fight back. 9 Surprising Foods That Lead to Stained Teeth Over Time Say it isn’t so! Chocolate, one of the sweetest treats known to mankind, is actually out to destroy the smiles it helps to create. Hot chocolate is the double threat, as it’s not only dark colored, but, you know, hot. - Red Wine Yes, red wine is chock full of potential health benefits, but white teeth isn’t one of them. Rich in tannins, this delicious red elixir can leave a lasting mark on your carpet, couch, clothes, and teeth. - White Wine But, it’s white. How can white wine lead to stained teeth? Blame it on the tannins. And acid. The acid in wine leaves your teeth susceptible to stains from other drinks. However, if your typical beverage intake only consists of white wine and water, your teeth might be better off than someone who also drinks teas, sodas, coffee, juices, pretty much any drink that isn’t water. Those wonderful little tannins are apparently everywhere, including tea. Hot tea carries a greater staining risk, but both hot and iced tea can leave their mark. But you can reduce the staining probability by drinking green, white, or other light herbal teas. Blueberries, cranberries, blackberries, pretty much any berry that can stain your shirt can also stain your teeth. And it’s no surprise – people have use berries for years to dye clothing. The health benefits from the antioxidants may be worth blue or red teeth, though. This flavorful little Indian spice powder doesn’t exactly stain your teeth over time – it can leave a lasting mark fairly quickly after consumption. Proceed with caution. Ketchup is like the magic trick of the culinary world – it has a way of making many awesome foods even more awesome. But this shiny red condiment is hiding another trick – the ability to dull your smile’s sparkle. Tomatoes are extremely acidic, and can help rip away your precious enamel. Experts suggest eating broccoli or lettuce beforehand can help form a barrier to deter staining, but it won’t prevent it. - Salad Dressings Balsamic vinaigrette, soy sauce, dark colored dressings – they all share that same “dark” quality that can mask white teeth. Come on, really? Popsicles? It’s just frozen juice! Granted, not all popsicles should get the teeth-staining rep. If you are cooling off with a lemon-flavored or other lightly colored icy treat, it’s usually fine. But the crazy-colored, fun-shaped, sugar-loaded frozen concoctions on a stick can deposit those pretty-looking dyes directly into your teeth’s pores, and they might just stay there. How to Combat Stained Teeth The Quick and Easy Way Of course, knowing this information does not mean you now have to go through life without ever eating chocolate or drinking wine again (because what kind of life would that be, anyway?). First, drink plenty of water when consuming any dark or acidic foods and drinks. This helps drown the stain-causing enemies and wash them away before they can latch on to your teeth. Also, the sooner you brush your teeth after consuming any of the above tasty treats, the less chance they have of leaving a permanent mark on your smile. It doesn’t get any easier than that. Dr. Normand Bach received his dental degree from the University of Montreal in 2002, and completed a certificate of multidisciplinary residency at Notre-Dame Hospital in 2003. In 2008, Dr. Bach completed a Master’s Degree of Science and a Certificate in Orthodontics at the University of Montreal. He is currently an Associate Professor at the University of Montreal and is responsible for the undergraduate orthodontic clinic, in addition to maintaining a private practice limited to orthodontics in Montreal. http://orthodontistemontreal.com/
This week we took a look at Escher's Relativity lithograph. We discussed the process of lithography. Lithography uses oil or fat and gum arabic to divide the smooth surface into hydrophobic regions which accept the ink, and hydrophilic regions which reject it and thus become the background. We decided to give a try at printing with stamping. The backgrounds of leaves were made with pre-made stamps and ink pads. Then we made our own printing "blocks" out of cardboard and yarn. I gave them two copies of a butterfly outline. We plan to do a two-color printing process, so they can see what this is like. They made one cardboard "block" the outline of a butterfly with yarn. will print this in one color and then they each made another "block" with designs inside the outline with yarn for the butterfly's wings. This will be printed in a second color. We will begin printing tomorrow when the "blocks" are dry.
Stories abound of our flat-coats destroying gardens and devouring our personal possessions and sadly many of these dogs end up in the vet’s consulting room. The worried owner wondering if there was anything they should have done as first aid treatment at home. Fortunately, few cases actually result in the death of the pet and most poisons take a while to take effect. This means you have no need to panic but there are some common-sense things you can do. I will not attempt to list all possible poisons in this article as this is enough for a book in itself. Instead I will list a few of the more commonly encountered toxicities: - Grapes and raisins – can cause kidney failure - Chocolate – contains theobromine which dogs cannot metabolise like humans can. It can cause marked respiratory depression after consumption. - Artificial sweeteners (e.g. xylitol in Orbit chewing gum) – causes a profound decrease in blood sugar with subsequent weakness, collapse, etc. - Onions – contain thiosulphates which cause haemolytic anaemia. Cases of onion poisoning have been reported after dogs eat cooked onions at summer barbecues. - Alcohol – signs of intoxication being similar to those in humans. - Various human medicines – including over-the-counter pain relief medicines. - Animal medicines of any kind – it is increasingly common for veterinary drug companies to add flavours to their medicines to make them easier to give. This means it is even more important that you keep all medicines out of reach of the reach of pets. - All medicines should be given only as prescribed by your veterinary surgeon. - Plants– e.g. daffodils and their bulbs may be eaten by dogs – resulting in severe vomiting and diarrhoea. - Cocoa chip / garden mulch – similar effects to chocolate due to theobromine content. - Many other plants are toxic including azaleas and rhododendrons and some mushrooms. For further information the Dog’s Trust web site www.dogstrust.org.uk has an exhaustive list in its information sheet. - Anti-freeze – the most toxic of these contain either ethylene glycol or methanol. Ethylene glycol can cause permanent kidney failure. Such poisoning is often reported in pets drinking from contaminated puddles because the sweet taste attracts them to it. Other forms of antifreeze are available and it is very useful bring the packaging in when a poisoning is suspected. - Dishwasher tablets – contain corrosive alkaline chemicals which may burn the throat. - Oven cleaners, drain foamers. - Slug bait (blue pellets) – contain metaldehyde which can cause multiple organ failure with abdominal cramps and seizures leading to eventual coma and death. - Rodent poison (blue or green blocks or grains) – these interfere with body Vitamin K and blood clotting. - Various insecticides - Weedkillers – especially paraquat containing products (e.g. Weedol) Always read the instructions about use of garden chemicals around pets. If buckets or watering cans have been used for chemicals keep them empty and out of reach of pets. - Silica gel – although this is labelled as toxic, instances of toxicity are rare, treatment is seldom required. - Batteries from key fobs/remote controls – these may contain mercury. Not all button batteries contain mercury but they are all capable of causing corrosive damage. It is important to monitor their progress through the bowel (x-rays can be used for this). - Recreational drugs – just say no! The first thing you ought to do if you are worried that your dog has been poisoned is to call your vet. Give your vet clear details of any symptoms your dog is showing and what poison you believe is to blame. It also helps to let the vet know how much of the toxin has been ingested, when it was ingested and what size your dog is. This information will enable your vet to give first aid advice and the details can then be passed onto the very useful 24 hour Veterinary Poisons Information Service (VPIS) to which many veterinary practices subscribe. If you do have to visit the vet after a poisoning event you can expect them to ask for clarification of the details of the poisoning – so do bring with you any packaging and remaining poison (you can, for example, calculate how many tablets have been ingested). The vet will then examine your dog to check for any abnormalities (including neurological abnormalities) and will select what treatment is appropriate. If ingestion has been very recent the vet may induce vomiting (often using a drug called apomorphine) to clear the poison from the stomach but this is not indicated if the toxin is caustic as it will cause further burning to the oesophagus. It is most important not to try to make your dog vomit unless it is under the instruction of the vet. It is fortunate that the majority of items swallowed by our dogs are of low toxicity and may only cause mild gastro-intestinal upset. Remember that dogs, like children, can find their way into all of those special hiding places – so make sure all the likely toxins are kept out of reach – under lock and key where necessary.
GP genetic screening backed Targeted screening for colorectal cancer in younger patients using GPs' computer records is superior to population screening, new research suggests. According to clinical genetics researchers from the University of Oxford, the system is cheaper, quicker and causes less anxiety than standard population screening. The study, published in April's British Journal of General Practice, found that compared with standard population-based screening, a case-finding approach produced a greater yield of families at higher risk of colorectal cancer. Relatives at 'high risk' of colorectal cancer were traced from 5 per cent of the index cases. The tracing system also identified nearly a quarter of relatives traced as 'moderate risk' of colorectal cancer and suitable for disease surveillance. Dr Helen Restorick, a GP in Guildford, Surrey, and a former clinical associate in genetics, said the study was interesting because it had highlighted cases of colorectal cancer that had not been previously identified. But she added: 'There's a question of whether practices will have time to do this screening.'
Readers Theater is one of the most effective reading fluency activities. Scripts are readily available making teaching reading fluency and learning it fun for everyone! The development of reading fluency hinges on repeated reading of text until it can be read smoothly and with fluidity. Such skill is necessary to understanding what is read. If reading is done word by word with lots of stops and starts, meaning is lost and children are unable to remember what it is they have read. It is often the case that children leave third grade unable to read for meaning. Often responsible is lack of reading fluency. It is therefore absolutely critical that teachers not only learn how to teach reading fluency but also become committed to reading strategies to help fluency. What is Readers Theater? Readers Theater is a dramatic production - a play - in which parts are read, not memorized. Often teachers and parents misunderstand its intent and praise children for memorizing their lines when in fact this is counterproductive to its purpose. Improvement in reading fluency occurs because students practice reading their parts over and over until they are able to read them without faltering. Reading with expression is an important aspect of the strategy making it an important skill needed for comprehension. The use of drama strengthens the learning and is especially helpful to those children who are right-brained. Where can I find scripts? Scripts are available free at many sites online. One of the best sources is, however, under your own school roof. Partnering with another grade level is the perfect way to acquire them by having older children write scripts for your students to perform. Some of the best I have ever read and my students' favorites are sight word scripts that were written by sixth graders. Of these, one of my favorites is "Priscilla," a fractured version of the Cinderella story in which the Prince finds the glass slipper, breaks it, and says, "You're hot, Priscilla, but I could never grow to love you very much. You're too selfish." These sight word scripts, created by sixth graders, generated a great deal of interest among both my second grade students and the sixth grade writers. Children practiced their lines until they could read them fluently, then I made videos of their performances which we shared with the young authors. It was one of the best reading strategies to help fluency because not only did it help my second graders, it also benefited the sixth graders and gave them a sense of pride and ownership of the project. It is one of the ways that writing can support reading instruction by building fluency. Readers Theater is the perfect opportunity to incorporate art into your teaching. If you can't find the time (though with centers, it is easy to do!) talk with your school's art teacher. Every one I've ever known has been thrilled to have a project to correlate with classroom instruction. Just remember that these performances are not the same as that of a play. Resist the urge to have students memorize their parts because if you do, that defeats the purpose of repeated readings to develop reading fluency! Here are some really breathtaking examples of scenery produced by art classes at our school. Enjoy! Gotham City scenery Rain forest scenery done by art class More rain forest scenery Go to Reading Fluency Activities from Readers Theater Back to Reading Fluency from Readers Theater
Breast cancer is the most common cancer among ladies within the U.S. and around the globe. Based on this remark, researchers have felt that vitamin E intake would help forestall breast most cancers. The lifetime danger for developing the sort of cancer is at about one in a thousand. There are lots of innovations in know-how which are displaying up occasionally that could be the key to finally discover the right resolution in the battle against any such cancer. As in some other cancer, early detection and therapy is important to an individual’s survival. Though breast most cancers has not conclusively been determined to be hereditary, you would possibly need to consider having checkups even more typically is there’s a history of most cancers in your loved ones tree. The American Cancer Society estimates that there can be about 1600 circumstances of breast cancer in MEN this 12 months, and that about 400 of them will die. Components corresponding to social stigma and embarrassment contribute to the growing denial among men of the potential of getting most cancers of the breast The development of male most cancers ( of the breast) is largely similar to what women encounter. Numerous sorts of carcinoma therapy is determined at an equivalent time or one when the opposite. Bear in mind, one of the best probabilities for beating breast cancer are early detection and early diagnosis. The essential thing is to educate your self concerning the illness in an effort to look out for any potential warning indicators. You additionally must search for other cancer symptoms just like the pores and skin getting pink and itchy. Remedy given in cycles; time of remedy adopted by an extended restoration quantity adopted by one other carcinoma remedy. Some of these cancer signs are positively not painful within the initial levels. They see getting inked with the cancer ribbon as a method to show their love for that somebody and also to extend awareness and assist for breast cancer and its sufferers. The latest American Cancer Society estimates for male breast most cancers shows that in 2009 about 1,910 cases shall be diagnosed with about 440 fatalities. You is perhaps questioning why your breast most cancers consciousness level needs to be raised and what benefit that represents for you, however all you want to do is take a look at the statistics concerning the reported circumstances of breast most cancers.… The new Facebook standing sport has started where women in every single place attempt to lift consciousness for breast cancer via the popular social media network. The vital factor is to coach yourself concerning the disease so as to look out for any possible warning indicators. You also have to look for different cancer signs like the pores and skin getting red and itchy. Medication given in cycles; time of treatment followed by an prolonged restoration quantity followed by one other carcinoma treatment. Some of these cancer signs are definitely not painful in the initial phases. Simple mastectomy involves removal of all breast tissue together with lobules, ducts, fatty tissue and skin including the nipple and areola. The ribbon symbolizes hope for those who are dealing with the illness and nonetheless searching for methods to outlive. Even scarier is that they also estimate that greater than 40,000 of those cases of breast most cancers will die from it. These are often put on by a neighborhood group, a church, or sponsored by the American Most cancers Society to promote breast most cancers awareness in the community. Angels and crosses are in style for individuals who misplaced someone particular due to breast cancer. With regard to diet and vitamin consumption, The American Most cancers Society suggests consuming a nutritious diet focused on plant sources reminiscent of fruits, vegetables and entire grain and limiting consumption of processed meals and red meats. The Specialist victimization different types drugs of medication of remedy or combination from completely different drugs to kill cancer cells or to prevent them from growing. In the former 2 instances, the cancerous lump was detected and so they underwent mastectomy as part of the treatment. Cancer cells have unfold past the breast and axillary (underarm) lymph nodes to different areas of the body the place they proceed to develop and multiply. Components equivalent to social stigma and embarrassment contribute to the increasing denial amongst men of the possibility of getting most cancers of the breast The development of male most cancers ( of the breast) is largely just like what girls encounter. Quite a few sorts of carcinoma therapy is decided at an equal time or one when the other. Bear in mind, one of the best chances for beating breast cancer are early detection and early prognosis.… Brother Australia has been a corporate associate of the National Breast Most cancers Basis (NBCF) since 2014, and in 2016 alone they’ve raised over $one hundred,000 for all times-altering analysis. You’ve got undoubted run across many of the breast cancer consciousness days and periods that seem across the nation sporadically. There are a number of remedy methods obtainable for males with cancer of the breast. Surgical procedure – There are a number of surgical choices used to remove breast cancer in males these embody simple mastectomy, modified radical mastectomy and sentinel lymph node biopsy. Probably the most vital or important key to rising one’s breast most cancers survival rates are prevention and early detection. These symptoms include an unexplained lump, which can be onerous or tender, within the breast. They should get the remedy executed in the initial levels itself, so they must be on the lookout for signs of this cancer. While most individuals are generally content with having the ribbon inked into their bodies, some want one thing additional particular. The turnout for these occasions is commonly very strong, and subsequently helps in raising funds and consciousness for breast cancer analysis. For a cancer tumor in the breast detected in the earliest phases with a survival charge that goes as high as ninety eight% probability of treatment. This is a pure occurrence caused by fluctuating hormones and never essentially a symptom of breast most cancers. Roughly one p.c of the cancer instances, cancer of the breast instances, affect men. Based on the American Most cancers Society, breast cancer is the most typical type of cancer in American girls, aside from skin cancer. It will not to stop the growth of cancer cells that impacts the feminine hormones. Caring for a family member identified with breast most cancers will be extraordinarily traumatic. Sadly, inside the early phases once developing carcinoma, carcinoma signs are not seen. Cancer sufferers – Most cancers might be the most tough illness on this planet to deal with. For instance, you’ve got a close family member like a sister or a mom suffering from breast cancer. Most cancers survivors also get inked as a show of support for others who’re currently facing the disease themselves.… Women all over the world are being constantly suggested and educated on the necessity to look at themselves on regular basis with the intention to detect telltale indicators of the killer disease – breast most cancers. When breast cancer is detected early, your possibilities of being able to cope with it, to combat it, and by way of remedies like chemo, there are many documented instances of people who have beat it. But if it had not been detected and diagnosed early, those would nearly definitely be completely different tales with radically completely different outcomes. It is vitally vital to search out a physician who can provide or advice the patient the perfect doable treatment which might be accessible. Carcinoma treatment may embrace the utilization of medication that modified the way hormones work or surgery to eliminate the ovaries turn out female hormones. People who know someone with breast cancer – The breast most cancers experience shouldn’t be only limited to the patient. However that was as a result of they allowed the potential breast cancer symptom of a lump to be disregarded and didn’t go in to seek the advice of with their doctor for instant treatment. Because of the stellar care she received at the Queens Hospital Breast Service and early detection, she was able to survive each breast and ovarian most cancers. General treatment is focused to regulate or destroy most cancers cells throughout the physique. That you must turn out to be educated about the typical symptoms of breast most cancers, and for those who detect any of those symptoms at residence, you must schedule a checkup along with your doctor as quickly as possible. A technique is in fact to lift your breast cancer consciousness stage since that could be a disease where there’s presently not a known cure. As in another cancer, early detection and therapy is significant to an individual’s survival. Though breast most cancers has not conclusively been decided to be hereditary, you might wish to consider having checkups even more usually is there’s a history of most cancers in your loved ones tree. The American Cancer Society estimates that there can be about 1600 cases of breast cancer in MALES this yr, and that about 400 of them will die.… This data should not be used for self-diagnosis or in place of a professional physician’s care. Approximately one percent of the cancer circumstances, cancer of the breast circumstances, affect males. In response to the American Most cancers Society, breast most cancers is the commonest type of cancer in American women, aside from skin cancer. It won’t to stop the enlargement of most cancers cells that impacts the female hormones. Caring for a member of the family recognized with breast most cancers will be extremely tense. Since stage four breast cancer is the deadliest sort or category of all cancer of the breast. Your best choice for fighting breast most cancers is to get early detection and early prognosis. Holding these statistics in mind, your stage of breast cancer awareness ought to be raised the place these common checkups needs to be at the forefront of your mind. I made a decision not to turn out to be rippled with fear about what the possibilities of an unknown mass in my breast might imply, but my panicky personality acquired one of the best of me and at times and I would image myself losing all my hair which I had been spending so much time and money caring for, the opportunity of not having the ability to have children, and worst of all dropping my breast which I rapidly passified by picturing myself with faux boobs. The commonest region breast most cancers spreads to is the bone, followed by the lung and liver. Well being-aware women all over the world are naturally going to be surprised to know that one out of 10 women suffers from breast most cancers in the US. Effectively, you think, you did not know that it was so common. Many of those lumps actually are early indicators of most cancers, and must be checked as rapidly as doable. Breast cancer cells are identified to have estrogen receptors which enhance the cancer’s potential to progress. So which means you can’t afford to ignore any signs which may foresee the onset of cancer. The Fund is run by a variety of packages like carcinoma stroll for carcinoma to unfold information among people affected by cancer and allegedly exposed and to supply financial and moral help yet.…
In Venezuela people have embraced baseball like a popular expression since 1895. Since that year, baseball has been the most important sport in the country, especially in poor and rural areas. In 2014 there were 331 Venezuelan players in US belonging to all the divisions and categories of Mayor League Baseball. Venezuela is the second country most represented in the US Major Leagues after the Dominican Republic. Future Star is a reportage that tells the story of a young baseball player looking for a contract with a MLB team. He is fifteen and came from a rural area called San Felipe in the west of Venezuela. He was found by a scout who recruited him when he was thirteen. Now he is living near the baseball academy (one hour from his home town), which is preparing him to find a contract with a MLB team. This is the only chance he has to become a profession because he left school to play baseball and help his family; there is no plan b for him. Economic and social situation push him to leave the school and just focus in this preparation, he start to practice at 7 am until 6pm six days per week. This is a common story in most of the big leaguers from Venezuela and the Caribbean Islands.
Multivariate analysis of species composition of shore-zone fish assemblages found in Long Island Sound - Linda E. Bireley - Estuaries SCOPUS - Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation in 1984 - Cited Count - Springer JSTOR Crossref A nested design was used to analyze the variance of the proportions or percent species composition of shore-zone finfish assemblages in the vicinity of the Millstone Nuclear Power Station in eastern Long Island Sound. The relative importance of five selected shore-zone species was found to be significantly influenced by both station and season within a year. Also included in the nested ANOVA model were effects due to period of plant operation (no units operating, one unit operating and two units operating) and year within period. Neither of these two effects was found to influence the percent species composition. The results of this study suggest that a nested ANOVA of percent species composition can be useful for detecting changes in assemblages of finfish species over time and space. 1.Atchely, W. R., D. T. Gaskins, andD. Anderson. 1976. Statistical properties of ratios. I. Empirical results.Syst. Zool. 25:137–148. 2.Bartlett, M. S. 1947. The use of transformations.Biometrics 3:39–52. 3.Bigelow, H. B., and W. C. Schroeder. 1953. Fishes of the Gulf of Maine. Fish. Bull. of the Fish and Wildl. Ser. 53. 4.Briggs, P. T., andJ. S. O'Connor. 1971. Comparisons of shore zone fishes over naturally vegetated and sand-filled bottoms in Great South Bay.N.Y. Fish Game J. 18:15–41. 5.Gill, J. L. 1978. Design and analysis of Experiments in the Animal and Medical Sciences, Vol. 2. Iowa State Univ. Press, Ames, Iowa, 301 p. 6.Green, R. H. 1979. Sampling Design and Statistical Methods for Environmental Biologists. John Wiley & Sons, New York, 257 p. 7.Krumbein, W. C., andJ. W. Tukey. 1956. Multivariate analyses of mineralogic, lithologic and chemical composition or rock bodies.J. Sediment. Petrol. 26:322–337. 8.NUSCo (Northeast Utilities Service Co.) 1981. Annual report, 1980. Monitoring the marine environment of Long Island Sound at Millstone Nuclear Power Station, Waterford, Connecticut. Northeast Utilities Service Co., Berlin, Connecticut. 9.Pearcy, W., andS. W. Richards. 1962. Distribution and ecology of fishes of the Mystic River estuary, Connecticut.Ecology 43:248–259. 10.Snedecor, G. W., andW. G. Cochran. 1967. Statistical Methods, Sixth-Edition. Iowa State Univ. Press, Ames, Iowa. 593 p.
Resolving Gamma-Ray Mysteries The gamma-ray universe contains the most energetic, exotic objects. Since gamma-rays are the most energetic form of electromagnetic radiation, gamma-rays can only be produced by extreme physical processes like stellar explosions and mergers and natural cosmic radioactivity. But gamma rays are difficult to image, so that previous observatories, like the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory had difficulty in resolving crowded sources and in identifying all the different types of gamma-ray emitting objects. A new gamma-ray observatory, the International Gamma-Ray Astrophysics Laboratory or INTEGRAL, hopes to provide the best catalogue of gamma-ray sources. INTEGRAL, pictured above, is dedicated to imaging with high spatial resolution along with obtaining high spectral resolution spectroscopy of gamma-ray sources. INTEGRAL measures emission over a wide range of energy (from 15 keV to 10 MeV) using IBIS, a coded-mask imager, and SPI, a detector with high spectral resolution (but rather low spatial resolution). In addition, INTEGRAL also includes an X-ray monitor, JEM-X, and an optical monitor, the OMC, to extend coverage from the visible to X-ray energy bands. INTEGRAL will be launched by the European Space Agency with launch planned for October, 2002. Last Week * HEA Dictionary * Archive * Search HEAPOW Each week the HEASARC brings you new, exciting and beautiful images from X-ray and Gamma ray astronomy. Check back each week and be sure to check out the HEAPOW archive! Page Author: Dr. Michael F. Corcoran Last modified July 8, 2002
Aphids -- those little sap-sucking, honeydew-excreting pests -- can definitely spell trouble for your garden. The good news is that there are several reliable organic methods for dealing with the little buggers. Here are a few of my favorites. What Are Aphids, Exactly? Aphids are soft-bodied insects, about a tenth of an inch long. They're typically green or black, though you may also run into gray or black ones in your garden, depending upon where you live. I wrote an article about identifying aphids on my About.com site. The problem with aphids is that they suck the sap from the stems and leaves of your plant. This can weaken the plant, but, even worse, they also spread diseases as they move from plant to plant. And, they reproduce quickly! How to Control Aphids Organically Here are some tried-and-true organic methods for getting rid of aphids: 1. If you have a small infestation, simply wipe the aphids off with your hand or a soft cloth. Check back every day or two and repeat until you stop seeing them. 2. A blast of water from the hose is often all you need to get rid of aphids. Again, you'll want to repeat this after a couple of days if you see any more aphids on your plants. 3. Insecticidal soap works very well on aphids, and is a good choice if you find that wiping or spraying them off with water just isn't cutting it. Make sure you get the undersides of the leaves, too -- that's often where they congregate. 4. Homemade sprays, such as those made from tomato leaves or garlic oil, work very well on even large aphid infestations. You'll want to apply these treatments when there's no rain in the forecast, and out of strong sunlight (morning is a good time to do this.) Also, you'll want to keep in mind that these are non-selective pesticides, so they will harm any beneficials in the area as well -- use them sparingly. I have recipes for both the tomato leaf spray and the garlic oil spray here: Homemade Aphid Spray Recipes. 5. Consider introducing beneficial insects, especially ladybugs and their larvae, into your garden. They are voracious predators and will clean up an aphid infestation in no time. Despite what I recently read on another Mother Earth News blog, keeping ants out of your garden is NOT an effective aphid control. While we do know that some species of ants "farm" aphids to harvest the sweet honeydew they excrete, and that they can, on occasion, carry the aphids to plants to ensure that the honeydew supply keeps coming, it's unlikely that they're bringing aphids into your garden. Most often, the aphids are there first, and the ants are attracted to the sweet honeydew they produce. Leave the ants alone! First off, the idea of keeping ants out of your garden is just laughable -- they're everywhere! And more importantly, it's ridiculous to spend your time trying to rid your garden of ants (which are actually very useful decomposers and predators in their own right) to prevent them from maybe, possibly, bringing aphids into your garden. There are much more effective, and more eco-friendly ways, to spend our time in the garden. What is your favorite organic control for aphids?
Glass fronts can be acoustic illusions for bats Bats fail to detect smooth, vertical surfaces when they are in a rush Sometimes bats perceive a smooth, vertical surface as an open pathway. A dangerous error in times of buildings with glass facades, shown by injured or dead bats next to birds found underneath. The smooth surface reflects the echolocation calls away from the bat until shortly before collision and therefore acts like an acoustic mirror. Researchers of the Max Planck Institute for Ornithology in Seewiesen studied echolocation and flight behaviour of three bat species experimentally and in the wild. They observed them trying to fly through a smooth, vertical plate. However, bats seemingly also manage to avoid these collisions. Here, the number of echolocation calls and the time the animals spent in front of the surface influenced the probability of collision. Bats mostly rely on their echolocation calls for foraging, orientation and navigation. In our modern world, however, they encounter many sensory traps that lead to dangerous errors in interpreting their environment. In a former study, the researchers Stefan Greif and Björn Siemers of the Max Planck Institute for Ornithology in Seewiesen showed, that smooth, horizontal surfaces are perceived as water by bats. The smooth surface is easy to recognize by echolocation calls as it acts like a mirror, reflecting calls away from the bat except for a strong perpendicular echo from below. In a natural landscape, lakes and rivers are the only spatially extended, smooth surfaces a bat might encounter. This information for water seems to be so hardwired that bats in the study did not give up trying to drink from a metal plate the researchers presented, despite of several unsuccessful trials. Now, in a new study, Stefan Greif and Sándor Zsebők, together with other colleagues of the institute have shown, that smooth surfaces placed in a vertical position can be perceived as open flyways and not as obstacles when bats approach them. To this end, the researchers studied greater mouse-eared bats (Myotis myotis) in a flight room. They put a smooth, 1,2x2m metal plate against the wall and, with infrared-cameras and microphones in the dark, observed that 19 out of the 21 studied bats collided at least once with the plate within the first 15 minutes they spent in the room. None of the animals tried to drink from it. When the researchers placed the plate on the ground, however, they did not observe any collision but 13 animals tried to drink from the surface. Collision in the flight room In order to understand the sensory basis of the collisions with the vertical metal plate, the researchers analyzed the flight and echolocation behaviour of the bat in close proximity to it. They categorized the approach events into three situations: “near collision”, where bats approached closely but did not touch it, “collision with maneuver”, where bats collided despite clear evasive maneuvers at the last moment and “collision without maneuver”, where bats collided without any noticeable evasive action. In only one third of the observed approaches the bats managed to avoid the collision with the plate. Initially, when flying towards the plate, all calls are reflected away from the bat at the smooth surface, giving bats the impression of a hole in the wall due to the lack of echoes. But once they get into the closer vicinity next to the plate, a strong, perpendicular echo appears and reflects back to the bat. Bats can use this echo to perceive that there actually is an obstacle and not an open flight path in front of them. In fact, the bats that collided produced fewer calls and spent less time in front of the metal plate compared to the approaches where they managed to avoid the collision. So when bats had enough time and information to process the situation, they were able to recognize the perpendicular echoes and reveal the open flyway as an acoustic illusion Similar results for other bat species The researchers then conducted experiments in the field with three bat species and also observed several collisions with the panel. “If there are no echoes coming back to the bat except strong, perpendicular echoes from underneath, it is a clear sign of water for the bat”, summarizes Stefan Greif, first author of the two studies. “The exact same echoes coming from the side, however, signal an obstacle for the bat in the flyway that so far was perceived as open.” The animals in this study could not fly fast in the flight room and therefore did not get injured. However, besides millions of birds, dead and injured bats can also be found underneath glass fronts. The researchers suggest a systematic recording of such cases in order to better understand the actual impact on the animals and take measures on buildings with large glass facades at crucial sites such as “migratory highways,” key foraging habitats, or bat colonies.
Bloodhounds are famous for their incredible sense of smell, which is unrivaled by any other breed. A bloodhound's droopy jowls, long ears and sagging skin give it a distinctive, easily recognizable appearance. Originating in Europe centuries ago, Bloodhounds excel at police work and tracking, and also make loveable, family-friendly pets. Due to their size, these dogs thrive in larger living spaces. The Bloodhound is an extremely gentle, kind and loving breed, so if you're looking for a guard dog, look elsewhere! While dogs that hunt by scent have dated as far back as the first century AD, the first known reference to the Bloodhound was in a 1350 poem by Sir Humphrey de Bohun called "William of Palerne."
Lifesaving 6: Saving mothers and children from malnutrition MANILA, Philippines – How can you fight something not easily detected? Chronic malnutrition, which hinders children from achieving their maximum genetic potential, is not immediately visible. Its effects are manifest in the long run via failed growth or stunting, which is shortness for one's age. Stunting starts even before birth and is often caused by poor feeding practices and poor maternal health, among others. One in every 4 children under 5 years old is stunted globally. 80% of these student children live in just 14 countries, mostly in Asia. In the Philippines, the latest National Nutrition Survey (NNS) of the Food and Nutrition Research Institute (FNRI) found out that 7.9% of all Filipino children under 5 years old are stunted. The lifelong impact of chronic malnutrition definitely affects millions worldwide. Unfortunately, it isn't seen in most countries as a public health crisis. (READ: Why you should care about stunting) No matter how severe the effects of chronic malnutrition are, it is still preventable. One of the ways the irreversible effects can be prevented from even happening is ensuring that they get the right nutrition. The World Health Organization (WHO) said that nutrition interventions can be done during the first 1,000 days of a child. (READ: Malnutrition, Peter Pan, and never growing up) But for international humanitarian organization Save the Children, there are 6 key factors in ensuring the best health for mothers and children alike: According to experts, breast milk is the "cheapest medicine" a child can get as it provides key micronutrients needed to ensure successful cognitive and physical growth in a child. Exclusive breastfeeding is highly encouraged during the first 6 months of a child so the risk of malnutrition is lessened. 2. Complementary feeding It is considered the best way to battle chronic malnutrition but it should be timely and appropriate based on the needs of a child. Complementary feeding can also serve as provider for essential nutrients once breastfeeding is done. Zink helps children recover from diseases such as diarrhea and helps prevent a recurrence. To date, diarrhea kills about 1.3 million children annually, making it a public health issue. Maternal mortality is increasing each year. Through effective consumption of iron folate, the risks of a mother dying during childbirth is lessened. It can also help in enhancing the cognitive development of a child. Iron can be sourced from dried beans, peas, grains, and meat. 5. Good hygiene By maintaining good hygiene through proper handwashing and access to safe water, the transfer of viruses to a child can be prevented. Viruses in unsanitary sources can cause diarrhea and other gastro-related diseases. (READ: Preventing food contamination: 5 ways to ensure food safety) 6. Vitamin A An appropriate amount of Vitamin A can do good things to a child's health. It can prevent him from catching common diseases by strenghtening his immune system, while also preventing blindness. Unfortunately, almost 190 million children do not get enough Vitamin A globally. The effects can however be prevented if children and mothers consume enough carrots, potato, and green leafy vegetables. Cheaper than treatment If the "Lifesaving Six" concept is properly followed, more than two million mothers and children can be saved from malnutrition-related diseases and death. According to Save the Children, it will only cost $20 (P885)* for each Lifesaving Six to be provided for the first 1,000 days of a child. It is significantly lesser than the estimated millions of dollars spent and lost due to malnutrition globally. Prevension is definitely better than cure in more ways than one, especially when it comes to the welfare of children. – Rappler.com Do you know any other nutrition interventions especially for children? Tell us in the comments or tweet using #HungerProject! *$1 = P44
Green infrastructure innovations help us to re-imagine water management in communities, moving from sanitary to sustainable systems. The 'reveal' of water provides the spaces for people to re-engage with nature, the source of many benefits. Dr. Kathleen Wolf, of the University of Washington in Seattle, will share an overview of the research about nearby nature experiences and human health, focusing on mental health and function. Learn how green spaces just outside our doors encourages creativity, stress reduction, and productivity. This event is made possible by the City of Toledo Urban Forestry Commission and the Ohio Department of Natural Resources Division of Forestry.
Canada's relationship with inuit: a history of policy and in indian and northern the north for their vital role in creating canadian identity,. The flowering of bhakti literature as a pan-indian consciousness took place in was also responsible for the decline of indian identity crisis, the. Who are the arabs assert an arab identity or consciousness from the 1970s onwards, the decline of arab nationalism. 25 indian states ban plastic bags impersonation, identity theft most common a pan-india network of grassroots reporters. Welcome to project muse use the simple search box at the top of the page or the advanced search linked from the top of the page to find book and journal content. Before world war ii it was stated fairly, “the sun never set on the british empire” for decades, this was true: the british colonial empire touched all corners of the globe. Wbtdc reserves the right to decline / accept or (voter identity card / passport / pan card/ driving license (only for online payments made by indian. Citizenship and suffrage: the native american struggle bal identity with their individualized rights and one pan-indian organization that has managed. Consciousness of muslim identity in the decline of mughal political support of pan-islamism and the khilafat by the indian muslims was the. Instead of adopting a panethnic black identity, west indian this signals a decline in tribal lines that a pan-indian movement and identity. With the advent of the british in india, the court arts underwent a decline pan-indian music. Historical development which created the next great pan-indian empire in the 4th buddhism retained its identity as buddhism and generated new forms of. Indian indentured labour in natal come to assert his identity as a khoisan leader, khoisan identity in a wider sense has the pan south african language board. The impact of colonization on the role of the nontraditional native american woman understanding this primary difference between american indian pan -native.Introduction to bannock awareness food is an expression of culture all cultures share the love of food, whether it is a collection of the family’s favourite recipes, their memorable meals, or the rituals around collecting and preparing food. Activecomp - certified toolbar. A permanent account number or pan card is an of documents to apply for a pan card these are an identity type select new pan - indian. The debates over japan's identity soon died down the shogunate, however, had seen a considerable decline in its military strength,. Definition of oriental in english: oriental (also oriental not a sauté pan, pesticides and changes in rice-farming practices led to a dramatic decline. Gender or decline to define themselves as gendered altogether for example, people component of identity that includes a person’s sexual and. Aadhaar bank account linking update: it is now compulsory for customers to link the national biometric id aadhaar to bank accounts. Pan -germanism (german: regime which imposed a distinct austrian national identity and in accordance said that world war ii brought about the decline of pan. Narendra modi and the new face of india to have achieved a high degree of pan-indian retailers of caste and religious identity as. Richard pan sanctuary cities secession second amendment self defense tyranny how to get your site included in fetchnews results get indexed by goodgophercom. Reconciling linguistic diversity: to the national identity in the way of having a pan-indian language which could be used for governing. Native americans in the united states are the indigenous peoples in north america within the boundaries of the present-day continental united states, parts of alaska, and the island state of hawaii. Taken place in the indian economy and oil sector during 2016-17, states led to 21% decline in kerosene consumption uniqueness and brand identity,. 2018. Term Papers.
In January, 2016, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) won a legal victory that warranted high-fives from energy consumers everywhere. The Supreme Court of the United States ruled that FERC does, indeed, have the authority to establish rules and grant Federal Regulatory Commission Incentives in order to reduce energy consumption during high demand periods. What Exactly is the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) and What do Thet DO? Much like Marvel’s Avengers, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is an independent government agency within the Department of Energy. Their goal (not-so-top-secret mission?) is to protect energy consumers, and the public, by ensuring energy companies (including natural gas, electricity, oil, and hydropower industries) act within the law. In Canada, FERC works with the Canadian government to oversee the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC), an international regulatory authority assuring the bulk power system in North America is reliable. While provincial governments have leading jurisdiction over the generation and transmission of electricity, they recognize and support NERC in its role as standards setter with regards to electric reliability. Some provinces have even made NERC standards mandatory. With the ties between FERC, NERC, and Canadian governing authorities so intertwined, it’s easy to see the impact FERC’s initiatives, rules, and regulations can have on all of North America’s power transmission and distribution. Introducing Federal Regulatory Commission Incentives into the market assists FERC in maintaining reliability and regulation, so when one of these incentives is taken all the way to the Supreme Court, the world (of energy, anyway) takes notice. WHAT ARE FEDERAL REGUALATORY COMMISSION INCENTIVES? Federal Regulatory Commission Incentives aim to promote energy conservation and save consumer’s money. They typically offer financial gain or savings to encourage or incite a certain action; for example, FERC gives energy companies financial benefits if they build a natural gas or electric generation facility to keep up with demand. Another incentive is Demand Response (Order 745) which affects wholesale sales of electricity and oil. Demand Response means a customer can respond to triggers like reliability (blackouts) or price (supply and demand increasing costs) by changing their usage patterns. More plainly, when a customer reduces their electricity usage during high demand periods (when a high number of people are consuming energy for things like laundry or running air conditioners), FERC will pay them. FERC’s order 719 allowed this unused, or canceled electricity demand, called negawatts, to be sold the same way megawatts are sold, and for the same price too. It all sounds very Tony Stark, doesn’t it? The Demand Response incentive is a win-win for consumers. Voluntarily reducing energy consumption during peak times gives the wholesale consumer (typically industrial consumers, factories, local utilities …) the power to push the market price of electricity down by bidding their unused energy consumption on the wholesale market. This creates a more competitive market, increases grid reliability, and reduces the amount of pollution contributing to climate change by cutting the overall demand for electricity and avoiding the need to utilize the least efficient, most polluting power plants (peaker plants), which operate during peak periods. As wholesale customers save, they are able to provide cheaper retail rates for their customers. Power producers, led by the Electric Power Supply Association (EPSA), weren’t thrilled with the added competition from aggregators (negawatt distributors) and challenged FERC’s authority to grant incentives. In May 2014, the Court of Appeals maintained the original decision that Order 745 infringes on the States’ exclusive jurisdiction over retail rate regulation since the wholesale affects trickle down into the retail markets. THE FUTURE OF FEDERAL REGULATORY COMMISSION INCENTIVES The Supreme Court’s ruling in favour of FERC’s authority to offer FederalEnergy Regulatory Commission Incentives has softened the lines between wholesale and retail, promising more incentives for exciting innovations and business models that will undoubtedly benefit both the environment and consumer’s pocket books About The Author Serial Entrepreneur, Technologist and Inventor my objective is to develop useful products that have a net positive effect in the lives of those that use them and the environment that we live in. CEO of Mission LED Lighting Company Ltd. - 2017.12.27UncategorizedSaving the World and Saving Money: Green Home Improvements Every Homeowner Should Make - 2017.01.17Be green & save5 Simple Green New Year Resolutions For 2017 - 2016.11.09LED factsReplacing a 400 HID Lamp for an LED - 2016.09.26Be green & saveVintage LED Bulbs Make What’s Old New Again
A multitude of things depend upon the position of the larynx during singing: the steadiness of the tone, whether or not the voice is free of tension, the ease and facility with which it moves, the quality of the resonance, the colour – bright or dark, and ultimately and perhaps surprisingly, power. Evenness of tone has, for three hundred years or more, been one of the most basic of vocal criteria, and it cannot be achieved unless the larynx is held steady. How can this be done in such a way as to bring out all the benefits already mentioned? By activating the suspensory muscles of the larynx to hold it firm without stiffness. When the act of singing begins in a voice of quality, the larynx naturally descends a little. The good singer’s skill is to keep it there without unnecessary tension in the structure, keeping the throat free. All phonated breath is compressed, the compression of which increases as the pitch rises: low notes low compression – high notes more compression. The Italian idea of appoggio of the breath against the front wall of the chest insures that a concentrated force of breath is not pressed upward at the larynx. Nevertheless, there must be some upthrust of breath at the larynx, which if unopposed, will blow it upwards. This upthrust must be met by an equalising downforce, resulting in there being only sufficient upward energy to set the chords vibrating. Thus, there are two forces working in opposite directions. A bi-product of this action is a drawing in of the throat above the vocal chords at the point where the false vocal chords are sited, thus creating two interconnected resonators. The smaller, directly above the vocal chords (laryngo-pharynx), resonates very high frequencies (2500-4200 cps) which give a voice ‘ring’; the larger (oro-pharynx), resonates the vowel shapes, which are fine-tuned by movements of the mouth and tongue. The mouth itself is not a resonator; it is an adjuster. Successful phonation depends on the ‘tuning’ together of the two resonators, both of which alter their configuration in line with the vowel shape. This system explains how the voice – a wind instrument – can resonate sounds over two and a half to three octaves, and yet is never more than six to eight inches long even in the largest male. And yet the system cannot exist if the larynx is not drawn slightly downward and kept stable. If the larynx is too high, range, vowel quality, dynamic variation and power will suffer. Furthermore, the two resonators are not formed properly and the vocal cords are only partially protected from the power of the breath stream. As a result the full potential strength of the voice cannot be achieved, and if power is used and no compensatory action taken, then the voice sounds shouty and raucous. Agility will also be impaired throughout the voice. It will not be capable of both dark and warm sounds, and high notes will be a problem. © 2003, Neil Howlett
About Slovenian: The Slovenian language is the official language of Slovenia. The Slovenian is also known as "Slovene". The Slovenian has played a vital role to be considered as foundations of national identity in its history. Slovenian shows the special identity by its special features. Nearly 2 million people in the Republic of Slovenia have this as mother tongue. It is also found in United States, Italy, Austria, Hungary and Croatia.
C++ language was produced at bell laboratories and is alleged being an intermediate degree language mainly because it comprises the characteristics of both the very low stage as well as significant stage language. Stage two:- When we obtained your information, We'll notify you with through e mail about quotations of your presented assignment. Requesting you to definitely be sure to point out your spending plan. Also be certain our electronic mail email@example.com should not go into your spam folder. item, and that object is pointed to by a pointer-to-const, the safest and easiest matter to accomplish is include mutable to Whenever a user within your MyFredList class calls the subscript operator, the compiler selects which overload to phone primarily based — information which the compiler takes advantage of to circumvent issues and other programmers use as documentation. Australia "The solution of my assignment is too click site go... "The solution of my assignment is just too great and thanks for that team of Myassignmenthelp. function connect with can be to unravel the aliasing difficulty (i.e., to demonstrate there are no non-const ideas that time bits in the thing’s Bodily condition which have no corresponding features in the thing’s sensible state. As an example, for those who wanted to create a perform f() that accepted a std::string, additionally you wish to promise callers Conceptually it is possible to visualize that const std::string, such as, is another class than normal std::string, const member perform invocation are statically bound, and when every one of informative post these invocations can also be inlined, and You could find several branches on programming and i am certain there will be anyone to reply your queries. If is a binary operator as well as the language has the compound assignment operator =, then the next are equivalent: As talked about elaborately in c++ programming homework help, this follows a base up method. Quite the opposite, the c programming language follows a top rated down strategy.
20 Feb Parts of the Mishkan It seems puzzling that the mention of the building of the inner mizbeach is not discussed when the other vessels of the Mishkan are mentioned in Parshas Terumah. The inner mizbeach, which was used for the k’tores, is discussed in Parshas Tetzaveh when the vestments of Aharon Hakohen are mentioned. The inner mizbeach seems to be out of place there. The Chavatzeles Hasharon brings another puzzling point to discuss. When each command is mentioned in Parshas Tetzaveh, it says that Aharon should do it following the commandment. In contrast, when commands are mentioned in Parshas Terumah, it does mention that Aharon should do it. Why is this so? We could explain the difference by understanding the purposes of the Mishkan. The first reason for the building of the Mishkan was to build a house for Hashem so the Shechina could rest in it. The second reason is that we have a place where we could serve Hashem by bringing various sacrifices and do the Avoda. It would seem that in Parshas Teruma we concentrate on making a dwelling for Hashem and “furnishing it,” hence we see the klei Hamishkan enumerated in Parshas Teruma. In Parshas Tetzaveh we concentrate on the Avoda and the ability to bring sacrifices in the Mishkan. The Parsha therefore concentrates on the vestments of Aharon Hakohen, who was the high priest to serve Hashem in the Mishkan. This would explain why we don’t mention Aharon in Parshas Terumah; since it is a house built for Hashem with the furniture that belongs to Hashem. Parshas Tetzaveh, on the other hand, deals with the Avoda part of the Mishkon. It is therefore appropriate that when every command is mentioned, Aharon Hakohen is also mentioned. The posuk mentions the keilim again in Parshas Tetzaveh to tell us that Aharon was the one responsible to do the Avoda. Based on the above premise we can say that the mizbeach hapnimi was not part of the furniture of the Mishkon; it was just a way to be able to bring the k’tores. A proof of this is that Shlomo Hamelech built ten shulchanos and ten Menoros in the Bais Hamikdosh, but he did not build ten Mizbechos. Shlomo Hamelech, based on the word of Hashem, was able to enhance the hashra’as haShechina by enhancing the furniture and adding more. In contrast, because the Mizbeach was not part of the furniture, Shlomo Hamelech could not add any. To further understand the difference between the inner mizbeach and other klei hamishkan we can look at the explanation of Meshech Chochma who explains why the command of the inner Mizbeach is not written with the rest of the klei hamishkan. The Meshech Chochma explains that all the other vessels were integral as far as the Avoda is concerned. If there was no Aron, then there would be no luchos. If there was no outside mizbeach, there would be no korban tamid. If there was no Menorah, there would be no lighting of the candles. However, even if there was no mizbeach hapnimi, we would still be required to bring the k’tores since it could be brought even without a mizbeach. This proves that the mizbeach hapnimi was not part of the furniture, it was there to enhance the avoda, This explains why it is not written in Parshas Teruma with the furniture of the Mishkon, but rather in Parshas Tetzaveh with the part of the avoda that was needed for the mishkon. May we be zoche for the Bais Hamikdosh Hashlishi that will be both a place for hashra’as hashechina and avodas hakorbanos. Do you have a topic or discussion you want to read about? Please send comments or questions to email@example.com or firstname.lastname@example.org
Chronic Copper Poisoning in Sheep How does chronic copper poisoning (CCP) occur? Sheep are the domestic animal most prone to CCP. They absorb copper from the diet in proportion to the amount of copper offered, not to the bodys need as with the absorption of other minerals. Any excess absorbed copper is stored in the cells of the liver, eventually reaching toxic levels. Levels in the liver above 500 ppm dry weight are usually considered toxic. This storage in the liver can take months or even years to reach a toxic level. The elimination of copper from the body through the kidneys is slow. Even then, it needs a stress to release the copper. This stress can be weather, poor nutrition, transportation or handling. The liver cells rupture, releasing copper into the blood stream. There are suggestions that excess liver copper can cause death and rupture of liver cells. Once the copper is in the blood stream in sufficient concentration, it causes haemolysis, a breakdown of the red blood cells (RBC). Up to 60% of the RBCs circulating in the blood can be damaged. Their haemoglobin is released into the blood serum to be converted to methaemoglobin, a form of haemoglobin that cannot carry oxygen to the tissues. A sheep at this point is anemic, with very pale mucous membranes and lethargic. The visible membranes rapidly yellow as jaundice (icterus) sets in throughout the body. At post mortem all the tissues of a CCP sheep are pale to dark yellow. The kidneys are very dark, and the urine a bloody colour. If the haemolysis is massive, sheep can die without showing any sign of jaundice. Once the diagnosis is confirmed, the question is "how did it happen?" Often by mistake, extra copper was added to the feed at mixing; orphan lambs were fed calf creep feed which contains copper. Then there are the less obvious sources. One recent case in Ontario was through the sharing of a custom mineral mix on two operations. This mineral had been fortified with copper because of a diagnosis of swayback, copper deficiency, in newborn lambs on the original operation. A neighbor thought that such a mix would help his flock, and proceeded to order the same mix from the mill. Luckily, the sheep advisor spotted the extra copper on the mineral bag "tag", and had the mineral mix withdrawn before any symptoms appeared. As the stored liver copper has to be removed, the concentrate pellets now contain extra molybdenum to slow the uptake of copper from the gut, and allow the elimination of the bodys excess copper. The uptake of copper from the herbage is a complex interaction between the copper, molybdenum, sulphate, possibly other mineral and the herbage plants themselves. The normal level of copper in a plant is 10-20 ppm dry weight. If the molybdenum level is greater than 1 ppm, copper is not absorbed at toxic levels. High sulphate levels in the soil reduce the availability of molybdenum by tying it up as molybdenum sulphate. In a recent case where the diagnosis was CCP, the copper level in the herbage was 8 ppm but the molybdenum was only 0.5 ppm. Young growing plants tend to be lower in molybdenum than the mature. In one reported case, the source of the high herbage copper was traced to the spraying of pig manure to fertilize a sheep pasture. The pig slurry contained 85 ppm copper, from the normal dietary copper levels in pig feed. Both the soil and the herbage had high copper levels, which translated to the unexplained death of a number of ewes over the seven years when this slurry had been used. What should you do if you suspect CCP? First, get the diagnosis confirmed by your local veterinarian or diagnostic laboratory. Look for all the obvious sources of copper. Analyze the copper levels in all prepared feeds; ask yourself if a feeding mistake has been made, especially in a mixed cattle sheep operation. Have the copper and molybdenum levels checked in your pasture plants and hays. Try to avoid spreading pig manure on sheep pastures or hay. Usually, only a few animals die, but the survivors need immediate treatment. Getting molybdenum into them over an extended time will curtail the uptake of copper from the gut and allow the slow elimination of the bodys stored copper. Your veterinarian will be able to advise you on the dose and the preferred route of treatment for your flock. The RBC count soon returns to normal as new cells are produced in the bone marrow. Finding the source of copper in a CCP case can often be a very frustrating and protracted investigation. Getting an accurate diagnosis, and starting treatment are the first essentials. Once the sheep are receiving extra molybdenum they are protected against excess copper absorption, then you can search for the source. For more information: Toll Free: 1-877-424-1300
Faller Elementary held an event on Tuesday evening called Family Code Night where elementary students and their families could come to take part in a program where they're introduced to the basics of computer coding. Faller principal Melissa Christman said that this was the first of many such programs at Sierra Sands Unified School District schools. The schedule of future SSUSD Family Code Nights include grades 6-8 at James Monroe at 6 p.m. on Feb. 22, grades 6-8 at Murray at 6 p.m. on March 5, grades 4-5 at Gateway at 6:30 p.m. on March 13, grades 4-8 at Inyokern at 6 p.m. on March 14, grades 4-5 at Pierce at 6:30 p.m. on April 5, grades 4-5 as Las Flores at 6:30 p.m. on April 10, and grades 4-5 at Richmond at 6:30 p.m. on April 12. Each event lasts about an hour. Christman said while various Family Code Nights are held at different schools, the event is open to students and their families from any of the schools. The events are free of charge and the schools themselves provide Chromebook laptops for each family to use. Simply the thought of learning to code might be enough to trigger technophobia in people, conjuring mental images of thousands of lines of code flying across the screen at you like in the movie the Matrix. However, Faller made it fun. Family Code Night is a nationally recognized organization that uses an online coding introduction program which resembles game more than it does a lesson. Rather than sifting through coding language and operations, families were immediately introduced to the familiar characters of Angry Birds and Plants vs. Zombies displayed on a brightly colored map. The goal was simple: drag instructions such as "turn left" and "move forward" onto the command list, then run the program. If the command list got the character to the goal, the code worked. If not, families need to go back and troubleshoot. Families moved on to the next stage after completing the first, and each progressive stage introduced a new command element and got increased slightly in difficulty. The idea is that each of those simple commands represents a real line of code, and the program even allowed students to see that real code any time by pushing a "show code" button which would pop up a box displaying the actual coding language behind the simple instructions they were dragging into the command list. Looking around the multi-purpose room during Family Code Night, the faces of families, lit by soft screen glow, showed crinkled noses and narrowed eyes. Their faces showed concentration, but not the tired and forced concentration one might see on the face of a student memorizing facts and figures. Rather, it was the sort of concentration one might see on a person trying to solve that first box in a Sudoku puzzle. They were learning by doing. The stern concentration was only broken by brief cheers as parent and child high-fived after finally figuring out how to complete a puzzle. That was essentially the activity throughout the hour long event. The only instruction that happened was when a family raised their hands, at which point a member of Faller's student council or one of the educators there would come help the family understand the puzzle. Other than that, families were free to go through the program on their own Chromebook at their own pace. It was engaging. The coding learned was basic, but that's the goal of an event like Family Code Night. The goal isn't for families to be able to go home and create Facebook 2. Rather it's for students and their parents to have a basic introduction to coding so they can develop a basic understand of its concepts and potentially realize a subject they have a passion for. Faller third grade teacher Blake Onishi led the event at Faller. While coding may have been a niche skill in previous generations, Onishi said that coding will become an increasingly important skill in the world of tomorrow. "More and more computers are how we work and play. Computers are in everything. They're in self-driving cars, classrooms, appliances, phones. They're being used all the time, in fact in my classroom we use computers every day," he said. He added that many of the movers and shakers of this generation will be people who can work in technology because they know how to code. It doesn't need to be a daunting task. He said that every child and every adult can learn to code. He said that coding is essentially creating a list of instructions to tell the computer what to do. In this sense, he said that coding is very much a language. It has a vocabulary of various commands and a grammar of how those commands fit together to make cohesive pieces of information which the computer must then be able to understand. And like learning a language, Onishi said that it's better to start learning at a young age. "It is its own language," Onishi said. "You are talking to the computer. You're telling it what to do and how to operate. You're giving it instructions." He also commented on how Family Code Night made learning feel like it's not learning. He said that it does provide a good introduction to coding, but it does it under an engaging surface with fun characters and a puzzle-like activity. "It's like the same thing in a classroom. I can give a lesson, but if I don't make it engaging for the kids then it's not going to get through," he said. "It's kind of learning incognito. That's one of the oldest teacher tricks in the book. You're learning and you don't even know it." Christman, Faller's principal, said that she first learned about Family Code Night while at an Association of California School Administrators conference. One of the speakers was the creator of the Family Code Night program. She said that he explained that he wanted to see more coding in schools, so he put this program together and it took off across the country. Local schools both in SSUSD and in alternative schools have been exploring ways to teach programming, from building robots to making games. Christman thought the Family Code Night would be a good addition to the mission of educating students to be ready for the jobs of tomorrow. Those interested in refining their coding chops after Family Code Night, or perhaps looking to get an early preview of the activity, can check it out at www.FamilyCodeNight.org/Start.
Use “My” and “I” for Good Keyboarding Techniques Make sure your name is on your work. Read the directions carefully before you get started. Keep your eyes on your own paper. You’ve said it once, you’ve said it twice. You’re starting to sound like a broken record, and still, students continue to forget the basics. This is often worse for typing teachers. Students at the keyboard often need constant reminders about finger placement, proper form, and posture. Tired of nagging? How about providing students with a visual reminder of proper typing form to do the reminding for you? This week we bring you a clever idea for a visual reminder you can display in your classroom that keeps students sitting straight with their eyes on the screen. Introduce it at the beginning of class and let the visual do the reminding for you!
In this BabyTalks video, learn about the importance of language and literacy development for infants. Listen as the presenter shares information about topics such as key stages in language development and how social interactions support language growth. Discover strategies for using everyday interactions to support language development. The content is useful for staff who work with infants and those who provide staff development. Babbling Babies: Early Language Development Additional Resources for Babbling Babies: Early Language Development Keywords:Dual language learners Resource Type: Video National Centers: Early Childhood Development, Teaching and Learning Age Group: Infants and Toddlers Last Updated: April 17, 2018
Be vigilant and prevent child abuseholycrosss There are so many ways people can help prevent child abuse. Everyone just needs to know what to look for, what their options are in terms of helping out and they need to get involved wherever possible. Throughout April, which is Child Abuse Prevention month, organizations around the country are raising awareness about the ongoing and chronic problem of child abuse. Once people understand the scope of the problem and learn how to detect child abuse, then they can intervene. It’s also important to know how to intervene and recognize the supports and resources that are available when you do. Be aware of the signs When a child is being abused, there are signs. More obvious signs are the bruises, scratches and broken bones, but anything hidden can be more difficult to see. Children always suffer from the mental strain that stems from the abuse. You may see a change in their behavior. A child who was once happy and active may stop communicating and not making eye contact with adults. They may exhibit a fear of adults and develop speech issues such as stuttering. Of course, some behavioural changes may not be the result of abuse, so it’s important to be vigilant without making false accusations. One of the best ways to stand up against child abuse is by getting involved with groups and activities that raise awareness about the fight to end the abuse. There are groups in every city because the problem is prevalent everywhere. You can also donate to to charities that help abused children, particularly those who support foster care agencies. Many children in the foster care system have suffered from abuse, and they can use a role model in their lives to show them compassion and love. Become a foster parent Unfortunately, many children are placed into foster care because of their abusive environments. This abuse follows them around for the rest of their lives and can leave both physical and mental scars. Being put into foster care is a stressful experience for a child to go through, but can be made better by having a caring and compassionate foster parent. It’s a big decision, but it is one that can change a child’s life forever. Children need role models, something that you may be able to provide with the right home and the right support. Child abuse continues to plague communities across the country, which is why protecting our children should be our top priority.
proprietary(redirected from Propreitership) Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Medical, Financial, Encyclopedia. As a noun, a proprietor or owner; one who has the exclusive title to a thing; one who possesses or holds the title to a thing in his or her own right; one who possesses the dominion or ownership of a thing in his or her own right. As an adjective, belonging to ownership; owned by a particular person; belonging or pertaining to a proprietor; relating to a certain owner or proprietor. Proprietary refers to ownership or characteristics relating to ownership. It describes all the rights that the owner of property can exercise. Proprietary articles are items that are manufactured and marketed under an exclusive right. Municipal corporations have a proprietary function, a term describing the duty or capacity of a city to enter into business ventures or to perform discretionary acts in the best interests of the citizens. Proprietary functions differ from governmental functions, which are duties that a city performs as a political subdivision of a state. adj. referring to ownership. proprietaryadjective exclusive, holding property, landed, pertaining to ownership, pertaining to property, praedial, restrictive Associated concepts: proprietary function, proprietary interrst, proprietary lease, proprietary right PROPRIETARY. In its strict sense, this word signifies one who is master of his actions, and who has the free disposition of his property. During the colonial government of Pennsylvania, William Penn was called the 2. The domain which William Penn and his family had in the state, was, during the Revolutionary war, divested by the act of June 28, 1779, from that family and vested in the commonwealth for the sum which the latter paid to them of one hundred and thirty thousand pounds sterling.
Handling Conflict - Avoiding Defend/Attack A Defend/Attack occurs when discussions become emotionally heated, and value-loaded behaviours are used to attack or make an emotional defence. The result, whether one is defending or attacking, is the same - negative and destructive. The ego is that part of us that wants to be seen, heard, and valued and so we have a natural desire to be liked; loved; understood; listened to; involved; included; paid attention to, etc. This natural and mostly unconscious intention often drives us to clash with others as we strive to get our point across. Being understood and gaining positive attention is vital to our psychological well-being but all is eroded when we engage in Defend/Attack behaviour. When someone is ‘pushing your button’, it is natural to want to push back but when you do, it is often at the expense of a good relationship. “Try to understand my point of view!” Think back to the last time you were in some kind of disagreement or argument (a Defend/Attack spiral). Regardless of the words you were using, what you were really saying was, “Listen to me, just understand my point of view, the way I’m feeling, and then you’ll understand that my point is valid and we can carry on as normal.” And what was the other person saying at the same time? “Listen to me, just understand my point of view, the way I’m feeling, and then you’ll understand that my point is valid and we can carry on as normal”. Both are struggling to be understood but neither is listening to understand. Listening is the key principle to help avoid conflict and Defend/Attack situations. Both parties are eager to be heard, seen and valued and so it is important that you begin by being the first to understand and only then, to be understood. It doesn’t work the other way around. This is not easy when emotions are high and you want to make yourself understood. Most people listen from their own perspective, in other words from a point of, ‘How does this affect me?’ We need however to understand the other person's point of view and to listen from their perspective not ours. How is what they are saying affecting them? How are they feeling about what they are saying? This is what is meant by ‘Listening to Understand’. What is your intention in this kind of interaction? Are you attempting to find a solution or are you trying to lay blame or prove who is right or wrong? This energy of blame always makes a bad situation worse. Being right or defending a position takes a lot of energy and often causes conflict and disconnection. Defending oneself or attacking someone else is missing the point. It focuses on the person rather than on the issue. A Defend/Attack is always personal and typically provokes a retaliating attack or defence in response. For example, “You never listen to what I am saying.” Or, “Hey! I was just trying to help.” A Defend/Attack is a ‘push style’ responding to a ‘push style’ and the result is that neither party wins. For example, “You were the one who said he would be there!” “Yes, but you were the one who forgot to tell me the meeting was in your office!” A Defend/Attack is always destructive in some way and usually spirals and causes major friction in relationships Imagine the following scenario - a husband arrives home and says… Hi honey, I’m home (or words to that effect) - Simple statement. Hi sweetheart, did you get the milk? - Simple question. Did I get the milk?! Give me a break, I’ve been on the road for two hours after working non-stop for ten hours and all you want to know is….. - Defend/Attack (Try and understand how I am feeling!). (Interrupting….) Hey! I just asked if you brought the milk - Defending - which has the same impact as attacking - another way of saying “Don’t give me a hard time”. Just asked! You’re nagging as always - Defend/Attack. Nagging? As if you never nag, you’re always nagging me about your shirts - Defend/Attack. Well why don’t you just iron them instead of waiting for me to remind you? - Defend/Attack. What! Do you think I’ve got nothing to do but be your slave? What do you ever do for me? - Defend/Attack. Oh, so who helped your mum with her garden on Saturday? - Defend/Attack. About bloody time too! The first time in eleven years - Defend/Attack. Yes but I did it didn’t I? You just can’t ever give me credit when I do a good job, you’re always………. - and on and on and on…………………. There are numerous Defend/Attacks in the above exchange - a spiral. But even just one can be destructive. Here are the main characteristics of this type of interaction: It’s Always Personal A Defend/Attack is always personal. The intention is to blame, ridicule, deflate, or belittle the other person even if done defensively. It is not a behaviour that will build, maintain, or nurture a relationship. And after all that heated discussion, where’s the milk? Did you notice that neither of the people above focused on the issue at hand, the milk. So where did all the frustration come from? Possibly by them not having expressed issues appropriately at the time. The quicker an issue or behaviour is addressed, the easier it is to have the conversation. It is Always Destructive Who wins this type of argument? You might think you do, for example, “No-one talks to me like that!” (Yes they do but you don’t know how to handle it). Or, “Ha, I really told her!” (Yes, but now she’s leaving you!). Regardless of the situation, a Defend/Attack is always destructive and often spirals out of control. Even in humour or what we often refer to as banter or ‘Taking the Mickey’, a Defend /Attack can hurt on some level (remember the phrase ‘Many a true word said in jest?’). Push - Push A Defend/Attack is a push style responding to a push style which is one of the causes of conflict. “Yes but” is a typical example of this type of response. You can’t have a Defend/Attack spiral if one of the parties is using a ‘Pull’ style. See some of the ‘Pull’ alternatives below. Let it go! If it’s not important, let it go! And sometimes even when it is important, apologising doesn’t mean that you were wrong or the other person was right. It just means that you value your relationship more than your ego. Most people argue, confront, and fight over practically anything, turning their lives into a series of battles over relatively insignificant issues. It makes more sense to choose your confrontations wisely and sometimes let others have the satisfaction of being right. Listen to understand You can stop the spiral of stubbornness by being the first person to reach out and listen. It’s not a competition. Push your emotions aside and listen from their perspective not yours. Consider how they are feeling and how what they are saying is affecting them. Test your understanding Ask questions to make sure you understand what the other person is saying before even attempting a response. Respond with empathy They want to be understood as much as you do and they aren’t ready to understand your point of view until they feel understood. Responding with empathy shows that you are trying to understand. You can’t however respond with empathy unless you have been listening with empathy. In other words, you need to first listen and try to understand how they are feeling before you can respond appropriately. Simply consider how you think they are feeling and check it out. For example, “You seem to be quite worried about how long it is taking?” When responding with empathy, remember to relate back both the FEELING and the CONTENT. For example, “You seem to be annoyed (feeling) that I didn’t get there on time (content)?” But don’t be sarcastic. That would be just another form of Defend/Attack. Wait three seconds We often react to criticism emotionally and impulsively by saying the first thing that comes to mind. Waiting a few seconds after the person finishes talking will give you time to consider your reaction. It will also: - Allow them to finish speaking. - Give you time to try and understand what is being said. - Give you time to consider what you really want from the transaction. - Prevent you from reacting impulsively and emotionally. - Help you cope with difficult situations especially when you need time to think of an appropriate and constructive response. - Show the speaker that you are listening. Remember however that silence too intense will be uncomfortable and achieve the opposite effect. Focus on the issue not the person Keep your focus on the topic at hand. Ask questions about the issue and seek or propose a solution. Use a Feelings Commentary - “I’m feeling a bit concerned that this seems like an argument. I certainly don’t want to argue with you, how can I help fix this?” A Feelings Commentary is an extremely effective way of building trust, strengthening relationships and communicating openly and assertively. It is also known as ‘responsibility language’. Instead of attacking someone by saying something like, “You make me angry,” take ownership of the communication by saying how you are feeling, for example, “I feel quite disappointed that you forgot to bring the tickets after I reminded you about them.” A Feelings Commentary shows your openness and willingness to talk constructively about an issue, which usually encourages openness and trust from the other person. For example, “I’m feeling quite uncomfortable about what happened at our last meeting.” Or, “I’m a bit worried about how to proceed from this point, and I would welcome any suggestions you might have.” Everyone has an inherent need to feel heard, seen, and valued. Avoid getting hooked into any Defend/Attack situation. Enhance or at least maintain the self-esteem of others at all times and you can be assured of much improved relationships. Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around. Leo Buscaglia
"Ad hoc", a Latinic phrase. There is no specific word or phrase for us Japanese, so we use that as it is. Then what does it mean? For example, we use them like "ad hoc Network" or "ad hoc working area" and it stands for "not permanent" and/or "temporary measure." In the category of Workflow (Business Process), there're expressions like "ad hoc Task" or "ad hoc workflow." To say in plain words, they are series of tasks that not fixed who or how to proceed. "Circulation of document" and "Multiple approval" cases are introduced as example. How they should be treated, with [Workflow system]? or with [Group ware]? are discussed. Theme of eighth installment in the BPMN lecture series is "Designing ad hoc Tasks". BPMN Sample: Ad Hoc Loop - Content (string) - Report on A (string: text box 3 lines) - Report on B (string: text box 3 lines) - Report on C (string: text box 3 lines) - Completion (select: Yes/ No) - Correspondence (discussion) It may sounds nonsense "to build workflow that not built", but as one of the way to understand, we recommend you to think that build those part not fixed as a large Task, and loop it over and over. (Strictly to say, we should not call it a [Task], better to call [Sub-process] or [activity].) But in this case, it's difficult to understand if those ad hoc Tasks have ended. So it's good to break each tasks as [concurrent processing]. By the way, "Team Swimlane" available at Questetra is not defined by BPMN.
CELEBRATE WALK OR BIKE TO SCHOOL DAY ON OCTOBER 7TH. Every October, thousands of schools across America drum up some fun and excitement on Walk or Bike to School Day. It’s a rockin’ way for kids to get their 60 minutes of physical activity for the day. Plus, they can band together with friends along the way. Join the movement this year. Encourage your little walk stars to stroll or roll to school, and set the stage for a healthier, happier future. Put safety in the limelight with these tips: - Plan out a route, and stick to it. - Have kids buddy up with a friend. - Kids should always wear a helmet. - Kids should never get a ride from a stranger. - Designate a safe place to go if they need help. - Respect traffic lights, stop signs and other rules of the road. - Cross streets safely. - Wear bright-colored clothing to increase visibility. Stay in tune with more safety tips here. Kids aren’t the only ones who need a daily dose of physical activity. Adults should get 30 minutes of movement every day, and stringing along with your kids on Walk or Bike to School Day is an electrifying way to get it. Try these ideas, and make the day a show-stopping success: Start a walk n’ roll band. On the way to school, bring the whole family along. Make the day a community event by inviting friends and neighbors to participate, too. Go on tour around the community. If you live too far from school or don’t have access to safe routes, drive to a starting point and park. Then, get the show on the road and walk or bike from there. Perform at school. Host an event at your school, like a walk n’ roll parade. Have it during a school assembly so every student can feel what it’s like to be a walk n’ roll star. GET ROCKIN’ TODAY! To register for a Walk or Bike to School Day event, visit walkbiketoschool.org. For more ways kids can stay active before, during and after school, click here.
Taghmaconnell has an area of 76.2 km² / 18,827.4 acres / 29.4 square miles. Townlands are unique to Ireland where they are the smallest units of land used for administration. Apart from a very small number in Scotland there are no such units in Britain. The term “townland” in English is derived from the Old English word tun, denoting an enclosure. Originally townland might have represented the house and farm of the individual Gaelic landowner. The concept of townlands is based on the Gaelic system of land division, and the first official evidence of the existence of this Gaelic land division system can be found in church records from before the 12th century, it was in the 1600s that they began to be mapped and defined by the English administration for the purpose of confiscating land and apportioning it to English investors or planters. More information on townland’s can be found at https://www.townlands.ie/, it says that there are 42 townlands that in Taughmaconnell. The first large scale survey of Ireland was made by Lord Deputy Stafford in Connaught in 1636. This is shown as the background to this page. The present townlands were given their boundaries and names in the Ordnance Survey of 1837. These are shown below, and a full list is available at https://www.townlands.ie/roscommon/taghmaconnell2/
Plants that grow from bulbs are some of the first to emerge in Kentucky landscapes in the spring. The Bluegrass State, bordered by seven states in the southeastern portion of the country, features a subtropical climate, but experiences all four seasons. Weather in this mountainous region, which is mostly encompassed by USDA hardiness zone 6, can be extreme. But hardy bulbs proliferate and thrive here. Snowdrops are one of the hardiest and earliest flowering bulbs, often pushing through Kentucky snow drifts in late winter and early spring. Milky white flowers dangle downward on stems. Bulbs grow best in full sun and loose, well-drained soil, and plants are deer resistant. Tulips are native to Turkey and the Himalayan foothills, which experience frigid winters and dry summers, so their perennial capabilities can be hampered by wet Kentucky climates. But bulbs generally remain hardy and offer spring bursts of color on tall stems. They enjoy well-drained, airy soil. Several varieties exist in colors ranging from purple to creamy white. Cheery yellow daffodils that pop out of the ground in early spring help the winter doldrums pass. The bell-like blooms feature petals surrounding a middle cup. Cultivars, which number more than 25,000 according to the American Daffodil Society, can also come in creamy pink and white. Kentucky’s wet springs help bulbs grow. The bulbs and leaves contain poisonous crystals that deter predators. Bluebells are members of the lily family but reproduce by growing small bulbs on the sides of original bulbs. They are Spanish and Portugese natives but flourish in climates as far north as USDA zone 3. Gardeners like them because they can grow well in shade, have soft, bell-shaped light blue flowers, and grow up to 2 feet tall. They don’t grow well in waterlogged soil. Crocuses are early spring bloomers, usually appearing shortly after snowdrops. Flowers are light purple and white, and feature yellow centers. These eastern European and Russian natives are hardy from USDA zones 3 to 8 in the U.S. They only grow about 6 inches tall, and proliferate in spots that receive full sun and part shade. Flowers are cup-shaped and face upward as they bloom. Like snowdrops and crocuses, grape hyacinths are also some of the earliest bulb bloomers. Their grape-colored flowers form cones at the top of stems, but individually, they are shaped like bells. These Asian natives enjoy growing in moderate climates that are not too wet or dry, but aren’t particular about light. Aside from their vivid color, their scent is also sweet, making cut flowers good for bouquets and vases.
TOYAMA – A new species of clione sea slug has been found in Toyama Bay, a local university said Thursday. The discovery was made by a team of researchers led by Zhang Jing, a professor at the University of Toyama’s graduate school. Zhang has been studying the ecological system in Toyama Bay, one of the deepest in Japan. Researchers have confirmed that the species — the fifth of its kind — has not previously been seen. “It’s surprising to find a creature of the cold ocean (near the Arctic) in a place so far south,” Zhang said. Zhang’s team collected about 30 cliones last August and roughly 100 earlier this month in the bay’s waters at a depth of around 1,000 meters. “The new species’ habitat situation could be an important benchmark in researching rising sea temperatures,” said Zhang, who added that she plans to release a scientific name after publishing a thesis. Last year, a new clione species was discovered in the Sea of Okhotsk, the first such discovery in about 100 years. Cliones, which are also known as sea angels, mainly inhabit cold waters in the polar regions. The university said the new species, measuring about 5 millimeters, could be native to Toyama Bay at a depth of 300 meters or greater, where the water temperature is low.
The students at Purdy Elementary in Fort Atkinson have been piloting a Virtual Reality (VR) Program for students in the classroom. Lead by 4th grade teacher Christine Perkins, this program allows students to use the VR goggles to take expeditions of places they would never be able to visit. One of their first expeditions was a virtual tour of Ellis Island, while studying their unit on immigration. The kids were able to take a tour of the museum and, through the goggles, it appears that you are standing right there as part of a tour group. "VR expeditions in the classroom have absolutely enhanced the student learning and engagement!" - Mrs. Leigh Ann Scheuerell, Purdy Principal. "When you put on the goggles and enter an expedition, you feel as if you could reach out and touch what is in front of you. It allows students to completely immerse themselves in their learning and students can see what they are studying up close right in the classroom. From touring car factories, to exploring volcanoes close up, to researching the Jamestown colony and so much more, the expedition opportunities are endless!" "These types of experiences have made learning come alive for my visual learners." Christine Perkins noted, "These types of experiences have made learning come alive for my visual learners. We were able to find Google Expeditions that applied directly to our current curriculum. With these types of tools students are able to gain the experience of going places they may never have the opportunity in real life. We have greatly enjoyed using these tools in our classroom." Purdy Elementary was extremely fortunate to partner with Kory Knickrehm, V.P of Sales from mkCellular in Fort Atkinson. Mr. Knickrehm came on board to the idea of VR use in the classroom to see how it could enhance student learning. He was interested to know how the work done through mkCellular could have a positive impact on students in the community. "Kory has been an absolute gift to Purdy Elementary. He was just as passionate as we were about getting these devices in the classroom and came to join us in our first launch of expeditions." Through a generous donation from mkCellular, Kory and his team were able to provide 25 VR goggles, smartphones to launch the program and all the chargers and cords needed to keep them running; all totaling a retail cost of $6,500. "We are so fortunate to have so many of our local business leaders support the work we do with our community children. This was the most generous donation I have been privileged with in my time at Purdy Elementary! We can't thank Kory and mkCellular enough for making our dream a reality and providing this opportunity for our students." Inspiring stories and how-to advice to help you do amazing things on the go, every day.
Newswise — West Virginia University experts are available to talk about President Donald Trump’s declaration that the opioid epidemic is a public health emergency. WVU has developed a multi-pronged approach to attacking the opioid crisis, including establishing community partnerships, increasing education for current clinicians and future health professionals, expanding wellness and behavioral health programs and education and skills development programs for patients in treatment and recovery. The University has also undertaken research initiatives into the farther-reaching health effects of the opioid epidemic such as the spread of hepatitis B and C and HIV. “We have not seen an HIV outbreak yet. But it’s a ticking time bomb for us, especially in rural areas where the local health system’s ability to detect and mitigate an HIV outbreak may not be well developed.” Read more about Feinberg's research WVU researchers, health professionals, lead new effort to prevent HIV and hepatitis C outbreaks related to opioid epidemic Contact for Dr. Feinberg: Tara Scatterday, firstname.lastname@example.org; 304.293.0630 “It’s like pulling a weed. If you get rid of what’s above the ground, it’ll come back again. Then there’s the root. We have to respond to the patient’s medical needs while providing community building programs and job training." Dr. Marsh participated in an Association of American Medical Colleges event in Washington, D.C, where he spoke about this topic earlier this month. Contact for Dr. Marsh: Bill Case, email@example.com; 304.293.8045 "The opioids crisis affects thousands across the United States in every town city and rural area. Overdose deaths from prescription opioids have quadrupled since 1999. More than 183,000 people have died in the U.S. from overdoses related to prescription opioids since then. More than 15,000 died in 2015 alone, and the numbers are increasing. These numbers dwarf the American fatalities from all wars from Vietnam to the present. Real leadership, not business as usual politics is needed to resolve this catastrophic situation." Contact information: firstname.lastname@example.org; 304.293.6823 L. Christopher Plein Eberly Family Professor for Outstanding Public Service Department of Public Administration John D. Rockefeller IV School of Policy & Politics WVU Eberly College of Arts and Sciences “Moving forward, the real work will involve coordination and implementation of new policies, programs, and initiatives among local communities, states, and the federal government. Past and current efforts also need to be accounted for and assessed. The amount of resources that may be available is still unclear. Perhaps most importantly, so too are estimates of what will be required to pursue sustained efforts to address a crisis that has been a long time in the making. While first and foremost a public health matter where individual and family welfare is at stake, responding to this crisis requires strategies that can both help communities recover from the economic and social stress that has followed while building resiliency to prevent the reoccurrence or expansion of this epidemic.” Contact information: Chris.Plein@mail.wvu.edu; 304.293.7974 “Declaring the opioid crisis a public health emergency is a step in the right direction. The epidemic, including pain killers, heroin, and now the extra potent synthetic opioids, is ravaging communities in West Virginia and around the country. We need to focus on both preventing the creation of new addicts, as well as treating those already addicted. We need a variety of approaches including alternative, holistic pain treatments, prescription registries, and oversight of pharmaceutical companies, wholesalers, and pharmacies. We also need an increase in evidence-based treatment resources for addicts, emergency treatments, and create opportunities to reenter our communities as productive members.” “None of this is simple, cheap, or quick. What is needed is a long-term commitment by the federal government to dedicate adequate resources to battling the epidemic. We also need to preserve the crucial resources made available to West Virginians through the Affordable Care Act's insurance marketplaces and Medicaid expansion, which have allowed more than 20,000 West Virginians to enter treatment. Unfortunately, the declaration by the Trump Administration does little to augment resources while efforts to undo the Affordable Care Act remain unabated.” Contact information: Simon.Haeder@mail.wvu.edu West Virginia University experts can provide commentary, insights and opinions on various news topics. Search for an expert by name, title, area of expertise, or college/school/department in the Experts Database at WVU Today.
Hurricane Force Winds Cause Widespread Power Outages on Anniversary of Hurricane Sandy Five years ago, Hurricane Sandy roared up the East Coast with a circulation that reached all the way to Lake Michigan when it came ashore in New Jersey and left up to 12 million people without electrical power. A few days after Sandy, Mother Nature delivered a cruel follow-up punch with a Nor’easter that hampered utility crews and added more power outages to the region’s misery. Hundreds of thousands were still without power when the second storm hit and left snow and fallen trees, and in some cases collapsed roofs in its wake. In 2017 it was Hurricane Philippe that worried East Coast residents and businesses. After crossing Florida however, the system lost all tropical characteristics. About 5:00 PM on Sunday, October 29, the National Hurricane Center reported that Philippe had dissipated as it merged with another low-pressure system near the Carolina’s. It was Philippe’s remnants that helped the low-pressure system strengthen into the storm that gave the Northeast a host of unwelcome gifts including widespread power outages. With the storm came new anxiety for people that survived Hurricane Sandy and still struggle to cope with the devastation that caused so much loss of life and destruction of property. Though not truly a Nor’easter like the one in 2012, the weird storm was characterized as having strength comparable to a Category 1 Hurricane by Weather Underground Meteorologist Bob Hensen. An upper level trough carried an intense low-pressure system from New York up into Canada. On its heels was a high-pressure cold front that pushed the remnants of Philippe from just off the Carolina’s onto the New England coast. Winds gusted up to 133 MPH in New Hampshire and 92 MPH in Maine—sustained winds greater than 74 MPH are hurricane force winds. 133 MPH, if it were sustained wind, would be similar to a strong category 3 or a category 4 hurricane. Elsewhere in New York and Vermont the wind gusts reached 67 MPH and 63 MPH—comparable to the gusts of a moderately strong tropical storm. Power Outages affected more than 1.2 million utility customers with Maine taking the worst damage. Central Main Power warned residents that it would take a week to fully restore service to all customers. Four days after the storm, power outages still affected nearly 350,000 New England utility customers. Atlantic Hurricane Season Not Over The Atlantic Hurricane Season runs from June 1 through November 30. As the season marches on toward the end, many are already breathing a sigh of relief. However, even at the close of an active hurricane season there remains the threat of more tropical storms. The ocean is warm enough and with the right conditions, a good chance exists that another named storm will form. This late in the season, most storms form in the western Caribbean Sea. Most drift into Mexico or Central America, but some cross the Caribbean into the Gulf of Mexico or over the Straits of Florida. Once there, they can go almost anywhere from Texas to Florida or anywhere along the East Coast. Currently the atmosphere over the Atlantic is unsuitable for formation, but as we move closer to the middle of the month, chances increase again. Eighteen named storms have formed after November 1st since 1996. Hurricane Otto killed 23 in Central American in 2016. Nine storms during this period formed on or after November 20 including four in December. Tropical Storm Zeta formed on December 30, 2005, the most active Atlantic Hurricane Season on record with 28 named storms. 2017 is already on the books as an active season and looking past the next five days, forecasters believe another storm could form anytime in the next month. If you’ve already weathered a storm this year, don’t lose vigilance. And if you were among the lucky that storms only brushed by, stay prepared. - Restock emergency supplies of non-perishable food and drinking water. - Perform regular maintenance on standby generators and portable generators. - Rotate fuel supplies for Portable Generators. - Review disaster plans and evacuation routes. - Check the National Hurricane Center frequently for updates. - Install a backup generator for home if you don’t have one already. As we move forward into Fall and Winter, the possibility increases for different types of weather or combination weather such as this coastal storm strengthened by Tropical Storm Philippe.
Hi, I'm trying to learn stuff for my relativity module, and it goes on about spacetime and the 4-dimensional continuum and four-vectors and all that business. I am having trouble imagining whatever it is I am supposed to picture when people talk about this. Take this thing, i believe its called the "space time interval", ds = (ct,x,y,z) (is this called a Minkowski interval or something?). Obviously its easy to imagine what the x,y,z part looks like, but then you've got this ct part. It's clearly a velocity multiplied by a time, so it has dimensions of length and matches the x,y,z part in that respect. What is this ct part actually supposed to represent or tell us though - the distance light can travel in some time period t. Why do we include this extra (zeroth, i think it gets called?) coordinate? Which direction is this distance supposed to point, if this makes sense to ask? Why, if we are using a velocity-time product, has the speed of light been chosen? I don't even think I've asked this question very well... I'm just going through some notes we were given in class, and all I have been doing for the past couple of days is blindly following the maths through them without really understanding its significance. Can anyone offer anything that might make me less confused?
6 December 1963: Air Force test pilot Major Robert W. Smith takes the Lockheed NF-104A Aerospace Trainer, 56-0756, out for a little spin. . . Starting at 0.85 Mach and 35,000 feet (10,668 meters) over the Pacific Ocean west of Vandenberg Air Force Base, California, Bob Smith turned toward Edwards Air Force Base and accelerated to Military Power and then lit the afterburner, which increased the General Electric J79-GE-3B turbojet engine’s 9,800 pounds of thrust (43.59 kilonewtons) to 15,000 pounds (66.72 kilonewtons). The modified Starfighter accelerated in level flight. At Mach 2.2, Smith ignited the Rocketdyne LR121 rocket engine, which burned a mixture of JP-4 and hydrogen peroxide. The LR121 was throttleable and could produce from 3,000 to 6,000 pounds of thrust (13.35–26.69 kilonewtons). When the AST reached Mach 2.5, Smith began a steady 3.5G pull-up until the interceptor was in a 70° climb. At 75,000 feet (22,860 meters), the test pilot shut off the afterburner to avoid exceeding the turbojet’s exhaust temperature (EGT) limits. He gradually reduced the jet engine power to idle by 85,000 feet (25,908 meters), then shut it off. Without the engine running, cabin pressurization was lost and the pilot’s A/P22S-2 full-pressure suit inflated. The NF-104A continued to zoom to an altitude where its aerodynamic control surfaces were no longer functional. It had to be controlled by the reaction jets in the nose and wing tips. 756 reached a peak altitude of 120,800 feet (36,820 meters), before reentering the atmosphere in a 70° dive. Major Smith used the windmill effect of air rushing into the intakes to restart the jet engine. Major Smith had set an unofficial record for altitude. Although Lockheed had paid the Fédération Aéronautique Internationale (FAI) license fee, the Air Force had not requested certification in advance so no FAI or National Aeronautic Association personnel were on site to certify the flight. For this flight, Robert Smith was nominated for the Octave Chanute Award “for an outstanding contribution made by a pilot or test personnel to the advancement of the art, science, and technology of aeronautics.” Robert Wilson Smith was born at Washington, D.C., 11 December 1928. He was the son of Robert Henry Smith, a clerk (and eventually treasurer) for the Southern Railway Company, and Jeanette Blanche Albaugh Smith, a registered nurse. He graduated from high school in Oakland, California, in 1947. Smith studied at the University of California, Berkeley, and George Washington University. Robert W. Smith joined the United States Air Force as an aviation cadet in 1949. He trained as a pilot at Goodfellow Air Force Base, San Angelo, Texas, and Williams Air Force Base in Arizona. He was commissioned as a second lieutenant, United States Air Force, 23 June 1950. Second Lieutenant Robert Wilson Smith married Ms. Martha Yacko, 24 June 1950, at Phoenix, Arizona. He flew the F-86 Sabre on more than 100 combat missions with the 334th and 335th Fighter Interceptor Squadrons of the 4th Fighter Interceptor Wing during the Korean War. he named one of his airplanes Lady Lane in honor of his daughter. Smith was credited with two enemy aircraft destroyed, one probably destroyed and three more damaged. Smith graduated from the Air Force Test Pilot School in 1952 and flew more than fifty aircraft types during testing at Edwards Air Force Base and Eglin Air Force Base, Florida. He was later assigned to the Aerospace Research Test Pilots School at Edwards Air Force Base for training as an astronaut candidate for Project Gemini. After the NF-104A project was canceled, Lieutenant Colonel Smith volunteered for combat duty in the Vietnam War. He commanded the 34th Tactical Fighter Squadron, 388th Tactical Fighter Wing, at Korat Royal Thai Air Force Base, Thailand, flying the Republic F-105D Thunderchief. Bob Smith was awarded the Air Force Cross for “extraordinary heroism” while leading an attack at Thuy Phoung, north of Hanoi, 19 November 1967. He had previously been awarded the Silver Star, and five times was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross. Lieutenant Colonel Smith retired from the Air Force on 1 August 1969 after twenty years of service. Lieutenant Colonel Robert Wilson Smith died at Monteverde, Florida, 19 August 2010. He was 81 years old. 56-756 was a Lockheed F-104A-10-LO Starfighter. Flown by future astronaut James A. McDivitt, it had been damaged in a landing accident at Edwards following a hydraulic system failure, 21 November 1961. It was one of three taken from storage at The Boneyard at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Tucson, Arizona, and sent to Lockheed for modification to Aerospace Trainers (ASTs). These utilized a system of thrusters for pitch, roll and yaw control at altitudes where the standard aerodynamic control surfaces could no longer control the aircraft. This was needed to give pilots some experience with the control system for flight outside Earth’s atmosphere. The F-104A vertical fin was replaced with the larger fin and rudder from the two-place F-104B for increased stability. The wingspan was increased to 25 feet, 11.3 inches (7.907 meters) for installation of the hydrogen peroxide Reaction Control System thrusters. The fiberglass nosecone was replaced by an aluminum skin for the same reason. The interceptor’s radar and M61 Vulcan cannon were removed and tanks for rocket fuel and oxidizers, nitrogen, etc., installed in their place. The standard afterburning General Electric J79-GE-3B turbojet engine remained, and was supplemented by a Rocketdyne LR121 liquid-fueled rocket engine which produced 3,000 to 6,000 pounds of thrust (13.35–26.69 kilonewtons) with a burn time of 105 seconds. The fuselage “buzz number” was changed from FG-756 to NF-756. 56-756 was damaged by inflight explosions in 1965 and 1971, after which it was retired. It is mounted for static display at the Air Force Test Pilot School, Edwards Air Force Base, California, marked as 56-760. © 2017, Bryan R. Swopesby 6 December 1959: Project Top Flight. At Edwards Air Force Base, California, Commander Lawrence Earl Flint, Jr., United States Navy, set a Fédération Aéronautique Internationale (FAI) World Record for Altitude with McDonnell YF4H-1 Phantom II, Bu. No. 142260. At 47,000 feet (14,326 meters), Commander Flint accelerated in level flight with afterburner to Mach 2.5, then pulled up into a 45° climb and continued to 90,000 feet (27,432 meters). He had to shut down the Phantom’s two General Electric J79 jet engines to prevent them from overheating in the thin atmosphere. He continued on a ballistic trajectory to 30,040 meters (98,556 feet). This was just short of the arbitrary 100,000 feet (30,480 meters) that delineated the beginning of space at the time. Diving back through 70,000 feet (21,336 meters), Flint restarted the engines and flew back to Edwards. This was the first of three FAI World Records set by 142260.¹ McDonnell Aircraft Corporation test pilot Gerald (“Zeke”) Huelsbeck had been conducting test flights to determine the best profile for the record attempt. “Huelsbeck was flying the very first F4H prototype when an engine access door blew loose, flames shot through the engine compartment, and the F4H crashed, killing Huelsbeck.” —Engineering the F-4 Phantom II: Parts Into Systems, by Glenn E. Bugos, Naval Institute Press, Annapolis, 1996, Chapter 5 at Page 101. (The accident occurred 21 October 1959.) Commander Flint flew twelve zoom climbs between October and December, five times climbing past 95,000 feet (28,956 meters), but not exceeding the previous record, 28,852 meters, set by Vladimir Sergeyevich Ilyushin ² with a Sukhoi T 431 (a modified Su-9 interceptor), 14 July 1959, by the FAI-required 3% margin. During the first week of December, with National Aeronautic Association personnel at Edwards to monitor and certify the record for the FAI, he flew three flights each day. Commander Flint was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross for this flight. General Orders: All Hands (August 1960) Action Date: December 6, 1959 “The President of the United States of America takes pleasure in presenting the Distinguished Flying Cross to Commander Lawrence E. Flint, Jr., United States Navy, for extraordinary achievement in aerial flight on 6 December 1959. As pilot of a Navy all-weather fighter aircraft, Commander Flint succeeded in establishing a new world jet aircraft altitude record of 98,560 feet. Exercising brilliant airmanship, initiative and planning ability, he clearly demonstrated the inherent capabilities and the maximum performance of an extremely important Naval aircraft, and was instrumental in focusing world attention on the continuing and significant development of the science of aviation in the United States.” Commander Flint’s world altitude record would fall 8 days later when Captain Joe B. Jordan, United States Air Force, flew a Lockheed F-104C Starfighter to 31,513 meters (103,389.11 feet ).³ Lawrence Earl Flint, Jr., was born at Sophia, West Virginia, 24 June 1920. He was the first of three children of Lawrence Earl Flint, a salesman, and Rosetta M. Richmond Flint. He attended Woodrow Wilson High School at Beckley, West Virginia, graduating in 1938. He then attended Beckley College (now, Mountain State University), and Emory & Henry College at Emory, Virginia. Flint entered the United States Navy as an aviation cadet under the V-5 Program, 30 July 1940. He was trained as a pilot at NAS Pensacola and NAS Jacksonville. He was commissioned as an Ensign, United States Naval Reserve, 10 October 1941, and designated a Naval Aviator, 5 December 1941, two days before the Imperial Japanese Navy attacked the U.S. fleet at Pearl Harbor, Hawaiian Islands. Ensign Flint was assigned to Scouting Squadron Two (VS-2), flying the Douglas SBD-3 Dauntless dive bomber. He was promoted to Lieutenant, Junior Grade (j.g.), 1 October 1942. In 1943 he transitioned to the Grumman F6F-5 Hellcat fighter with Fighting Squadron Eighteen (VF-18) aboard USS Bunker Hill (CV-18). Flint was promoted to Lieutenant (Temporary), 1 October 1943. This rank was made permanent on 30 October 1944. In 1944, Lieutenant Flint was assigned to Flight Test and NAS Patuxent River, Maryland, flying the earliest American jet aircraft. Flint was promoted to Lieutenant Commander, United States Navy, 3 October 1945. Lieutenant Commander Flint then attended the U.S. Navy General Line School at Newport, Rhode Island. In 1947, Flint went to Attack Squadron Fourteen (VA-14, “Tophatters) as the squadron’s executive officer. VA-14 flew the Chance Vought F4U-4 Corsair. In 1949, Lieutenant Commander Flint married Miss Betty Alice Noble of Salt Lake City, Utah. Mrs. Flint had served in the United States Navy during World War II. After a staff assignment in the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations, in 1951, Lieutenant Commander Flint was sent to the Empire Test Pilot School at Boscombe Down, Wiltshire, England. Flint returned to combat operations during the Korean War, as executive officer, and then commanding officer, of Fighter Squadron Eleven (VF-11, “Red Rippers”), flying the McDonnell F2H-2 Banshee from USS Kearsarge (CVA-33 ). Following the Korean War, Flint was assigned as Assistant Experimental Officer at the Naval Ordnance Test Station, China Lake, California, and then went back to sea as Air Operations Officer on board USS Lake Champlain (CVA-39 ). He was promoted to Commander, 1 January 1954. From 1957 to 1959, Commander Flint was once again in flight test operations at NATC Patuxent River. In 1959, he was assigned as Chief of Staff to the commanding officer of Readiness Air Wing Twelve (RCVW-12) at NAS Miramar, San Diego, California. It was while in this assignment that he set the World Altitude Record with the YF4H-1. On 1 July 1962, Flint was promoted to the rank of Captain and took command of RCVW-12. Captain Flint took command of USS Merrick (AKA-97), an Andromeda-class attack cargo transport, 16 July 1966. (A “deep-draft command,” that is command of a large naval ship, is generally considered a prerequisite to being selected for command of an aircraft carrier.) Merrick was operating in the western Pacific and Vietnam. Captain Flint remained in command until 13 May 1967. Captain Lawrence Earl Flint, Jr., retired from the United States Navy in March 1968. He and Mrs. Flint resided in La Jolla, a seaside community within the city of San Diego, California, until his death, 16 November 1993. She passed away 20 December 1996. ¹ FAI Record File Number 10352: 30,040 meters (98,557 feet), 6 December 1959; FAI Record File Number 9060: 2,585.425 kilometers per hour (1,606.509 miles per hour), 22 November 1961; and FAI Record File Number 8535: 20,252 meters (66,444 feet), 5 December 1961. ² FAI Record File Number 10351 ³ FAI Record File Number 10354 © 2016, Bryan R. Swopesby
A collage of Maarat al-Numan showing city's important landmarks. |Elevation||522 m (1,713 ft)| |Demonym(s)||Arabic: معري, translit. Maʿarri| Maarat al-Numaan (Arabic: مَعَرَّة النُّعْمَان, Maʿarrat al-Nuʿmān), also known as al-Maʿarra, is a city in northwestern Syria, 33 km (21 mi) south of Idlib and 57 km (35 mi) north of Hama, with a population of about 58,008 before the Civil War (2004 census). In 2017, it was estimated to have a population of 80,000, including several displaced by fighting in neighbouring towns. It is located at the highway between Aleppo and Hama and near the Dead Cities of Bara and Serjilla. The city, known as Arra to the Greeks, has its present-day name combined of the Greek name and of its first Muslim governor an-Nu‘man ibn Bashir, a companion of Muhammad. The Crusaders called it Marre. Today the city has a museum with mosaics from the Dead Cities, the Great Mosque of Maarrat al-Numan, a madrassa built by Abu al-Farawis from 1199 and remains of the medieval citadel. The city is also a birthplace of the poet Al-Maʿarri (973–1057). In 891 Ya‘qubi described Maarrat al-Nu‘man as "an ancient city, now a ruin. It lies in the Hims province." By the time of Estakhri (951) the place had recovered, as he described the city "very full of good things, and very opulent". Figs, pistachios and vines were cultivated. In 1047 Nasir Khusraw visited the city, and described it as a populous town with a stone wall. There was a Friday Mosque, on a height, in the middle of the town. The bazaars were full of traffic. Considerable areas of cultivated land surrounded the town, with plenty of fig-trees, olives, pistachios, almonds and grapes. Massacre of Ma‘arra The most infamous event from the city's history dates from late 1098, during the First Crusade. After the Crusaders, led by Raymond de Saint Gilles and Bohemond of Taranto, successfully besieged Antioch they found themselves with insufficient supplies of food. Their raids on the surrounding countryside during the winter months did not help the situation. By December 12 when they reached Ma‘arra, many of them were suffering from starvation and malnutrition. They managed to breach the city's walls and massacred about 8000 inhabitants. However, this time, as they could not find enough food, they resorted to cannibalism. These events were also chronicled by Fulcher of Chartres, who wrote: "I shudder to tell that many of our people, harassed by the madness of excessive hunger, cut pieces from the buttocks of the Saracens already dead there, which they cooked, but when it was not yet roasted enough by the fire, they devoured it with savage mouth." Among the European records of the incident was the French poem 'The Leaguer of Antioch', which contains such lines as, - Then came to him the King Tafur, and with him fifty score - Of men-at-arms, not one of them but hunger gnawed him sore. - Thou holy Hermit, counsel us, and help us at our need; - Help, for God's grace, these starving men with wherewithal to feed.' - But Peter answered, 'Out, ye drones, a helpless pack that cry, - While all unburied round about the slaughtered Paynim lie. - A dainty dish is Paynim flesh, with salt and roasting due. - From "The Leaguer of Antioch" Those events had a strong impact on the local inhabitants of Southwest Asia. The crusaders already had a reputation for cruelty and barbarism towards Muslims, Jews and even local Christians, Catholic and Orthodox alike (the Crusades began shortly after the Great Schism of 1054). The accuracy of the events described by the contemporary writers have been disputed. The famine and cannibalism are recognised but the torture and killing of Muslim captives for cannibalism by Radulph of Caen are very unlikely since there are no Arab or Muslim records of the events. Had they occurred they would have undoubtedly been recorded. This has been noted by BBC Timewatch series, the episode The Crusades: A Timewatch Guide , which included the experts Dr Thomas Asbridge and Muslim Arabic historian Dr Fozia Bora, who states Radulph of Caen's description does not appear in Muslim contemporary chronicles., Late medieval period Ibn al-Muqaddam received lands in Maarat al-Nuʿman in 1179 as part of his compensation for yielding Baalbek to Saladin's brother Turan Shah. Ibn Jubayr passed by the town in 1185, and wrote that "Everywhere around the town are gardens... It is one of the most fertile and richest lands in the world". Ibn Battuta visited in 1355, and described the town as small. The figs and pistachios of the town were exported to Damascus. Syrian Civil War This section does not cite any sources. (November 2013) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) The town was the focus of intense protests against the government of President Bashar al-Assad on 2 June 2011. On 25 October 2011, clashes occurred between loyalists and defected soldiers at a roadblock on the edge of the town. The defectors launched an assault on the government held roadblock in retaliation for a raid on their positions the previous night. FSA takes control in December 2011–January 2012. The regime recaptures it at a later date. On 10 June 2012, the FSA takes it back, but the military recapture it in August. As the Syrian Civil War followed, the town's strategic position on the road between Damascus and Aleppo made it a significant prize. Starting October 8, 2012, the Battle of Maarrat al-Nu'man was fought between the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and the Syrian Army, causing numerous civilian casualties and severe material damage. The town is home to the FSA’s Division 13 Brigade. A hospital in Maarrat al-Nu'man was struck by at least 4 missiles on February, 15th, 2016. The hospital was targeted again by Syrian government and Russian planes in April 2017, on 19 September 2017 and in early January 2018. The town's market was bombed in October 2017. - A Small Syrian Town’s Revolt Against Al-Qaida, News Deeply, 15 June 2017 - le Strange, 1890, p. 495 - le Strange, 1890, p. 496 - Amin Maalouf, The Crusades Through Arab Eyes, trans. Jon Rothschild (News York: Schocken Books, 1984), 39. - Edward Peters, The First Crusade: The Chronicle of Fulcher of Chartres and Other Source Materials (University of Pennsylvania Press, 1998), 84. - Von Sybel; History and Literature of the Crusades; translated by Lady Duff Gordon - "A Timewatch Guide". RadioTimes. Retrieved 20 April 2016. - "The Crusades: A Timewatch Guide". TVGuide.co.uk. Retrieved 20 April 2016. - "The First Crusade: A New History: Amazon.co.uk: Thomas Asbridge: 9780743220842: Books". Retrieved 20 April 2016. - le Strange, 1890, p. 497 - "Assad forces fight deserters at northwestern town". Reuters. 25 October 2011. - "Syria sends extra troops after rebels seize Idlib: NGO". English.ahram.org.eg. Retrieved 2013-08-29. - SPIEGEL ONLINE, Hamburg, Germany (15 February 2016). "Syrien: Ärzte-ohne-Grenzen-Krankenhaus bombardiert - ein gezielter Angriff?". SPIEGEL ONLINE. Retrieved 20 April 2016. - "Un hôpital de MSF en Syrie touché par des frappes aériennes". Radio-Canada.ca. Retrieved 20 April 2016. - "MSF-backed hospital in Syria destroyed by air strikes: statement". Reuters. 2016-02-15. Retrieved 2016-02-15. - Diana Al Rifai Air strike destroys hospital in Idlib's Maaret al-Numan, Al-Jazeera, 3 Apr 2017 - Kristin Helberg Fighting the jihadists with unusual weapons, Qantara, 06.01.2018 - Syrian government defends Idlib campaign, condemns France, Reuters, 11 January 2018 - AFP, At least 11 dead in Syria market air strike: Monitor, Middle East Eye, 9 October 2017 - "Two of the largest factions in Syria's northwest merge, challenge HTS dominance". Syria Direct. 22 February 2018. Retrieved 22 February 2018. - Amin Maalouf, The Crusades Through Arab Eyes. Schocken, 1989, ISBN 0-8052-0898-4 - le Strange, Guy (1890), Palestine Under the Moslems: A Description of Syria and the Holy Land from A.D. 650 to 1500, Committee of the Palestine Exploration Fund |Wikimedia Commons has media related to Ma'arrat al-Numan.| - Encyclopedia of the Orient: Crusades - Utah Indymedia: The Cannibals of Ma`arra - Telegraph.co.uk: "Syria-bloody-protests-over-the-slaying-of-30-children"
If confirmed, this development could seriously complicate efforts to control the spread of the disease, which health officials suspect causes birth defects in children whose mothers were infected during pregnancy. The disease has spread in Brazil and other tropical climates, primarily through mosquito bites, including those by a species that thrives in the southern and western United States: aedes aegypti. It’s still winter in the United States, but some are readying for the day when the airborne pests move the disease north. Still, experts believe a widespread outbreak across the United States is unlikely. They note that the mosquitoes only thrive in tropical areas, and that the prevalence of air conditioning, window screens and the expected abatement efforts by local governmental agencies will reduce their threat. The mosquitoes’ habitat may seem small geographically compared the country as a whole, but it does includes about one in five American counties. They are home to roughly 80 million people, according to a Orkin Termite Control analysis of data released by the mapping company Esri and the U.S. Census Bureau. The rough map below shows the species’ habitat (shaded in pink) and its respective counties’ population density (red dots represent 50,000 residents). The area includes roughly 29 million households — some of which, of course, will include pregnant women this summer.
This assignment, will be outlining and evaluating the functionalist perspective of the way society is organised. This essay will be exploring about the social institutions, norms and values. Functionalist analysis has a long history in sociology. It is prominent in the work of Auguste Comte (1798-1857) and Herbert Spencer (1820-1903), two of the founding fathers of the discipline. It was developed by Emile Durkheim (1858-1917) and refined by Talcott Parsons (1902-79). During the 1940s and 1950s functionalism was the dominant social theory in American sociology. Since that time it has steadily dropped from favour, partly because of damaging criticism, partly because other approaches are seen to answer certain questions more successfully, and partly because it simply went out of fashion. To begin with, functionalist idea is that all the systems (organs) in society are functioning in harmony it will remind healthy. Functionalism views society as a system: that is a set of interconnected parts which together form a whole. The basic unit of analysis is society, and its various parts are understood primarily in terms of their relationship to the whole. The early functionalists often drew an analogy between society and organism such as the human body, to show that societies are thought to function like organisms, with various social institutions working together like organs to maintain and reproduce societies; the functionalist perspective attempts to explain social institutions as collective means to meet individual and social needs.They argued that an understanding of any organ in the body such as the heart or lungs, involves understanding of its relationship to other organs and, in particular, its contribution towards the maintenance of the organism. In the same way, an understanding of any part of society requires an analysis of its relationship to other parts and, most importantly, its contribution to the maintenance of society. Contributing this analogy, functionalists argued that, just as an organism has certain basic needs that must be satisfied if it is to survive, so society has basic needs that must be met if it is to continue to exist. Thus social institutions such as the family and religion are analysed as a part of the social system rather than as isolated units. In particular, they are understood with reference to the contribution they make to the system as a whole. Besides, sociology traditionally analyses social institutions in terms of interlocking social roles and expectations; social institutions are created by and defined by their own creation of social roles for their members. The social function of the institution is the fulfillment of the assigned roles. According to functionalist theories, institutions come about and persist because they play a function in society, promoting stability and integration. Merton observed that institutions could have both manifest and latent function – the element of a behaviour that is not explicitly stated, organised, or intended, and is thereby hidden. Accordingly, the weaknesses of functionalist theory is that it tends to lead to exaggerated accounts of positive consequences of sports and sports participation however it mistakenly assumes that there are no conflicts of interests between the different citizen groups in society such as women, people with disabilities, racial groups and people who are economically poor in society yet it doesn’t recognise that sport can privilege or disadvantage people more than others. The theory also ignores the powerful historical and economic factors that have influenced social events and social relationships. After all, functionalism has been criticized for downplaying the role of individual action, for its failure to account for social change and individual agency; and for being unable to account for social change. In the functionalist perspective, society and its institutions are the primary units of analysis. Individuals are significant only in terms of their places within social systems (i.e., social status and position in patterns of social relations). Therefore, some critics also take issue with functionalism’s tendency to attribute needs to society. They point out that, unlike human beings, society does not have needs; society is only alive in the sense that it is made up of living individuals. By downplaying the role of individuals, functionalism is less likely to recognize how individual actions may alter social institutions. Moreover, critics also argue that functionalism is unable to explain social change because it focuses so intently on social order and equilibrium in society. Following functionalist logic, if a social institution exists, it must serve a function. Institutions, however, change over time; some disappear and others come into being. The focus of functionalism on elements of social life in relation to their present function, and not their past functions, makes it difficult to use functionalism to explain why a function of some element of society might change, or how such change occurs. Address by Professor David Rowe at the TASA Sport Thematic Group Symposium, Melbourne, 10 February 2016 Thank you to group convenors Ramón Spaaij and Brent McDonald. Sport Needs Sociology Organised sport has the power of its global popularity, political resonance and economic weight. But sports organisations can lose social and ethical perspective because, in an intensely competitive and increasingly lucrative global sport and ancillary industry environment, they are often subject to 'tunnel vision'. By this I mean that there is an over-concentration on competitive advantage in relation to other sports and/or sports organisations, and a diminishing concern with the maintenance and development of a wide-ranging and positive relationship between sports and the societies that nurture them. Sport is also prone to excessive myth-making that seeks to place it beyond the everyday world of politics and material struggle. Yet, paradoxically, sport is often – sometimes cynically, sometimes sentimentally – the plaything of the political apparatus. Critical sociology is an essential corrective to this tendency, its organised scepticism constantly asking troubling questions about who wins and who loses – and that does not only mean on the sporting field. Sociology, therefore, should be dedicated in part to saving sport from itself. This does not mean that sociologists always have the right answers, but they can puncture some of sport's most egregious pretensions and mystifications. In this task they need to engage not only with sportspeople and organisations, but governments, corporations, fans and the citizenry at large. Sociologists can bring to bear theoretical explanation and empirical research that spans space (from global to transnational to national to local), time (from pre-modern to modern to postmodern) and social location (from the domestic hearth to major institutions, from primary groups to mass audiences). Prankster showers Sepp Blatter with dollar bills at Fifa press conference. Photo: The Guardian (opens in a new window). There is no shortage of subjects for this engaged intellectual work. Examples include: - The governance of sport organisations - The priorities behind allocation of state and private funding to sport - Sport's environmental impact and contribution to urban inequality, especially via mega-events - The effect of professionalisation and commercialisation on sport and its communities - The enlistment of sport in social classification and hierarchy, notably class, 'race'/ethnicity, sex/gender and sexuality - The uses of sport as ideological metaphor and smokescreen - The media's role in 'framing' sport and 'sportifying' culture - The exploitation of sport by gambling and other unhealthy industries, such as fast food and alcohol - The exploitation by sport of vulnerable people, including aspirant and actual sports workers, and fans - Hyper-competitiveness in sport and socially deleterious attitudes and behaviour, and a corresponding diminution of its pleasurable and playful dimensions - Sport's role in the making and unmaking of cultural citizens, and in social inclusion and exclusion. Sport, then, needs sociology to be insistent in researching and raising these matters because, when there are inevitable and recurrent crises and problems, sports and those who fund, regulate and monitor them often have little idea of how to prevent or manage such discomfiting matters. Too often there is a facile and routine resort to public relations, scandal management, banal reaffirmation or projection of responsibility onto the wider society. Sociology can help guide sports organisations and policy makers in eschewing the superficial preoccupation with effect and neglect of cause that inevitably inhibit its development as a progressive social institution. In this task it can function as a constructively critical friend rather than as a sideline adversary. Cricketer Chris Gayle's comments to journalist Mel McLaughlin in a mid-game interview left her reportedly 'embarrassed, angry and upset'. Photo: Channel Ten. Sociology Needs Sport Perhaps surprisingly in view of its obvious social significance, sociology has historically neglected and patronised sport. The most obvious explanation for this lack of concern is a residual hostility to the body and to working-class or popular culture among many intellectuals. This paradoxical suspicion towards everyday life can be countered by the sociology of sport vividly demonstrating the complex, multi-dimensional nature of popular culture, ranging from political economy to performative aesthetics. The sociology of sport is also a ready vehicle for the demonstration of sociology's contemporary relevance. It is not difficult to illuminate sport's sociological ramifications, especially through the mediated public sphere. The particular focus of my work on sport has been its handling by the media and their combined reverberations across what I call the 'media sports cultural complex'. I did not start out as a sociologist who concentrated on sport or, in fact, on the main medium with which it is associated – television. But, urged on by my friend and colleague Geoff Lawrence – and he first and foremost a rural sociologist – I could no longer ignore the gaping hole in sociology that mediated sport should have filled. So I joined the small world club of mavericks who had the temerity to take sport seriously and then to criticise it, in the process challenging those sociologists who had specialised in sport only to treat it with functionalist kid gloves. There have been some professional and personal costs of this association with the sociology of sport, and few people working in this area would not have felt the cold blast of condescension from brief and longstanding academic acquaintances. But, year by year, sport's stocks have risen within sociology, because even the most sport-resistant sociologist cannot fail – unless wilfully so – to see how increasingly pervasive in society and culture it has become. Sport presents sociologists of various stripes with popularly accessible material to work with – in the teaching context; in the writing of general and many specialist texts, and even of appealingly persuasive research grant applications; and in communicating with publics beyond the academy. Sociology ultimately needs sport, and not only for reasons of comprehensiveness. It is because, in constantly renewing its mandate as a vital (in both senses) social science, sociology can make through sport (among other key social phenomena) a compelling case for pursuing its historic mission of turning unexamined common knowledge into live, informed discourse and debate. Future Directions for the Field Sociology has a foundational interest in the structural relations of social power – social class, 'race' and ethnicity, sex and gender, sexuality, age, ability, and so on. Given the persistence of the structural inequalities associated with sport, it would be perverse and destructive to marginalise the relationship between sport and power. However, sociologists have to beware of becoming too formulaic and predictable, reflexively running overly-familiar lines and being pigeon-holed as terminal malcontents. Sociologists should not be grim-faced fun police. The sociological imagination must, by definition and inclination, be imaginative in its approach to the continuities and discontinuities confronting the discipline and its object of inquiry. It needs to embrace sport as popular pleasure as well as focus of critique. It should be properly sociological in grasping that sport is a dynamic socio-cultural phenomenon that cannot be frozen and returned to its imagined 19th century amateurist origins or to the mythologised folk play that preceded it. Sport is about movement and is itself perpetually on the move – and sociologists must move with it, while never losing their disciplinary bearings in the enduring concerns that first animated the sociological imagination at a time when organised sport, industrialism and capitalism were in their infancy. Recent interview with the MediaSport podcast series. A Selection of Sociology of Sport Publications by David Rowe Rowe, D 2016, '"Great markers of culture": the Australian sport field' (opens in a new window), Media International Australia, vol. 158, pp. 26-36. Rowe, D 2012, 'Sport: scandal, gender and the nation' (opens in a new window), Institute for Culture and Society Occasional Paper Series, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 1-17. Rowe, D 2012, 'Opening ceremonies and closing narratives: the embrace of media and the Olympics' (opens in a new window), JOMEC Journal: Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies (Special Issue: Media and the Olympics), pp. 1-13. Rowe, D 2011, Global media sport: flows, forms and futures(opens in a new window), Bloomsbury Academic, London and New York. Many pieces in The Conversation (opens in a new window), 2012-16. Rowe, D 2015, 'Assessing the sociology of sport: on media and power', Special Issue '50@50: On the Trajectory and Challenges of the Sociology of Sport', International Review for the Sociology of Sport, vol. 50, no. 4-5, pp. 575-9. Rowe, D 2015, 'Mass media and sports', in JD Wright (ed.), International encyclopedia of the social and behavioural sciences (opens in a new window)(second edition), Elsevier, Oxford, pp. 719-25. Rowe, D 2014, 'Media studies and sport', in J Maguire (ed.), Social sciences in sport(opens in a new window), Human Kinetics, Champaign, IL, pp. 135-61. Rowe, D 2013, 'The sport/media complex: formation, flowering and future', in DL Andrews & B Carrington (eds), A companion to sport (opens in a new window), Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, pp. 61-77. Posted: 3 March 2016. ^ Back To Top ICS Website Feedback
If you have never taken the time to get into photography, it can seem intimidating at first. You can get overloaded with information due to the sheer number of resources and information available. In the following article, you can find helpful, organized tips on how you can start shooting better pictures. Using digital software, photos can be altered to look like watercolors, pencil sketches and much more. While there are a variety of software products available for purchase, Adobe Photoshop is listed as one of the best. Taking your photos and making them a piece of art, is as easy as clicking a button or two in these programs. When deciding on which shots to display, choose the best ones. Do not display all of your photos or ones of the same things over and over. This will make looking at your pictures very boring to everyone else – no one likes to look at the same subject over and over. Keep it fresh, and show different aspects of your photography. Try different shutter speeds for finding what works for various situations. Depending how fast or slow you set your shutter speed, you can create a variety of effects ranging from crisply focused actions shots to softly blurred images. In general, fast shutter speed work best for action shots, whereas slow shutter speeds are ideal for shooting still-lifes, landscapes and other static images. While many photographers prefer to emphasize landscapes from a distance, viewers often focus on the foreground instead. Compose the foreground so that it creates a striking frame to increase your depth of field. A dSLR is a necessity if you’re aiming to be serious about your photography. Digital single-lens reflex cameras are the ideal way to view your subject just after you take the photograph. The largest image sensors are available in the full frame DSLR, which gives you the highest level of detail to your exposures. Do you want to work with exposure? Educate yourself about shutter speeds. You should see letters on your camera: P, M, A and S. “P” means program mode. This setting is your automatic one. The shutter and aperture speed are automatically set up for your use. When you don’t know what you’ll be taking pictures of, it’s best to use this mode. Experiment a bit with the feature that allows you to adjust levels of whiteness. Light bulbs generally cause a yellow color in photos when you take them indoors. Instead of spending the time to fix the lighting, you can just change the white balance from your camera. It most definitely will create a more professional look to your photos. When shooting a picture, judge the surroundings and choose the right aperture, shutter speed and ISO. Together, these features interact to determine the photograph’s exposure levels. You don’t want to overexpose or underexpose a picture, unless you are going for a certain look. Take some time to experiment using these features so that you learn how they interact, and which combination you like best. Broaden your photographic horizons by playing with your camera’s features and the colors and angles you use. It is possible to take very interesting, high-quality photographs without focusing on traditional subject matter. Talented photographers can use their skills to bring out something interesting in even the most mundane of subjects. Experiment with your photos until you discover your personal style. Make sure to read the camera’s manual. Manuals may be off-putting because of their thickness and bulk. Often, people put them in a file drawer or throw them in the garbage. Instead of throwing it out, take the time to read it. By taking the time to read the manual and familiarize yourself with your camera, you will eliminate frustration and take much better pictures. These are important shots to capture, so ensure your batteries are fully charged. Digital cameras use up a large amount of power, particularly when you’re using an LCD screen. Therefore, you should ensure your batteries are always completely charged prior to using the camera. Another option is to keep a few fresh batteries in your camera’s carrying case so you never miss anything. Capture your subject with speed and dexterity. The ultimate shot may last a short period of time, so make sure you are always ready for it. You can easily lose the attention of your subjects if you delay the shot, and the perfect moment is then lost forever. Do not worry excessively with getting all of the settings just right on your camera, or you will risk losing the shot. Get as close as you can to your subject. You do not want the pictures to come out and not be able to see the subject or have things in the background take attention away from the subject. You need to ensure that your subject can be seen vividly. Digital cameras normally contain a built-in flash, that automatically turns on when the natural light is too low. This is good for random, candid shots, but if you want a professional look, invest in a flash that is external and offers more lighting. You should go to the camera store and purchase a flash that fits and syncs properly with your camera. As you encounter different backgrounds, scenery or subjects, take multiple practice shots. There are many small differences from one photo shoot to another. When you take lots of practice shots, you prepare yourself for any eventuality. Especially when shooting photos outside, the lighting continually changes as the day progresses, and extra practice shots can help you take the most advantage of this. If you don’t know a model, try to make them feel as comfortable with you as possible. Some people may feel threatened by the person taking their photograph, making them uneasy. Make sure to be congenial, talk to them and ask if it is okay to take the pictures. Be sure to explain why you are taking the photographs, and your love of artful expression through photography. Attempt to capture your subject from a different angle to change the effect. Any person can take a picture of a scene head-on. Instead, take your shot from a different angle. Get up higher than your subject, or shoot from the ground up. Another angle is to shoot from the side for an interesting composition. Spend some time taking photos with another photographer, or join a photography club. Listen to any technical tips they have, but be sure to keep your own style. Compare your photos with your photo buddy to see what different approaches each of you had towards the same subjects. If you’re photographing nature, take care. Enjoy the beautiful scenery, but also make sure that you’re cleaning up after yourself. If you find a fantastic spot for taking pictures, make sure your leave the spot the way you found it so the next photographer can get a picture as good as yours. Composition is a photographic skill worth mastering, whether you want to develop a professional talent or are simply interested in taking better pictures. Bad composition can turn an otherwise-great shot into something that doesn’t seem quite right. Study up and use what you learn about composition when you take pictures and you will get better in photography. Your camera is a tool that is used for your photos, so use it as such. Using a shallow depth of field can help you draw attention to your subject by blurring the background. If you plan on diving into landscape photography, you need to ensure that your pictures have three key factors. They need a foreground, middle ground, and finally a background. These are not only fundamentals basics of photography, but of a lot of other types of art as well. A tripod is helpful for getting a good shot of a landscape. A tripod or other steady base is very important because it will help you to focus on your shot and not on shaking camera. With the use of a tripod, the quality of your photos is sure to improve, especially those that involve picturesque landscapes. Read your camera’s manual. Manuals are often bulky and thick. Most people simply ignore them or throw them away altogether. Take your time to read and study your manual instead of just throwing it away. Reading the manual will make you a better picture taker and help you avoid making silly mistakes. Think about the kind of shot you want to take first. It is important to plan out your shot ahead of time. Like other art forms, careful planning and an attention to detail often translate to a great shot. This mindset can help to achieve more inspiring results that heighten future photographs. Make sure to take a lot of practice shots whenever you are shooting in a new setting. Because every shot is different, these practice shots will offer you the chance to make adjustments before reaching the final product. Lighting can change, but feel free to take a few practice photos in between your ’serious’ shots. Take pictures that are close and personal. Try moving in closer or zooming in on your subject when framing a shot. Fill as much of the frame as possible with your subject. Excess background scenery, regardless of its beauty, takes something away from the true purpose of the shot. Your photo will contain more details if you are closer to it as well. To create images that stand out from the ordinary, try photographing from different viewpoints. Photos taken from a straight-on angle can be taken by virtually anyone. Instead, take your shot from a different angle. Get up higher than your subject, or shoot from the ground up. Consider framing an interesting shot from a skewed angle or at a diagonal angle. By now, you should have learned a few new ideas to try out during your next session. Even if you are a seasoned professional, it never hurts to try something new to hone your craft. If you remember these tips, for they will help you to be a master photographer. When you find a brand that you like, that gives you great results, stick with it. You need a quality brand, if photography is going to be a hobby that you pursue for a lifetime. Many professionals prefer name brands, but there are a few other manufacturers that also provide great results.
Imagine if your physician received no university or post graduate school training in his or her specific field. This is precisely the case that applies to most health and fitness professionals who dispense weight management advice, says Ron Brown, author of The Body Fat Guide. "As of today, few universities and post graduate schools offer a health science degree with a major in weight management," claims Brown. "The implications of this are staggering! Next to cigarette smoking, obesity is the leading preventable cause of death in our society. Yet, most of our educational institutions are not training professionals to specifically deal with this monumental health problem. As a result, the weight management field is filled with a variety of professionals delivering inconsistent, ineffective and unreliable advice and services." Brown explains, "Many health care providers educated in universities and post graduate schools only specialize in various aspects associated with weight management, such as nutrition, psychology, public health and medical dietetics. However, I believe the education of a weight management expert requires an interdisciplinary curriculum linking expertise in a wide variety of fields ranging from dietetics and nutrition, to exercise physiology, anatomy and behavior modification." "Fitness trainers, nutritionists and dietitians all have limitations as weight management experts," says Brown. "Most of their client's success rates for long-term weight loss are abysmal, proving that few of these professionals have the expertise to deal with all aspects of weight management. For example, as a fitness trainer, people would come to me expecting to lose 10 pounds. But as their weight rebounded after putting them on diets, I quickly realized the limitations of my expertise in this area. So I researched and specialized in teaching weight management, which led to writing The Body Fat Guide." Brown also says few medical professionals are weight management experts. He says medical intervention is not an effective long-term substitute for weight management skills. He points out that, "Patients are often told the health risks of obesity are greater than the risks associated with drug therapy and surgical procedures. But, these medical risks are never justified as long as the patient has access to effective weight management training." "However, without a qualified expert to teach people weight management skills," says Brown, "the physicians and surgeons feel justified to rush in and fill the gap with their drugs and procedures. Likewise, the dietitians rush in with their diets, the nutritionists rush in with their supplements, the fitness trainers rush in with their exercise programs and equipment, and the psychologists and councillors rush in with their advice. Of course, all the commercial diet centers and diet-book authors also rush in with their quick fixes." "Maybe someday schools like the Harvard School of Public Health will graduate whole classes of Ph.D.s in Weight Management," says Brown. "Until then, dieter beware when following the advice of health and
Ohio Female College The Ohio Female College was located in Pleasant Hill, a community near Cincinnati. The area where the college was built was known as College Hill because of its proximity to a number of educational institutions. The school first opened its doors in 1846, and it offered a range of educational choices. Students who were not yet ready to enter college could enroll in the preparatory program, while others earned four-year degrees or even two-year graduate degrees. The school offered a broad range of courses in the sciences, mathematics, and humanities. John McLean, a former Ohio senator and U.S. Supreme Court justice, served as the college's first president of the board of trustees. The Ohio Female College had a short history. The school rebuilt after a fire in 1868 but closed permanently in 1872. In 1873, a group of Cincinnati doctors and businessmen purchased the property to open the Cincinnati Sanitarium, the first private psychiatric facility in the United States outside of the East Coast.
|________________ CM . . . . Volume VIII Number 10 . . . . January 18, 2002 With their successful blend of information and fabulous colour photographs, these two books describe the wonders of the rainforest and the problems inherent in its rapidly diminishing size. Readers will gain an appreciation for this marvellous ecosystem and the countless benefits it provides for the entire world. Home to 140 million people, the rainforests of South America, Central and West Africa and Southeast Asia are among the world's last remaining wildernesses. People and Places features the indigenous people, the Pygmies, Yanomami and Penan, to name a few, who dwell in these rainforests and their struggle to maintain their traditional ways of life. The book discusses the flora and fauna of each area as well as the lifestyles of the people and how rainforest destruction affects them. Without sounding preachy, Resources and Conservation alerts readers to the alarming devastation of rainforest land and the subsequent loss of plant and animal species and the dramatic change in climate which results. Highlights of the seven chapters include the vast assortment of foods grown in the forest, softwood and hardwood trees, medicinal plants and the effects of rainforest destruction on floods, droughts and global warming. A section devoted to rescuing the rainforest not only provides disturbing facts about endangered and extinct species but also tells readers how programs, such as the establishment of national parks and conservation organizations, are helping to prevent further loss of habitat. The books, identical in format, have an abundance of maps, diagrams and crisp, clear photographs to match the text. A glossary and an index are provided. For those readers who would like more information, a list of addresses and websites for rainforest preservation groups is also included. A "must-read" for anyone concerned about the environment. Gail Hamilton is a teacher-librarian at Bird's Hill School in East St. Paul, MB. To comment on this title or this review, send mail to email@example.com. Copyright © the Manitoba Library Association. Reproduction for personal use is permitted only if this copyright notice is maintained. Any other reproduction is prohibited without permission. Copyright © the Manitoba Library Association. Reproduction for personal use is permitted only if this copyright notice is maintained. Any other reproduction is prohibited without permission.
By David Joel Miller. Is there a relationship between Bullying, families, and resiliency? At least one research study says yes. My task of reading all these research studies about resiliency and what makes some people bounce back from trauma quickly while other people are down for the count continues. This one study seems worth sharing. It is not extremely new (from 2010) but it was new to me so I thought I would pass it on. The study by Bowes, Maughan, Caspi, Moffitt, and Arseneault, says yes there is a connection. They say three factors improve the resilience of children who are bullied. Now after reading as many studies as I have so far I take everything with a lot of salt. (Please don’t tell my nutritionist.) I am leery of studies that say that doing or not doing something will protect your child from harm. Parents sometimes do everything right and still, something bad happens, but this study does suggest some things that help reduce the impact of bullying on kids. They found that being the victim of bullying in primary grades set the child up for both emotional and behavioral problems as well as increasing the risk of suicidal thought and actions and other self-harming behaviors. Victims of bullying, not surprisingly, have an increased risk and the younger they are when bullied the more the risk. At least that is the way I read this. Some factors they found, well there is nothing you can do about it. Being poor adds to your risk. But then poverty adds to the risk of almost everything. In the early grades, girls seem to be more resilient than boys. That surprised me. High I. Q. protects kids from some risks and increases resiliency. Most efforts to increase your child’s I. Q. aren’t going to work, though appropriate effective education and counseling might help a little. Children with emotional or behavioral problems to start with were more affected by bullying. I take that as an indication that early interventions in childhood emotional and behavioral problems are better than the wait and see approach. They suggest there is a difference in the factors that promote resiliency in the emotional area and those that increase resiliency in behavioral areas. Now here is the thing that was noteworthy for me. The family characteristic that was most helpful in promoting behavioral resiliency in boys was – the warmth of the mother. That is boys who knew their mother liked them were less affected by being the victim of bullying that boys whose mothers never treated them warmly. So much ladies, for worrying about spoiling your sons. Let them know they are loved and their behavior improves. At least it did in sons who were bullied. The second thing that promoted resiliency in these kids was the warmth of their siblings. Even boys whose mothers were cold and uncaring did better when they had siblings that were warm and caring. Another good reason to promote siblings getting along. The third factor, after maternal warmth and sibling warmth that protected kids who had been bullied and increased their resiliency, was a positive family atmosphere. So parents, while money, as in poverty, plays a small part in reducing resiliency, the things you can’t buy, like material warmth, sibling warmth, and a positive family environment made the most difference. Some issues with the study were that they left out the problem of girl’s behavioral resiliency. I think a lot of girls do act out behaviorally because they were teased and bullied. Usually, the girls do their acting out in ways that we don’t connect to being bullied, at least till they get to high school. The study started out talking about parental characteristics and then switched to maternal warmth. Didn’t we stop blaming the mothers a long time ago? And didn’t any of these kids have fathers? I don’t see much about the role of fathers in promoting resiliency. I continue to think that we underestimate the child’s need for a father or male role model, who takes an active part in a child’s life. For those of you who are purists,’ the reference for this study is: Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 51:7 (2010), pp 809–817. So what do you think? Does maternal warmth matter? Should a father ever be warm to his children? And does anyone else out there have any suggestions for reducing the bullying and increasing the resiliency of kids who have been bullied? Staying connected with David Joel Miller Two David Joel Miller Books are available now! Bumps on the Road of Life. Whether you struggle with anxiety, depression, low motivation, or addiction, you can recover. Bumps on the Road of Life is the story of how people get off track and how to get your life out of the ditch. Casino Robbery is a novel about a man with PTSD who must cope with his symptoms to solve a mystery and create a new life. For these and my upcoming books; please visit my Amazon Author Page – David Joel Miller Want the latest blog posts as they publish? Subscribe to this blog. Want the latest on news from recoveryland, the field of counseling, my writing projects, speaking and teaching? Please sign up for my newsletter at – Newsletter. I promise not to share your email or to send you spam, and you can unsubscribe at any time. For more about David Joel Miller and my work in the areas of mental health, substance abuse, and Co-occurring disorders see my Facebook author’s page, davidjoelmillerwriter. A list of books I have read and can recommend is over at Recommended Books. If you are in the Fresno California area, information about my private practice is at counselorfresno.com.
India’s climate negotiation strategy to put emission-cut burden on developed countries The Union Cabinet approved the Union Environment and Forests Ministry and climate negotiators’ team strategy to reassert the significance of historical emissions in the new climate pact, which is to be discussed at Warsaw beginning November 11, 2013. Clearance was given to the non-negotiable lines for the team deciding that India would ensure that in a pledge-based top-down agreement the burden to take emission cuts for meeting the 2 degree Celsius target lies majorly on the developed countries. What is the bottom-up approach in the context of climate change agreement? The 195 countries who have ratified the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), have decided to exercise bottom-up approach under the new global climate pact to be signed in 2015. In this format each country volunteers targets for emission cut based on its capability instead of a top-down approach where targets are set through the negotiations for each country. Some nations have suggested that the volunteered targets can then be evaluated to see if they add up to meet the requirement of keeping the global temperature rise below 2 degree Celsius. The U.S. has disagreed and demanded that increasing the volunteered targets should be left to the respective nation to decide and there should not be a formal mechanism forcing the country to do so. India’s strategy for Warsaw Climate talks and Climate Pact 2015: - To ensure that the global agreement should be along the bottoms-up approach but any gap between volunteered cuts of all countries and the cumulative global agreement should be met by the developed nations which have a historical obligation to combat climate change. - To not agree to processes extrinsic to the UNFCCC set up to fight climate change. India would not agree to sector-specific targets or targets for administrative entities lower than the Union government, such as city and town councils. - To ensure 2015 agreement is under the current U.N. convention and not in violation of any of its elements and principles for India to be part of it. - To work with the BASIC and the Like-Minded Developing Countries to ensure that the rich nations put a clear timeline to how and when they shall provide the promised U.S. $100 billion by 2020. - To not allow private investments in green technologies from developed world be sold as a replacement for inter-country transfers. - To reassert India’s stance on the controversial issue of HFCs refrigerant gases that harm the climate — which had recently found support from China and select other G20 nations. - India would see that any phase out of the gases is done under the principles of the UNFCCC which includes the principle of common but differentiated responsibility and equity.
This article needs additional citations for verification. (January 2015) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) |This article is part of a series on| A kabushiki gaisha (Japanese: 株式会社, lit. "share company") ([kabɯɕi̥ki ɡaiɕa]) or kabushiki kaisha, commonly abbreviated KK, is a type of company (会社 kaisha) defined under the Companies Act of Japan. Often translated as "stock company", "joint-stock company" or "stock corporation". Usage in language In English, kabushiki kaisha is usually used, but the original Japanese pronunciation is kabushiki gaisha because of rendaku. A kabushiki kaisha must include "株式会社" in its name (Article 6, paragraph 2 of the Companies Act). In a company name, "株式会社" can be used as a prefix (e.g. 株式会社電通 Kabushiki gaisha Dentsū, which is called "mae-kabu") or as a suffix (e.g. トヨタ自動車株式会社 Toyota Jidōsha Kabushiki gaisha, which is called "ato-kabu"). Many Japanese companies translate the phrase "株式会社" in their name as "Co., Ltd." but others use the more Americanized translations "Corporation" or "Incorporated." Texts in England often refer to kabushiki gaisha as "joint stock companies." While that is close to a literal translation of the term, the two are not the same. The Japanese government once endorsed "business corporation" as an official translation but now uses more literal translation "stock company." Japanese often abbreviate "株式会社" in a company name on signage (including the sides of their vehicles) to 株 in parentheses, as, for example, "ABC(株)." The full, formal name would then be "ABC株式会社". 株式会社 is also combined into one Unicode character at code point U+337F (㍿). Rules regarding kabushiki gaisha were set out in the Commercial Code of Japan. During the Allied Occupation of Japan following World War II, the occupation authorities introduced revisions to the Commercial Code based on the Illinois Business Corporation Act of 1933, giving kabushiki gaisha many traits of American corporations. Over time, Japanese and U.S. corporate law diverged, and K.K. assumed many characteristics not found in U.S. corporations. For instance, a K.K. could not buy back its own stock (a restriction which still stands), issue stock for a price of less than ¥50,000 per share (effective 1982), or operate with paid-in capital of less than ¥10 million (effective 1991-2005). On June 29, 2005, the Diet of Japan passed a new Companies Act (会社法 kaisha-hō), which took effect on May 1, 2006. The new law greatly affected the formation and function of K.K.'s and other Japanese business organizations, bringing them closer to their contemporary counterparts in the U.S. Prominent examples are the renaming of Nikon KK and Sony KK to Nikon Corporation and Sony Corporation, respectively. A kabushiki gaisha may be started with capital as low as ¥1, making the total cost of a K.K. incorporation approximately ¥240,000 (about US$2,500) in taxes and notarization fees. Under the old Commercial Code, a K.K. required starting capital of ¥10 million (about US$105,000); a lower capital requirement was later instituted, but corporations with under ¥3 million in assets were barred from issuing dividends, and companies were required to increase their capital to ¥10 million within five years of formation. The main steps in incorporation are the following: - Preparation and notarization of articles of incorporation - Receipt of capital, either directly or through an offering The incorporation of a K.K. is carried out by one or more incorporators (発起人 hokkinin, sometimes referred to as "promoters"). Although seven incorporators were required as recently as the 1980s, a K.K. now only needs one incorporator, which may be an individual or a corporation. If there are multiple incorporators, they must sign a partnership agreement before incorporating the company. - The value or minimum amount of assets received in exchange for the initial issuance of shares - The name and address of the incorporator(s) The purpose statement requires some specialized knowledge, as Japan follows an ultra vires doctrine and does not allow a K.K. to act beyond its purposes. Judicial or administrative scriveners are often hired to draft the purposes of a new company. Additionally, the articles of incorporation must contain the following if applicable: - Any non-cash assets contributed as capital to the company, the name of the contributor and the number of shares issued for such assets - Any assets promised to be purchased after the incorporation of the company and the name of the provider - Any compensation to be paid to the incorporator(s) - Non-routine incorporation expenses that will be borne by the company Other matters may also be included, such as limits on the number of directors and auditors. The Corporation Code allows a K.K. to be formed as a "stock company that is not a public company" (公開会社でない株式会社 kōkai gaisha denai kabushiki gaisha), or a (so-called) "close company" (非公開会社 hi-kōkai gaisha), in which case the company (e.g. its board of directors or a shareholders' meeting, as defined in the articles of incorporation) must approve any transfer of shares between shareholders; this designation must be made in the articles of incorporation. The articles must be sealed by the incorporator(s) and notarized by a notary public, then filed with the Legal Affairs Bureau in the jurisdiction where the company will have its head office. Receipt of capital In a direct incorporation, each incorporator receives a specified amount of stock as designated in the articles of incorporation. Each incorporator must then promptly pay its share of the starting capital of the company, and if no directors have been designated in the articles of incorporation, meet to determine the initial directors and other officers. The other method is an "incorporation by offering," in which each incorporator becomes the underwriter of a specified number of shares (at least one each), and the other shares are offered to other investors. As in a direct incorporation, the incorporators must then hold an organizational meeting to appoint the initial directors and other officers. Any person wishing to receive shares must submit an application to the incorporator, and then make payment for his or her shares by a date specified by the incorporator(s). Capital must be received in a commercial bank account designated by the incorporator(s), and the bank must provide certification that payment has been made. Once the capital has been received and certified, the incorporation may be registered at the Legal Affairs Bureau. Board of directors Under present law, a K.K. must have a board of directors (取締役会 torishimariyaku kai) consisting of at least three individuals. Directors have a statutory term of office of two years, and auditors have a term of four years. Small companies can exist with only one or two directors, with no statutory term of office, and without a board of directors (取締役会非設置会社 torishimariyaku kai hisetchigaisha). In such companies, decisions are made via shareholder meeting and the decision-making power of the directors is relatively limited. As soon as a third director is designated such companies must form a board. At least one director is designated as a Representative Director (代表取締役 daihyō torishimariyaku), holds the corporate seal and is empowered to represent the company in transactions. The Representative Director must "report" to the board of directors every three months; the exact meaning of this statutory provision is unclear, but some legal scholars interpret it to mean that the board must meet every three months. In 2015, the requirement that at least one director and one Representative Director must be a resident of Japan was changed. It is not required to have a resident Representative Director although it can be convenient to do so.. Auditing and reporting Every K.K. with multiple directors must have at least one statutory auditor (監査役 kansayaku). Statutory auditors report to the shareholders, and are empowered to demand financial and operational reports from the directors. K.K.s with capital of over ¥500m, liabilities of over ¥2bn and/or publicly traded securities are required to have three statutory auditors, and must also have an annual audit performed by an outside CPA. Public K.K.s must also file securities law reports with the Ministry of Finance. Under the new Company Law, public and other non-close K.K.s may either have a statutory auditor, or a nominating committee (指名委員会 shimei iinkai), auditing committee (監査委員会 kansa iinkai) and compensation committee (報酬委員会 hōshū iinkai) structure similar to that of American public corporations. Close K.K.s may also have a single person serving as director and statutory auditor, regardless of capital or liabilities. A statutory auditor may be any person who is not an employee or director of the company. In practice, the position is often filled by a very senior employee close to retirement, or by an outside attorney or accountant. Japanese law does not designate any corporate officer positions. Most Japanese-owned kabushiki gaisha do not have "officers" per se, but are directly managed by the directors, one of whom generally has the title of president (社長 shachō). The Japanese equivalent of a corporate vice president is a department chief (部長 buchō). Traditionally, under the lifetime employment system, directors and department chiefs begin their careers as line employees of the company and work their way up the management hierarchy over time. This is not the case in most foreign-owned companies in Japan, and some native companies[which?] have also abandoned this system in recent years in favor of encouraging more lateral movement in management. Corporate officers often have the legal title of shihainin, which makes them authorized representatives of the corporation at a particular place of business, in addition to a common-use title. Other legal issues Kabushiki gaisha are subject to double taxation of profits and dividends, as are corporations in most countries. In contrast to many other countries, however, Japan also levies double taxes on close corporations (yugen gaisha and gōdō gaisha). This makes taxation a minor issue when deciding how to structure a business in Japan. As all publicly traded companies follow the K.K. structure, smaller businesses often choose to incorporate as a K.K. simply to appear more prestigious. In addition to income taxes, K.K.s must also pay registration taxes to the national government, and may be subject to local taxes. Generally, the power to bring actions against the directors on the corporation's behalf is granted to the statutory auditor. Historically, derivative suits by shareholders were rare in Japan. Shareholders have been permitted to sue on the corporation's behalf since the postwar Americanization of the Commercial Code; however, this power was severely limited by the nature of court costs in Japan. Because the cost to file a civil action is proportional to the amount of damages being claimed, shareholders rarely had motivation to sue on the company's behalf. In 1993, the Commercial Code was amended to reduce the filing fee for all shareholder derivative suits to ¥8,200 per claim. This led to a rise in the number of derivative suits heard by Japanese courts, from 31 pending cases in 1992 to 286 in 1999, and to a number of very high-profile shareholder actions, such as those against Daiwa Bank and Nomura Securities - "法令用語「日英対訳辞書」まとまる 政府検討委", Asahi Shimbun, March 18, 2006. (summary) - Standard Bilingual Dictionary of Legal Terminology. - Usa, Usa Ibp (2010). Japan Company Laws and Regulations Handbook. Int'l Business Publications. ISBN 9781433070051. - Ramseyer, Mark, and Minoru Nakazato, Japanese Law: An Economic Approach (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1999), p. 111. - Ramseyer, op. cit., p. 123. - Professor Shosaku Masai (2 February 2009). "Review of 2005 Companies Act: Recent discussions". Waseda University Institute of Comparative Law. Retrieved 2011-02-26. - Terrie Lloyd, "One Yen Companies – Part Two," Work in Japan.com. Archived May 10, 2006, at the Wayback Machine. - "How to Set Up Business in Japan". Japan External Trade Organization. Retrieved 2011-02-26. - Yamazaki Bakery K.K. v. Iijima, 1015 Hanrei Jiho 27 (Tokyo Dist. Ct., March 26, 1981). - West, Mark D. "Why Shareholders Sue: The Evidence from Japan," Journal of Legal Studies 30:351 (2001). doi:10.1086/322056
How Sports and Activities Benefit Kids Health Extracurricular activities can be enormously effective tools for helping children obtain valuable skills that will help them in many areas of their lives. A good work ethic, commitment, compromise, and self-empowerment are just a few of the character traits children will learn and use in their adult lives as well. Kids absorb many useful things from their families and school but certain lessons can only be learned through the experience of working with their peers. Everyone Needs to Belong If your child is active in something that he or she is interested in they will most likely do really well at it. This will boost their confidence, self-esteem, and drastically reduce the chances that they will need to participate in dangerous behavior just to feel included somewhere else. Everyone needs to feel accepted. Humans are not singular creatures. If you child doesn’t feel like an important part of a positive social activity or group, they will find another group to fit in with. There will always be negative influences waiting to attract more followers and kids who feel left out of other groups will do whatever it takes to belong somewhere. This usually means they get exposed to drugs, alcohol or criminal activity by these groups and it’s hard to resist and stand up for themselves when they fear rejection. This can be a very dangerous reality for those kids who feel alone and disconnected. Peer pressure is a reality while a child is in school and sometimes even after graduation. This pressure can be negative or positive, so why not make it work in their favor? Many different Choices There are many different types of activities kids and teens can participate in. Some examples are: - student government - art classes - dance classes - video production - cooking... the list goes on. Check your local community center and school for available classes or leagues in your area. If your child just doesn’t seem interested in joining anything on their own, sign the two of you up for something just for the experience of it. It doesn’t have to be anything either of you are really good at or even deeply interested in. A zumba or weight training class would be a fun and active way for the two of you to create some lasting memories as well as being a part of something. Signing up to volunteer at the local food bank or community pea patch is another great way to get involved in something. The point is to seek out something that would be fun and separate from all the boring things that have to be done every day. Who knows, it may even spark an interest that leads to something else and an opportunity to mean some amazing people. How It Helps Education When kids are involved in activities through their school, they are often required to keep their grades at a certain level. Grades often improve for kids who belong to a team or group simply because they are learning how good it feels to accomplish things and get positive reinforcement. Achieving academically is celebrated and supported when teenagers are on a sports team or in a club. To all of the kids who aren’t a part of a club or team, there seems to be a stigma to getting good grades. It is common for these kids to get teased for doing class work and get called a nerd for excelling. Responsibility and Commitment When kids are a part of a positive group they have a certain responsibility to that group. There will be times when they want to skip practice or a meeting but, they won’t because there are usually consequences. Common examples include: they can’t play in the game or participate in a certain performance if they don’t honor their obligation. Often the other areas of their lives get more organized as well. School work, physical health, and chores are taken more seriously and get done without dispute. When their social activity is at stake, they aren’t taking any chances of getting restricted from it. The responsibility and commitment they learn during this time will follow them into adulthood. These lessons will be evident in their work ethic and personal relationships. Kids Physical health Children from the ages of 6 to 19 should exercise 60 minutes per day. Fresh air and physical exertion are great for the heart and metabolism. Sports, swim team, and dance classes are great ways to get the heart beat up and the adrenaline pumping. Even if the activity or club that your child chooses to be involved in is sedentary, it can still help their physical health. When kids are distracted with something they enjoy, they are less likely to mindlessly eat in front of the TV or computer. They will also be more likely to take better care of their brains and bodies so they can perform to the best of their ability. Kids who feel like they belong to something and are important to others have a significantly lower percentage of depression also. Between school work and raging hormones it’s not surprising that kids sometimes feel like nothing they do matters. When they know that they are an important contributor to a team or club and people are counting on them, it gives them power to push through the occasional loneliness and despair. Another important benefit that shouldn’t be overlooked is the adrenaline rush that comes with achievement. This is a natural high that no drug can possibly compete with! - Drinking Alcohol and Teenagers Every year older a teenager gets, the more likely they will drink. It is unrealistic to believe that your teen will be able to avoid alcohol during Junior High and High School. It is extremely important that teenagers know the truth about this drug a - Nutrition: Healthy Kids Healthy eating is important for everyone but it is imperative for young growing bodies. Children’s bodies only grow once. The muscles and bones that they are creating will be the only ones they will ever get. If their bodies don’t get what they need Social Skills For Life Social Skills are learned behaviors that kids are exposed to as toddlers and will continue to learn through adulthood. Social clubs and teams are a perfect place to learn compassion, empathy and patients. Learning effective conflict resolution is another benefit of working as a team. When a group of peers works closely together they are bound to have disagreements and in turn, they learn how to compromise and resolve problems. The process of working with peers toward a common goal, and then achieving that goal is a bond that can’t be duplicated. These are all very important lessons that will serve them well in adulthood as well. The more time kids spend in a particular group, the more loyal and committed they become to the other kids. Time Management Skills Kids who are committed to a team or club have time constraints that they need to work within. They have to have a plan and are usually more productive than kids who have less to do. There are only so many hours in the day so they need to work smart and they usually learn this very quickly. Between school, meetings or practice, homework, and dating, time runs out pretty quick. It is important to have a well-rounded life so in order to fit it all in, these kids learn to use their time wisely and be more productive. Planning ahead and effectively managing time is a huge asset to any person, regardless of their age. One of the most important gifts that children get from extracurricular activities is self-empowerment. There is no sweeter satisfaction than that of a job well done. Whether their team finally wins a game, they got the yearbook done right under the dead line, or they finally ran the 100m dash in under 13 seconds, the feeling of accomplishment is the same. Most kids hear messages about the importance of working hard but when they experience it first hand, they will never forget how great it feels. When kids and teens realize they actually can attain anything they are willing to work for, it’s irreplaceable. Do You or Your Children Participate In Any Teams Or Activities? Everything In Moderation Social activities can provide some incredibly useful tools that young people will use for the rest of their lives. They can also create some amazing experiences and lasting memories. That being said, it is extremely important to remember that great things are only great in moderation. Even positive experiences can be done to excess and cause the opposite reaction. Children who are over scheduled or stressed because they are over committed, run the risk of sever rebellion and break down. I t’s impossible to do anything well if they are spread too thin. All of the positive benefits and intentions of extracurricular activities will be lost if there is too much pressure to perform or too many activities going on simultaneously.
Teacher Professional Development Teacher professional development includes experiences designed to enhance practicing teachers’ knowledge, attitudes, and skills, including science subject matter, new pedagogical approaches (teaching strategies and methods), alternative student assessments, use of technology, methods to teach students about scientific practices and nature of science, and more. The purpose of professional development is to ultimately enhance learning of students and their views of science. This is not to say that teachers are not professionals, and on their own accord, they do not strive to be the very best teacher. The growing knowledge base of teaching gives a reason for professionals to stay current with the ever-changing field of education. Currently, there is a great deal of interest in designing effective professional development experiences, given the explosion of scientific information, research on student learning, and increasing challenges of teaching... KeywordsProfessional Development Professional Development Program Teacher Professional Development Professional Development Experience Effective Professional Development - Bell B, Gilbert J (1996) Teacher development: a model from science education. Falmer Press, LondonGoogle Scholar - Guskey T (2000) Evaluating professional development. Corwin Press, Thousand Oaks, p 308Google Scholar - Hewson PW (2007) Teacher professional development in science. In: Abell SK, Lederman NG (eds) Handbook of research on science education. Lawrence Erlbaum, Mahwah, pp 1105–1150Google Scholar - Loucks-Horsley S, Stiles K, Mundry SE, Love NB, Hewson PW (2010) Designing professional development for teachers of science and mathematics, 3rd edn. Corwin, Thousand OaksGoogle Scholar
What are hand signals for dog training? Learning what are hand signals for dog training can be an effective exerciseMany dog owners and trainers opt to use hand signals when training their dogs and subsequently when working with them because there are dogs that respond better to hand gestures than they do to verbal cues. Hand signals are used to prompt your dog to do what you want him to do, whether it is sit, stay or go retrieve that bird. Some dogs may ignore a verbal command but respond to a hand signal. However, you can teach signals in conjunction with verbal commands. Furthermore, face it, it is pretty cool to see a dog respond to his owner's hand signals, and the owner isn't required to say a word. That's impressive. Additionally, if the dog knows that he is going to be given his commands via a hand signal he will focus more on his owner, because he has to see the hand signal in order to obey it, then he would if he were relying on verbal orders. Hand signals also make it possible to communicate with a deaf or hearing-impaired dog. When you use hand signals in conjunction with verbal commands this emphasizes the command. Hand signals come in handy if you and your dog are in a situation where there is a lot of noise, or if he is a far distance away from you and can't hear your voice but can still see you. Dogs are quite capable of distinguishing even the slightest differences in hand signals from a distance. If you decide that you are going to use hand signals with your dog, be consistent. You can't change up the signals mid-stream. Decide what signal you are going to use for which command and stick to it. Doing otherwise will confuse your dog and render the hand signals ineffective. Down and Stay For example, if you want your dog to lie down you can lower your hand or point to the ground, and this is the "down' command. Some dog trainers advise that you exaggerate your hand movements a bit. If you want your dog to stay, hold the palm of your hand out towards the canine as if you were commanding him to stop. Touch his nose with the palm of your hands. Your fingertips are pointed upward. This means "stay." When instructing your dog to sit, position your arm down to your side, with your hand pointing downward. Raise your arm and do so in a fashion that your hand moves right in front of your dog's face and then up and over his head. If you want your dog to "come," extend your left arm to the left and so that it is parallel to the ground and move your arm, slowly in front of your body. Touch your right shoulder with your left hand. When teaching your dog to heel (which means he is to walk on your left side), tap your left thigh with your left hand. The dog will learn to come to your left side and stay there. If your dog keeps jumping on you, and you hate it, give him the "off" command. When he starts to jump say "off" and turn your back on him. If you want your dog to watch you point to your eye with one or both of your hands until the dog makes eye contact with you. This is an excellent tool if your dog is deaf. And when you are done training for the day .... When you are done training or working with your dog, and he is free to do as he pleases throw your arms up in the air in a big, happy gesture, and this means "go free!" School's out. Some dogs may not respond well to hand signal training if they are temperamental or mean dogs. Hand signals, such as pointing, can be perceived by some dogs as a challenge or a gesture of intimidation. Those dogs that tend to be fearful or dominant may not adapt well to this type of training. Border Collie Rescue: advice HuntingDog.com: dog training hand signals
Don’t let a diagnosis of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) make you feel like you’ve lost control over your body 27 August 2018| Last updated on 12 September 2018 While common treatments include medications like Glucophage and hormonal birth control to alleviate symptoms, your diet can go a long way to helping. Why is PCOS linked to weight gain? Women with PCOS tend to gain weight easily because they have a higher-than-normal level of insulin—a hormone that is produced in your pancreas that helps the cells in your body turn sugar (glucose) into energy. PCOS coupled with weight gain promotes insulin resistance, which makes it very difficult to lose weight, it dramatically increases the risk of type 2 diabetes, and it appears to upset the regulation of sex hormones in the body which worsens the symptoms of PCOS—a vicious cycle. Many women with PCOS find they are able to manage their symptoms and reduce their risk of other medical concerns by controlling their diet and lifestyle choices. You can avoid gaining weight—and even drop pounds—with PCOS, if you follow these guidelines: 1. Foods you should add to your diet - High-fiber foods can help combat insulin resistance by slowing down digestion and reducing the impact of sugar on the blood. Great options include: cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts- greens, including red leaf lettuce and arugula, green and red peppers, beans and lentils, sweet potatoes, pumpkin. - Lean protein sources like tofu, chicken, and fish don’t provide fiber but are very filling and a healthy dietary option for women with PCOS. - Anti-inflammatory foods and spices, such as turmeric and tomatoes - kale- spinach- almonds and walnuts- olive oil- fruits, such as blueberries and strawberries- fatty fish high in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon and sardines, as well as vegetarian sources like chia seeds. - Foods high in iodine. The iodine supplied by iodized salt is essential for your thyroid, as well as your ovaries. To make sure that you’re getting enough, increase your intake of foods rich in iodine including kelp, potatoes with the skin on and probiotic-rich yogurt. 2. Foods you should limit or avoid - Foods high in refined carbohydrates such as white bread and muffins, breakfast pastries, sugary desserts, white potatoes- anything made with white flour, Pasta. - Sugar is a carbohydrate and should be avoided wherever possible. When reading food labels, be sure to look for sugar’s various names. These include sucrose, high fructose corn syrup, and dextrose. Sugar can also lurk in the things you drink, such as soda and juice. - Reduce or remove inflammation - causing foods, such as french fries, margarine, and red or processed meats from your diet as well. 3. Lifestyle Changes - Plan to eat a bigger breakfast to possibly improve hormone levels and a smaller dinner. Stick to your meal time, 2 to 3 hours between each meal. - Avoid any foods that tend to bother you and learn your food intolerances or sensitivities (those that give you gastrointestinal distress after eating them, like bloating, indigestion, and gas) and then avoid them to quell inflammation that is partly to blame for the hormone imbalance in PCOS. - Lose weight if you need to, and Your PCOS Symptoms May Improve, diets that result in weight loss are good for alleviating the problems associated with PCOS. - Get your daily dose of vitamin D, because usually women suffering from PCOS have low vitamin D levels. - Exercise on a regular basis can moderate insulin levels. PCOS, like many disorders, responds positively to proactive lifestyle choices. Daily activity, low sugar intake, and a low-inflammation diet may also lead to weight loss.
Toothbrushes are approximately 5 to 6 inches long, and it seems like there's a toilet attracting mechanism built into each one. Far too often, if you drop your toothbrush, it will land in your toilet bowl. Obviously, you can get a new toothbrush, but you cannot simply flush the old one down the drain -- you must remove it. If you are lucky, you'll be able to retrieve the toothbrush from the toilet bowl. If you are not so lucky, the toothbrush is stuck in the trap, which is the S-shaped part of your toilet that keeps sewer gases from coming into your home. Toothbrush in Toilet Bowl Get out a plastic grocery bag or sealable baggie and place it by the toilet. Make sure it is open. Slip on a pair of long rubber gloves and pull the toothbrush out of the water. Do not try to lower the water level in the toilet by dumping more water into the toilet bowl. This could drive the toothbrush into the trap. Place the toothbrush in the plastic bag, seal the bag and discard the toothbrush. Sanitize the gloves in water mixed with bleach. Toothbrush Stuck in Trap Turn off the water supply to the toilet tank. The water supply valve is usually located below the tank on the left side. Remove the water from the toilet tank. The best way to do this is to scoop the water out with a cup or bowl and then use towels to sop up the remaining water. The water is clean, so you can drain it into your bathtub. Disconnect the water line from the toilet bowel with a wrench. Flush the toilet to drain the remaining water out of the toilet bowl. Use a plunger to push additional water down through the drain hole, if necessary. Place newspapers or dry towels on the floor next to the toilet. Remove the bolts that secure the toilet to the floor, using a wrench or channel-lock pliers. Lift up the toilet and place it on its side on the newspaper or towels. Fish the toothbrush out of the S-trap. Make sure you are wearing rubber gloves when doing this. Place the toothbrush into a plastic bag, pull the wax ring off the drain and place it in the bag. You may need a scraper to fully remove the wax. Place a new wax ring onto the drain and place the toilet onto the wax ring. Press down on the toilet until the toilet rests against the floor. Secure the toilet to the floor with the bolts and reconnect the water line. Turn on the water and allow the toilet to fill up.
To Arms is Hew Strachan's most complete and definitive study of the opening of the First World War. Now, key sections from this magisterial work are published as individual paperbacks, each complete in itself, and with a new introduction by the author. The First World War was not just fought in the trenches of the western front. It embraced all of Africa. Many of those who fought this white man's war were black. The dangers they confronted went beyond those of the battlefield. They fell prey to malaria and dysentery, and they were attacked by lions and crocodiles. But it was a vast and spectacular theatre of operations, in which great personalities - thrusting German officers like Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck, or big-game hunters like Peter Pretorious - could impose themselves. Embracing the perspectives of all the nations who fought there, this is the first ever full account of the Great War in Africa.
Criminal Process Basics Popular TV shows like Law & Order and Perry Mason depict that, after an arrest, a defendant enters a plea. Drama ensues, and then there is trial wherein a jury returns a verdict of guilty or not guilty. Reality is a little more complicated. Read below to learn the stage of a criminal law case. After a person is arrested and taken to jail, he or she: Is released if no charges are filed, on promise to appear in court or posted bail/bond; or, Remains in jail and is later transported to court. Usually, an arresting officer prepares an arrest report. Attorneys, not defendants, have a right to this report. Prosecutors decide whether to file charges, what and how many charges to file, and whether to charge the crime as a misdemeanor or felony. In the defendant's first court appearance, the judge will state the charges and, if necessary, appoint an attorney. Defendants enter a plea of guilty, not guilty, or no contest ("nolo contendere" – a guilty plea that cannot be used against defendants in civil proceedings). Generally, the prosecution and defense: - Exchange relevant information (discovery); - File pretrial motions to dismiss the charges or prevent evidence from being presented during trial; - Reach a plea bargain; or, - Conference with the judge to resolve the matter without trial. Before discovery for felony cases, the prosecution must present evidence to a judge (preliminary hearing) or grand jury to determine whether there's enough evidence that the defendant committed the crime. If so, the defendant is arraigned again, and then enters a plea. Generally, defendants have a right to a jury. The prosecution and, for example, a criminal defense lawyer will select a jury. Each side presents his or her case during trial. The jury deliberates, and usually returns a guilty or not guilty verdict. If guilty, the defendant is sentenced. Defendants have the right to an appeal. Your lawyer will argue that there (1) was not enough evidence to justify the verdict/judgment, and/or (2) were mistakes of law that hurt the defendant's case.
Federal officials have reviewed Iowa’s efforts to clean-up rivers and lakes, and are backing off their threat to start regulating Iowa farmers. The E-P-A labeled 157 rivers as “impaired” due to contamination from silt and chemicals. The state has taken steps to monitor the waterways, and converting thousands of riverbank acres to grassy “buffer strips”Governor Tom Vilsack says in the program’s first month, six thousand acres of farmland was converted to buffer strips. It’s keeping almost two million cubic yards of silt out of the state’s rivers.Vilsack will host a meeting in Washington, D-C next month to tout ways government can collaborate with private individuals to clean up waterways. You are here: / / Iowa’s waterways improve through conservation
The Western Cape of South Africa is home to more than half of the world’s population of Vulnerable Blue Cranes. It is, therefore, a priority to ensure that we effectively protect this population. We also need to understand, where possible, what the future may look like for Blue Cranes in the region, given the changes in the landscape driven by various economic and climatic factors. This past month, we fitted the last seven satellite trackers to adult Blue Cranes in the Overberg region of the Western Cape. This adds to the six trackers that were fitted onto other cranes a year ago. Collectively, they will form part of a Master of Science and a Ph.D. research study. This year, we are excited to have University of Cape Town Master of Science student Sydney Davis join us to do her Conservation Biology thesis on Blue Cranes. She is using the tracking data to determine Blue Crane seasonal movements in the Overberg, describe roost sites used by Blue Cranes in the Western Cape and determine home ranges of breeding Blue Cranes in the region. Data and research outputs will enable us to provide informed and objective input into development and conservation planning in the Overberg, ensuring that the Blue Crane’s ecological requirements are considered. Each bird caught was fitted with a GPS/GSM solar powered tracker on its back using a backpack mounting design. In addition, they were also fitted with a unique combination of color rings on their legs to allow for identification of individuals from a distance. Each evening, we receive two hourly locations from each bird to get a location of their roost site. Sydney will be in the Overberg over the coming months collecting field observation data of each bird that will be used to supplement the tracking data. Why do we capture and band the cranes in winter, which is July and August in South Africa? We catch the birds when they congregate in wintering flocks, made up of breeding and non-breeding birds. In the Overberg, these flocks regularly feed at livestock feeding troughs during winter when farmers provide supplemental feed to their sheep. These feeding sites become the ideal “bait stations” and enable us to catch birds using lines of foot noose traps placed around the feeding stations. All these captures are approved by the local government conservation agency. This project is made possible through the kind and generous support of the Leiden Conservation Foundation. We were thrilled to have Tom and Kathy Leiden joining us in the field to assist with the captures. Story submitted by Tanya Smith, Southern African Regional Manager for the International Crane Foundation/Endangered Wildlife Trust Partnership. Click here to learn more about our work in Sub-Saharan Africa.
1. Health In The Middle Ages hint. It wasn't very good 2. Middle Ages A thousand year period following the fall of Rome. Is a process where you stab yourself to bleed out "humors" or illnesses. Are said to represent the four elements of the universe Fire=yellow bile or choler; water=phlegm; earth=black bile; air=blood. (learner.org) These people were barbers that would preform surgery without anesthesia a medical medicine used to put people to sleep during surgery. (learner.org) These people were a big help until the Black Death struck they would give you medial help and medicine,but would not preform surgery. 3. Coroners' Rolls were people who help people make medical judgements without needing an expert on sickness. Medicine was often a risky business. Bloodletting was a popular method of restoring a patient's health and "humors." Early surgery, often done by barbers without anesthesia, must have been excruciating. There were many myths and superstitions about health and hygiene as there still are today. People believed, for example, that disease was spread by bad odors. It was also assumed that diseases of the body resulted from sins of the soul. What were barber's job in medical help? What were humors supposed to represent? This makes me think that surgery was horrible to sit through there were no anesthetics, And surgery was preformed by a barber which would mean that it was unprofessional and unsafe but it worked.
The explosion of social networking sites and Web 2.0 has changed the face of the internet. But in many countries around the world, repressive governments are restricting the ability of citizens to access a multitude of websites: But despite the potential of web 2.0, in regions ridden with censorship and where the state holds the monopoly on information dissemination, open access to the Internet is often a tough goal to achieve considering the “authoritarian reflex” that is activated each time the repressive regimes feel threatened. Governments who already excel at muzzling the traditional media have been turning their efforts lately to the Internet, doing all they can to tighten their grip on this last refuge of communication. The rise of user-generated content is perceived as a threat by a growing number of countries who are seeking to block and control its dissemination by legal and technical means. Rarely does a week pass by without news about yet another major website being blocked by repressive states. Multimedia-sharing websites, social networking communities, mapping tools and popular web 2.0 websites are becoming a primary target of state censorship in more and more countries. Global Voices Advocacy has developed an “Access Denied Map” detailing the range of countries banning, filtering and censoring the web. The list, shamefully, is growing.
Historic Native Americans of the Calumet Region Encyclopedia of Chicago Industrial development became possible in 1869, when Congress appropriated money for a harbor at South Chicago. In the 1890s, the Calumet River was straightened and dredged. Industry began moving into the area in the 1870s, and by the early twentieth century the Pullman Company, the South Works of U.S. Steel, and other industries had been established in southeast Chicago and Hammond. To accommodate industry, the channel of the Grand Calumet was moved and straightened. The Indiana Harbor Canal connecting the Grand Calumet with Lake Michigan at East Chicago was completed in 1906, and industries moved to its banks. Burns Ditch, completed in 1926, connected the Little Calumet with Lake Michigan in Porter County, draining thousands of acres of marsh and facilitating development. Parts of the Grand Calumet and Little Calumet drained into the lake at these new outlets, depending on rainfall and lake levels. This harbor complex became the most important on the Great Lakes. With steel mills, oil refineries, chemical plants, packinghouses, and other industries, the Calumet system became the industrial center of the Chicago region. Since the model town of Pullman was built near its western shore in the early 1880s, Lake Calumet has been drastically altered. Vast areas of it have been filled in with refuse and converted to use as parkland and docks, while extensive dredging has deepened other parts to accommodate shipping. The Pigeon Shooter Takes a Shoot at Higher Game. Drunken Revelry at Shang Noyes’—Sudden End of the Jollity. Charley Creighton, of South Chicago, Receives a Serious Wound. The Sportsman Locked-Up in the Hyde Park Calaboose. Irondale Wants New Name Muskrat Hunting in Chicago River; Animals Furnish Fur For Lake Calumet Harbor Big City Harbor on Lake Calumet Finally Assured Louis Armstrong - Muskrat Ramble YouTube: Louis Armstrong - Muskrat Ramble. 29 feb, 1926. Armstrong (tp), Kid Ory (tb), Johnny Dodds (cl), Lil Armstrong (p), Johnny St. Cyr (bj). Chicago Police Tell Fight for Lives in Rioting Mill Workers’ Social Center Made Possible by Clubwomen Chicago Area’s No. 1 Industry is Steel Making New Bus Route to Calumet War Plants Is Ready Rails Move for Truce in Calumet Row Mark 75 Years of Steel Making in Chicagoland Vet Protests South Deering Rezoning Plea Parade Roseland 1960s - Muskrat Pete 1940s, Speedboat ride down Calumet River 1950's Face Lifting Belies Age of South Deering Lake Calumet Harbor: Chicago’s Gateway to the World Lake Calumet Rich in History Legend The 8 Nurses: 5 Hour Killing Mission is Port of Call for Lonely Seafarers Seek New Dumping Sites Lake Calumet Complex Stalled, Waiting Landfill Free Trade Zone to Open Near Lake Calumet Port Vandals Hit Pantry at South Side Church Lake Calumet Dumping Ground Declared a Superfund Site Ask Geoffrey: What’s the Plan for Lake Calumet?
How are population patterns different in ecological priority areas? Mapping demography onto conservation areas David L. Carr, University of California, Santa Barbara Matthew Erdman, WWF US Alex Zvoleff, San Diego State University Laurel K Suter, University of California, Santa Barbara This paper researches human population growth in World Wildlife Fund’s (WWF) key biodiversity areas, by identifying the current stage of demographic transition in each and key factors affecting the prevailing fertility and mortality rates. It also examines population density, and other demographic factors. Preliminary findings suggest statistically significant differences between key population variables within compared to outside of WWF ecological priority areas. Results suggest that, along with contributing to improving local communities’ quality of life, reducing population growth in targeted communities within key conservation areas may mitigate major and long-term threats to key habitats and their rare and endangered wildlife species. Presented in Session 14: Population, environment, and policy
Concerns about the routine use of antibiotics in livestock production is rising among consumers, prompting an increase in both market demand and supply of meat labeled as “antibiotic-free.” But to date, public policy makers have been slow to respond to evidence that the 30 million pounds of antibiotics applied to farm animals — about 80 percent of all of these drugs sold for any purpose in the United States — are spawning a dangerous increase in antibiotic-resistant “superbugs” that are killing thousands of people and sickening many times that number each year. There are, however, many groups and individual citizens who are working to get elected officials in Washington, D.C., to pay greater attention to these and other issues with our food system that are health-related. One of these is the Food Policy Council, a coalition of Good Food activists, environmental and anti-hunger groups, food industry figures, and others, which publishes a scorecard of the voting records of members of Congress on a range of issues related to food production and access. The Food Policy Council also holds a series of events around the nation to raise awareness of its agenda. One of these was held Wednesday (Oct. 8) at Uncommon Ground restaurant, on Chicago’s far North Side, which is a longtime leader in promoting locally and sustainably produced food and is well-known for having the first federally certified rooftop organic farm. Claire Benjamin, managing director of Food Policy Action, explained the purpose of the group’s legislative scorecard. “We have to figure out a way to connect the dots for members of Congress,” Benjamin said. “We not only have to have these issues make sense, but we have to make them political. We have to say to our elected officials that these issues are issues we vote on.” The theme of the event was promoting support for parallel legislative proposals in Congress to limit the use of antibiotics on livestock. The House version, H.R. 1150, is titled the Preservation of Antibiotics for Medical Treatment Act, or PAMTA; the Senate version, S. 1256, is the Preventing Antibiotic Resistance Act, or PARA. Among those speaking on behalf of the legislation was Kerri McClimen, a consultant who supports the Pew Charitable Trust’s Campaign on Human Health and Industrial Farming, a leading voice in efforts to reduce antibiotic use in agriculture. McClimen is a lead organizer of Pew’s Supermoms Against Superbugs project, which seeks to raise consciousness of this issue. “The worst thing is for a restaurateur or a member of Congress to say, ‘Nobody is really talking to me about that.’ We are,” McClimen said. Democratic U.S. Rep. Jan Schakowsky, whose Illinois congressional district includes the site of Wednesday’s event, also spoke in favor of the PAMTA legislation. She said the best way to get lawmakers’ attention is present them with the real-life stories of people whose lives have been adversely affected by antibiotic-resistant infections. “We should talk face-to-face with these legislators. And to the extent that we can tell real people’s stories, I think you can have an important effect,” said Schakowsky, whose op-ed piece on the issue was published in the Chicago Sun-Times. The program included one such story, that of Everly Macario, whose young son died 10 years ago after he contracted an antibiotic-resistant case of the food-borne illness know as MRSA. Macario said she had never previously heard of MRSA, even though she holds a doctorate from the Harvard School of Public Health. “I felt I could channel my grief by helping to raise awareness of the issue,” Macario said. The audience included Sam Spitz, a recent college graduate who as a teenager survived his own bout with antibiotic-resistant Campylobacter. That incident prompted his parents, Jeffrey and Jennifer Spitz, to produce a documentary titled Food Patriots. While the movie deals with serious issues, it eschews the shock value of many films critical of practices in our current food system, instead focusing on efforts around the country by individuals and groups who are fostering the growth of the Good Food movement, and the Spitz family’s often humorous efforts to raise chickens and grow their own food garden at their suburban Chicago home.
The Navy has a long and rich history of following traditions regardless of production value. One such tradition is the crossing the line ceremony (affectionately known as Wog Day) in which a naval vessel passes through the Equator. During the ceremony, both Captain Davey Jones and King Neptune rise from the depths of their domain to speak a few words of encouragement and metaphorically transform lowly pollywogs (sailors yet to cross the Equator) into fully fledged shellbacks (secret members of Atlantis’ society) after the ceremony. Throughout the event, pollywogs are made to face challenges like crossing through murky waters and eating the food of the seas. It’s only a few hours long, but the crossing the line ceremony is one of the most exciting events for younger sailors. Yet, it didn’t use to be quite so innocent, and many of the older sailors used the event as an opportunity to haze the younger sailors back in the older days of the Navy… Wog Day today is strictly regulated and orderly. Chiefs and officers oversee the event and ensure that the older shellbacks aren’t performing any type of abuse or hazing on the pollywogs. There are clearly written rules on what can be done during the ceremony and what actions are forbidden. A dialogue script to be followed by Davey Jones and King Neptune over the 1MC on the ship during the days prior to the ceremony, and even costumed members who walk around as the characters. Sailors even have the choice of participating, and can potentially sign a contract stating their refusal to participate will not yield any negative repercussions in terms of performance or such. Consequently, it’s lost some of its meaning to sailors who were part of Wog Day during the days where it was unanimously mandatory to participate… along with other things such as the abuse. It was only a few decades ago that the crossing the line ceremony was rather unregulated and disorganized. Back then the Captain of the ship was solely responsible for what happened during Wog Day and sailors weren’t “obligated” to participate only in a metaphorical sense. Those sailors who refused to participate were seen as a bit of pariah and later had to be responsible for cleaning up the mess left afterward, which was potentially worse than going through and getting it over with. Worse, yet it’s understandable how some might view it as a camaraderie building event, but I would call that a form of Stockholm syndrome. Instead of murky dyed water, it was slop from the galley, instead of being sprayed with salt-water sailors were spanked with wet fire-hoses as they crawled through the dirty berthing and it’s reported that some might have even died after a few ceremonies. But, all of those sailors propagated a circle of abuse which continued for an extended period of time. Because the sailors were expected to receive the punishment only to be capable of yielding the abuse back whenever a new batch of wogs arrived on the ship, it perpetuated a culture of violence. Thankfully the Navy is no longer about encouraging those types of behaviors. Navy sailors who engage in any sort of dangerous behavior like these are dealt with swiftly and justly. The Line-Crossing Ceremony has simply evolved to follow the new traditions of the Navy, which encourages good order and respect towards others. While some might be disappointed that they’ll never be able to whip another sailor while screaming humiliating phrases in their faces, others are happy to simply engage in a safer, friendlier event which welcomes them into a fraternity in the kingdom of Neptune. Disclaimer: The content in this article is the opinion of the writer and does not necessarily reflect the policies or opinions of US Patriot Tactical. Latest posts by Emmanuel “Dash the Bomber” Barbosa (see all) - Pros and Cons of Hardside Cases (for basic military use instead of typical packs/duffles) – 20 September, 2018 - Pack Special Features – What Do You Need? – 3 September, 2018 - Duffel vs. Backpack for Travel – 1 September, 2018
Looking for a GREAT Science Show that Will Educate Elementary School Audiences? The Mousetrap Machine Show is a STEM based science assembly program that teaches students how simple machines work! “Our principal of 35 years said this was the BEST assembly she’s ever seen. Kids and staff alike have raved about the show. I would recommend it as a fun, unique, and entirely educational production. During this exciting assembly, the five essential simple machines are introduced and demonstrated by over twenty student volunteers. At the end of the show, all five machines combine to form an incredible Rube Goldberg style mousetrap that really catches a runaway mouse. This school assembly ties directly into state science curriculum for grades K-5!
M.S. Marine Biology David W. Kerstetter James D. Thomas Inshore tropical and subtropical estuaries harbor a relatively high abundance and diversity of organisms. Specifically within estuaries, mangrove and seagrass habitats provide shelter and food for a plethora of organisms, through some or all their life histories. Given the biological connection between offshore coral reefs and coastal estuaries, there is a critical need to understand the underlying processes that determine distribution and abundance patterns within mangrove-seagrass habitats. The predatory fish assemblage within the mangrove and seagrass beds of Biscayne Bay, Florida (USA), was examined over 24-hr. time periods along a distance and habitat gradient from the mangrove edge and nearshore environment (0–300 m) to farshore (301–700 m) seagrass beds. This thesis also investigated the occurrence, distribution and timing of reef fish movement between offshore coral reef habitat and inshore seagrass beds over 24-hr periods. Results indicate that fish predators differed over both the sampling period and with distance from mangrove edge. The results also demonstrated reef fishes move into Biscayne Bay at dusk and exit at dawn by utilizing Broad Creek Channel as a passageway. This work supports the idea of diel migration of selected reef fishes to inshore seagrass beds and highlights the importance of connective channels between habitats. The results suggest that the degradation or loss of seagrass habitat could differentially impact the life-history stages of reef fish species. Patrick C. Goebel. 2016. Distribution, Abundance and Movement of Fish among Seagrass and Mangrove Habitats in Biscayne Bay. Master's thesis. Nova Southeastern University. Retrieved from NSUWorks, . (403)
In order to effectively analyze data, custom number formatting can be applied to your Microsoft® Excel® spreadsheet. Custom number formatting is used to easily identify values based on a set criteria. In a large Excel spreadsheet, you can easily highlight all negative or positive values by using custom number formatting. In this example we are going to display all negative values in a different colour. You are welcome to download the workbook to practice. Applies To: Microsoft® Excel® 2010, 2013 and 2016. 1. Select the range of cells which need to be formatted. For this exercise, we’ll use cells B1:B8 in the workbook. 2. Hold down the Ctrl and 1 keys simultaneously or right click, and select the Format Cells 3. Click on the Custom option under the Category section. 4. Select the # ##0; [Red] – # ###0 option from the Type list . The two parts are separated with a semicolon (;) to control positive and negative numbers only. Values to the left of the semicolon represent positive values and values which are to the right of the semicolon, represent negative values. 5. To remove the negative sign from the value displayed, the number format code must be adjusted by removing the sign from the format code as follows With “– “ # ##0; [Red] – # ###0 Without “– “ # ##0; [Red] # ###0 All negatives values are highlighted in red, making it easy to work with figures that have variances. This will save you time of manually selecting all the negatives values and increase productivity. The post 5 Easy steps to display positive or negative values in Excel using custom number formatting appeared first on Sage Intelligence. Powered by WPeMatico
The meaning of the name Dakotah is The Allies. The origin of the name Dakotah is Native American. This is the culture in which the name originated, or in the case of a word, the language. The name Dakotah is an alternate spelling of Dakota Dakota is a plural noun in the Sioux language. People who like the name Dakotah also like: Liam Dakotah is on 6,652 BN name lists Dakotah is currently #233 in U.S. births Click button to listen on iTunes Dakota - Rocket to the Moon
The world has just a few years to scale back global carbon emissions to avoid the worst effects of climate change, a panel of leading experts and scientists warned this week. That goal may seem farfetched, but they say it is attainable. The journal Nature published a statement Wednesday from a group of six climate experts urging the world to urgently reduce emissions in order to keep the planet from warming beyond safe limits that scientists established as part of the landmark Paris climate agreement. Dozens of prominent co-signers have also added their names to the statement. The group, led by Christiana Figueres, the former executive secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, has set a goal of 2020 to begin lowering emissions after a multiyear plateau. The experts said that despite growing antagonism from some parts of the world (like the U.S. under the Trump administration), the transition is still possible. “When it comes to climate, timing is everything,” the authors write. As several outlets note, the group points to basic math to rationalize the urgency of a target just three years away: The planet can probably only emit about 600 billion tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere before temperatures rise beyond 1.5 to 2 degrees Celsius. Above that temperature, scientists say a slew of horrific effects would be seen around the planet, including heat waves, more intense weather events, rising seas and mass extinctions. The authors estimate we only have about 15 years, maximum, before that allocation is exhausted, and it’d be near impossible to emit carbon for the next decade and a half and then immediately stop. Scientists warn the world is perilously close to missing targets if reductions aren’t locked in soon, and some say the Paris commitments aren’t even close to being strong enough. “If the current rate of annual emissions stays at this level, we would have to drop them almost immediately to zero once we exhaust the budget,” the statement reads. “Such a ‘jump to distress’ is in no one’s interest. A more gradual descent would allow the global economy time to adapt smoothly. The good news is that it is still possible to meet the Paris temperature goals if emissions begin to fall by 2020.” Many of those negative climate impacts have already begun to take place ― even with the limited warming over the past century, the experts write: After roughly 1°C of global warming driven by human activity, ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica are already losing mass at an increasing rate. Summer sea ice is disappearing in the Arctic and coral reefs are dying from heat stress — entire ecosystems are starting to collapse. The social impacts of climate change from intensified heatwaves, droughts and sea-level rise are inexorable and affect the poorest and weakest first. However, despite those fears, the group presents six goals they identify as “idealistic at best, unrealistic at worst” to achieve what they’re calling Mission 2020. The group has urged rapid investment in renewable energy to generate 30 percent of the world’s power by 2020, and said no new coal plants should be approved beyond that date. The experts called for 15 percent of all cars sold to be electric vehicles and for vast reforestation efforts to create a “carbon sink.” Other efforts would involve retooling investment in cities and business to favor environmental projects. While those goals may seem unattainable, the authors note that optimism must be encouraged and efforts by the likes of President Donald Trump to withdraw America from the Paris Agreement will not stop a clean energy transition. Trump’s anti-climate agenda is likely to come to a fore during next week’s Group of 20 meeting, as a coalition led by German Chancellor Angela Merkel seeks to refocus attention on the issue, the nonprofit environmental news site Grist notes. “Recent political events have thrown the future of our world into sharp focus. But as before Paris, we must remember that impossible is not a fact, it’s an attitude. It is crucial that success stories are shared. Demonstrating where countries and businesses have over-achieved on their targets will raise the bar for others. More-ambitious targets become easier to set,” the experts write in Journal. “There will always be those who hide their heads in the sand and ignore the global risks of climate change. But there are many more of us committed to overcoming this inertia. Let us stay optimistic and act boldly together.”
Does the end justify the means macbeth Does the end justify the means does the end justifies the means do the ends justify the means unethical and ethical actions for reasonable and. And macbeth the play will lose interest with the disappearance of the weird sisters and lady macbeth (as it does [end sin means rebellion—in justify his. Just war theory just war theory (shakespeare, macbeth ii) in such examples (eg, rwanda, 1994), and the end being proportional to the means used. Justify the title of the poem “out, soliloquies in shakespeare’s tragedy macbeth”out” here means death, as macbeth meets the end of his life which is. He will put an end to such worries by hiring two cheeks “blanched with fear,” ross asks what sights macbeth means answer does not satisfy macbeth,. Macbeth conclusion essay ap english dissertation and lady macbeth essay how do i. The end doesn't justify the means and what goes around comes around were two morals of the shakespearean play 'macbeth. Originally answered: does the end justify the means in my perspective it's situational let's say that i have a person in my family,. From this time till the end of the play macbeth is no longer a free man macbeth means that his ambition to be king would, if it led him to murder duncan,. Does the end justify the means essay - the leading research paper writing help - get professional help with custom written essays, research papers and up to dissertations quick high-quality college essay writing and editing service - get original essays, research papers and up to dissertations with benefits custom assignment writing. Macbeth as a tragic hero a shakespearean tragic hero will lose their life in the end of the play so the and was soon replaced by a “by any means. Get free homework help on william shakespeare's macbeth: play summary, scene summary and analysis and he has been healing the sick by supernatural means. Making meanings act 5 (macbeth) may 30, the end justify its means what changesin his personality does macbeth describe in scene 5,. The end justifies the means wikiquote alternative forms the ends justify the means etymology widely attributed to machiavelli's the prince,.Argue whether macbeth was justified in his “ends justify the was macbeth justified in his “ends justify the means create 1-2 sentences at the end of. The ends justify the means macbeth text response-this deed, the murder of king duncan, do the ends justify the means does the end justify the means is. Macbeth's end is perhaps more tragic than that of the other but they by no means reestablish him some interpreters justify sympathy for macbeth by. Does the end justify the means - essay by nualarula in the shakespearean short play, macbeth, the titular character is depicted as a character twisted by the fates and implicated in murder. Read this essay on criminal minds: macbeth they unleash the means that gives macbeth thought to at the end of the play, macbeth and lady macbeth are. Awhbut it doesit is 'no' the end doesn't justify the means by that simple 'no' you can build actions and goals accordingly. Does the end justify the meansby mortimer j adler, phd does the end justify the meanscan it sometimes be right to use a bad means to achieve a good enddon't the conditions of human life require some shadiness and. The end doesn't justify the means measures the morality of the steps taken to complete a project or endeavor and the principles of those involved when the means (what was used to reach the end) include deception, lies, stolen ideas, slavery, or. Struggling with themes such as fate and free will in william shakespeare’s macbeth we’ve got the quick and easy lowdown on it here. What can you label a theme of the play macbeth if it follows the the would macbeth have even but the end doesn't justify the means. The divine right of kings, this withdrawal of mandate also afforded the possibility of revolution as a means whose rulers had used this philosophy to justify. Does the end justify the means macbeth the end justifies the means the end justifies the means is an expression that is often used in society to validate or excuse distasteful and objectionable actions undertaken by its people. Frankenstein and macbeth both protagonists come to an unfortunate end what leads to macbeth and means that while the events of. Get an answer for 'how is macbeth a tragic hero' and find and he dies in the end like a tragic hero, macbeth does not die desire and the means to kill. I think the end does not justify the means as long as there is something that justifies the end macbeth went for the ends justify the means i. Macbeth's weak mindset, lust for power, and quest for blood in shakespeare's macbeth:: 6 an unfair way of summarizing him at the end of the play because.